The Internet On Remote Control
Denny Andrews daconsulting08
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The internet has more information available on it right now then all the books in all the libraries in the world. It’s not about whether the information you need is available or not anymore it’s about whether you can effectively find and manage the information you need. Implementing an information management system or internet control panel is no longer an option but a necessity. The control panel below is open to the communications tab which gives you instant access to: Email Chat Voice Mail Text Messaging Video Conferencing Facebook Twitter
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Once your internet control panel is created and configured you can set up up tabs or pages that you can install internet robots on (called gadgets) to help you do any activities you need or want to accomplish online. Below you can see this control panel is set up with the following tabs:
Home-Communications-News-Social Networking-Marketing-Research-ContentMeetings-Games-Cool Stuff There are thousands of robots to install on the pages that will: Update and display your calendar Manage your documents Manage and allow notes with your internet bookmarks Manage your notes and to do lists Do research Check Email Send you text message reminders Show and update hundreds of social networks Manage your contacts Display news feeds Fox, CNN, USA Today, Reuters, NPR ‌.. You name it Show you events in your zip code Play youtube videos Daily inspirational quotes Provide daily tips on any subject Put a dictionary, thesaurus and Wikipedia at your fingertips deliver subjects and content to you for your blog and twitter Instantly update your blog and twitter Go and search craigslist and kijiji for you
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The best part is this control panel, all the information and all the cool gadgets exist in the cloud. The cloud is another name for the internet because if you saw a graphic of all the servers connected that make up the internet it would look like a big cloud. The advantages of cloud computing are as follows: It can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet anywhere in the world. It can be accessed from most handheld internet devices like I-Phones or Blackberries The only local software (programs on your computer) you need is an internet web browser. Explorer, firefox, or google chrome. Google chrome is my favorite just for its speed alone. The data is constantly backed up The computing is being done on the server not on your machine Drop a computer, pick up a new one, turn it on, log in, every single bit of you information is there Security, the security the use is much more expensive then we could afford on our own These are all reasons that big corporations as well as small business are moving into the cloud. If you would like your control panel set up and your business put on jet fuel email me at All trainings include a copy of:
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