Addressed to:
Running Amok»
Burgh Editor Stephen Bartlett takes a stand on lucid language.
A Denton Publication
Special Ed migrating
This Week
School districts bringing special needs students back to district
Experts tout further evidence of War of 1812 site.
By Stephen Bartlett
P L AT T S B U R G H — A s public schools grapple with their budgets, a shift is occurring in a segment of the student population that, in many cases, is heard about but largely not seen. In order to save money, school districts, through some reorganization and shuffling, are bringing many special education students back to their school buildings from Champlain Valley Educational Services. The move is being met with an array of reactions, with some school officials
PSU students say no to dangers of hazing. PAGE 6 PERU SCHOOL CANDIDATES
Five-year-old Sterlinn Parsons of Plattsburgh tries out his roller blades at Melissa Penfield Park. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
Accusations levied against Plattsburgh pet store Northern Puppies owner says claims are untrue By Stephen Bartlett
Demonstrating along Route 3 in Plattsburgh to bring attention to allegations against Northern Puppies, from left to right are Bradley Cech, Terry Cech and Damian Battinelli. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
PLATTSBURGH — Tina Dashnaw Rock arrived at Northern Puppies at the same time as employee Sandra Barber made her way inside and the former snapped a photo of the puppy pen. Before long, the picture of puppies in a pen with several piles of feces and urine made the rounds of Facebook, inciting anger in many who viewed it. Suddenly, more stories surfaced about Northern Puppies and a growing number of people demanded the Plattsburgh pet store shut its doors. But Tammy Staley, owner of Northern Puppies, her employees
and several customers, paint a different picture, defending the pet store and its practices and condemning what they say is a clear misrepresentation of the business. “I would like people to come in and see for themselves and form their own opinions,” said Mrs. Staley. Barber had just opened the doors of Northern Puppies at 11 Plattsburgh Plaza and was followed inside by Rock, who snapped the photo of the puppy pen as Barber helped a customer with a snake he has been keeping at the store. “I wouldn’t just let my six-foot boa go to anybody,” said Louis Phillips. “I would recommend this place to anyone. All the pets we got here were healthy, and there is nothing wrong with any of the animals
CVPH and ECH become part of same network. PAGE 10 SPORTS
Look inside for the week in sports.
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April 7, 2012
Dig uncovers key War of 1812 evidence By Stephen Bartlett
Dr. Timothy Abel speaks to a large crowd at Clinton Community College about his dig that appears to have uncovered Pike’s Cantonment. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
Clinton County and the state. As he applied several theories and reviewed possible sites, one location on property formerly owned by the Plattsburgh Air Force Base arose as the most probably
location. The site on the hillside above the Saranac River west of Plattsburgh had been the subject of an archaeological study in the mid-1990s. Herkalo turned to Dr. Timothy Abel, an archaeologist specializing in the War of 1812. “I became aware of this site in the spring of 2009,” Abel said. “What we lacked was any type of firm evidence that said this is where the military camped.”
So far, nails glass, clay pipes and brick had turned up at the site, but nothing that suggested a military encampment. Those items did get the site placed on the state Register of Historic Places. “The site was in limbo,” Abel said. “I approached it with a bit of skepticism.” Abel supervised the summer of 2011 excavation activities. Using metal detectors, workers swiped the site and flagged and mapped hot spots, which where then excavated. “We needed to do enough work to get the site on the national Register of Historic Places,” Abel said. “We needed to find evidence of military activity.” Nails seemed plentiful, but that proved little. The found a tailor ’s thumb thimble, which was interesting, but a domestic artifact. Then, they found a 1795 bayonet scabbard chape, followed by a 69 caliber round ball, which was ammunition used during the War of 1812. Finally, they uncovered military jacket buttons that were stamped 15. “They only stamp numbers on buttons during the first year of the war, and Pike was in command of the 15th regiment,” Abel said. Workers continued to excavate and uncovered what could have been building sites. There was clear evidence of chimneys, cobble floors and trenches, which were commonly built around military huts.
They also found evidence of burned timber, and Pike’s Cantonment was burned to the ground by British troops during the summer of 1813. Abel and other researchers will continue work at the site this summer. “What we are hoping now is to go back this summer to excavate the cabin and find out who lived in it and hopefully find evidence of what people were doing in the structure,” Abel said. “We want to find out how the camp was organized and how the huts were structured, and we can then address questions of military culture.”
Genealogy workshop set P L AT T S B U R G H — A free genealogy workshop will be held on May 5 at 11 a.m. at the Plattsburgh Public Library Auditrorium, 19 Oak Street. It is sponsored by Saranac Chapter, NSDAR. Conducted by DAR Volunteer Genealogist Sharon Bell, the workshop will explore topics including getting started in genealogy, local and online resources, and memebership in lineage societies. For more information contact
PLATTSBURGH — Doubt hung thick in the air when nails, glass, clay pipes and brick were the only evidence to turn to. But then a bayonet scabbard was found, followed by ammunition and military jacket buttons, offering strong evidence that Pike’s Cantonment had been found. And what appear to be military structures at the site of last summer ’s archaeological dig further confirm the location of the military encampment. “We are sitting on the nation’s War of 1812 treasure trove,” said Plattsburgh City Clerk Keith Herkalo. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, Jr., as a United States Army Captain in 1806-07, led the Pike expedition to explore and document the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase and to find the headwaters of the Red River. During that time he recorded the discovery of
what was later called Pikes Peak, in Colorado. Pike would eventually achieve the rank of brigadier general in the Army. He served during the War of 1812 and was killed during the Battle of York. Pike’s Cantonment was the location of a military encampment during the War of 1812, at which forces under his commend stayed. Nearly 2,000 American soldiers encamped for the winter of 1812-13, moving out of the area well before the Battle of Plattsburgh, on Sept. 11, 1814. Still, the cantonment was instrumental that day, utilized by British troops as a spot to cross the Saranac River as the attempted to circle American soldiers defending Plattsburgh. That battle played an important part in America’s victory in the War of 1812. Yet Pike’s Cantonment has remained a mystery, the location of the site debated for decades. Herkalo explained that there were 10 theories, 6 possible locations and no collective agreement nor documentation. “How can it be in six places at once?” He began an exhaustive search of every available document he could locate in
Researchers further cement location of Pike’s Cantonment
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April 7, 2012 - 3
Northern Puppies from page 1
Front, from left to right are Laurissa Hebert, Maddie Bushey, Tammy Staley and Sandra Barber, kneeling in front of Mike Staley, Thomas Krause and Evan Liberty. The group stands inside the puppy pen at Northern Puppies. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
This past weekend, a group of people stood near the edge of Route 3, protesting against Northern Puppies. “These people are uneducated when it comes to taking care of animals,” said Damian Battinelli. “Thirteen hours in their own feces in urine. You wouldn’t do that to a human. Why would you do that to animals?” Terry Cech, who protested beside Battinelli, said he was there to “speak
for our four-legged friends who can’t.” Denton Publications made two surprise visits to the store. On both occasions the puppy pen was clean and the animals playful. Staley’s husband, Mike, said that is because none of the accusations are true. “Everybody here takes good care of the animals.” He has spent a lot of time at North-
Reverand presents Golden Rose Award to two parishioners during the Holy Season of Lent, the Pastor, the Pastoral Council and the People of the Parish present the Golden Rose Award for service given to God’s People and for God’s Honor and Glory. ‘Well done good and faithful servants!’ Matthew 25:21.” Father Shnob explained that popes presented the Golden Rose Award in past centuries as a sign of respect and appreciation. Recipients have included churches, royalty, military figures and governments. Father Shnob grew up as a member of St. Anne’s Parish in Mooers Forks where his pastor, Rev. Msgr. George Philips, presented the award during each Lenten Season. Rev Shnob thought it was a wonderful tradition and has followed Msgr. Philip’s example.
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Christa Reyell, Rev. Alan Shnob and Dorothy Chauvin who accepted the Golden Rose Award on behalf of her husband Donald Chauvin who is undergoing therapy at Meadowbrook Healthcare in Plattsburgh.
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PERU — Rev. Alan Shnob, Pastor of St. Augustine’s Church, presented the Golden Rose Award to parishioners Donald Chauvin and Christa Reyell on Sunday, March 18, 2012. The award recognized Chauvin and Reyell for their roles in bringing the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas to the parish. In 1979 Donald Chauvin was the Charter Grand Knight of St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273. In 2008 Christa Reyell was the Charter Regent of Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court 2598 in Peru. Both organizations have become vibrant, vital members of St. Augustine’s Parish and the Peru community. The Golden Rose Certificate presented to Donald Chauvin and Christa Reyell read: “On this Fourth Sunday
Fri., Apr. 6 - Sun. Apr. 8, 2012
here.” But Rock and others disagree. The photo, on Rock’s Facebook page, and which has been shared on Facebook by many, includes a caption that claims to describe the photo, saying there was urine and feces in the drinking water and blood in the feces, all of which the puppies ran through. “This is their sleeping and playing area for all of these pups. No toys and no blankets. Please help me shut this place down.” Missy Pion said a family member purchased a puppy from Northern Puppies and the animal was sick before it left the store. She said the puppies smell like feces and their play area is filthy. “I am not looking to shut Northern Puppies down,” Pion said. “My intention of helping any way I can is to make the store strictly selling pet supplies and not be able to sell any pets at all.” As Rock’s photo continued to be shared on Facebook, those outraged started a page called “Wake up Northern Puppies.” It is described as a place for community members, animal activists, and “decent humans” who care for the health and safety of animals. The page states it is united in saving lives at Northern Puppies. It encourages people to contact local authorities and file complaints with the state Department of Agriculture and Market. “We can only hope that through investigations and word of mouth, they will close the doors at Northern Puppies.”
ern Puppies lately because he said people have threatened to break into the business. He further said some of the individuals upset with the business have made personal attacks against his family. “Don’t attack my wife and my kids and family,” he said. “I would like to see it go away, but it’s not gonna go away.” PETA has been to the store, as well as law enforcement. Mrs. Staley said a love of animals inspired her to open a pet store two years ago. She did so with a desire to be better than the average pet store. She explained that when the picture was taken, her employee had just arrived and had not yet had time to clean up the mess the puppies made overnight. Regardless, she has since hired Thomas Krause and Evan Liberty to work through the night, cleaning up after the animals and watching the store, which she fears could be damaged according to some of the threats she said she has received. “They are attacking our family, calling my kids ugly and me names.” She wishes people would just come in and check the store out for themselves. Michele Laurin purchased a puppy from Northern Puppies more than a month ago. The animal has been healthy and she has been pleased with her purchase. “We looked for months and frequented the store a lot and it was always clean and Tammy was wonderful,” Laurin said.
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April 7, 2012
A COMMUNITY SERVICE: This community newspaper and its delivery are made possible by the advertisers you’ll find on the pages inside. Our sixty plus employees and this publishing company would not exist without their generous support of our efforts to gather and distribute your community news and events. Please thank them by supporting them and buying locally. And finally, thanks to you, our loyal readers, for your support and encouragement over the past 65 years from all of us here at the Burgh and Denton Publications.
The Burgh Editorial
Horace Nye: It’s time to sell
he time has come for the Horace Nye Nursing Home in Elizabethtown to no longer be the responsibility of the Essex County taxpayer. The county-owned facility has been operating at a loss for more than the past decade, draining money from the county coffers and adding to a tax levy that is now made tighter by the restriction of the two-percent cap. It is clear that the most appropriate business decision is to cut the county’s losses and get out of the nursing home business, either through the sale of the facility to one of three interested bidders (Centers for Specialty Care out of New York City; Gerald Woods CPA, out of Nassau County; and Elliot Management Group out of Rockland County), or by shutting down the facility entirely. Since 2001, the Horace Nye Nursing Home has been over $21 million in the red, not good for a facility that was set up with the express purpose to make money for the county under an Enterprise Fund. It has not been enterprising at all. Washington County, which is similar in size to Essex, has already made the leap and is currently in negotiations for the sale of both its health care services and the Pleasant Valley Nursing Facility to National Health Care Associates Inc. The firm bid $6.56 million for both county health care packages. In Essex County, the home is the only item on the table, and has received three, matching, $4 million bids. Warren County is also discussing the issue as they face major budget decisions. While $4 million may be nothing compared to the $21 million in losses, at least it is something compared to the tax hole that would be sitting in Elizabethtown if the facility were to close its doors entirely. Don’t think that option is not on the table. County Manager Daniel Palmer has said that if the county continues on its present course with the money the home is hemorrhaging, closure would be a definite option. “It becomes unsustainable and at what point do you decide that you
are going to stay in the business or completely shut the doors,” he said. With a sale, the county receives at least some financial return. It will also have controls in place over the facility to keep employees in their jobs and keep a percentage of beds reserved for county residents or low-income individuals. That seems a far better option than having no facility at all. We understand that this is a tough, controversial issue and that there are a lot of people who are invested in the outcome. Supervisors, county employees, nurses, staff, patients, seniors and families are all invested in this drama playing out before them. At the same time, it seems the most vocal opponents of the sale have been county employees who fear that privatization could impact their pay and benefits, or, worse — cost them their job altogether. While we cannot blame these employees for voicing those concerns, the supervisors cannot allow that to sway their vote, and we fear further dialogue in settings such as public hearings would be dominated by more of the same. The board of supervisors was elected to look out for county taxpayers as a whole, not a select few — it is time they step up and make the difficult decisions they were elected to make. If it is deemed through studying other private facilities that the quality of care will not suffer and that privatization will save taxpayers millions annually, then the decision is a no-brainer. And, in the final analysis, privatization is a much better option for those same employees and the patients they care for than not having a facility here at all.
This editorial is the collaborative opinion of a board comprised of Thom Randall, Fred Herbst, Lou Varricchio, Keith Lobdell, Stephen Bartlett, Andy Flynn, John Grybos and John Gereau. Comments may be directed to
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Layoffs at corporately owned daily newspapers nothing but greed
a time to hurt those you depend ’ve been accused over time of heavily on like staff, readers and adnot liking daily newspapers vertisers who will be affected by the and being overly bias toward cut backs and then pass out bonuses weekly newspapers. I’ve always and cigars to celebrate your shrewd been quick to point out, however, business ways. that it’s not the newspapers I don’t Interestingly enough, one of the like but rather the corporate culture seminars I attended this weekend in that is killing the sense of communiSaratoga Springs was about the ty these organizations once had. common qualities that exist among When these businesses were cash Dan Alexander successful newspapers. Here is the cows and the money was flowing, it Thoughts from list: was like a big Monopoly game, with Behind the Pressline 1. Loyalty to staff in tough times corporate buy-outs of long standing 2. Constant investment in quality family ownership and then swap3. Regular staff training ping and trading of properties to further enhance 4. Close relationships between management and the corporate grip on a region. staff Last week, while I and many of our editorial 5. Close ties to the community staff members were in Saratoga Springs at the New 6. Quality journalism York Press Association’s Spring Conference, the 7. Investments in technology, equipment and news broke regarding the Lee Enterprise/Postnew publications Star’s move to terminate about 30 percent of its edOur small rural weeklies don’t always get the reitorial staff, primarily in the Washington and spect nor prestige given to the Post-Star or some of Saratoga County areas. More shocking than the the area’s other corporately owned publications, cuts at the Post-Star and the 51 other Lee Enterbut we hope someday to alter that opinion when prise-owned papers who made similar large-scale the community realizes how things are changing. staff cuts across the country, was the announceDuring the last three years while the big guys have ment just days before that Lee CEO Mary Junck been cutting staff and furloughing employees, was awarded a $500,000 bonus and CFO Carl sending core services and jobs like the design of loSchmidt was awarded a $250,000 bonus. cal ads and the layout of the newspaper to distance Call me a crazy fool or completely out of step communities, we and other small, independent lowith capitalism but I see a community’s newspacally-owned publishers have been adding services per as its biggest cheerleader and one of its priand expanding staff with the displaced personnel mary guiding leaders. When times are tough, you cast off by the corporate giants. set some of your own priorities aside and lead Many members of our staff haven’t had raises in through example. It should be in times like these several years but they understand that as an organthat a steady hand on the wheel will set the ecoization we are fighting for our future and the funomic course for a community. A well run, well esture of the people and communities we serve. tablished company, should be positioned to set Maintaining your job and benefits while being foaside its appetite for making lots of money and cused on the future is a simple enough concept to sending it out of the community to its shareholdunderstand, but when greed overrides common ers, while having a long term strategy to recognize sense, that’s also a pretty simple concept that folks there will be time enough for making money when can see right through. During times like these we the economy has been corrected. need less self-serving companies and public serThere is something very wrong when making vants and far more teamwork and a sense of urmoney is your sole motive, over the primary congency to work together to solve the problems faccerns for your community and employees. That is ing our economy. If a community institution, like precisely what I see happening at the corporate your hometown newspaper, isn’t in this for the dailies that largely populate our region. My issue long haul, perhaps it’s time for the community to has never been about the daily newspaper instituseek out a new locally committed institution to tions themselves. It’s always been about the conlead the charge. trolling interests who put up a friendly facade but whose true colors come to light when the going Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton gets tough. This is a time to stand your ground and Publications. He may be reached at show you are a leader, especially when the health and welfare of your community is at stake. It’s not
April 7, 2012 - 5
When lucid language runs amok A
friend recently told me she had coffee with so and so who was father of so and so, a member of the band Lucid. Before that, another friend said he ran into so and so, cousin of so and so, a member of the band Lucid. And even before that, someone else said they just spent time with so and so, best friend of so and so, who is a member of the band Lucid. Honestly, over the 12 years I've lived here, I've never seen Lucid perform. In fact, I would never have heard of them, except for all the people who feel the need to inform me of any connection, however distant, to the band Lucid. I hear they are amazing and have an immense and faithful fol-
lowing. But I wonder if they know of this new form of communication they have inspired? I wonder if they even inspired it? Perhaps it has been around for some time, and it is merely myself who knows nothing of it, or at least has not paid attention until I noticed how often Lucid popped up in conversation when describing people's connection. Suddenly, I was finding myself left out, behind in the times, unaware of the trend and lacking in contemporary sophistication. I was no longer cool. Perhaps I had never been cool. Maybe, just maybe, this new form of communication will be a way for me to reclaim coolness and show that I too can fit in. I can conform. So recently I started practicing. I was speaking to my fiance and I
Stephen Bartlett
From the Editor’s Desk said, “I just had coffee with Jason, brother of Sebastian, who works as a cashier at Walmart.” After that I told my daughter, “I think I am going to play basketball with Tyler, husband of Tricia, a member of the North Country Quilting guild.”
No, these weren't Lucid connections, but do they have to be. What's so special about Lucid anyway? Are they the only label that can somehow inspire a name-dropping connection? Isn't the janitor at the mall just as valuable a human being as the guitarist of a band? So I continued, telling my father, “I posted a comment on the Facebook page of Dwayne, husband of Helen, who several years ago was your employee at the cheese plant Kraft.” To my brother I said, “I bought these shoes at the store on the corner of Elm and Riley, in that town in Vermont near Burlington, owned by the tall balding, middle-aged man, who wears the white-laced blue sneakers by Nike.” My mom called, and I answered
with, “I have been meaning to tell you I ran into Jodie, mother of Ben, who is husband of Carol, who is sister to Jennifer, who is nanny to Christian, son of Eric, who lives off a trust fund.” And oh yeah, if you happen to mention this column to anyone, tell them it was written by Stephen, son of Diane, cashier at Rite Aide; son of Stephen, who collects the disability check; brother of Matthew, a Vermont carpenter; father of Samuel, a special-needs student at Champlain Valley Educational Services; father of Darby, architect and artist; and fiance of Erica, representative of all that is beautiful and brilliant. Reach Editor Stephen Bartlett at
Try to remember, it’s a kids game S
ports researchers say that people love sports because people with talent or skills combined with determination and dedication can do very well in sports. Americans like the idea that a person can come out of nowhere and do well in sports; it may be the ultimate meritocracy, that as Americans, we embrace. No matter the sport, who your parents are, how much money you have or who you know will not afford you an advantage. Research also reveals that we also enjoy watching grown men and women acting like children. They play with reckless abandon; 6’7” men launch themselves into the courtside crowd to save an errant ball. The centerfielder will launch his body into the stadium wall for a chance to make a spectacular catch. The wide receiver that cuts into the middle to make a catch on the fly knowing that they may be demolished by the free safety. The celebrations are as notable and famous as the sports them-
Our Furry Friends Our Furry Friends is a weekly feature brought to you by Denton Publications. For more information about these and other fine pets available for adoption, contact: St. John Feral Cat Fund P.O. Box 2884, Plattsburgh, 534-0824
selves. In the end zone football players have their signature celebrations, baseball players huddle around home base, bumping chests and jumping in celebration over a home run. Maybe for a few moments we forget that they are grizzled adults, some well into their thirties. Maybe it helps us all forget our age sometimes and to act like children again. Professional athletes are rare. Out of millions of young players, they, through innate talent and hard work make millions of dollars playing games that always start out as a kid’s game, whatever the sport may be. Over the last decade, participation in high school sports has continued to decline. Every year, roughly 57 million athletes aged 6-14 years of age participate in organized sports, by age 15 years of age that number has declined to 7 million. Researchers have found that many factors may have influenced this decline. Now children have many more options than before.
Kids Count By Scot Hurlburt
Along with sports, there is also theatre, dance, martial arts, band, clubs and gaming. Children spend many hours every week playing virtual sporting games and many other games on and offline. In these tough economic times, some parents are working two jobs, making it next to impossible to transport kids to practice every day. For some, the cost of
outfitting several children in the necessary gear may be too great. Still, many researchers insist that the focus on winning may still be the number one reason that kids drop out of organized sports. It has been long known that some young athletes will not do well in a sports environment where adults put too much emphasis on winning at too young an age. Even our most elite athletes have demonstrated that not everyone develops at the same rate. Perhaps the most remarkable example might be Michael Jordan though there are many others. Can anyone imagine a coach so blind that he would actually cut Jordan, the greatest basketball player to ever grace the court? Soon those much anticipated words “play ball” will be spoken in children’s baseball games near you. We won’t know if there is a future professional player or more importantly a future area coach on the field. What we do know is that sometimes adults can ruin or greatly diminish the game for young and
St. John Feral Cat Fund
cat (Calico) and Spook (Diluted Grey Calico) are beautiful, yound, spayed female domestic long-haired cats. Sadly, their owner had to surrender them due to severe allergies in a family member. Both girls are fully vetted and declawed and come from a non-smoking home where they were raised around young children and dogs. They are sweet and affectionate, and hoping to find their forever home soon.
North Country SPCA
oxie is a jet-black, Labrador Retriever/Staffordshire Bull Terrier-mix. Roxie was terribly under-socialized prior to arriving at the shelter, and as a result is very cautious when meeting new people. Underneath that shy exterior is young lady who is still a goofy puppy at heart; she hopes to find a family who will provide her with the guidance and attention she needs to bring out the best in her. Roxie needs a family with experienced dog owners, preferably without other dogs, cats, or young children, who can provide the structure and authority needed in order for her to blossom. Perhaps that family is yours?
Elmore SPCA
North Country SPCA 23 Lakeshore Road, Westport 962-8604
Elmore SPCA, 510 Arthur Road, Peru 643-2451
Wyatt Earp
yatt Earp is a six year old white and liver colored purebred Brittany Spaniel. He tends to be vocal, full of energy and friendly. Wyatt is completely house broken, he gets along with cats, other dogs and everyone he meets. He’s a great dog who loves people. Wyatt is neutered and current on vaccines. Bagheera came to shelter as an owner surrender. He is an adult large black cat. He’s loving. Bagheera is all ready to find his permanent home with a loving family. He is neutered and current on vaccines.
impressionable players. Please remember, when you are at sporting events that it is there game, there time, there chance to make the catch, to chest bump fellow players and to enjoy playing baseball. Don’t be that crazy, selfishly ignorant person who yells, screams and makes the game as much about them as the players. It is not about you, out of control adult, it is about them, let them play. At least some players are in the process of trying to decide if they will quit or play. Don’t be one of the reasons they decide to quit. Instead, be one of the reasons they decide to play. Give the players, coaches and umpires the respect that they have earned through the many hours of practice in preparation to be in the game. Remember, all kids count. Reach the writer at
6 -
April 7, 2012
PSUC heads off hazing By Stephen Bartlett PLATTSBURGH — Hazing is physically and emotionally dangerous and does not belong in fraternities, says Tyler Bellick. The Plattsburgh State student and member of Pi Alpha Nu is out to shred the stereotypical image of fraternities as a haven for risky hazing activities. He and fellow student, Eric Bran, have been recognized for their participation in a national hazing prevention organization. “These students have worked tirelessly to move our fraternities and sororities to become a values-driven community that does not tolerate the abuse and devaluing of our members,” said Allison Swick-Duttine, the director of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Organization Development at Plattsburgh State and a 2007 recipient of the Anti-Hazing Hero Award. Bellick, a senior sociology major from Schenectady, is one of five students across the country to receive an anti-hazing hero award from, a nonprofit group whose mission is to empower people to prevent hazing in college and university student groups. The Hank Nuwer Award is given to students who have stood up to hazing and helped educate others about the significant dangers of such activities.
“Changing the hazing culture in my organization and Plattsburgh’s Greek community and actually seeing results was rewarding in itself,” Bellick said in a press release. He said fraternities and sororities are valuesbased organizations with specific purposes, none of which support hazing. “Besides the fact that hazing can be physically and emotionally dangerous, it has no place in any fraternal organization.” Plattsburgh State continues to morn the 2003 loss of Walter Dean Jennings, a freshman who was pledging for the unrecognized Psi Epsilon Chi fraternity. The 18-year-old was forced to drink gallons of water through a funnel, causing his brain to swell and leading to his death. The incident shocked and outraged North Country residents. The university has made considerable efforts since to ensure such an incident does not occur again. Bran has been appointed as the student representative to the Board of Directors. He graduates in May 2013 with a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in adolescence education and mathematics and is a leadership development coordinator for fraternity and sorority life at Plattsburgh State. Bran is responsible for developing student leadership
Special Ed from page 1 saying the change will benefit the school community as a whole and some parents wondering how the schools, with less money, will adequately care for the special-needs children they sent from the district in the first place. “Bringing them back mainstream into the district normally means less support,” said
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Tyler Bellick programs and managing and mentoring a sixstudent staff of peer facilitators. The young man from Queens also organized a training retreat to address learning outcomes and objectives of the Peer Facilitation Program and Leadership Development. Bran provides support and resources for students as a resident assistant and he serves as an orientation leader, member of Nu Theta Gamma fraternity, president of the Interfraternity Council and a member of the Greek leadership honor society ORder of Omega. He has been invited to join a national leadership hon-
Eric Bran or society for students, faculty, staff and alumni. Swick-Duttine said Bran and Bellick are a testament to the Greek community’s commitment to eradicate hazing at Plattsburgh State. “I am proud of the work of both Tyler and eric and all of the other fraternity and sorority members who are working every day to remove hazing from their organizations or who have already made the commitment to hold developmental new member education programs.”
Saranac Central School Superintendent Kenneth Cringle, “but that is the goal, to make students independent.” But some parents worry the goal is strictly cost savings and that their children will no longer receive adequate services. These parents were hesitant to speak on the record as their children are currently enrolled in the schools they are criticizing and some of them are fighting efforts to have their children brought back to the district. They questioned how the district could adequately tend to the unique needs of their special-needs children when the districts previously said that was something they could not do and instead sent them to Champlain Valley Educational Services. The parents wondered how this could now be done, especially when the districts have less money to work with. Cringle said one of the reasons students are being pulled back is cost savings, but that is only being done with students school officials feel can be successful in the district. “Many times, placement with BOCES was temporary,” Cringle said. Last year, Saranac brought back six students, and Cringle said they are showing growth. This year the district plans to bring nine high school students back to the districts. In fact, some parents attest that the districts do a phenomenal job with their children. But there have also been horror stories about parents battling with districts for not providing their children with adequate services. Many parents have said a particular district will make decisions that are in the best interest of the district's finances and not their children, and they will then move to another district that clearly places the needs of its special-education students first, not allowing costs to sway them. Over the past six or seven years, Peru Central School, when possible, has established specialized programs on campus for special-needs students, instead of sending them to Champlain Valley Educational Services. Of course, pointed out Interim Superintendent A. Paul Scott, this is much easier for larger districts to do. It is more commonly done when the district finds itself with a group of students similar in age and specialized needs. Not only might that be a cost reduction, but it allows those students to have access to the programs, services and activities that their typical peers enjoy. “We would go to BOCES when it was not feasible to do a program on our own,” Scott said. “During recent years we have been able to establish several specialized classrooms.” Roughly 10 or 12 years ago the district had the desire to service more students on campus but lacked the classroom space. Peru also had 300 to 400 more students enrolled on campus then and was highly dependent on Champlain Valley Educational Services. One of the byproducts of reduced student enrollment is more classroom space. At the same time, it still requires having enough students similar in age and needs to service them in the district. “There are times when it is a lower cost here, but we will continue to rely on BOCES, depending on the case,” Scott said. “For us, it continues to be a mix of doing specialized programs on campus and relying on BOCES. Peru very much appreciates the level of service they provide.” Yet Champlain Valley Educational Services has taken a significant hit as districts pull their students back. Last year, the organization was forced to cut 60 positions as school districts, hurting from state-aid decreases, sought fewer services. As a result, some programs were at risk of being offered, others were in jeopardy of being drastically altered and some school districts that required certain services might no longer have been able to get them, depending on how many other children required similar services. Champlain Valley Education Services, based in Plattsburgh, provides services for 17 school districts. Those services include special education, career and technical training and non-instructional support. “It is a matter of looking at whether we can offer the same program at a lower cost, and the budget season has us doing that,” said Plattsburgh City School Superintendent James "Jake" Short. “I think most schools are looking at it student by student.” Plattsburgh has talked about bringing students back before but there wasn't enough room until budget cuts began freeing up classroom space. In some cases the district has been better off sticking with Champlain Valley Educational Services, but in other instances it has been more cost effective for the district to do it. “We have not hired extra administration and haven't hired extra nurses, they just take on extra responsibility,” Short said. “It has been much harder for smaller schools to do this.” Still, Short admitted, in some cases the district is not equipped to work with certain children, depending on their needs. Special education costs can come in the form of adaptive equipment, but also often stems from personnel, such as occupational and physical therapists. Still, Short said the district is better off when it can educate special education students with the typical population rather than sending them off to an isolated program. “It is part of that whole human dignity,” Short said. “We are a community and the more we recognize that and accept all kinds of different children, regardless of disability, and give them the dignity of being part of the whole culture of the school environment, the school environment improves. Everyone gets a more enriched experience when those kids are not cast away and isolated.”
April 7, 2012 - 7
Parent volunteers turned away? BEEKMANTOWN — Beekmantown School Board member Ed Marin suggested district residents are shy to raise taxes and support public education. He said some of them were unwilling to go without one more beer to put more money toward education. Beekmantown Central School is faced with painful budget cuts, though many residents were offended by Marin’s comment. “It’s not a matter of values,” said Holly Sims. She said there is no money, something people with jobs do not understand. School Board member Richard Lavigne talks with people who are forced to choose between buying their medicine or food. One district resident told of senior citizens who eat cat and dog food to save money. But that wasn’t the only issue that frustrated the school community. Many parents and community members say they have offered up their services for free, willing to help out with athletics, arts, music and more in an attempt to save district programs. But they say they are met with resistance from within the school community. In fact, one school official admitted that even if parents with experience want to volunteer to coach sports for free, teachers are given first choice and are provided a stipend. “There is a tremendous pool of parents willing to assist,” said Dave Anderson. “Any time we have tried to do that in the past, it is met with resistance.” Beekmantown is faced with inadequate state aid, heating
fuel and diesel cost increases, decreasing interest income, hikes in retirement system contributions, a tax levy limit and more. “We have a significant challenge,” said Superintendent Scott Amo. Position reductions include physical education, art, business, driver education, 4 elementary, English, 4 foreign language, library media, 3 math, music, reading, 2 science and social studies. The district also plans to cut bus drivers, custodians, aides, School officials face a tough budget . Photo by Stephen Bartlett monitors, typists and more. The reductions would increase class sizes, eliminate instrumentals for grades 4 and unexpectedly drive up costs. “You think you have a grasp on it and then it is gone.” 5 and reduce extra-curricular activities and athletics. District residents also stressed the need for shared servicSome district employee groups have stepped up and offered pay freezes to help save positions and programs, but es and suggested that each district did not need an individit is not enough. Aid remains frozen, expenses rise and the ual superintendent. Debbie Passno said it didn’t make sense to save sports fund balance is shrinking, Amo said. The superintendent said that when positions are eliminat- while sending teachers out the door. “Are we really looking at cuts that make sense, or cents?” ed it means people lose their jobs. But that is impossible to avoid given the 71.5 percent of the budget is comprised of salaries and benefits. Some community members demanded to know what the district’s long term plan was. School officials said public education is full of surprises. For example, said School Board member Stanley Kourofsky, a student with special needs who moves to the district can
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10 -
April 7, 2012
Sunday skateboarding
Peru school candidates By Stephen Bartlett
Patrick Brimstein
Christine Crowley
Plattsburgh City youth hit the skate park at Melissa Penfield Park in Plattsburgh this past Sunday. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
Christopher Mazzella
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PERU — Peru Central School has narrowed the list of superintendent hopefuls to three individuals. They spoke recently at open forums, describing their visions and fielding questions from the audience. The three finalists are Dr. Patrick Brimstein, Christine Crowley and Christopher Mazzella. Brimstein is currently high school principal for Wheatland-Chili School District of Monroe County. He completed part of his education while in Europe and referred to himself as “not your typical college to classroom.” Brimstein traveled the world with military para rescue, learning the value of a team and working with other people. He believes that every student is the school community’s shared responsibility, authentic curriculum engages students in learning and collaboration makes for quality schools. He further feels that well-rounded public education strengthens society, communication unites schools and communities, improvement requires planning and adequate feedback and there is opportunity in every challenge. “We need to have everybody talking together,” Brimstein said. He wants to know how he’s doing and said criticism will not hurt his feelings. Students must be engaged to learn and curriculum must be relevant to their lives. They need to see the value in it. In Brimstein’s high school, everybody is a leader and leadership potential of students is cultivated. “One of the favorite parts of my job is mentoring teachers.” Turning the conversation to finances, Brimstein said Peru must anticipate and not react. He is a strong believer in regional partnerships with neighboring schools as well as the community. Crowley is currently superintendent of schools for Duanesburg Central School District of Schenectady. She also once served as a principal for Northeastern Clinton Central School and graduated from Saranac Lake. She’s always seen Peru as an innovative district willing to try new things. Crowley herself has negotiated contracts, worked with attorneys and had to deal with significant tragedies in educational career. She’s had experience with districts that share office duties and shared services. “We try to be very proactive and try to explore,” Crowley said. “Taxes are too high, and people can’t afford
any more taxes.” Districts must examine how they can continue to provide best services for students while also looking out for taxpayers. Every district, she said, must look at sharing. Her focus is always on the students and finding ways to connect with them. Getting students engaged and wanting to come to school is important. Her district identifies students who are struggling and provides them with interventions early on. She feels Peru could work on raising its graduation rate of 74 percent and also further review how it meets the needs of special-education students. She values shared decision making, though she also pointed out that some decisions must be made on the spot. When the bar is set high, Crowley believes, students will rise to the level of expectation. “We are going to have to do things differently with state aid decreasing.” Mazzella is currently Peru’s high school principal. He grew up in Western New York and said first and foremost he is a father and husband. His family motivates what he does. Working as a coach for 10 years helped form the way he leads people. As a physics and math person, he is used to solving problems. A district leader must have a vision to create momentum, Mazzella said. Without a solid mission statement, a district cannot create a vision. Mazzella would focus on families, engage the community and continue to improve the district. That triangle will “move our momentum.” It is important to produce learners who are critical thinkers. Mazzella wants to create a school culture focused on learning, problem solving, communication and critical thinking. “We have to set high expectations,” he said. “We have to collectively share our intelligence and talents and find leadership and empower it.” The district must work together, he said, and it has to set goals. Data will allow the district to analyze what it is doing well and what could be improved upon. “Data is going to be our culture,” Mazzella said. “Becoming a data culture is part of setting high expectations.” It is the district’s job to move children forward, and trust is not built on words, but it is built on action, he said. Families have to trust Peru educators. “Embrace the privilege to hold the future in your hands,” Mazzella said. “We are blessed to mold children’s futures.”
Chicken Dinner to be held PLATTSBURGH — A chicken and biscuit dinner will be held to help support the The Community Link Mobile Health Clinic on at the American Legion, Quarry Road, April 14, from 3 to 8 p.m. Entertainment will provided by Barbie and the Golden Notes and guests. Meal will be $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12. For more information call 561-3566.
April 7, 2012 - 11
Section XI request for two-year state championship hiatus not happening By Keith Lobdell WILLSBORO — What if the Section VII championship was the ultimate triumph? No regionals. No states. No five-time or back-to-back titles for Chazy soccer. No final four for Saranac girls basketball. No Hayden Head pinning his way to a title at the Times Union Center, or Arik Robinson doing it four straight times. That may just become a reality if a recent proposal is adopted — at least for the next two years. R e c e n t l y, S e c t i o n X I p ro p o s e d t o t h e New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) a twoyear hiatus on state championships in all sports, starting in the 2013-14 season. T h e y a l s o p ro p o s e d t h a t o n c e c h a m p i onships return, they only be held in “major” sports. Stephen Broadwell, Willsboro Central School Superintendent and Second Vice P re s i d e n t o f t h e N Y S P H S A A , s a i d t h e proposal did not go much beyond the initial talks. “With the Association, everything is an o p e n f o ru m a n d e a c h s e c t i o n h a s t h e i r i d e a s a n d o p i n i o n s , ” B ro a d w e l l s a i d . “They are welcome to bring them to the floor and that is what Section XI did, but it really did not receive a lot of support for those proposals.” Part of the issue for Section XI, which
Hayden Head pins his final opponent of the 2011-12 season, capturing the NYSPHSAA state wrestling title at 285-lbs. Section XI had proposed a two-year moratorium on state championships and to eliminate several “smaller” events following. Photo by Jill Lobdell is located in the Long Island region, was the amount of time that it took to get to some of the state championship sites (swimming is held at Erie Community
College in Buffalo, for example). B ro a d w e l l s a i d t h e N Y S P H S A A i s a l w a y s l o o k i n g t o m o re c e n t r a l l y l o c a t e championship sites.
“We continue to look at costs and how to save while still hosting quality tournaments and championship events,” Broadwell said. “We are trying to find ways to reduce the costs for all sections because w e k n o w w h e re a l o t o f t h e m s i t w i t h budgets.” B ro a d w e l l s a i d t h a t h e f e l t t h e s t a t e ch am pi on sh i ps were a g reat ch an ce f or high school student-athletes f ro m t h ro u g h o u t t h e s t a t e t o c o m p e t e a t t h e highest level, along with a source of pride for the communities they represent. “Saranac Central used a snow day the day of the Final Four to allow the students and community a chance to go to Troy and support their team,” Broadwell said. The Lady Chiefs played in the Class B girls Final Four on Friday, March 16, and were sent off with a community pep rally and had one of the largest fan contingents at the tournament. “It is just unbelieveable what these events do for schools, communities and t h e k i d s , ” B ro a d w e l l s a i d . “ T h i s s h o w s the best of what we try to do. I had the opportunity to go to the gymnastic state championships and some of the girls basketball games, and this is the pinnacle of accomplishment for them.” Broadwell said he also felt the number o f c h a m p i o n s h i p e v e n t s s h o u l d re m a i n the same and not be reduced. “For some, this may be the only sport or activity they are involved in all school year,” he said.
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April 7, 2012
Friday.April.6. SENIOR ZUMBA. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. WATERCOLOR CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 12:30 p.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. OPEN FAMILY SWIM NIGHT. Wellness Center, at PARC,295 New York Road. 7-9 p.m. $2 charge per person for all participants. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. 562-6860. GARY PEACOCK TUNES AND TRIVIA. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 5632222.
Saturday.April.7. INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 9-14, 9 a.m. LIFE DRAWING CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. $10, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Sunday.April.8. INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 15 and older, $30, 9 a.m. SOULFULL YOGA. Soulfull Sunday Yoga Rota Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 11:00 a.m. GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETS. ROTA Art Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 4 p.m.
Monday.April.9. SENIOR FITNESS CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 8:15 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102.
TIBETAN ARTQUEST. ArtQuest, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, 8:45 a.m.-noon. QUILTING & SCRABBLE GAME. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9 a.m.-12 p.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. BOATER SAFETY COURSE. Clinton Community College, 136 Clinton Point Drive, 6:30-9 p.m. on Monday evenings starting on Monday March 26 and continuing for 7 weeks. 493-7251.
Tuesday.April.10. SENIOR TAI CHI. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. TIBETAN ARTQUEST. ArtQuest, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, 8:45 a.m.-noon. WII BOWLING LEAGUE MEETS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. KIDS BALLET CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. For kids 5 and older, $8, 4-5 p.m. 3 MILE CLUB.Chazy Central Rural School, 609 Old Route 191, 6 p.m. $3. 578-7123. TRIVIA NIGHT. Geoffries Pub, 5453 Peru St. 8 p.m. POKER TOURNAMENT. Therapy Nightclub and Sports Lounge, 14 Margaret St. 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday.April.11. SENIOR FITNESS CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 8:15 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. TIBETAN ARTQUEST. ArtQuest, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, 8:45 a.m.-noon.
SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING SALE. Special sale of gently used spring/summer clothing and footwear Fill a large 33 gallon bag $5, St. Vincent's thriftstore, 3028 Main Street. 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. BINGO. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 11 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. HEALTHY LIVING WORKSHOP. Workshop for people with any kind of ongoing health condition, Sibley Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh Campus. 5-7:30 p.m. 314-3682. OPEN MIC NIGHT WITH MIKE PEDERSEN. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222. IMPROV COMEDY PERFORMANCE. Olive Ridley's, 37 Court St., 10 p.m. 324-2200.
Thursday.April.12. TIBETAN ARTQUEST. ArtQuest, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, 8:45 a.m.-noon. WINTER FARMERS MARKET. City Recreation Center, 52 US Oval, 3-6 p.m. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING SALE. Special sale of gently used spring/summer clothing and footwear Fill a large 33 gallon bag $5, St. Vincent's thriftstore, 3028 Main Street. 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. GARY PEACOCK TUNES AND TRIVIA. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 5632222. OPEN MIC/POETRY NIGHT. Rota Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 7:30 p.m. MUD & MERLOT POTTERY CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff St., age 21 and older, $25/session. 5-7:30 p.m. SENIOR ZUMBA. Town Office building on Banker Road, 5-5:45p.m. $5 per night and class size is limited to 40 participants. ZUMBA. 6-7p.m. right at the Town of Plattsburgh Office building on Banker Road. $5, limited to 40 participants. WORLD POKER NIGHT. Geoffries Pub, 5453 Peru St. 7-9 p.m. STUMP TRIVIA NIGHT. Therapy Night Club and Sports Lounge, 14 Margaret St. 810 p.m.
Friday.April.13. SENIOR ZUMBA. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. TIBETAN ARTQUEST. ArtQuest, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, 8:45 a.m.-noon.
FRONT MONEY By Robin Stears ACROSS 1 Golden Raspberry, e.g. 6 “__ Fideles” 12 “__ doctor, not a bricklayer!”: “Star Trek” line 15 “Frontline” airer 18 What Fuzzbusters detect 19 Some boas 21 It can be hard to refold 22 Cut off 23 Pride of a collection 25 Admire to excess 27 Pacific Surfliner operator 28 Authority figure 30 Thornfield Hall governess 31 Golfer’s slice, say 34 U.S. document publisher 35 Taken down a peg 37 Nexus One, for one 41 “Scrumptious!” 42 Judges on “Top Chef” 43 Food spearer 44 Summoned 45 Bach work 47 Prefix for calling 49 401(k) relative 52 “Joyeux __!” 53 Pro __: for now 56 Sister of Clotho 57 The 5 in “10 ÷ 5,” e.g. 59 Loaded, in Logroño 60 2012 rival of Mitt and Rick 61 Like LAX, around the clock 62 Methuselah’s father 63 Chevy SUV 67 Isr. neighbor 69 Org. with quarantine authority 72 Kroner spenders 73 Horse play 74 DOJ employee
78 80 81 84 88 89 90 91 93 96 97 98 100 102 104
105 106 107 108 111 116 118 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
Charged things One of the deadly sins “Fear Street” series author Less wasteful “Well, __-di-dah!” Green of Austin Powers movies Giant legend Stuffed, cylindrical dishes Slathered on, as Brylcreem “Categorical imperative” philosopher Data Accustomed Killer in a classic “SNL” sketch series Accountant’s creation __ Square, adjacent to the Boston Marathon finish line Item in a lock 1987 Beatty flop “Real Dogs Eat Meat” brand Upbraid Whitman’s dooryard bloomers Colorful arc Line in many a British dairy ad Somme one Preschool group? Custard-filled desserts Divider of continents Conscription org. Hrs. in classifieds Minute Maid Park team Geeky types
DOWN 1 Instrument for Giuseppe’s glissandi 2 Not so hot 3 Mine entrance 4 Motorola flip phone introduced in 2004 5 Emulated Alice
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9
6 37-Across download 7 Salon supply 8 Artwork in a clichéd comeon 9 Islamic sectarian 10 Large volume 11 Loafer’s lack 12 “There’s no step 3!” computer 13 “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?” inquirer 14 Kwik-E-Mart operator 15 1994 Sony release 16 Sacred Indian fig 17 Earns a citation? 20 Beat others to, as sale merchandise 24 Train for a fight, say 26 Slightest 29 Appian Way builders 32 They’re rarely seen on rainy days 33 “Such a lonely word,” to Billy Joel 36 Judge’s determination 37 Union Sq., e.g. 38 “See, señor!” 39 Work without __ 40 Back 46 Joey in a Milne book 48 Volcanic formations 49 2011 Colbie Caillat hit 50 Upholstery problem 51 Street sign abbr. 54 Brutus’s “Behold!” 55 Eponymous mineralogist 58 Forbes rival 59 Messenger molecule 62 Father of Henry II 63 Squeal 64 Cyan 65 Shoes with a basset hound logo 66 Tagged between bases 68 Hamelin critter 70 Word whose last two letters are an example of it 71 Noble’s crown
75 76 77 79 81 82 83 85 86
Madre’s hermano Blowup cause On the other hand Some earth tones Aircraft carrier pilot’s waiting area Old Ford luxury car 1984 Cyndi Lauper hit “We wear short shorts” brand Tracy Turnblad’s mom in “Hairspray”
87 89 92 94 95 96 98 99
S&L offering Hook’s right hand Beethoven’s fifth? DuPont acrylic “Oh, my” Region known for its wool Ill-fated son of Daedalus “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” family 101 Beethoven’s Third 102 Complain about 103 Neptune’s largest moon
109 110 112 113 114 115 117 119 120
Ladies on a lea “__ fair in ...” Valentine trim Maker of Aspire computers Sudan neighbor D.C. 100 Lingerie item El Dorado treasure __ Nautilus
This Month in History - APRIL 4th - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is signed. (1949) 5th - General Douglas MacArthur died in Washington, D.C. at the age of 84. (1964) 6th - Explorers Matthew A. Henson and Robert E. Perry are the first to reach the North Pole. (1909) 7th - The World Health Organization (WHO) is founded. (1948)
(Answers Next Week)
April 7, 2012 - 13
NINA ELIZABETH MCNAMARA APRIL 10, 1918 - MARCH 30, 2012 Nina Elizabeth McNamara of Rich, grandchildren Gabi and Willsboro, NY died at the Nate Yeager, a sister Isabel Horace Nye Home 3/30/12 Porter, and favorite neices at the age of 93. Nina was Jackie Ziskind and Jill Porter. born in Chester, MD 4/10/ 1918. She was preceded in There will be no calling death by her parents Jacob hours and burial will be at and Orinthia Baxter, her husthe family convenience in band Calvin McNamara, Cambridge, MD. The family brothers Carroll, Jennings has requested donations in and Joseph Baxter, and sisher memory be made to the ters Emma Baxter and Inez Willsboro United Methodist Thompson. She is survived Church, the Willsboro Fire by a son Gary McNamara Department or the North and wife Barbara, grandson Country SPCA in Westport, Gregory Mcnamara and wife NY. Huestis Funeral Home Melanie, granddaughter is in charge of local arrangeDawn Yeager and husband ments.
FIREWOOD 100%WOOD HEAT NO WORRIES. Keep your family safe and warm with an OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler. Call today (518) 834-4600
FIREWOOD PLAN ahead & get next year's firewood before prices go up. Mixed hardwood $240/FULL CORD. Free delivery within 20 miles of Westport. 518-962-4688.
FURNITURE NEED FURNITURE couches, recliners, book shelves, end tables etc., Lay-a-way plan available. D&B Furniture 209 Water Street, Elizabethtown, NY 518-234-1048
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1/2 PRICE INSULATION 4x8 sheets, all thicknesses available. Call 518-812-4815 or 518570-8172
LAWN CARE PRIVACY HEDGE CEDAR TREE Windbreaks, installation and other species available.Mail order. Delivery. 1-800 -889-8238
LOGGING LOG LENGTH FIREWOOD Mixed Hardwood, 10-11 whole Cord (tractor trailer load) Call for pricing 518-207-6718
MEMORIALS O ver 400 M onum ents In Stock !Low Prices, U nbeatable W arranty
Plattsburgh Memorials 4875 So. Catherine St. Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Ph. (518) 563-7666 1-800-750-4452
PERMANENT LIFE INSURANCE. Qualify to age 86. Fast. Easy. Few Questions. No Exam! 1-800-938-3439, x24; 1-516938-3439, x24
GLORIA MAE LINDSEY MAY 04, 1939 - MARCH 31, 2012 Gloria Mae Lindsey (age 72) (Greg) of Darlington, PA, sispassed away on March 31, ter Gayle Blanchard (Jerry) of 2012 at Good Samaritan HosRexford, NY, brother Gary pital in West Palm Beach VanDerwarker (Stella) and Florida following a long illHilda VanDerwarker of Potness. tersville, NY, four grandchilShe was predeceased by pardren and many nieces and ents Walter and Dorathea nephews. VanDerwarker, sister Mary In lieu of flowers, donations Lou VanDerwarker, brothers can be made to: Kathleen Burt and Leon VanDerwarkLindsey and ServiceSource er, husband George Lindsey fund at Breast Cancer Emerand daughter Kathleen Lindgency Fund (BCEF). sey. Details for a memorial serShe is survived by her vice will be announced at a daughter Michelle Wallace later date.
LAVALLEE LOGGING is looking to harvest and purchase standing timber, primarily Hemlock & Hardwood Willing to pay New York State stumpage prices on all species. References available. Matt Lavallee, 518-6456351
MULCH MULCH-TOPSOIL HARDWOOD Nat. Mulch $24/yd Mulch Dyed $35 yard Rich Screened Topsoil $20/yd Screened playsand $15/yd Nat. Wood Chips $25/yd Dyed Wood Chips $35 Delivery chg on products/6yd to 120yd loads avail 518-834-9594 or 518-569-5375
REAL ESTATE ADIRONDACK " BY OWNER" 1000+ photo listings of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $275 per year. Visit online or call 518-891-9919
APARTMENT INDEPENDENT LIVING Community for Seniors, spacious, onebedroom apartment with walk-in shower, decorative fireplace and mountain views. Monthly rent includes 3 meals a day, weekly housekeeping and laundry, emergency response system, scheduled transportation for doctor appointments and errands, activities 7 days a week and utilities. Call Jenn at Saranac Village at Will Rogers for a free tour at (518) 891-7117 **FREE FORECLOSURE LISTINGS** Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 1-800-749-3041 AFFORDABLE 2-BDRM second story Apt., no pets, no smoking, $600 + utilities. Main Street, Westport, NY. Call 518962-8313.
ELIZABETHTOWN 2 bedroom apt., new kitchen, new heat, new electric, new paint, no pets!! 518-234-1048 (518) 234-1048 KEESEVILLE 1 BEDROOM bright, quite, residential neighborhood, min. to I-87, golf, Lake Champlain or Plattsburgh, $410.00/mo. + security & utilities, pets OK. 518-834-7647
WESTPORT 1 bdrm second floor apt., balcony deck, full bath, electric heat, onsite laundry, utilities separate, $525/ mo., 518-962-8500 or 518-5247255.
Reporter for weekly regional newspaper group.
Applicants must have strong communication and writing skills, be versed in page design and digital photography as well as a Apple Computer Systems. Journalism experience, as well as a working knowledge of Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign and Photoshop preferred.
WESTPORT/ETOWN/LEWIS: 5 room apartment in 2 family home, first & last month, $450 monthly + utilities, no,no,no pets. 508-839-4551/ 508-845-9424/508 -612-5636
The chosen applicant will create articles of general community interest, take local photographs, edit copy and assist in laying out newspapers.
DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can't be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad on line at or call 1-877-275-2726 OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations:
GARAGE SALE/BARN SALE TICONDEROGA, MOVING Sale 1249 NYS RT 9N, Ticonderoga, Saturday April 07, 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Kitchen,furniture,bike trainers
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $5,000 SIGNING Bonus! Frac Sand Owner Operators. More Texas work than trucks! Must have tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer 817-926-3535 MYSTERY SHOPPERS! Earn up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 1-888-750-0193. REACH AS MANY as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1877-275-2726 for details or visit
CAREER TRAINING AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-803-8630 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877 -692-9599
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This is an entry level hourly position. Health insurance, paid time off, matching retirement program and life insurance offered. This opportunity to work for a 60-year-old independently owned company with an excellent business and financial reputation, that is growing.
DO YOU HAVE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as5 million potential candidates in central and western New York with a 15-wordclassified ad for just $350! Place your ad online at or call 1-877-275-2726
Send reume to: John Gereau, Denton Publications, P.O. Box 338, Elizabethtown, NY 12932 or E-mail
DRIVERS- NEW Freight lanes in your area. Annual Salary $45K to $60K. Flexible hometime. Modern Fleet of Trucks. CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experience. 800-4149569
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April 7, 2012 30X50 METAL Storage Shed, including door. Price on call. 518-359-3310 after 4pm. COMPLETE OPEN KEY Restaurant Equipment, stove, pots & chairs etc. Call for more info. 518-359-3310 after 4pm FLOWER POT The Real Macoy, $25.00. Call 5185067 FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE 2-door, good condition, $200.00. Call 518-576-0012 MEMORY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA MATTRESSES T-$299 F-$349 Q-$399 K-$499 ADJUSTABLES - $799 FREE DELIVERY LIFETIME WARRANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1-800-ATSLEEP1800-287-5337 WWW.MATTRESSDR.COM
OLD RECORDS 78, 33 1/3; some old books & comic books; 2 1900's dressers; 4 chairs; 3 old TV's 12", 20" & 27". Make an Offer. 802-2476393 WE'LL FIND the perfect employee and make you the hero! Office /Clerical, Light Industrial Professional/Technical Call today 518-566-6061 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST American Management Association, an international not-for-profit membership based organization that provides a broad range of management development and education services to individual and organizations is looking for (5) full time Business Development Specialist trainees in Saranac Lake, NY. Specialist will focus on generating new revenue by cultivating and establishing relationships with new customers and dormant accounts through sales of corporate seminars and memberships. Starting salary is 32K plus immediate commission incentives. Salary will be reduced to 24K plus commission after six months. Successful candidates will be eligible for full time benefits at the completion of the three month training program and employment status will change from temporary to full time. HS graduate or equivalent, some college preferred. Three or more years of business experience essential, two years sales experience required. High volume telephone experience in a sales environment preferred. For complete job description and to apply please visit our website,, AMA Careers. An EOE/AA employer, M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED: Help us keep families together! Brothers and sisters are in need of caring, loving homes where they can live together. We are also in need of families to make a difference in the life of a teen who is waiting for a caring family. Northeast Parent and Child Society offers free training, intensive in-home weekly support, 24hour access to program support and a generous monthly stipend. Training will begin soon. Call our Queensbury office at 788-6117 or our Malone office at 320-6150 or visit HOUSE CLEANER WANTED!! Looking for someone to clean my home weekly in the Plattsburgh area. Pay is $15.00 per hour. Call 518-563-8420 for additional details Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm. TEMPORARY DISTRIBUTION SPECIALIST American Management Association, a worldwide leader in training, business solutions and management development is looking for a Temporary Distribution Specialist in Saranac Lake, NY to fill orders, package orders, process customer returns and other related duties. Approximately 3 month duration. High school graduate or equivalent. Ability to work effectively with others in a team environment. For complete job description please visit Careers on our website @ An EOE/AA employer. M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization.
FOR SALE 100 WINE Bottles for Sale. Call 518-2985144.
THREE CRAFTSMAN TOOL boxes full of snap-on Craftsman Mattco tools, plus cart. $2000.00 Please call 518-728-7978
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GENERAL $$OLD GUITARS WANTED$$ Gibson,Fender,Martin,Gretsch. 1920's to 1980's. Top Dollar paid. Toll Free: 1-866-433-8277 AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866)453-6204 AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for hands-on Aviation Career. FAA approved program.Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1 -877-202-0386. AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available Call AIM (888) 686-1704 AT&T U-VERSE just $29.99/mo! Bundle Internet+Phone+TV & SAVE. Up to $300BACK! (Select plans). Limited Time CALL 1-800-437-4195 AT&T U-VERSE for just $29.99/mo! SAVE when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 BACK! (select plans). Limited Time Call NOW! 877-276-3538 AT&T U-VERSE for just $29.99/ mo! SAVE when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 BACK! (select plans). Limited Time CALL NOW! 800-307-5308 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE FROM HOME. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice,*Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified.SCHEV certified. Call 1-800-494-2785. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Call 800-510-0784 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-494-3586 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality, Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888 -201-8657 CA$H PAID-UP TO $27/BOX for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. SE HABLA ESPANOL. Emma 1888-776-7771. CABLE BUNDLE & Save on your CABLE, INTERNET PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet starting at less than$20/mo. CALL NOW! 800-375-1270 CANADA DRUG Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90% on all your medication needs. Call Today 888-734-1530 for $25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-8645784 CASH FOR CARS All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 DISH NETWORK lowest nationwide price $19.99 a month. FREE HBO/Cinemax/Starz FREE Blockbuster FREE HD-DVR and install. Next day install 1-800-413-3897
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STK #EN399 • Auto, Air, Pwr. Windows/ Locks/Seat, CD, Sirius Satellite MSRP.....................................$27,445 Ford Retail Customer Cash......-$1,250 Ford Retail Bonus Cash...............-$250 Ford Trade Asst.*........................-$750
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2012 Ford Focus
STK #SEN101 • Auto, Air, SYNC System MSRP.....................................$19,885 Ford No Charge SYNC................-$395 Ford Retail Customer Cash.........-$750 Ford Retail Trade Asst................-$750
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April 7, 2012
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Court Street • Elizabethtown, NY
Court Street, Elizabethtown, NY
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2010 Chrysler Town & Country Light Blue, 33K Miles
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18,980 *Tax, title and registration not included. 34310