Wheelbarrow Series 2022

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Gardening Classes That Help You Grow!

Sign Up For The Entire Series And Pay In Full By February 10th And Save 10%! $21.00 Value!!!

Thursday February 17th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Plant Champions For 2022 In this program we are going to concentrate on plant varie es that have won awards for 2022. We will discuss this years All America Selec ons, American Rose Society Winners, Gold Medal Award Winners, Perennial Plants of the year and much more! Register by February 10th. Free!

Thursday February 24th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Must Sow Annuals And How To Start Them Join us for a fun look into growing annual flowers from seed. These annuals are easy to grow and will make it easy for you to have boun ful blooms throughout the growing season. Par cipants will receive packets of seeds to try at home, register by February 17th, supply fee $10.00.

Thursday March 10th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Vegetable Gardening With Heirloom Varie es Heirloom varie es were selected for taste not shipping quality. And if you think “hybrid” home grown vegetables taste good, heirloom varie es will knock your socks off! In this installment we will discuss variety selec on and the basics of growing a boun ful 3 season garden with great tas ng heirlooms. Each par cipant will take home a treasure‐trove of seeds to try at home, nutri on informa on, and recipes. Register by February 20th. $10.00 Thursday March 17th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Blueberries In Kentucky Join us for an in‐depth look into how to grow delicious juicy blueberries in Kentucky. Register by March 1st. Limit 25 par cipants. $20.00 supply charge. Each par cipant will take home three Kentucky grown blueberry plants in one gallon containers. Including one each of Nelson, Ellio , and Legacy blueberry varie es. As well as nutri on informa on and recipes.

Thursday March 24th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing June Bearing Raspberries Join us to learn how to grow radiant raspberries in your backyard. We will discuss the advantages of growing June bearing compared to primocane bearing raspberries as well. Register by March 1st. Each par cipants will take home 4 bare root Royalty Raspberry plants (this variety is unique). Limit 25. $15.00. Thursday March 31st at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Heavenly Heucheras Join us to look at this group of perennials that depending on variety you can grow in shade, part sun, and full sun. This group of perennials have came a long way through breeding! These are like having perennial coleus! Limit 22. $20.00. Each par cipant will receive 4 heucheras in quart pots. Par cipants can choose 4 from the following: Apple Twist, Evening Gown, Peachberry Ice, Wild Rose, and Lemon Love. These retail $20.00 each!

Thursday April 14th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM The Summer Garden Headliner, Hardy Hibiscus There have been great gains in the breeding and produc on of hardy hibiscus, we have new colors, new sizes, and a much longer bloom season. Join us to take a look into growing this summer showstopper! Each par cipant will choose four of the following bareroot varie es: Evening Rose, Inner Glow, Starry Starry Night, Summer Carnival, and French Vanilla. Register by March 20th, Supply Charge $20.OO. Limit 22 Par cipants. Each of these retail for $18.00 each. Thursday April 21st at 10:00 AM Only Hor culture How To: Growing Corn For Meal In this session we are going to discuss corn variety selec on for meal corn, how to grow it, details on harves ng, drying, and storage as well. We will also have a hands on grinding and si ing session for those that want to experience it. Homemade fried cornbread with bu er will be served! Limit 25. Register by April 1st.

Thursday April 28th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Herbs And Their Uses In this session we will discuss numerous types of herbs and their historical uses including culinary, medicinal, and other. Any claim to medical benefit is purely anecdotal. Free. Register by April 1st. Thursday May 12th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Flowering Shrubs For Mul ple Landscape Uses In this session we will explore Fathergilla Legend of The Fall Rose of Sharon Paraplu Violet the best flowering shrubs Hydrangea Invincibelle Spirit II (mostly new varie es) and Hydrangea Little Lime Punch Hydrangea Bobo how they can be used as Hydrangea Gatsby Gal founda on plan ngs, for Hypericum Blue Festival privacy, as a specimen, and Itea Fizzy Wizzy Lilac Scentara Pura best of all in the perennial Weigelia Midnight Sun border! Woody plants aren’t Magnolia Ann just structure and place fillers Cheanomeles Double Take Scarlet anymore! Each par cipant will Caryopteris Beyond Midnight Mock Orange Illuminati Sparks choose 7 of 14 varie es listed. (po ed in quart containers). $50.00 and limit 30 par cipants. Each variety retails for $20.00 each!

Thursday May 19th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Hens And Chicks These plants remind me of my childhood and I know of no one that doesn’t like or at the very least find them interes ng. Join us to take a look at this fun easy to grow perennial. $5.00. Limit 25 par cipants, register by May 15th. Each par cipant will pick 2 of the following: Sempervivum Pacific Blue Ice, Peggy, and Ruby Heart. June 9th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Low Care Landscape Roses Roses are the Queens of the flower world, however they have a reputa on for being fussy. These landscape roses are easy and require li le care. In this session we will discuss all things roses! Each par cipant will pick 3 from the following 5 varie es to take home. Reminiscent Pink, Sunorita, Ringo Star, Oso Easy Peasy, and At Last. Limit 22 par cipants, $20.00. These retail $20.00 each.

Free Soil Tests for Washington County Residents If you know of anyone that would like to be put on the hor culture mailing list have them call the Extension Office at 859‐336‐7741.

It’s FREE!!!

We Are On The Web!!! washington.ca.uky.edu Facebook at: h ps://www.facebook.com/WashingtonCountyKentucky4H/


Thursday June 16th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Clema s: Queen of Vines Clema s aren’t hard to grow or to keep looking nice through the season but they do come in varying types as far as bloom me, growth habit, size, shape, pruning needs etc. In this session we will cover all things clema s so they can really be the queen of your garden. Register by May 1st. Each par cipant will pick 3 from the following: Sweet Summer Love, Sparky Blue, Viva Polonia, Pink Mink, and Jolly Good. Limit 22 par cipants, $20.00

Thursday June 23rd at 10:00 AM Only Hor culture How To‐Na ve Plants For Pollinators In this session we will discuss the best na ve plants for pollinators. These plants may serve as nectar sources, larvae food, shelter, or all three. A er class we will plant a na ve plant pollinator garden and we would like to have volunteers to help. The soil will be ready you just need to help plant the 50 small plants. Register by June 1st.

Thursday June 30th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Weed ID And Control In The Landscape/Garden Weeds are probably the worst problem we have in our gardens and landscapes. They are varied and can be hard to control. Join us to learn what weed you have and the best op ons for control. Learning a weeds life cycle allows you to target your control methods at the right me. Register by June 1st. You are welcome to bring weeds in for iden fica on. Free.

Thursday August 11th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Great Greens In The Fall Most people think of growing and ea ng greens in the spring but fall greens are the best! In the fall as greens mature the weather is cooling and it enhances sugars in the plant and reduces hot or bi er flavors. In this session we will discuss when and what to plant, cultural requirements, nutri on, harvest, and season extension. Register by August 1st. Free, and seeds will be available as well. Limit 30.

Thursday August 25th at 10:00 AM Only Hor culture How To‐Leaf Cas ng Par cipants will make cas ngs using a cement mixture. Cas ngs can be used as garden art, bird baths, or even a shallow planter. Please bring a large leaf with pronounced veining to cast. Free. Register by August 10th. Limit 15. Thursday September 8th at 10:00 AM Only Hor culture How To‐Seed And Plant Swap This isn’t a class at all but just what the tle implies! Bring at least 5 packets of seed, store bought or home saved is fine. Also bring 5 plants to swap. Perennials, shrubs/trees, and houseplants are best. Free. Register by September 1st. Be sure to label everything. Thursday September 22nd at 10 AM and 6 PM Japanese Iris Japanese iris are more elegant than bearded iris with foliage that is more grass like and upright. Join us to learn how to grow these beau es. Each par cipant will receive at least 3 plants as well. Register by September 1st. $15.00.

Thursday September 29th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Fall Garden/Prewinter Chores There are several things that need to be done in and around the garden in the fall. In this session we will discuss chores that will help you and your garden ease into fall and winter for a successful spring. Register by September 1st. Tuesday October 20th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Pruning Trees And Shrubs In this session we will discuss proper pruning cuts, tools you will need, and how to rejuvenate old plants. We will also cover when to prune what species and why proper pruning me is important. Register by Oct. 1st. Tuesday Nov. 3rd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Caring For Holiday Plants Many of us receive plants for the holidays and don’t know how to care for them. Come learn strategies to prolong bloom, a er care, and ul mately how to get them to rebloom season a er season. Register by October 1st.

Gardeners Wheelbarrow Series 2022 Fill This Registration Out and Keep One For Your Records Circle if you will be attending the Morning or Evening Sessions If Applicable And Total At The Bottom

Attention!!! If An AM Or PM Session Doesn’t Have At Least 5 To Register For That Session It Will Be Canceled Via One Call Feb 17th AM Feb 24th AM Mar 10th AM

PM Plant Champions For 2022 PM Must Sow Annuals PM Heirloom Vegetable Varieties

Free $10.00 $10.00

Mar 17th AM

PM Bountiful Blueberries


Mar 24th AM Mar 31st AM Apr 14th AM

PM June Bearing Raspberries PM Heavenly Heucheras PM Hardy Hibiscus Horticulture How To NA Growing Corn For Meal PM Herbs And Their Uses PM Flowering Shrubs For All Landscape PM Hens And Chicks PM Landscape Roses PM The Queens of Flowering Vines: Clematis Horticulture How To NA Native Plants For Pollinators

$15.00 $20.00 $20.00

Jun 30th AM

PM Weed Control and ID In The Landscape


Aug 11th AM

PM Growing Great Greens In The Fall Free Horticulture How To NA Free Leaf Casting Horticulture How To NA Free Seed And Plant Swap PM Growing Japanese Iris In Kentucky $15.00 PM Fall Garden/Prewinter Chores Free PM Pruning Trees and Shrubs Properly Free PM Caring For Holiday Plants Free Basic Registration For Any and All Classes $5.00 x Total From Above Minus 10% if Registered And Paid For All -$21.00 Classes By February 10th 2022

Apr 21st AM Apr 28th May 12th May 19th Jun 9th Jun 16th


Jun 23rd AM

Aug 25th AM Sep 8th


Sep 22nd Sep 29th Oct 20th Nov 3rd



Free Free $50.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 Free

Fill Out This Registration (Front and Back) And Return To The Extension Office Circle If You Will Be Attending The AM or PM Sessions If Applicable And Total At The Bottom.

Attention!!! If An AM Or PM Session Doesn’t Have At Least 5 To Register For That Session It Will Be Canceled Via One Call Feb 17th AM Feb 24th AM Mar 10th AM

PM Plant Champions For 2022 PM Must Sow Annuals PM Heirloom Vegetable Varieties

Free $10.00 $10.00

Mar 17th AM

PM Bountiful Blueberries


Mar 24th AM Mar 31st AM Apr 14th AM

PM June Bearing Raspberries PM Heavenly Heucheras PM Hardy Hibiscus Horticulture How To NA Growing Corn For Meal PM Herbs And Their Uses PM Flowering Shrubs For All Landscape PM Hens And Chicks PM Landscape Roses PM The Queens of Flowering Vines: Clematis Horticulture How To NA Native Plants For Pollinators

$15.00 $20.00 $20.00

Jun 30th AM

PM Weed Control and ID In The Landscape


Aug 11th AM

PM Growing Great Greens In The Fall Free Horticulture How To NA Free Leaf Casting Horticulture How To NA Free Seed And Plant Swap PM Growing Japanese Iris In Kentucky $15.00 PM Fall Garden/Prewinter Chores Free PM Pruning Trees and Shrubs Properly Free PM Caring For Holiday Plants Free Basic Registration For Any and All Classes $5.00 x Total From Above Minus 10% if Registered And Paid For All -$21.00 Classes By February 10th 2022

Apr 21st AM Apr 28th May 12th May 19th Jun 9th Jun 16th


Jun 23rd AM

Aug 25th AM Sep 8th


Sep 22nd Sep 29th Oct 20th Nov 3rd



Free Free $50.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 Free

Name: Phone Number: Address: City:

Zip Code:


Total Enclosed From Reverse Side: $ Please Make Check Payable To: Washington Co. Hor culture Mail or Return To: Washington County Ext. Office A n: Dennis Morgeson/Darice Russell 245 Corporate Drive Springfield, KY 40069 To be fair to all we will NOT REGISTER you un l payment is received! PICK UP PLANTS PROMPTLY!!! WE DO NOT GURANTEE PLANT VIABILITY OR AVAILABILTIY MORE THAN 4 DAYS FROM THE CLASS DATE OR DATE WE CALL FOR PICKUP. WE WON’T GIVE REFUNDS IF THE PLANTS DIE BECAUSE OF NOT BEING PICKED UP PROMPTLY.

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