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May 10, 2014

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Railway sale a surprise

This Week Spring fish sale

WARREN COUNTY The Warren County SWCD sells fish (trout, bass and minnows) to interested pond owners in Warren County. This program helps local pond owners stock their ponds. Orders must be received by Friday May 9. Order forms are now available online at warrenswcd.org They are also on our face book page under events. The spring pick up will be Friday May 16. Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass and minnows will be available. The DistrictÕ s pond stocking program is on a pre-order basis. If you have any questions related to pond stocking, species selection, or stocking rates, please feel free to contact our office at any time. 623-3119 or dmoore123@nycap.rr.com. Ñ

By Mauranda Stahl-Sorensen mauranda@denpubs.com

NORTH CREEK Ñ Iowa Pacific Rail, the parent company to the Saratoga & North Creek Railway, has agreed to sell an 80 percent interest to Chai Trust Co. LLC and EGI Fund Investors. Details of the sale have not been released by either party, under protective order. It was mentioned in the filing that the senior management of Iowa Pacific are set to maintain the remaining 20 percent interest. Local county officials cited that communication and transparency with the railway is lacking. “Our office is looking into it,Ó said Kevin Geraghty, Warrensburg Supervisor and Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors. Ò Ed Ellis and crew are still maintaining (the line), and hopefully this adds an influx in capital.Ó SNCRR has struggled financially in the past with local debt and payments to Warren County, who are proprietors of the rail lines. The U.S. Surface Transportation Board made the sale public through a filing made April 21. No effort has been made at press time by Iowa Pacific or SNRCC to bridge communication with Warren County. Ò I am sitting back and observing,Ó Johnsburg Supervisor Ron Vanselow said. Ò I am hoping for a positive outcome, but IÕ m cautiously optimistic.Ó SNCRR is member of the Gore Mountain Region Chamber of Commerce, where officials say they have been heavily supported.

Driving course set

INDIAN LAKE Ñ There will be a defensive driving course May 9 from 4 to 10 p.m. at Byron Park in Indian Lake. The course is good for three years and allows attendees to save 10 percent on insurance premiums. For registration, call John Rathbun at 648-5306.

Workshop slated

A kayaker goes through the gates of the slalom course during the Hudson River White Water Derby. See more pictures on page 8. Photo by Keith Lobdell

Family Dollar in Contract for North Creek Property


By Nancy Lee Dunn denpubs@denpubs.com













NEWCOMB Ñ The Wetland Detectives Training Workshop II - Birds and Plants, will be held Saturday, May 17, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Adirondack Interpretive Center. For more information, call 582-2000 or email aic@esf. edu.

NORTH CREEK Ñ A national dollar store chain may soon be coming to the hamlet of North Creek. Westlake Development LLC, a development company from East Syracuse, is in contract with The Holiday Organization, Inc., of Long Island for the purchase of a 5.5-acre piece of land in the hamlet of North Creek, across from the train depot. Westlake Development purchases land and partners with national corporations to create retail organizations, including Walgreens and Family Dollar.

Joe Cain at Westlake Development and Johnsburg Supervisor Ron Vanselow confirmed the contract, which is contingent on Family Dollar implementing the design that the town of Johnsburg requires. Vanselow believes as long as Westlake Development and Family Dollar comply with the requirements that will be put forth by the Johnsburg Planning Board, the sale will go through, stating that there are no rules in place that would block the development, simply some requirements for the design of the building. Ò The planning board canÕ t say they donÕ t like this development and block it, because it is a permitted use for the site,Ó Vanslow said. Ò They can possibly

mitigate that, but at this point, if Family Dollar satisfies the Planning Board’s requirements, it is likely to happen.Ó A phone call to Cork Nester, Planning Board Chair, to determine the Planning Board’s specific requirements, wasnÕ t returned. Many of the business people are opposed to a, Ò big box,Ó chain store on a piece of land they hoped would be developed as a mid-price hotel. At one point, there was an approved hotel plan for the site, but it never came to fruition and the site has been vacant for many years. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

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2 - News Enterprise


May 10, 2014

Save Our Schools holds first of two open public forums By Mike Corey

denpubs@denpubs.com MINERVA Ñ Concerned parents and community members are looking for ways to help Ò Save Our School,Ó here. A crowd of 19 Minerva citizens gathered at the Minerva Town Hall on Tuesday, April 29 to find out information and ask questions concerning the upcoming Minerva School District budget vote, set for May 20. Facilitated by Tom Savarie and Mindy Piper, both parents of Minerva Central School students, the forum was a chance for people to gather clear and accurate information about the budget, which was recently adopted by the Board of Education. The group hosting this forum, Save our Schools (SOS), is a small group representing district taxpayers, including parents, non-parents, and retirees. The district is currently facing a substantial budget deficit for the upcoming 2014-2015 budget year. The budget gap is now at $551,817 because of the additional funding (about $33,000) that was included in the final state budget. The school is planning various cuts to staffing, the use of more of the district’s fund balance and changes in the school lunch and special education programs. Because of the loss of state funding due to the continued implementation of the stateÕ s Gap Elimination Adjustment, or GEA (through which the school has lost over $850,000 during the past several years), the board adopted budget includes a tax levy increase which will be over the districtÕ s tax levy cap of 2.74 percent. The forum stimulated lots of ideas and prompted attendees to ask questions. A general feeling among the folks who were present as well as the SOS group was that Minerva Central School is a good school that must be saved, and that if the school was lost, it would be a major blow to the Town. Several suggestions were made about how to get the word out concerning the need to provide factual information to the public and encourage folks to turn out for the May 20 vote. These included working on making sure absentee ballots are distributed and submitted, getting out into the community and ensuring that parents of students are aware of the voteÕ s importance. Ò Many parents just assume that things are okay at the school, and their vote is not needed and thatÕ s why they often donÕ t vote,Ó resident Fran Paradis said. Ò If you care about your school and community, get out and vote,Ó Savarie said. The next SOS forum is scheduled for May 13, 1 p.m., at the Minerva Town Hall. For more information about the group, e-mail sosminerva@gmail.com.

Boat washing program set for debut By Keith Lobdell

keith@denpubs.com LAKE GEORGE Ñ Those wanting to learn more about the new boat washing program on Lake George can visit a new website created through the Lake George Park Com-

mission. The website (LGboatinspections.com) is one of a variety of topics discussed during the commissionÕ s April 18 meeting at the Lake George Town Hall. Ò It is a site that is solely dedicated as an outreach piece to give people the informa-

tion that they need,Ó Commission Executive Director David Wick said. Ò Emily DeBolt from the Lake George Association and the Governor’s Office helped create the site. It will be constantly updated as things come up and people will be able to get their boat stickers from the site.Ó


May 10, 2014

News Enterprise - 3

Woolf, Owens create campaign trail ‘Tag Team’ for dems

By Pete DeMola

pete@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH Ñ Following a campaign swing through Potsdam on Thursday, April 24, Congressman Bill Owens (D-Plattsburgh) officially endorsed Aaron Woolf, a small business owner and filmmaker who lives in Elizabethtown, in his attempt to succeed the two-term incumbent as the districtÕ s federal representative. Billed as a jobs and small business tour, the trip took the pair through a whistle-stop trip of this small city in St. Lawrence County and marked the first time the Democratic duo appeared together in public. SMALL BUSINESSES Woolf said Northern Music & Video, a longstanding Market Street fixture he visited on the trip, was a good example of how small businesses can successfully distinguish themselves in the global marketplace. Ò IÕ m really interested in how concrete and glass businesses compete in the age of the Internet,Ó said Woolf afterwards in joint interview with Owens with the News Enterprise. Ò This place provided something you canÕ t get online.Ó Citing the businessÕ recent product expansion, Woolf said Mom and Pop can thrive in the online arena if they provide something unique, like a sense of community, for example. Ò One of the things the Congressman is teaching me is seeing how he speaks to business owners and echoes their concerns,Ó said Woolf, citing the discussions the pair had with multiple business owners on trade with Canada. Ò ItÕ s a powerful reminder how to provide opportunity.Ó What didnÕ t come up during these visits, said Owens, was complaints on excessive regulation that the candidates on the other side of the political aisle say strangles local economies and chokes small business growth. Ò No one raised that issue with us,Ó said Owens. Ò What people really talked to us about were about what ideas could create more opportunities for them. When that question is raised, I get very little substantial response. ThatÕ s not to say there arenÕ t regulations we need to get rid of, but many who make that claim very rarely give a specific idea even when pressed.” Owens said these lack of ideas really point out the differences between the two major political parties: “They offer no specifics other than to repeal Obamacare,Ó he said. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Woolf cited firsthand experience with small businesses as a co-owner of several food businesses in Brooklyn. After working as a producer of long-form documentary programs, he later told the Valley News in an email that he wanted to create a business that reflected the kinds of

meals and community values he had found in the North Country. The Lodge Restaurant opened in June 2005 as an Adirondack-style eatery. Woolf and his co-owners spent the first six months designing the place, milling boards in Elizabethtown and preparing menus. They have 14 employees and plan on expanding and revamping their menus and interiors to celebrate their tenth anniversary. The Brooklyn-based Urban Rustic opened in the end of 2007, initially as a grocery store, and it has since morphed into a market cafe with emphasis on New York-sourced ingredients from across the state. It has since expanded to include a catering business and food carts. Woolf and his co-owners employ a team of 30, from delivery drivers to management. “Making a film is also an entrepreneurial act,” he said. “To produce each film, you have to design a product, find investors, create a budget, hire a team, make payroll and send deliverables on time.Ó Ò ENORMOUS CHALLENGESÓ Woolf said while he supports the Affordable Care Act, the excise tax on medical device manufacturers should be repealed. Ò It punishes success, something that is done incredibly well in this country,Ó he said. He said the ACA is flawed and needs to be adjusted. Ò Do you really want to go back to denying those pre-existing conditions and denying coverage to young people?Ó he asked. Ò What about the lifetime cap, those facing cancer and bankruptcy at the same time?Ó Asked about a poll conducted earlier that day by the New York Times and the Kaiser Family Foundation that found respondents in three Southern states Ñ Kentucky, Louisiana and North Carolina Ñ would rather see Congress improve the law rather than fully repeal it, Owens said that this is the type of polling thatÕ s reflected when you ask people more than if they simply like or dislike the ACA. Ò People recognized something needs to be done with healthcare. I have always been a pro-

ponent of fixing it,Ó he said. Ò Our friends on the other side of the aisle talk about repeal, but donÕ t have a plan Ñ they are unwilling to meet halfway.Ó During the trip, the pair visited the Alice Hyde Medical Center in Malone and an adjacent 135 bed skilled nursing and assisted living facility. Ò The challenges of delivering care are enormous,” said Woolf. “We need to look for efficiency whenever we can find it, including in the networks of our healthcare providers.Ó Woolf said a holistic approach should be incorporated into health care. Ò We need to look at root causes of disease,Ó he said. Ò Look at nutrition Ñ especially in the schools.Ó Citing the districtÕ s graying population Ñ the North Country is expected to experience a 23 percent increase in people 65 and older between now and 2020, a rate 15 percent greater than the region as a whole and a trend that will see the Adirondacks rivaling FloridaÕ s west coast as having the oldest population in the country Ñ Owens called it Ò a unique situation that needs to be addressed.Ó More primary care doctors are needed, he said. Ò We as a community need to make sure weÕ re creating an environment where physicians would want to come practice in our communities; to make a living and live in a more hospitable environment.Ó JOBS Woolf said he would like to see a combination of Ò big picture stuffÓ to boost the districtÕ s economy, including investments in infrastructure and education. Ò We need knowledge in the North Country,Ó he said. Ò I think itÕ s important, especially in education reform, to respond to what teachers are seeing on the ground.Ó Woolf said there are between 3-6 million consumers within an hourÕ s drive of the district Ñ that number is boosted to 70 million within days, he said Ñ and the district should lean on its strengths, including agriculture and forestry products. “Each community has to figure what their assets are and figure out how to sell those to several million people,Ó added Owens. As the candidate and Owens drove from Malone to Plattsburgh, the call was dropped several times.

Ò As you can see, the cell phone service here illustrates gaps in infrastructure,Ó said Woolf after calling back a reporter. Ò We canÕ t develop those markets unless we can talk to them and need to develop the type of grid that can accommodate taking advantage of these resources.Ó NEXT STEP Owens, whose retirement has been lamented by his constituents in several telephone town hall meetings he has conducted since his announcement Ñ including one on Thursday, April 29 in which he discussed his work passing the Farm Bill, trade with Canada, his support for the proposed Keystone Pipeline and his disappointment at Republican opposition of a proposed immigration bill — said he is confident that Woolf will continue the measured, listening-oriented approach that he has facilitated during his four years in office. Ò I think itÕ s helpful to understand how the legislative process works and I think Aaron will gain knowledge of that as we move forward,Ó he said. Ò ItÕ s important to make sure youÕ re connected to the people so you can give assistance at the local level starting from day one.Ó On Monday, May 5, Woolf toured Johnstown and Gloversville with Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20) and other officials. Woolf netted TonkoÕ s endorsement during the trip. Ò In a very short time, Aaron Woolf has shown he has the dedication and commitment to log the miles and ensure New Yorkers in Fulton County and the rest of the district are well represented in Congress,Ó said Tonko in a written statement. Ò At a time when Washington is so divided, we need more people like Aaron who will work with both parties to find solutions to the challenges we face instead of using those problems to drive us further apart.Ó SIX WEEKS Last weekÕ s decision by the state board of elections to deny Democratic challenger Steven Burke a spot on the ballot means that barring a successful appeal, Woolf will not endure a primary race and can start focusing on the general election in November. Green Party hopeful Don Hassig was also tossed from the race because the board of elections received his petitions after last monthÕ s deadline. Fellow Green Matt Funiciello collected enough signatures and will officially launch his campaign on Wednesday, May 7 at an event at the Rock Hill Bakehouse in Glens Falls, the bakery he owns and manages. On the Republican side, Matt Doheny and Elise Stefanik will face off in a primary slated for June 24. As that race comes into sharper focus, the candidates have launched television and radio advertisements seeking to further define themselves to the electorate. Photo: Woolf and Owens / Provided by Woolf for Congress



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News Enterprise Editorial

Race against the rails Y

es, we are a reactionary society, yelling at the top of our lungs about what is happening right now. That is why, in the midst of the Donald Sterling backlash and all of the usual outrage that accompanies what has become the Annual American Racist Story, the train derailment and subsequent fire that rocked Lynchburg, Virginia on April 30 has gone under reported. This is really something that we in the North Country need to pay attention to. In that incident, 13 tanker cars derailed and three fell into the James River. The resulting fireball spewed hazardous oil into the natural landscape, an area graced by the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains, and caused an immediate environmental concern. An unspecified amount of oil leaked into the river, potentially upsetting the ecosystem. The rail cars involved were the same type that were carrying crude in the Lac-Megantic spill that killed 47 and leveled most of a town last year in Quebec. These cars were also involved in spills in Alabama, North Dakota and New Brunswick. In the North Country, we sit very close, if not on top of, the epicenter for East Coast rail transportation of this crude oil. Trainloads come through Canada on their way to downstate refineries, including one at the Port of Albany. They travel along our riverways and lakeshores in DOT-111 containers that have recently been outlawed by the Canadian government. These single-wall cars were not even designed to carry crude oil. Some of them pass within yards of shorelines, homes and businesses, many through unmarked intersections rife with blind spots. Even with a ban on these cars, which have been proven to be accident-prone and unsafe, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reported 14 of the 17 cars involved in the Lynchburg accident were built Ò to a higher standard voluntarily adopted by the industry in 2011.Ó Good news, right? Wrong. The NTSB and the railroad industry believe these cars are also not built well enough for crude oil transportation. In Albany County, lawmakers have placed a moratorium on the growth of rail facilities shipping crude oil, seeking to initiate a study of their health impacts and following last weekÕ s incident, County Executive Daniel McCoy doubled down on his intent to keep his countryÕ s residents safe and called on the federal government to take im-

May 10, 2014

mediate action. We agree action needs to be taken, and now. Recently, the railway operator responsible for shipping the crude told the Essex County Board of Supervisors they were working closely with local officials in drafting emergency response plans in the event of an accident. This meeting came after area residents noticed an uptick in rail traffic speeding through the North Country. The meeting left some supervisors still questioning what would happen if there was a spill due to a derailment and what could be done to prevent them from happening. Since then, Canadian Pacific has made efforts to bone up on facilitating a smoother communication process with local officials. They have offered to fly officials out for training and have shared information that they were previously sluggish in providing. For that, we applaud them for their outreach and attentiveness to the residents of the region. Following their responsiveness, the first thing the federal government needs to do as it awaits a pending report from the Department of Transportation is to follow in CanadaÕ s footsteps, take a page from their playbook and ban DOT-111 cars from our railways. They have proven to be ineffective in transporting crude oil and very dangerous, fatally so, in derailment situations. The federal government and railway companies need to come together to design and create a new generation of rail cars that will make this transportation as safe as possible. At the same time, the companies who own the tanker cars need to step to the plate. We know after looking at our heating bills these companies have the money to invest in safety considerations. Local communities also must get involved, working with their towns, counties and state emergency management services to have a plan in place in case a spill happens in their community. There are very few towns in the Adirondacks that do not have railways running through them, many times through populated hamlets, along agricultural land or along waterways. If these things do not happen, we fear it is just a matter of time before we are talking about a train derailment that dumps thousands of gallons of crude into Lake Champlain or an explosion causing the evacuation of areas of Plattsburgh. Or worse. Ñ Denton Editorial Board


4 - News Enterprise


The herd mentality doesn’t work


sports. The WNBA has some acism in the NBA very impressive women playhas been a lightning ers, but none have cracked into rod over the past few the NBA yet, nor do any of the weeks. It seems everyone has salaries in the WNBA match an opinion of Los Angeles Cliptheir counterparts in the NBA. pers owner Donald SterlingÕ s So is that truly racist or fair? I recorded racial rants. It was difthink not. ficult to catch news anywhere Now, take those same conwithout it being the lead story. siderations into the everyday SterlingÕ s rant, which was uniDan Alexander workplace. It is nearly imposversally condemned by nearly Thoughts from sible to consider that every everyone, was completely unBehind the Pressline man or woman possesses exacceptable and neither he nor actly the same resume. Now his story deserved the air time add race into the equation. Each individual or the ink it received. should be judged, hired and paid on the merWhen folks disagree with things somehow, it of their experience as well as a host of other someway, someone plays the race card and it tangible and intangible assets that go into the becomes a hot topic that causes each of us to process of selecting the right fit for the job. have an opinion. So if race is the subject on most peopleÕ s minds these days, IÕ ll try dip- Just like professional athletes, no two players, or no two people, are alike. Each brings ping my keyboard into the subject and hope a unique personality and set of assets to the I donÕ t get in over my head with the limited position. amount of space which I have to work. Affirmative action has been for many years LetÕ s start with this: Did you know that the an attempt to level the opportunities for AfNational Basketball AssociationÕ s entire player hiring practice is considered racist based rican Americans. Its level of success can be argued but its purpose was designed to esupon the newest legal theory on the subject tablish long term fairness for minorities. espoused by U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Recently, the US Supreme Court upheld Perez? MichiganÕ s ban on using race as a factor in Perez believes that intent does not matter college admissions. Michigan became the in determining if a hiring practice is racist, ninth state to do so. Minorities find that aconly the outcome counts. So, if a company tion unthinkable and completely unfair. has an open hiring process, and ends up hirFairness will always be in the eye of the being 80 percent Asian Americans, 4 percent holder. The more focused we become on the African Americans, 8 percent Hispanics and issues of race and equality, the more it seems 8 percent Caucasians, that business could be deemed to have engaged in racist hiring prac- to undermine our efforts to achieve it. We all know that everyone is entitled to their own tices due to its proportional over representapersonal opinion Ñ unless, that is, you were tion of Asian American workers. Donald Sterling last week. In his warped apThe reason? The Labor Department is opproach to life, he most likely still canÕ t undererating under a legal theory that holds if a stand what happened. One minute he was on company’s hiring procedure doesn’t reflect the demographics of their physical locale, top of the world and was going to be given a lifetime achievement award by the NAACP then the outcome of their hiring process and the next, his private rant was made pubshould be treated exactly the same as if the lic and he became the most condemned creacompany deliberately excluded minorities ture on earth. from employment. While fairness and racial equality are noble Reality and common sense have sadly goals, in reality, they are nearly impossible to given way to a political herd mentality. The NBA, along with all sports franchises, hires achieve because each of us is unique and each situation we may choose to participate in is and pays the best players. Race, religion, and also unique. Throughout our life we make most likely, sex, plays no role in who gets these lucrative contracts to play professional CONTINUED ON PAGE 5


May 10, 2014


Garden Corner 2014 To the News Enterprise: This is the seventh year of existence of the Ski Bowl Garden. It has been a labor of love for so many people in Johnsburg. A special thank you goes to Marjolaine Arsenault and Patty Warrington who helped so much in the design and formation of the garden. I would also like to thank the local gardeners that adopted and cared for a small garden especially Dorothy Swensen because of her extra help and care for the whole garden including watering. Mary Goddard and Anita Abrams have been wonderful, especially when the Youth Works children come to work. Sally Heidrich helped keep the paper work on the memorials organized (whew). The Master Gardeners of Warren County have also lent a hand. The garden is supported by money that we receive as memorial contributions in memory of loved ones. We just planted two trees in memory of Bill Heidrich and Donald Walp. Our big fundraiser is coming up May 24, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., when we have our garden swap and sale of perennials. It is a fun, inexpensive way to start a garden or enhance the one you have. Everyone is welcome to visit the garden at any time. It is a wonderful place to take a walk through or just sit and relax. We are always looking for volunteers. If you have some spare time to do some weeding or can help us water on a regular schedule, that would be wonderful. Come visit, the crocus are up and the daffodils will be blooming soon. The garden is coming alive. Judy Brown Garden Coordinator

Send letters to the editor to keith@denpubs.com Dollar store

Continued from page 1 Laurie Prescott Arnheiter, owner of Hudson River Trading Co. in North Creek, said she was concern about the perception that could be made based on the location of the site. Ò I believe we, as a community, are at a tipping point,Ó Arnheiter said. Ò This spring, citizens will begin to see the budding of that work. Working with Warren County Planning Department and funds from the state and federal governments, construction will begin on a $2 million plan which includes improvements to our historic riverfront park, the train station area, the sidewalks and pedestrian comforts like gazebos and seating and eventually gardens and water features. Thousands of people will ride the train and disembark to a spectacular new North Creek. What do we want them to see when they get off the train? A Family Dollar?Ó Vanselow said the town should keep its options open Ò I believe people should have options,Ó he said. Ò We already have chain stores in town in Rite Aide and Tops. This will give people another choice and bring in people from all the surrounding areas to shop. It will also mean a half dozen jobs and a boost to the tax base.Ó Vanselow said he feels any development will enhance the property. Ò ItÕ s unfortunate for those opposed, but there has been what looks like a bomb crater at the end of town for years,Ó he said. Ò Nothing has been done with this site and this possible development is, again, a permitted use. Joe Cain has stated that Family Dollar would only need 2.5 acres and would consider donating the remaining three acres to the town.Ó No formal applications have yet been made to the Planning Board, although Vanselow said that Cain is in contact with Nester.


Continued from page 1 “We received no official notification, and we are pretty disappointed in that,Ó said Lisa Salamon, Executive Director of the chamber. SNCRR currently runs their passenger service between Saratoga Springs and North Creek with seven station stops in between. They have recently also added summer service between Thurman and North Creek.

Dan Alexander From page 4

decisions and choices that become a part of who we become as individual. Since no two people are the same, trying to place people into labeled categories only serves to discourage individual achievement. Life on this earth holds no guarantee for any of us. True fairness and judgment, in my opinion, simply can not happen in this world until we are completely blind to color and race. The herd can stampede all it wants, but no individual or government will ever be able to ensure 100 percent racial fairness in all things. Instead, each of us must look in the mirror and know that only we hold the ability to do our very best at each endeavor in which we choose to participate. How we respect each other is generally in direct response to how we are treated and perceived by others. So long as we choose to use race as a lightning rod, people will be divided by the very thing we seek to eliminate. Americans of all races, colors and sexes have more than proven that it is personal initiative and integrity that makes them qualified to accomplish anything they set their minds to achieve. That is the standard that we should be striving to instill in every man, woman and child blessed to live in this land of opportunity. Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton Publications. He may be reached at dan@denpubs.com.

News Enterprise - 5

Question of the month Imagine that you found a little door in the back of your closet. What Might be behind it? Mrs. HagadornÕ s First Grade Johnsburg Central School Liam McGowin - Behind my closet would be a flying dragon with razor teeth and he would try to eat me. Mason Englert - Behind my closet door would be an awesome monster truck and it would drive over my bed. Savannah Virgil - Behind my closet door would be twin dinosaurs and they would be trying to hide from me. Adriana Washburn - Behind my closet door would be a werewolf and she would try to eat me. Morgan Woodard - Behind my closet door would be a giant butterfly with pink wings and yellow polka dots. It would be jumping on my bed. Kayla Gonyo - Behind my closet door would be a giant clock and it would have stuff in it like zombies and mummies. Autumn Smith - Behind my closet door would be a shark that is scared and is afraid of me. Tristin Secor - Behind my closet door would be an elf that would take me to his kingdom and make me his princess. Charity Lupo - Behind my closet door would be a scary horse that could eat you and a dragon and a monster and a scary mummy. Eric Mason - Behind my closet door would be poisonous waffles that would try to eat me and try to poison me. Breyen Rafferty - Behind my closet door would be a zombie and I would fight him and win.


Vasanti Collins - Behind my closet door would be a bunch of animals that were trying to escape to go outside. Chet Perryman - Behind my closet door would be R2D2 and C3PO and we would be best BFFs forever. Maggie Selleck - Behind my closet door would be a big scary monster with polka dots. Mrs. MosherÕ s Second Grade Johnsburg Central School Minnie Bibby - If I found another door in my closet, I would open it and find a magical land of Spring. I would find green grass, flowers, bright white air and butterflies! Aidan Perez - If I found a door in the back of my closet I would find four Lego Batman sets. One would have the Penguin, two would have the Joker, and one would have Bane. The Joker would be in the same one as the Penguin. In Banes set, he would be invading the Bat cave. In the last one, Joker would be trying to get away from Batman in the Batwing. Brian Burkhardt - If I found another door behind my closet, it would be a spider, an old Spiderman toy, and an old Lord of the Rings toy, and a monster that tries to steal them. Corbin DeGroat - If I found another door in my closet, I would find ice cream land in it. Then I would eat all of it. I would have mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, and ooey, gooey. Caroline Williams - If I found a

pril 2014 will be remembered as a cool month that saved the maple syrup season by extending our colder than normal temperatures. For anyone looking for an extended period of warm spring days it was a big disappointment. The average high temperature was 54.1 degrees and the average low was 27.1 degrees giving us an average temperature of 40.6 degrees, 2.0 degrees below normal and the seventh coolest on record. The coldest April on record was in 1982 when the average temperature was 38.0 degrees and the warmest was in 2010 when the average was 47.2 degrees. The highest temperature, 76 degrees, was recorded on April 14 and the lowest temperature, 19 degrees, was recorded on April 17. There were 703.5 degree days, bringing our seasonal total to 7381.5 degrees. Melted precipitation for the month was 3.39 inches, only 0.21

door in the back of my closet, I think I would find a giant, fluffy, yellow, flying, talking pig! It would take me to its castle and make me a giant cup of vanilla pudding. Then, a bunch of sheep would come and bring me back home. Tristan Millington - I would find an evil person holding an ax. I would also find an angel. The angel would make the evil person good and save the day! Angelo Galle - If I had another door in the back of my closet, it would have a safe with gold money. Mia Connelly - In the back of my closet I would find a huge crow. The crow is also rainbow colors. When it flies, it disappears into the darkness. The crow can use its feet as a drill to get bugs. The crow can eat deer. Sometimes it will even eat elephants! Orlando Conlon - If I found a door in the back of my closet, I would yell Ò Narnia!Ó I slowly open it and it leads to a really big house. Alesha Johnston - I might find a safe and I would like to keep my secret stuff in it so my brother canÕ t find it. Scott Patton - If I found a door in my closet, it would be a safe. I would try to crack the code...Finally, I would crack the code. In it would be 100,000 dollars and 100,000 pieces of GOLD!!! Helena Batha - If I found a door behind my closet it would lead to a world with Pegasus, unicorns, and lollipop trees. I would get on one and ride it up to the sky! Then it would use its magic to make the sun comes out.

inches below normal. This brings our seasonal total to 12.67 inches, 0.26 inches above normal. There was measurable precipitation on 10 days with the largest amount, 1.32 inches, falling on April 15. Snowfall for the month was only 0.4 inches, 3.4 inches below normal. Seasonal snowfall is now 79.2 inches which is only 0.7 inches above normal. Thus the Winter of 2013-2014 was a long, colder than normal Winter but not a Winter with a large amount of snow. The Hudson River reached its highest level, 11.54 feet, at 12:30 a.m. on the April 16. This level is 1.54 feet above flood stage causing some roads in the area to be covered with water but causing little or no damage. This was the highest level since the flood of April 28, 2011 when the river reached a record level of 13.65 feet. The river reached its lowest level, 4.20 feet, on April 1.

Weather Watch By Paul Little

Cheers! Essex County Fair will now serve alcohol By Pete DeMola

pete@denpubs.com ELIZABETHTOWN Ñ The Essex County Board of Supervisors voted on Monday, May 5 to make this yearÕ s annual county fair in Westport a wet one. But a light drizzle, of course. Not a thunderstorm of booze. Ò I know this is going to pass anyway, but IÕ m hoping we can table this until [County Attorney] Manning is here,Ó said Lewis Town Supervisor David Blades before the board voted. Ò We havenÕ t seen any protocol that would set standards.Ó Ò Tabling would effectively defeat it,Ó said Westport Town Supervisor Dan Connell. He cited the time the fairÕ s board has spent working on researching licenses, lining up potential distributors and attending conferences as an investment he didnÕ t want to see squandered. Citing an email from Doug Terbeek, an official from the Prevention Team, an organization tasked with fighting substance abuse, Connell said the board would do everything to abide by those suggestions, including the implementation of a card reader to scan IDs, limiting purchasing to one drink per person at any given time and using cup sizes no larger than the standard serving sizes. While the fair has had a longstanding ban on alcohol, advocates of the repeal have argued that the county should make efforts to capitalize off the growing desire for locally-produced

WIC clinic schedule set

LAKE GEORGE Ñ The Warren County Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) offers nutrition education, breastfeeding support, referrals and a variety of nutritious foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women, infants and children up to age five to promote and support good health. WIC Participants would call 761-6425 to schedule an appointment.

beers and wines. Ideally, Connell told the lawmakers on Monday, the fair will act as a platform for local breweries to showcase their products. But for the inaugural edition, the fair aims to line up a major distributor as an anchor. Ò This isnÕ t going to be a drunken brawl-type thing,Ó said Connell. Ò This is in line with Governor CuomoÕ s economic development.Ó Joining Blades in the designated driver seat was Schroon Lake Supervisor Mike Marnell, who appeared to overcome his longstanding opposition to the ban when he voted in favor of repeal as recently as two weeks ago, but abruptly reverted back to his original position: Ò I admit IÕ m biased,Ó he said, citing what he said was longrunning streaks of alcoholism in his family. Ò IÕ d be a real hypocrite to support this.Ó Microbreweries have mushroomed in recent years and are now a $10 billion annual industry, up from virtually nothing three decades ago. According to a report from an industry publication, growth rates have grown 14 percent per year in the past four years. And many of them are boosting local economies by using only regional sources to supply them with everything from grains to yeast. According to Visit Adirondacks, a state-funded website designed to promote tourism to the region, the Lake Placid region has three breweries and three wineries. The Adirondack Coast has seven wineries and cideries and the Lake George has three breweries and wineries. It remains unclear what economic impact this pilot experiment will have on the fair after the associated expenses, like springing for the cost of the license and an additional law enforcement presence, have been covered. Connell was the first to admit that it might not work out: Ò This is a one-year trial basis,Ó he told the supervisors. Ò LetÕ s just see what happens.Ó

May 2: VFW Post at 7:45 a.m., 32 Luzerne Road Queensbury May 7: North Creek Fire House at 8:45 a.m., 134 Main Street North Creek May 14: Montcalm Apartments at 8:45 a.m., 220 Burke Drive Queensbury May 15: Municipal Center at 8:00 a.m., 1340 State Route 9 Lake George May 16: Lake Luzerne Town Complex at 8:30 a.m., 539 Lake Ave Lake Luzerne May 19: Municipal Center at 9:45 a.m., 1340 State Route 9 Lake George

May 21: Cornell Cooperative Extension at 12:00 Noon, 344 Schroon River Road Warrensburg May 22: Cornell Cooperative Extension at 8:30 a.m., 344 Schroon River Road Warrensburg May 27: First Baptist Church at 10:45 a.m., 100 Maple Street Glens Falls May 28: First Baptist Church at 8:45 a.m., 100 Maple Street Glens Falls May 29: First Baptist Church at 8:45 a.m., 100 Maple Street Glens Falls


6 - News Enterprise

North Country Telephone Exchange Directory (518)

236.............Altona/Mooers 251.................North Creek 293.......................Saranac 297...............Rouses Point 298...................Champlain 327.................Paul Smiths 352..............Blue Mt. Lake 358...............Ft. Covington 359................Tupper Lake 483........................Malone 492.................Dannemora 493.................West Chazy 494................Chestertown 497.................Chateaugay 499.....................Whitehall 523..................Lake Placid 529...........................Moria 532..............Schroon Lake 543..........................Hague 546.......Port Henry/Moriah 547........................Putnam 561-566...........Plattsburgh 576....Keene/Keene Valley 581,583,584,587 ..............Saratoga Springs 582....................Newcomb 585................Ticonderoga 594..........Ellenburg Depot 597.................Crown Point 623...............Warrensburg 624...................Long Lake 638............Argyle/Hartford 639......................Fort Ann 642......................Granville 643.............................Peru 644............Bolton Landing 647.............Ausable Forks 648..................Indian Lake 654.........................Corinth 668...............Lake George 695................Schuylerville 735.............Lyon Mountain 746,747..........Fort Edward / Hudson Falls 743,744,745,748,761,792, 793,796,798. . . .Glens Falls 834....................Keeseville 846..........................Chazy 856.............Dickerson Ctr. 873....Elizabethtown/Lewis 891..............Saranac Lake 942......................Mineville 946..................Wilmington 962......................Westport 963...........Willsboro/Essex

May 10, 2014

New ideas emerge for Westmount as sale terms are blasted By Thom Randall

thom@denpubs.com GLENS FALLS Ñ Past and present area political leaders were criticized for their handling of the cogeneration operation at Westmount nursing home Ñ and the facilityÕ s pending sale Ñ at a public meeting held May 1 by three Warren County supervisors who have opposed the sale procedure and its proposed terms. Several new ideas on the sale of Westmount, however were heard among the many criticisms aired at the meeting, held in Crandall Library by Mark Westcott and Doug Beaty of Queensbury and Peter McDevitt of Glens Falls. For months, Westcott and Beaty have been critical of the pending proposal of the Warren County Board of Supervisors to sell the home and its cogeneration operation to Specialty Care Group of Manhattan. Beaty and Westcott have denounced the bid and negotiation processes, as well as the price of Specialty CareÕ s pending offer. TheyÕ ve also opposed selling the money-losing cogeneration operation along with the nursing home, citing that doing so may be depressing the sale price. TheyÕ ve also

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contended that a purchase offer received from Fort Hudson Health Systems of Fort Edward Ñ a trusted local enterprise which employs many people from Warren and Washington counties Ñ may not have been appropriately pursued. At a Board of Supervisors meeting April 18, questions raised by Beaty, Westcott and several others prompted the board to vote ÒN oÓ by a weighted vote of 501 to 499 on a motion to proceed with the planned sale to Specialty Care. This proposed sale involved the county guaranteeing Specialty Care reimbursement from the state for cogeneration costs Ñ a provision that could cost county taxpayers up to $1.26 million over the next seven years. Two supervisors believed to be supportive of the sale, however, were not present for the vote. Since then, county leaders scheduled a special board of supervisors meeting May 7, and a re-vote was expected to occur at the meeting. In the meantime, about two dozen gathered at the ÒT own HallÓ meeting held May 1 to drum up public support for opposing the sale as planned. Several people at the meeting as well as Westcott said they opposed the pending sale provision that only requires





Specialty Care to keep the nursing home open for five years. “A five-year deal concerns me deeply,Ó Westcott said. ÒI f they shut the nursing home down, what will happen to the 80 patients now at Westmount?Ó The cogeneration operation has been conducted through a lease purchase deal devised by Seimens Building Technologies and instituted in 2005. While county leaders at the time claimed it had saved taxpayers more than $800,000 in utility costs over several years, it had actually lost them plenty, according to several independent engineering analyses. Losses Ñ when including the capital costs of the equipment Ñ have been estimated at several million dollars. The pending sale terms include continuing the co-generation operation, and the county guaranteeing partial compensation for the cogeneration costs if the state doesnÕ t follow through with their pledged Medicaid payments toward the operation. Such compensation was supposed to be $3.3 million over 16 years, but Warren County has only received $635,000 to date in the first nine years of the contract, Westcott noted. The state at this point has an overdue balance of $2.5 million they owe Warren County taxpayers, Westcott said. ÒT o guarantee Medicaid payments of $1.2 million more doesnÕ t make sense,Ó Westcott said. In response, Queensbury Town Board member Doug Irish suggested that the sale terms specify that Specialty Care receive compensation

only after Warren County was fully compensated for the cogeneration costs. Law enforcement authorities are now conducting a criminal investigation into the matter of how Seimens structured and implemented the cogeneration deal. Beaty warned at the May 1 meeting that if fraud is proven, Medicaid was likely to seek a refund of $1 million or more. ÒI tÕ s a rotten deal, and involves real liabilities,Ó h e said. Former county Treasurer Frank OÕ Keefe, who questioned the deal for years, noted that Seimens has been fined $1.5 billion for questionable deals they have devised. ÒI tÕ s hard to believe that 20 supervisors would go along with a contract like this,Ó he said. ÒI tÕ s a tragedy.Ó A number people at the meeting agreed that the county leaders in 2005 failed to appropriately negotiate the deal with Seimens. Several of them said the county leaders who were involved in the negotiation should be investigated. Westcott noted that the county airport is now losing about $1 million per year, and the countyÕ s Countryside Adult Home, which is hosting only 42 residents now, is running a deficit of $550,000. Irish responded with a suggestion that Westmount and Countryside be consolidated to slash deficits by boosting efficiency. Wescott responded, ÒY our idea is Ô right on!Õ Ó Westcott noted that the original solicitation for Westmount sale bids prioritized creation of a health care campus on the 28 acres of land surrounding

Westmount. He said Specialty CareÕ s bid contained no such plans Ñ but another bidder, Fort Hudson Health Care Systems, had entertained the idea Ñ but didnÕ t want to take on the cogeneration. McDevitt said that the property should be built out with the most modern facilities to accommodate the needs of the ever-increasing elderly population. ÒW e have a moral responsibility to assuring that our seniors reach the twilight of their lives receiving the very best care,Ó he said, criticizing the pending sale. Regardless of the potential vote on May 7, the controversy is likely to continue, as the sale provisions will be negotiated over several months to reflect the supervisors concerns, county Administrator Paul Dusek has said. He and others have noted that if the county drags out the sale process, deficits from Westmount, an estimated $50,000 weekly, will be mounting up in the meantime. Last week, the county hired Glens Falls attorney Larry Paltrowitz to analyze engineering reports and advise the county on whether to sue Siemens over mis-stated Ò savingsÓ of the cogeneration operation Ñ which were apparently financial losses. The supervisors also voted to hire him for up to $60,000 to help negotiate the sale of Westmount. Irish criticized the decision. Ò Why do we have two attorneys working for the county that we pay $300,000 per year and weÕ re hiring a third to explore suing Seimens?Ó he said.

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247.......................Brandon 372....................Grand Isle 388...................Middlebury 425......................Charlotte 434....................Richmond 438...............West Rutland 453.......Bristol/New Haven 462......................Cornwall 475.........................Panton 482....................Hinesburg 545...................Weybridge 655......................Winooski 658....................Burlington 758........................Bridport 759.......................Addison 654,655,656,657,658,660, 860,862,863,864,865,951, 985....................Burlington 877...................Vergennes 769,871,872,878,879 ..................Essex Junction 893...........................Milton 897....................Shoreham 899......................Underhill 948..........................Orwell 888....................Shelburne

May 10, 2014

Glens Falls Bank receives 5-Star Rating

GLENS FALLS Ñ Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company was recently recognized as a 5-Star Superior bank by BauerFinancial, Inc., the nationÕ s leading bank rating and research firm. Glens Falls National has earned this designation for the past 28 consecutive quarters. The 5-Star rating indicates Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company is one of the strongest banks in the nation. To earn 5 Stars, banks must excel in areas of capital quality, asset quality and profitability.

Johnsburg Historical Society Awarded!

JOHNSBURG Ñ Price ChopperÕ s Golub Foundation has recently awarded the Johnsburg Historical Society a $500 grant. The society will use the funds towards the purchase of a new office computer and updated museum software. This new system will aid the society as it develops its on-line database of Living History interviews and archival collection available for public research (johnsburghistoricalsociety.com).

Alice M. Ives art to be displayed

NORTH CREEK Ñ Planning for the Alice M. Ives Memorial art show to be on display at the North Creek Library in the near future continues. Organizers are requesting anyone in possession of a Miss Ives painting who is willing to loan it for approximately a two month display contact Tom Butler at 251-2649 for further details and arrangements.

Bird walk set

NEWCOMB Ñ The Northern New York AudubonÕ s Bird Walk will be held at the Adirondack VisitorÕ s Interpretive Center Saturday, May 10, from 9 to 11 a.m. Meet at the AIC before heading to the Roosevelt Truck Trail. Boreal species have been seen along the trail. The trail is hilly but easy and may be damp. Plan on two-to-three hours of easy to moderate hiking. Dress for the weather, including appropriate footwear. Pre-registration required at 582-2000 or aic@esf.edu.

Brunch to benefit Adk. Arts program

BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE Ñ The fourth annual Ò Merry Brunch of May,Ó will be held Sunday, May 18, noon, at Blue Mountain Lake at the Hedges to benefit the AC’s Living Able Program, for adults with developmental disabilities and our Arts from the Start program, providing arts programs for children. Come support these vital programs all while enjoying great company, beautiful flowers and excellent food under the spring May Pole. Look for more details about the event at adirondackarts.org. Admission is $22 for adults, $12 for children under 12.


News Briefs Wade Hammond to Perform

NORTH RIVER Ñ The North River United Methodist Church will be hosting a community potluck dinner at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. performance by award winning Christian recording artist/ songwriter Wade Hammond Sunday, May 18, at 194 Thirteenth Lake Rd in North River. A love offering will be accepted for the concert. For more information contact Amy Sabattis at 251-2519

Cemetery Clean Up Day

NORTH RIVER Ñ The North River Cemetery Committee is looking for volunteers to help make the North River Cemetery beautiful again after a long, harsh winter and just in time for the Memorial Day Weekend. Volunteers will meet at the new North River cemetery on May 24, at 9 a.m. Please bring gloves, rakes and gardening tools. For information, contact Roxanne Freebern at 251-4129.

Loons and Logs at AIC

NEWCOMB Ñ The third annual Loons and Logs Day will take place at the Adirondack Interpretive Center Saturday, May 24, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The loons will be racing and chain saws will be whirring this year. Events throughout the day will celebrate the historic spring movement of songbirds migrating and log drives. For more information, call 582-2000 or email aic@esf.edu.

Prescott to speak

WARRENSBURG Ñ The Warrensburgh Historical Society is hosting a presentation by historian Mike Prescott on Thursday, May 22, 7 p.m., in the Richards Library Community Event Room. Mike Prescott will describe the various attempts to harness the Upper Hudson River from late 1800Õ s to the mid-1960Õ s.

OTTG to host reading

NORTH CREEK Ñ North CreekÕ s Our Town Theatre Group announces the development of its Staged Reading program with Ò Almost, Maine. Ò The performance is a staged reading which will use actors and simple movement on the stage to help to dramatize the action and tell the story but actors will still have scripts in hand. The performance is Sunday afternoon, June 1, 2 p.m. in the Lyle Dye Auditorium at Tannery Pond Community Center. This staged reading of Ò Almost, Maine,Ó is free and open to the public. Almost, Maine is directed by OTTGÕ s Colleen Potter. No audition is necessary. Those interested are invited to attend the first read through on Wednesday, April 30, in the Lyle Dye Auditorium at Tannery Pond Community Center. For more information see ottg.org or email Colleen@dackerstudios.com.

News Enterprise - 7

AC’s member art show set

BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE Ñ The MembersÕ Show at the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts will be held from May 8 through June 7. The AC will be showcasing the talent of its members the month of May. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday through Saturday.

Dance classes to be offered

BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE Ñ The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts will be offering dance classes on Thursday evenings for youngsters with Sue Ann Wallace of the Old Forge Ballet Company. Classes will be held May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12 and June 19. Cost is $10 per class per student. To contact the AC call 352-7715 or visit adirondackarts.org.

Open mic night set

NORTH CREEK Ñ The Tannery Pond Community Center will be holding an open mic on Saturday, May 17, at 8 p.m. This will be held at 228 Main Street, North Creek. The cost is $5 for adults with students and children under 12 free. There will be room to dance and enjoy as we watch and listen to participants from the surrounding area take their turn on the stage. For information contact Bernadette Speach at 251-2505 or bspeach@tpcca.org

Johnsburg sets incoming student events

JOHNSBURG — If your child(ren) will be five years old prior to Dec. 1, they are eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2014-2015 school year. If your child is not already registered at Johnsburg as a student, please call Jean Comstock in the Guidance Office at 251-4201 to register. If your child is currently a PreK student, they will automatically be placed in a kindergarten classroom at the end of this school year. Kindergarten Round-Up is not necessary for students who are already enrolled in the JCS PreK program. Parents of Children not currently enrolled at JCS can call Jean Comstock at 251-4201 to sign-up for kindergarten screening on May 23 from 2 to 3 p.m. All Parents should see Carol Fosdick, school nurse, with an updated physical and immunization records. If your child(ren) will be four years old prior to Dec. 1, they are eligible to attend prekindergarten during the 2014-2015 school year. Please call Jean Comstock in the Guidance Office at 2514201 to register your child for PreK.

Palmer to present

NORTH CREEK — North River artist Jan Palmer will fill the Widlund Gallery at the Tannery Pond Community Center in North Creek from May 24 to June 25 with a retrospective display of some 50 years of paintings in watercolor and pastel.


8 - News Enterprise

May 10, 2014

White Water and Adventure


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May 10, 2014

News Enterprise - 9 251-2519

Thursday, May 15

Ongoing Monday-Friday

LONG LAKE — Noon at the Long Lake Nutrition Site. Serving lunch to our seniors. All welcome! Call Teresa Tice at 6245221.

Every Tuesday

LONG LAKE — 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meet in the lower level of the Wesleyan Church.

Every Wednesday

LONG LAKE — 9 a.m.-noon, Long Lake Archive building is open to the public. (518) 624-5374 6 p.m. Prayer Meeting at the Long Lake Wesleyan Church.

Every Thursday

LONG LAKE — 10 a.m. Swim bus departs from St. Henry’s Church in Long Lake for therapeutic swim in Tupper Lake. Call 624-3077 to sign-up. 5-7 p.m. Knitting and crochet circle! For more information call the CVW Long Lake Public Library at 624-3825.

Every Friday

NORTH CREEK — North Creek Railway is proud to offer a 5 hour round trip scenic lunch tour with convenient daylight ten a.m. departure and 3 p.m. return. A first class dining experience with warm comfortable seating and scenic views. For more info call (518) 618 3595

Every Saturday

LONG LAKE — 6 p.m. Adult Worship Service, Student Ministry (7-12 grade) at Sullivan House, Kings Kids (3-6) in the Lower Level at the Wesleyan Church.

NORTH CREEK — North Creek Railway is proud to offer a 5 hour round trip scenic lunch tour with convenient daylight ten a.m. departure and 3 p.m. return. A first class dining experience with warm comfortable seating and scenic views. For more info call (518) 618 3595

Every Sunday

NORTH CREEK — North Creek Railway is proud to offer a 5 hour round trip scenic lunch tour with convenient daylight ten a.m. departure and 3 p.m. return. A first class dining experience with warm comfortable seating and scenic views. For more info call (518) 618 3595

Every Third Tuesday

North Creek — 3:30 p.m. American Legion post 629 meeting at the North Creek Firehouse. Old and new members are welcome

Events: Friday, May 9

INDIAN LAKE — There will be a defensive driving course from 4 to 10 p.m. at Byron Park in Indian Lake. The course is good for three years and allows attendees to save 10 percent on insurance premiums. For registration, call John Rathbun at 648-5306.

Saturday, May 10

NEWCOMB — Northern New York Audubon’s Bird Walk, 9 to 11 a.m., Adirondack Interpretive Center. Meet at the AIC before heading to the Roosevelt Truck Trail. Dress for the weather, including appropriate footwear. Pre-registration required. aic@esf.edu.

BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE — The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts will be offering dance classes on Thursday evenings for youngsters with Sue Ann Wallace of the Old Forge Ballet Company. To contact the AC call 352-7715 or visit adirondackarts.org. NORTH CREEK — The date of the second “Fill Your Cup” special evenings of fellowship at the North Creek United Methodist Church, 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Friday, May 16:

LONG LAKE — “Charlotte’s Web, the Musical,” Long Lake Town Hall. 7 p.m. $15 admission/$10 AC members, $6 kids 12 and under. To contact the AC call 352-7715 or visit our website adirondackarts.org.

Saturday, May 17:

LONG LAKE — “Charlotte’s Web, the Musical,” Long Lake Town Hall. 2 p.m. $15 admission/$10 AC members, $6 kids 12 and under. To contact the AC call 352-7715 or visit our website adirondackarts.org. NEWCOMB — Wetland Detectives Training Workshop II Birds & Plants Saturday, 9 a.m. until noon, Adirondack Interpretive Center. aic@esf.edu. NORTH CREEK — Tannery Pond will be holding an open mic at 8 p.m. Adults: $5; Students & Children under 12 are free. For information contact Bernadette Speach at 251-2505 or bspeach@tpcca.org

Sunday, May 18:

LONG LAKE — Merry Brunch of May, noon, Blue Mountain Lake at the Hedges to benefit the AC’s Living Able Program. Adults $22; children under 12 are $12. NORTH RIVER— The North River United Methodist Church will be hosting a community potluck dinner at 5:30 p.m. and at 7 p.m. award winning Christian recording artist/songwriter Wade Hammond will perform at 194 Thirteenth Lake Rd in North River. For more information contact Amy Sabattis at

Thursday, May 22

BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE — The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts will be offering dance classes on Thursday evenings for youngsters with Sue Ann Wallace of the Old Forge Ballet Company. To contact the AC call 352-7715 or visit adirondackarts.org. WARRENSBURG — The Warrensburgh Historical Society is hosting a presentation by historian Mike Prescott at 7 p.m., in the Richards Library Community Event Room. Mike Prescott will describe the various attempts to harness the Upper Hudson River from late 1800’s to the mid-1960’s.

Saturday, May 24

NEWCOMB —Third Annual Loons & Logs Day Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Adirondack Interpretive Center. aic@esf.edu. NORTH CREEK — A “Spring Fling,” romantic memorial concert and reception to benefit the Adirondack Community Outreach Center (ACOC) at 7:30 p.m. located at Tannery Pond Community Center. The cost is $20 in advance; $25 at the door. Email Carolyn at bischca@gmail.com or call 251-3186 or 251-3481 if you would like to donate sweet or savory or need further information.

Sunday, May 25 NORTH CREEK — On Sunday, May 25 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the park adjacent to the railroad in North Creek, the free gala event will offer finger foods, liquid refreshment and live music. Appetizer contributions to the buffet table are welcome!

Thursday, May 29

BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE — The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts will be offering dance classes on Thursday evenings for youngsters with Sue Ann Wallace of the Old Forge Ballet Company. To contact the AC call 352-7715.

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May 10, 2014

Lake Champlain Fish & Game


Ice free and tick bound


y now, most local lakes and ponds have been free of ice for at least a week or more. However, it appears the winter season prefers to linger a little longer, with occasional flurries still being reported, while water temperatures remain cool in the 40Õ s and low 50Õ s. Cold rains have combined with snowmelt to keep the rivers and streams running high and cold, and as a result, the fish have been slow to take. The Boquet, as well as the Ausable were flowing heavy with whitewater over the weekend. One angler I met joked, ÒM aybe I shouldÕ ve left my ski poles in the truck.Ó Water temperatures on the ponds have been slow to warm as well, and frustrated trout anglers have been voicing their frustrations. ÒI Õ ve never seen it so slow at ice outÓ, a veteran angler recently explained, ÒU sually, I could count on taking a few home by now but I havenÕ t had a bite in two full days on the water.Ó I recently spent time scouting a few of the local streams and rivers, but after dealing the conditions; I decided to let the fish rest. I don’t like to fish for frustration, it’s too easy to catch. Despite the long winter, itÕ s still early yet, and thereÕ s no rush. Although trilliums are already blooming in the Champlain Valley, there were still pockets of snow and ice on Cobble Hill when I climbed recently. Traditionally, Mothers Day weekend has been the best spring date for fishing on the ponds, and Father’s Day has often proven to be the best on the streams and rivers. In reality, when it comes to fishing, there’s never really a bad time to get out.

Good hikes and Grand

Although I didnÕ t participate in the recent Grand Hike hosted by the Champlain Area Trail System last weekend, I did have the opportunity to scramble to the summit of South Boquet Mountain late one afternoon, with my kid sister in tow. The small, easily accessible summit provided big vistas, both to the east across Lake Champlain and west towards the High Peaks. It is just one of the many marvelous small summits that have been incorporated into the CATS trail network. The organization has produced a wonderful map of their

trail network, which can be found online at www.champlainareatrails.com It is also available free in many local stores.

Ticked Off

The short jaunt we chose to finish off the day also provided a few unwanted rewards, which my sister discovered following the hike when she discovered three ticks on her. Fortunately, I was tick free this time, although I recently found ticks on me after hiking around Elizabethtown the previous weekend. Lyme disease is caused by the bite of infected ticks, which are most active during the spring and early summer and again in the fall. Although the prevalence of Lyme Disease is nowhere near as common in the North Country as it is downstate, it never hurts to take a few precautions to avoid ticks, and the diseases they can carry. Black-legged ticks that carry the pathogen for Lyme disease are commonly found in forested and field habitats, and particularly where these habitats meet. However, ticks can be found in many different habitats, including residential lawns adjacent to wooded areas. Black-legged ticks are considered a primary carrier (vector) of Lyme disease, which was first discovered in the late 1970s, in Lyme Connecticut. White-footed mice are considered a primary carrier of ticks, as are varying hares, both of which are common in the Adirondacks. However, ticks can also hitch a ride with any warm blooded species including humans, birds, deer and dogs. Hunters and hikers, who often sit on the forest floor, are most venerable to ticks, as are kids who play in the fields. The easiest method to combat the affliction is to avoid getting bit in the first place. This can be accomplished by limiting the access to the skin by tucking pants into socks, and shirts into pants. When traveling in brushy and grassy areas, wear light colored clothing, which makes it easier to spot ticks, spray repellant around pant and shirt cuffs and always check for ticks after outings. If a tick is found, use tweezers to remove it and check for telltale signs of infection such as rashes. Three out of four victims report a bullÕ s eye-shaped red rash after being bitten, which can last for several days or weeks.

A view of downtown Elizabethtown taken from atop Cobble Hill.

Here’s a View of Essex, Whallonburg and the Champlain Valley taken from South Boquet Mountain.

Joe Hackett is a guide and sportsman residing in Ray Brook. Contact him at brookside18@ adelphia.net.

ack in December of 1956, the 6th day of the month actually, nine guys from Moriah got together and signed the paperwork to incorporate the newly formed Lake Champlain Fish and Game Club. The clubÕ s goal was to encourage and promote activities which result in civic improvement, promote and foster better fishing and hunting and to aid the conservation department in By Rich Redman upholding and enforcing the fish and game laws. This lofty goal was not just for the residents of Port Henry or Moriah, but they welcomed members to join from throughout Essex County and the States of New York and Vermont. Talking to one of the seasoned veterans of the area, I was given some great history and stories about the good times and events the club once had. Frank told me about the dances and parties that were given that would bring out droves of people from around the area. He told me that when the rock and roll music era came, he could hear all the Ò hippyÓ music throughout the neighborhood and the cars were parked all up and down the road. Things werenÕ t just about having fun. The club was involved in Pheasant stocking with the conservation department back then. Moriah, like many areas had many more farm fields and small hay and grain operations, so habitat was everywhere. In order to raise the birds, they needed cages or some sort of building. Luckily, a local volunteer from Moriah Center came forward and offered his old cow barn to use. The club raised pheasants for release throughout the county. Frank told me about one day when the door to the barn got left open and the birds escaped, he said you could see dozens of pheasants perched up on the railroad cars that were used during the mining days. He said he wished he had a picture of that site. That old cow and pheasant barn was torn down, recycled and slowly retrofitted into what now is the club house on Whitney Street. Pheasants werenÕ t the only conservation project the guys were involved in. Stocking Trout and Walleye were also big events for members. Local brooks and the lake itself were stocked by club members and the conservation department. All part of the original clubs goal. Walleye were stocked along the piers and docks made of concrete because the conservation department said the algae and moss growing on the sides of the walls were what the young fish ate and could hide in. Manmade habitat! Here it is 58 years later and the club is still up and running, not at full speed however. Like many organizations, volunteers and members have dwindled. Slowly over time, things fell into a state of disrepair and maintenance is needed. Vandalism has also hurt. An organization is only as good as the folks involved. The future of the Lake Champlain Fish and Game Club is in the hands of the volunteers that make things happen. At one time there was support from over 30 local businessesÕ , and dozens and dozens of members that donated materials, supplies and labor to keep the club going. Its membership was strong and community involvement made it happen. Television, computers and self-interests have taken its toll on volunteerism. Everybody is busy doing something else nowadays, and we wonder why things are falling apart, community wide. The present board wants to change things however. ItÕ s time to renew an interest in the club, and go back to the hunting and fishing traditions that this club was based on. Community and family come first, and we need to bring folks back together the way things used to be before television, computers and the so called smart phones starting robbing us of our time. The club wants to get more involved with hunter education programs, archery, fly fishing, fish stocking, and all the other conservation projects available to help the youth of the area. Social events can happen once again throughout the season if folks just turn off the boob tube! In spring, the trout are in Cheever Hole. Come summer the kids replace the trout and go swimming. Maybe itÕ s time for some old grey haired hippy music to start playing there once again! The stream will keep flowing and the water falls will keep falling, but the club only stays in place due to its members. Membership fees are collected yearly and are $10.00 for a single and $15.00 for a family. You canÕ t beat that, even if you only go down once a year for a picnic along the water falls. That alone is worth the price of admission. If you are interested in becoming a member or assisting with the renewal of the club, please contact Kim and Tim Kolodzey at 5467125 or Walt Wojewodzic at 546-7506 or membership information Like the Fish and Game sign reads, Ò If YOU carry it in, YOU carry it out!Ó Special thanks to Frank Wojewodzic for the stories and fish tales! The Essex County Fish & Game League meeting will be held May 14 Wednesday at the Schroon Lake F&G Clubhouse on Hoffman Road [rte 24-a short ways South of Schroon Lake Village on rte 9. Right past the cemetery-look for the club sign. This the annual Schroon F&G meeting featuring a Prime Rib supper which will be served at 6:30. See you there!



Rich Redman is a retired District Conservationist for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and an avid outdoorsman. His column will appear regularly. He may be reached at rangeric@nycap.rr.com.


May 10, 2014



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May 10, 2014


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FOR SALE 5' tall bird cage on casters, top exercise area, Prevue Hendrix brand, asking $250. 518-5478782. Bunk Beds – black metal w/2 bunk bed mattresses, $270 each. Bunk bed only $170 OBO. 518668-3367 CAST IRON Propane Heater Stove, 32000 BTU, Used One Season, Excellent Condition, Payed $1200 Asking $750.00. 802-377-0117 Dewalt Rotary Laser DW077, $1200 new, asking $700. 518-5852779 DICO-ST TRAILER TIRE F78-14 on rim, never used, brand new, good for horse trailer or utility trailer $85.00. 518-251-2511 Generac Automatic Service Rated Transfer Switches - all are new & include utility breaker, load shed module & installation manual. 100 AMP, RTSD100A3, $425 150 AMP, RTSY150A3, $525 200 AMP, RTSY200A3, $625 518-494-2222 Warrensburg Iron Rite Mangle Ironing Machine, almost new w/direction booklet, $250. 518-668-4399 KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores. Buy Online: homedepot.com Late Model AIRCO Oil Furnace, exc cond, asking $1800, will negotiate. 518-543-6362 Motorized Travel Chair, new batteries, exc condition, $1200. 518222-1338 Sun Tec Skylte, new, 2'x4' to fit 24” rafter space. New cost $408+ tax, sell $250 OBO. 518-668-3367 T-SHIRTS Custom printed. $5.50 heavyweight. "Gildan" Min. order of 36 pcs. HATS - Embroidered $6.00. Free catalog. 1-800-2422374 Berg Sportswear 40.

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GENERAL AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 866-453-6204 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid for qualified students Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 AVIATION MAINTENANCE TRAINING Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement Assistance. Call National Aviation Academy Today! FAA Approved. CLASSES STARTING SOON! 1-800-292-3228 or NAA.edu CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-8645784 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 Discount Auto Insurance - Instant Quote - Save up to 70% in 5 Minutes - All Credit Types. Call 888287-2130 now DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-6154064 MEET SINGLES NOW! No paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, connect live. FREE trial. Call 1-877-737-9447 Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-909-9905 ORDER DISH NETWORK Satellite TV and Internet Starting at $19.99! Free Installation, Hopper DVR and 5 Free Premium Movie Channels! Call 800-597-2464 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - A worldwide network of inspired individuals who improve communities. Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary.org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain.

HEALTH & FITNESS CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. FREE PILLS WITH EVERY ORDER! VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg 40 Pills + FREE Pills. Only $99.00 #1 Male Enhancement Pill! Discreet Shipping. 1-888-797-9029 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061 VIAGRA 100MG or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or PremiumMeds.NET WERE YOU IMPLANTED WITH A ST. JUDE RIATA DEFIBRILLATOR LEAD WIRE between June 2001 and December 2010? Have you had this lead replaced, capped or did you receive shocks from the lead? You may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727 LAWN & GARDEN Privacy Hedges- SPRING Blowout Sale 6ft Arborvitae (cedar) Regular $129 Now $59 Beautiful, Nursery Grown. FREE Installation/FREE delivery 518-536-1367 www.lowcosttrees.com Limited Supply! LOGGING LOGGING, LAND CLEARING, Forest Management. Highest Rates on all Timber. Double Rates on Low Grade Chip Wood. 518-643-9436



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RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (877) 2104130 Ticonderoga – 1 bdrm downstairs on Warner Hill Rd. Range & Refrig incl, cable avail. No pets. No Smoking. 518-585-6832.

Warrensburg – Home for Sale or Rent. Small 4bdrm home w/2 car garage, on own lot. Lots of room for BBQs and kids to play. No Dogs. Tenant pays water, fuel & propain. 1St, last and security of $850/mo required. Available 06/01. 518-623-4152.

CASH for Coins! Buying ALL Gold & Silver. Also Stamps & Paper Money, Entire Collections, Estates. Travel to your home. Call Marc in NY 1-800-959-3419

TICONDEROGA MT VISTA APTS – 2 bdrm, $594 + util average $95. No smokers. Rental assitance may be avail; must meet eligibility requirements. 518-584-4543 NYS TDD Relay Service 1-800-4211220 Handicap Accessible, Equal Housing Opportunity

Crown Point, 600' + on Putts Creek, 2.78 acres, 20' x 32' liveable building. Fix up or tear down & rebuild, $30K FIRM, quick sale. 518-354-7167 FARM SACRIFICE! 5 acres - $19,900 Great views, quiet country road, gorgeous hilltop setting! So Tier, NY. Guaranteed buildable! 5 tracts avail UNDER $20,000! Terms! Hurry! 888-9058847. Newyorklandandlakes.com

Cranberry Lake - 90 acre hunting camp, 8 cabins, well, septic, off grid, solar power generator, sand pit, ½ acre pond, wood & propane heat, 55 miles from Lake Placid, one mile off Route 3, $155K, 518359-9859 Lovely Single Family Home, 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath. To trade, swap, sell for equal value home in area, $129,000. Located in beautiful Edgewater, FL. 518-696-2829 Out of State Real Estate Delaware's Resort Living Without Resort Pricing! Low Taxes! Gated Community, Close to Beaches, Amazing Amenities, Olympic Pool. New Homes from $80's! Brochures available 1-866-6290770 or www.coolbranch.com. Out of State Real Estate Sebastian, Florida Beautiful 55+ manufactured home community. 4.4 miles to the beach, 2 miles to the riverfront district. Homes starting at $39,000. 772-581-0080, www.beach-cove.com.

Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1855-440-4001 English & Spanish www.TestStripSearch.com CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800371-1136 Scrap Metal & Scrap Cars. We will pick up all. Call Jerry 518-5866943 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE KAWASAKI 1967-1980 Z1900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KX1000MKII, A1-250, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 SUZUKI GS400, GT380, GT750, Honda CB750 (1969,1970) CASH. FREE PICKUP. 1-800-7721142, 1-310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.com WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 CATS FREE TO GOOD HOME, Female cat, spayed, all shots. Indoor cat, cannot be with other cats or dogs. 518-494-5389 DOGS

PYRENEES & NEWFOUNDLAND PUPPIES 8 weeks to Newborn Guardian Dogs/Family Dogs Health Certificate/Guarantee DNA Tested/Purchase Contract Call for Availability & Pricing northcountrycanineservices.com 518-314-1935 APARTMENT RENTALS Crown Point – 1 bdrm, mt view, heated, W/D hook-up, wall-to-wall carpet, no pets. Sec. & ref. required. 518-546-7913. CROWN POINT, NY LAKEFRONT APT, 2BR/1BA, upstairs, furnished (neg), quiet road near CP. LR, Kit, porch, wa/dr, heat/elec incl. Beautiful outdoor areas. No smoking/pets. Short or long term. $775. 860-235-4504

Ticonderoga – new luxury apartmet, quiet, all appliances, no pets/no smoking, references required, 732-433-8594

Ticonderoga – Pad Factory by the River. Nice 1bdrm, Upper. Incl heat, hot water, garbage removal, covered parking. 1 year lease & ref required, no pets, avail now, $525/mo + $525 security. 518-338-7213 Ticonderoga – Senior Housing (55+). Rent $455 or $550 *FREE HEAT & HOT WATER*. Some subsidy avail. Smoke free. Pet friendly. New appliances. Laundry on site. FHEO. Handicapped Accessible. 518-558-1007 Ticonderoga – Studio Apartment, $350/mo includes heat. Deposit & references required. Dudleyville Drive. 802-375-7180. Please email ian@organicbodybuilding.com Ticonderoga – Two 2 Bdrm Apartments. 1st floor $525/mo. 2nd floor, large 2 bdrm, $650/mo. Free laundry on site. A No Nonsense Apartment Building. 518-586-2171 after 4pm. Ticonderoga Village – Want a ground flr apt in a quiet, well maintained building? This small 1bdrm is ideal for a single person, retired person or even a couple. Apt features gas fireplace, moden kitchen & appliances, new carpet, fresh paint, large yard area & coin operated laundry. No Pets. Security required. $485/mo. + utilities. 518585-3336 or 518-586-6477. HOME RENTALS Crown Point – cute, cozy 3 bdrm/2 bath, A frame, porch, ½ acre, $83k. 518-351-5063, 860673-6119 or 917-679-4449 Lovely Single Family Home, 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath. To trade, swap, sell for equal value home in area, $129,000. Located in beautiful Edgewater, FL. 518-696-2829 Port Henry – Rent To Own, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 518-572-8800.

MOBILE HOME RENTALS Schroon Lake, 2 bdrm/2 bath, incl lawn mowing, garbage & snow removal, country setting. Call for info 518-532-9538 or 518-796-1865 VACATION PROPERTY RENTALS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: www.holidayoc.com WARM WEATHER IS YEAR ROUND In Aruba. The water is safe, and the dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available. Sleeps 8. $3500. Email: carolaction@aol.com for more information. REAL ESTATE SALES Lake George - 2003 custom built seasonal home, 14' x 38' w/glass & screened enclosed porch, exc cond. Ledgeview Camp, Highway 149. Asking $65K. 518-964-1377 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2354 Route 9N, Lake George, NY

MLS # 201334029 Enjoy the pleasure of owning a year around family business in the Adirondacks close to LG Village. Call Ildiko McPhilmy, Purdy Realty, LLC., 518-253-2295 cell0 Port Henry Duplex Apartment Building, completely renoved, excellent rental history, some owner financing avail, $69K. 518-5468247 LAND Brant Lake 9.1 acre building lot for sale by owner, Harris Road, $63K. 518-494-3174 CATSKILL MTN TIMBERLAND! 60 acres - $89,900. Quality timber, great hunting, secluded setting, adjoins State Land! Less than 3 hrs NYC! Town rd, survey, EZ terms! Call 1-888-775-8114 Crown Point Land – 53 Peasley Rd. Property offers 3.5 acres on Putnam Creek w/600' of road frontage, a 50' x 30' 2 story fram barn w/elec & oil heat. Zones residential. Can be converted or build new. Beautiful spot & minutes to the Northway or Ticonderoga, $65K. Purdy Realty, LLC 338-1117 Call Frank Villanova 878-4275 Cell

HARTFORD, NY 45 acre corner parcel, Fantastic Adirondack views, Quiet area, close to Town, shopping, I-87 Thruway, can be subdivided, perc tested. Owner financing. $98000.00 (802) 989-3686. NEW YORK LAND BARGAINS- 3 Acres Southern Tier: $9995; 6 acres on Trout Stream:$19,995; 8.4 Acres New Turkey Hunter's Cabin: $29,995. Financing w/ Low Monthly Payments! Call Christmas & Associates: 1-800-229-7843. Or Visit: www.landandcamps. com Owner/Broker Schroon Lake – leased land w/camp in excellent cond, 50' lakefront, 48' wooden dock, asking $50K. Call for details 518-4957683 Schroon Lake Waterfront Camp on leased land. Screened porch, 32' aluminum dock + more, $37K. 518-569-6907 STONEY CREEK 50 Acres secluded easy access 1800 ft. black top frontage, mountain views, Stoney Creek, NY $89,900, no interest financing. 518-696-2829 FARMFARM666@yahoo.com STONEY CREEK 50 Acres secluded easy access 1800 ft. black top frontage, mountain views, Stoney Creek, NY $89,900, no interest financing. 518-696-2829 FARMFARM666@yahoo.com

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIVORCE $349 - Uncontested divorce papers prepared. Includes poor person application/waives government fees, if approved. One signature required. Separation agreements available. Make Divorce Easy - 518-274-0380. ANIMAL BEADNELL RIVERSIDE FARM All Natural Beef for sale. Sold by the quarter, half, or whole. Topsoil also available. Call for details. 518-260-4048 AUTOMOTIVE Discount Auto Insurance - Instant Quote - Save up to 70% in 5 Minutes - All Credit Types. Call 888291-2920 now. CLEAN UP

Town of Lake George ½ acre building lot. Access to Village water. Ideal for build-out basement. $47,000. Will hold mortgage for qualified buyer, 20% down. 518668-0179 or 518-321-3347

PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING Painting & Staning, Houses, Log Cabins, Decks, Walks, Fences, etc. Schroon Lake & Surrounding areas. Free Estimates. Call Larry 518-532-0118.



COME VISIT OUR NEW MODELS Modular, Mobile Homes & DoubleWides. No Pressure Staff. 600 RT.7 Pittsford VT 05763 factorydirecthomesofvt.com 1-877-999-2555 7 days 9-4 Park Model, 1986. Ledgeview Camp, Highway 149, 5 Pine Breeze Trail, $49,500. Come see, it's really neat! New in 2012: roof, siding, bedroom, deck & shed! 518-6363429 or 352-428-8767

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MORIAH 1BR apt $495. (5973584) Clean, Laundry, references and security required.Pay own utilities. Small pet ok. No smoking. North Creek Efficiency Units for working adults, all util & cable TV include, NO security, furnished laundry room, $125/wk. 518-2514460 PORT HENRY. 2BR Apartment. Near Downtown, Walking distance to grocery store, shopping, services, $500. Plus security deposite. 802-363-3341. PORT-HENRY/WITHERBEE 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. $495, & $595. Heat, Garbage Removal & Parking included, Sign up for 12 mo. lease and get 1 mo. FREE! Call 518-569-9781.

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HOME IMPROVEMENTS RENEWABLE ENERGY. Heat your home with a Maxim Outdoor Wood Pellet Furnace by Central Boiler & gain energy independence. Boivin Farm Supply 802-475-4007 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS $189 INSTALLED. White double hung, tilt-in. $1500 manufacturer rebate available. Lifetime Warranty. Credit cards accepted. Call Rich @ 1-866272-7533 REAL ESTATE 1 ACRE OF LAND at Wood Rd., West Chazy, NY, close to schools, nice location. Please call 518-4932478 for more information. ADIRONDACK “BY OWNER” AdkByOwner.com 1000+ photo listings of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $299 per year. Visit online or call 518-891-9919 BUILDING AND LOT in Moriah 1.3+ acres, paved driveway, town water and sewer. Can be used for residential and/or commercial, Asking $45,000. 518-546-3568 Lovely Single Family Home, 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath. To trade, swap, sell for equal value home in area, $129,000. Located in beautiful Edgewater, FL. 518-696-2829 PARADOX HOME FOR SALE By Owner, Schroon Lake School District, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, fully renovated, 2 garages, shed, large fire place, $149,900. No owner terms. See forsalebyowner.com Listing ID# 23972428. TREE SERVICES Tree Work Professional Climber w/decades of experience w/anything from difficult removals to tasteful selected pruning. Fully equpped & insured. Michael Emelianoff 518-251-3936

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14 - News Enterprise LEGALS NOTICE OF FORMATION OF ALPINE ENTERPRISES OF NORTH CREEK, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/27/2014. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 75 Marina Rd., Chestertown, NY 12817. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-4/12-5/17/20146TC-43625 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF BOLTON LANDING APARTMENTS LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY On APRIL 1st. 2014 Office Location: WARREN COUNTY SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom Process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, P.O. Box 255 Bolton Landing, NY 12814 Purpose: any lawful activity NE-4/19-5/24/20146TC-43906 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law. The name of the Limited Liability Company is Fitness in Motion Personal Training Center, LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed with the New York Secretary of State (NYSOS) on April 15, 2014. The Company maintains an office located in Warren County. NYSOS has been designated as an agent for service of process against the Company and NYSOS shall mail process to 238 Bay Road, Queensbury, New York 12804. The latest date for Company Dissolution shall be indefinite. The purpose and business of the Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which limited liability companies may be formed. Muller, Mannix & Hobbs, PLLC, 257 Bay Rd, PO Box 143, Glens Falls, NY 12801. (518) 793-2535 NE-4/26-5/31/20146TC-44941 STATE OF NEW YORKSUPREME IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIENS BY PROCOURT, WARREN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIENS BY PROCEEDING IN REM PURSUANT TO ARTICLE ELEVEN OF THE REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW BY THE COUNTY OF WARREN NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INDEX NO. 60022 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 3rd day of April, 2014, the Warren County Treasurer, hereinafter the Enforcing Officer of the County of Warren, hereinafter the Tax District, pursuant to law, filed with the Clerk of Warren County, the original of this Petition and Notice of Foreclosure against various parcels of real property for unpaid taxes. Such Petition and Notice of Foreclosure pertains to the following parcels: Town Of Bolton ID# 123.00-2-53 401 New Vermont Rd Ross Chauncey, 401 New Vermont Rd 105.88 acres Rural Res ID# 155.00-1-51 18 Finkle Rd Monroe Karl J, Monroe Beatrice 5.29 acres 1 Family Res ID# 156.00-1-16 137 Federal Hill Rd Ulrichs Thomas, Ulrichs Donna L 0.77 acres 1 Family Res ID# 171.06-1-24 Valley Woods Rd Mulderry Patricia A, 12 Halycon St 0.27 acres Res vac land ID# 171.15-1-45 37 Horicon Ave Posteraro Vincent, Posteraro Sandra 0.33 acres 1 Family Res ID# 171.15-3-33 5 Sag-

Res ID# 171.06-1-24 Valley Woods Rd Mulderry Patricia A, 12 Halycon St 0.27 acres Res vac land ID# 171.15-1-45 37 Horicon Ave Posteraro Vincent, Posteraro Sandra 0.33 acres 1 Family Res ID# 171.15-3-33 5 Sagamore Rd Ulrichs Thomas, Ulrichs Donna 0.10 acres 2 Family Res ID# 184.02-2-8 969 East Schroon River Rd Sheppard Ramon Wallace &, Shauna Adair 29.45 acres Camping park ID# 186.14-1-21 939 Trout Lake Rd Thomson Robert S, 39 Platt Rd 0.48 acres Auto body ID# 186.18-1-25.1 Off E Route 9N Vaughn John Jr, Scheld Susan V 1.43 acres Res vac land ID# 186.18-1-25.2 Off E Route 9N Vaughn John Jr, Scheld Susan V 1.36 acres Res vac land ID# 199.07-1-1 South Trout Lake Rd Ellis Patrick P, 12 Sutherland Ct 16.40 acres Res vac land ID# 213.13-1-49 3940 Lakeshore Dr Stillbay Properties, LLC, 3940 Lakeshore Dr 1.76 acres Motel ID# 213.13-1-50 3940 Lakeshore Dr Stillbay Properties, LLC, 3940 Lakeshore Dr 1.78 acres Motel Town Of Lake George ID# 251.10-3-59 20 Scrimshaw Ln DeNardo Cheryl, 281 Buck Pond Rd 0.27 acres 1 Family Res ID# 251.14-3-35 326 Canada St M&L Duffy LLC, PO Box 293 0.00 acres Diner ID# 251.14-3-36 320 Canada St M&L Duffy LLC, PO Box 293 0.00 acres Mini-mart ID# 251.14-3-37 22 Amherst St Duffy Michael T, PO Box 1 0.00 acres Restaurant ID# 251.18-2-10 60 Cooper St Chiaravalle Luigi Gino, 60 Cooper St 0.00 acres 1 Family Res ID# 264.06-2-50 77 Canada St Fedoseeva Anastasia, 77 Canada St 0.27 acres Restaurant ID# 224.01-2-12 3485 Rt 9 Monroe Karl, Monroe Beatrice 2.60 acres 1 Family Res ID# 224.02-1-1 Rt 9 Montalbano Lance, 12 North Dr 1.65 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 225.00-1-10 Diamond Pt Rd Loke Donald R, 124 Bennetts Farm Rd 30.70 acres Rural vac > ID# 225.00-1-60.3 Truesdale Hill Rd Lake George Fly, LLC, C/O MFS Living & Leisure Grp. 7.43 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 225.08-1-20 Diamond Pt Rd McCoy Franklyn J, McCoy Peter L 0.24 acres Res vac land ID# 225.08-1-68 3711 Lakeshore Dr Clifford Kevin F, PO Box 56 0.27 acres 1sty sml bld ID# 225.20-1-43 20 Still Bay Rd Crossley Regina F, 79 Balmville Rd 0.09 acres Seasonal res ID# 238.11-1-6 Flat Rock Rd Jenne Thomas M, 51 Cotherman Dr 3.60 acres Res vac land ID# 238.16-1-30 Sunnyview Ln Kastner Eugene, 157 E 72nd St 0.55 acres Res vac land ID# 251.20-1-10 5 Lake St Reed Rebecca, PO Box 592 0.16 acres 1 Family Res ID# 251.20-1-33 14 Lake St Wolanic Estate, Att: Ruth Wolanic 0.12 acres 1 Family Res ID# 264.05-1-6 Prospect St Off Harris Joshua, 2219 County Rt 8 0.17 acres Res vac land ID# 264.08-2-11 Michelli Rd Britton Stephen Clark, PO Box 347 26.00 acres Rural vac > ID# 264.08-2-66 Bloody Pond Rd Belden Arthur T, 32 Goodwin Ave 4.00 acres Res vac land ID# 264.10-1-46 2143 Rt 9 Desantis Ent Inc, 365 Avation Rd 2.76 acres Restaurant ID# 264.12-1-31 13 Dyer Rd Cervini Theodore J, Zeppieri Kimberly 0.17 acres Mfg housing ID# 276.00-2-4 Rt 9N Off Schindelar Richard, PO Box 576 81.14 acres Forest s480 ID# 277.02-1-16 1881 Rt 9 Wilson Raymond C,

acres Restaurant ID# 264.12-1-31 13 Dyer Rd Cervini Theodore J, Zeppieri Kimberly 0.17 acres Mfg housing ID# 276.00-2-4 Rt 9N Off Schindelar Richard, PO Box 576 81.14 acres Forest s480 ID# 277.02-1-16 1881 Rt 9 Wilson Raymond C, 1881 State Rt 9 9.76 acres Motel Town Of Chester ID# 16.-1-65 Dell Culver Rd Saville Khris, Hitchcock Robert 0.66 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 32.-1-9 941 State Rte 28N Emily's Farms Inc, 941 State Rte 28N 1.42 acres Mfg housing ID# 35.-1-3.6 Cripple Creek Rd Beckler Philip A, Beckler Kristen L 3.84 acres Res vac land ID# 35.-1-29 343 Olmstedville Rd Price John A, Price Kevin 0.51 acres 1 Family Res ID# 35.2-1-3.1 Stone Bridge Rd Smith Louis B, Auer Doug 17.74 acres Mine/quarry ID# 35.2-1-3.2 Stone Bridge Rd Smith Louis B, Auer Doug 2.64 acres Vacant ind ID# 35.2-1-10 14 Bergman Way Wescott Maribeth, PO Box 345 0.76 acres Mfg housing ID# 35.2-1-15 18 Agard Rd D'Andrade Christine, D'Andrade Wayne 0.60 acres Mfg housing ID# 36.-1-46 167 Old Schroon Rd Hart Coleen, Hart Robert E Jr 2.60 acres Seasonal res ID# 50.-1-27 111 John Austin Rd Austin Robert, PO Box 16 54.48 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 51.-1-35 Fish Hollow Rd Warner Linda Sue, PO Box 208 39.58 acres Rural vac > ID# 52.-1-4 E Nichols Rd Javino Dale R, Howell Steven M 26.39 acres Priv forest ID# 52.8-1-12 Off Valley Farm Rd Krihak Paul R, 1 Spruce Ct 1.60 acres Vacant rural ID# 52.12-1-14 7793 State Rte 9 Finch Jeffrey, Finch Shirley 2.20 acres 1 Family Res ID# 53.-1-1.1 Valley Farm Rd Krihak Paul R, 1 Spruce Ct 10.87 acres Vacant rural ID# 53.-2-3 W Northway Harris Joshua, 2219 County Rte 8 0.10 acres Vacant rural ID# 68.-1-35.1 376 Vanderwalker Rd Flath Ray, 376 Vanderwarker Rd 67.68 acres Rural Res ID# 85.-1-52.1 N State Rte 8 Waldron Keith C, 4819 State Rte 8 89.54 acres Priv forest ID# 85.16-1-5 6850 State Rte 9 MSRY, 920 High St 1.27 acres Res vac land ID# 86.18-1-71 118 Chester Shores Dr Van Cook Joseph, 1 Trails End 0.61 acres 1 Family Res ID# 103.-1-32 28 Sequettes Rd Twin Pine Lodge LLC, Attn: Robak 26.62 acres Cottage ID# 103.18-1-15 Fredericks Rd Seitz Gloria A, 60-80 60th Ln 1.36 acres Res vac land ID# 104.10-1-9 2 Mill St Aloi James Malcolm, 108 Ocean Ave 1.09 acres 1 Family Res ID# 104.10-1-11 9 Mill St Batyi John, 9 Mill St 0.63 acres Mfg housing ID# 104.10-4-8 63686370 State Rte 9 DMRP LLC, 100 Fish Hollow Rd 0.78 acres Apartment ID# 104.10-6-8 54 Riverside Dr Riverside Drive Properties Inc, PO Box 457 0.95 acres 1sty sml bld ID# 104.14-1-54 71 Foster Flats Rd Basque Frank, PO Box 290 0.00 acres 1 Family Res ID# 104.14-1-62.2 State Rte 9 DMRP LLC, Greco c/o Richard 0.50 acres Res vac land ID# 120.6-2-6 77 Indian Springs Rd Graham Bruce, Kay Valerie 6.37 acres 1 Family Res ID# 120.9-1-1 878 Friends Lake Rd Seitz Gloria A, 60-80 60th Ln 17.01 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 120.9-1-2 862 Friends Lake Rd Lohmuller Julius, Lohmuller Jeanette 0.45 acres 1 Family Res ID# 122.-1-36 507 Rock Ave Ross Doyle, Ross Carla 1.47 acres Mfg housing ID# 152.-1-15.2 493 Potter Brook Rd DiPietro Harry, 3102 Albany Post Rd 3.28 acres Rural vac

Friends Lake Rd Railroad Lohmuller Julius, ID# 31.-1-42 St Rt 28 NL Industries Inc, Real Lohmuller Jeanette 0.45 Estate Dept 4.91 acres acres 1 Family Res ID# 122.-1-36 507 Rock Railroad www.newsenterprise.org Ave Ross Doyle, Ross ID# 48.-1-28 RR NL Industries INC, Real Estate Carla 1.47 acres Mfg Dept 26.47 acres Railhousing road ID# 152.-1-15.2 493 ID# 66.10-1-65 274 Potter Brook Rd DiPietro Harry, 3102 Albany Post Main St Bowers,Michael, DBA: Choptank Mills AsRd 3.28 acres Rural vac soc't 0.13 acres Row <1 ID# 152.-1-53 60 bldg det ID# 66.10-1-66 272 Friends Lake Rd Eagle Main St Choptank Mills, John C, PO Box 21 0.00 Assoc Inc, PO Box 184 acres 1 Family Res 0.05 acres Row bldg det ID# 66.10-2-12 254 Town Of Hague Main St Bradway Laura, ID# 2.-1-1 New Hague Bradway Erwin Jr 0.07 Rd Ezekwo Ifeoma, 3013 acres Row bldg det Grand Concourse 20.21 ID# 66.10-2-30 36 Rt acres Res vac land ID# 24.-1-30 off 28N Welsh Thomas C, Graphite Mtn Rd Petry, Rustic Homestead 0.20 acres 1sty sml bld est John, c/o William Taylor 4.00 acres Res ID# 83.-1-64 Durkin Rd vac land Top Ridge, NY Limited ID# 25.1-1-1.11 376 Liability Co, 3911 St Rt West Hague Rd Robin- 8 0.02 acres Res vac son Eric, PO Box 736 land 4.41 acres 1 Family Res ID# 83.62-1-8 7 AdironID# 25.4-1-4.1 Jakes dack Express Top Ridge, Rd Kearns Edward, NY Limited Liability Co, Kearns Marie 18.14 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres acres Res vac land Res vac land ID# 25.4-1-4.22 Jakes ID# 83.62-1-9 8 AdironRd Kearns Edward, dack Express Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, Kearns Marie 1.00 acres 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land Res vac land ID# 26.17-2-42.12 9110 Lakeshore Dr Laundree, ID# 83.62-1-14 13 Bear Estate Raymond, Attn: Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, Meg Haskell 0.27 acres 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres 1 Family Res Res vac land ID# 42.-1-14.2 101 ID# 83.62-1-15 14 Bear Decker Hill Rd Mattison Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY Richard Jr F, Mattison Susan F 5.00 acres 1 Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Family Res ID# 42.-1-14.4 Decker Res vac land Hill Rd Mattison Susan ID# 83.62-1-20 19 Bear Jordon F, 101 Decker Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY Hill Rd 2.80 acres Res Limited Liability Co, vac land 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres ID# 42.-1-25.1 101 Res vac land Dodd Hill Rd Cox Gilbert ID# 83.62-1-21 20 Bear J, 101 Dodd Hill Rd 2.22 Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY acres Mfg housing Limited Liability Co, ID# 42.-1-37 Off Hollow 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Rd Kubricky Mark R, Res vac land Kubricky Jeanette J 4.00 ID# 83.62-1-22 21 Bear Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY acres Res vac land ID# 42.20-1-12 Limited Liability Co, Lakeshore Dr Florez 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Thomas J, 89 West Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-23 22 Bear Shore Rd 21.77 acres Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY Priv forest ID# 42.20-1-16 Split Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Rock Rd Florez Thomas J, 89 West Shore Rd Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-24 23 Bear 1.23 acres Res vac land Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY ID# 76.20-1-24 8121 Lakeshore Dr Spelman Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Martin L, PO Box 106 Res vac land 0.54 acres 1 Family Res ID# 83.62-1-25 24 Bear Cub Dr Top Ridge, NY Town Of Horicon Limited Liability Co, ID# 36.15-1-18 332 East Shore Dr Russell Mar- 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres jorie B, 1003 Crest Rd Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-26 25 Bear 0.37 acres 1 Family Res Cub Dr Top Ridge,NY ID# 37.-1-57 Valentine Limited Liability Co, Pond Rd Thomsen Janet 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres A, 34 Arbutus Dr 9.40 Res vac land acres Rural vac <1 ID# 38.-1-1.2 Beaver ID# 83.62-1-27 26 SunPond Rd Johnson Brian way Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, V, 136 Johnson Rd 9.80 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres acres Res vac land Res vac land ID# 39.-1-19.1 State Rte 8 Thayer James M, ID# 83.62-1-28 27 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY Thayer Robert J 11.88 Limited Liability Co, acres Rural vac > 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres ID# 39.-1-19.2 State Rte 8 Thayer James M, Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-29 28 SunThayer Robert J 0.09 way Dr Top Ridge, NY acres Res vac land Limited Liability Co, ID# 54.1-1-3 Valentine 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Pond Rd Corrigan Res vac land Michael, Corrigan Wendy 5.26 acres Rural ID# 83.62-1-30 29 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY vac <1 ID# 87.2-2-18./1 East Limited Liability Co, Schroon River Rd Whit- 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres ley Dawn Marie, Acker- Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-31 30 Sunman Lester 0.23 acres way Dr Top Ridge, NY Res vac land Limited Liability Co, ID# 88.7-1-34 6656 State Rte 8 Fish Toby S, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land 6656 State Rte 8 0.27 ID# 83.62-1-32 31 Sunacres 1 Family Res way Dr Top Ridge, NY ID# 89.-1-51 Hayesburg Rd Steinman Steven M, Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Steinman Frantz Edward Res vac land 30.90 acres Rural vac > ID# 83.62-1-33 32 SunID# 89.-1-54.2 14 Travis Ln Granger Darian, 14 way Dr Top Ridge, NY Travis Ln 1.90 acres 1 Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Family Res Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-34 33 SunTown Of Johnsburg ID# 30.-1-27 48 Caster- way Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, line Rd Lorenson Cornelius, Dave 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land Lorensen 44.91 acres ID# 83.62-1-35 34 SunRural Res way Dr Top Ridge, NY ID# 30.-1-30 13th Lake Limited Liability Co, Rd Harris Joshua, 2219 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres County Rte 8 0.06 acres Res vac land Rural vac <1 ID# 30.-2-31 4651 St Rt ID# 83.62-1-36 35 Sun28 Knoll Andre H, Knoll way Dr Top Ridge, NY Andrew 0.20 acres 1 Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Family Res Res vac land ID# 30.-2-96 St Rt 28 NL Industries Inc., Real ID# 83.62-1-37 36 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY Estate Dept 26.43 acres Limited Liability Co, Railroad 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres ID# 31.-1-42 St Rt 28 NL Industries Inc, Real Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-38 37 SunEstate Dept 4.91 acres way Dr Top Ridge, NY Railroad ID# 48.-1-28 RR NL In- Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres dustries INC, Real Estate Dept 26.47 acres Rail- Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-39 38 Sunroad way Dr Top Ridge, NY ID# 66.10-1-65 274 Limited Liability Co, Main St Bowers,Michael, DBA: Choptank Mills As- 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres

Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-38 37 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-39 38 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-40 39 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.62-1-41 40 Sunway Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-1 41 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-2 42 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-3 43 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-4 44 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-5 45 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-6 46 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-7 47 Jughandle Ln Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-8 48 Jughandle Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-9 49 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-10 50 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-11 51 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-12 52 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-13 53 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-14 54 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-15 55 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-16 56 Top Ridge Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-17 57 Straight Brook Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-18 58 Straight Brook Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-19 59 Straight Brook Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-20 60 Straight Brook Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-21 61 Straight Brook Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 83.63-1-22 62 Straight Brook Dr Top Ridge, NY Limited Liability Co, 3911 St Rt 8 0.06 acres Res vac land ID# 84.-1-6 2848 St Rt 28 Forchelli Michael, 2848 St Rt 28 0.90 acres 1 Family Res ID# 84.-1-8 2832 St Rt 28 May Christopher J, May Tanya M 2.55 acres Seasonal res ID# 84.-1-51 53 River Rd Clear Earl, Metzger Jacquilynn 0.89 acres 1 Family Res ID# 85.-2-13 River Cutoff Rd Lett Jefferson J, Lett Cristen L 20.00 acres Rural vac > ID# 99.-1-70 33 Wood-

28 May Christopher J, May Tanya M 2.55 acres Seasonal res ID# 84.-1-51 53 River Rd Clear Earl, Metzger Jacquilynn 0.89 acres 1 Family Res ID# 85.-2-13 River Cutoff Rd Lett Jefferson J, Lett Cristen L 20.00 acres Rural vac > ID# 99.-1-70 33 Woodland Ln Fazio:Custodian For Alec John, Fazio:UniformTransferstoMinors 3.45 acres Res vac land ID# 100.-1-66 Showcase Dr Fazio John Jr, 44 Willow Rd 0.55 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 101.2-1-29 Antler Lake Rd Islam Mohammed, Chowdhury Mohammed 5.87 acres Res vac land ID# 116.-1-69.1 Chatiemac Rd Hall Jeffrey John, PO Box 233 32.00 acres Forest s480 ID# 117.-1-34 99 Oven Mountain Rd Persons Justin H, PO Box 537 5.07 acres 1 Family Res ID# 117.-1-66 20 Oven Mountain Rd Russell Dennis, Russell Rebecca L 10.83 acres Rural Res ID# 118.-1-62 2178 St Rt 28 Sargent Henri E, Sargent Wendy J 3.91 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 133.-1-16 664 Goodman Rd Goodman Philip O Sr, Goodman Philip Jr 0.75 acres 1 Family Res ID# 133.8-1-30 3499 St Rt 8 Bell Mark, 78 1/2 Saratoga Ave 0.96 acres 1 Family Res ID# 134.-1-5 678 Hudson St Cleveland Joseph E, Cleveland Annie I 1.00 acres 1 Family Res ID# 148.-1-41 Coulter Rd Oak Ridge Properties, R Lawrence 8.18 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 149.-1-15 Hudson St Cuomo Gary, Cuomo Gina 272.58 acres Priv forest ID# 149.-1-15.1 Hudson St Cuomo Gary, Cuomo Gina 264.63 acres Priv forest ID# 149.-1-15.2 Hudson St Pomarico Michael, Pomarico Karen 3.82 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 149.-1-15.3 Hudson St Cuomo Gary, Cuomo Gina T 2.87 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 164.-1-22 Crane Mountain Rd Ringer Michael, Ringer Kathleen 41.95 acres Priv forest Town Of Lake Luzerne ID# 274.-1-4.14 Gailey Hill Rd Charles Michael & Kathryn, PO Box 452 40.70 acres Rural vac > ID# 274.-1-69.3 Gailey Hill Rd Giacomelli Warren, 7 Autumn Ln 14.72 acres Rural vac > ID# 286.16-1-6 Chuckwagon Trl O'Keefe Barbara, 80 Everts Ave 0.37 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 292.-1-15.12 Scofield Rd Scofield Gene, 124 Scofield Rd 5.00 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 292.-1-40 107 Towner Rd NevinsStevenson Katherine, Nevins James 1.13 acres Seasonal res ID# 292.8-1-1 753 Lake Ave Fuller Susan, Sutton Caroline 0.54 acres Diner ID# 292.11-1-64 613 Lake Ave Barrett Bryan, 613 Lake Ave 0.51 acres 1 Family Res ID# 293.-1-37 336 Howe Rd Klatt Peter, PO Box 108 1.22 acres 1 Family Res ID# 293.-1-45 Howe Rd Mambee Jambee Ltd, 3255 Crompound Rd 3.26 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 298.8-1-8 Read Park Rd Izzo Marie, 1255 James Farm Rd 1.10 acres Res vac land ID# 298.11-1-16 River Rd Allen Glenn & Lynn, 276 Rhodeside Acres 0.03 acres Res vac land ID# 298.15-1-7 11 Main St Cunningham Patrick J, PO Box 47 0.12 acres Part res use ID# 298.15-2-30 11 Church St Hayes, J. Estate, c/o Hayes 0.17 acres 1 Family Res ID# 298.20-1-28 5 Lake Tour Rd Bartow Brian & Lisa, 1467 Hadley Hill Rd 0.24 acres 1 Family Res ID# 307.-2-41 Glens Falls Mtn Rd, off Newbury James, 62 Cormus Rd 27.90 acres Rural vac > ID# 312.20-1-28 259 Pleasant View Dr Nevins Richard & Dorothy, 259 Pleasant View Dr 0.30 acres 1 Family Res ID# 318.-1-36 1830 Call St Barrows Richard D.,

ID# 307.-2-41 Glens Falls Mtn Rd, off Newbury James, 62 Cormus Rd 27.90 acres Rural vac > May 10, 2014 ID# 312.20-1-28 259 Pleasant View Dr Nevins Richard & Dorothy, 259 Pleasant View Dr 0.30 acres 1 Family Res ID# 318.-1-36 1830 Call St Barrows Richard D., 1830 Call St 3.60 acres 1 Family Res ID# 318.1-1-49 Ralph Rd Gioio Gene, c/o Gioio 1.63 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 318.1-1-50 Ralph Rd Gioio Gene, c/o Gioio 1.22 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 318.1-1-80 Call St Ringer Michael, 10 Southwestern Ave 3.00 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 318.3-1-7 Hudson River Hanson William R, 78 West Notre Dame St 0.40 acres Res vac land Town Of Queensbury ID# 227.18-1-46 Hanneford Rd Tompkins Dorothy, 12 Dennis Ter 2.39 acres Res vac land ID# 253.-1-7 2027 Ridge Rd Burke John, 181 Beebe Rd 1.00 acres Res vac land ID# 253.-1-17 Ridge Rd Botto Robert, c/o Susan Joosten 1.85 acres Res vac land ID# 278.-1-69 Bay Rd Stranahan John E, 1347 Bay Rd 7.80 acres Res vac land ID# 278.20-1-11 28 Old Bay Rd Langlos Helen, c/o Helen Sheldon Wood 1.29 acres 1 Family Res ID# 279.-1-26 Ridge Rd McLaughlin D Scott, 1966 Ridge Rd 8.49 acres Landfill ID# 279.11-1-2 Mud Pond Rd.,off Herlihy J. Clarence, c/o John Streeter 0.19 acres Res vac land ID# 279.17-1-49 313 Hewitt Rd Riccio Frank C Jr, 127 Sunnyside North 0.23 acres Seasonal res ID# 289.12-1-3 Bay Rd Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 0.23 acres Res vac land ID# 289.12-1-4 Bay Rd Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 0.42 acres Res vac land ID# 289.12-1-5.11 889 Bay Rd Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 5.08 acres 1 Family Res ID# 289.12-1-9.12 Bay Rd Burke Patrick, 936 Bay Rd 1.03 acres Res vac land ID# 289.12-1-9.13 Bay Rd Burke Patrick, 936 Bay Rd 1.02 acres Res vac land ID# 289.12-1-9.14 Bay Rd Burke Patrick, 936 Bay Rd 1.00 acres Res vac land ID# 289.12-1-9.15 Bay Rd Burke Patrick, 936 Bay Rd 1.00 acres Res vac land ID# 289.12-1-10.1 Bay Rd Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 33.84 acres Rural vac > ID# 289.12-1-13 Berry Patch Dr T&B Associates LLC, 36 Fieldstone Dr 33.11 acres Rural vac > ID# 289.12-1-20 19 Blueberry Trce Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 1.29 acres Res vac land ID# 289.15-1-1.1 21 Blind Rock Rd Gosline Marylee, 25 Blind Rock Rd 20.13 acres Kennel / vet ID# 290.5-1-59 Sunnyside Rd Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 2.39 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 290.5-1-60 234 Rockwell Rd Estate of Howard Toomey, C/O Kevin Toomey 2.60 acres 1 Family Res ID# 290.5-1-60 234 Rockwell Rd Toomey Kevin, 234 Rockwell Rd 2.60 acres 1 Family Res ID# 290.6-1-65.2 Sunnyside East Gordon Janine, 19 Glenmar Dr 1.00 acres Res vac land ID# 295.11-1-8 33 Bonner Dr Daly Edward, Daly Patricia 0.40 acres 1 Family Res ID# 295.19-3-12 3 Gilmore Ave Jeroulis Steven, Jeroulis Sandra 0.36 acres 1 Family Res ID# 296.10-1-55 51 Wincrest Dr Woodbury Michael, Woodbury Ann 0.70 acres 1 Family Res ID# 296.13-1-59 Montray Rd Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.83 acres Res vac land ID# 296.13-1-60 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Vacant comm ID# 296.13-1-61 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Vacant comm

Michael, Woodbury Ann 0.70 acres 1 Family Res ID# 296.13-1-59 Montray Rd Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.83 acres May 10,land 2014 Res vac ID# 296.13-1-60 State Route 9LEGALS Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Vacant comm ID# 296.13-1-61 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Vacant comm ID# 296.13-1-62 1012 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.46 acres Restaurant ID# 296.17-1-47 900 State Route 9 Everest Enterprises, LLC, 21 Summerfield Ln 1.72 acres Restaurant ID# 296.20-1-15 Meadowbrook Rd.,off Morrill Joel, 2 Fifth St 0.52 acres Res vac land ID# 297.8-1-16 Marcy Dr Adirondack Industrial Park, 4 Walker Way 1.00 acres Vacant ind ID# 297.8-1-17 Marcy Dr Adirondack Industrial Park, 4 Walker Way 1.44 acres Vacant ind ID# 297.8-1-18 Marcy Dr Adirondack Industrial Park, 4 Walker Way 1.88 acres Vacant ind ID# 297.8-1-27.1 Marcy Dr Adirondack Industrial Park, 4 Walker Way 1.46 acres Road/st/hwy ID# 300.-1-19.11 Mountain Hollow Way Mountain Hollow Homeowners, Association, The 25.89 acres Rural vac > ID# 301.12-2-11 18 Colonial Ct Busch Gretchen, Guarino Philip 0.35 acres 1 Family Res ID# 301.12-2-27 368 Dixon Rd Casey Connie, 368 Dixon Rd 0.20 acres 1 Family Res ID# 301.19-1-11 23 Pasco Ave Mabb Darin, PO Box 2359 0.98 acres 1 Family Res ID# 301.19-1-13 Pasco Ave Mosher Clinton E, Attn: Constantine Regina 0.34 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 301.20-1-31 60 Howard St Swinton John Wesley, Swinton Kenneth 0.30 acres 1 Family Res ID# 302.5-1-44 13 Carlton Dr Kelly Katharine, c/o George Kelly, POA 0.24 acres 1 Family Res ID# 302.14-3-65.2 Park Pl Durkee Warren E Jr, Durkee Sandra L 0.02 acres Res vac land ID# 303.16-1-30 467 Dix Ave Mehalick Sasha, PO Box 302 1.29 acres 1 Family Res ID# 303.16-1-64 19 Park Ave Dufour Ronald, Dufour Bonnie 0.17 acres 1 Family Res ID# 303.19-1-11 30 Brayton Ave Rivers Billi Jo, Rivers Jeannette 0.11 acres 1 Family Res ID# 303.20-1-7 398 Dix Ave Cutter Lewis, Cutter Sharon 0.25 acres 1 Family Res ID# 304.17-1-50 Belle Ave Hamblin Robert J, 20 Belle Ave 0.36 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 307.-1-24 Lilac Ln Manney Michael, Tabor Kim M 0.52 acres Res vac land ID# 307.-1-46.2 Cormus Rd Newbury James, 62 Cormus Rd 5.85 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 308.6-1-12 Burch Rd.,off Strainer David, Strainer Linda 0.34 acres Res vac land ID# 308.12-2-44 63 Michigan Ave Boller Dianne L, 124 Bunzey Mt Rd 0.28 acres Mfg housing ID# 308.19-1-27 Ogden Rd Rivers Harry Jr, Houde Edward 0.23 acres Res vac land ID# 309.6-1-67 7 Harris St Williams Marianella, Alvarado Jeanette 0.43 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.7-1-10 Holden Ave Ringer Mike, 10 So. Western Ave 0.30 acres Vacant ind ID# 309.9-1-17 37 Indiana Ave Mallaney John, 31 Indiana Ave 0.23 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.9-1-30 63 Illinois Ave Lopez Goldie, 63 Illinois Ave 0.28 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.9-3-58 15 Vermont Ave Lord David, Lord Inez 0.16 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.9-3-82 21 Maine Ave Buhler Joyce, 21 Maine Ave 0.14 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.9-3-89 34 New Hampshire Ave VanGuilder James, Kelly Lisa 0.21 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.10-2-44 131 Fourth St. Ext. Luther

ID# 309.9-1-30 63 Illinois Ave Lopez Goldie, 63 Illinois Ave 0.28 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.9-3-58 15 Vermont Ave Lord David, Lord Inez 0.16 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.9-3-82 21 Maine Ave Buhler Joyce, 21 Maine Ave 0.14 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.9-3-89 34 New Hampshire Ave VanGuilder James, Kelly Lisa 0.21 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.10-2-44 131 Fourth St. Ext. Luther Tammy, 2 Seward St 0.17 acres Mfg housing ID# 309.11-1-33 28 Main St Aronson-Neal Jennie, Neal Herman 0.16 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.13-1-13 28 Indiana Ave Fordrung Adrian Sr, 28 Indiana Ave 0.21 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.13-2-11 447 Big Bay Rd Hamell David, Hamell Karen 1.51 acres 1 Family Res ID# 316.10-1-30 263 Big Boom Rd Wilson Lucas, Attn: c/o W.M.M.D., Inc. 1.00 acres 1 Family Res Town Of Stony Creek ID# 231.-1-17.2 645 Harrisburg Rd Asendorf Charles Tim, Asendorf John W 0.00 acres Vacant rural ID# 235.-3-1 Warrensburg Rd Arehart John J, Arehart Polly 13.50 acres Res vac land ID# 235.-3-2 Warrensburg Rd 1000 Acres Ranch Resort, Golf Club Inc 0.00 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 246.-1-59 24 Lanfear Rd Muhl Jonathan P, 12 Lanfear Rd 0.00 acres 1 Family Res ID# 256.14-1-4 Harrisburg Rd Miraglia Joseph, 7819 Bay Pkwy 0.00 acres Seasonal res ID# 258.-1-50 Lens Lake Rd Dee Patrick M, Judith Ann 0.00 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 259.-1-19 Louis Waite Rd Brown Richard B, PO Box 156 183.92 acres Priv forest ID# 260.-1-15 Warrensburg Rd Bussiculo Dominick E, Ryan Doreen C 23.80 acres Priv forest ID# 260.-1-17 Warrensburg Rd Morales Rose Marie, Gallagher Thomas 3.60 acres Mobile homes Town Of Thurman ID# 167.3-1-26 127-131 Huber Rd Allen Phyllis K, 127 Huber Rd 0.86 acres Mfg housing ID# 167.3-1-31.12 928 Glen-Athol Rd Walker Rene, 928 Glen Athol Rd 1.77 acres Mfg housing ID# 180.-1-15.2 379 S Johnsburg Rd Griswold Adam, Griswold Linda 6.24 acres Mfg housing ID# 181.-1-13 Dippikill Rd.,off Sw Oppitz Randall, 10 Birch Mountain Way Bldg 1 115.37 acres Rural vac > ID# 196.-1-31 271 GlenAthol Rd Deblois Viateur, William S. Cason 0.99 acres Mfg housing ID# 209.3-2-19 147 Mud St Walerstein Sharie T, 147 Mud St 1.52 acres Mfg housing ID# 221.-1-17.2 920 High St Duell Kent J, Duell Glenda M 4.75 acres 1 Family Res ID# 221.-1-37 Zaltz Rd Fisher Brad, Attn: Michael A Gilbirtie 13.39 acres Rural vac > ID# 221.-2-12.3 239 Mud St Fruda Richard A, Fruda Paige L 1.32 acres Mfg housing ID# 221.-2-13.23 346 Mud St Prybylski James, 346 Mud St 6.32 acres Res vac land ID# 221.-2-29 Mud St Wood Gilbert R Jr., 565 Mud St 3.50 acres Mfg housing Town Of Warrensburg ID# 137.-2-9 Pucker St McPhee Giselle,Dari & Tony, 33 Long Acre Ln 10.30 acres Rural vac > ID# 137.-2-31 Tripp Lake Rd Tripp Point LLC, PO Box 717 5.23 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 137.-2-40 Tripp Lake Rd Tripp Point LLC, PO Box 717 63.91 acres Forest s480 ID# 137.-2-41 Tripp Lake Rd Tripp Point LLC, PO Box 717 46.34 acres Forest s480 ID# 138.-1-18 Off Pucker St Lloyd Earle, Attn: Steven Lloyd 30.12 acres Rural vac > ID# 153.1-1-20 Vern

Tony, 33 Long Acre Ln 10.30 acres Rural vac > ID# 137.-2-31 Tripp Lake Rd Tripp Point LLC, PO Box 717 5.23 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 137.-2-40 Tripp Lake Rd Tripp Point LLC, PO Box 717 63.91 acres Forest s480 ID# 137.-2-41 Tripp Lake Rd Tripp Point LLC, PO Box 717 46.34 acres Forest s480 ID# 138.-1-18 Off Pucker St Lloyd Earle, Attn: Steven Lloyd 30.12 acres Rural vac > ID# 153.1-1-20 Vern Tennyson Rd.,off Hill Gary, PO Box 594 0.20 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 153.1-1-40 Route 9 Hill Gary J, 35 Vern Tennyson Rd 0.38 acres Vacant rural ID# 153.7-1-33 2 A High Pines Ter Bedford Michael, Bedford Carol 0.02 acres 1 Family Res ID# 153.7-5-3 29 C Balsam Crest Ln Jovic Development Inc, PO Box 717 0.03 acres 1 Family Res ID# 154.-1-14 Off Pucker St Raymond Paul J, Engle-Raymond Lois 92.95 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 154.-1-27 1531 Schroon River Rd Bonnie Monroe, 1531 Schroon River Road 3.84 acres 1 Family Res ID# 154.-1-27 1531 Schroon River Rd Monroe Bernard, Monroe Bonnie 3.84 acres 1 Family Res ID# 154.-1-29 83 Pucker St Raymond Paul J, Engel Lois 154.00 acres Horse farm ID# 154.-1-30.1 Pucker St Raymond Paul J, Engel Lois 147.77 acres Rural vac > ID# 167.-2-15 Potter Brook Rd Duell Justin M, 153 Potter Brook Rd 2.50 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 168.-1-8 Old Route 9 Defruscio Dominic A III, 123 Poyneer Rd 5.50 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 168.-2-5 43 W Kelm Pond Rd Ferullo Carl C, Ferullo Kathleen 1.74 acres 1 Family Res ID# 197.-2-13.2 95 Rocky Ridge Rd Lambert Anthony R, 95 Rocky Ridge Rd 2.56 acres Mfg housing ID# 197.-2-19 157 Rollies Rd Schenk Randy, Schenk Helen 2.86 acres Mfg housing ID# 210.12-1-40 22 Grand Ave Geroux Christopher A, Dona S 0.17 acres Res vac land ID# 210.12-1-53.2 29 Grand Ave Morehouse Bobby E, Morehouse Tammy Lynn 0.23 acres Mfg housing ID# 210.12-3-51 16 Third Ave Peters Diane, 16 Third Ave 0.27 acres Mfg housing ID# 210.12-3-57 15 Third Ave Shostak Walter G, Shostak Linda R 0.28 acres 1 Family Res ID# 210.16-2-34 11 Hudson St Equity Trust Comp Custodain, FBO Michael Kyro IRA 0.27 acres Apartment ID# 211.-1-5 Schroon River Rd MSRY, LLC, 920 High St 42.86 acres Rural vac > ID# 211.-1-11 Schroon River Rd Kruger Paul D, Kruger Donald P 3.41 acres Res vac land ID# 211.17-1-22 11 Summit St Hall David G Sr, Hall Constance 0.18 acres Res vac land ID# 211.17-2-1 73 River St Duell Kent J, Duell Glenda M 0.16 acres Res w/comuse ID# 211.17-4-19 South Ave Brosnan Jeremiah, Brosnan Jacqueline 0.05 acres Res vac land ID# 211.17-5-40 Off River St Duell Kent J, Duell Glenda M 0.07 acres Res vac land ID# 211.18-1-10 368789 Main St Masonius Michael T, 3687-89 Main St 0.00 acres 2 Family Res ID# 211.18-1-32 5 Rosalie Ave Harrington Arnold H, Naomi V 0.24 acres 1 Family Res ID# 223.7-1-13 427 Route 418 Olden Cheryl Custodian, PO Box 2194 0.60 acres 1 Family Res ID# 223.7-1-22 461 River St Thompson David J, Thompson Marcia M 1.08 acres 1 Family Res ID# 223.8-1-5 277 River St Baker Lorraine Y, 277 River St 0.23 acres 1 Family Res ID# 224.-1-10 Off Harrington Hill Rd Rounds Bryan, 1285 Alden Ave 0.38 acres Seasonal res ID# 236.14-1-2 Alden

Failure to redeem or Arnold H, Naomi V 0.24 answer: In the event of acres 1 Family Res failure to redeem or anID# 223.7-1-13 427 Route 418 Olden Cheryl swer by any person having the right to redeem Custodian, PO Box 2194 www.newsenterprise.org or answer, such person 0.60 acres 1 Family Res ID# 223.7-1-22 461 Riv- will be forever barred er St Thompson David J, and foreclosed of all his Thompson Marcia M or her right, title and interest and equity of re1.08 acres 1 Family Res ID# 223.8-1-5 277 River demption in and to the parcel described in such St Baker Lorraine Y, 277 River St 0.23 acres 1 petition and a judgement in foreclosure may be Family Res ID# 224.-1-10 Off Har- taken by default. rington Hill Rd Rounds Michael R. Swan Bryan, 1285 Alden Ave WARREN COUNTY 0.38 acres Seasonal res TREASURER ID# 236.14-1-2 Alden Martin D. Auffredou, Ave Hyson William III, Esq. Hyson Kathleen 0.92 Warren County Municiacres Seasonal res pal Center ID# 236.14-1-9 12 Rays 1340 State Route 9 Rd Healy John F, 5 Ter- Lake George, NY 12845 race Ave 0.60 acres Sea- (518) 761-6463 sonal res NEEffect of filing: All per- 4/12,4/26,5/10/2014sons having or claiming 4TC-53822 to have an interest in the NOTICE OF FORMATION real property described in this petition are here- OF LIMITED LIABILITY by notified that the filin- COMPANY. NAME: GF gof this petition consti- DEVELOPMENT GROUP tutes the commence- LLC. Articles of Organiment by the Tax District zation were filed with the Secretary of State of of a proceeding in the New York (SSNY) on court specified in the caption above to fore- 04/11/14. Office location: Warren County. close each of the tax SSNY has been desigliens therein described by a foreclosure pro- nated as agent of the LLC upon whom proceeding in rem. cess against it may be Nature of proceeding: Such proceeding is served. brought against the real SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, property only and is only 27 Harlem Street, Glen to foreclose the tax liens described in this peti- Falls, New York 12801. tion. No personal judge- Purpose: For any lawful purpose. ment will be entered herein for such taxes or NE-4/26-5/31/2014other legal charges or 6TC-44612 any part thereof. NOTICE OF FORMATION Persons affected: This OF GLOBAL PAINTBALL notice is directed to all LEAGUE, LLC persons owning, or hav- Articles of Organization ing, or claiming to have filed with the Secretary an interest in the real of State of New York property described in SSNY On February 28, this petition. Such per- 2014 Office Location: sons are hereby notified Warren County further that a duplicate SSNY designated as of this petition has been agent of LLC upon filed in the office of the whom Process against it Enforcing Officer of the may be served. SSNY Tax District and will re- shall mail process to: main open for public in- Global Paintball League, spection up to and in- LLC, 59 West Berry cluding the date speci- Way, Queensbury, NY fied below as the last 12804. day for redemption. Purpose: any lawful acRight of redemption: tivity Any person having or NE-4/5-5/10/2014-6TCclaiming to have an in- 42961 terest in any such real property and the legal GRUMBLE TRANSPORT, right thereto may on or LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on before said date redeem the same by paying the 4/15/14. Office location: amount of all such un- Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent paid tax liens thereon, including all interest and upon whom process penalties and all other against the LLC may be legal charges which are served. SSNY shall mail included in the lien process to The LLC, 10 against such real prop- Briwood Cir., Queensbury, NY 12804. General erty, computed to and including the date of re- Purpose. demption. Such pay- NE-4/26-5/31/2014ments shall be made to: 6TC-44947 Michael R. Swan, Trea- NOTICE OF FORMATION surer, Warren County, OF LIMITED LIABILITY Warren County Munici- COMPANY (LLC) Name: KA1, LLC. Artipal Center; 1340 State cles of Organization filed Route 9, Lake George, with Secretary of State New York 12845. of New York (SSNY) on In the event that such taxes are paid by a per- 4/24/14. Office location: son other than the Warren County. SSNY has been designated as record owner of such agent of the LLC upon real property, the person so paying shall be enti- whom process against it may be served. SSNY tled to have the tax liens affected thereby satis- shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC c/o 288 fied of record. Last day for redemp- Glen Street, P.O. Box tion: The last day of re- 299, Glens Falls, NY 12801. Purpose of LLC: demption is hereby fixed any lawful activity. as the July 18, 2014. Service of answer: Ev- NE-5/10-6/14/2014ery person having any 6TC-45981 right, title or interest in, NOTICE OF FORMATION or lien upon any parcel OF KRAZYKROW, LLC of real property de- Arts. of Org. filed with scribed in such petition the Sect'y of State of NY may serve a duly verified (SSNY) on 1/24/2014. answer upon the attor- Office location, County ney for the Tax District of Saratoga. SSNY has setting forth in detail the been designated as nature and amount of agent of the LLC upon his or her interest and whom process against it any defense or objection may be served. SSNY to the foreclosure. Such shall mail process to: answer must be filed in c/o Stafford Carr & Mcthe office of the County Nally, P.C., 175 Ottawa Clerk and served upon St., Lake George, NY the attorney for the Tax 12845. Purpose: any District on or before the lawful act. date above mentioned as NE-4/5-5/10/2014-6TCthe last day for redemp- 42978 tion. Failure to redeem or NOTICE OF PUBLIC answer: In the event of HEARING failure to redeem or an- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVswer by any person hav- EN, that the Board of Supervisors of the ing the right to redeem County of Warren, New or answer, such person York, is considering the will be forever barred adoption of a proposed and foreclosed of all his or her right, title and in- Local Law No. 3 for the terest and equity of re- year 2014, entitled Warren County Ethics and demption in and to the Disclosure Law. The parcel described in such purpose of the Local petition and a judgement Law is to establish and in foreclosure may be codify the ethics and taken by default. disclosure requirements Michael R. Swan for Warren County in acWARREN COUNTY cordance with the proviTREASURER sions of Article 18 of the Martin D. Auffredou,

HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Warren, New York, is considering the adoption of a proposed Local Law No. 3 for the year 2014, entitled Warren County Ethics and Disclosure Law. The purpose of the Local Law is to establish and codify the ethics and disclosure requirements for Warren County in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law. If adopted, Local Law No. 3 of 2014 would repeal, replace and supercede the Warren County Code of Ethics which was adopted on December 14, 1990. Local Law No. 3 of 2014 includes a Code of Ethics which establishes ethical principles and standards to be followed by Warren Countys Elected and Appointed Officials, its Officers and certain employees. The Local Law requires Warren County's Elected Officials, Appointed Officials, and employees in policy making positions or who have certain discretionary authority to file annual written disclosure statements. A five member Board of Ethics is established and the Local Law establishes the jurisdiction, powers and duties of the Board of Ethics. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to Resolution No. 213 of 2014 adopted by the Board of Supervisors on April 18, 2014, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Supervisors at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Warren County Municipal Center, Route 9, Queensbury, New York, on May 16, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., at which time and place all persons interested in the matter of such proposed Local Law No. 3 for the year 2014 will be heard concerning the same. A copy of said Local Law is available for inspection during regular business hours by contacting the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at the above-stated address and may be viewed on the Warren County website at www.warrencountyny.gov. By Order of the Board of Supervisors. Dated: April 18, 2014 JOAN SADY, CLERK Warren County Board of Supervisors NE-5/10/2014-1TC46124 MAIN STREET REALTY HOLDINGS, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 2/21/14. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 499 Ridge Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 . General Purpose. NE-5/10-6/14/20146TC-46695 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF MILL BROOK COMMONS, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/14/2014. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 11 SchroonRiver Forest, Chestertown, NY 12817. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-5/3-6/7/2014-6TC45535 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Town of Johnsburg Planning Board will be holding their May meeting on May 19, 2014 at 7:00 pm at Tannery Pond Community Center, 228 Main Street, North Creek, New York 12853 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Town of Johnsburg Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on May 19, 2014 at the Tannery Pond Community Center, 228 Main Street, North Creek, New York 12853. SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: #SUB01-2014 Smith/WeigTax

7:00 pm at Tannery Pond Community Center, 228 Main Street, North Creek, New York 12853 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Town of Johnsburg Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on May 19, 2014 at the Tannery Pond Community Center, 228 Main Street, North Creek, New York 12853. SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: #SUB01-2014 Smith/WeigTax Map #135.-1-9.1 & 135.-1-10 located at 1677 State Route 28, Wevertown, for subdivision and conveyance of 16.94 acres from Smith to Weig. Public Hearing will commence at 7:00 p.m. Persons wishing to appear at said meeting may do so in person, by attorney, or any other means of communication. Communications will be filed with the board at that time. A Regular Meeting of the Planning Board will follow the Public Hearings. Town of Johnsburg Planning Board Shannon Slater, Secretary NE-5/10-5/17/20142TC-46693 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF REBECCA'S FLORIST & COUNTRY STORE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/21/14. Office location: Warren County. Princ. office of LLC: 3703 Main St., Warrensburg, NY 12885. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any lawful activity. NE-4/5-5/10/2014-6TC42979 SCH COTTAGE HILL, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 3/21/14. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 536 Bay Rd., Ste. 2, Queensbury, NY 12804. General Purpose. NE-4/26-5/31/20146TC-45061 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF SPECTACLE CONVERTING, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/3/2014. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 834 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-4/19-5/24/20146TC-44457 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Name: Summersong Friends Lake, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on March 27, 2014. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, c/o Stephen R. Turner, 134 Cromwell Road, Atlanta, GA, 30328. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities. NE-4/26-5/31/20146TC-44948 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ("LLC") Name: Toff LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York ("SSNY") on 3/21/2014 Office Location: Warren County. The "SSNY" is designated as agent of the "LLC" upon whom process against it may be served. "SSNY" shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC at: PO Box 448 Lake George, NY 12845. Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity. NE-5/10-6/14/20146TC-46406

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New York ("SSNY") on 3/21/2014 Office Location: Warren County. The "SSNY" is designated as agent of the "LLC" News - 15 upon Enterprise whom process against it may be served. "SSNY" shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC at: PO Box 448 Lake George, NY 12845. Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity. NE-5/10-6/14/20146TC-46406 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF VITLO ENTERPRISES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/19/2014. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 259 Warren St., Glens Falls, NY 12801. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-4/5-5/10/2014-6TC43122 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The undersigned shall receive sealed bids for sale and delivery to the County of Warren as follows: WC 35-14 - TRANSPORTATION FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN WARREN COUNTY WC 42-14 - PRINTING BID FOR BOARD OF ELECTION MATERIALS WC 43-14 - ONE (1) 2014 OR LATER MODEL YEAR 4 TON 4X4 REGULAR CAB & CHASSIS, WITH 9 STAINLESS STEEL V-PLOW, TARCO OR EQUAL SPREADER & DUMP BODY INSTALLED You may obtain these Specifications either online or through the Purchasing Office. If you have any interest in these Specifications online, please follow the instructions to register on the Empire State Bid System website, either for free or paid subscription. Go to http://warrencountyny.gov and choose BIDS AND PROPOSALS to access the Empire State Bid System OR go directly to http://www.EmpireStateBidSystem.com/WarrenCounty/Register.asp?ID =1172. If you choose a free subscription, please note that you must visit the site up until the response deadline for any addenda. All further information pertaining to this bid will be available on this site. Bids which are not directly obtained from either source will be refused. Bids may be delivered to the undersigned at the Warren County Human Services Building, Warren County Purchasing Department, 3rd Floor, 1340 State Route 9, Lake George, New York, during regular business hours. Bids will be received up until Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. at which time they will be publicly opened and read. All bids must be submitted on proper bid proposal forms. Any changes to the original bid documents are grounds for immediate disqualification. Late bids by mail, courier or in person will be refused. Warren County will not accept any bid or proposal which is not delivered to Purchasing by the time indicated on the time stamp in the Purchasing Department Office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Julie A. Pacyna, Purchasing Agent Warren County Human Services Building Tel. (518) 761-6538 NE-5/10/2014-1TC46663

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May 10, 2014


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