Let’s Talk Business 1
Let’s Talk Business Back To Basics Business Solutions - Support for Small Business
Issue 10 December 2013
Inside this issue
Cover - Meet some of our “Let’s Talk Business” Authors (l to r) - Dan Buzer, Geoff Butler, Peter Athey
Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Business Snippets ………………2
Biz Tips ……………………………...3
Do Performance Reviews Increase Performance? Dr Tim Baker …………………….4
Six Enemies of Greatness (and Happiness) Geoff Butler ……………………….5
Sales: The Oxygen of Business Peter Nicol ................ ………..7
Fatigue Management Ron Court…………………………..8
Set Yourself Up For 2014 Paul Gillmore …………………….9
Email Manners Miriam Battersby …..………..10
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 2
Stuck Burglar Asks Victim for Help (The Telegraph News)
An intruder became stuck in the toilet of a dry cleaning outlet in Sydney’s Western suburbs, when he was attempting to break in. The burglar had to wait an hour before a staff member arrived at work and went into the bathroom and saw him wedged helplessly halfway through the window. The would-be burglar asked the staff member for help. The staffer immediately called the police, who were happy to help.
growing in the ear canal of a 16-monthold girl earlier this week, according to Shanghai Daily's translation of the Beijing Morning Post.
Funny Business Signs
The child, identified as "Ranran," had been scratching at her ear for months. Apparently a seed had lodged in her ear canal, and by the time her parents brought her to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, "the dandelion had totally grown into Ranran's ear and filled her ear canal wall,"
For Sale: Genuine Shrunken Heads (New York AP) How much would you pay? Where's a Black Friday shopper to turn for a 19th century vampire-killing kit? Real Estate Agent - A Real Dope! (News Limited)
YES, real estate agents are supposed to be honest. But photographing and advertising the contents of a dope factory? Buyers beware - these fittings are not included in the sale. The estate agent has since been instructed to remove the photograph which showed ducting, fans, planter tubs and organic remains in a house in Bristol. The two-bedroom house boasted being a "Victorian-style villa in need of refurbishment". Dandelion Grows Inside Girl’s Ear. (Huffington Post)
When they say dandelions can grow anywhere, they mean it. A doctor in Beijing removed a dandelion that was Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
Believe it or not, the item is part of the Black Friday madness at the Ripley's Times Square Odditorium. It will set you back about $25,000. At a little more than $19,000 a shrunken head is a comparative bargain. Fridge Sold for Almost $87,000 HAMBURG, Germany (UPI) -- A refrigerator designed by German artist Christian Awe is being offered for sale at Hamburg's Alsterhaus department store for almost $87,000. The "PRO 48" fridge, made by SubZero and Wolf, usually costs $36,674, but for one with Awe's "Cool as Ice" paintings adorning it, customers will have to pay $86,931, The Local.de reported. Only 10 of the uniquely decorated fridges will be made. Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 3
Dennis Chiron Marketing Means Business 0451 184 599
dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au Skype: dennis.chiron2
Are You Serious About Networking? So; you are a member of one of your local Business Networks, or perhaps a member of one of the Service Clubs or Groups (Lions, Rotary, Apex) in your Region. But, are you getting the very best out of your networking endeavours ? Here are some suggestions to help you use your network with ways to generate new business: First and Foremost: SMILE …. Recognise the positive impact of a smile. Smile for 10 seconds when you first walk into a room …. TRY IT!!! Why Networks Are Powerful and How They Work
Networking is the art of making personal connections.
Networking is a powerful way to operate and build your business, and, far from being a bland pursuit, it is as much about helping others as it is about helping yourself.
Networking is not something you do once; if it were, it probably wouldn't work.
Networking, rather, is a habit, which over time will lead to great opportunities, including new clients and much more. It's about seeking out new people, learning about them, and maintaining connections once they are made.
How Networking Can Help You and Your Business In 2011, my organisation surveyed 4,282 business owners from around Australia asking questions about how they found new clients. The results were groundbreaking and have since been confirmed over and over again. We found that 68 percent of the business owners attracted their new clients through a personal connection. Unless you are one of those rare natural networkers, one of the chief obstacles to networking may be that you feel like you're imposing or taking advantage. If so, you need to consider changing your attitude. For example: When you are meeting someone for the first time (say at a business event or network meeting) approach the situation by asking yourself, what can I do for him or her? Following are some of the basic skills in Networking that you can apply to generate outstanding results. Networking is a habit, which over time will lead to great opportunities, including new clients and much more. It's about seeking out new people, learning about them, and maintaining connections once they are made. Think of networking as a sort of credit union: You, and many others, pay into it, and when you need to, you ask for something back. There are three ways to connect as a networker: with other individuals, through
groups, and by using the Internet. In this issue, I will cover connecting and networking with Individuals. Individuals If you want to network successfully, it is essential that you learn to meet and connect with new individuals -in person. If you find this daunting, take heart, because it's probably easier than you think. You already have a network, believe it or not, and you most likely already use networking skills to some degree. Think of all the people you run across in a typical day: friends, family, customers, as well as everyone who sells you a good or service, from your butcher to your local video shop. If you have ignored these people in the past, start talking to them. Remember, they are interesting people with networks and connections of their own. Being serious about networking requires a commitment. One is to yourself. Networking is not a matter of making a single magical phone call that will lead to a specific new customer or contract. Rather, it is about establishing a network that will make that sort of thing possible -- a web of people helping people. That network takes time to build up, so you have to commit to networking over the long term.
Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 4
Dr Tim Baker Managing Director WINNERS AT WORK Pty Ltd
Do Performance Reviews Increase Performance?
www.about.me/tim.baker Telephone. +61 7 3899 8881
Editor’s Note: Dr. Tim Baker is an international consultant, successful author, keynote speaker, master trainer, executive coach, university lecturer and skilful facilitator. In a nutshell, he has conducted over 2,430 seminars, workshops and keynote addresses to over 45,000 people in 11 countries across 21 industry groups. "“Dr Baker leads the world in offering an innovative new approach to appraising employee performance. His research and energy in the specialised field of performance management is evidenced by his international profile as a renowned speaker, management consultant and facilitator" . Stephen Hartley, Australia’s leading expert on project management and author of Project " Management: Principles, Processes and Practices.
interviews. Let us assume that the managers and the employees take 30 minutes each to prepare for the interviews on average. That amounts to another hour per appraisal. With 200 appraisals that is another 200 hours. We are now up to 600 hours a year. While the manager and employee are spending time preparing for and conducting their interviews they are neglecting their core duties. Accountants refer to this as an ‘opportunity cost.’ In this example, that amounts to another 600 hours of time. So we are now consuming 1200 hours of time on this appraisal exercise.
Other questions you may rightly ask are: Are we getting value for money from this exercise? Or could we spend this time and money doing something else? I think it is time we questioned this ‘investment’ in time.
Working on a standard eight-hour working day, this means that approximately 150 person days are devoted to the exercise of appraising performance in an organization of 100 people.
Is there a better way? For instance, if this SME devoted 150 days to directly improving its business processes and systems, would that make more of a difference? Or, what about devoting
In dollar terms, and based upon an aggregate $65,000 wage, the average employee receives approximately $178 a day. $178 by 150 days equals $26,700.
150 days to improving the quality of service to customers? Would 150 days ‘working on the business’ instead of ‘in the business’ make a discernible difference in performance?
Consider this: An SME of 100 employees would devote approximately 200 hours - if done twice a year - to the interviews alone (assuming the meetings last one hour).
This figure, of course, is not listed in the profit and loss statement. But imagine if you were a manager and noted a line item in the expenses column of $26,700 with no explanation next to it.
You may argue that appraising people’s performance is in fact working on the business. But does it generate significant value?
If you consider that two people are in these interviews, that is 400 hours of time taken up in face-to-face meetings that could be spent on other work-related activities. This does not take into account the time the manager and employee take to prepare for these
This is a fairly conservative figure and it is more likely to be higher than this, particularly for a larger business. At any rate, would you not query this and ask: What was this expense item? And what return did the organization get for $26,700?
Although it is difficult to measure definitively, knowing whether performance reviews increase, decrease, or make no appreciable difference to performance is important. It is important because we spend a lot of time, administering, preparing and delivering performance reviews.
Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
This is an extract from my latest, just released book - The End of the Performance Review: A New Approach to Appraising Employee Performance (www.winnersatwork.com.au). Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 5
Geoff Butler FAIM AP, MAITD MACE Principal/Business Improvement & Implementation Specialist Business Optimizers Mobile: 0414 943072
The Six Enemies of Greatness (and Happiness)
Fax: 3036 6131 Email: geoff@businessoptimizers.com.au Skype: business.optimizers1
Have you ever wondered why some people achieve so much in life whilst most of us settle for mediocre success at best? The truth of the matter is that most of us are constantly looking for our ultimate goal to be right in front of us, and if it isn’t are we rarely motivated enough to push too hard to find it. Tom O’Toole, the famous Beechworth Baker and one of my personal favourite speakers says that you won’t find what you’re looking for in your comfort zone. This is backed up by the old adage that says ‘Calm seas will never make a great sailor.’ There are six factors that can erode the grandest of plans and the noblest of intentions. Indeed, they can turn true visionaries into paper-pushers, and wide-eyed dreamers into shivering, weeping balls of regret. Beware! 1) Availability We often settle for what’s available, and what’s available isn’t always great. Every decision should be evaluated against your ultimate goal. If it isn’t moving you towards your goal, you would have to question why you would do it. ‘Because it was there’ is an okay reason to climb a mountain, but not a very good reason to take any old job or a free sample at the supermarket.
we don’t know that greatness is possible, we won’t bother attempting it. All too often, we literally do not know any better than good enough. One of the greatest leaps in life will be to elevate yourself from ‘Unconscious Incompetence’ (Not knowing what we don’t know) to ‘Conscious Incompetence’ (knowing how little we know).
looking for if you’re comfortable where you are.
5) Momentum If you’ve been doing what you’re doing for years and it’s not-sogreat, you are in a rut. Many people refer to these ruts as careers.
3) Committees Nothing destroys a good idea faster than a mandatory consensus. The lowest common denominator is never a high standard. The reason I love working with Small Business is that if we come up with a good strategy today, we can implement it today. We don’t have to make a submission to take to a Board meeting to appoint a working party to write a White Paper to discuss the options. We can just do it!!
The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over, and expecting a different result.
6) Passivity There’s a difference between being agreeable and agreeing to everything. Trust the little internal voice that tells you, ‘This is a bad idea.’
4) Comfort
2) Ignorance If we don’t know how to make something great, we simply won’t. If
Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
Why pursue greatness when you’ve already got 324 channels and a recliner? Pass the dip and forget about your grand designs. As I mentioned earlier Tom O’Toole says you’ll never find what you’re Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 6
Dan Buzer Profit Mechanics
0414 567 188 www.profitmechanics.net/ dan@profitmechanics.net
HUSBAND BUSTED! EVERYTHING MUST GO!! Got your attention? Thinking of other people to tell? Use this headline for a garage sale and get DOZENS of people queuing up at 5am at your garage sale. Not for the bargains. For a glimpse and perhaps even a chat and the inside scoop with the scolded woman. What happened?! Learning how to GRAB attention is part science, part art. It takes some training, practice and know-how to get right. It also has NOTHING to do with creativity. It’s science. It’s also only the first stage, because after grabbing their attention you have to get the reader to take action. Here’s a way to get action, without using a hard hitting headline … Hi ‘Person in Charge of Paying Accounts’, As you probably noticed, I’ve attached a piece of string to this letter. Why have I done this, you ask? For 2 reasons, actually: 1) To get your attention, and 2) So you could tie this special piece of string around your finger so you would remember to fix up the overdue invoice. This is just my friendly little way of reminding you that your account is past-due. I know you’re busy, so if you just tie the string around your finger, you’ll remember to arrange for payment of the invoice. Please take a minute to fix this up so I won’t have to interrupt your busy schedule with a piece of string again. I appreciate Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
your prompt attention. Have a great day, Dan Buzer P.S. If you could please return this piece of string next time we meet, I’d really appreciate it. I need this string for other accounts.
So now you have an example of an ‘effective’ headline and a call to action. Now you may be asking, how you can learn to make your own writing effective. A great place to start is with arguably the best book written to date on the subject … ‘Scientific Advertising’ by Claude Hopkins, written in 1923. If you email me at dan@profitmechanics.net I’ll send you a copy. Wouldn’t it be helpful to know the 10 most powerful words used in advertising? Imagine having the best book ever written on this subject AND the 10 most powerful words to use. In fact, there is ONE word that if you understand how to use it correctly, will shoot you to the cream of the crop of copywriters! This word is used in more than half of all the best advertising copy ever written. Like to know what it is? The word is … YOU. That’s right. Go through all of your marketing materials, business cards, website pages, Google text, pamphlets, brochures, advertisements, phone scripts, letters, etc. Change every
we, we’re, our, us, me and any other reference to yourself, 180 degrees in the other direction and start talking about the ONLY person the prospect really cares about … THEMSELVES! Apply this thinking to what is happening in the modern world today. What is the fastest growing communication phenomenon this century? Facebook! Why is it so successful? Because it’s all about the person who owns the Facebook page. Facebook sells the ultimate product … The user! Here are the 10 most powerful words, according to John Gumas, to use in your copywriting. New, Guaranteed, Proven, Results, Safety, Save, You, Now, Easy & Free. Now you’re all set! What’s that you ask? How about some example proven headlines that have worked in the past? Sure! How about this … email me at dan@profitmechanics.net and I’ll send you 500 proven headlines that you can use as templates for all your own advertising, copywriting, scripts and everywhere else you communicate with other people. Would THAT help YOU? ;-) For a chat about your business, call 1800 838 767. Mention the BBB and I’ll gift you a 30 minute conversation about YOUR business … Free. Dan Buzer Profit Mechanics Business Mentor
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 7
Peter Nicol Wisdom Marketing & Management Services 0417627097 www.wisdommarketing.com.au manager@wisdommarketing.com.au
Weekly Sales Meeting in Progress
SALES: THE OXYGEN OF BUSINESS A few weeks ago (mid - November) I was asked to give a talk to a group of CEO’s in Brisbane. The person who asked gave me a loose brief about what he wanted to convey to his constituents. It had been a while since we had spoken and he asked my opinion on how I saw the world of commerce. At 69 and having worked for myself for almost 18 years and having a solid commercial career I could say I had something to add. My reply must have resonated with him as he asked me to do the talk a few days later. What did I talk about? I talked about how we seem to have lost our way in the area of valuing the sales process and understanding the processes and practitioners who on a daily basis make their living from fronting the marketplace. The set of slides I had painstakingly put together detailed my general feeling with many businesses is that sales are not for them. It is for someone else. The problems of falling sales and profits can be solved in other ways. It seems that everywhere you go in business it is all about cost cutting and consequently loss of corporate memory. Many CEO’s/ Business owners are surrounding themselves with persons who are more focussed on pleasing Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
the boss. But at the end of the day ask them if they left the building to see a customer (yes a customer) and I assure you it is very rare to get a yes answer.
I know many executives who simply do not know how to sell.
In a few days’ time I will be undertaking an assignment for a business where we will spend a lot of time on gaining product knowledge and segmenting out similar products from each other.
Yet sales are the lifeblood of their business. Sales are foreign to them. In some cases it terrifies them. Knowing not how to sell is OK but at least understand the principles and respect its importance in your business model. I am also finding that many businesses are finding that young recruits have a very high sense of entitlement and find the sales process not part of their role. Selling is about rapport and relationship building, getting to know the potential customer or prospect, their desires, needs, and solving a problem by offering your products or services to them. It’s about filling needs and wants. Often some people do not know they need something until it is put in front of them. Marketing is not selling. It is about the art of truthful persuasion and, never before has it been so important to understand that customers need, useful information delivered in a way they want it and, that is in terms of
Shoppers are fatigued with choice. It is harder and harder to get people to buy from you. So having a sales plan is vital.
Why? So the sales people of this new business can see why the owner has put in a range of similar products with differing attributes (not just price). This means that once a customer comes into the shop they will be met with trained and competent sales people who have the product knowledge to assist them on their way. Do you have regular sales meetings? Even small family owned businesses should have a weekly sales meeting to see where they are heading and what market feedback is coming into the business. Where to from here? If it is to be – it’s up to me. (Sorry YOU). Call anytime. So good luck and happy Christmas and New Year to you all.
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 8
Fatigue Management
Ron Court, AMC Dip (Funerals) MQJA JP
OH&S Advisor 0419 679 619
Fatigue management is a shared responsibility between management and workers as it involves factors both inside and outside of work.
What can employers do to manage fatigue? Other factors to consider when managing fatigue
What employers can do to manage fatigue Factors to consider
accident per cent shift accident per cent
risk increases by 30 by the fourth night
consider whether 12 hour night shifts are really necessary
encourage healthy eating at work
risk increases by 27.5 on 12 hour shifts,
night shift workers have a greater risk of developing obesity, diabetes and heart disease
Time of day
Recommended control measures
early start times before 6 am
Minimise early morning starts before 6 am.
avoid more than five consecutive early morning starts
Work design
Minimise safety critical tasks at circadian low points.
low alertness on night shift at 3
Recommended control measures
Diet for night shift workers
Recovering or preparing for work
Personal factors affecting sleep
Poor sleep hygiene - watching television in bed, drinking coffee or alcohol or eating a heavy meal before going to bed Poorer sleep quality, more fragmented and less deep restorative sleep in people over 45 years of age Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
The key to managing fatigue successfully is ensuring that workers are given sufficient time between shifts. Adults require approximately seven to eight continuous hours of daily sleep.
avoid safety critical tasks during the
-5individuals am, early hours of the morning. What can do to manage fatigue
Factors to consider
Roster design When determining if roster design is contributing to fatigue, consider the following: Length of shifts. Distribution of leisure time. Regularity of shift system. Length of shifts worked. fatigue Previous hours and days worked. Type of work being performed. Time of the day when the work is being performed.
stick to normal day shift meal times as far as you can don't eat after 3 am avoid large meals 1 to 2 hours before sleeping
have an afternoon nap before the first night shift
drink alcohol in moderation avoid caffeine after midnight when on night shift
get into a routine for going to sleep (e.g. take a warm shower or relaxing bath before going to bed, listen to soothing music) avoid heavy meals, alcohol and tea or coffee before going to bed
Commuting Excessive hours spent travelling to and from work can extend the effective length of a shift, reduce the time available for sleep and recovery between shifts, and may have significant effects on fatigue levels. When combined with work-related fatigue, driving to and from work can be hazardous. Shift rotation Preferred rotation is day, afternoon, and night. Sleep inertia Sleep inertia can occur if a person is woken after sleeping for more than 40 minutes. Breaks When deciding on the length and frequency of breaks within a shift, consider the type of work being performed - the greater the physical and/or mental effort required.
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 9
Paul GILLMORE DFS Founder and Director Southern Cross Financial Services 07 5429 5561 0402 685 032 paul@sc-fs.com.au As the New Year approaches we see such upheaval in the Australian economy. From car makers leaving Australia to high Australian dollar to uncertainty and lack of confidence – where to from here? In January, I wrote an article on fixing your home loan interest rate. I made the point that it is rare to be able to fix your home loan interest rate and beat the banks. Let’s be clear – we are still in a low interest rate environment AND I am NOT currently being bombarded with emails from banks trying to get me to lock my client’s home loan interest rates in. The significance is that banks are not pushing for it which, in my mind means that it’s a very good time to lock in your interest rate –partly because the banks don’t want you to. The chart below shows you why I think so:
Set Yourself Up For 2014
being 0.0% to 0.5% Because of rising unemployment and lack of confidence in economic conditions, interest rates are unlikely to increase until these conditions change. The relatively high interest rates make Australia an attractive place to invest resulting in support for the Australian dollar maintaining its high value by historical standards. This affects our national competitiveness and is negatively impacting on manufacturing in Australia. Funny, but true It seems funny that our interest rates can be both high and low simultaneously – but it’s true. So how can we take advantage of our unusual economic circumstances? Debt Reduction Massively reduce your debt because the interest component of your home loan payment is low so more of your repayment pays down the principle. This can take years off your home loan. Massively Reduce your Risk
At 2.5% the cash rate is lower than any point in 20 years BUT our interest rates are high by world standards with major economies such as Japan and U.S. Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
When you owe money, your creditors ‘call the shots’ or ‘are in control’ – this is an inherent danger for you and your family. Therefore debt reduction is important for stability and welfare of you and your family.
creation. BUT, go for quality assets NOT speculative assets. Quality assets increase in value over time, pay a regular return and can be researched independently. Buy well to secure capital growth but don’t forget return on investment (ROI) such as rent or dividends – this will help you fund the cost of your investment i.e. repay investment loan. Reduce your Tax Negative gearing into property investments is a popular way of obtaining a tax deduction but it’s not for everyone. One of the most effective ways to reduce your tax AND KEEP THE MONEY is to salary sacrifice into your superannuation. I have often said that super is a tax preferred environment because you can invest your money, protect it from creditors, do it with pre-tax dollars, keep the money because it’s in YOUR super, vary the amount you invest depending on your needs at the time, you are not locked into an investment loan, you can get yourself into a lower tax bracket (depending on your income), pay no CGT and you can bequeath it to your loved ones bypassing will and probate.
Carefully Invest
This article is General information Only not specific advice
Low interest rates are an opportunity to secure assets for your long term wealth
Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Mobile: 0451 184 599
Let’s Talk Business 10 Miriam Battersby, dip Multimedia, International Webmaster Certification-
Woorim , Bribie island ph 3410 1071 admin@on-line-biz.com http://www.online-biz.com.au
Like the Eagle we see the Big Picture
Online Business Website Consultants
Email Manners Make Life Easier for Others If your company is able to deal professionally with email, this will provide you with that all important competitive edge. The Subject Line Always fill in the Subject: field with a brief and concise and relevant description of the content of your email. This shows up in the recipient’s inbox and people decide whether to delete the email on that basis. This is also very important in helping those you communicate with organize and manage their email and find a specific email quickly when necessary. Using “to” and “cc” You should only use “to” for the people you are directly addressing. You should use “cc” for the people you are indirectly addressing e.g. for their information only. Use “cc” sparingly and only if that person needs to know about the topic. Indiscriminate copying of email clogs inboxes and encourages people to ignore messages they should read. When Do I Use “bcc”?
coming up in the near future, but make sure you remove it after the event. However be aware that any links, phone numbers or contact information in the message that leads to content with a commercial purpose—may also lead the message to be defined as 'commercial' in nature, and as such be bound by the anti spamming laws.
forwarding it, change the subject line and especially delete any other email addresses that show that they have previously been sent that email. If you forward an email to a more appropriate person e.g. to answer a query, make sure you let the sender know who to expect a reply from.
Never answer spam. Your response will confirm your email address. Delete the message instead as it may contain viruses. Never forward chain letters– they are hoaxes. Delete them as soon as you receive them as they may contain viruses.
Being able to attach documents to emails is a great feature but do not abuse it. Don’t send large attachments without the recipient’s permission. This can slow down mail, lock them out of their mailbox, or be rejected by the system. Split the attachment across more than one email if necessary. Be aware that some people will not open an attachment unless they are expecting it as they are concerned about viruses. Always minimize, compress or “zip” large files before sending. Most systems will manage up to 2mb files.
You may not realize how large documents, graphics or photo files are. When you use the “bcc” field the other Compress anything over 1mb. (You can recipients of the email cannot see view file sizes in Windows Explorer. everyone the email has been sent to. It is Simply right click on the file name and best to use the “bcc” field when sending choose properties.) bulk email. This helps to maintain the recipient’s privacy from spammers. Never expose your contact’s addresses to strangers! If you are not sure how to BCc in your email program, here are site resources that may help you learn the features of your software programs. Signatures The signature is a small block of text at the end of your message. It should identify you and provide contact information. The signature can also be an opportunity to advertise something that is Web: www.marketingmeansbusiness.com
For VERY large files send through a “Send Large Files” service such as largefilesasap, yousendit, storebigfile, transferbigfiles, sendthisfile, or use Google Drive. Forwarding Explain to the recipient why you are sending it. Be careful you are only forwarding messages to those that want to/need to receive them. Also be sure to strip all the extraneous information and characters from the message before Email: dennis@marketingmeansbusiness.net.au
Spam and Worse
Immediately delete emails with attachments from senders you do not recognise. They are probably spam and may contain viruses. Do not click open web links in messages from unknown sources. Do not forward emails warning of new viruses. These are almost always hoaxes and may contain viruses. Check with a site that lists reported scams, hoaxes, spam and phishing email. http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/ home_users/protect_yourself2/ avoiding_scams_and_hoaxes
Help with your Internet marketing strategy? FREE Website Analysis and Review We’ll help point you in the right direction, no obligation
07 3410 1071 Web: online-biz.com.au Mobile: 0451 184 599