Saturday,ÊS eptemberÊ12,Ê2015
In SPORTS | pg. 6-9
2015 Fall Sports Preview Special
In OPINION | pg. 4
In ARTS | pg. 13
Tanker storage Dolly’s Word a flawed plan Get Down at Otis
A look at Tri-Lakes teams
The Adirondacks is the wrong place
Hundreds to converge on Elizabethtown
Project addresses problem culverts Innovative new culvert project weds flood resilience to ensuring sustainable fish habitats
By Pete DeMola
deep, anyway, and instinct tells you that you can probably find a better spot elsewhere — perhaps upstream. But it’s an uphill climb. The path is littered NORTH ELBA — Imagine hanging out at with obstacles and debris. When you finally your local watering hole. reach your destination, you’re all banged up. It’s 75 degrees, but the mercury keeps ris- Perhaps you never made it at all and sizzle to ing: 80, 85, 90. death in your watery prison. Before long, you’re cooking and just need Welcome to the life of a brook trout in the to find some shade. The water isn’t even that
Rough Francis
era of climate change. As summer reaches its scorching apex, the Nature Conservancy: Adirondack Chapter is nearing the end of work on an innovative new culvert replacement project. It’s a part of larger initiative in New York’s Champlain Basin to not only improve fish habitat, but also community resilience to flooding and stream connectivity. The effort, a partnership with a plethora of state, local and federal agencies, covers two projects in North Elba and one in Wilmington.
>> Story Continued | pg. 11
In Westport
Officials opt for sole justice
Barring challenge from the public, town resolution will become law
Punk outfit to bring raw sound, dose of rock history to Otis Mountain Get Down ELIZABETHTOWN — Rough Francis plays loud and dangerous rock and roll, unsafe music that should inspire action and ideas, says the band’s frontman. “Something that keeps you on the edge of your seat,” said Bobby Hackney Jr. Pete The Burlington-based outfit boasts a DeMola Writer variety of influences. Their sound is like a roadmap that traces out American rock history beginning with the Motown scene. They’ve melded those influences with late-1960s proto-punk troublemakers like the Stooges and MC5 alongside elements of Burlington’s hardcore heyday in the late-1980s. The result is jittery and unhinged, but also laced with streaks of soul. “It’s primal rock and roll,” said Hackney, the band’s vocalist. The quintet is slated to perform this Saturday at the Otis Mountain Get Down in Elizabethtown, a festival gig that comes at the end of a flurry of summertime activity for the outfit, including shows up and down the east coast and recording sessions for a new LP.
Last week, work was completed on the culvert spanning Roaring Brook on River Road in North Elba. What was once a claustrophobic culvert containing duel six-foot pipes is now a handsome bridge-type structure that spans 35 feet. It’s a veritable salmon superhighway, explained the Nature Conservancy’s Michelle Brown, allowing fish to navigate their way up the Ausable River with few hurdles. With this project, six additional miles have been opened up.
Burlington-based punk outfit Rough Francis are scheduled to perform at the Otis Mountain Get Down in Elizabethtown on Saturday, Sept. 12 at 10:30 p.m. In addition to turbocharged riffs, the quintet brings a slice of rock and roll history. For more info, find them on Facebook or visit
Photo provided
It’s impossible to discuss the band without mentioning one of rock and roll’s most compelling tales, a family saga that is equal parts heartbreaking and inspiring. In the early 1970s, three brothers started a band in Detroit, quickly taking up the brand of turbocharged rock and roll proffered by local Motor City acts — including, you guessed it, the Stooges and MC5. They called themselves Death. Industry heads took notice, but a major label deal disintegrated when the trio refused to change their name to something more marketable. That was the beginning of the end for Death. The Hackney Brothers relocated to Burlington, released a gospel-tinged re >> Story Continued | pg. 5
By Pete DeMola
WESTPORT — Following a summer operating with only one justice, town officials now want to make the reduction permanent. Last month, the town board voted unanimously to slash the position left vacant by Michael “Ike” Tyler’s resignation in June, arguing that one justice can handle the court’s case volume. According to meeting minutes, Justice William LaHendro said he currently puts in 15 hours per week, handing about 90 cases in two months.
Town officials presented the reduction as a cost-savings measure that will save taxpayers between $10,000 and $15,000 each year. Supervisor Dan Connell said the reduction will help the town stay under the state-mandated tax cap. Under the cap, the town can only increase the levy by $6,500 next year. Going above that number means residents will not be eligible for state-issued tax rebate checks. “That number becomes significant if you look at it that way,” said Connell. “It’s extremely difficult to find >> Story Continued | pg. 5
2 | September 12, 2015 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Lawmakers take wait-and-see approach to tanker storage plan
ELIZABETHTOWN — Essex County lawmakers said Tuesday they need more information before sounding off on the Saratoga & North Creek Railway’s plan to store a fleet of
decommissioned oil tanker cars on the tracks between Newcomb and Saratoga Springs. “We’re kind of waiting,” said Essex County Chairman Bill Ferebee. Earlier this summer, Saratoga & North Creek Railway President Ed Ellis briefed the Warren County Board of Supervisors on the
company’s plan to store a fleet of tankers on a section of tracks pending safety upgrades that are now required by the federal government. Last week, that board opted to table the discussion following feedback from the Department of Conservation and the Adirondack Park Agency. Assemblyman Dan Stec, who was present in Elizabethtown on Tuesday to brief the board on recent activities, said he was unsure if legally, municipalities even have a say on the railway’s plan. “I’m not really clear if a local government has a role or not,” said Stec. It was presented to Warren County more as a courtesy, he said. While Stec said his initial reaction to the proposal was one of discomfort, it may be premature to flat out reject the idea. He added that he would like to see the railway, which is owned by Iowa Pacific Holdings, succeed. The lawmaker said he had several unanswered questions, including those related to
security, visual impact and the ultimate fate of the tankers, which may never be put back into service. “Local government doesn’t have enough information to say if we like it or don’t like it,” said Stec. Ellis told Warren County lawmakers that the measure may bring in seven figures for the company, which is struggling to turn a profit. It remains unclear where the tankers would be stored. Ferebee said he looks forward to discussing the issue further with Newcomb Supervisor George Canon, who was not present at the meeting. The combination of new pipelines and more stringent safety measures has led to the glut of unused cars. Numerous environmental groups have come out against the proposal, including the Adirondack Council. A petition has already garnered 7,578 signatures against the measure.
‘1000 Postcards’ to be displayed SARANAC LAKE — BluSeed Studios presents the work of Travis Jeffrey with a new exhibit titled, “1000 Postcards to Vermontville,” featuring individually hand-made postcards utilizing hardcover book covers, acrylic, watercolor, collage, found objects, etc., and sent through the US mail. The public is invited to an opening reception during the Third Thursday Art Walk on Sept. 17 from 5 to 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The exhibit will run through Sunday, Oct. 25. For more information, visit or find them on Facebook.
By Pete DeMola
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 3
Bridge connecting Clinton, Essex counties to be replaced
Jeffrey Fisher, project manager for the NYS Department of Transportation, gave a presentation of the construction of the new bridge in Au Sable Forks separating Essex and Clinton counties. The public hearing took place Thursday, Aug. 27 at the Town of Jay Community Center.
By Teah Dowling
Photo by Teah Dowling
AU SABLE FORKS — After over 80 years, the bridge separating the Town of Jay and the Town of Black Brook is getting replaced. EXISTING CONDITIONS Though the bridge was built to the codes and standards of the time and remains safe for everyday traffic, it is susceptible to loss of foundation materials and flooding caused by intensity and velocity of water from extreme natural events. Right now on the existing structure, which was built in 1931, there’s evidence of steel gusset plate and steel connection plate deterioration. “There’s not supposed to be holes in steel,” said Jeffrey Fisher, project manager for the NYS Department of Transportation. NEW BRIDGE Construction is set to begin in early spring 2016 and end in October 2017, possibly. The cost of the project equals about $2 million.
The objective of this project is to provide a bridge crossing that provides a minimum 75 year service life. The upgrades will include adding steel or concrete pile foundations to concrete bridge abutments and increasing waterway openings — thus hardening the infrastructure for the future improving the hydraulic opening, improving the structure’s resiliency to severe weather events and decreasing the scour vulnerability of the bridge. Other additions to this new bridge include increased vehicle lane widths from 10 feet to 12 feet, wider roadway width between curbs, a small shoulder for both sides and a pedestrian sidewalk with railing. “It’s going to be labor intensive,” said Fisher. This aerial view over the Town of Jay (left) and the Town of Black Brook (right) shows a rough draft of the new bridge, along with the permanent and temporary easements that will be used during the construction process.
CONSTRUCTION TASKS Construction will require permanent property impacts, such as one fee acquisition, two permanent easements and eight temporary easements for construction — spaces for construction, design and environmental groups to do their work. The construction of the new bridge will also require one structure removal, William Sullivan’s building. Sullivan’s building, which was primarily used as apartment space, has three separate foundations. Due to the locations of the foundations, it’s not going to be possible for construction workers to put in a new bridge safely, so the entire building has to be removed. “We don’t like doing this,” Fisher said. “We don’t like to look at this as an option.” SUPERVISOR’S CONCERNS Black Brook Supervisor Ricky Nolan, who expressed his sadness of the demolishing of Sullivan’s building, expressed his and the town’s biggest concern of the Au Sable Forks Fire Department and the Au Sable Forks Volunteer Ambulance. With the incorporation of this bridge, traffic would be dwindled down to one lane with a traffic signal light. Both the Au Sable Forks Fire Department and the Au Sable Forks Volunteer Ambulance are located within the Jay, making Black Brook vulnerable in terms of emergency. To solve this issue, Nolan plans on relocating a number of
ambulances and fire trucks on the Clinton County side, since the next closest fire department is in Keeseville. “That’s all being planned right now,” Nolan said. “But this bridge is really needed.” COMMENT DEADLINE All oral and written comments must be received by Sept. 8. Comments may be made by contacting Fisher at 50 Wolf Road, POD 4-3, Albany, NY 12232; 518-457-9916; or jeff.
4 | September 12, 2015 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Behind the Pressline
OurÊ goalÊ atÊ SunÊ CommunityÊ NewsÊ isÊ to publish accurate, useful and timely information in our newspapers, news products, shopping guides, vacation guides, and other specialty publications for the benefit of our readers and advertisers. WeÊ valueÊ yourÊ commentsÊ andÊ suggestionsÊ concerning all aspects of this publication.
Dan Alexander
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Bizarre world of politics
.S. Politics is one of the biggest money businesses in the world. In so many ways the process to gain political influence has no boundaries. As citizens of this great democracy we would like to think those involved in the business of politics would look beyond petty skirmishes and foolish statements, but that, perhaps, would be expecting too much from those in control of our government and those who seek control over our government. In the current political climate the race for the highest office in the land seems mired in contradictions. Both party’s leading candidates are doing things that would have been unimaginable in prior elections. In the past a candidate wouldn’t think of insulting a voting block like the Hispanic population, yet the leading Republican candidate repeatedly does just that. A candidate would never rope themselves away from the press and refuse to answer questions leaving the talking heads to present their own version of the issue and chip away at the candidate’s credibility, yet the leading Democrat has. A candidate would never show their face in public if more than 70 percent of the public thought the best one word description for them was “liar” and the second best description was “distrustful”. When President Obama was elected he was described as a very likeable person. So who would vote for a candidate best described as “arrogant” or “blowhard”? The election is likely to be a referendum on the current state of the American political system. The simple fact that these candidates are still in the race is amazing alone, but to be leading the race clearly shows the nation is hungry for, not just new leadership, but a very different type of leader. The American electorate is tired of politicians who promise to serve and address the nation’s issues only to end up being more interested in themselves, their party and their own legacy. Childish behavior has no place in American politics nor in a serious society that seeks to uplift its people and encourage increased participation. Dan Alexander is president and CEO of Sun Community News.
Publisher ............................................................................................Daniel E. Alexander Associate Publisher ............................................................................................ Ed Coats Operations Manager ............................................................................... William Coats General Manager Central...................................................Daniel E. Alexander, Jr. Managing Editor ...........................................................................................John Gereau General Manager North ................................................................. Ashley Alexander General Manager South .................................................................Scarlette Merfeld
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Risks outweigh rewards in oil tanker storage plan A
s if thousands of oil tankers clattering through the North Country wasn’t enough, movement is underway to store them here, too. A local railway has recently revealed their proposal to shore up their sagging business model: Indefinitely store a fleet of decommissioned oil tanker cars on the tracks between Newcomb and Saratoga Springs. That’s the pitch Saratoga & North Creek Railway President Ed Ellis made to the Warren County Board of Supervisors earlier this summer. Packing the lines with some 500 cars would help the struggling company turn a profit, Ellis told lawmakers. Perhaps even seven figures, a much-needed injection of capital as the company attempts to shore up their struggling tourist transit line. The concept would actually be darkly humorous if the company, which is part of Iowa Pacific Holdings, wasn’t so earnest about carrying it out. Oil traffic is already a hot-button issue as fleets continue to ship their payload from North Dakota to downstate refineries. They do so through some of the most fragile terrain in the country, including on tracks located just feet from Lake Champlain and the Hudson, Boreas and Opalescent rivers. While first responders and emergency service agencies continue to receive disaster training, all readily admit that a spill would be catastrophic for the region, perhaps even irreversible. What’s more, the dangers posed by this uptick in train traffic is one of the few issues upon which the diverse crew of stakeholders across the Adirondack Park actually agree, which makes the railway’s plan to create a toxic waste graveyard that much more bizarre. The proposal also contradicts the state’s vision for the region. If the plan comes into fruition, these cars, which do not meet current safety standards, will be stored near the tracts of newly acquired state land that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has repeatedly flagged as a hotspot for economic development and increased tourism opportunities. Not so fast, argues the railway. The arrangement would be a temporary one as they examine how to update the tankers, some 500 of them, to meet bolstered safety standards. After that, the tankers would be spirited off the tracks and back into service. But there are too many unanswered questions: How much residual oil will be left in the trains? Will they be inspected prior to arriving at their destination or afterwards? How many cars will eventually be stored? Will the strategy spread to neighboring counties? Will local municipalities be compensated for the risk?
Will it set a precedent for the storage of additional hazardous materials within the Adirondack Park? Furthermore, the wheels of government move slowly, especially at the federal level, and we have no reason to believe a temporary arrangement wouldn’t take on more permanent tones, especially if the bottom continues to fall out of the oil-by-rail market. In fact, the tanker storage trend shows no sign of abating as shipments of crude continue to slow in the wake of newly-completed pipelines. Last month, Iowa Pacific Holdings told Reuters that they predict 50,000 cars will come off the tracks as the new rules are phased in. While it seems that simply turning these cars into scrap would be the most sensible option, analysts have said it’s an unlikely scenario considering the unpredictability of global energy trends. Companies have little to lose by simply hanging onto them and hoping for a reversal. Maybe they’ll leak oil, maybe they won’t. But no amount of reassurances and safeguards will negate the fact that creating a repository of tankers is anathema to the Adirondack Park’s identity as a global leader in environmental sustainability. We respect the fact that the company is in a tough spot. We hate to see local businesses suffering. But aside from tossing the subsidiary of a out-of-state company a temporary lifeline, we see no broader benefits coming from such an arrangement, only risks. Last week, the Warren County Board of Supervisors tasked their attorney with researching their options, while the Department of Conservation and the Adirondack Park Agency look into the permitting process. We encourage our elected state and local officials to sound off against this arrangement, that is, unless they want to be in the tanker storage business. Such an agreement would only be within the best interests of one group. And that, we feel, violates the spirit of the Adirondack Park. The Sun Community News Editorial Board is comprised of Dan Alexander, John Gereau and Keith Lobdell. We want to hear from you. What do you think of our new look� Drop us a line on our new Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter, to share your thoughts.
Sun Community News welcomes letters to the editor • Letters can be sent to its offices, 14 Hand Avenue, PO Box 338, Elizabethtown, 12932 or e-mailed to • Letters can also be submitted online at • Letters should not exceed 400 words and must be signed and include a
telephone number for verification. Sun Community News reserves the right to edit letters for length and/or content. Letters deemed inappropriate will be rejected. Endorsement letters for announced political candidates are not accepted and are considered paid advertisements.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Consequences to raising minimum wage To the Editor: There are serious social consequences to a mandated high minimum wage that proponents need to consider other than as just a temporary band-aid fix to the issue of living wage inequality — whether perceived or real. As minimum wage battles rage between employees: “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats” and “Thank You for Courageous Stand on Minimum Wage”; and employers: “The Other Side of Minimum Wage”, keep in mind that there is a whole new generation of “smart” robots in the works just waiting to replace expensive employees. Before smart robot technology, labor could essentially dictate wage demands because companies had few viable alternatives to stay in business. But, now, powerful smart robots are shifting the balance of power. Think: driverless cars, drones and robotic food servers. Look at how even early-generation “dumb” robots have transformed business� When employee labor costs became unsustainable because of high union wage and benefit demands, automobile manufacturers replaced employees with mechanical robots to the extent that the newest plants essentially build far better cars far more efficiently than early plants — with far less labor� And so it has been for every other business that needed to control labor costs. Likewise, when employee labor costs become unsustainable because of high minimum wage demands, do high minimum wage proponents expect businesses to just role over and absorb the new employee overhead costs? You can “bet the farm” that smart robot technology will be used to replace employees – and sooner than you think� Automation has been going on for decades. Early “dumb” robots mainly re-
Westport Justice << Continued from | p. 1
places to cut budgets to stay within the cap.” The action, which will also eliminate a clerk position, is subject to permissive referendum. Objectors have until Sept. 24 to circulate petitions to force the issue on the ballot this November. Connell said it’s a good way for voters to sound off if they think the board made the wrong decision. “To me, that’s the important part,” he said. Derinda Sherman said she is against the reduction, citing the high caseload derived from Northway traffic. The resident also believes that the measure reduces another element of local control, continuing a trend away from a more democratic form of local government. In 1999, for instance, the town opted to move to a sole assessor system, while the public works chief is now appointed (as opposed to elected). Patricia French said she failed to see the logic in the decision. “I don’t believe it’s going to save enough to warrant eliminating that position,” said French. Tyler, who is running unopposed to replace Connell, said he supports the decision. Health insurance costs alone are scheduled to rise 14 percent next year, he said. “In an ideal world, two judges,” said Tyler. “But we haven’t lived in an ideal world in a long time.” One justice could easily carry the workload, he said, putting in between eight and 10 hours per week. In the event of a conflict of interest — a common concern across the Adirondacks, where family ties often run deep in small towns — the justice would simply recuse himself and call in another from a nearby town, said Tyler. Tyler said the town has done a “fantastic job” keeping taxes down while ensuring infrastructure improvements move along at a steady pace. “As incoming supervisor, I will do the best job I can, whether a one-judge system, or a two-judge system, to make it work,” said Tyler. In Essex County, the issue has gone to permissive referendum twice in as many years. Jay eliminated one of their positions in 2013. Since then, said Supervisor Archie Depo, no problems have arisen. “It’s worked out great,” said Depo. “Zero issues.” Depo said he hasn’t heard of any conflicts. Court continues to meet once per week, just as it did before. In Willsboro, a measure to reduce a judge position last year was torpedoed by taxpayers. “Things really haven’t changed,” said Supervisor Shaun Gillilland. “It’s still status quo.” Gillilland said he would be following progress in Westport. Willsboro, too, faces a 14 percent rise in health insurance next year alongside rising asphalt and salt prices. The town is also looking at a mandated union wage increase of 28 cents per hour and increased retirement costs.
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 5
placed repetitive assembly line tasks. The difference, however, is that today’s “smart” robots can replace individual employees doing individual tasks that involve decision-making. It’s entirely within the capability of smart robots to do the work of most employees. Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal put the number at 50 percent. I would guess 80 to 90 percent� With a $15 dollar minimum wage looming, it’s very reasonable to expect to see the first completely automated employee-free fast food businesses in only a few years — at the most� Will it be McDonald’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken or, some startup newcomer? Closer to home (Plattsburgh): How about the first fully automated newspaper? Denpubs, perhaps? With satellite communications, cloud-storage data bases, drones and driverless cars who needs reporters and support staff when smart technology can do all these things? (Not at all a bad idea, Dan�) I don’t want to appear heartless, because I’m not, and just let employees displaced by smart technology fend for themselves — which is essentially what happens after unemployment insurance benefits run out. Personally, I’ve been on both sides of the fence and understand how hard it is to earn a living in contemporary U.S. Society WHETHER AS AN EMPLOYEE OR AS AN EMPLOYER. As I have stated frequently in letters to this newspaper, I firmly stand by my assertion that it is not the job of American businesses to provide living wage jobs for employees. Mismanagement by government at all levels, of the effects of new smart technologies upon sustainable creation of living wage jobs is causing a serious social problem. It is the Federal government’s job to fix the problems that IT caused, not business caused. But, that’s the subject of another letter� David Safrany Half Moon Bay, CA As next year’s budget starts to take shape this fall, Gillilland said it’s going to be difficult to stay under the cap. “We either bust the cap or cut,” he said. Jay Justice Daniel Deyoe didn’t immediately respond to comment for this story, nor did LaHendro in Westport. In addition to Jay, six other towns in Essex County have a single-justice system: Crown Point, Essex, Newcomb, North Hudson, St. Armand and Schroon.
Rough Francis << Continued from | p. 1
cord under a different name and eventually moved on with their lives, raising families and performing with reggae outfits on the regional circuit. Bobby Hackney had three sons, Julian, Urian and Bobby Jr. As his kids started getting into hardcore and skateboarding culture, Bobby Sr. told them he and his brother, Dannis, used to play the same type of music when they were younger (The third brother, David, passed away in 2000). The younger Hackeys didn’t believe him. But in 2008, they discovered some old Death recordings online, their wicks kept alive by obscure record collectors, and were blown away: Death was punk before the term even existed. Their dad and uncles were punk rock progenitors. And very few people even knew about this long-forgotten strand of music history. Armed with a 1974 demo plucked from their dad’s attic, the younger Hackneys helped drum up interest. Drag City issued the recordings in 2009. That release, paired with a critically-acclaimed 2012 documentary, “A Band Called Death,” has led to a full-scale revival. Hackey admits that it can often be tough escaping from under his famous family’s shadow. “It’s kind of weird situation,” he said. In certain circles, people don’t know about Rough Francis’ background and story. In others, people know who they are because of the family connection. And still others find about Death by way of Rough Francis themselves, explained Hackney. “That sweetens the deal for fans,” he said. “They like us even more because we’re related to them.” All in all, the ride has been awesome, said the singer. Saturday marks their first time appearing the Otis Mountain Get Down, which is now in its third year. “We’re really excited they wanted us to play,” said Hackney.
West recieved Highest Honors, Dean’s List WESTMINSTER, MD — McDaniel College recently announced Emma L. West of Bloomingdale, who achieved Highest Honors, to its spring 2015 Dean’s List in recognition of students’ academic excellence. Highest honors are earned for a semester grade point average of 3.90 or higher, high honors for a grade point average of 3.70-3.89,and honors for a 3.50-3.69 average.
ReginaÊ Ò JeanÓ Ê LueÊ (Melvin)Ê Newell Regina “Jean” Lue (Melvin) Newell (86), passed away on September 2, 2015. Jean was born in Long Island City, NY on March 29, 1929, to the late Claire (Panaro) Melvin and David Melvin and was raised in Bloomingdale, NY. Jean was a graduate of the Saranac Lake High School class of 1947. On January 31, 1948 she married the love of her life, Dick Newell, in Paul Smiths, NY, to whom she was married for 67 years. In 1948 they moved to the Capital Region where Jean devoted herself to raising her four beloved children. Jean was a 25 year member of the Lisha’s Kill Reformed Church, and was active in the church community. During the time she was in the Capital Region she reveled in bowling, bridge, and square dancing as part of the “Heldeburg Twirlers” Square Dancing club. In 1995, Jean and Dick retired to Paradox Lake
where “Nana” could always be found cooking, sewing or playing cribbage. Jean was always there with open arms, warm smile and quick wit. During her time in Paradox Lake, Jean was a member of the Schroon Lake Community Church for over 20 years. She was also a member of the Schroon Lake Ladies Golf League, Schroon Lake Historical Society, and Schroon Lake Senior Citizens Club. Jean was widely regarded as an excellent golfer and voracious bridge player. Most of all, Jean enjoyed spending time with her family and friends she held so dearly. Jean is survived by her loving husband, Richard V. Newell, of Paradox, NY; beloved children, Bruce (Sylvia) Newell of Niskayuna, NY; Michele (Robert) Buckley of Clearwater, FL; Marcia (James) Hartnett of Paradox, NY; Kathleen (Lawrence) VanAppledorn of Latham, NY; grandchildren Dennis (Claudia) Newell of Glenville, NY; Pamela
(Jamie) Newell of Slingerlands, NY; Daniel (Tammy) Newell of Phoenix, AZ; Julia Wilson-Newell; Tyler Newell; Jeffrey (Garuna) Hartnett of Burlington, VT; Michael (Kristin) Hartnett of Clifton Park, NY; Christopher (Vanessa) Hartnett of Clifton Park, NY; Jillian VanAppledorn of Deltona, FL; Brittany (Justin) VanAppledorn of Latham, NY; Derek VanAppledorn of Latham, NY; great-grandchildren, Katrina Newell; Summer Loughridge; Kyia Newell; Larissa Newell; Owen Hartnett; Eric Hartnett; Jayce Coogan; and MacKenzie Coogan. Jean is survived by her brother, Ferdinand (Dorothy) Melvin of Portsmouth, NH. Jean is also survived by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. Memorial service to be held at the Schroon Lake Community Church, 1088 State Rt. 9, Schroon Lake, NY 12890 on Monday, September 7, 2015 at 11:00am. Reception to follow. The family suggests donations in lieu of flowers to either the Schroon Lake Community Church or the Schroon Lake Emergency Squad. Arrangements are through the Hans Funeral Home in Albany, NY.
Little Bits Defunct words Gordie Little
he older I get, the more I realize how many words I grew up with, are no longer in the everyday lexicon. If you take a moment between sips, you will no doubt come up with many names for coffee you haven’t heard in years. Try it: java, joe, mud, brew, battery acid, brain juice, high test and bean juice. Here’s another word you might not remember: wattle. I mentioned it to my friend Les, asking him to use it in a sentence. His response? “Wattle you come up with next?” Laura is a former neighbor living in Franklin County. I spotted a photo of a marvelous fence construction in her yard a while ago. It appears to be an eight-foot-diameter circle of twigs woven between and around sixteen upright poles. She referred to it as a wattle and seeing the word in print caused me to laugh out loud or LOL, as they say in text talk. How this young woman became familiar with such an ancient term is beyond me. My late mother had wattles all over the place. We had woven wattle baskets, wattle furniture and fences. We knew people who built wattle and daub chicken coops. What ever happened to that perfectly good word? We often called it “twig work.” Our son Bruce worked constructing a fabulous home in Connecticut years ago. He is a twig work expert and built fabulous things at that location. One of the exterior stairways to the second floor was made cleverly inside a huge hollowed tree. I interviewed a business woman in the High Peaks and admired the twig work railings along the steps and deck to her home. She did all the work herself. I have likewise seen beautiful wattle artwork. Twig and branch weaving is a great craft. There are so many things that can be used for wattle. A good one is bamboo, especially for weaving a privacy fence. I think we had a wattle bird cage when we lived in Massena Center. Sadly, I awoke one morning to find a smiling cat and only feathers inside the wattle. Bye bye, birdie. Hundreds of years ago, willow was the most popular material for wattle fences. It often took root and sustained itself over time. My mother always had a supply of withies stacked at the back of the shed to make wattle fences for her garden. Oh, yeah, “withy,” is another word you might not recall. Withies are the flexible branches use for weaving wattles. By the way, the wattle under a turkey’s chin is completely different. Columnist Gordie Little is a weekly contributor to Denton Publications. He may be reached at gordie@
6 | September 12, 2015 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
LakeÊ PlacidÊ BlueÊ Bombers
Cross Country
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Head coach: Mel Frazer
Head coach: Donna Moody
Assistant coach: Bill Frazier
Assistant coach: Sandy Huber
Boys 2014 record: 17-1
2014 record: 7-11
Girls 2014 record: 12-6
A year ago, the Lady Blue Bombers, a Class D team playing amongst C’s and B’s in Section VII, put together a strong 6-10 league record on their way to a Section VII Class D championship. The title win was the second in a row, keeping Northern Adirondack out of its long-held standing as sectional champs. This year, Lake Placid will look to replicate the feat. Head coach Donna Moody said that she’s looking for more of the past two season’s steady improvement -- namely a winning record and a shot at their third sectional title. The team figures to have a good shot at doing so. Of the 10 players on the roster, seven bring with them experience from last season. Victoria O’Leary, Melissa Rath, Sophie Morell, Mario Paola, Brenna Garrett, Jasmine Phillip and Kiana Fell all enter 2015 with one or more seasons under their belts, helping lead varsity newcomers Celina Donnelly, Brittanie Saccone and Aimee Herbert.
A year removed from a nearly blemish-free season, the Blue Bombers will again look to run away from the competition in Section VII. Last year, the Lake Placid boys team went 17-1 (the only loss occurred when top-runner Karl Schulz didn’t participate) on its way to a Section VII championship. Schulz went on to finish 13th at the state championship, securing himself the coveted invite to the Federation race. Schulz is back this year and will look to lead a deep and talented group of runners, with eight competing for the top seven spots. “Based on the previous results at the state championship race, the boys are ranked second in the state,” Frazer explained. When asked which athletes among the boys are the ones to watch, the coach said the entire team. The girls, meanwhile, weren’t far behind. Three runners — Nina Armstrong, Gabby Armstrong and Sage Miller — qualified for states as they helped the team to its first winning record since head coach Mel Frazer took over at Lake Placidnine years ago. Nina capped off her high school career with an 11th place finish at states. While Nina and Miller both graduated, Gabby and another strong runner in Sara Rose-McCandlish will look to lead a young team into the future. When it comes to areas of improvement, Lake Placid has an enviable problem: many of the athletes are ski jumpers, Nordic skiers and speed skaters. The trick will be to not overtrain, Frazer said. Boys:
Karl Schulz Henry McGrew Scotty Schulz Forest Ledger Trent White James Flanigan Davey Mihill Fletcher Codd Nick Saulpaugh Girls: Gabby Armstrong Sara Rose-McCandlish Faith Rand Alex Hartnett Sydney Yu
Thursday, Sept. 10...vs Au Sable Valley, Peru, 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Saranac Lake (Lake Placid, Saranac Lake), 4:15 p.m. Saturday, Sept. Cadyville Park, Section 7 Invitational Meet Tuesday, Sept. Plattsburgh High School (Beekmantown, Northeastern Clinton), 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Ticonderoga (Seton Catholic, Moriah, Westport, Elizabethtown-Lewis), 4:15 p.m.
Girls Soccer Head coach: Heather Brewer Assistant coach: Steve Brewer 2014 record: 11-4-1
A year ago, the Lady Blue Bombers put together a strong 11-4-1 season before a hard-fought, 2-1 setback to AuSable Valley in the sectional semifinals. Now, a youthful Lake Placid team will look to take another playoff shot. “We are a young team,” said head coach Heather Brewer, “so we will look to improve each game.” Part of that improvement will be replacing two key players from last season’s team: four-year starting defender Carissa Kennedy and two-year starting goalie Laura Stanton. Despite the losses, the team does return solid talent, include a pair of four-year senior starters in Liza Marinis and Sam Barney, a captain on the team. Marinis will be looked upon to lead the offensive while Barney will control the midfield — important, said the coach, to both defense and attack. Three more returning starters in Cameron Shipman, Mia Kennedy and Camille Craig will anchor the defense. Shipman and Kennedy are entering their senior year while Craig is just a sophomore. Lissy Ashley
Tuesday, Oct. 27...vs Elizabethtown-Lewis, Seton Catholic, Ticonderoga, Moriah, Westport , 4:15 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31... at Peru or Seton Catholic (TBD) CVAC Meet Friday, Nov. Elizabethtown-Lewis, Section 7 State Qualifier Meet)
Brenna Garrett
Melissa Rath
Jasmine Phillip
Sophie Morell
Aimee Herbert Kiana Fell
Schedule Tuesday, Sept. Saranac Lake, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. Northeastern Clinton, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15...vs Saranac, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17...vs Plattsburgh High School, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24...BYE Tuesday, Sept. 29... at Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1...vs Peru, 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5... vs Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6... vs Saranac Lake, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8...vs Northeastern Clinton, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. Saranac, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15... at Plattsburgh High School, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20... vs Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22...BYE Monday, Oct. 26... vs Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28... at Peru, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30... at Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m.
Grace McGrew
Sam Barney
Paige Megliore
Meghan Byrne
Deyondra Pattersson
Camille Craig
Rhiannon Patterson
Audrey Draper
Lindsey Rath
Shelby Jewtraw
Morgan Reid
Mia Kennedy
Cameron Shipman
Mackenzie Kondrat
Tanner Stanton
Liza Marinis
Ashley Strack
Tuesday, Oct. Peru (Au Sable Valley), 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20...vs Saranac, Saranac Lake, 4:15 p.m.
Brittanie Saccone
Celina Donnelly
Maria Paola
Esther Munoz
Victoria O’Leary
Friday, Sept. Ticonderoga, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Seton Catholic, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10...vs Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 14... vs Chazy, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. Ticonderoga, 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer Schedule
Saturday, Nov. Montroe-Woodbury HS (Section 9), NYSPHSAA Meet
Monday, Sept. Moriah, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. Willsboro, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 9...vs Willsboro, 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls (Section 1), NYS Federation Meet
Friday, Sept. 25...BYE
Monday, Sept. 14... at Chazy, 6:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 28...vs Seton Catholic, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 16...vs Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 24...vs Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. Chazy, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. Willsboro, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 6...vs Ticonderoga, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 1...BYE
Thursday, Oct. 8...vs Moriah, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 7...vs Chazy, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 13...vs Willsboro, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 9... at Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 15...BYE
Wednesday, Oct. Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 7
TupperÊ LakeÊ Lumberjacks
Cross Country
Head coach: Dennis Klossner
Head coach: Amy Farrell
Assistant coaches: Jim Merrihew, Rick Dattola, Jim Facteau, Paul Pickering
Assistant coach: Jillian Kreppel Boys 2014 record: 2-6-0
2014 record: 3-7
The Tupper Lake Lumberjacks will look to defend their Section X Class D title again in 2015, but it will take some quick learning by a slew of new players. Coming off a 25-21 win over St. Lawrence Central in the Class D championship a year ago, in which the Lumberjacks got a good fight from the Larries, needing two unanswered touchdowns to overcome a nine-point hole on their way to a 25-21 win. In the state playoffs, however, a 41-13 loss to Ticonderoga ended the state playoff run. Offensively, Tupper Lake was one of the strongest teams in the league last season, but only four 2014 starters are back this season. Head coach Dennis Klosser said the inexperience will be a concern early on. Of the 22 players on the roster, nine are playing football for the first time. But there’s good news in Tupper Lake, too. For the past two years the school has been without a JV program, but this year it’s back, giving future Lumberjacks football experience before moving up to varsity size and speed. Our goals for success are to stay healthy, be as mistake-free as possible, improve each week, execute and perform,” said Klossner. Much of that will fall upon senior quarterback Noah Santana, running back and linebacker Brasen LaVassaur, and offensive/defensive linemen Brandon Picerno and Nick Rich. The coach said the team has shown a desire to learn and work hard so far in the preseason. Tupper Lake will be without several key players from a year ago, including Zack Boushie, Nathan Boyea, Tom Barton, Roger Delair, Liam LaMere and Anson Gagnier — a combination of defenders, offensive players and special teamers. But if the newer players are ready for action early on, the coach expects Tupper Lake to be able to give opponents a good fight each week. “We are a Class D school (and) our kids play and compete with every school in the league,” Klossner said. “They don’t back down. We are proud of our kids for the work they put in to our program.” See the complete roster and more in the Section X Football 2015 Program Booklet.
Girls 2014 record: 0-6-2
Girls Soccer Head coach: Dan Cook Assistant coach: Nicole Curry
A year removed from sending a few runners to the state meet, the Tupper Lake cross country team once again has its eyes at placing harriers on the big stage. The Lumberjacks may be without DJ Shaheen this season, but still have the goal of getting the team closer to NorwoodNorfolk and qualifying athletes, said head coach Amy Farrell. The coach explained that this year’s team is a “tight group of young athletes who push each other,” and one that will look to gain experience throughout the fall in the 5K. Ben Casagrain, a sophomore, and junior Tess Klossner will look to lead their respective groups and race toward AllNorthern status this season.
2014 record: 2-14-1
It’s a new year for the Ladyjacks. Last season, the two-win team saw many of its players adjusting to the varsity level for the first time, limiting Tupper Lake in controlling the middle of the field and creating shots. Head coach Dan Cook said that although the team will have to fill the shoes of six seniors (Elaine Richards, Ryane O’Connor, Megan Young, Brooke Dewyea, Lindsey Maroun and Malone McLear), a “good group” of returning players feel more comfortable. “We are looking to create more offensive changes this year,” Cook explained. “We are hoping another year in the system will help our girls feel more able to push forward and put pressure on our opponent’s defense.” While Section X’s central division is one that the coach called “very difficult,” the coach hopes defense can kick-start offensive play and keep the team competitive throughout the season. Players to watch this fall include defenders Katie Zurek and Ally Bishop, midfielders Emily Rich, Amie Luton and Sophia Martin, as well as forward Emma St. Pierre.
Quinn Shaheen
Mitch Harriman
Ryan Savage
Justin Trombley
Matthew Varden
Tess Klossner
Ben Casagrain
Caitlyn Fortune
Justin Walsh
Madi Logie
Schedule Tuesday, Sept. Gouverneur, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22...home meet, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Potsdam, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. Ogdensburg, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13...home meet, 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. Salmon River, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27...sectional qualifier at Norwood-Norfolk, 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3...championship at Tupper Lake, 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. Salmon River, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11...vs Canton, 4:30 p.m.
Schedule Thursday, Sept. Ogdensburg Free Academy, 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8...vs Madrid-Washington, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. Malone, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. Gouverneur, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 18...vs Gouverneur, 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. Edwards-Knox, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 22...vs Massena, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 17...vs Canton, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 25...vs Potsdam, 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 21...vs Potsdam, 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. Gouverneur
Monday, Sept. Ogdensburg, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 11...vs Canton
Wednesday, Sept. 30...Salmon River, 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. Chateaugay, 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. Massena
Saturday, Oct. Canton, 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 30...vs Massena, 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. Malone
Monday, Oct. 5...vs Malone, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 2...vs St. Lawrence Central
Thursday, Oct. Gouverneur, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 9...vs Potsdam
Wednesday, Oct. Massena, 4:00 p.m.
Friday, Oct. Ogdensburg
Friday, Oct. 16...vs Potsdam, 4:00 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 23...vs Sec. VII Class C #5
Tuesday, Oct. 20...vs Ogdensburgh, 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. Malone, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 2...vs Salmon River, 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. Brushton-Moira, 6:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9...vs Malone, 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13...vs Chateaugay, 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct, Massena, 6:00 p.m.
SaranacÊ LakeÊ RedÊ Storm
Head coach: Eric Bennett Assistant coaches: Jim Hayden, Wayde Montrol, Johnny Muldowney, Kyle Mochol, Josh Vaughn, Jake Vennie-Vollrath 2014 record: 9-2
The reigning Section VII Class C champions will look to defend their crown for the , but it’ll take replacing over a dozen seniors from a talented team to do so. A year ago, Saranac Lake opened its season by allowing two mere safeties over the first four weeks of the season before finally surrendering a touchdown. That was only the beginning of the excitement. Though the team’s unbeaten streak was snapped at five by Peru, the following week the Red Storm used a touchdown with under a minute remaining — followed by a gutsy onside kick recovery — to drop third-place Beekmantown. And then came the hardware. Saranac Lake took the Mayor’s Cup in a crossover with Tupper Lake before dropping AuSable Valley in the Class C final. The next week, they avenged the previous year’s season-ender by beating an undefeated, top-10 in the state Ogdensburg team, before ultimately
falling in the state quarterfinals to Hoosick Falls. “Won a number of close games that could have gone either way,” head coach Eric Bennett said of last season. “Proud of our kids’ resiliency and willingness to the little extras that help win close games.” Those close games added up, as Saranac Lake capped off the year ranked fifth amongst all Class C teams in the state. Now, with 14 seniors having graduated, duplicating 2014 would be no small feat — especially considering that among those departed were five All-State selections and honorable mentions. Offensively, the Red Storm will look to senior quarterback and captain Tristin Fitzgerald — a third team All-State selection a year ago — to help march the team down the field. Though targets like Alex Donaldson and Lucas Stack are gone, Fitzgerald still has a strong wideout in Joe Viscardo, while captains Drew Sturgeon, David Irvine and Dondi Duffy will lead the running attack. The two-way players will also handle linebacker and defensive back positions for the Red Storm. Bennett said this year’s team is showing strength in chem-
istry, work ethic and enthusiasm — qualities that may help offset an otherwise young team that will have to focus on the little things. Saranac Lake may find itself in a preview of the Class C championship early on, as the team will open the season with a trip to Clintonville to face a Patriots squad poised to improve on its one-win campaign a year ago. See the complete roster and more in the Section VII Football 2015 Program Booklet.
Schedule Friday, Sept. AuSable Valley, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12...vs Plattsburgh High School, 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. Saranac, 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26... vs Ticonderoga, 1:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 2... at Moriah, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10... vs Peru Saturday, Oct. 17... vs Beekmantown, 1:30 p.m.
More Saranac Lake Red Storm previews on page 8
8 | September 12, 2015 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
SaranacÊ LakeÊ RedÊ Storm
Girls Soccer Head coach: Bill Wilson 2014 record: 4-8-2
This season’s Lady Red Storm soccer team will field a deep roster, one that includes nine seniors, and look to build on a 2014 season that saw a tough finish. Facing Plattsburgh in the sectional quarterfinals last October, Saranac Lake’s season came to an end after a third-overtime goal by Plattsburgh. Despite the loss, last season saw lots of improvement as the Red Storm’s four victories helped put in the past a winless 2013 campaign. Now 11 players — just shy of half of this year’s 23-player roster — bring previous varsity experience into the coming season. As of press time, Bill Wilson had just assumed the role of head coach and was not yet able to provide more information. The Lady Red Storm’s season kicks off Sept. 8 with a trip to defending Class B champion Beekmantown.
Macy Fischer
Makayla Schmidt
Chloe Peer
Relly Fogarty
Carley Sawyer
Eshna Prajapati
Ashley Roddy
Brittany Shumway
Kate Stevens
Randi Rondeau
Lauren Reeve
Katie Holvik
Brooke Walker
Brianna Fenton
Alexa Clark
Maria Routhaup
Hannah Spring
Iris Glinski
Lindsay Reeve
Maddison Grimone
Hannah Latour
Grace Clark
Eliza Cowan
Schedule Tuesday, Sept. Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10...vs Plattsburgh High School, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15...vs Saranac, 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21...vs Northeastern Clinton, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. Peru, 4:30 p.m.
Cross Country
Head coach: Joseph Merrihew
Head coach: Michael Navarra
Assistant coaches: Joe Garso, Jemell Ellis-Branch
2014 record: 1-13
Boys 2014 record: 5-15
The 2014 Lady Red Storm volleyball team may have just gotten themselves into the win column, but it wasn’t for lack of effort. Now, a team that was young a year ago brings more experience into the coming fall season. Head coach Michael Navarra said that last year’s group was a hard-working one, which has in part helped translate into a current group he called more mature. “We have increased their exposure to the sport of volleyball throughout the summer,” Navarra said, adding that a goal this year is “to have fun and be enthusiastic while giving our best effort in each match.” One challenge this season will be replacing a talented senior a year ago in Katie Burgess, but three seniors and a junior class that goes 12-deep will look to do just that.
Friday, Sept. Au Sable Valley, 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28...vs Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. Plattsburgh High School, 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. Saranac, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. Northeastern Clinton, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13...vs Peru, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15...vs Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer Head coach: Josh Marlow Assistant coaches: Brad Rafferty 2014 record: 6-11-1
Momentum’s the word in Saranac Lake this fall. Last year’s squad, a 6-11-1 team that fell to eventual state runner-up Beekmantown in the sectional semifinals, started one freshman and seven sophomores. Now, despite several key losses, head coach Josh Marlow said that a strong core of players will look to build on momentum gained last season. “Saranac Lake had a very young and inexperienced team last year,” said Marlow, who now has a team with seven seniors and 12 juniors. The coach added that they’ll be looking to bring continued fluidity to their game, a push that will be lead by playersto-watch including captains JB Chapin, Ethan Wood, Charlie Carpenter and Justin Farmer, as well as sophomore Abri Newton.
Girls 2014 record: 8-12
A number of Red Storm harriers, both boys and girls, have their sights set on a strong season and state qualifiers this coming fall. Head coach Joseph Merrihew said he’d like to see both teams competitive in Class C this season, and on the boys side, a “full and healthy team” consisting of lots of new talent will give that a go. Freshman Anderson Gray began making a name for himself a year ago on both grass and the track, while Lauchlan Cheney-Seymour — a strong Nordic skier — is a promising newcomer. Captain Adam Branch, added Merrihew, is looking great after a strong summer. The team will have to replace Zane Pelletieri, but it appears the speed is there to do so. The girls, meanwhile, will see strong depth help carry the team. Merrihew noted that the 12-deep team includes nine sophomores all vying for scoring spots. Seniors Johanna Mohrs and Jackie Garso, meanwhile, will lead in experience and talent. “This may be a young and developing group, but they are willing to work hard and achieve success,” the coach said.
Ellen Goralski
Andrea Boon
Jaclyn Latourelle
Samantha Mentz
Gabby McCargar
Hayley Merrill
Morgan Miller
Olivia Atkinson
Kaitlyn Smith
Alivia Sapone
Morgan Farmer
Jada Meadows
Taylor Hesseltine
Louisa Hameline
Kendra Martin
Jacob Alberga
Hannah Brogan
Tuesday, Sept. 8...vs Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m.
Adam Branch
Natalie Dewey
Thursday, Sept. 10... vs Saranac, 4:30 p.m.
PJ Buck
Jackie Garso
Tuesday, Sept. Plattsburgh High School, 4:30 p.m.
Louis Catania
Madison Grimone
Tuesday, Sept. 22...vs Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m.
Ethan Wood
Lauchlan Cheney-Seymour
Kaylee McLean
Thursday, Sept. Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m.
Charlie Carpenter
JB Chapin
Anderson Gray
Leonie Mohrs
Tuesday, Sept. 29... at Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m.
Justin Farmer
Logan Purner
Adam Hesseltine
Johanna Mohrs
Tuesday, Oct. 1... vs Northeastern Clinton, 4:30 p.m.
Andrey Koloedov
Bennett Martino
Tyler Martin
Madellynn Munn
Monday, Oct. Peru, 4:30 p.m.
Michael Monroe
Taylor Murphy
Charlie Segard
Natalie Orman
Tuesday, Oct. 6... at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m.
Easton Moore
Aaron Hesseltine
Morgan Paul
Thursday, Oct. 8... at Saranac, 4:30 p.m.
Harley Woodruff
Jared Bandru
Maggie Peer
Tuesday, Oct. 13...vs Plattsburgh High School, 4:30 p.m.
Witter Swanson
Ian Urquhart
Abbey Wolff
Tuesday, Oct. 20... at Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m.
Silas Swanson
Abraham Newton
Liam McCloskey
Bryan Sullivan
Joe Brogan
Owen Wilson
Monday, Oct. 26... vs Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 15...vs Lake Placid, Saranac
Wednesday, Oct. 28... at Northeastern Clinton, 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. Cadyville Park, Section 7 Invitational Meet
Friday, Oct. 30... vs Peru, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 9...vs Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. Peru (Ticonderoga, EKMW)
Friday, Sept. Plattsburgh High School, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. NCCS (Beekmantown, Au Sable Valley)
Monday, Sept. Saranac, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. Seton Catholic (Plattsburgh High School)
Friday, Sept. Northeastern Clinton, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. Lake Placid (Saranac)
Tuesday, Sept. 22...vs Peru, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 20...vs Au Sable Valley, Seton Catholic
Thursday, Sept. 24...vs Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 20...vs Peru, Ticonderoga, EKMW
Tuesday, Sept. Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 31... at Peru or Seton Catholic (TBD) CVAC Meet
Thursday, Oct. 1...vs Plattsburgh High School, 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5...vs Saranac, 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9...vs Northeastern Clinton, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. Peru, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. Au Sable Valley, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 22...vs Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 10...vs Plattsburgh, Seton Catholic
Friday, Nov. Elizabethtown-Lewis, Section 7 State Qualifier Meet) Saturday, Nov. Montroe-Woodbury HS (Section 9), NYSPHSAA Meet Saturday, Nov. Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls (Section 1), NYS Federation Meet
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 9
Griffins open season with NCCS tourney title
CHAMPLAIN — Colden Blades scored a pair of second half goals as the Griffins won the NCCS Pizza Hut Cougar Classic Sept. 4. Joel Morris opened scoring for the Griffins in the 29th minute of play with a penalty kick, while Blades scored in the 70th (Trevor Brooks) and 77th (Thomas Mero) minutes. Mike McLeod scored the lone goal for the Cougars in the 72nd minute. Sam Napper made 10 saves for the Griffins, while Alex Houghton made eight.
Saranac Lake 4, St. Lawrence 0 SARANAC — The Red Storm scored twice in each half to earn a win in the consolation game of the Saranac Preseason Invitational Sept. 5. Abraham Newton scored the first three goals of the game for the Red Storm in the 25th (Logan Purner), 35th (unassisted) and 52nd (Witter Swanson) minutes. Liam McCloskey capped the scoring in the 65th minute. Easton Moore made two saves in a game where Saranac Lake held a 30-5 shot advantage.
AuSable Valley 2, Lake Placid 1 CHAMPLAIN — The Patriots scored two goals in the opening half then held on for a one goal victory in the conso-
lation game of the NCCS Pizza Hut Cougars Classic Sept. 4. Caleb Hamilton assisted Nate Devins for the opening goal of the game in the 29th minute, before scoring himself off a Jacub Baer assist. Ryan Thomas made 14 saves for the Patriots, with Stuart Baird being the only player to solve him with a goal in the 55th minute on a Blake Roy assist. Noah Mohr had seven saves for the Blue Bombers.
Salmon River 2, Saranac Lake 0 SARANAC — The Red Storm were unable to solve the Salmon River defense in falling during the opening round of the Saranac Preseason Invitational Sept. 4. Easton Moore made three saves in net for the Red Storm.
NCCS 3, AuSable Valley 1 CHAMPLAIN — The Cougars scored three second half goals to defeat the Patriots in the opening round of the NCCS Pizza Hut Cougar Classic Sept. 3. After Tyler Way scored the opening goal of the game, unassisted, in the ninth minute of the game to give the Patriots a 1-0 lead they would hold until the second half. Michael Mcleod (Scott Frenyea), Troy Tetreault (Andrew Nolette) and Thomas Patrie scored second half goals for the Cougars, while Alex Houghton made four saves in the win. Nate Devins made 12 saves for the Patriots.
ELW 4, Lake Placid 0
CHAMPLAIN — Joel Morris scored a second half hat trick to help lead the Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport merged Griffins team over the defending Class C champion Blue Bombers in the opening day of the NCCS Pizza Hut Cougar Classic Sept. 3. Morris had a hand in the opening goal of the game, assisting Colden Blades in the 33rd minute of play, before scoring three unassisted goals in the 42nd, 52nd and 74th minutes to open up the lead.. Sam Napper made two saves in the win.
Chazy 4, Keene 1 KEENE VALLEY — While the Beavers led through much of the first half, the Eagles were able to find offense late and carry through the second half for a win Sept. 2. Lucas Isham scored the first goal of the game for Keene, off a Josh Baldwin assist. It took until the 35th minute for the Eagles to find the answer, as Josh McCauley scored on a Tristan Conners assist. Kade Collins scored in the 42nd minute to start the second half on a Michael Parent assist, while Hayden King scored in the 64th minute on a Justin Collins assist and Cam Doren scored an unassisted goal in the 74th minute. Austin Gravelle made two saves in goal for the Eagles, while Paeyton Hilborne added one in the win. Ethan Giglinto made seven saves for Keene.
Red Storm rally against AuSable Valley in football
Lady Patriots win pair to start ‘15
CLINTONVILLE — In the most competitive game of the opening weekend of CVAC football, Tristin Fitzgerald converted a fourth-and-seven by connecting with Joe Vscardo to help lead the Red Storm to the game-winning score Sept. 4. Jarrett Ashton scored the winning touchdown from three yards out. The Patriots fumbled the first snap of the ensuing possession, allowing the Red Storm to run out the clock. The Patriots struck first in the opening quarter as William Coats found Nate Manning on a 57-yard scoring throw for a 6-0 lead. The Fitzgerald - Viscardo connection gave the Red Storm their first lead in the second quarter, as the 13 yard scoring pass between the two led to a successful PAT for a 7-6 lead. Drew Sturgeon connected on a 31-yard field goal in the third quarter to extend the Red Storm lead to 10-6 before Coats scored from six yards out for a 12-10 Patriots lead, setting up the final plays. Fitzgerald was 15-of-29 for 144 yards and a score, while Ashton finished with 67 yards and the winning touchdown. Viscardo had 123 receiving yards. Coats finished with 173 passing yards and a touchdown to go with 60 rushing years and a score. Manning totaled 113 receiving yards.
TICONDEROGA — The Lady Sentinels jumped out to a two-goal lead in the second half, holding on after a Lady Blue Bomber goal for the win Sept. 4. Delany Hughes opened the scoring on an Emily Hood assist in the 57th minute, with Kiersten Alkinburgh added the insurance marker on a Hughes assist in the 65th minute. Lisa Marinis scored for the Blue Bombers off a Morgan Reid assist in the 67th minute. Sam Holmberg did not make a save in the win, while Shelby Jewtraw made three for Lake Placid.
Ticonderoga 2, Lake Placid 1
Sydney Snow made six saves in the win, while Sophie Bryant made 10 saves in her first varsity start.
AuSable Valley 1, Seton Catholic 0 CLINTONVILLE — Addy Strong found the back of the net off a Briana Williams assist for the lone goal as the Lady Patriots scored their first win of the season against the Lady Knights Aug. 31. Syndney Snow made six saves in the victory, shutting out the Knights after the Strong goal in the 32nd minute of play. Liz Thomas made 13 saves in the loss of the Knights.
AuSable Valley 3, Moriah 1 CLINTONVILLE — Taylor Hackett picked up a goal and assist as the Lady Patriots scored three first half goals to defeat the Lady Vikings Sept. 1. Hackett scored in the 30th minute off a Tressa Loreman assist for her first career goal. Three minutes later, Hackett collected her first assist finding Dru Gravelle. Brinn Peck opened scoring in the third minute off an assist from Briana Williams. The Vikings scored in the 63rd minute of play, as Stephanie Zelinski connected with an assist for Juliette Baker.
Kaitlyn Prim makes a save for the Willsboro varsity girls against Westport/Elizabethtown-Lewis in a preseason scrimmage. Photo by Jill Lobdell
GameÊ time!
Where & when your team is playing
Friday, Sept. 11 Boys Soccer — Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport at Chazy, 6:30 p.m. Boys Soccer — Indian Lake/Long Lake at Keene, 4:30 p.m. Boys Soccer — Northeastern Clinton at Au Sable Valley, 6:30 p.m. Boys Soccer — Saranac Lake at Plattsburgh High School, 6:30 p.m. Boys Soccer — Willsboro at Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m. Girls Swimming — All CVAC at Moriah (Scrimmage), 5 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 12
Girls Soccer — Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport at Minerva/Newcomb, 4:30 p.m. Girls Soccer — Keene vs Wells, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 15
Girls Soccer — Lake Placid at Ticonderoga, 4:30 p.m. Girls Soccer — Willsboro at Seton Catholic, 4:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer — Saranac at Saranac Lake, 4:30 p.m.
Volleyball — Beekmantown at Au Sable Valley, 4:30 p.m.
Cross Country — EKMW at Au Sable Valley (Plattsburgh High School, Ticonderoga, Moriah, Westport, Au Sable Valley) Cross Country — Lake Placid at Saranac Lake (Saranac), 4:15 p.m. Volleyball — Au Sable Valley at Peru, 4:30 p.m. Volleyball — Saranac at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m. Volleyball — Saranac Lake at Plattsburgh High School, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 16
Boys Soccer — Au Sable Valley at Peru, 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer — Beekmantown at Au Sable Valley, 6:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer — Lake Placid at Chazy, 6:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer — Chazy at Willsboro, 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer — Saranac Lake at Saranac, 6:30 p.m. Girls Soccer — Chazy at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer — Au Sable Valley at Beekmantown 4:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer — Peru at Au Sable Valley, 6:30 p.m.
Football — Plattsburgh High School at Saranac Lake, 1:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer — Northern Adirondack at Elizabethtown-Lewis/ Westport, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept.. 17
Boys Soccer — Keene at Wells, 4:30 p.m.
Football — Au Sable Valley at Beekmantown, 1:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 14
Girls Soccer — Schroon Lake at Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport, 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer — Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m. Girls Soccer — Johnsburg at Keene, 4:30 p.m.
Volleyball — Plattsburgh High School at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept.. 18 Boys Soccer — Saranac Lake at Northeastern Clinton, 6:30 p.m. Girls Soccer — Keene at Elizabethtown-Lewis/Westport, 4:30 p.m. Girls Swimming — All CVAC Schools at Peru (PSUC), 5 p.m.
Saturday, Sept.. 19 Football — Au Sable Valley at Peru, 1:30 p.m. Football — Saranac Lake at Saranac, 1:30 p.m. Cross Country — Section 7 Invitational Meet at Cadyville Park
10 | September 12, 2015 • The Valley News Sun (TL)
Notes from the North Woods Joe Hackett
> Outdoor Columnist
Hunting & Fishing: Autumn on the rise
utdoor enthusiasts recently had an opportunity to enjoy some of the best weather available in the Adirondacks over the long, Labor Day weekend with blue skies, a warm sun and a gentle breeze making for pleasant outdoor travels. The trailheads were packed with hikers and it seemed there was a canoe or kayak atop every other vehicle on the road.. The waters were still warm enough for swimming, and cool evening temperatures seem to have taken a toll on the flying insects. The hillsides are already providing evidence of autumn, as signs of fall color can be found from the bogs to the summits. Brook trout are already sporting their bright crimson spawn garb, and I expect salmon will soon be getting ready for their annual, fall spawn run. It will be very interesting to see how the salmon season shakes out on the Boquet River in Willsboro, following the removal of the old mill dam. For decades, salmon from the Big Lake have ventured upstream on their annual spawn run in their efforts to find suitable spawning beds. Unfortunately, their annual trek has been hindered over the years by a variety of obstacles, ranging from low water levels, old dams and small armies of rod bearing anglers. Although there have been a variety of measures implemented to assist salmon with their annual upriver journey, including the development of a fish ladder; the majority of the silvery spawners were doomed to languish in a single small pool located about a 100 yards downstream from both the dam and the fish ladder. Earlier in the week, I took a ride over to Willsboro to see the results of the dam removal. I was surprised to see the extent of the resulting mudflats, as well as the significant reduction in water levels. On the day of my visit, the sun was brilliant,
and the birds seemed to be having a field day feasting on the mussels, crayfish, minnows and a variety of other unfortunate creatures that were exposed by the diminished waters. Downstream of the bridge in the middle of the village, the river appeared to be less than half its normal width. The mudflats extended upstream above the bridge, and beyond the firehouse, where former rapids appeared to be just a pile of boulders. While it is surely difficult for residents of the community to see their old river in such a disheveled state, it must also be exciting. There is already a small archeological display, where local residents have dragged the remains of a few old vehicles, barrels and what-not. There is no doubt the change is difficult, especially for those who must experience it in their own front or backyards. However, rivers can be very dynamic, as most North County residents know all too well, especially in light of the 500 year floods that have swept through the area in recent years. With the dam removal, the river will eventually return to a natural state over the course of time. It has been flowing out of the Dix Range, in the High Peaks for eons and there is nothing mankind can do to stop it. Downstream of the dam site, the new water levels now allow visitors to inspect the ancient bedrock, where unique geological features such a �auger holes’ can be found. Dipping into the base of an auger hole will provide handfuls of smooth, round rocks that have been polished over the centuries. While it is obvious there is much more work yet to be done on the site, I expect the project will eventually prove to be of great benefit to the community, the fish and the wildlife. It will be interesting to watch the various stages of the natural recovery process. I do hope plans include aggressive efforts to restore native vegetation along the newly exposed river corridor, before the current mud flats are overrun by an invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed, which has already choked off several sections of the river and a few of the smaller tributaries. Downstream of the old dam, the river appears to be rehabbing quite well, although there is obviously much more work to be done in the ongoing effort to clean up the remains of the former industrial infrastructure that has been around for over two hundred years.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
fishing license, you’re in for a real surprise. As the fishing begin season to winds down, and the prospect of hunting season looms on the near horizon, it is time for sportsmen, and women to purchase a new license. Due to the recent restructuring of the DECALS (DEC’s automated licensing system), the new license year for hunters began on September 1 and it will end on August 31 of 2016. The new license structure which began on February 1, 2014, changes the types of licenses available and the fees associated with those licenses. These changes include reduced fees, reduced number of licenses and if you usually purchased a combination licenses, like a Super Sportsman, you will now have to purchase each privilege separately, including fishing. It seems that just when we had finally figured out how to get the best deal on a combined hunting and fishing package, the rules were changed. However, it is important to remember NY State still offers one of the best bargains in the country, when it comes to hunting, fishing and outdoor adventures. Where else can you legally set up a camp on state land for four months of the year, without paying any rent? Only during the hunting season� Combine the free camping with some very generous bag limits for fish, fowl, game as well as the free wild foragibles, and you’ve got the best outdoor deal in the country� Be advised that small game hunters seeking grouse or red squirrel prior to October 1, will need to have a current year, small game license. Likewise, bear hunters and early bow hunters must have a current year’s tag if they intend to hunt during the Early Bow season which begins on September 27. The new system which will allow hunters to be in the woods from September 1 through August 30, will not permit hunters to carry over unused tags from last year’s season as it has in the past. Joe Hackett is a guide and sportsman residing in Ray Brook. Contact him at
Licenses and the new hunting season If you have not yet purchased your annual hunting and
With the river corridor restored to a more natural state, the Boquet River may soon host a fresh run of landlocked salmon that will have the ability to migrate for many miles upstream during their annual spawning run.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Culverts << Continued from | p. 1
The passage, designed by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, seeks to create an environment as close to natural flooring as possible, even during low-flow conditions. The Ausable gets hot in the summer. Estimates indicate that in the Lake Champlain Basin, air temperatures are expected to increase up to 11 degrees. At present, water temperatures in segments of the river are, on average, An innovative new culvert replacement project is rehabbing warmer than tolerable for brook trout several problem culverts in Essex County. Prone to flooding, the new structures reduce the risk of flooding while also offor 30 days each year. fering fish easier passage to upstream areas. Pictured here As such, the trout swim upstream in is the new culvert over River Road in North Elba. Work on the hunt for cold water refugia, where the Holcomb Brook project is scheduled to be completed in the shady, canopy-lined tributaries pro- late-October. A third project is also underway in Wilmington. vide an oxygenated refuge. Photo by Pete DeMola The new culvert, about 45 percent of which was funded by TNC grants (the rest comes from Essex County), also serves a practical purpose: the makeover reduces flood risk. The River Road culvert, in particular, has been particularly problematic over the years. “It’ll make our lives 100 percent easier,” said Essex County Department of Public Works Director Chris Garrow. Just that site has cost the county nearly $59,000 between 2003-13. What typically happens with undersized culverts, Garrow explained, is that they buckle under heavy rains: the water needs to go somewhere, which is often onto the road. Banks erode. And once the culvert gets taken, the road collapses. Even the structures that don’t buckle experience scour, or the removal of sediment over time due to swiftly moving water. “It’s crazy,” said Garrow. “The water finds the path of least resistance and it takes it out.” After the damage comes the paperwork. Lots of it. Intense storms are more frequent than they there were several years ago. “The projections now are that that trend will continue,” said Brown. “Climate change is hard to get your head around, but something like this is just so tangible.” New York is home to over 1 million culverts that connect thousands of stream segments. Does Brown see the concept gaining traction elsewhere? The response has been favorable from local municipalities, she said. The restraints are mostly budgetary. The River Road project, alongside another at Holcomb Brook just up River Road, will serve as demonstration projects. Videos will be produced and taken to transportation conferences around the country as stake•MY PUBLIC NOTICES• holders seek to explore the intersection between roads MY PUBLIC NOTICES and nature. Now Available at... Hopefully they will stimuhtt:// late discussion in communities facing similar problems Denton Publications in collaboration with and the partners can hash out participating newspapers, the New York Press a financial model. Association, and the New York Newspaper “We would love to see more Publishers Association provides online access to of these types of culverts and public notice advertisements from throughout New move similar projects forYork and other parts of the country. ward,” said Brown. “The key WHAT ARE PUBLIC NOTICES? is figuring out how to make it Public Notices are advertisements placed in happen.” newspapers by the government, businesses, and Garrow said he was thrilled individuals. They include: government contracts, about the results. foreclosures, unclaimed property, community “These are two huge projinformation and more! 67565 ects we got off our plate.” •MY PUBLIC NOTICES•
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 11
12 | September 12, 2015 â&#x20AC;˘ The Valley News Sun (TL)
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 13
> Arts Editor
Sportsmen’s Weekend—Sept. 11-13
utdoor professionals will be giving talks at locations throughout Chestertown and Horicon this weekend. Friday night’s speaker will be a treat for those who love whitetail deer. The speaker, Charles Alsheimer, has won numerous awards and appeared in every major outdoor publication including Outdoor Life, Field and Stream and Sports Afield. Additionally, Alsheimer has written seven books on the whitetail deer and co-authored an eighth. To catch him live, make tracks to the Horicon Community Center on Friday from 7-9 p.m. The cost is $20. On Saturday, Chestertown’s Dynamite Hill will be flush with speakers, vendors and demonstrators. Ask a professional outdoorsman your questions. Get real, not hypothetical answers. The cost is just $5. The event will be held from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Dynamite Hill Recreation area on Route 8 in Chestertown. Sunday, the fantasy camp for those who hunt and fish is almost over. But, before you pack up your bow and go home… Look� Up in the sky� It’s a bird� It has talons� Don’t miss the raptor show at the Chester Municipal Center from 10 a.m. - noon. Or top off the weekend with a fly fishing demonstration at the Mill Pond in Brant Lake. For more details, call 494-2722.
Historic Adk Great Camp Tour
Underground Railroad Travel the trail of the North Country’s link to freedom aboard a mini bus. Hear the stories and learn the history of the Underground Railroad. Everything I have heard about this museum and affiliated trip is fantastic. Words like authentic, detailed and impressive were used in reviews. The North Star Underground Railroad Museum is located in Ausable Chasm. Tours run from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Reservations are suggested for this $10 tour. More details are available at 8345180.
Third Annual Otis Mountain Get Down—Sept. 11-13 Finally� I have been waiting since last year to attend this music festival again which features live music from a mix of artists and genres. The 2015 Get Down will start on Friday, Sept. 11, and end on Sept. 13. This years lineup features national touring acts including the innovative rock group Stop Light Observations from South Carolina; Rapper and MC Black Milk with his Live Band Nat Turner from Detroit and the bluegrass and gospel group Dustbowl Revival from California. On top of that, there will also be many up and coming local and regional acts including Wild Adriatic; And The Kids; Blind Owl Band; Alpenglow; Busty and the Bass; Bella’s Bartok; Madaila; Eastbound Jesus; Mosaic Foundation; Grundlefunk, and many more. Otis Mountain is an old-time Adirondack ski hill sitting above Elizabethtown that offers an amazing festival site with wooded camping areas, hiking, three stages and much more. In addition to the 30-plus acts there will also be local food and arts vendors and activities for all ages. A ticket for the weekend includes camping in an area attendees have fondly dubbed “Tent City,” parking and children under 12 free with an adult purchase. The goal of the festival is to produce an experience that encourages new and meaningful interactions with art, music, the outdoors and each other, while also embracing and supporting our local communities, music and culture.
Elizabethtown Supervisor Noel Merrihew called the festival “Elizabethtown’s Woodstock.” “The music is fantastic, the fans seem genuinely pleased and appreciative to be in our area and surrounding communities have reported a significant surge in business when the festival is in town,” Merrihew said. Get tickets early, last year people had to be turned away at the gates. The cost is $50 per person, for the weekend. For more details visit www. Have an event you�d like featured in my column� Email me at� Pictured below: The lead guitarist from the band “Revolt” performs at an earlier Otis Mountain Get Down. The music festival, in its third year, brings thousands of music lovers from across the country to Essex County. Photo by Linda
Dolly the latest events
Visit historic White Pine Camp in Paul Smiths. White Pine Camp is an Adirondack Great Camp on Osgood Pond. It served as the Summer White House for US President Calvin Coolidge from July 7 through Sept. 18, 1926. Adirondack Great Camps like White Pine Camp are grand and fanciful log mansions, built in the latter half of the 19th century along the rugged lake shores or mountain sides of upstate New York. It was a time when cities were expanding and the natural world seemed too far away. The foremost families of the era — including the Coolidges — needed an escape, and suddenly found they had a yearning for wooded retreats of great but rustic comfort.
Wednesday tours are offered at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at White Pine Camp from June 17 to Sept. 30. The cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children. No reservations are required. Call 327-3030 for more information.
Arts& Arts &Entertainment &Entertainment
Dolly’s Word: On Northern Highlights
14 | September 12, 2015 â&#x20AC;˘ The Valley News Sun (TL)
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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun • September 12, 2015 | 15
SARANAC LAKE -The 37th annual Barfly Open Golf Tournament, hosted by High Peaks Distributing, will take place Tuesday, Sept. 15, at the Tri-Lakes Humane Society, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The tournament will help raise money for the Tri-Lakes Humane Society. For more information, call 523-1925 or email BINGO
PLATTSBURGH - Senior Center 5135 North Catherine Street Plattsburgh, NY Open Monday Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lunch served at noon Tel: (518) 5617393
PLATTSBURGH - Seton Catholic 2390 New York Road 518-5614031 Saturday nights, doors open at 6pm, Games starting at 7:10pm.
PLATTSBURGH - St. Peter's 23 St. Charles St. 518-563-1692 Thursdays, 7pm.
PLATTSBURGH American Legion Post 20 162 Quarry Rd. 518-5631692 Sundays, 7pm. CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ESSEX - The Essex Community Church will be holding a Concert for a Cure Saturday, Oct. 3, at 5 p.m. The Montpelier Gospel Choir and The Plattsburgh State Gospel Choir Praise Team will be performing. All donations are going to be sent to Sloan Kettering cancer research. The directors of these choirs would like to hold a workshop for two hours during the afternoon prior to the concert. During the workshop, participants will be taught various gospel singing techniques by learning two gospel pieces. The participants would be welcome to sing the two pieces learned in the workshop during the concert performance.
WESTPORT – Bow Education Class, Westport Fish & Game Club, Sept. 18 & 19, register by calling Marshall Crownshield 518-9637768 or Ed Moulton 518-9624542. COMMUNITY OUTREACH ELIZABETHTOWN – WIC Schedule at the Public Health Building September 3, 8:00 - 3:30 PM September 17, 11:30 am - 6:30 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 KEESEVILLE – WIC shedule at the United Methodist Church September 24, 9:30 am - 2:15 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 LAKE PLACID – WIC shedule at the Thomas Shipman Youth Center September 1 , 9:30 am - 2:15 PM September 22, 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 DANCING CHAMPLAIN - The Northern Lights Square Dance Club invites the public for two free dance lessons Tuesday, Sept. 8 and Sept. 15 at Northeastern Clinton Central School (NCCS) with Mr. Carl Trudo, the caller, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. If anyone has ever been curious about what square dancing is all about, here is their chance to find out. For more information, call Margot at 450-247-2521 or Fran at 236-6919. DINNERS & SUCH LYON MOUNTAIN - The St. Bernards annual Fall Roast Turkey Dinner will be held Sunday, Sept. 13 at the Lyon Mountain American Legion Post #1623 from noon to 5 p.m. The menu includes turkey with all the trimmings featuring Arlenes homemade dressing with coffee and dessert included. There will be a 50/50 and raffle tickets. Takeouts are available. For more information, call 735-4372.
ELIZABETHTOWN – Farmers Market Behind Adk Museum Fridays 9am-1pm May 29-October 9 KEENE – Farmers Market Rt 73 Marcy Field Sundays 9:30am-2pm June 14-October 11 LAKE PLACID – Farmers Market LP Center for the Arts Wednesdays 9am-1pm June 3-October 14 SARANAC LAKE -Farmers Market Fusion Market/Boat Launch Tuesdays 10am-2pm May 12-September 29 SARANAC LAKE – Farmers Market Riverside Park, Main & River Sts. Saturday 9am-2pm June 6-October 17 TUPPER LAKE – Farmers Market Wild Center Museum Thursdays 11am-3pm June 4-September 17 LECTURES & SEMINARS UPPER JAY - The Wells Memorial Library will how Healthy Aging Discussion Series Friday, Sept. 11, Friday, Oct. 2, and Oct. 23, from 2 until 3:30 p.m. Topics include Living well means more than just living longer; Your action plan for a healthy life; How to find happiness and vitality for a lifetime; Its all about attitude; Thinking positive and staying connected; Future health planning issues; Rx for peace; and Eat as if your life depended on it. The discussion series is facilitated by Lynn Edmonds and made possible by the ClintonEssex-Franklin Library System. Reading materials are available. For more information, call or email the library at 946-2644 or PUBLIC MEETINGS CHAMPLAIN - Glenwood Cemetery Association Annual Meeting,Champlain, NY 9/14 @ 630pm Three Steeples United Methodist Church Champlain, NY Annual Meeting of lot owners and interested parties of Glenwood Cemetery Association in Champlain NY
94 Bassboat 18' 150HP Yamah motor, Tandem trailer, new trolling motor, new batteries, $7000 OBO. 518-561-2586.
TRAVEL TRAILER 2011-268RL Outback, loaded, A/C/Heat, Artic package, outdoor shower & range. TV, CD & disk, power awning, power tug, jake. All accessories, hitch & stablizer included, like new, $22,900. 518-494-5875
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MOTORCYCLES 2006 SPORTSTER XL 883 Low, practically new, mint. $5,700. Call 518-208-4111. HEAVY EQUIPMENT D3 Cat Dozer, excellent condition, $10,000. Call 518-643-2525. KUBOTA BACKHOE / LOADER, with trailer, L3700, like new condition, 37 Horse, low hours, under 40 hours. $28,000. Malone area. 518-481-5991 ACCESSORIES 316” All Season Tires with 80% tread left. Asking $75.00. 518-5705701. GARAGE SALE
Win a $2,000 grand prize! Take our survey at and tell us about your media usage and shopping plans. Your input will help this paper help local businesses. Thank you!
ROUSES POINT - On Wednesday, September 16th, 2015 at 7:00PM, there will be an open meeting for everyone interested in the future maintenance of Maple Hill Cemetery at the American Legion Post #912, at 29 Pratt Street, Rouses Point, NY.
PLATTSBURGH - Our Lady of Victory 4919 South Catherine St. Wednesday Nights, Doors open at 6:00 with games starting at 7:10 pm.
2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GT, 10,013 miles, Silver, 28mpg in City & 38mpg on highway, 4dr., $15,500. Call 518-310-0790.
MG Midget 1971 Conv. Red, New Tires. Can be seen at call for details. 518-962-8276
ROUSES POINT - Nutrition Site St. Patricks Parish Center 9 Liberty Street Rouses Point, NY 12979 Lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Tel: (518) 297-7361
Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting MakeA-Wish. We offer free towing and your donation is 100% tax deductible. Call 315-400-0797 Today!
PORT KENT - The Port Kent Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting Tuesday, Sept. 15, at the town of Chesterfield, at 7 p.m. All concerned parties are encouraged to attend.
2012 VW Beetle, excellent condition, 50,000 miles. $10,500 OBO. 518-873-6430.
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330
MORRISONVILLE - St. Alexander church and the Knights of Columbus 7248 will host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for vocation to the priesthood Saturday, Sept. 19, at St. Alexanders jubilee hall from 4 to 7 p.m. The menu includes all you can eat homemade spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread and dessert, ice tea, milk and beverages. Call ahead at 561-5039 for takeout.
KEESEVILLE - Keeseville Fire Dept. North Country AmVets 1309 Rt. 9 South Saturday, 7:30 pm.
MORIAH – Hunter Education Class, Sept. 15, 16 & 17, Moriah Central School, 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Register on the DEC website or call Chuck Kolodzey, Jr. 518-5468290.
KEESEVILLE - VFW #1505 North Country AmVets 1309 Rt. 9 South Sunday, 7pm.
BEEKMANTOWN - VFW 1466 Spellman Rd. Sunday, 6:30 Doors open at 4:30.
PERU - Knights of Columbus 3452 Main St. Rt. 22 Tuesdays, 7:30 pm.
KEESEVILLE/ESSEX- ZUMBA FITNESS CLASSES Early Fall Sessions Sept. 8th – October 13th Tues. 6pm-7pm at VFW Keeseville. ___________________________ Sept. 9th- Oct. 14th Wednesday 9am-10am at New Health Essex, NY. ___________________________ Sept. 10th-Oct.15th Thursday 3:30pm-4:30pm Keeseville Elementary INSTRUCTOR DIANE WHITE FOR MORE INFO GO TO: or email
ALTONA - Ganienkeh Territorial High Stakes Bingo 4 Devil's Den Road 518-236-7099 Wednesdays & Fridays doors open at 5pm Games start at 6:30 pm.
PLATTSBURGH - VFW Post 124 116 Boynton Ave. Tuesdays, 7pm doors open at 5pm.
PLATTSBURGH - St. John's Academy 59 Broad St. Fridays 7:30 pm, Sundays 2pm.
PLATTSBURGH - Knights of Columbus #255 St. Peter's School 518-561-4501 Mondays, 7pm.
TRUCKS 1998 Dodge Ram 1500, 5.9l, 112K, no reverse, (needs reverse band) Needs a little TLC. $800 OBO. 518-570-5701 BOATS 1968 Launch Dyer 20' Glamor Girl, Atomic 4 inboard engine, 30HP, very good cond. Safe, reliable, spacious, ideal camp boat. Reasonable offers considered. Located in Essex, NY. 802-503-5452 4 HP-MERCURY – GOOD CONDITION. $175 OBO. 518-647-5475.
1999 SUNLINER 21ft., $4500 includes TV with CD/DVD player, radio, kitchen and bedding supplies, 1000W Honda generator. 3 burner gas stove, 2 way refrigerator, shower. Bed plus pull out sleeping couch, 2 sinks, easy chair., 3737 pounds. Over $4000 of work done, ready to go on the road, my loss your gain. No delivery. 518-6472150 or
WESTPORT-The Boy Scouts will be meeting from 7:30 to 9 p.m. every Thursday at the WADA Building For more info:, Jill Lobdell 962-4664 or Larry Carroll 569-5431. SENIORS DANNEMORA - Village Community Center 40 Emmons Street Dannemora, NY 12921 Open Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch served at 11:30 a.m.Tel: (518) 310-9089
ROUSES POINT - Craft show seeks vendors. The Fall Fest Craft/Vendor Show will take place Saturday, Sept. 12, at the Rouses Point Civic Center, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are 10x10 spaces available for a cost. Electricity is available for an additional fee. For more information, contact Richard or Cody at or call 297-5502 ext. 311.
ELIZABETHTOWN – Senior Meal Site Luncheon, Every Friday at Church of the Good Shepherd, 11 William Street. Come enjoy lunch $3.50, play Bingo, socialize with friends & neighbors. ELLENBURG-Adult Center St. Edmunds Church Hall 5538 Route 11 Ellenburg, NY Open Monday Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Tel: (518) 594-7311 MOOERS - Nutrition Site Watson Senior Housing 2448 Route 11Mooers, NY Lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Monday Friday. Tel: (518) 236-5111 PERU - Adult Center VFW 710 Pleasant Street Peru, NY Open Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch served at 11:45 a.m. Tel: (518)643-2829 PLATTSBURGH - Beekman Towers Nutrition Site Beekman Towers 50 Truman Avenue Plattsburgh, NY Open Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch served at 11:45 a.m. Tel: (518) 561-5360 PLATTSBURGH - Lakeview Towers Nutrition Site Lakeview Towers 34 Flynn Avenue Plattsburgh, NY Lunch served at noon Monday – Friday Tel: (518) 561-8696 HELP WANTED
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NOTICE OF FILING OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION IN NEW YORKBY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Name: Champlain Valley Specialty LLC. Articles of Organization filed with sec. of state of NY(SOS) on 8/27/15. Office location: Essex County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC for service of process. SOS shall mail copy of process to 83 Thompson Road, Keeseville, NY 12944. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. VN-09/05-10/10/20156TC-93530
4 BEDROOM HOME for sale in Lewis, NY Master bedroom on 1st floor large fenced in back yard Priced to sell at only $79,000 (518) 873-2362
ADIRONDACK “BY OWNER” 1000+ photo listings of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $299 per year. Visit on-line or call 518-891-9919 LAND
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1-518-873-6368 Ext. 201
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IS YOUR VACATION HOME FOR LENDER SAYS SELL! 5 acresSALE OR RENT? Promote it in $14,900. Cooperstown Region! SUPREME COURT Hardwoods, apple COUNTY trees, beautiful OF CLINTON- print to nearly 4.3 million potential buyers (plus setting! Low taxes, g'teed CITY REAL NATIONAL more readers online!) with a buildable! Won't last! SERVICES, LLC ESTATE statewide classified ad. Call 1-888-431-6404 SUCCESSOR BY MERGAdvertise your property for just ER TO NATIONAL CITY LENDER SAYS SELL! $489 for a 25-word ad, less for MORTGAGE,ReINC., F/K/Asmaller coverage areas. 5 acres -$14,900 Cooperstown gion! Hardwoods,NATIONAL apple trees,CITY MORTVisit or call GAGELow CO., 3232 Newbeautiful setting! 315-437-6173 markWon't Drive,last! Miamisburg, taxes, g'teed buildable! OH 45342, Plaintiff Call 888-476-4569 against JEREMY M. GITTENS, EXCAVATION DEANNA L. GITTENS, NY STATE LAND SALE & Defendant(s). ADIRONDACK RIVERS BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE in Pursuant to a Judgment 20 Acres Black Creek: $29,995 the town of Moriah. Lake view, of Creek: Foreclosure and Sale 35 Acres Swiss great hunting, and privacy what dated on June 2, 2010. $49,995 42 Acres w/ Pond, more could you ask for. Call I, the undersigned RefPERKINS TRUCKING & Borders State Land: $59,995 Ashley at 578-2501 for more eree will sell at public EXCAVATING Call Our Foresters @ information. auction at the Lobby of 1-800-229-7843 Or visit Residential & Commercial the Clinton County Excavation ernment Center, 137 LENDER ORDERED LAND SELL CHRISTMAS & ASSOCIATES Concrete Foundations and Margaret Street, City of Flatwork. Demolition. OFF! 20 TRACTS! 5 COUNTIES! SUPREME COURT Plattsburgh, N.Y. on the 5 TO 144 ACRES FROM $8,900! Sand, Gravel FOR SALE: 24th Rand day ofHill September,and Top Soil Delivered. COUNTY PROPERTY OF CLINTONLakes, streams, State Land, 2015 atWooded 9:30 a.m. NATIONALRoad, CITY Scenic REAL 11.67 cabins, views! G'teed buildable! Free Estimates & References Acres, Borders Land. Privateknown as Raymond Perkins Said premises ESTATE SERVICES, LLC State Terms avail! Call 1-888-701-1864 Sale.BY 518-492-7178. SUCCESSOR MERG- 2077 Route 22, Keeor 518-834-5286 NOTICE OF FORMATION ER TO NATIONAL CITY seville, N.Y. 12944. SO. ADIRONDACK LAKEFRONT LENDER ORDERED LAND SELL account number: OF SZOT BROTHERS, MORTGAGE, INC., F/K/A Tax PROPERTIES! OFF! LLC. Art. of Org. filed SBL # : 304-3-4.32. NATIONAL CITY MORTacres-New3 CABINS$199,900 amount of with the SSNY on 20 TRACTS! 5 COUNTIES! 5GAGE TO CO.,503232 Approximate 51 ACRES-LODGE-$399,900 144 ACRES FROM $8,900! Lakes, lien $ 98,231.61 plus in- 07/22/15. Office: Essex mark Drive, Miamisburg, than 3 hrs NY Cityand andcosts. streams, terest County. SSNY designatKarmen Leather LLC, a OH 45342,LessPlaintiff 40 mins from Albany! State Land, cabins, teed Premises will be sold ed as agent of the LLC domestic LLC, filed views! with G against Call 888-479-3394 buildable! Terms avail! to provisions of upon whom process the SSNY on 8/4/15. Of- JEREMY M. GITTENS, or tour subject at Call 888-905-8847 or judgment and against it may be served. DEANNA GITTENS, filed fice location: Essex terms of sale. SSNY shall mail copy of County. SSNY is desig- Defendant(s). Index No. 1933-09. process to the LLC, c/o Pursuant to a Judgment nated as agent upon of Foreclosure and Sale Joseph Lavorando, Esq., David J. Szot, 2 Water whom process against Edge Road, Keeseville, the LLC may be served. dated on June 2, 2010. Referee. SSNY shall mail process I, the undersigned Ref- McCabe, Weisberg, & NY 12944. Purpose: Any to The LLC, 40 W. 37th Conway eree will sell at public lawful purpose. VN-8/15-9/19/15-6TC-90423 St., Ste. 806, NY, NY auction at the Lobby of Attorney(s) for Plaintiff the Clinton County Gov- 145 Huguenot Street 10018. General purpose. Suite 210 ernment Center, 137 VN-08/15-09/19/2015Margaret Street, City of New Rochelle, New York 6TC-91389 10801 Plattsburgh, N.Y. on the TO MAKE SUPREME COURT 24th day of September, (914) 636-8900 COUNTY OF CLINTON- 2015 at 9:30 a.m. NC/VN-08/22NATIONAL CITY REAL Said premises known as 09/12/2015-4TC-91397 ESTATE SERVICES, LLC 2077 Route 22, KeeSUCCESSOR BY MERG- seville, N.Y. 12944. ER TO NATIONAL CITY Tax account number: NOTICE OF FORMATION OF SZOT BROTHERS, MORTGAGE, INC., F/K/A SBL # : 304-3-4.32. Place a NATIONAL CITY MORT- Approximate amount of LLC. Art. of Org. filed classified GAGE CO., 3232 New- lien $ 98,231.61 plus in- with the SSNY on ad! 07/22/15. Office: Essex mark Drive, Miamisburg, terest and costs. It’s easy and County. SSNY designatOH 45342, Plaintiff Premises will be sold will make against subject to provisions of ed as agent of the LLC you money! JEREMY M. GITTENS, filed upon whom process judgment and DEANNA L. GITTENS, terms of sale. against it may be served. Defendant(s). Index No. 1933-09. SSNY shall mail copy of Pursuant to a Judgment Joseph Lavorando, Esq., process to the LLC, c/o David J. Szot, 2 Water of Foreclosure and Sale Referee. dated on June 2, 2010. McCabe, Weisberg, & Edge Road, Keeseville, NY 12944. Purpose: Any I, the undersigned Ref- Conway lawful purpose. eree will sell at public Attorney(s) for Plaintiff auction at the Lobby of 145 Huguenot Street - VN-8/15-9/19/15-6TC-90423 the Clinton County Gov- Suite 210 ernment Center, 137 New Rochelle, New York Margaret Street, City of 10801 Plattsburgh, N.Y. on the (914) 636-8900 24th day of September, NC/VN-08/222015 at 9:30 a.m. 09/12/2015-4TC-91397 Said premises known as 2077 Route 22, Keeseville, N.Y. 12944. Tax account number: SBL # : 304-3-4.32. Approximate amount of lien $ 98,231.61 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Index No. 1933-09. Joseph Lavorando, Esq., Referee. McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot Street Suite 210 New Rochelle, New York 10801 (914) 636-8900 NC/VN-08/2209/12/2015-4TC-91397 ADIRONDACK HUNTING & TIMBER TRACTS 111 ACRES -LAKE ACCESS$195,000 144 ACRES -TROPHY DEER $249,900 131 ACRES -LAKEFRONT - $349,900 3 hours NY City! Survey, yr round road, g'teed buildable! Financing avail! 888-701-7509
Published by Denton Publications, Inc.
The Valley News Sun â&#x20AC;˘ September 12, 2015 | 19
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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.