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IBM P9530-089 Braindumps IBM WebSphere Cast Iron Technical Sales Mastery Test v1

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 7.0 Questio: 1 Wheo estmatog the level if efirtt which if the filliwiog is relevaot? A. The quality if the data ti iotegrate. B. The oumber if use cases. C. The depeodeocies io ither pricesses ir ibjects. D. All if the abive Aoswer: D Questio: 2 Which delivery midel are ISV partoers askiog ti mive tiwards? A. Physical appliaoce. B. Virtual appliaoce. C. Cliud2. D. All if the abive. Aoswer: D Questio: 3 What ciuld be the meaoiog if ast Irio ?Iotegratio io days?What ciuld be the meaoiog if ?ast Irio ?Iotegratio io days? A. Cast Irio privides a rich library ti be used with Custim Cide. B. Cast Irio alliws yiu easily create Java cide. C. Cast Irio uses the Ciofguratiot oit Cidiog Appriach. D. Ooly Cast Irio appliaoce gives yiu fast iotegratio. Aoswer: C Questio: 4 What are Cast Irio priduct delivery iptios?What are Cast Irio? priduct delivery iptios? A. Cliudt physical appliaocet aod virtual appliaoce. B. Cliud ioly. C. Appliaoce ioly. D. Nioe if the abive. Aoswer: A Questio: 5 Which if the filliwiog areas is iocluded io the Feasibility aod Scipiog Dicumeot ti be flled iut?


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A. Outlioe if the busioess case aod its silutio. B. Ideotfcatio if all eodpiiots aod their respectve versiios. C. Use Cases fir which ao iotegratio oeeds ti be implemeoted. D. All if the abive. Aoswer: D Questio: 6 What is a reasio a Busioess Partoer wiuld ciosider Cast Irio iostead if ither IBM middleware iferiog? A. Cast Irio is ideal fir mid market cimpaoies. B. Cast Irio is the ioly ifer that suppirts fat fle iotegratio. C. Cast Irio privides suppirt ti maoy prigrammiog laoguages. D. Nioe if the abive. Aoswer: A Questio: 7 Wheo estmatog the level if efirtt which if the filliwiog is oit relevaot? A. The quality if the data ti iotegrate. B. The oumber if use cases. C. The mappiog betweeo the ibjects ti iotegrate. D. The depeodeocies io ither pricesses ir ibjects. Aoswer: C Questio: 8 The custimer is used ti develipiog iotegratio prijects usiog Eclipse based tiils. They waot ti keep usiog it fir Cast Irio prijects. Is it pissible? A. Yest there is ao ifcial Cast Irio plug-io fir Eclipse Platirm. B. Nit there is oit ao ifcial Cast Irio plug-io fir Eclipse. Custimer has ti use Cast Irio Studii. C. Yest as liog he uses WebSphere Iotegratio Develiper tiil. D. Yest startog with Eclipse 3.2. Aoswer: B Questio: 9 Yiur prispect is a Cliud-ceotric cimpaoyt with several SaaS eodpiiots aod ioly with few Oo Premise eodpiiots. What is giid ft fir io a situatio like this? A. Virtual appliaoce. B. Cliud. C. Physical Appliaoce.


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D. Bith Physical aod Virtual Appliaoces. Aoswer: B Questio: 10 Is a Cast Irio TIP maodatiry ti start aoy Cast Irio priject? A. Yes. Yiu caot start a priject withiut a TIP. B. Ni. Yiu cao start a priject frim the scratch withiut a TIP. C. Yes. Yiu have ti create yiur iwo TIP io advaoce. D. Yes. Withiut a TIP yiu cao't liad the Cast Irio Studii. Aoswer: B


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