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Warrensburg News

TOWN TALK: Museum’s new exhibit now open.


A Denton Publication

page 2

December 10, 2011

FREE • Take one

In Chestertown


Town of Chester switches to solar power



Christmas in Warrensburgh

By Thom Randall thom@denpubs.com CHESTERTOWN — While people and or ganizations ar e mer ely talking about “going gr een,’ the Town of Chester is really doing something about it — in a big way. Within weeks, the government’s municipal buildings and other facilities acr oss town will be substantially energized by solar power. The town is the first municipality in the Adirondacks to convert to solar power, town of ficials and their consulting engineers said this week. The town has signed a contract with Edge Design & Consulting to install and maintain vast arrays of solar panels at the town Municipal Center , the town highway garage, transfer station and r ecycling center complex, as well as Dynamite Hill warming hut, and the Chester-Horicon Health Center. The solar arrays at each of these sites will provide most CONTINUED ON PAGE 20


Santa plans many visits this week PAGE 8

Children attending Christmas in Warrensburgh Saturday, Dec. 3 share holiday greetings with Santa outside the town hall, transformed into ‘Toyland’ for a day. Photo by John Franchini

New business group lists area needs thom@denpubs.com CHESTERTOWN — With a mission of boosting local commer ce and tourism, local citizens r epresenting





By Thom Randall








The or ganization is to r epresent business interests in the municipalities of Chestertown, Brant Lake, Pottersville, and Adirondack, including the settlements surr ounding Friends Lake, Loon Lake and Brant Lake. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

Burghers defeat Johnsburg PAGES 18




Q U E E N S B U RY — Wi t h Michael Swan moving into the Warren County Treasurer ’s post as of Jan. 2, county leaders ar e now in the process of selecting a new

P21 P23-25


chief of the county Real Property Services of fice, which Swan now heads up. Sources at the county said this week that the leading candidate for the new Director of Real Property is Lexie Delurey, the present Deputy Director of the of fice. They said that Delurey, a resident



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didate, the two said they were examining r esidency requirements, if any, for the office. The action was anticipated as a r esult of county officials voting Dec. 1 to officially start the pr ocess of selecting a new dir ector of the Real Pr operty Services office.



of South Glens Falls, is the likely choice for the post, which is appointed by the county Boar d of Supervisors. While county Administrator Paul Dusek and county Attorney Martin Auffredou declined to acknowledge Delurey as the leading can-

The department's main functions are to produce and maintain tax maps that depict land parcels, and to provide services to local assessors r elated to appraisals, sales and r evaluation efforts. The office also assists in CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

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area enterprises ar e forming a new group, tentatively called the Tri-Lakes Business Alliance. About a dozen people inter ested in launching the organization met Friday Dec. 2 at the Panther Mountain Inn in Chestertown.

By Thom Randall

Warren County to name new real property director





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www.adirondackjournal.com generations. This "must see" show will r un thr ough Jan. 5.

Museum sets hours

The Warrensburgh Museum of Local History has announced new hours for winter. The museum will continue to be open W ednesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday hours will change to 1 to 3 pm. Beginning Dec. 23, the museum will be open every Friday fr om 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month. The museum will be closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day.

Museum gift ideas

For holiday gift giving, the museum has a compr ehensive selection of books about local history , fr om $5 up. The recently published official History of W arren County, published by W arren County Historical Society, is available at the price of $27 including tax - discounted from $40 — only until the end of the year. The Warrensburgh Histor-

ical Society's 2012 calendar , showing local scenes fr om 1912, is also available at the museum. Calendars of pr evious years ar e also available, at a discounted price. The Warrensburgh Historical Society also announces a painless opportunity to make donations. Patr ons seeking to donate to the museum may take their returnable bottles and cans to Direct Deposit, 3918 Main St., and designate the W arrensburgh Historical Society as the recipient of the rebate. Details can be found on the Society's website, whs12885.org, or by calling the museum director at 6232207.

Exhibit well-received

The museum’s special exhibit “My Dolly ,” opened Friday, Dec. 2 to rave r eviews. Two dozen local citizens have lent the museum more than 50 dolls ranging from fancy dr essed and coiffed antiques to wellloved examples of many


Jail time for cookie thief

Tell us about events

Church secretaries and officials, call me with the rundown of holiday activities being planned at your parish. I r eally want to emphasize the true meaning of Christmas as I publicize activities in the region. Also, area residents, send me your news, article ideas and news tips. Feel fr ee to contact me with community happenings, or items you would like to see covered in this column. To have an upcoming event publicized, call me at 623-9744 or email me at: mrs.butterfly10@hotmail.com about three weeks prior to the event. Help me keep the community informed!

Nov. 16 Judge Mindy Fisk presiding • In a plea bar gain, John R. Duf fy, 28, of Terrace Avenue in W arrensburg was convicted of a char ge of Disorderly Conduct and sentenced to 15 days in jail for stealing a container of chocolate chips and a package of Kraft Handi-Snacks, worth a total of $4.08, fr om the Warrensburg Grand Union. He was originally charged for the act with Petit Lar ceny, a Misdemeanor. • John E. McManus, 39, of Marion Avenue in Warrensburg was arraigned on a charge of Disorderly Conduct based on an incident at 8:18 p.m. Nov. 14. Police said that McManus scr eamed obscenities while walking down Marion Avenue. His case was adjourned to Nov. 30. • Casey M. Miller, 42, was arraigned on a char ge of fourth-degr ee Criminal Mischief with the Intent to Damage Property. Police said that at 4:30 a.m. Oct. 29, he damaged a Direct TV satellite receiver at George Henry's tavern. • Nicole M. Rose, 34, of Brickhouse Road in Stillwater , was arraigned on a


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charge of Driving While Intoxicated, a Misdemeanor, based on a traf fic stop at 12:41 a.m. Oct. 23 on Main St. in Warrensburg. She is also char ged with Driving with .08 or mor e blood-alcohol content, third-degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation – both Misdemeanors – and a traffic infraction. • Darren D. Baker of state Rte. 28 in Warrensburg was arraigned on a char ge of thir d-degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation, a Misdemeanor , based on a traffic stop at 4:55 p.m. Nov. 4 on Main St. n Warrensburg. • J-MAC Realty was granted an or der of eviction against Kristof f Alex, John Miller and Joel Raymond for non-payment of $1,010 in r ent. A judgement was granted in the case against the trio. • Joel Slater pled Guilty to third -degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation, a r eduction fr om the original second-degr ee status. He faces a fine and sur charge of $285. • The cases of Nathan Groff and David Goodell wer e adjourned to Nov . 30. The case of Richard Oehler was adjourned to Jan.11.

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The Warrensburgh Bicentennial planning committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 13 in the W arrensburgh Town Hall. All who have ideas for the year-long celebration, and those who seek to help organize events, ar e welcome to attend.

Warrensburg Town Court

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December 10, 2011


2 - Adirondack Journal - Warrensburg




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December 10, 2011

Adirondack Journal - 3



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4 - Adirondack Journal

December 10, 2011




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December 10, 2011

Warrensburg/Bolton - Adirondack Journal - 5

Festive Christmas in Warrensburgh is a record-breaker thom@denpubs.com WARRENSBURG — Christmas in W arrensburgh or ganizer Teresa Whalen got an urgent message from Santa early in the day Saturday Dec. 3, a disclosure that was a surprise yet heartwarming. He’d only been on duty for a while during the annual event, but he’d alr eady gone through a crate of candy canes as he handed one out to each child. Making an emergency run to her purveyor, Whalen r e-supplied Santa with the allnatural variety of the holiday confection. Before Santa finished his stint outside the Warrensburg Town Hall — or Toyland, as it is called for one festive day each year — he went through 21 dozen candy canes, Whalen said. “We’ve never seen so many childr en — there wer e hundr eds and hundr eds of

them,” she said. “This year was definitely record-breaking for our Christmas in W arrensburgh weekend.” Through Satur day, the town hall was crammed with childr en delighted with the offerings of holiday craft activities, she said. “There wer e so many childr en — and adults, too — that we wer e beyond capacity,” Whalen said. “It was incr edible. We’ve never seen so many — ever.” The warm weather, Santa’s r eindeer, new activities around town and a lot of publicity helped draw a record crowd to the two-day event, she said. Folks enjoyed Santa and Mrs. Claus and their accompanying two live r eindeer, and particularly the craft sessions r un by Skye Gregson and Sudjai Bentley, Whalen said. Gregson helped childr en make whilygigs and other wooden toys, and Bentley guided them in making woven paper baskets, Origami-style, that wer e filled with fr esh gr eens

Holiday decor draws shoppers Film ‘Doubt’ viewing slated for Dec. 13 The award-winning 2008 movie “Doubt” will be presented at the Bolton Fre e Library at 7 p.m. T uesday, Dec. 13. The film is based on Director John Patrick Shanley’s Pulitzer -prize winning play that centers on a nun who confronts a priest after suspecting him of abusing a student. Starring Meryl Str eep and Philip Seymour Hof fman, “Doubt” featur es powerful writing and performances as well as timeless r elevance, critics have said. Noted critic Roger Ebert has said, “Doubt causes us to start thinking with the

first shot, and we never stop — Think how rare that is in a film.” All ar e invited to attend the free showing of the film, a pr esentation of the Marcella Sembrich Museum.

Winter Reading set for Library

Noted ar ea authors ar e scheduled to r ead fr om their short stories, memoir and poetry in the annual Winter Reading set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14 in the Bolton Free Library. Hosted by The Friends of the Bolton Library, the r oster of authors includes T ed Caldwell, Doug Deneen, Shari Dufr esne, Lindsay Gates, and Ann Green. Refreshments will be served.

WINTER PARKING NOTICE TO WARRENSBURG RESIDENTS Please take notice that the Town Board has enacted the Winter Parking Schedule for the Town of Warrensburg pursuant to Chapter 198 of the Code of the Town of Warrensburg - ‘198-24 Winter Parking, ‘198-30 Authority to Impound Vehicles and ‘198-53 Schedule XX: Winter Parking. Winter parking is in effect from December 1, 2011 to April 1, 2012, 12 midnight to 6am for any public highway within the Town of Warrensburg. By order of the Warrensburg Town Board. Gerald E. Pennock, Highway Superintendent 20759

Folks engaged in gift shopping have enjoyed lavish holiday decor in downtown Bolton, thanks to the Bolton Landing Business Association members and a team of citizens. The charming smalltown lakeside ambiance is complete with white lights, greenery and traditional decorations chosen with a keen aesthetic eye. The volunteers really have a formidable accomplishment with their decorating work — and shoppers are appreciating the experience. The Business Association’s tree lighting celebration this past weekend was also a success. Activities included caroling around the town Christmas tr ee, a visit from Santa complete with gifts for childr en, musical entertainment, hayrides and refreshments.

Sister Catherine Schuyler, a 100-year-old local Catholic nun, recently retired, poses with Santa after they reminisced how Schuyler taught Mrs. Claus (Anne Wright) Spanish when she attended Catholic School decades ago in Troy. Photo by Mrs. Claus

and flowers. She also instructed them in creating miniatur e paintings. Also at T oyland, Girl Scouts and local students help children create ornaments and gingerbread houses. At Richards Library, Sarah Farrar read Polar Expr ess to a good cr owd of childr en, many garbed in pajamas. Santa made an appearance at this event, passing out silver bells, as is depicted in the holiday tale. The holiday tree-lighting ceremony Saturday night at the town bandstand, Whalen said, also dr ew a r obust cr owd, maybe the largest ever for the event. Boy Scouts had decorated the Floyd Bennett Memorial Bandstand with garlands of greens created from balsam boughs harvested at Art Brown’s local tree farm. They were decorated, like many other venues thr ough town, with big r ed bows cr eated singlehandedly by Lenore Smith, 94. Whalen reported that the town Christmas tree was the lar gest ever, because town Supervisor Kevin Geraghty had looked at the first one erected by town workers, and said “You guys can do better than that” — referring to its modest size. The tree that soon r eplaced it was so tall, Whalen said, that the local Girl Scouts were able to only decorate the lower portion of it. Whalen said the cr owd enjoyed music by the elementary school band, as well as caroling during the tree-lighting. They also enjoyed the steaming hot cocoa supplied by

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Pam Morin, who arrived with a huge Thermos filled with the beverage — plus dozens of cookies — “in the nick of time,” Whalen said. The weather was balmy , with temperatures nearing 50 degrees — a far cry fro m the event’s first year , when Whalen’s hands nearly suffered frostbite when temperatures were as low as minus 20 degrees. The warm weather wasn’t all that was new this year. St. Cecilia’s Catholic Chur ch held several events that were well-attended. A Mini-Festival of T rees featur ed twofoot-tall trees decorated by members of the church’s Youth Mission gr oup, in a raf flestyle fundraiser held Saturday. The group’s Breakfast with Santa event on Sunday dr ew a considerable cr owd, said Gail DeMarsh, event coor dinator for the church. The Youth Mission members painted children’s faces while others shared conversations with Santa. “We were thrilled with the response,” DeMarsh said, noting that people came fro m all over the region to attend. Whalen said she was happy that so many people shared the traditional holiday spirit. “A lot of other ar eas have lost the tr ue meaning of community,” she said. “But it’s alive and well here in Warrensburg — We’re tight knit, we support each other , and it’s just so nice to come together at this time of year.”

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Merry Christmas and HappyNew Year!



6 - Adirondack Journal - Opinion


December 10, 2011

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Adirondack Journal Editorial

Does a flawless candidate really exist?

Marine Academy a boost O to students, economy


he new Marine Academy scheduled to open at Ticonderoga High School next fall will be a welcome addition to the region’s education system and economy. Operated by Champlain Valley Educational Services and available to students from Glens Halls to Plattsburgh, the two-year program will prepare students for careers in the marine industry — a business that remains strong locally despite the national recession. The new venture has the backing of the Eastern New York Marine Trades Association, a group of marine professionals desperate for trained help. “There just aren’t enough marine technicians to fill all the jobs we have available,” explained Roger Phinney, executive director of the Eastern New York Marine Trades Association. “We have jobs. We want to hire people. We just can’t find them.” Marina owners and managers from Lake George, Bolton, Whitehall, Loon Lake, Diamond Point, Brant Lake, Schroon Lake, Hague and Ticonderoga attended an open house at the Marine Academy recently. They came away impressed. Rich Stolen, owner of Schroon Lake Marina and Loon Lake Marina, said every graduate of the Marine Academy will find a job immediately out of high school. “We’ll be fighting for them,” he said. Bob Palandrani, owner of Snug Harbor Marina in Ticonderoga and a member of the Ti school board, has been instrumental in the development of the Marine Academy. He stressed the program is about much more than mechanics. He said students will learn about every facet of the busi-

ness — fiber glass, painting, welding, woodworking, computers, sales and marketing. Many of those jobs, he pointed out, are year-round, full-time opportunities. That’s more than can be said for job prospects of many college graduates these days. The Marine Academy will also be a partnership between education and business, providing students with practical experience while giving marinas and others a trained workforce. Scott Andersen, manager of FR Smith and Sons Marina in Bolton, said he has been in contact with major marine manufacturers such as Mercury, Yamaha, Evinrude and Volvo. He believes those companies will support the the Ticonderoga Marine Academy by providing specialized tools, training materials and computer access. He believes academy graduates will be able to leave school with manufacturers’ certification — a huge asset in the marina industry. Andersen also believes the Marine Academy can also expand in the future to train adult technicians. The nearest Mercury training center is in New Hampshire, he noted, and the nearest Yamaha training center is in Georgia. The Marine Academy in Ticonderoga looks like a win-win situation for students and an important regional industry.

This editorial is the collaborative opinion of a board comprised of Thom Randall, Fred Herbst, Lou Varricchio, Keith Lobdell, Stephen Bartlett, Andy Flynn and John Gereau. Comments may be directed to denpubs@denpubs.com.

stretch to expect these indine has to wonder, viduals to be of solid charwith Herman Cain acter. But if you think about now withdrawn it and realize our most sucfrom the presidential race cessful president in recent due to his drop in the polls history was an actor it and the excessive media covbrings things into perspecerage over several sexual altive. It may be far easier to legations and scandals, can play the role of a president any of the prominent figures than actually be one. Presiin government stand up to dent Reagan had his faults the trust and expectations of Dan Alexander but he was able to lead the the American public? Cain’s Thoughts from nation successfully. How support seems to have driftBehind the Pressline much of what he accomed over to Newt Gingrich plished was borne out of who was criticized early in acting the role history will be the judge his campaign for actions in his personal over time. and public life. Is all that now to be overPresident Obama has proven to be the looked or will he now become the target type of president many thought he was, for personal flaws? which was an inexperienced community Is there no one person let alone two canorganizer who lacked the executive skills didates the public can agree has the undeto lead the country out of a struggling niable right stuff and are able to stand up economy. Many hoped his promises, to the intense public scrutiny to lead this charismatic charm and political savvy nation to a more stable economy and would create another Camelot era in the guide it through the ever changing world country. Combine that with the feel good, events? Do we really know, beyond seer lofty thoughts of placing a black man in perfection, what we expect from the indithe office as somehow making up for the viduals we place in the nation’s highest way his race had been treated in the past office? would create a story book administration When we look back over our past leadas only Hollywood could write. Unfortuers few presidencies were without flaws nately, that has not come to pass. Today both privately and professionally. From we blame the man for everything that has George Washington forward we’ve come gone wrong in the past three years and to understand that our leaders are human aside from his most staunch supporters, with faults and short comings. Despite our even criticize the few things that have desire to see them reach perfection the regone right. With an approval rating that is ality is none can truly measure up as the one of the lowest ever recorded, President ideal candidate. Obama’s best chance at a second term In this era of constant media surveilrests in the unknown facts surrounding lance, smart phone journalism and politithe republican nominee that might derail cal spin masters is it any wonder we their candidacy in the same way it did should be surprised or disappointed when Cain’s untimely departure. these candidates fall short of the super-huBut who is really to blame when any of man demands we expect of them? these candidates fail to meet the high stanIs it too much to ask of our leaders that dards we’ve come to expect? Is the fault they be truthful, honest, hard working, all theirs or do we share the blame for tryfair, faithful, intelligent, loyal, god-fearing to make these men and women someing, respectable, even tempered, kind, unthing they can not possibly be…. perfect in derstanding, tough and well spoken? Is it every aspect of their lives both personal too much to ask a leader to not have a past and professional. Youthful indiscretions, criminal record, bankruptcy, sexual indispoor decisions, hidden details, a dark cretion, or harassment charge and above side, criminal activity, a closet full of all not be egotistical or self centered while skeletons, or affiliations we deem unacpossessing a basic common sense that alceptable. Who can predict what fortunes lows them to reach across political parties or misfortunes await us in the next year as to solve the nation’s problems? Well that the presidential sweepstakes plays out would depend on who you speak with, See ALEXANDER, page 7 but it really shouldn’t be that much of a

Denton Publications, Inc. W e’re m ore tha n a n ew spa per.W e’re a com m un ity service. Our goal at Denton Publications is to publish accurate, useful and timely information in our newspapers, news products, shopping guides, vacation guides, and other specialty publications for the benefit of our readers and advertisers. We value your comments and suggestions concerning all aspects of this publication.

Denton Publications Founded By Wm. D. Denton PUBLISHER................................................................................................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER................................................................................................................................................................Ed Coats OPERATIONS MANAGER..............................................................................................................................................William Coats BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER...........................................................................................................................Cheryl Mitchell GENERAL MANAGER CENTRAL.............................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander, Jr. MANAGING EDITOR.............................................................................................................................................................John Gereau ASST. MANAGING EDITOR...............................................................................................................................................Andy Flynn GENERAL MANAGER NORTH.....................................................................................................................Ashley Alexander GENERAL MANAGER SOUTH.....................................................................................................................Scarlette Merfeld HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER.......................................................................................................................Tom Henecker FINANCIAL CONTROLLER..............................................................................................................................................Nicole Pierce

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December 10, 2011


Adirondack Journal - 7 Lindsay claims he sent back another hog weighing 100 pounds less and he has sued the butcher to r ecover the difference in value.

•100 Years Ago – Dec. 1911• Motherless girl drinks acid Driven to desperation by constant br ooding over her lonely condition, Miss Rose L. Hewitt, a 20-year -old motherless girl, who formerly lived in Warrensburgh, committed suicide in Glens Falls Dec. 9, 1911 by drinking half an ounce of carbolic acid. She took the fatal dose shortly after 6 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pelletier, 3 W ashington St., wher e she boar ded. In spite of all that Dr . G.A. Chapman and Dr . Virgil D. Selleck could do for her , she died two hours later. The girl had been melancholy for some time. Several times she had been hear d to say, “Well, they are all gone and I want to go too,” evidently r eferring to her mother and brother who died some time ago. Her father is living in Herkimer and her two br others, W illiam and Geor ge Hewitt live ther e also. Another br other, Fr eeman Hewitt lives in Seattle, Wa. The family members ar e natives of Thurman and moved to that place fr om Warrensburgh 10 years ago to take r esidence in Burnhamville near the paper mill. After the death of the mother, the girl was left in the car e of her aunt, Mrs. Scott Ross. For a time she was employed at the Warrensburgh Shirt Factory befor e she moved to Glens Falls about thr ee years ago to work in the Leggett Box Company’s plant on Maple St. When Mrs. Pelletier went to Rose’s r oom to call her for supper, she discovered her lying across her bed in a semi-conscious condition with a small bottle in her hand. This is the second time that Rose has taken carbolic acid within six months, the former act was discovered in time to save her life. There is a persistent r umor that the girl

committed suicide because of being jilted by a young man who had paid her considerable attention until recently. The funeral was held at the Pelletier home and the body was taken to Warrensburgh for burial in the village cemetery by the side of her mother in the family plot.

Boy dies after tooth extraction

Cassius Everts, 17, son of W illiam V . Everts of Athol, died at his home Dec. 15, 1911 after a brief illness of blood poisoning following the extraction of a tooth. The boy had been bothered with an aching molar and came to Warrensburgh about ten days before his death and had it extracted. There was nothing unusual about the operation but the sor eness of the gum did not seem to subdue as quickly as expected but the young man was able to be out and about to do his usual duties at his father’s farm. Finally an abscess formed on the boy’s face and Dr. Allen Parker was called to see him. The patient’s condition, however , rapidly became worse and blood poisoning developed causing sever e suffering and pain until the end of his life finally came. Cassius Everts was a close companion of his father, always at home, cheerful and happy. He was a dutiful son. Besides his par ents, he is survived by two sisters, Grace and Marjorie Everts. Bear ers wer e John and Geor ge Lanfear, James Dow and Basil Gallup. Burial was in the Baker Cemetery.

Violent racist ‘prank’ punished

Patrick O’Rourke of Glens Falls has some original ideas regarding the nature of a joke. One night recently, Pat had a good “bun” on and while passing thr ough the Glens Falls “ghetto” was seized with a fit of humor which prompted him to pull the whiskers of Samuel Cohen and smash him in the head

with a stone. Cohen failed to see the joke and shouted for help. The residents responded to a man and Pat said he thought there was “a riot after him.” In the pursuit, Maurice Cohan, son of the assaulted Hebrew, fell and broke a leg. City Judge Merrill fined the festive O’Rourke $20 and 60 days in the county jail but later suspended the last part of the sentence.

Convicted of wife’s murder

The trial of George Quick of Kings Station, for the mur der of his wife at that place on Sept. 4, 1911, was completed Satur day, Dec. 16, 191 1 at Ballston and Quick was found guilty of mur der in the second degr ee. Justice J.A. Kellogg of Glens Falls, who pr esided at the trial, sentenced him to not less than 20 years at Dannemora Prison. The maximum of the sentence is the natural life of the prisoner. The trial began Dec. 11, 1911. The result of the jury’s deliberations was announced by foreman N. Lester Beswick of W ilton, formerly of Warrensburgh. The prisoner had nothing to say when he heard the verdict but appeared to be pleased with the outcome of the trial. Quick is 29, and it is doubtful that he will survive his long term in prison as he is thought to be dying of consumption (pulmonary tuber culosis). (Note…The complete story of the bru tal murder of Quick’s beautiful 25-year -old wife, who was shot in the back and dumped in the woodshed, appear ed in the Sept. 17, 2011 Adirondack Journal.)

Hog carcass switched?

Jerome Lindsay of Luzerne hir ed Tyrus Flanders, a butcher, to kill his hog. Flanders did the job and took the car cass to his market to dress it.

Treasure beyond price

Orley Wood, who went to San Francisco from Warrensburgh about two years ago, on Nov. 28, 1911 took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Lillian McLeod of that city. Mr. Wood has a good position in the cutting department of Ulman, Selligsohn & Brown’s shirt factory . He writes his people here that he is pr osperous, contented and happy with a good wife, a tr easure beyond price, who has made his life still mor e attractive.

News roundabout

The Baptist Chur ch of North Thurman is to lose its pastor Jan. 1, 1912 as the Rev. Edwin H. Hovey has accepted a call fr om the church at Hagadorn Mills. Good luck to him while he is there! (Note: Rev. Hovey married Mary Hadden, the widow of Miles Fr ost of Thurman and moved to Hagadorn Mills with her and her two orphaned granddaughters, never to be heard from again.) Fred Reynolds of North Thurman, while skidding wood Dec. 8, 1911 , was hit by a pole just above the small of his back and has since been so lame and sor e that he could har dly get around. He is improving very slowly. Fred Barlow of Riverbank, who cut his foot some time ago, now can limp ar ound independent of crutches. Frank Smith’s ankle, which was badly jammed while he was skidding logs several days ago, has been very painful. C.W. Smith of Landon Hill, Chestertown, butchered a beef which weighed 626 pounds. D.B. Jenks butcher ed a yearling beef which dressed off with 400 pounds of fresh meat. Almina Mattison, 51, wife of Alfred Ward, died Dec. 1, 1911 at her home in Thurman. Stella Cameron, little daughter of John D. Cameron of Athol is dangerously ill with tuberculosis measles.

Letters to the Editor Cartoon was a cheap shot To the News Enterprise: I have to admit that I thought your “cartoon” on Republican Science was in poor taste. I wasn’t surprised at it since I feel your newspaper — like most — favors the Democrats on the state and national scene. However, I do not believe your paper favors either party on local issues. I will be tr uthful; I would have thought it was in poor taste even if it said “Democrat Science.” Let me explain why. As a county party chairman, I feel that my most important job is to get good quality people to run for local and county positions. Let us look at the supervisor’s position in almost any town in the county. The pay is very low for the r esponsibilities it has and the amount of time it requires. Not only do you have the town pr oblems, but also you have to deal with the county problems. Both have been complicated by the state’s 2 per cent property cap. You r emember how that was sold by Albany: “We know we have to eliminate any new unfunded mandates and limit those unfunded mandates alr eady in place.” How has that been working for the North Country? So we have a poorly paid position with unrealistic constraints, impossible pr oblems, the expectations that no matter what you do on any issue you will be making enemies. You have to cut programs you can, not those you might pr efer. Now as a bonus, along with any other politician, I open your paper and get a cheap shot attempt at humor . I know you ar e a r egistered Republican. W e are looking for a candidate for supervisor in your town for 2013. Are you interested Dan? Sincerely, Ron Jackson Essex County Republican Committee Chairman

Mixed feelings about editorial

To Adirondack Journal: I am a life-long r esident of T upper Lake and read your editorial with inter est, about how my community was under siege. First, I must say that I find it honorable and amazing how North Country communities are always willing to stand up for each other. I also whole heartedly agr ee with almost everything you had to say about the Adirondack Club and Resort pr oject. This proposed development certainly has the potential to bring residents, tourists and jobs to Tupper Lake and could very likely be one of the largest economic boosts the North Country has seen since the Olympics. The developers of this project have faced fierce attacks from environmental groups for many years, yet have persisted with their goal of building a world-class resort in Tupper Lake that

will include the re-opening of Big Tupper Ski Area. The resort has wide-spread community support and will hopefully r eceive approval from the Adirondack Park Agency in the near future. I must however, disagree with the second part of your editorial that attacks the Adirondack Recr eational T rail Advocates (ARTA) for promoting the creation of a recreation trail connecting the tri-lakes. I believe the cr eation of a trail such as this, would bring much mor e economic benefit to T upper Lake than r estoring train service a few days a week for several months out of the year. A world-class recreation trail could be used year-round by locals and tourists alike for hiking, biking, running and skiing. The removal of the tracks would also allow for an extended snowmobile season on an easily groomed trail into Tupper Lake. I have utilized trails such as this in the past and found them to be an extr emely popular tourist attraction. This pr oposed trail also r uns alongside two lar ge state-owned campgrounds that average appr oximately 180,000 visitors a year. The majority of these campers bring bicycles with them and could potentially take a scenic ride into T upper Lake for the day because we ar e only 7 or 8 miles away. I believe that most people visit the Adirondacks for the purpose of hiking, biking, camping and skiing, not to ride a train. I could continue with what I believe to be the benefits of a multi-use, all-season recreation trail, but hopefully you see my point. The bad side to this ar gument is that the railroad tracks would have to be torn up to create this trail and a lot of ef fort has gone into r estoring train service to T upper Lake by the Next Stop! Tupper Lake committee. I have also supported the train in the past, but recognize a good idea when I hear one, and now fully support the cr eation of a r ecreation trail connecting the tri-lakes. Ther e are also many mor e community members who support the creation of a trail in Tupper Lake and no one believes our r estored train station would go to waste, as it could be utilized as a welcome center , museum, café or bike rental shop to name few. The bottom line is that there are no outside groups or envir onmentalists at work her e. The ARTA has pr oposed building a world class recreation trail in the tri-lakes that has the potential to bring many tourists and outdoor enthusiasts to T upper Lake to enjoy a peaceful, healthy, backcountry experience. The question is, can the residents of Tupper Lake agree on which option would be better for our community? It’s too bad a ecreation r trail wasn’t pr oposed earlier, but I support beginning a new campaign titled “First Stop! Tupper Lake” and utilizing our r estored

train station as a welcome center to gr eat new visitors as they begin their journey down the Gr eat Adirondack Recr eation Trail! Chris Keniston Tupper Lake

and cars going thr ough our community in the summer. Let’s give them a world class place to ride. Before you jump on the train bandwagon you better ask yourself which you would rather do, take a train ride once or be able to ride you snowmobile or bicycle every weekend? A r ecreational trail thr ough the Park To the Adirondack Journal: would bring thousands of people to these As a T upper Lake r esident and businesscommunities. woman I take great exception to your recent Don’t use false accusations about our moeditorial, “Help a community under siege.” tives or disparage our ef forts to do someNot one of those listed as authors, on that thing gr eat for my community of T upper opinion piece, live in T upper Lake so what Lake. I live here. I raised a family her e. I have in the world do they know? Talk about outseveral successful businesses here. siders trying to influence Tupper Lake’s fuDon’t tell me I’m doing this to support ture. Lake Placid. How would you know? You I and many other T upper Lake r esidents never asked me. No, you ar e only listening are in agr eement that although the railr oad to one side of the story and only to a few idea was a good one it has not done what it voices. I, on the other hand, have r eceived has pr omised it would do, and it has had many positive comments fr om my fellow over 10 years of trying. It is time to try some- Tupper Lake r esidents in support of my efthing else. Ther e ar e no new businesses or forts and so I plan on continuing my efforts additional employment created in the last 10 to educate the community about this trail. years that are attributed to the train. This Rail Trail effort has nothing to do with The DOT travel corridor is an asset that is the ACR project. All it can do is be of a bentotally under utilized and the communities efit to them. Because of my businesses I am along it should get together and capitalize well awar e of what owners and buyers of on its use. I believe that by converting the million dollar pr operties ar e inter ested in rail bed into a trail we will get the most and it is not riding a train. “Bang for the Buck” and we will be able to Extending the train service is like the old do it sooner than trying to build a trail all definition of crazy: doing the same thing along the rail thr ough wetlands, over over and over again but expecting dif ferent streams and rivers, etc. I travel a gr eat deal results. to other r esort ar eas and I have seen, first Hope Frenette hand, what a r ecreational trail can do to an Tupper Lake area. We already know what Snowmobiling has done for Old Forge so let’s bring it here Editor ’s note: Assistant Managing Editor to Tupper Lake and make the season last Andy Flynn grew up in Tupper Lake and mainlonger. Bicycling is becoming the leading re tains close personal and business ties to the comquested facility for vacationers. They ar e munity, including having recently served as a looking for dedicated paths away from traf- board member of the Tupper Lake Chamber of fic. Notice all the bikes attached to campers Commerce in 2010.

Tupper Laker dislikes editorial

Alexander from page 6 again? But do these unattainable standards rest with the public or is it the media that takes an issue and blows it up beyond proportion. Americans gravitate to perceived winners and we are quick to jump onto and then back off the bandwagons based on the attention given by the media outlets. Like a scab, that we just won’t let heal, we continue to pick at it until it become far

worse than when it started out. Our collective logic over the years has been if you can’t be trusted in your private life how can we trust you in the public arena. Yet President Clinton, despite his private flaws, proved he could compartmentalize the issues and served very effectively as the leader of the country. In the end we must decide what is the more important; a flawed candidate who can lead the country back to prosperity or selecting a candidate who

appears near perfect and says the right things but is unable to address the wide array of issues affecting the nation. Is the election about the person, the job performance or the party? As is the case every four years, if nothing else, it’s always entertaining, but in 2012 we need to look beyond the feel good beauty contest and hire a leader who can solve the many issues affecting our country. Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton Publications. He can be reached at dan@denpubs.com.


8 - Adirondack Journal - Chestertown/Brant Lake

December 10, 2011

Benefit set for mother who’s facing cancer

Julie Mosher Packer (right rear) poses with her husband Michael, their twin children Courtney and Connor, and Julie’s mother Edna Mosher in April on the oc casion of Edna’s 80th birthday party.

CHESTERTOWN — Julie Mosher Packer , a 47-year -old mother of twins, has a formidable challenge ahead of her, having recently been diagnosed with stage-four stomach cancer. But her sister, Marylou Pierson, said this week that Packer ’s up for the challenge, particularly with the str ong support of friends, family and community. That support will undoubtedly be expr essed on Sunday , Dec. 1 1 when the community rallies behind her by attending the chicken ‘n’ biscuit fundraiser party set for noon to 5 p.m. at the Chestertown Firehouse on state Route 8. “We all want Julie to enjoy this event before she gets in too much pain fr om her therapy ,” Pierson said. Packer ’s affliction was discovered after she went to the doctor in August, after enduring considerable pain, Pierson said. Glens Falls Hospital gave her preliminary tests Aug. 31, and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City confirmed that she had stage-four stomach cancer , according to Pierson. The news hasn’t dimmed her

zest for life. “Julie’s r eally in good spirits. She doesn’t even talk about not beating it,” Pierson said. Pierson added that Packer is embraced in the love of family — her husband Michael, and their twins Courtney and Connor — as well as many friends. The twins’ classmates at North Warren Central School r ecently expressed such affection to Julie, who has been a worker in the school cafeteria. The students of Eileen Lawrence and Poul Carstensten’s fifth-grade classes sent car ds to Julie, in support of her “kicking cancer.” The young students also wear periwinkle blue to show their support. Julie said T uesday she deeply appreciated everyone’s calls, expressing support, of fering to help, and cooking up food and sending it to her house for her family. “The support I’ve had fr om so many people is just ‘out of this world,’” she said. “W e live in such a wonderful community.” She said that in day-to-day life,

most people don’t fathom how strong the community bond is — until such a challenge occurs. “It’s tr uly a blessing to hear from each and every single person,” she said. Julie is also sure to witness the support during the upcoming fundraiser, which includes music by the r enowned Stephen L. Smith Band — one of Julie’s favorites — and the gro up “Flipside 420.” Besides r ousing music, the event includes raf fling of f gift baskets and other activities. The suggested donations ar e $10 for adults and $5 for childre n, or $25 per family. Proceeds are to create a fund for her childr en, as Julie is not presently working. To send a donation dir ectly, mail it to: Julie Packer , 10 Ferris Road, Chestertown NY 12817. Pierson said that Julie’s positive spirit lights up the lives of those around her. “The kids need her, we all need her,” Pierson said. “She needs a miracle, but we’r e going have a miracle, there’s no question about it. Julie’s In very good spirits — she’s going to beat this!”

Santa plans visits for towns in northern Warren County By Thom Randall


CHESTERTOWN — That jolly super-sized elf who annually spr eads good cheer will be visiting two northern Warren County towns on Saturday Dec. 10.

In Chestertown, Santa Claus will be hosted by the local Rotary Club. This hometown visit, arranged by the Rotarians, has been a beloved tradition for nearly 40 years. The event is to begin at 9:45 a.m. at the T own of Chester Municipal Center. Santa is expected to arrive at




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10 a.m. on a fire truck. Those planning to attend should arrive early as 200 to 300 people annually participate. In Warrensburg, Santa will be welcomed from noon to 2 p.m.by dozens of children gather ed at the W arrensburg Fir ehouse on Elm St. The event includes hot

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chocolate and cookies and free photos with Santa, who annually hands out bags of candies as he listens to Christmas wishes. The visit has been sponsor ed for decades by the Warrensburg Volunteer Fire Co. to the delight of local children. Chestertown’s event includes fr ee photographs with Santa and refreshments for all as well as complimentary gifts for childr en. Hayrides are expected to be available fr om 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. In conjunction with Santa’s visit, the Chester Library will be holding a Gin-


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thom@denpubs.com Thom Randall, Editor www.denpubs.com

ly, a cookie-decorating workshop will be of fered at the library by the Chester Horicon Youth Commission.





Photo by Thom Randall

gerbread House workshop. During the sessions, set for 9:30 and 1 1 a.m., childr en can create their own gingerbread house. Simultaneous-


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A child from northern Warren County describes his Christmas wishes to Santa and Mrs. Claus during a 2010 visit in Chestertown.



December 10, 2011


Adirondack Journal - 9



10 - Adirondack Journal - Thurman/Stony Creek

Holiday activities abound The old fashioned tradition of going thr oughout the neighborhood to bring good cheer by ser enading with Christmas carols will occur Saturday, Dec. 10. The Thurman Baptist Church has continued this tradition with their best singers and others in the r egion who would like to put smiles on people’s faces. W e start by meeting at the Church on South Johnsburg Road at 6 p.m. Please join us if you can. Children in Thurman are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa. We hear the jolly old elf will be attending the annual Christmas party at the Thurman T own Hall on Satur day, Dec. 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

December 10, 2011

The Thurman Quilting group will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12 at the Town Hall, and everyone is welcome to attend or participate! The Thurman Town Board is scheduled to meet at 6:30 Tuesday, Dec. 13, with government bills being paid first, followed by the regular town business. There ar e some vital issues evolving in town, including the trash pickup being discontinued, the negotiation of a contract with our local ambulance squad, and the lack of federal aid to repair the $7 million of damage to roads incurred last May due to the flash floods. All are welcome to attend and air their opinions during the public comment portion of the meeting. Whoever didn’t see the HEAP notice printed in the Nov . 26 Journal, and who needs help with winter heating bills, call the Warren County Of fice for the Aging at 761-6347 to see about applying.

Piersante and Baker greet child

Barbara Piersante and Justin Baker of Warrensburg are the proud parents of a daughter born on Monday , Nov. 7 at Glens Falls Hospital. The baby has been namedAutumn Marie and she weighed 7 pounds and 4.5 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. Proud grandpar ents ar e Melody Baldwin of Malta, Fr ed Piersante of Schenectady, Christine and John Richardson of Dance lessons for all local residents, age 18 and over, will Warrensburg and Kevin Baker of Hickory, N.C. Great-grandparents are Barbara Baker of Warrensburg and soon be an ongoing enjoyment locally at the old Northwoods the late Dempsey Baker. Inn on Bear Pond Road.

Party scheduled for Northwoods!

On a personal note

There will be a buf fet dinner set up at 6 p.m. and music provided by a deejay will begin at 7 p.m. for dancing. Laura Cameron and granddaughter Cassie Mott of Garnet A $15 entry fee can be paid at the door. Both line dancing Lake Rd. have r eturned home after spending thr ee weeks and couple dancing will be taught. The first event is planned with Laura’s daughter Jackie Holbert in Pearl River, La. for Saturday, Dec. 17 with doors opening at 6 p.m. Happy Birthday wishes go out to Happy birthday friend All are welcome to join in. on 12/11 celebrating on Dec. 12 are Frank Gallop, Suzie Hennesy on Dec. 12; to Louis Gregory on Dec. 14; to Freda West on Dec. 15; toAmanda Baker, Brian Angell and Tom Palleschi The Ladies Bible Study group will meet at the Thurman on Dec. 16; and to Bob Baker Jr. on Dec. 17. Baptist Church on South Johnsburg Road at 9:30 a.m. TuesHappy Anniversary wishes go out on Dec. 17 to Joe and day, Dec. 13. Everyone is welcome to join. For details, call Ginny Mosher of 45 years of marriage. Joan at 623-2007. Sympathy from the community goes out to the family of The Kenyontown Methodist Church on Valley Road will Patricia Terrell Baker who passed away Nov . 22 at Glens Falls have a fellowship dinner at the chur ch at 7 p.m. W ednesHospital. day, Dec. 14. Join the group and bring a dish to pass.

Activities and events in the hills

Sandy Farrell 696-5009 As I am now taking on the weekly task of writing this new Stony Cr eek column, let me intr oduce myself. I am Sandy Farrell, and I operate Farrell’s Farm on the Hadley Road in town. My husband, Dave, works for the highway department, and we have two little girls, Olivia and Brianne. I also have two grown children, Rachel and John. I have lived in Stony Cr eek for 25 years. If you have any news or upcoming events, call me at 696-5009, email me at: sdfarrell@frontiernet.net, or stop by the farm.

Santa to stop by firehouse

Local children are in for a tre at, as Santa and Mrs. Claus are to arriving at the Stony Cre ek Firehouse at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10 to hear christmas wishes and to spr ead holiday cheer. All are cordially invited to stop by and wish the joyful duo a Merry Christmas!

Library to offer sewing sessions

The Stony Creek Free Library will be offering free embroidery and counted cr oss-stitch lessons for beginners from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12. Materials will be provided and completed pr ojects can be taken home. Class size is limited to 12 people —over the age of 12.As this session is offered on a first come, first served basis, those interested are urged to register early by calling the library at 696-5911 or stopping by the library to sign up. The library is open Monday and W ednesday evenings from 5 to 9 p.m., T uesday and Thursday fr om 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.

On a personal note

Birthday wishes go out this week to Skip B. on Dec. 6 with love from Linda ; to Jim C. on Dec. 8 fro m Dad, Pam and Mason; to Olivia F., who will be turning 5 on Dec. 27, with love from Mom, Dad and Brianne; and to Deb W. on Dec 28, and Jean C. on Dec 30.

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December 10, 2011

Adirondack Journal - 11

Champlain Valley Tech to open Marine Academy in 2012 By Fred Herbst

fred@denpubs.com TICONDEROGA — Good help is har d to find, especially if you operate a marina. “There just ar en’t enough marine technicians to fill all the jobs we have available,” explained Roger Phinney, executive director of the Eastern New York Marine Trades Association. “We have jobs. W e want to hir e people. We just can’t find them.” That’s why Phinney’s gr oup and marina owners fr om the r egion ar e supporting the new marine academy being established at Ticonderoga High School in its new state-ofthe-art technology center. Scheduled to open next September , the Marine Academy will be operated by Champlain Valley Tech and will be available to students from Glens Halls to Plattsburgh. A two-year pr ogram, it will be limited to 13 students. Marina owners have said they can’t wait until the first class graduates. “We’ll be fighting for them,” said Rich

Stolen, owner of Schr oon Lake Marina and Loon Lake Marina. “Those 13 kids will have no problem finding work.” The program was outlined during a pr esentation Nov. 18 to school officials and students from six high schools including Lake George and Bolton. Also attending were representatives of FR Smith and Sons Marina in Bolton, Schr oon Lake Marina, Loon Lake Marina, Yankee Boating Center in Diamond Point, Performance Marine in Bolton, EZ Marine & Storage in Brant Lake and Snug Harbor Marina in Ticonderoga. The Marine Academy not only covers mechanical instruction, but work in fiberglass, painting, welding, woodworking, computers, sales, and marketing. Many of the available jobs ar e year-round, full-time opportunities. Scott Andersen, manager of FR Smith & Sons Marina in Bolton, said he has been in contact with major marine manufactur ers and these companies ar e likely to support the marine academy by pr oviding specialized tools and training materials.

Technology. Andersen added that the academy could expand in the futur e to train adult technicians. The nearest Mercury training center is in New Hampshire, and the nearest Yamaha training center is in Georgia, he said.

“Hopefully we can get to the point where kids can leave here with manufacturer ’s certification,” Andersen said. Andersen said he envisions that the academy will link up with a local college to off er an Associates Degr ee pr ogram in Marine

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Representatives of area marinas turned out to show their support for the new Marine Academy at Ticonderoga High School. From left are Mike Graney, Ti High principal, Scott Andersen of FR Smith and Sons Marina in Bolton, Roger Phinney, executive director of the Eastern New York Marine Trades Association, Bernie Hill of EZ Marine and Storage in Brant Lake, Bob Palandrani of Snug Harbor Marina in Ticonderoga and Rich Stolen of Schroon Lake Marina and Loon Lake Marina.


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Art video competition approaches By Thom Randall


on amateur cameras and cell phones as well as pr ofessional equipment. Local r esidents placing first in the competition have included Jaime Bernat of Chestertown, Dr ew Gruskin, Br ett Parsons, and Jed Moody of Lake Geor ge, Isla McGlauflin of Queensbury, Jacqueline W eaver, John-Paul J. Sliva and Kevin Ankeny of Glens Falls, and Fletcher Conlon of Lake Luzerne. For details and a downloadable entry form see: www.lakegeorgearts.org or call 518-668-2616.

Expires 12/17/11



LAKE GEORGE — Short art videos ar e now being sought for the Lake Geor ge Arts Pr ojects’s thir d annual People’s Pixel Pr oject festival. Area videographers, both amateur and pr ofessional, who live within 100 miles of Lake Geor ge ar e invited to submit up to thr ee entries before the deadline of Dec. 30. Public screening will take place on April 1. Prior

events have show a wide variety of innovative works. Winners will be chosen from videos submitted in six categories for films of approximately thr ee to five minutes in length. Such categories include animation, music videos, experimental works, documentaries, youth cr eated works and “Short Shorts” — videos of less than 60 seconds. New this year is a category for videos longer than five minutes. Winning videos in prior years have included works

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12 - Adirondack Journal

December 10, 2011

Trashing rechargeable batteries now illegal in NY By Andy Flynn


ALBANY — On Monday, Dec. 5 it became illegal in New York state to throw rechargeable batteries in the garbage. Recycling is now the mandate, as residents are required to drop off their used rechargeable batteries at retailers who sell them. Retailers had been required to accept the batteries beginning June 8, and they must post signs informing consumers about these requirements. Manufacturers, retailers and consumers are all affected by the new law, which was signed by former Gov. David Paterson on Dec. 10, 2010. The law took effect Dec. 5. People who ar e caught putting used r echargeable batteries in the garbage will be fined $50 for the first offense; $100 for the second; and $200 for the third. The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is responsible for enforcement. “When we learn that people ar e not complying with the law, we will fine them,” said DEC Public Information Officer Lisa King, based in Albany. While the DEC will not be r oaming the curbsides looking for batteries in garbage cans, they may take action based on complaints from people such as landlords and garbage companies, King said. The new law covers the following types of r echargeable batteries: nickel-cadmium; sealed lead; lithium ion; nickel metal hydride; any other such dry cell battery capable of being recharged; and battery packs containing any of the abovementioned batteries. The law does not cover: any of the above-mentioned batteries/packs weighing 25 pounds or more; batteries used as the principal power source for a vehicle, such as an automobile, boat, truck, tractor, golf cart or wheelchair; batteries for storage of electricity generated by an alternative power source, such as solar or wind-driven generators; batteries for backup that is an integral component of an electro nic device; or any non-r echargeable batteries such as common alkaline batteries. Manufacturers are required to collect the batteries and recycle them, and the goal is to keep toxic chemicals out of landfills.




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Lexie Delurey

Real property from page 1

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preparing tax rolls, advises in investigating tax r oll errors, and administers the disposition of tax-delinquent property. The office's personnel also works with the county Board of Supervisors in setting pr operty tax rates — in conjunction with state tax officials. Delurey said Dec. 1 that she's learned all the functions of the Real Pr operty office fr om the gr ound up, having started as an account clerk/typist in the department 12 years ago. Since then, she has been promoted several times. She served for years as a Property Information Specialist befor e she was pr omoted in Oct. 2007 to Deputy Director.

She said this week that if she is indeed is chosen to lead the department, she feels comfortable in taking on the duties since she has gained knowledge of all aspects of the work. Such tasks include examining tax maps and assuring they are accurate, and compr ehending the legal descriptions contained in deeds. “There's a four -year learning curve involved in working in the Real Pro perty office,” she said. Delurey said that when she was first hired, the Real Property of fice conducted their work merely with paper r ecords. During her tenur e, she helped in computerization and indexing of the vast amounts of information, including historical data on each land par cel, she added.

December 10, 2011

Adirondack Journal - 13


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December 10, 2011


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December 10, 2011

Adirondack Journal - 15


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16 - Adirondack Journal - Warrensburg

December 10, 2011

Ministry lauds volunteers as it celebrates 20th

WARRENSBURG — “Faith-filled people helping others” is how Sister Fran Husselbeck, North Country Ministry founder, described the agency she helped launch during a luncheon held for Ministry volunteers recently. In 1992, Sister Fran Husselbeck, North Country Ministry founder , and Sister Mary Flynn, seeking new challenges, came to the North Country at the urg ing of Bishop Howar d Hubbard of Albany. They approached many churches in the area to find where the need was. At the luncheon held at Holy Cr oss Chur ch in W arrensburg on Nov.16, Husselbeck was on a panel of five who discussed their involvement with the or ganization from its beginning 20 years ago. The other four were Sister Mary Brady, part of the original founding group and a past staff member; Mary Mor o of North Creek, the first Boar d president; Kathy Dorman, secr etary of the Boar d for many years; and Father Paul Cox,

former pastor of Sacr ed Heart Chur ch in Lake George which pr ovided funding for the agency from the beginning — along with St. James Chur ch in North Creek and St. Cecilia’s Church in Warrensburg. North Country Ministry is an ecumenical, not-for-profit outreach organization that provides services to individuals and families in need in northern W arren County . The agency serves over 1,000 people monthly and covers an ar ea over 600 squar e miles. Their services include supportive counseling, advocacy and r eferral, a mealsite, a family clothing shop, furniture donations, an emergency assistance fund, parenting support, housing rehabilitation and adult living units. During the 20 years since North Country Ministry was founded, the outr each organization has grown from a staff of two and a budget of $45,000 to a staff of 12 and a $300,000 budget. They worked out of Leaven House in North Creek.

Listening to North Country Ministry Board President Clare Decker talk about the agency’s 20 eventful years during the recent volunteer luncheon were Ministry founders (left to right): Sister Mary Brady, Kathy Dorman, Mary Moro, Sister Fran Husselbeck and Father Paul Cox. Photo provided

North Country Ministry has sparked a number of outreach efforts in the area. With a few volunteers the

Gathering Place at St. Cecilia’s Parish center was begun in Nov. 1992 to pr ovide so-

cial dining for those who needed food or companionship.



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Today the Gathering Place serves 30 to 40 lunches twice a week. At the W arrensburg Pr esbyterian Church. In January of 1993, a Thrift Store was established in the W arrensburg Chamber of Commerce building. Some years later the Methodist Chur ch in North Cr eek donated their renovated barn to stor e donated furnitur e which in 2010 served 300 families. Throughout the 20 years, a caseworker has been available for advocacy and referrals. Half of the 100 volunteers were pr esent at the celebratory luncheon and wer e shown appr eciation. They were encouraged by Sister Fran who urged them to “let your lives in God flow over into the lives of others.” Sister Mary Brady concluded that for 20 years the mission of North Country Ministry has been based on one enduring principle: “Love one another.”

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December 10, 2011


Adirondack Journal - 17



18 - Adirondack Journal - Sports

December 10, 2011

With steals and rebounds, Burghers defeat Johnsburg By Thom Randall

bounds and putting up second shots that boosted the margin. thom@denpubs.com Besides Hayes, Burgher guards Senior Jaci O’Brien and Sophomore KerriWARRENSBURG — The preseason gan Roth wer e among those stealing predictions of success for the experithe ball fr om Johnsbur g guar ds time enced Bur gher girls basketball team and time again throughout the game. gained cr edence Dec. 1 as the team Johnsburg coach Phil Goodman said combined solid of fensive playmaking that the Burgher ’s sneak attack caught and aggressive defense to beat Johnshis playmakers off guard. burg 44-14. He also said his team was hampere d After a slow start of fensively, the Burgher girls ratcheted up their defen- because it was short-staf fed. Junior Mikayla Glode was not on court due to sive moves and dominated the action illness, and Kayla W illiford was also on the floor , Bur gher Coach Scott not feeling well, but she was playing. Smith said. “We had a har d time scoring,” “The first five minutes, our of fense Goodman said. “W e’re still fumbling was sloppy , but then the defense stepped up and set the tone for the first around with the ball at this point.” But he said his players put in solid half,” he said. The Burghers closed out effort in disr upting the Bur gers’ intethe half with a score of 20-2. rior passing. Burgher guar ds including SophoSenior Ashlie Mor ehouse led W armore Merissa Hayes r epeatedly rensburg with 14 points and seven recharged the Johnsbur g players fr om bounds. Sophomor e Mika Mor ehouse behind, successfully stealing the ball followed with eight points, and Kerrias their upcounty opponents wer e gan Roth contributed six points. Senheaded downcourt. ior Isabella Szabo had five points inThe Bur gher of fense then began clicking, as the girls took time to set up cluding one thr ee-pointer. Senior Alexa Bryant also had five, and classtheir plays well and passed to teammate Savannah Mosher added four . mates with an open shot, Smith said. Freshman Karlee Duell scor ed a bas“The girls ran a half-court trap and it broke the tension,” he said. “The of- ket, and Senior Montana Sheridan hit a foul shot. fense then started to move well, with For Johnsbur g, Astasia Myler led players making passes to teammates with six points, followed by Br ooke cutting to open spaces.” Senior forwar ds Ashlie Mor ehouse Denno with five points, Jillian Urand Alexa Bryant got into a rhythm in bonowicz with two and Liz Or dway with a foul shot. their jumps under the net, grabbing er

Burgher Alexa Bryant heads for the basket, as Johnsburg player EmmaLee Ellsworth attempts a steal. It was Burgher guards, however, that stole the ball multiple times early in the Dec. 1 game to gain an advantage that Johnsburg never could recoup. Warrensburg won the matchup 44-14. Photo by Thom Randall

Information session set for NWCS repair plans By Thom Randall

Girls Basketball

Lake George 49, Hadley/Luzerne 19

Warrensburg 44, Johnsburg 14 WARRENSBURG — The Burghers' runaway victory, led by Ashlie Mor ehouse's 14 points, left only Jaguars Astasia Myler and Br ooke Denno able to sink multiple shots in the Dec. 2 game. Warrensburg's Isabella Szabo earned her team's only three-point goal. Mika Mor ehouse earned the second-highest score with 8 points.

Corinth 44, Warrensburg 40 CORINTH — Though the Bur ghers led at halftime, Corinth rallied to a victory in the final quarters Dec. 6. Warrensburg's Isabella Szabo led scoring for her squad with 15 points, including thr ee three-pointers. Mika Mor ehouse followed with 10 points.

North Warren 55, Bolton 27 BOLTON — The Cougars kept the heat on the Eagles, outscoring them in all but the final quarter in their Dec. 6 victory. North Warren's Cassie Maday sank 19 points in the win, followe by Chantal Millington with 12. Bolton's top scor ers were Abbie Seamans, with 7 including a three-pointer, and Molly Schoder, with 6. Eagle Marie DeLorenzo sank a three-pointer.

LAKE LUZERNE — The Warriors built a strong lead in the first quarter, then pulled away to a big win over their opponents Dec. 6. Courtney Laczko led Lake George scoring with 16 points, followed by Gr etchen Bechar d's 10. Amanda Chambers earned the game's only three-pointer.


Warrensburg 53, Granville 21 — Dec. 6 160 lbs.: Wburg Andrew Fish over Perry, 7-0. 170 lbs.: Gville Hanna pin Desmon Allen, 3:40. 182 lbs.: Wburg Trevor Baker pin McClellan, :47. 195 lbs.: Wburg Lucas Nelson over M. Rozell, 18-2. 220 lbs.: B. Vaisey (W) pin Reed, 4:32. 285 lbs.: McKittrick (G) pin Kimball, :27. 99 lbs.: Gville Bogart, forfeit. 106 lbs.: Wburg Jon Vaisey pin Martindale, 1:19. 113 lbs.: Wburg Austin West over Owens, 7-0. 120 lbs.: Wburg Beecher Baker pin Cohan, 4:40. 126 lbs.: Wburg Nick Nedelcu pin Duffy, :18. 132 lbs.: Gville Palmer over Berry, 7-2. 138 lbs.: Wburg Will Yarmowich pin Decker, 3:27. 145 lbs.: Wburg Jerico Converse over Miller, 8-6 (OT). 152 lbs.: Wburg Charlie Giknis over Carr, 11-5.

thom@denpubs.com CHESTERTOWN — The North W arren Central School Board of Education will be holding an information session at 6 p.m. Dec. 12 to explain their pr oposal to earmark $2.7 million for r epairs and impr ovements to the school district’s buildings. If a transfer of $2,734,960 to a Repair Reserve Account is appr oved by public vote Thursday Dec. 15, the construction is to begin as soon as Spring, school of ficials have said. The school upgrades include ro of repair, boiler replacement and impr oved access to the school building, plus electrical updates for both the school and the school district bus garage. Impr ovements also call for r epairing plumbing, air conditioning, heating system contr ols and improving the auditorium’s sound system, as well as installing an emergency generator for about $178,000. Plans also call for the completion of an athletic field that was compromised by a septic system failure. The money is to be transferr ed from unexpended balance amassed by the school board over recent years. The school’s pr esent unexpended balance is about six times the amount allowed to be carried over fr om one year to another, according to state education regulations. The public vote is to be held fr om noon to 8 p.m. Dec. 15 in the school atrium.

Ti man wants to attract breweries to region Beer could become major contributor to local economy By Fred Herbst fred@denpubs.com

TICONDEROGA — Ken T ucker believes beer could be an economic for ce in the Adirondacks. The Ticonderoga man has embarked on a project to attract small bre weries throughout the region. He believes the effort will result in $3 billion in revenue a year and 5,000 jobs in 15 years. “It’s the right time, it’s the right place,” Tucker said of his plan. “It’s just a matter of making it happen and I’m the guy for it.” The key in Tucker ’s vision is “blue gold” — the 10 trillion gallons of fr esh water that flows from the Adirondacks each year . Water is the key ingr edient in beer , he noted, making this area a prime location for br eweries. Tucker lived 12 years in Or egon, wher e small breweries thrive. Craft br ewing is r e-

sponsible for $3 billion in revenue each year and 5,000 jobs in Oregon, he said. Tucker believes the industry can do the same thing in the Adirondack Park. To make his pr oject a r eality, Tucker has applied to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to cr eate a “EB-5 r egional center” in theAdirondacks. Those centers are eligible to accept for eign investment in exchange for immigration consideration. The program allows for eign investors to get green car ds if they meet an investment threshold. “There’s a lot of money outside the U.S. looking for investment opportunities,” Tucker said. “Why not bring that money to the Adirondacks?” Tucker hopes to have approval of the “regional center” application in February. The closest “regional center” to the area is Jay Peak, Vt., he said, where 400 foreign investors have pumped $200 million into the local ski industry. Tucker is confident for eign investors will want to take advantage of the Adirondack water to operate nano-br eweries, br ew-

pubs, r estaurant-breweries, micr o-breweries and regional breweries. Vermont has the lar gest number of br eweries, per capita, in the United States, Tucker noted. “The Adirondack Park is about the size of Vermont; we have about the same population,” he said. “Why can’t the Adirondacks of New York have the same footprint? V ermont exports a lot of beer and imports a lot of money. We can do that, too.” While he awaits federal appr oval of the “regional center ,” Tucker is contacting potential investors and investigating possible locations for breweries. To date he has identified six spots he feels are ideal for the pr oject — in Cr own Point, Keeseville, Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and Plattsburgh. The Cr own Point location is the former Porter ’s Mill stor e — the old Agway — on Route 9N. “It sits right on Putts Creek with plenty of pure, clean water and has a wonderful view,” Tucker said of the Crown Point spot. “I think it’s a great location.”

Bethany Kosmider, Crown Point supervisor, agrees. “Ken Tucker met with me a few weeks ago and it is quite appar ent there is an inter ested business, a micr o-brewery,” said Kosmider, who is leaving of fice Dec. 31. “I’m sorry this didn’t happen while I was in office, but at least it’s gotten started.” Once the br eweries ar e up and r unning, Tucker hopes to cr eate a distribution network thr ough the Adirondack Br ewers Coalition. The project will impact the local economy in a number of ways, T ucker said. Historic buildings that now sit vacant will be r enovated into br eweries, pubs and r estaurants. Plants will hire workers. Local farmers will be able to grow hops, a necessary ingredient in beer making. “You’ve got to see the big pictur e,” he said. “We’ll start with small br eweries and grow fr om ther e. Soon Adirondack br ews will have a cachet and value equal to ‘made in Vermont.’ We’re close and I couldn’t be more excited.”


December 10, 2011

Some like it hot A

ccording to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), global temperatures for the year of 2011, currently rank as the tenth highest since records were first established in 1850. Scientists, who believe global warming is responsible for the continuing drop in Arctic sea ice, watched as the ice pack reached its lowest recorded levels again this year. Climate change is happening, and it appears to be accelerating. Doubters should consider the facts. Until 2011 is retired to the history books, the top ‘Hottest Years on the Planet” occurred in 2010, 1998, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2009, 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2001. Our wild weather is also getting windier. Six of the top ten wind records have been established since 1998. The last ten Spring seasons, spanning the years from 2002-2011 were among the windiest and driest 10-year period on record, capping a clear upward trend that began in the mid-1990s. While skeptics remains, it is obvious that the climate has changed. Anyone who spends time outdoors has come to recognize that the weather is getting both warmer, and wetter and windier. It stands to reason that water will evaporate more rapidly as temperatures continue to rise, and temperatures will increase. This increase in evaporation will result in greater and more frequent precipitation. Fortunately, the majority of our local precipitation came as snow last winter, but when it did rain; it came down in buckets. Eventually, last year ’s snowpack combined with the heavy spring rains to cause flooding that raised havoc from the High Peaks to Lake Champlain, and beyond. The spring floods of 2011 were responsible for establishing new records across the region for both lake and river levels. And while the spring floods were labeled as “100 year flood” events, heavy rains in the early fall of 2011, soon eclipsed them with a “500 year flood” event. Fortunately, the most recent floods were not compounded by a dense snowpack. The heavy rains were enough to cause severe damage, all alone.

Adirondack Outdoors - Adirondack Journal - 19

After reviewing articles that I've written at the completion of the Big Game Hunting Season, since 2000, the anecdotal evidence of climate change is painfully obvious. Here are a few to consider. 2000: End of the huntThe unpredictable fall weather continues to confound hunters… with weather changing from 10 degrees below and snow to 45 degrees and rain…the grass is still green with no snowflakes in sight, even the hills are no longer white. 2001: With the end of the season quickly approaching, warm weather combined with a lack of snow has stunted deer movement. The major complaint coming from hunters was the fact that the “woods remained brown” for the majority of the season. 2002: With no snow, the primary woodland color remains brown, another distinct advantage for the deer. Rain, which is expected by the weekend, further compounds the hunter ’s disadvantage as it keeps scent low to the ground and generally makes for uncomfortable travel. 2003: With the continued warm weather patterns and the lack of snow, the Regular Big Game Hunting season drawing to a close on Sunday; it appears this year will be one of the brownest in recent memory, as the snow cover has been quite scarce throughout the entire hunting season. 2004: Deer hunters lament the continuation of the unseasonably warm weather. The weather continues to confound hunters while other outdoor enthusiasts such as anglers, hikers, bikers and birders delight in the current conditions. Thanksgiving passed without a trace of snow, as weather patterns delivered heavy rains, high winds and warmer than average temperatures. The weather just didn’t cooperate with hunters this year. 2005: The weather has remained balmy with no snow in sight. Even in the high country, the remaining snows have melted due to weather conditions more typical of June

Despite the effects of climate change, the Adirondack region has managed to retain enough snow cover to permit the continuation of most winter sports. than December. I gaze out the window in the last throes of the season and the thermometer reads 63 degrees. I watch as winds gusting rip limbs off the trees in my side yard. 2006: The Regular Big Game season will conclude at sunset on Sunday, December 7 in the Northern Zone and reports concerning hunter success are mixed. Hunters continue to lament autumn’s unseasonably warm weather, which has disrupted the hunting season and stunted the movement of wildlife. 2007: As I write this column, a heavy snow continues to fall. Although a consistent tracking snow was lacking for the majority of the hunting season, conditions have been far better than the previous four seasons…. when last weekend’s storm subsided on Saturday evening, deer that had been down for two days were finally on the move 2008: The unusual weather patterns, with warmer temperatures and a lack of consistent snow, are now the standard in most areas of the Adirondacks. It would be difficult for any North Country hunter to question the reality of climate change as it has become as obvious as the brown ground underfoot. 2009: The Last Big Hunt: Thanksgiving weekend has long been considered a benchmark that signals the rapid transition from fall to winter. However, it has not been a very reliable indicator. This season, hunters have gone without any significant snow cover. It's been another brown season. 2010: The northern zone big game hunting season, will end with less than a full week of snow on the ground. It was not unexpected. For years, the big game season has remained nearly snowless. 2011: Ditto the remarkable remarks listed above. Joe Hackett is a guide and sportsman residing in Ray Brook. Contact him at brookside18@adelphia.net


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20 - Adirondack Journal - Chestertown

December 10, 2011

Chestertown man honored for military, community service By Thom Randall

thom@denpubs.com QUEENSBURY — Bearing flags, a silvery bugle and solemn expressions, veterans stood at attention while county and state off icials recounted the military service of the late Frederick J. V etter, a pillar of the Chestertown community for decades. The cer emony was held Monday Dec. 5 in the W arren County Municipal Center. Vetter was a Medical Aidman in the U.S. Army, serving in the 10th Mountain Division during World War II from 1943 to 1945 in the Apennine Mountains and Po Valley Italy. After the war, he returned to the North Country , representing the thir d generation of V etters working in his family's hardware stor e – after attending St. Lawr ence University and earning a degree in Business Administration. Vetter sold the business in 1967, then worked with local surveyors Bill Brannon and Joseph LaFlure. He also worked as a full-time professional ski patrolman for 17 years at Gore Mountain Ski Center. During these years, he worked on the family's tr ee farm. His community service includes membership in the Chestertown Fir e Department for about 33 years, serving as Fir e Chief from 1961 to 1964. He also served on the T own of Chester Zoning Boar d of Appeals, the Advisory Board to Emerson Bank in W arrensburg, and the Advisory Board of the Chester-Horicon Health Center. Warren County Board of Supervisors Chairman Dan Stec noted that Vetter's dedication was r eflected in the six military medals he received, including the Purple Heart. Stec gave the V etter family members a pr oclamation declaring Dec. 5 as Frederick Vetter Day in his honor. “We all appreciate his life and everything he's done for our community, not only in the U.S. Military service overseas, but right here,” Stec said. The solemn r ecognition of Vetter's service to his country was the latest of dozens of “Honor a Deceased Veteran” ceremonies held in Warren County since the program started in 2002. Chester Supervisor Fred Monroe said he and Vetter were friends. “Fred Vetter was a fixtur e in the town of Chester , and he accomplished all kinds of good things for local citizens,” Monroe said. Daniel MacEntee, representing state Sen. Betty Little, presented the Vetter family with the state Senate Liberty Medal honoring Fred Vetter ’s service. The award was on behalf of the New York Division of Military and Naval Affairs. “This is the state Senate’s highest honor,” MacEntee said. “He was an outstanding veteran that meant a lot to his community.” County Supervisor -Elect Mark W escott, an aide to U.S.

Gathering Dec. 2 to honor the late Fred Vetter for his service to Chestertown, Warren County and the nation, are (front row, left to right): Jackie Vetter-Avignon, Nick Avignon, Jennie Vetter Sausville and Jim Sausville of Saranac Lake, (rear) Warren County Board of Supervisors Chairman Dan Stec, Phil and Emmy Santasiero of Johnsburg, state Senate aide Dan MacEntee, Chester Supervisor Fred Monroe, and county Supervisor-Elect Mark Wescott. The Vetter family was presented with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol (front, center) to memorialize Fred Vetter’s service to the nation. Photo by Thom Randall

Rep. Chris Gibson, pr esented the Vetter family with a flag that had been flown over the U.S. Capitol. That flag is to be flown for 30 days over the W arren County Municipal Center, then returned to the Vetter family for posterity. Vetter ’s daughter , Jackie V etter-Avignon, talked of how right after her father had graduated fro m Chestertown High school, he left his hometown to train at Camp Hale, high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. There, he prepared for alpine winter warfare. Among the training exer cises, wer e when soldiers stayed out in the wilds, enduring bitter cold, for up to four weeks in canvas tents. It was Fr ed Vetter ’s experiences in the Rockies, she said, that prompted his love of the outdoors and inter est in skiing. Vetter-Avignon brought to the ceremony photos and memorabilia of bygone days, and they sparked considerable dis-

cussion and r eminiscing that lasted about an hour at a r eception that followed. Fellow members of the 10th Mountain Division, including Phil Santasier o of Johnsbur g, attended the event, as did friends and family members. Jackie’s husband, Nick Avignon, noted that he passed on his love of skiing to Jackie, who also was a ski patr ol member, Avignon said. “No one was more of an Adirondacker than Fred was,” he said. Vetter ’s love of the high peaks was passed on to yet another generation, as the Avignon’s son Christian, Fr ed Vetter ’s grandson, now lives and works a few miles fr om that former military outpost. “Fred Vetter won’t be for gotten,” Avignon said. “W e r emember his service to his nation and his family — we miss him.”

Chester solar from page 1 if not all of the power used by the espective r facilities. The arrays ar e 150 feet long and about 16 feet in depth. The equipment, representing tens of thousands of dollars, will not cost the local taxpayers anything — in fact, the taxpayers are guaranteed savings on their electricity bills. While Edge Design is paying for the equipment and installation, the town is guaranteed savings of 10 to 25 per cent on the electricity usage for the life of the contract, or 10 years, Chester Supervisor Fre d Monroe said. “It seems like a good deal,” Monroe said. “We could probably save more over the long term if we hired engineers, designed and installed the panels and equipment ourselves, but we’d be undertaking financial risks,” he said. “It makes sense to me to sign this lease agreement and have guaranteed savings for the taxpayers — and it may up a lower cost overall anyway.” As a private entity , the consulting gr oup can receive subsidies and tax breaks for the equipment investment not available to the town, Monroe added. Also, the private company takes on the risks of damage due to vandalism or electrical storms, as well as changing technology and variable energy markets. Although a pr oposal was consider ed to sign up for a 20-year lease, both parties decided to settle on 10 years because technology could change, making the existing panels obsolete, Monroe said. When the lease is up, the installation may be available for purchase to extend the savings, Monroe said, noting that the solar arrays are expected to last 20 years or more. Monroe said that existing electric bills paid to National Grid ar e $12,000 per year for the health center, $22,000 per year for the municipal center , and almost $1 1,000 per year for the transfer station town garage and recycling center complex. He said that savings overall could be $40,000 to $50,000 over the life of the contract.

POWERING THE FUTURE: Town of Chester landfill and recycling attendant Lou Lashomb walks past an arra y of solar panels, one of t wo installations 150 feet long, that will power the town transfer station, town garage complex, and Chester recycling center. The town of Chester is converting to solar power to provide electricity for all their facilities, including the Chester-Horicon Health Center, the town highway garage, the Chester Municipal Center, and the Dynamite Hill complex. Local energy officials say Chester is leading the way in employing such alternative energy sources. Photo by Thom Randall

“We’ll be saving taxpayers money while giving back to the environment,” he said. Winslow Moor e of Edge Consulting said that the solar panel arrays pr oduce 25,000 watts, or 31,250 kilowatt-hours each per year. He declined to estimate total savings, noting that calculating the sum was complex because National Grid’s prices change according to peak demand periods. Monroe said he was first intro duced to the idea in a presentation before the Adirondack local Government Review Boar d by one of Edge’s engineers. The solar arrays ar e partially hidden in

each site they ar e installed. The ones at the Municipal Center are just south of the complex towards the building’s rear, and the one by the health center is adjacent to the cemetery. At the town transfer station, two arrays are in the r ear by the cover ed landfill, and provide electricity for all the public works buildings at the complex. At Dynamite Hill, the array is behind and to the left of the Chamber of Commer ce building. It’s main purpose is to supply the electricity for the town water system pumping station. It also powers the warming hut building.

Monroe said that he and town boar d members wer e inter ested in boosting the town government’s self-sustainability while r educing costs. The town is now also looking to install a new furnace for the town hall that burns wood pellets or chips rather than heating fuel. “One of the goals discussed among leaders in the Adirondacks is to become ener gy efficient and not rely on outside sources,” he said. “Solar power wind ener gy and wood pellets or biomass is the way of the future — and it’s the right thing to do.”


December 10, 2011

Calendar - Adirondack Journal - 21

White,” 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. in SUNY Adirondack Student Center, 640 Bay Rd. Exhibition reception, 5 p.m., Thursday Dec. 15. Details: 743-2300 ext. 2489.

Thursday, Dec. 8 WARRENSBURG — 4-H Holiday Crafts, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. at Cornell Cooperative Extension office, 377 Schroon River Rd. Create holiday ornaments, various media. Some of the ornaments created by group to be given away to shut-ins. Free. Details: counties.cce.cornell.edu/warren or: 668-4881. CHESTERTOWN — Holiday concert, North Warren High School students, 7 p.m. in school auditorium, Rte. 8. LAKE GEORGE — Tax cap explanation program, 6 p.m. in Lake George High School auditorium. Targeted to residents of Warrensburg, Lake George and Bolton School districts. Tax cap formula & impact on local budgets explained by BOCES specialist. GLENS FALLS — Support the Arts Night, 4-8 p.m., in LARAC’s Lapham Gallery, 7 Lapham Place. Artist demonstrations by Allen Girvin, quilling; Nick Orsini, fly tying; Crystal Paul, jewelry. Book signings by authors David Pitkin, Carol Gregson, Anne White Music by Katie Kuhn on piano. Details: 798-1144 or: www.larac.org.

Friday-Saturday, Dec. 9-10

NORTH CREEK — Our Town Theatre Group Holiday show, 7:30 p.m. in Tannery Pond Community Center, 228 Main St. $. Details: 406-8840.

Saturday, Dec. 10

CHESTERTOWN — Santa visits Chester Town Hall, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Annual celebration of Christmas sponsored by the Chestertown Rotary Club. Santa arrives on a fire truck at 10 a.m., bearing gifts for all children. Rotarians also provide free photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Hayrides are offered during the entire visit. Crafts and Gingerbread house building is offered in the town library, also in the municipal center. Free refreshments for all. ATHOL — Annual Thurman Christmas Party, 1-3 p.m. in the town hall.Visit from Santa, bearing gifts, via fire truck. Games, refreshments, Christmas carols, tree decorating, crafts. STONY CREEK — Santa and Mrs. Claus visit Stony Creek firehouse, 1 p.m. All invited. WARRENSBURG — Movie: “The Nativity Story,” 4 p.m. at Warrensburg Free Methodist Church, 250 River St. All invited to pot luck supper after the film. Details: call church at 623-3023, or Pastor Nancy Barrow at 744-8609. GLENS FALLS — “Victorian Christmas Present” family craft-creating event at Chapman Historical Museum 348 Glen St. Two sessions: 12:30-2 p.m. & 2-3:30 p.m. Children to create candles, ornaments, other small gifts. Children, $. Adults: free. Reservations required - 793-2826. Details: www.chapmanmuseum.org.

Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 10-11

QUEENSBURY — 16U & 18U Softball Tournament, Adirondack Sports Complex-The Dome, 326 Sherman Ave. Begins at 8 a.m. Free admission. Details: 743-1086 or: www.adksc.com.

CHURCH LISTINGS - TheAdirondack Journal provides this church directory as a courtesy to our readers and visitors to our area. Any changes or additions can be made by calling 873-6368. BOLTON Emmanuel United Methodist Church Sunday Service at 9 a.m. 644-9962. Rev. Henry C. Freuh, Pastor First Baptist Church - (A.B.C.Affiliated) Sunday School at 9 a.m. Morning Worship at 10 a.m.; Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer. For information, call 644-9103. website: firstbaptistchurchboltonlandingny.com Rev. Edward Blanchard. Solid Rock Assembly of God - SundaySchool for all ages at 10 a.m. Adult Worship Service and Children’s Church at 11 a.m. Thursday evening Bible Study with Sister Dale at 6 p.m. For information call Pastor Skip and Sister Dale Hults at 251-4324. Episcopal Church of Saint Sacrament, Bolton Landing - Sat. Evening Mass 5 p.m.; Sun. Eucharist 8 a.m. (Memorial Day Columbus Day); Sun. Eucharist 10 a.m.; Sun. School 11 a.m.; Bible Study Mondays 7 p.m.; Father Jim Loughren. (518) 644-9613, email: frjim@stsacrement.com Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Goodman Avenue. Sunday Mass 10:45 a.m.; Rosary and Novena 9 a.m. Tuesday; Communion Service 9 a.m. Thursday and Saturday. Parish Life Director Kathie Sousa, D.Min. 644-3861, emailBlessedSacrament@nycap.rr.com, websiteBlessedSacramentBolton.org. BRANT LAKE Adirondack Missions of the Episcopal Church 494-3314 - Fr. Robert Limpert, Fr. Michael Webber, Fr. Dennis Pressley St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Sunday Eucharist 9 a.m. (see Adirondack Mission, above). Brant Lake Wesleyan - Morning worship 9 a.m., Fellowship 10-10:30 a.m., Sunday school 10:30-11:15 a.m. 494-2816. Horicon Baptist Church - Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening 6 a.m., Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. 494-2584. BILL’S RESTAURANT Family Dining Main St., Warrensburg, NY • 623-2669 “Stop before or after church!”


McCLUSKEY HARDWARE & SUPPLY Rt 9, Chestertown, NY • 494-4618


LAKE GEORGE — Holiday wine tasting, Adirondack Winery, 285 Canada St. Free samplings of wines paired with cheese, handmade chocolates & fine foods.Sat.: 11:30 am6 p.m.; Sun.: 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. www.adirondackwinery.com or: 668-9463. GLENS FALLS — Holiday Open House at The Shirt Factory artists’ enclave, 71 Lawrence St. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Meet over 30 artisans & craftspeople. Original art & handcrafted items, demonstrations. Free. Details: 907-4478 or: www.shirtfactorygf.com. GLENS FALLS — “The Nutcracker” by Adirondack Ballet Theater, Charles Wood Theater, 206 Glen St. Sat.: 2:30 & 7:30 p.m.; Sun.: 2:30 p.m. Students ages 5-18 perform with guest artists. $. Details: 798-5058 or: www.dcqdance.org.

Sunday, Dec. 11

LAKE GEORGE — Lake George Historical Association open house, 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. in the Old County Courthouse, Canada & Amherst Sts. Music by Adirondack performer Doug Irving. Refreshments. CHESTERTOWN — Fund-raising chicken & biscuit dinner, noon to 5 p.m. in the Chestertown firehouse on state Rte. 8. Proceeds to help the twin children of Julie Mosher Packer, who has stage four stomach cancer. Music and raffles. Suggested donation, $10 adults, $5 children. GLENS FALLS — “A Musical Gift for All,” annual holiday performance by Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra with a children's chorus, 4 p.m. at Glens Falls High School, 10 Quade St. Always a sell-out, heart-warming performance. $. 793-1348 or: www.gfso.org. CHESTERTOWN — Christmas Decorating and celebration, 2 p.m. at The Priory retreat house, 135 Priory Rd. Celebrate the season & share a pot-luck supper. Donations. Reservations by Dec 4. 494-3733. Details: www.prioryretreathouse.org.

Monday, Dec. 12

CHESTERTOWN — Patriot’s Pen & Voice of Democracy awards presentation, 1:30 p.m. in North Warren Central School auditorium. All invited. CHESTERTOWN — North Warren Central School Board of Education meeting, 6:30 p.m. in the school library. STONY CREEK — Embroidery and cross-stitch lessons, Stony Creek Library. Class size limited. Reserve early by calling 696-5911.

Wednesday, Dec. 14


BOLTON LANDING — Annual Winter Reading, 7 p.m. in Bolton Free Library, Lake Shore Drive. Noted area authors read from their short stories, memoir and poetry. Hosted by The Friends of the Bolton Library, the roster of authors includes Ted Caldwell, Doug Deneen, Shari Dufresne, Lindsay Gates, and Ann Green. Refreshments served. NORTH CREEK — Inside Edge Demo Day on Gore Mountain. Try out latest skiing equipment. Details: 251-2411 or: www.goremountain.com.

CHESTERTOWN — Not only great books and resources, but exhibits at Chester Library, Chester Municipal Center, Main St. Story Time and Sing-A-Long every Friday at 11 a.m. For details on hours or programs, call 494-5384 or see: www.chesterlibrary.org. CHESTERTOWN — Yoga sessions by instructor & life coach Susanne Murtha, Wednesdays at the Town of Chester Library, Chester Municipal Center on Main St. Also on Mondays, late afternoon at Murtha’s studio in Bakers Mills. Men & women. Runs through Nov. 30. Details: 251-3015 or: yogaintheadirondacks.com. CHESTERTOWN—North Country Caregivers Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Chester-Horicon Health Center at 6:15 p.m. For details, call 251-2581. CHESTERTOWN — Chess Club meets every Saturday at the Chester Library from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All levels, all ages welcome. Free chess lessons. CHESTERTOWN — Chester Library Board of Trustees meets at 6:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month in the library at the Municipal Center, Main St. Public welcome. Details: 494-5384. WARRENSBURG — Yoga classes held every Tuesday at the River Street Athletic Club (upstairs) in the plaza’s building. Beginner sessions: 4:45-5:45 p.m. only $10; Intermediate, 6-7:30 p.m., $15. Cheryl Rovetto at 802-236-8489. LAKE GEORGE — Book Discussion Group meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Caldwell Lake George Library. Details: 668-2528. LAKE GEORGE — Open mic with all-you-can-eat pizza, socializing,Thursdays at Pizza Jerks, 59 Iroquois St. GLENS FALLS — Exhibit of World Winter Celebrations at World Awareness Children's Museum, 89 Warren St. Traditions from many countries. Through Dec. 31. Hours: Wed.Sat.: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.; Sun.: noon-4 p.m. $. Details: 793-2773 or: www.worldchildrensmuseum.org STONY CREEK — Monthly meeting, Stony Creek Library Board of Trustees, 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, at the library. WARRENSBURG — Exhibits of artifacts, photographs and environments highlighting local culture, industry & curiosities in Warrensburgh Museum of Local History, open 1-4 p.m. Wed., Sat. & Sun. , plus 7-9 p.m. first Thurs. of every month. 3754 Main St. in the V.F.W. building. Entrance in the rear. Call Steve Parisi at 623-2928 or 623-2207 for details. BOLTON — Winter nature programs at various days and times at Up Yonda Farm environmental education center, Rte. 9N north of Bolton Landing. Programs can include topics like bird watching, animal habitat, solar energy, aquatic adventures, hikes. Trails, nature museum, wildlife pond, guided walks. $. Details: 644-9767. BOLTON LANDING - Henriette's Attic, a popular thrift shop at the Church of St Sacrement on Rte. 9N, open 10 a.m.-2 p.m.Thurs. & Fri.. Men's, women's & children's clothing, household goods, toys/games, books and more. WEVERTOWN — Johnsburg Historical Society meeting, noon, 1st Monday of month, Wevertown Community Center. Open each Mon. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 251-5788.

Thursday, Dec. 15

CHESTERTOWN — Public vote on earmarking $2.7 million for facility improvements in the North Warren Central School District, noon to 8 p.m. in the school’s atrium. CHESTERTOWN — Holiday concert, 7 p.m., North Warren Central School. Elementary students of grades 4-6 perform. CHESTERTOWN — Annual meeting of North Warren Chamber of Commerce, 5:30 p.m. at Panther Mountain Inn, Main St. GLENS FALLS — Ladies Holiday Night, 4-8 p.m., at LARAC’s Gallery, 7 Lapham Place. Artist demonstrations, performance by Glens Falls Symphony Children's Chorus. Details: 798-1144 or: www.larac.org.

Friday, Dec. 16

CHESTERTOWN — Meeting of the new Tri-Lakes Business Alliance, 9 a.m. in Panther Mountain Inn. Join the brainstorming for this new action-oriented group that seeks to boost business and tourism. GLENS FALLS — Hometown Christmas concert by the Lake George Community Band, 8 p.m. at the Charles Wood Theater, 207 Glen St. Concert of holiday music, traditional and contemporary. Guest artists: harpist Elizabeth Huntly and singers Avery Clark and Zack Bissell. $. Details: 874-0800 or: www.lakegeorgecommunityband.com. QUEENSBURY — Vocal recital, ACC students, 7:30 p.m. in SUNY Adirondack Theater. Free. Details: 743-2212.

Saturday, Dec. 17

LAKE GEORGE — Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by Lake George Land Conservancy. Sign up to be a volunteer citizen scientist counting winged species in the Bolton and lake George area for the Audubon Society’s annual nationwide bird count. Registration, fee required. Call 644-9673 to register or for details. www.lglc.org. NORTH CREEK — Lumberjack Log Jam skiing promotion, noon at Gore Mountain Ski Center, 793 Peaceful Valley Road. $. Details: 251-2411 or: www.goremountain.com.

Tuesday, Dec. 13

Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 17-18

BOLTON LANDING — Film: “Doubt,” 7 p.m. at Bolton Library, Lake Shore Drive. The movie is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by John Shanley play about the priesthood. Free. Details: 644-2431 or: www.thesembrich.org. WARRENSBURG — Warrensburg Bicentennial planning meeting, 4:30 p.m. at Warrensburg’s Emerson Town Hall on Main St. All invited to participate.

QUEENSBURY — 12U & 14U Softball Tournament, 8 a.m. daily at Adirondack Sports Complex-”The Dome,” 326 Sherman Ave. Free. Details: 743-1086 or: www.adksc.com.

Tuesday-Thursday, Dec. 13-15

QUEENSBURY — Photo exhibit: “Focused In: Black &

Sunday, Dec. 18

GLENS FALLS — Family Discovery Day, 1-3 p.m. at The Hyde Collection, 161 Warren St. Short art museum tour, plus create your own masterpiece. Free. Details: 792-1761 ext. 17 or: www.hydecollection.org. CHESTERTOWN — Priory Merry Christmas” Party, 3:15


CHESTER Community United Methodist Church Doug Meyerhoff, Service 10:00 a.m. Phone 494-3374 (office phone) Faith Bible Church - Sunday school (all ages) - 9 a.m., Sunday worship 10:15 a.m., Sunday Evening 6 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Call for information - 494-7183 - Website: www.faithbiblechurchny.com Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Sunday Eucharist 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Eucharist 10 a.m. (See Adirondack Missions, Brant Lake). St. Isaac Jogues/St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church - Riverside Drive & Church Street. Saturday Vigil at 4:00 p.m.; Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Rev. John O’Kane. 518-494-5229 Town of Chester Northway Community Fellowship - A Wesleyan Church, Route 8, Chestertown: Sunday Service 11 a.m., Youth and Children’s Programs available. Pastor James Swanson, 518695-3766 DIAMOND POINT Jesus is Lord Campground Campfire Service Friday night campfire service with smores etc. starting at 6:30 p.m. Sunday Morning in July & August 8:30-9:30 a.m. followed by fellowship & food. 518-623-9712. 264 Diamond Point Rd., Exit 23, Diamond Point, NY. Nondenominational Christian Service All welcomed - Children welcomed but no child care provided. Diamond Point Community Church Services have concluded. Services will resume next June 17, 2012., 10 a.m. Community Church welcoming all denominations. Visiting ministers. www.diamondpointcommunitychurch.com GLENS FALLS Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls - 21 Weeks Rd., off Rt. 9 in Queensbury. Sunday service 10 a.m. Coffee hr. follows service. Rev. Beverly Waring, InterimMinister .(handicapped accessible, welcoming congregation) 793-1468. Web site: www.glensfallsuu.com. First Presbyterian Church of Glens Falls - 400 Glen Street at the corner of Notre Dame, MCDONALD’S OF WARRENSBURG Warrensburg, NY • 518-623-3323

Glens Falls. Sunday service is at 10 a.m., with Sunday school for children and youth; child care during the worship service. Coffee hour follows service. The Rev. John Barclay, pastor; K. Bryan Kirk Director of Music and Organist. Church has several youth programs and choirs for all ages from K through adult and occasional concerts. Building is accessible and we are a welcoming congregation with strong music and worship, mission and outreach programs. 518.793.2521. www.fpcgf.org JOHNSBURG RW Johnsburg United Methodist Church Pastor Rodger White - 518-251-2482. 1798 South Johnsburg Rd., Johnsburg. Worship Service - Sunday 9:45 a.m. LAKE GEORGE Bay Road Presbyterian Church - 1167 Bay Road (near intersection of Bay & Rt. 149). Sunday School (Children, Youth, and Adults)-9:00a.m. Worship (Praise Songs and Hymns, Kidz Worship & Nursery)-10 a.m. Coffee Hour -11:00 a.m. Chris Garrison Pastor, 518-793 -8541 www.bayroadchurch.org Caldwell Presbyterian Church - 71Montcalm St., Lake George 12845. Rev. Susan Goodin. 518-668-2613. Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Food Pantry Distribution 2nd Friday of month. Website: www.caldwellpres.org. St. James Episcopal Church - Sunday services 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Rev. Julie McPartlin. 668-2001. Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Mohican St., Lake George, NY 668-2046. Sat. Vigil Mass at 4 p.m., Sun. Mass at 8:00 a.m., & 10:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., Weekday Mass: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. (There is no Mass on Tuesday or Thursday) Father Thomas Berardi, pastor Chapel of the Assumption (Roman Catholic) Ridge Road Route 9L, Cleverdale, NY is closed. 668-2046 / 656-9034. Fr. Thomas Berardi, pastor Lakeside Chapel - Cleverdale: Sunday services through August at 10 a.m.



ADIRONDACK GENERAL STORE “A Touch of Country” 899 East Shore Drive, Adirondack, NY • 494-4408 77156

Warren 22 Main St., Warrensburg, NY 623-4221 & 668-2080 77166

UPSTATE AGENCY INSURANCE Riverside Drive, Chestertown, NY • 494-2417


BUCKMANS FAMILY FUEL CO. INC. Fuel Oil-Kero-Diesel-Gasoline Sales-Service-Installation Rt 9, Chestertown, NY • 494-4999 77159

MALTBIE CHEVROLET Rt. 9-Glens Falls Rd., Lake George, NY • 668-5736

Warrensburg Car Care, LLC Auto Body Shop Auto Body Repair and Refinishing 2 30 Main St., Warrensburg • 623-2135


WASTE MANAGEMENT OF EASTERN NY 12 Wing Street, Fort Edward, NY • 747-4688 77158

p.m. at The Priory Retreat House, 135 Priory Rd. See the Priory’s decorations, enjoy the caroling, refreshments & socializing. Details: 494-3733 or: www.prioryretreathouse.org.


4488 State Route 9N Warrensburg, NY 12885 623-3405 77160

First United Methodist Church - 78Montcalm Street, Lake George, N.Y. 12845, Sunday Service: 10 a.m. Rev. Meridith Vanderminden. 743-8756. Grace Communion International - Worship Services held Saturdays 11:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. 56 Mohican St., Lake George, NY. Dennis R. Hoyt, Worship Service Facilitator. Home: 518587-1221. Cell: 832-0660. Please call ahead to confirm attendance. LAKE LUZERNE Hadley-Luzerne Wesleyan Church - 445Route 9N, Lake Luzerne, NY. Sunday bible hour 9:45 a.m., Sunday morning worship 11 a.m., Wednesday evening groups for all ages 6 - 7:30 p.m. NORTH CREEK United Methodist Church - Main Street, North Creek across from Community Bank. Sunday Service 9 a.m. Separate story time for children. Pastor Kristi Van Patten. Call or leave a message 251-2906. St. James Catholic Church - Main St., North Creek. Sunday mass at 8 a.m. thru Labor Day. 5:30 p.m. Sat. Vigil Mass. Parish Life Director: Sr. Francesca Husselbeck. Sacramental Minister: Rev. John O’Kane. 518-251-2518 NORTH RIVER United Methodist Church - Service and church school at 10 a.m. For information call 251-4071. QUEENSBURY Harrisena Community Church - 1616Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804. Summer Schedule- Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m., Children’s Church, Sunday 9 a.m.. PandaMania Vacation Bible School, August 8 - 12, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Now registering. Offer youth program for teens, adult bible study, children’s Sunday school, scholarship program. Rev. LaMont Robinson. 792-1902. Web site:http://www.harrisena.org/ POTTERSVILLE Christ Church Episcopal - Sunday Eucharist 12 p.m. Father Jim Loughren. (518) 6449613,email: frjim@christchurchpottersville.com Pottersville United Methodist Church Worship 8:15 a.m. Rev. Rodger E. White, Jr., 251-2482. SonRise Lutheran Church - SundayWorship and fellowship 10:30 a.m. in Faith Hall at SonRise Lutheran Ministries Conference Center, 8260 Rt. 9, Pottersville, NY. For information please call 494-7077. www.sonriselc.org Pastor Benjamin Bahr Lighthouse Baptist Church - Meets at Rt. 9 (next to The Wells House Hotel). Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:50 a.m., Evening Service 6:00 p.m., MidWeek Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. STONY CREEK Knowlhurst Baptist Church - Sunday school 10 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; evening worship 6 p.m. Wednesday prayer 7 p.m. Pastor Rex Fullam THURMAN Christ Community Church - Athol:Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer meeting 7 p.m. Rev. William G. Lucia, pastor. Thurman Baptist Church - Sunday school 9:45

a.m.; worship hour 11 a.m.; evening service 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m. Rev. Bob Herrmann, pastor. Kenyontown United Methodist Church - Sunday services 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. night at 7 p.m. WARRENSBURG Free Methodist Church - 250 River St., Warrensburg, NY. Musical Praise & Worship Service - Monthly on Second Saturday. Music for kids to seasoned adults. Everyone welcome. Refreshments & Fellowship. Come as you are. 518-744-8609. Pastor Nancy Barrow. First Presbyterian Church - 2 Stewart Farrar Ave., Worship 10 a.m. with coffee hour following. Youth Club for youth in grades 6 - 12. Meeting for the first and third Wednesday of each month 5:30 7:00 p.m., with a kick-off meeting for both youth and parents being held on Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 5:30 p.m.. All youth are invited. For more details, call Rev. Lucy Harris at 623-2723. Free Methodist Church - Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service 10:45 a.m.; Wednesday midweek prayer and Bible study 7 p.m. Warrensburg Assembly of God - Sundayschool 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Thursday youth meeting 7 p.m.; evening service 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer 6 p.m.; Bible study 7 p.m. Dr. Ronald Parisi. 6232282. The Holy Cross of Warrensburg - Sunday Eucharist & Sermon 8 & 10 a.m.; Sunday school 9 a.m.; coffee hour follows each service; Wednesday 5:30 p.m. evening prayer; Holy days as announced. The Very Reverend Marshall J. Vang-Priest in charge. 623-3066. Faith Baptist Church - Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; preaching services 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m. Rev. Lee B. Call 623-4071. First United Methodist Church - SundaySchool 9:30 a.m.; Adult Study 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m.; 518-623-9334. Stephen Andrews, Pastor. St. Cecilia’s Roman Catholic Church - Eucharistat 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, 10 a.m. on Sunday. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4 p.m. Saturday. Bible Study, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Parish Life Director Sister Linda Hogan CSJ & Sacramental Minister Father Paul Cox. 623-3021. First Baptist Church -3850 Main St., Worship Service 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday school 9:45; Thursday mid-week. 7 p.m. Ron Burdett, Pastor. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Sunday Public Talk 9:30 a.m. and Watchtower 10:05 a.m. Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School and Kingdom Ministry starting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. 623-4601. Christian Worship Center, Inc. - Corner of Elm St. & Pine Tree Lane, Warrensburg. Service at 10 a.m on Sunday. For further information 518-696-5468. Rev. Gerald (Jerry)Ellis. Thurman - Kenyontown United Methodist Church Worship services every week 11 a.m. 11-26-11 • 77155


22 - Adirondack Journal Date

•• Real Estate Transactions Nov. 7-29 ••


Amount Muni Address

11/07 Natl.ResdntlSvcs to Scott DeWeese $374,900 QBY Lot#1 1 Sutton Place sbdvsn 11/07 James R. Jordan to Natl.ResdntlSvcs $374,900 QBY Lot#1 1 Sutton Place sbdvsn 11/07 Joseph McHugh to John D. Vila $234,000 CHS Friends Lake shoreline plot 11/07 Daniel L. Yousey to Scott Brownell $198,000 QBY 14 Centennial Drive plot 11/07 Gary Lavoy to Anthony DePace $218,000 BLT State Rte. 9N plot 11/07 Raymond Purdy to Richard Bergeron $252,500 QBY 69 Waverly Place 11/07 Scott McHugh to Jason Beuckman $125,900 GF 62 Walnut St. plot 11/07 Wesley Buley to Denis Morin $25,000 THR 5 acres, Mud. St. 11/09 KathleenDeMatteo to MatthewBrown $136,700 GF South St. plot 11/09 Robert Deyette II to Daniel Hunt $23,000 QBY 119 Luzerne Rd. plot 11/08 CharronNelson to Chris Heritage $139,900 GF Platt St. plot 11/09 Joseph J. Lukas Jr. to James Lukas $112,500 QBY 100 Sunnyside No. plot 11/08 Francis J.Sisca to 83 Lincln Ave. Inc. $150,000 JBG 899 Peaceful Valley Rd.plot 11/08 Richard Curtin to Dennis S. O'Brien $210,000 JBG 24 Iroquois Trail plot 11/09 Dan StewartREF to Blythe Leonard $595,500 HAG 59&61 Friends Poiint Rd. 11/08 Matthew Green to Jeffrey Miller $29,950 LUZ Rte. 9N plot 11/09 Jeff Washburn to Michael L. Sauro $165,000 QBY 48 Pinewood Rd. plot 11/08 Alice B. Lilly to Brent J. Shovan $75,000 QBY 3 Richardson St. plot 11/08 Warren Co. to Lance Montalbo $900 QBY vacant lot Wilson St. 11/09 Jos. DeLorenzo to Samuel J. Castro $20,000 BLT 3 acrs. New Vermont Rd. 11/08 Lee Masquelier to Nathaniel Pelton $60,000 CHS 40 acres Rte. 28N 11/10 Paula White to Brittany M. White $115,000 LUZ 4 Mill St. plot 11/10 Patricia IdeTRST to Joseph Purcell $2.1 milln LG 3 lots, Trinity Rock Ests. 11/10 Rose ParkerADMIN to Irongate Ctr. $50,000 GF 4 Division St. plot 11/10 Kathleen O'Day to Patricia Hensler $167,000 WBG 20 Fourth Ave. plot 11/10 Ruth Jackson to John E. Arcuri $35,000 LUZ Ralph Road plot 11/10 B. TompkinsADM to LouiseMcGuirk $135,000 GF 184 Ridge St. plot 11/14 Michael Eddy to Robt Whitaker $520,000 WBG Lot 6 Snowshoe Ridge 11/14 FloydMartindale to Chris Hunsinger $120,000 QBY 34 Martindale Road 11/14 Paul Frederick to Daniel O'Rourke $327,000 LG Latham road plot 11/14 David L. Nelson to Mark V. Rogers $51,000 SC Lot 1 Nelson subdvsn 11/14 Don Langworthy to Kethem Wulfken $7,100 WBG The Mill Lot/Langworthy 11/16 Sanda Weber to Linda LaRock $140,000 GF 4 Cameron Ave. plot 11/15 Don Peterson Jr.TRS to Robt.E. Davis $285,000 CHS 6 Kingsley Lane 11/15 Stephen Szatkowski to Brian Bosan $300,000 CHS Loon Lake shoreline plot 11/16 ShirleyBerger to TomlinsonRauscher $195,000 GF 82 Grant Ave. plot 11/15 Lois Gioio to Doris J. Licari $97,500 LUZ Call St./Ralph Rd. plot 11/15 David J. Kenny to 1468 Rte. 9 LLC $750,000 QBY Rte. 9 plots 11/15 Kenny Brock Ptnrshp to Dave Kenny $750,000 QBY Rte. 9 plots 11/15 Kenny Brock Ptnrshp to John Brock $750,000 QBY Rte. 9 plots 11/15 John Brock to 1468 Rte. 9 LLC $750,000 QBY Rte. 9 plots 11/17 Vojac Inc. to Michael Lanzillotto $65,500 LG 1/10Ldg#1 1Cresthvn1 11/18 John Tacinelli to Bruce R. Fox $204,000 QBY Lot #510, Westland 11/18 Sandra Laub to Nicholas Lusuriello $177,500 LG Mockingbird Hill plot 11/18 Kim O'Connell to Zaharia Dinu $335,000 QBY 128 Equinox Drive plot 11/18 Robert Barnaby to Brian Marchese $228,500 QBY 770 Corinth Road plot 11/21 William Oehler to Carol Darrah $157,000 WBG Sandler subdivision plot 11/21 John Gramegna to David Call $284,900 BLT 8 Heritage Lane plot 11/21 Fred Quackenbush to Nicole Scrime $136,500 QBY 36 Arbutus Lane plot 11/21 James Keilman to Brian Ray $375,000 HOR Lot 1, Brant Lk. Estates 11/21 Brian Marchese to Todd Trulli $171,000 QBY 9 Amy Lane plot 11/21 Edith Antes to Kennard Raisner $145,000 SC 132 Hadley Road plot 11/21 Robt. Boothby to G.F.Natnl Bank $162,500 WBG Rte. 9 plot 11/22 Dianne Pydeski to Mike Remington $125,000 HOR 1 acre, Rte.8 near BL Creek 11/22 Joseph Dobish to Maurice P. Tessier $272,500 BLT 279 S. Trout Lake Road plot 11/23 Craig Dickenson toNick Robertson $178,130 GF 3 lots, Hudson Manor 11/23 David Brayton to Phillip Pekar $75,000 QBY 65 Michigan Ave. plot 11/23 Corey Wilson to Erica Fenton $135,000 GF 23 Franklin St. plot 11/23 William Hamelin to Albert Franzi $197,000 QBY 5 Anthony Court plot 11/23 Richd.Gilchrist to Andrew Gilchrist $178,600 HOR 3541 E. Schroon RivrRd.plot 11/23 Peter Brilling III to Philip V. Cortese $156,000 QBY 9 Old West Mtn. Rd. plot 11/25 Richd.Bolton to Andrew Thompson $245,000 HAG 2 brookside plots 11/25 Sovereign Bank to Patrick W. Powers $60,000 CHS 59 Olmstedville Rd. plot 11/28 JamesStockwell toMatthewCampbell $164,000 QBY 36 Wincoma plot11/28 11/28 Sarah Clarkin to Thomas C. Lyons $167,000 GF 80 Grant Ave. plot 11/28 Richd. DeSilva to Capital Prtnrs LLC $975,000 QBY Lk.Geo.shoreline plot 11/29 David Collins to Michael Gale Jr. $174,900 LUZ 1875 Call St. plot 11/29 James Stevenson to Bryan E. Fish $125,000 GF 8 Arlington St. plot 11/29 Mark F. Collier to Hshld Fin.Realty $82,000 GF 41 Shippey St. plot 11/29 Dean Dubois to Kevin Monroe $90,100 HOR Old School House plot 11/29 Ian McLachlan to John Lebihan $340,000 HOR Crystal Lke.Presrv.sbdvn. 11/29 Suzanne Marie Wheeler to HCD.LLC $35,000 HOR Crystal Lke.Preserv. plot KEY: GF=Glens Falls; BL=Bolton; CHS=Chester; HA=Hague; HOR=Horicon; JBG=Johnsburg; LG=Lake George; LUZ=Lake Luzerne; QBY=Queensbury; SC=Stony Creek; THR=Thurman; and WBG= Warrensburg.

Business group

December 10, 2011

Horicon woman dies after car lands in Schroon River By Thom Randall

to have suf fered major injuries, authorities said. Kilcullen was not wearing a seat belt thom@denpubs.com when the r esponders found her , but it was unclear if she had it fastened while she was CHESTER — A Horicon woman died Monday, Dec. 5 after her sedan veer ed of f driving, Tuffey said. Authorities said that said icy asphalt may Schroon River Road, slammed into a utility pole and landed upside down in the Schr oon have prompted her vehicle to skid. Warren County Public W orks SuperinRiver, police said. tendent Jef f Tennyson said ther e was thin The crash was called into 911 soon after 7 “black ice” seen later in various spots in a.m. by a passing motorist who noticed the northern Warren County where fog and mist sheared utility pole and wires down. had frozen after contact with pavement. Responding to the scene were State TroopThere was no guiderail at the curve where er Tanner Close of the Chestertown station Kilcullen’s car veered off the road. and Chestertown firefighter William Rohm. Tuesday Tennyson said a county engineer They waded through the 3-to-4 feet deep wahad inspected the scene to see if installing a ter, str uggled to get the car door open and guiderail there was warranted. He said that pulled Nadine A. Kilcullen, 49, of Hayesguiderails are normally only installed where burg Road fr om the vehicle, State Police there is a sharp drop-off. Spokeswoman Maureen Tuffey said. He said his department was awaiting an The two pulled her up an embankment, and then members of the Chestertown Emer- accident report from State Police before they gency Squad administered CPR, Tuffey said. make any decisions on changes to the roadway. Soon after , Kilcullen was transported to Tuffey asked that any witnesses to the inGlens Falls Hospital, wher e she was pr ocident call the State Police at 583-7000 or nounced dead. 494-3332. On her way to work, Kilcullen had been “Although the woman could not be saved, driving southbound on Schroon River Road a considerable, cooperative ef fort fr om when her 2008 For d sedan went of f the asmany agencies was made to give her every phalt on a curve in the road. An autopsy was to be performed to deter- chance for survival,” she said in a prepared mine a cause of death, but she appeared not statement.

Conservancy hires new staffer BOLTON LANDING — The Lake George Land Conservancy has hir ed Chad Knisely as its new Land Protection and Stewar dship Specialist. Prior to joining the Lake George Land Conservancy , Knisely worked as acting director for Grand River Partners in Painesville, Ohio, wher e he managed land pr otection pr ojects, watershed planning, community outr each and fundraising. As LGLC’s Land Pr otection and Stewar dship Specialist, Chad is r esponsible for cr eating a five-year conservation priority plan as well as an annual land management strategy for existing pr otected pr operties. He also oversees all stewardship needs for

Chad Knisely LGLC’s seven pr eserves and nearly 20 miles of hiking trails, as well as manage the or ganization’s seven conservation easements and lead public hikes and educational programs. Chad and his wife, Amy,

are planning to move to the Glens Falls ar ea with their two young sons. Funding for this new position has been provided in part by the Land T rust Alliance (L TA) Conservation Partnership Program.

re-energized through the use of busses and golf carts to connect tourists with r etails from page 1 shops and restaurants. He said that a survey conducted r ecently The tentative goal of the gr oup is to genamong train tourists indicated nearly half of erate more business activity in the towns of all visitors, primarily fr om the Capital ReChester and Horicon. Objectives to accomgion, had not been aware of the existence of plish the goal wer e discussed at the Dec. 2 North Creek prior to the train ride. meeting. The group’s next meeting is set for The key to building r obust commer ce 9 a.m. Dec. 16 at the Panther Mountain Inn. downtown, he said, was offering attractions The momentum for forming the group ocand services that pr ompt visitors to stay in curred this fall after four businesses in town overnight. Chestertown closed operations – Becky's Butler and Beaudin both noted that while Bloomers floral shop, Adirondack Ural moin years past the streets of North Creek had torcycle dealership, Anywheres Diner and been virtually empty on weekdays, this Bagel Girls Deli. These four followed the closummer it had been teeming with tourists sure of a dozen others in recent years. when the train arrived – thanks to the exInitial ideas to r evive commer ce in the pertise of the new railway operator , Iowa PaNorth Warren area proposed Dec. 2 include cific. establishing shuttle services to the train deAmong the suggestions raised at the T ripots in North Creek and Riparius as well as Lakes alliance meeting wer e passing out communities in southern W arren County, tourism leaflets pr omoting the Chester pursuing grants that pr ovide incentives for Brant Lake region during the train trips fro m businesses to locate her e, lining up loans Saratoga to North Creek. and grants for downtown building r enovaAnother idea was providing more ameniDuring a meeting Friday, Dec. 2 of area business proprietors, Clarke Dunham (foreground), owner of the Railtions and upgrades, and lobbying local govties for snowmobilers and of fering transroads on Parade attraction in Pottersville, proposes ways to boost business activity in the towns of Chester ernment for pr ogress on infrastr ucture, inportation services to meet their needs. and Horicon. Don Butler (rear), owner of the Panther Mountain Inn, listens to Dunham's ideas. cluding constructing a municipal sewer sysClarke Dunham of Railroads on Parade in Photo by Thom Randall tem for downtown Chestertown. Pottersville, suggested that the gro up devise Without such a sewer system, restaurants and of fer pr esentations to tourism gr oups keep tr ucks and vehicles fr om speeding ly be similar to the North Cre ek Business Alare unable — under state health laws — to and or ganizations extolling the attractions through the hamlet. liance, which has been successful in booststart up new operations in town. and amenities in the North Warren area. Another idea was for the town of Chester ing commer cial activity in that hamlet by Other ideas included lobbying state of fiGreg Beckler , owner of Natural Stone to pass a law that would pr ohibit tr uckers providing shuttle services to transport train cials to pr ovide exemptions to r estrictive Bridge & Caves in Pottersville, said the Dec. from using Jake Brakes – which make a loud riders and skiers downtown fr om the train and expensive mandates and building codes 2 meeting of those seeking to form a busichattering noise – when passing thr ough depot and the Gore Mountain Ski Center. that now hamper commercial development. Pottersville and/or other hamlets in town. Joel Beaudin, one of the partners in North ness-boosting group had been productive. One idea discussed at the Nov. 2 meeting ”This was a good first step in getting peoOne of the business owners of fering pro- Creek's Copperfield Inn and a member of the was making Pottersville mor e pedestrianple together and moving things forward ,” he posals was Don Butler of the Panther Moun- North Creek alliance, noted the importance friendly by utilizing traf fic-calming stratetain Inn. He noted that the gr oup would like- of transportation – how the hamlet has been said. gies such as constructing berms or islands to

December 10, 2011

Adirondack Journal - 23



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LOON LAKE, Chestertown 2 BR/1 BA, Lg kit/din area, closets, central A/C, Deck & Porch w/ Yard, W/D, Close to lake/beach/boat/I-87/Gore ski, Non-Smoking, North Warren CSD, $775+util 315-212-2729 NORTH CREEK, NY Efficiency Units for the working adult. Heat, hot water, cable, furnished. $125/ week. Call 518-251-9910. NORTH RIVER 1 BR/Private entrance, porch. $700/mo. Includes heat & electric. 518-251-2033. PORT HENRY 4BR, 1 half of house, upper level. Walking distance to stores, beach, etc. Includes all kitchen appliances. No pets. $600 + utilities. 305-2405854. PORT HENRY 1 Large Bedroom, No Utilities, $450/mo. 518-5464069. PUTNAM STATION 2 BR/Newly renovated in quiet country setting. Efficient monitor heat. Has w/d hookup. Incl. satellite TV. No pets/ smoking. $620/mo + util. Sec. required. 518-547-8476 or 914-8793490 TICONDEROGA 2 BR/1 BA, eat-in kitchen, private drive, utilities not included, no pets. 518-791-7527 or 802-265-9737. $500 TICONDEROGA 1 BR/Pad Factory by the River. Includes heat, hot water, trash & covered parking. Security & references required. 518-338-7213 or 518-793-9422. $525/mo. TICONDEROGA 2 1BR Apts. Heat/ Trash removal included. Walking distance to village. Sec/Ref required. $500/$525. 518-586-1709. TICONDEROGA NEW luxury apartments. Quiet, all appliances, no pets/no smoking. References required. 732-433-8594

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FURNITURE LIVING ROOM Set Sofa, loveseat, recliner, 2 end stands, coffee table & two lamps. 518-251-3128 $75


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December 10, 2011


NORTH COUNTRY TAXIDERMY North Country Taxidermy Main Street, Keene, NY 518-576-4318. Full Service Taxidermy 40 Years Experience. We Buy Bears over 5' (200 labs). Bear Gall & Claws, Red & Gray Fox, Coons, Bob Cats, Coyotes ETC. Whole.

PORT HENRY Prime residential/ business building located on Main Street, Port Henry, NY. Extra lot included for parking. $99,000. 518 -546-8247.

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MOBILE HOME FOR SALE - Trailer Needs A Home. 8' x 25' all 2x6 construction. Outside is all textured 111, inside is all knotty pine throughout. 6" insulation throughout, 3 axles, cathedral ceilings. $4500. 518-9550222. LAKE GEORGE 2 BR/1 BA, 8' x 18' lg, screened enclosed porch. W/D, appliances incl. Quiet area. 518668-5272, $4500

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December 10, 2011

Adirondack Journal - 25


PUTNAM 3 BR/1.5 BA, 2 story home on 3.6 acres. Large kitchen, living room & dining room. 2 car detached garage. 518-547-8724. STOP RENTING Lease option to buy Rent to own No money down No credit check 1-877-395-0321

VACATION PROPERTY ADIRONDACK " by OWNER" www.AdkByOwner.com 1000+ photo listing of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $275 per year. Visit on-line or call 518-891-9919 DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can't be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-2752726


FOR SALE 20 GALLON Fish Tank w/cabinet stand, power filter, air pump, all accessories. 518-597-4571. $75 4-GOOSE DECOYS 4-Goose Decoys, Flambeau Magnum Guide series, like new, used once, in org. box. $50 OBO 518354-8654 ATV ICE Fishing Box Mounts on back rack. Holds ice auger, etc $20 518-623-2203.

BED LINER for full size pick-up truck. 518-597-4571. $50 HEATER OUTDOOR work 115,000 BTU. Multi fuel use. Full tank of K1. 518-494-2053 leave message. $80 SUSPENDED CEILING Grids White, 150 48", 174 24". First $80 takes all. 518-623-1088 lv msg.

TRANSPORTATION TIRES 4 tires P205/44 R16. Decent tread. 518-532-7988. $40 TIRES 2 Hancook Optima, all season, like new, $60 firm. 518-5464070 leave message

ACCESSORIES 2 FULL SETS SNOWTIRES 2 Full Sets snowtires 185/64R 15: 1 set very good, Dunlap Graspic 2 $175. 1 set Premium, Hakkapeliitta, used less than 3 months last Winter, $340 ($440 New. Sarnac Lake 518-891-0023. Can Bring to E'town, NY FREE GAS! Receive $300 Gasoline Savings! Gasoline Stimulus Program provides $300 gas savings to participants of driving survey. Local Stations - Major Brands ! Call now 877-898-9027 SNOW TIRES 4 mounted & balanced 195/60/15 Winter Traction snow tires. 518-338-3060 $100 SNOW TIRES Hakkapelitta 205/55 R16. Radial, Tubeless. $400 OBO. 518-503-5185. STUDDED SNOWS on alloy rims. Cooper 235/75R 15. Used one season. Asking $235. 518-2515110.

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DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING "Cars for Kids." Any Condition. Tax Deductible. Outreach Center 1-800-521-7566 CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS: Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208

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DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK or SUV to Childhood Leukemia Foundation today. Tax Deductible, FREE towing, fast, easy Process. 877754-3227 www.mycarfordonation.org

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DONATE A CAR - SAVE A CHILD'S LIFE! Timothy Hill Children's Ranch: Helping Abused and Neglected Children in NY for Over 30 Years. Please Call 1-800-936-4326.

1978 FIAT Spider Convertible, classic, running condition, garage stored. Asking $6,000 will accept offers. 518-668-2638


1999 FORD Hi-Top Custom Van 24,000 miles. A/C, TV/VCR, AM/ FM/Cassette, 4 captains chairs. Runs good, good condition. Asking $3500 OBO. Call 518-7444360 (Warrensburg).

2000 DODGE Neon 518-894-4494 $2,900 OBO

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1971 SOUTHWIND Motor Home 27', sleeps , self contained generator, air condition, micro oven, everything works. Firm $3500. 518494-3215.

AUCTION - Snowmobile December 15, 2011 there will be an auction for one 2005 Arctic Cat Saber Cat LX 600cc snowmobile. There is a reserve. Auction will be at Heid's Hodaka 518-251-2110.


1993 CHEVY Horizon RV Automatic, sleeps 4, gas stove & heater, gas/electric refrigerator, A/C, toilet. New brakes, tires & battery. Asking $4000 OBO. 518-2513449.

2004 DODGE Durango Silver, Sunroof, Great Condition, Must See. $8,000. Call 518-585-7020.

2000 FREIGHTLINER FLD120. Rebuilt front to rear. 2,500w inv. & refrig. $10k OBO. 518-546-7120.

1998 F250 Super Duty V10 with Fisher plow. 518-624-2580. $6,500


2000 HOLIDAY Rambler Alumascape 5th Wheel Camper, fully loaded, 2 slides, clean. Low NADA value $14,605. Selling for $9,000. 518-585-6913, ARCTIC CAT Prowler side-by-side for sale. Excellent shape. Under 300 miles, always been in the garage. Has full hard cab (with doors), winch, box enclosure and camo gun rack with case. $10,000. Call for details or to negotiate on the price at 518-5852803.


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December 10, 2011


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