HERITAGE: American Hispanics-Puerto Ricans

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American Hispanic/Puerto Rican-- Erudite Macro History Excerpts/Summary American Hispanic/ Puerto Rican Heritage (part of roots/linage) dates back to the discovery and initial settlement of the New World; and now United States! Let’s educate; ensure our textbooks don’t elbow out our American Hispanics good contributions to the forming of our noble US! "Through the years, Hispanic American citizens have risen to the call of duty in defense of liberty and freedom. Their bravery is well known and has been demonstrated time and again, dating back to the aid rendered by General Bernardo de Galvez during the American Revolution". (US President Reagan)

American Hispanic Heritage-- Illuminating Historic USA Settlement Milestones Christopher Columbus discovered the Western Hemisphere on 12 October 1492 (San Salvador); during his 2d Trip he discovered Puerto Rico (Borinken-19 November 1493)-named it San Juan Bautista…, But, in his four trips he never touched the continental land mass of the now USA. Juan Ponce de León (1st Governor of Puerto Rico)--in March 1513, organized an expedition (from the now US Territory of Puerto Rico), and with his Crew (including Blacks, Women…) set sail to find what the Natives called Bimini… • *In the spring of 1513 (April 2) they arrived at a beautiful verdant land which was named “La Florida”… (This dangerous voyage into the unknown put Florida on the Map for others to follow…) (Reputable Historians now say they likely landed near Melbourne Beach, Brevard County…) • Puerto Rico was the historic gateway to the European settlement of Florida-which opened the doors to the advanced civilized settlement (in time) of the USA--107 years before the Pilgrims landed… • These Spanish American Hispanic Ancestors (part of Hispanic linage, roots, heritage…)-- overtime brought Christianity, horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, oranges, the Spanish language, and other good things to America (the name set by Hispanic/European Ancestors)… They complemented the worthy contributions of Natives and Others in the forming of the USA. 1508/1521 Ponce de Leon founded “Caparra” the first settlement in Puerto Rico, but, in 1509 it was moved, and in 1521 named San Juan (where he is buried)—the oldest City under the US Flag… 1565: St. Augustine (Oldest City North America)- was founded by: Spanish Admiral Pedro Menendez. 1776-: Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans-American Hispanics-supported and fought for the USA in the Revolutionary War with General George Washington--under General Galvez (Governor of Louisiananow 13 US States), and General Castro (later Governor of Puerto Rico). They bravely fought, against the British, in the important Battles of Pensacola (Florida), Louisiana, Missouri, and others. *American Hispanic Ancestors (Roots/Linage/Heritage) settled what is today California, Texas, Florida, Louisiana (includes now 13 US States) before “James Town” or the Pilgrims… *Many Flags have flown over Florida: Spanish, British, French, Florida … & now our great USA Flag! ** US Puerto Ricans are the 2d largest loyal American Hispanic Ethnic segment of our great USA Population whose PR Natives (the Tainos) came to the now USA up to Georgia… thousands of years ago; have fought since the War of Independence for the USA..., but, suffer Citizenship discrimination… 1898: The US forcefully invades Puerto Rico…; makes it a federally oppressed US Territory... 1917: Congress, under the trite un-democratic Territorial Clause, provides (those born in PR) with a statutory (non-permanent) 2d Class US Citizenship (with no Federal Vote or Just Representation) under the will of Congress (till today). But, Puerto Ricans loyally sacrifice, bleed & bravely fight to help defend our USA & up-hold its precious Constitution (includes WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam, World War on Terrorism)…-- per the example set by the US 65th Infantry-The Borinqueneers… 500 years have passed since these courageous Explorers came to settle Florida. We won’t let their legacy be forgotten! Also, let’s acknowledge the hard work of Natives/ Immigrants, before & after this milestone; work together for the good of all: Family, Community, Florida, USA, and Humanity! There is one Race-The Human Race—with beautiful skin pigments! Judge on Merit based on fair opportunity-a level playing field! By: Dennis O. Freytes, American Veteran; former Professor University of Puerto Rico-PMS; Trustee Valencia College; VP


National Association for Uniformed Services (NAUS); Community Servant‌) (As of: 5 Jan. 2014)


*Historian Douglas T. Peck—Retraced Ponce de Leon trip-- base on charts of the time; sea currents/golf stream; winds…revised wrong latitudes… found the most probable landing site to be near the shores of Melbourne Beach, Brevard County: Dr. Gannon-UF; Most FL Historians agree.

NOTE: Douglas T. Peck, in his Trip, used the actual navigational charts of Juan Ponce de Leon's navigator, Anton de Alaminos. Peck made minor adjustments during the trip because he knew that ancient mariners compasses were crudely made back in those days compared to our modern compasses which are more accurate. Peck disregarded Antonio de Herrera's historical account of Juan Ponce's trip because de Herrera's account was full of errors; the data therein was plagiarized from details that also contained erroneous information.


Puerto Rican Service to the USA. Puerto Ricans (Spanish or US), have loyally settled, and served, the now USA (since 1513); fought in the US Revolutionary War, Civil War, and every armed conflict since 1776, to include the US 65th Infantry Regiment the Borinqueneers (since 1898)—in defense of our noble US Flag; for the good of all! Puerto Ricans/American Hispanic Ancestors Fight for the USA! (Excerpts) During the American Revolutionary War, Spain lent the rebelling colonists the use of its ports in Puerto Rico, through which flowed financial aid and arms for their cause. An incident occurred in the coast of Mayagüez, in 1777, between two Continental Navy ships, the Eudawook and the Henry, and a Royal Navy warship, HMS Glasgow. Both American ships were chased by the larger and more powerful Glasgow. The American colonial ships were close to the coast of Mayagüez; members of the Puerto Rican militia of that town, realizing that something was wrong, signaled for the ships to dock at the town's bay. After the ships docked, the crews of both ships got off and some Mayagüezanos boarded and raised the Spanish flag on both ships. The commander of the Glasgow became aware of the situation and asked the island's Governor Jose Dufresne to turn over the ships. Dufresne refused and ordered the British warship out of the Puerto Rican dock.[21] II During the Revolutionary War, the Governor of Louisiana (includes now 13 US States), Bernardo de Gálvez, was named Field Marshal of the Spanish Colonial Army in North America. In 1779, Galvez and his troops, composed of Puerto Ricans and people from other Spanish colonies (Cuba, Mexico, Hispaniola…), distracted the British from the revolution by capturing Pensacola, the capital of the British colony of West Florida. The Puerto Rican troops, under the leadership of Brigadier General Ramón de Castro (Aide to Galvez and later Governor of Puerto Rico-1795),[22] helped defeat the British and Indian army of 2,500 soldiers and British warships in Pensacola.[23] (An American historian called the siege of Pensacola "a decisive factor in the outcome of the Revolution and one of the most brilliantly executed battles of the war." Another historian stated that General Galvez' campaign broke the British will to fight. This battle ended in May 1781, just five months before the final battle of the war at Yorktown.) Also, they fought in the cities of Baton Rouge (Louisiana), St. Louis (Missouri), and Mobile (Alabama). Galvez and his multinational Army provided the Continental Army with guns, cloth, gunpowder and medicine shipped via Puerto Rico…-from Cuba up the Mississippi River. Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, Viscount of Galveston and Count of Gálvez (July 23, 1746 – November 30, 1786) was a Spanish military leader and colonial administrator who served as colonial governor of Louisiana (before the purchase), and Cuba; later as Viceroy of New Spain. He spent the last two years of his life as Viceroy of New Spain, succeeding his father Matías de Gálvez y Gallardo. The city of Galveston, Texas was named for him. General Bernardo Galvez in the American Revolution (Excerpts from an article written by Lt J.D. Ortiz CHC, USNR. NTC Chaplain.) Few Americans are aware that Bernardo de Galvez was the Spanish governor of the Louisiana territory that encompassed 13 of our present states. They are also unaware that long before any formal declaration of war, General Galvez sent gunpowder, rifles, bullets, blankets, medicine and other supplies to the armies of General George Washington and General George Rogers Clark. Once Spain entered the war against 4

Great Britain in 1779, this dashing young officer raised an army in New Orleans and drove the British out of the Gulf of Mexico. General Galvez captured five British forts in the Lower Mississippi Valley. They repelled a British and Indian attack in St. Louis, Missouri and captured the British fort of St. Joseph in present-day Niles, Michigan. With reinforcements from Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, General Galvez captured Mobile and Pensacola, the capital of the British colony of West Florida. At Pensacola, Galvez commanded a multinational army of over 7,000 black and white soldiers. These men were born in Spain, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hispanola, and other Spanish colonies such as Venezuela. The city was defended by a British and Indian army of 2,500 soldiers and British warships. General Bernardo de Galvez and his contributions have been remembered even to this day with statues and even a city named in his honor, Galveston, Texas. III United States history textbooks seldom mention the important contributions by our "forgotten allies," Spain and Hispanic America, during the American Revolution. They also forget that they helped in the establishment and growth of the first democracy in the modern world. The neglect in reporting Hispanic contributions extends to all periods of American history. Textbooks also fail to mention the role of 10,000 Hispanic soldiers who fought on both sides of the Civil War. Galvez, (Bernardo de) Park and Statue in the District of Columbia: The Statue was a gift from the King of Spain in 1796 to celebrate the American Bi-Centennial and the role of Galvez in the American War of Independence Puerto Rican/Hispanic Ancestors during The American Revolutionary War. Note: New Spain, formally called the Viceroyalty of New Spain (Spanish: Virreinato de Nueva EspaĂąa), was a viceroyalty of the crown of Castile, of the Spanish empire, comprising territories in the north overseas 'Septentrion' (North America and Philippines).[1][2][3][4] New Spain was established following the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in 1521. Its greatest extent included much of North America south of Canada, that is: all of present-day Mexico and Central America except Panama; most of the United States west of the Mississippi River, plus the Floridas. New Spain also included: the Spanish East Indies (the Philippine Islands, the Mariana Islands, the Caroline Islands, Taiwan, and parts of the Moluccas); and the Spanish West Indies (Cuba, Hispaniola (comprising Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Trinidad, and the Bay Islands). Administrative units included Las Californias, that is, Alta California (present-day Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, western Colorado, and south Wyoming); and Baja California Norte and Sur, Nueva Extremadura (the presentday states of Coahuila and Texas), and Santa Fe de Nuevo MĂŠxico (parts of Texas and New Mexico). [5] and Louisiana (including the western Mississippi river basin and the Missouri River basin).


El Descubrimiento de América por Ancestros Hispanos

(Conmemorando los 500 años: 1513-2013 del descubrimiento Europeo de Florida/ EEUU) Por: Dennis O. Freytes Toca la Historia una magna canción, como en el 1513 se descubrió una gran Nación. De Puerto Rico con valentía partió, el descubridor Ponce de León y su Tripulación. Contra viento y marea llegan a la realización, que a la Florida y Estados Unidos se descubrió. Con civilización, cristiandad, caballos y el español, se concibo un País al compás de vasto sacrificio y visión. Que conste de Puerto Rico fue donde se organizó, la expedición que trajo al mundo la más grande Nación. Celebremos con guitarra, cuatro, güiro, y canción, que los Hispanos y Puerto Rico tienen historia, arte, y tradición. De sus buenos ancestros, linaje, raíces, y herencia, contribuyen Nativos, Emigrantes e Hispanos con persistencia. Dotados de valor, razón, empuje y experiencia, se desarrolló los Estados Unidos y se ganó su Independencia. Todos laborando con sudor, bondad, y amor, se continua la lucha legada con sacrificio y firme corazón. Promoviendo la paz, democracia, amistad y sinceridad; entablando confianza, compasión, y humildad. Por la familia, comunidad, patria y humanidad, trabajemos y luchemos aplomando la justicia y la igualdad. Por el bien de todos--con fe, verdad, y cordialidad: Forjemos juntos un mejor Mundo-lleno de salud y prosperidad! Nota Dedicatoria: Este poema conmemora los 500 años (1513-2013) del descubrimiento Europeo de Florida (el 2 de abril de 1513) por 1er Gobernador de Puerto Rico Ponce de León y su Tripulación (200 Hombres, Mujeres, y Negros)—El viaje de nuestros Ancestros se organizó y partió de Puerto Rico-Boriken-para descubrir lo que hoy es EEUU—107 años antes de los Pelegrinos! Ellos y los otros Ancestros, que les siguieron, trajeron la civilización avanzada de aquellos tiempos: la Cristiandad, el español, caballos, vacas, cerdos, naranjas…a lo que hoy es EEUU. Esto es parte de las raíces (Linaje y Herencia) de los Puertorriqueños y otros Hispanos! Que la Historia no nos dé codo, pero, que se le de crédito meritorio a las contribuciones de todos (Nativos e Inmigrantes) en el desarrollo de lo que hoy es la gran y noble Nación de los EEUU. Dennis O. Freytes, US Army Ret.; former Professor (PMS)/Department Director-University of Puerto Rico; Trustee Valencia College; Community Servant// E: dennisfreytes@hotmail.com 6

Spanish Black Legion-BASHING In History, credence should not be given to a few individuals (some non-historians) that wrongly interpret and act to emotionally to bash the explorer Ponce de Leon (without due diligence or checking out all Historical accounts). Please, read the “Spanish Black Legion” factual writings of historian Dr. Peck (Historian/Engineer/ USAF Retired) and Others that state: in the 1600s the warring British, Danes and others wrote false descriptions of the discovery of Florida and America to discredit the Spanish Catholic Discoverers in a maneuver to take the lands for themselves… These “cooked” writings are being used today to discriminate and continue to discredit American Hispanic Ancestors/ Roots… Current writings based on historical facts that set the record straight are not brought up, in these one-sided arguments, in order to badly portray the formal Discoverer of Florida, USA; take away his and Crew’s monumental historic accomplishments… which will be celebrated with the participation of the Catholic Church in 2013. In History there are no Angels- many Americans (including savage Native Ancestors) have individually committed atrocious bad things (which should not be condoned, but, tried in a court of law not by a historical lynching of those that weren’t there). Good Legacies should not be obtruded or forgotten based on conflictive un-proven comments; but, placed in the proper historic context... Besides, this is not only about Ponce de Leon; but, also- discrimination. Ponce de Leon and Crew should not be judged on the sins of others or un-justified individual non-factual insinuations that are propping up to discriminate against American Hispanic Ancestors. (Please, see attached.) Ponce de Leon was never tried on allegations…; did a greater right not a wrong in discovering Florida; bringing advanced civilization of the times…sowing the seeds of the birth of the USA—107 years before the Pilgrims landed; which has produced a better, but, still imperfect World where all Nations have been in Wars…conquered others! Judge the European discovery of Florida and America--on the merits; all the greater good it has brought…; not on misinformation, speculation… and false individual emotions! Besides, in history, isolated instances of atrocities were committed by all sides to also, include the Natives…but, these should not all be specifically neither applied to Ponce de Leon… nor belittle his historic good colossal accomplishments…including naming and putting Florida on the Map… Don’t categorize all by the sins of a few or take out of context the civilization of the time…! The Natives, Spaniards, French, British…-all Americans: helped form Florida, and settled the USA-- with the advanced civilization started here by the first Governor of Puerto Rico-Ponce de Leon. Let no one elbow us out of History! Pass on!


MEDIA RELEASE: 500th USA Discovery Celebrations End; Education Endures The focus of the V-Centennial (500th) European discovery of Florida (1513) magna celebrations that were held throughout 2013, was to ensure goodwill and understanding; recognize the truth in history; highlight all contributions (Natives/ Immigrants) before and after this significant milestone; bring all together as Patriotic Americans; strike up the entrepreneurial spirit (business, tourism)-- through inclusive discovery magna events that included cultural, arts, business, and social inter-exchanges between: FL, PR, Spain, France, Great Britain, Latin America, and other Countries; learn from each other…; have a good time. Some History: The 1st Governor of Puerto Rico Juan Ponce de Leon and Crew, organized the expedition, and left from the now US Territory of Puerto Rico (discovery gateway); arrived in the Florida east coast (most likely Melbourne Beach) on 2 April 1513; named and put Florida on the map for others to follow. Florida opened the first door to the settlement of the USA—107 years before the Pilgrims. Many Flags have flown over Florida to include: Spanish, British, French, Florida, & USA. Also, Hispanic Ancestors settled Texas, California, and other States first. Overtime, according to History, American Hispanic/Latino Ancestors (roots) brought advance civilization (of the times), Christianity, Horses, Cows, Pigs, Sheep…the Spanish Language to the now land mass of the United States (which Christopher Columbus never touched). In Central Florida, the 500th Florida Discovery Council (Round Table Chair Dennis Freytes) serves as an umbrella group that is forging an inclusive Partnership to help educate, support and promote our magna legacy. The Hispanic Arts and Cultures International Association (AIPEH-President Palmira Urbina-Co-Chair), and other Organizations are conducting various educational, social, artistic and cultural events. Bedsides, UTB-Royal Order of Ponce de Leon President Samuel Lopez deserves special mention for leading many of the National efforts to include commissioning a Ponce De Leon 10 foot statue (located in Melbourne Beach-Ponce de Leon Park) that was sculptured by the great Master Rafael Picon. FL Governor Scott, Secretary of State (Detzner) with Viva-Florida 500 (www. www.fla500.com), the Florida Humanities Council (www.flahum.org), and over 500 Partner Organizations planed and conducted hundreds of statewide events through-out 2013 to honor all those that have contributed to the forming of our beloved Florida/ USA before, during, and after this epic voyage. Let’s keep our illuminating Heritage fire going- educate; work together for the good of all! INFO: *Dennis Freytes (Chair 500th FL Disc. Council): dennisfreytes@hotmail.com *Palmira Urbina (President AIPEH/Co-Chair): 407-851-9191; poetasyescritores@gmail.com *Samuel Lopez (President UTB/Landing Chair): 321-863-5165; utblopez@aol.com


FL/USA Discovery Historic Milestone-- American Hispanic Heritage DRAFT: PROCLAMATION or RESOLUTION NO ____ A RESOLUTION OF THE ________________________________________, RELATING TO THE V-CENTENNIAL (500 YEARS) DISCOVERY OF FLORIDA IN RECOGNITION OF: All those that have contributed or are contributing to the forming of the great State of Florida, and the United States of America. WHEREAS, American Natives, Spaniards (American Hispanic Ancestors), British, French, and Immigrants (from all Nations)—help settle Florida and the United States of America; WHEREAS, Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon (first Governor of Puerto Rico), in March 1513, organized and commenced an epic expedition (with a Crew of 200-including Women and Blacks) from the now US Territory of Puerto Rico--that resulted in the landing on 2 April 1513; naming of Florida (La Florida) in recognition of the verdant landscape; WHEREAS, Ponce de Leon and Crew were the first Europeans in recorded history to have come ashore and placed Florida on the Map-- brought advanced civilization (of the time); Christianity, Cows, Horses, Sheep, the Spanish language, …; more settlers to the land that later became the United States of America (USA) --107 years before the Pilgrims landed; WHEREAS, the now US Territory of Puerto Rico was the historic 1st gateway to the discovery of Florida which opened the doors to the advanced settlement of the USA; WHEREAS, after extensive investigation, Historian Douglas T. Peck’s (Colonel, USAF Retired/Navigator) re-traced trip based on the Charts of the day; other factors (winds, sea currents, golf stream…)—now point to the Landing Site to be most likely in Brevard County (at un-named barrier Island near Melbourne Beach); WHEREAS, American Hispanic Ancestors settled Texas, California, and other States first; WHEREAS, various US Citizen Organizations including the 500th Florida Discovery Council (CF), United Third Bridge-Royal Order of Ponce de Leon (Brevard), Arts and Culture Hispanic International Association… have Partnered with Viva Florida-500, the Florida Humanities Council and Others to commemorate this significant historic occasion by magna celebrations and events to be conducted throughout 2013; WHEREAS, we come together as United States Citizens/Patriots-- to honor all Ancestors (linage, roots, heritage), and everyone’s contributions (before and after 1513) to the forming, and prosperity of Florida and our noble Nation-- that stands united--for the good of all: Family, Community, USA, and Humanity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY _________________________________________ to:

SECTION 1: Honor the contributions of all (leave no one out) to the forming of Florida, and the USA that includes Natives, Spanish (American Hispanic Ancestors/Roots), British, French, Immigrants (from all Nations), and all American Citizens/Veterans that toll, fight, forge…to make America free and great. SECTION 2: Declare that the European Discovery of Florida by Don Juan Ponce de Leon (1 st Governor of Puerto Rico & Florida) and Crew—which opened the door to the advanced civilize settlement of Florida and the USA--be grandly celebrated; include honoring American Hispanic Ancestors/ Roots. SECTION 3. Specially recognize: Viva Florida-500 (an initiative of the Florida Secretary of State) and all Partner Organizations-- for their magnificent efforts in planning, coordinating, and conducting magna inclusive celebrations, events, and tributes-- that honor all those that contributed or are contributing to our good quality of life, prosperity, and Liberty; work for the good of all in our noble USA. This Resolution is effective immediately as duly adopted at a regular meeting session of: _____________ (Drafted by: Dennis Freytes: dennisfreytes@hotmail.com; 407-298-1151)



MC/Plans/OPNS/Chief Facilitator: Dennis Freytes (VP NAUS SE Region-Borinqueneers’ Support Partners) *12 pm: Doors Open. The Borinqueneers’ Motorcycle Club (flying high the US, FL, and PR Flags): will escort the Borinqueneers (and Commissioners?) with Police escort, down Main Street Kissimmee to event site; set up motorcycle demonstration/ Promotion Table. Route: TBD *12:30 pm: Patriotic, Military, and PR Music starts. Assistance Teams and Tables are operational.

**5 minutes prior: Hola! Please, give me your attention! The American Veterans Borinqueneers-Patriots Gathering is about to commence, please, take your seats. (VIPs move to seats.) Thank you! I- OPENING (1 pm) Hi/ Hola! Welcome to the American Veterans-Borinqueneers (US 65th Infantry Regiment) Florida Honor Ceremony-Patriots’ Gathering! Bienvenidos a todos! • I’m American Veteran Dennis Freytes, US Army Retired; Community Servant. • Today it is my honor to be your Host/Master of Ceremony- representing my FatherBorinqueneer Celio Freytes-Menendez, and the National Association for Uniformed Services. Our NAUS President, Lt. General Jack Klimp (USMC, Ret.), sends his regards, and strong support for our American Veterans and the Borinqueneers. • Let this Patriots’ Gathering Start! • Please, stand to welcome our Honorable Governor of Florida, and Commander in Chief of the FLNG Rick Scott accompanied by Mayor General Emmett Titshaw (Adjutant General of the Florida National Guard), and the Borinqueneers’ Families which are seated. (Big Hand!) (Governor and TAGs move to Stage; Others to their Seats in the VIP Area.) • Please, remain Standing for the entrance of the US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers! • The Borinqueneers’ Honor Guard are the Knights of Columbus, along with the 1st Governor of Puerto Rico Juan Ponce de Leon (represented by his descendant- John Ayes Browne). Followed by the Borinqueneers! Patriots of true Grit)! (Play: Borinqueneers’ marching song.) (Gov. Ponce de Leon & Honor Guard takes position; as the Borinqueneers move to positions of Honor on the Stage.) • Let’s give them a big hand! (Honor Guard Escort re-positions and Presents Sabers, as appropriate.) • Please, remain standing, for the Invocation, and honors to the USA. • American Veteran Rob Medina (USMC), with Congressman’s Posey’s Office, was instrumental in supporting our Borinqueneers for a CGM, will lead us in a Prayer for American Veterans and 1st Emergency Responders, as the original Borinqueneers’ Champlain James B. Allen- who served in WWI, WW-II, Korea and who is 97 years old-prays with him. (PRAYER) • • •

Rev. Dr. Angel Marcial, Bishop, Church of God (Southeast USA) will now lead us in Prayer.

(PRAYER) True Patriots will escort our Colors that symbolize The United States of America under a representative democratic “We the People…” Constitution. Remember: Patriotism means love of Country! May our noble Flag-- fly forever high and free! The Color Guard is from the Solivitas Veterans’ Club: “PRESENT the COLORS” (Colors come Forward) (Marching Song: It’s a Grand Old Flag) 10

The famous Puerto Rico National Guard will play the US Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Anthem, and our USA National Anthem. Let’s honor our Colors! (US Puerto Rico Anthem) (US National Anthem)

“Post the Colors”.

• • • • • •

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(The Colors are posted) Please, take your seats. Introductions: As we introduce some Special Guests, please, hold applause until the end. It is a distinct honor to introduce: (Read Elected Officials & Special Guest LIST). The Steering Committee Team principles for this magna historic “American VeteransBorinqueneers’-Patriots’ Gathering” are: Honorary Chair: US Rep. Bill Posey and Hon. Chair US Rep. Alan Grayson; Chairs: Com. Wanda Rentas (City of Kissimmee), and Com. John Quinones (Osceola County) Vice Chairs: Dora Toro (Borinqueneers’ Madrina, and CEO/Publisher of La Prensa Newspaper), Palmira Ubinas (President/CEO of Hispanic Art and Culture InterNational Association or AIPEH), American Veteran Don Smith (US Navy and Chairman of the Osceola County Museum of Military History), and Betsy Franceschini (Florida Director PRFAA/ PR Government). Besides, all others please stand. Finally, this your servant, is the Steering Committee Facilitator (Plans, and Operations). Please, thank the Steering Committee! During this magna event, we will render tribute to all American Veterans and 1st Responders as we also, honor the brave US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers, and promote they receive a Congressional Gold Medal-the highest honor that Congress can bestow. Finally, during the Patriots Gathering, there will be free entertainment, Assistance Teams that will help with Veterans’ or Constituents claims or problems; Other Information Tables. Plus, a Health Fair for all. This is located in the rooms, behind this Stage and will open after this part of our Patriots’ Gathering. Besides, we should know that in 1513, American Hispanic and Borinqueneers’ Ancestors named Florida/ place it on the map—brought advance civilization (of the times), Christianity, Spanish Language, and many other good things to Florida--which opened the doors to the settlement of the USA--107 years before the Pilgrims. But, as we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of Florida’s European formal Discovery, in 2013--we celebrate all contributions (Natives and Immigrants) to our beloved Floridabefore and after this significant historic milestone, to include some fighting for General George Washington the USA War of Independence.

II- TRIBUTE to AMERICAN VETERANS & Emergency 1st RESPONDERS • It is our honor to recognize all American Veterans and 1 st Emergency Responders; salute all stalwart brave Champion Knights that serve and fight for a just cause! We thank you and your Families for your many selfless sacrifices, brave Service, and hard work for the good of all! 11

American Veterans from the US Army, US Marines, US Navy, US Air Force, and US Coast Guard have selflessly served, sacrificed, protected, and defended the USA and Humanity against all vile enemies that mean to do us harm.

The Civil Air Patrol 463d Cadet Squadron will place Military Hat’s on the Honor Table, in memory and support of our POWs and MIAs (missing in action). We leave no American Veteran behind! • Honorable American Veterans-- when your Service song is played, please stand to be recognized and honored. We salute our American Veterans; our Heroes! (Play Service Songs: US Army, US Marines, US Navy, US Air Force, And US Coast Guard.) • Let’s give them a big hand! • Honorable 1st Emergency Responders, please stand to be recognized. • Let us never forget our Emergency 1st Responders (that include the Sheriff, Police, Fire Fighters, EMT, CERT, Emergency Management Personnel, Medical, and others) that also, risk their lives for our good during this Global War on Terrorism-where we are in the middle of the asymmetric and unconventional battlefield... We must remain vigilant and support their magnificent efforts. You are our Heroes! (Play short version Wind Beneath our Wings?) • Let’s give them a big hand! Fallen and Departed • It is a time of sadness but also of strong faith as we render tribute and prayers to the good Souls of our courageous Fallen and Departed American Veterans. • Some of their pictures, to include the Medal of Honor Winners from Puerto Rico, are located on the “Tables of Honor” in front of the Stage. • Their names will not be forgotten because-- Good Soldiers never die nor fade awaytheir noble Warrior fighting spirit for a just cause lives forever! With faith in God, they are re-born to the next existence with spiritual life, everlasting peace, and harmony with their Families and Friends in Heaven… • They are now our Guardian Angels, re-born some say by the ring of a Holy Bell! They, like my Father Borinqueneer Celio Freytes-Menendez, Uncle Erasto Freytes, Uncle Anibal Freytes, Francisco Acevedo, Benjamin Dieppa, Colonel Casanova… and all Fallen and Departed Patriots, will always live in our hearts! • This sacred part of the Ceremony will be conducted by the Osceola County Veterans’ Council. • Please, stand in honor of all Fallen and Departed Heroes—true defenders of Humanity! Please, let’s observe a moment of silent Prayer for the eternity of their noble Souls! (Rifle Salute; TAPs) • Please, take your seats. III- BORINQUENEERS’ & FAMILIES HONOR CEREMONY/REMARKS • We Honor the US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers and Families for their sacrifices and brave epic deeds. These Patriots (of true Grit)-The Borinqueneers are simple and humble US Citizen Soldiers that rose to the occasion; defended the US Flag; secured the peace-- so our Nation could enjoy the bounties of prosperity and a good quality of life for all: Family, Community, USA, and Humanity! • **Providing Salutation Remarks and introducing our brave Borinqueneers (most live in Florida, and others come from Puerto Rico and other States) are: Borinqueneers’-Patriots’ Gathering Chairwomen Com. Wanda Rentas (City of 12

Kissimmee), Chairman Com. John Quinones (Osceola County), and Osceola County Chairman Frank Atkinson. (Big Hand) (REMARKS) (Commissioners Remarks; Read Borinqueneers’ Present List) • Since, we don’t have time to read the many resolutions and proclamations, we will summarize some of the courageous deeds of the US 65th Infantry-The Borinqueneers that merit the award of the US Congressional Gold Medal which we need your support to obtain-- for their un-swerving and self-less dedication to: duty, honor, country; and we hope you will strongly support by contacting our Florida Congressional Delegation, and other Congressmen and US Senators. • Providing the US 65th Infantry Summary is Colonel Evelio Otero, USAF Retired. (Son of Puerto Rico famous TV News personality Don Evelio Otero…). (REMARKS; Show US 65th Infantry Power Point) US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers History Extracts/ Overview As we recognize and honor the brave US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers; and recommend they be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by Congress and President of the United States, a brief History of their valor and main epic feats in defense of our USA Flag follows: Overview 1. The U.S. 65th Infantry Regiment (Borinqueneers) traces its linage from the first U.S. Infantry Battalion of patriotic native Puerto Rico Volunteer Troops authorized by Congress in 1899 - fought bravely for all of us as they loyally defended America against all enemies while facing discrimination, segregation, limited US Citizenship, and overcoming obstacles as they accomplished many heroic feats. 2. In WW-I, Puerto Rico patriotically requested that the Selective Service Draft law be extended to PR236,853 men were registered and 17,855 served with many fighting valiantly overseas for liberty; the U.S. 65th Infantry went to war strength of about 1969 men; defended the Panama Canal and other sites. Besides, they fired, in 1915, the first US shots of WW-I (from el Morro Castle) on the German supply ship “Odenwald”-that was captured and re-commissioned as a US Supply Ship. 3. During War II- the 65th Infantry gallantly served in North Africa & Europe (Italy, France-where it saw combat action, and Germany); won the following Battle Campaign Awards: Naples-Foggian, RomeArne, Central Europe, and Rhineland Campaigns. After the war, the 65th Infantry was assigned dangerous security, anti-sabotage and other occupation missions around Kaiserslautern & Mannheim, Germany. The Borinqueneers were among the last Units to come Home; 4. During the Korean War, some 61,000 Soldiers from PR served with the U.S. Army; over 6,000 with the U.S. 65th Infantry that covered itself again in glory; distinguished themselves over a three year period: receiving nine Korean Battle Campaign Awards, the Presidential and Meritorious Unit Commendations, two Korean Presidential Unit Citations, the Greek Gold Medal, Navy Unit Commendation, and many other awards for bravery; and were credited with the last successful regimental (two battalions)-bayonet assault in U.S. Army history… 5. Main United Nations Korean Conflict Awards: The 65th Infantry was awarded 9 Battle Campaign Awards for bravery: UN Defense-1950, UN Offense-1950, CCF Intervention-1950, First UN Counterattack Offensive-1951, UN and CCF Spring Offensive-1951, UN Summer-Fall Offensive-1951, 2nd Korean Winter 1951–52, Korean Summer-Fall-1952 and 3rd Korean Winter-1952-53. 6. Summary Individual Awards: Over the span of World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, the Borinqueneers earned ten Distinguished Service Crosses (2d highest Awards), 258 Silver Stars, 628 Bronze Stars, over 2,700 Purple Hearts, and many other individual awards for valor… 7. General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur, once stated: “…the Puerto Ricans…of the gallant 65th Infantry on the battlefields of Korea by valor, determination, and a resolute will to victory give daily testament to their invincible loyalty to the United States… They write a brilliant record of achievement in battle and I am proud indeed to have them in this command. I wish that we might have many more like them!” 13

8. Operation PORTEX: Besides, the US 65th Infantry Regiment distinguished itself when the United States conducted a military exercise code named "Operation PORTEX", meaning Puerto Rico Exercise, on the island of Vieques, against the US 82d Airborne Division and Others, on the eve of the Korean War, that led Colonel William W. Harris, the commanding officer of the 65th, to state: "Stopping the assault forces at the water’s edge proved that the Puerto Ricans could hold their own against the best-trained soldiers that the United States Army could put into the field"; Some US 65th Infantry- The Borinqueneers’ Epic Heroic Feats are: 1. In 1950, the 65th Infantry were the first fighting Infantrymen, of the U.S. 3d Infantry Division (The Rock of the Marne), to fearlessly meet the enemy on the battlefield of Korea (Pusan) and once courageously fought off a two Regiment Enemy size attack (twice their strength) to victory; 2. In 1950, after a huge Chinese Army joined the war on the North Korean side, the U.S. 1st Marine Division and the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division were forced into a major retreat; faced encirclement by hordes of Chinese Troops close to the Manchurian Border (Chosin Reservoir)…then, the 65th Infantry heroically moved forward fought to rescue them; protected the Soldiers and Marines’ withdrawal and supply lines…bravely staying to face a superior numbered enemy while covering the strategic withdrawal…; 3. At the strategic evacuation of Hungnam…The US 65th Infantry help hold overwhelming enemy forces in a rear guard action; was one of the last units to embark--helping protect UN/US Forces against vastly superior Enemy Forces… so they could successfully return to South Korea to fight again another day and restore land for a Free Korea The Borinqueneers help avert a potential catastrophic disaster… 4. In 1951, the 65th Infantry was in the midst of a desperate battle for hills 449 and 262 (outnumbered by the Enemy)--after 3 days of bloody fighting… two battalions of the 65th Infantry boldly fixed bayonets & audaciously charged the Chinese Troops making the enemy flee and capturing the hills in the last infantry battalion bayonet charge in U.S. Army history; 5. The 65th Infantry saved the 3rd Division Headquarters when an enemy infantry regiment infiltrated the lines at night. The US 65th Infantry was camped nearby, spotted the enemy and immediately counter attacked, saving the 3rd Division (the Rock of the Marne) Commanding General and his Staff; 6. Over the course of the Korean War Puerto Rico suffered one casualty for every 660 of its inhabitants as compared to one casualty for every 1,125 inhabitants in the States… proportionally suffering more casualties than a majority of States. Summary 1. The US 65th Infantry nobly fought for the good of all-locked in step with their Ancestors (roots) who fought in the US Revolutionary War for George Washington (and also were the first Europeans to discover Florida in 1513-- opened the doors to the advanced civilized settlement of the USA—107 years before the Pilgrims); 2. The Borinqueneers help pave the way for full integration in the Armed Forces, and by their example, are helping to advance our American Democracy; ensure equal US Citizenship civil rights for all that reside in the United States, under the US Flag; 3. In 1959, the US 65th Infantry Regiment (Borinqueneers) Colors were passed to the US Territory of Puerto Rico National Guard in 1959 (which today are fighting in the World War on Terrorism). This is the only time in US Army History that Active Unit Colors were not retired, but, turned over to a National Guard Unit which continues to valiantly defend us in the same tradition of the original Borinqueneers. 4. For valiantly defending our great Flag, they should be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal! • THANK YOU Colonel Evelio Otero! (Let’s give Colonel Evelio Otero a hand!)

MC Notes: • The Borinqueneers selflessly served and sacrificed; shed blood for our democracy; help ensure our prosperity as they faced segregation, discrimination, and limited civil rights (no 14

Federal Vote or just representation), but, the “Borinqueneers” always loyally protected our Nation. • Plus. These Citizen Soldiers made invaluable contributions to our beloved USA as Civilian Leaders who earned leadership positions and respect as businessmen, corporate executives, religious leaders, lawyers, doctors, educators, bankers, and political leaders. In the end the Congressional Gold medal Award should be based on their meritorious undaunted Acts of Valor--as they nobly fought for the good of all: Family, Community, Florida, USA, and Humanity. • Speaking on behalf of our Borinqueneers, and traveling from Puerto Rico, is past President of the 65th Infantry and Veterans Association (originally founded in 1935) --which is accepting American Veterans’ Membership and Sponsors, at the Veterans’ Tables, and soon plans to open a Chapter in Florida, information is found next to the NAUS Table in the Lobby. We must keep the Memory of our Borinqueneers alive! • I leave you with Borinqueneer SGM Francisco Alicea, US Army Retired (which will be escorted by his son COL Francisco Alicea, jr. (former Commander of the Combat Support Group in Korea). • Also, accompanying them is Javier Morales (American Veteran US Army-Vietnam War) Past President of the 65th Infantry Association and a noble human being that is selflessly working for the good of the Borinqueneers and American Veterans. It is a special privilege and high honor to leave you with true Patriots-- SGM Alicea, Javier Morales, and COL Alicea. (SGM Alicea Remarks) • Thank you very much, let’s give them a big hand! • I would like to add to the Borinqueneers’ Patriotic Story (Notes): As the Borinqueneers went to cruel bloody Wars, they sang the Borinqueneers’ Song which has been played and reads in English: (Read Song; Band Plays in Background) • Also, they and Families listened to “La Despedida” (“The Depature”) which speaks about sorrow in their departure as the Soldier is torn from his mother, father, sweetheart or wife, and family members-to an un-known destiny- - from which many would not return. • Please, listen to la “Despedida” Song. (Play Despedida Song) REPUBLIC OF KOREA MEDAL & PROCLAMATION • The Republic of Korea recently (in July 2013) again honored, in Caguas, Puerto Rico, all brave American Korean War Veterans, including our Borinqueneers-- that valiantly fought in the United Nations Korean Conflict with the US Republic of Korea Gold Medal and “Ambassador for Peace” Proclamation that can be found on the Fallen & Departed Honor Table underneath Borinqueneer Celio Freytes-Menendez. It is unusual that another Nation, after so much time, graciously renders such a high Honor. • The ROK Official Proclamation- “Ambassador for Peace” Reads: It is a great honor and pleasure to express the everlasting gratitude of the Republic of Korea and our People for the service you and your countrymen have performed in restoring and preserving our freedom and democracy. We cherish in our hearts the memory of your boundless sacrifices in helping us reestablish our Free Nation. In grateful recognition of your dedicated contributions, it is our privilege to proclaim you an 15

“AMBASSADOR FOR PEACE” with every good wish of the people of the Republic of Korea. Let each of us reaffirm our mutual respect and friendship that they may endure for generations to come. Signed: Minister Park, Sung Choon (Republic of Korea) and Park, Se Hwan (General Ret., ROK Army; and Chairman Korean Veterans Association. • Our straight and stalwart Korean War US Veterans and Borinqueneers have been proclaimed as Ambassadors of Peace, we thank all for their noble service to Humanity! • Besides, we recently received a Letter from the Republic of Korea that ends: “… we send our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all the Borinqueneers who loyally served and sacrificed for the freedom of Korea. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten”! • We thank the great Republic of Korea for their gracious and kind remembrance of the brave deeds of the US 65th Infantry Regiment by honoring our brave Borinqueneers, after this long passage of time. The Borinqueneers now have a new title: “Ambassadors of Peace”! • These brave Borinqueneers which are Patriots (of true grit) deserve a place with all American Heroes-- should be honored, commended, and never forgotten for their great epic feats in our defense; and for the good of all. • Now, let us all commit-- in strongly urging our US Congress and US President to recognize the bravery and sacrifices of the United States 65th Infantry Regiment--the Borinqueneers by awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to these true Warrior Heroes and selfless defenders of our great United States. • Among the key Partner Supporters of our Borinqueneers that have provided

Proclamations, Resolutions, Memorials or Letters of support or are arduously working on a Congressional Gold Medal for our Borinqueneers, are: (READ KEY PARTNERS’ SUPPORTERS’ LIST) IV-SPECIAL REMARKS (National, State, Local, and American Veterans) • Now we have some very Special Guests/ Public Officials and Servants (from State, Local, and National level)-- who will provide brief remarks in this unique bi-partisan Magna American Veterans-Borinqueneers-Patriots Gathering. • 1st to speak is our key note Speaker-the great Florida Governor- Rick Scott-- who has been a strong supporter of American Veterans and our US 65th Infantry Regiment the Borinqueneers... Governor Rick Scott is a Patriot of true Grit who has worked hard and immensely made great contributions for the good of our beloved Florida! It is my distinct honor to leave you with the Honorable Governor of Florida: Rick Scott. (Big Hand) (GOVERNOR’s REMARKS) • •

GOVERNOR PRESENTATION of AMERICAN VETERANS’ MEDALS & AWARDS Florida Governor Rick Scott will now present all Borinqueneers’ with the FL Veterans Medal. After which, our Borinqueneers will receive other awards (from Com. Rentas, Com. Quinones, and National Association for Uniformed Services-BG George Landis. Others will mention their awards and provide it the Borinqueneers later. The PRNG Band will play background typical classic music from Puerto Rico and end with Patriotic Song and Video. (Start Music-Medal Presentation; Music; Borinqueneers Patriotic Video)

FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATORS’ (Borinqueneers’ Memorial): Please, welcome our

Honorable FL State Legislators: Sen. Daren Soto, FL Rep. David Santiago, and FL Representative Victor Torres representing the Florida Senate and Florida House: for some brief Comments on the Florida Borinqueneers’ Memorial passed by our Florida 16

Legislators. All are strong supporters of American Veterans, good friends, and exceptional Public Servants. It is my honor to leave you with true public servants: (Senator Darren Soto, Rep. David Santiago, Rep. Victor Torres Remarks) US HOUSE/ CONGRESS (HR 1726): Please, welcome our Honorable Congressmen who will

make some brief remarks: US Rep. Posey has the distinction of Co-introducing with PR RC Pierluisi, in April 2013- a bi-partisan US HOUSE (HR 1726) which was Co-Sponsored by US Rep. Grayson, and others. They were key in starting the process for a Congressional Gold Medal for the Borinqueneers in the US House that now has about 85 Co-Sponsors of the 290 Congressmen needed. All are strong supporters of our American Veterans; gifted public Officials that serve well their Constituents and our USA. • It is my Honor to leave you with: • Congressman Posey (who is an Honorary Chair of this Patriotic Event) • PR RC Pierluisi: (Read Letter or TBD) • Congressman Grayson (who is an Honorary Chair of this Patriotic Event) US SENATE/CONGRESS (S. 1174): US Senator Marco Rubio and US Senator Bill Nelson have the distinction of Co-Sponsoring US Senate (S. 1174)- that was key in starting the process for a Congressional Gold Medal for the Borinqueneers in the US Senate. US Senator Blumenthal (CT) is the Sponsor. Today, we have about 15 US Senators, but, need 67. We need to reach out to the others by next year. • Both Florida US Senators are strong supporters of American Veterans and the Borinqueneers… • It’s an honor to leave you, representing US Senator Rubio is Carolyn Vega. • US Senator Marcos Rubio (For: Carolyn Vega) • US Senator Bill Nelson (Read Letter) US COMMONWEALTH of PUERTO RICO: We have the special honor to have representing the Governor of the US Commonwealth of Puerto Rico the Honorable Juan E. Hernandez Mayoral who is a super Public Official that has been at the forefront in working hard for the good of Puerto Rico and the US. He is a former PR Senator; son of former PR Governor Rafael Hernandez Colon, and now the PR Federal Affairs Executive Director. It is my high honor and pleasure to leave you with the Honorable Juan E. Hernandez Mayoral. (Sen. Juan Hernandez Remarks) V- CEREMONY CLOSING REMARKS • In Closing, this American Veterans-Borinqueneers Honor Ceremony, we have some distinguished American Veterans that will provide some closing remarks. • General Emmett Titshaw is the Adjutant General of Florida National Guard who is a stalwart supporter of all American Veterans and has served with distinction. It is my honor to leave you with General Emmett Titshaw. (General Titshaw Remarks) • General Hector Pagan (US Army Ret.; who graduated from the ROTC, University of Puerto Rico. Among his mayor assignments, he was the Commanding General, Special Operations Command South. SOCSOUTH is the Special Operations component for SOUTHCOM, in charge of planning and executing special operations missions in Latin America and the Caribbean (with responsibilities for over 32 Countries.) It’s a distinct honor to leave you with General Hector Pagan! (General Pagan Remarks) (After Remarks: “Soldiers of Liberty-Airborne Song”/ 1st Part GOF) • We have honored and recognized all our American Veterans and Emergency

Responders; focused on the US 65th Infantry-The Borinqueneers who need your strong


• • •

• • • • • •

support for a Congressional Gold Medal. They are simple and humble US Citizens— Giants that helped make America great! Please, call or email our US President and Congress--request a well deserve Congressional Gold Medal for our noble Borinqueneers who fought valiantly for all of us! THANKS to our Sponsors, American Veterans, Staff, and all that contributed to this Magna Ceremony… Some are: (READ THANK YOU LISTS: SPONSORS; STAFF) Let’s Give them all a big hand! This Magna American Veterans-Borinqueneers-Patriots Gathering continues with the fun, entertainment and service to all!—Please, stay for the free entertainment…, and services to be provided by American Veterans’ Assistance Teams (from: Federal, State, and local Government; VITAS, and Other American Veterans’ and Civic Organizations) --that are here to serve all of you! Their Tables are located behind this stage--while the entertainment continues you can come back and forth. Remember, we leave no American Veteran behind! Good Soldiers never die nor fade away—their noble Warrior Fighting Spirit for a just cause—will live forever! “Please Stand! Let’s All Sing: God Bless America! (Band plays; and all sing: God Bless America) Our Governor, and the Borinqueneers will depart and, after they take a break, will join you during the Patriots Gathering. Let’s give them a hand! (Escort takes Positions; Play 65th Infantry Marching Song as the Party departs.) “Retrieve the Colors” (Marching Song: It’s a Grand Old Flag; after Colors are picked up.) “Please take your seats!” Don’t leave, stay for the entertainment with the great MC/ Host Palmira; if you need to receive any services or pass by the Civic Tables, please, go next door and come back for fun! Work for the good of all; enjoy life; have fun! THANKS! Take it away Palmira!

****PATRIOTS GATHERING**** SHOW & ENTERTAINMENT Host/MC: Palmira Ubinas (President AIPEH) (Brief Comments on 500th Florida Discovery/ Ponce de Leon Statute-Rafael Picon) PLENEROS DE LA CENTRAL: Mañana por la Mañana; Borinqueña; Pégate DANNY RIVERA, JR.: Bendita Bandera; Verde Luz; Buen Borincano VALERIA HERNANDEZ: En mi Viejo San Juan; América JULIA ESTRELLA: Preciosa; Bello Amanecer; Lamento Borincano JOE DELIZ: Hello my Friend! Sonando con Puerto Rico! *VA ASSISTANCE TEAM TABLES OPEN (Claims; Problems; Health) *AMERICAN VETERANS & CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS TABLES OPEN


-American VeteransBorinqueneers’ Honor Ceremony & Patriots Gathering PR O G RAM Host/MC: Dennis O. Freytes, American Veteran; VP NAUS SE “Borinqueneers’ Motorcycle Club” Borinqueneers’: Ride-In (-30 minutes Start) Music: Famous Puerto Rico National Guard Band (-15 minutes Start) Borinqueneers’ Entrance (Escort: Knights of Columbus; Ponce de Leon-descendant John Ayes Browne) PART I: OPENING Invocation American Veteran Rob Medina (USMC) Rev. Dr. Angel Marcial, Bishop, Church of God (Southeast USA) US Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Anthem, and USA National Anthem (Color Guard: Solivitas Veterans’ Club) (Marching Song: It’s a Grand Old Flag) Introduction of Special Guests PART II TRIBUTE to AMERICAN VETERANS & EMERGENCY RESPONDERS (Armed Forces Medley-POWs-MIA; Wind Beneath My Wings)

Civil Air Patrol 463d Cadet Squadron HONOR TO DEPARTED AND FALLEN HEROES (Rifle Salute; TAPS; Old Soldiers Never Die) (Osceola County Veterans’ Council) PART III BORINQUENEERS’ & FAMILIES HONOR CEREMONY Salutation Remarks CHAIRS: Hon. Wanda Rentas, (Kissimmee); Hon. John Quinones (Osceola County) Chairman Osceola County Frank Adkinson Introduction of Borinqueneers and Families Borinqueneers’ History COL Evelio Otero 65th Infantry and Veterans Association (Since 1935) SGM Francisco Alicea (US Army Retired) and Javier Morales (American Veteran) (Video “La Despedida” with Danny Rivera) Republic of Korea Proclamation (Gold Medal & Ambassador of Peace Proclamation-July 2013) Borinqueneers’ Support Resolutions, Proclamations, Certificates & Letters SPECIAL KEY NOTE REMARKS Florida Governor Rick Scott Presentation of the FL American Veterans’ Medal to the Borinqueneers (Puerto Rico Classic/ Typical Music; end Patriotic American the Beautiful Video) SPECIAL REMARKS FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATORS’ (Borinqueneers’ Memorial) Senator Darren Soto; Rep. David Santiago; Rep. Victor Torres US HOUSE/ CONGRESS (HR 1726) US Rep. Bill Posey (Hon. Chair); US Rep. Alan Grayson (Hon. Chair) US SENATE/CONGRESS (S. 1174) US Senator Marcos Rubio (For: Carolyn Vega); US Senator Bill Nelson (For: Celeste Brown)


US COMMONWEALTH of PUERTO RICO HON. Juan E. Hernandez Mayoral (PRFAA Executive Director) PART IV CLOSING AMERICAN VETERANS’ REMARKS Mayor General Emmett Titshaw (Adjutant General Florida National Guard) Brigadier General Hector Pagan (US Army Ret.; Commanding General Special Operations) American Veteran Dennis Freytes (Soldiers of Liberty Airborne Song) THANKS! God Bless America! All Sing God Bless America! Retire the Colors (It’s a Grand Old Flag) ****PATRIOTS GATHERING**** SHOW, ENTERTAINMENT, & SERVICES Host/MC: Palmira Ubinas (President AIPEH) PLENEROS DE LA CENTRAL: Mañana por la Mañana; Borinqueña; Pégate DANNY RIVERA, JR.: Bendita Bandera; Verde Luz; Buen Borincano VALERIA HERNANDEZ: En mi Viejo San Juan; América JULIA ESTRELLA: Preciosa; Bello Amanecer; Lamento Borincano JOE DELIZ: Hello my Friend! Sonando con Puerto Rico! PRNG Band: PR and US Medley: TBD *VA ASSISTANCE TEAM TABLES OPEN (Claims; Problems; Health) *AMERICAN VETERANS & CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS TABLES OPEN *HONRARY CHAIRS: US Rep. Posey; US Rep. Grayson *CHAIRS: Com. Wanda Rentas; Com. John Quinones *CHIEF FACILITATOR (NAUS): American Veteran Dennis Freytes *VICE CHAIRS: Palmira Ubina, Dora Toro (Madrina), Betsy Franceschini, & Don Smith.


CEREMONY MUSIC LIST/ PLAY ORDER (Per Sequence of Events) 1. Borinqueneers’ March Song (PRNG Band) 2. Grand Old Flag (Color Guard March Song) (CD or PRNG BAND) 3. PR Borinquena (Harold and PRNG Band) 4. Republic of Korea Anthem (TBD-PRNG Band) 5. US National Anthem (PRNG BAND) 6. Tribute: Armed Forces Medley (Songs: US Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, & Coast Guard) (PRNG BAND or CD) 7. Tribute ALL/1st Responders: Wind Beneath My Wings (Short rendition-TBD) 8. TAPS (3 Buglers) (Don Smith Coordinates) 9. Old Soldiers Never Die (PRNG Band or Tape) 10. Vengo a Decirle Adios a los Muchachos (Video or PRNG Band) 11. Music Interlude (Not more than 2 minutes each/short renditions): • America the Beautiful (Video) • PRNG Band-Medley 12. Soldiers of Liberty 82d Airborne Song (PRNG Band or Tape) 13. Close: Grand Old Flag (Color Guard March Song) (PRNG Band or CD); 14. God Bless America (PRNG Band and all Sing). CEREMONY POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS/ SEQUENCE: TBD PATRIOTS’ GATHERING/ ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM TBD (MC HOST: Palmira Ubinas)


MASTER MEDIA RELEASE 1 *Note: PRESS CONFERENCE: 14 Sept./ 12:30 pm/ Kissimmee Civic Center American Veterans-Borinqueneers-Patriots Gathering American Veterans together with Government and Civic Organizations are inviting all to a Magna Event (1st in the Nation) that will honor all American Veterans; support the US 65 th Infantry RegimentBorinqueneers’ Congressional Gold Medal; and hold a Patriots’ Gathering-- with services and fun (free entertainment featuring the famous “Puerto Rico National Guard Band”, Singers, and other Entertainers). Besides, there will be Assistance Teams to help Veterans and Public with problems, claims, & health fair. DATE: 14 September (Saturday): TIME: 1 pm; DOORS OPEN: 12 pm COST: FREE LOCATION: Kissimmee Civic Center (201 E. Dakin Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34786) PARKING: Surrounding area & Osceola County Administration Parking. (Special Invitees include FL Governor Scott, US REP Posey, US REP Grayson, and many others.) The brave US 65th Infantry Regiment from Puerto Rico (many now live in the States) which linage was created by Congress in 1899--played a prominent role in our American Military—bravely participating in three U.S. wars (WW-I, WW-II, Korea and other conflicts). Its Colors were passed to the Puerto Rico National Guard which continues the brave Infantry tradition of defending our great USA. I remember my Father Celio Freytes-Menendez—CIB w/Star (WW-II and Korea) and my Uncles Erasto and Anibal whom, along with other noble Borinqueneers, loyally served and fought for the good of all, as they suffered discrimination, segregation, and limited US Citizenship (no vote in Federal Elections nor have just representation in Congress). They fought in step with their Ancestors (roots) who discovered Florida/ USA-brought advanced civilization (of the times) and Christianity -107 years before the Pilgrims; fought in the US War of Independence, Civil War, and other conflicts in defense of our great USA Flag. General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur, once stated: “the Puerto Ricans…of the gallant 65th Infantry on the battlefields of Korea by valor, determination, and a resolute will to victory give daily testament to their invincible loyalty to the United States… They write a brilliant record of achievement in battle and I am proud indeed to have them in this command. I wish that we might have many more like them!” The Borinqueneers (US 65th Infantry Regiment) from the US Territory of Puerto Rico (PR) stand to receive the Congressional Gold Medal (CGM)-highest Congressional Award, if Congress approves legislation (HR 1726 & S.1174). Key Sponsors: US REP Posey, PR RC Pierluisi, and US Senator Blumenthal. Some Co-Sponsors: US Senator Rubio, US Senator Nelson, and others. They need your strong support to get 290 US House, 67 US Senate Co-Sponsors, and our President for passage. We hope you Partner with other Patriots; pay tribute to all American Veterans and 1 st Emergency Responders; plus urge Congress to duly recognize the Borinqueneers’ (from Puerto Rico-Boriken) for their enormous sacrifices, and un-usual obstacles they valiantly overcame in defending our USA. The brave Borinqueneers deserve a place with all American Heroes for their great epic feats as they fought for the good of all: Family, Community, USA, & Humanity! **INFO/Contact: WWW.65THCGM.ORG ** Support American Veterans: WWW.NAUS.ORG XXX US Senators: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm; US Congressmen: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ US President: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm; CONTACT: Dennis Freytes, VP NAUS SE; Borinqueneers’ National Support Partners (Email: dennisfreytes@hotmail.com ; PH: 407-298-1151) 22

(Information for Congressional Gold Medal Proclamation) US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers Resolution To recognize and honor the brave US 65th Infantry Regiment-The Borinqueneers; and recommend they be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by Congress and President of the United States: WHEREAS: The U.S. 65th Infantry Regiment (Borinqueneers) traces its linage from the first U.S. Infantry Battalion of native Puerto Rico Volunteer Troops authorized by Congress in 1899 - fought bravely for all of us as they loyally defended America against all enemies while facing discrimination, segregation, limited US Citizenship, and overcoming obstacles as they accomplished many heroic feats; WHEREAS: in WW-I, after Puerto Rico (PR) patriotically requested that the Selective Service Draft law be extended to PR (236,853 men were registered; 17,855 served)- the U.S. 65 th Infantry went to war strength of about 1969 men; defended the Panama Canal…; (while the first US shots fired in WW-I (1915) on the German supply ship “Odenwald”, came from EL Morro Castle, Puerto Rico), and Others fought valiantly overseas for liberty; WHEREAS: During War II- the 65th Infantry gallantly served in North Africa & Europe (Italy, Francewhere it saw combat action, and Germany); won the following Battle Campaign Awards: Naples-Foggian, Rome-Arne, Central Europe, and Rhineland Campaigns. After the war, the 65th Infantry was assigned dangerous security, anti-sabotage and other occupation missions around Kaiserslautern & Mannheim, Germany. The Borinqueneers were among the last Units to come Home; WHEREAS: During the Korean War, some 61,000 Soldiers from PR served with the U.S. Army; 6,000 with the U.S. 65th Infantry that covered itself again in glory; distinguished themselves over a three year period: receiving nine Korean Battle Campaign Awards, the Presidential and Meritorious Unit Commendations, two Korean Presidential Unit Citations, the Greek Gold Medal, Navy Unit Commendation, and many other awards for bravery and were credited with the last successful bayonet assault against a superior enemy ( twice their strength) in U.S. Army history; WHEREAS, The 65th Infantry was awarded 9 Battle Campaign Awards for bravery: UN Defense-1950, UN Offense-1950, CCF Intervention-1950, First UN Counterattack Offensive-1951, UN and CCF Spring Offensive-1951, UN Summer-Fall Offensive-1951, 2nd Korean Winter 1951–52, Korean Summer-Fall1952 and 3rd Korean Winter-1952-53. WHEREAS: Over the span of World War I (WWI), World War II (WWII) and the Korean War, the Borinqueneers earned ten Distinguished Service Crosses, 258 Silver Stars, 628 Bronze Stars, over 2,700 Purple Hearts, and many other individual awards; WHEREAS: In 1950, the 65th Infantry were the first fighting Infantrymen, of the U.S. 3d Infantry Division (The Rock of the Marne), to fearlessly meet the enemy on the battlefield of Korea (Pusan); WHEREAS: In 1950, after a huge Chinese Army joined the war on the North Korean side, the U.S. 1st Marine Division and the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division were forced into a major retreat; faced encirclement by hordes of Chinese Troops close to the Manchurian Border (Chosin Reservoir)…then, the 65th Infantry heroically fought to rescue them; protected the Soldiers and Marines’ withdrawal and supply lines…bravely staying to face a superior numbered enemy…; WHEREAS: At the strategic evacuation of Hungnam…The US 65th Infantry help hold overwhelming enemy forces in a rear guard action; was one of the last units to embark--helping protect UN/US Forces against vastly superior Enemy Forces… so they could successfully return to South Korea to fight again another day; averting a potential catastrophic disaster; WHEREAS: The Borinqueneers, in 1951, were in the midst of a desperate battle for hills 449 and 262 (outnumbered by the Enemy)--after 3 days of bloody fighting… two battalions of the 65th Infantry boldly fixed bayonets & audaciously charged the Chinese Troops making the enemy flee and capturing the hills; WHEREAS: The 65th Infantry saved the 3rd Division Headquarters when an enemy infantry regiment infiltrated the lines. The 65th was camped nearby, spotted the enemy and immediately counter attacked, saving the 3rd Division Commanding General and his staff; WHEREAS: Over the course of the Korean War Puerto Rico suffered one casualty for every 660 of its inhabitants as compared to one casualty for every 1,125 inhabitants of the States… proportionally suffering more casualties than a majority of States; 23

WHEREAS: General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur, once stated: “…the Puerto Ricans…of the gallant 65th Infantry on the battlefields of Korea by valor, determination, and a resolute will to victory give daily testament to their invincible loyalty to the United States… They write a brilliant record of achievement in battle and I am proud indeed to have them in this command. I wish that we might have many more like them!”; WHEREAS, The US 65th Infantry Regiment distinguished itself when the United States conducted a military exercise code named "Operation PORTEX", meaning Puerto Rico Exercise, on the island of Vieques, against the US 82d Airborne Division and Others, on the eve of the Korean War, that led Colonel William W. Harris, the commanding officer of the 65th, to state: "Stopping the assault forces at the water’s edge proved that the Puerto Ricans could hold their own against the best-trained soldiers that the United States Army could put into the field"; WHEREAS, The US 65th Infantry nobly fought for the good of all in step with their Ancestors (roots) who fought in the US Revolutionary War for George Washington (and also were the first Europeans to discover Florida in 1513-- opened the doors to the advanced civilized settlement of the USA—107 years before the Pilgrims); WHEREAS, The Borinqueneers help pave the way for full integration in the Armed Forces, and by their example, are helping to advance our American Democracy; ensure equal US Citizenship civil rights for all that reside in the United States, under the US Flag; WHEREAS, In 1959, the US 65th Infantry Regiment (Borinqueneers) Colors were passed to the US Territory of Puerto Rico National Guard in 1959 (which today are fighting in the World War on Terrorism). This is the only time in US Army History that Active Unit Colors were not retired, but, turned over to a National Guard Unit; WHEREAS: The Borinqueneers selflessly served and sacrificed; shed blood for our democracy; help ensure our prosperity as they faced segregation, discrimination, and limited civil rights (no Federal Vote or just representation), but, the “Borinqueneers” always loyally protected our Nation; made invaluable contributions to our beloved USA as Military and Civilian Leaders and Workers; nobly fought for the good of all: Family, Community, Florida, USA, and Humanity; WHEREAS, Major achievements are attributed to many of those who returned to civilian life and earned leadership positions and respect as businessmen, corporate executives, religious leaders, lawyers, doctors, educators, bankers, and political leaders; WHEREAS, These brave Borinqueneers deserve a place with all American Heroes-- should be honored, commended, and never forgotten for their great epic feats, by our great State of Florida, and the United States of America; WHEREAS, the original (1934) “US 65th Infantry Regiment Association” are the principle keepers of the Borinqueneers’ brave flame of devotion to: Duty, Honor, Country; WHEREAS: the Congressional Gold Medal, along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, are the highest civilian awards in the United States, awarded to persons who have performed an achievement that has an impact on American history and culture that is likely to be recognized as a major achievement in the recipient's field long after the achievement, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the SE Region of the National Association for Uniformed Services (NAUS): That, in recognition of the bravery and sacrifice of the United States 65th Infantry Regiment, the Borinqueneers, the President and the Congress of the United States are urged to award the Congressional Gold Medal to these true heroes and defenders of our great nation.


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