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HOMES EVERY WEEK! Adirondack Journal / News Enterprise
March 9, 2019
GOVERNOR SIGNS ‘RED FLAG’ GUN LAW » Gun law Cont. on pg. 3
An employee of Viking electric installs a “white space” digital data transmitter on a pole in the Town of Thurman in 2014. The progress in establishing broadband infrastructure in northern Warren County — whether it is via white space, optic fiber or conventional cable — is the subject of a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 15, at Tannery Pond Community Center. Internet access providers are to explain details of their upcoming service to households and businesses throughout Johnsburg, Thurman, Stony Creek and Warrensburg. The Sun/file photo
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, joined by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), signed into law the so-called “Red Flag” bill Feb. 25. Kevin P. Coughlin/Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
Officials: State’s inaction on mortgage tax renewal to cost Warren County $260,000 By Thom Randall STA FF W RITER
QUEENSBURY | Warren County lost about $190,000 in mortgage tax revenues between Dec. 1, 2018, and Feb. 28, 2019, due to the state legislature failing to take timely action to endorse the renewal of the county’s mortgage tax law, according to county officials. While county officials thought the law would be renewed as of March 1, the law is to be renewed effective April 1 due to additional delay on behalf of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the legislature and the state tax office — which means that Warren County is to lose an additional $70,000.
NORTH CREEK | Lack of internet connectivity has a huge impact on the lives of area residents, Laurie Arnheiter said this week as she announced an upcoming public broadband informational meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, in North Creek’s Tannery Pond Community Center. » Broadband Cont. on pg. 2
LG board mulls shifting sewer costs from taxpayers to users By Thom Randall STA FF W RITER
LAKE GEORGE | When village board members heard recently how the new sewer plant might cost as much as $23 million — burdening taxpayers for decades with an annual expense of $427,000 — they discussed shifting most of the sewer plant’s expenses from property taxes to user fees. Under the proposal raised by village trustee John Root, property owners would pay a base rate, plus a user fee reflecting the estimated amount of sewage their home or business produced — rather than having all capital and operating costs paid out of the general budget. Root said Feb. 11 that such a change would mean a fairer way to allocate the expense — so those people and businesses that generate more
sewage would be paying their full share, and individuals living alone in homes with high assessments wouldn’t be subsidizing the people and enterprises that produce a lot of sewage. Now, the cost of the village’s sewage transmission and treatment is allocated among property owners according to their property value. People who own vacant lots and don’t generate wastewater pay the capital and operational expenses of sewage disposal. “These costs should be paid by consumers rather than property owners,” Root said. The board discussed setting a base rate that would be paid by all property owners — because municipal sewage service increases one’s property value. This base rate would be supplemented by a user fee based on either water usage, or “units” determined by the number of bathrooms and fixtures in each home or business. » Sewer Cont. on pg. 5
Sean Doty, an executive with Chazen Companies, explains the design of Lake George Village’s proposed wastewater treatment plant to Lake George municipal officials last fall. On Feb. 11, as village board members heard about how the new plant’s construction and operating costs may be a heavy burden on taxpayers, they discussed a change in how sewer collection and treatment expenses are allocated among village residents — shifting most of the cost from property taxes to user fees — which some people believe is more fair. Photo by Thom Randall
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York state counties including Essex County halted collecting the mortgage tax during four months beginning last Dec. 1 because of the state legislature’s inaction. According to reports, Essex County also budgeted conservatively, betting on the bureaucratic delays, and anticipated a renewal of the law effective April 1, so their budget is not likely to face a deficit due to the lack of this tax revenue. Annually, Warren County collects as much as $1.6 million annually through its mortgage tax — which is 0.25 percent of the value of mortgages, levied at the time of property transfers. Of that $1.6 million, Warren County would be keeping about $900,000 as its local share. ■
By Thom Randall
On Feb. 28, the Warren County supervisors held a special meeting to deal with the issue. They unanimously passed an amended home rule law for the legislature to specify April 1 as the new renewal date, or the time Warren County can start collecting the tax again. County Administrator Ryan Moore said March 4 that although the county will have lost a total of $260,000 in revenue from Dec. 1 through March 30, the 2018-19 budget was drafted in a conservative manner, assuming the mortgage tax might not be renewed until April 1. “We believe we’ll be on target with the budget,” Moore said. Warren County and four other New
Broadband ‘symposium’ set for March 15 in North Creek
2 • March 9, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun
» Broadband Cont. from pg. 1 The meeting is to explain progress on extending broadband through northern Warren County. “I’ve heard that you can go to the Johnsburg library, and there are cars idling in the parking lot so parents can keep their children warm in their pajamas — and the kids are connecting to the library’s Wi-Fi to do their homework on their laptops,” she said. This lack of internet connectivity, a contentious issue in this rural region, may soon be history for most all area households. Several broadband providers are now installing broadband infrastructure in the towns of Johnsburg, Thurman, Stony Creek and Warrensburg — and local residents are wondering when they’ll be able to connect, how much the new service will cost, and whether it will be adequate to meet their needs, Arnheiter said. “We hope to have these questions answered at the broadband symposium,” she said. Representatives of Slic Network Solutions, HughesNet and Frontier Communications have been invited to the meeting to describe the firms’ progress in expanding their network in those communities, and they will be answering residents’ questions, she said. This ongoing expansion of digital connectivity is an outgrowth of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s promise to soon provide high speed broadband to “100 percent” of the state’s homes and businesses. Johnsburg has 944 locations to be connected in this initiative — and the primary provider is Slic, awarded about $3.2 million by the state to bring fiber optic service to 908 addresses. HughesNet is to provide satellite-based service to the 36 remaining homes in town. In Thurman, more than 500 locations are to be served by Slic, and about 250 have been
assigned to HughesNet, according to reports. Stony Creek is listed to have 273 locations targeted to receive new broadband service, and Warrensburg, 106 households. Arnheiter is a member of both the Johnsburg Town Board and the Johnsburg Community Development Corporation, which are jointly hosting the upcoming broadband symposium. The meeting will also include representatives of U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, state Sen. Betty Little and state Assemblyman Dan Stec, as well as the supervisors of the three towns where broadband buildout is occurring, Arnheiter added. “We’ve seen the trucks and workers installing cable and broadcast boxes, but we all want to know when we can get hooked up and what the service will be like,” she said, hinting that Frontier and Slic may have good news to report. Arnheiter noted that lack of broadband in Johnsburg and elsewhere in the Adirondacks has hampered economic development and discouraged home ownership. She said that in her own North Creek business — Hudson River Trading Co. — credit card transactions sometimes can’t be completed because her Frontier DSL service is either too slow to accomplish digital tasks, or it drops data transmission. “Fast, dependable broadband is necessary in today’s world to effectively run a business,” she said. Arnheiter also cited that she knew of business executives ready to sell their second homes because of lack of broadband service. “Executives need to stay connected,” she said. “Corporate America has no patience for downtime.”
Celebration set for 100th anniversary of American Legion
INDIAN LAKE | The Indian Lake American Legion Parker-Benton Post 1392 will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American Legion organization Sunday, March 17, at 2 p.m. at the Indian Lake Theater on Route 28. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. The program will feature a showing of the documentary film, “History of the American Legion Since 1919.” This
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Also, area tourism officials have warned that vacationers avoid communities that don’t offer broadband connectivity. “We’re the center of active recreation here in Johnsburg and people are here to experience nature — but broadband is a challenge for our community, and we must move forward,” Arnheiter continued. Providing high speed, dependable broadband to the town’s health center and nursing home are also vitally important, she said, as medical images, virtual conferences and data are increasingly transmitted between healthcare providers to meet patients’ medical needs. “Our new state-of-the-art health center and our nursing home need adequate broadband — they’re responsible for people’s lives,” she said.
Rose Slemp, co-founder of the Thurman Broadband Initiative Committee, agreed with Arnheiter that a lot of questions need to be answered — particularly whether Slic, which is installing a high-speed optic fiber network, will voluntarily extend their broadband past the boundaries they contracted for with the state’s broadband office. With the intention of getting as many Thurman households as possible connected to high-speed optic fiber, Slemp has been lobbying for such an expansion by Slic. The optic cable that Slic is installing has a potential of delivering data transmission speeds of 100 or 200 mbps. According to reports, 36 mbps will be Slic’s initial speed — while HughesNet has promised the state’s minimum contracted speed of 25 megabits per second. Some Thurman residents have said
48-minute film is narrated by actor Neal McDonough. Following the film, there will be a short, narrated slideshow that will highlight Indian Lake American Legion ParkerBenton Post 1392 activities, programs and services that are available to the community. For further information, contact Frank Casazza, acting adjutant, at 648 5263. ■
K-12 student artists sought
BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE | K-12 student artists are being sought to share exhibit space with The Members Show in
they doubt that HughesNet will be meeting that minimum, as they have complained that their existing service from HughesNet is far slower than 25 mbps during daytime hours, and is routinely throttled, capped or interrupted. Listed to receive Slic optic fiber service in Thurman will be households on Drexel Road, Bear Pond Road, Mountain Road, Bowen Hill Road, Johnsburg Road, Athol Road, High Street, Mud Street, Smith Street, portions of Valley Road, and a few additional venues, said Slemp, who has helped about 300 people find out what broadband provider they’ve been assigned to. Although the internet service providers were allocated specific areas of Thurman, Slemp said at least one-third of those households assigned to HughesNet could conceivably be served by SLIC. Slemp said her household is served by Verizon DSL, which is merely 1.8 mbps, and is so slow during the day due to many subscribers online, that images routinely must be transmitted late at night. She’s among the 500-plus households assigned to Slic by the state broadband office. Although Verizon’s 1.8 mbps sounds incredibly slow, dial-up is slower — and Slic’s planned build-out may allow households with dial-up within Verizon’s small service footprint to upgrade to DSL, she said. Arnheiter said many of these questions about potential extensions and transmission speeds are likely to be revealed at the March 15 broadband symposium. “There’s still work to do and issues to be solved regarding broadband, but progress is being made,” she said. “This upcoming meeting offers an opportunity for broadband providers to talk directly to potential customers and let them know what’s going on.” ■
their three galleries at the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts May 1-31. Artists working in all mediums are encouraged to submit by April 19. Art should be delivered to the arts center no later than April 24. A reception will be held Saturday, May 11, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Interested artists are encouraged to submit up to two JPGs via the following link php. For additional details or questions, contact ■
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» Gun law Cont. from pg. 1
Legislation opens door to temporary court-ordered weapon seizure if person deemed a threat By Elizabeth Izzo STA FF W RITER
The Red Flag legislation is one of six gun safety bills passed by the new Democraticmajority state legislature in recent weeks. The bills ban teachers from carrying guns on campuses — a proposal floated by President Donald Trump following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida — ban bump stocks, and extend the waiting period for background checks to up to 30 days. “These bills are bold and far-reaching, containing strong, comprehensive solutions to save lives and end the crisis of senseless gun violence in America,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), who was present at the governor’s bill signing last week. “Leaders in the State House and in the U.S. House must continue to work together to ensure that no other family is forced to endure the tragedy and heartbreak of FARM gun HIDDEN violence,HOLLOW whether MAPLE in our schools, in our places of worship, on our streets or in any place.” The bills mark some of the strongest gun VALLEY ROAD MAPLE FARM control measures put in place in New York state since the passing of the highly controversial Safe Act in 2013, following the Sandy Hook massacre. Pelosi last week characterized the prevalenceTOAD of gun violence inFARM the United States HILL MAPLE as a “national health epidemic,” and took a shot at Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at theGOLD southern border. ADIRONDACK MAPLE FARM “This gun violence issue is a national health epidemic in our country,” she said. “Mr. President, if you want to talk about emergencies, this is an emergency.”
The AJ/NE Sun | March 9, 2019 • 3
“My concern with this legislation, and other bills passed that day, was there were no hearings or enough time to solicit public input,” Little said in a statement last week. “I wanted to hear from school administrators, teachers and others who would be responsible for reporting, how that process would work and what liability there might be for them,” she said. “I understand the intent, but when civil liberties are involved, the legislature shouldn’t move so quickly.” Little voted against the Red Flag bill, and has said that the Second Amendment and other constitutional rights “deserve more respect and consideration than we have seen by downstate lawmakers intent on hurriedly passing these bills.” Assemblymen Dan Stec (R-Queensbury) and Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay) also voted against the majority of gun-related bills that have recently moved through the state legislature. The exceptions: Jones supported banning
Maple Days
ALBANY | Gov. Andrew Cuomo last week signed legislation designed to prevent those deemed a threat to themselves or others from purchasing or possessing a firearm. The so-called “Red Flag” bill, which will allow teachers, family members or law enforcement to request court intervention if they believe someone may be at risk of violence against themselves or others, passed the state legislature largely along party lines Jan. 29. “The Red Flag bill, I have no doubt, will save lives and won’t infringe on anybody’s rights. It is common sense. It is logical. It is factual,” Cuomo said at a bill signing ceremony Feb. 25. “New York is proud to pass a first in the nation the Red Flag Bill that empowers .,_ ., ..... . school ( something when they believe teachers to do something bad is going to happen.” Cuomo has repeatedly linked the law to greater safety in schools, and said last Monday that in “over half ” of recent school shootings, teachers have said that there were warning signs in the shooter’s behavior. NORTH COUNTRY REPS, GUN “If that teacher or that administrator had ADVOCACY GROUPS DECRY & ‘FARrecourse and could have gone to a judge and REACHING’ LEGISLATION said: ‘Please do an evaluation. I think this State Sen. Betty Little (R-Queensbury) young person needs help. Please help them.’ has said she’s dismayed at the raft of recent How many lives could have been saved?” “hectic pace far-reaching legislation.” Before the passing of the Red Flag bill last week, no state law existed to enable a court to issue an order to tem...-nc>11 II-..&.~ • porarily firearms from I ••- L--=....;:=-- seize _______ ___, ....__........,.._ _______ _____. -.', -) showing < a person ;'..:.:.::_ / ~who - is,--' / ~ - red (' ~ ........... )/) Vallee Sawmills WHITEFIELD'S FARM j1 ~~S}P \ “Most features for your money” flags,y~according to the governor’s ~MFJ Rugged • Fully Assembled office — unless that person had Up to 21 ft. Log also been accused of a crime Thurman or family offense. New York Maple Sugar Blacks Creek Get your Maple Days is also the!MuJ1J111) only1t5fwmdtwr state e to&!M&Jttr now~s Party willnot Firewood Processor/Conveyors Prize Passport & see empower its teachers to seek beheld this Innovative Designs and Options make rules atany farm. court intervention to attempt it very affordable to stave off school shootings. Thurman Maple Days ishosted byThurman Community Assoc , and ismade possible byWarr enCounty Occupancy tax es State Sen. Brian Kavanagh AM Machinery (D-Manhattan), who sponsored Rated for highway travel • Pick up to 3,000 lbs. Haul up to 3-cord • Dump models available theBox bill in theLake Senate, hailed P.O. 100 , Schroon ,NY 12870 518-532-7933 the passing of the legislation as Rout e9,South ofSchroon Vill age Rentat“a Fri edm anRea lty ,Main Str ee t, Schroon Lak eVill age huge leap forward” Outdoor Wood Boilers Monthl mRental Rates toward preventing violence. 5'X10 '-$50/ 10 'X10 '-$70110 'gun X15 '-$90/ 10 'X20'-$110 Burns up to 60% less wood than a conventional boiler. All stainless steel construction. “With strong gun laws, Last Month FREE with One Year Prepaid Rental 20 year warranty. smart policing, and tive community intervention - Come see them all in action at strategies, we’re working to make New York safer,” he 628 Lake Road, Crown Point, NY • (518) 597-3832 said in a statement.
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bump stocks, and both he and Stec voted to pass a bill ensuring out-of-state residents comply to the same background checks as New York residents. Gun advocacy groups have also pushed back against both the Safe Act and the new set of bills, contending government overreach. “This is a gun grab and nothing else,” Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, told The Sun after the bills passed the state legislature. “None of these laws are going to make the people of New York state any safer. None of these laws are going to be enforced.” King pointed at the package of reproductive health laws signed into law in January and accused Democrats of hypocrisy. “I think that it’s a very disingenuous move by the Democrats who are claiming all they care about is protecting people and saving lives,” King said. ■
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4 • March 9, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun
Thoughts from Behind the Pressline
Enough already
I’ll bet you’re thinking the same as me. I’ve had enough of the winter weather already. By Dan Alexander For those of you • PUBLISHER • who operate a winter-oriented business, I mean no disrespect, but a little more moderation of the weather would be nice. From illnesses, heating bills, snow and ice removal and in general a very expensive first quarter — I’m wishfully hoping and ready for an early spring arrival. Last week, I agreed to speak at the Mid-Atlantic Free Community Newspaper Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. When driving out of the North Country, I faced a few new inches of the white stuff, but little more than an hour south of here, the roads cleared and the snow piles dropped precipitously. The rest of the seven-hour drive was in nice, sunny weather and next to no snow or ice in sight. My black truck was an unsightly mess covered in white salt-spray and an inch of sand on the running boards. With the other vehicles in Harrisburg all looking shiny and clean, I searched for a car wash but luckily found none near the hotel. The next morning, what do I find outside my hotel window but four inches of new, heavy snow on the once bare ground and now the truck didn’t look so bad. My Mid-Atlantic fellow publishers naturally accused me of leaving the door open back home when I drove down the day before. I countered with the observation that I thought it was a welcome mat for agreeing to come and speak to them. And of course, what did I encounter on the way home but more snow and a new pending winter storm watch on the horizon flashing on digital billboards along the Thruway. Don’t get me wrong, I love our North Country four seasons and look forward to each — especially those crisp, colorful fall days and those first, white, winter wonderlands — but as March rolls in, I must admit it sure begins to grow a little old. What’s more depressing, we know that we still have a good four to six weeks of this stuff left before spring has really sprung. I know what you’re thinking, complaining will get me nowhere, so we’ll just have to tough it out no matter how long it lasts and know that those warmer spring and summer 2019 days are closer ahead of us than they are back in the rearview mirror of 2018. ■
Write to us
Letters should not exceed 300 words, and must be signed and include a telephone number for verification. Letters must be sourced in an effort to ensure claims are factual. Please keep it civil. Letters containing insults and name-calling will be rejected. Candidate endorsement and thank you notices are not accepted unless run as paid advertising. All letters run as space permits. For thank you notices, contact
Guest column
Voting reform necessary for the North Country Our system of democracy is based on the idea that every voice and opinion has value and should be repreBy D. Billy Jones sented. • GUEST COLUMNIST • It is through the honored tradition of elections that every citizen has the ability to cast their ballot and to elect the people that best represent them. However, in the past, many people have not been able to make their voices heard because, in one form or another, there were barriers to voting that could not be overcome. Many of these barriers come in the form of the inability to vote due to extenuating circumstances such as having work commitments coupled with the already narrow timeframe in which one is able to vote. In order for our government to truly be “of the people” and “for the people,” my colleagues and I in the Assembly have been diligently working to enhance the accessibility of voting in New York state. By increasing voter accessibility, we aim to allow more citizens the opportunity to vote in each election that they would otherwise be unable to partake in. Whether that be because of a disability preventing them from accessing a polling location or having family or work obligations that prevent people from having time to cast their vote during the election, these unfortunate but common predicaments will no longer
prevent people from voting. Voters will now have the opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment determining whether you would need to be required to provide an explanation on why you need an absentee ballot. By removing the explanation requirement, it ensures that anyone with transportation challenges, such as having to drive a significant length to vote on election day, can do so without challenge by having an absentee mailed directly to them (A.778). Furthermore, we are eliminating the arbitrary time restraints between registering and voting, ensuring that we can prevent anyone from missing their chance to do their civic duty as a citizen of the United States (A.777). We have passed legislation to increase participation in the election process by facilitating the transfer of voter registration information for those who move within the state (A.775). By doing this, we are streamlining the process of voter registration by allowing registered voters who move within the state to have their voter registration qualify in their new home. We are also working to increase voter turnout by allowing early voting in New York state. While the most recent election had a record number of voters, the voting turnout in New York state has historically been low. We now allow a nine-day early voting period to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to vote (A.780). These new voting reforms will not only
‘Bad laws should be corrected’
Editor’s note: This letter addresses Margot Gold’s letter titled, “Lawmakers should respect, not dehumanize women,” which appeared in the Feb. 23 edition of The Sun. To the Editor: Your letter of Feb. 23 regarding the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) reads like a manifesto and reeks of desperation. You claim RHA codifies access to abortion into state law but Roe v. Wade already does that. What it codifies is third and forth term infanticide by a “qualified healthcare provider.” Is twisting the truth perhaps a lie? So are we really speaking about abortion or infanticide? You’re right, abortion is not a crime because Roe v. Wade is the law of the land. But what you’re admitting is that “pertinent regulations pertaining to abortion have been removed from penal code, etc.” Regulations perhaps regarding third and fourth term infanticide? Because it refers to law doesn’t make it good, only legal. Slavery was legal once, but it was dehumanizing and rightfully corrected. Bad laws should be corrected. But they have overstepped this time. Killing a baby is dehumanizing a baby. Progressives have sown promiscuity into entertainment, fashion and education, resulting in many unwanted pregnancies — most of which, I’m guessing, are terminated due to inconvenience. We are truly a throwaway society and are reaping what has been sown. - Mary Capek, Crown Point ■
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Blues concert a pleasant surprise
To the Editor: It isn’t often that Jim and I trek to Plattsburgh at night for a concert, especially in winter. But we did last (Friday). The event was the Plattsburgh Blues and Jazz (PB&J) concert at Olive Ridleys where we expected to hear Annika Chambers take us somewhere fine. Did she ever, in the best blues tradition of song and yup, grind. But there was more to this surprising show. The backup band — Bob Stannard and Those Dangerous Bluesmen, from across Lake Champlain and two Canadian guests, Dawn Tyler Watson and Paul Deslauriers — helped take the concert into uncharted territory of live music with each performer reaching up and out to each other and to the audience. The room shook with pure blues bliss, the kind that makes you put aside all mind-churning concerns. As Bob Stannard, clearly the most dangerous of his superb bluesmen, quipped after one soaring lament, “Sorry Plattsburgh, but we are melting all your beautiful, white snow, it’s so hot in here!” We are writing to thank the main organizer, Laura Carbone, and her many volunteers. And we want to tell anyone who isn’t sure what PB&J is doing in your town to check out one of the concerts – if you like blues music and have half a hankering to dance. Interestingly, this past weekend in Plattsburgh, those who love good blues, jazz or traditional music had a choice of three enticing concerts (at the Strand, the Gibson Brothers and at Palmer Street Coffeehouse, Pete’s Posse). We took in the unforgettable Annika Chambers and man are we glad we did. - Joan Irving and Jim Higgins, Keeseville ■ » Letters Cont. on pg. 5
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RegainYourIndependence ~
S tairlifts
encourage more citizens to take part in exercising their right to vote but also save the state millions of dollars statewide by combining the federal non-presidential primary and state primary (A.779). Early voting reforms are projected to have a negligible cost and it will decline further in the coming years. With this in mind, I am supporting our local officials’ call to convene a task force to ensure that any initial cost will not be overburdensome to county governments and be covered by the state. With the projection of an overall savings, it would be unfair to place an unfunded mandate on already strapped towns, and I will work with my colleagues to provide funding to cover any onerous and unforeseen costs. Overall, by joining the majority of the country with voting reforms, New York state will be able increase our voting potential throughout the state. I believe that these reforms are necessary to promote integrity in our democracy. By not only allowing more citizens to have access to voting opportunities but also streamlining the voting registration process. This wave of legislation will not only ensure that our democracy stays strong as a whole, but it also ensures that we address the challenges of living and voting in rural communities like the North Country. ■ - D. Billy Jones is the assemblyman for the 115th District of the New York State Assembly.
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» Sewer Cont. from pg. 1 Village Mayor Robert Blais said that by establishing sewer rates, there would be a dramatic shift in costs — with various businesses seeing a large increase in their rates, particularly hotels, motels, restaurants and laundromats. Homeowners would also experience changes, both up and down, in their combined bills, he said. “I question the timing of this, while we’re going through a period of developing the treatment plant — and we don’t yet know the construction or operational costs,” he said. Village Public Works Superintendent Dave Harrington predicted that the operating costs of the new plant were likely to be considerably higher than the costs associated with the existing plant. “There’s a lot more pumping, so there will be a lot more energy use at the new treatment plant,” he said, estimating operational costs of $1.6 million annually. Churches, which are exempt from property taxes, would face a new expense — likely to be substantial — with a changeover to sewer user fees, Blais said. “You’ll be getting a lot of push-back from churches,” he said. However, Blais said that he did support hiring an engineering firm next year to determine how sewer rates might be structured. In other business, dates were set for the village’s annual organizational meeting Monday, April 1, followed by their regular monthly meeting Monday, April 15. ■
The AJ/NE Sun | March 9, 2019 • 5
Man charged with sexually abusing a child
Tupper Lake | A Tupper Lake man was arrested for allegedly sexually abusing a 4-year-old child. William R. Facteau, 28, was arrested March 4 following an investigation of child sexual abuse originally reported on July 16, 2018. Police said the investigation revealed that Facteau had sexual contact with a 4-year-old child in June 2018. Facteau was charged with criminal sexual act in the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree and endangering the welfare of a child. Upon his arrest, Facteau allegedly attempted to evade troopers and resist custody. He was additionally charged with resisting arrest. Facteau was transported to the Franklin County Jail where he awaits arraignment in Franklin County Court. ■
Man arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated
LAKE LUZERNE | Warren County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested a Greenfield man for allegedly driving while intoxicated (DWI). The sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of a vehicle stuck in the snow on the lawn of a residence on Lake Avenue in the Town of Lake Luzerne March 1. Police said an investigation revealed that Jason M. Penza, 35, drove his 2006 Honda Civic onto the
front lawn of the residence where it became stuck in the snow. Penza was placed under arrest and subsequently charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated after a breath test allegedly revealed he had a blood alcohol content of 0.19 percent. Penza was issued traffic tickets and released. He is due to appear in Lake Luzerne Town Court at a later date. ■
Deputies charge man with DWI
QUEENSBURY | A Queensbury man was arrested by Warren County Sheriff’s Deputies for allegedly driving while intoxicated (DWI). A sheriff’s deputy was on patrol March 1 and allegedly observed a vehicle operating erratically, failing to maintain its lane and running a red light. A vehicle stop was conducted for VTL violations and contact was made with the operator, Marty Smith, 59. The officer said they observed signs of intoxication with Smith, and field sobriety tests were conducted. As a result of the investigation, Smith was arrested and brought back to the station where he allegedly provided a breath sample resulting in a blood alcohol content of 0.16 percent. Smith was charged with driving while intoxicated and issued tickets for failure to keep right and failing to stop for a red light. He was released with an appearance ticket to appear in court at a later date. ■
Turning back the pages
Searching for Seneca Ray Stoddard A SPECIAL GIFT
I felt honored in April 2018 when I received from Timothy Weidner, executive director of the Chapman Historical Museum, a copy of “Water & Light: S.R. Stoddard’s Lake George” with an essay by Joseph Cutshall-King. It is a magnificent volume packed full of Stoddard’s photographs of a lost Adirondack world that we were all born too late to see. Looking at that array of photographs that Stoddard labored to capture, reminded me of past days when I set out and came close to meeting his ghost.
The next place I went was Pine View
» Letters Cont. from pg. 4
To the Editor: Commendations to Nancy Belzile and Mary Capek for their rightful objections to the recent passage of New York State’s so-called “Reproductive Health Act (RHA).” See letters to The Sun Feb. 16. Now, some comments and questions to Margot Gold, board member of PPNCNY, Saranac Lake, whose letter appeared in The Sun Feb. 23. A euphemism for infanticide, the RHA is unconstitutional, elitist and immoral. The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, based on the false premise of protecting Roe’s “right to privacy,” flies in the face of the 14th Amendment which explicitly states that no state shall deprive any person of “life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” President Ronald Reagan pointed out the elitism of abortion proponents when he noticed that “all those in favor of abortion have already been born.” We’ve all had the same humble beginning to our personhood from conception to birth. Or did you originate some other way, Margot? The sixth commandment states it thus: “You shall not murder.” The RHA horrifically expands the legalization of a crime. Is not President Trump respecting women by standing up for the lives of future generations of women? Respect for all human life degrades none. Margot, I urge you to join the right side of the issue and gain a vision for a New York State where life is cherished and God is honored. - Maxine Rider, Long Lake ■
Believe it or not, spring will eventually come our way. It’s 10 below as I write this, but I do have high hopes. With the warming winds and thawing of By Richard Redman soils, gardeners think about starting seeds and future harvests. Stream • COLUMNIST • geeks think about planting trees, at least that is what many of us think about. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has a program called “Buffers in a Bag” where landowners along streams can get a free package of 25 trees (Red osier dogwood, balsam fir, white spruce or hemlock, wetland rose, pussy willow) to plant along the shoreline to provide erosion control and shade in the future. Who is eligible to receive a buffer in a bag? Anyone who owns or manages at least 50 feet of land along a stream or waterbody in New York state is eligible to receive a free Buffer in Bag. Properties with 50-99 feet of streamside land are eligible for one bag, and properties with 100 or more feet are eligible to apply for two bags. Applicants must provide photos and information indicating where the trees will be planted. There is a limited supply and recipients are selected first-come, first-served so please sign up today!
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Not sure if your site fits this criterion? Contact the Essex County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office in Lewis at 962-8225 or the Trees for Tribs program by calling 518-402-9405 or emailing Riparian buffers are vital to control erosion, they shade the river to keep water temperatures low so trout and other cold-water aquatics can survive, and they add value to your property. The SWCD office is also looking for streamside landowners who are interested in planting large scale buffers along their river banks. If you have a long section of stream bank that needs some TLC, give the SWCD office a call. The staff is trying to gather information on a watershed basis. They can then calculate the amount of labor time and trees with associated planting materials that may be needed to get a buffer program grant to assist landowners. So, if you own property along the Boquet, Schroon or Ausable, or one of its tributaries, call 518-962-8225 for more information. ■ - Rich Redman is a Moriah-based outdoors writer. His column runs monthly. He can be reached at rangeric@
your business in The Sun’s Service Guide. Call (518) 585-9173 for info & rates. PC Problems 1x2 78096 - Page 1 - Composite
Viele's 1x2 64773 - Page 1 - Composite
M-F 8-5 SAT 8-12
When Charles and Julia Ray Seneca Stoddard had a new baby boy in 1843, what better name could there have been for him than Seneca Ray Stoddard? It is a name that has survived for 102 years and we are still talking about this great man today. The boy lost his mother when he was 10 years old, but he grew up to be a legend in the Adirondacks. I hope that I get to scramble over that wall and meet him in the great beyond. ■ - Readers are welcome to contact Sun correspondent Jean Hadden at jhadden1@nycap. or better yet, 518-623-2210.
Streamside land owners eligible for buffers
Conservation Conversations
‘Respect for all human life degrades none’
Cemetery. I finally found his small, humble stone beside a dusty roadway where he was buried next to his two wives. First was Hellen Augusta “Gussie” Potter, who died in 1906, and next to her was Emily Doty, whom he married in 1908. Emily, 79, the stepmother of Seneca’s two sons, died in 1936.
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There is an old adage that when we die, we will hopefully go to heaven, and there to greet us will be all of our loved ones that ventured there before us. I hope that there to greet me also will be Snipper, my beloved little cocker spaniel that got hit by a train when I was in the first grade. My second big worry is that after the big transition, I might only get as far as purgatory and not be able to manage to get the rest of the way over the great barrier wall into the better place. Walls seem to be a problem these days. If I were to make it all the way, my big ambition would be to meet some of the special people that have appeared in this column over the years that have
In the early 1980s, I ventured out to see some of the fabled places where Stoddard had lived, worked and functioned. Seneca Ray moved to Glens Falls in 1864 and opened a printing shop. The first place I looked for him was at his studio, rumored to be at 38 Elm St. in a small building that had once been a bar and restaurant. The place was abandoned and locked up. On the door was a sign that told of a circular revolving stage inside that held a piano used for the entertainment of the customers who were long departed. The establishment was shut up, deserted and forlorn. Was this really the place that Stoddard wrote his famous magazine article about the “Rattell snaicks” (rattle snakes) of Lake George? Through the dust and decay, I could not really feel Stoddard’s presence there.
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passed on before my time. My number one choice would be to finally be in the spiritual presence of world famous photographer Seneca Ray Stoddard who was born in Wilton on May 13, 1844 and died on April 26, 1917 in Glens Falls.
By Jean Hadden
6 • March 9, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Warriors prevail in battle for Section II championship
By Thom Randall STA FF W RITER
GLENS FALLS | In their most consequential game all year, the Lake George boys basketball team was in a position they hadn’t experienced this season — trailing the opposing team for all but a few of the 32 minutes of game play. This big test for the reigning state champions was a showdown March 1 with Hoosick Falls for the Section II Class C title, held in Glens Falls’ Cool Insuring Arena. From the first few minutes in the game until the late in the fourth quarter, Lake George battled a hot-shooting Hoosick Falls team that had engineered a defense that contained Lake George’s potent offense. Lake George was outscored 16-9 in the first quarter and was behind 28-23 at halftime. As in so many clutch situations over the last six years, Lake George players’ collective will-to-win coalesced in the second half, their defense tightened and their shots fell — resulting in the Warriors winning their fourth consecutive Section II Class C championship. For much of the game, 6’8” senior center Chris Becker was triple-teamed, minimizSpe cializin ginCeltic Wedding Bands
Pursued by a Hoosick Falls player, Lake George senior forward Mason Flatley charges downcourt during the Section II Class C finals held March 1 in Glens Falls’ Cool Insuring Arena. Photo by Jenn March Photography
Lake George senior center Chris Becker leaps above Hoosick Falls defenders to sink a basket. Photo by Jenn March Photography
ing his scoring efforts. Meanwhile, Panthers guard Jon Kempf scored 15 points in the first half. But throughout the second half, Becker maintained his focus and kept the Warrior momentum chugging forward, narrowing the Panthers’ scoring advantage, which peaked at 37-30. The Warriors challenged Hoosick Falls’
lead several times in the third quarter — and with 22 seconds left in the period, Becker sank a shot that shaved that advantage to 37-35. In the fourth quarter, the Panthers increased this narrow lead with two baskets from behind the arc. But with a little more than five minutes left on the clock, Becker was fouled as he sank a basket, and the play
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yielded three points for the Warriors. With the game’s end approaching, freshman point guard Cameron Orr ducked behind a defender and tore toward the goal, Becker fed him the ball and Orr sank the basket — his sole points of the game. The sly move established the Warriors’ first lead since the opening minutes of the battle. Lake George’s “Blue Zoo” student cheering section went wild as the scoreboard lights spelled out 45-43, a welcome sight for all the Warrior fans in the arena. After an exchange of baskets, senior forward Mason Flatley scored the game’s final point with a free throw. Becker, who scored 16 points and grabbed five rebounds over the game, was named tournament MVP. Flatley, who tallied nine points and five rebounds, was named to the All-Tournament team. Senior guard Alex Leonelli scored 11 points. Both Leonelli and Flatley sank three 3-pointers, critical to the win. Senior guard Conner Vidnansky scored eight points including one trey, and sophomore forward Luke Pelchar scored a basket. The victory advanced Lake George to a regional game March 6 at Saratoga Springs High School against Madrid-Waddington of Section 10 — and Lake George’s undefeated streak, two seasons long, was extended to 52 games. ■
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Check out for more events like these.
Calendar of Events - Not all listings that appear in print will appear on our website -
MAR. 9
MAR. 9
Brian Cirmo held at Lake George Arts Project; 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sources western painting, literature, popular culture, and personal memories to create narrative paintings. Free and open to the public.
BBC Biography of Carl Jung held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation; 7:00 p.m. Hosted by: The Adirondack Friends of Jung
Lake George » Paintings by
Paintings by Brian Cirmo held at Lake George Arts Project
Glens Falls » Film Showing:
MAR. 9
Lake George » Spa Escape held at
Wingate by Wyndham; 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Preview our natural and organic products. Treat yourself to a hand spa experience, grab a snack, and hear about what makes Lemongrass so different. We have affordable safe skincare for the whole family and mineral makeup too. Limited seating. Please RSVP: vaughn.hilary@
MAR. 10
Glens Falls » Second Sunday with Art Lab held at The Hyde Collection; 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Free gallery and art-making activity. For families
To list your event call (518) 873-6368 ext. 133 or email Please submit events at least two weeks prior to the event day. Some print fees may apply.
with children ages 6 and older, but anyone can participate; even adults without children will have a blast.
vendor fair to accompany Sham Rock the Block festivities. Free Admission.
Thurman » Thurman Maple Days
Lake George » Sham ‘Rock’ the Block held at Duff y’s Tavern; 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. There will be live traditional Irish music both days, Celtic games, and traditional Irish food - while it lasts (fee applies) Arts and crafts, kids activities, and tons of fun. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is Sunday at 1pm. Free Admission.
MAR. 16 - MAR. 31
held at Various Sugarhouses; all day Each weekend offers open barns at our maple farms, all offering free tours of sugarbushes and sugarhouses, with demonstrations and talks about tapping, evaporating, filtering and candy-making. Participating sugar houses: Toad Hill,Hidden Hollow, Mud St. Maple, Valley Road Maple Farm, Nettle Meadow farm. Each offering its own specialty. Read more and download the brochure and map from our web site. www.
MAR. 16
Hudson Falls » St Patrick’s Dinner held at Kingsbury Baptist Church Parish House; 5:30 p.m. Hosted by: ADK Church Without Walls. Dinner followed by a welcoming worship celebration. Free and open to All. Details:
MAR. 16
Lake George » St. Patrick’s Vendor Fair held at Holiday Inn Resort; 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. An indoor
MAR. 16 - MAR. 17
MAR. 19
Warrensburg » Free Yoga Class
held at Richards Library; 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Held in the library’s Community Event room. Taught by Sheryl Davey. Class size limited to 10 adults. Must preregister by calling 518-623-3011 or at the library.
MAR. 23
Glens Falls » Winter Meltdown
Spicy Food Festival held at The Shirt Factory; 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. A day of great foods and flavors prepared by local chefs and food trucks dishes ranging from mild to hot. Small batch specialty food vendors including spices and sauces. Live music. Free Entry.
Tupper Lake » Tech Help held at
Goff-Nelson Memorial Library; 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Each Wednesday that school is in session, students from Tupper Lake Middle/High School will be available to assist you in any of your tech questions with your phone, laptop, tablet, etc. Free and open to the public.
01 JAN.
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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
We provide this church directory as a courtesy to our readers and visitors to our area. Any changes or additions can be made by calling 518-873-6368. 7 p.m. 518-494-2584. BOLTON Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: Sunday 8
Goodman Avenue. Sunday Mass 9 & 10:30 a.m., Vigal Mass 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Rosary and Novena 9 a.m. Tuesday; Communion Service 9 a.m. Thursday and Saturday; Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. first Saturday of the month. Parish Life Director Deacon Joseph T. Tyrrell. 518-644-3861, email BlessedSacrament @, website BlessedSacramentBolton. org. Through Colombus Day Weekend. Bolton Community Church: 5 Horicon Ave., Bolton Landing, NY, 12814 • Tel: 518-6449103, Email:, Website: Sunday School: All ages, 9:30a.m. Coffee Fellowship Time, 10:00 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Junior/Children’s Church, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 6:00 p.m. Contact: Pastor Scotty Matthews.
Emmanuel United Methodist Church: 19 Stewart Ave., Bolton Landing, NY, 12814, 518644-9532, invites you to join us in our Sunday Worship Service at 9 a.m., with Pastor Deborah Waldron. Please also join us for Christian Fellowship and refreshments after the service.
Episcopal Church of Saint Sacrament: Bolton Landing Saturday 5 p.m. Mass
and Sunday 10 a.m. Mass. All are welcome. 518-644-9613. Solid Rock Assembly of God: 12 Church Hill Rd, Sunday Adult Bible Study @ 9am, Worship Service and Children’s programs @ 10am. Wednesdays: 11am - 5pm (Open office hours) stop on by to talk with Pastor Bill Thursdays: 6:30 - 8pm Website: Facebook: Solid Rock Assembly. Call Pastor Bill Harrington @ (518) 240-6324.
BRANT LAKE Adirondack Mission of the Episcopal Church: Call 494-3314 for service times and in-
18 Sabael Road.Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Teen Group a.m. NYS Rte 8, Brant Lake. www.theadirondack- 6 p.m. Monday: Awana Youth 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Rev. Edward A. Thompson, Pastor CHESTERTOWN
Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church: Sunday Service 5pm
Independent Baptist Church of Indian Lake: 6110 NYS Rte 30. Sunday: Sunday
starting June 17th. US Rte 9, Chestertown. www. School 9:15 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m.; Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. 518-648Community United Methodist 5744. Preacher Daniel Mayner. All are welcome. Church: Kimberly Townsend, Service 10:00 LAKE GEORGE Bay Road Presbyterian Church: 1167 a.m. Phone 518-494-3374 (office) Bay Road (near intersection of Bay & Rt. 149). Faith Bible Church: Sunday school (all ages) - 9 a.m., Sunday worship 10 a.m., Wednes- Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. (Praise Songs and Hymns and Nursery). Coffee House - 11:00 day Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Call for information a.m. All are welcome. 518-793-8541, www. 518-494-7183, St. Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Caldwell Presbyterian Church: 71 Church: Riverside Dr. & Church Street; Sat. Vigil at 4:00 pm; Starting April 28, 2019 Sat. Vigil Montcalm St., Lake George 12845. 518-6682613. Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Rev. Ali changed to 5:30 pm; Sunday Mass 9:30 am. Trowbridge. Website: Pastor Rev. John O’Kane. 518-824-1176. First United Methodist Church: 78 DIAMOND POINT Montcalm Street, Lake George, N.Y. 12845, Jesus is Lord Fellowship: Join us on Sunday Worship Service: 9:00 a.m. Rev. Nellie Friday nights at 6:30 pm for a special barn Hitz. 518-223-0461. gathering time of worship. Located at 264 Grace Communion International: WorDiamond Point Rd. between Warrensburg ship Services Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at Sacred and Lake George. Call 518-623-9712 for more information. Pastor Brendan: JesusisLordFamily Heart Church, 56 Mohican St., Lake George, NY Text: 518-792-6240. 12845. Pastoral team leader: Mary Williams. To confirm services please call: Mary at 518-696All are welcome! Diamond Point Community: Visit www. 5788 or 518-696-5666 or David Lafforthun at for service 518-882-9145. Sacred Heart Roman Catholic times. Church: 50 Mohican St., Lake George, NY HULETTS LANDING 518-668-2046. Sat. Vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m., Sun. Mountain Grove Memorial Church: Mass at 10 a.m. Daily Mass: Monday & WednesSunday Worship Services at 10 a.m. All are day 8:30 a.m. Friday Rosary only 8:30 a.m. Fr. welcome. Rev. Gerald Van Heest and Chaplain Joseph Busch, Pastor. Emeritus. Located on Rt. 6A about 150 yards from County Rt. 6. Call Rev. Helenmarie 518-499- St. James Episcopal Church: 172 Ottawa St. Lake George. Sunday Services 9am. 1238 for more information. Children’s Chapel 9am followed by Fellowship JOHNSBURG Coffee. Come as you are worship Wednesdays RWJ Johnsburg United Methodist Church: Pastor Arnold Stevens - 518-251-3371. 5:30pm on the Green Picnic/Pot Luck followed by Communion. Morning Prayer - Weekdays 1798 South Johnsburg Rd., Johnsburg. Sunday 8:30am. The Rev. Jean DeVaty. 518-668-2001. Worship Service 10 a.m.
formation. Contact Persons: The Rev. John Cairns (518-636-8072) or The Rev. Nancy Goff (518-9329286) Website: Horicon Baptist Church: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Sunday INDIAN LAKE Evening 6 a.m., Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study First Baptist Church of Indian Lake:
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls - 21 Weeks Rd. off Rt. 9 in
The AJ/NE Sun | March 9, 2019 • 7
Queensbury. Sunday service 10 a.m. Coffee hr. follows service. (Handicapped accessible, welcoming congregation) 518-793-1468. Web site:
LONG LAKE Calvary Methodist Church: Sunday
worship service 1:00PM. Pastor Nina Dickinson.
St. Henry’s Catholic Church: Main
Street, Rt 30. Saturday service at 4pm. Sunday Mass at 11am. Rev. Peter Berg - Pastor. 518-6242541. Long Lake Wesleyan Church: 11 AM Sunday Worship, 10 AM Sunday School, 6 PM Sunday evening Bible study, Wednesday 6 PM prayer service.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church: Weekend Faith Baptist Church: Sunday school 9:45
Masses: School Year Sunday 11 a.m. Rev. Philip T. Allen, Pastor. 518-648-5422. Grace Bible Fellowship: 1427 N Gore Rd. Sunday 10 am worship, Saturday 8:45-10 am Traillife. Pastor Chad Haneman, 518-251-3290.
POTTERSVILLE Christ Anglican/Episcopal Church:
Sunday Eucharist 12 p.m. Luncheon follows service. Wednesday 5pm Supper & Bible Study. Father Thomas P. Pettigrew. For information call 518-494-3440. Lighthouse Baptist Church: Meets at Rt. 9 (next to The Wells House Hotel). Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:50 a.m., Long Lake Calvary United Methodist Evening Service 6 p.m., Mid-Week Wednesday Church: 10 AM Sunday worship services. Service 7 p.m.
MINERVA Minerva Baptist Church: Join us for
Pottersville United Methodist Church: Worship 8:15 a.m. Pastor Arnold
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. Corners of A.P. Stevens, 251-3371. Morse Highway and Route 28N, Minerva. Rev. E. SonRise Lutheran Church: Worship Paul Miller, 518-648-0315. Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Services are held at Christ NEWCOMB Episcopal Church, Route 9, Pottersville. For St. Barbara’s Episcopal Church: information please call 772-321-8692 or email: Sundays at 11 a.m. Route 28N, Newcomb. www. Pastor Bruce E. Rudolf STONY CREEK St. Therese’s Catholic Church: 18 Ad- Knowlhurst Baptist Church: Sunday ams Lane. Mass is Saturday at 4pm and Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m.; Fellowat 9am. Rev. Peter Berg - Pastor. 518-582-3671. ship Dinner 12:30 p.m.; Afternoon Praise 1:30 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Pastor NORTH CREEK Rex Fullam. 518-696-2552. Seventh Day Adventist Church: Bird Stony Creek Community Church: 687 Pond Rd., North Creek. Sabbath School 9:45 Harrisburg Road, Stony Creek. Sunday morning a.m.; Church Service 11:30 a.m. service at 10:00 AM, nursery is provided. Pastor: Sodom Community Church: 59 Cross Tony Lomenzo. 518-696-3004. www.stonycreekRd., North Creek. Pastor Rev. Ronald N. Allen. Phone: 518-251-2079; Cell: 518-791-0069. THURMAN St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church: Christ Community Church: Athol: SunSundays 9 a.m. Ridge Street, North Creek. (see day services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school Adirondack Mission for more info) 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer St. James Catholic Church: Main St., meeting 7 p.m. Rev. William G. Lucia, pastor. North Creek, Sat. Vigil at 5:30 pm available till Kenyontown United Methodist April 20, 2019. Sunday Mass at 8:00 am. Pastor Church: Sunday services 11 a.m., Bible Study Rev. John O’Kane. 518-824-1176. Wed. night at 7 p.m. United Methodist Church: Sunday Thurman Baptist Church: Sunday school Service 10 a.m. to be held at St. James Catholic 9:45 a.m.; worship hour 11 a.m.; Wednesday Church, Main Street, North Creek. Pastor Terry Bible Study & Prayer meeting 6:30pm. Rev. Mosholder. Call 518-742-6707. Nathan Herrmann, pastor.
NORTH RIVER United Methodist Church: Service and church school at 10 a.m. For information call 518-251-4071.
a.m.; preaching services 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m. Rev. Lee B. Call 518-623-4071. First Baptist Church: 3850 Main St., Worship Service 10:45 a.m.; Sunday school 9:30; Wednesday Bible Study 11am. Awana kids program starting Feb. 6th at 6pm. Pastor Aaron Spoonhour 518-623-9373 First Presbyterian Church: 2 Stewart Farrar Ave., Worship 10 a.m. with coffee hour following. For more details, call 518-623-2723.
First United Methodist Church of Warrensburg: Sunday School - 10 a.m.; Wor-
ship Service - 11 a.m. Pastor Stephen Andrews; 518-623-9334. Free Methodist Church: 250 River St., Warrensburg, NY. Sunday Worship Service 10:45 a.m.; Kids Klub during service (ages 3-12); LifeTree Cafe Thursday 7 p.m., GriefShare Saturday 10 a.m., Adult Bible Study Saturday 1 p.m. All are welcome. Senior Pastor - Rev. Nancy M. Barrow, Associate Pastor - Pastor Joel Cochran
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Sunday Public Talk 10:00 a.m. and
Watchtower 10:35 a.m. Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School and Kingdom Ministry starting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday. 518-623-4601.
St. Cecilia’s Roman Catholic Church:
Eucharist at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, 10 a.m. on Sunday. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4 p.m. Saturday. Bible Study, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Parish Life Director Sister Linda Hogan CSJ & Sacramental Minister Father Paul Cox. 518-623-3021. The Church of The Holy Cross: Sunday Eucharist 8 & 10 a.m.; coffee hour follows each service; Wednesday 7 p.m. Healing Mass; Thursday 7 a.m. Mass; The Reverend Thomas J. Pettigrew. 518-623-3066.
Thurman - Kenyontown United Methodist Church: Worship services every week 11 a.m.
Warrensburg Assembly of God: Sun-
day school 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Thursday youth meeting 7 p.m.; evening service 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer 6 p.m.; Bible study 7 p.m. Dr. Ronald Parisi. 518-623-2282.
WARRENSBURG WEVERTOWN Christian Worship Center, Inc.: Corner Calvary Bible Church: Sunday School
of Elm St. & Pine Tree Lane, Warrensburg. Service 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. For further information Jonathan Rayder. 2530 Rte. 28. Office 518-251518-696-5468. Rev. Gerald (Jerry) Ellis. 3304, Home 518-251-2323. 2-16-19 • 34410
Rt. 9-Glens Falls Rd., Lake George, NY 518-668-5736 34418
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THE TOWN OF TICONDEROGA will be accepting Activity Attendant applications for our Youth Program. P/T On-call, $12.24 an hour. Submit Applications to the Personnel Office at 132 Montcalm St, PO Box 471, Ticonderoga, NY 12883. The Town of Ticonderoga is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer. Town Board reserves the right to accept/reject any/all applications.
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study and reading assignments, observe demonstrations and otherwise learn the techniques of operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant;
and assist in the inspection, maintenance, repair, operation and adjustment of hydrants, valves, water mains, water treatment equipment and related mechanical equipment;
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chemical tests of water for alkalinity and residual chlorine;
routine manual labor functions such as digging, building maintenance, repairs, etc. Assist in the repair of water main breaks and hydrants;
*Learns and assists in the prepa-
ration and maintenance of activity records and reports;
Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from high school or possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma.
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*Learn and assist in the making of
duties as assigned in the operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant and distribution system.
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Asbestos exposure in industrial, construction, manufacturing jobs, or the military may be the cause. Family in the home were also exposed. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email $30 billion is set aside for asbestos victims with cancer. Valuable settlement monies may not require filing a lawsuit.
This is a Union covered position. The Town of Ticonderoga offers a competitive wage and benefits package. Submission Requirements: Applicants must complete a Town of Ticonderoga job application and submitted via email or mail to: Tonya Thompson, Town Clerk 132 Montcalm Street Ticonderoga, NY 12883
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*Perform increasingly responsible
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THE TOWN OF TICONDEROGA is seeking to fill the full-time position of Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee. The successful candidate will be selected on the basis of general intelligence, basic knowledge of elementary chemistry and general science and mechanical aptitude. The trainee period will be limited to one year, during which time the employee will be required to satisfactorily complete the training and experience requirements to become a licensed Water Treatment Plant Operator in a 2A and 2B treatment plant. Job Duties and Responsibilities:
physical tests of water for color, odor and tastes;
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THE TOWN OF TICONDEROGA will be accepting applications for the position of Library Aide for the Black Watch Memorial Library part-time, no benefits up to 10 hrs/wk. Schedule may require flexibility during busy summer season and employee vacations. Applicant should be a reliable, motivated self-starter requiring minimal supervision, extremely detail oriented, be familiar with the operation of office equipment, use computers competently, answer frequent questions about computers, and have excellent public service skills. Climbing stairs and ability to bend, squat, stand, twist, reach and lift heavy boxes up to 45lbs. required. Selected applicants will be given a basic library skills evaluation prior to interview. Interested persons should apply to Town of Ticonderoga P.O. Box 471, Ticonderoga, NY 12883 by March 19, 2019. The Town Board reserves the right to accept/reject any/all applications. The Town of Ticonderoga is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.
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Submission Deadline: March 19, 2019 The Town of Ticonderoga is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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HELP WANTED LOCAL THE TOWN OF TICONDEROGA is seeking to fill the full-time position of Water Treatment Plant Operator. The successful candidate will be selected on the basis of qualifications, knowledge, experience, general intelligence, and general science and mechanical aptitude. Job Duties and Responsibilities: *Operate pumps, valves, motors and related machinery and equipment;
maintenance work and makes minor repairs to machinery and equipment;
*Regulate tors;
and adjusts chlorina-
*Learn and assist in the making of chemical tests of water for alkalinity and residual chlorine;
*Make necessary tests for control of plant operation;
routine manual labor functions such as digging, building maintenance, repairs, etc. Assist in the repair of water main breaks and hydrants;
channels, screens, tanks and other equipment;
*Learns and assists in the prepa-
ration and maintenance of activity records and reports;
*Perform increasingly responsible duties as assigned in the operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant and distribution systems.
Minimum Qualifications: The Town of Ticonderoga has a Type IIA and a Type IIB Water Treatment Plant with facilities for filtration. This position requires a High School Diploma or New York State Equivalency Diploma and successful completion of the appropriate levels of water treatment operator courses; and one year of acceptable operating experience at a water treatment plant with facilities for filtration. This is a Union covered position. The Town of Ticonderoga offers a competitive wage and benefits package. Submission Requirements: Applicants must complete a Town of Ticonderoga job application and submitted via email or mail to: Tonya Thompson, Town Clerk 132 Montcalm Street Ticonderoga, NY 12883 Submission Deadline: March 19, 2019 The Town of Ticonderoga is an Equal Opportunity Employer. CADNET $$OLD GUITARS & AMPS WANTED$$ GIBSON*FENDER*MARTIN. ALL BRANDS. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-433-8277 ** Work from HOME** Generate $500 to $1,000 Daily Helping Me Return Phone Calls. 1-800-7947326
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Elk Lake Lodge is now hiring for :
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8 • March 9, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun
lope bearing on its face the title of the project, and the name, address and phone number of the bidder. Published by Denton Publications, Inc. Each bidder agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against the Owner, the Architect/Engineer, and the respective employees, LEGALS LEGALS arising out of or in connection *CORRECTION: NEW with the administration, BID OPEN DATE MARCH evaluation or recom21, 2019* mendation of any bid. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Owner reserves the The Warrensburg Cen- right to reject any or all tral School District in- bids and to waive any invites the submission of formalities or defects in Sealed Bid Proposals to such bid either before or furnish materials and la- after opening. The Ownbor to complete the er further reserves its Capital Improvement right to disqualify bidProject Phase 2 ders for any material Project No. 2016-032 failure to comply with all in accordance with the Information for Bidthe plans and specifica- ders and General, Suptions. plementary, and Special This work is to be bid Conditions. under a MULTIPLE CON- Each bidder must deTRACT system covering posit with his bid, secuthe work of all trades rity in the form deunder separate contracts scribed, and subject to as follows: the conditions provided Contract No. 1 - General in the "INFORMATION Construction FOR BIDDERS". Contract No. 2 - Me- Withdrawal of Bid chanical Any bid may be withContract No. 3 - Plumb- drawn without prejudice ing prior to the official bid Contract No. 4 - Electri- submission time or any cal postponepublicized Contract No. 5 - Audito- ment thereof. No bidder rium Seating may withdraw his bid Sealed Bid Proposals within 45 business days will be received until 1 after the date of the p.m. prevailing time, on opening of bids. March 21, 2019, at the ATTENTION OUT-OFWarrensburg Central STATE BIDDERS School District Out-of-State Bidders are District Office required to complete the 103 Schroon River Road Statement Concerning Warrensburg, New York Authority to do Business 12885 in the State of New York Obtaining Bid Docu- for non-New York State ments The Bid Docu- Companies located in ments can be requested the Form of Proposal from BCA Architects & package. There are three Engineers at www.the- sections that must be, Bidding, completed. You must select project, and then also have the Non-ColluBid Set Request Form. A sion Certificate completpayment of $100.00 will ed and signed and if you be required for each set. are a corporation, you Bidders wishing docu- must have the Resoluments mailed to them tion completed and shall include, in addition signed. to the document de- No bid will be considposit, a non-refundable ered when opened uncheck of $15.00 per set less accompanied by a handling and certified copy of your for postage or a UPS/FedEx Authority to do Business account number. Checks in New York State. This shall be made payable to is not to be confused BCA Architects & Engi- with a sales tax certifineers. cate. The Authority can Bidders wishing elec- be obtained by contacttronic documents shall ing: submit their request to New York State Departsubmittals@thebcment of State and forward Division of Corporations a non-refundable check 162 Washington Avenue of $50.00. Checks shall Albany, NY 12231 be made payable to BCA (518) 473-2492 Architects & Engineers. If the Certificate does Plan Deposit Policy, Plan not accompany the bid, Holders List, Pre-Bid Es- the bid is not valid. timates, and a list of Ad- In the event you are of dendums, if any, may be the opinion that you are found at www.thebc- not required to obtain under Bid- the Authority to o Busiding Projects. ness in New York state, PLANS AND SPECIFICA- and you are not a New TIONS REMAIN THE York State Corporation, PROPERTY OF THE AR- then you should comCHITECT AND MUST BE plete the Statement ConRETURNED IN GOOD cerning Authority to do WITHIN Business. You must CONDITION THIRTY (30) BUSINESS complete two out of DAYS AFTER AWARD three sections. The top OF CONTRACT OR RE- portion must be comJECTION OF BIDS. The pleted by all vendors plan deposit for one set needing to complete this of Plans and Specifica- document and then eitions will be refunded to ther the Individual Acbona fide bidders return- knowledgement or the ing Plans and Specifica- Corporate Acknowledgetions to the Architect's ment, depending on the office within 30 busi- status of your business. ness days after award of By Order Of: Contract or rejection of Date: March 8, 2019 bids. A partial refund of Cynthia Turcotte the plan deposit, in an District Clerk amount equal to the full WARRENSBURG CSD amount of such deposit, PHASE - 2 less the actual cost of CAPITAL IMPROVEreproduction of the MENT PROJECT NOTICE Plans and Specifications TO BIDDERS shall be made to non- PROJECT NO. 2016-032 bidders and unsuccess- PAGE NO. 2 ful bidders for the return NE-03/09/2019-1TCof all other copies of the 211561 Plans and Specifications in good condition within 30 business days follow- NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY ing the award of the COMPANY Contract or the rejection Under Section 203 of of the bids. the Limited Liability Inspection of Site Company Law Potential bidders will be Name: 1256 Lake Avinformed via Addenda, enue, LLC, Articles of of a pre-bid meeting Organization filed with date and time, to be conducted by the Archi- the Secretary of State of tect and Owners Repre- New York (SSNY) on sentative in advance of February 7, 2019. Office location: Warren County. the bid opening. Requests for Informa- SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon tion Requests for informa- whom process against it tion, interpretation and may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of proclarification shall be made to the Architect cess to: c/o The LLC, utilizing the RFI form 3210 Lakeshore Drive, bound in the Contract Lake George, New York Documents. The dead- 12845. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities. line for RFI submissions NE-02/16-03/23/2019shall be (3) business 6TC-209544 days prior to the bid opening. RFIs received SUPREME COURT OF after that date will not be THE STATE OF NEW answered. YORK - COUNTY OF ESAddenda addressing RFIs will be issued to SEX MORTthe Plan Holders of NATIONSTAR GAGE LLC, Record. Each Bidder is V. responsible to confirm receipt of all Addenda. SIMON MOORE A/K/A Failure to do so shall not SIMON A. MOORE, ET relieve the Bidder of his AL. NOTICE OF SALE obligations under the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVsubmitted Bid. WARRENSBURG CSD EN pursuant to a Final Judgment of ForecloPHASE - 2 CAPITAL IMPROVE- sure dated December 07, 2018, and entered in MENT PROJECT NOTICE the Office of the Clerk of TO BIDDERS the County of Essex, PROJECT NO. 2016-032 wherein NATIONSTAR PAGE NO. 1 Preparation of Bids MORTGAGE LLC is the Plaintiff and SIMON Bids shall be prepared as set forth in the Infor- MOORE A/K/A SIMON A. mation to Bidders, en- MOORE, ET AL. are the closed in a sealed enve- Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will lope bearing on its face sell at public auction at the title of the project, the ESSEX COUNTY and the name, address 7559 and phone number of COURTHOUSE, COURT STREET, ELIZAthe bidder. Each bidder agrees to BETHTOWN, NY 12932, waive any claim it has or on March 27, 2019 at 9:00AM, premises may have against the as 103 Owner, the Architect/En- known ROAD gineer, and the respec- LAKESHORE N/K/A 1691 LAKE tive employees, arising SHORE ROAD, ESSEX, out of or in connection Section with the administration, NY 12936: evaluation or recom- 49.15, Block 1, Lot 35: mendation of any bid. ALL THAT CERTAIN The Owner reserves the PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE right to reject any or all bids and to waive any in- TOWN AND COUNTY OF formalities or defects in ESSEX, STATE OF NEW such bid either before or YORK after opening. The Own- Premises will be sold subject to provisions of er further reserves its right to disqualify bid- filed Judgment Index # ders for any material CV17-0358. Evan F. Bracy, Esq. - Referee. RAS failure to comply with
COURTHOUSE, 7559 COURT STREET, ELIZABETHTOWN, NY 12932, on March 27, 2019 at 9:00AM, premises known as 103 LAKESHORE ROAD N/K/A 1691 LAKE SHORE ROAD, ESSEX, NY 12936: Section 49.15, Block 1, Lot 35: LEGALS ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF ESSEX, STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # CV17-0358. Evan F. Bracy, Esq. - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NE-02/23-03/16/20194TC-209441 THE NAME OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THAT WAS FORMED IS: AB COMPOSTING LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed with the Department of State of the State of New York on February 20, 2019. The office of said Limited Liability Company is located in Warren County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Limited Liability Company upon whom process against said Company may be served and the post office address within the state to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process is: AB COMPOSTING LLC, 9 Bacon Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801. NE-03/02-04/06/20196TC-210870 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Celli Adirondack, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/5/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 2401 Vermont View Dr., Watervliet, NY 12189. Purpose: any lawful act NE-03/02-04/06/20196TC-210474 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF DR. G'S CBD & ELIXIRS, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/1/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 12 Haviland Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-02/23-03/30/20196TC-209994 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Name: Enid Mastrianni, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on November 16, 2018. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: Enid Mastrianni, LLC, 11 West Notre Dame Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities. NE-02/02-03/09/20196TC-208371 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF GAMEHENGE PROPERTIES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/14/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1557 State Rte. 9, Lake George, NY 12845. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-03/02-04/06/20196TC-210891 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF GERBER ENTERPRISES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/25/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 12 Haviland Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-02/23-03/30/20196TC-2099 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF GG's Unique Boutique, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/12/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, PO Box 648, Lake George, NY 12845. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-03/02-04/06/20196TC-210742 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law Name: Hitching Post Luzerne, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on February 7, 2019. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: c/o The LLC, 3210 Lakeshore Drive, Lake George, New York 12845. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities. NE-02/16-03/23/2019-
State of New York, to COMPANY Under Section 203 of impose an Additional Mortgage Recording the Limited Liability Tax. Company Law Name: Hitching Post A copy of said Local Law Luzerne, LLC, Articles of is available for inspection during regular busiOrganization filed with the Secretary of State of ness hours by contactNew York (SSNY) on ing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at February 7, 2019. Office County Mulocation:LEGALS Warren County. the Warren LEGALS SSNY is designated as nicipal Center, 1340 State Route 9, Lake agent of the LLC upon whom process against it George, New York and may be served. SSNY may be viewed on the shall mail a copy of pro- Warren County website www.warrencouncess to: c/o The LLC, at 3210 Lakeshore Drive, Lake George, New York BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVI12845. Purpose: Any SORS lawful act or activities. NE-02/16-03/23/2019AMANDA ALLEN, CLERK NE-03/09-03/16/20196TC-209539 2TC-211518 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY NOTICE OF TOWN OF COMPANY (LLC) JOHNSBURG ROAD Name: Hudson Consult- CLOSINGS ing & Project Manage- Notice is hereby given ment, LLC Articles of Or- that pursuant to subdiviganization filedwith the sion II of section 1660 Secretary of State of of Vehicle and Traffic New York (SSNY) on Law the undersigned 1/31/2019 Office Loca- Town Highway Superintion: Warren County. tendent, Town of JohnsThe SSNY is designated burg, Warren County, as agent of the LLC hereby directs and orupon whom process ders that all Town Roads against it may be served. will be temporarily SSNY shall mail a copy closed upon posting to of any process to the all vehicles having a LLC at: 135 Main Street, gross weight of over (4) North Creek, NY 12853. four tons. Further notice Purpose: To engage in is hereby given that any any lawful act or activity person or persons vioNE-02/23-03/30/2019lating this order shall be 6TC-209796 subject to punishment THE NAME OF THE LIM- as provided in Section ITED LIABILITY COMPA- 1800 of the Vehicle and NY THAT WAS FORMED Traffic Law. IS : JW MILLARD CON- Dated: March 1, 2019 STRUCTION SERVICES By order of Daniel B. LLC. The Articles of Or- Hitchcock Highway Superintendent ganization were filed with the Department of Town of Johnsburg State of the State of New NE-03/09-03/16/2019York on January 30, 2TC-211520 2019. The office of said Limited Liability Company is located in WARREN County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Limited Liability Company upon whom process against said Company may be served and the post office address within the state to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process is: Joel Millard, 35 Zenas Drive, Queensbury, NY 12804. NE-02/09-03/16/20196TC-208991
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LOGROSCINO & PIACENZA, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with New York Secy of State (SSNY) on 12/5/18. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 37 Sherman Ave, Glens Falls, NY 12801. The name and address of the Reg. Agent is Terence Scoville, 37 Sherman Ave, Glens Falls, NY 12801. Purpose: any lawful activity. NE-02/09-03/16/20196TC-208647 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF MAXIMUS SRB, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/7/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 25 L Freeburn Rd., Johnsburg, NY 12853. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-02/02-03/09/20196TC-208479 MONTY'S GROUP ENTERPRISE LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 02/04/2019. Office loc: Warren County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process The LLC, 14 to: Queensway, Queensbury, NY 12804. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. NE-02/16-03/23/20196TC-209370 MOUNTAIN MED DEVICE SOLUTIONS, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 02/04/2019. Office loc: Warren County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Daniel Recinella, 17 Mohawk Trail, Queensbury, NY 12804. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. NE-03/09-04/13/20196TC-211159 NOTICE OF ADOPTION AND ABSTRACT OF LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 2019 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of February, 2019, the Board of Supervisors of Warren County adopted Local Law No. 5 of 2019 entitled A Local Law Amending Local Law No. 2 of 2019, Imposing an Additional Mortgage Recording Tax in Warren County, to Amend Sections 3 and 9 to Change the Effective Date to April 1, 2019. The intent of this local law is to authorize Warren County, pursuant to the provisions of Section 253-w of the Tax Law of the State of New York, to impose an Additional Mortgage Recording Tax. A copy of said Local Law is available for inspection during regular business hours by contacting the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at the Warren County Municipal Center, 1340 State Route 9, Lake George, New York and may be viewed on the Warren County website at BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AMANDA ALLEN, CLERK
NOTICE TO BIDDERS The undersigned shall receive sealed bids for sale and delivery to Warren County as follows: WC 10 -19 PURCHASE & DELIVERY OF UP TO TWO (2) MODEL YEAR 2019 OR NEWER TRUCK TYPE CONVENTIONAL 4X4 SINGLE AXLE CARRIER VEHICLE WITH FRONT (S) MOUNTED, REVERSIBLE ANGLE EXPRESSWAY SNOW PLOW, DOUBLE WINGS WITH HIGH SPEED CHUTES & MATERIAL SPREADER You may obtain these Specifications either online or through the Purchasing Office. If you have any interest in these Specifications online, please follow the instructions to register on the Empire State Bid System website, either for free or paid subscription. Go to http://warand choose BIDS AND PROPOSALS to access the Empire State Bid System OR go directly to If you choose a free subscription, please note that you must visit the site up until the response deadline for any addenda. All further information pertaining to this bid will be available on this site. Bids which are not directly obtained from either source will be refused. Bids may be delivered to the undersigned at the Warren County Human Services Building, Warren County Purchasing Department, 3rd Floor, 1340 State Route 9, Lake George, New York between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. Bids will be received up until Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at which time they will be publicly opened and read. All bids must be submitted on proper bid Any proposal forms. changes to the original bid documents are grounds for immediate disqualification. Late bids by mail, courier or in person will be refused. Warren County will not accept any bid or proposal which is not delivered to Purchasing by the time indicated on the time stamp in the Purchasing Department Office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Julie A. Butler, Purchasing Agent Warren County Human Services Building Tel. (518) 761-6538 NE-03/09/2019-1TC211522 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF OFF THE TOP SALON LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/26/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 287 Horicon Ave., Brant Lake, NY 12815. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-3/9-4/13/2019-6TC211651 PUBLIC NOTICE OF VEHICLE LEASE/PURRESOLUTION CHASE VOTE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 175 of the Town Law, and Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, that on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, between the hours of 6PM and 9PM, at the Indian Lake Firehouse on Main Street, Indian Lake, NY, a vote of all eligible voters of Indian Lake Fire District #1 to approve, or disapprove, the bond resolution adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Indian Lake Fire District No. 1, Indian Lake, New York, on February 4, 2019, authorizing the tax exempt lease/purchase of One (1) Pierce Arrow XT PUC Rescue Pumper and expenses in
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, that on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, between the hours of 6PM and 9PM, at the Indian Lake Firehouse on Main Street, Indian Lake, NY, a vote of all eligible voters of Indian Lake Fire District #1 to approve,LEGALS or disapprove, the bond resolution adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Indian Lake Fire District No. 1, Indian Lake, New York, on February 4, 2019, authorizing the tax exempt lease/purchase of One (1) Pierce Arrow XT PUC Rescue Pumper and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $1,164,674.20 (including $858,316.00 (purchase price) and $309.358.20 (financing costs over fifteen (15 years); pledging the faith and credit of said Fire District for the payment of the principal of and interest on said contract; and providing for the publication of an estoppel notice. NE-02/23-03/09/20193TC-210125 NOTICE OF FORMATION Savvy Professional Women, LLC. Arts. of Org filed with SSNY on February 15, 2019, Off. Loc.: Warren Cnty. SSNY designated as agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Frances Mueller, 86 Glen Street, Third Floor, Glens Falls, New York 12801. Purpose: all lawful activities. NE-03/02-04/06/20196TC-210303 SECOND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR THE COUNTRYSIDE ADULT HOME BUILDING STUDY The following notice has content required for this hearing as specified by NYS OCR and by the Federal Community Development Block Grant regulations LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing Warren County Board of Supervisors The Warren County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on March 15, 2019, 10:00 am in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room on the second floor of the Warren County Municipal Center, 1340 State Route 9, Queensbury, NY for the purpose of hearing public comments on Warren County's current ComDevelopment munity Block Grant ($43,237.00) CDBG Project No. 1197CP6617 Countryside Adult Home Building Study. The CDBG Program is administered by the New York State Office of Community Renewal (OCR), and provides resources to eligible local governments for housing, economic development, public facilities, infrastructure, public and planning activities, with the principal purof benefiting pose low/moderate income persons. The hearing will provide further information about the progress of the ongoing CDBG project. Comments related to the effectiveness of administration of the CDBG project will also be received at this time. The hearing is being conducted pursuant to Section 570.486, Subpart I of the CFR and in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. The location of the hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (Amanda Allen at (518) 761-7656 or at least 5 business days in advance of the hearing date to allow for necessary arrangements. Written comments may also be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by Noon on March 14, 2019. NE-03/09/2019-1TC211519 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) The name of the Limited Liability Company that was formed is : STANGRI-LA LODGE, LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed with the Department of State of the State of New York on February 25, 2019. The office of said Limited Liability Company is located in Warren County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Limited Liability Company upon whom process against said Company may be served and the post office address within the state to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process is: STANGRI-LA LODGE, LLC, c/o Stanley R. Chlebowski, 26084 Oregon Road, Perrysburg, OH 43551. NE-03/02-04/06/20196TC-210902
consider offers to purchase its portion of the line. Further information and details are contained attached The AJ/NE Sunin | documents March 9, 2019 â&#x20AC;˘9 to this request. Proposals must be submitted to the undersigned at the Warren County Human Services Building,LEGALS 3rd Floor, 1340 LEGALS State Route 9, Lake NOTICE OF FORMATION George, New York OF STOCK FARM CON- 12845 between the STRUCTION LLC hours of 8:00 am and Arts. of Org. filed with 4:00 pm NOT later than Secy. of State of NY 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, (SSNY) on 01/16/19. Of- April 18, 2019. All profice location: Warren posals must be submitCounty. SSNY designat- ted together with the ated as agent of LLC upon tached Proposal Forms whom process against it completed and signed may be served. SSNY with an original ink sigshall mail process to the nature. Proposals shall LLC, PO Box 40, be in a sealed envelope Chestertown, NY 12817. with proposers name, Purpose: Any lawful ac- address and the above tivity. WC number on the outNE-02/02-03/09/2019side of the envelope. 6TC-208477 The party submitting the proposal should be familiar with all terms and NOTICE TO BIDDERS regarding The undersigned shall conditions receive sealed bids for this RFP before the opening. Any questions sale and delivery to the County of Warren as fol- should be submitted in writing to the Purchaslows: WC 27-19 - FRESH AND ing Department and, if FROZEN MEATS & DELI relevant, should cite the section and page numITEMS ber of the document reYou may obtain these Specifications either on- lating to the question line or through the Pur- raised by the proposer. Answers to all questions chasing Office. If you have any interest in of a substantive nature these Specifications on- will be given to all parline, please follow the in- ties who have expressed an interest in responding structions to register on to this RFP by a formal the Empire State Bid System website, either Addendum which will be for free or paid subscrip- annexed to and become tion. Go to http://warren- part of the RFP. Please and be advised that neither choose BIDS AND PRO- Warren County nor the Town of Corinth will be POSALS to access the bound by any verbal reEmpire State Bid System OR go directly to sponse by any municipal official or employee http://www.EmpireStatewhich is not confirmed If you choose a free subscrip- in writing or which does tion, please note that not result in an Addenyou must visit the site dum issued by the Purchasing Department. up until the response deadline for any adden- Warren County and the da. All further informa- Town of Corinth reserve the right to waive any intion pertaining to this bid will be available on formalities or irregularities in the proposals rethis site. Bids which are ceived, or to reject any not directly obtained from either source will or all proposals without explanation. be refused. Bids may be delivered to Late proposals by mail, the undersigned at the courier or in person will Warren County Human Warren Services Building, War- be refused. County and the Town of ren County Purchasing Department, 3rd Floor, Corinth will not accept 1340 State Route 9, any proposal which is not delivered directly to Lake George, New York between the hours of Purchasing, by the time indicated above, in the 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. Bids will be received up Purchasing Department Office. Faxes will not be until Thursday, March accepted. 28, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at Julie Butler, Purchasing which time they will be Agent publicly opened and Warren County Human read. All bids must be Services Building, 3rd submitted on proper bid proposal forms. Any Floor changes to the original 1340 State Route 9, bid documents are Lake George, NY 12845 Telephone Number: grounds for immediate (518) 761-6538 disqualification. Late bids by mail, couri- NE-03/09/2019-1TCer or in person will be 211586 refused. Warren County will not accept any bid or proposal which is not delivered to Purchasing by the time indicated on the time stamp in the Purchasing Department NOTICE TO PROFESSIONALS Office. The undersigned shall The right is reserved to receive sealed proposals reject any or all bids. Julie A. Butler, Purchas- for the provision of services to the County of ing Agent Warren as follows: Warren County Human WC 3-19 - REQUEST Services Building FOR PROPOSALS FOR Tel. (518) 761-6538 ENHANCEREVENUE NE-03/09/2019-1TCMENT SERVICES FOR 211587 THE WARREN COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE REQUEST FOR PRO- You may obtain these POSALS Specifications either onThe undersigned is line or through the Purseeking sealed propos- chasing Office. If you als as follows: have any interest in WC 29-19 - Request for these Specifications onProposals for Train Op- line, please follow the inerator and Train Service structions to register on for Short Line Railroad the Empire State Bid Owned by the County of System website, either Warren and Town of for free or paid subscripCorinth, New York with a tion. Go to http://warConnection available to a and Canadian Pacific Rail choose BIDS AND PROLine allowing Access to POSALS to access the Points South (Saratoga Empire State Bid System Springs, Albany, New OR go directly to York, etc.) OR Purchase http://www.EmpireStateof Warren Countys Por- If you tion of Said Line choose a free subscripThe County of Warren tion, please note that and the Town of Corinth, you must visit the site are owners of railroad up until the response tracks and a station and deadline for any addencertain other buildings, da. All further informaplatforms and support- tion pertaining to this ing facilities lying and bid will be available on existing in the Counties this site. Bids which are of Warren and Saratoga not directly obtained between the Town of from either source will Corinth and North Creek be refused. in the Town of Johns- Proposals may be delivburg. The rail line travels ered to the undersigned a course which at one at the Warren County point takes it along the Human Services Buildnortherly part of the ing, Warren County PurHudson River to North chasing Department, 3rd Creek, New York and Floor, 1340 State Route has a connection avail- 9, Lake George, New able to the Canadian Pa- York between the hours cific Line to points south of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. (Saratoga, Albany, New Proposals will be reYork, etc.). The Munici- ceived up until Tuesday, palities are seeking pro- March 26, 2019 at 3:00 posals for the provision p.m. at which time the of train service by an op- Purchasing Agent will erator interested in pro- publicly open said providing freight service posals. All proposals with or without excur- must be submitted on sion trains over the Mu- proper bid proposal nicipal rail line with forms. Any changes to stops in the various the original RFP docuTowns located along the ments are grounds for line and within Warren immediate disqualificaand Saratoga Counties. tion. The municipalities are Late proposals by mail, seeking to contract with courier or in person will a qualified operator who be refused. Warren can provide rolling stock County will not accept and operate a train ser- any proposal which is vice beginning at the not delivered to Purearliest possible time. chasing by the time indiWarren County may also cated above, on the time consider offers to pur- stamp in the Purchasing chase its portion of the Department Office. line. Further information The right is reserved to and details are contained reject any or all proposin documents attached als. to this request. Julie A. Butler, PurchasProposals must be sub- ing Agent mitted to the under- Warren County Human signed at the Warren Services Building County Human Services Tel. (518)761-6538 Building, 3rd Floor, 1340 NE-03/09/2019-1TCState Route 9, Lake 211584 George, New York 12845 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm NOT later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 18, 2019. All proposals must be submitted together with the attached Proposal Forms completed and signed
10 • March 9, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun
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EMAIL: COMMUNITY OUTREACH ELIZABETHTOWN - The diabetes support group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Elizabethtown Community Hospital, 4:30 pm-6pm. LAKE GEORGE - Grief and Loss Support Group Ever Wednesday, 3:00 pm. 3-5 pm at St. James Episcopal Church.
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Brandon RV Welcomes Josh Eugair!
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Call 518-585-9173
f>R I N T I N G
For more information contact Ashley Alexander Phone: 518-873-6368 x105 | Email:
A HUGE welcome to Josh Eugair who has joined the Brandon RV team.
Josh comes to us with 17+ years in Sales and Financing.
He enjoys spending as much time with his two daughters (Jayla and Jaiden) as he possibly can.
Also a HUGE Yankees fan (OMG...….that might have been a deal breaker if we’d known earlier).
8761 Route 9, LLC
Andrew Walts
Michael Asa Albrecht
Sherry Pattison
Glens Falls
With his daughters they make the trip every year to Yankee Stadium to take in a ball game.
Kara Fanniff
Ghani Nabizada
Jane Henty
Casey Dwyer
Gary Barnard
Lyle Caraw Farren
Tyler Shepard
William Kennedy
After working at Pete’s RV in Burlington, he knew the RV business was where he wanted to be! Josh is passionate about HELPING CUSTOMERS find the right financing and protection for a carefree ownership experience. After growing up in Pittsford, and now working in Pittsford, he feels right at home.
Patrick Cunningham
Randy Frasier
Christopher Cook
Michelle Pinedo
Please stop in or call Josh at Brandon RV to welcome him home.
John Stillwell
Alison Temple
Sorry Red Sox fans...…….BUT...…….he is a good guy, please welcome him along with all his Yankee fans.
J-Mac Realty LLC
Arthur Belden
Glens Falls
Kendall Johnson
Kyleen Ellis
Eric Powers
Philip Cote
Luigi Gino Chiaravalle
Richard Capolino
Lake George
Enrico Ambrosino
Lynn Goodness
Lisa Bartlett
Kimberly Somelofske
Glens Falls
Douglas Lafferty
Jjp Lake George Partners LLC
Paul Whitman
Stephen Len
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