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Hypocrisy» A Denton Publication

Burgh Editor Stephen Bartlett sees closed minds that claim to be open.



Workers split on pension reform







Plattsburgh airport carrier goes bankrupt.

By Stephen Bartlett




PLATTSBURGH — Legislators made a deal with Gov. Andrew Cuomo that helped assure their re-election while offering up pension reform that down the line will hurt the children currently suffering under policies that birthed the Great Recession, says Roderick Sherman. “That is who they have attacked,” said the president of the Plattsburgh Teachers Association. “They have attacked our children on two fronts.” On the other hand, some welcome reform of a system

Area students compete to stop bullying. PAGE 3 LOCAL EYESORE?

Sarayah Goodrow, 3, of Plattsburgh, takes a turn on the swings at the Melissa Penfield Park on Boynton Avenue. Photo by Stephen Bartlett


Neighbors unite against proposed RV park By Stephen Bartlett stephen@denpubs.com

Residents stood near the property proposed to house an RV park in a residential neighborhood to show their united opposition to the project. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

PLATTSBURGH — Town of Plattsburgh residents don’t want drunks wandering onto their property. They’re worried about being robbed by strangers, they don’t want loud parties at all hours of the night, pollution turns them off, dangerous traffic situations are unwanted, they disapprove of littering, and they don’t need the values of their homes to plummet. And that, according to more than 125 people, is why they don’t want an RV — recreational vehicle — park plopped in the middle of their residential neighborhood. “This project impacts me,” said Paul Cole. “We are 500 feet from the proposed RV camp that they are try-

ing to put in a residential area. “I think it will change the face of our neighborhood forever.” Mark Varin is seeking a use variance to construct a 32-unit RV park campground on 4.5 acres of an 83acre piece of property at 1733-1739 Route 3, in a residential district in the Town of Plattsburgh. Part of the property once hosted a trailer park, which was closed by its owners in 2007 under pressure from the Health Department. Varin does not own the property, though he does have a contract that includes purchasing it if he is approved to develop his proposal. The RV Park would incorporate town water with a septic system constructed on site. The project has not been approved yet, and part of that process would CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


Look inside for the week in sports. PAGE 11


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March 24, 2012

Direct Air mess continues to unfold stephen@denpubs.com P L AT T S B U R G H — A week before Direct Air cancelled flights due to unpaid bills, Plattsburgh City Mayor Donald Kasprzak was on the phone with Clinton County officials. “I was very concerned with what residents and constituents were calling me regarding Direct Air.” Then, the South Carolinabased public charter, which flies out of Plattsburgh International Airport, cancelled all flights until at least May 15, leaving some passengers stranded and scrambling to find a way home and others wondering how they were going to get out of the area to begin their vacations. The company has since

filed bankruptcy and owes Clinton County between &170,000 and $180,000. “I am very angered for people who have purchased tickets who won't be refunded and people who have made vacation plans and accommodations who cannot reach their destinations,” Kasprzak said “I am appalled at that. It is very unfair to all their customers.” Direct Air began operations in 2007 and contracts with carriers to fly passengers to 17 cities in the East, Midwest and South. It began service at Plattsburgh International Airport in 2008. Service in Plattsburgh includes three flights per week between Plattsburgh and Myrtle Beach, four weekly between Plattsburgh and Fort Myers/Punta Gorda, and four weekly

RV park from page 1 constructed on site. The project has not been approved yet, and part of that process would entail an environmental review and the issuance of a use variance, since the property is only zoned for residential use. At a recent Plattsburgh Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, Varin’s attorney, Tom Murnane, said his client is concerned about how the park would be operated and maintained. As a result, Murnane said, Varin drafted rules for the site, which is being touted as an upscale RV park.

Direct Air, which operated out of Plattsburgh International Airport (shown above), impacted people around the region when it announced and end to its flights. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

between Plattsburgh and Orlando/Sanford. Myrtle Beach International Airport announced all operations by Direct Air were suspended Monday, March 12, due to fueling issues. But as of Tuesday morning, the company had not informed Plattsburgh of any

“It will not be a campground. It is not for tents or that kind of thing.” Varin is not targeting a lowerend RV park, Murnane stressed. It was described as operating roughly six months out of the year, and would not create a transient population. That statement was at odds with many residents at the meeting, who said the property was previously described as something for transients. Murnane said a city police officer would work on the management team to help ensure the RV park does not create a problem for its neighbors. “If a neighbor comes over and has a problem, we want to address

problems. By that afternoon, the company posted a statement on its website announcing that flights were suspended from March 13 through at least May 15. Clinton County issued a press release stating it would continue to monitor Direct Air's actions regard-

that,” Murnane said. Murnane contended the property should be issued a variance because it is unique, consisting of 83 acres, of which only a small portion can be developed. The property has been on the market for three years with “no feelers,” he said. But several residents who live near the property contended that it is not unique and there is no hardship. The market is down, and that is why it has not been sold. If anything, they said, the owners should seek a lower assessment. So far, more than 125 residents that live around and near the property have signed a petition requesting that Varin not be granted a variance to construct the RV park


ing resuming services and provide updates when information becomes available. But as the story unfolded, it quickly became a tale of past-due debt. Direct Air owed its fuel supplier a substantial amount of money. Two companies - Xtra Airways and Sky King - that provide planes to Direct Air told federal authorities they were halting flights for the company over nonpayment. “If Direct Air has not paid its fuel bills and your fuel provider now refuses to provide any fuel for Direct Air flights, it is clearly impossible in the absence of fuel for Sky King to operate any further flights for Direct Air,” Sky King President Frank Visconti wrote in a letter to Direct Air Managing Partner Kay Ellison.

in a residential area. “The only time we can get peace and quiet in the neighborhood is at night when traffic dies down, and that is about when an RV park gets noisy,” said Mike Malek. “There will be an increase in accidents with large, lumbering RVs pulling out of a wooded area. “The only thing that will benefit is Mr. Varin’s bank account.” Malek suggested Varin develop the park near his own lakefront property. Chris DeLutis said he and other parents are worried about drinking, loud noise and traffic. Cole was outraged over the proposal to develop an RV park in the middle of his residential neighbor-

Direct Air filed for bankruptcy in the Massachusetts Division of U.S. Bankruptcy Court. This comes after the investment of additional working capital by a Washington, D.C.-based investor that purchased a majority interest in the company. Court documents reveal the company owes between $10 million and $50 million to between 100 and 200 creditors with only $500,000 to $1 million in assets. Plattsburgh International Airport manager Christopher Krieg said the county will seek out another airline. “I was getting calls from people who bought buy one get one free and were looking to leave, and all the dates were blacked out and they couldn't return for a few weeks,” Kasprzak said.

hood and thought Murnane’s comment that campers will follow rules was “absurd.” “They go camping to get away from the rules.” Cole said Varin doesn’t get it because to him it is simply about making money. Plattsburgh Town Councilor Tom Wood does not live in the area that would be affected by Varin’s development, but he said the town has a set of regulations and zoning in place that he would like to see enforced. “If we continue to set variances, we are setting a dangerous precedent of changing the whole character of neighborhoods.”


By Stephen Bartlett

March 24, 2012

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Movie event focuses on dangers of bullying By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — As William Colvard exited the limousine and walked down the red carpet, he explained how uncomfortable his first film role made him feel. “It didn’t feel good,” said the 11-year-old Beekmantown Central School student. He portrayed a bully, reinforcing his own certainty that he’ll never terrorize another human being and reminding him to speak up if he ever witnesses such an act. “Once or twice I have seen someone be bullied.” Recently, the safe Schools/Health Students project announced the winners of the bullying prevention video contest at surprise local events at local schools in Beekmantown and Plattsburgh. Winners then debuted their films on the big screen for family, friends and members of their school communities at a red carpet event at Cumberland 12 Cinemas in Plattsburgh. Cumberland 12 donated one of its theaters, as ell as popcorn for the event, and Ground Force One provided limos, which transported winners to the film premiere. Safe Schools/Healthy Students is in its fourth year and last year created a task force against bullying that involved police, the media, educators, parents and more. Nearly 30 percent, or 5.7 million children are involved in bullying, as victims, perpetrators or both, according to the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center and Health Resources and Services Administration. Obese children are 63 percent more likely to

be targets of bullying. gay youth are significantly more likely to be bullied, while kids with disabilities are also at a higher risk of being bullied. A reported 15 percent of all students who don’t show up for school report being afraid of being bullied. About 71 percent of students report it as a problem, while roughly 56 percent of them have witnessed bullying. “I hear Will come home with horror stories,” said Colvard’s mother, Heather Finley. “It’s a problem,” said wanda McQueen, director of Safe Schools/Healthy Students at Champlain Valley Educational Services. The program’s contest challenged area elementary, middle and high-school students to create anti-bullying videos. Videos were submitted by individual students, groups, whole classes and schools. CV-TEC and Beekmantown Central School were the top winners. A large crowd turned out for the red-carpet event, with a golden ticket required to get into the film premiere, which was packed. The films included one in which a female student feels worthless after her locker is covered with hurtful words. Fellow students remind her of her self worth. In another film, a bully knocks down lunch trays only to be wheeled out of the cafeteria by other students on an appliance cart. “I think it’s great that they did this,” Finley said. “I know for Will it made him more aware of bullying and how it impacts people.” Colvard said he has never been a bully, but he has seen them in action before. “Don’t be a bully,” he said. “You can hurt people’s feelings and hurt them.”

Makayla Provost exits the limo to walk the red carpet at Cumberland 12 Cinemas. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

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March 24, 2012


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The Burgh Editorial

Political squabbling hurts average Americans


ongressman Bill Owens, speaking recently in the City of Plattsburgh, said ideology prevents progress in Washington, D.C. The Republicans think they are right. The Democrats believe they are right. They each believe the other party is wrong, and that appears to be it ... period. In fact, it seems as though it is more important to be right and to further certain ideological stances than to embrace reform and progress, especially if it comes from the wrong side of the aisle. This refusal to work together is actually nothing new in politics, though considering the state of the nation, it is becoming increasingly frustrating and pathetic. Consider the number of uninsured in the United States. President Obama started out fighting for universal health care before settling for something much less and more problematic. Now one does not have to agree with the president's plight to admit that the current state of health care in the country is a mess. Beyond the number of uninsured, those who have insurance available to them often cannot afford it, and while medicaid is available to the poor, finding doctors who accept it is a near impossible task, not to mention the difficulties that arise pertaining to what will and will not be covered. Then there is public education. The task of educating children has been growing increasingly more difficult over the past few years as aid shrinks and costs soar. Plus, taxpayers have been pushed to their limits, so schools have nowhere to turn to for revenue.

As a result, school districts throughout the North Country and across the nation have been eliminating jobs and making painful cuts to programs, if not axing them altogether. In fact, many districts have done away with athletics, arts, extra-curriculars, programs for at-risk students and advanced classes for gifted students. And this mess is merely in its infancy, because next year and the year after will likely be worse. New York lawmakers claim they are becoming a model for the rest of the nation due to their bipartisan efforts ever since Gov. Andrew Cuomo took office. Frankly, it's too early to tell, especially when this latest dose of so-called pension reform inspired equal cries of condemnation and celebration in a deal that appears to have partly been about bolstering legislators’ chances at re-election in the way of redistricting. But what can be certain is that, given the current state of the nation in the wake of the Great Recession, the public cannot afford for lawmaker squabbling, egos and ideology to get in the way of much needed relief. It is not a matter of who is right or wrong. It is a matter of what is right, for everyone.

This editorial is the collaborative opinion of a board comprised of Thom Randall, Fred Herbst, Lou Varricchio, Keith Lobdell, Stephen Bartlett, Andy Flynn, John Grybos and John Gereau. Comments may be directed to denpubs@denpubs.com.

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We need a course adjustment

point. Consider the long lines to here was a time in this buy the newest technology like land when people worked the new iPad 3 launched last hard, sacrificed and set week. I doubt most of those in things aside to make life better for the next generation. Our parline didn’t already own an iPad 2 ents and grandparents and forefaor iPhone but had to be one of the thers wanted us to have every adfirst to get the newest technology. vantage possible to live in this According to a recent survey, land of freedom with abundant about 20 percent of the time we opportunity. Their work ethic and now spend in bed is spent in the Dan Alexander frugal ways set the stage for our company of an electronic devise. Thoughts from nation, the most prosperous in More than likely, much of that Behind the Pressline the world. They did everything time is spent telling the world possible to secure our future. what we are doing, feeling and They were the greatest generation. thinking, while reading and watching what Will we pass along those same values to our others are thinking, doing and feeling minute children and grandchildren? Will they enjoy a by minute. I’ve nothing against social media, lifestyle better than we had? Will we give them but where exactly is it leading us and what is it a country better off than we were handed, a teaching us? world more stable, resources more abundant, When you look at other social indicators like the opportunity to dream even bigger dreams? school grades, dropout rates, literacy issues, Or will they spend their lives paying for our single parent households, divorce rates, the deexcesses, mistakes, complacency, and lack of cline of religion, the proliferation of sex, the inconcern for their futures? crease in violence, poverty, suicides among the It seems that the pendulum has swung away young and drug usage in the U.S. now estimatfrom the values our parents and their parents ed to consume over 60 percent of the world’s once embraced. We, in turn, are saddling our drugs, doesn’t it seem clear that our nation has kids and their children with debt. And worse, serious issues that are only getting worse? One the values we are sharing with them are values of the major discussions going on today relates of indulgence and greed, when faced with to the health coverage for women’s contraceptough choices to take the easier path. We are tives. Not that many years ago, if you went and becoming a nation of selfishness, entitlements ask your parents to pay for your prophylactics, and excessiveness. you would have been severely punished. Now The examples are everywhere. Look no furwe want society to pay for them as opposed to ther than our political system and money that restraint and personal responsibility. will be spent in the upcoming elections or the Those who came before us had it pretty fact that our government hasn’t passed a budgtough compared to today’s standards. Much of et in three years and they certainly aren’t likely their time was spent surviving, keeping a roof to have one this year during an election cycle. over their heads, clothes on their backs, searchLook at the obesity rate in this country, the ing for food or preparing their food. As the types of food we are eating, and the decline in generations progressed and technology imthe number of family farms that have disapproved, those tasks were simplified. But will peared across the land. The federal government that simplification lead to a better society or to is even considering new labor laws that could a society that goes the way of many other sociprohibit or seriously limit 4-H and FFA memeties that came long before and lost their way? bers from working on farms and doing many of We know that the body requires good healthy the jobs that are common practice and taken for food, regular exercise and discipline to avoid granted when you grow up on a farm. It will things like drugs, smoking, and alcohol in oralso affect other farm kids, such as neighbors, der to stay fit for life. Will our current behavior grandchildren, and other relatives who would lead us down a path of continued indulgence or not be allowed to help with many farm tasks will we recognize that some changes need to be when they come to visit or just help out on the addressed soon before they become irrefarm. Good old fashion hard work isn’t undigversible? I think we need to see the writing on nified; it builds character, appreciation and self the wall soon …very soon. respect. Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton We’ve become addicted to a lifestyle we can’t Publications. He may be reached at afford financially or from a productivity stand dan@denpubs.com.

March 24, 2012

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Amid the outrage exists hypocrisy P

I wouldn't argue with that. It was offensive. But what people overlooked is that it was meant to be offensive because the attack on women’s rights that it was taking aim at was intensely horrifying.The best satire often tackles its subject in such a way, using offensive material — in a brilliant way in this case I must say — to reflect the nature of what initially inspired the creative work. But you want to know what stood out to me the most lately, as I watched, listened to and read about people, especially liberals, spew venom at their latest outrage —hypocrisy. First, I should point out that I consider myself to be quite liberal, especially when it comes to my social views. I support gay marriage, would never take away a woman's right to choose, believe our government largely acts in ways to protect and improve its fiscal assets no matter the costs at the prod-

oliticians, political hopefuls, media loudmouths and many more have been revealing their ignorance in ways that, well, actually are not all that shocking or alarming. That is not to say I don't find their message, their beliefs and their rants to be utterly reprehensible as they continue their fight to pull us back to a time when women knew their place, the oppressed dared not cry for help and white men with a little bit of power were looked up to, not because they were respected or admired but because the masses hoped that just maybe a crumb or two might fall their way. The Doonesbury comic strip expertly tackled the latest rampage of ignorance by putting out some creative, even brilliant satirical works of art that delved into abortion-law changes. Some newspapers chose not to run them because they viewed the content offensive.

Stephen Bartlett

From the Editor’s Desk ding of its corporate donors, and think not too much but not enough funding has been sent the way of public education and human-service organizations so they can adequately do their jobs. In the same breath, I find liberals largely to be the biggest group of hypocrites to have ever walked the planet. Yes, I wince when someone's re-

ligion causes them to want to restrict the rights of others who behave in ways that contradict their own beliefs. Hate groups frighten me and make me see red, especially when witnessing the emotional toll their actions take on their victims. When I witness people lack empathy for the disabled, downtrodden and all around less fortunate while espousing what resembles a survival of the fittest mantra I sometimes cry. Yet I cannot say I am right and they are wrong, and I never consider myself more enlightened because of my viewpoints, which are merely different. In fact, their actions do not surprise me, as it's no shock when, say, a Christian condemns homosexuality. Such individuals do not pretend to condone or support such actions. Indeed, they openly admit their opposition. Yet liberals claim to be the most

accepting, diverse, open-minded group of individuals around. What many, not all, but many fail to recognize is that they are only open and accepting as long as you subscribe to their definition of diversity and their type of openness. I have witnessed many a liberal friend claim to be open and accepting and in the same sentence spit venom at the belief systems of, say, Christians. That doesn't seem very open to me. How open is someone who only accepts individuals who subscribe to his or her form of viewing and behaving in the world? Anyway, as we cheer Garry Trudeau, slam some media outlets for censoring Doonesbury and condemn individuals for their own ignorance, maybe we should glance in the mirror and examine ourselves. Reach Editor Stephen Bartlett at stephen@denpubs.com.

Don’t downplay importance of sports A

ccording to one of our recent polls, the vast majority of people believe that sports should be removed from school budgets in order to help districts stay within tax caps. So, it is now my turn to tell you why the majority of people are wrong. Cutting sports is a flat-out idiotic idea, and the only people that I can see even thinking to take that step are those who were picked on by the jocks in school and thought, "One day, I will get back at all of them." Sports is as important to education as the arts and music. The problem is, these are also the top three choices on the poll. Do these people not remember going to school? Do they not remember the fun that comes from getting a chance to participate in these activities? If they did, then they would remember that there is a lot of learning that comes from these endeavors. Cutting sports will also make them more selective and class-driven than they already are. We know that, even if sports are taken out of school budgets, they will live on through boosters. Boosters can't pay for everything, though, and the remainder of the cost will have to come from the participants. That means kids

Our Furry Friends Our Furry Friends is a weekly feature brought to you by Denton Publications. For more information about these and other fine pets available for adoption, contact: St. John Feral Cat Fund P.O. Box 2884, Plattsburgh, 534-0824

who may have played for There is no way I would the team but are financialhave been able to do ly unable to will not be everything I was able to able to play. That's a probdo in school if I (alright, lem, as some kids may use my parents) had to pay for sports as their only release it. Not that I think they from otherwise tough would not have been able days. to, but they would have The same can be said for wanted me to prioritize, music and arts programs. probably based on ability, How can educators or and select the ones that I school boards make these was best suited for. That, items selective for only of course, would have those who can afford it? been upsetting. That does not seem like a I mean, let's be honest, The Lobster Tank fair way to do business. why would you want to Sports, music and arts were a big part of put hundreds, if not thousands of dollars my life in school, and here is the big reveal into something like uniforms and equipment — I was a benchwarmer in two out of the that will never have to be washed because it three sports seasons. never gets used in a game? Again, you are That's right, during the soccer and basketmaking these programs more selective then ball seasons, I just sat there, cheered on my they already are and denying students the team, and actually enjoyed almost every opportunity to learn in a non-classroom setminute of it. And I was a darn good baseball ting. player. Yes, I know that the main component of I also was a member of the school chorus, school is the classroom and the teaching that jazz band and regular band, as well as a goes on there. That's where the learning — member of the drama club and public speakstate-mandated learning, at least — happens. ing teams. But anyone who does not think learning

Keith Lobdell

St. John Feral Cat Fund


harlie cannot be neutered yet because he is ill. He is on antibiotics and is nebulized daily to combat his respiratory and eye infections. He is missing a good portion of his left ear, and we are treating what is left of his right ear for a severe hematoma. He is sweet and will make an excellent pet once his health is restored. If you are interested in sponsoring or adopting Charlie, please contact us at madrose000@yahoo.com today!


North Country SPCA


ur featured pet this week is Isabella, a Domestic Longhair-mix feline with a snowcolored coat accented with calico markings. Isabella is approximately 9 years old. Isabella was very much loved by her previous owner and has a sweet, endearing personality and mannerisms. Isabella dreams of being a lap cat in a home where she can get plenty of cuddles and attention. She gets along well with other cats and does not seem to mind being around dogs. You will not find a more affectionate cat than Isabella. Why not stop by the NSCPA and visit her today?


Elmore SPCA

North Country SPCA 23 Lakeshore Road, Westport 962-8604


Elmore SPCA, 510 Arthur Road, Peru 643-2451



osley is a one year old short hair dark grey who is a high energy, friendly little guy. He loves to play with his toys which will keep him occupied for hours. Come in and meet this inquisitive and loving cat. Charmin is a sweet one year old male white cat who has made great strides since being at the shelter. He is a beautiful cat and will soon be part of the cat colony. Charmin will keep you amused with his funny antics. He will make a terrific pet companion.

happens with these other programs are truly not educated. Keith Lobdell is an editor with Denton Publications. He can be reached at keith@denpubs.com

VoiceYourOpinion The Burgh welcomes letters to the editor. • Letters can be sent to its offices, 14 Hand Avenue, PO Box 338, Elizabethtown, 12932 • Or e-mailed to stephen@denpubs.com • Letters can also be submitted online at www.northcountryman.com Letters should not exceed 400 words and must be signed and include a telephone number. Denton Publications reserves the right to edit letters for length and/or content. Letters deemed inappropriate will be rejected. Only one letter per writer will be published every 30 days without prior approval. Letters from announced political candidates are not accepted.

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March 24, 2012

Restaurant gets go ahead for street seating By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — It will look like another highway construction site and rob residents of a couple more downtown parking spots, say some Plattsburgh Common Council members. In fact, no one seemed to think it was a perfect solution to a restaurant's request for outdoor seating, similar to that at Irises and Olive Ridley's. The spots are so close to the roadway, a passerby could roll down a vehicle window and nearly grab a plateful of food from a patron's table, Common Council members said. But in the end, the Plattsburgh Common Council, with the exception of George

Rabideau, voted to grant “The Pepper's” request to use two parking spaces in front of their establishment for outdoor dining seating. The owners of the establishment will use what is called jersey barricades, large cement structures that appear to isolate a construction site. “It looks like a highway construction site,” said Common Council member Mark Tiffer. “Aesthetically, it doesn't look nice.” He preferred The Pepper at least use structures more pleasing to the downtown area than jersey barricades. “This is a short-term solution, and we need a long term solution and for it to look better.” George Rabideau voted against allowing other es-

Pension reform from page 1 welcome reform of a system that most recently has been costing local governments more in the form of rising contribution rates. “This legislation brings long-term financial relief to all local governments,” said Plattsburgh City Mayor Donald Kasprzak. State lawmakers approved pension reform they say will save more than $80 billion over 30 years. This would be accomplished largely by reducing benefits for newly-hired state and local public workers, something union officials say is a direct assault on the middle class. The law creates a sixth tier of smaller pension benefits for future state and local public workers and raises contributions to retirement plans with a sliding scale, ranging from 3 percent to 6 percent. It further raises the minimum retirement age for state workers from 62 to 63. Pension costs for New York’s municipalities have risen more than 650 percent since 2002, to $12.2 billion in 2012, according to information released by Cuomo. The National Institute on Retirement Security reported that, in 2009, 768,392 residents received a total of $20.5 billion from state and local plans for an average of $2,200 monthly. “By putting the interests of the people of New York first, we overcame the obstacles that for so long have stood in the way of real reform and delivered one of the most critical, widespread reforms the state has seen in years,” Cuomo said in a press release. Cuomo in fact sought more drastic changes as state and local governments nationwide work to reduce retirement costs. In fact, from 2009 to 2011, 43 states changed retirement plans for public employees and teachers, according to the National

Plattsburgh Common Council Member Mark Tiffer believes the current jersey barricades in front of local eateries are eye sores. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

tablishments use such barriers and occupy downtown parking spaces. They are public parking spaces and a roadway and should not be used for outdoor seating at a

local eatery, he said. He understands when a street is closed down for a public event such as Mayor's Cup, but not for private enterprises.

Conference of State Legislatures. But Cuomo didn’t gain his pension reforms without more Albany deal-making. Specifically, the governor had said while campaigning for governor that he would not approve redistricting maps unless they were drawn by an independent body. But he approved the Legislature’s districts, making court revisions more difficult and paving the way for what many see as unfair elections for the next 10 years. “Legislators made a deal with the governor,” Sherman said. “He wanted pension reform, and they wanted district lines to assure their re-election. They traded with the governor, basically by saying we will give you the pensions of future workers of the state of New York and you give us our election district lines so we can get re-elected. “They are hurting the very same children they are hurting right now.” Sherman said there are misunderstandings between the pensions public workers have and the 401k that some in the private sector have. “They have to move all their money into a low-risk percentage return pool of money managed by somebody, and the kind of money you get on return is low on that,” he said. “You have to plan to live to be 99.” Last year, he explained, the New York state teacher retirement system earned more than 20 percent on its investments. More than 80 percent of what the state retirement pays out comes from investment earnings. “The pension system that has been run by the state of New York is a very efficient system and a low cost system.” He understands that local governments have been complaining because the amount they put into the system has increased, but what they forget is that it has been as low as .3 percent. It’s easy to cherry-pick the year contributions went up the most to

Recreation program sign-up begins PLATTSBURGH — The Town of Plattsburgh registration for all the programs offered by this department throughout the summer and fall will start March 21. Programs include baseball/softball/t-ball, swimming, fall soccer, summer camps and many others. Summer brochures are being mailed to all homeowners in the Town and will also be available at the Town Office during regular business hours starting March 21. Registrations will be accepted through April 13th. Any registrations received after this date will be placed on a waiting list. All participants must register to play in the town they reside in before seeking a release to play elsewhere! Parents and guardians must sign the registration forms and include a birth certificate for each participant. Forms can either be downloaded from the Town website: www.townofplattsburgh.org or be picked up, filled out, and dropped off at the following locations: Cumberland Bay Market, Cadyville Gulf, Goldie’s Grocery, Lucky’s Mini Mart, Nadim’s Corner Grocery, Ukie’s Deli, Wooden Ski & Wheel or the lobby of the Town Office. Anyone interested in coaching or in becoming a paid official for games, should call the Recreation Department at 562-6860 between 8 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday.

“These are public parking spaces,” he said. “I will vote no.” Common Council member James Calnon pointed out that the sidewalks are not large enough to accommodate the restaurant's request. It is not a perfect solution, he said, but that is why it was proposed. Timothy Carpenter, also of the Plattsburgh Common Council, was not too worried about losing two parking spaces. He reminded everyone that the city will lose many more during the upcoming downtown parking project. Possibly after school lets out, the City of Plattsburgh will repave the Durkee Street parking lot. It is a major project that will cost from

$300,000 to $400,000 and will cause confusion and inconvenience for city residents. That will be challenging, and city lawmakers can expect their phones to ring often, said Mayor Donald Kasprzak. It will be one of those project's they will wish they hadn't started, he said, but in the end will be worth it. “It will be a disaster,” Kasprzak said. “There will be parking challenges throughout all of downtown.” In the end, the Common Council approved the request of The Pepper, at 13 City Hall Place, to use two parking spaces in front of their establishment. The requested dates were May 1 through Sept. 30.

bolster your argument that the system is costly, Sherman said, adding that he could pick out dates where there was hardly any contribution. These so-called pension reforms will not impact teachers and law enforcement currently on the job, Sherman pointed out, but they will affect the children of Plattsburgh and New York state who might decide to devote their lives to public service one day. “It is hurting the same children the state is not coming up with the funds needed to give them what they need today,” he said. “They have attacked our children on two fronts.” Other union leaders said the reforms were about politicians once again climbing into bed with the wealthy 1 percent at the expense of teachers, secretaries, laborers, bus drivers and nurses. “Speaking today for the 54,000 members of the New York State Public Employees Federation, we are appalled that state legislators finally broke and gave in to the governor’s relentless demand for a new pension tier that will do nothing to help the state or local governments deal with their current budget demands,” federation President Ken Brynien said in a statement. Kasprzak sees it differently, saying Plattsburgh’s retirement costs in 2000 were roughly $18,000 and in 2012 estimated to be $2.8 million. Such numbers are unaffordable, he said, and the passage of “historic” pension reform addresses the “unsustainable retirement costs affecting every local government in New York state.” The reforms address long-term pension costs, raise the retirement age, increase employee contributions fairly and consistently, and take steps to eliminate pension abuse padding and payment of unused sick and vacation time, Kasprzak said. “I applaud the efforts of Governor Cuomo in addressing pension reform.”

Annual poster contest scheduled

PLATTSBURGH—The Battle of Plattsburgh Commemoration Committee is asking all fourth grade students, including those who are home schooled, to submit one poster to their art, history or homeroom teacher. The poster must be in color and no larger than 12 x 18 inches. Judges will look for creativity and focus on key incidents of the land and/or naval battle. The winning poster will appear on all admission buttons for the September 2012 Commemoration Weekend. Savings bonds will be awarded to the First, Second and Third place winners. Submissions should be returned to the North Country Teacher Resource Center. The deadline for entries is April 27. For more information call 561-4296.

Mobile health chicken dinner set

PLATTSBURGH — A chicken and biscuit dinner will be held to help support the The Community Link Mobile Health Clinic on at the American Legion, Quarry Road, April 14, from 3 to 8 p.m. Entertainment will provided by Barbie and the Golden Notes and guests. Meal will be $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12. For more information call 561-3566.

Submit items for publication to editor Stephen Bartlett at stephen@denpubs.com or online at www.the-burgh.com



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March 24, 2012

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8 - www.the-burgh.com

March 24, 2012

Plattsburgh cocaine arrest Gregory Smith was in possession of 100 grams of cocaine and faces other drug-related charges By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — Plattsburgh City Court issued the search warrant. Members of the Adirondack Drug Task Force and the New York State Police executed the warrant. They found 113 grams of cocaine and a Plattsburgh man is in jail. On March 9, members of the Adirondack Drug Task Force and the New York State Police Troop B Narcotics Enforcement Unit, acting on a search warrant issued by Platts-

A day on the lake

burgh City Court, arrested Gregory Smith, 31, of 56 South Platt St., according to a press release from Clinton County District Attorney Andrew Wylie. While executing the warrant, law enforcement found 113 grams of a white powdered substance that tested positive for cocaine. The cocaine was valued between $15,000 and $20,000. Smith was charged with third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a felony. He was arraigned in Plattsburgh City Court and remanded to Clinton County Jail without bail. At the time of his arrest, Smith was out on bail from Ulster County, where he had also been charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance. The Ulster County charge was for possession of eight or more ounces of a narcotic, and Ulster officials issued a bench warrant after Smith failed to appear in court. A couple of fishermen take to Lake Champlain, enjoying one of the unusually warm and sunny days that have graced the North Country of late. Photo by John Grybos


NWTF to hold annual banquet

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PERU— The National Wild Turkey Federation will hold its annual Hunting Heritage Banquet March 24 at 5 p.m. The benefit will be held at the Peru VFW Post 309 on Rte. 22B. Doors will open at 5 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with a choice of prime rib and stuffed chick-

en breast. Salad, dessert, At the benefit there will be an opportunity for a guest to take home the gun of the year, a Benelli R1 S-Auto AA Walnut Stock 30.06 caliber. The ticket price will be $60 for a single ticket, $85 for couples. All ticket purchase include a one year membership to NWTF or Wheeling Sportsman. For more information or to make a reservation call Dick and Sandra Harwood at 6437048.

Boater safety course offered


Fri., Mar. 23 - Thurs. Mar. 29, 2012 21 Jump Street (R) 12:30PM • 2:55PM • 5:20PM 7:45PM • 10:05PM

P L AT T S B U R G H — T h e Champlain Sail and Power Squadron, in conjunction with the Continuing Education Program at Clinton Community College, is offering America's Boating Course,a basic boating safety course. The course will be offered at Clinton Community College from 6:30 to 9:00 PM on Monday evenings starting on Monday March 26 and continuing for 7 weeks. Learn the fundamentals of safe boat handling and operation, and basic piloting in one comprehensive classroom course. Participants will learn the basics of what you need to know to safely and comfortably go out on the water with your boat. As all US Power Squadron instructors are volunteers there is no charge for the course. However, there is a charge of $55 for the textbook, course materials and plotting tools,which can be purchased from the instructor. A reduced rate is available for two family members who wish to share a book. For more information or to register for the course please call Bob Shivokevich, the course instructor at 518-4937251 or The Office of Community and Workforce Development at Clinton Community College at 518-5624139.

A Thousand Words (PG13) 1:20PM • 3:25PM • 5:25PM 7:30PM • 9:35PM Act of Valor (R) 1:35PM • 4:05PM • 6:55PM 9:20PM Dr. Seuss The Lorax (RealD3D) (PG) 1:00PM • 5:15PM • 7:30PM Dr. Seuss The Lorax (PG) 3:10PM • 9:40PM John Carter (RealD3D) (PG13) 12:50PM • 3:55PM • 7:10PM 10:00PM Project X (R) 1:35PM • 3:40PM • 5:40PM • 7:40PM • 9:45PM Silent House (R) 1:25PM • 3:25PM • 5:25PM 7:35PM • 9:45PM The Artist (PG13) 1:30PM • 4:00PM • 7:00PM 9:30PM The Hunger Games (PG13) 1:00PM • 4:00PM • 7:05PM 10:00PM The Hunger Games (PG13) 2:00PM • 5:00PM • 8:00PM The Hunger Games (PG13) 12:30PM • 3:30PM • 6:30PM 9:30PM The Vow (PG13) 1:30PM • 7:20PM

Business mixer set

This Means War (PG13) 3:55PM • 9:40PM




P L AT T S B U R G H — T h e North Country Chamber of Commerce invites area business people to Business After Hours on March 22. The event will be held at the American Legion Post 20, 162 Quarry Road. Business After Hours is open to all Chamber members and their employees. Future members are encouraged to contact the Chamber for a special guest pass. The fee for Business After Hours is $3 with an advance reservation and $4 without. Call the Chamber of Commerce at 518-563-1000.

March 24, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 9

By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — A boat parade of lights will launch the 2012 Mayor's Cup regatta and festival. "I feel very optimistic, especially if the weather cooperates," said Plattsburgh City Mayor Donald Kasprzak. The 2012 Mayor's Cup regatta and festival, presented by the Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary and the City of Plattsburgh, is holding its 35th edition July 12-15. "We have some very good entertainment scheduled," Kasprzak said. "Some groups will be offering things to the public that have never been offered before." The sixth annual Mayor's Cup Boat Parade of Lights kicks off the festival the evening of July 12 at the Plattsburgh waterfront. The competition determines who best decorates their decks for a nighttime cruise on the lake. The July 13 Mayor's Cup music program opens with the Glengarry Bhoys, who will perform at the Lions Club Bandshell near the McDonough Monument on City Hall Place from 7 to 9 p.m. The regatta, which has become an anticipated annual event on Lake Champlain, occurs throughout the day on July 14, followed by the annual barbecue and awards ceremony at the Plattsburgh Boat Basin.

Later that night, Rick Davies and the Bearcat Ramblers start a night of music at the Bandshell from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The Gibson Brothers, winners of the International Bluegrass Music Association's 2011 Album of the Year, take the stage at 8 p.m. The festival also features the fireworks show in downtown Plattsburgh that night. The final event, on July 15, is the CVPH Mayor's Cup Bike Ride at CVPH Medical Center at 9 a.m. Mayor's Cup T-shirts will be available for pre-sale online starting April 1. Visit www.mayorscup.com to purchase the shirts that can be picked up one week from the date of purchase at Eye Care for the Adirondacks. Shirts will be available for $20 starting June 12, both online and at area vendors. Call Kathy Duley at 572-2534. For information on sponsor opportunities contact Kevin Kehoe at 561-0668 or sponsor@mayorscup.com. Registrations are being accepted for the regatta and Parade of Lights events. Inquiries may be directed to Kjell Dahlen at 561-4100, 566-2020. regatta@mayorscup.com; or to Jake DeSnyder at 566-9198 and parade@mayorscup.com. "We think some of the little changes will draw more people downtown," Kasprzak said.



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NCCA announces grant opportunities


PLATTSBURGH —The Adirondack Arts in Education Partnership (AAIEP) announces the availability of grants to support collaborative projects between schools and local artists and/or cultural organizations in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton and Warren Counties. Projects will involve partnerships between classroom teachers and teaching artists that incorporate arts-based learning to support learning across curricula. The grant program, called the Local Capacity Building Initiative (LCB), is a state-wide regrant program and is sponsored by the New York State Council on the Arts. The LCB grant program has benefited 3,500 plus students, approximately 50 artists and helped to increase spending for Arts Education programming by over $100,000 throughout 25 school districts and 31 schools within Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton and Warren Counties. The deadline for proposals is Monday, May 7, 2012 for projects taking place in the Fall 2012 and applications are now available. For more information, please check out the website at www.depottheatre.org or www.adkartsined.org and/or contact the Program Coordinator, Lindsay Pontius at artsined@depottheatre.org.

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10 - www.the-burgh.com

March 24, 2012

Ensure that your vehicle is ready for summer fun by following these simple guidelines for maintaining your car. • ROTATE TIRES: This should be done roughly every 5,000 to 10,000 miles and can extend the life of your tires significantly by reducing wear. • CHANGE OIL: Some car makers suggest changing to a heavier oil to help your vehicle’s engine perform more efficiently during warmer weather. • CHANGE AIR FILTER: Your car’s air filter prevents dust and other debris from getting into the engine’s running parts and causing inefficient gas use and

weaker engine performance. • FLUSH AND FILL COOLING SYSTEM: This is inexpensive insurance against engine failure. Experts recommend flushing most vehicles every two years. • WIPER BLADES: Windshield wipers take a beating during the winter. Make sure your blades are making full contact with the windshield and haven’t dried out. • CHECK RADIATOR AND GAS CAPS: It’s important to have tight-fitting caps on the radiator and gas tank. Radiator caps can corrode and deteriorate, so it’s a good idea to replace yours as often as you flush the cooling system.

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March 24, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 11

Saranac Lady Chiefs state title hoop dreams end against Irvington TROY — The Saranac Lady Chiefs’ run at a state championship ended March 16 with a 64-31 loss at the hands of Section I champ Irvington. The Lady Bulldogs held a 21-0 lead to open the game that the Chiefs were never able to overcome. “I’m not saying that we got caught up in all of the hoopla this week, but that was not our typical start,” head coach Tim Newell said. “You have to give credit to them as well, but we had a tough time on defense and their defense did not allow us to get set in the half court.” Newell said that the team fought hard throughout the game, but came up against a better opponent in Irvington. “It was not a lack of effort,” he said. “They surprised us with how physical they were and they were able to break out.” “They are by far the number one team out there,” senior Stephanie Linder said. “You could not stop their inside game, they distributed the ball well and played great defense. We knew what they could do, and they had a great game.” Linder finished with 10 points and five re-

Morgan Maye looks to cut to the basket as four Irvington defenders focus in on Alisha Ducatte, with the ball. The Lady Bulldogs defense held the Chiefs to 31 points in the Class B semifinal game. Photo by L. Lobdell bounds in the game, while Emma Newell and Alisha Ducatte each scored five points. Morgan Maye had three points and five rebounds,

Saranac coach Tim Newell watches on, as do the hundreds of Chief faithful who made the trip to Troy. School was closed March 16 to allow more students to attend the Final Four contest. Photo by L. Lobdell

Tim Newell accepts the Final Four plaque from Greg Waters of Section VII.

amazing. We have been together since third and fourth grade and no one can take that away from us and the way that we worked hard all the time for each other.” Newell said that, while the farewells were tough, the team could look forward to another solid season with players like Kayla Napper, Kristen Napper and others returning. “They are real coachable and intelligent young players,” he said. “They do everything correct, but we will need to develop that offensive confidence that Linder and Ducatte had for us this season.” “They have a great group and I think they have all of this to look forward to again,” Linder said. The Chiefs finished the season at 23-1, capturing the Section VII and Region II Class B titles. After the game, Ducatte was awarded with the sportsmanship award and Linder was named to the Final Four Tournament team. On March 17, the Lady Bulldogs scored an equally convincing 69-42 win over South Jefferson to claim the NYSPHSAA Class B title.

while Kristen Napper, Brooke Layhee and Victoria Phaneuf each scored two points (Phaneuf added five rebounds). Kayla Napper and Katie Gates each scored one. Newell said that he was proud of his five seniors in Linder, Phaneuf, Ducatte, Maye and Gates. “They are the reason why we made it this far,” the coach said. “They have been a team from fifth grade on and when they came out of the game, that is what I told them along with I considered them to be a second family and I love them like daughters.” I am so proud of the girls on this team,” Linder said. “To get here is Kristen Napper shoots the ball.

Alisha Ducatte received the sportsmanship award from Greg Waters.

Photo by L. Lobdell

Stephanie Linder received the all-tournament team award.

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12 - www.the-burgh.com

March 24, 2012


SENIOR ZUMBA. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. WATERCOLOR CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 12:30 p.m. 5636186, ext. 102. OPEN FAMILY SWIM NIGHT. Wellness Center, at PARC,295 New York Road. 7-9 p.m. $2 charge per person for all participants. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. 562-6860. VALUE OF WORK AND DISABILITY.Session Two: The Value of Work: Disability Benefits and Working, North Country Center for Independence, 80 Sharron Avenue, 1:30 - 3 p.m. GARY PEACOCK TUNES AND TRIVIA. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 563-2222. BLIND OWL BAND TO PERFORM. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.


INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 9-14, 9 a.m. www.plattsburghrecreation.com. STORAGE AUCTION WAR.Easy Self Storage, 788 State Route 3, 1p.m. Over 10 Units to be Sold. LIFE DRAWING CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. $10, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. SINECURE TO PERFORM. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.


INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 15 and older, $30, 9 a.m. www.plattsburghrecreation.com SOULFULL YOGA. Soulfull Sunday Yoga Rota Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 11:00 a.m. GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETS. ROTA Art Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 4 p.m.


SENIOR FITNESS CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 8:15 a.m. 5636186, ext. 102. QUILTING & SCRABBLE GAME. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9 a.m.-12 p.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. VOLUNTEER MEETING. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St. 563-1604. 10 a.m. BOATER SAFETY COURSE. Clinton Community College, 136 Clinton Point Drive, 6:30-9 p.m. on Monday evenings starting on Monday March 26 and continuing for 7 weeks. 493-7251 or 562-41


SENIOR TAI CHI. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. WII BOWLING LEAGUE MEETS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10:30 a.m.

563-6186, ext. 102. KIDS BALLET CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. For kids 5 and older, $8, 4-5 p.m. 3 MILE CLUB.Chazy Central Rural School, 609 Old Route 191, 6 p.m. $3. 578-7123. TRIVIA NIGHT. Geoffries Pub, 5453 Peru St. 8 p.m. POKER TOURNAMENT. Therapy Nightclub and Sports Lounge, 14 Margaret St. 5:30 p.m.

ZUMBA. 6-7p.m. right at the Town of Plattsburgh Office building on Banker Road. $5, limited to 40 participants. WORLD POKER NIGHT. Geoffries Pub, 5453 Peru St. 7-9 p.m. STUMP TRIVIA NIGHT. Therapy Night Club and Sports Lounge, 14 Margaret St. 8-10 p.m.


SENIOR FITNESS CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 8:15 a.m. 5636186, ext. 102. BINGO. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 11 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. HEALTHY LIVING WORKSHOP. Workshop for people with any kind of ongoing health condition, Sibley Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh Campus. 5-7:30 p.m. 314-3682. OPEN MIC NIGHT WITH MIKE PEDERSEN. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222. IMPROV COMEDY PERFORMANCE. Olive Ridley's, 37 Court St., 10 p.m. 324-2200.

SENIOR ZUMBA. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. WATERCOLOR CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 12:30 p.m. 5636186, ext. 102. OPEN FAMILY SWIM NIGHT. Wellness Center, at PARC,295 New York Road. 7-9 p.m. $2 charge per person for all participants. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. 562-6860. ‘DAMN YANKEE’ TO BE PERFORMED. Saranac High School, 60 Picketts Corners Road, 7:30 p.m. $8. 565-5800. GARY PEACOCK TUNES AND TRIVIA. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 563-2222. PROFESSOR CHAOS TO PERFORM. Capital Zen Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.




WINTER FARMERS MARKET. City Recreation Center, 52 US Oval, 3-6 p.m. GARY PEACOCK TUNES AND TRIVIA. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222. OPEN MIC/POETRY NIGHT. Rota Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 7:30 p.m. MUD & MERLOT POTTERY CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff St., age 21 and older, $25/session. 5-7:30 p.m. SENIOR ZUMBA. Town Office building on Banker Road, 55:45p.m. $5 per night and class size is limited to 40 participants.

INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 9-14, 9 a.m. www.plattsburghrecreation.com LIFE DRAWING CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. $10, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ‘DAMN YANKEE’ TO BE PERFORMED. Saranac High School, 60 Picketts Corners Road, 7:30 p.m. $8. 565-5800. RESURRECTION SCREENING. In honor of Women’s History Month, The North Country Food Co-op, 25 Bridge St., 7:15 p.m. Free.


HOW TO FINISH THIS PUZZLE By John Lampkin 1 8 13 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 33 36 37 39 42 43 45 46 50 51 52 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 66 68

ACROSS Bestows on, with “to” Forgoes scissors Captivates Fashionista’s field Bring to the mix “Sorry, Charlie” Start to finish, e.g.? Persevere, like a teamster? It may be abstract or concrete Stopwatch users Intent “Gladiator” composer Zimmer Examines closely Raise a glass to Clerical residence Really boring Persevere, like a stand-up comic? Lang. of Jamaica Dora the Explorer, for one Cartoonist Keane Ready Place for a plunger in Plymouth It’s wet in Oaxaca Infatuated, old-style Display irritation Sea debris Warmup for college hopefuls, briefly Diamond strategy Morning hrs. “Voilà!” Hand-on-chest words Careerbuilder.com listing Contingency phrase Writer Lebowitz Persevere, like a frequent flier?

70 71 73 74

76 79 80 82 83 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 98 100 103 104 106 107 108 110 113 117 119 120 121 122 123 124

Challenging Impose fraudulently Rams’ city: Abbr. Musician awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011 Julio’s yesterday Neighbor of Uru. Isaac’s eldest Aussie runners Nonnegotiable, as a plan Queequeg crewmate Suds Utah state flower Aussie college Do routine tire maintenance Inspired mixture Strands at a chalet, maybe Carpet Persevere, like a very loud organist? Bean or noodle Leipzig legwear Where glasses may be raised? Strove to attain Dip __ in: test the water Manage moguls Full of school spirit Wealthy “Wind in the Willows” character Persevere, like a golfer? Longtime CBS golf analyst Ken Nintendo game with Pikachu Nasty smile Hall of talk Scaredy-cats Surfer wannabe Hero’s hero

DOWN 1 “If __ make it there ...”: “New York, New York” lyric

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9

2 Like old records 3 Persevere, like a boxing promoter? 4 Set things right 5 Make tracks 6 Persevere, like a judge? 7 Weigh station visitors 8 Grab a coffee, say 9 Central German river 10 “__ Fideles” 11 Forgo scissors 12 Cat lead-in 13 Sum of all parts 14 Cliff’s pal on “Cheers” 15 Sun Devils’ sch. 16 “Where Creativity Happens” retail chain 17 Mork, by birth 18 Harness straps 19 Get the feeling 25 Nosy? 28 Craze 32 Fitzgerald et al. 34 Planetary path 35 “__ turns out ...” 36 Revolutionary army 37 Dutch city in many Vermeer paintings 38 First name in bombers 40 Poughkeepsie college 41 “Nerts!” 44 Antacid choice 47 Persevere, like a lightning rod installer? 48 Pal of Grover 49 Examination 53 Proposal with a nice ring? 54 Buster 56 Works on the road 57 Ring out 58 One-named rocker 62 Carrie Nation’s org. 63 High points 65 Kegger locale 67 Pigged out 69 “Oh, I give up!” 70 Persevere, like a museum

curator? 71 Susceptible to sunburn, probably 72 Roughly 73 “Exodus” actor Mineo 75 Architect __ van der Rohe 77 The blahs 78 Rule 81 Beheld 82 Computer message 84 Arabic : ibn :: English : __

86 87 88 91 93 96 97 99 100 101

Flirted with, with “at” Calamine target Thread puller Gelatin garnish Branding iron wielder Mementos Nearly birdied Understood Hinged fasteners 10th-century Roman emperor

102 105 107 109 111 112 114 115 116 118

Drenches Involving warships Dealer’s dispenser No longer in port Soul singer India.__ Poison and Pure Poison creator “OMG! Spare me!” Kyrgyzstan city Card game shout DOD division

This Month in History - MARCH 23rd - Patrick Henry declares “Give me liberty, or give me death!” (1775) 26th - The Eastman Dry Plate and Chemical Company manufactures the first motion picture film. (1885) 27th - The biggest earthquake ever recorded strikes Anchorage, Alaska. It measured 8.3 on the Richter scale. (1964)


(Answers Next Week)

March 24, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 13


33 ACRES ON BASS LAKE, $39,900. 5 Acres, use 500 acre Forest, $16,900.www.LandFirstNY.com 1888-683-2626

FIREWOOD PLAN ahead & get next year's firwood before prices go up. ixed hardwood $240/face cord. Free delivery within 20 miles of Westport. 518-962-4688.

FURNITURE NEED FURNITURE couches, recliners, book shelves, end tables etc., Lay-a-way plan available. D&B Furniture 209 Water Street, Elizabethtown, NY 518-234-1048

HOME IMPROVEMENT 1/2 PRICE INSULATION 4x8 sheets, all thicknesses available. Call 518-812-4815 or 518570-8172 QUALITY, DURABLE AND AFFORDABLE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. Free on-site consultation. Call CB Structures 1-800-940 -0192 or www.cbstructuresinc.com

INSURANCE PERMANENT LIFE INSURANCE. Qualify to age 86. Fast. Easy. Few Questions. No Exam! 1-800-938-3439, x24; 1-516938-3439, x24

LOGGING LAVALLEE LOGGING is looking to harvest and purchase standing timber, primarily Hemlock & Hardwood Willing to pay New York State stumpage prices on all species. References available. Matt Lavallee, 518-6456351 LOG LENGTH FIREWOOD Mixed Hardwood 10-11 whole Cord (tractor trailer load) Call for pricing 518-207-6718

MULCH MULCH-TOPSOIL HARDWOOD Nat. Mulch $24/yd Mulch Dyed $35 yard Rich Screened Topsoil $20/yd Screened playsand $15/yd Nat. Wood Chips $25/yd Dyed Wood Chips $35 Delivery chg on products/6yd to 120yd loads avail 518-834-9594 or 518-569-5375 gregatkins@frontiernet.net

ADIRONDACK " BY OWNER" www.AdkByOwner.com 1000+ photo listings of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $275 per year. Visit online or call 518-891-9919 COUNTRY HOMES & ACREAGE! Getaways $59,900! Land $1200/acre!Delaware/Otsego/Schoharie Counties! Coldwell Banker. Call Lynn 1-607-432-9173 ext 205/ 1-607-434-1061 DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can't be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726

APARTMENT **FREE FORECLOSURE LISTINGS** Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 1-800-749-3041 AFFORDABLE 2-BDRM second story Apt., no pets, no smoking, $600 + utilities. Main Street, Westport, NY. Call 518962-8313. ELIZABETHTOWN 2 bedroom apt., new kitchen, new heat, new electric, new paint, no pets!! 518-234-1048 (518) 234-1048 WESTPORT 1 bdrm second floor apt., balcony deck, full bath, electric heat, onsite laundry, utilities separate, $525/ mo., 518-962-8500 or 518-5247255. WESTPORT/ETOWN/LEWIS: 5 room apartment in 2 family home, first & last month, $450 monthly + utilities, no,no,no pets. 508-839-4551/ 508-845-9424/508 -612-5636

VACATION PROPERTY OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: www.holidayoc.com


BRIDGE STREET AUCTION Hosts On-Site "STORAGE AUCTION WAR" @ EASY SELF STORAGE 788 State Route 3 Plattsburgh NY 12901 on Saturday March 24th @ 1PM Over 10 Units to be Sold

COMMUNITY SALE THE MARCELLUS United Methodist Church, Gift & Thrift Shop Spring Rummage Sale The MUMC Spring Rummage Sale is Saturday, March 24th 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Great deals on jewelry, clothing, dishes, linens, housewares, books, etc. Shop for Spring Decorations! You can fill a grocery bag for $4.00. After 1 p.m. each bag is half price. Inside, the Gift and Thrift Shop will be open and stocked with Spring and Summer clothing at regular prices. 1 Slocumbe Avenue, Marcellus, NY 13108

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $5,000 SIGNING BONUS! Frac Sand Owner Operators. More Texas work than trucks! Must have tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer 817-926-3535 - NEW ON MARKET: COAL FIRED OUTSIDE BOILER, UP TO 150,000 BTU's, burn 35days. 1-607-329-8175 ICE CREAM Parlor/Diner w/House - Exit 34 I-87 Keeseville, NY. Established, profitable, turn-key, includes real estate, $298k. 518-834 -9900. MYSTERY SHOPPERS! Earn up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 1-888-750-0193.

CAREER TRAINING - AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-803-8630 - ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877 -692-9599 www.CenturaOnline.com

VETERANS CAREER TRAININGUse your post 9/11 GI benefits to become a professional tractor trailer driver. National Tractor Trailer School, Liverpool, Buffalo NY branch www.ntts.edu 800-2439300 Consumer Information: www.ntts.edu/programs/disclosures

HELP WANTED - **2012 POSTAL JOBS!** $14 to $59 hour + Full Federal Benefits. NO ExperienceRequired. NOW HIRING! Green Card OK. 1800-593-2664 Ext 107. - ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately! $150- $300/day depending on job. No experience, all looks needed. 1800-561-1762 Ext A-104 - DO YOU HAVE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as5 million potential candidates in central and western New York with a 15-wordclassified ad for just $350! Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726 - HELP WANTED!! Earn extra income mailing our brochures from home! FREE Supplies!Genuine Opportunity! Start Immediately! www.theworkhub.net - MOVIE EXTRA. Earn up to $300 per day. No experience required. All looks and ages. Call 1-800-605-8692 - MYSTERY SHOPPERS Needed Earn up to $150 per day Undercover Shoppers Needed to Judge Retail & Dining Establishments Experience Not Required Call Now 888-380-3513 AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Job Placement Assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (866)296-7093 DRIVERS- DAILY PAY! Hometime choices: Express Lanes 7-ON- 7/ OFF, 14/ON- 7/OFF WEEKLY. Full and Part-time. New Trucks! CDLA, 3 months recent experience required 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com

WE'LL FIND the perfect employee and make you the hero! Office /Clerical, Light Industrial Professional/Technical Call today 518-566-6061 - WESTPORT HOTEL & Tavern looking for an experience Bar Tender. Please Call 518-9624501. NEEDED 55 or older person for part time in Ray Brook, NY DEC. Call 800-2353494 for more info.

I AM CURRENTLY SEEKING people to sign a petition against medical negligence in veterinarian practices in NY State. If you would like to sign this petition and want to help and your pet fell victim to such practices, Please call me. Leave phone # for Joyce 518-493-6441

ELECTRONICS AT&T U-VERSE just $29.99/mo! Bundle Internet+Phone+TV and SAVE. Get up to $300 BACK! (Select plans). Limited Time CALL 1-866-944-0906 & Check Availability in your Area!


WOMEN 55 or older for part time work, Beekmantown Rest area. Call 800-2353494 for more info.

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CREDIT CARD DEBT? LEGALLY HAVE IT REMOVED! Minimum $7,000 in debt to qualify. Utilize Consumer Protection Attorneys. Call now! 1-888-2370388

ADOPT - Art * Love * Adventure! Financially secure, happily-married Artists (film/music) which to share extended family, home, and joy with baby. Expenses/support. http://www.eandtadopt.com. 1(800)-959-2103. PREGNANT? CONSIDER a loving, courageous adoption plan. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, free confidential help, local agency, choose from pre-approved families. Photos/updates available. Call Joy: 914-939-1180 www.ForeverFamili esThroughAdoption.org. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 1-866459-3369 PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6292, 24/7 Void/Illinois

MOVIE EXTRAS. Earn up to $300 daily. No experience required. All looks and ages. 1-800-981-4925

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring adoption expert. You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6296



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FOR SALE 100 WINE Bottles for Sale. Call 518-2985144. EQUILIZER 4PT. HITCH ton weight 1000 lbs., Trailer weight 10,000 lbs $500; Fold up double steps, new $85; Crank up jack, lifts 2000 lbs. $30. Call 518523-1140 FOWER POT The Real Macoy, $25.00. Call 5185067 FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE 2-door, good condition, $200.00. Call 518-576-0012 HEATMOR STAINLESS Steel Outdoor Furnaces Wood, Coal, Pellets, Waste Oil Furnaces 13 Models, EPA Qualified Furnaces Lifetime Warranty Financing and Dealerships Available OBH 1-800743-5883 www.outbackheatinginc.com



Reporter for weekly regional newspaper group. Applicants must have strong communication and writing skills, be versed in page design and digital photography as well as a Apple Computer Systems. Journalism experience, as well as a working knowledge of Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign and Photoshop preferred.

PRIVACY HEDGES - Blowout Sale 6" Arborvitae (cedar) Reg $129 Now $59 Beautiful, Nursery Grown. FREE Installation & FREE delivery 518-536-1367 www.lowcosttrees.com Will beat any offer!

The chosen applicant will create articles of general community interest, take local photographs, edit copy and assist in laying out newspapers. This is an entry level hourly position. Health insurance, paid time off, matching retirement program and life insurance offered.


This opportunity to work for a 60-year-old independently owned company with an excellent business and financial reputation, that is growing.

O ver 400 M onum ents In Stock !Low Prices, U nbeatable W arranty

Plattsburgh Memorials Send reume to: John Gereau, Denton Publications, P.O. Box 338, Elizabethtown, NY 12932 or E-mail johng@denpubs.com

4875 So. Catherine St. Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Ph. (518) 563-7666 1-800-750-4452


DON’T PAY HIGH HEATING BILLS. Eliminate them with an OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler, CAll today (518) 834-4600

AUCTION CHEMUNG AUCTION CHEMUNG, COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURES. 150+ Properties March 28th @11am. Holiday Inn, Elmira, NY 800-2430061 HAR, Inc. & AAR, Inc. Free brochure: www.NYSAUCTIONS.com





14 - www.the-burgh.com

THREE CRAFTSMAN TOOL boxes full of snap-on Craftsman Mattco tools, plus cart. $2000.00 Please call 518-728-7978

GENERAL $$OLD GUITARS WANTED$$ Gibson,Fender,Martin,Gretsch. 1920's to 1980's. Top Dollar paid. Toll Free: 1-866-433-8277 AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available Call AIM (888) 686-1704 AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for hands-on Aviation Career. FAA approved program.Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1 -877-202-0386. AT&T U-VERSE for just $29.99/mo! SAVE when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 BACK! (select plans). Limited Time Call NOW! 877-276-3538 AT&T U-VERSE for just $29.99/ mo! SAVE when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 BACK! (select plans). Limited Time CALL NOW! 800-307-5308 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE FROM HOME. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice,*Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified.SCHEV certified. Call 1-800-494-2785. www.CenturaOnline.com ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800494-3586 www.CenturaOnline.com ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality, Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888 -201-8657 www.CenturaOnline.com ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com CA$H PAID-UP TO $26/BOX for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 2 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. SE HABLA ESPANOL. Emma 1888-776-7771. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Ourlicensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percenton all your medication needs. Call today 1-877-207-6086 for $25.00 off your firstprescription and free shipping. CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-8645784 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 DIRECTV $29.99/MO $0 Start Costs! Free HBO CINEMAX SHOWTIME STARZ! FREE HD/DVR! Free Installation! We're "Local" Installers! 800-758-1657

DIVORCE $450* No Fault or Regular Divorce. Covers children, property, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. 1-800-522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor &Associates, Inc. Est. 1977 DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 4.9 million households and 12 million potential buyers quickly and inexpensively! Only$490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726 EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com ENJOYBETTERTV DISH Network Authorized Retailer Offers, FREE HD for Life, Packages from $19.99/mo. Includes locals,3 HD receivers free. Restrictions Apply. Call NOW!! (877)594-2251 FEELING OLDER? Men lose the ability to produce testosterone as they age. Call 1866-686-3254 for a FREE trial of Progene-All Natural Testosterone Supplement. FINISH HIGH School at home in a few weeks. First Coast Academy, 1 -800-658-1180x130. www.fcahighschool.org HUGE MIRRORS: New Gym Leftovers. 7 Mirrors, 72"x100", $145 Each. Perfect Condition, Free Delivery, Can Install. GYM RUBBER FLOORING, 1 roll, 4'x25'x1/2"Thick, $250. 1-800-473 -0619 LOW COST MORTGAGE PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE. PREMIUM RETURNED IN 20 YEARS IF YOU DON'T DIE. NO EXAM, NO BLOOD REQUIRED. 1-800 -559-9847 www.buynoexamlifeins uranceonline.com LOW TESTOSTERONE? FREE 30 Day Supply of Progene! All Natural Supplement for More Power & Performance! Pay only S&P Call Now! 800-908-2214 NYS UNCONTESTED DIVORCE. Papers Professionally Prepared. Just Sign & File! No Court/Attorney. 7 days. Guaranteed! 1-914-432-7870 REACH AS MANY as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New Yorkwith your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-877275-2726 for detailsor visit fcpny.com REACH OVER 20 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $2,395 per week for a 25 word classified! For more information go to www.naninetwork.com

GUNS & AMMO PAINTBALL-AIRSOFT GAMES 2012 paintball-airsoft events and more. www.tigerstripepaintball.com 518-834-5226 woodsball, rec ball, speedball, and airsoft. Rentals, parties, groups


MINERALS WANTS to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 WANTED ALL MOTORCYCLES, Before 1985, $TopCASH$ PAID! Running or not. 1-315-569-8094 WANTED DIABETES TEST STRIPS. Any Kind/Brand. Up to $25.00. Shipping Paid. 1-800267-9895/ www.SellDiabeticstrips.com

PRESCRIPTION SAVINGS Are you paying TOO much for your PRESCRIPTION? SAVE 90% by ordering through our Canadian Pharmacy. $25 off and FREE SHIPPING CALL (888)437-0414

WANTED DIABETES TEST STRIPS Any kind/brand. Unexpired up to $25.00. Shipping Paid. Hablamos espanol 1-800-267-9895 www.selldiabeticstrips.com

TAKE VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills +4FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement. Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy The Blue Pill! 1888-796-8870


TAKE VIAGRA /CIALIS? 40 100mg/20mg Pills + 4 Free. Only $99! Save $500.00. Call 1888-796-8878

WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

TAKE VIAGRA? SAVE $500! 100mg,/Cialis 20mg. 40+4 FREE, PILLS. Only $99.00 Discreet. 1888-797-9024

YEARBOOKS WANTED: Will Pay Up to $15.00 For High School Yearbooks 1900-1988. Any School/ Any State. Yearbookusa@yahoo.com or 972768-1338

WEIGHTLOSS MEDICATIONS Phentermine, Phendimetrazine, etc. Office visit, onemonth supply for $80! 1-631-462-6161; 1-516754-6001; www.MDthin.com

LAWN & GARDEN BRUSH HOG Model EFM600. Used 1 year, like new. Finish mower. 518-570-8837 $1,000

MUSIC **OLD GUITARS WANTED!** Fender, Gibson, Martin,Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D'Angelico,Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1930's thru 1970's TOP CASH PAID! 1-800-401-0440 CLARINET, VIOLIN, FLUTE, TRUMPET, Amplifier, Fender Guitar $75 each. Upright Bass, Cello, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $189 each. Others 4sale 1-516-377-7907

YEARBOOKS "UP to $15 paid for high school yearbooks 1900-1988. yearbookusa@yahoo.com or 972768-1338."

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WESTPORT: OFFICE SUITES. Fully furnished w/ cubicles, desks, computer & phone hook-ups. 720 sq. ft. Lake views. Contact Jim Forcier @ 518962-4420.

NAPLES FLORIDA Condo, AREA! Bank Acquired Luxury Condos. Brand new 2BR/2BA, only $239,900. Same unit sold for $624,771. Own for below builder cost in warm, sunny SW Florida! High-end community - walk to over 20 restaurants/ 100 shops! Must see. Call 1-866-959-2825, x43



CA$H PAID - up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Hablamos Espanol. 1-800 -371-1136

GEORGIA LAND Land, Beautiful 1acre-20acres. Amazing weather, Augusta Area. Financing w/ Low down, from $149/month. Owner 706-364-4200

DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels. FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL 1888-823-8160

WORK ON JET ENGINES - Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866)453-6204

GET THE BEST DEAL & SAVE on TRIPLE PLAYS, Cable, Internet + Phone! High Speed Internet under $20/mo. CALL NOW! 800-291-4159

WORK ON JET ENGINES - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866) 854-6156.


WATERFRONT LAND Land, LIQUIDATION March 31st! 7 acres, 400 ft Riverfront- $69,900! Cooperstown, NY! Nice woods, gorgeous setting! $5,000 off for cash! Free kayak! Call now! (888)905-8847 www.NewYorkLandandLakes.com

SINGLE-FAMILY HOME ***FREE FORECLOSURE Single Family Home, Listings*** OVER 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800250-2043. AVAILABLE NOW!!! Single Family Home, 2-4 Bedroom homes Take Over Payments No Money Down/ No Credit Check Call 1-888-2699192 (888) 269-9192 STOP RENTING. Single Family Home, Lease option buy. Rent to own. No money down. No credit check. 1-877-395-0321

VACATION PROPERTY NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC Oceanfront Luxury Beach Homes and Condos. Best Selection, Service and Rates Guaranteed. Free Brochure! 888-617-5726 or www.elliottbeachrentals.com

FURNITURE CHILD’S CAPTAIN BED Twin bed w/4 dr storage under. You pick up. $0 (518) 963-4176 COMPUTER DESK Oak Finish. Call 518-494-7920 or 518-494-5005. $45

ROCKING CHAIR Wooden with Wicker Seat. Call 518-494-7920 or 518-494-5005. $55


ROLL TOP Tonneau cover, fits Chevy S-10 or a small truck with a box, 56" (inside) $99.00. 518-523-9456


A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible/Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551 www.card onationsforbreastcancer.org CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/ Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-4162330

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WATERFRONT LAND LIQUIDATION! March 31st! 7 acres - 400 ft Riverfront $69,900Cooperstown, NY! Nice woods, gorgeous setting! $5,000 off for cash! Free kayak! Call now! 1-888-701-1864 www.NewYorkLandandLakes.com

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March 24, 2012

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OBITUARIES WILLIAM W. HULSE Sept. 12, 1944 - March 14, 2012 WILLSBORO - William W. Kristy Hulse of South CaroliHulse, 67, died at his home in na; and a granddaughter, Willsboro on Wednesday, Gillian, of South Carolina; his March 14, 2012. mother-in-law, Merlinda He was born in Newark, N.J., Alimpolo of Willsboro; a on Sept. 12, 1944, nephew and wife the only son of and daughter, William and Tommy and Kim Irene (Lacey) Burke and KaitHulse. lyn of ConnectiBill, as he was cut. known to everyHe was predeone, graduated ceased by his fafrom Willsboro ther and his Central School in sister, Jeanne 1962 and shortly Burke. after joined the Calling hours U.S. Navy. He were held 2 to 4 was a member of the North p.m. Sunday at the Huestis Country Veterans Assoc., the Funeral Home, Maple Street, Willsboro Fish and Game Willsboro. A funeral service Club, the Board of Directors were at the Foothills Baptist for the Essex County AgriChurch, Route 22, Boquet, culture Society, and the 10:30 a.m. Monday. Burial Foothills Baptist Church in followed in the Essex County Boquet. He worked for the Veterans Cemetery, WadLake Champlain Transportahams Elizabethtown Road, tion Co., retiring in 2002. Wadhams, N.Y. Bill is survived by his mothDonations in his memory er, Irene Hulse of Elizabethmay be made to the Willstown; his wife, Gigi (Alimpoboro-Reber Fire Department. lo) Hulse of Willsboro; his son and wife, William and


DAWN MASON Dawn Mason, formerly of Willsboro, NY died at the Horace Nye Home in Elizabethtown, NY March 9, 2012. Funeral Services will be held at the Horaqce Nye Home on Sat. 3/24/12 at 10AM, with Rev. Chilton McPheeters officiating. Huestis Funeral Home , Willsboro, NY is in charge of arrangements. VICTOR E. PERRY Victor E. Perry, formerly of Willsboro, NY died at the Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake 1/5/12. Funeral Services will be held at St. Philips Church in Willsboro April 2,2012 at 11AM. Burial will follow in Calvary Cemetery, Essex Rd. Willsboro. Rev. John M. Demo Jr. will officiate. Huestis Funeral Home, Willsboro, NY is in Charge of arrangements.

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