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Frontier Town project unveiled at open house pg. 8




Public gets first look at early blueprints

Photo by Pete DeMola

Published By Denton Publications Inc.



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Dec. 23, 2017


Stefanik a ‘no’ on tax reform

Lawmaker says local taxpayers will not be protected under federal plan — but state needs to share the blame By Pete DeMola EDITOR

ELIZABETHTOWN | Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Willsboro) is a “no” on the tax reform bill. “I will be voting no on the final legislation and will continue to work hard to ensure that hard working families and small businesses have their priorities represented in Congress,” Stefanik said Monday in a statement. The lawmaker chalked up her opposition to a lack of protection for the state and local tax deduction known as SALT, the same reason she voted against the House version of the bill in November. House Republicans released their final bill last week, and it is scheduled to be considered Tuesday. » Tax reform Cont. on pg. 5


» Farmers Cont. on pg. 7

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Willsboro), pictured here milking a cow at the 2015 Essex County Fair, has been criticized by the Adirondack Farmers Coalition for voting against an amendment to the PROSPER Act that would have made farmers and veteran service organizations eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. File photo

Projects in Tupper, Saranac Lake win big state support APO, Dew Drop Inn and small biz startups earn support among North Country priority projects By Kim Dedam STA FF W RITER

Exterior Northwest Perspective ADIRONDACK PUBLIC OBSERVATORY

A drawing of the planned Adirondack Public Observatory Astro-Science Center that will be built alongside the APO telescope building in Tupper Lake.

Photo/Adirondack Public Observatory

/Herry Christmas


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TUPPER LAKE | Numerous priority projects in Tri-Lakes counties found key funding support in awards through the North Country Regional Economic Development Council (REDC). The Adirondack Public Observatory and Astro-Science Center project in Tupper Lake won $200,000. The grass-roots, non-profit, star-gazing community, which has drawn international acclaim, has expansion plans at their dark hillside site off Little Wolf Road. President of the APO board Carol Levy

said they were thrilled to be included among REDC priority funding winners. The funds have been flagged for architectural blueprints and engineering schematics for the Astro-Science Center. “This will get us actual blueprints so that we will be shovel-ready for construction,” Levy said. “Our project overall is a three building project. The Astro-Science Center, which we are working on now, is a science museum. The third building will house a research grade telescope and will need a building with a domed roof. That will house a 24-inch research grade telescope.” The total cost of the Astro-Science Center will be around $10 million to $12 million, Levy said. But blueprints and schematics will move the project into actual construction phase for development. Naming opportunities, APO membership options and donations are available and can be found on the organization’s website: The Village of Tupper Lake was also awarded $1.4 million in this round of REDC funding. » REDC Cont. on pg. 3

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2 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

County, NCCC continue to look at EMT program Course of study could lead to future jobs By Keith Lobdell STA FF W RITER

ELIZABETHTOWN | Members of the Essex County Board of Supervisors heard more about efforts to bring an EMT degree program to North Country Community College during its Dec. 5 monthly board meeting. County EMS Coordinator Patty Bashaw said EMT training is currently done through Mountain Lakes Services with a class scheduled to begin inJanuary at NCCC to see if there is interest. “There are already 14 students enrolled, and the instructors like to have classes between 12 and 15 students,” Bashaw said. Bashaw said it would take as many as two years to get a degree program approved, adding there are facilities ready to help sponsor the EMT training program.

“Elizabethtown is looking to help sponsor the course,” Bashaw said. “It could be a program which would be taught in Elizabethtown and then beamed out to other counties. That could be huge for many counties because, as of now, the closest program is in the Hudson Valley. So, for NCCC to enter into a relationship with Mountain Lakes is huge.” Supervisors said they hope progress continues to move forward. “I think what we have heard here today is good news,” said Newcomb Supervisor Wes Miga. “I think it’s also good news that this program could be done in a way to get other communities involved in it.” “I am excited because we are definitely going forward,” Bashaw said. Dr. Steven Tyrell, president of NCCC, also expressed his excitement for the program. “I am very much looking forward to see where this program will go for us and for Essex County,” Tyrell said. “We are looking at the demand for a course and cost to determine what is the best course plan to offer. I am pleased this will be a coordinated effort

Wishing You Best Wishes This Holiday Season

Essex County EMS Coordinator Patty Bashaw talks to members of the board of supervisors about a proposed EMT program which could be offered through North Country Community College in the future. Photo by Keith Lobdell and not something we do alone.” Tyrell also said there could be a parallel between the proposed EMT and current nursing program at the school. Crown Point’s Charles Harrington said he likes the idea of the program and feels it will be a strong sell to local students. “Focusing on the school college nights and BOCES is a good step because that is

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where you will get your workforce to gather in,” Harrington said. County Manager Dan Palmer said he believes a workforce will be needed at some point. “Once we start moving forward and jobs are created, then you will see even more interest,” Palmer said. “There is no question the supply of volunteers is not going to be enough and this will be an issue as we move forward.” ■

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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 3

» REDC Cont. from pg. 1



Photos from Dew Drop Inn renovations this fall include a look from across the Saranac River at new construction of what will become short-term lodging space and the view from the third floor of the new addition, Photo by Calli Shelton The Saranac Lake Local Development Corp., formed several years ago by the Village of Saranac Lake for revitalization efforts, also won $300,000 to assist with Dew Drop Inn renovations at 27 Broadway. Mayor Rabideau said the local development corporation was and is a major factor in the Downtown facade facelift program. SLLDC Chairman Paul Van Cott, who is a village trustee, said they were thrilled to win $300,000 in New York Main Street monies. “The restored restaurant will also feature the Saranac Lake River Walk along the side of the building onto Broadway,” Van Cott told The Sun. “This continues the downtown revitalization occurring already as a result of the $300,000 Main Street grant awarded to the Village in 2015 and the upcoming reopening of Saranac Lake’s gem, the Hotel Saranac.”







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The Hotel Saranac won a $5 million REDC grant in 2014 and restoration of the downtown hotel is nearing completion. In other grant wins, the Village of Saranac Lake was awarded $100,00 for an engineering report for the municipal wastewater treatment plant. Bionique Testing Laboratories on Fay Brook Dr. in Saranac Lake was awarded $300,000 to upgrade existing bio-testing equipment. BluSeed Studios in Saranac Lake won an workforce expansion grant for $35,500 to hire an events and outreach coordinator for the ArtWorks merger. And Carpae Insectae, a local start-up small business that invented and makes No Bugz, a chemical-free insect repellant (also for pets), won $13,000 for new equipment used in their manufacturing process. ■

We would like to take this time to wish everyone a . Christmas! Merry


It will be used for installing a wood pellet fired municipal heating system. Business and infrastructure in Saranac Lake won more than a handful of grants. Saranac Lake Mayor Clyde Rabideau pointed to the downtown restoration ongoing at the Dew Drop Inn as “especially blessed,” saying the project is “enhancing the renaissance of our downtown which was ignited by the Hotel Saranac renovation.” Dew Drop property owners, doing business as Chicota, Inc., won two grants: $198,000 to establish a restaurant, bar, short-stay apartments and an event space in the iconic property on Broadway. Chicota also won $148,000 for capital project expenses at the property. Dew Drop Inn co-owner Calli Shelton told The Sun that state economic development support breaks a log-jam in their progress. New construction through summer and fall has rebuilt two stories for lodging at the back of the inn and the company has gutted and is renovating the restaurant and bar in front. “The grant money is awesome. It’s not going to pay for the whole project, which is $2.2 million,” Shelton said. “We have stopped work over the last two weeks, because we’re at that point. The state grants will allow us to work with lenders.” Shelton and her partners’ vision rebuilds Dew Drop Inn as one entity with four integrated lines of business that all work together. Once you see the branding we’ve chosen, it will all make sense,” she said. “There will be the restaurant and bar; lodging and two apartments on the upper floors with short-term vacation rentals; event space for gatherings and celebrations; and a cooking school, the final piece. We hope to complete the apartments this winter, and then get the lower floor done by late 2018 to launch the restaurant in the fall.” Shelton said Saranac Lake’s downtown revitalization has turned the village into a hub of activity. “This place is booming,” she said.

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4 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

Westport Central students get up close look at working horses Reber Rock Farm helps work on lean-to area

Central School spent the day working the oldschool way on pulling rocks around the grounds. Students were able to work with draft horses, bringing in several large rocks out of a wooded area to help create seating around the fire pit area of the school’s lean-to area, which was created through science classes taught by Jason Fiegl. “We saw these stones and thought they

By Keith Lobdell STA FF W RITER

WESTPORT | Several students at Westport

Chad Vogel pilots Reed and Connie as he helps students at Westport Central School move rocks to the lean-to area on the grounds of the school. Photo by Keith Lobdell

Science teacher Jason Fiegl and student Edward Nesbitt look to move a rock which was transported by draft horses into place at the lean-to area at Westport Central School. Photo by Keith Lobdell

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would make great places to sit around the fire place,” he said. The members of the environmental science class first used railing and PVC piping to move a rock 130 feet from the trees to the lean-to by hand. “We then thought about other ways to move the rocks and came up with the draft horses,” Fiegl said.

The teacher contacted Chad Vogel, who does natural horse drawn logging through Reber Rock Farm and has already worked with Fiegl on the project. For this project, he employed the help of draft horses Reed and Connie. “He helped us with the logs for the leanto,” Fiegl said. “He has been a great help with this project.” ■

The Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST) and the Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) are partnering to bring the Holiday Fun Zone back to Lake Placid’s Main Street next week. From Dec. 26 to 31, families can head to Mid’s Park from 4 to 6 p.m. for some holiday fun. Community members will welcome visitors to the village and provide free hot chocolate and s’mores. Families can warm up by crackling fires while enjoying traditional Adirondack treats, a live DJ and giveaways. Photo provided

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AU SABLE FORKS Holy Name Catholic Church - 14203 Rt. 9N, Au Sable Forks, 647-8225, Rev. Kris Lauzon, Pastor; Deacon John J. Ryan; Mass: Sunday 9:30 a.m. Confessions: Sunday 9-9:15 a.m. St. James’ Church - Episcopal. Rev. Patti Johnson, Deacon Vicarcon. Holy Eucharist Sundays at 10 a.m. Phone: (518) 593-1838. United Methodist Church - Main Street. 647-8147. Sunday 11 a.m. Worship Service. Email: BLACK BROOK St. Matthew’s Catholic Church - 781 Silver Lake Rd., Black Brook, Rev. Kris Lauzon, Pastor; Deacon John J. Ryan; Closed. BLOOMINGDALE Pilgrim Holiness Church - 14 Oregon Plains Rd., 891-3178, Rev. Daniel Shumway - Sunday: Morning Worship 11a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Evening Service 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday: Prayer Service 7 p.m. CLINTONVILLE United Methodist - Rt. 9N. 834-5083. Sunday, 11 a.m. Worship Service. Pastor Rev. Joyce Bruce. ELIZABETHTOWN Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) - 10 Williams Street Elizabethtown, NY 12932. (518)873-2509 goodshepherdetown@gmail. com, Sunday Holy Communion: 8 & 10:15am; Healing Prayer Service: Every Wed at Noon; Men’s Group: Every Friday 7:30am-8:45am Rev. David Sullivan. All are Welcome. LIFE Church Elizabethtown - A holistic biblical approach where healthy relationships and community come before religious ideals. Connect to Jesus and others, Engage your local community, Involve yourself in ministry. LIFE Church service Sunday 10:30 am. LIFE Groups (see webpage for local groups) . AO Cafe open Monday-Thursday 8:30am-12pm. - 209 Water Street Elizabethtown - - (518)-412-2305 St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church - Court Street. 873-6760. Father Francis Flynn, Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30 p.m., Weekdays: Consult Bulletin. Thursday 10:15 a.m. Horace Nye Home. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. Website: Email: United Church of Christ (Congregational) - Court Street. 873-6822. Rev. Frederick C. Shaw. Worship Service: Sun. 11 a.m.; Sunday School ages 4 - grade 6. Nursery service Email: ESSEX Essex Community United Methodist Church - Corner of Rt. 22 and Main St. 963-7766. Peggy Staats Pastor, Sunday Worship - 10:15 AM, Sunday School - 10:15 AM. web page: https://essexcommunitychurchny. org Foothills Baptist Church at Boquet - 2172, NY Rt. 22 in Essex. Formerly Church of the Nazarene. Wednesday Night Service at 6 p.m. Worship services are Sunday 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Family Christian movies on the second Sunday of each month at 6:30 p.m., and Hymn sing on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. Email: foothillsbapt@ St. John’s Episcopal Church - 4 Church Street. 518-963-7775. Holy Communion, Sunday 10 a.m.; Community Potluck Supper, Tuesday 6 p.m.; Contemporary Bible Study, Tuesdays 9:30 a.m.; Meditation, Wednesdays 5 p.m.; Historical New Testament Study, Thursdays 10 a.m.; Morning: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. at 8:30 a.m. Father Craig Hacker. Email: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church - Rt. 22. 963-4524. Closed for the Winter.

HARKNESS Harkness United Methodist Church - Corner Harkness & Hollock Hill Rds., Harkness, NY. 834-7577. Rev. Edith Poland. Worship 9:30 a.m. JAY First Baptist Church of Jay - Rev. Joyce Bruce, Pastor. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. KEENE Keene Valley Congregational Church - Main Street. 576-4711. Sunday Worship Services 10 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m. Choir Wednesday evening 7 p.m. and Sunday 9:15 a.m. St. Brendan’s Catholic Church - Mass Saturday at 4 p.m. & Sunday at 11:15 a.m. from first Sunday in July to Labor Day. Saturday at 4 p.m. the rest of the year. Pastor: Rev. John R. Yonkovig; Pastor. Rectory Phone 523-2200. Email: St. Hubert’s All Souls Episcopal Church - Sunday Holy Eucharist 9 a.m. (on some Sundays, Morning Prayer), July 3 through September 4. Varying roster of priests celebrate communion each week. KEESEVILLE Front Street Fellowship - Front Street Fellowship - 1724 Front Street, Keeseville, 645-4673. Pastors Rick & Kathy Santor. Sunday: Worship Service 10 a.m. Tuesday: Ladies Coffee 9:30 a.m. Wednesday: Prayer Fellowship 6 p.m. Website: Email: Immaculate Conception Church - Rt. 9, Keeseville, 834-7100. Rev. Kris Lauzon, Pastor; Deacon John Lucero; Mass: Sunday 11:15 a.m. Confessions: Sunday after Mass. Independent Baptist Church - Rte. 22 & Interstate 87, P.O. Box 506,

Keeseville, NY. 834-9620. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m., Prayer Meeting & Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m.; Youth Group Sunday 6 p.m. Website: Email: Keeseville United Methodist Church - Front Street, Keeseville. 834-7577. Rev. Edith Poland. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. 834-7577. Email: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church - Rt. 22, Keeseville, 8347100. Rev. Kris Lauzon, Pastor; Deacon John Lucero; Mass: Saturday 4:30 p.m. Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:15 p.m. St. Paul’s Church, Episcopal/Anglican - 103 Clinton Street, Keeseville. 518-563-6836. Sunday Sung Service 9 a.m. Email:, Rev. Blair C. Biddle, Deacon Vicar. The Good Shepherd Church of the Nazarene - 124 Hill Street, Keeseville, NY. 834-9408. Pastor Richard Reese. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday Prayer Service 7 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. LEWIS First Congregational Church - Lewis, 873-6822. Rev. Frederick C. Shaw. Sunday Services 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Email: MIDDLEBURY Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Middlebury Ward) - Sacrament Worship Service: Sunday 9:00am. Meetinghouse-133 Valley View, Middlebury, VT 05753. REBER Reber Methodist Church - Reber Rd., Reber. 11 a.m. Sunday mornings. Pastor Ric Feeney.

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United Methodist Church - 3731 Main Street. 963-7931. Sunday Worship Services 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Pastor Ric Feeney. After school religous education program 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. on Thursdays (Only when school is in session) WILMINGTON Calvary Baptist Church - Rt. 86. 518-946-2482. Sunday School for all ages 10 a.m.; Sunday Morning Service 11 a.m. St. Margaret’s Roman Catholic Church - 5789 NYS Rt. 86, Wilmington, 647-8225, Rev. Kris Lauzon, Pastor, Deacon John J. Ryan & Pastor, Deacon John Lucero, Mass: Sunday 7:30 a.m. Confessions: Sunday 7-7:15 a.m. Whiteface Community United Methodist Church - Located at the intersection of Route 86 and Haselton Road. The Rev. Helen Beck is Pastor. The office phone is 946-7757. Sunday Worship is at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School for children held during the morning worship. Communion is the first Sunday of each month. A coffee hour with refreshments and fellowship follows the morning service. The Riverside Thrift Shop is open Wed. & Sat. from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The Jay/Wilmington Ecumenical Food Shelf is open each Thurs. from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. In an emergency call 946-7192. Wilmington Church of the Nazarene - Wilmington Church of the Nazarene is located at 5734 Route 86. Contact Pastor Rev. Bob Hess at (518) 946-7708 or email Sunday School for all ages – 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Worship and Children’s Nursery – 11 a.m.; Coffee Talk (an informal Bible Study) is hosted Tuesday and Wednesday evenings throughout the community. Contact Pastor Hess for times and locations. 12-23-17 • 57581


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George Huttig, President Route 9 South, Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Phone: 518-873-6389 • Fax: 518-873-6390

PORT HENRY Lake Champlain Bible Fellowship - 6 Church Street, Port Henry, NY (518) 546-1176. Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Office hours - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Other hours by appointment only. Pastor Ric Lewis. WESTPORT Federated Church - Our worship service is at 9:00 a.m. We offer a blended contemporary and Christian service, along with Children’s Church. A nursery area is provided downstairs with a speaker to hear the Worship Service. For current church events you can check the church website at : or call Pastor Tom at (518) 962-8293 and leave a message. St. Philip Neri Catholic Church - 6603 Main St., Father Francis Flynn, Pastor. Residence, 873-6760. Mass schedule: Sun., 8:30 a.m. Weekdays: consult bulletin. Email: Westport Bible Church - 24 Youngs Road. 962-8247. Pastor David Colwell. Sunday School for every age 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening Service 5:30 p.m.; Wednesday Night Prayer 7 p.m.; Email: WILLSBORO Congregational United Church of Christ - 3799 Main Street, P.O. Box 714. Pastor Jonathan Lange. Worship and Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Church phone number 518-963-4048. St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church - 3746 Main Street. 963-4524. Father Francis Flynn, Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. Website: Email:

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DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER George Huttig, President Route 9 South, Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Phone: 518-873-6386 • Fax: 518-873-6488


Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 5

Inaugural Adirondack Snowshoe Fest lands in Saranac Lake

Village hopes to bolster local tourism with two-day snowshoeing event

SARANAC LAKE | One year after hosting the 2017 World Snowshoe Championships, the Village of Saranac Lake will leverage this international experience to host a new snowshoe weekend called the Adirondack Snowshoe Fest on Feb. 24 and 25, 2018. “Through hard work and extraordinary volunteerism, Saranac Lake became highly regarded in the snowshoe community, and now we want to leverage our brand to » Tax reform Cont. from pg. 1 The bill largely finds middle ground with the versions previously passed by the House and Senate. The $1.5 trillion tax plan, the first overhaul in 30 years, provides deep tax cuts for businesses and corporations, temporary lower marginal tax rates for middle-class taxpayers and expansion of child tax credits. SALT deductions would be capped at $10,000 annually, and the deduction for interest on mortgage debt for recent homebuyers will be reduced from $1 million to $750,000.


Stefanik outlined her concerns last week in a letter to a bicameral committee, and endorsed a plan she said would address several problem areas in addition to SALT, including provisions to lower the corporate and pass-through rates, retaining the medical expense and student loan interest deduction and “substantially reducing” the impact of tax reform on the deficit. Much of those provisions have been restored in the final bill. The letter also underscored concerns that the House and Senate plans would negatively impact states like New York that send more revenue to the federal government than they receive.




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boost local tourism,” said Village Mayor Clyde Rabideau. The 2017 WSSF World Snowshoe Championships, which attracted more than 400 competitors from over 15 nations, came close to being canceled due to a winter thaw that melted away many inches of snow leaving only bare ground. Notwithstanding, the region and community came together the day before, trucking hundreds of loads of snow from outlying areas to the Dewey Mountain Ski Center, which was then hauled up-mountain by sleds and spread upon the race course by scores of volunteers responding literally overnight by word-of-mouth and social media. Rabideau called the effort “one of Saranac Lake’s great moments

That number is some $48 billion, according to the governor’s office. But Stefanik also said the state shares some of the blame for the high property tax burden. “Due to Albany’s failed leadership and inability to rein in spending, New York is one of the highest taxed states in the country, and families here rely on this important deduction to make ends meet,” Stefanik said. “Failure to maintain SALT could lead to more families leaving our region.” Gov. Andrew Cuomo fired back on Monday when asked about her statement by a Times Union reporter. “Her problem are the facts,” he said in a conference call with reporters. “If she has a problem with spending, she can’t be looking to the state budget, which has had the lowest increases in recorded budget history.” SALT repeal would hurt the state’s job growth and put New York at a “structural disadvantage” when competing with other states for jobs and businesses, Cuomo has said. Some 725,000 homeowners in the state pay more than $10,000, according to materials provided by his office, and capping the deduction would increase their property tax bills by an average of $2,750. The Empire Center, a fiscally conservative think tank, said last week repealing


and a testament to our unconquerable community spirit.” Adirondack Snowshoe Fest organizers are putting together a two-day weekend event package which will entice many participants to stay overnight and feature a series of races for all skill levels plus entertainment options. Included in the mix will be the second annual Shoe-BeDoo, a 5K fun walk or run for families and individuals. The name of the Facebook page for the World Snowshoe Championships was recently changed to “Adirondack Snowshoe Fest” and can be easily found at For more information, visit ■

SALT would increase the net tax price for the state’s highest earners. As a result, the value of higher-priced, higher-taxed homes in New York City-area suburbs would be depressed. “This impact will occur regardless of how the tax plan affects individual homeowners,” wrote Policy Director E.J. McMahon. “The enactment of an optional property tax deduction capped at $10,000, as proposed in the Senate bill, also will do little to offset the likely reduction in values, because the impact of cap will vary considerably among taxpayers based on family size, the age of the primary filer and the type of income reported.” Cuomo said if the bill went through, he’d propose making the state’s shared service panels, which were introduced earlier this year, mandatory and would tie them to some $125 million in state aid. And passage would mean property taxes in the state would effectively rise. “It will effectively raise the state’s income tax 20 percent, and effectively raise property tax 20 percent defending on the individual’s bracket,” he said. Later, he added, “Our state code is in many places linked to the federal code. So when they change the federal code, it automatically changes the state code.”

But he didn’t specify precisely how taxes would rise in the Empire State. Cuomo called for Stefanik to work with local government officials to reduce property taxes. “She should look in her own backyard,” Cuomo said. “Tell her to get our $48 billion back.” Five members of the state’s Republican delegation have announced their plans to vote against the bill. A Monmouth Poll released Monday revealed voters nationwide disapproved of the plan 47 to 26 percent. When informed by a reporter of the poll, the governor said even the GOP members who voted against the bill wouldn’t escape an eventual reckoning at the voting booth. “I don’t think these individual votes are going to give people a pass,” he said. “I think there’s going to be a real political comeuppance.” The governor appeared to admit passage was inevitable. But, he said, Democrats should utilize all means possible to block the effort — even if it means shutting down the government. “To lay down in the halls of Congress and refuse to move would be justified,” he said. If signed into law, the IRS said taxpayers could begin seeing less money withheld from their paychecks “as early as February,” according to the Associated Press. ■

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6 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

Thoughts from behind the pressline

Sharing the holiday This is the time of year when we think about others, putting a smile on the faces of those we love and By Dan Alexander even those we hardly • PUBLISHER • know. Many feel an even deeper joy when they can bring a smile to a perfect stranger. The celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas is all about hope, faith, and love. It’s a time for giving and receiving, a time for friends and family and it’s a time to remember the true meaning of the season of light and how the birth of a child changed our world forever. In a world as mixed up as ours gets from time to time, where would we be without light and hope? This time of year when the darkness invades our lives here in the northeast even the simple twinkle of holiday lights is enough to lift our spirits. Those lights pale in comparison to the true light of life we earnestly seek. We would all like to have a storybook holiday season, and while each of us does our best to try and bring the right attitude into the holidays, we know that for many a holiday is just another day, devoid of light and hope. Perhaps it’s the loss of a loved one, an illness or an addiction that keeps them from experiencing the joys of this season. It’s all the more reason we need to reach out to others during this time, helping them to experience the joy that is meant to shared. It’s amazing what a little hope, faith, and love can do in your life and those you reach out to if you are willing to share with someone less fortunate. Let’s face it, with all of our Holiday preparations and trappings we’ve developed over the years, at the end of the day wouldn’t you rather trade off a few of those tasks for a more perfect world filled with respect, sharing, light, hope, and true peace for all? On behalf of The Sun Community News family, I would like to wish you and yours a very joyous holiday, a prosperous New Year and hope all your holiday wishes come true. God bless us, one and all. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and best wishes in the coming New Year. ■

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From the Editorial Board

Net neutrality repeal will hurt North Country The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealed net neutrality laws last week, a measure that will undoubtedly change the way people across the U.S. interact with the internet — especially here in the remote North Country. The rollback arrives at a time when so many communities are making headway in receiving high-speed broadband for the first time as part of sweeping state initiative. Trashing the Obama-era internet restrictions, despite widespread public opposition, will allow heavyweight broadband providers like Verizon, AT&T, Spectrum and Comcast to block or throttle content, essentially providing fast and slow lanes in a form of tiered service. We join open internet advocates in fearing this could lead to segregation of the internet. Imagine paying a premium for Netflix or Amazon on top of your average monthly fee, just like the cable packages Americans are increasingly fleeing from in droves. Or a provider blocking content to websites or smartphone apps they find disagreeable or politically unpalatable. Facebook, Google and Netflix have all

sounded off against the measure. Advocates claim the restrictions have stifled innovation, and the rollback will lead to companies reaching new heights. Providers also claim they have no plan to stifle or block lawful contact. But their promises are tough to swallow considering as many as 2 million fake identities were used to falsely issue pro-FCC comments during the public hearing process, according to the state attorney general’s office. They include the names of the dead, something straight from the pages of Tammany Hall, the political machine that controlled New York City in the mid-nineteenth century through all sorts of dirty and nefarious tricks. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said the fake comments have corrupted the public hearing process, and we agree. But this new landscape could also prove to be disastrous — especially here in the North Country, where broadband is already sketchy, with many communities at the mercy of a single provider (which in many cases, provides subpar service). Thankfully the deal isn’t set in stone, and the FCC must now enter the new rules into

the federal register. All three of the North Country’s federal lawmakers have criticized the measure. They are correct in doing so, considering how much an open internet lends itself to the future success of our global economy. U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has called the rollback “shameful” and an “attack on free speech” and introduced a resolution to reverse the FCC decision. U.S. Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said he would force a vote. And Schneiderman, the attorney general, announced he would join a coalition of states in a lawsuit in an attempt to block the changes. While Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Willsboro) has stopped short of calling for a lawsuit or a vote to reverse the decision, she is pushing for congressional hearings to ensure an open internet. The FCC has claimed the move is about openness and unleashing entrepreneurial spirit. If this is the case, we hope Stefanik will fight tooth-and-nail to ensure these principles are met, and the North Country doesn’t end up a loser in what’s sure to be a long and contentious battle. ■ -The Sun Editorial Board

Cuomo proposes tightening gun ownership laws for domestic abusers

Law would extend ban on guns to those accused of domestic crimes By Pete DeMola EDITOR

ALBANY | Gov. Andrew Cuomo is proposing to take away guns from anyone charged with domestic abuse. Under the proposed legislation, which the governor will formally roll out at next month’s State of the State address, anyone charged with domestic violence crimes will immediately be forced to relinquish their firearms. “This year will be remembered as the year of reckoning, when both the tragedy of mass shootings and cultural and institutional harassment of women became impossible to ignore,” said Cuomo in a statement. The proposed legislation would strengthen the role of judges in reducing access to firearms. At present, judges issue orders of protection in domestic violence cases after an individual is arrest-

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ed, but before they are convicted. Orders of protection include the suspension of firearm licenses. But the orders are issued at the judges’ discretion and may not occur in every domestic violence case. Under the legislation, judges would be required to mandate the surrender of all firearms — hand guns and long guns alike — and suspend any firearm license until the case is resolved. If convicted, even of a misdemeanor, offenders would lose their firearm permanently. Cuomo said the legislation is designed to prevent additional tragedies, citing statistics linking domestic abuse to gun violence. “In nine of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in United States history, including Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, the shooter had an existing record of committing violence against women, threatening violence against women, or harassing or disparaging women,” his office said in a statement. When an abusive partner is permitted to access firearms, the risk that the other partner will be killed increased fivefold. Under federal law, firearms are Submit letters by email to Letters can also be sent to our offices: 14 Hand Avenue: P.O. Box 338. Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Letters and guest commentaries do not reflect the editorial opinion of the newspaper and its owners. We’re always looking for guest columnists to offer extended commentaries. Contact to learn more. Endorsement letters for announced political candidates are not accepted and are considered paid endorsements. The paid endorsement notice can be purchased in three sizes — a quick 50 words or less for $15; a 51-175 word endorsement for $ 50 or a 176-300 word endorsement for $75.

required to be surrendered upon felony domestic violence convictions. Cuomo said last week in a conference call with reporters that the state law would close existing loopholes. “We believe there’s a loophole in the law we want to close, not just a felony, but a misdemeanor,” he told reporters. “Our proposal would be no guns for any conviction, misdemeanor or felony.” Long guns would also be included in the suspension or revocation of a firearm license following a felony or “serious” offense charge or conviction. New York has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, including the SAFE Act, which was passed in 2013 in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut. The proposal builds on legislation previously advanced by state Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (DScarsdale), state Senator Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) and other state lawmakers. The law would also require rifles and shotguns to be surrendered to authorities after a mental health disqualification by a health professional.

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The Shooters Committee on Political Education has been a vocal critic of the SAFE Act, legislation they say is unconstitutional, overreaching and does little to address the root causes of gun violence. The chairman of the organization’s Genesee County chapter has criticized the latest proposal. Domestic violence is a societal problem, Bill Cox Sr. told the Daily News, a western New York newspaper. “Why don’t we get to the root of the problem?” Cox said. “Why don’t we teach our children how to handle themselves so this doesn’t happen? I personally feel that would help with the problem. We’ve gone away from that in our society.” The newspaper reported Fox as saying if the proposal becomes law, those merely accused of domestic violence will have their firearms taken away before they’re convicted. “That’s not the way our system’s set up,” he said. “With firearms, it seems like it’s gone to the other side, where you’re automatically guilty. With this, there is no court, there is no nothing, you don’t have the right to trial.” ■ or omissions or typographic errors. All reasonable care is taken to prevent such errors. We will gladly correct any errors if notification is received within 48 hours of any such error. We are not responsible for photos, which will only be returned if you enclose a self-addressed envelope. Subscription rates: Local Zone $29.00 annual subscription mailed to zip codes beginning in 128 or 129. Annual Standard Mail delivery $47 annual mailed outside the 128 or 129 Local Zone. First Class Mail Subscription (sent in sealed envelope) $50 for 3 months/$85 for 6 months/$150 for an annual. $47 Annual, First Class Mail (sent in sealed envelope) $50 for 3 months / $85 for 6 months / $150 for an annual. Address corrections: Send address changes in care of this paper to P.O. Box 338, Elizabethtown, New York 12932.

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The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 7

Essex County moves on tax sale grievances Two owners have property returned, one sale upheld By Keith Lobdell STA FF W RITER

ELIZABETHTOWN | A week after a trio of landowners expressed concern over the Nov. 29 tax sale held by Essex County, members of the Board of Supervisors held a special meeting Dec. 11 to address the matter. While the board did agree to rescind one sale and return the property to the previous owner on receipt of back taxes and penalties, while returning another to it’s previous owner on similar payment, the board did not rescind a property sale between inhabitants of a Port Henry parcel how are not legally connected. “We’re in a conundrum here,” Moriah supervisor Tom Scozzafava said. “The person who bid has lived at the property for the past three-plus years. Since that there has been nothing paid. I understand the property is not in her name legally, which does allow her to bid, but she has been living there with the property owner.” Scozzafava added the county does not have anything in the rules that address domestic partners and there is no » Farmers Cont. from pg. 1

Lawmaker has voted against an amendment that would make farmers eligible for loan forgiveness By Pete DeMola EDITOR

WHALLONSBURG | A gulf has emerged between Rep. Elise Stefanik and the young farmers revitalizing farms across the Champlain Valley, including in her adopted hometown of Willsboro. A group called the Adirondack Farmers Coalition (AFC) is criticizing the lawmaker after she voted against an amendment to the PROSPER Act, a bill to reform federal higher education programs, that would have made farmers and veteran service organizations eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. The House Education and Workforce Committee marked up the legislation on Dec. 12, and the amendment to address student loan debt for farmers was defeated 20-19. Stefanik voted no. Ahead of the vote, dozens of local farmers said they lobbied the lawmaker in an effort to convince her to support the measure, calling her office and reaching out on social media. “I took time out from my day yesterday to call Stefanik’s office in Washington,” said Dillon Klepetar, owner of Echo Farm, in a statement. Klepetar said local farmers have testified in support of loan forgiveness in the past, and have asked Stefanik directly to co-sponsor similar bills. “This was a huge opportunity to help a key sector of the North Country economy, and she apparently ignored us,” Klepetar said. The amendment was based on the Young Farmer Success Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by U.S. Reps. Joe Courtney (D-CT), Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA) and John Faso (R-NY) earlier this year. The average age of American farmers is approaching 60 years old, according to the AFC, a shift that is expected to lead to a mass transfer of nearly100 million acres of farmland. As such, recruiting and supporting the next generation of farmers is an urgent national need, says the AFC. But the financial landscape for the capital intensive field is tough, and profit margins are often small, say young farmers, making student loan forgiveness critical to grow the industry. A recent survey by the National Young Farmers Coalition reveals student loan debt is a leading challenge facing young farmers, many of whom view farming as a public service. The survey collected data from 3,517 current, former and aspiring U.S. farmers under the age of 40. Land access topped the list of challenges, and the organization cited particularly finding and affording land on a farm income as main

common law in New York state. “I have been told by the attorney (Dan Manning) that legally we cannot deny this sale, but we need to address a situation like this in the future,” Scozzafava said. “What has ended up happening is they ended up paying $9,000 for the property when there were $19,000 due. So, effectively, they got off the hook for $10,000.” “I know it’s not right but we have nothing to go on,” Schroon Supervisor Michael Marnell said. “It’s better to get half of it.” Marnell, Noel Merrihew (Elizabethtown), Joe Pete Wilson (Keene) and Shaun Gillilland (Willsboro) voted in favor of rescinding the sale, but the motion was defeated and the sale upheld. Scozzafava said afterwards he intended to vote in favor of the resolution, but mistakenly cast his the vote the opposite way.


For Kristen Wilson, the sale of her mother’s home was rescinded and property returned to her on the payment of back taxes and fees, which occurred because family members were not getting her the proper information due to mental health reasons. “Although the all the legal requirements were properly done, this case was a perfect storm because there was no notice given to the person to pay those taxes,” Manning said. “In my opinion at least, this is what should be done.” Wilson said she was appreciative to the board.

reason why farmers quit farming and why aspiring farmers haven’t yet started. “We understand politics, but this isn’t a partisan issue,” said Margot Brooks of Sugar House Creamery in Upper Jay, in a statement. “Multiple Republicans voted for this amendment. With Rep. Stefanik’s no-vote, we fell short. She’s the youngest member of Congress. If any representative should understand the impact that student loan debt has on our entire generation of small business owners, it’s her.”


Willsboro Supervisor Shaun Gillilland, a close Stefanik ally and cattle farmer, said he understands student loan debt can be crushing, citing the experiences of his own children. But at the same time, farmers have free will and aren’t forced to go into “niche farming.” “As a taxpayer, farming is a business,” Gillilland told The Sun. “Nobody forced these people to take out college loans. Is really what they’re doing critical to national economic security? I don’t think the taxpayers want to pay the college debts of these kids who want to go into farming.” A spokesman for Stefanik said the purpose of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program is to attract more individuals to government service and non-profits. “While Congresswoman Stefanik opposed this amendment in Committee, she will continue to advocate strongly on behalf of North Country farmers as she has on labor issues, production issues and as Congress begins writing the upcoming Farm Bill,” Tom Flanagin told The Sun in an email. “Congresswoman Stefanik is a strong advocate for our North Country farmers and is a leader in Congress on issues facing the millennial generation.” In remarks at the committee hearing, Stefanik admitted college graduates face a tough job climate despite the improving economy. “Our national situation looks grim,” she said. But there is a need for technical jobs that are going unfilled due to the lack of skilled workers, she said. The PROSPER Act contains numerous reforms to address higher education affordability, including measures to strengthen the Pell grant system by maintaining year-round access. Fifty-two percent of students in New York’s 21st Congressional District attending public institutions are offered the grants, she said. “This has been a priority item of mine since arriving in Congress and it will ensure students have needed flexibility to access affordable education,” Stefanik said at the hearing. “Furthermore, students taking advantage of flexible Pell to achieve 30 credits per year will be eligible for an additional $300 Pell bonus.” Stefanik said this legislation has the best interest of consumers in mind because it eliminates origination fees on federal student loans, ensuring students are receiving more of the money they borrow. The second-term lawmaker also defended

“Honest mistakes were made and I hope you will understand my situation,” she said. “I hope to never have to tell my mother about this situation because of mental health issues. I had no knowledge the taxes were not paid or that the property was up for sale by the county. I am happy to pay the taxes and any other fees that relate to this matter.” The board also voted to return property to Christopher Grant of North Elba, a property which had already been taken off the auction block but was in the process of being transferred to the town of North Elba. “He has a significant investment in this property and is sorry for some of his missteps in the past,” said his lawyer James Maswick. “He has the checks with him here and will make payment as soon as you are adjourned.” Lewis Supervisor Jim Monty wanted to make sure the situation did not return to the board. “There is going to be an expectation that we are not looking at the same situation two years down the road,” he asked. “Not at all,” Maswick said. “One of the terms of his proposal is the hiring of a property manager to help him stay away from the previous issues.” Both resolutions were passed by the board, with North Elba Supervisor Roby Politi abstaining and Wilmington Supervisor Randy Preston excused. ■

the PROSPER Act for doubling federal investment in work study, and removing “arbitrary caps that prevent its students from

North Country SPCA This week we at the North Country SPCA are feeling especially thankful! We would like By Kathy Wilcox to extend an enormous thank you to • COLUMNIST • the students from Crown Point and Moriah schools. The students started a food drive after Thanksgiving and collected over 200 cans of food, as well as other animal care items for the dogs and cats at the shelter. We are so grateful for their generosity, and we know the animals are, too! We would also like to thank Livingoods and the North Country Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to sell our Yappy New Year raffle tickets at their Business After Hours event on Dec. 14. Proceeds from the raffle go to our Best Friends for Life Medical Crisis Fund. Without the support of community members like you, our furry friends would not have the medical care, full bellies and comfort items so desperately needed while they wait for their forever homes.

Our featured pet this week is

CHECKERS, a German Shep-

herd-Retriever/Mix who is a very handsome fellow with a personality as sweet as his honey-colored coat. We believe Checkers lived a very sheltered life and will need some continuing socialization. He is frightened of loud noises and needs a little extra time to adjust to new people. Once he is familiar with you, he will be your best friend! Checkers is about 2 years old and likes other friendly dogs and would really benefit from living with another dog who is confident and outgoing. Checkers has tons of potential and could really become a terrific family dog. However, he does like to wander, so a fenced in yard is a must for this boy! ■ — Kat Wilcox’s weekly column works to publicize the shelter’s adoptable pets. Find out more at

working at for-profit businesses.” ■

Elizabethtown Social Center Announcing the winners of the Elizabethtown Social Center’s annual Arthur G. Hooper By Arin Burdo Decorating Contest! • COLUMNIST • In Elizabethtown, the “Spirit of Christmas” award goes to Chrissy and Joe Olson on Route 9 in New Russia. “Most Beautiful” was awarded to Beth and Ed Marvin on Water Street. The Park Motor Inn on Court Street won the “Most Original” award. In Lewis, the “Spirit of Christmas” award goes to Debbie Welch on Fox Run Road. Jennifer and Andy Cassavaugh on Cassavaugh Lane won the “Most Beautiful” award. “Most Original” goes to Margaret Bronson on Stowersville Road. Honorable Mentions in Elizabethtown go to Paul and Sasha Pulsifer on Route 9N, Josh and Donna Bennett on River Street, and Jay and Candy Cohen on Park Street. We would like to give Lewis honorable mentions to Wanda Duso, Jim and Shelley Olson, and Mary and Phillip Reynolds. A special mention goes to Phillip Reynolds, Jr., for brightening up the Lewis Town Hall for the holidays. Thank you, Phillip! Driving down Water Street is highly recommended if you take an E’town lights tour of the winning homes. Winners Beth and Ed Marvin as well as Rick and Gay Olcott, Dawn and Paul Fenton, Diane Bouchard and David Scaglione, and Patti Phillips continue to create lovely designs to brighten their street nearly every year. Some out-of-town spots to see are Mike and Marsha McCarroll on Cobble Hill Lane, Tom and Morgan Sloan on Forge Lane, Terry and Kent Egglefield on Route 9N. The Lewis honorable mentions are all along Route 9. If you plan a tour, do not miss these others along Route 9 who offer festive contributions to the town’s Christmas spirit: Chrissy and Ken Whittemore, Amy Chapuk, Yvonne and Mark Rand, and Gary and Mitzi Hathaway. Some bright spots on the back roads include Vern and Stella Bashaw, Cindy and Floyd Basset, Kevin and Mary Jacques. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone for creating a festive atmosphere in our towns! ■ — Arin Burdo is the Executive Director of the Elizabethtown Social Center

8 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

State previews Frontier Town project at open house Optimism abounds as state agencies pull back curtain on highly anticipated project

designers took care to avoid impacts to wetlands. Acreage north of the campsite — including the remnants of the former theme park — is slated to be the future site of private investment. Empire State Development (ESD) is continuing to weigh proposals and anticipates making a decision early next year. Paradox Brewery has already confirmed a $4 million expansion project, made possible in part with loans and financing from ESD, that will serve as anchor for future investment.

By Pete DeMola EDITOR


The parcel is nestled south of the former theme park between the Schroon River and state Route 9 on land owned by North Hudson and Essex County that will be operated under a conservation easement with the state.

Merry Christmas


Designs for the state-run facility call for 33 equestrian camping sites, 13 spaces for recreational vehicles and 45 tent camping sites constructed on a 91-acre parcel owned by Essex County and North Hudson. Photo provided/Department of Environmental Conservation

A day use area will be situated on the northern end of the teardrop-shaped parcel, with equestrian space in the center, and recreational vehicle and tent areas to the far south curving along the Schroon River. Plans were drafted in conjunction with the state Office of General Services to complement the site’s topography, and

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State officials quickly breezed through the plans before breaking into small group sessions with attendees. After two decades of inactivity at the site, located off Exit 29 of the Adirondack Northway, public interest appears to burning bright. About two dozen people attended the evening session at the North Hudson Town Hall. Local officials put attendance at an earlier afternoon session at about 30. Doreen Ossenkop, who owns the Adirondack Buffalo Company with her husband, Steve, hoped the facility would spur economic growth in the tiny community, most of which is constituted by state Forest Preserve. “I hope it will increase business for everyone in town, not just us,” said Ossenkop said. “We’re hoping this will stimulate things to get it going.” Muhammad Ahmad co-owns a gas station located across from the hulking building known locally as the A-Frame. “I definitely think it will help,” Ahmad said. “It’s a long winter up here.” State officials have branded the Gateway to the Adirondacks in North Hudson not only as a way to strengthen the regional economy, but also to broaden access to recreational offerings and steer visitors into less-trafficked regions of the Adirondack Park. The entrance to Boreas Ponds, the site of another highly an» Frontier Town Cont. on pg. 9

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NORTH HUDSON | The public got their first look at the Gateway to the Adirondacks in North Hudson project on Dec. 11 when state agencies held an open house-type event to showcase early blueprints for the facility. Plans released earlier this month by the state Department of Environmental Conservation call for 91 campsites as part of a state-run campground, day use area and equestrian facility. Laura DiBetta, special assistant to the DEC commissioner for outdoor recreation, said the 91-acre facility was designed with three main concepts in mind: Accessibility, protection of natural resources and preservation of the former Frontier Town aesthetic. Celebrating the former wild west theme park’s look and feel is important to the community, she said, citing discussions with residents who continue to recall fond memories of the attraction, which closed in 1998. “The (DEC) commissioner loves that nostalgia and history,” DiBetta said. The C.T. Male Associates-designed plans contain a nod to the parcel’s past life with a welcome gate designed to resemble a fort stockade, constructed from logs and containing Frontier Town iconography.

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 9

Cuomo signs FOIL bill Judges now required to award legal fees to winners in Freedom of Information Law lawsuits By Pete DeMola EDITOR

ALBANY | The governor has signed a bill making it easier for members of the public suing for access to public records to recover their legal fees. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure, which was supported statewide by newspaper boards and good government groups, on Wednesday. He previously vetoed the bill in 2015, citing a lack of clarity as to how to define the concept of a “material violation,” which would have sowed confusion for judges trying to interpret the law. The new law, which takes effect immedi-

ately, means judges can award attorney fees to plaintiffs who sue after being wrongly denied access to public documents. But Cuomo said any reform to the state’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) must also apply to the state legislature, and that he will again advance comprehensive FOIL reform in the next legislative session that applies equally to both branches of government. “The bill before me continues to perpetuate a fractured and inequitable system of transparency by only applying to the executive, and intentionally excluding other branches of government,” Cuomo wrote in a memo. “Notably, current law already provides courts with discretion to award attorney’s fees in such situations, but they are not required to do so. “Transparency should be embraced by all,” he said. The Empire Center, a fiscally conservative think tank, praised the measure as “huge win” for government transparency. “While the governor hasn’t always lived up to his promise to run ‘the most transparent administration in history,’ it is worth noting that the administration has made strides in

» Frontier Town Cont. from pg. 8 ticipated recreation destination, is located just eight miles away. Ed Garrigan, president and chief information officer of C.T. Male Associates, said his firm designed the equestrian areas using Otter Creek State Forest as a model, building on what worked at the site in Lewis County. The horse campsite pads will have electrical hookups, hibachi-style grills and water spigots within 250 feet of each campsite. And the site will try to maintain existing trails and construct new ones, including to and from Paradox Brewery. “We think that’s a good feature for a campground,” Garrigan said. The parcel also contains options for snowmobile trails

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, pictured here in Albany on Dec. 13, has signed a law strengthening the state’s Freedom of Information Law. Photo provided/Office of the Governor posting data online, including through the DataNY portal,” said the group in a statement. “Combined with Comptroller DiNapoli’s valuable OpenBookNY database, Attorney General Schneiderman’s NYOpenGovernment and NYC’s Open data site, government transparency in New York has come a long way.” The Empire Center runs a database,

that would link to the east side of Route 9, but the exact details have not yet been determined, said DEC officials. Several horseback riders came as far as Albany to attend the afternoon session, said local officials. Minerva Supervisor Steve McNally said horseback riders have been increasingly visiting his town as a result of recent investments, and hopes equestrian culture will begin to spread in the central Adirondack region known as the Five Towns. “Horseback riding is huge, but not in the Adirondack Park,” said McNally, citing downstate attractions. The DEC, said a spokesman, has not conducted any economic impact studies of the project. “However, the equestrian trail riders have expressed their strong support for a facility fashioned after DEC’s Otter Creek

'Serra ,

Equestrian Area to be located at the Exit 29 site in North Hudson,” said a spokesman. “Experience at Otter Creek demonstrates that trail riders from across the state and northeast region of the U.S. seek this unique experience.” DEC staff said they were pleased with the turnout. “We’ve heard a tremendous amount of excitement and support for this concept,” said Karyn B. Richards, special assistant to the DEC commissioner and forest preserve coordinator. “People are thrilled that DEC is willing to make this investment in North Hudson and excited to hear that it’s going to be in place very soon.” Funds for the $13 million project were allocated in this year’s state budget, and construction is scheduled to begin in Feb. 2018. The DEC aims to have the trails and day use areas open next fall, and the campgrounds fully operational by summer 2019. ■

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518-566-9950, that aims to hold local taxing entities accountable by providing access to collective bargaining agreements between local governments and unionized employees. After Cuomo signed the bill, the group promptly filed a lawsuit challenging previous FOIL denials by a school district on Long Island, citing their failure to comply with their requests for information. ■

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10 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

In MemoryOf KatherineA. Currier


Memory Of

Memory Of Elton& Debbie


In Memory Of


In Memory Of Danny White

In MemoryOf Nannie & Papa Dickerson

In MemoryOf Stanley G. Pierce SON OFGERAW & MARION PIERCE

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

In Memory Of Betty & Geor& Brankman

Memory Of

Memory Of

GaryJohn Colburn,I

Jean Graham

In MemoryOf Karl L. Snyder

Memory Of

Nikki Ives

In Memory Of Lloyd Graham

In Memory Of Ronald Baker,Sr.

In Memory Of Paul

In Memory Of

Bob "Papa" Mowery LOVESAWYER

In MemoryOf Tiffany Gumlaw

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.


Arts & Entertainment

Eye on the Arts The Adirondack Artists Guild in Saranac Lake will display an exhibit by Peru-based artist Lynn Manning in the month of By Elizabeth Izzo January. An opening re• COLUMNIST • ception for the show, an exploration of the Adriondack landscape through a series of thoughtful, visceral paintings, is slated for Jan. 5. To learn more, call 518-8912615 or visit Burlington, Vermont-based blues troupe Nina’s Brew is slated to perform at Olive Ridley’s in Plattsburgh on Dec. 23. This showcase, also featuring local Taylor LaValley, Will Pellerin, and more special guests, will begin at 9 p.m. Chris Shacklett, of Lucid, is set to make an appearance on drums alongside Nina’s Brew, along with Gang of Thieves’ Tobin Salas on bass. To learn more about the show, visit Nina’s Brew on Facebook at face-

*r r Local favorites Raisinhead will return to the Whiteface Club and Resort in Lake Placid on Dec. 30 with a performance at the resort’s annual SkiFest. Tickets are $10 per person. The band’s set begins at 9 p.m. To learn more, visit facebook. com/whitefaceclubresort. Next month the Courthouse Gallery in Lake George is opening a dual exhibit featuring the works of Regis Brodie and Leslie Yolen. Brodie will have on display a series of ceramics, while Yolen will spotlight her unique encaustic painting style in an exhibit titled “Treescapes.” An opening reception is set for Jan. 13 from 4-6 p.m. The exhibition will be on display through Feb. 15. For more information, visit or call 518-668-2616. Solo guitarist Pat Duff y is slated to perform Dec. 26 at Delta Blue in Lake Placid. Duff y, an Ogdensburg native known for his unique Americana style, will take the stage at 8 p.m. For more information, visit

The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 11

The Stony Creek Band is set to perform Dec. 23 at the Lake George Beach Club. Photo provided, via Facebook

Southern rock band Rustic Spirit will return to the Wild Horse Saloon in Lake George on Dec. 23. Rustic Spirit is known for their mix of cover material, performing songs from the likes of Garth Brooks and Hank Williams Jr. to Lynyrd Skynrd and the Rolling Stones. Doors open at 7 p.m. Local rock troupe the Stony Creek

Band are slated to perform at the Lake George Beach Club on Dec. 23. Brandon LaRocca will open with an acoustic set at 5 p.m. At 9 p.m. following the Stony Creek Band, The Switch — a blues fusion band from Bolton Landing — will take the stage. For more information, visit ■



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12 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun Published by Denton Publications, Inc.


Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 13

Former Essex Supervisor passes “Bill” Drummond dies at 87 By Keith Lobdell STA FF W RITER

ESSEX | Former Essex Supervisor Fredrick William “Bill” Drummond, who many in the Elizabethtown area also remember as the man who gave them their first haircut, passed away Monday, Dec. 11, at his home in Essex. Drummond was the Essex town supervisor and member of the Essex County Board of Supervisors from 1995 to 2001.

“He helped me a lot during the transition between our time in office,” said Essex Supervisor-elect Ron Jackson, who was Drummond’s successor in 1996. “He was a very friendly man who liked to help people — always trying to help people whenever he could.” Essex Supervisor Ed Gardner spoke on the loss at the Dec. 18 committee meetings. “He was always in good spirits and was a capable leader,” Gardner said. “He was a genuine good guy who cared about the community.” Drummond graduated from Elizabethtown-Lewis Central School in 1948, joining the Marine Corps. When he returned to the North Country, Drummond worked as a barber for 40 years,

working at Ernie’s Barber Shop in Elizabethtown, Camp Dudley and the Au Sable Club. Along with serving as town supervisor, Drummond was also a town assessor for 16 years. According to his obituary, Drummond was an accomplished pilot with his own plane. He was a member of Adirondack Lodge #602 F&AM and the American Legion Post 1319 in Lewis. He and his wife, Grace, refurbished the Essex Inn before building a home in Essex. A memorial mass was held Saturday, Dec. 16, with burial in the Lewis Cemetery. Donations in Bill’s memory may be made to North Country SPCA or Church of the Good Shepherd in Elizabethtown. ■

Bill Drummond, 87, the former Essex town supervisor and well known community member, passed away Dec. 11. Photo provided

IRS scam making rounds in North Country Sophisticated phone scam continues to target local residents By Pete DeMola EDITOR

ELIZABETHTOWN | The woman’s voice was pleasant, but her tone was threatening. And it ended in a cloud of static screeching. “We received a threatening call saying the IRS is suing us and action will be taken soon if I don’t call this number back,” a tipster told The Sun. The reader and her neighbor were rattled after they received the identical calls last week from a “202” area code. But the call was bogus, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which initiates most contacts through regular mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. The Westport resident reported the issue to the district attorney and the state Attorney General’s office. While there are special circumstances in which the IRS will call or visit a home or business — namely to follow up on delinquent tax payments — taxpayers will generally first

receive several notices through the mail. The agency does not “call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer,” according to their website. The agency is prohibited from threatening to bring in law enforcement officials to have people arrested for not paying, and cannot demand residents pay taxes without the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they claim is owed. The so-called IRS scam in which a caller poses as a government official demanding payment for unpaid taxes and threatening consumers with arrest if they do not pay up remains pervasive across the state, according to the attorney general’s office. “These scammers often use fake government logos in their email and caller ID spoofing so that the victim’s caller ID box says ‘Internal Revenue Service’ or displays the phone number of the Internal Revenue Service,” the agency said in a statement issued in March. “The IRS will never demand immediate payment or payment information over the phone.” It is estimated that consumers lose $40 billion a year through telemarketing fraud, according to the attorney general. Readers are asked by the attorney general’s office to never engage this type of caller or provide any personal information. BUY-SELL-TRADE

Calls suspected of being fraudulent should be reported to 1-800-771-7755. “We also know that for every complaint received, there are many other instances in which New Yorkers fall victim to these practices but do not realize that they have been targeted or that they should file a complaint,” said state Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh, who chairs the Assembly’s Consumer Affairs and Protection Committee, in a statement. ■

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Sports The 2017 All Valley boy’s soccer team 14 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

Player of the Year: Jacob Novick, LPCS


Jaso Hannula LPCS Blue Bombers

Paul Fine-Lease

Lucas Isham

Oni Finsterer

Dzihad Cecunjanin

Jarrell Paul

Hudson Stephens

Josh Baldwin

Miles Warner

Willsboro Warriors

Caleb Hamilton AVCS Patriots

Keene Beavers

LPCS Blue Bombers

EL/W Griffins

Caleb Hamilton, AVCS Dzihad Cecunjanin, SLCS Desmond Fout, AVCS Griffin Pelish, SLCS Sawyer Chase, SLCS


Hudson Stephens, EL/W Jarell Paul, LPCS Jaso Hannula, LPCS Paul Fine-Lease, Willsboro Peter Vaiciulis, EL/W Jeremy Rossi, EL/W Hayden Plank, LPCS Trevor Bigelow, Willsboro


Josh Baldwin, Keene Miles Warner, Keene Lucas Isham, Keene Az Finsterer, Keene Oni Finsterer, Keene Tom Palen, Keene Ryo Kobayashi, Keene Kaleb Cook, Keene Ryo Kobayashi, Keene

Keene Beavers

Keene Beavers

1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd

Az Finsterer, Keene

1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd

Deszmond Fout, AVCS

Griffin Pelish, SLCS

Sawyer Chase, SLCS

Jeremy Rossi, EL/W

Hayden Plank, LPCS

Trevor Bigelow, Willsboro


Peter Vaiciulis, EL/W

MVP 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd

More photos from these games are available online at mycapture. suncommunitynews. com Tom Palen, Keene


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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 15

Athletes named to all star volleyball, XC teams By Keith Lobdell SPORTS EDITOR

ELIZABETHTOWN | Eight local volleyball players and 19 cross country athletes have been named to their respective all star teams for the 2017 fall season. In volleyball, Sydney Andronica of Saranac Lake and Graci Daby of Lake Placid were named to the first team for CVAC, while Marissa Gibbs of Saranac Lake and Leah Shay of AuSable Valley were named to the second team. Taylor Mattilla (AVCS), Laurel Miller (LPCS), Marissa Gibbs (SLCS) and Katie Gay (SLCS) were named honorable mention candidates. “Leah was an all-around player on the court, was great in getting low to get under and make the pass from the back row, and could also make the hard kill from the outside,” said AuSable coach Peggy McCallister.

In cross country, Scotty Schulz of Lake Placid was named the NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Award winner in Class D as well as a CVAC all star. He was joined by teammates James Flanigan and Jesse Izzo, while Saranac Lake had Section VII champion Anderson Gray, Tyler Martin, Micah McCulley and Adam Hesseltine (H.M.) named to the all star list. The Red Storm were also honored with the coach of the year award, which went to Bill Peer. Spencer Daby and Matthew Russom were named all stars from AuSable Valley, while Denali Garnica and Logan VanBuren were named honorable mention from Moriah/Westport. AuSable Valley’s Lily Pothast led the local contingent of all star CVAC girl’s in cross country, joined by Lake Placid’s Marli Damp, Annie Rose-McCandish and Sarah Rose-McCandish (H.M.), while Saranac Lake received all star nods for Evelyn Eller and Madison Grimone. ■

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Check out for more events like these.

Calendar of Events DEC. 24

Keeseville » Christmas

Services held at Keeseville Good Shepherd Church of the Nazarene; 9:30 a.m. 124 Hill St., Keeseville. Christmas Services Sunday Dec. 24., 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Service, 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, for info facebook page @ keesevillechurch or contact Pastor Reese @ 518-8349408. Westport » Christmas Eve Worship held at Westport Federated Church; 6:30 p.m. We will sing traditional Christmas carols, there will be special music, and we will have a closing Candlelight service. Plattsburgh » Christmas Worship held at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; 10:00 a.m. Celebrate Christmas with a special program of hymns and speakers. All are invited to attend and commemorate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ at 26 Dennis Avenue, Plattsburgh, NY. Peru » Christmas Eve Worship held at Peru

Community Church; 10:00 a.m. On Sunday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, one morning service will be at 10am with ‘Lessons and Carols’ - a retelling of the story of Christmas and the birth of Jesus through Bible readings interspersed with hymns and carols sung by the congregation and by the choir. At 6 pm and at 8 pm Sunday evening December 24th, traditional Christmas Eve worship services are at 6 pm and 8 pm in the sanctuary. Both services end with the singing of ‘Silent Night’ in the darkened sanctuary illuminated only by candles lit from the Christ candle and held by the congregation. Questions? Please contact the church office / Pastor Peggi Eller at 518-6438641. Our website is www.

DEC. 24 - DEC.25

Elizabethtown » Christmas Worship Services held at Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd; 10 Williams Street, Elizabethtown. (518)873-2509 goodshepherdetown@ Christmas Worship Services are as Follows: Christmas Eve Family Service: Sunday December 24th, 2017 at 4:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Sunday December 24th, 2017 at 11:00pm Christmas Day Service: Monday December 25th, 2017 at 10:00am.

DEC. 25

Peru » Christmas Worship

Service held at Peru Community Church; 10:00 a.m. On Christmas Monday, December 25th, one service will be held in the Chapel at 10 am, followed by fellowship/ coffee hour. On New Year’s Eve Sunday, December 31, 2017, one service will be at 10 am in the Sanctuary. The members, staff, and friends of the Peru Community Church wish all a blessed holiday season, and welcome you to worship with us. Questions? Please contact the church office / Pastor Peggi Eller at 518-6438641. Our website is www.

Put yourself in the picture. Every gift counts! We can’t do it without you. To make a contribution, please call the Foundation Office at 518.897.2348, donate online at, or make a check out to Adirondack Health Foundation–Future of Care Campaign and mail it to Adirondack Health Foundation, PO Box 120, Saranac Lake, NY 12983.

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PERU - K of C or Knights of Columbus Bingo, Tuesdays @ 7:10 p.m. St. Augustines Parish Center, 3030 Main St. All welcome!

KEESEVILLE – Essex County WIC 2017 schedule at the United Methodist Church January 26, Feb 23, March 23, April 27, May 25, June 29, July 27, August 24, September 28, October 26, November 30, December 28 9:30- 2:45pm. Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296

PLATTSBURGH - The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Search for Meaning Discussion Group. An evening of personal growth and a chance to join others in the search for truth and meaning. This fall, the group read and explore A New Earth: Awakening to your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now. All are open to the public, free and at 4 Palmer St., unless otherwise noted.

SARANAC LAKE – Grief Support Group First Tuesday of Each Month Saranac Lake, St. Luke's Church in the Baldwin House 12:30-1:30pm. For more information. Marie Marvull 518-743-1672

ELIZABETHTOWN – Al-Anon Family Group meetins every Sunday 4:00pm-5pm, Board Room in Elizabethtown Community Hospital 75 Park St., Elizabethtown. For more info call 1-888-425-2666 or 518561-0838

PLATTSBURGH – Al-Anon Adult Children Meeting every Monday at United Methodist 7pm-8pm, Church, 127 Beekmantown Street, Plattsbugh. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-5610838.

LAKE PLACID – Al-Anon Family Group meeting every Monday 8pm-9pm, St. Agnes Church Basement 169 Hillcrest Avenue, Lake Placid. For more info call 1-888425-2666 or 518-561-0838

PLATTSBURGH – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Thursday at United Methodist Church, 127 Street, Plattsburgh Beekman 7:30pm-8:30pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838.

PORT HENRY Port Henry Knights of Columbus, bingo, 7 p.m. Every Monday COMMUNITY OUTREACH ELIZABETHTOWN – Essec County 2017 WIC Schedule at the Public Health Building January 5, Feb 2 , March 2, April 6, May 4, June 8, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7 8:00 – 3:45pm. January 18, Feb 15, March 15, April 19 , May 17, June 21, July 19, August 16, September 20, October 18, November 15, December 20 10:00-5:30pm Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296 PERU - St. Augustines Soup Kitchen, Free Delicious Meal Every Wednesday, 3030 Main St., 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.

LAKE PLACID – Essex County 2017 WIC Clinic Schedule at the Thomas Shipman Youth Center January 3, Feb 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 5, August 1, September 5, October 3, November 7, December 5 9:30-2:30pm. January 24, Feb 28, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27, July 25, August 22, September 26, October 24, November 28 December 19 1:30- 6pm. Call us to schedule an appointment or find out more information at 518-873-3560 or 518- 569-3296

PLATTSBURGH - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh Every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Search for Meaning. A study and discussion group that is now exploring Eckhart Tolles A New Earth: Awakening to Your Lifes PurposeAll are open to the public, free and at 4 Palmer St. unless otherwise noted. PLATTSBURGH - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh Sundays, 7:30 p.m. Sunday Serenity. 12-Step Meeting of Adult Children of Alcoholics.. For more information about the organization, visit All are open to the public, free and at 4 Palmer St. unless otherwise noted.

PUBLIC MEETINGS AU SABLE FORKS - Please take note that the regular monthly meetings of the Au Sable Forks Fire District for the year 2017, will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Au Sable Forks Fire Station located at 29 School Lane, Au Sable Forks, N. Y. 12912. The meetings are open to the public. CADYVILLE – Al-Anon Family Group Meeting every Sunday 7pm8pm, Wesleyan Church, 2083 Rt. 3, Cadyville, NY. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. CHAZY – Al-Anon Family Group meeting every Friday 7:30pm8:30pm, Sacred Heart Church 8 Hall Street, Chazy. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838

PLATTSBURGH - Adult Children of Alcoholics meeting Wednesdays at 8:00 pm at Auditorium B at CVPH. More information can be found at www.adultchildren.or or by emailing PLATTSBURGH - Celebrate Recovery Meeting every Monday, 6:00 pm, Turnpike Wesleyan Church, 2224 Military Tpke., Plattsburgh. Open to the public. N0o charge or commitment required. For more information call 518-566-8764.

PLATTSBURGH – ALATEEN Meeting every Thursday at United Methodist Church, 127 Beekman Plattsburgh 7:30pmStreet, 8:30pm. For more information call 1-888-425-2666 or 518-561-0838. SARANAC LAKE - Al-Anon Family Group meeting every Wednesday 7pm-8pm, Baldwin House 94 Church Street, Saranac Lake. For more information call 1-888-4252666 or 518-561-0838


16 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE • PUZZLE PAGE SAUCY Down 52. Wild revelry 66. Convoy component by Myles Mellor 1. Turkish chief 53. Complacent 67. Spiteful 2. Office gambling 54. Waters of life in 70. Diva’s solo Across arrangement Hinduism 71. Breathalyzer 1. Chop-chop 3. 60’s do 56. Russian “Anna” attachment 6. Ragout 4. San Francisco 57. Diner sandwich 72. Element No. 27 11. It’s a wrap neighborhood, 58. Listener 73. Finishes 14. Destroy with “the” 62. One-horse carriage 18. Succeed in a big way 74. Sauce 5. “___ Time 63. Contraction 77. Sauce 19. Fresh from the transfigured me”: Yeats 64. Kind of oil 80. Perfectly shower 6. Having three unequal 65. Decree 81. Hurt one’s rep 20. Talk idly sides 66. Racetrack fence 82. Curious George 22. Sparkle 7. Birch-family trees 67. Breeze in 83. Clothes washing 23. Sauce 8. Welcome tokens in 68. Blood classification bubbles 25. Sauce Hawaii letters 85. “The Greatest” 27. Buckets 9. Spanish for more 69. Type of cross 86. A Spanish liqueur 28. Drinks 10. Supernatural 71. Sanctified 87. Long-eared pack 29. Failed empire 11. Likelihood 72. Mushrooms for animal 31. Pigtail 12. Coffin with stand French cooking 88. Lingerie item 32. Document 73. List-shortening abbr. 91. It may need a boost 13. Doctrine amendment 14. Cave 74. Tartan-clad member 92. Where to see 34. Down Under bird 15. “Oh dear!” 75. Door part touchdowns 35. Guarded area 16. Cul-de-___ 76. Stork kin 96. Revised a revision in soccer (dead-end roads) 77. Hoarse 98. European language 36. Sofas 17. Mariner’s point 78. The Everly Brothers 99. Use a crowbar 39. Scholarly guy 21. Until now composition 100. Cockeyed 45. Root word? 24. It picks up things 79. Barely beat 101. Split 46. __ school with a dish 84. Roll-on lawn 103. Treaty subject 47. Writer 26. Spirit 87. Place for rolls 105. Popeyed 48. Wild ox 30. Poet’s orb 88. Grieves over 106. Enlarge, as a hole 49. Bumped into 33. Devilkin 89. Have the throne 110. Sauce 50. Convention group 34. Nail file 90. Infomercials 112. Sauce 52. Dickens’s “__ 35. Threw, in a way 93. Asian vine 115. Tangerine and Mutual Friend” 36. Eyeball 94. It’s south of Georgia grapefruit hybrid 53. Push onwards 37. Soft, soapy mineral 95. Motor abbr. 116. Sound 54. Disappointment 38. God with a hammer 96. Type of coat 117. Silent film 55. Sauce 40. Old Celtic alphabet 97. Where Jaffa accompaniment 59. Sauce 41. Half man--half goat oranges are grown 118. Fortress on a hill 60. Steak or veal SUDOKU Myles Mellor42. and Susan Flanagan101. Lily Runs the event Hanks and Arnold 61. Cow fuel 43. Go back over 102. Pacific 120. Squat 62. Bubble source 107. Dublin locale 109. Get together 44. Editor’s mark 103. Piedmont city 121. Moves a baby off 63. Rages Each Sudoku a 9X9 grid that 104. has Stagger been subdivided into ninemost smaller 108. Where of 110. Barring 47.of 24-karat back breastpuzzle feeding consists 64. Music category Turkey is 51. Quibbler of a sort 105. Seaweed grids of 122. 3X3Complain squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each

111. Atom with an electric charge

113. Profitable rock 114. Bit

of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult.


Complete the grids each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9



6 2

2 4





7 6



9 6 5


3 8

8 2



5 9 6

5 2

••• See

7 3 8




Huang Yang

Matthew Murphy


Kondaur Capital Corporation

Jeremy Greene

by Myles Mellor Locate the words listed by the puzzle. They may be horizontal, vertical or diagonal in any direction. Circle each word as you find it.

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N C E SW R I p V 0 H


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D T L y

D s T H 0 K EW S R T I D N I K V L


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anSwerS to our puzzleS in back of the paper

Clinton County Transactions







Schuyler Falls



Elizabeth Morrow

Corey Morrison

Schuyler Falls



Randall Cumm

David Mooney

Schuyler Falls



Kristina Gadway

Darlene O'Connor




Jeffrey Wilmot

Roswell Beeman




Peru Federal Credit Union

Calvin Williams




Dergham Properties LLC

67 Brinkerhoff Street LLC




Jennifer Carron

John Reyell




Darren Pilon

Matthew Dickinson




Theresa Cusick

James Terry




Fannie Mae

Glen Light




Sherman Hamel

Henry Hart



William Umbreit

Alexander Gibson




Abbreviations Acids Actor Acute Always April Around Awful Bells Carrot Civil Convenience Covers Cruel Daddy Diary Dimly Distribution Dived Dress Drift Eaten Entertainment Essay Every



Patricia Anderson

Lisa Maliniak


Mark Geno

Greggory Parah



Richard Sluszka

Ahmend Dassi




Judith Pareira

Federal National Mortgage Association




Stephen Adams

Michael Bieber Properties LLC




Robert Joseph Gonyo

Matthew Gonyo



Randy Wright

William Duncan


$7,000 $18,500

$30,000 $1


Greg Caron

Bryan Caron




David Jenkins

Travis Trombley


$211,000 $120,000


Kim Delcore

Christine Kaiser



Dodd Davison LLC

Joseph Freeman



Kondaur Capital Corporation

Ricky Laurin



Robin Jarvis

Joseph Aubrey




Karen Guay

Troy Joseph




JP Morgan Chase Bank NA

Jennifer Carron


$4,500 $37,000


Scrub Seated Seven Sight Skull Soils Spite Stage Stiff Store Strip Swiss Taller Throw Trail Vases Voting Wagon Weather Weeds Widow Width Windy Wrinkled

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HORSES FOR SALE Buckskin mare, regisBeautiful 9yr. tered Quarterhorse

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APARTMENT FOR RENT LEWIS 1 bedroom apartment, no pets, no smoking $500/mo. Utilities included. Security deposit & references; Storage Unit 10x22 $60/mo. Call 518-873-6805.

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Level: Medium


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Sales andMarketing Manager The Champlain Valley Exposition (CVE) is seeking a Sales and Marketing manager to run our sponsorship and special event recruitment efforts. The primary role of this position is the recruitment of sponsors and special events. This is a year round, full-time position. CVE is home to the Champlain Valley Fair as well as over 100 other events throughout the year. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Resumes will be accepted until the ideal candidate is identified. Due to the volume of anticipated resumes only candidates that qualify for consideration will receive a reply.

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Published by Denton Publications, Inc. APARTMENT FOR RENT




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The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 17

ACAP WEATHERIZATION seeking to hire a highly motivated ENERGY AUDITOR/TECHNICIAN- Elizabethtown, NY Full Time.-Performing comprehensive Energy Audits in low-income homes throughout Essex County, developing work scopes and working as a laborer with other crew members. Must have high school diploma or GED; preferred 2 years of home construction experience, an understanding of whole house energy conservation and computer skills. BPI and LEAD Certifications are a plus. Position will be maintained only if mandatory certifications can be obtained. Valid NYS Drivers License Required. Position is 37.5 hrs. per week, Monday-Friday 7:30-3:30. Contact Barbara Allen. Program Director at 518-873-3207 ext. 238. ACAP WEATHERIZATION seeking to hire a highly motivated ENERGY TECHNICIAN/LABORER-Elizabethtown, NY. Full Time-Experience helpful in whole house conservation measures to include air sealing, cellulose insulation installation, window and door installation, general home repairs and carpentry skills. Must have High School Diploma or GED, a valid NYS Drivers License and reliable transportation. BPI and LEAD certifications are a plus. Position is 37.5 per week, Monday-Friday 7:30-3:30. Contact Barbara Allen, Program Director at 518-8733207, ext. 238 ESSEX COUNTY ANNOUNCES AN ANTICIPATED vacancy for Grant Administrator. Vacancy: Essex County Community Resources, 2018 Salary: $22.17/hr. (hired after 1/09) $24.62/hr. (hired prior to 1/09) Last date to file application for Provisional appointments is January 19, 2018. Distinguishing features of the class: This is a professional position involving the responsibility for researching, identifiying, developing grant applications. An employee in this class will be required to write and assist grants and assist others in preparing grant proposals. The work is performed under the supervision of the Director of Community Resources and the Program Management Specialist with some leeway allowed for the exercise of minimum qualifications: Either: a) Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration, Business Administration, Planning or Environmental Science or closely related field and two (2) years' eperience in grant writing or grant administration; or b) Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate's degree in Business Administration, Planning, Environmental Science or closely related field and four (4) years of experience preparing acceptable grant documentation; or c) An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined in A & B) above. Qualified candidates will be subject to a Civil Service Examination to be announced at a later date. Applications will be accepted until the announced closing date for the examination. For applications or to apply online visit our web site: CADNET $$$WORK FROM HOME$$$ Earn $2,845 Weekly assembling Information packets. No Experience Immediately! Necessary! Start FREE Information 24hrs. or 1-800-2507884

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FEATUREDPROPERTY PORTKENT,NY PORTKENT CONTEMPORARY 5bd, 3ba home overlooking Port Kent ferry crossing and beach. Completely updated by current owner. Unobstructed broad-lake views from all three floors of this home.

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18 • December 23, 2017 | The Valley News Sun RENTAL WANTED HOUSING WANTED: Single male professional seeking apartment or living arrangement in northern Essex County. Non-smoker, no pets, good credit, steady job. No drama. Call or text 518-419-1282. NANI 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Training! STEVENS TRANSPORT COVERS ALL COSTS! 1877-209-1309 AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING Get FAA certification to work for airlines. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Housing assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 Bathe safely and stay in the home you love with the #1 selling walk-in tub in North America. For an inhome appointment, call: 888-3085610 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! Were Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-4162330. CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nations Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960.

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UPSTATE NY LAND! 5 to 41 acre NOTICE OF SALE tracts! Waterfront,SUPREME old farmland, COURT: EScountry bldg lots!SEX Liquidation COUNTY. U.S. OneAd. One Invoice.MiJUonsof readers. Make-A-Wish® *Fully Tax Deductible prices. Terms. Call BANK 888-701-1864 TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF8 ~..,Northeast New York MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, Pltf. vs., RONALD B. THOMAS, et Call: (518) 650-1110 al, Defts. Index # CV16* Car Donation Foundation dl/Jla Wheels For Wishes. To f(!(ll'n more about our programs 0567. Pursuant to judgor financial information, visit 104113 Sudoku Solution ment of foreclosure and sale entered Nov. 30, 5 3 8 9 2 7 4 6 1 2017, I will sell at public 1 6 9 4 5 8 3 7 2 auction at the Essex 2 4 7 3 1 6 8 9 5 A z p ' A ·c ~E I ' s A L M 1 . 0 ''a ..,_ "R .4.'' s " e 6 8 1 2 4 9 7 5 3 County Eliz-a new set of skills as a Get your hands dirtyCourthouse, while gaining '°Go F A RI ''c L E A N • ~o I s " H • nE L A N 7 5 2 6 8 3 9 1 4 ..H ORS e "'R AO I SH . ' "o EM I ..G LAC E abethtown, NY on Jan4 9 3 5 7 1 6 2 8 ~·ALO T . HA LE s • · u "'s S T RES s• uary 17, 2018 at 10:00 PRODUCTION TRAINEE 9 1 6 8 3 2 5 4 7 --)~ "1 D E R . "'e M u•• OF FILING OF a.m., prem. k/a 87 Trilli- NOTICE OF FORMATION :K0 T • T OM AN s•"'p ~E A N "G°b AF usULETHR I • NT •'"Mo12E•.uR"sENOTICE 8 2 4 7 9 5 1 3 6 Yes, we’ll provide you with the best training! LIABILITY uR A H . " p R E . T 3 7 5 1 6 4 2 8 9 Liability Company (LLC): OF LIMITED ARTICLES OF ORGANI- um Drive, Lake Placid, hands-on 51 51 8 L O C• • • &;i O U R • ~S H U N T . 11,1 A C H E This is a great opportunity to work for a growing independently owned company 111 DATE OF FORMATION: NY. Said property locat- business COMPANY (“LLC”) IN NEW . ..c R A 111 N "s ..E R R y . E AZATION T M A N G a• ~ Please apply on-line at that YORK has been around for over 68 years, with an excellent and fi nancial reputation. s I LAG EG U 1 RE sBY • The Articles of OrganizaPelkey Builders, LLC. ArA LIMITED LIABILI- ed in the Village of Lake . ..c Ho u N T R v • °R I G . ··c ......., T I s H • or call for an application at 518-585-3715. Get in touch, call (518) 873-6368 x224 or submit an application tion were filed with the Placid, Town of North ticles of Organization COMPANY • NA R I A --"e A G• " c O BA L , __ TY _ Resumes may be e-mailed, "e N o s I 'C " H 1 L 1 • " R E M o u L A 0 ,. EName: • Newto York State SecreElba, County of Essex, filed with the Secretary Orchard Heights ·r o A r I ''L I e E L • "'A P E•• • "'s u o ... s of State on Novemof State of New York Realty, LLC. Articles of State of New York, being faxed to 518-585-3830 ortary mailed to Moses Ludington Nursing "'AL 1• ..AN I A S s • " B . R A · ·· E G 0 " R E E D 1 T EOrganization D '\_ A N 'UNI N G s T "R I part of Lot 260 Town- (“SSNY”) on December ber 27, 2017. filed with Home, 1019 Wicker Street,Ticonderoga, NY 12883 __ .. ER S E •• • p RY . '°_l M I S s••11,Hand Old Military NEW YORK OFFICE LO11, 2017 for 12932 business sec. of state of NY(SOS) ship 14 Avenue, Elizabethtown, New York • "s"I: RA• • "). "/, M s • "A GO G• •'l, •i •',l.•i, Att: Vicki Frasier. CATION: Essex County conducted from an ofE A R N A S E • 0 l l A N 1'.) A I Son E 12/7/17. Office loca- Tract, Richards Survey ''(J G L I N O T E . ' R G A N E R I E AGENT FORMATION tion: Essex County. and being designated at fice located in Essex EOEFOR PROCESS: NOTICE OF ''t O M S • •i I L • \'I E A N S • ''6 L E A T 104235 540018 Lot 31 as shown on a County, NY. The “SSNY” The Secretary of State is OF MAGDI MAIN SOS is designated as subdivision map enti- is designated as the designated as Agent STREET, LLC agent of LLC for service BLUEBERRY agent ofLEGALS upon whom the “LLC” upon of process. SOS shall tled, Arts. of LEGALS Org. filed with LEGALS LEGALS process LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS HILLS, being a residen- whom process against it against the LLC may be Secy. of State of NY mail copy of process to 41 RIVER ROAD CAPI- served. The Secretary of (SSNY) on 11/07/17. Of- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- NOTICE OF FORMATION may be served. “SSNY” 702 Glen Road, Jay, NY tial subdivision of lands OF LIMITED LIABILITY 12941. Purpose: Any of Frank Sears, Jr. and TAL, LLC Articles of State shall mail a copy EN that a license shall mail a copy of any fice location: Essex Org. filed NY Sec. of of any process against lawful act or activity. process to the “LLC” at Anita Sears as surveyed County. Princ. office of 2210388 has been ap- COMPANY (LLC) Name: Mountain Ridge State (SSNY) the LLC to 6588 Main LLC: 70 David Dr., plied for beer, wine and and mapped by Robert PO Box 421, Keeseville, VN-12/16-01/20/2018Properties, LLC Articles 10/19/2017. Office in Street, Westport, NY Saranac Lake, NY cider by the undersigned NY 12994. M. Marvin, Jr., Land 6TC-171404 of Organization filed with Essex Co. SSNY desig. 12993. to sell beer wine and 12983. SSNY designated Surveyor, June 1987 VN-12/23-01/27/2018agent of LLC upon cider at retail in a restau- the Secretary of State of NOTICE PURPOSE: To engage in as agent of LLC upon 6TC-171757 OF SALE and filed in the Essex New York (SSNY) on SUPREME COURT: ES- County Clerks Office as whom process may be any lawful act or activity. whom process against it rant under the Alcoholic served. SSNY shall mail VN-12/9-1/13/2018may be served. SSNY Beverage Control Law at 10/18/2017 Office Loca- SEX COUNTY. U.S. Map No. 3729. Approx. NOTICE OF FILING OF tion: Essex County. The copy of process to 205 2509 Main Street Lake shall mail process to the 6TC-170701 BANK TRUST, N.A., AS amt. of judgment is ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION IN NEW YORKMarcellus St., Syracuse, LLC at the addr. of its Placid, Essex County for SSNY is designated as TRUSTEE FOR LSF8 $408,808.78 plus costs NY 13204. Purpose: NOTICE OF FORMATION princ. office. Purpose: on premises consump- agent of the LLC upon and interest. Sold sub- BY A LIMITED LIABILIMASTER PARTICIPAAny lawful purpose. OF LIMITED LIABILITY Own commercial real es- tion. Lobster Reef, LLC whom process against it TION TRUST, Pltf. vs., ject to terms and condi- TY COMPANY Name: SJJJW, LLC. ArPrincipal business loca- COMPANY (“LLC”) Haas dba Purple Saige Temp- may be served. SSNY RONALD B. THOMAS, et tions of filed judgment tate. Stone & Steel, LLC. Arti- VN-11/18-12/23/2017shall mail a copy of any al, Defts. Index # CV16- and terms of sale. ticles of Organization tion: 41 River Rd., Lake tations. cles of Organization filed filed with sec. of state of process to the LLC at: 0567. Pursuant to judg- COLLEEN E. DELCORE, Placid, NY 12946. VN-12/23-12/3020176TC-168816 with the Secretary of 5948 NYS Route 86 ment of foreclosure and VN-11/25-12/30/20172TC-172095 Referee. COHN & NY(SOS) on 12/7/17. OfState of New York Essex Wilmington, NY 12997. sale entered Nov. 30, ROTH, for Pltf., 100 E. fice location: 6TC-169392 (“SSNY”) on November ARTICLES OF ORGANICounty. SOS is desigPurpose: To engage in 2017, I will sell at public Old Country Road, Ste. ZATION of Highlands Es7, 2017 for business nated as agent of LLC any lawful act or activity. 28, Mineola, NY. #93717 auction at the Essex ELIZABETHTOWN conducted from an of- tate Vineyard, LLC (LLC) for service of process. VN-11/18-12/23/2017MOUNTAIN PROJECTS, fice located in Essex County Courthouse, Eliz- VN-12/16-1/06/2018were filed with Sec. of PLEASE TAKE NOTICE SOS shall mail copy of 6TC-168954 LLC abethtown, NY on Jan- 4TC-171281 that the monthly meetCounty, NY. The “SSNY” State of NY (SSNY) on process to 697 Glen NOTICE OF FORMATION uary 17, 2018 at 10:00 August 19, 2014. Office ings of the Elizabethis designated as the Road, Jay, NY 12941. of a domestic Limited Location: Essex County. town Fire District Board NOTICE OF FILING OF a.m., prem. k/a 87 Trilli- NOTICE OF FORMATION agent of the “LLC” upon Purpose: Any lawful act Liability Company (LLC): whom process against it SSNY has been desig- of Commissioners shall ARTICLES OF ORGANI- um Drive, Lake Placid, OF LIMITED LIABILITY or activity. DATE OF FORMATION: (“LLC”) ZATION IN NEW YORK NY. Said property locat- COMPANY be held on the second may be served. “SSNY” nated as agent upon The Articles of Organiza- shall mail a copy of any whom process against Pelkey Builders, LLC. Ar- VN-12/16-01/20/2018BY A LIMITED LIABILI- ed in the Village of Lake Monday of each month 6TC-171406 tion were filed with the ticles of Organization Placid, Town of North process to the “LLC” at the LLC may be served. at 7:00 PM for the year TY COMPANY New York State Secre- 7078 NYS Route 9N, SSNY shall mail a copy Elba, County of Essex, filed with the Secretary Name: Orchard Heights 2018 at the Fire House tary of State on Novem- Westport, NY 12993. of State of New York of any process to the on 22 Woodruff Lane, Realty, LLC. Articles of State of New York, being FindA BuyerFor part of Lot 260 Town- (“SSNY”) on December ber 27, 2017. LLCs principal business Elizabethtown, New Organization filed with VN-12/9-1/13/2017YourNo-longer 11, 2017 for business NEW YORK OFFICE LO- 6TC-170710 sec. of state of NY(SOS) ship 11, Old Military location: 1086 High- York. conducted from an ofCATION: Essex County on 12/7/17. Office loca- Tract, Richards Survey Needed ItemsWithA lands Road, Keeseville, December 15, 2017 AGENT FOR PROCESS: NOTICE OF FORMATION tion: Essex County. and being designated at fice located in Essex New York 12944. Pur- Linda M. Wolf Low-Cost Classified. OF The Secretary of State is Lot 31 as shown on a County, NY. The “SSNY” MAGDI MAIN pose: Any lawful busi- Elizabethtown Fire Dis- SOS is designated as designated as Agent STREET, LLC subdivision map enti- is designated as the agent of LLC for service ToPlaceAnAd,Call ness purpose. trict Secretary of process. SOS shall tled, upon whom process Arts. of Org. filed with BLUEBERRY agent of the “LLC” upon VN-11/18-12/23/17VN-12/23/2017-1TC518-873-6368 Secy. of State of NY 6TC-168808 mail copy of process to against the LLC may be HILLS, being a residen- whom process against it 172094 702 Glen Road, Jay, NY tial subdivision of lands may be served. “SSNY” served. The Secretary of (SSNY) on 11/07/17. Office location: Essex 12941. Purpose: Any of Frank Sears, Jr. and shall mail a copy of any State shall mail a copy County. Princ. office of lawful act or activity. process to the “LLC” at of any process against Anita Sears as surveyed LLC: 70 David Dr., the LLC to 6588 Main VN-12/16-01/20/2018PO Box 421, Keeseville, and mapped by Robert anaffiliueofFletcherAllen

l-leohh Car~

Moses Ludington Nursing Home is seeking a candidate for the position of Director of Plant Operations. This candidate will be responsible for the operation maintenance and repair program involving buildings, furnishings and grounds. Qualifications for the position are as follows: Must have a High School diploma or equivalent. A graduate from a technical school preferred. Must have a valid driver license with a clean driving record. Position related and supervisory experience required. Competency in skills of plumbing, heating and air conditioning, electrical systems, ELIZABETHTOWN carpentry and general building maintenance. Knowledge of building MOUNTAIN regulations for residential LLC health care PROJECTS, facility preferred. Ability to read and interpret blueprints necessary. Ability to supervise people NOTICE OF FORMATION of others a domestic and work cooperatively with required.Limited












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The Valley News Sun | December 23, 2017 • 19




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Offers and availability subject to change. Tax, tag, title, and DMV fees due at signing . Must take delivery from in-stock . Dealership not respons ible for typographical errors. Photos for illustrative purpose . Offers expire 1/02/18 . See dealer for details. (1) Not available with special finance, lease or some other offers. See dealer for details. (2) Not available with special financing , lease and some other offers . Includes all available incentives, rebates and coupons. Must trade in a 1999 model year or newer GM vehicle to qualify for select rebates . Must have current GM lease in household for select rebates . See dealer for details . (3) 39 month closed end lease. 10,000 miles per year, $.25/mile for overage . Includes all available incentives, rebates and coupons , including owner loyalty/conquest where applicable. No security deposit required. Must qualify and lease through GM Financial. *Pre-owned prices are plus tax , tag , title , and DMV. 104180

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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

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