Green Mountain Outlook 03-13-2010

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A New Market Press Publication

Welcome to the new Outlook in the Green Mountain State.

Vol. 2 No. 10 •

March 10, 2010

Community News, Sports, Arts, Entertainment and Food for Southern VT and NH

Remembering T-Bone Wolk Dec. 21, 1951 – Feb. 27, 2010 On page 13 local musicians honor the beloved musical giant.

PAGE LISTING Rockingham . . . . . .2-5

Food . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Londonderry . . . . . . .6

A&E . . . . . . . . . .13-14

Brattleboro . . . . . . . .7

Health . . . . . . . . . . .14

Chester . . . . . . . . . . .7

Sports . . . . . . . . . . .15

Ludlow . . . . . . . . . .8-9

Puzzle Page . . . . . . .16

Springfield . . . . .10-12

Classifieds . . . . .17-20

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BFUHS Presents Oklahoma!- Pg. 2

Chester’s Black Fly Baseball Camp - Pg. 7

For community news and other stories from this week and past weeks, visit us at


Greater Falls Serve Marks 19th Year February was the 19th anniversary of Greater Falls Serve. It marks the first anniversary of us using the Westminster Fire Station for distribution once a month. We appreciate this so much as access and parking are so convenient. We can't thank Greg and the other firemen enough for their help in setting the tables up and taking them down, as well as their help unloading the truck. Serve is a community service, food purchase program. A family package contains at least four pounds of meats, potatoes, carrots, bananas and other fruits and vegetables. This package is $25 plus $1 for trucking. There are specials every month of bigger meats and convenience meals. Orders and payments are made early in the month and the food is delivered to the fire station two weeks later. March sign-up is the 13th and pickup is the 27th. Newspapers are available at the Westminster Town Office, the Fire Station, SEVCA and various locations around Bellows Falls. The web site is We accept cash, check and EBT. For more information, call Jane French at 463-4311 or Marie Benway at 463-0620


Cash & Carry or Professionally Installed

March 10-16, 2010

BFUHS Presents Oklahoma!

Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma! will be performed by the Bellows Falls Union High School drama club on Friday and Saturday, March 12 and 13. Oklahoma! combines story, song and dance. The plot is simple, revolving mainly around the question of who will take Laurey Williams, played by BFUHS senior Sophie Gehr, to the box social – the decent Curly McLain, played by BFUHS senior Angus Gunn, or the sinister Jud Fry, played by sophomore Dylan Ward. Other lead roles include senior Sam Brissette playing Will Parker, junior Scott Martin playing Ali Hakim, senior Marion Major playing Ado Annie, and senior Codi Hindes playing Aunt Eller. The entire cast and crew is comprised of 31 students and three staff members, who have been working since the beginning of the year to put together an extraordinary production. The BFUHS spring musical is directed by Matt Burke, band director at the high school. Show times are Friday, March 12 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, March 13 at 2:30 and 7 p.m. All performances are at the Bellows Falls Union High School auditorium off Route 5 in Westminster.

The Olde Stonebridge Vint age Emporium

Offering period antiques to include Botanical & Bird Prints

GRAI Presents How to Get Kids to Love Writing Workshop On Saturday, March 13 from 10 a.m. 3 p.m. at the Great River Arts Institute at 33 Bridge Street in Bellows Falls there will be a get kids to love writing program for parents and educators. Although essential, writing remains elusive to many young students today. Yet language, particularly the written word, remains the key to a student’s sense of self and empowerment. In this boot camp style class, educators will learn a rigorous nuts and bolts approach to writing: An organic and inspired methodology will be shared, complete with lesson plans and

writing exercises adaptable for youth at all levels. The more a teacher experiences first hand this more visual, right-brained approach to writing, the more effectively they can transmit the method to their students. The cost is $30. All proceeds from this workshop will be used to support Voices Teen Radio 2010 and free to teachers and youth workers participating in Voices. For more information or to enroll, contact Kristen Fehrenbach at 463-3330 or

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March 10-16, 2010

Cornerstone Pediatrics Moves to Bridge Street Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announces that the Bellows Falls practice of Cornerstone Pediatrics is moving in early April to newly renovated offices at 22 Bridge Street. In the building formerly known as the Framery, the new office location, which is currently being renovated, will feature the same courteous and friendly staff to meet the needs of all their patients and families. Later in the spring, Cornerstone will hold an open house to welcome visitors and show off their new offices. Meanwhile, pediatricians Susan Slowinski, MD, and Valery Rooney, MD, and the rest of the office staff look forward to welcoming existing and new patients to their new location. For more information about the new office, or to make an appointment, call 463-2020. Cornerstone Pediatrics also offers a program called “Reach Out and Read”, started by a team of pediatricians and early childhood educators in Boston who are interested in encouraging early literacy as part of pediatric care. The national program offers books to children from age six months to five years, but thanks to the generosity of Phi Theta Kappa at Landmark College, the “Reach Out and Read” program at Cornerstone Pediatrics in Bellows Falls is able to give a free age-appropriate Above, pediatricians Valery Rooney, MD, left, and Susan Slowinski, MD. book to each child from age six months on through high school to take home when they about parenting. It is open to the public in addition to come to Cornerstone Pediatrics for their well-child being available for the practice’s patients. visit. Drs. Rooney and Slowinski are both board certified In addition, Cornerstone Pediatrics offers a free pediatricians and fellows in the American Academy lending library for parents which features books of Pediatrics.


News from the Bellows Falls Woman’s Club During their Feb. 9 meeting, members of the Bellows Falls Woman’s Club heard an informative program on planning for end of life issues. Heidi Smith, of Visiting Nurse and Hospice of VT and NH, gave a well prepared presentation on steps to take now for the care you wish to receive as life’s end approaches. She distributed forms for those who wish to put things in place, so that all who will be involved in giving care and making decisions, including family members and legal and medical professionals, will be aware of and will act upon your wishes. Club members held their annual pound sale fund raiser at the end of the Feb. meeting and earmarked $100 of the proceeds for Haitian earthquake relief through the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and one of its partner organizations, Save the Children. The GFWC-VT mid winter meeting was held in Ludlow on Feb. 13. Club members Barbara Comtois and Betty Haggerty attended. Barbara has been selected as the state winner of the GFWC’s prestigious Jennie Award, given biennially to an outstanding woman and club member, one who exemplifies commitment to club, to community, and to family and moral values. The Bellows Falls club is very proud of Barbara and what this award means. The club will meet next on March 9, at the United Church on School Street, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Interim Town and Village Manager and former Director of Development, Francis (Dutch) Walsh, will be the featured speaker, appraising club members of town and area projects. Members are reminded to sign up for the April 13 Art Show at BFUHS and for the club’s annual meeting and luncheon slated for May 11.

Westminster Cares Report for January – Meals on Wheels, Living Strong & Gifts in Memory Of Loved Ones The Westminster Cares, Inc. Board of Directors learning more about Westminster Cares, working gifts during January: From Rich and Susan Talbot in honor of Faith met on Jan. 6. Westminster Cares creates opportu- o n a c o m m i t t e e , m a k i n g a c o n t r i b u t i o n o r nities for seniors and disabled adults to live with a t t e n d i n g a w o r k s h o p m a y c o n t a c t R o n n i e P e p e ; F ro m P a u l H a r l o w i n h o n o r o f R a l p h i n d e p e n d e n c e a n d d i g n i t y i n t h e c o m m u n i t y. F r i e d m a n a t 7 2 2 - 3 6 0 7 o r b y e m a i l a t Harlow; From Jane Fitzwilliam in memory of her mother; From Ila Mitchell in memory of Bernice Your support to this care-giving organization is We s t m i n s t e r C a re s welcomes d o n a t i o n s Cook and Bill Holton; From Douglas Sherwin and a way for all of us to take care of our elders. The Programs and Services committee has been t h ro u g h o u t t h e y e a r f ro m a n y o n e w i s h i n g t o Yvette Durell in memory Rick Sherwin; From Jan discussing the programs they offer and looking m e m o r i a l i z e a l o v e d o n e o r a f r i e n d . S e n d t o : and Heiner Sussebach in memory of Ruth Ursull. at the possibility of beginning new ones. At a Westminster Cares, PO Box 312, Westminster, VT f u t u re d a t e a w o r k s h o p w i l l b e s c h e d u l e d f o r 05158. We s t m i n s t e r C a re s preparing healthy food. re c e i v e d the We s t m i n s t e r C a re s w i s h e s t o t h a n k t h e h a s memorial residents who donated Christmas cookies in tins, f o l l o w i n g Because of the tremendous hams and eggs during response, we are extending our the holiday season. NOW OPEN These were given to the recipients of the mealson-wheels program and homebound residents. In D e c e m b e r, We s t m i n s t e r C a re s began their Annual Fundraising Appeal. Contributions enable us to continue ~ Take Out Available ~ 53072 providing many needed services including delivering Meals-OnW h e e l s , L i v i n g S t ro n g 169 Pleasant Street classes, providing rides “You might be a redneck if, Claremont, NH 03743 for medical appointments, visiting with 603-287-4502 Expires 3/12/10 h o m e b o u n d re s i d e n t s , M-F 9 am to 5 pm; and to provide various Sat. & Evenings by Appointment activities and healthy Think Top-Quality Hearing Aids workshops. Services P ro v i d e d Are Expensive? Include: Meals-onNot at PureTone Hearing Aids. We’re I-91, Exit 8, Ascutney, VT Wheels to 13 people; 10 52769 committed to providing the finest hearing r i d e s f o r f i v e d i ff e re n t aids at the lowest prices. If you’re people by four considering a hearing aid for the first time or Expires 3/12/10 volunteers for a total of if you need to replace the old ones, we’re 150 miles; two pieces of the place to go for the best service and medical equipment prices. w e re l o a n e d o u t ; a n d All New Technology volunteers visited three Today’s new hearing aid technology will people. Meetings dramatically improve your hearing problem. attended by the D i re c t o r i n D e c e m b e r : Free Trial Policy Lan dscaping B o o k k e e p e r, G a z e t t e , Try the best hearing aid money can buy Expires 3/12/10 meetings with the without risking one cent! property management D e v e l o p m e n t D i re c t o r. Satisfaction Guaranteed P ro g r a m s i n D e c e m b e r snow plowing Prove it to yourself. If you are not completely included two Secrets of Now taking appointments satisfied, there is a 100% refund. Healthy Aging for winter maintenance. s e s s i o n s , t h re e Yo g a Snow Plowing & Removal & Sanding classes, four Artist in Each of Us classes and All your landscaping needs and a whole lot more. 18 S t ro n g Living No Job Too Small • Down to Earth Pricing Expires 3/12/10 classes. Call 802-463-4001 or 802-376-5377 90006 A n y o n e i n t e re s t e d i n for more details.


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March 10-16, 2010

News, Notes & Announcements for the Rockingham Region TriVillage Energy Meets in Walpole On Thursday, March 18 TriVillage Energy, the energy committee for the town of Walpole, NH, will host a discussion among citizens to brainstorm ways to reduce energy costs in our region. The meeting will be at the Town Hall, from 6:30-8 p.m. It is estimated that in 2005, the Monadnock region spent a staggering $350 million on energy in our buildings and for transportation. At both the state and regional level, efforts are underway to save our community money by cutting these costs. Last year, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services released the New Hampshire Climate Action Plan. The plan is “aimed at achieving the greatest feasible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while also providing the greatest possible long-term economic benefits to the citizens of New Hampshire.” Now, Cool Monadnock is creating a Regional Energy and Climate Action Plan specific to our area. Cool Monadnock is a joint effort between Antioch New England Institute, Clean Air-Cool Planet and the Southwest Region Planning Commission. The discussion is intended to 1) inform participants about energy saving measures already undertaken in Walpole, 2) review energy saving proposals from the NH Climate Action Plan, 3) identify which approaches participants think will work best to save energy and money in our region, and 4) brainstorm specific actions regarding how best to save money with the selected approaches. For more information, email or call 603-313-4125.

Wildlife Rehab with Fred Homer at RFPL On Wednesday, March 17 at 7 p.m. join Fred Homer for a program on avian rescue and rehabilitation. He has a big barn on his property where he houses injured birds in recuperating enclosures and his patients have ranged from hummingbirds to great blue herons. Homer is licensed and meets the requirements as an Independent Rehabilitator, has done course-work at the Vermont Institute of Natural Science, and his

professional resource is veterinarian Ron Svec. Homer is able to assist with surgery and triage care for birds. He also writes nature articles for the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center seasonal newsletter. The library can be reached at 463-4270.

Red Cross Blood Drive The American Red Cross will hold a Blood Drive on Thursday, March 18 at the Masonic Temple on Westminster Street in Bellows Falls. Donor hours are 12 to 5:30 PM and anyone who is at least 17 years old and weighs at least 110 lbs. may be eligible to donate. This Blood Drive is being sponsored by the American Legion Post #37 and Legion Auxiliary Unit. For the month of March, all presenting donors will be automatically entered to win a pair of tickets to see the Boston Bruins vs. Carolina Hurricanes at the TD Garden in Boston on Saturday, April 10. Includes overnight accommodations and gas card and tickets non-transferable\ not redeemable for cash.

Apps for Governor’s Institutes Available Applications for Governor ’s Institutes 2010 are now available at Bellows Falls Union High School. Governor ’s Institutes offer highly motivated 9th, 10th and 11th grade students the opportunity to participate in educational programs on Vermont college campuses every summer. The Institute on the Arts will be at Castleton State College from June 27 through July 11. Four Institutes will be hosted at the University of Vermont campus. They are: Institute on Science and Technology, June 20 to June 27; Institute on Engineering, June 26 to July 3; Institute on Asian Cultures, June 20 to June 26; and Institute in the Mathematical Sciences, June 20 to June 25. Current Issues and Youth Activism will be located at the School for International Training in Brattleboro from June 29 – July 10. The Institute on Information Technology will be at Champlain College from June 19 to June 27. Financial aid is available. Contact Craig Divis in the social studies department by Monday, March 15.

Ethan Allen Associates


Chamber of Commerce

Sugar On Snow Supper in Bellows Falls It’s time once again for the annual Sugar On Snow Supper at The United Church of Bellows Falls at 8 School Street on March 20, from 4:30-7 p.m. The church will welcome the community in for a supper of ham, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, and bread. Dessert will feature sugar on snow with all the accompaniments, or diners may request ice cream instead. Interested individuals may call 463-3485 to reserve tickets in advance, or they may purchase tickets at the door. The price for adults (13 and over) is $10; for children (5-12 years), $5, while those under 5 years old eat for free. The church will offer take-out meals, as well.

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Upcoming Nature Museum Programs On Friday March 26 from 7-9 p.m., The Nature Museum and Southern Vermont Astronomy are cosponsoring another Astronomy Night at the Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center, 783 Townshend Road in Grafton. Museum and SoVerA members free; nonmember adults $10, children 12 and under $5, family maximum $25. These programs always begin with a talk by an expert and are followed by telescope work. Call 843-2111 before 5 to make a reservation or to discover if weather has canceled the program. On March 27 and 28, Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m.5 p.m., Nature Museum members are offered a discount on the Wilderness First Aid Course that will take place at the Student Conservation Association Campus in North Charlestown, NH. Museum members $170; non-members $195. Pre-registration is required. Contact Doug Caum for information or registration: or 952-9239. On Wednesday, March 31 from 7-8 p.m., Chris Rimmer from The Vermont Center for Ecostudies will lead a program about the Bicknell’s Thrush at the Springfield Public Library at 43 Main Street. Call the library at 885-3108 if the weather seems doubtful. For information about other programs, visit or call 843-2111.


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March 10-16, 2010

Senate Vote to Close VY Cuts 1,300 Jobs Editor, the Outlook: Re: the Senate vote to not relicense Vermont Yankee: George Clain, President of Local 300 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, said it all. “We thought this was the jobs session, not the fewer jobs session.” The Vermont Senate, with the exception of four worthy individuals (Mazza, Flory, Scott and Starr), is now on record as wanting to cut 1300 jobs and $93 million in payroll and $10 million in state revenues. I, personally, will never take any of the “no” votes seriously again if they talk about being “for jobs,” whether they are running for governor, senator or dog catcher. They had their chance. The Senators who voted to close VY in 2012 are riding on a wing and a prayer. No one has shown the Vermonters the plan to replace the power and, even more importantly, the jobs. These senators are supposed to represent the people and make decisions for the people. How can closing down a major employer without an approved plan be acting in the best interest of the state? How can closing down a clean source of energy production help the state? Legislators are paid to solve these types of problems, yet they are not solving the problem, but rather creating bigger problems for southeast Vermont. This move to close Vermont Yankee is not in the best interest of Vermonters.


Vermont Should Commercially Grow Hemp

Thank You Ludlow Voters from BRGNS

Editor, the Outlook: Let's grow hemp! Rural Vermont successfully lobbied for a bill in 2008 that legalized hemp in Vermont, but the commercial cultivation of hemp won't be possible here or elsewhere in the US until the federal government changes its drug policy. Why should we grow hemp? That's an easy question to answer: Hemp has a wide variety of uses; as a food source with high levels of protein, as cooking oil, industrial applications include diesel, cloth, rope, paper and more. It is a very resilient plant that does not require herbicides or pesticides to grow. As a matter of fact, it's a good crop to rotate with corn as it helps to kill weeds, without the normally used chemicals. One would think that it would be a logical choice for a farmer to grow this crop. But no, the United States Government didn’t pay attention in biology class. Yes, hemp is related to the marijuana plant; however it does not have the psychedelic ingredients of its cousin and cannot be used as a drug! Industrial hemp is produced in many countries around the world. We have to import it. Why not grow it here in Vermont? If you'd like to learn more or support Rural Vermont's efforts to bring hemp back to American soil, visit their website or call the office at 223-7222. Elisabeth Hebert, Northfield

Editor, the Outlook Black River Good Neighbor Services would like to thank the voters of Ludlow for passing the bond for the Armory Renovation Project. Because of this we will be utilizing the Tank Barn for our new store and food distribution location. This move will give us the opportunity to better serve our neighbors in need. We are most grateful for this support and we will do our utmost to assure that the voters will not be disappointed in their decision.

FOLA Thanks Ludlow Voters

Editor, the Outlook: The members and directors of the Friends of Ludlow Auditorium (FOLA) wish to thank the voters of Ludlow for passing the $3,000 appropriation request at the recent Town Meeting. These funds, along with additional funds to be raised, will enable FOLA to purchase a suitable movie Shirley Chancey, projector to show recently-released and classic Newfane movies in the auditorium of Ludlow's Town Hall. The movies will hopefully begin in late summer this year. Martha is a delightful 1-ish year old grey cat who As promised, the was left in a mailbox with her three newborn projector will be given to kittens. Unfortunately the kittens did not make it, the town so that it may be but Martha is a quiet gem who has been with us used for a variety of since last September. She is in our Karen Cross entertainment and civic Community room so she gets along great with other purposes. cats. Again, for the members We also have Gibbs, a 2 year old lab/hound mix, and directors of FOLA, a and Sami is a 3 year old Pug/Beagle mix. Call the Shelter at 885-3997 or visit grateful thanks. Wednesday-Saturday noon-4:30 p.m. or 24/7 at Ralph Pace, Chair Proud to Sponsor the Springfield Humane Society’s Pet of the Week FOLA

Pet of the Week from the Springfield Humane Society

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Acts of Kindness Deeply Appreciated Editor, the outlook: Recently I was in a minor car accident in Cuttingsville, and was amazed at the number of people that stopped to ask if I needed assistance. The first person that stopped was Cody Surething and his girlfriend. As I was by myself, his girlfriend consoled me as Cody was checking to find out how he could get the car out of the ditch I was in. Cody offered to travel to Mount Holly and get a chain so that he could pull the vehicle out of the ditch. As I was waiting, a variety of people stopped by to offer their assistance. One person stopped by with a jeep and waited with me until Cody returned. Cody returned with his friend, Andrew Taylor who coincidentally works as a mechanic at John C. Stewart and Son car dealership. The man with the jeep offered for me to sit in his vehicle while the others were pulling my car out of the ditch. Cody and Andrew checked under the hood to ensure that the car was safe for me to drive home. As I drove home, I noticed Andrew’s truck behind me. I don’t know if he was following me to ensure I arrived safely, however if he did I would not have been surprised at his kindness. We don’t often hear about good news and kind people in this world, so I wanted to share my story and thank everyone who made a difference. I don’t know anything about these people except that they made me appreciate strangers for who they are regardless of where they may come from. I encourage you to believe that every stranger you meet is as kind as these people were to me and you will be pleasantly surprised. Marianne Lange

Cal Ripken Baseball League Annual Meeting The Bellows Falls Cal Ripken Baseball League will be holding its annual meeting on Sunday March 14th at 5 p.m. The meeting will take place in the downstairs conference room at The Health Center at Bellows Falls. The purpose of the meeting is to vote in new/existing board members, make changes to existing bylaws, and entertain any new business. This meeting is open to the public. We encourage any parent of kids playing in our league to attend. For more information, contact Kevin Vancor at 4634539.

PUBLISHER Edward Coats CO-EDITORS Robert F. Smith Joe Milliken CLASSIFIEDS Pam Crowley SPORTS EDITOR Joe Milliken ADVERTISING SALES Deb Collier Mary Moeykens


Monday through Friday — 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday • Monday: Press Day

DEADLINES: All Display & Classified Advertising, Friday at 12:00 p.m. Color & Insertion Reservations, Thursday at 4:00 p.m. Editorial Copy, Friday at 12:00 p.m. CONTACT US: 51 The Square, Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101 Phone: 802-460-1107 • Fax: 802-460-0104

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© 2010 New Market Press - Green Mountain Outlook Reproduction of Green Mountain Outlook’s editorial content or created advertisements, with express written consent of Green Mountain Outlook is a violation of U.S. copyright laws and is prohibited. 07188


Snowshoe Walk to Fight Hemophilia

News, & Notes for the Londonderry Region Green Mt. Club March Hikes Green Mountain Club, Manchester section snow shoe hikes: Wednesday, March 10 – Healdville Trail to Okemo, start time 8:30 a.m. at carpool site, Clark's IGA in Londonderry, distance 5.6 miles, snowshoe, moderate, trip leader Dave Ratti, c/o, 366-0698. Sunday, March 14 – Bucklin Trail to Killington, start time 9 a.m. at carpool site, Hannaford parking lot in Rutland or at 8 a.m. at alternate carpool site, Shaws parking lot in Manchester Center, distance 8.4 miles, snowshoe, moderately difficult, trip leader Dave Ratti, c/o, 3660698.

Mom’s Day Off Raises $6.3K

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On Feb. 5, the ninth annual “Mom’s Day Off,” a breast cancer fundraiser sponsored by and held at Bromley Mountain, drew 420 moms and raised the hefty and record-breaking sum of $6,300. That brings the eight-year total to just over $35,000. The notion behind the annual event is that any mom can ski or ride Bromley on “Mom’s Day Off” for $15 when they show the ticket seller a snapshot of their kids. Bromley, in turn, donates the entire $15 to the VT/NH Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the Race for the Cure people. Bromley has been a sponsor of the race since 1995. As they have since the first Mom’s Day Off in 2002, the Chicks on Sticks, a group sponsored by the Alpine Sport Shop in Saratoga Springs, NY, arrived en masse, tipping 2010’s “Largest Team” scales in their favor by bringing 106 moms on two chartered busses. The Women of Willard made the trip from the Willard Mountain Ski Area in Greenwich, NY, bringing the next largest group, a very respectable showing of 60 moms. Visit Bromley online at Above, VT/NH Komen Affiliate President Debbie Peretz accepts this year’s check from Bromley President Rich Wiseman.

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March 10-16, 2010


The Sixth Annual Alpine Snowshoe Walk to benefit the New England Hemophilia Association takes place on Saturday, March 13, at Stratton Mountain. This year ’s walk is sponsored by Bayer Healthcare, CSL Behring, Baxter Healthcare, Biomed Pharmaceuticals, Novo Nordisk, and Coram Specialty Infusion Services. Register online at or in person the day of the walk, at Stratton’s Sun Bowl Base Lodge, from 12:30 p.m. The guided walk kicks off at 1:30 p.m. Donations for the walk are $25 per adult 17 and older (16 and under walk free with paying adult). Any gift of $50 or more earns the donor a seat at Saturday evening’s celebratory dinner, hosted by the event’s founders, Mark and Ina Katzman. This year ’s Silent Auction includes tickets to Jerry Seinfeld’s May show at the MGM Grand Theater at Foxwoods plus an overnight stay at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut; an Indianapolis Colts helmet autographed by Super Bowl XLI MVP, Peyton Manning; an NFL football signed by New York Giants great and Super Bowl XXI MVP, Phil Simms, as well as a basketball signed by the Harlem Globetrotters. You may also bid on Red Sox tickets, golf for four at Stratton, dinners at area restaurants, fine jewelry and much more. There will also be a very special raffle for a pair of tickets to Bon Jovi’s March 27 show and overnight accommodations for two at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT. Raffle tickets are $20 each and may be purchased by sending a check made out to The New England Hemophilia Association to Above, Mark and Ina Katzman's grandson, Blake Katzman. the association at 347 Washington St., Suite 402, Dedham, MA 02026. All proceeds benefit surprised to learn that the disorder can spontaneously appear in children whose parents don’t have the New England Hemophilia Association. The brainchild of Stratton Mountain residents Mark the disorder. This was the case with Blake. After a series of medical procedures and with the and Ina Katzman, the first Alpine Snowshoe Walk was now daily intravenous doses of clotting factor, Blake organized and held the year after the Katzman’s first is doing well and is living the life of a normal, healthy grandson, Blake, was born and diagnosed with seven year old. Almost. hemophilia. While most everyone understands that There is no cure for hemophilia but with funding hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder, most are and research – last year ’s event drew 80 walkers and more than 100 diners, raising $26,000 for research, education and medical seminars for those affected Town of Landgrove Warning Notice with bleeding disorders – there is hope for every The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the town of Landgrove will meet child, parent, or grandparent of a child who faces the on Thursday, March 25, 2010, at 5:30 at the Landgrove Town Hall, challenges of living with bleeding disorders. to consider the following items. Application Number: 10-01 Applicant: Bill Badger Landowner: Michael & Page Frohling Location: 17 Landgrove Road Application For: Conditional Use Permit in the Utley Flats Scenic Overlay District (under Sec. 532 of the Landgrove Zoning Bylaws) to renovate existing home, add 225 sq. ft. mud room; add 3 second floor dormers and new metal roof. 720 sq. ft. garage to be added at later date Application Number: 10-02 Applicant: Steve Hall Landowner: Richard & Kathleen Bartley Location: 23 Landgrove Rd. Application For: Conditional Use Permit in the Utley Flats Scenic Overlay District (under Sec. 532 of the Landgrove Zoning Bylaws and Article V, Flood Hazard Area regulations): to build a 20 x 30 barn/garage with a 12 x 20 screened porch on the north side; extend driveway, remove select trees, stone terrace/walk; new 10 x 16 mudroom attached to existing house, relocate or remove shed, misc. landscape work The above permit applications are available for inspection at the Landgrove Town Hall. People wishing to appear and be heard may do so in person or be represented by agent or attorney. Communication about the above application may be filed in writing with the Board or at the hearing. Dated at Landgrove, Vermont, this 4th day of March, 2010. Mary English, Chair, ZBA 53070


March 10-16, 2010


News, Notes & Calendar of Events for the Brattleboro Area River Gallery School Gala Auction The River Gallery School holds a gala auction River Gallery School’s 20th Anniversary Auction Slated for Saturday, March 20 from 5 - 9 p.m. at BMAC. This year ’s is a milestone––the 2010 auction is the school’s 20th, raising funds for its scholarship program. This is a real community event with a silent and live auction filled with great experiences, great art, great food and all for a great cause,” says Donna Hawes, Administrative Director. Auction items can be found at or for more information, call 257-1577.

Winchester Stables, on River Road in Newfane, is holding its first Open House on Saturday, March 20, from 1-3 p.m. Families, school groups, physicians, physical and psychotherapists, potential volunteers (volunteer training sessions are ongoing for energetic people 14 and older) and anyone else curious about Equine Assisted Activities is invited to attend. To learn more about SVTRC, Winchester Stables and therapeutic riding in general, visit or call 365-9434.

Stephen King Film Series at Library

Therapeutic Riding Center Open House The Southern Vermont Therapeutic Riding Center at

On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. during March Brooks

News & Notes for the Chester Region Education Committee. Everyone is Stage Door Series Avenue Q invited to attend, even if you don’t

The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company’s Stage Door Series continues on Saturday, March 13 at 8 p.m. at Chester ’s Stone Hearth Inn with an evening of songs and insights from Avenue Q, a Vermont premiere to be performed this summer by the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company. Join Music Director Rob Meffe, Broadway cast member Sharon Wheatley and WPTC Producing Director Tim Fort in learning more about this envelope-pushing adult Broadway hit through songs and stories. Chester's Misty Valley Books will sell CD soundtracks of the hilarious musical comedy. The event is sponsored by The Stone Hearth Inn and Misty Valley Books and is not suitable for children. Call 824-5288 for reservations. There is a $7 cover charge and seating is limited. Created by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx, AvenueQ will run on the Weston Playhouse MainStage from July 15 through 31. For more information, visit

Services at First Universal The following Sunday services have been scheduled at the First Universalist Parish of Chester in the historic Stone Village, Route 103/North Street: March 14: May The Force Be With You, led by Bernie Stebel, lay speaker. One Unitarian Universalist's reflections about God. March 21: Wisdom From The World’s Religions, led by Madeline Bergstrom, Director of Religious Education. The children and youth of the Religious Education program will share some of what they have learned from this year's focus on world religions. March 28: Placing a Stone, Building Our Vision, led by Rev. Telos Whitfield and guest speaker Robert Sarly. This service will explore what giving can mean. Featured will be stories of what it means to be a lifesaving community. The service will be followed by the annual Mystery Pals Brunch, hosted by the Religious

Memorial Library in Brattleboro will host a free Stephen King Film Series. Wednesday, March 10, Cat’s Eye with Drew Barrymore and James Woods Wednesday, March 17, Hearts In Atlantis with Anthony Hopkins, Hope Davis, and David Morse, Rated PG-13; 101 minutes; 2001 Wednesday, March 24, Secret Window with Johnny Depp, Maria Bello, John Turturro, and Timothy Hutton, Rated PG-13; 96 minutes; 2004 Wednesday, March 31, Thinner with Robert John Burke, Joe Mantegna, Michael Constantine, and Kari Wuhrer. For more information, call 254-5290, ext. 0, or send an email to

Black Fly Baseball Camp Action

have an official “pal.” April 4th: Is There a Manual for This?, led by Sylvan Groth, lay leader. In honor of Unitarian James Freeman Clarke's 200th birthday, this service will look back at this spiritual leader's book, "Manual of Unitarian Belief." How have those beliefs changed over the centuries? Do modern Unitarian Universalists need or want a manual? Sunday services begin at 9:30 a.m. Childcare is provided for infants and to

Fall Fest Seeks Vendors The 36th annual Fall Festival On The Green, sponsored by the Chester Rotary Club, will be held in Chester on September 18 and 19. The Festival is open to all Vermont and New England artisans, crafters and food concessions. If you participated in the 2009 Chester Fall Festival on the Green, you were sent an application for the 2010 Festival. These applications and deposits are due to be returned no later than March 10. If an application is not returned on time, the vendor may lose their place. If you are a vendor who did not participate in 2009 and would like a copy of the guidelines and an application, you can contact the Chester Rotary Club at Karen Trombley or Pat Budnick at 376-4131 or 875-2626, or email or Space is limited and electrical power is available. Apply immediately.

Chester Seniors Luncheon The Chester Senior Citizens Club will be meeting for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March 15, at the First Baptist Church on Main Street in Chester. Savannah Prescott, one of our local students, will perform. She has previously sang for us and has a beautiful voice. Don’t miss it. A special presentation concerning our summer bus trip is also scheduled. Bring a dish to share and your place setting.

Above, Vermont Academy head baseball coach Russ Williams gives hitting instruction to a local ball player. Text and photo by Joe Milliken - Sports Editor Steve Nelligan, Director of the Chester Recreation Department, recently hosted the fifth annual Black Fly Baseball Camp at the Green Mountain Union High School gym in Chester. The camp has steadily grown into one of the most popular and comprehensive baseball camps in the area. Many local little leaguers participated in several “skill stations” including hitting, fielding, throwing and pitching, learning baseball skills from several knowledgeable area baseball coaches.


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New Year – New Plans New Choices Let God guide you in all the “new” in your life. Experience His grace, love and hope. Please join us: 9:45 AM - Sunday School for all ages. 10:45 AM - Worship Service. Pastors: Steve Knisely 875-1670 and Daryl Martens 875-3958 Church - 875-3982 60737


March 10-16, 2010

Healthy Bodies = Healthy Minds! Rotarians Enjoy Winter Fun

Cavendish Town Elementary School students work at creating placemats during a week-long arts residency with fiber artist Peg Gignoux. North Carolina fiber artist, Peg Gig- own fabric place mats. Each child was given a fabric mat and noux, recently completed a week-long Arts Residency with Cavendish Town El- chose a fabric plate on which they could ementary School’s Kindergarten, First place their favorite fabric vegetables, fruits and cheese they chose from the and Second Graders. The textile arts residency was designed “market” set up in the classroom. The to get students involved in an integrated layers of fabric were ironed and quilted, arts activity in which they celebrate the resulting in artistic, beautiful reminders multiple ways that Healthy Bodies = of the healthy foods they should be eatHealthy Minds, a theme being featured at ing. Peg and the students also discussed CTES this year. The students, under Peg’s guidance, each created a beautiful quilt- what vegetables and fruits grow in our ed fabric place mat that shows a plate area and read books about how daily exercise plus good eating habits make chilfilled with their favorite healthy foods. The residency began with Peg present- dren strong and ready to learn. The Healthy Bodies = Healthy Minds ing the students with a large, fabric book that was created by her students at Elon theme sprouted from the Farm-to-School program that is being initiated at CTES. College for CTES. The fabric in the book was hand dyed, On a regular basis, students and staff are cut and pieced together into delightful being offered for lunch locally-grown pages illustrating the original story Fin- food from the school garden and donatishing Touches. The story is set in the Ver- ed vegetables from generous community mont landscape, in a garden in which gardeners. The school has also started to Herbi, a chive, is anxious to sprout from invite local, guest chefs to cook and serve the earth to nourish the growth of hu- new and exciting food to the students as mans as a finishing touch on a baked po- part of their lunch offerings. This Textile Arts residency was funded tato. It is beautifully done and is of heirwith mini-grants from the Arts in Educaloom quality. Upon viewing this, the students were tion division of the Green Mountain Festhen inspired to design and create their tival Series.

Everybody Reads the GM Outlook!





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New Features for That Was the Week That Was on LPC-TV That Was The Week that Was (TW3), a weekly news program aired on cable channel 8 on LPC-TV, will institute a new feature that will permit viewers to air their opinions on a variety of subjects. TW3 is cohosted by Leo Graham and Ralph Pace and has been broadcast over LPC-TV for the past three years. Called "A Matter of Opinion", the new feature will permit viewers to have up to five minutes of television time to state their opinions. "Naturally," said Pace, "Leo and I are also going to take advantage of this opportunity. But it is geared primarily towards our viewers

The Friends of Ludlow Auditorium recently received a $250 award from the employees of the Ludlow Branch of Chittenden Bank. The award was earned by the Chittenden employees for their achievements on behalf of the bank. "It was decided by the employees to give this award to FOLA, a move that



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we are extremely grateful for," said FOLA Chair, Ralph Pace. FOLA will use the funds to help it purchase a movie projector that will be used to show recently-released and classic films at the newly-renovated auditorium in Ludlow's Town Hall. The projector will be donated to the town.






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so they can have a chance to say what's on their minds." Pace noted that the only restrictions on this new segment would be that no libellous or defamatory op ed pieces would be permitted. Interested viewers will be asked to submit a typed draft of what they would like to use in the segment for two reasons: 1, to assure TW3 that it was not libellous and 2, to format the copy to a teleprompter that the submitter may use when making the statement. For additional information, contact

Chittenden Bank Employees Give FOLA $250

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Ludlow Rotarians try to do something outdoors each winter. Last year we skated at the Ice House at Jackson Gore. This year we went snowshoeing. A fun time was had by all and the evening ended with a pot luck dinner.

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March 10-16, 2010


Ludlow Insurance Celebrates 130th Ludlow Insurance Agency recently celebrated 130 years in business and the 70th year in the same family. Founded in 1879, Ludlow Insurance was purchased by Walter and Bernice Aher in 1939, then by John "Dud" and Charlotte (Aher) Pluta in 1963. In 1995 Sharon (Pluta) and Ron Bixby moved in as President and Vice President. Shown here are the Pluta's and the Bixby's. "We are proud of our heritage and long time commitment to help our friends, neighbors and area residents with their insurance needs." Ludlow Insurance is a member of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America, the Professional Insurance of America and a Trusted Choice agency, they represent 10 major companies and can be reached on their new web site at

News, Notes & Announcements for the Ludlow Region Fletcher Library Dinner & A Movie The Cavendish Fletcher Community Library will host a Dinner and a Movie event at 3 p.m. on March 27 in the library. The featured movie will be Julie and Julia starring Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. Julia Child's (Streep) story of her start in the cooking profession is intertwined with blogger Julie Powell's (Adams) 2002 challenge to cook all the recipes in Child's first book. A generous sampling of food from Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking will be served. This event is free, but donations are accepted. For more information, contact Kata at 226-7503.

New Thought Vermont Service New Thought Vermont, a spiritual group offering a practical path for health, prosperity and serenity, will offer a contemplative service on Saturday, March 13 at 9 a.m. at The Village Green Gallery on Route 100 in Weston. Included in the service is time for meditation, message, group discussion and music. The title of the message by Rev. Peter Miller is "Meditation Practice." For more information, contact or 384-3845.

Okemo Light The Night Rail Jam Results Okemo Mountain Resort lit up the night sky with a little help from the Ludlow Fire Department on Feb. 27. The Amp Energy Light the Night Rail Jam saw 70 competitors throw down some impressive tricks while the Ludlow Fire Department threw some light on Okemo’s Bull Run trail during this jam-format competition. Skiers and snowboarders were judged as they rode three features: a gap-to-flat-down box, a cannon drop and a down rail. Prizes were awarded in several categories. In the Under 16 Men’s Snowboard division, first place went to Peter Cerulo, 15, of West Windsor, Alex Von Braun, 15, of Greenwich, CT claimed second place and third went to Jack Valentine, 11, of Sparta, NJ. The 16 and Older Men’s Snowboard division champion, and winner of a $460 cash prize, was Matt Schaffer, 20, of Brownsville, Second place went to Benji Farrow, 17, of Mount Holly. Rounding out the podium with third, was Sean Kaulbach, 20, of Andover, NH. The Under 16 Skier receiving top honors was Matt Hauser, 13, of Ludlow, Sam Pawlak, 14, of Windham,

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Comedy Night Raises $2,500 Ludlow’s Comedy Night on Jan. 30 raised $2,500 for the Okemo Community Challenge, an innovative, community based process that ensures Ludlow's future, as the town adapts to change while maintaining or enhancing what the community values most. The show featured comedian Steve Sweeney and Johnny Joyce. Comedy Night is an annual event sponsored by Vermont Properties and Development, Inc. Okemo Mountain Resort provided the venue – The Clock Tower Base Lodge. The Okemo Community

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Challenge offers a special thanks to the following donors: Anita & Jim Alic, Gary Grainger, Wine & Cheese Shop, Richard Ferguson. For more information, call 228-8877, visit our web site at, or 228-1600 or visit

Weston Retro Dinner & Sing-A-Long Welcome springtime with a retro dinner followed by a rousing sing-along led by some of the Weston Playhouse’s favorite entertainers on Monday, March 22 at 6 p.m. at The Inn at Weston on Route 100/Main Street in Weston. Performing and leading the group singing will be actor and Musical Director Michael Hicks (The Full Monty, Act IV Cabaret). Tickets are $50 including a 3-course dinner, glass of wine, tax, tip and entertainment. Seating is limited. For reservations call 824-6789.

Proctorsville Community Luncheon The monthly Community Luncheon will be held at St. James United Methodist Church on Main Street in Proctorsville on Thursday, March 18 at 11:30 a. m. This month we will serve traditional corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots, a tossed salad, freshly baked Irish Soda Bread, and home baked fruit pies. Coffee, hot tea and a fruit drink will be available. A suggested donation of $3 for seniors or $4.50 for those under 60 years of age helps us defray the cost of this meal.

Sugar-On-Snow Supper in Cavendish There will be a sugar-on-snow supper on Saturday, March 20 at the Cavendish Baptist Church from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The supper is sponsored by the Helping Hand Class. Tickets are adults $9, children under 12 $5 and under 6 are free. The menu will consist of baked beans, ham, potato salad, jello salads, coleslaw, pickles, bread, homemade donuts and sugar on snow. Cookbooks and RADA cutlery will also be on sale. For more information, call 226-7724 or 226-7131.


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FOLA Seeks Pianos for Town Hall The newly-formed Friends of Ludlow Auditorium is seeking a grand piano for the auditorium in Ludlow Town Hall. The group has arranged for five master concerts next summer in the auditorium for the Okemo Young Artists Program, but need a good grand piano. The auditorium could use a regular piano, in good condition, for other musical support. Anyone who would like to donate a grand piano to the auditorium, or a regular piano in good tuning and condition, may contact Ralph Pace at 228-7239 or

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took second place and Jared Coletti, 10, of Kintnersville, PA claimed third. Men Skiers 16 and Older taking the podium were Dan Jones, 20, of North Sutton, NH, in first place; Christian Franchino, 15, of Manchester Center in second; and Paddy Dayton, 19, of Bradford, NH in third. Women Snowboarders taking top honors in the Under 16 division were Grace Vosburgh, 12, of Plymouth, and Leah Jennings, 14, of Darien, CT. Brynn Paraschos, 20, of Bangor, PA claimed the top spot in the 16 and Older Women’s division. Maggie Seiple, 21, of Ludlow took second, and third place went to Lily Calabrese, 16, of Proctorsville. Megan Ellmaker, 13, of Erwinna, PA claimed top honors in the Under 16 Women Skiers division. First, second and third place winners received skis, snowboards, gear bags and outerwear for prizes. The top skier and top snowboarder each claimed a cash prize of $460. The event raised $670 for the Ludlow Fire Department. For more information, call 228-1600 or visit


News from the Springfield Family Center Thank you Springfield voters for approving our request for support of $48,000 at this year’s Town Meeting. Our Executive Director Deborah Luse acts as the Town’s Service Officer and the funding is vital to maintaining our facility so that we may provide necessary programming for the community. We appreciate knowing that we have almost a 75% approval rating from those voting. The Family Center finds itself with too many banana boxes that it cannot use. We would like to make them available to those that might need them. Just come to the Center during regular hours and get as many boxes as you can use. The Family Center is once again without someone that needs kitchen scraps for its pigs. We have been fortunate to have people with pigs that could use these scraps. If you or someone you know would like to pick up these scraps on a regular basis, contact Lynn Colson at 885-3646, ext. 1001.

March 10-16, 2010

Festival of Roots At Springfield High School

Feminine Tone’s Local Musicians Showcase The Feminine Tone women's chorus will a present a Local Musicians Showcase including 11 acts representing a variety of musical genres to benefit the Feminine Tone on Saturday., March 27 from 7-10 p.m. at the Harvest Inn at Mt. Ascutney Resort, Rt 44 in Brownsville. The line-up includes Eric and Barbara Bye on fiddle and piano, singer/songwriter Davey Davis, Jennifer Faro on guitar and vocals, Terry Gould and Suzi Hastings , Geordie Lynd and Emery Hard on Irish fiddle and concertina, singer Pete Merrigan, Matt Meserve playing jazz piano, Kerry Rosenthal on guitar and vocals, Jim Ruffing singing blues and originals, Sweet Music, an a cappella vocal quartet featuring four members of the Feminine Tone chorus, and Erik Walker on guitar and vocals. Tickets at the door are $12, pre-sold tickets are $10. Hors d'oeuvres and desserts will be provided, and a cash bar. To reserve tickets or for more information call Maricel at 885-1590 or Barbara at 886-1777 or visit


News from the Springfield High School Alumni Association





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person reporting pertinent information to the officers and trustees of the Alumni Association, either by telephone, email, old-fashioned mail, or the web site, Ultimately, that information will be recorded into the files of the Association, thereby keeping our information as up-to-date and accurate as possible. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Now days, with our alumni spread over the entire world and also changing living locations so frequently, staying current is a daunting task! To be successful, we are asking for your involvement. Think about the years that your class has had a reunion and hopefully a float in the Alumni parade. Do you always take part in the planning? Maybe you and a classmate would like to share the responsibility of keeping your class information up to date. We are not looking for a personal biography --- just the basics. Name (maiden for ladies), year of graduation, and address change. Class lists with our most recent information are available to get you Rick Strobl started. Keep the information close at hand and make changes as you read Affordable • Experienced • Accurate • Personal Attention the papers or visit with E-File, Direct Deposit Specializing in: “Earned Income Credit” friends and relatives. It's “Self-Employed” kind of fun to just make some phone calls, too, and “Rental Properties” chat with high school “Small Businesses” friends about their 2 Convenient Locations Above the Oriental Palace 78 Cooks Pond Road whereabouts. 12 Clinton St., Springfield, VT Weathersfield, VT Speaking of things that Call for Appointment: 802-299-5121 or 802-885-1089 are fun, that brings to mind the Alumni Association Variety Show. Alice (Peale) Page, this year's new director, is at the helm of a production that is guaranteed to provide an evening By of fun and entertainment. Toshia Filion Following the theme of this year's Alumni Weekend, TV Classics, the LLC variety show will jog your memory of some of those 18 Valley Street, Springfield, VT programs that are so close Office: 802-885-3833 Cell: 802-952-9054 to your heart. Whether Home: 802-885-1127 60743 your classic is Howdy Doody or Dora the Explorer, it's not too late to join the fun of the Alumni Variety Show. Check out Mark G. Koch LMFT w w w. s h s a l u m n i v a r i Individual and Relationship Counseling for Non-Violent Communication Support more information. We thank those of you Call (802) 299-1192 have stepped up and paid Sliding scale fee. Medicaid/Insurance your Lifetime dues and 1011 N. Main St. #21 those who gave generously White River Junction, VT 05001 to help defray operating 365 Summer St. expenses. Springfield, VT 05156 60652

An integral component to the success of any organization is good communication, especially with its body of members. Good communication sets the stage for smooth operations and it provides a catch-net for those mistakes that almost slip through the cracks. The Springfield High School Alumni Association realizes the need for better communication with its thousands of members and DIS has formulated a plan to C P R OUN that end. ICE T Thousands of members -S - that's a lot of people with whom to communicate! To reach that goal, the Association intends to set up a contact network. Each class will have a contact




Text by Joe Milliken - Editor, photos courtesy of Springfield High School This Wednesday, March 10 from 5 to 7 p.m., Springfield High School will be hosting their “Festival of Roots,” an evening of collaborative art appreciation which includes visual arts, photography, slide shows, music, dance and classroom exhibits. All are welcome and refreshments will be served. Above left, Becca Trombley is pictured painting a vivid mural of roots on canvas and above right, Erin Graham pictured working on a collaborative sculpture designed by Kevin Orth.





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March 10-16, 2010


News, Notes & Announcements for the Springfield Region Reading Community Talent Night The 7th annual Reading Community Talent Night will be held on Saturday, March 27 at 7 p.m. We will be raffling off four baskets: chocolate, gardeners, crafts, maple. Rehearsal dates are March 13 and 20 from 9-11 a.m. at the Reading Town Hall. All acts must be present. Anyone interested in being a part of the show, should contact Chris Titus at 484-5610 or Rayna Bishop at 484-3354.

Springfield Town Library Receives Grant The Springfield Town Library applied for and received a Successful Aging Initiative Grant from the Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont for program titled, “Don’t Worry About the Fine Print”. The $795 check has purchased magnification/reader software for the public access computers. The software the library chose is called ZoomText and is made and sold by a local Vermont Company in Manchester, AI Squared. Russell Moore, Director of the Springfield Town Library said, “ZoomText will help make it much easier for people with visual impairments to use out public access computers.” ZoomText provides a wide range of magnification levels, allowing you to enlarge everything according to your needs. You can zoom in from 1x to 36x using the mouse wheel or keyboard.

Bookbinding Workshop at Union Street On Saturday, March 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. there will be a Bookbinding Workshop: Pop-Up Books at Union Street Elementary School in Springfield..

Meals On Wheels Menu Menu schedule for Meals on Wheels of Greater Springfield. Serving lunches from 11:30 a. m. to 12:30, Monday through Friday. For more information, please call 885-5879. March 10 - Chicken O’Brien, red potatoes, spinach dinner roll and apple crisp. March 11 - Beef & cheddar burger, mashed potatoes, beets, wheat bread pumpkin cookie with raisins. March 12 - Sweet and sour chicken, rice pilaf, peas and onions, wheat bread and carrot cake. March 15 - Baked fish with tartar sauce, rice pilaf with vegetables broccoli normandy, wheat bread and chocolate brownie. March 16 - Lasagna with meat sauce, tossed salad with dressing, roll, applesauce with cinnamon.

Rabies Clinics Springfield Animal Hospital will hold the following rabies clinics: Saturday, March 13 9-11 a.m. at the Baltimore Town Office. Saturday, March 20 9-11 a.m. at the Springfield Fire Station Monday March 29 6-7:30 p.m. at the Springfield Animal Hospital. The cost is $10 per animal. The Town Clerk's office will be available to license dogs after vaccination on March 13 and 20. Have all animals on a leash or in a carrier. For details, call 8852505.

Members $65; non-members $75; prices include materials. Minimum: 10, maximum: 15. Preregistration required. Join Susan Bonthron of Otter Pond Bindery for this practical and inspiring workshop to integrate book arts into curricula. Build two books that could be recreated with students or family and that feature animals and plants “popping” out of their habitat with room for additional information about the species or habitat. Participating teachers will receive a certificate of completion for 7 hours. Call the Museum at 843-2111 to make a reservation.

Family Center Texas Hold’em Tournament Springfield Family Center in Springfield will host a Deep Stack Texas Hold’em poker tournament on Saturday, March 20. Buyin is $80 with no rebuy-- 75 percent minimum payout to players. Registration/open poker is 5-6 pm. Players start with 20,000 chips, register before noon and get 4,000 bonus chips. Call 299-5014 for more information and to register .

Animal Protection League Dinner River Valley Animal Protection League invites you to our 4th annual Pot Luck Dinner to be held Saturday March 20 at 5:30 p.m. at the VFW on Lovers Lane in Charlestown, NH. Bring a dish to share, everything else will be provided including beverages. This year we will have a cake auction. Bring a cake home to enjoy and the proceeds of your bids will help feed a kitty. We will have a 50/50 raffle and silent auction items. Bruce Fairbanks will provide music during the evening. The evening is fun for a

A Natural, Beautiful Smile

in Six Months

family to enjoy together. We opened our new shelter in January and are a 501 3C non-profit, all donations benefit the animals. For more information call (603)826-4427, mail RVAPL PO Box 860, Charlestown, NH 03603 or visit

VAULT Program on Aerial Photography Aerial photography is tricky business, and in this case the photographer is also the pilot. Gallery at the VAULT will host a visual presentation Tuesday, March 16 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Photographer Len Emery will present 60 photographs taken during his flights over Vermont's lower and middle counties. Aerials of Springfield, Morrisville, Middlebury, Rutland and many others are included. Emery says, “All photos were taken while I piloted any one of several Cessna aircraft. There are views of many landmarks that most ground based observers don't see from a pilot’s perspective. Among them, the Moore Reservoir Dam, the State’s capital building in Montpelier and the Shelburne Museum.” From a desire to get his commercial pilot’s license Emery began to also use his flight time to photograph all Vermont’s counties. After a friend suggested he put his photographs into book form, Vermont From One Thousand Feet was born. You can see his work at the VAULT or visit his website at Gallery at the VAULT, 68 Main St. in Springfield, Vermont. Hours are Tues. – Sat. 11 a.m. – 5. p.m., call 885-7111 or visit for more details.



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March 10-16, 2010

Cub Scouts Ice Fishing Fun Garden Club at Adult Day Care

Cub Scouts from Pack 258, chartered by VFW Post 771, Robert L. Johnson Post, enjoyed a beautiful day ice fishing down at Hoyt's Landing in Springfield. The boys practiced conservation by releasing all fish that were caught.

Springfield Elks Place Second in State Ritual Team Competition

Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 ritual team l to r: Christopher Tufts, Michael Tennis, Scott Patterson, Andrew Murdock, Andrew Cook, Matthew Moore, James Morse and Michael Brehme. Springfield Elks Lodge #1560's ritual team, participated in the Vermont Elks state ritual competition on Feb. 21 in Rutland. The team spent four months preparing for this event and their hard work paid off as they came in second place out of 13 Lodges. St.

Johnsbury Lodge was the winner. This is the best showing by Springfield in many years. Springfield's ritual team had one participant gain all-state honors in that Christopher Tufts was awarded All-State Inner Guard for his performance.

On Feb. 9, members of the Springfield Garden Club helped clients create flower arrangements at the Adult Day Care Center on River St. in Springfield. This brought a little "winter sunshine" into their world at Valentine's Day time. The clients and the Garden Club members enjoyed working together in this Above, Springfield Garden Club Membersassisted clients at the "Garden Therapy" Adult Day Care with making Valentine's Day flower arrangements. activity. The clients took home their arrangement to brighten up flower arranging workshops for residents in the Huber and Whitcomb their home. Over the past several years, the buildings as well as making arrangeSpringfield Garden Club has received ments once a month for the Meals on several state awards for their garden Wheels deliveries. This is all on top of therapy efforts. Soon they will be their major effort of the summertime working with the clients to plan and street box and park plantings plant and care for their own patio throughout the larger Springfield garden area behind the Adult Day Care community area. The funding of these projects as well Center. These activities at the Adult Day Care are done in conjunction with as their sponsorship of student scholarships in the horticulture and natural the Springfield Hospital. One of the important goals of the environment fields is supported by Springfield Garden Club is to provide their major fundraiser the "Festival of opportunities for the community to Trees," for which the club gratefully connect with their natural environment appreciates the community's support. New members are always welcome through flowers and the community plantings. They also have winter and can contact Barb Lacy at 886-8112 for information.

Breakfast & Burgers at Trappers

Cook Barbie Emery flips a pancake in the kitchen at Trappers on Main Street in Ludlow recently, a task she’s been happily doing for the past eight years. Trappers serves breakfast and lunch all day, every day. One side of the restaurant features breakfast, while the other, The Burger Joint, specializes in gourmet beef, turkey and veggie burgers, with a full bar and eight beers on tap.

Annual How to Build Your Own Coldframe Gardening Workshop


As it is with Spring, itself, Post Oil Solutions offers its annual cold frame workshop around this time of year as a way of demonstrating how people can get an early jump on the growing season. This year, the workshop will be held on Sunday, March 14 at 1 p.m. at the Rotch Building, Kipling Road, School for International Training in Brattleboro. Our fee is a sliding scale, $2/$20, with no one refused for lack of funds.

Pre-registration and pre-payment are required, however: please call 641-7153900, ext. 85789 to leave your registration information. Unregistered admissions at the door will be charged $20, firm, and admitted only if there is room. Light refreshments will be provided. For information about additional workshop offerings in the months ahead, please go to

March 10-16, 2010


Fellow Musicians Mourn the Passing of Tom “T-Bone” Wolk Story by Robert F. Smith – Editor Tom “T-Bone” Wolk passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, Feb. 27 of an apparent heart attack. He had just turned 58 in December. He’d lived in Saxtons River and in the Brattleboro area for the past 20 years. An accomplished musician, Wolk was best know as the multi-hat-wearing bass player in the Saturday Night Live house band when it was led be G. E. Smith from 1986 to 1992, and from 1981 on he had been the bass player with Daryl Hall and John Oates of Hall and Oates fame. Hall and Oates is one of the most successful duos in rock history, with six #1 hits, 34 Billboard Top 100 hits, six gold albums and seven that went platinum. At the time of his death, Wolk continued to play regularly in concert with Hall and Oates, and was essentially co-host and guitarist on Hall’s groundbreaking monthly internet show, Live from Daryl’s House ( On the website, Hall posted the following about TBone’s death: To say that I am shocked is the ultimate understatement. T-Bone was my musical brother and losing him is like losing my right hand. It’s not if I will go on, but how. T-Bone was one of the most sensitive and good human beings that I have ever known. And, I can truly say that I loved him. His death occurred just hours after a recording session with Hall in Pawling, NY, and a day or so before he was appear on NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon with Hall & Oates. As an accomplished accordion player (he had been New York state champion at 13!), bassist and guitarist, Wolk worked as a session musician, music director and producer throughout his career. A small sampling of some of the performers Wolk worked with includes some of the greatest names in modern music: Carly Simon, Shawn Colvin, Elvis Costello, Roseanne Cash, Cyndi Lauper, Harry Nilsson, Amanda Marshall, Grey Eye Glances, Paul Carrack, Diane Ziegler, Charlie Musselwhite, Jewel, Ivo, Jellyfish, Avril Lavigne, Billy Joel, Joe Pesci, Leslie Miller, John Eddie, Chynna Phillips and Eileen Ivers. Most recently he'd worked on records by a number of new artists including N.Y. based Marianne Marino, Norway's M2M, Americana icon Emory Joseph, NY Yankees centerfielder Bernie Williams and Robert Hazard, who wrote Cyndi Lauper's hit "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." T-Bone was greatly admired, both on the international music scene, and also among local musicians. He was famed for an encyclopedic knowledge of music, a modest manner, his humor and his willingness to help other musicians, famous or not so famous. John Oates posted these comments on Hall’s website: His character was pure and his unique and quirky personality touched everyone he encountered. His musical sensibility was peerless, any instrument that he touched resonated with a sensitivity and skill level that I have never experienced while playing with any other musician. He possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of styles and musical history which he referenced to support all the artists that he played with over the years. He became our band's musical director over time, leading by example and by the deference and respect that everyone who played alongside him so rightfully accorded him. He made everyone he played with better. So many times when I'm working on a musical passage or part, I think to myself: "How would T-Bone play this" and aspire to his level every time I perform. To this day I always keep one of his "I Love Vermont" guitar picks with me where ever I go. I contacted several local musician friends that I knew had worked with T-Bone, and asked them to share their experiences with our readers, Scott Ainslie sent me the following: As you will hear, T-Bone was a deeply talented musician wrapped up in a decidedly kind and generous person. His loss...well, his loss is beyond the power of words to describe. As a musician, T-Bone came into a very long and compressed session with me Every Tuesday and unloaded a truck full of at the stuff into my living room. Buckley Center Three basses, a trunk full of St. Joseph’s, Chester Doors open 5:30 percussion things, a Bingo Starts 6:30 keyboard/synthesizer, a Public Invited Sponsored by couple guitars...and played Council 753 K of C


him a tape of my songs. I did and he liked them a lot. I was going to NYC every week at that time, singing jingles and writing songs and was trying to meet as many people as I could. Though he barely knew me, T-Bone introduced me to some great people in NYC - some heavy hitters and some songwriters who were old friends of his. It was very generous of him. I worked with these people and met many more people through them, expanding my network. He co-produced my first CD "Expecting A Miracle" and it was just fantastic working with him. He helped with arrangements and played bass, guitar, accordion and pump organ T-Bone Wolk, left, in one of his many famous hats, with Daryl Hall of Hall & Oates. on it. I loved working with him and he really helped me them all better than anyone: tastefully, thoughtfully, and pull it together. He also played guitar on my song "Water, with a musical literacy that could astound even the casual Wind And Sun" on my "Touch The Earth" CD. listener, along with his professional friends. He produced a CD for Gary Rosen called "Cookin" and As a man, T-Bone really did make the world a better place. called me in to play on it. He then recommended to Gary All that talent and a fair amount of fame (if fame can ever that I produce his "Teddy Bear's Picnic" CD which I did. be said to be fair), and the attitude of gratitude. He made the T-bone would call me in for sessions that he did at whole world around him sound better and feel better. His Soundesign including one that I did with Robert Hazard eagerness never overran you, he just came to meet you, fully. who is famous for writing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" There are very few people who manage to deal with the for Cyndi Lauper. T-Bone played with the superstars (a obstacles that stand between them and actually being with veritable who's who of pop and folk) but also was just as another person in the present moment. It's not a simple happy to play with great local musicians. It was all the same thing to attend to someone else. T-Bone Wolk had done a lot to him. He loved people and he loved good music. And he of that work and when I was with him; he was with me. loved to be supportive of all musicians. He was the perfect Lisa McCormick directed me to what she’d written side man. He had no ego whatsoever and his goal was to on her blog when she heard about T-Bone’s passing: make the music better which he did with total ease. The most amazing and inspiring musician I have ever His bass playing was always so melodic and brought the known, T-Bone was best known for his role as bassist for other instruments together like some kind of magical Hall & Oates, and the Saturday Night Live Band. musical glue. His favorite bass players were Paul But the “Big Time” was only part of his musical life. A McCartney and James Jamerson. One of his great bass parts deep appreciator of sharing the love of making music, T-Bone is found on the Hall & Oates song "I Can't Go For That." championed a lucky handful of us “Smaller Time” singer- Give it a listen and you'll see some of his genius. There's songwriters. an effortless grace and rhythmic punctuation and great use He was incredibly supportive and enthusiastic about my of space in that performance. music, and working with him was nothing short of thrilling. The last time I played live with him was for Gary Rosen's I was privileged to work with T-Bone on three of my CD’s, memorial service where we played guitars and I sang and one unforgettable live concert. And even more "Here Comes The Sun." It was a powerful and beautiful privileged to know him as a dear friend. Deeply kind, hilari- moment. A few weeks before that we had gone to Gary's ously funny, tender and warm, and a rare precious musical house at his wife Mary's request and brought our guitars talent, T-Bone will be dearly and terribly missed. and serenaded Gary for a couple of hours. We played old Rest in peace, my friend. And, thank you. rock chestnuts like "Wild Thing" and some of Gary's I knew that my good friend Derrik Jordan had songs. Gary couldn't move but still had a twinkle in his worked with T-Bone on several projects, and would be eyes. He had a laser pointer attached to his baseball cap deeply affected by this loss. Despite that, Derrik sent and could only slightly move his neck muscles. He could me the following: only communicate with us by pointing the laser pointer I met T in 1988 when he was coming to Brattleboro, at an alphabet board in front of him and slowly spell out renting hotels and staying for weekends. He loved the town words. We asked Gary what it was like to be stuck in his and people here. I introduced him to Billy Shaw at body like that and Gary spelled out "I still have joy." T Soundesign since he was always in need of a studio. They and I were completely blown away and talked about it became good friends and T did many many sessions there. many times later. He brought Billy a lot of business by bringing a lot of great T-Bone did a lot of recording with Will Ackerman at his musicians through the studio to record their albums, some Imaginary Road Studio in Dummerston. I got to record of which I got to play on. He even had his own closet at many times with him in the last few years, overdubbing my Soundesign where he kept a lot of his guitars and basses for percussion and violin parts on top of his great bass playing. a while. It was always a supreme pleasure to work with him on He had come one day to my wife Margie Pivar out of the these recordings and even though he wasn't there in person blue for a Shiatsu session and when they were talking when I was in the studio he was there in the music. afterwards he told her that he was a musician and she said that her husband was one too. He told her that I should send Rest in Peace, T-Bone. You are deeply missed.

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March 10-16, 2010

Southern Vermont & New Hampshire Arts & Entertainment In Brief more information, Brattleboro Music Center Programs SRAG Spring Exhibit at Health Center

“Ready for Spring!” is the title of the latest exhibit by the Saxtons River Art Guild at the Rockingham Medical Center at Hospital Court in Bellows Falls. The exhibit may be seen during regular clinic hours. The paintings are for sale and may be purchased by contacting the artist or Nan Durling. “Ready for Spring!” will be on display until the beginning of May.

Bridge to Terabithia Play at Opera House As part of Kids to Kids Theatre Arts Program, Northern Stage will bring their newest Family Series show, Bridge to Terabithia, to the Bellows Falls Opera House on Saturday, March 13 at 2 p.m., free to the public, ages 8 and up recommended for this show. Bridge to Terabithia is a sensitive and humorous adaptation of Katherine Paterson’s Newbery awardwinning novel that explores how friendship and imagination can transform our lives. Northern Stage’s Kids to Kids Theatre Arts Program is offered free of charge for kids ages 8-18, and has been meeting one Saturday a month since October. As a group, they are building toward creating their own show to be performed in Bellows Falls on June 6.

SVAC Art from the Schools Exhibit The annual Art from the Schools exhibition opens at Machester ’s Southern Vermont Arts Center on Saturday, March 13 with a free reception from 2–4 p.m. Two and three dimensional artwork in a variety of media will be showcased in the Arts Center ’s Yester House galleries.

On Friday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Centre Congregational Church in Brattleboro there will be a Concert to benefit Haiti through Partners in Health. Tickets are $15, free to BMC Music School students under 18. On Sunday, March 28 at 3 p.m. in the Latchis Theatre in Brattleboro, the Windham Orchestra, under the direction of Hugh Keelan, celebrates the poignant and powerful spirituals created by enslaved African people in America, and the music they have inspired. Proceeds benefit the Brattleboro Music Center ’s Music in the Schools program. Tickets, general admission $15, students/seniors $7, donors $25, patrons $50, are available by visiting or calling the BMC at 257-4523.

Deborah Luskin at Misty Valley Books Deborah Luskin, a Vermont Humanities Council visiting scholar, freelance journalist and regular commentator for Vermont Public Radio, will present her first novel, Into the Wilderness, at Misty Valley Books, on the Green in Chester, on Sunday, March 14, at 4 p.m. Luskin’s novel is set in 1964, when Rose Mayer buries her second husband and wonders what she’s going to do with the rest of her life. Reluctantly, she visits her son at his summer place in Vermont, where there are neither sidewalks, Democrats nor other Jews. There is, however, the Marlboro Music Festival. It’s there that she meets Percy Mendell, a born-andbred Vermonter who has never married, never voted for a Democrat and never left the state. Luskin tells this tender romance between appealing 64-year-olds with humor, wit and compassion. For





Leprechaun Leap & End of Season Party On Saturday, March 13 Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center will host its annual St. Patty’s Day-themed Leprechaun Leap Cross Country Race and fun relay races with BBQ. Register at 9 a.m. on-site. Free for season pass holders. Other visitors $10 for race & BBQ. Details and contact information at or 843-2400. On Sunday, March 14 End of Season Party and Concert at The Old Tavern at Grafton. Every March, The Old Tavern closes its doors during mud season, the unofficial fifth season of Vermont. To celebrate a great season with friends, the inn will host an end-of-season party at Phelps Barn. Flatbread pizzas from 5-8 p.m. Then, a free concert featuring Gypsy Reel at 8 p.m. Details and contact information at or 843-2231.

Grange Hosts Sugar-On-Snow Supper The Grafton Grange will put on a traditional Sugar On Snow supper on Saturday, March 13 at the Chapel on Main Street in Grafton. Menu will consist of baked ham, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, homemade biscuits, slaw, cider doughnuts, pickles and fresh hot maple syrup on snow. Price is $10 for adults, $5 for children, and free for those under five. There will be three community style seatings at 4:30, 6 and 7:30 p.m. For more information, contact Bea Fisher (843-2434) or Chris Wallace (843-1146) or the Chapel (843-1128).

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Submitted by Lauren Potter Louise Hay's life changing book, which has taught millions of people worldwide how to help themselves, is often the first book I recommend to students who want to change their lives. It teaches self-love which is the foundation of all healing. Most disease, possibly all disease, comes from a lack of love for ourselves. Reiki can help us see how we are “pulling the wool over our eyes” so that we have not noticed our lack of selflove. Reiki stimulates our desire to help ourselves and opens up new channels for manifesting that help. Reiki makes changing easier. Meditating while giving yourself Reiki is an excellent method of calming stress, quieting the mind, and giving ourselves a warm and loving energy

bath that can work miracles. As the template for the body, mind, and spirit is located in our human energy field, healing our energy field is the key to healing our body, mind, and spirit. Louise Hay's affirmations will help to reprogram your mind with loving, helpful thoughts that are loving, helpful vibrations. You can heal your energy field with this combination of Reiki, meditation, and affirmations. Start today! Lauren Potter is a Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner and conscious channel for angel guides. She teaches Reiki Certification Classes and “Trust theAngels” Workshops in Vermont and on the Maine coast and maintains an angel therapy practice including Reiki in two area office locations. She may be reached at 591-0507 or 885-3376.

Haiti & Chile Benefit Reiki Open House in Springfield Please join us for a Benefit Reiki Share and Public Open House on Saturday, March 13 from 1-4 p.m. at Studio Time and Space in Springfield. Two-thirds of the donations will go to Unicef to help the children of Haiti and Chile. One third will go to Studio Time and Space for their heating costs and programming for future events and workshops. Reiki Energy is gentle, non-invasive and can help with all health issues and other problems in your life. Reiki is

administered on a Reiki table (like a massage table) or in a chair, with the client fully clothed. Recipients often experience stress reduction, relaxation, and peace during the treatment. Studio Time and Space is located in the left back of the old Furman's building to the left of Springfield Town Library on Main Street. Call Lauren Potter at 591-0507 or 885-3376 or Kathleen O'Donnell at 591-0991 for more information.

Reading LIbrary Hosts Series of Vegetable Gardening Courses

Stop Dieting. Start Living. Registration fee waived. Must pay meetings fees. Valid through 3/13/10 in participating areas only. Not valued for At Work meetings. Cannot be combined with other offers. ©2010 Weight Watchers International, Inc., owner of the Weight Watchers registered trademark. All rights reserved. 60744

Reading Public Library will host a free vegetable gardening course on the following Tuesdays, March 23 and 30, and April 6 and 13, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Week 1: starting seeds, maximizing growing space, extending the growing season. Week 2: composting, vermiculture;

soil testing, prepping, and amendments. Week 3: growing perennials (fruits & veggies). Week 4: saving seeds, cold storage, food preservation. To sign up, call the library at 4845588 by March 16. Leave your name and number and we’ll get back to you.

March 10-16, 2010


Get In The Game A View On Sports By Editor Joe Milliken

Tournament Hoops In another stunner in the Vermont, Division IV boys' state tournament, the Williamstown Blue Devils handed four-time defending champ Proctor their first loss in 49 games, to capture their own state title with a 4741 win in Barre last Saturday. Proctor actually took a one-point lead into the final quarter, but the Blue Devils did not waver, outscoring the Phantoms 13-6 down the stretch to take the title away from a Proctor team that was looking to tie a state record with its' fifth consecutive state title. In contrast, the win brought Williamstown their first state title since 1986, and they did it with a balanced scoring attack. John Burgos led the way for the Blue Devils with 17 points,

while Troy Laughlin scored 11 and both Nick Gagnon and Steve Manwaring each pitched in with nine. Local Snowboarding In the recent Vermont high school state snow boarding Championships in Killington, the Black River High School girls and Burr & Burton boys teams captured the team state titles in the two-day event. Equally as impressive were a brother/sister pair Calabreses, as Green Mountain Union High School's Lily Calabrese earned the overall girls' title while her brother, Rex, won the boys' title. Lily won the slopestyle and giant slalom events to secure her title, while Rex took first place in the slopestyle competition. Individually, North Country's Andrew Vera took second place, while Leland & Gray's James Crowther, Green Mountain's Eric Vrillo and Rutland's Justin Frybarger rounded out the top five finishes. On the individual girls' side, Rutland's Marie Schwalbe and Marina McCoy finished in second and third respectively. The Black River girls posted an overall team score of 108 points, while

Burlington finished in second place with 116 points. Rutland High School took third overall while the BBA girls finished in fifth. On the boys' side, BBA took first overall with a team score of 93 points, while Green Mountain finished in second place at 128 points. Rutland rounded out third with 150, while Leland & Gray and Black River finished in fourth and fifth respectively. Local Alpine Skiing Talk about domination. The Rutland High School girls' alpine ski team recently won it's fourth consecutive alpine state championship held in Hancock. Although Rutland did not have the fastest skier, it was a true team effort in that six Rutland skiersCaitlin Bliss, Sara Fruth, Sam Boles, Amanda Thomas, Cassie Harnett and Caitlin Bucksbaum, all finished in the upper half of the GS race. Although any Vermont high school skier can participate in the individual events, a school must have at least four skiers in order to participate in the team events. Therefore, the more teammates you possess, the stronger your racing

times can become. Skiers are scored on two slalom runs and one GS run, with each individual's best time determining their place in the standings. Rutland held a fairly comfortable lead over Mount Mansfield after the first day of competition, however the giant slalom runs on day two made things much tighter, with CVU, St. Johnsbury and Woodstock also in the mix. However a team's top score is determined by adding together a teams' top four times, therefore the more teammates, the better chance at a top time. Rutland's winning team score was 109, while Mount Mansfield came in a distant second at 140 and CVU finished third at 160. For a couple Rutland seniors including Sara Guth and Sam Boles, the title is a four-year sweep for their high school alpine careers. A 13-member team will also be selected to participate in the Eastern Ski Championships held in Attitash, NH in midMarch. Sox Spring Training As the days slowly get warmer, the Red Sox are finally starting to crank it

up down in Fort Meyers, FL, as they get closer to opening day. With each spring training also comes the customary “questions about this year ’s team,”and most of them this spring training seem to revolve around the offense and how they are going to produce enough runs to keep up with the power-house line up of the Yankees. The biggest runproducer from last season, Jason Bay, has gone to the Mets via free agency, David Ortiz is a year older and Mike Lowell will be reduced to a bench role, if he is even here at all by the start of the season. To "replace" Bay, the Sox went after pitching and defense instead, while the front office keeps telling us fans about something called "run prevention." You know, the “if you pitch and play defense better, you don't have to score more runs” theory. Ah, if it only were that easy, right? Granted, they made some good moves. Marco Scuturo is a big upgrade defensively at shortstop, Adrian Beltre is a great defensive third baseman and picking up Mike Cameron to play center

field, which also allows the fleet-footed Jacoby Ellsbury to move to left, no doubt makes this team better defensively. However, you still gotta hit the ball and score some runs because you just can't expect your pitching to give up only two or three runs every night and have no injuries all season. (Although when they won it all in 2004, not one starting pitcher missed a start.) All of a sudden there is a lot of pressure for Ortiz, Kevin Youkilis and JD Drew to produce some power. Of course, optimism breathes eternal in the spring, so if you choose to go with the Sox theory that pitching and defense will win, then the Sox could be right there in the end because with the addition of free agent pitcher John Lackey, on paper Boston clearly has the best starting rotation in the American League, if not all of baseball. Josh Beckett, Jon Lester, Lackey, Dice-K are as solid a top four as you are going to get, with Tim Wakefield and Clay Buckholtz filling in the final spot in the rotation. Hopefully the Sox’ offense can somehow keep up.

St. Johnsbury Upsets Rutland For DI Hoop Title Story by Joe Milliken - Sports Editor Photo courtesy of Emily McManamy In a fairy tale finish, the number-12 seeded St. Johnsbury girls’ basketball did it, completing an improbable run to capture the Vermont Division I state championship by knocking off the number-three seeded Rutland Raiders, 27-24, at Patrick Gym in Burlington. Not only was this the lowest-scoring state title game ever in Vermont girls' high school hoops, but the Lady Hilltoppers, with a 7-13 final record, are also the lowest seeded team to ever win a state championship. Quite an amazing feat indeed. The stunning win over Rutland capped off an improbable tournament run that saw St. Johnsbury knock off number-five Rice (14-6) in the first round, number-four CVU (16-4) in the second round and then number-one Burr & Burton (18-2) in the third round before finally beating number-three Rutland (17-3) in the title game. It doesn't get much more miraculous than that, folks. In a defensive struggle throughout, neither team could muster much offensive flow, but when the chips were down in the waning minutes it was the Lady Hilltoppers who hit the big shots when they needed it. St. Johnsbury jumped out to an early 9-4 lead on back-to-back threepointers from Bianca Calkins and Brittany Regis, but Rutland fought back to only trail by one point at the end of the first quarter, despite two

starters going to the bench with two fouls each. The Lady Raiders would fight back in

the second quarter, however, and after two drives to the basket by Liz Douglass, Rutland had a one-point

St. Johnsbury's Brittany Regis drives past Rutland's Alyssa Moore at the recent girls high school basketball Division I finals held at Patrick Gym in Burlington. The Hilltoppers won in a stunner.

lead at the half. At the start of the second half Rutland continued to gain momentum and built a seven-point lead (24-17) at the 6:30 mark of the third quarter. However amazingly, it would be the last points Rutland would score, as they went into a drought the rest of the way. In fact, the Raiders did not score a single point in the final 14-plus minutes of the contest. By comparison, in the first meeting between the two teams Rutland dominated in a 15-point win. Somehow the Raiders hung in there with some great defense of their own, but St. Johnsbury chipped away n the fourth quarter and when St. J's Molly Moran hit a jumper with just over six minutes left, they had a one-point lead. Remarkably, there would only be two more points scored the rest of the way (two St. Johnsbury free throws) while Rutland would miss their last 15 shots of the contest. A stunning end to quite frankly, a bizarre title game, but the Lady Hilltoppers will take it! "Someone just told me that we shut them out in the fourth quarter," St. Johnsbury coach Jack Driscoll told reporters after the win. " This just puts an exclamation point on the kind of play we have been working toward. Our run through the playoffs has been something special. We've had tremendous support, our fans have followed us all over the state, all season."


March 10-16, 2010

PUZZLE PAGE DINER SANDWICHES By Sabrina Walden ACROSS 1 CBer’s acknowledgment 5 Plus 9 Severe, as criticism 14 Tests not for srs. 19 Spread selection 20 Tug, say 21 Public commotion 22 “Peter and the Wolf” bird 23 *Site of illegal jobs? 25 *Hit the roof 27 Compact summary 28 Netflix delivery 29 Plate with five sides 30 Irish-themed Vegas casino 32 Board meeting VIP 33 Dived neatly (into) 35 Copyright pg. item 38 Stars of old Rome? 40 Oz creator 41 *Not sportsmanlike 46 Awful 50 Newsworthy ’90s jurist 51 Alabama rival 52 Cruise stops 53 Murphy’s __

54 56 58 59 60 61 62 64 68 69 70 71 73 74 77 81 82 83 84 85 87 90 91 92 93 96 97


Place to find loafers __ Alps: Eiger locale Arles article Spreadsheet entry Troubled Osso buco meat Holy, to René *Unfamiliar subject Exxon merger partner Cyclo- ending Where to see “The Sopranos” nowadays Boxer Marciano’s birth name Country on the Rio de la Plata: Abbr. Castle with a stone Wildly excited “Gee!” Spanish poet García __ Arenas Family tree word Present *Childbirth 500-mile race, briefly Modesto winery name Yours, in Ypres Lunchroom staple, for short Unbending Bubbly brand that rhymes with an entrance chime Rhein feeder

103 How the confident do crosswords 105 Ruffian 109 *Arena for illegal trading 112 *Easy way to win a game 113 Advantage 114 “Hollywood Nights” rocker Bob 115 Wanton look 116 Expos, since 2005 117 “Golden Boy” dramatist 118 Irony, e.g. 119 General __ chicken 120 Chicago daily, familiarly

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 24

DOWN Corn holders Big name in skin care Philly school “Starpeace” musician Embarrass One of Donald Duck’s nephews Ballroom dance Giant slugger Mil. jet locale Drain Beethoven’s Third Boisterous Loch Lomond hill Free TV spot Sushi bar order Want from Central idea Glutted CEO’s underlings

26 Amusement park attraction 31 Sussex sword 32 Mo. town 34 Care for 35 Bird sacred to Tut 36 Genesis brother 37 *Checkup component 39 Rep.’s counterpart 40 Bring to tears? 42 Refuse 43 “The Nutcracker” garb 44 Oppenheimer opposed it 45 Alps site: Abbr. 46 1953 John Wayne film 47 *19-Across brand 48 Maui neighbor

49 “The Girl Can’t Help It’’ actor Tom 52 Scrub up, e.g. 55 Net 56 Fussbudget 57 Additional 60 Ill-fated Boleyn 61 Sotto __: softly 62 Confound 63 Pianist Claudio 65 Durable wood 66 Collector’s suffix 67 Sports headline item 68 Jazz singer Carmen 72 “The Wizard __” 74 Like Dennis the Menace 75 Conrad novel 76 Chichi 77 “Everything is fine” 78 __ in November 79 Greek philosopher known for a paradox 80 Himalayan legend 83 Sprinkling on French fries? 86 Sliced in thin strips

87 88 89 91

93 94 95 96 98 99 100 101 104 106 107 108 110 111 112

Beer server Advanced legal deg. Foster’s prince __ biloba: claimed memory-enhancing extract Artist Picasso In bundles Very angry, after “in” One with an ax? “For sure!” Where the big bucks are? Afrikaans speakers One of Santa’s team Tammany Hall caricaturist Gum-producing plant Height: Pref. U.S. accident investigator G.I. mess crews Amount past due? Diner order found “sandwiched” around the answers to starred clues


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9.

This Month in History - MARCH 10th - The U.S. government issues paper money for the first time. (1862) 12th - Girl Scouts were founded. (1912) 12th - Baseball great Joe Dimaggio agrees to a new contract with the NY Yankees, and gets a $ 6,250 raise. My, how times have changed! (1942)


17th - On this day everyone is a little bit IrishIt’s Saint Patrick’s Day!

March 10-16, 2010



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Red, #U345..............................................$6,995 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Black, #U340.................................$6,995 2001 Isuzu Rodeo - Blue, #U339...............................................$5,995 2001 Nissan Altima - Red, #U344..............................................$4,995 2001 Mazda Protege - Tan, #U334.............................................$4,995 2000 Lincoln LHS - Tan, #U333.................................................$2,995 1999 Toyota Corolla - Silver, #U337...........................................$3,495 2003 Chevrolet S-10 - 2WD, White, #U332...............................$2,995 2001 Chevrolet Prizm - Green, #U343.......................................$4,495 2000 Toyota Rav4 - Black, #U342..............................................$6,995 2001 Chevrolet Tracker - Blue, #U347.......................................$4,995 2000 Chrysler LHS - Gray, #U357..............................................$4,995 2002 Toyota Corolla - Silver, #U338...........................................$4,995 2004 Saab - Silver, 9-3, #U351.................................................$5,995 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier - Blue, #U361.......................................$4,995 2002 Toyota Corolla - Green, #U362..........................................$5,795 2001 Toyota Celica - Black, #17230A........................................$5,995 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser - Red, #U370.....................................$6,995 2001 Ford Taurus Wagon - Silver, #U386...................................$4,995 2003 Ford Focus - Gray, #U380................................................$6,995 2004 Chrysler Sebring - Silver, #U379.......................................$4,995 1999 Dodge Caravan - Green, #U378........................................$2,995 2001 Honda Odyssey - Silver, #U377.........................................$6,995 2001 Ford Escape - Black, #U375.............................................$5,995 2001 Toyota Camry - Maroon, #U326........................................$6,995 1996 Chevrolet Blazer - Red, #U374..........................................$4,295 1998 Toyota Corolla - #U371......................................................$4,500 2002 Dodge Caravan - Silver, #18267A......................................$3,995 2001 Saab 9-5 - Gray, #18260A................................................$3,995 2002 Toyota Corolla - Green, #17229A......................................$5,995 2003 Honda Accord - #U363......................................................$8,995 2005 Chrysler Pacifica - Gold, #U323A....................................$11,995 1999 GMC Yukon - Black, #U395...............................................$5,995 2001 Buick Regal - Red, #U396................................................$4,995 2000 Buick Century - Maroon, #U394........................................$3,995 1998 Subaru Legacy Outback - Green, #U391............................$2,995 2002 Nissan Sentra - #U368......................................................$3,995 2003 Mercury Mountaineer - #U384...........................................$9,995 2004 Ford Focus - #U349..........................................................$5,995 2002 VW Beetle - White, #U389................................................$5,995 2002 VW Passat - #U401...........................................................$6,995 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser - Black, #U404...................................$4,995 2001 Pontiac Sunbird - #U398...................................................$3,995 2001 Dodge Durango - #U406....................................................$6,995 2000 Olds Intrigue - #U407.......................................................$4,995 2002 Mitsubishi Galant - #U402.................................................$5,995 2000 Ford Windstar - #U408......................................................$3,995 2000 Nissan Frontier - #U400....................................................$7,995 2001 VW Jetta - Blue, #U18291A..............................................$4,995

1998 Toyota 4Runner - #U354A.................................................$7,995 1996 Honda Odyssey - Blue, #U393...........................................$3,995 1997 Buick Century - Blue, #U409.............................................$2,995 1996 Pontiac Firebird - White, #U411 ........................................$3,495 2001 Chevrolet Tracker - Black, #U413......................................$4,495 2004 Nissan Sentra - Gray, #U192............................................$7,995 2007 Ford Focus - Silver, #U198.............................................$10,900 2005 Ford Focus - Red, #U200.................................................$8,995 2006 Toyota Solara (Certified) - Silver, #U204..........................$16,995 2003 Toyota Rav4 - Black, #U302..............................................$9,995 2008 Scion TC - Silver, #U356..................................................$13900 2005 Pontiac Vibe - Black, #U352.............................................$9,995 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser - Blue, #U359.....................................$7,465 2006 Ford Mustang - Gray, #U373...........................................$11,363 2005 Toyota Solara - Tan, #15535A.........................................$15,995 2005 Pontiac G5 - Yellow, #16006A........................................$10,900 2007 Pontiac G6 Convertible/Hard Top - Red, #16169A............$14,900 2008 Toyota Yaris (Certified) - Gray, #17158A..........................$11,495 2005 Toyota Prius (Certified) - Blue, #17188A..........................$15,995 2007 Toyota Yaris - Gray, #17213A.........................................$10,235 2006 Ford Focus - Blue, #17237A...........................................$12,900 2007 Toyota Camry - Silver, #17252A......................................$17,995 2007 Toyota Camry (Certified) - Blue, #17253A........................$17,495 2008 Toyota Tacoma - Black, #17265A....................................$24,995 2007 Toyota Camry - Beige, #17287A......................................$18,495 2008 Toyota Highlander - Black, #17298A................................$26,900 2006 Honda Odyssey - White, #18143A...................................$16,995 2007 Toyota Camry (Certified) - Blue, #18165A........................$17,995 2000 Toyota Tundra - Black, #18180A.......................................$9,995 2004 Saab 9-3 - Gray, #18196A..............................................$13,900 2006 Toyota Rav4 - Silver, #18220A........................................$19,495 2005 Subaru Forester - Silver, #18229B..................................$13,900 2003 Toyota Tacoma - Silver, #18230A....................................$12,680 2003 Toyota Tacoma - Red, #18240A......................................$10,900 2008 Honda Element - Silver, #18272A....................................$23,900 2008 Toyota FJ (Certified) - Red, #18279A...............................$26,900 2004 Toyota Tacoma - Red, #18283A......................................$14,900 2003 GMC Envoy - White, #18311A...........................................$9,995 2001 Toyota Corolla - Silver, #17259A.......................................$7,595 2007 Pontiac G5 - Black, #18305A..........................................$10,900 2006 Ford Escape - Blue, #17237A.............................................$17,910 1997 Ford Escort Wagon - White #U419........................................$2,995 2002 Chevrolet Prizm - White, #U417............................................$4,995 2002 Buick Century - 25K Miles, #U418........................................$6,995 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt - U330A....................................................$10,860 2007 Pontiac G-5 - #18305A.......................................................$11,840 2000 Ford Taurus - #U425.............................................................$3,995 1999 Nissan Pathfinder - Gold, #U426...........................................$6,995 2002 Ford Explorer - Green, #U429...............................................$7,495 2000 Nissan Altima - Silver, #U428...............................................$4,995 1998 GMC Sierra X-Cab - 2WD, #18236B......................................$4,995 2000 Chrysler Sebring Convertible - Champagne, #U433...............$5,685 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier - #U434....................................................$4,295 1995 Toyota 4Runner - #U435.......................................................$4,495 2000 Chrysler Concorde - Blue, #17404.........................................$3,995 2005 Pontiac Vibe - Silver #U438..................................................$5,995 1998 Infinity - Gold, #U440..........................................................$2,495 1999 GMC Sierra - Gold, #U441....................................................$6,995 1997 Ford Escort - Red, #U442.....................................................$2,995 1999 Saab 9-3 - Green, #U446.....................................................$2,995 1998 Mercury Sable - Green, #U445.............................................$2,995 2004 Honda Civic - Blue, #U443..................................................$10,470 2005 Volkswagen Jetta - Gold, #U448............................................$9,995 2004 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible - Orange, #U448..................$10,995

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