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Running Amok»

Burgh Editor Stephen Bartlett says no right in two wrongs.

A Denton Publication




Plattsburgh makes cuts but saves some programs



This Week



Volunteers give away books across the country.

By Stephen Bartlett




PLATTSBURGH — It started with roughly $600,000 in cuts for the 2009-10 school year, a model academic program suffering as the nation struggled through the Great Recession. It would eventually surpass $6 million, leaving a trail of educational components in its wake. This year, it continued, until some Plattsburgh City School officials could stand no more. They couldn’t stop all the cuts, but they were unwilling to completely ravage the school district’s program.

Upward Bound students hide eggs for children. PAGE 3 ARC

Gavin LaVarnway, 4, collects Easter eggs during CVPH Medical Center’s annual Easter egg hunt. Photo by Stephen Bartlett


Take Back the Night rally defeated by council? By Stephen Bartlett stephen@denpubs.com

Plattsburgh State students head up the steps of City Hall in hopes the Common Council will allow them to hold an annual rally in the streets. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

P L AT T S B U R G H — O r g a n i z e r s o f a y e a r l y r a l l y h e l d t o p ro t e s t sexual violence against women don’t understand why they cann o t t a k e t o t h e s t re e t s t h i s y e a r. Ta k e B a c k t h e N i g h t h a s b e e n a l l o w e d i n t h e s t re e t s f o r t h re e y e a r s n o w, t h e y s a y, s o w h y s h o u l d t h i s y e a r b e d i ff e re n t ? B u t P l a t t s b u rg h C i t y o ff i c i a l s s a y t h a t i s n o t t h e ca s e . T h e y a p p ro v e d t h e ra l l y b u t re s t ri ct e d i t to the sidewalks, saying they never intended to allow the wo me n t o ma rch i n t h e s t re e t s . “ T h e re a re p i ct u re s a n d v i d e o s o f u s m a rc h i n g i n t h e s t re e t , ” s a i d D r. S i m o n a S h a ro n i , a p ro f e s s o r a t P l a t t s b u rg h S t a t e a n d Chair of the Gender and

Wo m e n ’ s S t u d i e s D e p a r t m e n t . “ We h a v e b e e n m a rc h i n g i n t h e s t re et s t h e past t h ree y ear s.” In fact, videos and photog r a p h s s h o w P l a t t s b u rg h C i t y Police offering coordinated assistance in past years during the ra l l y. S t i l l , ci t y off i ci al s say t h at was never the intent when they app ro v ed t h e ev en t . “Whether they walked in the ro a d i n t h e p a s t , ” s a i d M a y o r Donald Kasprzak, “we voted on t h e si dewal k .” Ta k e B a c k t h e N i g h t b e g a n i n Belgium in 1976 to protest the violence women experienced. The f i rs t k n own Tak e Back t h e Ni g h t m a rc h i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w a s o rg an i zed i n San F r an ci sco, Cal i f o rn i a i n Nov em b er of 1978.

ARC gives back to the community. PAGE 6 SPORTS

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April 14, 2012

Volunteers give away free books By Stephen Bartlett



P L AT T S B U R G H — S t a n Ransom wants to get books into as many hands as possible. The director of the Plattsburgh Public Library smiles from the inside out at the thought of having books to give out to people. On April 23, Ransom is joining thousands of volunteers across America who are giving away free books. “This is the first time this is being done in America,” said Ransom, standing among Plattsburgh Public Library’s large collection of books. World Book Night U.S. is an ambitious campaign to give away half a million free, specially printed books across America. In 5,000 towns and cities across the nation, volunteers will give away half a million books on April 23. The volunteers are picking the books up at local book stores and libraries. “We are giving out books at the library on Thursday, April 19, to the eight volunteers,” Ransom said. “I also volunteered to give out the books.

Stan Ransom, director of the Plattsburgh Public Library, stands in the library holding two of the titles that will be distributed for free on April 23. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

“You can go where you want to give them out, but they have some suggestions.” The suggested locations for the April 23 giveaway include VA hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, ballparks, mass transit, Native American reservations, women’s shelters, food pantries, diners and more. Some of the titles include “Book Thief,” “Glass Castle,” “Kite Runner,” “Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” “Lovely Bones,” and “The Things They Car-

ried.” The campaign is modeled after a British book night in March of last year. Special paperbacks of the titles were printed with the costs underwritten by publishers, printers and paper companies. The authors waived their royalties. “I was asked out of the blue if I wanted to be involved,” Ransom recalled. Ransom hadn’t heard about it, but he was intrigued. He learned it was the first time being done in the

United States, but that it had been successful in Britain. Ransom didn’t hesitate to get involved, saying any time free books are given out it results in more reading. This is especially beneficial to individuals who cannot afford books. “I like books and I like the idea of having books to give out to people,” Ransom said. “We want to get books into as many hands as possible. “This will be an extremely important thing to do.”




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April 14, 2012

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Upward Bound students provide Easter fun Effort part of community outreach

By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — They were the calm before the storm, spreading multi-colored eggs across the grass that were quickly swept up by a wave of eager children. They volunteered for the task of laying out the Easter eggs, which took them much longer than it took the children to grab them up and stuff them in their buckets. But they didn’t mind, because this was another opportunity to give something to the youth of the community. “I love it,” said Angelica LaBombard, a local student and member of Plattsburgh State’s Upward Bound program. The Upward Bound students converged on CVPH Medical Center April 7 for the hospital’s annual Easter egg hunt, which is sponsored by the Foundation of CVPH/Auxiliary. The free event was open to children in second grade and younger. Starting in January, volunteers stuffed 10,001 plastic eggs with chocolate, which Upward Bound students and others spread on CVPH’s front lawn on Saturday morning. “The kids do community outreach (projects), and this is one of them,” said Elizabeth Green, assistant director/counselor coordinator for Plattsburgh Upward Bound.

Alec Staley and Sierra Wimett, two students involved with the Upward Bound program, scatter Easter eggs for area children to find at CVPH Medical Center’s annual Easter egg hunt. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

Upward Bound is a federally funded educational program that was launched in 1965 after the enactment of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The year-round program is implemented and monitored by the United States Department of Education with a goal of providing certain categories of high school students with better opportunities for attending college. The program concentrates on students from modest income households and/or those whose parents are not college graduates. The program works through individual grants and provides students with academic enrichment, counseling and leadership opportunities through high school graduation.

Upward Bound has operated locally since 1966, serving high school students in Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties. Besides college visits, workshops and a summer program, students participate in community outreach to develop lifelong skills to help others. Upward Bound has relationships with regional organizations that utilize students for volunteer work. The CVPH Foundation, North Country Underground Railroad, Champlain Valley Transportation Museum, Plattsburgh Half Marathon, North Country Center for the Arts, Adopt-AHighway, JCEO Food Shelf and Plattsburgh Community Garden are examples of places where stu-

dents volunteer. “We require that all of our students complete at least one outreach activity during the academic year, and all of our students participate every Monday afternoon during the summer program,” said Associate Director Brian Post. “By the time our students graduate, most have close to 40 hours of volunteer work.” “It is giving back to the community, and that is important for them to learn,” Green said. “It gives them that awareness of helping others, and it is a wonderful opportunity to be part of something.” Upward Bound wants to foster that spirit of community mindedness in the students with a hope they will continue to give as they age. Shelby Rock has spent three years in the program. It’s helping to prepare her for college and she has learned a lot. She also feels she has matured since she has been part of Upward

Bound. She enjoyed spending Saturday morning at CVPH. “I think this is very important because it is giving back to the community.” LaBombard agreed. She has spent three years in the program, has met a lot of people and was able to shadow an attorney. That was a valuable experience because she is considering a career in law. She loves the community service aspect of Upward Bound. “This one is really fun, because we got to hide the eggs for the kids,” she said. Kaitlyn Smith, in her second year of Upward Bound, has appreciated the help preparing for college. She wants to be a pediatrician. She was excited for the children to gather the eggs up Saturday and was glad to help. “It makes you feel good.”

Upward Bound students and their advisor after the annual Easter egg hunt. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

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April 14, 2012


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The Burgh Editorial

Synthetic pot: The fight is not over


he troubling news reports began late last year, describing the dangers linked with the use of synthetic marijuana or herbal incense products sold over-the-counter. Whether it was teens suffering severe health problems such as seizures, blackouts and kidney failure or exhibiting psychotic episodes or violent behavior, the use of the chemical-laced plant substances sold as “Posh,” “Wicked X” or “K2” prompted grave concerns among law enforcement officials, medical professionals and emergency responders. At first were the local reports of young teens suffering convulsions and hallucinations — and burglarizing stores to obtain the substances. Emergency medical responders witnessed people threatening suicide or exhibiting demented behavior, as well as experiencing vomiting, high blood pressure, heart attacks and swelling of the brain. Then there was the local news report in October that a Fort Edward man violently attacked a woman — attempting to strangle her and shove his fist down her throat — after smoking herbal incense. He told authorities he didn’t remember what had happened after his smoking session. Also, reports were heard nationwide of various deaths and suicides blamed on psychotic behavior linked to the drug. The same month, a Glens Falls woman was stabbed over a dozen times by her teenage son after he smoked synthetic marijuana. At the youth’s recent sentencing, the woman — who is facing permanent injuries — pleaded with the judge to be lenient, because his behavior was prompted by the drug and he had no prior criminal record. We applaud the administration of Gov. Andrew Cuomo for imposing a ban two weeks ago to halt the sale of synthetic marijuana products, which officials say are highly addictive and a pose a severe health hazard. The immediate ban was a measure enacted through the state Health Department, because Cuomo and other state officials sought to protect the

state’s citizens as soon as possible — by bypassing the lengthy process of getting such laws approved in the state legislature. Cuomo and Health Commissioner Nirav Shah deserve credit for taking such fast action. We also support U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer ’s campaign to criminalize the substances nationally. We in the Adirondacks, however, can be particularly proud that our county leaders, law enforcement officials and community activists have been leading the way on banning these dangerous substances. In February, a group called Bringing Essex County Strengths Together — which included Elizabethtownarea students and youth advocates — met with area leaders, local politicians and law enforcement officials to warn them about the dangers associated with synthetic marijuana. The meeting resulted in a campaign to urge area stores to voluntarily stop selling the substances. Key adult leaders in this effort were Essex County Community Resources Director Michael Mascarenas, Elizabethtown Social Center Director Arin Burdo, and Mac MacDevitt, community prevention coordinator of the Substance Abuse Prevention Team of Essex County. In addition, credit goes to Essex County District Attorney Kristy Sprague and county Sheriff Richard Cutting, who demonstrated leadership in calling for a ban. In Warren County, credit goes to Lake George citizen activist Joanne Gavin for urging the local town board to enact a ban, and not wait for federal and state authorities to take action. Within days of Gavin’s plea, Warren County District Attorney Kate Hogan and local state Trooper James West urged county supervisors to See POSH, page 15

This editorial is the collaborative opinion of a board comprised of Thom Randall, Fred Herbst, Lou Varricchio, Keith Lobdell, Stephen Bartlett, Andy Flynn, John Grybos and John Gereau. Comments may be directed to denpubs@denpubs.com.

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A return to our traditional core values


ries through to our education system n previous weeks this column has and likely can’t be corrected in the later addressed concerns with the years of life nor in the workforce, unbreakdown of certain values in less somehow each of us gets very seriour society. I’ve received many email ous about addressing several key ismessages and verbal comments regardsues. First, basic core values are ing these issues and the need for a learned at home from parents, siblings course adjustment. In fact most of those and a strong family unit. We can’t I’ve heard from would like to hear soluchange the number of adults in society tions to address the problems. Dan Alexander who lack an appreciation for those valMost of us can agree on the problems. Thoughts from ues and are now bringing up their own The solutions will be far more difficult Behind the Pressline children in less than desirable condito embrace because if the solutions were tions. Therefore society as a whole needs to do far quick and simple we wouldn’t be where we are tomore to counteract and instill a new sense of moraliday. The fact is the solutions start with each of us. ty. It starts, in my opinion, with a commitment to reSpeaking out and voicing our concerns when we see turn to our community churches and a new appreciand hear things we don’t agree with isn’t as simple as ation for a sense of community that can only be creit sounds. People aren’t nearly as civil as they once ated in that congregational environment. Recognizwere and voicing concerns today is more apt to creing and accepting help is never easy but it’s the only ate a heated argument then a fruitful outcome, but way I know of to reestablish our traditional values it’s the only way to correct the path we are on. and reinforce the lessons from home and school. There is a wholesomeness missing in life today Second, our education system needs to be overand in far too many circles a loss of hope. When peohauled. In New York, only 57 of 100 ninth graders ple show their dissatisfaction with nearly anything will graduate from high school. Many of those chilthese days they tend to be minimized and labeled as dren who didn’t graduate, dropped out years earlier a “nut,” a “radical,” or “very much out of step” with but hadn’t made it official until they were older. Far society. Those methods of deflecting a differing opintoo much emphasis is placed on Regents testing and ion have been so successful that it has caused, I bepushing students to higher postsecondary educalieve, a large majority of common sense people to tion. In 1973 a high school diploma was the passport just keep quiet by keeping their opinions to themto the American Dream and 72 percent of the workselves. Without visible and vocal leaders in society force had no more than that high school diploma. nor an outspoken national media to stand up for Today, just 41 percent of the workforce has no more common values we’ve all been guilty of just letting than a high school diploma, yet we have lost our things slide, thus bringing us to the sad state of afglobal leadership in education attainment and fairs we find ourselves mired in today. achievement. As a country we rank far down on the There was a time when we valued greater civility, list of other countries that encourage vocational edudemonstrated more discipline, and had a stronger cation training. sense of right, wrong and a clear understanding of In the past it wasn’t so much what you knew but our core values. People at the time earned far less, how much you were willing to adapt and learn. A but were happier and more optimistic about the fugood high school education gave one a solid foundature. Two weeks ago I had the privilege of participattion from which to build. When one thinks about ing with over 150 educators, business and communihow quickly technology is changing our world it’s ty leaders from our four northern counties at an eduhard to imagine anything learned in school today cation summit. At one of the discussion groups a other than a strong commitment to cradle to grave person said that at one time the common feeling learning and a disciplined work ethic will provide a among parents was that we sincerely hoped and befoundation for careers in the future. lieved our children would live a better life than they I’ll continue to use this platform to voice my conhad. Today most parents are cautiously wishful that cerns and I encourage you to share your views with their children can enjoy a life not better, but at least me and others. I will add your thoughts to my colas good as they had. The major difference between umn each week so that together we can find ways to those two statements is that the parents in the first reestablish the values that, as a country, have been at statement worked hard and sacrificed to make good the core of our existence. If we are to improve the fuon their hopes. The parents in the second statement ture for the generations to come we must recognize were raised in an era of plenty when hard work and that we did this to ourselves and only we can correct sacrifices were not as highly valued. They failed to what has been a long and steady decline. pass along the required skills to function in a less Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton than easy time. In short they lack the capacity or the Publications. He may be reached at will to do more than let fate take its course. dan@denpubs.com. The root of the problem begins at home, and car-

April 14, 2012

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Two wrongs do not make a right T

he Northern Puppies situation may or may not have exposed cruelty or neglect toward animals. It did or it didn't reveal a pet store that needs to close its doors. I don't know, because one photo, depending on the circumstances, is not indicative of anything, or perhaps it highlights everything. There are stories that cast the store in a negative light, and there are those that shower it with praise. What this whole issue did expose, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is the indecent, petty, cruel, childish, mean-spirited and bullying nature of many individuals. Facebook pages were created by people on both sides of the issue, and a review of them reveals

name calling, bullying and heated and often petty exchanges submerged in the dark depths of human ugliness. This may sound cliche, but I believe two wrongs do not make a right. Yet it is common to hear people say, "She started it," or "He's a creep anyway." If someone calls you a name, are you suddenly in the right when you call someone a name back? I don't believe so. I believe each and every action stands on its own, and all you become at that point is a name-caller too. Is it somehow not cruel or mean when the person on the receiving end of your behavior is a so-called "low-life" or a "jerk?" As far as I am concerned, the nature of that person doesn't matter, because your action stands on

Stephen Bartlett

From the Editor’s Desk its own and speaks for itself. If the individual you are spitting insults at is, say, a criminal or a bully, that does not mean you are suddenly not a verbal bully yourself. Another person's behavior does not exonerate your own. I am in no way inferring that I am a saint or that I have never

engaged in the behavior I described above. In fact, I have apologized more than once over the past year for behaving in ways that I am not always proud of. I'm human, like everyone else, and do not always live up to the standard I set for myself. But that does not mean I abandon the standard. It means I work harder to live up to my standards and I do better the next time around. I don't overly beat myself up and I don't let go of my ideals and, for example, label myself a hypocrite when I later write a column espousing that two wrongs do not make a right. I simply strive to do better and to continuously improve myself. I never said I was perfect and I am not saying everyone involved with the name-calling inspired by the Northern Puppies situa-

tion is perfect of imperfect. Nor am I saying the individuals involved are bad people. But I am saying I witnessed some bullying and name-calling, and in my opinion, not only do two wrongs not make a right, but they do nothing in the way of improving a situation. They merely add to the toxicity that is being created until all we are sinking in a giant pit of pollution. I am saying our actions stand on their own, and the only way to create and foster a kinder, gentler world is behaving that way ourselves and modeling it for others, despite how everyone around us is behaving. I like to think no one makes me do anything, but I behave how I choose. Reach Editor Stephen Bartlett at stephen@denpubs.com.

GUESTVIEWPOINT Medicare v. Medicaid is why Horace Nye should remain public


his is in response to the recent Editorial “Horace Nye: It's time to sell”

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” - Abraham Lincoln The Horace Nye Home is in my opinion the most important asset that the taxpayers of Essex County own. This facility through the years has been the final resting place for many residents who also contributed taxes and played key roles within this county for many years. In my community alone I can think of seven current residents of the Horace Nye Home that were long time successful local business owners in the Town of Moriah. One would have to wonder where these individuals would now be if the Horace Nye Home were in private ownership. The argument that the Private homes do not accept Medicaid or Medicare is not necessarily true. Many private homes do accept this method of payment. The real issue is what percentage of the occupants are on Medicare/Medicaid? Another issue is people that are in the “Medicaid Pending” status when trying to find a home for a loved one. Most private homes will accept you if you have enough funds to pay privately for six months. Some Nursing homes that are having no difficulty filling their

Our Furry Friends Our Furry Friends is a weekly feature brought to you by Denton Publications. For more information about these and other fine pets available for adoption, contact: Adirondack Humane Society 134 Idaho Ave., Plattsburgh 561-7297

beds require patients to be able to pay privately for a year or more. Privately paying residents pay more for their care than Medicaid pays for the same care. This is the reason as to why “Private” run Nursing Homes can turn a profit, and Public Nursing Homes operate in the red. It's very simple, if 90% of your residents (average for the Horace Nye) are Medicaid, your operation will not turn a profit. So what's the solution? Obviously you try to recruit as many “Private Pay” or insured residents as you can to fill the beds, as this is where they will make money. Of course this creates a problem for the residents of this county for two basic reasons: We are a poor county, and most of our residents will be dependent on Medicare/ Medicaid for their long-term care needs. If they can't find a bed here, they could end up very far away from here. Albany County is proof of this, with many of their residents having to go out of state to find beds that accept Medicaid. It was interesting to read the Editorials in both the Times of Ti and also the Valley News stating that it would be in the best interest of Essex County to sell the Horace Nye. How they made this determination I would like to know. What facts do they have to base this decision on? Have any of them ever had a family member in need of Nursing Home care? Have they ever been in the Horace

Adirondack Humane Society




aldwin is a great cat that plays rough and we believe he would ONLY do well in a home that has no other cats, dogs or small children. He loves to lounge out and play in his water bowl. Cloud has a lot of energy and could keep most homes entertained with his antics. He is neutered, FeLV/FIV negative and up to date on vaccinations. Is yours the home for him?

North Country SPCA


arney, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier-mix puppy who came into the shelter with his brothers Opie and Otis. From his enormous brown eyes to his brown-and white tail, Barney is an absolutely adorable dog. It's hard to meet his soulful gaze (which holds a twinkle of mischief) without cracking a smile. This outgoing fellow can't seem to get enough attention, whether it's playtime or just cuddling up with you and watching a good movie. Barney loves to snuggle and be held; however, based on the size of his paws we expect he will be quite the lap-full when he finishes growing! If you are looking for a puppy with plenty of personality, Barney is the fellow for you.


Elmore SPCA

North Country SPCA 23 Lakeshore Road, Westport 962-8604 Elmore SPCA, 510 Arthur Road, Peru 643-2451

Nye Home? Have they done any research pertaining to this critical decision other than reading the Board of Supervisors minutes? Essex County has a budget that exceeds $100 million per year. Within this budget there are many programs that we the taxpayers support that are not mandated. Education, Public Safety, Jail, Office for the Aging, Fish Hatchery, Highways, Public Health, Mental Health, Arts, Cooperative Extension, Industrial Development, Libraries, Social Service Programs, and the list goes on and on! So out of this $100 million plus budget, our County Manager recommends that we rid ourselves of The Horace Nye Home. Through the years this home has served thousands of residents of Essex County for one reason: It is needed! This home costs the average taxpayer around $30.00 per year on their property tax bill. I as a member of the Board of Supervisors, and also as a taxpayer, feel that this is well worth the expense. In closing, another quote from Abraham Lincoln, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Essex County needs the Horace to remain public, and owned and supported by the residents of this county.




NOOPY is a tri-colored 3 year old male beagle. This dog was attacked by two dogs and as a result tends to be very leery of other dogs. Snoopy isn’t very vocal. He definitely enjoys going for walks and would just love to fall asleep in your lap! Stop by and meet this terrific dog. PEACHES is a female three year old tri-colored beagle. She is fun, gets along with other animals and is a favorite of everyone who meets her. Peaches loves to be outside and to go for walks.

Tom Scozzafava Supervisor, Town of Moriah

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April 14, 2012

ARC gives back to the community By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — Donald Gougeon stared at the truck as it backed up and the driver got out and opened the back doors to the trailer. Inside, more than 3,200 pounds of food rested on palates; cereal, canned goods, cookies, mashed potatoes and more. “That’s a lot of food for poor people,” said Gougeon, an individual served by the Advocacy and Resource Center of Clinton County. Then, he and his friends, April Veach and Emerson Bernard, headed to the back of the truck to begin unloading the food at the Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf on Beekman Street in Plattsburgh. “This is hard work,” Gougeon said. “I want to do it again.” For the second year in a

row, in recognition of Disabilities Awareness Month, individuals from ARC’s Day Habilitation Services collected food at various sites throughout March. ARC is a private non-profit human service agency that provides services to the developmentally disabled in Clinton County. ARC is a chapter of NYSARC, Inc., which provides support and oversight to 51 ARC chapters throughout New York state. ARC is regulated by the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. Once the food was collected, it was delivered to the Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf and the Joint Council for Economic Opportunity’s outreach office in Plattsburgh on April 4. For 45 years, JCEO has provided services to the low-income community in Clinton County.

From left to right, Donald Gougeon, April Veach and Emerson Bernard, all individuals served by ARC, unload food at the Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

JCEO’s Community Outreach Program meets the needs of disabled and elderly individuals and low-income families. There are 11 outreach centers located throughout Clinton County that act as entrance points

for people seeking services. Each center provides information on various services, such as food baskets, clothing and other necessities. Each outreach center has a food pantry for those needing assistance. They

provide families with staple foods such as pasta, canned goods and more. “We provide food on a temporary basis,” said Dorothy Latta, co-coordinator of the Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf. “This is for people, for example, who lose jobs and have an illness.” The group serves more than 500 families per month, and last year gave out roughly 101 tons of food. “We spend around $10,000 a month on food,” Latta said. “We usually order 15,000 to 18,000 pounds a month.” Every bit of food that is donated is food that does not have to be purchased. Latta was overjoyed with the ARC donation. “It is tremendous,” she said. “That is a huge amount of food.” Elizabeth Siskavich, an employee at ARC, explained

that the effort is a way for individuals served by ARC to give back to the community and become more integrated. They brought boxes to collect food to various businesses, some of which they already volunteer at. They later collected all the food. “We want them to be seen as respected community members and to build relationships,” Siskavich said. April Veach felt part of the community. She enjoyed the endeavor. “I like helping people,” Veach said. “It’s the right thing to do.” Emerson Bernard liked helping as well. He grinned the entire time he unloaded food from the truck. “It’s helping somebody who really needs help,” Bernard said. “My mother did it at the Salvation Army when she washed pots and pans.”

Beating the drums of peace and non-violent training PLATTSBURGH — When people want to wage a war, they begin by beating the drums of war. Those who would prefer to wage peace, and recognize that it takes just as much knowledge, skill, commitment & courage (if not more), might begin by beating the drums of peace. So much is happening that negatively impacts most of us. We can sit on our hands until we explode

with frustration, or learn effective ways to make things better cooperatively. This event is a step toward the latter option. The "99% Spring" non-violent direct action training is part of MoveOn.org’s nationwide series of events during the week of April 914. The goal is to train 100,000 people in peaceful, effective ways of addressing whatever issues they care about.

This is not about elections or political parties. It’s not a political action group. It’s a gathering for ordinary people to learn a little more about what’s been happening – what’s behind the news – and to learn ways of speaking up without causing trouble. There’s more to democracy than electing leaders. The founding fathers were depending on a well-informed, engaged citizenry to make it work.

What: 99% Spring - Beating the Drums of Peace non-violent direct action training. Where: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh, 4 Palmer St, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. When: Saturday, 14 Apr 2012, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Who: Everyone who wants to participate more fully and effectively in building a healthier, more

inclusive democracy. Bring pens and pencils, a writing pad, and a folder for handouts. Wear your thinking cap and comfortable clothing. Bring a brown bag lunch for yourself, or food to share. Soup provided. To sign up specifically for this event, use this link: <http://civic.moveon.org/event/ 99spring/128603>





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April 14, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 7

North Country native starts new publication By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — There’s something about the North Country Garret Woodward can’t shake. He left Rouses Point after high school, living in Europe and out west, but he wants to set roots down here. “If I can survive,” he shrugged, sitting in Koffee Kat in downtown Plattsburgh. He’s freelance writing to keep his head above water and applying for jobs, struggling alongside his fellow Americans. He’s also putting out a magazine called the Backwoods Bugler, an alternative newspaper that features odd and wonderful stories of the people and places in the North Country instead of the hard-news statistical dread commonly found in newspapers. Woodward wants to break down the fourth wall and speak directly to his audience, include them in the situation. As a student, he never wrote or read more than he was assigned and was studying broadcast journalism at Quinnipiac University when he read “On the Road.” Suddenly, he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life and altered his major to include print journalism. Woodward went to college when journalism was more than a ghost of itself, though he said it is not dying, but assimilating. He has spent the past six years covering music events across the country and recently released a novella pieced together from journals he produced in Mormon country in Idaho in 2008. “I love to write and meet strangers.” Woodward once hung out with a horseshoe maker who spoke as melted steel fell onto his hands. Another time, he was up at five in the morning to watch an endangered bird released into the wild. “Everyone has a different story, and journalism has given me a vehicle to share those stories.” But as he explored journalism careers he

Garret Woodward, in Plattsburgh, holding a copy of the Backwoods Bugler. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

noticed editors wanted to cut up and shorten his stories. At a recent job offer in Maine for a general assignment position, he was told that his style of writing, while good, wouldn’t fit in the newspaper. On the way back, Woodward decided he’d do his own thing. “Every article is your baby, and when you have cuts because of space, it’s like watching your kid get punched in the face,” he said. “If it didn’t matter, I wouldn’t put it in there in the first place.” Woodward wants to write stories that retain their freshness a year later. He likes reading stories the reporter is involved in, saying it draws readers in more.

And he finds that often, flawed responses make a story more interesting. The first issue of the “Backwoods Bugler,” which is available at Koffee Kat and through Facebook at www.facebook.com/BackwoodsBugler, features a bus adventure and interview with the band Lucid. It also includes a meal at a local diner that includes a mouthy owner, a gourmet club meeting in Rouses Point and more. The next issue, planned for summer, is already working itself out in his head. “It won’t be easy, but I am willing to put in the grind,” Woodward said. “Backwoods Bugler” is seasonal, but Woodward would like to eventually make it

monthly. The 27-year-old is going to keep it a one man band for now, but is looking for advertisers, sponsors and donations. Anyone with such an interest can reach him at Garret.Woodward@Yahoo.com. Woodward isn’t trying to compete with local news publications, which he respects, but wants to provide an alternative platform for the many wonderful and weird things in the area that fascinate him. “I want people to feel good after reading this paper,” he said. “I want people to read about the good things in the area. “There are some interesting and talented people here who are getting things done, and I want to be around and part of that.”


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April 14, 2012

PSU students seek experiences outside Plattsburgh By Eric Dixon

eric@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — Plattsburgh offers great experiences, but sometimes when the cold wind turns your head around, you head for other pastures, whether that entails scaling up a mountain, staying on an island, or putting up a house. There are many reasons to escape from Plattsburgh (like an ’80s Kurt Russell movie minus the mullet). There are local concerts, baseball games, conventions, and beer fests, but some Plattsburgh students find other ways to spend their time. PSU Expeditionary Studies student Judd Arnold proves you don’t have to get on a boat like the Skipper and Gilligan to get away for a while; in fact, a unique experience can be as close by as a few exits down the Northway. “I go down to Keene Valley and Keeseville a lot for rock climbing, camping, hiking and ice climbing,” Arnold said. “I grab a couple of people from [Plattsburgh] and climb for the day, or a couple of days,” Arnold said. For him, college life is a mix of studying and having a good time outside when the weather is good. Ecology major Conner Schmitez also hits

Katherine Sfoglia prefers to travel back to Long Island during her precious free time.

SUNY Plattsburgh Expeditionary Studies student Judd Arnold often goes rock climbing with friends.

Photo by Eric Dixon

Photo by Eric Dixon

the local trails. “I’m an outdoors person, so I tend to go hiking at Poke-O-Moonshine, which is a really cool hiking trail,” Conner Schmitez said. “Other than that, I check out Burlington, which is awesome,” ” Schmitez continued. “I

went to Montreal to hang out with my friends for a night. It was a really cool experience; as soon as you cross over the boarder, it’s very different. It’s a very cool place to go to get away from Plattsburgh. We’re so close; my suite is planning to go to Canada

for breakfast.” However, sometimes it helps to go a little further. “If I’m not in Plattsburgh, I’m trying to go out west and climb and make my way back here for classes. Typically [on longer vacations] I go to Utah, Arizona, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington any of those states with good rock climbing, or I visit a friend down in North Carolina or Florida,” Arnold said. “I live on Long Island and during breaks I see my family. If I could, I would do it on the weekends, but I stay around here. Sometimes I just like to go home,” Katherine Sfoglia said. While Sfoglia went home, Gender and Women’s Studies student Megan Judware went somewhere less familiar. “During alternative Spring Break, I went to Connecticut with an Equal Opportunity Program group,” Judware said. “We worked with Habitat for Humanity and built houses in Stamford, Stratford, Bridgeport and in the Habitat House, where they pre-build walls, as well. I helped them with siding and helped plant trees. It was fun and I got to know people and build relationships and I was able to meet the families whose houses I had worked on.”

Shine On! to provide girls with emotional success NOW PLAYING

Fri., Apr. 13 - Wed. Apr. 18, 2012

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PLATTSBURGH — Equipping young girls and their moms with the tools to achieve emotional success and build resiliency is the focus of the second annual Shine On! Conference for girls, an overnight event for third, fourth and fifth grade girls on Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29 at the CVPH Wellness Center. Through a grant from the CVPH Foundation, and in association with the Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, SUNY Plattsburgh students have created a fun conference centered on educating children about media misrepresentations and building self-esteem and resiliency to better prepare young girls to face the pressures of middle school. The event will open with Bridget Shanahan from WPTZ, who will speak on the importance of self-confidence. Other highlights include counselors from the Pok-O-MacCready Outdoor Education Center, who will provide participants with communication tools to resist social pressures, allowing them

to stand strong and confident. Singer and songwriter Bridget Ball-Shaw will lead a song writing workshop to help girls to express themselves through song. The completed song will be performed at the end of the conference Sunday. Other workshops will include media misrepresentations, healthy eating, yoga, Zumba, bracelet beading, and time to swim in the pool. New this year is a separate slate of workshops on Sunday morning that are for moms and offer techniques to strengthen the mother-daughter bond. These workshops will give moms communication tips to talk to their daughters about the social pressures they’ll face while growing up. The mom workshops include “How to Recognize and Talk to Your Daughter about Eating Disorders,” with Ilene Leshinsky, licensed clinical social worker and creator of the Body Sense Program; “Drive Thru Dilemma: Healthy Meals on the Go,” with Jeff Vallee, SUNY Plattsburgh campus dietitian; and “Social Media & Bullying: Fun

Ways You Can Strengthen Your Daughter ’s Resiliency” with Amy LaPage, school community coordinator. The conference is open to all girls in the third, fourth, and fifth grades. There is a suggested donation of $5 for the conference, which can be accepted at the door. Pre-registration is necessary, as there is a limit to the number of participants. Registration will be accepted until Monday, April 23 or until the conference is full. Food will be provided by Smooth Moves. Registration is also required in advance for the mom workshops. A $10 pre-registration fee is required and includes a light breakfast. To register for this event or to see a detailed schedule, driving directions and a list of suggested items to bring, please visit bit.ly/shineonconference or e-mail shineonconferencegs@gmail.com. You can also contact Colleen Lemza at 518-564-2408.

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April 14, 2012

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April 14, 2012

Sixth grade leaves middle school By Stephen Bartlett



PERU — This year ’s fifth graders at Peru will remain in the intermediate school next school year. School officials have gone ahead with budget cuts that included a controversial move to relocate sixth graders from the middle school and move them back to the intermediate school. The measures, approved by the School Board, were part of more than $1 million in cost reductions. “There had been a set of preliminary draft cost reductions that have been the focus of budget workshops, and the board took action on each of those 29 cost reductions,” said Interim Superintendent A. Paul Scott. “The board reduced the budget by just over $1 million.” The school board will complete the budget development process at its April 17 meeting. “The only major action is to formally establish a budget amount for next year ’s spending plan,” Scott said. The recent cost reductions approved

by the school board also included the elimination of 7.8 instructional, 1.4 instructional-support, one administrative, one custodial, two transportation, one clerical support and one operations positions. The board further reduced one class section at the first-, third- and sixthgrade levels. Many parents have spoken out against the sixth-grade move, which will save the district money. Also, there is strong evidence that not integrating sixth grade students with seventh and eighth graders is beneficial to the younger students’ social, psychological and academic success. “I expect this year ’s fifth graders will have a good experience next school year, and they had a good experience this year,” Scott said. Peru Central School’s proposed 2012-13 spending plan totals $40.4 million, a 2.63-percent decrease from the current budget. The tax-levy increase of 2.84 percent falls within the district’s state-mandated limit. “Every indication has been that the board will establish an expenditure plan within the current tax-cap thresh-

old,” Scott said. At the next meeting, the board is expected to approve a total budget amount that falls within the cap. Many districts are doing the same, though some, such as Plattsburgh City School, have indicated they will exceed the tax cap. “I fully anticipate the board will establish a budget that will fall within the property cap threshold,” Scott said. He said there had been discussion of exceeding it, but board members are aware that many households and district residents are facing tough times financially. They understand that Americans are in the very early stages of a recovery, Scott said. “It appears the board is very much wanting to reflect their awareness of resident and household and community challenges.” Scott said that while the cuts were extremely painful, the district is operating more efficiently without having to remove or cut a program. All programs in place this school year will remain intact. “And all students will be staying in the building they are in this year,” Scott said.

Community garden group’s spring kick-off set



PLATTSBURGH — The Plattsburgh Community Garden Group will have its annual spring kick off, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 21 at the Plattsburgh Farmers Market Pavilion on Durkee St. This event is open to everyone as part of the Plattsburgh Earth Day Celebration. At 11 a.m., the day will commence with a meet and greet, a chance to mingle with fellow gardeners. It will also be the return of the annual seed swap. We'll provide some seeds to get started, as well as baggies and markers. The main event, the plot lottery, starts at noon. Plots will be assigned, payments taken. New board members will be voted in and will be on hand to meet and greet. We are also looking for individuals to serve on the board. Contact me for details. Also new this year: the First Basics of Community Gardening workshop, will take place after the meeting and will last about an hour. This workshop will be required for ALL new and returning gardeners, in order to make sure we're all on the same page. It will be offered again on May 5 and 19 (see attached schedule). Also in the schedule, we've mapped out the work days for the 2012 season, as well as some fun social events!

April 14, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 11

City and Town with Don Kasprzak and Bernie Bassett M

arch finally brought some real spring weather! I hope our winter is officially over but somehow I doubt it! I had the pleasure of speaking to Tom Mandeville’s Government and Mary Morin Carlin’s Journalism classes at Plattsburgh State. I truly enjoy meeting, listening, and answering college student questions. A press conference was held with Sunrise Rotary to announce the details of the 2012 Mayor ’s Cup & Regatta. The Glengarry Bhoys, Rick Davies and the Bearcat Ramblers, and the Gibson Brothers are the entertainment highlights for downtown on Friday and Saturday along with much more for the entire weekend. Fireworks are also scheduled for downtown on Saturday night. I attended an Albany press conference with Governor Cuomo, Mayor Bloomberg, and local mayors and county officials announcing pension

reform revisions which were necessary with the rising pension and retirement costs throughout New York State. We interviewed several candidates for the newly created Human Resource Director which is needed in the city. I attended the New York State Conference of Mayors Winter meeting in Albany. The mayors prioritized our legislative agenda and delivered it to Governor Cuomo and Albany Legislators. The Common Council considered a taxi fare increase for the first time since 2008. The always popular St. Patrick’s Day Celebration came and went with many people as usual enjoying themselves. As we move into April, streets will be cleaned, potholes filled, and our parks and ball fields will need attention. As seasons change so do our responsibilities. The mild winter has it benefits but lack of snow has different affects on our area, too. I am looking forward to summers arrival but there is much work to be done before that! Thanks!


he short month of February is coming to an end as this winter, a winter that almost was, transitions to longer days and more direct sunlight. Thoughts of spring begin to enter our minds with a desire to get outside and bask in the sunlight. This past weekend though we were reminded that it isn’t over yet! This month we finalized our submittals for FEMA and our project claims as a result of Hurricane Irene. We are confident we will get funding to help with the repair and replacement of the Bucks Corner Road culvert/bridge that was washed out. Hopefully that work will be able to start this spring and a new road will be constructed. I participated in the Vision2Action meeting this month that promoted the importance of the Arts in our region. Developing a venue for the Arts and Arts presentations is a key element of a progressive community that attracts new business and retains key residents.


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This month we received the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal Risk Management Award for 2012. This award is in recognition of the Town’s loss ratio, the best of the more than 650 member subscribers in New York State! I was pleased this recognition was given to us because it reflects the efforts of everyone working together to implement safety procedures and sound management and operation practices. We are able to have lower premiums for our liability insurance coverage. We have had a number of meetings to review our existing telephone and communication systems. The ever increasing changes in technology, that we are often required to comply with, and the changes in both hardware and software makes it important to periodically review existing resources. We will continue to work with providers to make recommendations on how we can better meet our needs and continue to hold costs down.




12 - www.the-burgh.com

April 14, 2012

PERU INDIANS The roster:

Indians golf

The Indians will head to the tee box with senior Ian Fisher and juniors Matt Nugent, Jacob Dick, Ian Spear, Tyler Lemza, Nate Haber, Christian Mattila and Kyle Donoghue.

What the coach says:

“We have experience because all of the juniors have been part of the team since seventh grade. We need to be in the 30’s and 40’s in our matches and be more consistent.” Head coach Tom Harrigan.

The schedule:

Tuesday, April 24 at Seton Catholic Thursday, April 26 at Beekmantown Monday, April 30 v. Moriah Friday, May 4 v. Saranac Central Monday, May 7 v. Plattsburgh Wednesday, May 9 at Ticonderoga Friday, May 11 v. AuSable Monday, May 14 at Lake Placid Wednesday, May 16 v. NCCS Friday, May 18 at Saranac Lake

Nick Demarais

Indians baseball

The Peru baseball team will take to the field in 2012 with a roster that includes Nick Demarais, Dom Delello, Zach Hinds, Nick Uliva, Ryan McCall, John Chase, Lucas Kelly, Troy Burdick, Blake Altizer, Conor Casey, Andy Kneussle, Mitch Cunningham and Luis Pepen Matos.

What the coach says:

“As the 2012 season approaches, I have high expectations for the Peru Indians baseball team. We have six players returning with varsity experience, and very high expectations for the newcomers to the team. Dom Delello, Conor Casey, and Luis Pepen Matos will be counted on anchor the pitching staff, however our pitching depth is much greater than last year, with eight possible pitchers. This group of players has a tremendous work ethic and comes to practice everyday with the goal of being better than we were the day before. As we continue to bring this effort to the regular season schedule, Peru should be very competitive in the CVAC division I race.” - head coach Brian Marino.

Dani Dayton

The roster

The defending Class B champion Lady Indians will look to stay atop the CVAC standings (15-4 last season) with a roster that will include seniors Dani Dayton, Paige Moore, Breanna Martineau and Taylor Rock; juniors Shannon Bombard, Nicole Breton, Alexis McKee, Brianna Padron and Linzee Wright; along with sophomore Sam Fletcher and Freshman Kelly Neenan.

What the coach says:

“We have seven girls returning from last year's team that won Section VII. We are filling spots lost to graduation and working on rebuilding this year. We are going to work on making the playoffs and being a serious contender for the Section VII championship again this year.” - head coach Jason Brown.

The schedule:

The schedule:

Tuesday, April 17 at Saranac Central Thursday, April 19 v. Saranac Lake Saturday, April 21 at Plattsburgh Tuesday, April 24 at AuSable Saturday, April 28 v. NCCS Monday, April 30 v. Moriah Wednesday, May 2 at Beekmantown Friday, May 4 at Ticonderoga Monday, May 7 v. Saranac Central Wednesday May 9 v. Lake Placid Friday, May 11 at Saranac Lake Monday, May 14 at NAC Wednesday, May 16 v. Plattsburgh Friday, May 18 at NCCS Monday, May 21 vs. Beekmantown

Monday, April 16 v. Saranac Central Wednesday, April 18 at Saranac Lake Friday, April 20 v. Plattsburgh Monday, April 23 v. AuSable Friday, April 27 at NCCS Tuesday, May 1 at Moriah Thursday, May 3 v. Beekmantown Friday, May 4 v. Ticonderoga Monday, May 7 v. NCCS Tuesday, May 8 at Saranac Central Thursday, May 10 at Lake Placid Saturday, May 12 v. Saranac Lake Monday, May 14 v. NAC Thursday, May 17 at Plattsburgh Tuesday, May 22 at Beekmantown

Rock’s Grocery

The rosters:

What the coach says:

“We only lost two girls from last year but both were excellent players. Enthusiasm among the 15 members of the team has been extremely high in anticipation of a successful season. “On the boys side, though we did lose four boys due to graduation, we do have six players returning as well as five new players that we are excited about,” said coach Jim Neyenhouse.

The schedule:

Wednesday, April 25 at Saranac Central Friday, April 27 at AuSable Monday, April 30 v. NCCS Wednesday, May 2 at Seton Catholic Monday, May 7 v. NAC Wednesday, May 9 at Plattsburgh Monday, May 14 v. Lake Placid Wednesday, May 16 at Beekmantown

Indians Track and Field


The schedule:

Tuesday, April 24 v. Saranac Central Tuesday, May 1 at Saranac Lake Thursday, May 3 v. AuSable Tuesday, May 8 v. Plattsburgh Thursday, May 10 at Seton Catholic Tuesday, May 15 at NCCS Thursday, May 17 at EKMW Tuesday, May 22 v. Beekmantown

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Indians tennis

The Indians boys tennis team will field a roster of Conner Bond, Camden Brockbank, Jordan Bushey, Pat Daly, Peter Daly, Patrick Demarais, Sean Harrigan, Kyle Kemp, Johnny McAuliffe, Matthew Rine and Ernie Rock. The girls team will include Samantha Banker, Rebecca Brown, Rachel Covey, Karley Goddeau-Stefaniak, Abby Higgins, Taylor Higgins, Anna Hogan, Shania Howard, Karri Kusalonis, Katy Lawliss, Grace Mayhew, Margaret Mitchell, Nicole Mooney, Lindsey Neenan and Jessica Raino.

Good Luck This Season!

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Lady Indians softball


The roster:

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April 14, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 13


Eagles track and field The roster:


The Lady Eagles track and field team will include seniors Kara Ashline, Jessica Huber and Kaila LaFountain; juniors Kristi Blow, Katrine Fogelstroem, Deanna Frenyea, Carly Moss, Amanda Peterson and Rachel Senecal; sophomores Emily Anderson, Gabrielle Boren, Ashley Brindisi, Rachel Brunelle, Emily Farr, Mikeala Frechette, Amanda Frederick, Rachel Kashorek, Molly King and Courtney Wilson; freshmen Grace Kelly, Jerika LaValley, Shannon Ryan and Kallie Villemaire; and eighth graders Lindsay Gonyea, Jennifer Graziane and Octavia Pizarro.

Monday, April 16 v. Plattsburgh Wednesday, April 18 at Saranac Central Friday, April 20 v. NCCS Monday, April 23 v. Ticonderoga Wednesday, April 25 at Lake Placid Friday, April 27 v. Saranac Lake Tuesday, May 1 at NAC Thursday, May 3 at Peru Saturday, May 5 v. AuSable Tuesday, May 8 at Plattsburgh Saturday, May 12 v. Saranac Central Tuesday, May 15 v. Moriah Thursday, May 17 at NCCS Friday, May 18 at Saranac Lake Tuesday, May 22 v. Peru


What the coach says:

Tuesday, April 17 at Plattsburgh Thursday, April 19 v. Saranac Central Saturday, April 21 at NCCS Tuesday, April 24 at Ticonderoga Thursday, April 26 v. Lake Placid Saturday, April 28 at Saranac Lake Monday, April 30 v. NAC Wednesday, May 2 v. Peru Friday, May 4 at AuSable Monday, May 7 v. Plattsburgh Friday, May 11 at Saranac Central Monday, May 14 at Moriah Wednesday, May 16 v. NCCS Friday, May 18 v. Saranac Lake Monday, May 21 at Peru

“Our strengths will be our sprints and jumps with Jessica Huber and Kallie Villemaire; throws with Emily Anderson and Shannon Ryan; middle distance with Amanda Peterson and Grace Kelly, with the key to success being avoiding injuries. We should challenge for the league and sectional title.” - Head coach Andy Hastings.

The schedule:

Tuesday, April 24 v. Plattsburgh Tuesday, May 1 at Saranac Central Thursday, May 3 v. Ticonderoga Tuesday, May 8 v. NCCS Thursday, May 10 at Lake Placid Tuesday, May 15 at Saranac Lake Tuesday, May 22 at Plattsburgh

Eagles golf

The roster:

The Eagles will be looking to improve on a 5-5 CVAC record with a roster that includes MaCullen Cope, Michael Deyo, Hayden Lefevre, Brendan Carnright, Bryce Lee, Josh Perkins, Kolin Costin, Ryan Brienza, Alexandre Faruqui and Shawn Disalvo.

The schedules


Friday, April 27 at Plattsburgh Monday, April 30 v. AuSable Wednesday, May 2 at Lake Placid Monday, May 7 at Saranac Central Thursday, May 10 v. NAC Monday, May 14 at Seton Catholic Wednesday, May 16 v. Peru Monday, May 21 at NCCS

Emily Anderson

What the coach says:

“We are returning only five of our players from last year, and four of this year's members are only in middles school, so it looks to be a rebuilding year. MaCullen Cope will be one to watch this year. He did exceptionally well in 2011 Sectionals, becoming a member of the Section VII team that went to Cornell last for the state tournament.” - head coach Anthony Perez.

The schedule:

Tuesday, April 24 v. Saranac Lake Thursday, April 26 v. Peru Monday, April 30 at Ticonderoga Wednesday, May 2 v. Saranac Lake Friday, May 4 at Seton Monday, May 7 at Lake Placid Wednesday, May 9 at Moriah Thursday, May 10 v. NCCS Monday, May 14 at AuSable Friday, May 18 v. Plattsburgh

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14 - www.the-burgh.com

April 14, 2012


The schedules


Monday, April 16 at Beekmantown Wednesday, April 18 v. NCCS Friday, April 20 at Peru Monday, April 23 v. Lake Placid Wednesday, April 25 at NAC Friday, April 27 v. Saranac Central Tuesday, May 1 at AuSable Thursday, May 3 at Saranac Lake Friday, May 4 at NCCS Tuesday, May 8 v. Beekmantown Thursday, May 10 at Moriah Tuesday, May 15 v. Ticonderoga Thursday, May 17 v. Peru Monday, May 21 at Saranac Central Tuesday, May 22 v. Saranac Lake


Tuesday, April 17 v. Beekmantown Thursday, April 19 at NCCS Saturday, April 21 v. Peru

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Tuesday, April 24 at Lake Placid Thursday, April 26 v. NAC Friday, April 27 v. Saranac Central Monday, April 30 v. AuSable Wednesday, May 2 v. Saranac Lake Saturday, May 5 v. Saranac Central Monday, May 7 at Beekmantown Wednesday May 9 v. Moriah Thursday, May 10 v. NCCS Monday, May 14 at Ticonderoga Wednesday, May 16 at Peru Monday, May 21 at Saranac Lake


Wednesday, April 25 v. Seton Catholic Friday, April 27 v. Beekmantown Monday, April 30 v. Lake Placid Wednesday, May 2 at NAC Monday, May 7 at NCCS Wednesday, May 9 v. Peru Monday, May 14 v. AuSable Monday, May 21 v. Saranac Central

Track and Field

Tuesday, April 24 at Beekmantown Tuesday, May 1 v. NCCS Thursday, May 3 v. Lake Placid Tuesday, May 8 at Peru Tuesday, May 15 v. Saranac Central Thursday, May 17 at AuSable Tuesday, May 22 at Saranac Lake


Tuesday, April 24 v. Lake Placid Thursday, April 26 v. Ticonderoga Monday, April 30 v. AuSable Wednesday, May 2 at NCCS Monday, May 7 at Peru Wednesday, May 9 v. Seton Catholic Friday, May 11 at Saranac Lake Monday, May 14 v. Saranac Central Wednesday, May 16 at Moriah Friday, May 18 at Beekmantown


The schedules

Track and Field

Wednesday, April 25 at Plattsburgh Thursday, April 26 v. NAC Monday, April 30 at Saranac Centeral Wednesday, May 2 v. Peru Wednesday, May 9 v. NCCS Monday, May 14 v. Beekmantown Wednesday, May 16 at Lake Placid Monday, May 21 at AuSable

Tuesday, April 24 v. EKMW Tuesday, May 1 at Lake Placid Thursday, May 3 at NCCS Tuesday, May 8 at Ticonderoga Thursday, May 10 v. Peru Tuesday, May 15 at AuSable Thursday, May 17 v. Saranac Central



Tuesday, April 24 v. Peru Monday, April 30 v. NCCS Wednesday, May 2 at Lake Placid Friday, May 4 v. Beekmantown Monday, May 7 v. Saranac Lake Wednesday, May 9 at Plattsburgh Friday, May 11 at Moriah Monday, May 14 v. Ticonderoga Wednesday, May 16 at Saranac Central Friday, May 18 at AuSable


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April 14, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 15

Peru seeks to shrink bus costs By Stephen Bartlett

stephen@denpubs.com PERU — A senior consultant spent two days engaging members of the Peru Central School transportation department, bus mechanics, faculty, parents, support staff, administrators and supervisors. He gathered an array of comments and suggestions and assembled data, including how the district maintains its fleets, bus mileage, and how bus stops are developed. The consultant is expected to issue a report in May or early June that may help the district further save money in the area of transportation. “That will provide the school board with time between June and when bus routes are established at the end of August,” said Interim Superintendent A. Paul Scott. “There will be ample time for the board to make operational some of the suggestions.” The school district is already anticipating $90,000 in cost savings when two members of the transportation department retire. Those positions will not be filled. Senior Consultant Chris Andrews is expected to make two types of recommendations. The first will be changes that can

be made rapidly and provide the district with increased effectiveness from Sept. 1 forward. The others will take more time and preparation to put in place. “The senior consultant does anticipate that the district can operate the transportation program more cost effectively next year,” Scott said. “It is possible there could be more cost savings.” Some of the changes in bussing around the state was fueled by the state Education Department. For quite some time, rural districts needed to have bus routes planned with total ridership in mind, despite the fact some children do not ride the bus. About a year ago, the state Education Department changed those guidelines, allowing districts to create routes based on actual ridership, with a 10 percent stretch factor built in. “You need to make sure you have some empty seats in case you need to transfer more students on a given day,” Scott explained. “That is a major change for rural school bussing.” For now, the district knows it will save $90,000 next school year. There could be more cost savings, but that won't be known until later in the spring. Scott stressed that there will be plenty of time in June, July and August for school officials to review the analyst's report

Peru Central School has one of the more extensive bus fleets in the North Country. Photo by Stephen Bartlett

and for the appropriate individuals to revise bus routing plans for next school year. “Even during this school year we have at least one less run,” Scott said. “Next year, we are counting on a more substantial increase in efficiency as a result of diminishing enrollment and this comprehensive study.”

Earth Day celebrations to begin in Plattsburgh PLATTSBURGH — On Saturday, April 21, between noon and 4 p.m., the Earth Day Every Day group, in conjunction with the Plattsburgh Community Garden group, will be hosting the 4th annual Earth Day Celebration at the Plattsburgh Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market pavilion on Durkee Street. There will be live music by Green Gazeebo, the One Line Community Ensemble (ONCE) and the Four Wards, as well as an open mic open to

all musicians and poets. There will also be food catered by location vendors, tons of kid-friendly activities, and a focus on the local arts scene. Children can take part in helping create a mandala and enjoy a performance by the Red Hummingbird Society. There will also be face painting and numerous educational games and books that will help them better understand how to take care of our

Plattsburgh School from page 1 “Each year gets more difficult, with less and less to remove,” said Plattsburgh City School Superintendent James “Jake” Short. In a 5 to 3 vote, the Plattsburgh City School Board decided to exceed its tax cap this year, choosing to save programs for students over continued cuts to reduce costs. The board adopted a 2012-13 budget that totaled $38,388,474, a decrease of 0.03 percent from the current spending plan. It carries a projected tax-levy increase of 5.82 percent. The district’s tax-levy increase is caped by the state at 3.01 percent, which means the 2012-13 spending plan must garner approval from at least 60 percent of voters in order to be implemented. “The state has us between a rock and a hard

Earth. All Earth-friendly and communityoriented groups are welcome to join in to promote their interests, but they will need to bring their own table. This year there will be a food collection for the local food bank. There will also be a book swap (take a book, leave a book); visiters are asked to limit their selections to cooking, gardening, arts & crafts, and children’s books. The event will also serve as an op-

place,” Short said. Making cuts has become standard procedure for Plattsburgh City School officials. “We have made significant cuts each year from 2009-10 to now,” Short said. They cut roughly $600,000 in 2009-10. The following school year they reduced the budget by $1,558,215. In 2011-12, the budget was slashed by $1,772,825. “Much of that is forgotten by many people,” Short said, “but some cuts were very painful.” Previous eliminations and reductions have included a wide assortment of secondary course offerings that were consolidated or offered in alternate years, business electives, music, foreign languages, GED coursework, guided study halls, athletics, staff development, summer curriculum, summer guidance, secondary summer school, drug/alcohol prevention, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction,

Take Back the Night from page 1 Today it is an international march and rally held to protest rape and other forms of sexual violence against women. The local group is seeking permission to hold an event from 9:15 to 10 p.m., April 21. They would march from Brinkerhoff Street to Margaret Street and then back up Broad Street. The group has walked in the street each year since 2008. But during the April 4 Common Council meeting, Kasprzak said the Take Back the Night group was insisting they be allowed to walk in the road at night, something he said has never been allowed. “Safety is our priority,” he said. The mayor explained that if the measure was approved to allow them to hold the event, restricted to the sidewalk, he would contact law enforcement to inform them it had been approved, but that there is a “difference of opinion.” Councilor Timothy Carpenter said if they were allowed to walk in the street, then all groups would have to be afforded the same opportunity. He also said that if the rally was approved for the sidewalks and marchers walked in the streets anyway he would not approve such an event in the future. Councilor James Calnon pointed out that a group walking the street would technically be a parade and must apply for the appropriate permit. Sharoni and others insisted they were allowed to walk in the streets in the past. They said after the approval was given they coordinated with university and city police to prepare for the rally. During the rally, city police provided assistance while they marched in the street. She said she did not understand how all of this could have occurred if the groups were only given permission to walk on the sidewalks in past years. “I want to express my unhappiness at the inclination not to continue to approve the Take Back the Night march in the street,”

portunity to honor a number of organizations and individuals for their efforts within the community. Later in the evening, the North Country Food Co-op will host a Coffee House between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. featuring music by the Co-op House Rockers and River Rockers. The Earth Day celebration will continue on Cindo de Mayo (May 5) at 1 p.m. with a People Powered Parade, weather permitting, beginning at the

Dean of Students, education technology coordinator and equipment purchases. The district has also cut or reduced bus purchases, intramurals, support staff, speech services, and special education. “This is a reminder of where we have already been,” Short said. “It is an illustration of the whittling away of the high school you built.” “We are sick and tired of all these reductions,” he said. For the 2012-13 budget, the board faced a $1.7 million deficit if it opted to remain within the tax cap, putting programs and services at risk. The adopted budget preserves pre-kindergarten, pre-engineering, Odyssey, music, fullday kindergarten and foreign languages. Still, the spending plan the board approved eliminates two math teachers, two English teachers, one social studies teacher, one groundskeeper, one monitoring position, two clerical jobs, five teaching assistants, one cus-

she told the Common Council at the April 4 meeting. “We have been marching respectfully. Why has this changed?” She said she expects at least 300 individuals to attend the event. Jamila Hinton, a Plattsburgh State student and president of the Center for Women’s Concerns, turned to the minutes of a Common Council meeting in April of 2010. During that meeting, she said, it clearly shows the request was to march in the streets and the event was then approved by city officials. “We have a video of us on the streets with police cars in front of us and behind us,” said Natalie Spiess, a Plattsburgh State student and secretary of the Center for Women’s Concerns. “Why would that be if the Common Council didn’t approve us to march in the streets?” Elizabeth Cohen, a city resident and Plattsburgh State professor said it was a “fair request” to have a peaceful protest in the street against sexual violence. But city officials stood firm regarding the April 21 event. “I have been mayor for almost six years,” Kasprzak said. “Not one vote for this event has ever been passed to allow anyone to walk at night in the streets.” Perhaps it had been done without the council’s permission, he suggested. “We have done our research and will not debate this,” he said. Calnon said the point of the event is for women to take back their freedom to walk at night free from violence, but that freedom has been to walk at night on the sidewalk. “Taking back the night is being able to walk safely,” said Councilor Christopher Jackson. “You don’t normally walk safely in the street.” The Common Council, absent George Rabideau, voted unanimously to approve the event, on the sidewalk. As a result, there will be no downtown march this year. “Agreeing to march under the new conditions set by the council would have betrayed our sisters around the world,” Sharoni said. “Sadly, Plattsburgh will be one of the few places around the world without a Take Back the Night march in the streets this year.”

walking bridge on Pine Street. Participants are asked to dress up in costumes and bring instruments to join in the celebration. A limited number of instruments will be provided on a first come, first served basis. Another Coffee House will be held at the North Country Food Co-op between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. that evening, with host Green Gazeebo. For more information contact Sarah Cronk-Duquette at 593-3334 or e-mail sarah.cronk@hotmail.com.

todian and assistant coaching positions for boys’ and girls’ varsity soccer. The cuts further impacted basketball, softball, baseball, field trips, gymnastics, modifiedB volleyball and the high school’s after school program. Plattsburgh school officials also plan to spend less on special education services, bringing many students back from Champlain Valley Educational Services. But if 60 percent of voters do not vote for the budget on May 15, the district will have to make another round of cuts. Board member Steven Sullivan was not present at the meeting, while Clayton Morris, Fred Wachtmeister and Tracy Rotz voted against the budget. Morris and Wachtmeister favored saving even more programs, while Rotz felt more should be cut.

Posh from page 4 criminalize the sale, use or possession of the substances. These supervisors, serving on the county Criminal Justice committee, endorsed a law that had been drafted by county Attorney Martin Auffredou and county Administrator Paul Dusek. The law is to come before the full Board of Supervisors this next week, and it is expected to receive unanimous support. We applaud their swift response. Kudos also go to Hogan and county Sheriff Bud York and his staff. Drugs remain the No. 1 destructive force tearing apart families as well as prompting criminal behavior, including violent crimes. There’s not only a high cost to society in deaths, injuries, mental health costs and crime, but the taxpayers pay exorbitant amounts to incarcerate, prosecute and rehabilitate the offenders. It is vitally important to understand, however, that although we have apparently won an initial round in ridding our region of synthetic marijuana, the fight is far from over. Although selling the substances is now subject to a civil penalty, possessing it or using it isn’t yet illegal, law enforcement officials have warned. People can merely cross state lines to obtain it. More comprehensive legislation is needed to criminalize its distribution, sale, possession and use. We strongly urge our counties to adopt such legislation as soon as possible, and we implore our state and national politicians to follow suit and not waste time in ridding our society of such harmful and toxic substances.

16 - www.the-burgh.com

April 14, 2012 MANDALA SANDPAINTING. Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, All day. QUILTING & SCRABBLE GAME. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9 a.m.-12 p.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. BOATER SAFETY COURSE. Clinton Community College, 136 Clinton Point Drive, 6:30-9 p.m. on Monday evenings starting on Monday March 26 and continuing for 7 weeks. 493-7251. PILOTING COURSE. The Lodge at Gander Mountain Sports in The Champlain Center Mall, 60 Smithfield Blvd, 6:30-9 p.m. 10 week class on Monday evenings.

Friday.April.13. SENIOR ZUMBA. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. TIBETAN ARTQUEST. ArtQuest, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St, 8:45 a.m.-noon. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING SALE. Special sale of gently used spring/summer clothing and footwear Fill a large 33 gallon bag $5, St. Vincent's thriftstore, 3028 Main Street. 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. WATERCOLOR CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 12:30 p.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. OPEN FAMILY SWIM NIGHT. Wellness Center, at PARC,295 New York Road. 79 p.m. $2 charge per person for all participants. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. 562-6860. GARY PEACOCK TUNES AND TRIVIA. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 563-2222. IS TO PERFORM. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222. THREE MUSIC SHOW AT ROTA.Tire Fire, The Heard, and As We Were, ROTA Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 7-10 p.m. $3-$5 sliding scale admission price.


INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 9-14, 9 a.m. www.plattsburghrecreation.com. TRUTH BE TOLD TO PERFORM. ROTA Studio and Gallery, 19 Clinton Street, 7 p.m. $3, and all ages are welcome. SANGERS PANCAKE WEEKEND.Sanger's Sugar House,137 Stratton Hill Road, West Chazy, $6.50, $3 for kids. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 846-7385.

SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING SALE. Special sale of gently used spring/summer clothing and footwear Fill a large 33 gallon bag $5, St. Vincent's thriftstore, 3028 Main Street. 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. CHARACTER CLAY CLASS. Character & Style in Clay with Vera Vivante, $75 non-members/$65 members, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts Center, 427 Margaret St. 563-1604. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. LIFE DRAWING CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. $10, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CHICKEN AND BISCUIT DINNER. Community Link Mobile Health Fundraiser. American Legion, Quarry Road, 3-8 p.m. $7, $4 for kids. FOUR MUSIC SHOW AT ROTA.Truth Be Told, Tides Will Turn, North of Nothing, Long Cat, ROTA Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 7-10 p.m. $3-$5 sliding scale admission price. MR. BREAKFAST TO PERFORM. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 5632222.


INDOOR WINTER GOLF PROGRAM. City Recreation Center, 52 U.S. Oval, for age 15 and older, $30, 9 a.m. www.plattsburghrecreation.com. SANGERS PANCAKE WEEKEND.Sanger's Sugar House,137 Stratton Hill Road, West Chazy, $6.50, $3 for kids. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 846-7385. SOULFULL YOGA. Soulfull Sunday Yoga Rota Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 11:00 a.m. GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETS. ROTA Art Gallery, 19 Clinton St. 4 p.m.


SENIOR FITNESS CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 8:15 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102.

Tuesday.April.17. SENIOR TAI CHI. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. WII BOWLING LEAGUE MEETS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10:30 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. CHAM DANCE DEMONSTRATION. Cham Dance Demonstration with Kathy Koester, Festival of Tibetan Arts and Rituals, SUNY Plattsburgh, Myers Building, 12:30-1:45 p.m. KIDS BALLET CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street. For kids 5 and older, $8, 4-5 p.m. 3 MILE CLUB.Chazy Central Rural School, 609 Old Route 191, 6 p.m. $3. 5787123. TRIVIA NIGHT. Geoffries Pub, 5453 Peru St. 8 p.m. POKER TOURNAMENT. Therapy Nightclub and Sports Lounge, 14 Margaret St. 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday.April.18. SENIOR FITNESS CLASS. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 8:15 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. BINGO. Seniors Citizens Council of Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 11 a.m. 563-6186, ext. 102. HEALTHY LIVING WORKSHOP. Workshop for people with any kind of ongoing health condition, Sibley Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh Campus. 5-7:30 p.m. 3143682.


FAILING FRENCH By Steven J. St. John

1 6 12 16 19 20 21 23 25 26

27 28 30 31 34 35 36 37 39 44 45 47 50 52 53 54 57 59 60 62 64 65

ACROSS __ finish Latin for “heads” Tease Uncouth one Like hayseeds’ hangouts Issue in May-December romances Straighten out Sense of unity among magnetic devices? Place to dry out, in oaters Goddess with a European capital named for her “Fooled you!” Deceptively realistic painting of The Donald? Dressed Much souvenir shop merchandise Concert wind Egg source Triumphs Horn, in Hastings They may have soft shoulders Point at the dinner table Terrible night’s sleep? “__ Irish Rose” Heyerdahl craft Vacation souvenir Come through “Porgy and Bess” aria Tease Many families begin at them Having a weed-free lawn? Humble reply to a compliment Nurse’s tool Passenger who doesn’t bug the cabbie?

68 Michigan-based financing co. formed in 1919 72 Workbench tool 73 Justification for a dried grape? 75 Early online bookstore 79 QB protectors 82 Admitting, as a lesser charge 83 Restraint 85 Pasture 87 Cholesterol initials 88 Allergy season runners 89 Garden figure taking up arms? 92 Latvian Academy of Sciences home 94 Syrian president 95 Charming, e.g. 96 “Law & Order” panel 97 33 1/3 rpm spinners 100 Country lowland 101 New York town named for its salt-mining industry 103 Enjoy a hot tub 104 Ocean trip with a skeleton crew? 110 American __ 111 Saudi neighbor 113 Allergic inflammation 114 Perfume at Garfield’s house? 117 Louis Sachar kids’ book heroine 118 Empty __ 119 Bill who said, “It’s all been satirized for your protection” 120 “Silly me!” 121 Certain tech sch. grad 122 Zen enlightenment 123 Downhill racers

1 2 3 4

DOWN Take the pulpit Try to catch up Oliver Twist, e.g. Accounted for the container

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 24 29 32 33 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 55 56 58 61 63 66 67 68

Actress Lena Dishonorable dude Representatives Carlsbad’s river “Makes sense to me” Deck swabber In __: miffed Movie goodies Smitten R.E.M. frontman Michael One way to walk Curved molding Sheryl Crow’s “__ Wanna Do” Dropped Cpl., e.g. “__ It to the Streets”: Doobie Brothers hit Spiral pasta Helium or neon Knuckleballer Wilhelm Became less reckless, say, with “up” Poet Khayyám Pre-closing bell excitement Dead lines? Inventing middle name A hundred bucks, maybe Estonia and Armenia, once: Abbr. Conductor’s beat Green beans Hit from behind Social psychology pioneer Solomon Elevate “It’s not too early to call” Less stuffy Put a new layer in, as a jacket Road race challenge Not neutral Rev.’s address Test Skip over, as ads Future femme Middle Ages rival of Venice

69 70 71 72 74 75 76 77 78

Conf. table events Renoir output Conf. table heads Chose Not at all bright Pond organism Hr.’s 60 Singer Tori Old Coors product pitched as “Zomething different” 80 Grade school art activity

81 84 86 90 91 93 96 97 98 99

Experienced Dealing with an invitation Fly ball paths Pomaded ’50s subculturist Idealist’s opposite Citizen of Basra TV image fluctuations Detest “When We Two __”: Byron poem Downhill racers

100 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 112 115 116

Arrived Mislead Rip off Thin fastener [Gasp!] Near Dallas-to-Memphis dir. Contemptible Long times Benevolent donations Narc’s employer “Do it, __ will!”

This Month in History - APRIL 10th - The first professional golf tournament was held. (1916) 14th - President Abraham Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. He died the next day. (1865) 15th - The Titanic hits an iceberg in the Northern Atlantic ocean as sinks. (1912)


(Answers Next Week)

April 14, 2012

www.the-burgh.com - 17


FIREWOOD DON’T PAY HIGH HEATING BILLS. Eliminate them with an OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler, CAll today (518) 834-4600

FIREWOOD PLAN ahead & get next year's firewood before prices go up. Mixed hardwood $240/FULL CORD. Free delivery within 20 miles of Westport. 518-962-4688.

ELIZABETHTOWN 2 bedroom apt., new kitchen, new heat, new electric, new paint, no pets!! 518-234-1048 (518) 234-1048

FURNITURE NEED FURNITURE couches, recliners, book shelves, end tables etc., Lay-a-way plan available. D&B Furniture 209 Water Street, Elizabethtown, NY 518-234-1048



1/2 PRICE INSULATION 4x8 sheets, all thicknesses available. Call 518-812-4815 or 518570-8172 HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED? Contact Woodford Bros. Inc. for straightening,leveling and foundation repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN / www.woodfordbros.com PERMANENT LIFE INSURANCE. Qualify to age 86. Fast. Easy. Few Questions. No Exam! 1-800-938-3439, x24; 1-516938-3439, x24


QUALITY, DURABLE AND AFFORDABLE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. Free on-site consultation. Call CB Structures 1-800-940 -0192 or www.cbstructuresinc.com

LAWN CARE PRIVACY HEDGE CEDAR TREE Windbreaks, installation and other species available.Mail order. Delivery. www.discounttreefarm.com 1-800 -889-8238

LOGGING LAVALLEE LOGGING is looking to harvest and purchase standing timber, primarily Hemlock & Hardwood Willing to pay New York State stumpage prices on all species. References available. Matt Lavallee, 518-6456351 LOG LENGTH FIREWOOD Mixed Hardwood, 10-11 whole Cord (tractor trailer load) Call for pricing 518-207-6718

APARTMENT AFFORDABLE 2-BDRM second story Apt., no pets, no smoking, $600 + utilities. Main Street, Westport, NY. Call 518962-8313.

ELIZABETHTOWN APARTMENT for rent 1 bdrm., downstairs, good for 1 person, HUD approved, non-smoker, no pets. Call 518-873-2625 Judy, 518962-4467 Wayne, 518-962-2064 Gordon.

ELIZABETHTOWN NEWLY remodeled apartment for rent. 1 bdrm in private home, private porch, new floors, kitchen & bath, HUD approved, non-smoker, no pets, all utilities included. Call 518-873-2625 Judy, 518962-4467 Wayne, 518-962-2064 Gordon. KEESEVILLE 1 BEDROOM bright, quite, residential neighborhood, min. to I-87, golf, Lake Champlain or Plattsburgh, $410.00/mo. + security & utilities, pets OK. 518-834-7647 WESTPORT 1 bdrm second floor apt., balcony deck, full bath, electric heat, onsite laundry, utilities separate, $525/ mo., 518-962-8500 or 518-5247255. WESTPORT/ETOWN/LEWIS: 5 room apartment in 2 family home, first & last month, $450 monthly + utilities, no,no,no pets. 508-839-4551/ 508-845-9424/508 -612-5636

MULCH MULCH-TOPSOIL HARDWOOD Nat. Mulch $24/yd Mulch Dyed $35 yard Rich Screened Topsoil $20/yd Screened playsand $15/yd Nat. Wood Chips $25/yd Dyed Wood Chips $35 Delivery chg on products/6yd to 120yd loads avail 518-834-9594 or 518-569-5375 gregatkins@frontiernet.net

REAL ESTATE 3 LAKE CABINS on Adirondack lake, $119,900. 5 acres borders NYS forest, $16,900.www.LandFirstNY.com 1888-683-2626 ADIRONDACK " BY OWNER" www.AdkByOwner.com 1000+ photo listings of local real estate for sale, vacation rentals & timeshares. Owners: List with us for only $275 per year. Visit online or call 518-891-9919 DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can't be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad on line at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726 EXTENSIVE LISTINGS in Central New York, including Delaware, Schoharie, Otsego,Chenango and Madison counties...go to www.townandcountryny.com



INDEPENDENT LIVING Community for Seniors, spacious, onebedroom apartment with walk-in shower, decorative fireplace and mountain views. Monthly rent includes 3 meals a day, weekly housekeeping and laundry, emergency response system, scheduled transportation for doctor appointments and errands, activities 7 days a week and utilities. Call Jenn at Saranac Village at Will Rogers for a free tour at (518) 891-7117

Where do most car buyers look first? Classifieds, of course! 1-800-989-4237.



2 BEDROOM/1 bath, Large full remodeled kitchen, beautiful refinished floors, all new windows, private driveway, new appliances, washer/dryer included, no pets/ smoking, background check and references required, security deposit,$750/Month plus utilities (518) 962-4846

**2012 POSTAL JOBS!** $14 TO $59 hour + Full Federal Benefits. NO Experience Required. NOW HIRING! Green Card OK. 1800-593-2664 Ext 107.


MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDED EARN up to $150 per day Undercover Shoppers Needed to Judge Retail & Dining Establishments Experience Not Required Call Now 888-380-3513

BEST SELECTION of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: www.holidayoc.com

AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Job Placement Assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (866)296-7093

AUCTION AUCTION- FAMOUS Chinqua Penn Plantation, Reidsville, NC, April 25th & 26th. Extensive Collection of Period Antiques, European American & Oriental. ironhorseauction.com. llauctions.com.

GARAGE SALE/ BARN SALE WHITEFACE INN RD, MOVING SALE 5 Grindelwald Way, Lake Placid, Saturday April 14, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Home, Camp & Office Furniture. 3 Garage+Basement of treasures. Everything must go! Kitchen, Linens, Xmas, Designer clothes, Treadmill, Plow, Sports Equip, TVs, Mattresses, Stroller, Washing machine & MUCH MORE ... Rain or Shine.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $5,000 SIGNING BONUS! FRAC Sand Owner Operators. More Texas work than trucks! Must have tractor, blower & pneumatic trailer 817-926-3535 MYSTERY SHOPPERS! Earn up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 1-888-750-0193. REACH AS many as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-877-275-2726 for details or visit fcpny.com

CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL CAREERS begin here - Online training for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com THE OCEAN CORP. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-3210298. WORK ON JET ENGINES - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866) 854-6156.

MEMORIALS O ver 400 M onum ents In Stock !Low Prices, U nbeatable W arranty

Plattsburgh Memorials 4875 So. Catherine St. Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Ph. (518) 563-7666 1-800-750-4452


ALICE WAND Alice Wand, artist, died after years, selling paper sculpa two year struggle with tures both retail & wholesale. ovarian cancer. She was born Later she began constructing in 1951 in Illinois. She is surpaper collages of Adirondack vived by her husband, Denlandscapes. This work has nis Kalma, her sister, Rita been shown throughout the Lux, and her brother, David region. Wand, and many nieces and She also worked part-time at nephews and her border colthe Paine Memorial Library lie, Bahta. in Willsboro. She enjoyed the After graduating from the U. out-of-doors and travel, espeWisconsin with a BFA she cially to "end of the road" moved to Malone where she places such as Australia, operated the craft printing Chile, Labrador, and Mongobusiness, Moonstone Paper lia. and Press. She began taking Her ashes will be spread at a classes in hand paper making favorite location in the and eventually gave up Adirondacks. Donations can printing to focus on fine art be made to the North Counpaper-making. After moving try SPCA or to the Paine to Willsboro in 1990 she opMemorial Library. erated Paper Circus for many

CDLA-TRAINING (TRACTOR/ TRAILER) Experience new challenges. Conditional pre-hires (prior to training), financial-aid, housing if qualified. National Tractor Trailer School Liverpool/Buffalo, NY Branch 1-888-243-9320 www.ntts.edu Consumer Information: www.ntts.edu/programs/disclosures DO YOU HAVE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as5 million potential candidates in central and western New York with a 15-wordclassified ad for just $350! Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726 DRIVERS! CDLTRAININGNOW.COM accepting applications 16 day Company sponsored CDL training. No experience needed. 1-800-991-7531 www.CDLtrainingnow.com DRIVERS- CHOOSE your hometime from Weekly, 7/ON- 7/OFF, 14/ON- 7/OFF. Full or Part-time. Daily Pay! Top Equipment! Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com DRIVERS- HIRING EXPERIENCED/ INEXPERIENCED TANKER DRIVERS! Great Benefits and Pay! New Fleet Volvo Tractors! 1 Year OTR Exp. Req.- Tanker Training Available. Call Today: 877-8826537 www.OakleyTransport.com HELP WANTED!! Earn extra income mailing our brochures from home! FREE Supplies!Genuine Opportunity! Start Immediately! www.theworkhub.net START IMMEDIATELY: Earn up to $150/Day shopping undercover. No Experience Needed. Call now 1-888-292-1329.


WE'LL FIND the perfect employee and make you the hero! Office /Clerical, Light Industrial Professional/Technical Managerial Call today 518-566-6061 AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, a worldwide leader in training, business solutions and management development is looking for a Resource Coordinator in Saranac Lake, NY to support onsite programs and process onsite sales and client invoices. 5+ years business experience, preferably in a sales environment. High school diploma required; BA/BS preferred. Extremely organized selfstarter and motivated learner. Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Ability to master a variety of software systems and databases. For complete job description please visit Careers on our website @ www.amanet.org. An EOE/AA employer. M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization. BIKES FOR TYKES look for them in Items under $100 Super savers ads

18 - www.the-burgh.com HELP WANTED LOCAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST American Management Association, an international not-for-profit membership based organization that provides a broad range of management development and education services to individual and organizations is looking for (5) full time Business Development Specialist trainees in Saranac Lake, NY. Specialist will focus on generating new revenue by cultivating and establishing relationships with new customers and dormant accounts through sales of corporate seminars and memberships. Starting salary is 32K plus immediate commission incentives. Salary will be reduced to 24K plus commission after six months. Successful candidates will be eligible for full time benefits at the completion of the three month training program and employment status will change from temporary to full time. HS graduate or equivalent, some college preferred. Three or more years of business experience essential, two years sales experience required. High volume telephone experience in a sales environment preferred. For complete job description and to apply please visit our website, www.amanet.org, AMA Careers. An EOE/AA employer, M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED: Help us keep families together! Brothers and sisters are in need of caring, loving homes where they can live together. We are also in need of families to make a difference in the life of a teen who is waiting for a caring family. Northeast Parent and Child Society offers free training, intensive in-home weekly support, 24hour access to program support and a generous monthly stipend. Training will begin soon. Call our Queensbury office at 788-6117 or our Malone office at 320-6150 or visit www.beafosterparentny.com

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ADOPTIONS ADOPT: WE can give your baby love and security, you can help make us a family. Expenses paid. Please call Denise and Howard at 877-676-1660. ADOPT: A loving couple in NYC suburbs hopes to complete our family. Make our adopted daughter a big sister! Call Laurel and Adam (516)884-6507 to talk. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring adoption expert. You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions 866-4136296 PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 1-866459-3369

CREDIT CARD DEBT? LEGALLY HAVE IT REMOVED! Minimum $7,000 in debt to qualify. Utilize Consumer Protection Attorneys. Call now! 1-888 -237-0388

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DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 4.9 million households and 12 million potential buyers quickly and inexpensively! Only$490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726 LOW COST MORTGAGE PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE. PREMIUM RETURNED IN 20 YEARS IF YOU DON'T DIE. NO EXAM, NO BLOOD REQUIRED. 1-800-559-9847 www.buynoexamlifeinsuranceonlin e.com UNEMPLOYED PARENTS receive Income Tax Return, $1500 for one child, $3000 for two, and $4000 for three. Call Now 1-800-5838840 www.x-presstaxes.com

30X50 METAL Storage Shed, including door. Price on call. 518-359-3310 after 4pm. BABY GEORGE FOREMAN ROTISSERIE - like new. $24.99. call 802-459-2987 COMPLETE OPEN KEY Restaurant Equipment, stove, pots & chairs etc. Call for more info. 518-359-3310 after 4pm FLOWER POT The Real Macoy, $25.00. Call 5185067 FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE 2-door, good condition, $200.00. Call 518-576-0012 JAZZY 600 Similar to Hoover Round, like new, $950 OBO. 518-570-9842 Lake Placid. MEMORY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA MATTRESSES T-$299 F-$349 Q-$399 K-$499 ADJUSTABLE - $799 FREE DELIVERY LIFETIME WARRANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1-800-ATSLEEP1800-287-5337 WWW.MATTRESSDR.COM

OLD RECORDS 78, 33 1/3; some old books & comic books; 2 1900's dressers; 4 chairs; 3 old TV's 12", 20" & 27". Make an Offer. 802-2476393


ELECTRONICS GENERAL AT&T U-VERSE just $29.99/mo! Bundle Internet+Phone+TV & SAVE. Get up to $300 BACK! (Select plans). Limited Time CALL 800-418-8969 & Check Availability in your Area! BUNDLE & SAVE on your CABLE, INTERNET PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet starting at less than$20/ mo. CALL 800 -291-4159

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FURNITURE APRIL IS NATIONAL SAFE DIGGING MONTH. Call Dig Safely New York @ 811 beforeyou Dig. www.digsafelynewyork.com

AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for hands-on Aviation Career. FAA approved program.Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1 -877-202-0386.

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FOR SALE SUPERIOR PLUS ENERGY Services seeks an experienced Service Tech III for our Plattsburgh, NY Customer Service Center. Responsibilities include installing, repairing, and maintaining residential and light commercial HVAC equipment. Requires up to two years of specialized trade, technical school and college, one to three years jobrelated experience and a valid CDLClass B license. Competitive benefit package. Highly competitive hourly wage based on capabilities. Apply submit resume with employment history to: hr@superiorplusenergy.com EOE

AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866)453-6204

AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM (888)6861704

The Classified Superstore


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LAWN & GARDEN BRUSH HOG Model EFM600. Used 1 year, like new. Finish mower. 518-570-8837 $1,000 YARDMACHINES BY MTD Riding Lawn Mower, Briggs & Stratton, 18 HP engine, 46" cut, new battery, great condition. $525.00 518-563-3926


MINERALS WANTS to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 OLD CANOE WANTED: Old canoe, doesn't have to float. Can pick up- please call Shawn 891-9685

RIVERFRONT FARM LAND! 7 acres - was $79,900, NOW $59,900. Woods, meadows,over 400 ft. water front! Canoe, fish, swim! Terms avail! 3 to choose from!! 1-888-701 -1864 Hurry!

SINGLE-FAMILY HOME AVAILABLE NOW!!! Single Family Home, 2-4 Bedroom homes Take Over Payments No Money Down/ No Credit Check Call 1-888-2699192 STOP RENTING. Single Family Home, Lease option buy. Rent to own. No money down. No credit check. 1-877-395-0321

TRANSPORTATION FREE MOBILE Home 14x7 Come and Get it by 5/15! (518) 524-3164

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AUTO DONATION Free Vacation for donating vehicles, boats, property, collectables and merchandise. Maximize IRS deductions while helping teens in crisis. Quick Prompt Service 1-800-338-6724 www.dvarinst.com


CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/ Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-4162330


DONATE A CAR - HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-runners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800-5780408

WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 YEARBOOKS "UP to $15 paid for high school yearbooks1900-1988. yearbookusa@yahoo.com or 972768-1338." YEARBOOKS WANTED : Will Pay Up to $15.00 For High School Yearbooks 1900-1988. Any School/ Any State. Yearbookusa@yahoo.com or 972768-1338

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WESTPORT: OFFICE SUITES. Fully furnished w/ cubicles, desks, computer & phone hook-ups. 720 sq. ft. Lake views. Contact Jim Forcier @ 518962-4420.

LAND COLORADO ACRE w/beautiful private trout fishing stream, $29,500.00! $325 down, $325/month. Mountain canyon w/good access road. Adjoining gov't lands. Call Owner anytime 806-376-8690. Diane.steed@att.net GEORGIA LAND Land, Beautiful 1acre-20acres. Amazing weather, Augusta Area. Financing w/ Low down, from $149/month. Owner 706-364-4200 (706) 3644200 NEW YORK STATE LAND SALE DISCOUNTED TO 1990's PRICES! 3 Acre Starter camp - $17,995. 5 Acres w/Farmhouse - $49,995. 52 Acres, Stream, 2 ponds. Beautiful woods & views. Access to road front, utilities and state land. Limited offer. Call Christmas & Associates 1-800 -229-7843 Or visit www.landandcamps.com. NEW YORK State Land, Land Sale Discounted to 1990's prices! 3 Acre Starter camp -$17,995. 5 Acres w/Farmhouse - $49,995. 52 Acres, Stream, 2 ponds, Beautiful woods & views. Access to road front, utilities and state land Limited offer. Call Christmas & Associates 800-229-7843 Or visit landandcamps.com CHECK us out at www.denpubs.com

DONATE A CAR - SAVE A CHILD'S LIFE! Timothy Hill Children's Ranch: Helping Abused and Neglected Children in NY for Over 30 Years. Please Call 1-800-936-4326. DONATE YOUR CAR to CHILDREN'S CANCER FUND of AMERICA and help end CHILDHOOD CANCER. Tax Deductible. Next Day Towing. Receive Vacation Voucher. 7 Days 1800-469-8593 DONATE YOUR Car! Civilian Veterans & Soldiers Help Support Our U.S. Military Troops 100% Volunteer Free same Day Towing. Tax Deductible. Call and Donate Today! 1-800-4710538 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION. Free Mammogram www.ubcf.info RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPON 1-888468-5964

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BOATS 2000 19 1/2’ LOWE Aluminum boat w/metal deck, twin console, Bow Mount trolling motor, live well, on board charger, full canvas, step up top; 1996 150 HP Johnson motor, less then 40 hrs., like new; 1988 Eazyloader Trailer, like new, Complete $5500 firm. 518-963-7351 2007 NITRO 591 Bass Boat asking $5000, contact e -mail: gaijee9h@msn.com and phone: 607-341-7569.

CARS 1952 DESOTO White/Blue, no rust, small Hemi, last started in 2007, great project car. Serious inquires only. $3500. 518-962-4688

April 14, 2012

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CARS 1999 VOLVO V-70 Station Wagon, 207,000 miles, Green. Asking $2300 OBO. 518310-0622 2001 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Black 2 door. New tires, rotors, brakes catalytic converter. $4,500 Call: (518) 946-7550 2007 DODGE Grand Caravan, Wheelchair accessible by VMI, driver transfers to drivers seat, tie downs for two wheelchairs in back, tie downs for one wheelchair in front passenger position available when passenger seat is removed, automatic everything, air, air bags all around including sides, enhanced stereo, Ultimate Red Crystal in color, no scratches/dents or other damage, has always been kept in an attached garage, seats have always been covered, never been smoked in, 5,040 miles, VIN 2D8GP44LX7R256881, original price $52,000, asking $30,000 or make an offer, call Jerry in Tupper Lake at 518-359-8538

FARM EQUIPMENT Dump Truck 1970 GMC; Field Equipment also. All Equipment usable and in good shape. 518962-4394

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1964 FORD 4000 4cyl., gas. Industrial loader & Industrial Front End, 12 spd. German Transmission, pie weights. $4850. 518-962-2376

New 2012 Ford Escape XLT 4x4

MSRP.....................................$27,445 Ford Retail Customer Cash......-$1,250 Ford Retail Bonus Cash...............-$250 Ford Trade Asst.*........................-$750


25,195 Offer ends 7/2/12

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New 2012 Ford F150

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MSRP.....................................$29,250 Ford Retail Customer Cash......-$1,500 Ford Retail Trade Asst*..............-$750 Dealer Discount.......................-$1,005

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Offer ends 7/2/12


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