
Page 1

Talking heads

High honor

Rusty explores the TV coverage of Tropical Storm Irene.

Bruce Lisman named Distinguished Citizen by local college.

See page 4

MIDDLEBURY — Due to the extensive damage caused by Hurricane Ir ene, the Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF) was closed temporarily on Sept. 1. Under the authority of Secretary of Agricultur e’s Regulations, Colleen Madrid, forest supervisor for the Green Mountain National Forest, issued an order to close the GMNF . The or der prohibits the public from going into or being on any part of the Gr een Mountain National For est, until fur ther notice. Timed for the Labor Day weekend, the U.S. For est Service c ited p ublic h ealth and safety is of utmost concern. “We are working diligently to assess conditions across the Forest and moving to recovery to get the Forest open as safely and quickly as we can,” said Madrid. Forest Service chain-saw crews will be working through the holiday weekend to clear roads and trails and other crews will continue to assess the condition of bridges and other facilities that have been impacted by the recent storm. The GMNF asks that the public cancel forest visits until damage has been assessed, potential hazar ds have been addr essed, and the closur e or der has been withdrawn. Violation of closure order prohibitions can r esult is hefty fines or imprisonment. Any federal, state, or loc al officer or a member of any organized r escue or fir e fighting for ce in the performance of an of ficial duty is exempt fr om the closur e order. People inter ested in camping and hiking oppor tunities elsewher e in V ermont should visit: www


See page 9

Serving Addison and Chittenden Counties

Sept. 10, 2011

Green Mountain National Forest closed to public



Take one

Leicester residents watch rising water Leicester Jct. in path of Otter Creek torrent

By Lou Varricchio LEICESTER JUNCTION — Ray Lalumiere, emergency manager for the Town Of Leicester, has a lot on his mind this week. Lalumier e has the task of monitoring the town’s latest crisis—the rising water of the swollen, north flowing Otter Cre ek. For 20 years, Lalumiere has faithfully and cautiously executed his volunteer civic tasks—making sure Leicester r esidents and assets ar e protected from harm’s way. “In all my time as emer gency manager, there’s been nothing like Irene,” he said. At Leicester Junction, wher e the Otter Cr eek cr osses the Leicester Whiting Road and a vital portion of Vermont Railway track, r esidents are watching an increasing amount of water spill over the ro ad and rise to reach their homes. A small, fenced-in propane tank farm is located behind the historic Leicester Depot. The depot itself is now completely surr ounded by flood water.

Flood scene from Leicester Junction Photo by Lou Varricchio

see LEICESTER, page 6

Middlebury professor goes back to protest line

By John Grybos WASHINGTON, D.C. — Longtime J ohnsburg r esident a nd M iddlebury College pr ofessor Bill McKibben’s civil disobedience display outside President Barack Obama's y ard i s w inding d own t o i ts Sept. 3 end. McKibben and others are protesting a planned oil pipeline pr oject, called the Keystone XL, that will run 1,384 miles thr ough the western U.S. and 327 miles in Canada, connecting Alberta to T exas. Because the pipeline crosses an international bor der, it r equires pr esidential appr oval. That led the protest to the White House. McKibben and others are br eak-

ing the law in the tourist-heavy area by occupying an ar ea wher e visitors ar e r equired to keep moving. When they don’t stay in motion and refuse to move when asked, the protesters are manacled and put into a paddywagon, said McKibben. They wer e r eleased a few hours later. The fi rst w eekend, Aug. 2 0 a nd 21, McKibben and others wer e detained in D.C. Metr o Police’s central cell block. McKibben spent two nights in jail befor e his court date. The judge, appalled at his tr eatment, dropped all charges. On Sept. 1, the protest’s website,, counted 834 Author and activist Bill McKibben, a Middlebury College professor, addresses the crowd people a rrested i n t he d emonstra- at a civil disobedience protest.The event is scheduled to end Sept. 3, a total of two weeks tion with two days remaining. protesting outside the White House. see McKIBBEN, page 6

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2 - The Eagle

Businesses should report tropical storm damage to commerce agency By Lou Varricchio BURLINGTON — Businesses that have suffered damage in last week’s tr opical storm should call the Vermont Agency of Commerce disaster hotline at 802-8283211 to report the damage. Businesses could become eligible for disaster assistance fr om the Small Business Administration for storm damage, including loss of r evenue due to the storm. Businesses should start to clean up now, making sur e to take plenty of pictures and account for loss of r evenue in order to eventually apply for assistance. The first step in the recovery process is reporting damage to the Agency of Commerce at 802-828-3211. Individual home owners should report their damage to 211. Vermont Emergency Management will operate its Emergency Operations Center at the FEMA offices in Burlington at least until the end of this week.

QUARTER HORSE M AGIC — Emma Brown, 6, of M iddlebury rides her quarter horse“Magic” at the r ecent Quar ter Horse Gymnkhana ev ent in New Haven. Brown was the champion of the Little Wrangler Division. Photos by Alice Dubenetsky

Flood of hardhat workers deal with cleanup By Lou Varricchio

RUTLAND — A few hours of torr ential rains will take months, per haps years, to completely cleanup, accor ding to V ermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) officials. Alongside a “flood” of har dhat work cr ews from in state and beyond, flood relief operations will continue unabated in the coming weeks. By Sept. 2, r oad cr ews in Rutland County reported that progress had been made on er opening several state and local roads. A temporary bypass around a section of destroyed U.S. Route 4 in Mendon has been completed. However ,

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sources. The Vermont State Police continue to perform road inspections, security, and welfare checks in isolated areas. “The Vermont State Police will continue to play a significant r ole in the aftermath of Irene,” said Col. Thomas L’Esperance, director of the V ermont State Police said. “Since Aug. 28, we increased our force to 130 troopers maintaining 24 hour coverage. The devastation caused by this storm is historic, but I assur e all V ermonters, the mission of the Vermont State Police to protect and serve the citizens and visitors of our state will not be compromised.” More than 12 towns had been inaccessible by roads; by last week all had limited gr ound transportation routes reestablished. According to L’Esperance, “Route 100 into Stratton and Rochester wer e opened last week, however , those r oads ar e extr emely rough and largely for local traffic and emergency vehicles only.”

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only emer gency and constr uction vehicles are authorized to use it. Nearly all Vermont towns cut off after the Aug. 28 tropical storm have been reconnected to the outside world. Various emergency food and water supplies have been deliver ed and more recovery efforts are underway. According to V Trans o fficials, a s o f l ate last week, air and gr ound operations wer e still being carried out to deliver supplies. The supplies included water , food, medicine, diapers, formula, and other necessities. The V ermont National Guar d operated with two helicopters Aug. 30 to survey flooded ar eas as well as to pr ovide assistance. Guar dsmen also tr ucked in supplies to communities that added between four and eight additional air craft by the end of last week. Engineers fr om the National Guar d in Maine have been deployed to V ermont to help with r oad repairs. Additional helicopters fr om the Illinois National Guar d have also been added to the state’s emergency re-


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September 10, 2011

The Eagle - 3

Brandon’s historic buildings threatened By Lou Varricchio


Sunday’s flood,” said Matt Guillette of Brandon. Guillette joined other downtown r esiBRANDON — The aftermath of Tropical dents to watch town cr ews investigate the Storm Irene has devastated downtown undermined str eet ar ound Conant Squar e. They were pointing to the building’s crumBrandon. bling ground floor and large wall cracks Just a few months after the community While not officially inspected by an engicelebrated its 250th birthday, this Vermont neer at this time, damage to the historic town of nearly 4,000 r esidents is now structure appears beyond repair. mourning its flood-ravaged downtown. “I’ve lived in Brandon only thr ee years On Aug. 28, at around 4:30 p.m., the ragnow, but the flash flood was terrible. Downing Neshobe River jumped its banks and town is seriously wounded. You can see poured acr oss the Conant Squar e district there are houses behind and below the car(U.S. Route 7) and into the basements and riage house, on B riggs Road,” said Guil first floors of many downtown buildings. lette. “No one is permitted back in there. I One eyewitness said muddy river water erupted out of manhole covers in geyser - think the Briggs Carriage House and those houses will have to be knocked down. like fountains r eaching over six feet in These buildings ar e unsafe to enter . It’s height. sad.” At least one downtown building was “It’s hard to get around downtown,” said pushed off its foundation by the high velocBrandon resident Robin Sirino, 57. “While ity o f t he N eshobe R iver ’s f lood-swollen it was raining Aug. 28 I was thinking, ‘this torrent. Above, the damaged Briggs Carriage House in downtown Brandon. The building which housed a carriage makis no big deal for a hurricane.’ Then I heard Brandon’s historic downtown ar ea coner, bookstore, residences and offices during its lifespan, was built in the 1800s. Below, a collapse crater formed sirens and looked outside. Downtown was by the Aug. 28 flashflood in front of Brandon’s historic Briggs Carriage House. tains a cor e of 243 buildings listed on the a raging, muddy river . I don’t know how Photos by Lou Varricchio National Register of Historic Places. Howmany buildings have been damaged.” ever, it is uncertain how many of these Sirino said that when she saw Brandon buildings have been undermined by the House of Pizza of its foundation she felt flash flood of Aug. 28. Neshobe River floodwater created sever- sick. “I guess that building’s going to go, too,” al lar ge “craters” on Main Str eet possibly she added. knocking death blows to a few visible Brandon Select Boar d member Richar d downtown buildings including the Baker told r eporters the cost to r epair beloved, iconic Briggs Carriage House. downtown will be over $1 million. Built in the 1800s, the Briggs building— Brandon landlords and community leadlocated at 8 Conant Square—was originally the home to a local carriage maker. later, it ers Jim and Nancy Leary sponsor ed a benefit concert Sept. 2 that helped kick of served as a r esidence, book shop, and gallery. Currently, it is home to offices and Brand Aid, a community wide drive to help downtown business get back to work. a shop. Local lor e says Brandon’s most famous The Briggs building’s foundation is seriously undermined and its western wall, just resident, U.S. Sen. Stephen Douglas (D), a celebrated orator and candidate for the U.S below the r oofline, appears fatally fracpresidency against Abraham Lincoln (R) in tured. A large crater in the road in front of this 1860, worked for a short time in the Briggs building. historic building r eveals its str uctural inHaving withstood mor e than 150 years, tegrity is doubtful. the Briggs Carriage House may have met its “I think you can see that the Briggs Carfinal rendezvous with history Aug. 28. riage House was seriously damaged by

4 - The Eagle


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A day we’ll never forget, part 1


here just aren’t many words that will help comfort those who experienced the devastation delivered to Vermont by the tropical storm remnants of Hurricane Irene Aug. 28. You can split hairs and debate the scientific terms: hurricane versus tropical storm, but it really doesn’t matter to flood victims. No matter what you slug Ir ene, she was a vicious interloper. No one alive in Vermont today has experienced anything like Aug. 28, 201 1. For the generation that survived the Gr eat Flood of 1927 and the Hurricane of 1938 in Vermont, last week’s destr uction would have looked familiar. Thankfully, unlike the 1927 disaster, the 2011 disaster resulted in far fewer deaths. Still, a new generation must find its way through, understanding how just a few hours of torrential rain could have altered lives and townscapes forever. Surveying the destr uction, even as a news reporter, has not been easy. Access to many l ocales h as b een r estricted d ue t o safety issues. Still, the damage in central and southern V ermont has been so widespread that it doesn’t take much to get an upclose look at it. The beautiful Town of Brandon was es-

pecially har d hit by the flooding of the Neshobe River. A wall of muddy water bre ached the upper falls downtown and damaged many buildings, perhaps mortally. At least two lar ge craters, cr eated by high velocity river water , ate away the roadway from above and below. Our hearts go out to all the residents of Brandon, Rutland, Ludlow, Killington, Mt. Holly and elsewhere. If we can help in anyway, contact this editor and we will help get the word out. While examining the rising Otter Cr eek at Leicester Junction Aug. 31, I was struck by sincer e wor ds spoken by r esident Sandy Cram. “I think Vermonters should pat themselves on the back this week,” Cram said. “It’s amazing how many people are doing things to help their neighbors. I am very proud to be a Vermonter.” It’s people like Sandy Cram and others who will help r ebuild towns damaged by tropical storm Ir ene. It will take money , hard work and volunteerism. Continued next week. Lou Varricchio

View of the catastrophic failure of U.S. Route 7 south of Rutland near the Cold River. Photo by Nick Johnson


EdwardCoats Mark Brady LouVarricchio BilliePreston DentonPublications Production Team EDITORIAL WRITERS Martin Harris John McClaughry LouVarricchio

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September 10, 2011

How politicians choose on choice


ithin the last month or so, two well-known political figures in Vermont have taken opposing stands on the school-choice question. That’s the one which focuses on the concept that parents who don’t like the geography-of-residence-based public school assignment for their childr en might be fr ee to find a better (and similarly-free) seat for their upwardly-mobile (that’s education-, not social-wise) student in a school beyond the town or supervisory union official enrollment area. Technically, the “choice” ar gument (for schools, not births) extends beyond the inventory of public schools, including charters, which do better because they’re less intensively-regulated than the traditional Horace-Mann-designed K-12 units, to include private academies, both secular and r eligious, where the State might use its taxpayers’ money to pay tuition based on the per pupil amount it would have spent in its own schools. That’s the V oucher Dispute. In this case, however, the ‘famous ones’ have mutually agreed to disagree solely on the availability (or not) of not-in-the-district public schools only, a flexible phrase which historically has included the semi-private academies like Burr & Burton in Manchester and excluded the heresy of funding-following-students to such fully private (and well-enrolled) competitors, long-standing and recent, as the six in Addison County. The pr o-choice famous one r evealed his preference in early August to State print media, which duly reported the instant opposition o f t he S tate t eacher ’s u nion, t he Vermont NEA. Specifically , said Gov . Peter Shumlin, he would “urge lawmakers to adopt legislation guaranteeing universal public school choice”. Mor e r ecently, the Guv became (more temporarily?) famous for his Vermont Yankee fish story , the one in which he first announced he wouldn’t eat a supposedly radioactive fish caught eight miles upstream from the officially-despised Entergy-owned nuclear power plant, and then announced his pro-choice stand on the fishy question: others could eat or not, as

they chose. The Guv was clear on keeping the publicschool monopoly intact: “where you lose me is where you get into par ochial and private schools in school choice”, he opined. Decoded, that means: No Vouchers. The anti-choice famous one r evealed his pr eference in late June to State print media, in an op-ed headlined “Be W ary of Economists Bearing Education Reforms” and deriding the statistical finding that public schools subjected to competition from parent-selected alternatives suddenly find ways to raise their own students’ achievement scor es. Specifically, wrote retired public-school superintendent William Mathis in paragraphs dismissing achievement-testing as “measuremyopia” and “regressionia”, “…test scores ar e only a small part of schools…” and “…the richness, of what education is and should be, is unseen…” a line which parallels a two-decade-old Rutland Herald editorial dismissing the notion that mer e taxpayers could pr esume to attempt to measure the “inef fable” education pr ocess for actual achievement results. Less r ecently, the ex-super became (less temporarily?) famous for his involvement in the lawsuit-against-the-feds over its almostall-students-Proficient-by-2014 r equirement, the lawsuit ar guing that public schools had no obligation to educate any particular per centage of students to Pr oficiency, that any su ch demand was an u nfunded federal mandate, but that public schools could do it if they got a lot mor e money from taxpayers. Like the Guv , the ex-Super was clear on keeping the public school monopoly intact, specifically by pr eventing school-performance evaluation by par ents who, if they could compar e, might choose to put their kids in other-than-designated schools. He’s opposed to any pr ocess wher e even a supposedly monopoly-service-ar ea public school might lose customer share to one the next town over, and perhaps even go bankrupt (a little Joseph Schumpeter cre ative-destruction-in-pursuit-of-heightened-productivity lingo, ther e) because the par ent-preferred school does a better job. see MARTIN HARRIS, page 11

Severe weather ideologues is what those announcers are. Or, they accepted the scene as nothing mor e then a Sunday afternoon heavy sprinkle and coarse wind, but they didn’t want to report it as such, because such r eporting would be he Weather Channel: Young gal and guy announcboring weather channel television (mor e boring than norers talking with a peer reporter who is doing a remal), better known as, hard-to-sell-ads-on, TV. mote on a shore in Rhode Island, asking him to deIdeologues, or shifty salespeople? What do you think they scribe the storm devastation. are? Ideological-shifty salespeople is what I think they are. The announcers and viewers watch both the r emote anIn a shifty, ideological salesperson way, they razzle-daznouncer and the inclement weather on a studio T.V. screen, zled themselves and viewers into missing the actual pr oband see ther e’s not much going on at the shor e scene. It’s lem-coarse of the storm, which as we now all know, was up windy, and waves ar e doing a fair bit of through the middle of good ole, VT. splashy-splashing, but to me, to other viewOf course the W eather Channel r eporters ers, and one has to believe to all thr ee anweren’t in anyway responsible for the storm, nouncers, the scene was not one you’d conbut still, they should ground themselves and sider devastating. report without pr ejudice, or tabloid type I’m sur e the weather announcers studied methods, because, danged it to heck, most long and hard, and were graded well, at one folks out there love to believe them. of them not-too-dif ficult to get into colleges Been having fun chatting with folks at the that has an above average broadcast meteorChamplain Valley Fair last week. Some ar e ology major , and I’m sur e they know allot inside their own heads and of fer little mor e more than I do about weather , and I’m sur e then pleasant hidey ho’s. Others ar e able to that’s why when the re mote guy threw it back spend more time chatting, which allows for a to the in-studio duo, the gal announcer said, more thorough conversation. “So we can see things are still very frightenAfter talking with mor e than a few coning down there.” But when I noticed a dozen struction folks, I’ve r ealized how a harsh or so tourists walking, and a 30ish dude skate winter, overly wet spring, and this most r eboarding, in fr ont and behind the guy doing the r emote, I cent thrashing storm, can in lots of ways be a boon for them: began to wonder why one of the announcers didn’t ask the remote guy, “Hey, what’s with the skateboarder? Is it really Many r oad fixers, and heavy equipment sellers have done fairly well these past couple of years what with all the rough all that bad down there?” weather we’ve had. Ironically, if we get rid of global warmThe announcers either didn’t believe what they saw , or didn’t say what they believed. “The storm doesn’t appear as ing, those guys and gals will have to look for other ways to diversify their income, which I’m sure they’d welcome dobad as we’d expected, right now ,” is what I believe they ing if it was at the expense of not having their fellow V ershould have said. Actually, I don’t think the announcers thought they were monters stranded and overcome. Final note on Irene: Gov. Shumlin has taken some guff for reporting inaccurately. I think they were so psyched to be re a presentation he did live on a national network news show. porting in the midst of, what they’d hoped they couldeport r in the midst of, since the day they decided to go into broad- I watched it. I thought he did a danged fine. Maybe he didn’t say the exact things every V ermonter cast meteorology; a historic storm and once-in-a-generation wanted to hear , but hey man, put yourself in his position. moment in weather lor e; that they didn’t even notice the You’re live in front of an international audience, fielding skateboarder with his hands clasped behind his head,olling r by on a leisurely Sunday skate. see THE LOGGER, page 11

We’ve been whacked


September 10, 2011

The Eagle - 5

Irene’s last gasp in Addison County

As otherVermont communities located south along the Otter Creek cleaned up flood debris, the downstream Town of L eicester was pr eparing for rising wat er. Pictured Aug. 31, this house is on the L eicester-Whiting Road; it was in the path of the cresting river.

Leicester Emergency Manager Ray Lalumiere checks the latest Otter Creek flood data as Leicester Junction residents Crystal Sears and members the Lussier family stand at the water’s edge Aug. 31. Photo by Lou Varricchio

Photo by Lou Varricchio

The driver of this pickup truck took his chances driving across the flooding Otter Creek at Leicester Junction Aug. 31. Photo by Lou Varricchio

A washout along Three-Mile Bridge Road in Middlebury received early attention as town work crews fill in a surface breach from the Middlebury River. A crew installed a new culvert under the road to take more overflow from the river. Photo by Lou Varricchio

A section of heavily traveled Route 30 in Sudbury, south of the town shed, was quickly repaired on the morning of Aug. 29 after flood water washed out the highway’s surface Aug. 28. Photo by Lou Varricchio

Blake Roy Road, near the Middlebury-Salisbury townline, was closed briefly due to several flooded sections along Nop Brothers farmland. The road was reopened Aug. 30. Addison County largely escaped the level of damage seen in Rutland County and elsewhere. Photo by Lou Varricchio

6 - The Eagle

September 10, 2011

Killington K-1 base lodge in ruins By Lou Varricchio

Killington’s K-1 Lodge in ruins after last week’s tropical storm. Photo courtesy of Tad Bradford

Public should call 211 to report damage to homes MONTPELIER — Those who suf fered damage to their homes during the Aug. 28 floods should call 211 to report that damage. Those reports will be forwarded to FEMA to assist in its damage assessment to determine if Vermont qualifies for grants to homeowners. Homeowners can begin making repairs to their homes as soon as they are able. Please take photos of your damage and keep all receipts for work performed. You should also keep any hotel receipts or any other housing expenses incurr ed while you wer e displaced.

Leicester from page 1 “The Aug. 28 tropical deluge was the record for the Otter Cr eek as measur ed at Center Rutland,” said Lalumiere. “It was a record 17.21 feet. Befor e Aug. 28, the record at Center Rutland was the Hurricane in 1938 at 13.4 feet.” Hurricanes wer e not named prior to 1950. Just as in 1938, the 201 1 flood cr est will take a few days to r each Leicester as it passes—like a slow moving

FEMA inspectors are out in the field now assessing damage to homes. However, if you have not called 211 it is not too late, V ermont is early in the r elief pr ocess and you have time to report your damage. 211 is a reporting point only and new contact information will be provided to register once a declaration has been made. The 21 1 system is now operating with a more call takers, if you get voice mail please leave a message and it will be r eturned in due course. You can call 51 1 or go to for links to local and

bulge—on its way to Middlebury, Vergennes and Lake Champlain. “The peak of the flood water of 1938 took several days to reach low-lying Leicester Junction. It cover ed the depot and made a mess. I believe it will make the same mess,” Lalumiere said. Even with the latest Otter Creek flood measur ement data printout in hand, Lalumiere has taken some goodhumored jabbing fr om fellow town of ficial, Arlan Pigeon, highway for eman, with a smile.

“Well, I don’t think the flood water will r each as high as Ray fears,” Pigeon said, ”but I know that he has to be very safety minded and he also has a big re sponsibility in town. Who knows? The creek did rise 8-10 inches just since last night. But I think the fields along her e can take a lot more water.” Lalumiere explained why he thinks the coming cr est could be significant. “There ar e two major Otter Cr eek ‘choke points’ between the falls at Center Rutland and her e at Leices-

state road closures. These maps are updated as soon as possible but r epairs ar e constantly evolving so please be patient as the information could be out dated at any time. All Vermont towns are now accessible by road. Roads are extremely rough so the public is asked to not visit flooded areas unless absolutely necessary. Excess traffic will make permanent er pairs take much longer. Vermont Emergency Management will operate its Emergency Operations Center at the FEMA offices in Burlington at least until the end of the week.

ter Junction—they are located at Pr octor Falls and at a narrow ar ea located behind Otter V alley Union High School in Brandon. “The high water doesn’t come immediately down here as most people think,” he said. “This is a huge volume of water—mor e than four feet higher than the 1938 flood. It’s fluid, it speeds up, slows down, backs up in choke points— which ar e kind of like big soup bowls—then gains velocity again and plows on ahead.”

from page 1 Following Ir ene’s devastation in V ermont, state r esidents traveled to W ashington to pr otest the pipeline's appr oval, said McKibben. The tar sands deposit in Canada is the second-lar gest deposit of oil on the planet, and burning its resources will heavily damage the climate by accelerating global warming, said McKibben. The pipeline is also pr ojected to have a more direct impact when it's built and moving oil. Some of the planned 1,71 1-mile pipeline will pass over a Nebraska aquifer that will be only 10 feet below the oil-sluicing conduit. “That’s just not commonsensical; it’s not what a reasonable person would do,” McKibben said. The U.S. Department of State released its Final Environmental Impact Statement Aug. 26. According to the report’s executive summary, “In spite of the safety measur es … spills ar e likely to occur during operation over the lifetime of the project.” Another part of the pipeline, simply called Keystone, opened in 2010 and has had 14 leaks since. Seven of the leaks wer e less than 10 gallons, four more were 100 gallons or less, two wer e between 400 and 500 gallons and the biggest spilled mor e than 21,000 gallons. “It depends on whether you think spills are bad or not,” said McKibben. “If you live there, they'r e obviously bad. If you'r e a businessman who lives hundr eds or thousands of miles away , what the hell do you care?” Keystone has estimated spills for the XL pipeline at 0.22 per year, while the DoS has estimated a much higher rate of spills, at around 1.78 to 2.51 annually. The maximum spill estimated could come in at 2.8 million gallons, according to Keystone estimates. McKibben said that it’s true that if we want to keep on burning oil in SUVs, then yes, we’ll need to incr ease capacity. But he doesn’t agree that a consumptiveAmerica is the right future.

Lalumiere expected the crest of the Aug. 28 floodwater to r each Leicester Junction late Sunday, Sept. 4, and into Monday , Sept. 5—the Labor Day holiday. “Because water is a fluid, it behaves dif ferently fr om most things,” Lalumier e said. “Even at normals times, a river like the Otter Cr eek is slightly higher in the center and lower on the edges. That’s because of the physical dynamics of water . This weekend there will be a bigger center bulge in the creek


KILLINGTON — Killington’s K-1 Base Lodge and Superstar Pub are in r uins after Tropical Storm Ir ene’s violent rain undermined the ground around and below the popular recreational and dining establishment. Half of the lodge, including the pub, collapsed into a yawning mini gorge below it when a normally quiet alpine bro ok was transformed into a raging torrent Aug. 28. Nearby, the historic 19th century Killington Farmstead and church at River Road was pushed of their foundations by the high velocity of floodwater. The structures were washed downhill. River Road itself has vanished. Bill Bauer, Killington Base Lodge manager , told r eporters that “It’s devastation like we’ve never seen. I was speechless.” The main access to Killington, U.S. Route 4, was washed away below the r esort ar ea. State highway cr ews constr ucted a temporary emer gency bypass to permit certain vehicles up Killington Mountain. The Rutland-Killington ar ea has seen the worst storm destr uction in a century. When asked if Killington will return to normal by the beginning of this year ’s ski season, Bauer said, “We’re hopeful.”


as t he c rest p asses t hrough here,” he said. Watching the rising Otter Creek Aug. 31 wer e several local residents. The neighbors wer e evacuated fr om appr oximately 30 low-lying homes in the Junction ar ea. The homes, now surr ounded by the flooding Otter Cr eek, stand on Bridal Path Lane, the Leicester-Whiting Road, and dead-end Stove Pipe Lane. Crystal Sears who lives on Stove Pipe Lane evacuated Aug. 30. “I got out because I have to work. I could get back and forth for a day or so with the town’s help—Arlan is giving r esidents a lift on the town’s big payloader tractor to let us keep an eye on things, but at some point this weekend he pr obably can’t keep doing this.” Kenny and Carrie Lussier live on Stove Pipe Lane, too. The young couple, a long with their sons Jacob, 6, and Dylan, 10, stood at the water ’s edge wandering if the flood would r each their house. “I think we’ll be fine,” Kenny Lussier said. “My Ford Mustang is in the driveway, so I am not worried.” Sandy Cram, a resident of nearby Cram Road, visited with her Junction neighbors to see if they needed anything. “I think Vermonters should pat themselves on the back this week,” Cram said. “It’s amazing how many people ar e doing things to help their neighbors. “Arlen Pigeon is doing a tremendous job fr o r esidents. He’s taking time out of his day to shuttle r esidents in and out of her e on the tractor while he still can. Leicester r eally is a great town to live in. It’s a r eal community. This week, I am very proud to be a Vermonter,” she said.

September 10, 2011

The Eagle - 7


8 - The Eagle

September 10, 2011

Cruises to re-create ‘Golden Age’ on lake By Lou Varricchio MIDDLEBURY — When it comes to cr uising on Lake Champlain aboard the classic M.V. Carillon, via Larrabee’s Point, Vt., it’s an ideal time for gentlemen todon their straw boaters and for ladies to unfurl their parasols. Two upcoming Lake Champlain cruises aboard the Carillon, sponsored by the Henry Sheldon Museum in Middlebury , will help recreate the “Golden Age” of boating on Lake Champlain plus provide mini onboard courses in lake history. The museum will conduct one mor e Twilight History Cruise this summer—Thursday, Thursday, Sept. 15—on historic southern Lake Champlain. According to Mary Manley of the Sheldon Museum, the first cruise will featur e Giovanna Peebles, Vermont's state archeologist. “She will discuss the ar cheology of Lake Champlain,” Manley said. “Giovanna has been looking at Lake Champlain and its shorelands through her lens as Vermont state archeologist since 1976. She has worked on every facet of Vermont history thr ough those decades, fr om underwater archeology to Native American history, fr om agricultural history to industrial history to archeological collections.” Manley said the September cruise will feature Scott Newman of the Vermont Agency of Transportation. He will conduct a tour of the 2011 Lake Champlain Bridge construction

Boaters pose f or a 1902 phot ograph near the sit e of the 2011 Lake Champlain Bridge in Vermont. Photo courtesy of the Sheldon Museum

site and discuss the history of the cr ossing at the Cr own Point-Chimney Point narr ows, and the historic r esource challenges encountered during the building project. According to Manley, the two-hour cr uises are comfortable and informal, with passengers enjoying hors d’oeuvr es and beverages. The Carillon departs at 5:30 p.m. from Larrabee’s Point in Shoreham, adjacent to the Fort Ticonderoga ferry at the end of Route 74 East in Shor eham. Call 802-388-21 17 for mor e information.

Vermont supermarkets donates to Irene relief MIDDLEBURY — Hannaford Supermarkets is donating bottled water, bags of ice and cases of granola bars to the Vermont Foodbank after the r emnants of Hurricane Ir ene lashed Vermont, causing extensive power outages, washing out roads and forcing hundreds of people into shelters. Hannaford’s distribution center is shipping 360 24-packs of water, 630 5-pound bags of cr ushed ice and 24 cases of granola bars to the foodbank, which is V ermont’s lar gest hunger-relief organization. Delivery was expected between 4 and 5 p.m. today at the foodbank’s distribution center at 22 Browne Court in Brattleboro. “Vermont is facing serious flooding,’” saidAndy Willette, a district manager for Hannafor d in Vermont. “This is one way we can help support communities her e that have immediate needs.” Hannaford Supermarkets, based in Scarbor ough, Maine, operates 178 stor es in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont.

Local sales to help Irene victims WILLISTON — The Vermont Food Bank will receive a $5 donation for every EcoSmart Insulating Cellular Shade sold between now and Oct. 31. “We aren’t just a business that happens to be in Vermont. We are Vermonters through and through so we wanted to be able to do something to help out our follow V ermonters,” said Gordon Clements, president of Gordon’s Window Décor. The Vermont Food Bank is V ermont’s lar gest hunger r elief or ganization. For mor e information call 802-655-7777, visit, or stop by the showroom in Williston.

Ex CEO heads up college planning

S T E K TIC LE A S N O ! W O N Mark Your Calendars!

BURLINGTON — Chuck Maniscalco of Shelburne has been named vice president, strategic initiatives by Champlain College President David F. Finney. He began work on July 28. Initially, his focus it to take on the leadership of the Continuing Pr ofessional Studies Division, an important growth vehicle for the college over the next several years. This role is expected to last through the academic year. Additional accountabilities will be added as his r ole evolves over the next several months. Maniscalco moved to V ermont in 2009 to be the CEO of Seventh Generation in Burlington. Prior to that he worked for PepsiCo for six years where his last position was as President and CEO of one of its major divisions overseeing 10,000 employees and managing accounts of $10 billion. He worked for Quaker Oats, Inc. for 21 years prior to its merger with PepsiCo. In his various corporate r oles he has had an intense focus on marketing and branding as well as solving complex or ganizational and management issues. He is also a leadership coach focusing on helping others become genuine leaders. He lives in Shelburne with his wife V al. They have two sons. Maniscalco is a dedicated r unner and also plays guitar and writes music.

Church plans barbecue NORTH FERRISBURGH — On Sunday, Sept. 11, Sunday School starts for children 4 years of age through high school at the North Ferrisburgh United Methodist Church. Parishioners are planning an all churc h barbecue and games for the children after church. Worship and Sunday school starts at 10 a.m. The barbecue will be held behind the churc h starting at 11 a.m. The chur ch is located at 227 Old Hollow Rd. in North Ferrisburgh. For more information call 802-425-2770.

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September 10, 2011

The Eagle - 9

Lisman named Distinguished Citizen By Lou Varricchio

and Biscuit Dinner at New Haven Congregational Church, 2 sittings 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. Adults $9, children 6-12 $4.50, under 6 fre e. Take out available by r eservation. For r eservations, please contact 802-545-2422. Walk-ins welcome. MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury Post 27 is having its annual clambake, 11 a.m. with a Remembrance Service for those that perished on 9/11. There will be plenty of food with a buf fet starting at 11:30 a.m. clam chowder at 12:30 p.m. then the clams at 1:30 p.m. and ending with lobster, BBQ chicken, & corn at 3:30 p.m. The pr oceeds from this event fund college scholarships awarded by the Legion Family. It is an adults only event. T ickets ar e $25 per person and can be obtained at Post 27 on Boar dman Str eet. Call 802-3889311 for more information. Monday, Sept. 12 BRIDPORT- The Bridport Book Club r esumes its monthly book discussions

Local farmer behind fair exhibit RUTLAND — This week’s attendees at the Vermont State Fair at the Rutland Fairgrounds have the opportunity to take a look into the life of anAmerican farmer and learn more about the vital r ole they play in the world of agricultur e today thr ough the America’s Farmers Mobile Experience. Rutland-area farmer , Jef f Gr embowicz played a large role in bringing the traveling display to the fair and will serve as the host of the Mobile Experience while it is here.

with William Faulkner's “As I Lay Dying”, 7 p.m. at the Carl S. Norton Highway Building conference room. The gr oup is open to all interested readers. For details, call 802-758-2858. MIDDLEBURY — Addison County Right to Life will meet 7 p.m. in St. Mary's Parish Hall. Visitors are welcome. For details call 802388-2898 or e-mail Tuesday, Sept. 13 MIDDLEBURY — The Vermont Book Shop Authors Series pr esents Jef f Sharlet, bestselling author of “The Family”. Sharlet’s new book, “Sweet Heaven When I Die: Faith, Faithlessness and the Country in Between”, explor es the extreme edges of r eligion in America. Sharlet will r ead from and discuss his work at Town Hall Theater , 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Cash bar available. For details, call 802382-9222.

The new Mobile Experience is a traveling 53-foot trailer that expands into 1,000square feet of exhibit space that immerses visitors in the lives of America’s farm families. The tour is designed to educate consumers on modern agriculture and the challenges farmers face to meet the growing demands of the rapidly increasing world population. Visitors will take a journey through three dif ferent focus ar eas with interactive tools and displays to better understand the life of an American farmer.

SHELBURNE — Br uce M. Lisman of Shelburne is best known for his business and financial achievements. He is r ecognized as a man who made it fr om the bottom up—he began his Wall Street career as a file clerk and advanced to the position as head of Global Equities at Bear Stearns. Later, he become chairman of J.P . Mor gan Chase's Global Equities Division before retiring in 2009. Last week, Lisman was publically honored for his achievements when he r eceived the 2011 Champlain College Distinguished Citizen. The college acknowledged Lisman for “his long-time devotion to education and service to Vermont.” Lisman’s awar d also marked the 50th year for the college’s Distinguished Citizen award which has acknowledged leaders in the business and education fields. Lisman is a native V ermonter. He was born and raised in Burlington and graduated fr om the University of V ermont in 1969. During a r ecent interview, Lisman said “I never left V ermont.” Certainly, he has left his mark on the state and beyond. This past spring, Lisman r eceived an honorary Doctor of Laws at the University of Vermont’s commencement. He served as an UVM trustee and chairman of the board of trustees; he established a scholarship in honor of his father , Irving Lisman, which has p rovided n early a m illion d ollars i n student aid since 1993.

Bruce M. Lisman Lisman has been a long-time supporter of American For ests, one of the nation's oldest conservation organizations. He also serves on the boards of the Shelburne Museum, Vermont Symphony Or chestra, National Life Group and Merchants Bancorporation. He also works with the Preservation Trust of V ermont to r estore tr ees to downtown Vermont communities. Lisman’s sterling r ecord includes membership in the Boar ds of Central V ermont Public Service, BRUT Trading, Stryke Corp, HS Br oadcasting, plus the University of Vermont, Pace University , The Hewitt School, and American Forests.


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Saturday, Sept. 10 VERGENNES — The Woods T ea Company r eturns to the V ergennes Opera House stage at 7:30pm. T ickets ar e $15 adults, $13 senior/student and can be purchased at the Opera House or Classic Stitching. RUTLAND — U.S. Civil Air Patr ol, an all-volunteer auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, will host an open house at the Rutland Southern Vermont Regional Airport, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Meet members, cadets, learn about aerospace and related fun opportunities for members. Tour CAP facilities and see CAP, military and civilian air craft. A visit by an USAF LC-130 car go transport is planned. Fr ee barbecue. Civil Air Patrol is open to individuals, ages 12-21 (cadet pr ogram), and over 21 (senior members). For details, call Maj. Bill Godair at 802-345-8805 Sunday, Sept. 11 NEW HAVEN — Chicken

10 - The Eagle

September 10, 2011

Vermont, New York to celebrate Festival of Nations By Andy Flynn ORWELL, VT . — The Lake Champlain Bridge constr uction continues to re-shape the annual Festival of Nations, planned for Sept. 16-18 on the V ermont and New York sides of the lake. With the October bridge celebration postponed until May , Crown Point State Historic Site Manager Tom Hughes has been scrambling to solidify the Festival of Nations schedule, he said. Specifics wer e not available by press time. Call (518) 597-4666 for more information. The event is traditionally cosponsored by the Cr own Point State Historic Site in New York and the Chimney Point State Historic Site in V ermont. The bridge constr uction, however, has for ced the temporary closing of Chimney Point, and the Festival of Nations events in Vermont will be held at the

Mount Independence State Historic Site in Orwell for the second year in a row. Elsa Gilbertson, r egional historic site administrator for the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, expects that the Festival of Nations will r eturn to Chimney Point in 2012. In the meantime, Mount Independence will be hosting the 16th Annual Northeast Open Atlatl Champions hip Sept. 1718 as part of the Festival of Nations. The site and access r oads were not damaged by T ropical Storm Irene on Aug. 28, and the event will go on as planned. An “atlatl” is a ancient spearthrower that pr edates the bow and arrow, and the atlatl championship was designed to fit in with the Festival of Nations theme of celebrating the heritage of nations that left a deep imprint on the region: Canada, France, Gr eat Britain, Native American tribes and the United

States. “We have this shar ed history,” Gilbertson said, referring to Vermont and New York co-hosting the event. “In the early history, the states don’t matter, and we ar e celebrating this shar ed history by having the festival.” The Champlain V alley is known for its French and Indian War and Revolutionary W ar reenactments at places like Fort Ticonderoga and Cr own Point in New York and Hubbar dton Battlefield State Historic Site and Mount Independence in Vermont. The atlatl championship gives residents and visitors another opportunity to participate in and witness a similar kind of history-based event and learn about local heritage. “In a way , this is a r e-enactment of times way befor e the bow and arr ow,” Gilbertson said. “It’s a way to r each the past and make it come alive today.”

A scene from a past Atlatl Championship in Vermont Photo: Vermont Division for Historic Preservation


Vendors Needed! Taste of Home Cooking School will be holding a cooking school November 5th at the Crete Civic Center. We have limited booth space available for the show. Booths open 21⁄2 hours before show time and you can show and or sell your goods or products to over 1,500 eager shoppers.

ORWELL, VT. — The 16th Annual Northeast Open Atlatl Championship begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 and 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 18 at Mount Independence. The competition is based on the ancient hunting technique of using an atlatl (spear thrower). Atlatlists of all skill levels are welcome. The event, co-sponsored by the Vermont Archaeological Society, is one of the highlights of Septemberʼs Vermont Archeology Month. The main competition is on Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Contestants test their prowess in using the atlatl to “hunt” mammoth, bison, and other “wild” game targets, shoot at modern day bulls-eyes in the International Standards Accuracy Competition (ISAC), and compete in a distance challenge. Call (802) 759-2412 for an atlatl championship registration form or visit Competitor fee is $5 for each day. An atlatl-making workshop ($65 fee) will be held Sept. 16 from noon to 5 p.m. Pre-registration (802-759-2412) for the workshop is required. The Vermont Archaeological Society is offering a day long flint-knapping workshop both days, and on Saturday a hands-on demonstration of Northeastern pre-contact pottery making. To sign up for either of these, call 802-644-5675. On both Saturday and Sunday there will be showings of the film, “Champlain: The Lake Between,” at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. Sunday, starting at 10 a.m., is a smaller International Standards Accuracy Competition. Afterward, at about 11:45 a.m., is a master coaching class offered by champion atlatlists for children and interested adults. Also starting at 10 a.m. are the flint-knapping and Woodland pottery workshops. Mount Independence is open 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission for each day, including the museum and trails, is $5 for adults and free for children under 15. Call (802) 759-2412.

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September 10, 2011

Martin Harris

chose a dif ferent school for their kids. Her findings pr ovoked the predictable public-educator reaction and six years later, after her study methodology and findings couldn’t be found incorrect, she was de-fenestrated at Harvard anyway and moved to Stanfor d to continue her studies, some with Eric Hanushek. He’s the former University of Rochester economics pr ofessor who similarly committed her esy in his studies finding that r educing class size raised per -pupil costs but not student achievement, provoked a similar educrat r eaction, couldn’t be pr oven wr ong, was similarly defenestrated, and similarly fled to Stanford. Of even mor e inter est to your Humble Scribe is the famous-person-2 comment putting “…intelligence and virtue…the safeguar ding of liberty…the pr eservation of good government… and the prevention of vice…” ahead of testable reading and counting skills in graded schools, suggesting thereby that the K-12 school are really miniature universities for thoughtful intellectuals who happen to be short and young, who should be learning to be the future philosopher-kings of a Pr ogressive society, and not wasting their time and talent on memorizing the 36 symbols of r eading and counting. More on this public-educator campaign for the r eplacement-of-Horace-Mann-and-Bismarck with Plato-and-Aristotle next week.

from page 4 Whether school choice is “on the right side of history” (a little w e’re-smarter-than-you P rogressive l ingo, t here) r emains to be seen; after all, non-public school choice enjoyed deeper market penetration in the ‘50’s than it does today . But now, when such governmental behemoths as NYC embrace school choice (r ead the glowing account on the Education Week website) although only for the Shumlin-pr eferred public alternatives, i ncluding charters and excludi ng, as described in this column r ecently, the non-public options embraced in Douglas County, Colo., maybe the trend is, indeed, visible and welcome. Up to now, its visibility has been a hazard. Consider, for examine, the Caroline Hoxby story. She was the Harvar d economics-pr ofessor/researcher (did I mention that famous-person-two is dismissive-wary- of economists who presume to intrude onto the private turf of public education?) who, in 2001, published a study entitled “The Economics of School Choice.” It summarizes thus: she found that students in districts where multiple school selection options wer e available all scored better on achievement tests than in districts where a more typical no-choice assignment system pr evailed. That was irr espective of whether the students’ par ents actually

The Eagle - 11

WATER’S EDGE — A highway crew keeps an eye on rising floodwater at the Otter Creek along the Leicester-Whiting Road Aug. 31. Photo by Lou Varricchio

The Logger from page 4 questions from a T.V. talking head w ho i s n ot o nly m ore used to the tone and tempo of these type interviews, but he’s got someone r eally smart prompting him via an ear piece who would just as soon trip you up. You also feel like you’r e representing our entir e state, which adds difficulty. So no, that gig ain’t a cake walk.And I know that’s part of Mr . Shumlin’s job and he wanted to be governor, but still, well, I think he did a good job. Being a so-called halfassed media guy myself, I do have one note for Mr. Shumlin and his handlers. During the interview the governor said, “Vermonters have been whacked, we’ve been whacked hard,” at least two, maybe thr ee separate times. During one of the thr ee times, he repeated the line. We want to try and keep people away fr om Vermont, governor. But if you keep saying us Vermonters are up here being whacked har d, everyone will want to move here.



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12 - The Eagle

September 10, 2011

Middlebury College teams help storm-weary communities MIDDLEBURY — In the wake of T ropical Storm Irene, Middlebury College athletes spent their first

days this semester helping communities in need. In Middlebury, where initial storm damage was limit-


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ed to downed tr ees and loss of power , the Otter Cr eek continued to rise after the Aug. 28 storm, thr eatening businesses and homes along its path. On Thursday, Sept. 1, the Middlebury football team — in town less than 48 hours and yet to hold its first practice — assembled on a closed Bakery Lane along the banks of the river armed with shovels, sand, and hundreds of bags waiting to be filled. Following an afternoon of preparing and stacking sandbags to pr otect r estaurants and businesses both east and west of the falls,

team members were later deployed to a r esidential ar ea adjacent to the Pulp Mill Bridge, wher e rising water had cr ested the river bank and steadily appr oached a series of homes. On Satur day, Sept. 3, the cross country teams were expected to travel northeast to Hinesberg to assist in the cleanup and repair of a home and surr ounding farm belonging to the par ents of Noah Hurlburt, a teacher at Middlebury Union High School and new assistant coach for the Panthers’ men’s and women’s cr oss country teams.

Members of the 2011 Middlebury football team helping out in the community.

Religious Services ADDISON ADDISON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH Addison Four Corners, Rts. 22A & 17. Sunday Worship at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School at 9:30am; Bible Study at 2pm on Thursdays. Call Pastor Steve @ 759-2326 for more information. WEST ADDISON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, 9am HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Havurah House, 56 North Pleasant St. A connection to Judaism and Jewish life for all who are interested. Independent and unaffiliated. High Holy Day services are held jointly with Middlebury College Hillel. Weekly Hebrew School from September to May. Information: 388-8946 or BRANDON BRANDON BAPTIST CHURCH - Corner of Rt. 7 & Rt. 73W (Champlain St.) Brandon, VT • 802-247-6770. Sunday Services: 10a. Adult Bible Study, Sunday School ages 5 & up, Nursery provided ages 4 & under. Worship Service 11am *Lords supper observed on the 1st Sunday of each month. *Pot luck luncheon 3rd Sunday of each month. Wednesdays 6:30pm, Adult prayer & Bible study, Youth groups for ages 5 & up LIFEBRIDGE CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 141 Mulcahy Drive, 247-LIFE (5433), Sunday worship 9am & 10:45am,, LifeGroups meet weekly (call for times & locations) BRIDPORT BRIDPORT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Middle Rd., Bridport, VT. Pastor Tim Franklin, 758-2227. Sunday worship services at 8:30am and 10:15am with nursery care provided. Children’s ministries include Sprouts for children age 3-Kindergarten and WOW for grades 1-6, during the 10:15am service. HOPE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP - Meets at Bridport Community Hall. Bridport, VT • 759-2922 • Rev. Kauffman. Sunday 9am, 10:30am, evening bible study. ST. BERNADETTE/ST. GENEVIEVE - Combined parish, Saturday mass 7:30pm Nov.1-April 30 (See Shoreham) BRISTOL BRISTOL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - The River, 400 Rocky Dale Rd., Bristol. Sunday Worship 9:00am. 453-2660, 453-4573, 453-2614 BRISTOL FEDERATED CHURCH - Sunday service at 10:15am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRISTOL - Service Sunday, 10am ST. AMBROSE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday service 6:30pm, & Sunday 8am BRISTOL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 839 Rockydale Rd. - Saturday Services: Bible Studies for all ages-9:30am to 10:30 am, Song Service, Worship Service at 11am. Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30pm. 453-4712 THE GATHERING - Non-denominational worship, second & fourth Saturday of the month, 7pm Sip-N-Suds, 3 Main St. • 4532565, 453-3633 CORNWALL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF CORNWALL - Sunday worship 9:30am EAST MIDDLEBURY/RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday worship, 9am VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH - Rev. Ed Wheeler, services on Sundays: Sunday School for all ages at 9:30am, morning worship at 10:45am (nursery provided), and 6:30pm on Wednesdays; Youth Group and AWANA meet on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm ESSEX CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY ALLIANCE ESSEX ALLIANCE CHURCH - 36 Old Stage Rd., Essex • 878-8213

ESSEX JUNCTION CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 61 Main St., Essex Junction - 878-8341 FERRISBURGH/NORTH FERRISB. FERRISBURGH METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday worship 9:30am NORTH FERRISBURGH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 227 Old Hollow Rd., North Ferrisburgh, VT 802425-2770. Rev. Kim Hornug-Marcy. Sunday worship 10am, Sunday School 10am, Nursery Available. nferrisburgumc/ CROSSROADS CHAPEL - 41 Middlebrook Rd., Ferrisburgh, VT 05456. (802) 425-3625. Pastor: Rev. Charles Paolantonio. Services: Sunday 10am. FERRISBURGH CENTER COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH - Rt 7, Ferrisburgh - next to the Town Offices / Grange Hall. New Pastors Rev. John & Patrice Goodwin. Worship time is now 10:45am. HINESBURG LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH - 90 Mechanicsville Rd., Hinesburg. Sunday Service at 10:30am. Pastor Hart, info: 482-2588. ST. JUDE THE APOSTLE - 10759 Route 116 Hinesburg. Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 9:30am UNITED CHURCH OF HINESBURG - 10580 Rte. 116, Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10am. Pastor Michele Rogers Brigham - 482-3352. LINCOLN UNITED CHURCH OF LINCOLN - Sunday worship service 9:45, Church school 11:15am, united Student Ministries for grades 7-12, 6:30pm Sunday evenings. 453-4280 MIDDLEBURY CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY - Sunday service & church school, Sunday 10am CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY - Middlebury. Middlebury Community House, Main and Seymour Sts, Sunday Service and Church School-10am; Wednesday-7:30pm. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF MIDDLEBURY (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) Sunday 10am worship service THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS - Sunday Sacrament 10am-11:15am EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Service in Middlebury area: call 758-2722 or 453-5334. HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Saturday morning Shabbat services, 388-8946 MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH - 97 South Pleasant St., Middlebury. Sunday morning worship & church school 10am, Wednesday evening Bible Study, 6:30pm. 388-7472. MIDDLEBURY FRIENDS MEETING - (Quakers), Sunday worship & first day school 10am (meets at Havurah House) SAINT MARY’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday, 5:15pm, Sunday 8am, 10am ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - (On the green in Middlebury). Reverend Terence P. Gleeson, Rector. Sunday Eucharist 8 & 10:30am Child care & Sunday school available at 10:30am service. Wednesday at 12:05pm Holy Eucharist in the chapel. or call 388-7200. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 10am Grades K-5: Activities, Grades. 6-8 & 9-12: Church School Classes, Refreshments & fellowship time: 10:45am-11am. Sunday morning worship service 11am. Nursery provided both at 10am & 11am. MONKTON MONKTON FRIENDS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday service & Sunday school, 8:45am

NEW HAVEN ADDISON COUNTY CHURCH OF CHRIST - 145 Campground Rd., 453-5704. Worship: Sunday 9 & 11:20am; Bible classes: Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 7pm. Watch Bible Forum on MCTV-15 (Middlebury) or NEAT-16 (Bristol) NEW HAVEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Church services 10am on Sunday. All are welcome. NEW HAVEN UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Sunday services, 10am & 7pm ORWELL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday worship service, 10:00am. Contact: Rev. Esty, 948-2900 SAINT PAUL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday services 10:30am Mass, 468-5706 RICHMOND RICHMOND CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - 20 Church St., Richmond • 4342053. Rev. Len Rowell. Sunday Worship with Sunday School, 10am; Adult Study Class, Sunday 8:30am RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 388-2510 SALISBURY SALISBURY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) - Sun. worship svc., 10am SHELBURNE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF SHELBURNE - 127 Webster Road, Shelburne • 985-2848 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 2166 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne. 985-2269 Sunday Services: 8am & 10am. Bible Study 9:00am • Sunday School: 9:50am. The Reverend Craig Smith ALL SOULS INTERFAITH GATHERING - Rev. Mary Abele, Pastor. Evensong Service and Spiritual Education for Children Sun. at 5pm. 371 Bostwick Farm Rd., Shelburne. 985-3819 SHELBURNE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 30 Church St., Shelburne • 985-3981 • Rev. Gregory A. Smith, Pastor, 8:00am - Holy Communion Service • 9:30am - Family Worship Service with Sunday School SHOREHAM ST. GENEVIEVE/ST. BERNADETTE - Combined parish, Saturday mass 7:30pm, May 1-Oct. 31. (See Bridport) SHOREHAM FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHUCC - Sunday worship and Sunday school 10am. Pastor Gary O’Gorman. 897-2687 STARKSBORO THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF STARKSBORO 2806 Route 16, Starksboro. Sunday worship 11am. Chat, Chew & Renew, a pre-worship fellowship and discussion time 10am10:45am. Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall on the accessible first level. All are welcome. First Baptist is an American Baptist church yoked with The Community Church of Huntington for support of its pastor, The Rev. Larry Detweiler; 802.453.5577. SOUTH BURLINGTON NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH SBC - 1451 Williston Rd., South Burlington. 863-4305 VICTORY CENTER - Holiday Inn, Williston Road, South Burlington • 658-1019 BURLINGTON UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - Pastor Paul Lyon • 860-5828. Sundays: 10am & 6pm. Wednesdays: 7pm. at 294 North Winooski Avenue. SUDBURY SUDBURY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday worship service and Sunday school, 10:30am

SOVEREIGN REDEEMER ASSEMBLY - Sunday worship 10am VERGENNES/PANTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHRISTIAN CENTER - 1759 U.S. Route 7, Vergennes, VT • 802-877-3903 • Sunday school 9am, Sunday worship #1 10am, Sunday worship #2 6pm, Youth, adult gathering 6pm CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH - Sunday worship svcs. 10am & 7pm CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF VERGENNES (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) - Sunday, 9:30am NEW WINE COVENANT (CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST) - Sunday worship 10am PANTON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - Sunday school from 9:30am-10:15am Pre-K to adult, Sunday worship service 10:30am ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Main and Park Streets, Vergennes. Rector: The Rev. Alan Kittelson. Sunday Services 8am and 10am; childcare provided at 10am. All are welcome. For information call 758-2211. ST. PETER’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday 10:30am VERGENNES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 10:30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH - 862 US Rt. 7, SUNDAY: 9:45am Bible Hour For All Ages Including 5 Adult Classes; 11:00am Worship Including Primary Church Ages 3 to 5 & Junior Church 1st - 4th Graders; 6pm Evening Service Worship For All Ages. WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study; AWANA Children’s Clubs (3yrs to 6th grade); JAM Junior High Group (7th & 8th grade); Youth Group (9th - 12 grade). Nursery is provided for children up to 3 years old. Classes are provided for children age 3 and up. 802-877-3393 WEYBRIDGE WEYBRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Worship and Sunday School 10am. Daniel Wright, Pastor. 545-2579. WHITING WHITING COMMUNITY CHURCH - Sunday school 9:45am, Sunday Service 11am & 7pm WILLISTON CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - 1033 Essex Road, Williston. 878-7107. St. Minister Wes Pastor. Services: 8:30am and 10:30am TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH - 19 Mountain View Rd., Williston. 878-8118 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - 1033 Essex Rd., Williston 878-7107 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - 30 Morgan Parkway Williston, VT 05495 • 802-878-8591 CAVALRY CHAPEL - 300 Cornerstone, Williston. 872-5799 MARANATHA CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 1037 S. Brownell Rd., Williston. 862-2108 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY - Route 2, Williston878-4513 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - Route 2A, Williston 878-2285 WILLSTON FEDERATED CHURCH - 44 North Willston Rd., Williston. 878-5792



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September 10, 2011

The Eagle - 13

9/11 concert in spirit of world peace By Rosalyn Graham

Historic Cooley Covered Bridge in Pittsford: A survivor of the Aug. 28 flood Photo by Lou Varricchio

Good news: covered bridges survive PITTSFORD — Contrary to news r eports appearing in local media, the Town of Pittsford did not lose a single historic covered bridge to the Aug. 28 flash flood caused by tr opical storm Irene. According to Town Clerk

and Treasurer, is Helen McKinlay, “I guess someone, somewher e, just assumed we lost our bridges. Not tr ue. All our cover ed bridges—the Hammond, Depot, Cooley , Gor ham and Depot bridges—are intact. They are survivors.”

High water r eached and covered the decking of four of the five 19th-century bridges. The lowest bridges, the Depot and Cooley bridges, will pr obably be the last to dry out as the flood water r ecedes in the coming weeks.

SHELBURNE — On the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, music and messages of peace will fill the cathedrallike Br eeding Barn at Shelburne Farms as All Souls Interfaith Gathering hosts “A Choral Celebration of the Earth: W orld Peace and Healing.” The Choral Celebration of the Earth, at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 11, will be a service of music, inspiring r emarks and readings that offer a message of peace and healing for the world. Among the speakers are Susan Cooke Kittredge of Shelburne and Rabbi Jan Salzman Massed choirs fr om the area will sing the inspirational Celtic Mass for Peace, new music fr om the emer ging EarthPeace Oratorio, and the new Peace Anthem,

all by composer Sam Guarnaccia. The musicians will include members of the All Souls Interfaith Choir, South County Chorus, and the Essex Children’s Choir. Samuel Guarnaccia, a Vermont native, studied classical guitar in Spain and has performed throughout parts of Europe and North America. A guitarist, composer and scholar, he has deep ties to the history , traditions, and spirituality of ancient and contemporary indigenous peoples. Guarnaccia composed the music for “A Celtic Mass for Peace: Songs for the Earth” (lyrics by Philip Newell) and is currently writing the music for a major new work, the EarthPeace Oratorio in collaboration with Wendell Berry, Bill McKibben, Thomas Berry , John Philip Newell, Joanna Macy , Rainer Maria Rilke, and other voices of the new ‘spiritual

ecology’ of planetary consciousness for Peace, for the ‘survival of cr eation’ and healing of the Earth community. Susan Cooke Kittr edge of Shelburne is an ordained United Chur ch of Christ minister who, since leaving full time pastoral ministry , serves V ermont chur ches when the need arises for short-term coverage. She is also a Vermont Public Radio commentator who has shared her thoughts on life’s pivotal moments. Rabbi Jan Salzman r eceived her Rabbinic Ordination in January 2010. Before moving to Burlington, she lived for over 30 years in North Pomfret with her husband, with whom she has two grown sons. The Choral Celebration is free and open to the public. Freewill donations accepted.


SECRET STASH By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

1 5 9 14 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 29 30 31 33 34

37 42 46 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 59 61 65

ACROSS Award named for a Muse Carlisle’s wife in “Twilight” “No prob!” Kane’s Rosebud, e.g. Loch with sightings Financial claim Hooch source “I’d like a say” sounds St. Petersburg is on it Jack Benny in his patented pose? One military stint after another? Recently retired NBAer Mac-PC battles, e.g. Hole advantage Expression of disdain Semicircular structure “Crispin: The Cross of Lead” Newbery Medalwinning author Causes serious damage at sea? Hautboy, more commonly Certain boss’s group 2, at Putt-Putt Saintly Mother 29-Across units Spider automaker Cop’s catch Tradition-challenging genre Pageant topper “¿Cómo __?” Under-the-hood knock source, perhaps Getting flattened by a gridiron lineman? You may read it before turning a page

66 67 68 69 70 73 75 79 83 84 85 86 89 91 92 94 95 96 97 100 101 103 104 106 109 111 117 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

1 2 3 4 5 6

Poehler of “SNL” Wee start? “... boy __ girl?” UAL West Coast hub Consequence of overtoasting?: Abbr. Piltdown man, say Hollywood hopeful’s pursuit? Stuff, pad, cover, etc. Hopper Indian melodies Breaks bread? Conn of “Grease” “I’m not making this up!” Dweebs Elegy, for example What big girls don’t do, in a ’60s hit Sport with Shinto rituals “Up and __!” Cad on his best behavior? Sch. in Nashville Magician’s opening Bailiff’s request Pres. after JAG Tilde feature? Word after Wuzzy Coven gatherings? Give a ride to roadside yokels? Ritual before a fall, hopefully? First pot chips Shower time Repair Scientology’s __ Hubbard Now, in the ER Kid’s choice word __ listening Give, but expect back DOWN “Street Signs” network Wife of Jacob Cuba, to Cubans Old Roman port “Your Stinginess” “You bet, señor!”

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 23 25 27 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 47 50 52 53 55 58 60 62 63 64 69 70 71 72

Assemble Puts into law Shade of blond “Don’t move!” “Project Runway” judge Garcia Designer Gucci Like cats and dogs: Abbr. One going from theater to theater? 1964 British Open champ Qatar bigwig Mil. medals Current initials Foot part Use a lot? Pizza the __: “Spaceballs” role Herding dog name Here, in Havana First name in mystery Drug for anxiety Disrepute Followed Kmart founder Yankees all-time hit leader Jeter “Home Run Derby” airer Hog wild? Juan’s “other” Abbr. before a year Duds Loudness unit “Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-__”: Irish lullaby Handicapper’s hangout, briefly Turning point Jesus of baseball “Beats me” “No thanks” Heavenly body Little lower? Burn badly Where many bats are seen Takes weapons from Fitting room “That looks fabulous!”

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 87 88

90 92 93 97 98 99 102 105 106

Head turner, say Green span New Ager John Stumble “Oh, no!” Hog fat Heat meas. Even a little Places with lots of white robes 107 Request from one who’s stumped

Pawnbroker’s niche? Corrida cries Dress fussily NYC subway Mos. and mos. Bowlers, e.g. Food stamp Novel idea Take on Dutch treat Fur trader’s supply Cross letters

108 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 118 119

Numerical prefix Rub dry Lot size Mother of the Titans Ones knocked off during strikes Memo starter MBA course iPhone command It may be cured Crafty

Trivia Answers! •••••••• From Page 2 ••••••••




(Answers Next Week)

14 - The Eagle

September 10, 2011


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$5,000 Sign-On Bonus! Frac Sand Haulers with complete bulk pneumatic rigs only . Relocate to Texas for tons of work. Fuel/Quick Pay Available. 817-926-3535

Automotive Technician

$500-$1000/DAY For answering the phone? You bet. No selling, no MLM, no products to buy, no kidding! Call 800-658-5821. IRS approved.


INVESTORS-SAFE Haven. If you are not earning 25% to 50% annual ROI, Please call Jeff 817-926-3535. This is guaranteed gas & oilfield equipment leasing.

Denecker Chevrolet is looking for an experienced GM Tech. GM training and diagnostic ability a must.

HELP WANTED $1000 WEEKLY* AT HOME COMPUTER WORK - LIMITED POSITIONS. Start making money today by simply entering data for our company, No Experience Needed, training provided.

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Are you upbeat? Have a positive outlook?

2011 POSTAL Positions $13.00-$36.50+/hr., Federal hire/full benefits. Call Today! 1-866477-4953 Ext. 150 ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS - $150-$300/Day depending on job. No experience. All looks needed. 1-800-281-5185-A103 EXCELLENT WEEKLY income processing our mail! Free supplies! Bonuses! Helping Homeworkers since 1992. Genuine opportunity! Start immediately! 1-888-302-1523. FEDERAL POSTAL JOBS! Earn $12 - $48 per hour / No Experience Full Benefits / Paid Training 1-866-477-4953, Ext. 131 NOW HIRING!! MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE! Mailing Our Brochures From Home. 100% Legit Income Is Guaranteed! No Experience Required. Enroll Today! Detailed Information At: MYSTERY SHOPPERS! Earn up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 800690-1272.

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Juggling your budget? Advertise small, get big results! Call 1-802-388-6397

Real Estate

Are you serious about your craft?



Do you take pride in your profession?

EFFICIENCY APARTMENT 3 miles South of Middlebury, VT RT. 7. Heat & Rubbish Removal included, $565.00/mo., 802-3881917. Pets negotiable.

Contact us to join the TEAM




RYOBI 10” Bench Drill Press, 5 speed, $55. 518-251-5110.

VIAGRA 100MG, Cialis 20mg. 40 pill +4 FREE, only $99.00. Save $500. Discreet Call.1-888-797-9024

HANDS ON CAREER \’d0 Train for a high paying Aviation Maintenance Career . F AA approved program. Financial aid if qualified \’d0 Job placement assistance. Call AIM today (866)854-6156.

In the market for a new job? See the areas best in the classified columns. To place an ad, Call 1-800-989-4237.

Call Mike Capra at 802-877-6402, or e-mail: mikec@denecker



ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement waterproofing, finishing, repairs, crawl spaces, humidity & mold control. Free estimates! From W aterproofing to Finishing! Basement Systems 877-864-21 15,


FOR RENT: One week at the largest timeshare in the world. Orange Lake is right next to Disney and has many amenities including golf, tennis, and a water park. W eeks available are Feb. 26 to Mar . 4 & Mar . 4 to Mar . 11, 2012. (Sun. to Sun.) $850 inclusive. Call Carol at 978-371-2442 or email:

AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom homes Take Over Payments No Money Down/No Credit Check Call 1-888-269-9192 STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 2 (25x30), 30x40, 40x60, 45x82. Selling For Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800-462-7930x42

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Fishing for a good deal? Catch the greatest bargains in the Classifieds 1-802-388-6397

September 10, 2011

The Eagle - 15



AUTO ACCESSORIES TONNEAU COVER that fits S-10 short bed 6’. $99. 518-523-9456

FARM EQUIPMENT ROUND BALER, John Deere Seeder , Chopper, wagon, 9-12 Slinger spreader , 2 Roll corn planter, silage feeder, 1970 GMC Dump truck. Call 518-962-4394.

MOTORCYCLE/ ATV WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI 1970-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ 1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2350, S3-400 CASH. 1-800-772-1 142, 1310-721-0726

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Receive up to $65 in manufacturers rebates toward the cost of qualifying Fall Maintenance specials.

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*When you have fall maintenance work performed at a participating Parts Plus Car Care Center.

CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We\’d5re Local! 7 Days/W eek. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 DONATE YOUR CAR… To The Cancer Fund of America. Help Those Suf fering With Cancer Today. Free Towing and Tax deductible. 1-800-835-9372 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE LOVE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST . Free Towing & NonRunners Accepted. 800-549-2791 Help Us Transform Lives In The Name Of Christ.


Check out the classifieds. Call 800-989-4237

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$15 Ad runs for 3 weeks, one zone, plus $9 for each additional zone, or run all 5 zones for 3 weeks for $50

VERMONT: Addison Eagle / Green Mountain Outlook

CENTRAL NEW YORK: Eagle Newspapers

ADIRONDACKS SOUTH: Times of Ti, Adirondack Journal, News Enterprise


ADIRONDACKS NORTH: The Burgh, Valley News, North Countryman

Spotlight Newspapers


Place Your Ad Today! 802-388-6397 802-985-2400

Any one item under $99 MAIL TO: THE CLASSIFIED SUPERSTORE 16 Creek Rd., Suite 5A Middlebury, VT 05753


Monday by 10:00 a.m. online and at our office: 16 Creek Rd., Suite 5A, Middlebury, VT


24 HOURS / 7 DAYS A WEEK SELF-SERVICE AT WWW.THECLASSIFIEDSUPERSTORE.COM Ph: 802-388-6397 or Toll Free: 800-989-4237 or Fax: 802-388-6399



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September 10, 2011


16 - The Eagle

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