Warrensburg News
TOWN TALK: Get ready for Seasons Readings.
A Denton Publication
page 2
December 3, 2011
FREE • Take one
In Warrensburg
Public airs ideas for school cuts, programs
Veterans move memorial rock
By Thom Randall WA R R E N S B U R G — S u e Gerrain of Truesdale Hill sat at one of 10 tables in the W arrensburg High School cafeteria during a community forum held Monday, Nov. 28 on the future of education in the Warrensburg area. She listened to other local residents pr opose ideas, including how various enrichment and extracurricular programs cut in recent years should be reinstated — and that the quality education provided locally should be preserved. But she also heard talk of how the taxpayers deserved relief. Then she of fered a thought of her own. “For long-term educational p rojects, s chool di stricts should invest over time, bit by bit,” she said, noting that taxpayers would be happier with miniscule incr eases each year than be hit with a big tax increase every several years. The community for um was held in light of the state CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Couple wins wedding package PAGE 12 IN SPORTS
Carol Gregson of Pottersville demonstrates the art of spinning during the 2010 edition of Christmas in Warrensburg. Photo by John Franchini
Tradition reigns during Christmas fest By Thom Randall WARRENSBURG — The annual Christmas in W arrensburgh celebration, embracing traditional values as
By Thom Randall
dren’s activities, traditional acoustic music, gift shopping, and pr ofound hospitality throughout the community. Event founder T eresa Whalen said it’s been heartwarming to be involved with the event for nearly 25 years, CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
PAGES 18-23
CHESTERTOWN — North Warren School District of ficials ar e seeking public approval for financing $2.7 million in r epairs and improvements to the district’s
buildings — primarily the North W arren K-12 school and the bus garage. A public vote will be held from noon to 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 in the school atrium to appr ove or r eject the transfer of $2,734,960 from unexpended fund balance to a Repair Reserve Ac-
count to bankr oll planned construction work and r epairs. The upgrades include roof r epair, boiler r eplacement, and access upgrades for the school, and electrical updates for both the school and the district bus garage. Plans also call for the completion of an athletic field at
the school, which was constructed in 1999. The field needs to have a suitable surface developed for use in sports, school officials said. The constr uction work, endorsed by the North Warren school boar d after they reviewed a lengthy capital facilities study , also in-
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cludes the r econstruction of oil and water tanks in the bus garage, and purchase of a generator for the building. The work should begin this spring, accor ding to North Warren Superintendent of Schools Joseph Murphy. CONTINUED ON PAGE 13
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N. Warren voters to decide on $2.7M in repairs
well as fun activities for all ages, is set for this weekend. This year ’s event, set for Sat. and Sun., Dec. 3 and 4, marks its 23rd year of celebrating the holidays with such offerings as craft demonstrations and sales, car oling, chur ch bazaars, chil-
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2 - Adirondack Journal - Warrensburg
work, wood crafts, quilts, baked goods, and food. For details, call 623-2161 or see: Event or ganizers say the craft fair is an ideal opportunity for holiday shopping.
Nutcracker concert this Saturday
Local bicentennial meeting set
All ar e invited to a meeting on Dec. 13 to plan activities r elated to W arrensburg’s upcoming bicentennial celebration. The planning session begins at 4:30 p.m. in W arrensburg’s Emerson Town Hall on Main St. Bicentennial or ganizers are seeking new ideas and assistance in planning.
‘Season’s Readings’ this weekend
On Friday and Satur day, Dec. 2 and 3, Willows Bistro is hosting a series of r eadings by ar ea authors. The venue is located at 3749 Main St. in Warrensburg. From 7 to 9 p.m. Friday , the public is invited to attend fr ee "Season’s Readings" co-sponsored by
Agard fundraiser set for Saturday
Mary Sanders Shartle Adirondack Center for Writing and Fiction Among Friends, in cooperation with Christmas in Warrensburgh. The event features readings of poet and author Mary Sanders Shartle. Also r eading will be Mason Smith, author of Florida,reading fr om his new work, Far Alaska; Bibi Wein, author of The Way Home: A Wilderness Journey, reading new work, "Local Warming"; and Doug Deneen, sharing "Wrong Way Wally," an of fbeat family Christmas story full of misadventur es. Refreshments will be available.
Holiday Craft Fair set for Sunday
Dozens of vendors will be exhibiting and showing their cr eations at W arrensburg Chamber of Commerce’s annual Holiday Craft F air f rom 9 a .m. t o 4 p.m. Sunday Dec. 4 at Echo Lake Lodge of f Hudson St. in Warrensburg. To be featured at this fr ee craft show ar e handcrafted & unique gifts, jewelry , art-
Area r esidents ar e r eminded that a gift-shopping fundraiser will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Saturd ay Dec. 3 to help defray medical expenses of 12-year-old Matthew Agard, a student at North Warren High School, who has leukemia. The event is to be held at the North W arren Emergency Squad building, Rte. 8, Chestertown. The fundraiser featur es sales of Silpada Jewelry, A von, PartyLite candles and homebaked goods, as well as gift baskets and raf fles. All proceeds will go towar ds medical expenses incurr ed by the Agard family.
Send news to us by phone, email
Our newspaper needs your news to keep this column full of updated items of interest to local folks. Area residents, send me your news, article ideas and news tips. Feel fr ee to contact me with community happenings, or items you would like to see cover ed in this column. To have an upcoming event publicized, call me at 623-9744 or email me at mrs.butterfly-10@hotmail. com about three weeks prior to the event. Help me keep the community informed!
For Warrensburg’s Halloween parade, toddler James Belden was dressed in the ladybug costume worn 40 years ago by his mother Kate Yarmowitch Belden. Photo by Thom Randall
Halloween party held in LG LAKE GEORGE — Area childr en had a new experience recently as the Lake George Volunteer Fire Department hosted their first annual Halloween party at the Lake George Firehouse. The guest trick-or -treaters enjoyed hot chocolate, cider , donuts, and prizes at the Oct. 31 event. Also, the fir efighters gave childr en and
their par ents a tour of the fir e station, explaining t he f ire a pparatus a nd a ssociated equipment. The visitors to the fir ehouse were hosted by fir efighters John Keary and his wife Carol, firefighter “Mac” MacDonald and his wife Mary , fir efighter Ray Calor e and Lake Geor ge Fir e Auxiliary member Stephanie Smith. Plans ar e under way to hold a larger Halloween Party next October, fire officials said.
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The Adirondack Recorder Band is presenting a holiday concert at 7 p.m. Satur day Dec. 3 in St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church on Main St. the fr ee performance combines r eadings of The Nutcracker story accompanied by the woodwind ensemble playing selections fr om the Nutcracker Suite, penned by Tchaikovsky. “The pr esentation features magical music, a story of tr ue love and the sweet sound of Christmas on recorders,” an or ganizer of the event said this week.
December 3, 2011
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 4 75872
December 3, 2011
Warrensburg - Adirondack Journal - 3
Warrensburg mealsite may move to Countryside Home By Thom Randall WARRENSBURG — The Town of W arrensburg’s senior mealsite may be r elocated soon to the Countryside Adult Home o n S chroon R iver R oad d ue t o i nadequacies o f t he present site in the basement of the United Methodist Chur ch. The change is independent of the proposed closure of the upcounty satellite mealsite kitchens, an initiative which was recently postponed for at least four months. The planned change in the mealsite location is due primarily to dif ficulties of access to the basement site, W arren County Office for the Aging Director Christie Sabo said. Seniors now have to walk down a steep, narrow stairwell to get into the church basement, and county off icials are seeking to provide barrier-free access so people with mobility pr oblems can attend the daily lunchtime meals served there, she said. Also, i t i s d ifficult f or M eals o n W heels d rivers t o l ug heavy insulated containers packed with meals up the stairwell, Sabo said. The site has also aging equipment, minor mold gr owth problems in the kitchen. Ther e also has been a persistent problem with sewage backups, an issue which recently was abated with the installation of a grease trap. It was installed at the chur ch after sewage flowed out of a back r oom onto the floor of the dining area. Minor foul odors, however, still emanate from the plumbing. Sabo noted that the facility has passed state Health Department inspection, and the mold has been tested and poses no health hazard. About 100 meals ar e pr epared each weekday in the church’s kitchen for an average of 15 gathering at the site, plus for about 85 Meals on Wheels deliver ed to shut-ins in Warrensburg, Lake George and Thurman. The county now pays about $16,000 to $18,000 per year in rent to the church for the use of the kitchen and dining are a. The char ges include costs of keeping the equipment like freezers, coolers and commercial dishwasher in good working order as well as expenses related to utilities, snowplowing and trash removal, Sabo said. The Warrensburg mealsite is the most expensive satellite mealsite to operate among the eight in W arren County, she said. Cost of operation, including personnel costs, is $80,000 to $90,000 per year, Sabo estimated. About $30,000 of that expense is reimbursed by the state, she said. The move of the mealsite to Countryside is dependent on
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Local seniors, including (seated left to right): Jim Morewood, Gail Blackburn and Ruth Near enjoy food and conversation Nov. 28 at the Warrensburg mealsite, now located in the basement of the United Methodist Church. The mealsite may be moved to Countryside Adult Home due to access problems. Photo by Thom Randall
whether any state aid to the adult home would be lost due to the shared use of the kitchen and dining facilities, county officials said. County Administrator Paul Dusek is now re searching that issue, Sabo said. Local mealsite personnel said the move to Countryside, in a rural setting 1.7 miles north of downtown, may cut down on attendance since four or five seniors per day now walk to the site for the meals. They said that the county had pr oposed months ago that a van would be pr ovided to transport seniors from downtown to Countryside in the mealsite wer e
moved there. Sabo said personnel of her agency have r esearched other potential sites, but Countryside was deemed the most viable. Mealsite cook Roberta Cassidy said that potential pr oblems in moving the mealsite to Countryside include sharing the kitchen facilities while the existing kitchen staf f ther e prepares lunch for about 45 r esidents. Storage space could also be an issue, she said. Sabo said the mealsite re location may occur as soon as January — i f t he m ove d oesn’t p rompt a l oss o f s tate a id t o Countryside.
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4 - Adirondack Journal - Warrensburg
December 3, 2011
Christmas in Warrensburgh from page 1
watching the sparkle in children’s eyes and the beaming expressions on adults’ faces as they participate in the holiday fun. “This is all about bringing our community together during this festive season for spiritual and cultural enrichment,” she said. “It’s so good to see the joyful spirit of the event shared by all generations.” She said the celebration celebrates ural r values rather than the commercialism that too often consumes the season. “It’s all about families celebrating the tr ue meaning of Christmas and enjoying the simple pleasures of life — while showcasing local talent and culture,” she said. Highlights of the weekend events include a new mini-festival of trees on Saturday at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church. Also making its debut for 2011 is the reading of the Polar Express holiday tale at 4 p.m. Saturday in Richards Library, during which childr en will be transported back into a bygone era — and a jolly character fr om the North Pole may visit.
Friday, Dec. 2, Events & Activities
• Christmas-themed r eadings by ar ea authors, 7 p.m. at Willows Bistro, Main St. downtown. Writers Mary Sanders Shartle, Mason Smith, Doug Deneen and others will be reading their works. • Special “Dinners for T wo” menu, 4:30 p.m. at Lizzie Keays Restaurant, Riverstreet Plaza. • Nature-inspired Christmas craft activities and readings of children’s tales, 7-9 p.m. at Warrensburgh Free Methodist Church.
Saturday, Dec. 3, Events & Activities
• Holiday celebrations are held throughout town, but the Warrensburg Town Hall, turned into “T oyland” for Saturday, is a main focus for children’s activities from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Here, children will be making gingerbread houses, ornaments and other crafts including wooden toys.Also, Santa will be visiting with live er indeer. There will be bake sales and food concessions, Christmas-inspir ed face-painting, as well as holiday postal cancellations. Photos with Santa will be available from 10 a.m. to noon plus Carriage Rides with “Teddy” the miniature horse will be available from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Also, a caricature artist will be on hand to sketch children. • Holiday music will be offered at 1 p.m. in the Warrensburg Town Hall by the W arrensburg Elementary Chor us. Also, the W arrensburg High School Band will be performing at 10:30 a.m. • Origami and miniature watercolor workshops with Sudjai Bentley, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Warrensburg Town Hall. • At most all the churches downtown, there will be bazaars and food sales. This includes the First United Methodist Chur ch, First Pr esbyterian Chur ch, St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church, and Holy Cross Episcopal Church. Also, a craft sale is being held at the Countryside Adult Home, Schroon River Rd. • Pancake br eakfast, 8 a.m.- 1 1 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, Main St. Cookie Walk to be held too. • Mini-Festival of T rees, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church, includes sale of homemade soups and baked goods, gourmet coffee and chocolate. • Quiche Luncheon, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, plus sales — from 10 3 p.m. — ofwreaths and other festive decorations, specialty foods and holiday
Skye Gregson of Adirondack Rustic Gallery in Schroon Lake demonstrates techniques of crafting old fashioned toys to Sierra Gregson, 4, and Maddy Douglas, 10, during the 2008 Christmas In Warrensburg celebration. Photo by Jon Alexander
desserts. School Holiday Band. Car oling will featur e local Scouts, • Craft demonstrations, open houses and sales will also plus hot chocolate afterwards. be held. At Riverside Gallery, witness traditional rug hook• Holiday concert by Adirondack Recorder Band, 7 p.m. ing by Joan Mohrmann, spinning and weaving by Sere ndip- at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church, Main St. Free performance ity Spinners, and porcupine quill work by Thomas Mowatt. combines readings of The Nutcracker story accompanied by • Open house, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Miller Art & Frame, the Bar oque-era woodwinds playing selections fr om the Main St., featur es Teddi Knapp snowmen and limited ediNutcracker Suite, penned by Tchaikovsky. tion ornaments. • Holiday Dinner special, 4:30 p.m. at Lizzie Keays • Holiday gifts, certificates and consignments, gift wrap- Restaurant, Riverstreet Plaza. ping station, refreshments , 10 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. at Riverstreet • Roast Pork Dinner , 4-6 p.m., First United Methodist Plaza. Church. • Reading of the Polar Expr ess holiday tale at 4 p.m. in Richards Library. Children are welcome to ear pajamas. Vis- Sunday, Dec. 4 — Events & Activities it by Santa bearing gifts. • Breakfast with Santa, 9:30 a.m.- noon at St. Cecilia’s • Book Signings by local authors at W illows Bistr o: 10 Catholic Church. Event includes performance by WCS Hola.m.- Pat Leonard, 11 a.m. - Mary Sanders Shartle, 12 p.m. - iday Band and face painting. Amanda Shaf fer and Meghan Lemery , 1 p.m. - Joseph C. • Holiday craft fair at Echo Lake Lodge, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parker, 2 p.m. - Diane Chase (plus children’s knot tying acDozens of artisans and crafters exhibiting and selling their tivity), 3 p.m. - Mason Smith. creations. Sponsored by the Warrensburg Chamber of Com• Open Houses at various downtown businesses includ- merce. ing Rebecca’s Florist and Adirondack Rustic Interiors. • The Warrensburg Museum of Local History featur es • The Warrensburg Museum of Local History featur es their “Dressed for the Holidays” exhibit, plus a eception r for their “Dressed for the Holidays” exhibit, plus a eception r for the opening of their “My Dolly Exhibit, all fr om 10 a.m. to the opening of their “My Dolly Exhibit, all fr om 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Book signings to be held too. The museum is just north 4 p.m. Book signings to be held too. The museum is just north of New Way Lunch on Main St.; entrance is in the rear. of New Way Lunch on Main St.; entrance is at the rear. Christmas in W arrensburgh founder T eresa Whalen said • The town’s annual tree-lighting ceremony, 6 p.m. at the she was excited about the celebration’s 22th anniversary. uptown Floyd Bennett Memorial Bandstand, featuring the “This event is for families and childr en — a time for our arrival of Santa, caroling, music, hot chocolate and cookies. community to get together and share the holiday spirit,” she The event featur es music by the W arrensburg Elementary said. “It’s been 23 years of music, magic and memories.”
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December 3, 2011
Adirondack Journal - 5
6 - Adirondack Journal - Opinion
December 3, 2011
A COMMUNITY SERVICE :This community newspaper and its delivery are made possible by the advertisers you’ll find on the pages inside. Our sixty plus employees and this publishing company would not exist without their generous support of our efforts to gather and distribute your community news and events. Please thank them by supporting them and buying locally. And finally, thanks to you, our loyal readers, for your support and encouragement over the past 64 years from all of us here at the Adirondack Journal and Denton Publications.
Adirondack Journal Editorial
Community Store re-defining The true meaning of the season image of small town America I
t a time when the holiday shopping season focuses squarely on big-box stores and online retailers, along comes the Community Store in Saranac Lake to capture our hearts and imaginations. The Ames department store in Saranac Lake closed in 2002, and no matter how hard small shop owners tried to collectively serve the “general store” needs of this community, more and more people began relying on the big-box destinations outside the Adirondack Park. When Walmart tried to build a supercenter here, village officials blocked the plan, forcing locals to make trips of 50 miles or more (one-way) to buy the most basic household items, such as underwear. It also gave the community a chance to create a department store for the masses, playing by home rule rather than corporate greed. We’re not naïve. We know Saranac Lakers will still buy goods online and take shopping trips to the closest Walmart or Target. But this Community Store has given Saranac Lake a booster shot of confidence. It has made Saranac Lake a shopping destination again. It has bought Saranac Lake 15 more minutes of fame. When the New York Times covered the Oct. 29 opening of the Community Store, its Business Section story was picked up by media outlets across the U.S. It captured the attention of The Early Show on CBS. It seems Saranac Lake is not only the coldest spot on the Weather Channel’s map of America; it is also one of the hottest retail destinations in the nation. “People want closer relationships with each other and with the companies with which they do business. They want a conversation. They want to be part of it all,” wrote columnist David L. Rawle on Nov. 15 for the Charleston Regional Business Journal. “That’s why the Saranac Lake Community Store came into being and will no doubt be successful.” Saranac Lake’s store — the first of its kind in New York state — was based on another community-owned department store, The Merc in Powell, Wyo. It’s only fitting that the Powell Tribune pick up on the New York Times story and compare the two communities and its “sister” stores.
“As it happens, Powell and Saranac Lake share more in common than a community-owned department store,” wrote the Tribune’s Tessa Schweigert on Nov. 17. “Both have a junior college. Both were named All-America Cities in the 1990s. Both have populations of fewer than 6,500 residents. Both have a rural flavor residents hope to keep alive.” called the Community Store “A triumph of main street can-do” on Nov. 14. Now Saranac Lake is gaining a reputation for fighting the Wall Street business mentality, and it is quickly becoming the poster child for communities that fought Walmart and won. Bloggers across the U.S. are relaying the New York Times report and asking readers what they think about Saranac Lake, its fight against Walmart and its decision to open a department store on its own terms. Comments on a recent blog posting at Glamour magazine’s website have been positive: “This is the coolest thing I’ve read in weeks.” “Capitalism at its best!” “Amazing! Good for them. Wish we could all do that.” Saranac Lake’s Community Store success has triggered a dialogue among small-town residents thinking about their own situations. Powell may have been Saranac Lake’s inspiration, but Saranac Lake is now poised to be an inspiration to many other American communities. And Community Store owners did this despite the recession, despite the failed actions of our federal government to stimulate the economy, and despite the big-box culture engrained in our society today. Now people from around the country will be visiting the Adirondack Park to see the Community Store and discover everything else this region has to offer. Saranac Lake has once again proven why it was named an All-America City in 1998.
This editorial is the collaborative opinion of a board comprised of Thom Randall, Fred Herbst, Lou V arricchio, Keith Lobdell, Stephen Bartlett, Andy Flynn and John Gereau. Comments may be directed to
school shootings, etc. I think it recently ran across this started when Madeleine MurBen Stein commentary ray O'Hare (she was murdered, from CBS Sunday. As her body found a few years ago) we are now into the begincomplained she didn't want ning of the Christmas Season prayer in our schools, and we I thought it was an approprisaid OK. Then someone said ate thought to share: you better not read the Bible in I am a Jew, and every single school. The Bible says thou one of my ancestors was shalt not kill; thou shalt not Jewish. And it does not bother steal, and love your neighbor me even a little bit when people as yourself. And we said OK. call those beautiful lit up, beDan Alexander Then Dr. Benjamin Spock jeweled trees, Christmas Thoughts from said we shouldn't spank our trees. I don't feel threatened. I Behind the Pressline children when they misbehave, don't feel discriminated because their little personaliagainst. That's what they are, ties would be warped and we might damage Christmas trees. their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, suicide). We said an expert should know what 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they he's talking about. And we said okay. are slighting me or getting ready to put me in Now we're asking ourselves why our chila ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows dren have no conscience, why they don't know that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at them to kill strangers, their classmates, and all that there is a manger scene on display at a themselves. key intersection near my beach house in MalProbably, if we think about it long and hard ibu. If people want a creche, it's just as fine enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a with me as is the Menorah a few hundred great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE yards away. SOW.' I don't like getting pushed around for being Funny how simple it is for people to trash a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting God and then wonder why the world's going to pushed around for being Christians. I think hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapeople who believe in God are sick and tired of pers say, but question what the Bible getting pushed around, period. I have no idea says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through where the concept came from, that America is e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in you start sending messages regarding the the Constitution and I don't like it being Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny shoved down my throat. how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles Or maybe I can put it another way: where pass freely through cyberspace, but public disdid the idea come from that we should worship cussion of God is suppressed in the school and celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship workplace. God as we understand Him? I guess that's a Are you laughing yet? sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a Funny how when you forward this message, lot of us who are wondering where these you will not send it to many on your address celebrities came from and where the America list because you're not sure what they believe, we knew went to. or what they will think of you for sending it. In light of the many jokes we send to one anFunny how we can be more worried about other for a laugh, this is a little different: This what other people think of us than what God is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's thinks of us. intended to get you thinking. Pass it on if you think it has merit. Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on If not, then just discard it... no one will the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her know you did. But, if you discard this thought 'How could God let something like this happrocess, don't sit back and complain about pen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina).. Anne what bad shape the world is in. Graham gave an extremely profound and inMy Best Regards, Honestly and sightful response. She said, 'I believe God is respectfully, deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our Ben Stein schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman Mr Stein, I think you are right on target He is, I believe He has calmly backed and thank you for letting me share this out. How can we expect God to give us His with our readers. I hope they’ll pass it blessing and His protection if we demand He along too, all while taking it to heart and leave us alone?' realizing the true meaning of the season. In light of recent events... terrorists attack,
Denton Publications, Inc. W e’re m ore tha n a n ew spa per.W e’re a com m un ity service. Our goal at Denton Publications is to publish accurate, useful and timely information in our newspapers, news products, shopping guides, vacation guides, and other specialty publications for the benefit of our readers and advertisers. We value your comments and suggestions concerning all aspects of this publication.
Denton Publications Founded By Wm. D. Denton PUBLISHER................................................................................................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER................................................................................................................................................................Ed Coats OPERATIONS MANAGER..............................................................................................................................................William Coats BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER...........................................................................................................................Cheryl Mitchell GENERAL MANAGER CENTRAL.............................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander, Jr. MANAGING EDITOR.............................................................................................................................................................John Gereau ASST. MANAGING EDITOR...............................................................................................................................................Andy Flynn GENERAL MANAGER NORTH.....................................................................................................................Ashley Alexander GENERAL MANAGER SOUTH.....................................................................................................................Scarlette Merfeld HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER.......................................................................................................................Tom Henecker FINANCIAL CONTROLLER..............................................................................................................................................Nicole Pierce
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December 3, 2011
Adirondack Journal - 7 vote upon the question of raising and appr opriating the sum of $2,618 for the expense of building said bridge.
•100 Years Ago – Dec. 1911• Tomfoolery proves fatal Frank Grif fin, 18, of Newcomb was accidentally shot by his 19-year -old chum Charles Murphy, near that place Nov . 30, 1911 and with his dying br eath absolved from all blame the friend who unwittingly inflicted the wound which he well knew would prove fatal. The young men wer e on their way home from Minerva wher e they had attended a dance Wednesday night. Early in the morning they stopped at Haven’s place, about half way between Minerva and Newcomb, to get something to eat. The place was in char ge of a young man named Geor ge W est, the Haven family having moved into the lumber woods for the season. The boys wer e given a lunch and while eating it were having considerable sport in a good-natured way . Finally young Grif fin stepped outside and stood in front of a window looking in. Murphy picked up a gun standing against the wall and holding it with one hand playfully pointed it at his chum and exclaimed, “Y our money or your life.” Murphy, who had no intention of firing it, was horrified when it went off. After the shot was fir ed, young Grif fin walked out to his cutter and than back into the house. Murphy did not know that Griffin had been hit until he saw him stagger . Murphy thought Griffin was fooling until he
fell to the floor. He asked the injured boy to forgive him and Griffin said, “There is nothing to for give,” he said. “I was as much to blame as you.” Arrangements were made to carry the boy home and he died along the way . Funeral arrangements wer e made fr om his late home. He was buried Dec. 3, 191 1 in the Newcomb village cemetery and ther e was a large attendance. Young Murphy, who has an excellent reputation, is heartbroken over the affair even though no one blames him. Relatives of the dead youth have tre ated Murphy with utmost consideration.
Man dies in motorcar crash
Jesse Smith, for two years employed as chauffeur by Senator James A. Emerson in Warrensburgh and well-known thr oughout this section, was killed in an automobile accident Dec. 1, 191 1 on the Saugerties Road near Rondout. Since leaving Warrensburgh about a year and a half ago, Smith had made his home in Glens Falls but had been working as a mechanician in various automobile factories and had worked in Rondout since Oct. 23, 191 1 at the Wyckoff, Church & Partridge Automobile factory. Jesse Smith was riding in a car which was being tested by Henry Amon when a shoe blew out which caused the machine to swerve fr om the r oadbed into the soft ground along side the highway. The car was brought to a stop by r unning into a stump
Wrestlers donate to library By Thom Randall
along side of the r oad. Smith either jumped or was thrown out of the car striking against a tr ee. Amon was only slightly injur ed. Smith was carried into the nearby residence of Mrs. Edwar d Legg and died just as they got him into the house. The funeral was held at the home of Smith’s mother at 244 Glen St., Glens Falls and the body was taken to Pottersville for burial. Smith leaves a widow who was formerly Miss Russell of Warrensburgh.
Conflagration at Stony Creek
The village of Stony Cr eek narr owly escaped being swept by fire early in the morning, Dec. 5, 1911 when a two-story building owned by J.E. V anderbilt and occupied by him as a dr ugstore, was burned to the ground. The fir e was discover ed about 2 a.m. by the night watchman at Halls’ Steam Mill, who saw flames issuing from the rear of the building. An alarm was given and the r esidents got out the hand engine with which they wer e able to save the surr ounding buildings. It was only with gre at effort, however, that the flames wer e pr evented fr om devouring the entir e village as the fir e had gained considerable headway when discovered. The entir e loss is estimated at $4,000 which is partially cover ed by insurance of $2,000. Mr . Vanderbilt, who came to Stony Creek about a year ago from New York City, bought the building from R.W. Clayton.
New bridge or not
A special town meeting will be held in Stony Creek Dec. 29, 1911 at Kenyon’s Hall, for a vote on whether or not the town shall construct a bridge over Stony Cr eek wher e the highway leading fr om Stony Cr eek station to Hadley intersects the cr eek and the
Danny Jackson of W arrensburgh was r esentenced to a term of four years in Auburn Prison and was taken there Nov. 30, 1911 by Deputy Sheriff George Hackett. Jackson was sentenced at the pr evious term of court for stealing a horse but was br ought back to be re-sentenced because of an error in the commitment. (Note: The detailed account of this unusual theft and subsequent chase by the sheriff ’s posse appear ed in this column in the April 9 Adirondack Journal.)
Calamities in Lewisville
Mrs. James Harris, 53, of Thurman dropped dead in Lewisville (River St., Warrensburgh) at about 3 p.m. Nov. 30, 1911 after she had stepped into a wagon to r eturn home fr om a shopping trip in this village. She had just finished shopping at J.F . Cameron’s stor e when the young son of David I. Combs, a r esident of Thurman, drove by and she hailed him and asked permission for a ride home. She hastened to overtake him and had bar ely seated herself in the wagon when she fell lifeless into the boy’s arms. She was quickly taken to the Wayside Hotel and Dr . C.B. Cunningham and Cor oner J.M. Grif fin wer e summoned. They pronounced death due to heart failure. Several times that day Mrs. Harris had mentioned that she did not feel well. Burial was in the W arrensburgh Cemetery . (Note: J. Freeman Camer on’s mer cantile establishment was approximately across from today’s Curtis Lumber store.) In other Lewisville news, W illiam Hall, while carrying two pails of boiling water at the Empir e Shirt Company’s laundry , slipped and fell on the floor, spilling the water over part of his body . One arm and one leg were severely burned. He is confined to his home in poor condition and Dr . C.B. Cun-
Letters to the Editor WARRENSBURG — The Warrensburg W restling Club r ecently made a donation to Richards Library, and the institution’s of ficials expr essed their appreciation this week. Throughout the year, the wrestling club is active in various fundraising endeavors for equipment they use as well as for local charities. The club’s fundraising efforts in recent years have helped not just individuals and community gr oups in need, but local taxpayers have reaped rewards. About thr ee years ago, the club paid $8,300 or so for new wrestling mats for Warrensburg Central School — a cost that would otherwise be borne by property owners in W arrensburg and Thurman. Wrestling club coach Lenny Baker , who has spearheaded the fundraising efforts, deferred credit this week to the many people in the community who donate to the wr estlers, as well as the others associat-
Horse thief sent to jail
Trail not railway makes sense
Members of Warrensburg Central School District Varsity wrestling team give a donation to the Richards Library. Photo provided
ed with the club that help raise the money. “This wr estling club could not exist without the generous support of the parents and people of the area,” he said, noting that alumni of the wr estling club give back to the community in many ways. “The wr estlers learn through their sport many life lessons that they carry into adulthood,” he said. The club has also sponsored the annual vintage snowmobile racing event
on Echo Lake, which has grown each year and draws hundr eds of people to the area each winter. Baker said this week that Richards library was a deserving r ecipient of the funds, considering not only their limited budget, but all they do for ar ea children and adults. “The library is a valuable r esource in our community and this is why the wrestling club has given them a yearly donation,” he said.
Lake a hub for snowmobiling. Other rail-to-trail conversions elsewher e To the Adirondack Journal: have produced millions of dollars in tourist Your Nov . 26 editorial was headlined spending every year . Ther e’s no r eason to “Help a community under siege.” doubt that this trail, which could be one of That’s exactly what we ar e trying to do. the most scenic re creational trails in the eastYet you criticized our new organization, the ern U.S., would be any different. Adirondack Recr eational Trail Advocates, Conversely, the tourist train that operates for working against the best intere sts of Tupbetween Lake Placid and Saranac Lake has per Lake. You rightly characterize T upper produced no measurable economic benefits Lake as suffering economically, but you sure during the eleven years it has been running. got it wr ong when you accused ARTA of It’s har d to believe that extending the throwing up r oadblocks to economic train service the next 25 miles to T upper progress in that hard-pressed village. Lake would make it any mor e successful in What ARTA wants is to convert the railterms of stimulating the local economy. way from Lake Placid to Tupper Lake into a The idea of building a separate trail alongrecreational trail that will commerc ially ben- side the tracks from Placid to Tupper, as the efit the T ri-Lakes Area and enable T upper railroad people now propose as a “comproLake to become, at long last, the tourist des- mise,” is totally impractical fr om both a fitination it needs and deserves to be. nancial and environmental standpoint. If the tracks are removed, as we advocate, You may disagr ee with our pr eferred use and the rail bed is surfaced with compacted of this travel corridor , and you may feel as crushed limestone, the 34-mile r ecreation some (but by no means all) u Tpper Lakers do trail connecting T upper with Saranac Lake that the best future for the corridor is to conand Lake Placid could attract tens of thoutinue the train fr om Saranac to T upper. sands of cyclists every year , maybe even That’s fine, especially if you can pr ovide solhundreds of thousands to judge by the sucid facts to back up your position. But to imcess of similar rail-trails in other parts of the pugn the motives of an or ganization that is country. Such a trail would also attract rundevoted to cr eating a rail-trail that could ners, str ollers, bir dwatchers, handicapped only improve the economic condition of the users, families with young kids, the elderly, region is irr esponsible, shoot-fr om-the hip athletes in training, and nature lovers of all editorializing. kinds. In the winter, without the train tracks Dick Beamish to impede them, the number of days that Founding member, ARTA snowmobilers could use the corridor would Saranac Lake likely double, a big step in making T upper
Guest Commentary
Libraries have evolved as technology has advanced By Paul Gilchrist
vived and thrived, adapting to the new technology of bound books, just as they ar e now adapting to digital technology , For thousands of years, libraries have been store houses of making information in that form accessible to all. knowledge, information, and literature. A library, then, is itself not only a storehouse of recorded Through the ages, such works have evolved from written knowledge, information, and literature, but is a facility prowords r ecorded on clay tablets, to papyr us or par chment viding access to that material to everyone. scrolls, to bound paper books, and now in digital electronic Today’s libraries pr ovide access to all citizens, and will form. Libraries have functioned to preserve these materials continue to lead the way in this r ole, as they historically and make them accessible to the public. have. In historic times, users were mostly scholars, scribes, govInformation science has library science at its cor e. Conernment officials, or priests and monks. Most of the populatemporary librarianship is almost synonymous with being tion, including kings and emperors, could not read. an information scientist. Today, and for the past 75 years, the Since the printing press, the rise of commerc e and the midprimary or ganization for advancing and disseminating dle class, and wider education, libraries have pr ovided acknowledge about information technology among all fields cess to information to an increasingly broad segment of the of scholarship is the American Society of Information Scipopulation. Libraries have been the primary vehicle for storence and Technology (ASIS&T). ing and disseminating information, whether associated with Its membership is made up lar gely of librarians, and a college or university or as a community institution. ASIS&T confer ences and conventions ar e gatherings of inAs media has evolved, libraries adapted to each technoformation science librarians, along with scholars from varilogical advance as it changed methodology of ecording r and ous academic fields and computer scientists. The top 12 ofstoring information. ficers of ASIS&T ar e pr ofessors, deans, and dir ectors of Clay tablets and scrolls went out of style; but libraries surschools of library and information science at major U.S. uni-
versities. Just as libraries have always disseminated information, so it is the purpose of the library and information scientists of ASIS&T to disseminate knowledge of information technology to all fields, i.e., knowledge of how to make information accessible. Library science and libraries do not mer ely react to technological change, they are leading others into it. There are those who say that books are becoming obsolete, and therefore, that libraries will soon be obsolete. Most of those individuals must be strangers to libraries and not familiar with what libraries actually do or the services they perform. Library usage actually has incr eased significantly in r ecent years. If you meet someone who says that libraries are going the way of the dodo bir d, rejoice, for you’ve just encountered living proof that the dodo is not entir ely extinct, after all. (The author of this guest editorial, Paul Gilchrist, is vice president of the Richards Library Board of Trustees. He was formerly a member of ASIS&T while Assistant Resear ch Pr ofessor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.)
8 - Adirondack Journal - Bolton
December 3, 2011
Pottersville veterans monument relocated By Nancy Castner
Bolton’s festive holiday decor Thanks to the Bolton Landing Business Association members and a team of citizens helping out, Bolton is now adorned in white lights and greenery for the Christmas season. Observers say the volunteers r eally outdid themselves this year, as downtown bolton Landing never looked better.
Annual holiday tree lighting set
The Bolton Landing Business Association will be hosting a tree lighting celebration at Rogers Park on Sunday, Dec. 4 starting at 2 p.m. Activities include car oling ar ound the town Christmas tree, a visit from Santa complete with gifts for children, musical entertainment and refreshments that include hot cocoa, cider and hot dogs. Hayrides also are to be available. There is no charge for the event.
Bolton Seniors’ upcoming events
• Nov. 23 through Nov. 29 — Holiday Week: no activities. • Sunday, Dec. 4 — Holiday Party, 2 p.m. at Fr ederick’s Restaurant. • Tuesday, Dec. 6 — Holiday Trip to Albany includes mall shopping at Colonie Center and viewing the W ashington Park holiday light show. All Bolton r esidents 50 years of age or older , are eligible for membership in the Bolton Seniors organization.
POTTERSVILLE — A prominent monument that for decades has served as a memorial to local veterans has been moved from a traffic island to a local park. The Veterans monument, er ected in 1948 by the Glendale VFW Post 5513 of Chestertown, was moved Nov. 3 fr om the intersection of Rte. 9 and the Olmstedville-Pottersville Road south to the Pottersville Park at the junction of state Rte. 9 and Valley Farm Road. The move was made not only to place the monument in a mor e pastoral and practical setting, but to accommodate potential r econfiguration of the uptown intersection, which has been planned for more than a year. Members of the VFW Post wer e on hand to witness the move, accomplished by the T own of Chester highway department employees and their equipment. The monument, in its inscription, memorializes W orld W ar II soldiers Edgar Armstrong, Charles Mur dock, Leon Neubuck, Charles Monr oe, and Nelson Johnson; Kor ean War soldiers Harry Linneman and Duane Barlow; and V ietnam V eteran “Ir on Duke” Willy Morrisey, memorialized with his own granite stone. Overseeing the monument relocation were VFW Commander T racy Evans, accompanied by post of ficers and members Harry Smith, Howar d Farmer, Ronald Robert, Rick Macewisz, Harry Br undage and Louis Russo. Accomplishing the work were Chester Superintendent of Highways Gary Clarke
Members of VFW Post 5513 of Chestertown gather around the Veterans Monument that was recently moved from a downtown intersection to its new pastoral setting in Pottersville Park. Photo provided
and town highway employees, Howard Mead, Jason Monroe and Paul Hill. The work was with the help of W illiam J. Mueller & Sons towing firm, to which local veterans expressed their appreciation. The monument was set in its foundation Nov. 4 by employees of W arren County Department of Public Works. VFW of ficials noted that with the monument in its new location, the public will be able to more easily stop and view inscription commemorating local
veterans. The work was purposefully accomplished eight days before Veterans Day, when local veterans visited Chestertown, Adirondack and Pottersville and paid respects at the monuments in each municipality, honoring those who served in the U.S. military. Plans ar e now under way for a r ededication ceremony of the Pottersville monument to be held on Memorial Day 2012.
Thurman rail station decorated for the holidays
Allison Gates of Bolton Landing and Syracuse (left) photographed and documented a cocktail reception Nov. 15 hosted by renowned feminist Gloria Steinem in Syracuse’s Genesee Grande Hotel At the event, held to benefit the local chapter of Planned Parenthood, Steinem spoke to a crowd of about 250. Allison Gates is the daughter of William Gates of Bolton Landing.
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Steven Wood hangs holiday lights Nov. 26 on theThurman Rail Station as Andy Hall stabiliz es the ladder and Gary Martin (left) observes. Photo provided
Denton Publications, Inc. We’re more than a newspaper, We’re a community service.
THURMAN — In the spirit of a traditional r ural “bee,” volunteers gather ed Saturday, Nov. 26 to decorate the Thurman rail station with festive lights for the winter season. The gr oup, coor dinated by Thurman Supervisor Evelyn Wood and the Thurman Station Association, hung many yards of white holiday lights along the rafters and gables o f t he s tation s tructure. The decorations wer e hung in conjunction with the “Lights along the Hudson” project, a plan by r epresentatives of the W arren County First Wilderness Heritage Corridor gr oup to deck all corridor train stations to welcome travelers riding the ski trains and on highways in our area.
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NYC Dance Technique Comes to Warrensburg!
Hidden Talents Center for Dance in the River Street Plaza 87 River St., 2nd Floor Warrensburg, NY 12885 518-636-6949
5 X 10 - $40.00 / 10 X 10 - $60.00 / 10 X 15 - $80.00 / 10 X 20 - $95.00
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Classes start at $8. Ages 3 thru Adult. Session II runs January 7th thru June, 2012
Register ASAP as recital costumes are soon to be ordered! 75939 Thom Randall, Editor
December 3, 2011
Adirondack Journal - 9
10 - Adirondack Journal - Thurman
Events and activities
the squad building on High St. Now that the Thurman squad is likely to r egain its status as the official responder in town, all those seeking to become a volunteer should contact the squad at 623-9014 with any questions. The free bus service to Glens Falls for all town residents age 60 and older is scheduled for Friday Dec. 9 for a day of shopping or appointments. All those who wish to take the trip and be picked up at home, call Laura by W ednesday at 6239281. There will be no Gleaning food distribution in December. However , for those in need, ther e’s a food pantry at the town hall. To check on a visit to the pantry, call 6239649. Many events and meetings at the town hall have been r escheduled or cancelled, so call ahead and check with the town at 623-
The John Thurman Historical Society will hold their annual Business meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday Dec. 6 at the Thurman Town Hall. The evening will start with a covered-dish supper and will include an old-fashioned Christmas Party with gift e xchange. Th e m eeting includes election of three directors f or t wo-year t erms. The gr oup’s meetings and activities ar e open to the public. The Thurman Volunteer Fire Company will hold their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Monday Dec. 5 at the Athol Fir ehouse, and the public is invited. Anyone wishing to become a member to help out in the community should stop by the meeting. The Thurman Emergency Squad will hold a meeting, open to the public, at 6:30 p.m. W ednesday Dec. 7 at
9649 for details. The Thurman Youth Commission’s beloved annual Christmas Party for local children is to be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Dec. 10 at the Thurman T own Hall. In addition to a visit from Santa who traditionally bears gifts for the childr en, there will be games, refreshments and singing of Christmas songs. Countryside Adult Home on Schr oon River Road will be having a Christmas sale on from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday Dec. 3. Ther e will be items for all ages to choose from; s o p ick a u nique g ift for everyone on your list or choose a delicacy fr om the baked goods. While you ar e there, stop by and say “Hi” to the residents at the home.
Election featured write-in votes
Although Town Supervisor Evelyn W ood ran in the November Ge neral E lection unopposed for her second two-year term, a r elatively large number of write-in votes wer e cast to elect Thurman Emer gency Medical Services Pr esident Jean Coulard to the position. A total of 249 r egistered voters turned out to vote in
December 3, 2011
Thurman on Election Day of the 8 00-plus w ho a re r egistered to vote. Jean Coular d r eceived 44 write in votes, to Evelyn Wood’s 171. Town Clerk Cynthia Hyde, and town board members Leon Galusha and Rebecca Hitchcock all ran unopposed. New tax collector Michele Prybylylski also ran unopposed, as did the town assessors.
Holiday basket help
Baked goods ar e now being sought for the annual Christmas baskets which will be packed and delivered Thursday Dec. 8, or Dec. 9 in case of rain. Bring contributions of baked goods to the town hall by 9 a.m. Those contributing are asked to pr e-wrap or separate items. Volunteers ar e also needed to help with packing and delivering the baskets to local households. Those who know of anyone in Thurman that will be alone, or has been ill or hospitalized and would be an appropriate recipient of a gift basket, call Rebecca Hitchcock at 623-4024 as soon as possible. The campaign’s or ganizers have said they don’t
want to miss anyone.
Seniors club plans The Sugar Loaf Mountain Seniors Club held a meeting on Nov. 16 and 20 members enjoyed a big Thanksgiving dinner befor e the business meeting. On Dec. 4, the group is holding a Christmas party at the Olde Log Inn. Starting in January and continuing thr ough Mar ch , the club’s meetings will be held on the third Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Those seeking information on club membership are urged to call 623-9425. New members ar e always welcome.
Reduce your taxes
Town assessors now have the new STAR tax reduction application forms at the office for everyone who needs to have one filled out to offset some of the school tax burden. Stop by the town assessors’ of fice during r egular hours or call 623-4593 for details.
Road construction
Construction is continuing on the Sky Hi Road Bridge, which was all but destroyed in the Memorial Day weekend flash floods. As of Nov. 28, it was not yet open for motorists. The Putnam Cross Rd. Bridge is holding up for all travelers needing to go on Sky Hi Road.
Turner, White son
Jennifer Turner and Chris White of Whitehall ar e the parents of a son born Oct. 27 at Glens Falls Hospital. Weighing 8 pounds and 4 ounces and measuring 20 inches l ong , he w as n amed Connor Richard. Grandparents ar e T racy Battease of Whitehall and Richard Turner of Athol, and Tina Rozell and Carl White of Whitehall.
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Nancy and Thomas Needham II of Pottersville are the proud parents of a baby girl born at Glens Falls Hospital on Tuesday Nov. 1, weighing 7 pounds, 5.7 ounces, and measuring 19 inches long. The girl was named Grace Elisabeth. Pr oud grandparents ar e Clif ford Roberts of Fort Edwar d and the late Elisabeth Roberts and Thomas and Cindy Needham of Chestertown.
On a personal note
Happy anniversary wishes go out to Theresa and Jon Moyer who celebrate their wedding on Dec. 6. Happy Birthday greetings go out this week to Brielle MacNamerea on Dec. 3; Kelly Schmidt and Eric Ross on Dec. 4; Phil Deloria, Brittany Lawr ence and Ed Brown on Dec. 5; Cala Pelakai and Samantha Rogers on Dec. 6; Howar d Tucker Sr . and Heidi Bur ch on Dec. 7; Leila W ood and Billy Altman on Dec. 8; Andrew Warrington on Dec. 9 and Chalez McCraw on Dec. 10. Get well wishes are expressed to Cheryl Chase, Cheryl Kenyon, Earle Dibble, June Germain, Jay Siletti and Joe Mosher. Russ Nereida Howe and son R yan of Long Island spent a short vacation at their Mud Street Home. During their visit, they enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday with Russ’ mother Geri Howe and friend Cliff Dureau. They decided to give Geri Howe a bre ak from all the planning and cooking and had a big dinner at the Holiday Inn. Special thanks to the Thurman Emergency Medical Services responders who came to my r escue on Saturday Nov. 5. They wer e here in minutes and knew what to do to help me. Special thanks to you all.
Community Briefs
In Memory Present Only $13.50 • In Memory Ornament Only $9.50 DATE OF PUBLICATION: Saturday, December 24th PLEASE MAIL IN TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW! DEADLINE IS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH AT 5PM!
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Needham baby born
Memorabilia sought for upcoming Warrensburg bicentennial book WARRENSBURG — Warrensburg Town Historian Sandi Parisi is now seeking help fr om local r esidents and former residents as she edits a book for the Warrensburg bicentennial, which is to be celebrated in 2013. The book is likely to include photos, historical documents, illustrations and advertisements, all with accompanying text, and Parisi is now seeking additional material. The book is likely to include photos, historical documents, illustrations and advertisements, all with accompanying text. Parisi is asking for people to look around to see if they have daguerr eotypes, old letters, photographs, advertisements, menus, stories about life and work in the town, local politics and the like. She is also seeking citizens whose ancestors moved to Warrensburg in the 1800’s and early 1900’s, ur ging them to contact her with genealogical information. The Warrensburgh Historical Society is publishing the book, and it is to be printed by the end of 2012. With a theme of “200 years, 200 people, 200 places and 200 events,” the bicentennial book is a cross between a coffee table volume and a scrapbook. Items provided for the book will be r eturned — or at the owner's request, accepted as donations to the Warrensburgh Museum of Local History. To submit material, contact Sandi Parisi, Bicentennial Book Pr oject, 1 15 Hickory Hill Road, W arrensburg, NY 12885. E-mails can be sent to her at: sandi@ countryr oadlodge or questions dir ected to 623-2207. Parisi is available Wednesdays at the Historian’s office from noon to 4 p.m. at 623-5153.
Fundraising chicken ‘n biscuit dinner planned
CHESTERTOWN — Chicken 'n biscuit dinner for North Warren Central employee Julie Mosher Packer. Dinner will include chicken, biscuit, mashed potatoes, a vegetable and strawberry shortcake. Music and raffles. Dec. 11, Noon to 5 p.m. at the Chestertown fire house on Route 8. Suggested donations for dinner are $10 adults and $5 children. Packer is a 47-year-old mother of twins who’s been diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer, leaving her unable to work. Pr oceeds will cr eate a fund for her childr en. Those who would like to make a donation can also mail to: Julie Packer, 10 Ferriss Road, Chestertown, NY 12817.
December 3, 2011
Adirondack Journal - 11
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New book tells story of Lake Champlain Bridge ELIZABETHTOWN — Denton Publications and New Market Pr ess r ecently r eleased the 132-page “Lake Champlain Bridge Commemorative Book” to celebrate the new bridge connecting Cr own Point, N.Y . and Chimney Point, Vt. The book was r eleased on Nov. 4, just thr ee days befor e the span was opened to vehicular traf fic on Nov. 7 following an hour-long ribbon-cutting ceremony. “We felt an obligation to bridge the states of Vermont and New York, along with the counties ofAddison and Essex, by printing a book filled with the shared history of Chimney Point and Cr own Point,” said New Market Pr ess Publisher Edward Coats. “After all, it’s a commitment we make every week covering Lake Champlain community news in TheAddison Eagle, the T imes of Ti and six other weekly newspapers.” The 8.5-by-11-inch full-color glossy book includes 38 stories and mor e than 90 photographs and was pr oduced by staff at the companies’ New York and Vermont newsrooms. The collection of memories was designed to explore the history of the original 1929 bridge and the constr uction of the new one. “This book is a tribute to all those who worked night and day thr ough the frigid cold of our North Country winters and the blistering summer heat to r estore the Lake Champlain Bridge,” said Denton Publications Publisher Daniel Alexander. “None of us will ever cr oss this bridge without thinking of its importance to the people who live her e and have come to depend so heavily on the str ength of its existence.” The editorial of the “Lake Champlain Commemorative Book” honored Carl F. Peterson, editor of the Essex County News in Port Henry , N.Y., who wr ote an editorial in 1923 that eventually led to the construction of the 1929 bridge. There is also a copy of Peterson’s original editorial printed in the book so readers could see how it all started. Contributors to the book wer e: Renee Cumm, of Per u; Andy Flynn, of Saranac Lake; John Ger eau, of Westport; Fred Herbst, of Ticonderoga; Jon Hochschartner, of Lake Placid; Keith Lobdell, of Westport; Jeremiah Papineau, of Carthage; and Lou Varricchio, of Middlebury, Vt. Stories for the bridge book wer e organized in four categories: 1) old bridge, 2) bridge transition, 3) new bridge, and 4) historical resources from both sides of Lake Champlain. Old bridge: The history of the 1929 bridge is fully explored with timelines of its construction (1923-1929) and its lifespan (1929-2009); personal stories from people who had attended the Aug. 26, 1929 opening ceremony; a story about how the steamer Vermont III dictated the height of the span; and an investigative piece exploring why T i conderoga’s lobbying efforts to have the bridge built in that community fell short. There is also a story about the lake’s first bridge, built in 1776 between Fort T iconderoga, N.Y. and Mount Independence, Vt. Bridge transition: When the original Lake Champlain Bridge was closed on Oct. 16, 2009, r esidents and visitors were for ced to make a 100-mile commute ar ound the lake before a free 24-hour ferry was opened next to the bridge site on Feb. 1, 2010. Stories explor e the impact of the bridge’s closure to businesses, commuters, lake security and the ferry. There is also a story about blowing up the original bridge with explosives on Dec. 28, 2009. New bridge: Stories documenting the construction of the new Lake Champlain Bridge include interviews with the designer Ted Zoli and builders at Flatiron Construction; naming the new bridge; the impact the bridge construction had on tourism in Port Henry and Crown Point; and the historic journey of the bridge arc h, which was floated fro m Port Henry to Cr own Point on Aug. 26, 201 1, exactly 82 years after the first bridge opened. Historical resources: The book features resources on Lake Champlain history from the Crown Point State Historic Site, the Chimney Point State Historic Site, and the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes, Vt. The “Lake Champlain Bridge Commemorative Book” is $5.00 plus tax and shipping. Or der by phone at (518) 8736368 or online at www or www
Reflections, photos and stories of the former historic 1929 Lake Champlain Bridge, to its destruction in late December of 2009 — and finally its rebirth as the new, modern structure that exists today.
Order this 130 page collector piece, commemorating our local history of the Lake Champlain Bridge. Get one, or as many as you like for yourself, family member or a friend for as little as $5* each. Order today before they’re gone.
Go to to order yours today! Also available at... New York Vermont PLATTSBURGH AUSABLE FORKS Stewart’s CROWN POINT Crown Point Citgo Frenchman’s Restaurant Hap’s Market Moriah Pharmacy ELIZABETHTOWN Stewart’s KEESEVILLE Arnold’s Grocery Mac’s Market Stewart’s LAKE GEORGE Stewart’s LAKE PLACID The Book Store Plus Essex County Visitors Bureau LEWIS Vaughan’s Country Store MOOERS Dragoon’s Farm Equipment MORIAH Boyea’s Deli Bryant’s Lumber PERU Stewart’s
Stewart’s PORT HENRY George’s Mac’s Market Moriah Historical Society Stewart’s SARANAC LAKE Community Store K&E Enterprises SILVER BAY Silver Bay General Store TICONDEROGA Hancock House Rathbun Jewelers Stewart’s Sugar & Spice Treadway Fuels Wagon Wheel Restaurant WESTPORT Bessboro Shop Bradamant Realty
ADDISON The Bridge Restaurant West Addison General Store Addison Four Corners Store BRIDPORT Broughton Farm Supply Huestis Farm Supply Pratt’s Store BRISTOL Martin’s Hardware
FERRISBURGH Vermont Energy HUBBARDTON Wright Choice Alpacas MIDDLEBURY Countryside Carpet Martin’s Hardware NEW HAVEN New Haven Tire
SHOREHAM Halfway House Restaurant
VERGENNES Vergennes Redemption Center
WILLSBORO Village Meat Market
WHITING Whiting General Store
This book is presented by Denton Publications & New Market Press 28451
12 - Adirondack Journal - Bridal Page
December 3, 2011
A Day to Remember Nicole & John October 9, 2011
Hudson Falls couple wins wedding package giveaway GLENS F ALLS — The Adirondack Wedding Association (A WA) awar ded a fr ee wedding package fr om its spring planning weekend in Gl ens Falls to a Hud son Falls couple, who married at noon Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011. The wedding, according to AWA spokesman Mark Br enneisen, took place in Crandall Park with a reception following at Sweet Basil Restaurant in Queensbury. Brenneisen advises the AWA membership of over 70 vendors, who graciously voted to donate elements of an entire wedding reception last spring to one local couple in need. Contestants had to submit an essay to AWA to qualify, and the winner was voted on by the membership. The har d decision was made, and the package was awar ded to Nicole Maines and John Hoague II, both of Hudson Falls. “Miss Maines has been enduring a condition known as Idiopathic Intra-Cranial Hypertension (IIH) since 2009, when she was diagnosed,” Br enneisen said. “She has a Ventricular-Peritoneal Shunt (VP shunt) in her brain r unning fr om a pr ogrammable
valve on the outside or her skull down to her abdomen w hich d eposits e xcess f luid i nto her peritoneal cavity. Nicole has had several surgeries in the past and continues to deal with daily headaches, nausea, severe hearing loss and periodic loss of vision. “She met her fiancé, John, in Union Springs, N.Y. over 10 years ago while attending boar ding academy together . They have remained in contact, and when Nicole moved back to the ar ea in 2009, they began their life together , while also supporting Nicole’s 5-year -old daughter , Vanessa. The bride’s parents also lost their house a couple years ago and are not able to assist with the wedding planning or payments. Miss Maines r emains out of work since 2009, pending a disability hearing to determine her status.” Donations fr om AWA members include, along with their values: Sweet Basil, all food/beverage at cost; T otal Entertainment five-hour free reception (worth $1,300); Collignon Photography, wedding and reception shoot ($1,500); North Country Photoworks, engagement session ($300); Bigler pr oduc-
tions video, cer emony and full bridal cut ($1,000); Tina’s Hair Affair, bride’s trail and hair styling ($200); Arbonne, bride and wedding party makeup ($200); Danielle’s Bridal, bride’s dr ess ($500) and gr oom’s tuxedo ($150); Blooms Florist, half of wedding flowers ($250); Cottage Crafts Florist, half of wedding flowers ($250); Pristine Limousine, three hours fr ee limo ($400); The Living Harp, free ceremony music ($300); Stomach Cakes, free wedding cake ($300); Sleep Inn, free overnight in Jacuzzi suite ($200); and Dunham’s Bay Resort, free rehearsal dinner ($500). The total package value was about $7,650. AWA finishes with this statement: “This first annual prize promises to be a very special day in the lives of two people and their families. The AWA commands over 40 percent of the r egional market collectively among its membership and is home based in Glens Falls, at 206 Glen St. AWA pr oduces the lar gest bridal shows in the r egion, and awards over $35,000 in fr ee wedding packages, prizes and giveaways from its vendors annually.”
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t certainly wa s a day to r emember for Nicole Maines and John Hoague II, of Hudson Falls, who wer e wed at Crandall Park in Glens Falls on Oct. 9, 2011 surr ounded by friends and family. A r eception followed at Sweet Basil Restaurant in Queensbury. 30138
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December 3, 2011
North Warren vote from page 1 “Our main purpose is to preserve the security, integrity and safety of the school district’s buildings and gr ounds,” he said. “We’ve got a very nice building, and we want to maintain it befor e it deteriorates further and is far more expensive to repair.” He said it’s the aim of the administration and school board to minimize impact on future tax levies.
The North Warren Central School building will undergo some extensive repairs if a public vote on Dec. 15 on whether t o approve the financing of the upgrades is successful. Photo by Thom Randall
Chestertown - Adirondack Journal - 13
Rotary honors North Warren student CHESTERTOWN — Jennifer Paris, a Senior at North Warren Central School, was recognized r ecently as local Student of the Month by the Chestertown Rotary Club. The daughter of Kristen and Todd Paris of Pottersville, Jennifer is har dworking, r esponsible and independent, school guidance counselor Mike Terrio said. “Throughout her high school experience, Jennifer has challenged herself academically with the most rigorous course work available,” he said. Ranking at the top of her senior class, Jennifer has achieved Most Outstanding awar ds for s everal y ears i n M athematics, S cience and Foreign Language. She has also been r ecognized with the Rube Goldberg science competition awar d, the U.S. Air For ce Math & Science Award, and the Clarkson Leadership award . She has also been selected for the local chapter of the National Honor Society. In extra-curricular pursuits, Jennifer is well-rounded in her pursuits, which include varsity tennis, newspaper club, drama productions, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Foreign Language Club. She has served as president of the latter two groups. “As a young woman of faith, Jennifer is well-known for her honesty in dealings with others, and her desir e to treat those around her with respect,” Terrio said. No stranger to hard work, Jennifer has
The Rotary Club of Chestertown recently honored Jennifer Paris of Pottersville as the North Warren Student of the M onth. Joining Jennif er (center) in the a ward presentation are ( lef t to right): Jennif er’s father and mother Todd and Kristen Paris, Jennifer Paris, and Rotarians Bruce Hodgson and John Haggman. Photo provided
worked for two years in the of fice of Word of Life, a or ganization she also serves through teen ministry , Terrio said. In her community, Jennifer has volunteer ed at the area sportsmen’s dinner and the missions banquet. In school, she has served as a volunteer student mentor and tutor. Although undecided upon a Major in college, Jennifer has an inter est in secondary
Mathematics and the field of adventur e sports. Her plans for the fall include a year of study at the W ord of Life Bible Institute prior to transferring to a four -year college, Terrio said. “Jennifer is truly a person of integrity and character,” he said. “ She personifies all that is good about her school and community.”
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14 - Adirondack Journal
December 3, 2011
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Adirondack Journal - 15
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16 - Adirondack Journal
Community forum
live classrooms. He also suggested that booster clubs could from page 1 pick up much of the school sports teams’ uniform and equipment expenses now born property tax cap and economic stresses now by taxpayers. facing taxpayers — as well as declining enAt another table, Linda Apple said that the rollment, school officials said. various elective activities beyond academics The WCS school board and administration were what kept children involved in school. sponsored the forum to determine what pro“Drama, music and other extracurricular grams the public valued as well as hear sug- activities are the ‘hooks’ that keep kids pergestions for cuts in expenditures. forming well in their academics,” she said. In one of the for um’s groups, Mike Sulli“All of this is a balancing act with kids, parvan, the school’s former Information T ech- ents, staff and taxpayers.” nology coordinator, made a variety of sugApple’s opinion was expressed at many of gestions for maintaining a quality education the gr oups at the for um, event facilitator while making it affordable — the top objecTara Sullivan of BOCES said after the event. tive aired by the 65 or so people involved in “Many feel very str ongly they wanted to the forum. keep Advanced Placement and honors He suggested that the school district boost courses, as well as art and music,” she said. revenue by offering college-level adult eduSeveral people at Sullivan’s table, includcation courses for a fee with the school’s Dis- ing some school staffers, suggested that the tance Learning apparatus — which is highfaculty give up their traditional stipends for definition videoconferencing broadcasts of a chaperoning s chool e vents. F ormer s chool
ble rda that o f , af ake asy we t ffer e nd e o ing e rtis ers, a hy w ervic e v d tom ’s w ed s a E. ake r cus . That naliz . C I m u sly to rso ess RVE ro E job nt fo eriou nd pe busin S r C ie r ou ,a ys HE SERVI It’s onven sibilit rices d you T p n c S D a e on and resp etitiv r you E I ALIZE RATESION C p o T f E N N com RE PERSORDABLT LOCA U! E IFFSTOP AFFO NIEN YO D O E E- H VE TH ON WITA CON ME T O D AN EC
December 3, 2011
board member Al Smith suggested that sports teams limit the miles they travel for interscholastic games. A district resident and parent named Sherryl decried the elimination of some advanced courses for the college-bound. In recent years, the Young Scholars and Odyssey of the Mind programs have been axed in budget cuts, she noted. “My concern is that my daughter has the absolute best opportunities,” she said. “We’ve cut quite a bit in the last few years, and I’d hate for these cuts to go any further .” Aineen Callahan, a WCS Fr eshman, said she was concerned about the cuts that eliminated home economics and guitar clubs, two of her interests. “I don’t see anything left we can cut,” she said. At another table, AnnMarie Richards and her daughter Lindsey Richar ds said they supported technology upgrades, and retaining or strengthening AP courses. In this gr oup, Irv West of Thurman suggested the school boost citizen volunteerism, as well as find ways to increase involvement of parents and other family members in their child’s education. Former high school librarian Elaine Cowin suggested that the school undertake energy audits and eliminate wasted ener gy in all its buildings. Imbalance in wintertime heating at the elementary school, she said, leads to windows being opened in some overheated classrooms. Parent Laura Weick said the school, in an ef fort to save ener gy, could turn of f many of their outside ar ea lights that are now lit all night long. At the other end of the table, Ruth Fr uda
suggested that the town and school district share services, equipment and facilities whenever possible. Tom Birdsall of Thurman suggested that the school could expand its of ferings by sharing specialized pr ograms and teachers with neighboring school districts. Sheila Mender of Warrensburg suggested that consolidating administrative services for school districts made sense. One superintendent and business manager could serve three or more school districts, she said. Paul Weick, a teacher at Bolton Central, said that WCS could intr oduce such enhancements as advanced online courses, like Bolton does, at a reasonable cost. “It’s a way to expand educational opportunities cost-effectively,” he said. He also suggested that some staf f development sessions could be eliminated. Fourth grade teacher Chris Brown, as well as Irv West, proposed that volunteers in the community devote time to r esearching and obtaining grants to fund programs or equipment at the school. Brown also said more activities ought to be developed for students beyond the classroom. Sullivan said that those planning for the school district’s future should not expect enrollment to fall any further, considering that thousands of new well-paid employees ar e expected to move into the r egion with the Global Foundries development in Malta. “Let’s not be short-sighted,” he said. John Palermo said he’d like to see some out-of-the box thinking on education. “We need mor e innovation and experimentation to impr ove educational methodology,” he said.
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Photo by Thom Randall
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During a community forum held Nov. 28 at Warrensburg High School, local resident Linda Apple talks about how extracurricular programs like sports, drama and music are vital to keeping students inspired and achieving well in their academics. Thomas Birdsall, (right) Listens to her views while Paul Weick (foreground) listens to another group member.
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December 3, 2011
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EXPERTS ARE HERE PREPARED TO SPEND CASH! WE PAY IN CASH OR CHECK - YOUR CHOICE - Other companies will only pay by check Take a few moments to check off the items you may have that our buyers need...
18 - Adirondack Journal - Winter Sports Preview
December 3, 2011
NORTH WARREN Cougar boys a versatile team By Thom Randall
By Thom Randall
North Warren Cougars
CHESTERTOWN — For years, the North Warren Boys Basketball Team had rosters of talented, dedicated athletes playing their hearts out against deep squads from schools twice their size or larger. Over recent decades, the program has produced several squads that accomplished the winning statistics that r eflected their har d work and talent. The 2007-2008 boys basketball squad was one of them. With their aggressive defense and har d-charging of fense, this gr oup pursued their dr eams and took their fans for a wild ride into the Section II Class D finals. This year’s group has the talent to achieve such a memorable season, coach Jason Humiston said. Regardless of the ultra-competitive Adirondack League, the 201 1-12 squad has the experience to take fans back to the glory days, he said. No less than six players with considerable experience ar e r eturning, and they've been practicing informally all summer as well as working out in the weight room. Also, the gr oup attended the Sain-
2011-12 Boys Basketball Schedule Dec. 2 Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Dec. 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 13
Johnsbg.(scrmmg) Bolton Central Hartford Central @Hadley-Luzerne Salem Central Corinth Central @New Lebanon @Lake George @Whitehall Central @Fort Ann Central @Argyle Central Warrensburg Fort Edward @Bolton Central Hadley-Luzerne @Corinth Central Lake George @Warrensburg Crossover Games
Lawrence University basketball team camp, and played in a few summer leagues. See COUGAR BOYS, page 23
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Johnsbg.(scrmmg) 6 p.m. @Bolton Central 6 p.m. @Hartford Central 6 p.m. Hadley-Luzerne 6 p.m. @Salem Central 6 p.m. Corinth Central 6 p.m. @Spa Catholic 5:30 p.m. Lake George 6 p.m. Whitehall Central 6 p.m. Fort Ann Central @ACC Fort Ann Central @ACC Argyle Central 6 p.m. @Warrensburg 6 p.m. @Fort Edward 6 p.m. Bolton Central 6 p.m. @Hadley-Luzerne 6 p.m. @Corinth Central 6 p.m. @Lake George 6 p.m. Warrensburg 6 p.m. Crossover Games Adk.Lge. chmpshp
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North Warren Cougars 2011-12 Girls Basketball Schedule
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CHESTERTOWN — Sports gur us have said the Adirondack League western division in basketball is a wide-open race this year, and right in the r unning for division dominance will be the North W arren Cougars. The last several years, remarkably talented and dedicated female athletes have emerged at North Warren, compensating for the school’s small size. There’s a cor e group of these athletes r eturning to the girls basketball team, and they’ll doubtlessly be pr oviding a lot of thrills and memories for local fans. Seniors Kiera W arner, Cassie Maday , Chantal Millington, Margo Broderick, Jenna Monroe and Kierston W illiamson ar e all back and primed for action. These six ar e joined by Senior for eign exchange student Ana Deltor o, and Juniors Amber Frasier , Megan McDonough and Laura Tennyson — all promising players. Frasier, the Cougar JV point guard last year, will likely be a particularly valuable addition to the team. Warner and Maday ar e versatile, able to
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shoot from inside or afar. Broderick is a solid inside player, and Millington is known for her speed — as opponents will see this year when she charges downcourt on a fast bre ak. Ashley Maresca and Cassie Maday, veterans of the North W arren cr oss-country team, will be char ging down the floor long after their opponents are worn out. See COUGAR GIRLS, page 23
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Cougar girls have chemistry
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December 3, 2011
Winter Sports Preview - Adirondack Journal - 19
WARRENSBURG Teamwork for Burgher boys By Thom Randall WARRENSBURG — During a recent practice session, W arrensburg boys basketball coach Steve Nolan glanced at members of his team lift w eights, while other pl ayers ran laps for an endurance drill. “It’s gr eat how much ener gy these guys are putting into their training,” he said. “They even like the intensity — I’m surprised.” Nolan, a second-year coach at W arrensburg High, is concentrating on building strength and endurance to give his team an edge in the extr emely competitive Adirondack league. Endurance will be needed in the transition game he plans on emphasizing this year. “The guys are working hard and adapting to the new system very well,” he continued. Last year was a disappointment, in part because two main forwar d players — R yan Belden and Hunter W erner, both 6’4” — were injured. This year, Werner ’s back, but the 2010-1 1 standout seniors — Mike Curtis, Nick Monroe, Aaron Seeley, John Joseph and Belden — are gone. There’s a lot of pr omising talent on the 2011-12 team, Nolan said, but the new leading players have yet to emerge. “Some guys have to realize their potential
BURGHER WRESTLING See the preview story about the Warrensburg Central Wrestling Team on page 23.
“Your Hometown Furniture Store, Where Quality Has Cost Less Since 1901”
as we get going in the season,” he said. “But the focus will be on team play, sharing of responsibility and unselfishness.” Each of Nolan’s 13 players — the longest roster in northern W arren County — have particular str engths, but Nolan said it’s their work as a whole squad that will light up the scoreboard. “We’re not going to be a success on talent alone — they have to have heart,” he said. Nolan declined to talk about particular players, noting that ther e’s no standout offensive player at this point, although several have the talent to step into that role. “At this point, we’r e developing chemistry while we figure out the best rotation,” he said. “We’re concentrating on the fundamentals of the game and we hope to be competitive each night.”
WARRENSBURG — Although the W arrensburg girls Varsity basketball team aren’t likely to be practicing with Duran Duran or the Thompson Twins playing on their boomboxes, the squad will likely be taking its fans back to the Burgher glory days of the 1980s. After years of fun, spirited play but disappointing outcomes on the scor eboard for Burgher g irls b asketball, t his i s l ikely t he year for a string of victories, reminiscent of the era of Lady Burgher dominance. The Burghers have no less than seven experienced seniors r eturning, joined by six athletic newcomers who have already made their mark in a Junior Varsity team that has dominated their opponents. That’s n ot a ll. I ncluded i n t he r eturning seniors ar e the 2010-1 1 squad’s thr ee top scorers: Isabella Szabo, Alexa Bryant, and five-eleven-plus Ashlie Morehouse. Morehouse was an 2010-11 All-West Team All-Star selection last season and Szabo led the team with 24 three pointers. And Senior Jaci O’Brien, out much of last season with an injury, is back for 201 1-12 with her years of experience as a playmaker. And the talented trio of Savannah Mosher, Montana Sheridan, and Zhane Santisteban will be called upon to bring Senior leadership to the team as well. Newcomers include Juniors Amy Toolen and Chiara Russo, Sophomores Mika Morehouse, Merissa Hayes, and Kerrigan Roth, and Freshman Karlee Duell bring great ath-
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leticism and a str ong desir e to impr ove to the roster, coach Scott Smith said this week. These Varsity rookies add athleticism and speed, as well as aggre ssive defense, he said. One element of the game the team needs to work on, is the aspect that’s plagued the Burghers for years — turnovers. “It’s no secret that we need to protect the ball,” Smith said. “We will need to work on limiting our turnovers if we ar e going to have a chance finish near the top of the W est Division,” Smith said. See BURGHER GIRLS, page 23
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Warrensburg Varsity Girls 2011-12 Basketball Schedule
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See BURGHER BOYS, page 23
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By Thom Randall
Warrensburg Varsity Boys 2011-12 Basketball Schedule
Burgher girls have experience
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20 - Adirondack Journal - Winter Sports Preview
December 3, 2011
LAKE GEORGE The 2011-12 Lake Geor ge Central Varsity Boys Basketball t eam includes (fr ont, left to right): S ean Burden, Pete Fisher, Alex Labruzz o, Jake Wells, Nate Fidd, (rear): Tyler Prime, Greg Rosenthal, Connor McCoy, Ryan Moll, Ethan Wincowski, Aaron Chambers and Joel Wincowski.
The 2011-12 Lake George Varsity Girls Basketball team includes (front, left to right): Mel Ferris, Hahnah Saroff, Chelsea Sipowicz, Kelly Mellon, (rear): Gretchen Bechard, Courtney Laczko, Amanda Chambers, Emily Borgh and Kenzie Baertschi.
Photo by Nancy Frasier
Photo by Nancy Frasier
Lake George boys rebuilding By Thom Randall
By Thom Randall
Lake George Warriors LAKE GEORGE — Big changes ar e in store on the local har dwoods, as the Lake George Boys Basketball T eam faces a new season. Last year, a “dr eam team” held court — the fearsome trio of Matt McGowan, Alex Hladik and Matt Stover . Ranging fr om 6’4” to 6’7”, the thr ee took turns ripping apart opponents’ defense, sinking baskets fro m all directions. What can you say about losing a group of six talented, veteran seniors, three of whom could easily dunk the ball? This week a new era begins, coach Dave Jones said. “We’re r ebuilding — working har d in practice, focusing on the fundamentals,” he said. “We’re looking for new guys to step up and help us with the big loss to graduation we experienced.” Leading the gr oup will be Senior 6’2” guard Aaron Chambers, who started in about half of the 2010-11 games. “I’m looking to Chambers and the other Seniors for leadership this year,” Jones said. The other Seniors on the 201 1-12 team ar e: forward Ryan Moll and guar ds Pete Fisher,
2011-12 Boys Basketball Schedule Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Jan. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 14
Hadley-Luzerne Whitehall Central @Corinth Central @Argyle Central Warrensburg @Stillwater Central North Warren @Salem Central @Hartford Central Fort Edward @Bolton Central Fort Ann Central @Hadley-Luzerne Corinth Central @Warrensburg @North Warren Bolton Central Lge. Crossover League Chmpnshp
LG girls in ‘Wild West Show’
6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m.
Jake Wells and Sean Burden. Jones said that one priority for the 201 1 -12 team will be to boost aggr essive defensive play all across the court. See LAKE GEORGE BOYS, page 21
going to be quick overall,” he said, observing that the squad has enjoyed considerable success on Junior V arsity. “At this point, they’re working har d in practice, getting LAKE GEORGE — W arrior Girls Basketball Coach Rob Tefft is apt to freely offer ad- better every day — that’s been our goal.” Tefft said he has high expectations for vice to his players, and this year has been no Chambers, as she was the first player off the exception. “Bring your lunch,” he’s warned the girls bench last year , and she’s played V arsity since her sophomore year. Chelsea Sipowicz in advance of pre-season practice sessions. Hard work, lengthy drills and lots of prac- has promise, he said, noting that she made tice are going to be the routine as the 2011- solid contributions last year. 2010-11 starter 12 players prepare to take over for a talent- Hahnah Sar off, however , will be benched ed group that graduated last year — Brittany this year due to an injury several months ago Baker, Kelly Flaherty, Caroline Murphy and in Soccer action, he said. “We’ll really be relying on aggressive deLauren Pennock. fense, rebounding and other fundamentals,” This veteran 2010-1 1 Warrior squad won Tefft said. “Hopefully we’ll be finding ways the Adirondack League W estern Division, to score.” and enjoyed early success in the Section II tournament. See LAKE GEORGE GIRLS, page 21 So the new gr oup of seniors — Amanda Chambers, Chelsea Sipowicz, Gr etchen Lake George Warriors Bechard, Melissa Ferris, Kelly Mellon and Courtney Laczko, will need to step into the 2011-12 Girls Basketball Schedule roles of their predecessors to continue Lake George’s outstanding tradition of champiDec. 3 @Queensby (scrmg.)12:30 p.m. onship basketball. Dec. 6 @Hadley-Luzerne 6 p.m. Tefft said the players were up to the chalDec. 9 @Whitehall Central 6 p.m. lenge. Dec. 13 Corinth Central 6 p.m. “The may be green and young, but they’re Dec. 16 Argyle Central 6 p.m.
Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 14
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December 3, 2011
Winter Sports Preview - Adirondack Journal - 21
‘War Eagles’ have promising future in wrestling By Thom Randall
Lake George/Hadley-Luzerne 2011-12 Wrestling Schedule LAKE GEORGE — In an era that many athletic pr ograms ar e declining, the Lake George-Luzerne Varsity wr estling team is bucking the trend. Although the joint squad was founded only thr ee years ago, it has alr eady positioned itself among the established teams in the tri-county area, as well as producing talented athletes. This year, although only two Seniors ar e back, the team has no less than 40 wr estlers between the V arsity and Junior V arsity squads r epresenting Lake Geor ge and Hadley-Luzerne. “This year the Varsity is very, very young and we’ll have an okay team, but the solid participation bodes well for the futur e,” LaBombard said. “Inter est in wr estling is catching on, and the future is bright.” Among the standout W ar-Eagle wrestlers are Luzerne middleweight wr estlers Justin Cook and Zach Corlew, both Seniors. The talented Dan Jar dine of Lake Geor ge is back, heading up a gr oup of under class athletes that show plenty of promise for upcoming seasons. “Our team is practicing hard — their work ethic is great,” LaBombard said. “A few guys tick me off, but as a gro up, they are very ded-
The 2011-12 Lake Geor ge/Hadley-Luzerne ‘War Eagles’ wrestling team includes Lake Geor ge High School athletes (front row, left to right): Br yan Kane, Jamie Dolan, Dan Jar dine, Thomas Clark, (row 2): Coach Jack LaBombard, Patrick Witherbee, Forrest Kubricky, Adam Agresta, Patrick Barber and managers Anna Hayden and Angelica Marquina. (Not shown: wrestlers Jacob Baird and Art Barber.) Photo by Thom Randall
icated.” Promising futur e stars include Lake George w restlers S ophomore P atrick W itherbee, 8th Grader Forr est Kubricky, Junior Art Barber and Freshman Patrick Barber.
Rising stars from Hadley-Luzerne include muscle-bound seventh-grader Jason Hof fman, as well as Junior W olfgang Schmitt. Add to this roster heavyweight Adam Agresta, a transfer from Glens Falls to Lake Georg e
Lake George boys
Fisher, who has been involved in basketball since the third grade when Jones was his Pee Wee coach, said he was looking forward to from page 20 the season. “We’ll have to work a lot har der than in years past,” he said. “W e’ll “We’re hoping our defense can pr oduce some of fense,” he said. be focusing on defense.” “We want to create turnovers and get some easy buckets whenever Undoubtedly, the team will be seeking to live up tothe communiwe can.” ty’s high expectations, fueled by dozens of championships over the Chambers, Moll and Fisher all of fered their thoughts Monday last three decades or so. about the team’s prospects. Jones said his squad was up for the challenge. “We’re not as tall, but we make up for it with speed,” he said, men- “This group of players is athletic and focused on their goals,” he tioning Alex LaBr uzzo, Gr eg Rosenthal and Ethan W incowski, all said. brought up fr om Junior V arsity. “We have high expectations as a Whatever the r esult, big cr owds and the local crazed student team.” cheering section “The Blue Zoo” will be ur ging them to perform at Moll said the squad was focusing on one game at a time at this their best. point. Their team’s work toward their goals starts at 7 p.m. Wednesday, “We lost a lot to graduation, but is we “out-work” teams, we’ll Dec. 7 at home against Hadley-Luzerne in their season-opener, and make up for the lack of size.” doubtlessly, The Blue Zoo will be vocal.
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Lake George girls from page 20 This year, all the players will be experiencing “quality minutes” he said, as the team isn’t very deep. The squad, however , does have a desire to excel. “They’re hungry and it’s their time to shine,” he said, adding that they have a substantial challenge ahead of them. Most of the teams in the division are loaded with experienced seniors, unlike any other year in recent history. “There are some really tough teams in the division,” Tefft said. “The competition is wide open this year — I pre dict it will be the “Wild West Show.” We have a real challenge ahead.”
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and lightweight Joey Gilbert of Luzerne. Considering these athletes’ skills and determination, the War-Eagles wrestling team will be providing plenty of action in 2011 -12, LaBombard said.
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22 - Adirondack Journal - Winter Sports Preview
December 3, 2011
BOLTON LANDING Bolton boys confident, strong By Thom Randall BOLTON LANDING — The Bolton Boys Basketball team will be venturing into a new competitive l andscape t his s eason, a s th ey will be will be battling for supremacy in the ever-tough Adirondack League. Last season, Bolton was competing primarily in the Mountain & Valley Athletic Conference, which is comprised of smaller, rural schools. Local sports observers are aware that the action in the Adirondack League is mor e physical, and r eferees tend to allow mor e contact. Bolton Coach Steve Showers is awar e of the changes his team faces. “Our guys will have to be ready for more banging ar ound,” he said. “W e’ll be going through a key adjustment period.” Showers said his squad is up for the challenge. See BOLTON BOYS, page 23
2011-12 Bolton Varsity Boys Basketball Schedule Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 19 Jan. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 14
Crown Point @ACC @North Warren Fort Ann Central Warrensburg @Hartford Central @Hadley-Luzerne Corinth Central Argyle Central @Fort Edward @Whitehall Central Lake George Salem Central North Warren @Warrensburg Hadley-Luzerne @Corinth Central @Lake George Adk. Lge. tourney Adk. Lge.Chmpshp
11:45 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Bolton girls in transition By Thom Randall BOLTON LANDING — Last season, the Bolton Girls Basketball T eam played a hybrid schedule of primarily Section VII opponents but didn’t of ficially compete in a league. This year, Bolton’s basketball squads ar e officially members of the Adirondack League, and they will be facing Section II schools f ar l arger t han t he o nes i n S ection VII playing in the Mountain and Valley Athletic Conference. Just as challenging for the Eagle Girls Basketball Team will be the loss of thr ee outstanding players: Charlotte Caldwell, Alana Peterson, and D.J. Servelli, now point guard for the SUNY Adirondack Timberwolves. To say its a r ebuilding year is an understatement. The Bolton 2011-12 squad has no returning starters. But there’s no reason for alarm. See BOLTON GIRLS, page 23
2011-12 Bolton Varsity Girls Basketball Schedule Dec. 6 Dec. 9 Dec 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 19 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 14
North Warren @Fort Ann Central @Warrensburg Hartford Central Hadley-Luzerne @Corinth Central @Argyle Central Fort Edward @ACC Whitehall Central @Lake George @Salem Central @Spa Catholic @North Warren Warrensburg @Hadley-Luzerne Corinth Central Lake George Adk.Lge.tourney Adk.Lge.chmpshp.
7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
The 2011-12 Bolton High School Varsity Boys Basketball Team includes (front, left to right): Dominic Figueroa, Jake Parker, Nathan Breault, Sam Cady, Joey Condon, Ethan LaGoy, (row 2): Billy Smith, Tim Flynn, Joe Connery, CeeJay Lofland, Seth Cline, Mick Reynolds, Josh Persons, Jack Hughes, (rear): Mitchell Jordon, Carl Ciccarelli, Dustin French, Alex Maxam, Evan Malone
The 2011-12 Bolton Girls Basketball Team includes: (front row, left to right): Abbie Seamans, Angelica Mumblow, Marya Collins, Lindsay Markham, Micheala Perrelli, (row 2): Tori Persons, Molly Schoder, Kim Wright, Sarah Calzada, Marie DeLorenzo, Taylor Robinson, Courtney Kincaid, Melanie Bishop, (rear): Olivia Clesceri, Olivia Seamans, Maddy Wilson, Erin Courchaine, Megan Flynn, Ceshelle Powell, and Rosie Denne
Photo by Nancy Frasier
Photo by Nancy Frasier
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December 3, 2011
Winter Sports Preview - Adirondack Journal - 23
Burgher wrestlers will be achieving their goals Warrensburg Varsity 2011-12 Wrestling Schedule
By Thom Randall WARRENSBURG — This pr eseason, Burgher wrestling coach Mark Trapasso has seen a phenomenon rar e in the decades he’s been mentoring. There’s mor e than a few wr estling uniforms in the coaches’ office gathering dust, rather than soaking up sweat. Only 18 wrestlers turned out for the Varsity wrestling program this season rather than a number in the mid-20s. Last year , two or thr ee wr estlers were vying for each weight class. This year, most all of the wr estlers don’t have to. “This is a tough sport, and unfortunately we had some pr omising wrestlers stay on the sidelines this year,” he said.
The 2011-12 North Warren Varsity Boys Basketball Team includes (front, left to right): Justic e Parker, Zack Har t, Ethan S chenke, Nick Sapienza, Anthony Sapienza, (r ear): Coach Jason Humist on, Rober t French, Karl Brugger, Benn Frasier and Kristian Seeley. Photo by Nancy Frasier
The 2011-12 Warrensburg High School Wrestling Team includes (front, left to right): Jerico Converse, Lane Oehler, Desmon Allen, Will Yarmowich, (row 2): Austin West, Jon Vaisey, Nick Nedelcu, Denver Berry, J.T. Richards, (rear): Blake Vaisey, Rogers M cLaughlin, Dakota K imball, Lucas Nelson, Charlie Gik nis, and Jonathan Russell (Not pic tured): Beecher Baker, Andrew Fish and Trevor Baker. Photo by Thom Randall
Heading up the list of veterans this year are Class D Section II champions Lucas Nelson and Jon Vaisey. Exceptionally strong for his weight, Vaisey has a r eputation for using that strength to his advantage, muscling his opponents around on the mat. An accomplished, intelligent wrestler, Nelson knows the holds instinctively and how to combine them to his advantage, Trapasso said. “I’m looking for V aisey and Nelson to p rovide l eadership, t o i nspire t he other team members to put in as much effort into wr estling as they do,” he said. They ar e joined by Junior Beecher Baker and sophomores Nick Nedul-
cu and Denver Berry — all aggr essive wrestlers who enjoyed winning seasons last year, Trapasso said. Among those r ounding out those middle weight classes ar e Seniors Charlie Giknis and Andrew Fish, both with considerable experience and skills — as well as pr omising Sophomore W ill Yarmowich, who’s alr eady demonstrated his athleticism in his years on the squad. The combination of a roster of dedicated, skilled wr estlers, yet a limited lineup — r epresents a wild car d for a program that has routinely seen a good number of its athletes win championships, Trapasso said.
Burgher boys from page 19
The 2011-12 Warrensburg High School Boys Varsity Basketball Team includes (front, left to right): Josh Briggs, Jeff Bentham, Kalvin Duell, Justin McKinney, Justin Baird, Gabe MicGlire, (back row): Adam Langworthy, Tyler Williams, Corey Chadwell, Hunter Werner, Jacob Siletti, Nolan Maltbie and Tyler Wilcox. Photo by Thom Randall
Nolan added that one particular focus this season will be on boosting defensive intensity. “Last year, we relied on a half-court offensive game,” he said. “This season, we’ve got to cr eate opportunities to score — make the easy baskets.” Win or lose, Nolan says his squad will be pr oviding plenty of action for the crowds that always turn out for the games, bearing witness that the town has been basketball-crazy for 74 years. “We hope to be entertaining every night, one way or another,” Nolan concluded.
Burgher girls
Bolton boys from page 22 “The idea of playing hard each game has been instilled into the players,” he said. “We have a solid nucleus of players returning.” That could be an understatement. Although Bolton lost a talented trio
from page 18 After several days of practice, Humiston said he was encouraged with what he witnessed. “The kids look skilled and they’re progressing each day,” he said. Last year’s campaign was a disappointment, and the team veterans are determined to move forward toward high goals, Humiston said. One of the highlights of this year is the return of Kristian Seeley, who tore his ACL last year and was benched for the 2010-11 season. He joins Senior veteran Benn Frasier , 6’4”, Karl Br ugger, 6’2” and Anthony Sapienza, 6’1” — and this quartet will undoubtedly be a powerful inside force. They are complemented in the backcourt by veteran ball handler Ethan Schenke, a Junior , along with thr ee versatile classmates draf ted fr om Junior V arsity — Justi ce Parker , Robert Fr ench and Zack Hart, as well as pr omising Fr eshman Nick Sapienza, who was on the 2010-1 1 team roster as a mere 8th grader. The depth of the squad and the versatility of the players will allow more options on the of fensive attack. Coach Humiston said that with the speed, ball-handling abilities and work ethic of the 201 1-12 squad, they’d be pursuing a new style of play. “We’ll be pushing the tempo more than in the past,” Humiston said. “Instead of letting things happen, we’r e going to make things happen.”
The 2011-12 North Warren Varsity Basketball Team includes (front): Amber Frasier, Chantal M illington, K iersten Williamson, Jenna M onroe, Cassie Maday, (rear): Megan McDonough, Kiera Warner, Margo Broderick, Laura Tennyson, Ana Deltoro and Coach P.J. Hogan.
from page 19 Smith noted that the competition in the Adirondack League was perennially tough. He’s also looking for some mor e strategic defensive play , noting that he’ll be looking for the players to trap the opponents mor e and for ce turnovers, game play the rookies have already shown skill in. Smith added that he’s looking for the defense to be aggressive enough to allow more leeway for the off ense to produce. “Hopefully our defense will be strong enough to keep us in the game,” he said. The players are likely to step up to the challenge, considering their work ethic.
Cougar boys
Photo by Nancy Frasier
Cougar girls from page 18
The 2011-12 Warrensburg High School Girls Varsity Basketball Team includes (front, left to right): Jaci O’Brien, Isabella Szabo, Savannah Mosher, Zhane Santisteban, Chiara Russo, Merissa Hayes, (row 2): Amy Toolen, Mika Morehouse, Montana Sheridan, Ashlie Morehouse, Alexa Bryant and Karlee Duell. Photo by Thom Randall
of 2010-11 Seniors — Matt Smith, Caleb Kneeshaw and T yler Calzada — they have a lar ger gr oup of experienced players returning. “Our main goal this year is to improve every game,” he said, noting that his lineup will be anchor ed by Senior Mitchell Jordon and Juniors Billy Smith and Dustin Fr ench. Jor dan and Smith
Bolton girls from page 22 Bolton Central’s sports pr ograms have the r eputation of taking young, raw talent and crafting competitive teams. The team is 11 deep, and boasts five Seniors, Coach Luke Schweickert said this week. “We’ve got decent team speed and r esilient players,” he said. “Our strength lies in our youth.” Schweickert added that the team will be playing pre ssure defense and a transition game. “Seniors Megan Flynn and Rosie Denne will need to provide the scoring punch and leadership, while young players including Fr eshman Guar d Sarah Calzada and shooting
were starters in 2010-1 1. Smith has been a key player on V arsity since the eighth grade They’ll be backed up by Seniors Tim Flynn, CeeJay Lofland, Nathan Breault, Dominic Figueroa and Evan Malone, as well as Carl Ciccar elli, a Junior and Alex Maxam, a Sophomor e, Showers said.
guard Olivia Seamans set the tempo on defense,” he said. Seamans and Calzada are Freshmen. Local sports fans know that Sophomor e forwar d Olivia Clesceri is an excellent rebounder, while Molly Schoder and Kim Wright are both good perimeter defenders. Schweickert said he’d be looking to Madlyn W ilson, a Junior for leadership, as well as Seniors T o ri Persons, Marie DeLorenzo, Rosie Denne, Megan Flynn and Courtney Kincaid. Schweickert added that the team’s success could depend on the performance of the squad’s thr ee Sophomores, Kim Wright, Molly Schoder and Olivia Clesceri. With the younger players demonstrating a lot of talent, Schweickert pr edicted that two years fr om now, the team will enjoy a winning season.
Although the Cougars lack height, they excel in determination and energy. “These girls are an aggressive, experienced squad,” coach P.J. Hogan said this week. “I’m expecting a lot of steals fro m our girls, forcing critical turnovers.” Who can forget last year’s games, when the core group of veterans employ ed swift passing, good court per ception, and aggr essive defense to blast past many of their opponents? Or when they earned a berth in the quarterfinals of the Section II tournament, then losing by only six points to number-one seed Heatly? Without a doubt, this year will be memorable. The team’s experience isn’t just due to scholastic play. All but two on the team have been playing competitive AAU ball off-season to keep their skills sharp and instincts keen, Hogan said. “Having worked together so much, the players have good chemistry,” he said. “They anticipate each other ’s moves.” The players aren’t resting on their laurels, however — they are practicing har d to sharpen their skills further , Hogan said.
Dec. 3 @Saranac Tourney 10 a.m Dec. 6 Granville Central 6 p.m. Dec. 10 @Duanesburg Duals10 a.m. Dec. 14 Had.Luz. /Lk.Geo. 6 p.m. Dec. 17 @Granville Tourney 10 a.m. Dec. 21 @Salem Central 6 p.m. Dec. 30 @Johnstown Duals 6 p.m. Jan. 4 @Fort Ann Central 6 p.m. Jan. 7 Burgher Duals 10 a.m Jan. 11 Corinth Central 6 p.m. Jan. 17 @Queensbury 6 p.m. Jan. 19 @Whitehall Central 6 p.m. Jan. 24 @Schuylerville 6 p.m. Jan. 28 @Columbia Duals 10 a.m Feb. 4 Class D tourney Feb. 10-11Section 2 Finals Feb. 24-25 NYS Tournament
24 - Adirondack Journal - Calendar
Friday, Dec. 2 CHESTERTOWN — “Holiday Treasures” art exhibit artists reception, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m., Art in Chestertown Gallery, 6378 state Rte. 9. Details: 803-4034. WARRENSBURG — “Season's Readings,” 7 p.m. at Willows Bistro. Local authors read memoir, poetry, short story excerpts. Mary Sanders Shartle featured. Book signings. Free. 3749 Main St. Details: 504-4344 or:
Friday-Saturday, Dec. 2-3
CHESTERTOWN — The Priory Retreat House’s annual Christmas Sale, daily at Chester Municipal Center Auditorium, Main St. Fri.- 1-6 p.m.; Sat.- 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. For details, call The Priory at: 494-3733.
Saturday, Dec. 3
CHESTERTOWN — Gift-shopping fundraiser to benefit 12-year-old leukemia victim Matthew Agard, noon to 5 p.m. at North Warren Emergency Squad building, Rte. 8, Chestertown. Sale to offset medical expenses. BRANT LAKE — Christmas in Brant Lake celebration, 1 p.m. in the Horicon Town Hall, state Rte. 8. Visit by Santa featuring gifts for all children, horse-drawn rides around the Mill Pond, face painting, refreshments, Christmas cookie decorating, crafting of holiday decorations and gifts. Free event sponsored by Friends of Horicon Library. BOLTON LANDING — Annual Christmas Cantata, 7 p.m. at St. Sacrament Episcopal Church. Choir comprised of singers throughout northern Warren County present: “Chimes of the Holy Night.” Lenore Simpson conducts, Robert Flachbarth accompanies. Free-will offering gathered, proceeds go to charity. WARRENSBURG — Quiche Luncheon & Christmas Bazaar, Church of the Holy Cross, Main St. Sale is 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., lunch is 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Festive holiday foods, Christmas cookies, evergreen wreaths and kissing balls, craft tables & “Grandmother’s Attic.” Details: call 623-3275 evenings. WARRENSBURG — Holiday concert by Adirondack Recorder Band, 7 p.m. at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church, Main St. Free performance combines readings of The Nutcracker story accompanied by the woodwinds playing selections from the Nutcracker Suite , penned by Tchaikovsky. WARRENSBURG — Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., Countryside Adult Home, Schroon River Road. WARRENSBURG — Roast Pork Dinner, 4 p.m.- 6 p.m., First United Methodist Church of Warrensburg, 3890 Main St. Fixings include mashed potatoes, stuffing, red cabbage & beans apple crisp, etc. Adults: $10; children 8 and under, $5. WARRENSBURG — Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 2 Stewart Farrar Ave. Gift items, maple products, Cookie Walk, etc. Details: 623-2199.
Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 3-4
WARRENSBURG — Christmas in Warrensburgh. Townwide celebration: craft fair, church bazaars, luncheons, caroling, musical performances, tree lighting ceremony, visit
CHURCH LISTINGS - TheAdirondack Journal provides this church directory as a courtesy to our readers and visitors to our area. Any changes or additions can be made by calling 873-6368. BOLTON Emmanuel United Methodist Church Sunday Service at 9 a.m. 644-9962. Rev. Henry C. Freuh, Pastor First Baptist Church - (A.B.C.Affiliated) Sunday School at 9 a.m. Morning Worship at 10 a.m.; Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer. For information, call 644-9103. website: Rev. Edward Blanchard. Solid Rock Assembly of God - SundaySchool for all ages at 10 a.m. Adult Worship Service and Children’s Church at 11 a.m. Thursday evening Bible Study with Sister Dale at 6 p.m. For information call Pastor Skip and Sister Dale Hults at 251-4324. Episcopal Church of Saint Sacrament, Bolton Landing - Sat. Evening Mass 5 p.m.; Sun. Eucharist 8 a.m. (Memorial Day Columbus Day); Sun. Eucharist 10 a.m.; Sun. School 11 a.m.; Bible Study Mondays 7 p.m.; Father Jim Loughren. (518) 644-9613, email: Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Goodman Avenue. Sunday Mass 10:45 a.m.; Rosary and Novena 9 a.m. Tuesday; Communion Service 9 a.m. Thursday and Saturday. Parish Life Director Kathie Sousa, D.Min. 644-3861,, BRANT LAKE Adirondack Missions of the Episcopal Church 494-3314 - Fr. Robert Limpert, Fr. Michael Webber, Fr. Dennis Pressley St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Sunday Eucharist 9 a.m. (see Adirondack Mission, above). Brant Lake Wesleyan - Morning worship 9 a.m., Fellowship 10-10:30 a.m., Sunday school 10:30-11:15 a.m. 494-2816. Horicon Baptist Church - Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening 6 a.m., Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. 494-2584. BILL’S RESTAURANT Family Dining Main St., Warrensburg, NY • 623-2669 “Stop before or after church!”
McCLUSKEY HARDWARE & SUPPLY Rt 9, Chestertown, NY • 494-4618
by Santa & reindeer, activities for children, more. Details: 466-5497 or
Sunday, Dec. 4
WARRENSBURG — Holiday Craft Fair, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at The Lodge at Echo Lake, off Hudson St. Free. 623-2161 or CHESTERTOWN — Annual Christmas Cantata, 7 p.m. at Community United Methodist Church. Choir comprised of singers throughout northern Warren County present: “Chimes of the Holy Night.” Lenore Simpson conducts, Robert Flachbarth accompanies. Free-will offering gathered, proceeds go to charity. Refreshments follow concert. WARRENSBURG — Christmas cantata, 3 p.m. in Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Main St. Presented by acclaimed community Choir from Lake Luzerne. BOLTON LANDING — Tree Lighting ceremony & caroling, 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. in Rogers Park, Lake Shore Dr. Hay rides, visits with Santa, holiday entertainment, refreshments. Details: 644-3831 or:
Tuesday, Dec. 6
BOLTON — Bus Trip to Albany’s Christmas Light Show in Washington Park, plus holiday shopping trip to Colonie Center. Board bus at 1 p.m. in parking lot near town Senior Center. All are welcome above age 16. Return time, 9:15 or so. $25. Advance reservations, call 644-9247.
Thursday, Dec. 8
WARRENSBURG — 4-H Holiday Crafts, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. at Cornell Cooperative Extension office, 377 Schroon River Rd. Create holiday ornaments, various media. Some of the ornaments created by group to be given away to shut-ins. Free. Details: or: 668-4881.
Saturday, Dec. 10
CHESTERTOWN — Santa visits Chester Town Hall, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Annual celebration of Christmas sponsored by the Chestertown Rotary Club. Santa arrives on a fire truck at 10 a.m., bearing gifts for all children. Rotarians also provide free photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Hayrides are offered during the entire visit. Crafts and Gingerbread house building is offered in the town library, also in the municipal center. Free refreshments for all. ATHOL — Annual Thurman Christmas Party, 1-3 p.m. in the town hall.Visit from Santa, bearing gifts, via fire truck. Games, refreshments, Christmas carols, tree decorating. WARRENSBURG — Movie: “The Nativity Story,” 4 p.m. at Warrensburg Free Methodist Church, 250 River St. All invited to pot luck supper after the film. Details: call 623-3023..
Sunday, Dec. 11
CHESTERTOWN — Fund-raising chicken ‘n biscuit dinner at the Rt. 8 Chestertown firehouse. Proceeds to help the twin children of Julie Mosher Packer, who has stage four stomach cancer. Music and raffles. Noon to 5 p.m. Suggested donation $10 adults, $5 children.
School financial aid program
Tax cap to be explained
LAKE GEORGE — In order to assist college-bound students with educational financing, Lake George High School is hosting a Financial Aid Information Night at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5 in the school library. Parents of Seniors and Juniors, as well as members of the Senior class, ar e encouraged to attend. The program features presenter Janice Baumeister, a financial aid official at College of Saint Rose. Baumeister will be providing a thorough overview of college financial aid, event organizers said this week. Topics will include the types of aid available, the various sour ces of financial aid, how and when to file financial aid applications, what information is r equired to apply, and how to understand the student aid report. This program is to help prepare students and their families to file the Fr ee Application for Federal Student Aid (F AFSA), a process which begins Jan. 1. No pr eregistration is r equired. For details, contact the Lake George High School Guidance Office at 668-5452.
LAKE GEORGE — Residents of the Warrensburg, Bolton and Lake Geor ge school districts ar e invited to a public pr esentation explaining the state’s property tax cap and its effect on financing the operations of the schools. The presentation is set for 6 p.m. Thursday Dec. 8 in the Lake Georg e High School, auditorium on Canada St. Lead speaker at the event will be Michelle Levings, Director of State Aid and Planning Services for the regional BOCES. The event is intended for school boar d members, school r epresentatives and the public. Officials of the three participating school districts would like participants to make a reservation in order to have enough printed material available for all. To RSVP, call your r espective district superintendent’s office. For Bolton, call 644-2400 ext. 104; for Lake George, call 668-5456, ext. 1207; and for Warrensburg, call 623-2861, ext. 208.
Chester Gallery to hold reception
CHESTERTOWN — Main Street is likely to see some considerable activity next weekend as Art in Chestertown Gallery holds an artists reception for their final exhibit of the year. The gallery is to open “Holiday T reasures' reception Friday Dec. 2 and celebrate the occasion with a r eception fr om 6 to 8 p.m. at the venue, 6378 state Rte. 9. Since its opening in July 2010, Art in Chestertown Gallery , a ventur e of the North Country Arts Center, has exhibited the works of about 100 regional artists in a total of eight shows. “Public r esponse has been gr eat,” said Fred Holman, Pr esident of NCAC and director of the gallery. “People are beginning to discover us — We are seeing people from the Capital District and Massachusetts, returning visitors and increasing sales.” The Holiday T reasures exhibit r uns through Satur day, Jan. 14. The Gallery is open Thursdays through Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
MALTBIE CHEVROLET Rt. 9-Glens Falls Rd., Lake George, NY • 668-5736
MCDONALD’S OF WARRENSBURG Warrensburg, NY • 518-623-3323
Glens Falls. Sunday service is at 10 a.m., with Sunday school for children and youth; child care during the worship service. Coffee hour follows service. The Rev. John Barclay, pastor; K. Bryan Kirk Director of Music and Organist. Church has several youth programs and choirs for all ages from K through adult and occasional concerts. Building is accessible and we are a welcoming congregation with strong music and worship, mission and outreach programs. 518.793.2521. JOHNSBURG RW Johnsburg United Methodist Church Pastor Rodger White - 518-251-2482. 1798 South Johnsburg Rd., Johnsburg. Worship Service - Sunday 9:45 a.m. LAKE GEORGE Bay Road Presbyterian Church - 1167 Bay Road (near intersection of Bay & Rt. 149). Sunday School (Children, Youth, and Adults)-9:00a.m. Worship (Praise Songs and Hymns, Kidz Worship & Nursery)-10 a.m. Coffee Hour -11:00 a.m. Chris Garrison Pastor, 518-793 -8541 Caldwell Presbyterian Church - 71Montcalm St., Lake George 12845. Rev. Susan Goodin. 518-668-2613. Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Food Pantry Distribution 2nd Friday of month. Website: St. James Episcopal Church - Sunday services 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Rev. Julie McPartlin. 668-2001. Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Mohican St., Lake George, NY 668-2046. Sat. Vigil Mass at 4 p.m., Sun. Mass at 8:00 a.m., & 10:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., Weekday Mass: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. (There is no Mass on Tuesday or Thursday) Father Thomas Berardi, pastor Chapel of the Assumption (Roman Catholic) Ridge Road Route 9L, Cleverdale, NY is closed. 668-2046 / 656-9034. Fr. Thomas Berardi, pastor Lakeside Chapel - Cleverdale: Sunday services through August at 10 a.m.
ADIRONDACK GENERAL STORE “A Touch of Country” 899 East Shore Drive, Adirondack, NY • 494-4408 77156
Warren 22 Main St., Warrensburg, NY 623-4221 & 668-2080 77166
UPSTATE AGENCY INSURANCE Riverside Drive, Chestertown, NY • 494-2417
Warrensburg Car Care, LLC Auto Body Shop Auto Body Repair and Refinishing 2 30 Main St., Warrensburg • 623-2135
WASTE MANAGEMENT OF EASTERN NY 12 Wing Street, Fort Edward, NY • 747-4688 77158
Bazaar set for Holy Cross Church
WARRENSBURG — The women of Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Warrensburg invite all to attend their annual Christmas Bazaar and Quiche Luncheon from 10 a.m to 3 p.m. Dec. 3. To be served between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., the lunch will include not only their delicious quiches but also a salad, dessert and beverage at a cost of $7 per person. This annual event featur es festive holiday foods, Christmas cookies, ever green wreaths, kissing balls, craft tables and “Grandmother ’s Attic” items. The ladies of the church will be donating 10 percent of the event’s proceeds to Operation Santa Claus, which provides holiday foods and clothing to local families. For details, call 623-3275 evenings.
Little League meeting slated
CHESTERTOWN — A meeting of the Southern Adirondack Little League is set for 6 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Chester Municipal Center auditorium, and parents of all prospective players are urged to attend. This session will cover aspects of the 2012 season for participation in T-ball, Minor, and Major League baseball. For details, call 494-7937.
CHESTER Community United Methodist Church Doug Meyerhoff, Service 10:00 a.m. Phone 494-3374 (office phone) Faith Bible Church - Sunday school (all ages) - 9 a.m., Sunday worship 10:15 a.m., Sunday Evening 6 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Call for information - 494-7183 - Website: Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Sunday Eucharist 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Eucharist 10 a.m. (See Adirondack Missions, Brant Lake). St. Isaac Jogues/St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church - Riverside Drive & Church Street. Saturday Vigil at 4:00 p.m.; Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Rev. John O’Kane. 518-494-5229 Town of Chester Northway Community Fellowship - A Wesleyan Church, Route 8, Chestertown: Sunday Service 11 a.m., Youth and Children’s Programs available. Pastor James Swanson, 518695-3766 DIAMOND POINT Jesus is Lord Campground Campfire Service Friday night campfire service with smores etc. starting at 6:30 p.m. Sunday Morning in July & August 8:30-9:30 a.m. followed by fellowship & food. 518-623-9712. 264 Diamond Point Rd., Exit 23, Diamond Point, NY. Nondenominational Christian Service All welcomed - Children welcomed but no child care provided. Diamond Point Community Church Services have concluded. Services will resume next June 17, 2012., 10 a.m. Community Church welcoming all denominations. Visiting ministers. GLENS FALLS Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls - 21 Weeks Rd., off Rt. 9 in Queensbury. Sunday service 10 a.m. Coffee hr. follows service. Rev. Beverly Waring, InterimMinister .(handicapped accessible, welcoming congregation) 793-1468. Web site: First Presbyterian Church of Glens Falls - 400 Glen Street at the corner of Notre Dame,
BUCKMANS FAMILY FUEL CO. INC. Fuel Oil-Kero-Diesel-Gasoline Sales-Service-Installation Rt 9, Chestertown, NY • 494-4999
December 3, 2011
4488 State Route 9N Warrensburg, NY 12885 623-3405 77160
First United Methodist Church - 78Montcalm Street, Lake George, N.Y. 12845, Sunday Service: 10 a.m. Rev. Meridith Vanderminden. 743-8756. Grace Communion International - Worship Services held Saturdays 11:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. 56 Mohican St., Lake George, NY. Dennis R. Hoyt, Worship Service Facilitator. Home: 518587-1221. Cell: 832-0660. Please call ahead to confirm attendance. LAKE LUZERNE Hadley-Luzerne Wesleyan Church - 445Route 9N, Lake Luzerne, NY. Sunday bible hour 9:45 a.m., Sunday morning worship 11 a.m., Wednesday evening groups for all ages 6 - 7:30 p.m. NORTH CREEK United Methodist Church - Main Street, North Creek across from Community Bank. Sunday Service 9 a.m. Separate story time for children. Pastor Kristi Van Patten. Call or leave a message 251-2906. St. James Catholic Church - Main St., North Creek. Sunday mass at 8 a.m. thru Labor Day. 5:30 p.m. Sat. Vigil Mass. Parish Life Director: Sr. Francesca Husselbeck. Sacramental Minister: Rev. John O’Kane. 518-251-2518 NORTH RIVER United Methodist Church - Service and church school at 10 a.m. For information call 251-4071. QUEENSBURY Harrisena Community Church - 1616Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804. Summer Schedule- Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m., Children’s Church, Sunday 9 a.m.. PandaMania Vacation Bible School, August 8 - 12, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Now registering. Offer youth program for teens, adult bible study, children’s Sunday school, scholarship program. Rev. LaMont Robinson. 792-1902. Web site: POTTERSVILLE Christ Church Episcopal - Sunday Eucharist 12 p.m. Father Jim Loughren. (518) 6449613,email: Pottersville United Methodist Church Worship 8:15 a.m. Rev. Rodger E. White, Jr., 251-2482. SonRise Lutheran Church - SundayWorship and fellowship 10:30 a.m. in Faith Hall at SonRise Lutheran Ministries Conference Center, 8260 Rt. 9, Pottersville, NY. For information please call 494-7077. Pastor Benjamin Bahr Lighthouse Baptist Church - Meets at Rt. 9 (next to The Wells House Hotel). Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:50 a.m., Evening Service 6:00 p.m., MidWeek Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. STONY CREEK Knowlhurst Baptist Church - Sunday school 10 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; evening worship 6 p.m. Wednesday prayer 7 p.m. Pastor Rex Fullam THURMAN Christ Community Church - Athol:Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer meeting 7 p.m. Rev. William G. Lucia, pastor. Thurman Baptist Church - Sunday school 9:45
a.m.; worship hour 11 a.m.; evening service 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m. Rev. Bob Herrmann, pastor. Kenyontown United Methodist Church - Sunday services 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. night at 7 p.m. WARRENSBURG Free Methodist Church - 250 River St., Warrensburg, NY. Musical Praise & Worship Service - Monthly on Second Saturday. Music for kids to seasoned adults. Everyone welcome. Refreshments & Fellowship. Come as you are. 518-744-8609. Pastor Nancy Barrow. First Presbyterian Church - 2 Stewart Farrar Ave., Worship 10 a.m. with coffee hour following. Youth Club for youth in grades 6 - 12. Meeting for the first and third Wednesday of each month 5:30 7:00 p.m., with a kick-off meeting for both youth and parents being held on Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 5:30 p.m.. All youth are invited. For more details, call Rev. Lucy Harris at 623-2723. Free Methodist Church - Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service 10:45 a.m.; Wednesday midweek prayer and Bible study 7 p.m. Warrensburg Assembly of God - Sundayschool 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Thursday youth meeting 7 p.m.; evening service 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer 6 p.m.; Bible study 7 p.m. Dr. Ronald Parisi. 6232282. The Holy Cross of Warrensburg - Sunday Eucharist & Sermon 8 & 10 a.m.; Sunday school 9 a.m.; coffee hour follows each service; Wednesday 5:30 p.m. evening prayer; Holy days as announced. The Very Reverend Marshall J. Vang-Priest in charge. 623-3066. Faith Baptist Church - Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; preaching services 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m. Rev. Lee B. Call 623-4071. First United Methodist Church - SundaySchool 9:30 a.m.; Adult Study 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m.; 518-623-9334. Stephen Andrews, Pastor. St. Cecilia’s Roman Catholic Church - Eucharistat 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, 10 a.m. on Sunday. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4 p.m. Saturday. Bible Study, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Parish Life Director Sister Linda Hogan CSJ & Sacramental Minister Father Paul Cox. 623-3021. First Baptist Church -3850 Main St., Worship Service 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday school 9:45; Thursday mid-week. 7 p.m. Ron Burdett, Pastor. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Sunday Public Talk 9:30 a.m. and Watchtower 10:05 a.m. Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School and Kingdom Ministry starting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. 623-4601. Christian Worship Center, Inc. - Cornerof Elm St. & Pine Tree Lane, Warrensburg. Service at 10 a.m on Sunday. For further information 518-696-5468. Rev. Gerald (Jerry)Ellis. Thurman - Kenyontown United Methodist Church Worship services every week 11 a.m. 11-26-11 • 77155
December 3, 2011
Adirondack Journal - 25
EASTSIDE METALS & Recycling Highest Prices Paid For All Scrap Metal 518-747-3677
BRUSH & TREE TREE WORK Professional Climber with Decades of experience with anything from difficult removals to tasteful selected pruning Fully equipped & insured. Michael Emelianoff 518251-3936
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TICONDEROGA 3 BR/1 BA, Washer/Dryer hookup. Attic. Walk to schools. $900 per month + utilities. 524-3744
TICONDEROGA: 2 bedroom, all appliances, heat included, no pets, no smoking, Suitable for professional couple, $750/mo, 1 1/2 month sec., credit check 845561-5983
CHESTERTOWN FURNISHED. Ideal for one. References needed, no pets/smokers. $500/mo. plus security & util. 518-494-3215.
SCHROON LAKE Room For Rent in a Motel, weekly or monthly, no security deposit required. 518-5327521 or 518-645-5052. SCHROON LAKE Free room & board in exchange for housekeeping. 518-532-7521 or 518-6455052.
FIREWOOD GREEN or seasoned available. Cut, split & delivered. 25 years of year-round, dependable service. Steve Smith 518494-4077. Brant Lake. Warren County HEAP vendor.
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LOON LAKE, Chestertown 2 BR/1 BA, Lg kit/din area, closets, central A/C, Deck & Porch w/ Yard, W/D, Close to lake/beach/boat/I-87/Gore ski, Non-Smoking, North Warren CSD, $775+util 315-212-2729 PORT HENRY 1 BR/1 BA, large 2nd floor apartment. Newly remodeled with all new carpet, paint, appliances, windows & cabinetry. 802-922-0714 $550 PORT HENRY 4BR, 1 half of house, upper level. Walking distance to stores, beach, etc. Includes all kitchen appliances. No pets. $600 + utilities. 305-2405854. TICONDEROGA NEW Luxury apartment, quiet, all appliances, no pets/no smoking, references required, 732-433-8594. TICONDEROGA MT vista apts 3 bedroom $572 basic rent; util avg $203. Appliances/trash/snow. no smokers. Rental assistance may be available for income qualified household; must meet eligibility requirements. 518-584-4543 NYS TDD Relay Service 1-800-4211220 Handicap Accessible Equal Housing Opportunity.
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TICONDEROGA 2 BR/1 BA, eat in kitchen, private drive, utilities not included, no pets. 518-791-7527 or 802-265-9737. $500
PORT HENRY Village. 2 BR House for rent, $625 per month. Call 802-363-3341.
VILLAGE OF Port Henry 1 BR/ Stove, refrigerator, heat & water included. No smoking. No pets. 518-546-7584. $500
TICONDEROGA 56B Race Track Rd. Ground floor efficiency apt., 2 lg rooms, electric & heat supplied. In front parking. Use of lg rear yard. You supply refrigerator. HUD approved. $600/mo. Security required. 716-741-2031 CROWN POINT 1 BR/next to school, all utilities included. 518572-4127. $685/mo.
HOME CROWN POINT Newly renovated 4BR/3BA with nice porches surrounding the house. Near schools & stores. Some furnishings. No pets. Must have good credit/references. $850 + utilities. 305-2405854.
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KURBY CENTRIA Vacuum Cleaner with shampoo kit. 518-623-5444. $800
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26 - Adirondack Journal
MOTORIZED TRAVEL Chair new batteries, excellent condition. 518222-1338. $1,200 NIKON COOLPIX For Sale just in time for the Holidays, Nikon Coolpix S210 Camera. $60 OBO call 518-643-9391 POOL TABLE Bar size, slate top, good condition. 518-585-7020. $450 QUEEN MATTRESS Set New, still in plastic. 518-260-6653. $150 SEWING MACHINE Singer Kenmore Portable Sewing Machine $50.00. Call Shep 518578-5500 SKIS (2 pair) Cross Country, Rosignol, Alpino men's boots & bindings, Size 45, $125. Back Country, bindings fit regular hiking boots, $75. Charlie 518-623-2197. TORIN 12 ton New in Box-Torin 12 ton double locking Jack stands asking $75.00 a pair. Call 518-563 -0880 after 4pm.
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December 3, 2011
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December 3, 2011 OTHER PETS LOVEBIRDS 3 Lovebirds w/cage, nesting box and all accessories. Call anytime after 6pm. 518-5974571. $99
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PORT HENRY Prime residential/ business building located on Main Street, Port Henry, NY. Extra lot included for parking. $99,000. 518 -546-8247.
CONDO BANK FORECLOSURE! Brand New WATERFRONT CONDO Only $199,900. (Similar unit sold for $399,900) Upscale 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,675sf condo. Luxury amenities, prime location on the water! Call now for special holiday incentives 1-877-888-7571, x 83
FARM LENDER SAYS SELL BY 12/15! CATSKILL MOUNTAIN MINIFARM! $159,900 reduced $60,000! Farmhouse, working barns, gorgeous country setting near skiing, State Land & less than 3 hrs NY City! Add'l land avail! Won't last! 1 -888-701-1864 LENDER SAYS SELL BY 12/15! CATSKILL MOUNTAIN MINIFARM! $159,900 (Reduced by $60,000!) Farmhouse, working barns, gorgeous country setting near skiing and state land. Less than 3 hours to NYC! Additional land available! Won't last (888)905-8847
Adirondack Journal - 27 DEER CREEK STATE FOREST: 5 acres $19,900. 33 Acres Bass Lake $39,900. 8 Acres, waterfront home $119,900. 1-888-683 -2626 NYS & ADIRONDACKS Rustic Cozy Cabin w/5 Acres $19,995. Over 150 new properties & camps. Minutes to state game lands. New survey, clear title, fully guaranteed! For cozy cabin details call 1-800-229-7843. Or visit www.LandandCamps. com. ARIZONA RANCH Lots! 50%OFF! 15AAA+ View Lots $0Down! Starting $99/mo! Guaranteed Financing! Near Tucsons Intl Airport 1-800 -659-9957 PromoCode CPF NYS & Adirondacks Rustic Cozy Cabin w/ 5 Acres $19,995. Over 150 new properties & camps. Minutes to state game lands. New survey, clear title, fully guaranteed! For cozy cabin details call 800-229 -7843. Or visit TOWN OF Lake George 1/2 acre building lot. Village sewer, upscale neighborhood, build-out basement, mountain views. $59,000. Will hold mortgage for qualified buyer, 20% down. 518-668-0179
LAKE GEORGE 2 BR/1 BA, 8' x 18' lg, screened enclosed porch. W/D, appliances incl. Quiet area. 518668-5272, $4500
FOR SALE - Trailer Needs A Home. 8' x 25' all 2x6 construction. Outside is all textured 111, inside is all knotty pine throughout. 6" insulation throughout, 3 axles, cathedral ceilings. $4500. 518-9550222.
DOORS & Fender 2 doors and 1 fender, no rust, for Ford F-150 pickup truck. Call anytime after 6pm. 518-597-4571. $75
SNOW TIRES 4 mounted & balanced 195/60/15 Winter Traction snow tires. 518-338-3060 $100
STOP RENTING Lease option to buy Rent to own No money down No credit check 1-877-395-0321
HP PAVILION Desktop Computer w/14" monitor, webcam, printer, keyboard, mouse, games, Windows 98. Good for child's 1st computer. 518-597-4571. $50
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AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2-4 Bedroom homes Take Over Payments No Money Down/No Credit Check Call 1-888-269-9192 TIRED OF High Taxes? Retiring? Future move? Discover Delaware and our gated community. Manufactured homes from the mid $30's! Brochures available 1-866629-0770 Or search
VACATION PROPERTY ADIRONDACK " by OWNER" 1000+ photo listing of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $275 per year. Visit on-line or call 518-891-9919
MOBILE HOME 1979 16'X80 single wide mobile home for sale. 3 bedroom w/refrigerator, stove, dish washer & washer/dryer. $1500 OBO. You Move! 518-585-6102.
ANTIQUE OAK OFFICE CHAIR Antique Oak Office Chair $98 518643-8575
20 GALLON Fish Tank w/cabinet stand, power filter, air pump, all accessories. 518-597-4571. $75 BED LINER for full size pick-up truck. 518-597-4571. $50 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Large, Heavy. Call 518-623-3407. $25 HEATER OUTDOOR work 115,000 BTU. Multi fuel use. Full tank of K1. 518-494-2053 leave message. $80 MARBLE LAMP 4 Sided Marble Lamp Call 802-558 -4557 $15 WINNIE THE POOH: WINNIE THE POOH: SINGLE BED SHEETS, PILLOW CASE AND COMFORTER. $14.95 Call: 802459-2987
DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can't be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at or call 1-877-2752726
MAPLE HUTCH w/2 drawers & 2 sliding doors. Good condition. Call for info 518-494-3348 $50
WOODEN ROCKING Chair w/cushions. Very good condition. 518623-2381. $75
2 FULL SETS SNOWTIRES 2 Full Sets snowtires 185/64R 15: 1 set very good, Dunlap Graspic 2 $175. 1 set Premium, Hakkapeliitta, used less than 3 months last Winter, $340 ($440 New. Sarnac Lake 518-891-0023. Can Bring to E'town, NY 6’ TONNEAU Cover 6' Tonneau Cover, fits Chevy S-10 or Colorado $99.00. Call 518-523-9456
BLOWN HEAD GASKET? BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Componentchemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed.1866-780-9041
Personal Classified Ads Only - No Commercial Accounts. One Item Per Ad - Ad Must Include Price. Ad Must Be Prepaid - Cancellations Accepted At Any Time, No Refund After Ad Is Placed. Ad Will Run For Three Weeks And Will Be Renewed At No Charge If Item Not Sold
CENTURY 6’ Truck Cap has 3 sliding windows w/screens. Also bedliner. Excellent condition. $1100 value, asking $500. 518-5467913.
FREE GAS! Receive $300 Gasoline Savings! Gasoline Stimulus Program provides $300 gas savings to participants of driving survey. Local Stations - Major Brands ! Call now 877-898-9027
Adirondacks South - Times of Ti, Adirondack Journal, New Enterprise Adirondacks North - North Countryman, Valley News, The Burgh Vermont - Addison Eagle, Green Mountain Outlook Capital District - Spotlight Newspapers Central New York - Eagle Newspapers
STUDDED SNOWS on alloy rims. Cooper 235/75R 15. Used one season. Asking $235. 518-2515110. TIRES-WINTER-FOUR R16- $125 518-585-6067
BOATS 14’ ADIRONDACK Guide Boat complete w/trailer, oars, cover & cherry caned seats. Never been used. $5500 firm. 518-642-9576.
CARS DONATE A CAR - SAVE A CHILD'S LIFE! Timothy Hill Children's Ranch: HelpingAbused and Neglected Children in NY for Over 30 Years. Please Call 1-800-9364326. DONATE YOUR VEHICLE UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION. Free Mammogram RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPON 1-888-468-5964 DONATE YOUR CAR, BOAT OR REAL ESTATE. Fully tax deductible, IRS recognized charity, Free pick-up & tow. Any model or condition. Help needy 1-800-596-4011 DONATE YOUR CAR, Boat or Real Estate. Fully Tax Deductible. IRS RecognizedCharity. Free Pick-Up & Tow. Any Model or Condition. Help Needy 1-800-930-4543 DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING "Cars for Kids." Any Condition. Tax Deductible.Outreach Center 1800-521-7566 CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS: Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not!1-888-416-2208 DONATE A CAR - Food on Wheels. Helping seniors less fortunate. Free tow within 3hours. Serving the community since 1992. Twoweek vacation or visit us at 1-800-364-5849. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR SUV to the Childhood Leukemia Foundation today.Tax Deductible, FREE towing and fast, easy process. Call 1-877-754-3227 or visit DONATE YOUR CAR to CANCER FUND of AMERICA to help SUPPORT CANCER PATIENTS. Tax Deductible. Next Day Towing. Receive Vacation Voucher. Call 7 Days 1-800-835-9372
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DONATE YOUR Car! Civilian Veterans & Soldiers Help Support Our U.S. Military Troops100% VolunteerFree same Day Towing. Tax Deductible. Call and Donate Today! 1-800-471-0538 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK or SUV to Childhood Leukemia Foundation today. Tax Deductible, FREE towing, fast, easy Process. 877754-3227 1978 FIAT Spider Convertible, classic, running condition, garage stored. Asking $6,000 will accept offers. 518-668-2638 1999 FORD Hi-Top Custom Van 24,000 miles. A/C, TV/VCR, AM/ FM/Cassette, 4 captains chairs. Runs good, good condition. Asking $3500 OBO. Call 518-7444360 (Warrensburg). 2000 TOYOTA Corolla 90,000 kms, Very good condition, no rust, automatic, loaded. 518-597-9760. $3,500
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1971 SOUTHWIND Motor Home 27', sleeps , self contained generator, air condition, micro oven, everything works. Firm $3500. 518494-3215. 1993 CHEVY Horizon RV Automatic, sleeps 4, gas stove & heater, gas/electric refrigerator, A/C, toilet. New brakes, tires & battery. Asking $4000 OBO. 518-2513449. 2000 FREIGHTLINER FLD120. Rebuilt front to rear. 2,500w inv. & refrig. $10k OBO. 518-546-7120. 2000 HOLIDAY Rambler Alumascape 5th Wheel Camper, fully loaded, 2 slides, clean. Low NADA value $14,605. Selling for $9,000. 518-585-6913, ARCTIC CAT Prowler side-by-side for sale. Excellent shape. Under 300 miles, always been in the garage. Has full hard cab (with doors), winch, box enclosure and camo gun rack with case. $10,000. Call for details or to negotiate on the price at 518-5852803.
SNOWMOBILES 2 ARTIC CATS 2 ARTIC CATS 2001 550-$3000 REV, GOOD SHAPE 2000 370$2500 1 OWNER, GOOD SHAPE CALL 518-6449752PHOTOS AVAILABLE AUCTION - Snowmobile December 15, 2011 there will be an auction for one 2005 Arctic Cat Saber Cat LX 600cc snowmobile. There is a reserve. Auction will be at Heid's Hodaka 518-251-2110.
Name: Address:
2002 CHEVROLET Blazer 4WD, 2DR, 72k, black, good condition. NADA $7375 retail, asking $5500. 518-585-2267.
Phone: E-mail (Required): Amount Enclosed: Card #: Exp. Date: Signature:
2004 DODGE Durango Silver, Sunroof, Great Condition, Must See. $8,000. Call 518-585-7020.
TRUCKS 1998 F250 Super Duty V10 with Fisher plow. 518-624-2580. $6,500
(Up to 15 words $29) (Up to 20 words $31)
*Actual mileage may vary due to test drives, winter pricing offer expires 12/5/11. Tax & DMV fees are extra.
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2009 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER White/Black, Excellent condition. Wouldn't your truck for sale look just perfect here? Our new classified system has been built by AdPerfect one of the nation's leading classified software companies. The program has many eye catching features sure to help you sell your vehicle. The online self service package is free so give it a try today! $1,000,000 Email:
28 - Adirondack Journal
December 3, 2011