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Boiling the water, refrigerate and let
Wanted: student films Adirondack-area middle school and high school students invited to submit From News Reports
TUPPER LAKE | AdkAction and the Tupper Lake School District are announcing that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are canceling the Beyond the Peaks LIVE event. Instead, they will be accepting film submissions on the original digital platform, with a new deadline of June 8. Participation is open to all middle school and high school students in the Adirondack region. This year’s festival is sponsored by Lake Placid Institute and organized by AdkAction and the Tupper Lake Central School District.
In an attempt to offer a fun and creative outlet to Adirondack middle and high school students who are learning from home, the two organizations are encouraging students to film their experiences during this crisis and submit these films to one of the film categories in the festival. Films on other topics will be accepted as well. The idea is to encourage a welcomed creative outlet for students who are forced to remain at home. Graduating seniors are particularly encouraged to apply.
After the submission deadline of June 8, films will be judged and prize packages mailed out to the winning filmmakers for each category. Prize packages and trophies have already been donated and include audio and video equipment. Submission details and tutorials can be found online at beyondthepeaks.skills21.org. Interested teachers, administrators, students and parents are encouraged to visit adkaction.org/ filmfest to learn more and sign up. Email Wendy Cross, wendyc@tupperlakecsd.net, or Brittany Christenson, brittany@adkaction.org, for more information. ■ AdkAction and Tupper Lake Central School District take the second annual Beyond the Peaks Student Film Festival online. Photo provided
Grade 3-8 assessments postponed until spring 2021
ELIZABETHTOWN |The New York State Education Department canceled June 2020 Regents Exams for all schools in New York.
Guidance in the unprecedented move involves changes for graduation require ments and explains how students will earn diplomas, credentials and endorsements.
“In times of crisis difficult decisions must be made and the Board of Regents knows these are ultimately the right ones for New York’s students,” Board Chancellor Betty A. Rosa said in the formal announcement.
“We are putting the safety of children, families and educators first, while ensuring that the hard work done by our students and teachers is honored.”
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) President Andy Pallotta called this the “right decision” and will “allow our students and their families to first and foremost focus on being safe and healthy without having to stress about preparing for traditional endof-year exams this June.
Pallotta said the guidance will allow students’ hard work toward achieving a diploma to be recognized without penalty in this unprecedented crisis.
“We thank Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa, the Board and the (State Education) Department for putting students first with changes to state exam requirements.”
In addition, State Education delayed roll-out of grades 3 to 8 state assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. Testing will resume in spring 2022.
State assessments to the New York P-12 Science Learning Standards will begin in spring 2023.
State Ed expressed gratitude for the extraordinary work of parents, teachers, school staff and administrators navigating uncharted waters with online learning.
“Every day we see more and more examples of the tireless dedication of educators, administrators and parents to support their students as they continue to learn and work toward a meaningful diploma during the state of emergency,” State Ed Interim Commissioner Shannon Tahoe said.
“The department has developed this guidance to ensure that students who were on track to graduate this year will have that opportunity.”
The new guidance says: “Students who, during the June 2020 examination period would have taken one or more Regents examinations, will be exempted from passing the assessments in order to be issued a diploma.”
To qualify for the exemption, students must have earned credit in such course of study by the end of the 2019-20 school year; or be enrolled in a course of study culminating in a Regents examination and will have passed such course of study by the end of the 2019-20 school year; or if they fail the course, the student must receive summer instruction to earn the course credit and diploma credit in August 2020; or the student is exempted from taking a Regents if they has achieved course credit, but had not yet passed the associated Regents they planned to take in June.
State Education is developing procedures for how schools and districts will record the 2020 Regent Exam exemption. ■
Trial by COVID-19 for the courts
Proceedings limited to essential, emergency matters; go virtual
By Laurel Carroll STAFF WRITER
TICONDEROGA | Per an April 6 news release issued by the New York State Unified Court System, all New York courts will be limited to “essential and emergency court proceedings” only, and will take place virtually. Chief Judge Janet DiFiore and Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks reported that virtual court operations−conducted remotely−are now in effect statewide. The “virtual court” model has been rapidly expanded in response to the fast-evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our shift to a virtual court system has made it possible for participants in essential and emergency proceedings to appear remotely via Skype, dramatically reducing the number of people in our courthouses,” said Chief Judge DiFiore.
All nonessential court functions had already been suspended by administrative order, with an amendment to this order permitting judges, criminal defendants, civil litigants, attorneys and some court staff to appear by videoconference for essential and emergency court proceedings. A very small number of court clerks and court officers will continue to staff these virtual court parts to process critical paperwork and provide essential security.
Town and village courts are closed, and eviction proceedings have been suspended until further notice. County supreme courts will handle “essential” applications (Mental Hygiene Law applications, civil commitments and guardianships) and any applications deemed essential by that court’s judge/s. Lower-court cases will be handled either in county courts or in designated “Special Parts.” In New York Family Court, “essential” matters include child protection, juvenile and family offense cases and support orders. Civil and criminal
trials already underway will continue until concluded, but no new civil or criminal trials will start until further notice.
For updated instructions about jury duty, visit nyjuror.gov/pdfs/ Coronavirus-Memo.pdf. In addition, Chief Judge DiFiore’s office has established a Coronavirus Telephone Hotline—833-503-0447— which addresses a wealth of court-related questions. For more information about virtual court operations in your local county or Judicial District, as well as updates relating to COVID-19’s impact on the New York State Court system, go to: nycourts.gov. ■ The Essex County Courthouse in Elizabethtown. File photo
BAKERS MILLS Mountain View Community Church: 2516 State Route 8, 518-251-9933, Sunday: 11 AM. BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE United Methodist Church of Blue Mountain Lake: 3439 State Route 28 Saturday: Worship Service 5:45 PM. BOLTON Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church: Goodman Ave., 518-644-3861, Sunday: Mass 9:00 & 10:00 AM, Vigil Mass 5:30 PM. BlessedSacramentBolton.org Bolton Community Church: 5 Horicon Ave., 518-644-9103, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM, Junior/ Children’s Church 11:00 AM. www.BoltonCC.org Emmanuel United Methodist Church: 19 Stewart Ave., 518-644-9962, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. Episcopal Church of Saint Sacrament: 4879 Lake Shore Dr., 518-644-9613, Saturday: Mass 5:00 PM, Sunday: Mass 10:00 AM. Solid Rock Assembly of God: 12 Church Hill Rd., 518-240-6324, Sunday: Worship Service and Children’s programs 10:00 AM. Facebook: Solid Rock Assembly BRANT LAKE Adirondack Mission of the Episcopal Church: 518-494-3314, Call for service times and information. www.theadirondackmission.org, also on Facebook. Horicon Baptist Church: 6618 State Route 8, 518-494-2584, Sunday: Worship 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM. www.horiconbaptist.com St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: State Route 8, Sunday; 8 AM. Facebook: AdirondackMission CHESTERTOWN Community United Methodist Church: 11 Church St., 518-494-3374, Service 10:00 AM. Faith Bible Church: 4 Hayes Rd., 518-494-7183, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. www.faithbiblechurchny. com St. Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Church: Riverside Dr. & Church St., 518-824-1176, Saturday: Vigil 4:00 PM, Sunday: Mass 9:30 AM. DIAMOND POINT Jesus is Lord Fellowship: 264 Diamond Point Rd., 518-623-9712, Friday: Barn Gathering Worship 6:30 PM. Diamond Point Community: 3699 Lake Shore Dr., Visit our website for service times. www. diamondpointcommunitychurch.com HULETTS LANDING Mountain Grove Memorial Church: Route 6A, 518-499-1238, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. JOHNSBURG RWJ Johnsburg United Methodist Church: 1798 South Johnsburg Rd., 518-251-3371, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. INDIAN LAKE First Baptist Church of Indian Lake: 18 Sabel Rd., Sunday: Worship 10:30 AM, Teen Group 6:00 PM. Independent Baptist Church of Indian Lake: 6110 State Route 30, 518-648-5744, Sunday: Worship 11:00 AM. Indian Lake United Methodist Church: 6140 State Route 28, 518-648-5441, Sunday: Worship 9:15 AM. LAKE GEORGE Bay Road Presbyterian Church: 1167 Bay Rd., 518-793-8541, Worship Service: 10:00 AM. www. bayroadchurch.org Caldwell Presbyterian Church: 71 Montcalm St., 518-668-2613, Sunday: Service 10:00 AM. www. caldwellpres.org First United Methodist Church: 78 Montcalm St., 518-223-0461, Sunday: Worship Service 9:00 AM. Grace Communion International: 56 Mohican St., Mary at 518-696-5788 or David La orthun at 518-882-9145, Saturday: Worship Services 11:30 AM. Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church: 50 Mohican St., 518-668-2046, Saturday: Vigil Mass 5:30 PM, Sunday: Mass 10:00 AM., Daily Mass: Monday & Wednesday 8:30 AM. St. James Episcopal Church: 172 Ottawa St., 518-668-2001, Sunday: Services 9:00 AM, Weekdays 8:30 AM. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls: 21 Weeks Rd., 518-793-1468, Sunday: Service 10:00 AM. www.glensfalls.uu.com LONG LAKE Calvary Methodist Church: State Route 30, 518-624-6975, Sunday: Worship Service 11:00 AM. St. Henry’s Catholic Church: Main St., Rt. 30, 518-624-2541, Saturday: Service 4:00 PM, Sunday: Mass 11:00 AM. www.sthenryII.com Long Lake Wesleyan Church: 1118 Deerland Rd., 518-624-2411, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. MINERVA Minerva Baptist Church: Corners of A.P. Morse Highway & Route 28N, 518-648-0315, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. We provide this Faith Directory as a courtesy to our readers and visitors to our area. Any changes or additions can be made by calling 518-873-6368 ext. 201. Faith Directory
NEWCOMB Adirondack Bible Fellowship: Service: 9:00 AM. St. Therese’s Catholic Church: 18 Adams Lane, 518-582-3671, Sunday: Mass 9:00 AM. www. sttheresenewcomb.com NORTH CREEK Seventh Day Adventist Church: Bird Pond Rd., Church Service: 11:30 AM. Sodom Community Church: 59 Cross Rd., 518-251-2079, Call for service times. Check us out on Facebook. St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church: Ridge St., Sunday: 10:00 AM. Facebook: Adirondack Mission St. James Roman Catholic Church: Main St., 518-824-1176, Saturday: Mass 5:30 PM. United Methodist Church: 518-642-6707, Sunday: Service 10:00 AM at Adirondack Outreach Center - 2718 State Rte 28. North River United Methodist Church: 518-251-4071, Service at 10:00 AM. OLMSTEDVILLE St. Joseph’s Catholic Church: 635 Church Rd., 518-648-5422, Sunday: Mass 11:00 AM. Grace Bible Fellowship: 1427 N. Gore Rd., 518-251-3290, Sunday: Worship 10:00 AM. POTTERSVILLE Christ Anglican/Episcopal Church: 518-494-3440, Sunday: Eucharist 12:00 PM. Lighthouse Baptist Church: Rt. 9 (next to Wells House Hotel), Sunday: Worship 10:50 AM & 6:00 PM, Wednesday: 7:00 PM. Pottersville United Methodist Church: 518-251-3371 Worship 8:15 AM SonRise Lutheran Church: 772-321-8692, Saturday: 3:00 PM at the Christ Episcopal Church, Rt. 9. STONY CREEK Stony Creek Community Church: 687 Harrisburg Rd., 518-696-3004, Sunday: Service 10:00 AM. www.stonycreekchurch.net THURMAN Christ Community Church: Athol, Sunday: Services 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM. Thurman Baptist Church: Sunday: Worship 11:00 AM. WARRENSBURG Christian Worship Center: Corner of Elm Street & Pine Tree Lane, 518-696-5468, Sunday: Service 10:00 AM. Faith Baptist Church: 518-623-4071, Sunday: Preaching Services 10:45 AM & 6:00 PM, Wednesday: Prayer service 7:00 PM. First Baptist Church: 3850 Main St., 518-623-9373, Sunday: Worship 10:45 AM. First Presbyterian Church: 2 Stewart Farrar Ave., 518-623-2723, Worship 10:00 AM. First United Methodist Church of Warrensburg: 518-623-9334, Sunday: Worship 11:00 AM. Free Methodist Church: 250 River St., Sunday: Worship 10:45 AM. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses: 518-623-4601, Sunday: Public Talk 10:00 AM & Watchtower 10:35 AM. St. Cecilia’s Roman Catholic Church: 518-623-3021, Saturday: Eucharist 4:30 PM, Sunday: Eucharist 10:00 AM. The Church of the Holy Cross: 518-623- 3066, Sunday: Eucharist 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM, Wednesday: Healing Mass 7:00 PM, Thursday: Mass 7:00 AM. Thurman-Kenyontown United Methodist Church: Worship Services every week 11:00 AM. Warrensburg Assembly of God: 518-623-2282, Sunday: Worship 11:00 AM, Thursday: Evening Service 6:00 PM. WEVERTOWN Calvary Bible Church: 2530 Route 28, 518-251-2323, Sunday: Worship 10:30 AM.
( 518 ) 494-8691
22 Main Street, Warrensburg, NY 518-623-4221 & 518-668-2080 217875
Golf Course Road, Warrensburg, NY 623-GOLF & 623-9336 Golf Course Road, Warrensburg, NY 518-623-GOLF & 518-623-9336 216066