20130921 theburgh

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FREE Take One!

North Country needs to step up to help Coloradans in need. PAGE 4

Clinton County, New York

Saturday, September 21, 2013


NYCO pursues land swap


Company would give up 1,500 acres in exchange for 200 By Shawn Ryan shawn@denpubs.com LEWIS Ñ Essex CountyÕ s second largest private employer, NYCO Minerals, has a plan to ensure another 10 years worth of mining at their Lewis mine, but it will require a land swap with the state. NYCO is bordered by state land. A small parcel of that land, a land-locked 200 acres known simply as Lot 8, holds enough Wollastonite to keep the mine operational another 10 years, NYCO officials believe. But because itÕ s in the Adirondack Park, that state land falls under the stateÕ s, Ò Forever Wild,Ó provision. A change in the stateÕ s constitution would be required to approve CONTINUED ON PAGE 11

Adventure Race on tap for this weekend. PAGE 2 EYE ON BUSINESS

A FAMILY TRADITION — Pictured are Joshua Parker, Samantha Parker, Keith Parker-Wingler, and their grandfather Earl Parker tapping a maple tree together in the 2013 maple season. The children are the 5th generation to tap trees on the family farm since 1889. See page 12 for a related article about a fall celebration being held at the Parker Family Maple Farm. Photo Provided

Dirty Dog Run to benefit K9 Rescue Group By Shawn Ryan

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‘Songs to Keep’ concert coming to Plattsburgh. PAGE 12





became a not-for-profit, and incorporated in 2009. They operate totally on a volunteer basis. They currently have six dogs either in service or in training, and two who have retired. In this area, Bresett says, the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is the agency first called out for K-9 services, but her unit is often called in soon after. “The air dogs are the first guys we send out, like when a child has been missing for a half hour or so,Ó Bresette said. Ò After that comes the tracking dogs.Ó As a last resort the unit calls on Inca, their cadaver dog. Inca often gets the most work of the


Inca, a German Shepherd with the Champlain Valley Search and Rescue K-9 unit, takes a break during a search in northern New York. Photo provided


shawn@denpubs.com KEESEVILLE Ñ The Champlain Valley Search & Rescue K9 Unit (CVK9) wants people to get muddy for a good cause. The all-volunteer non-profit search and rescue unit based out of Keeseville assists local agencies with wildland search and rescue for lost children, hikers or hunters, and have been called all around the country following natural disasters for urban search and rescue, as well as cadaver recovery. Ò The year we had all the tornados we were called all around the country. We would touch down at home, then get called out again,Ó said Shannon Bresett, one of the founding members of the group. The group has been around for several years, but officially

Nico’s Pizza opens in Rouses Point.





















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September 21, 2013

Rockeater Adventure Race on tap By Camille Daniels

denpubs@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH Ñ If youÕ ve ever heard the phrase Ò going against the grainÓ the Rockeater Adventure Race is the literal version of that phrase. The event will be held at Plattsburgh beach on Sept. 21. This event is for not only the adventurer but for someone who likes to get physical and likes to get dirty. It is also not an event for the weak at heart. It is about pulling up oneÕ s sleeves and testing oneÕ s endurance. What is the one thing that someone can expect when experiencing this grand event? Everything. The various highs and lows of taking on what the body can handle. Participants need to be prepared to sweat and come in contact with a lot of mud. This is not the Kentucky Derby. The only horse power racing around these obstacle courses are that of the human participants. Rockeater is the kind of event for those who have always wanted to do something challenging like run a marathon but never had the chance to do so. For this challenging day of events there are five different obstacles to be tackled. But before one even tackles the obstacles that lie in front of them there are a few other things one should note. The first being that there is a costume requirement. For this day of challenges the dress attire is not a tee shirt and a pair of shorts with sneakers. Instead, it is a crazy costume and a pair of good running sneakers. The second important item is that the race is different from a traditional race because it isnÕ t timed. So this is a race for those with a true competitive spirit but who isnÕ t worried about it being an untimed event. As mentioned earlier there are five obstacles that each contestant of this contest must complete. There is the lake run, barricade jumper, walking on yarn spools and crawling through a tunnel, just to name a few. And, yes, there is still the opportunity to become one with the mud throughout challenges. Contestants should prepare their mind and body for this event as it will not be canceled regardless of the weather. Nor will anyone receive their money back if they decide to not participate after paying the registration fee. This is not for the uncertain but for those who are all about going against the grain. So come with an open mind andmopen heart as participants will no doubt learn something about themselves while making memories of the event with others. Allow the adventurous spirit to emerge and be explored as you run, jump and move through mud. Become one with the great outdoors and see what all the fuss is about. Spend a day during the last weekend of summer doing the one thing most wouldnÕ t think to do to close out the summer season and participate in the Rockeater Adventure Race at Plattsburgh beach. For more information about the event, visit roackerateradventure.com

Captain Underpants (Kara Mariano) after finishing Plattsburgh’s Rockeater Adventure Race in 2012. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

36th Annual Peru Applefest PERU Ñ The 36th Annual Applefest will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21, and Sunday Sept. 22. Parade will begin on Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Peru Central School and travel to the St. AugustineÕ s Parish Center. The Applefest includes a giant craft fair, food, games, rides live music and a Sunday chicken BBQ which begins at noon. Festivities will be held at the St. AugustineÕ s Parish Center from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Fisheries talk planned BEEKMANTOWN Ñ Mark Malchoff, Aquatic Resource Specialist with the Lake Champlain Sea Grant at SUNY Plattsburgh, will hold a talk titled Ò The History of Lake Champlain FisheriesÑ Origins, Changes, Restoration Efforts and Challenges.Ó The program, presented by the Friends of Point au Roche State Park, will be held on Oct. 9 at the Beekmantown Town Hall Conference Room, 571 Spellman Road at 7 p.m.


September 21, 2013

The Burgh - 3

Nico’s Pizza opens for business in Rouses Point With a combined 26 years of pizza experience, Nico’s has found a home By Shawn Ryan

shawn@denpubs.com ROUSES POINTÑ ThereÕ s a new place to get pizza in the Northern Tier, since the summer opening of NicoÕ s Pizza on Lake Street, in the heart of the villageÕ s downtown section. James Peralas and Chuck Kimble, both veteran pizza makers from Plattsburgh, with 26 years experience between them, realized that they had done and seen it all in the pizza business. They felt it was time to go into business for themselves. Ò We knew every aspect of the business, we had run and managed businesses, so we decided to make our own money, instead of making money for someone else,Ó said Peralas. NicoÕ s opened Aug. 16, and so far business has been very good. With limited inside seating, NicoÕ s specializes in take-out and delivery. Deliveries are available during the entirety of their business hours, and they will deliver to the Town of Champlain to the west, and into Chazy to the south. There is also outdoor seating available while the weather holds up. Ò We didnÕ t want to compete in Plattsburgh with businesses weÕ ve worked at. There is only one other restaurant who does similar stuff as us (in Rouses Point),Ó said Peralas. NicoÕ s features nine types of specialty pizzas, such as mac and cheese and michagans, which have been doing exceptionally well. They also have pasta, hot and cold subs, wraps, chicken wings and burgers. Peralas and Kimble saw Rouses Point as a small community which was under served, and so far have been more than happy with their choice. Ò We couldnÕ t have picked a better place to be. These people in this community are really good people,Ó said Perales. Business has been very strong so far. If it stays at this rate,





274 Quaker Rd. Queensbury, NY (across from Lowe’s) (518) 798-1056

Peralas and Kimble would consider expanding in the future. At the very least they would like to add more seating capacity to their restaurant. The name NicoÕ s, Perales said, came from an army buddy of his. He had a son named Dominic, who everyone called Nico. Ò He didnÕ t live very long, and IÕ m really close to the family, so we decided to name the business after him.Ó Pictured at right: James Perales, left, and Chuck Kimble, co-owners of Nico’s Pizza in Rouses Point, in front of their 92 Lake Street store. Photo by Jess Munoz

Akram Zakkout, from Quebec, was traveling northbound on Interstate 87 with a load of watermelons when his cab began to fill with smoke. He pulled over and his tractor burst into flames. This is all that was left of his rig. Champlain, Mooers, Chazy and Rouses Point fire departments responded, and the northbound lane was closed for some time. The watermelons were a complete loss. Photo by Shawn Ryan


4 - The Burgh


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The Burgh Editorial

Flooding in Colorado heart wrenching


t is hard not to harken back to August 2011 and the devastation the region endured at the hands of Tropical Storm Irene when viewing the images coming from the 15 Colorado counties most impacted by the recent violent flooding there. Stories and photos shared on Facebook by loved ones and friends in Colorado are heartwrenching. The news is tragic and the story is still unfolding. Five people have been confirmed dead after 15 inches of rain pounded Colorado non-stop for nearly a week. As of Monday afternoon, 1,200 people remained cut off from the outside world with no electricity and dwindling supplies of food and running water. State emergency officials say the death toll is expected to rise as rescue efforts into mountainous backcountry areas have been severely hindered by the wet weather. Roadways and bridges have crumbled by the rising flood waters, which cover more than 2,000 square miles across 15 counties Ñ an area twice the size of the state of Rhode Island. To date, nearly 19,000 homes have been damaged, with at least 1,500 destroyed and 11,000 people have been evacuated. President Obama signed a major disaster declaration last weekend, ordering federal aid for the flood-ravaged state, and the Colorado National Guard is at the scene, using 20 helicopters to rescue people trapped by washed-out roads and bridges. Most had been grounded, however, by heavy rains, fog and hampered visibility. ItÕ s been two years since the North Country endured similar conditions following Tropical Storm Irene. People here are still rebuilding and awaiting the final buyout of homes destroyed by Irene. Images of that fateful storm that were published in this newspaper are eerily similar to photos being circulated on news wires from Colorado, with homes underwater and people trapped by disintegrated roads and other infrastructure. In comparison, Tropical Storm Irene dumped upwards of 10 inches of rain on the North Country, much of it in less than a 24-hour period, combined with winds of 69 mph at its center Ñ just 5 mph slower than needed for hurricane status. The storm caused 10 deaths, left 1.1 million people without power and caused $1.3 billion in damages. Locally, the communities of Au Sable Forks, Keene, Jay and Upper Jay were some of the hardest hit, although few communities escaped the stormÕ s wrath. Like in Colorado, President Obama declared a disaster declaration, paving the way for help from the Federal Emergency

Management Agency and the New York National Guard was on site to help devastated communities recover. Blame it on global warming, natural weather cycles or just plain rotten luck, few would argue that our weather has gotten more and more extreme as of late. One hundred year floods seem to be commonplace these days and our aging infrastructure is not liking it. With that in mind, it is imperative that initiatives such as Gov. CuomoÕ s NY Rising Communities be put in place to help communities rebuild in such a way that they are better prepared for the next severe weather incident. If there is one thing history has shown us, it is that the North Country will undoubtedly face again the type of devastating flooding Coloradans are now experiencing. The only way to mitigate the damage is to be realistic in that it will happen again, and begin preparations now knowing where the majority of the damage occurred in the past. While the up to $6 million pledged to the North Country under the governorÕ s NY Rising Communities initiative is a start, it is but a drop in the bucket toward the money needed to shore up the stream banks, bridges, roadways and other pieces of infrastructure that will be impacted by the next severe weather event. In the meantime, on a local level, it is vital to support your first responders as well as the American Red Cross Ñ the individuals who will be at the forefront of coming to your aid. Just as disaster workers from the American Red Cross were deployed here in the North Country in August 2011, the group is now in Colorado, providing food and shelter to those affected by the flooding. More than 250 trained Red Cross disaster workers are currently deployed to Colorado, along with more than 20 emergency response vehicles and six trucks of relief supplies. Working with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Red Cross has served more than 7,100 meals and snacks. Earlier last week, as many as 1,000 people stayed in 24 shelters across the state. People can help by donating to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund by visiting www.redcross.org; calling 1-800-REDCROSS; or simply texting the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. You can also check on the status of a loved one by visiting www.safeandwell.org. People on a national scale came to the aid of New York state and the North Country following Tropical Storm Irene. It is time we return the favor. Ñ Denton Publications Editorial Board

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Equality, freedom, fairness


ended last weekÕ s colcountry needs to get over the umn with the thought racial divide as it only exists that it is a sad day in if we allow people to use it as America and in the North a wedge between people of all Country when anyone is ridiraces. This nation is a melting culed for publicly sharing pot and we need further retheir opinion. Only through fining on the racial issues that exchange and discussion can continue to plague many. new ideas be forged into acI firmly believe people of cepted and successful action. all race and color need to be We must be open-minded and treated equally and judged Dan Alexander have a fair exchange of beliefs by their conduct and characThoughts from and ideas if we hope to adter. In the letter, Mr. Klieman Behind the Pressline vance our nation and achieve refers to my example of being greater understanding among stopped in Lake Placid by the our citizens. police makes the race of the driver irrelevant. IÕ ve mentioned this point before, but, a letAnd that itÕ s not the same as a black man beter to the editor in this weekÕ s paper serves as ing stopped in New York City just for being an example of an ongoing trend to publicly black. To his point I agree race had no place intimidate and discourage people from shar- in my stop and it shouldnÕ t have played any ing their views with others. I receive many role at all. But what if I was a black man? emails, letters, phone calls and in person Would that have clouded my feelings recomments regarding this weekly column. garding the stop? Would I have felt that I Some agree with my views, some disagree was unjustly stopped because of the color of and I assume some could care less and thatÕ s my skin? And that is my very point. Stop and fine. But what is of greater concern is the vast Frisk is being conducted both by Caucasian majority of respondents who donÕ t want to and African American police officers in high share their views publicly for fear of being crime communities where unfortunately the attacked and put down. In an open and free majority of the population is of colored skin. society like ours where men and women In communities where violence is running have sacrificed their lives to defend our priv- rampant, this law has helped save lives and ilege of free speech, this form of bullying like taken illegal weapons off the street, which all forms of bullying, must not be tolerated. to me is far more important than the race of For many years I felt the paper should people who have proven beyond any doubt have a voice and a face on issues that affect that they are as equal as any white person in us all. Not coming from the editorial side of this country. The opportunity to reach for the the business nor possessing strong writing American Dream has been realized by those skills, I did not feel qualified to adequately who choose to work hard, strive to achieve articulate a weekly viewpoint on issues, their goals and help others to do the same. perhaps like others, for fear of being embarWe need look no further than the highest rassed. Working in unison with our edito- office in the land now occupied by Barrack rial staff a few years back we decided that Obama, as proof of what any person can I would take on the weekly task of drafting achieve. a personal column, while our editors would Yes, many African Americans still live in work in collaboration to draft a team opinion poverty and have been unable to find their piece. I have no input on their opinions, nor way to a better life. But we should not turn a do they with mine. blind eye leaving them to injure and kill each The letter to the editor that arrived last other in these crime ridden communities in week raises several valid points, but the order to avoid offending any of them for fear author unfortunately canÕ t resist the opporof making them feel persecuted. If making tunity to toss in an insult or two while try- that statement makes me a ranting racist and ing to make his points. We obviously have an embarrassment to society then I am guilty. a disagreement over the controversial Ò Stop CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 and FriskÓ law recently found unconstitutional in New York City. In my opinion, this

Mother/Daughter, cross-generational advice for women and those around them. Sally & Anna Meisenheimer

PUBLISHER................................................................................................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER................................................................................................................................................................Ed Coats OPERATIONS MANAGER..............................................................................................................................................William Coats BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER...........................................................................................................................Cheryl Mitchell GENERAL MANAGER CENTRAL.............................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander, Jr. MANAGING EDITOR.............................................................................................................................................................John Gereau ASST. MANAGING EDITOR...............................................................................................................................................Andy Flynn GENERAL MANAGER NORTH.....................................................................................................................Ashley Alexander GENERAL MANAGER SOUTH.....................................................................................................................Scarlette Merfeld



MaD advice

Denton Publications, Inc.

September 21, 2013

Dear MaD advice: I am a 31 year old woman and have been struggling with this complex questionÉ .When will I get my power? Our interpretation of your question is: When will I feel confident/When will others see this confidence? Since we are both women, always seeking confidence, we have decided to write this weekÕ s response together. Power, to us, is actually empowerment. It is an internal confidence that you build by having successes and learning from failures in your life. These successes should be determined by your own personal standards, not by the worlds. Real empowerment is when you donÕ t need compliments from others to feel good about your life, your look, and your decisions. We will ask a few questions in order to answer your question more fully. Have you ever felt empowered? Is someone or something preventing you from being empowered? Have you had some life changing transitions that are making you feel powerless? You may have fleetingly felt this power/confidence in the past and this is something that you can reflect on in your search. What were you doing in your life at the time Ð at work, with friends? Were there any specific opportunities or activities you were pursuing? This reflection may bring you back to some things and people that have made you feel grounded and good about yourself. Start re-incorporating these things and people. You may feel that your starting point is somewhat inadequate. This is not true. Now incorporate passion. You donÕ t need experience to have passion. Passion is a positively fierce quality to those around you. It is at the root of empowerment, as without passion/motivation, how are you empowered to do anything? Start pointing to what you are passionate about. Refuel your

passion by continuing to create gratifying work and personal life experiences. This pendulum of passion to motivation to opportunity and finally to experience is life-long, and will continue to build and eventually swing into an empowered lifestyle. Your passion can easily be directed by having concrete goals. A goal may be as simple as introducing yourself to new people; a yoga mate or a co-worker to build strong friendships with and connections to others in seeking a more positive lifestyle. It may also be searching outside the workplace for more networking opportunities, or establishing a time-frame for certain attributes to be acquired. Ò In 6 months, I want to be acknowledged for BLANKÓ , or a more work-oriented approach, Ò I want to be able to add BLANK to my resume.Ó Those are some realistic goals that together or separately, can be power-ful. Other empowering steps we suggest are: • Don’t show your weaknesses to the world. Have a few trusted people in whom you can confide. Leave the others wondering. • If there are certain people; friends, co-workers, or family members who seem to drain you of energy or leave you feeling uncertain or angryÉ .they are stealing your power and you are letting them! Recognize it and then decide to respond differently to these offenders. Having the courage to relay your feelings, or ultimately limiting conversation with them may be your best option, until you feel more secure. • Get a plan together for some quick goals and some long term goals and align your behaviors with these targets. A series of good choices is what builds up and gives you confidence in the future. And DO believe that the women you admire and look to as role models surely have their own personal stories of their path from uncertainty into empowerment! If you have a question, please email us at madadvice@yahoo.com


September 21, 2013

The Burgh - 5

Guest Viewpoint

Letters to the Editor

Back to school time a second chance for adult learners

Reader takes issue with publisher’s column


amilies across the United States are preparing to send their children back to school with new book bags and school supplies. Back to school is also a time for some of the 30 million American adults who cannot read beyond a third grade level to consider taking steps to overcome their literacy challenges. Many of these adults find ways to hide this fact from their coworkers and friends— even their own families. Common avoidance techniques include finding an excuse to steer clear of reading aloud, hiding their writing from others, or committing everything to memory to avoid jotting things down. As children and teens go back to school, this is the perfect time for adults in need of educational services to take this important step to improve their own literacy skills. Being illiterate is not a joke and can be difficult to recognize and admit. Our organization helps adults address their literacy challenges. Trained tutors work one-on-one with adults who need help with basic reading, English-as-a-second-language (ESL), and math skills. We also provide literacy programs in local correctional facilities- Moriah Shock, Adirondack in Ray Brook, Bare Hill in Malone, and we recently partnered with Franklin County Jail as well. Literacy Volunteers of Essex/Franklin Counties is an affiliate of Literacy New York, one of the state’s largest nonprofit organizations dedicated to advancing the cause of adult literacy and basic education. Our mission is to enable people over the age of 16 to achieve personal goals through student-centered literacy tutoring. This past year we supported more than 140 adult learners, and trained more than forty volunteer tutors. 67% of our students showed academic improvement by at least one grade level. With the new GED© exam we also anticipate a rush of adult learners who would like to receive their High School Equivalency Diploma before the end of the year. ThereÕ s not much time left, and there are only two testing dates available for adults in our region. The new GED © will be more rigorous, computer-based, and access will be limited. Thankfully, the New York State Education Department will offer an alternative high school equivalent exam called the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), which should be ready to roll out in early 2014. It too will be more rigorous, but more accessible, and still available in a paper and pencil format. In order to support these adult learners, Literacy Volunteers relies heavily upon dedicated volunteer tutors who provide one-on-one or small group instruction to native and non-native English speakers. Volunteer tutors are patient, compassionate, flexible, and willing to give at least two hours a week to his/her adult learner. Tutors are expected to attend the tutor training prior to being matched with a student. Literacy Volunteers will have three tutor trainings across its two-county service region. At the main office in Port Henry, an orientation will be held on Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. There will be an orientation in Malone on Oct. 7 at 6 p.m., and in the Tri-Lakes region, the orientation will be held on Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. For more information please contact your local Literacy Volunteer office at the following phone number: Port Henry - 546-3008; Tri-Lakes Ð 891-5567; and Malone Ð 4839366. If you know anyone who could benefit from our services, then suggest they call their local Literacy Volunteers office. Maria Burke Director Literacy Volunteers

To the Burgh:

Is anyone else out there disturbed by the weekly racist rantings of the publisher of (ElizabethtownÕ s) only newspaper? This time Mr. Alexander likens his being stopped by a policeman for a very good reason Ñ his car resembled that of a vehicle used in a crime, the race of the driver being irrelevant Ñ to the stopping of a black man simply for being black! But then, thatÕ s IT, isnÕ t it, the absurd non-logic that says that, since some black men commit crimes, then all black men are suspects, because they Ñ the guilty and the

innocent Ñ RESEMBLE each other? How a presumably educated human being arrives at middle age with such a lack of insight is truly puzzling. That he is the voice of a newspaper is an insult to the publication. Well, maybe heÕ s not the only voice: I urge the Editorial Board to use its own column to separate themselves from their embarrassing boss Ñ unless, of course, they agree with him. Jeff Kleiman Elizabethtown


from page 4 What the letter writer doesnÕ t know is that I have personally known, worked for, admired and hired men and women of all races and skin color during my 59 years on this earth. Each is unique and each has made choices in their lives that either caused them to achieve their goals and find happiness or have kept them from doing so. In nearly every case those who took personal responsibility for their actions, good or bad, were capable of holding their heads high. Those who looked to blame others for their misfortunes always seem to be stuck in the same place and could never place blame on the single person most responsible for holding them back Ñ themselves. Mr. Kleiman, I recognize and respect your effort to put your thoughts in print and for speaking up when you disagreed with my position. Under normal conditions your letter would not have been published were it aimed at anyone other than me, but since IÕ ve chosen to put my views on display it would be unfair for our editor to withhold your views. This country faces many problems and we stand a far better chance of addressing them if we are civil with each other and seek solutions not based on prejudice but on achieving results. I would also be happy to publish your suggestions on solving the violence in many of our troubled New York City neighborhoods and how you would address the racial differences in our country. Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton Publications. He may be reached at dan@ denpubs.com.

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6 - The Burgh


September 21, 2013


Dirty Dog

From page 1 group. While they operate primarily under mutual aid in Clinton, Essex, Franklin and Warren Counties, they are not eligible for the same grants that fire departments receive, since they are not a tax-based municipality. Ò Fund-raising is an integral part of our budget. A majority of our money does come from fund-raising,Ó Bresette said. When they were brainstorming for fund-raising ideas, the idea of an adventure challenge race came up, and the inaugural CVK9 Dirty Dog Fun Run was born. Ò Adventure races were just coming up, they werenÕ t a household thing yet,Ó said Brittany Taylor, fundraising chair for the group said. Ò It lets people know about what we do, plus it raises some money for a good cause.Ó The race will take place at Titus Mountain Family Ski Center on Oct. 19. ItÕ s a 7 kilometer (about 4 and a half mile) race up and down the lower slopes of the mountain, and will traverse 19 obstacles including mud, climbing and endurance obstacles. There will also be events for spectators, plus craft and food vendors, and a live band. All participants receive a race T-shirt, and finishers will receive a special finishers dog tag. Prizes will be awarded for the top three finishers in male, female and teen categories.

Inca being hoisted in a body-harness during a recent demonstration by the Champlain Valley Search and Rescue K-9 Unit. Photo provided

The race starts at 1 p.m., with waves of starters going out every 20 minutes until 4 p.m.. Racers can request a time slot, but the slots are given out on a first-come, first-served basis, and when a slot is full, it is closed.

Currently 250 people have registered. Taylor is hoping to reach 500 adventurous runners by race day. For more information go to www.dirtydogrun.com, or check out their Facebook page at CVK9 Dirty Dog Run.

Richard L. Foreman, D.M.D. 518.297.8110

General Family Dentistry 78 Champlain Street Rouses Point, NY 12979


HENRY F. COX AUG 23, 2013 Westport NY/ Ponte Vedra tended NYU, married and Beach, Fla became a General Motors Henry F. Cox, of Pontre Vefranchised Chevrolet dealer dra Beach Florida and Westin Fair Lawn, NJ. He lived port NY passed away August with his family in Wyckoff, 23, 2013. NJ for 30 years Harry was the and upon his rebeloved husband tirement moved of Elizabeth, fato Ponte Vedra ther of Kathryn Beach, Fl. where Danzeisen he was an avid (Dave), and golfer. In 1987, grandfather of Harry and Betty David Danzeisan bought a sumJr. and Summer mer home in Paige Danzeisen. Westport, NY He was born in where he re-enKearny, NJ, to gaged his love Catherine and John Major for flying by purchasing the Cox, and grew up the Westport Airport. Harry enyoungest of four brothers in couraged a love of aviation, Nutley, NJ where he graduhad many, many friends and ated from Nutley High. He supported community involwas a WWII veteran US ment at the airport, annually Army Air Corp B-17 pilot, hosting the "Valley of the Giwho following his enlistants" air show on the 4th of ment, flew 35 missions over July. Germany dedicatedly bringHe was predeceased by his ing his 9 man crew home loved and loving daughter, safely each flight. He was Nancy, in 1994. awarded the Air Medal, five A celebration of Harry's life Oak Leaf Clusters, and the will be held at noon on the Distinguished Flying Cross 4th of July, 2014 at the Westfor his heroism in the service port Airport. of his country. President W.M.Marvin's Sons funeral Putin of Russia awarded him home in Elizabethtown has a medal of honor for his efbeen entrusted with the arforts on behalf of the Russian rangements. people while a military ally For online condolences during the war. please visit Following the war, he atwww.wmmarvins.com JODIE MAE GARDNER OCT 26, 1968 - AUG 31, 2013 Halfmoon NY Jodie Mae Edward and Flora Gardner; Gardner, 44, of Plant Road in niece of Louella Jane (Paul) Halfmoon, died on Saturday, Hodgdon of Homer, Alaska, August 31, 2013. She was a Kathy (Tom) McClurg of patient in the Boston ChilHillsdale, NY, Tracy Cross of dren's Hospital Lewis, NY, the ICU for three late Thurman weeks, returning Lewellyn Cross, home on James Gardner Wednesday, priof Ludoff, SC, or to her death. Edward GardHer mom, Judy, ner, Jr. and Alan sister, Debbie, Gardner, both of niece, Morgan, Essex, NY, Elizaand aunt, Kathy beth Moulton of stayed by her Newington, CT, side throughout. Ellen Carson of She was born on Willsboro, NY, Oct. 26, 1968 in ElizabethMargaret Sayward of Cleartown, NY and was the water, FL, and Jenny Metcalf beloved daughter of Judith of Buffalo, NY; also survived Judy Cross Gardner of Halfby several cousins. She was moon and the late John L. an angel to all that knew her. Gardner, who died June 19, Now she has her wings, and 2011. Jodie was a graduate of has gone to heaven to be Shenendehowa High School with her dad and family. Fuand had attended Schenecneral will be held Friday at tady County Community 11 a.m. at Corpus Christi College. She enjoyed bowling Church in Ushers (off exit 10 at the Clifton Park Bowl and of the Northway) where the working with her family in Mass of Christian Burial will the family business, J & J be celebrated. Calling hours Lawn Care of Halfmoon. She will be from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 also loved watching her to 7 p.m., Thursday in the niece, Morgan, whenever Gordon C. Emerick Funeral needed. In addition to her Home, 1550 Rt. 9 in Clifton mother, Jodie is survived by Park. Interment will be in the her devoted sister, Debbie Gerald BH Solomon Saratoga Beaulieu of Stillwater, and National Cemetery, 200 Duell she is the aunt of Morgan ReRd. in Schuylerville, NY. nee Beaulieu and Aaron Memorial contributions may Lawrence Bemis; grandbe made to Children's Hospidaughter of Irene Cross of tal, 300 Longwood Ave., Lewis, NY and the late Boston, MA 02115 in Jodie's Lewellyn (Babe) Cross, and memory. JOHN E GRAFFUNDER NOV 04, 1948 - SEP 04, 2013 On Wednesday, September 4, home, after having spent 2013, Willsboro Point Mayor, summers there since 1958. his "unofficial" title, Jack Graffunder passed away Jack was predeceased by peacefully at his home on the both of his parents. He is lake. survived by his beloved canine Jack was born companions, November 4, Snoopy and Bel1948 in Troy, la, as well as a NY, the only host of friends. child of Frank and Ruby GrafThere will be a funder. He lakeside celebragraduated from tion of Jack's life high school in on Sunday, Waterford, NY September 29th and from the at 6 p.m. The State University of NY in Alceremony will be held in fred, NY with a degree in front of Jack's home on Corhorticulture. lear Drive and will be officiated by his life-long friend For 35 years, Jack worked as Pastor Jerry Oliver. a claims examiner for NYS Department of Taxation and Donations may be made in Finance, a position that he memory of Jack to the North held until his retirement. Country SPCA, 7700 Rte. 9N, Upon his retirement, Jack deElizabethtown, NY 12932. cided to make Willsboro his

September 21, 2013


The Burgh - 7


8 - The Burgh


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September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013



The Burgh - 9

10 - The Burgh


September 21, 2013


September 21, 2013


From page 1 a land swap. In exchange for those 200 acres, NYCO is offering the state 1,500 of their property. The property they are offering has considerable road frontage, and is currently acting as a buffer, preventing hikers, hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts access to the massive Jay Mountain wilderness to the east and west. The NYCO parcels, along with road frontage, have streams stocked with brook trout and the occasional salmon is caught in one of the streams. Only a positive vote by two consecutive state legislatures, and a yes vote on a state-wide ballot, can allow the land to transfer to private hands. NYCO has already gotten those positive votes from the legislature, in 2012 and 2013, and the measure will now come up to a state-wide vote. Ò The 200 acres was a parcel of property that the state got for back taxes,Ó said Theresa Sayward, retired New York State Assemblywoman. Ò The state is not giving up something that was purchased for environmental reasons.Ó Sayward has long been a proponent of the land swap. An exposed vein of Wollastonite can be seen commanding the exposed rock face just 25 feet from Lot 8. In some places there are only about 10 feet of Ò over-story,Ó or material that would need to be removed in order to begin mining. As part of the deal, when NYCO has mined all the Wollastonite from the 200 acres, they will Ò reclaim” the land, filling it in and placing topsoil, then seeding the ground. They will then turn the 200 acres back over to the state, along with the 1,500 from the land swap. Several acres of land on the NYCO mine land have already been reclaimed and are indistin-

guishable from the untouched land around it. Ò The time to do it, if we want to have access to Lot 8, is now,Ó said Mark Buckley, Environmental Health and Safety Officer with NYCO. “There may be a million tons there.Ó Buckley said that while the pit they are currently mining holds about 10 years of reserves, their buyers like to see 20 years worth of reserves in order to consider a mine viable. Without the extra 10 years of reserves, NYCO could face problems in years to come finding buyers for their product. NYCO is mounting a media campaign in order to get their message out to the voters. The measure, which will be on the ballot as Proposition 5, will be voted on in the upcoming elections on Nov 5. Along with bipartisan support in the state legislature for two consecutive years, numerous other agencies have come out in favor of the land swap. In a press release, William Janeway, Executive Director of the Adirondack Council said, Ò The proposed land swap now exceeds our standard for supporting Constitutional Amendments involving the Forever Wild clause.Ó According to the Council, the 1,500 acres the state would receive comprise better habitat for fish and wildlife, three miles of streams and has considerably more ecological value than the 200 acres which would be given up. The measure is also being supported by the United Steelworkers, the AFL-CIO, the Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages, and local and state politicians including Gov. Andrew Cuomo. NYCO employs more than 100 people in their mining operations. In several instances employees have been working in the mines for generations.




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The Burgh - 11

Mining operations at the NYCO mine in Lewis. Mining will continue into mid-November, before shutting down for the season. Photo by Shawn Ryan


12 - The Burgh

September 21, 2013

“Songs to Keep” concert planned for Glitz Theater By Shawn Ryan

shawn@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — The final concert in the Ò Songs to KeepÓ concert series will be taking place Saturday, Sept. 21 at SUNY PlattsburghÕ s Glitz Theater, in Hawkins Hall. The Ò Songs to KeepÓ concert series is part of a project showcasing the songs and life of Marjorie Lansing Porter. Her Ballads and Lore collection is housed in the Feinburg Library Special Collections. Her songs and stories were recently digitized by SUNY Plattsburgh Communication Studies professor Dr. Timothy Clukey for the collection. Artists from across the North Country will be performing Lansing PorterÕ s works. Ò ItÕ s a really diverse selection of performers,Ó

said Carol Smith Pynchon, Communications Director at Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY). We are producing a CD (of Lansing PorterÕ s songs) and the artists will be performing the songs they do on the CD.Ó ItÕ s a family-friendly night of folk music, by some of the North CountryÕ s most accomplished folk musicians, according to Smith Pynchon. Following the concert will be a Concert Talk Back, and a reception. Patrons will have an opportunity to talk to the musicians, members of Lansing PorterÕ s family, and people involved in the Ò Songs to KeepÓ project. Tickets are $10 (free to SUNY students), and can be purchased at the door. The event starts at 7 p.m. More information can be found at www. TAUNY.org.

Musicians from the “Songs to Keep” concert series perform in the finale from a concert they played in Old Forge recently. Pictured, L. to R. are George Ward, Colleen Cleveland, Sue Grimm Hanley, John Roberts, Celia Evans, Dave Ruch, and Jamie Savage.

Gibson Brothers share songwriting tips at Pburgh Bluegrass Festival By Andy Flynn

andy@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH Ñ Between sets on the Plattsburgh Bluegrass FestivalÕ s big stage Saturday, Sept. 14, Eric and Leigh Gibson stepped into a garage-like stall of Building 16 at the Clinton County Fairgrounds to give a songwriting workshop. The Gibsons Ñ both graduates of SUNY Plattsburgh and natives of Ellenburg Depot Ñ seemed at ease as they pulled up two metal chairs in the back of the plywood-lined room. These 2012 International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) Entertainers of the Year were surrounded by fans of all ages, including members of the SUNY Plattsburgh Bluegrass Club. Leigh, on the right, took out a guitar from his white case, and Eric, leaving his Deering banjo backstage after the first set of the day, took out a guitar from his black, sticker-decorated case. Both were still dressed in their black concert suits as they explained how and why they write songs. Ò One of my biggest thrills about doing this is getting to do original material on stage,Ó Eric said as he was tuning his guitar. Playing about 70 percent of original material on stage, the Gibson Brothers continue to write songs on a regular basis Ñ on their own, with each other, and with noteworthy musicians such as Tim OÕ Brien, Shawn Camp and Joe Newberry. Ò ItÕ s always a little nerve-wracking to present a song to Leigh or the rest of the band ... And weÕ ve both learned not to pout if the other guy doesnÕ t like one of our original songs,Ó Eric said, adding that they both have to agree on a song before they record it or play it in public. Both brothers write songs ... award-winning songs. Currently, Ò They Called It Music,Ó written by Eric Gibson and Joe Newberry, is the No. 1 song for September on the Bluegrass Unlimited charts.

One woman in the workshop audience asked if Leigh the band would play one of his songs even if Eric didnÕ t like it. Ò ItÕ s called the Gibson Brothers,Ó Leigh replied. Ò But you still do it, right?Ó she asked. Ò No,Ó Leigh said. Ò IÕ m sure there are things that IÕ ve written that I liked better than Eric likes but he thought it was good enough to be there with other songs that are being considered for the record. Then there are the songs that heÕ s written or that IÕ ve written that the first time you hear it, that’s going to be a focus. Like Ô They Called It Music,Õ the recordÕ s going to be built around that song.Ó Eric and Leigh sang several songs during the songwriting workshop, including Ò Something CominÕ to Me,Ó a song the brothers wrote with Shawn Camp and which is on their latest album, Ò They Called It Music.Ó They explained how the song was written in 2012 shortly after their father, Kelley, passed away. They werenÕ t in the right frame of mind to write songs, but they had to keep their songwriting appointment with Camp in Nashville. At one point, when Eric was frustrated about the process and Camp walked out of the room for a breather, he played a little bit of what became Ò Something CominÕ to MeÓ on the guitar. “I wasn’t thinking about it,” Eric said. “I was just fiddling around with that melody, and he (Camp) walked back into the room and said, Ô WhatÕ s that?Õ Ó Ò I said, Ô Ah, itÕ s nothing. ItÕ s just something coming to me,Õ Ó Eric said. Ò Of course, we talked about our dad passing away. And he said, Ô You know, IÕ d love to get your daddy in there.Õ So we got that verse in there ... ‘Daddy plowed the fields and worked the landÕ ... So that song means something, and Leigh sings it like it means something to him.Ó They didn’t finish the song in that first songwriting session with Camp. “We framed out the first verse, but nothing was really decided

Eric Gibson signs a cartoon for 16-year-old Matthew Marquis, of West Chazy, on Sept. 14 during the Plattsburgh Bluegrass Festival. Marquis, a student of Beekmantwon Central School, created the cartoon in Adobe Illustrator based on a Gibson Brothers publicity photo. It is now featured on the home page of the Gibson Brothers website. Photo by Andy Flynn

or set in stone,Ó Leigh said. Ò We were coming back to Nashville a few weeks later ... He said, Ô Yeah, take it home.Õ I donÕ t think we had a lot of hope in it. But he said, Ô LetÕ s get back together in a couple weeks and do something, tweak it a little bit and work on it.Õ Ó The Gibson Brothers head to Massachusetts this weekend for a couple concerts before traveling to North Carolina next week for the IBMA World of Bluegrass convention and the Sept. 26 IBMA awards ceremony. The band is nominated for eight IBMA awards, the most of any bluegrass group this year. For more information, visit www.gibsonbrothers.com.

Parker Family Farm opens for maple season preview and production expo By Katherine Clark

katherine@denpubs.com WEST CHAZY Ñ Parker Family Maple Farm will host an open house for maple producers large and small as well as open up the farm for retail customers to visit and watch how maple syrup is made. The Parker Family Farm on Saturday Oct. 5, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. will hold a welcome to fall celebration with an expo to demonstrate their new, energy efficient equipment to make maple syrup. “This is our first fall event and we’re hoping it will be our first annual event,” said store office manager Kristina Parker. The family farm has been in the Parker family since 1889. Parker said the farm originally was operated by the family as a dairy farm but has since transitioned to earning their income from the land. Ò We decided to hold this expo to showcase our new, energy efficient equipment and share that with other maple producers,Ó said Parker. Ò We use nature as a source of income, itÕ s a renewable resource, so by moving to the new form of technology weÕ re imposing less harm on the woods where we work and receive our livelihood.Ó

Recently the farm purchased a new wood pellet burning vaporizer which removes up to 75 percent of the water from the sap before it is put into the evaporator. During the expo there will be demonstrations using the new vaporizer as well as a tapping demonstration by Evan Branon to showcase a drill attachment he created which produces quality taps into the tree causing the least amount of damage. Ò With this tapper someone who might not be the best at tapping a tree can do it expertly,Ó Parker said. Michael Parker will offer woods walks. Dr. Michael Farrell Director, Cornell UniversityÕ s Uihlein Forest will be hosting a dropline tubing replacement seminar in the morning as part of SARE Research. Branon of Branon Systems will be on hand to demonstrate the Precision Tapper. The tapper creates a more consistent tap hole, increasing productivity and the health of the tree. Parker said she hopes people will stop in at the sugar house to see a wood pellet fired evaporator by CDL USA. Demonstrations will be offered throughout the day. A representative will be available to explain the benefits of burning wood pellets. Ò Now that we have this new technology we

want other maple producers to see if becoming more energy efficient will be right for them too,Ó Parker said. Nick Atherton, of CDL USA will offer a seminar on reverse osmosis maintenance. Atherton will talk about ways to increase the performance of your reverse osmosis and understanding reverse osmosis technology. There will be a pig roast style lunch offered compliments of Parkers to expo attendees.

Reservations are required to ensure the right amount of food. During the expo, Parker said the farmÕ s retail shop will be open to visitors to purchase products from the Maple Farm. For Oct. 5 only, there will be a 10 percent discount on equipment. For more information or to make a reservation call the Parker Family Maple Farm at 4936761 or email parkerfamilymaple@yahoo.com.

By Shawn Ryan

p.m. Realizing that a First Weekend in October and November will be substantially different from one in the summer, committee members are making a concerted effort to find locations where people can stop in and warm up, as well as pursuing activities that can be done in the cold. Several churches in the vicinity of First WeekendsÕ activities have expressed an interest in opening their doors for that purpose. Ideas discussed for October and November First Weekends included a snowman building/ ice sculpture contest, snow coloring, a Day of the Dead Dance Party, harvest olympics, a pet costume contest, and many more activities. A full list of performers and demonstrations was also discussed. On Dec. 6 there will also be a free jazz concert at SUNY Plattsburgh at 7:30 p.m.

First Weekend Committee meets shawn@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH Ñ PlattsburghÕ s Ò First WeekendÓ committee met this week to discuss upcoming First Weekends celebrations in November and December. The committee, in a tight vote, agreed to pursue asking the City of Plattsburgh to close the downtown portion of Brinkerhoff Avenue on Fridays, and continue to close City Hall Place on Saturdays. Their hope is to make First WeekendÕ s footprint wider, and benefit more business with increased foot traffic. They also decided to extend Friday hours from 5 to 8 p.m., while keeping Saturday hours at 1 - 5

Rotary Club names Paul Harris Fellows By Shawn Ryan

shawn@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGHÑ The Rotary Club of Plattsburgh have named their Paul Harris Fellows for 2013. Being honored at the Sept. 24 awards dinner are Courtney Chandler with Agency Insurance, Dr. Erik Eaglefeather owner of EagleÕ s Nest Veterinary Hospital, and Brian Hammond, who has been a Rotary member since 1986. The award, in memory of Rotary Club founder Paul Harris, honors members who meet high professional and personal standards, and have contributed more than $1,000 to the Annual Program Fund, the Polio Plus Fund or the Humanitarian Grants

Program of the Rotary Foundation. All three Paul Harris Fellow recipients have been noticed for their active support of numerous Rotary functions and fund raisers. Paul Harris founded Rotary International in 1905 as a service organization, and it currently has more than a million members worldwide. Also receiving honors at the dinner will be Roderic and Dodie Giltz, who will be receiving the Major Donor Award Crystal and Pins for their continued support of the Rotary Foundation. The Paul Harris dinner will take place Tuesday, Sept. 24 at the American Legion, Post 20 on the Quarry Road. Cocktails begin at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at 6:15 p.m. The cost for the dinner is $30 per person. For more information visit www.plattsburghrotary.org.

Singer Haley Jay performs in front of the ROTA gallery as part of Plattsburgh’s recent First Weekend celebration. Photo by Shawn Ryan


September 21, 2013

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Clinton County Real Estate Transactions Date Filed 9/5/2013 9/5/2013 9/5/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 9/9/2013 9/9/2013 9/9/2013 9/9/2013 9/10/2013 9/10/2013 9/10/2013

Amount $150,000 $145,403 $400,000 $45,000 $136,000 $126,000 $234,500 $582,150 $117,200 $90,000 $91,620 $71,000 $62,199

Matthew Favro, Robert Cross, Bonnie Criss

Location Peru Plattsburgh Plattsburgh Thomas Remillard, Timothy Remillard Peru Thomas Dart Champlain Girouxs Grain Farms LLC Champlain Peru Patrick Berry, Bonnie Berry City of Plattsburgh Plattsburgh Chad Varden Beekmantown RL Vallee Inc Peru Melissa Renadette Plattsburgh Benjamin Jarvis Peru Deutsche National Bank Trust Plattsburgh

9/10/2013 $90,000

Judith Urban, Diane Urban, Brian Warman

Ricky Adragna, Rene Adragna

9/10/2013 9/10/2013 9/11/2013 9/11/2013

Tyson Drown, Valerie Drown Leonard Drown, Shelia Drown Richard Savage Jr. Leanne Savage Franco Tedino James Champagne, Karen Champagne Myron Ducharme Ronald Mallernee, Rena Mallerneee Adirondack Farms LLC

$36,498 $40,000 $70,000 $65,000

Seller Richard Agoney Darwin Martino Sidney St Louis Christie Vaughn Jeffrey Lamberton Joseph Bedard Valerie Shipee Collins Mark LeClair, Sally LeClair Trust Christina Lambert David Gordon, Rick Quero Tyson Drown, Valerie Drown Gary BAshaw

Buyer Albert Tucker, Sylvia Tucker Tammy Collins Jonothan Side

Dannemora Schuyler Falls Saranac Chazy AuSable

Essex County Real Estate Transactions Date Filed 9/9/2013 9/6/2013 9/10/2013 9/3/2013 9/6/2013 9/9/2013 9/10/2013 9/3/2013 9/6/2013 9/9/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 9/9/2013 9/9/2013 9/6/2013 9/5/2013 9/6/2013 9/4/2013 9/4/2013 9/4/2013 8/29/2013 9/10/2013 9/9/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 9/9/2013

Amount $45,000 $99,364.41 $100,000 $80,000 $116,600 $99,000 $30,000 $215,000 $370,000 $35,000 $574,000 $172,500 $370,000 $389,000 $25,000 $136,000 $350,000 $91,600 $24,800 $24,800 $185,000 $136,000 $12,000 $8,500 $181,632 $37,500


Buyer Location Norman Simon Sealey Chesterfield Jacqueline Audino Champlain National Bank Westport Todd David Rebecca Buerkett St. Armand Martha Day, Carol Weill Melissa Myers Minerva Paul Delong Geoffrey Sanford North Elba Helen Dennin Theodore Rowe Jay Robert Moore Jr. Willsboro Edrie Dickerson Susan Evans, Wayne Evans Kenneth Meyer, Di Meyer Essex Edward Gardberm Gegan Gardner Patricia Urschel, Timothy Urschel North Elba Keene Fire District No 1 Town Of Keene Keene BRIAN LELO, CAROL LELO Matthew Roy North Elba James Lindenberger Joanne Cwikla, John Cwikla Chesterfield Carol Marshall Harry Keith Johnson, Nancy Nash Chesterfield Peter Mendelsohn, Becki Mendelsohn Gerard Nyma, Kaylee Decker North Elba Heather Miller Timothy Hannon, Janice Hannon Willsboro Stuart Randall Preston, Paula Lyn Kristin Preston, Oren Preston North Elba Carol Roberts Tommy Tremblay Willsboro Crown Point S P Forests L L C International Paper Company S P Forests L L C Iternational Paper Company Crown Point S P Forests L L C Commercial Realty & Properties LLCElizabethtown Joan Schiller Doreen Arrison North Elba Sylvia Shirley, Barbara Zuhlke Keelin Murphy, Michael Vaughan Elizabethtown Nancy Spinella Jean B Hayes Revocable Trust North Elba Gregory Taylor, Cynthia Taylor William Oliver, Mary Oliver North Elba Charles Terrasi Juliane Palumbo Moriah Lucy Walsh, James Walsh Kurt Jones, Nancy Barnett North Elba Anthony Arnheiter, Kathleen Arnheiter

The Burgh - 13

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HELP WANTED LOCAL CHURCH SEXTON WANTED 20 Hrs/wk cleaning church buildings Salary includes 1 BR apt. No pets Mail resume to Peru Community Church P.O. Box 38, Peru, NY 12972 NO PHONE CALLS HIRING CHEF OR GOOD COOK to become Chef. Year round position, resume & references required. E-mail: info@turtleislandcafe.com. 518963-7417

ANNOUNCEMENTS CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. DIRECTV - OVER 140 CHANNELS ONLY $29.99 a month. CALL NOW! Triple savings!$636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start saving today! 1-800-782-3956 DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL 1-800-8264464 HIGHSPEED INTERNET EVERYWHERE BY SATELLITE! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-888-927-0861 NYS UNCONTESTED DIVORCE. Papers Professionally Prepared. Just Sign & File! No Court/Attorney, 7 days. Guaranteed! 1-855977-9700

ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 6 CHAIRS, TABLE, BUFFET & China Cabinet. $400 Must see! 518293-7010.

ELECTRONICS WESTAFF SERVICES We'll find the perfect employee and make you the hero! Office /Clerical, Light Industrial Professional/Technical Managerial Call today 518-566-6061



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RETIRED NURSE will care for you or a loved one in your home, may include personal care, meal preparation, house cleaning, errands, transportation to doctor visits etc. Very reasonable Hourly wage. Call Brenda. 518-834-5436 or 518-569 -2781

Juggling Your Budget? Advertise Small, Get Big Results! Call 1-518-873-6368 Ext. 201

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REFRIGERATOR KENMORE 2 cubic Feet, top freezer, ice maker, water dispenser runs, excellent condition $99.00. 518-645-4644.

MEDICAL CAREERS BEGIN HERE Train ONLINE for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified.SCHEV certified. Call 1800-495-8402 www.CenturaOnline.com

AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE Get FAA approved Aviation Tech training. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1 -866-296-7094 www.FixJets.com

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring adoption expert. Choose from families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions 866-4136296 Void In Illinois/New Mexico/ Indiana



AIRLINE CAREERS begin hereGet FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial aid for qualified studentsHousing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 866-2967093

ADOPTION: CHILDLESS, loving couple pray to adopt. Stay at home mom, successful dad, great dogs & devoted grandparents. Legally allowed expenses paid. Bill & Debbie 800-311-6090

STAFFING/EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES - CRAFTS VOLUNTEER Volunteer available with expertise in paper crafts and sewing 518524-1947.

ADOPTIONS ADOPT - The stork didn't call. We hope you will. Loving family of 3 looking to adopt another little miracle. Contact Robin and Neil: 866303-0668, www.rnladopt.info

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CLARINET, VIOLIN, FLUTE, TRUMPET, Amplifier, Fender Guitar $75 each. Upright Bass, Cello, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $189 each. Others 4-sale 1-516377-7907 CM 2000 TRAILER 38"x54", tong 33", ideal for motorcycle or car, $350.00. 518-643-8643. DR TOW BEHIND wood chipper, 18hp, up to 4", $750 OBO. 518524-7124.

SAVE ON CABLE TV-INTERNETDIGITAL PHONE-SATELLITE. You've got a choice!Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! Call today!1-855 -294-4039 SAWMILLS FROM only $4897.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1800-578-1363 Ext.300N

FOR SALE Antiqua Hot Tub by Artsinan Spa's, excellent condition, $2500. For more info call 518 -643-9391

SEARS 2 HP 38" Lathe w/stand & tools, like new $250.00. 518-4207294

FOR SALE, Hammock $20.00 call 518-643-9391


TORO 724 SNOWBLOWER: Two Stage $150, Call 573-6131 Located in Delmar.

FRIGIDAIRE 6500 BTU’S AC Unit, $200; Cosilidated Dutch West wood stove $500; 1 man Pontoon boat $300. 518-708-0678

WELL PUMP Gould, 1 HP, 4 months old, $500.00. 518-5760012

GAS STOVE cedar avalon w/ blower. 31,000 BTU black with gold trim glass front door. 518523-2066 $900.00 HAMILTON DRAFTING Table, 5' x 3', Oak w/ 4 drawers, like new, $300. 518-576-9751

WOLFF SUNVISION Pro 28 LE Tanning Bed, very good condition, $1000. 518-359-7650


COMPLETE BEDROOM SET New In Box Head Board, Dresser, Mirror, Night Stand, and Chest $350 Call 518-534-8444 QUEEN PILLOWTOP Mattress Set, New in Plastic, $150.00. 518-534-8444.

GENERAL !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch. 1930 -1980. Top Dollar paid!! Call Toll Free 1-866-433-8277 #1 TRUSTED SELLER! Viagra and Cialis Only $99.00! 100 mg and 20 mg, 40 +4 free. Most trusted, discreet and Save $500 NOW! 1-800213-6202

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HEALTH NEW WAVE PEOPLE, Inc. has immediate needs for Healthcare Professionals in yourarea. We are seeking Nurses, CNA's, Psychiatrists, etc. Must have NYS Certifications. To apply send resume to ar@nwpusa.com or contact us at (732) 786-9070 $$$ VIAGRA/CIALIS. 40 100mg/20MG Pills + 4 FREE only $99. Save $500! 1-888-7968878

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BUY VIAGRA from the UK! FDA Approved, 40 pills $169.00 Shipped! Save $500 Now!1-800375-3305.

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CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 CASH PAID- UP TO $28/BOX for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. BEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776-7771. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com CUT YOUR STUDENT LOAN payments in HALF or more Even if Late or in Default. Get Relief FAST Much LOWER payments. Call Student Hotline 888-224-9359 DIRECTV, INTERNET, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-2485961 DISH TV Retailer-SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-309-1452 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6-8 weeks ACCREDITED. Get a diploma. Get a job.1-800264-8330 www.diplomafromhome.com MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888909-9905 REVERSE MORTGAGES -NO mortgage payments FOREVER! Seniors 62+! Government insured. No credit/income requirements. Free 28 pg. catalog. 1-888-660 3033 All Island Mortgage ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - Start with Rotary and good things happen. Rotary, humanity in motion. Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary.org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain.

VIAGRA 100MG or CIALIS 20mg Generic 40 tabs $80. Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or MetroMeds.NET VIAGRA AND CIALIS 40 pills + 4 FREE! Save BIG $$$$ NOW! 100 mg and 20 mg. Discreet, Best prices! 1-800-796-8870

LAWN & GARDEN VINTAGE GARDEN TRACTOR Pennsylvania Danzer, 8hp, electric start, new tires, excellent condition, $800 OBO. 518-846-7710

WANTED TO BUY BUYING EVERYTHING! FURS, Coins, Gold, Antiques, Watches, Silver, Art, Diamonds."The Jewelers Jeweler Jack" 1-917-696-2024 By Appointment. Lic-Bonded. CASH FOR Coins! Buying ALL Gold & Silver. Also Stamps & Paper Money, Entire Collections, Estates. Travel to your home. Call Marc in NY 1-800-959-3419 CASH PAID- up to $28/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAY PAYMENT. 1-800371-1136 WANTED ALL MOTORCYCLES, before 1980, Running or not. $Top CASH$ PAID! 1-315-5698094 WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

DOGS FREE TO A GOOD Home 10yr. old small poodle mix, male, loves kids. Call Jane 518-643-9438.

THE OCEAN CORP. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1 -800-321-0298. TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920's thru 1980's. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D'Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800-401-0440

CATS FREE TO GOOD HOME: black & white male neutered ca, declawed & defanged, very friendly. 518-335-5768.


FOR RENT Elizabethtown Office or Storefront downtown 1364 sq. ft. can divide, available July 1st. Judy 518-873-2625, Wayne 518962-4467 or Gordan 518-9622064.

SINGLE-FAMILY HOME FAMILY CAMP FOR SALE. Beautifully Finished Cabin on 5 Acres, Woods and NiceLawn, Quiet County Road, Stocked Fishing Pond & Guest Cabin Only $69,995. Call 1-800-229-7843 or see photos of over 100 different properties at www.LandandCamps.com $29,000 REMODELED 2 bdrm, .3 acre, Rte. 9, Front Street, Keeseville, NY. Live in or a P/E Ratio of 5 to 1 investment. 518-3356904.

WESTPORT: OFFICE SUITES. Fully furnished w/cubicles, desks, computer & phone hook-ups. 720 sq. ft. Lake views. Contact Jim Forcier @ 518-962-4420.

LAND 1 ACRE OF Land at Wood Rd., West Chazy, NY, close to schools, nice location. Please call 518-4932478 for more information. 5.1 ACRES PORTAFERRY LAKE, West Shore $129,900. 6 acre waterfront property now $19,900. www.LandFirstNY.com 1-888-683 -2626 CRANBERRY LAKE 90 Acre Hunting Camp, 8 cabins, well, septic, off grid, solar power generator, on ATV/snowmobile trail, 1/2 acre pond, wood & propane heat, 55 miles from Lake Placid, one mile off Route 3. $155,000. 518-359-9859 FARM FOR SALE. UPSTATE, NY Certified organic w/ 3 bdrm & 2 bath house and barn. Concord grapes grow well on hillside. Certified organic beef raised on land for 12 years. Founded by brook w/open water year round. Prime location. FSBO Larry 315-3232058 or email spvalfarm@gmail.com. FLORIDA - LAND IN PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL for only $14,900. Guaranteed ownerfinancing with 20% down and $179 per month. Call 1-877-983-6600 orwww.FloridaLand123.com HUNTING CAMP SALE NYS Northern Tier Hunting Adirondack Lean-to on 5 WoodedAcres: $19,995. Brand New Hunting Cabin, So. Adks, 5.1 Acres: $29,995. Rustic Cabin on 60 Acres, State Land Access: $79,995. Close Before Hunting Season - FinancingAvailable! Call C&A 1-800-2297843 www.LandandCamps.com HUNTING LAND FOR LEASE 1,202 Acre Recreational Lease Hunting - Fishing w/Rustic Camp Bellmont, Reasonable Rate Fountains Forestry 518-359-3089

ALTONA, NY 3 BR/2 BA, Single Family Home, bulit in 1994, Perfect entertainment home, peaceful country setting 15 minutes from Plattsburgh. Large deck, 28' pool, patio with built in gas grill, 2 car garage with workshop. A MUST SEE $105,000 518-570-0896 MORRISONVILLE 4 BR/2.5 BA, Single Family Home, 1,920 square feet, bulit in 1998, Colonial Cape, attached 2 car garage, gas fireplace, finished basement, large fenced in backyard with above ground swimming pool on corner lot. Located in Morrisonville in the Saranac School District. Great Family Neighborhood. $229,500 Call 518-726-0828 Dfirenut@gmail.com

FOR SALE BURKETT OIL BURNER UNIT unit in running condition. With some control accessories. Call Dave 518-891-5989 $35 djbodah2gmail.com

AUTO DONATION DONATE A CAR - HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Nonrunners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800-578-0408 DONATE YOUR Car to Veterans Today! Help those in need! Your vehicle donation will help US Troops and support our Veterans! 100% tax deductible Fast Free pickup! 1-800-263-4713 DONATE YOUR CAR - Children's Cancer Fund of America. Free next -day towing. Any condition. Tax deductible. Call #1-800-469-8593.



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NEW MODULAR MODELS & SINGLE & DOUBLE WIDES factorydirecthomesofvt.com 600 Rt.7 Pittsford, VT 05763 1-877-999-2555 tflanders@beanshomes.com

CASH FOR CARS AND TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208 (888) 416-2208


OLDE ENGLISH Bulldogge and American Bulldog Puppies, Reg, shots UTD, health guaranteed, family raised, parents on premises, www.coldspringkennel.com, limited registrations start $800. 518-597-3090.

CASH FOR CARS. Any make, model and year! Free pick-up or tow. Call us at 1-800-318-9942 and get an offer TODAY!

(2) TRAILERS (OPEN) - both excellent condition; 2010 Triton 20' Aluminum - max wgt. 7500 lbs. Asking $4900 and 1989 Bison 31' overal Gooseneck, Asking $2900. 518-546-3568. (4) CHEVY RIMS, Steel, 16" x 6.5", 6 lug w/pressure monitors. $250 OBO. 518-524-7124.

GET CASH TODAY for any car/ truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-8645796 or www.carbuyguy.com TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/ Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951




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PRO-FORM AB Glider Platinum, like new, asking $20. If Interested, please call Jen at 518-578-2231


September 21, 2013


14 - The Burgh


September 21, 2013 14 SECTIONS OF 8’ Pressured treated boat docking w/ latter, adjustable hight stands, excellent condition, Also 12x14 Floating Raft w/latter. 518-563-3799 or 518-563-4499 Leave Message. 16’ CENTER CONSOLE FIBERGLASS SCOUT BOAT, 50hp & 6hp Yamaha motors, Humming chart & depth plotter, trailer & cover. $10,500. 518-4834466 16’ HOBIE CATAMARAN parts, hulls, masts, booms, decks, rudders, rigging, $500 takes all. 518 -561-0528 1967 17’ HERMAN Cat Boat ready for restoration, inlcudes trailer, $2500. 518-561-0528

1959 LAUNCH Dyer 20" Glamour Girl, Atomic 4 inboard engine, 30HP, very good condition. Safe, reliable, spacious, ideal camp boat. Reasonable offers considered. Located in Essex, NY. 802503-5452 1977 156 GLASTRON Boat with 70 HP Johnson motor, with trailer, excellent condition. $2500. 518359-8605 2005 WHITEHALL SPIRIT rowing/sailboat. Classic boat, rare find. Must sell! Asking $4500 OBO. 845-868-7711 BOAT FOR SALE 1984 Cobia 17' bowrider, 115HP Evenrude outboard (newer), 2002 Karavan trailer, runs but needs some work. $1,500. 518-576-4255

1952 CHRIS Craft 1952 Chris Craft Mahogany Sportman 22U, excellent cond., restored w/system bottom, original hardware & instruments, rebuild CCM-130 engine, spotlight, boat cover, new trailer, like On Golden Pond boat, located in Essex, NY. $24,500. 802-5035452. 1980 18 1/2 FT. Century Cuddy Cabin, 120 HP I/O, trailer, GPS depth finder, down rigger, plus. $2400 OBO. 518-9638220 or 518-569-0118 2001 SUPRA SANTERA low hrs., mint cond., great ski wake board boat, beautiful trailer included, $19,500. 518-891-5811

WINTER INDOOR BOAT STORAGE in metal building on Route 22 in Willsboro, NY. $4.00 sq. foot. Call 518-572-7337 for details.

CARS 2004 HONDA CIVIC DX Gray/Gray 140,000 kms, Good condition. Four door sedan. New battery and alternator. $3,600 Call: (518) 962-4979 CLASSIC 1973 CAMARO, 350 Auto, V-8 Engine, original 55,000 miles, $12,000, very good condition 518-359-9167.

TRUCKS 2005 F-150 STX 4 wheel drive, extended cab, high mileage, $4700 518-420-6290.

2007 STINGRAY BOAT 25' Stingray Criuser, only 29 hours, LIKE NEW, sleeps 4, has bathroom, microwave, fridge, table, includes trailer, stored inside every winter. (518) 570-0896 $49,000 Juggling Your Budget? Advertise Small, Get Big Results! Call 518-873-6368

1997 DODGE DAKOTA Club Cab, 4WD, V6, 5 Speed, 75000 miles w/ winter tires. $4500 OBO. 518-5247124.

FARM EQUIPMENT KUBOTA TRACTOR 2011 B2620, 26hp diesel hydrostatic 4x4 with front loader. Only 38 hours. 13,900. 315-492-4655.

MOTORCYCLES 2010 HONDA STATELINE 1500 Miles, Black, Factory Custom Cruiser, 312 CC $7,800 518-5698170

Juggling Your Budget? Advertise Small, Get Big Results! Call 1-518-873-6368 Ext. 201

The Burgh - 15 2012 HARLEY FATBOY Tequila Sunrise, 500 miles, many extras, sharp bike, $17,900 OBO. 518791-8810 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE KAWASAKI 1967-1980 Z1900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KX1000MKII, A1-250, W1-650, H1 -500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3 -400 SUZUKI GS400, GT380, GT750, Honda CB750 (1969,1970) CASH. FREE PICKUP. 1-800-7721142, 1-310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.com

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1995 COLEMAN POPUP CAMPER Queen and full-size beds. Needs roof and fabric work, otherwise in excellent condition. $750. obo 518 -562-0779

2000 24’ LAYTON CAMPER Sleeps 6, very clean, excellent condition, must see, $6700 OBO. 518-6439391 2002 COACHMAN MIRADA self contained, 24,840 miles, clean & runs great, Asking $16,800. 518846-7337


2-SNOWMOBILES & TRAILER 1-1997 Polaris 500CC w/ reverse & heated grips; 1-2001 Polaris 500CC w/ heated grips & youth grip handle; Also 2003 covered trailer, all in very good condition. READY TO ROLL & RIDE. $3200 for all 518-561-2175.

Need A Dependable Car? Check Out The Classifieds. Call 1-518-873-6368 Ext. 201

16 - The Burgh


September 21, 2013

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