2 | April 16, 2016 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Photo contest announced Lake Placid Institute seeks photography from high school students
LAKE PLACID — The Lake Placid Institute for the Arts and Humanities is inviting all high school students in the Adirondack region to participate in a “visual interpretation of their surroundings” in the Institute’s program: “24 Hours-A Photographic Interpretation of Life in the Adirondacks.” Color or black and white photos must be taken within the Adirondack Park from Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 through Tuesday, May 10 and represent one hour of a day in the Adirondack Park. Each photo must be accompanied by a short essay, between 50-100 words, that describe the photographer’s vision.
LPI has invited high school students to participate via direct outreach to Adirondack region art department teachers. Entries are being accepted via postmark to the Institute at 2693 Main Street, Lake Placid, NY 12946 via mail or submitted online to LPI24HOURS@gmail.com no later than May 10. Entries must include the photographer’s name, age, grade, the hour the photo was taken, date taken, location of the photo, type of camera used and the name of the supervising teacher. Photos must be able to be replicated in an 8 x 10 format. Two photos from each hour of the day will be selected by the contest judge, Rebecca Soderhalm. Soderhalm is a professional contemporary fine art photographer. To see examples of previous winners, visit lakeplacidinstitute.org.
DEC seeking volunteers for stream monitoring Citizens asked for participation in collecting samples ADIRONDACKS — The Department of Environmental Conservation is now recruiting participants for the 2016 summer sampling season to conduct water quality assessments in streams and rivers as part of the Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators (WAVE) project. WAVE data are used to augment the work of the DEC Stream Biomonitoring Unit, which samples streams and rivers across the state to create an inventory of stream water quality. Citizen monitors will provide valuable information to assist in identifying healthy stream sites and flagging sites that have potential water quality concerns. The data is included in federal and state water quality reports and helps to target professional assessments and local restoration or conservation efforts where they are most needed. Citizen monitors visit stream sites once per year, anytime between July and September, and collect macroinvertebrates—insects and other small organisms—from the rocks and rubble on the stream bottom.
If six or more of the “Most Wanted” organisms are found, the stream segment is unimpaired and fully supports aquatic life. If mostly “Least Wanted” organisms are found, then the stream segment is flagged for possible investigation by professionals. Citizen monitors can participate in the WAVE project in one of three ways. They can: • Serve as local coordinators who coach and coordinate their own team of WAVE participants. Local coordinators must attend a full day training to participate. • Sample independently. Independent samplers must also attend a full day training to participate. • Join a local team lead by a WAVE local coordinator. No training is required for this option. The training sessions are rotated throughout the state’s 17 major drainage basins on a five year schedule, targeting those basins that will be sampled by the DEC Stream Biomonitoring Unit in the following year. WAVE training sessions are scheduled for late April to early June. For locations and registration information, email wave@dec. ny.gov.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 3
Essex County OKs consultant to study ambulance district Local squads appear open-minded, says EMS coordinator By Pete DeMola
ELIZABETHTOWN — Essex County will hire a consultant to study the feasibility of a countywide ambulance district. Lawmakers have unanimously authorized county officials to go out for an RFP for a consultant who will assemble a strategic plan. Local ambulance squads and county officials have referred to a series of issues facing local ambulance squads — including the steep drop-off in volunteer rates that some say is throttling operations — as a “crisis.” “The problem is getting worse by the day,” said Essex County Board of Supervisors Vice Chairman Randy Preston (I-Wilmington), who called the creation of a countywide dis-
trict the “most sensible way to move forward.” A handful of lawmakers have expressed tentative support for the idea. The consultant, said Preston, will explore all aspects of district creation, including available funding streams and how a hypothetical system would be implemented, as well as take an inventory of current resources, including the number of volunteers and available equipment. Supervisors have created a special committee designed to oversee the issue. And in a departure from the past, lines of communication are now open with the state, officials reported. “They assured us there will be high-level meetings as we move forward with this,” Preston said. Essex County EMS Coordinator Patty Bashaw has spent much of the winter meeting with squads and surveying members to gauge their concerns. Twenty-seven percent of those surveyed said the county should consider a countywide district; 12 percent were
against, while 61 percent said they needed more information. A lack of volunteers topped the list of concerns, followed by a dearth of appropriate leadership, a lack of support from towns and long travel times. Perhaps surprisingly, 57 percent of those surveyed said the training courses — including the EMT-B, which clocks in at 190 hours — were not unnecessarily long. Topping EMT wish lists were incentives — including tax breaks — group purchasing plans and closer training opportunities. Bashaw said the results indicated squads were keeping an open mind. Preston, urging lawmakers to approve the measure, said the situation was urgent. “We need to move forward and do something about it,” he said. Funding for the consultant would likely come from a state grant, Preston said.
Fundraiser planned to aid local man with medical expenses Lewis resident George “Bucky” Sweatt has been diagnosed with lymphoma
will require a hospital stay. The tentative schedule sees a fourmonth regimen. Once those sessions are completed, Bucky will require an additional round to prevent recurrence. All proceeds from the fundraiser, which includes raffles, auctions and giveaways, will go toward travel and medical expenses. The event, said Cheryl, is also designed for folks to reminisce and share stories about Bucky. “They always say bad things happen to the good ones,” Korey said. Benefit for George “Bucky” Sweatt: Saturday, April 30 at 3 p.m. the Wooden Nickel in Lewis. Donations and volunteers welcome. For more info, call or text Becca at 518-570-5901 or Cheryl at 518-586-6846.
By Pete DeMola
LEWIS — Friends and family of a local man are mobilizing to assist him in his fight against cancer. George “Bucky” Sweatt is a good man, says everyone who knows him. “He has a huge, huge heart,” said Cheryl Sweatt, his daughter-in-law. “He would do anything for anybody.” Sweatt was diagnosed with lymphoma. He’s currently hospitalized at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. Once he regains some of his strength, he’ll begin chemotherapy treatments, Cheryl said. A fundraiser is planned for April 30 at the Wooden Nickel in Lewis to aid with expenses. Sons Korey and Kenny say their father, a Navy veteran and NYCO employee, is a stand-up guy who instilled the virtues of volunteerism and community engagement in them from a young age. “I don’t know a single person who has met him who has a bad thing to say about him,” Korey said. “He’s just 110 percent sincere.” Kenny cited his father’s long-standing involvement with the Elks and Elizabethtown-Lewis Ambulance Squad, among other organizations, as a testament to his love for community. Above all, he said, his father is an avid outdoorsman. “About the time we were old enough to carry a fishing pole and gun, we had one,” Kenny recalled. “We’ve always been an outdoor family.” Patience is critical for deer hunting, Corey recalled. And
A benefit to aid the family of George “Bucky” Sweatt with medical costs has been scheduled for April 30 at the Wooden Nickel in Lewis. Photo provided
the weather is important for fishing. Both are lessons from Dad. Kenny recalled tracking a deer with his old man, who eventually caught up to it at the edge of a field. Just as Bucky was getting ready to shoot, a shot rang out from a another direction and the deer dropped. Bucky looked around in surprise — it was one of his buddies. “I didn’t even think the gun went off!” Kenny recalled his father as saying. The illness came quick, Korey recalled. Just six weeks ago, the pair were working on the house Bucky shares with his wife, Karen. Bucky faces a long road to recovery. Each chemo treatment
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 5
ToÊ presidentialÊ candidates:Ê ChangeÊ yourÊ diapersÊ andÊ growÊ up! To the Editor: Bravo, and thank you to Lt. Col. Joseph Dummoulin, for your timely letter. What, indeed has happened to this country? All the world must be shaking their heads in wonder and disbelief. What has happened to “God, Country, Apple Pie” and the spirit of brotherly love and compassion? I think we should just cancel this election until we get some grown people worth voting for. How can a bunch of silly and jealous children lead our country when they are not able to get out of the sandbox and stop throwing sand at each other. Change your diapers and grow up! When I was young, if I had uttered just one of those statements, I would have been hauled to the woodshed for a few swats to the behind and then had my mouth washed out with soap. What must the children think of those who are supposed to be examples of something special? You and I are all immigrants to this country (except for our Native Americans) and why did they come here? They came to have a new and better life. To have the basic freedoms you seem so eager to throw away, as you throw mud at each other. I can just see how foreign policies are to be handled and people comforted and built up! Please see how very infantile you are and give us people worth voting for. My goodness, who cares why someone went to the rest room, or who has a more beautiful wife. I think all people are beautiful, have worth and are able to be human. Grow up and prove me right. I want someone worth voting for, for I do love America. I want all people to be proud as well. Patty Francisco Tupper Lake
TeachÊ yourÊ kidsÊ aboutÊ gunÊ safety To the Editor: Tonight on channel 10 TV was an article on Nicholas’ Law. I believe this is just for Albany County. It is a mandatory firearms storage law in a locked case. Any loss of life is a tragedy, especially if it was preventable. There is no reason the parents can’t instruct their children in firearms safety. You teach them to look both ways before they cross a street, to wear a seat belt, to wear a bike helmet, not to go with strangers and on and on. So why not firearms safety? The NRA has the Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program, which I might add, many schools refuse to use, even though it is free. Very simple—see a gun, don’t touch, leave the area, tell an adult. “Oh we don’t want to glorify guns.” Come on, get real. My first “instruction” in firearms safety was when I was about four to four-and-a-half years old when I picked up my mother’s Colt 25 auto, unloaded in the chamber, but with a full mag. A one foot wooden ruler was applied across my butt and across my fingers! It was applied hard enough so that it at 75 years old I still remember it. George Phillips Chestertown
US needs a flat tax To the Editor: It seems the older I get, the more I become concerned with the direction our great nation and country is going. Things don’t seem to be getting done in Washington as they might. Though some of the fault may be our own (the voters) due to who we put in office. I believe it is time for term limits—instead of the same old life-timers holding down their precious seats. Maybe we should limit their terms in office to eight or maybe 10 years or less. The great compensation and benefits our representatives receive is more
Pete DeMola From page 1
“To be singled out as the writer of the year is a tremendous accomplishment and the readers of Sun Community News are lucky to regularly read Pete’s work,” Tyler said. “He is obviously an accomplished journalist and a skilled writer.” Following the conference, which took place April 8-9 at the Gideon Putnam in Saratoga Springs, DeMola said he was honored to be recognized by the New York Press Association. “Sun Community News is a great place to work. Without the support of my colleagues, this wouldn’t have been possible,” DeMola said. Sun Community News Publisher Dan Alexander said DeMola brings a skill set and ethic to the organization that is not easy to find. “We’ve known for some time that we had an extremely talented writer on The Sun team,” Alexander said. “His work ethic, strong personal drive and inquisitive nature are talents that make for an excellent reporter and Pete certainly embodies what every newspaper looks for in a reporter.” “Pete is a rare talent that we are honored to have writing for Sun Community Newspapers,” Alexander said. Sun Community News General Manager DJ Alexander echoed his father’s statements. “We’re so proud to have Pete recognized as the best writer in the state of New York, and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of such a prestigious award,” DJ Alexander said. “Pete’s name is always spoken with respect among local business people and colleagues. He has such talent and dedication to the job and pro-
than incentive to try to keep one’s seat. Perhaps, with little interest or concern for those who put them there. This goes for senators as well as our representatives. The so-called power of one rep or senator should be no greater than the man or woman in the next seat before one could run again for that office. There are many out there with good ideas and common sense that need a chance to do the public good. I also believe in a flat tax. The first requirement being to determine the country’s gross national product. That being found—the need to determine what percentage of the gross product would be needed to run the government—the military—social security, etc. The gross product is so large that probably only a small percentage would be needed for taxes. “Possibly” 3 to 5 percent. Every company—business organization would need to report deductions to complicate things (Sorry!) Instead, everyone would pay his or her 3 or 5 percent. The beggar on the street (sure) the working family—big corporations and the millionaires—their 3 to 5 percent! No one would be pointed out as not paying their fair share. The Bible refers to the promised land—there is nor, has ever been in all the world’s history, a country with more opportunities or freedoms than the United States of America. Lets do our best to insure these freedoms and pass them on to other countries as time passes and they are so motivated. E.C. James Shoreham, Vt
PortÊ HenryÊ dissolutionÊ planÊ isÊ notÊ legallyÊ binding To the Editor: A headline like “Port Henry board adopts dissolution plan” gives a true fact but does not tell the true story of the Tuesday, April 5 public hearing. Without exploring other tax saving options, several village residents petitioned last June, on the promise of tax relief, to have a vote on dissolution of the Village of Port Henry. In October, by 19 votes, the measure passed. At that point, village and town officials were legally required to draft a plan for dissolving the village. With the help of the LaBerge group of Albany, they did so. Since then, public hearings have been held and villagers were told they will have a chance to vote on the final version of the plan for dissolution. We get our chance only if petitions with 25 percent of the registered voters are presented within 45 days of the last public hearing. Several reports of the April 5 meeting describe it as “contentious” or “hostile.” Well, there’s a good reason for that was not mentioned in any articles I read. The fatal flaw in the plan for dissolution, no matter how well worked out the details sound, is that it is not legally binding. It takes very few words to describe that very big problem. When I first heard this, I really did not believe it. I e-mailed a representative from the LaBerge group asking if the plan was legally binding. Her response: “There is no legal weight of enforcement that the plan carries” and “The dissolution plan represents the recommended implementation strategy from the village to the town.” In other words, the plan is a polite note to the town to please be nice to us. When the town gets into budget trouble, which will happen, any promises made to the village costing the town money will be dropped. At that point, our only recourse will be to pull out our copies of the plan and say “but you said...you promised.” Because of the relative population numbers, after dissolution, voters from Port Henry will have much less effect on town policy. We will have voted away our political voice. In case the reader has not guessed by now, petitions for a referendum on the plan are now circulating. It is my sincere hope that these petitions are filed with a large excess of signers, the plan is rejected by village voters and dissolution is stopped. Kim Gilbertson Port Henry fession of journalism. We are fortunate to have him writing for our communities,” the younger Alexander said. According to promotional information on the contest, NYPA members have competed in a statewide annual better newspaper contest for nearly a century. The contest is designed to measure papers of similar size against one another in categories such as news, photography, and advertising. Approximately 4,000 entries are received each year. NYPA Executive Director Michelle Rea said in a release, “The contest provides an opportunity to display the powerful, impactful work being done by community newspapers.” A Syracuse native, DeMola is now an editor based in Essex County, New York. Following his graduation from Syracuse University in 2005, DeMola traveled to China, where he spent five years living in Beijing honing his craft at a series of new media start-ups and state-run media outlets. Stints in Guilin, Hong Kong and Korea followed. His writings on music, culture and current affairs from across East Asia have appeared in numerous publications while some of his creative campaigns, including the one that brought Record Store Day to Mainland China in April 2013, have received substantial media attention. Since returning to live full-time in the United States in 2013, Pete has been reporting on some of the most critical issues facing the Adirondack Park, including economic development and the effect state policies have on rural, local governments. DeMola joined the editorial team at Sun Community News in December of 2013.
Little Bits A Sunday of Solid Gold Columnist
he number of those who remember my radio career is dwindling. It was April, 1997 when I left that adventure. The page turned and what followed couldn’t have been more satisfying. While on the radio, I originated a music program titled “A Sunday of Solid Gold.” Using records I collected since childhood, along with some belonging to the station, I was able to feature songs that dated from the beginnings of recorded music right up to the more recent decades. You might recall a song called “With a Little Help From My Friends.” It applied to that Sunday program. On holidays, friends like Don Cassidy would show up with rare songs I didn’t possess. His wife Lillian gave me her collection. The late dentist, Dr. “Ditt” Dittmar, often came in with records and tape cassettes. When he passed away, I learned that he had willed to me his entire music collection, meticulously annotated and labeled. I have never seen its match. Through the years, others left us and I was the recipient of their collections as well. Another friend I simply refer to as “Dickie,” knew my love of old country music and kept me well supplied with cassettes that I shared with my listeners. Then, there was Ron Longto. If you knew him, you need no explanation. If you didn’t, it was your loss. He wrote for a newspaper called “The North Countryman” and loved old music as much as I. While Kaye was cleaning out a bedroom in preparation for guests recently, she stumbled upon a cardboard box jammed full of cassette tapes, each of which had been carefully edited and recorded for me by Ron in his home on equipment that was state of the art at that time. He supplied me with full, numbered lists, replete with all the pertinent information about each song. He made hundreds of those tapes for me and we were fast friends until he also had the bad fortune of passing away. To say that Kaye and I have been enjoying those tapes again is a gross understatement. The music dates back to the teens and twenties and runs the gamut from early jazz and Dixieland to big band, swing and beyond. As I pushed the “Play” button on my cassette player, I offered a silent prayer of gratitude to Ron’s spirit for his indefatigable efforts on my behalf. I often wondered what happened to his record collection when he died. These days, I dare say not one out of a hundred of you even knows what a cassette tape is. I still have many and have the means of converting them to a digital format; but we enjoy listening to them the “old way.” I also have a decent turntable for listening to my many record albums. Yes, I even have an 8-track player. Yup, I’m as old as dirt and darn proud of it. Columnist Gordie Little may be reached at gordie@suncommunitynews.com.
6 | April 16, 2016 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
ANNIE@ WESTPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL. Friday: 7:00 pm Saturday: 2:00 & 7:00 pm
15 Fri.
16 Sat.
Westport Drama Club presents Annie! the musical based on Harold Gray’s famous comic strip, Little Orphan Annie. Directed by Diana McGuigan-George. Cast includes students from grades 5-12. Admission: $7 adult, $5 seniors, Children under 12 free. Details: 518-962-8244 86475
PROOF@ WILLSBORO CENTRAL SCHOOL. Fri. & Sat.: 7:00 pm Sunday: 2:00 pm
15 Fri.
17 Sun.
On the eve of her 25th birthday, Catherine, a troubled young woman, has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, a famous mathematician. Now, following his death, she must deal with her own volatile emotions. $6 admission. Details: Derrick Hopkins dhopkins@willsborocs.org. 86477
ZEUS ON THE LOOSE@CHAZY CENTRAL RURAL SCHOOL. Saturday: 7:00 pm Sunday: 2:00 pm
16 Sat.
17 Sun.
Enjoy “make your own” sundaes with gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus, compliments of Stewarts. Prometheus disappears from his torture rock & Zeus goes missing! Lots of zany Greek fun happens. All proceeds benefit the Senior trip, Class Day & graduation for class of 2016. Cost: $5 each, $15 per family. 86479
Saturday: 5:00 pm
Support Reber Rock Farm who lost the barn, tools, equipment, hat & animals in a February fire. Farm Fresh Dinner (vegetarian option available ) $10, $5 children under 12. Music of Bob Dylan with Alice’s Fault, The Wannabes, and Ploughman’s Lunch. 86484
23 Sat.
Saturday: 7:30 pm
The Big Short follows four outsiders and their bold move against big banks during the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis. Tickets: $6 adults, $3 under 18 Details: 518-963-4170 or www.cvfilms.org 86487
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 7
LakeÊ PlacidÊ teamsÊ readyÊ forÊ springÊ sportsÊ season
BlueÊ BombersÊ hopeÊ toÊ keepÊ paceÊ inÊ CVAC By Keith Lobdell
LAKE PLACID — The Blue Bomber varsity track and field program is hoping to stay near the top of the CVAC standings in 2016. “Our goal is to be competitive in Division II,” head coach Mel Frazer said. “One of our key strengths will be the four-by-800 comprised of Forest Ledger, Henry McGrew, Trent While, Stuart Baird and James Flanigan.” McGrew will also anchor the distance runners, while Troy Scsuglinsky will help in sprints. Carter Draper, Fletcher Codd and Tony Matos are expected to be strong athletes as newcomers to the program.
Blue Bombers track and field Birk Albert Stuart Baird Colin Bentley Codd Fletcher Carter Draper Isaac Favata Luke Favata
By Keith Lobdell
Tim Kelleher Forest Ledger Tony Matos Henry McGrew David Milhill Mickey Morelli Jarrel Paul Spencer Pratt Troy Scsuglinsky Trent White Coach: Mel Frazer
LAKE PLACID — The Lady Blue Bomber varsity tennis squad will put familiar faces onto the courts in 2016. The Bombers have 10 players returning so they are looking forward to a strong season,which includes all seven starters from the end of last year. Because of the strong group of returnees, the core of the team is going to be the seniors.
Lady Blue Bomber tennis Grade
Liza Marinis
Brenna Garrett
Sophie Morelli
Jasmine Phillip
Victoria O’Leary Aimee Hebert Laurel Miller Karli Casler Ashley Strack Jennifer Godin Chelby Lawrence Noelle Levit Morin Bissonette Ireland Ward Barrett Smith
Lady Blue Bombers track and field Gabby Armstrong Lissy Ashley Taylor Barney
By Keith Lobdell
Marli Damp
LAKE PLACID — The Lady Blue Bomber varsity track and field program will combine newcomers and athletes coming off injuries to join a small yet solid core of returnees this season. “Our 4-by-800 team of Gabby Armstrong, Lissy Ashley, Sara Rose-McCandish and seventh grader Marli Damp will be strong,” head coach Mel Frazer said. “Gabby will be a strong force in running and field events and Grace McGrew will be out top sprinter. Esther Munoz is back from injury and will be jumping again.”
Sydney Lee
Lily Flanigan Alex Hartnett Grace McGrew Esther Munoz Faith Rand Sara Rose-McCandish Lauren Rossi Teresa Smith Jasmine Zhang Coach: Mel Frazer
Rhiannon Patterson
LadyÊ BlueÊ BombersÊ prepÊ forÊ trackÊ andÊ field season keith@suncommunitynews.com
James Flanigan
LadyÊ BlueÊ BombersÊ tennisÊ returnsÊ fullÊ squadÊ fromÊ oneÊ yearÊ ago
12 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9
BlueÊ BombersÊ prepareÊ toÊ defendÊ ClassÊ DÊ title
takes over the play calling behind the plate as catcher. He also said the team will have to stay injury free with a 10-player roster.
By Keith Lobdell
Blue Bombers baseball
LAKE PLACID — The Blue Bomber varsity baseball squad returns a pool of pitchers as they seek to return to the top of the Class D hill. “We have three returning pitchers in Chris Williams, Noah Mohr and Kamm Cassidy,” head coach Brian Brandes said. “We’re young. We lost a lot of hitting from last year and our focus is on pitching and defense. Brandes said it will be key for the young pitchers on the staff to adapt to the varsity level while Mohr, along with mound duties,
Chris Williams
Noah Mohr
Kris Patterson
Dalton Jacques
Billy Waldy
Kamm Cassidy
Evan Damp
Logan Brown
Colin Hayes
Jesse Izzo
Coach: Brian Brandes
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Augmented reality From page 1
enhance any type of print for their newspapers and North Country Living magazine, along with providing the same feature for advertisers through print ads, business cards, brochures, posters, banners and billboards. “You can have photo carousels or video, which can also be enhanced — the possibilities are kind of endless,” Alexander said. “It allows businesses to have more enhanced pieces printed for them as well as on their print ads.” Sun Community News debuted AR last week in an advertisement and as part of a story on the dissolution plan public hearing in the village of Port Henry. Sun Community News Publisher Dan Alexander, Sr., said augmented reality is a way for the business to combine the print and digital worlds of journalism and advertisement. “Readers haven’t abandoned print, it’s newspapers that have abandoned readers,” Alexander, Sr., said. “Augmented reality is the first of many steps to bring hard copy and digital into one platform. Once again, our newspaper is proud to be the first newspaper in our region to bring AR to you.” Alexander, Jr., talked about the various ways businesses could use the feature. “You could have a link to the history of your business that opens when a person scans your business card,” he said. “You can take a virtual tour of a store or a house up for sale. You can enhance news coverage in the paper by having video of an interview with an official that comes to life when you scan the page. You can do all of this without having to open a website, you can launch the app, tap the screen and watch the enhanced content show up. You can link to a person’s Twitter feed, so when you scan their face their posts come up right next to it.” During the recent New York Press Association (NYPA) spring convention, Alexander said the company led the discussion on AR. “After going to the NYPA conference, we seem to be the only ones really implementing this,” he said. “We knew this was really a step up when we talked to Dave Tyler (NYPA President and Publisher of Sun Community News sister company Eagle News) and other publishers who were really impressed with what we were doing with this.” For more on augmented reality, see Dan Alexander, Sr.Õ s Ò Thoughts from the PresslineÓ column on the editorial page in this weekÕ s edition.
Domestic violence From page 1
Director Pat Harford. Those behaviors include manipulation, victim-blaming and tightening access to friends and family. “We don’t recognize behaviors for the dangers that they are,” Harford said. “It’s never a one-time event.” The program, coordinated by Behavioral Health Services North, also steers participants towards developing self-esteem and respect. The “If My Hands Could Talk” exhibit is part of coming to terms with past behavior, she said. It’s critical for a constellation of agencies, from health and human service providers to the education system, to climb onboard and create a culture of accountability, said Harford. The director has been involved with the program for 18 years. During her presentation, Harford held up items that tethered the concepts to real people — including items of clothing from deceased victims. Harford’s granddaughter, Chloe Grace, just turned six. Women have a one in three chance of getting assaulted in their lifetimes, she said. The prospects for verbal assault are nearly 100 percent. “She’s not growing up in the world I want for her,” Harford said.
The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 9
10 | April 16, 2016 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
ALTONA - Ganienkeh Territorial High Stakes Bingo 4 Devil's Den Road 518-236-7099 Wednesdays & Fridays doors open at 5pm Games start at 6:30 pm. KEESEVILLE - Keeseville Fire Dept. North Country AmVets 1309 Rt. 9 South Saturday, 7:30 pm. PLATTSBURGH - Knights of Columbus #255 St. Peter's School 518-561-4501 Mondays, 7pm. PLATTSBURGH - Our Lady of Victory 4919 South Catherine St. Wednesday Nights, Doors open at 6:00 with games starting at 7:10 pm. PLATTSBURGH American Legion Post 20 162 Quarry Rd. 518-5631692 Sundays, 7pm. PORT HENRY Port Henry Knights of Columbus, bingo, 7 p.m. Every Monday TICONDEROGA - Bingo, Ticonderoga fire house, 6:45 p.m. Doors 5 p.m. Every Thursday. CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS LAKE PLACID – Monthly Saturday Play for Pre-K thru Grade 5 kids & families at the Lake Placid Public Library 10am to 11am. Indoor games, activities and children's classic books. For more info 518523-3200. CLASSES & WORKSHOPS MORIAH - Adult Beginning Swimming Workshop at the Moriah Central Pool on April 16, 10-noon. $15/person, ages 18-118 years of age. Want to swim for fun or fitness? Bridget Simpson will introduce skills, instill confidence, refine skills you have, and get you going. Give it a try! bmmsimpson@mac.com MORIAH - Take 5! For Fitness at 176 The Portage (Command Performance). Classes held April 7, 14, 21, May 5 & 12. $10 per meeting. A reality based approach to fitness & weight management goals that fit your busy life. We are seeing results and having a blast! Personal Trainer Bridget Simpson leads meetings. bmmsimpson@mac.com WILMINGTON - Yoga for the Community Every Sun., 5:30-6:30pm @ Riverstone Wellness, Wilmington, NY. For more info send email to: riverstonewellness@yahoo.com
The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 11
SARANAC - Chair Yoga Classes to be held at Will Rogers. Amy Kohanski will hold a series of chair yoga classes at Saranac Village at Will Rogers on Thursdays from 3:30 4:30 p.m., beginning January 14th through June 23rd. Pre-registration is not required. No experience is necessary. For more information, please call Amy Kohanski at 518-524-6888 or email her at akohanski@roadrunner.com.
ELIZABETHTOWN – 2015-2016 WIC Schedule at the Public Health Building December 3, January 7, Feb 4, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1, October 6, November 3, December 1, 8:00 - 3:30 PM November 19, December 17, January 21, Feb 18, March 16, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17, December 15, 11:30 am - 6:30 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296
SARANAC LAKE - On Thursday, May 5th at 7:30 p.m., at Saranac Village at Will Rogers, Dr. Karen Kan, will introduce the benefits of acupuncture, how it works and who it works best for, as part of the Adirondack Wellness Series. This program is free and open to the public. For more information call Debbie Kanze at (518) 8917117 or visit www.saranacvillage.com. TICONDEROGA - Essex County Lethernecks, Marine Corps League, Det 791, Ticonderoga American Legion Post. 6 p.m. Active Marines and Marine Veterans invited. First Thursday of every month.
PLATTSBURGH - BREASTFEEDING - LA LECHE LEAGUE Do you have questions about breastfeeding? Do you have support you can offer to others? Do you need information about returning to work and nursing? Please join us for mother-to-mother sharing. All mothers, mothers-to-be, and children are welcome. Meetings are twice monthly: the first Monday at 7 P.M and the third Friday at 10:00 A.M at the Family Connections, 194 U.S Oval, Plattsburgh. Info: 518-643-9436.
SARANAC LAKE - As part of the Saranac Village at Will Rogers Road to Retirement Series, on Wednesday, May 4th at 2:00 p.m., at Saranac Village at Will Rogers, Photographer John Eldridge will talk about the art of photography and how to improve your skills. This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Debbie Kanze at 518-891-7117 or visit www.saranacvillage.com. COMMUNITY OUTREACH
AUSABLE FORKS – 2015-2016 WIC schedule at the Ambulance Building-Ausable Forks December 2, January 6, Feb, 3, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7, at 9:30 am - 2:15 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 BEEKMANTOWN- The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Monday, April 18th, Beekmantown High School, 9am to 2pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406 BLACK BROOK - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Thursday, April 21st, Black Brook Town Hall, 3pm to 7pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406 CLINTONVILLE – Chesterfield Fish & Game Club, Green St., Clintonville, NY has indoor Archery, Pistol & Small Caliber Rifle Shooting. January–April. Tuesdays Archery 7pm–9pm. Thursday is Pistol & Small Rifle Shooting 7pm9pm. Please note that Pistol Permits are required before shooting is allowed. Cost is $5 Non-Member & $3 for members. For further details please call John Stranahan 518-534-9716.
ESSEX - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Monday, April 25, Essex Fire Department, co-sponsor Masonic Lodge, 4pm to 7 pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406 KEESEVILLE – 2015-2016 WIC schedule at the United Methodist Church November 25, December 30, January 13, Feb 25, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 23, July 28,August 25, September 22, October 27, November 23, December 22, 9:30 am - 2:15 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 LAKE PLACID – 2015-2016 WIC schedule at the Thomas Shipman Youth Center December 1, January 5, Feb 2, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6 , 9:30 am - 2:15 PM November 24, December 22, January 26, Feb 23, March 22, April 26, May 24, June 28, July 26, August 23, September 27, October 25, November 22, December 27 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 PLATTSBURGH - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Friday, April 22, Clinton Community College, 11amto 2:30pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406. PLATTSBURGH - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Friday, April 29th, Jeffords Steel, 11am to 2pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406
ELIZABETHTOWN - Al-Anon Family Group, family, friends of problem drinkers. Elizabethtown Community Hospital Board Room. 4 to 5 p.m. Anonymous, confidential, free. Details: 518-962-2351, 518873-2652. Every Sunday.
PLATTSBURGH - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Friday, April 15th, CV TEC Plattsburgh, 9am to 2pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406
ELIZABETHTOWN - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Thursday, April 14th, Essex County Department of Social Services, 10am to 2pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406
ROUSES POINT - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Tuesday, April 19th, Rouses Point Fire Department, 3pm to 7pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406
ELLENBURG - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Monday, April 25th, Ellenburg Knights of Columbus, 4pm to 7 pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406
SARANAC LAKE - The North Country Regional Blood Donor Center, with help from a number local businesses and community groups, is conducting A community blood drive. Wednesday, April 20th, North Country Community College, 11am to 3pm. For more info call (518) 562-7406
DINNERS & SUCH WESTPORT - Roast Turkey Dinner, Thursday, April 21, 2016 at the Westport Federated Church, 6486 Main St., Westport, NY. Serving starts 4:30pm with take-outs available. $10.00 Adults, $5.00 Children 12 & under, pre-school free. Donations of non-perishable food items for the Westport Food Pantry are appreciated. LECTURES & SEMINARS PLATTSBURGH - twice-monthly Public Science Forums on interesting topics in science and the social sciences at The Champlain Wine Company, 30 City Hall Place, Plattsburgh NY 12901. First and third Mondays of each month at 5:30 pm. Beginning Monday Feb. 1st. Local Scientists and Social Scientists present provocative public forums free to the public. For more information, please call 518564-0064. PUBLIC MEETINGS CADYVILLE – Al-Anon Adult Children Meeting every Monday at Cadyville Wesleyan Church, use rear entrance, 2083 Route 3, Cadyville at 7pm-8pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. CADYVILLE – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Sunday at Cadyville Wesleyan Church, use rear entrance, 2083 Route 3, Cadyville at 7pm-8pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. CHAZY – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Friday at Sacred Heart Church, 8 Hall Street, Chazy 7:30pm-8:30pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. CHAZY – Chazy Public Library Meetings: January 20, 2016, February 24,2016, March 30, 2016, April 27, 2016. Organizational Meeting May 18, 2016. ELIZABETHTOWN - The Town of Elizabethtown will hold their April 19, 2016 monthly board meeting 7:00 PM at Cobble Hill Golf Course due to the presidential primary voting occurring at the Town Hall. ELIZABETHTOWN – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Sunday at Elizabethtown Community Hospital Board Room, 75 Park St., Elizabethtown, 4pm-5pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. ELIZABETHTOWN – Elizabethtown Thrift Shop will have it's Monthly Meeting Second Monday of Every Month at 7pm @ The Episcopal Parish Hall. LAKE PLACID – Al-Anon Adult Children Meeting every Monday at St. Agnes Church Basement, 169 Hillcrest Avenue, Lake Placid 8pm9pm. For more information call 1888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838.
PLATTSBURGH – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Tuesday at United Methodist Church, 127 Beekman Street, Plattsburgh Noon-1pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-5610838. PLATTSBURGH – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Thursday at United Methodist Church, 127 Beedman Street, Plattsburgh 7:30pm-8:30pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. PLATTSBURGH – ALATEEN Meeting every Thursday at United Methodist Church, 127 Beedman Street, Plattsburgh 7:30pm8:30pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. SARNAC LAKE – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Wednesday at Baldwin House, 94 Church Street, Saranac Lake 7pm-8pm. For more information call 1-888425-2666 or 518-561-0838. SENIORS SARANAC LAKE - The Saranac Village at Will Rogers Senior Outing Clubs April event will be on Tuesday, April 26th featuring a visit to the Earthwood Building School, an off-the-grid, 5-acre campus, in West Chazy. This program is open to the public. There is a $10 fee, per person, to visit the school. Lunch will be at a The Laughing Hen in Saranac ($4.95 and up). Please wear good walking shoes and clothing for potentially cool or inclement weather. Departure will be from Will Rogers at 9:00 a.m. Please call 518-891-7117 to RSVP. SPORTS & RECREATION MINEVILLE – Open Bowling Fridays at the VFW. For more info call 518-942-6514 VENDORS FOOD AND CRAFT/FLEA MARKET VENDORS WANTED for a two day set-up Memorial Day Weekend at Veterans Park, Crown Point, NY. Call 518-216-4024.
12 | April 16, 2016 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
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HUGE MOVING SALE April 15th & 16th (Friday & Saturday) 8-4 RAIN OR SHINE 2 Miles North of Lewis on Route 9 House full of Old and New Items .... Furniture, Linens, Dishes, Collectibles & So Much More. Too much to list!!! Prices are Cheap!!! Watch for the Signs and Balloons!!
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Contact Michelle: (518)-802-7677 mamato@essexrehab.net The Bistro in Westport is looking for Waitstaff and Bartender for the summer season. Call Fabienne at 518-524-1119.
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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
THE CLINTON, ESSEX,WARREN, WASHINGTON BOCES Is Currently Accepting Applications For The Following Anticipated Positions: Anticipated Full-time tenuretrack vacancies for the 2016-17 school year, starting September 1, 2016:
EXPERIENCED TEACHER will supervise the Calvert School Home study program(grades 4-8) in JayLake Placid region. Cost is dependent on services required. Course cost about $1800/year plus supervision charges .ekverner@gmail. com. After May 8th phone 518 647 2150. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
*New Visions Medical Instruc-
tor for an Elizabethtown based program with secondary grades science certification, biology preferred.
*College & Career Transition
Experience teacher, NYS secondary grades certification with dual ELA/mathematics certification preferred.
*Secondary grades classroom special education teacher with secondary grades special education certification.
Sun Community News & New Market Press
*Elementary grades special education teacher with special education certification.
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Weekly News Publications
*Security &Law enforcement teacher at CVES Mineville Campus, with five years of successful law enforcement experience and appropriate teacher certification.
Competitive salary as per contract. Cover letter, resume, three reference letters and a completed CVES application due May 12, 2016 to applicants@cves.org or to : A. Paul Scott, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Management Services, Champlain Valley Educational Services, PO BOX 455, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. CVES application available on employment page via www.cves.org. EOE/AAE. Questions? 518-536-7316
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SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
SUPPORT OUR SERVICE MEMBERS, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org
KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT. Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com
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Apr 30th & May 1st at the Washington County Fairgrounds, Rte. 29, Greenwich NY. $4 admission. (Sat. 8a-5p, Sun 9a-4p) Featuring over 225 dealers. GREAT FOOD. Early-Bird Friday (4/29 - 7a-4p - $10). RAIN or SHINE. Call (518) 331-5004
A Sun Community News
Win a $2,000 grand prize! Enter to win. Take our survey at www.pulsepoll.com and tell us about your household shopping plans and media usage. Your input will help us improve the paper and get the advertising specials you want. Thank you!
FARM LIVESTOCK PIGS FOR SALE $200 ea. Firm. Live weight approx. 200 lbs. Located in Essex. Call 518-224-0251. FINANCIAL SERVICES
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APPLIANCES WHIRLPOOL UPRIGHT FREEZER, a year old, Asking $200 OBO. Call 518-963-8930 or 518-962-2376.
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The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 13
Wanted to Buy used 3 point hitch sickle bar mower, in good condition. 518-524-1972.
is looking to harvest and purchase standing timber, All Species. Willing to pay New York State stumpage prices on all species. $ or % paid. References available. Matt Lavallee 518-645-6351 A CUT ABOVE THE REST!
KILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS. Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/Kit Complete Treatment System. Available Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com OTHER PETS
LOST & FOUND Lost Dog Last seen March 19th near Lincoln Pond. 3 year old Bulldog/Pit mix named Diesel. Very Friendly and missed dearly. White and brown/brindle and wearing a Large Red Collar without tags.Please call 518-339-2501 if you have seen him. Thank You.
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APARTMENT RENTALS Rouses Point – 2 bdrm, 2nd floor. Quiet neighborhood, large lot, space for a garden, 2 car parking and garage space avail. $570/mo. + electric. Call Evenings 450-2464320. VACATION PROPERTY RENTALS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Resort Services. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: www.holidayoc.com. REAL ESTATE SALES REAL ESTATE WILLSBORO, NY 1.06 acre lot w/water/sewer/power ($26,000) or Above lot with 1998 2bd/2bath mobile home ($49,000) 518-963-7320
GRANTOR GRANTEE Donald and Beverly Duffina Bryon and Victoria Colby Joni Moschelle Marianna Worczak Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Andrew Gonyo Federal National Mortgage Association Robert Roberts Laurie King Kondaur Capital Corporation Mary West and Ronald Peltier Kevin Ohara Carol Jackstadt Raymond and Rebecca Hewson Nichole Strong Morgan Kowalowski US Bank Trust Robin Bechard James Diskin William and Bonita St. Dennis Elizabeth Sumner Michael Beebe Clinton County NYSEG Karl Hill et al Barbara Provost et al Ronald and Angel Duchene Ricky Duprey Michael and Ramona Curry Patrick and Donna Curry Marie Benway Joseph Rohlfing
DATE 3/31/16 3/31/16 3/31/16 3/31/16 4/1/16 4/4/16 4/4/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/6/16
GRANTOR Thomas and Priscilla Fox Daniel Fields Thomas Benway Dand and Erica Dangelo Blum Rose Corp Surv and Decd Gregsonanne Martin and Sari Stout Laura Antonelli and Keitha Freeman Richard and Susan Vanwormer James Doyle and Todd Dematteo Gerald and Maxine Brow Helen Prouty Arlene Baker Gerald Smith et al Robert Garrow
BUY IT! SELL IT! FIND IT! “We’re more than a newspaper, we’re a community service.”
Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 PETS & ANIMALS
DATE 3/31/16 3/31/16 4/1/16 4/1/16 4/1/16 4/1/16 4/4/16 4/4/16 4/4/16 4/4/16 4/4/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/5/16 4/6/16
518-873-6368 Ext. 201
WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201
GRANTEE 1812 Homestead Educational Foundation Kurt Delong William Amadon Dora Constance Rose Development WFC LLC Tina Campala Bruce and Roxanne Burns Timothy and Carol Donovan Brian and Melissa Lavallee US Bank Trust Nayden and Katiaa Mintchev David and Paula McDonough Sarah Pastore Tyler and Michelle Collins Andrew and Maureen Ottati
LOCATION Mooers Beekmantown Beekmantown Champlain Ausable Plattsburgh Plattsburgh Plattsburgh Plattsburgh Ausable Beekmantown Plattsburgh Champlain Champlain Ellenburg Clinton
PRICE $155,000 $232,000 $23,000 $33,000 $105,787 $12,000 $137,800 $106,000 $96,000 $180,000 $129,000 $50 $5,000 $4,000 $40,000 $17,500
LOCATION Willsboro Elizabethtown Essex North Elba North Elba Schroon Crown Point North Elba Jay Schroon Jay Keene Elizabethtown Schroon North Elba
PRICE $100,000 $25,000 $12,000 $680,000 $196,000 $141,000 $60,000 $6,800 $369,000 $63,000 $98,000 $250 $55,000 $150,000 $6,000
velope. In addition to the proposal, the proposer shall submit executed noncollusion bid certificates 14 | April 16, 2016 • The Valley News Sun (TL) www.suncommunitynews.com Published by Denton Publications, Inc. signed by the proposer or one of its officers as WESTPORT CEMETERY required by the General REAL ESTATE SALES COMMERCIAL PROPERTY HOMES LAND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HOME IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATION Municipal Law Sec. NATURAL UNSPOILED COASTAL GET FUNDING NOW for your small CENTRALNOTICE BOILER TO: CERTIFIED The last 103d. property. There is a placeThe just business, up to $2 million in as litClassic Edge FURknown OUTDOOR owner or owners successful proposer ADIRONDACK “BY OWNER” hours away where you canwillfind tle as 2promptly days. Minimum 2 years in NACES. Exceptional performance be notified of the following burial AdkByOwner.com 1000+ photo and value. Hardware abundant natural by air letter business. and mustCall be BFS Capital: 888lotsAdirondack in the Hillside CemeREQUEST FOR beauty, PRO- clean listings of local real estate for and space. Located in Virginia 90 732-6298 or apply online www.bfCall Dennis prepared to enter into a tery,Today Main 518-834-4600 St., Westport, POSALS sale, vacation rentals & timemiles south of Ocean City. Lots are scapital.com/nyp. Ext. 6 NY 12993: Almira N.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- contract to furnish the shares. Owners: List with us for 3 to 22 priced $60,000 materials or services. Greeley, David Clark, EN; thatacres theandUnderonly $299 per year. VISIT THE REGION'S PREMIER REPLACEMENT WINDOWS to $98,000. All are of near The Town of Westport Mack, Gibbs, Barber, signed, on behalf thethe shoreVisit on-line or call LIFESTYLE PUBLICATION $199.00 Installed. Double Hung line, someTown with Board, excellent reserves water the right CONSTRUCTION 518-891-9919 Holcom, McIntire, Westport to reNORTH COUNTRY LIVING Tilt-ins, Lifetime Warranty.Angviews. Amenities include commuMAGAZINE iers, Reynolds, will accept sealed pro- ject any and all proposBBB A+ rating, Bennett, nity dock beach.alsLow NCLMAGAZINE.COM Rogers, Hinkley, posals at and the sandy Westport not considered to be Granite Coldspring serving NYS over 40 years. Brataxes and a mild climate. Call (757) PUBLISHED BY: man,1-866-272-7533. Pierce, Smith, FrisTown Clerks office until in the best interest LAND 13791 of NYS Route 9N Call Rich 442-2171 or email: oceanDENTON PUBLICATIONS INC. bie, Eastman, Henry, April 26th at 3 P.M. for the Town of Westport, AuSable Forks, NY uscustomwindowsdoors.com landtrust@yahoo.com, website Mitchell, Neddie, Price, Forestry Management and to waive any techni518-647-8192 http://waverlylots.com. CATSKILLS BARGAIN ACREAGE THE SUN COMMUNITY Mother, and Ingalls, Services. cal or formal defect in YoungRussell, Lyon Hardware 31 acres - $89,900; 39 acres NEWS & PRINTING Bernesand, Flooring and Howard; Specifications are avail- the proposals which is $99,900. By BOTH for 68 YEARS OF PLEASE TAKE 1923 Saranac Ave. NOTICE able by contacting the considered by theCRUISE Town & TRAVEL just $185,000. 3 hrs NY City, mtn Lake Placid, that (1) the NY monuments Town of Westport 22 Of Westport to be mereSERVING NORTH views, woods, fields! Twn Rd, 518-523-9855 or markers located at Champlain Ave West- ly irregular, immaterial, VACATION PROPERTY utils. Terms avail! 1-888-701-1864 ALL INCLUSIVE CRUISE package said burial lots are so port, New York 12993 or or unsubstantial. COUNTRY COMMUNITIES NewYorkLandandLakes.com on theFURTHER Norwegian Sky out of MiaINSURANCE badly out of repair or diby calling 518-962- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF FORMATION mi to the Bahamas. Pricing as low lapidated as to create a 4419. NOTICE that Town of OF MAGDI LAKE DRIVE, CATSKILLS BARGAIN ACREAGE, All proposals submitted as $299 pp for 3 Day or $349 pp Boothdangerous Insurancecondition, Agency (2) Westport affirmatively LLC 31 acres - $89,900. 39 acres forin4 regard Day (double occupancy) 20 theBrinkeroff personsSt.to whom to this no- states that to Arts. of Org. filed with $99,900. Buy both for just in response PROMOTE YOUR VACATION ALL beverages included! For more Plattsburgh, this notice isNYaddressed shall STATEWIDE! be marked Homes, AS- tice any contract entered into Secy. of State of NY $185,000.REBER 3 hoursCEMETERY NY City. MounPROPERTY callnotice, 877-270-7260 or go to 518-561-3290 must repair or remove PROPOSAL SOCIATION MEETING pursuant info. to this (SSNY) on 03/24/16. Oftain views, woods, fields. Town SEALED camps, land for sale? ADVERTISE NCPtravel.com said monument or markMANAGEregard to race, The Reber As- FORESTRY fice location: Essex road, utilities. Terms Cemetery available! Call WITH US! Selling or renting,without we Chauvin er withinAgency 60 days of the MENT clearly3.3 million color, sex, religion, age, sociation will be holding County. Princ. office of connectSERVICES you with nearly 888-905-8847. NewYorkLandandChamplain 518-298-2000 date of the third publicaon the outside of the ennational origin, disabiliLLC: 821 Mirror Lake their annual meeting on EUROPEAN RIVER CRUISES the consumers (plus more online!) Lakes.com. Rouses Point518-297-6602 tion of 518-562-9336 this notice, (3) if ty, sexualultimate preference or See Europe from Dr., Lake Placid, NY Sunday evening, April velope. vacation! with a statewide classified ad. Plattsburghth the persons to whom addition your to the pro- for Vietnam Era 12946. SSNY designated 24 , at 7:00 p.m. In the In Advertise the veteran comfortstaof a Viking or Avalon property just thisAdjustment notice is addressed tus, and as agent of LLC upon Reber Church annex. At posal, luxury cruise ship. For the experi$489 the for aproposer 25-wordshall ad, LESS for disadvantaged Northern Bureau failLicensed to repair& or remove submit executed minority ence or ofwomenwhom process against it this time all business a lifetime, call 877-270regional coverage nonareas. Visit NY State Bonded 7260 or go to NCPtravel.com for said monument or markcollusion bid certificates owned business entermay be served. SSNY will be conducted related AdNetworkNY.com or call General Adjuster/ Public Adjuster more er518-563-4701 within the 60 day time signed by 315-437-6173 the proposer prises will be information afforded shall mail process to to same. All interested period, the Westport equal opportunity to Paolo Magro, 12 David parties are cordially in- or one of its officers as WESTPORT CEMETERY Cemetery required by the General submit bids in response Dr., Saranac Lake, NY NOTICE OF FORMATION vited to attend. Association LEGALS OF PLACID BOAT /s/ Alan H. Hutchins ASSOCIATION may remove or repair 12983. Purpose: Any Municipal Law Sec. hereto. RENTALS, LLC a do- Association Pres. NOTICE TO: The last said monument or markAU SABLE RIVER lawful activity. 103d. Dated: April 8, 2016 mestic limited liability known owner or owners LODGE LLC Articles of VN-04/09-05/14/2016VN-04/16/2016-1TCThe successful proposer Julie Schreiber er without further notice company. Art. of Org. 114725 of the following burial to the persons to whom will be notified promptly Org. filed NY Sec. of 6TC-114152 Westport Town Clerk filed with Sec'y of State lots in the Hillside Ceme- this notice is addressed, by letter and must be State (SSNY) 3/15/2016. PO Box 465 REQUEST FOR PRO- prepared to enter into a of NY (SSNY) on tery, Main St., Westport, (4) Westport Cemetery Office in Essex Co. 22 Champlain Ave. NY 12993: Almira N.- Association must be nocontract to furnish the Westport, New York SSNY desig. agent of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- 3/15/16. Office location: POSALS Greeley, David Clark, tified and give permisLLC upon whom pro- EN that a license, num- Essex County. SSNY is NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- materials or services. 12993 designated as agent of EN; that the Under- The Town of Westport VN-04/16/2016-1TCMack, Gibbs, Barber, sion for any removal or cess may be served. ber (pending license signed, on behalf of the reserves the right to re- 115053 Holcom, McIntire, Ang- repair done to said monSSNY shall mail copy of number) for beer and the LLC upon whom process against the LLC Westport Town Board, ject any and all proposiers, Reynolds, Bennett, ument or maker and (5) process to Law Office wine has been applied will accept sealed promay be served. SSNY Rogers, Hinkley, Bra- notice must be given to Steven Kaiser, 134 als not considered to be for by the undersigned posals at the Westport man, Pierce, Smith, Fris- the Westport Cemetery Hawthorne Ave., Floral to sell beer and wine at shall mail a copy of such in the best interest of Town Clerks office until bie, Eastman, Henry, Association as to the Park, NY 11001. Pur- retail in a restaurant un- process served upon it the Town of Westport, April 26th at 3 P.M. for and to waive any techniMitchell, Neddie, Price, time of such removal or pose: Any lawful pur- der the Alcoholic Bever- to Placid Boat Rentals, Forestry Management cal or formal defect in NOTICE OF FORMATION LLC, 204 Mirror Lake Russell, Mother, Ingalls, repair in order to allow a pose. age Control Law at 1711 VN-03/26-04/30/2016the proposals which is OF LIMITED LIABILITY Bernesand, and Howard; member of the Westport Front St. Keeseville, NY Drive, Lake Placid, NY Services. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 6TC-112780 Cemetery Association to COMPANY (LLC) 12944 Essex County for 12946. Purpose of LLC: Specifications are avail- considered by the Town able by contacting the Of Westport to be mere- Name: Solitude Catering that (1) the monuments supervise such removal on-premises consump- To engage in any lawful Town of Westport 22 ly irregular, immaterial, LLC Articles of Organiza- or markers located at or repair. activity. tion. Champlain Ave West- or unsubstantial. VN-03/26-04/30/2016Westport Cemetery Astion filed with the Secre- said burial lots are so VN-04/09-04/16/2016port, New York 12993 or PLEASE TAKE FURTHER 6TC-112431 tary of State of New badly out of repair or di- sociation, P.O. Box 535, 2TC-114306 by calling 518-962- NOTICE that Town of York (SSNY) on January NOTICE OF FORMATION lapidated as to create a Westport, NY 12993 4419. OF MAGDI LAKE DRIVE, 26, 2016 Office Loca- dangerous condition, (2) Juanita Napper, PresiWestport affirmatively All proposals submitted states that in regard to tion: Essex County. The LLC the persons to whom dent 518-962-8975 or NOTICE OF LEWIS in response to this no- any contract entered into Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY is designated as this notice is addressed 518-569-7116. CEMETERY CORPORAREBER CEMETERY AS- tice shall be marked pursuant to this notice, agent of the LLC upon Secy. of State of NY TION must repair or remove VN-04/16-04/30/2016SEALED PROPOSAL without regard to race, whom process against it said monument or mark- 3TC-114783 (SSNY) on 03/24/16. Of- Notice is hereby given SOCIATION MEETING MANAGE- color, sex, religion, age, may be served. SSNY er within 60 days of the The Reber Cemetery As- FORESTRY fice location: Essex that the Lewis Cemetery sociation will be holding MENT SERVICES clearly national origin, disabili- shall mail a copy of any date of the third publicaCounty. Princ. office of Corporation will hold its LLC: 821 Mirror Lake their annual meeting on on the outside of the en- ty, sexual preference or process to the LLC at: tion of this notice, (3) if Annual Meeting at the Dr., Lake Placid, NY Lewis evening, April velope. the persons to whom Vietnam Era veteran sta- Forever Native, 3320 Congregational Sunday th 12946. SSNY designated Station Rd., this notice is addressed Church Parish Hall, Rt. 24 , at 7:00 p.m. In the In addition to the pro- tus, disadvantaged and Knight as agent of LLC upon fail to repair or remove Lakeland, FL 33810. 9, Lewis, NY on April 18, Reber Church annex. At posal, the proposer shall minority or womenwhom process against it 2015 at 6 pm. Public is this time all business submit executed non- owned business enter- Purpose: To engage in said monument or markmay be served. SSNY welcome. will be conducted related collusion bid certificates prises will be afforded er within the 60 day time any lawful act or activity. shall mail process to VN-04/16/2016-1TCto same. All interested signed by the proposer equal opportunity to VN-04/02-05/07/2016period, the Westport Paolo Magro, 12 David 115004 parties are cordially in- or one of its officers as Cemetery Association submit bids in response 6TC-113537 Dr., Saranac Lake, NY required by the General hereto. vited to attend. may remove or repair 12983. Purpose: Any Municipal Law Sec. Dated: April 8, 2016 /s/ Alan H. Hutchins said monument or marklawful activity. 103d. Association Pres. er without further notice Julie Schreiber VN-04/09-05/14/2016The successful proposer VN-04/16/2016-1TCto the persons to whom Westport Town Clerk will be notified promptly 6TC-114152 114725 this notice is addressed, PO Box 465 by letter and must be (4) Westport Cemetery 22 Champlain Ave. prepared to enter into a Association must be noWestport, New York contract to furnish the 12993 tified and give permismaterials or services. sion for any removal or VN-04/16/2016-1TCThe Town of Westport 115053 repair done to said monreserves the right to reument or maker and (5) ject any and all proposnotice must be given to als not considered to be the Westport Cemetery in the best interest of Association as to the the Town of Westport, time of such removal or and to waive any technirepair in order to allow a cal or formal defect in member of the Westport the proposals which is Cemetery Association to considered by the Town supervise such removal Of Westport to be mereor repair. ly irregular, immaterial, Westport Cemetery Asor unsubstantial. sociation, P.O. Box 535, PLEASE TAKE FURTHER Westport, NY 12993 NOTICE that Town of Juanita Napper, PresiWestport affirmatively dent 518-962-8975 or states that in regard to 518-569-7116. any contract entered into VN-04/16-04/30/2016pursuant to this notice, 3TC-114783 without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, sexual preference or Vietnam Era veteran status, disadvantaged and minority or womenowned business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunity to submit bids in response hereto. Dated: April 8, 2016 Julie Schreiber Westport Town Clerk PO Box 465 22 Champlain Ave. Westport, New York 12993 VN-04/16/2016-1TC115053
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • April 16, 2016 | 15
16 | April 16, 2016 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.