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Zombies invade P’burgh
Banned books discussed at PSUC
By Shaun Kittle shaun@denpubs.com
PLATTSBURGH — Dana and Cheryl Lawrence are lucky to be alive. As they were crossing Margaret Street in Plattsburgh, a terrible sound—groaning and growling—cut through the crisp autumn air and stopped them in their tracks. There, on the sidewalk, a foul horde of the most unspeakable wretches was shuffling by on the sidewalk, all seemingly bound for the same destination. Thinking fast, the couple hid between two vehicles and watched in horror as the walking dead crept past them. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
Baby’s Heart inspires at annual event PAGE 7 BOMBARDIER VISIT
Jane Galletti and Steve Fish of Plattsburgh became the undead during the 2012 Zombie Walk on Oct. 13. Photo by Katherine Clark
Collector takes films on the road
Gov. Cuomo makes economic development stop
By Stephen Bartlett stephen@denpubs.com
PLATTSBURGH — For Andy MacDougall, film is an organic experience. And as Hollywood goes full digital and film is phased out, MacDougall is out to “save our friend.” He’s been accumulating quite the film collection, holding his own film series for quite some time, and now he’s embracing a lost tradition as a picture show man— a traveling film exhibitor. “I have a traveling 16 mm picture show.” MacDougall’s basement has been converted to three rooms devoted to film—one is a projection room; another a lab, filled with posters and film hanging from the ceiling; and the third is a theater and museum, with old projectors and film reels lining the walls, as well as film reference books and a t-shaped island of film posters leading to the screen. Andy MacDougall at his basement studio in Plattsburgh. MacDougall is taking his 16 mm film show on the road and embracing the lost art of traveling picture shows. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
Sectionals start Saturday PAGE 14
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October 20, 2012
Banned books discussed at Plattsburgh State By Stephen Bartlett stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — Harry Potter faced an array of obstacles as we watched him grow, from evil wizards and hideous creatures to the loss of loved ones. But his greatest obstacle has been readers, with J.K. Rowling’s series topping the list of the most challenged book since the year 2000. Those who banned the book claimed it promoted witchcraft, Wicca and Satanism. Recently students, educators and community members gathered at Plattsburgh State to discuss and read from challenged and banned books during a Banned Books Celebration, which the American Library Association holds annually and which occurs throughout the nation. “The American Library Association has held a Banned Books Celebration for the last 30 years to highlight the issue of ‘freedom to read,’” said Cerise Oberman of Plattsburgh State. “To my knowledge, SUNY Plattsburgh has never held an event that focused on this important issue.
“Many students and faculty are not aware that books are routinely challenged and often banned, primarily from school curricula, but also at public libraries,” Oberman said. Book censorship occurs throughout the world and can carry legal penalties. It often starts when a book is challenged on the local level and can result in the book being removed from schools, libraries and entire countries. Banned books are often perceived to be obscene, usually because of sexuality, race, drugs or social standing. Governments sometimes ban books they believe could threaten, embarrass or criticize them. Religions often issue lists of banned books, though religious materials have also been subject to censorship or banned by various governments. Between 1990 and 2000, there were 6,364 challenges recorded by the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, was banned in Hunan, China for portraying animals and hu-
mans as being on the same level, something the government there believed would be a disastrous lesson for children. Animal Farm by George Orwell was not printed from 1943-1945 because it was perceived to be critical of the USSR. A play of the book was banned in Kenya in 1991 because it criticized corrupt leaders, and in 2002 the United Arab Emirates banned it in schools because it went against Islamic values. The Bible has been censored in dozens of countries. Some European nations and the Russian Federation banned Adolf Hitler ’s Mein Kampf, while in Austria it cannot be printed and it is illegal to own and distribute existing copies. Those gathered at Plattsburgh State read from 25 of the hundreds of banned titles. Each individual described the book and why it was banned and read an excerpt. Dr. Simona Sharoni of Plattsburgh State selected “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. “It provides a frightening view of the future in which
racism and homophobia run rampant,” Sharoni said. “It is a satire, a feminist’s ‘1984,’ and it has been challenged continuously.” Among the challenges, some claimed it was overly critical of religion and promoted lesbianism. Dr. Danielle Garneau chose John Knowles’ “A Separate Peace,” which was challenged in 1980 as a filthy sex novel. “The story is set in an allboys prep school in New Hampshire,” Garneau said. “It is a story of love and fear and intense betrayal.” Holly Heller Ross of Plattsburgh State read from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” which is the 28th most challenged book for allegations of pornography and that it glorifies criminal activity and corrupts juveniles. “It was most recently banned in 2000 in California,” Heller Ross said. “It is the story of a mental hospital and an individual who convinces folks at the prison he is insane so he can get into the mental hospital where he fights against the establishment.” Plattsburgh State President Dr. John Ettling read from
“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain, which he pointed out has been admired and controversial since its publication in England in 1884. “For almost as long as people have been praising the book they have been criticizing it,” Ettling said. The reasons have evolved Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” has been over the years, banned for alleged perversity and for being critical starting with of religion. outcries over of “Operation Dark Heart,” a its use of so-called barbarous memoir by Lt. Col. Anthony and grotesque characters and Shaffer. language that was only suit“We want to raise awareness able for the slums to accusathat books that are considered tions of racism. part of the literary ‘cannon’ are Of course, at the time, Mark still challenged, such as Mark Twain was using characters Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, J.D. who lived during a certain peSalinger’s ‘Catcher in the Rye,’ riod in time in slave states. and Richard Wright’s ‘Native “We want to raise awareness Son,’” Oberman said. “We ofthat book banning is not an unten take our freedom to read common event in this counfor granted. Highlighting the try,” Oberman said. issue reminds us that we have The Lovely Bones by Alice a collective responsibility to Sebold was challenged in 2007, vigilantly guard our freedom and in 2010 the military deto read.” stroyed the first-edition copies
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October 20, 2012
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Seeking recovery and achieving goals through Twin Oaks programs By Stephen Bartlett
stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — Recovery takes effort, time, support and resources to provide those in need of help with the tools to succeed in life and to achieve their goals. Twin Oaks is a 20-bed community residential program for men in chemical dependency recovery that lasts six or more months and focuses on recovery and employment. Participation in the structured environment Twin Oaks offers is part of the process of recovery. The PROS Learning Center is a complete recovery program that brings rehabilitation, support and clinical services together into one plan that supports ambitions and hopes. The services are broken down into four categories with everyone working together toward the individual’s desired life goal. Both programs fall under the umbrella of Behavioral Health Services North, a leader in behavioral health services in
northeastern, New York, with more than 2 0 s i t e s i n C l i n t o n C o u n t y a n d 2 6 p ro grams. “ We h a v e b e e n o p e n m o re t h a n 2 0 years, and I have been there that entire 20 y e a r s , ” s a i d M a r y A n n F o s t e r o f Tw i n O a k s . “ C u r re n t l y, o u r p ro g r a m s e r v e s only men.” T h e l e n g t h o f s t a y r a n g e s f ro m s i x months to more than a year at times. “Generally speaking, the guys we serve are only able to afford it because they get welfare,” Foster said. B y t h e t i m e t h e y e n t e r t h e p ro g r a m , more have lost their jobs, homes and families. Some men are mandated into the program, while others are seeking recovery. Forced treatment does work at times, Foster said, but not always. The goal is to help them gain independent living in their recovery. “ O f p e o p l e w h o g r a d u a t e d f ro m o u r p ro g r a m , 6 5 p e rc e n t a re w o r k i n g f u l l time,” Foster said. There is currently an extensive waiting
list for the program, which just expanded from serving 16 to 20 men. “We need room and we need money,” Foster said. “The state of New York is not going to give us the money.” Residents of the program often have a dual diagnosis, though the mental health aspect of it is not severe. “We don’t have doctors,” Foster said. “There are other programs that do focus on mental illness.” That is more the realm of PROS. The thought once was one treated the addiction before the psychiatric ailment or vice versa. Then, it evolved to treating both at the same time, though initially substance abuse counselors and therapists failed to communicate with each other about their patients. The patient then ended up feeling pulled in two directions and fragmented. But at PROS, said Chris, “an individual receives treatment for both simultaneously as we look at lifelong goals and the pat i e n t ’ s c u r re n t s i t u a t i o n a n d s y m p t o m s and say, ‘What do you want to do differ-
ently?’” Communication is key to worki n g t o w a rd h e l p i n g t h e i n d i v i d u a l achieve his or her goals. “Through PROS, we can offer a huge array of supports and provide individuali z e d c a re , ” C h r i s s a i d . “ I t ’ s a n i n t e n s e package of classes, six hours a week, and we talk about substance abuse and mental illness and treat both.” He agreed that forced treatment sometimes works, though it often does not, with some people able and willing to talk about it, but not ready to stop for fear of suicide, for example. People come into the program at different stages in their lives and with different goals, such as obtaining a job or living on their own. “We also look at what is next and how to continue to support someone who is recovered but still living with psychiatric s y m p t o m s , ” C h r i s s a i d . “ P e o p l e a re a t different places in getting to their goals, and relapses do happen.” More on Twin Oaks and their programs can be found on page 6
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October 20, 2012
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The Burgh Editorial
Start small, think big, act locally
ain Street USA is not what it once was, at least not here in the North Country, where empty store fronts are not uncommon, and neither are weather-pocked roads and sidewalks. Some of our towns and villages are faring better than others, but the worst of the bunch seem forlorn and resigned to a steady decline. In life there are always choices. We could sit idle and watch gravity steal the siding from our downtown buildings and winter claim another small business. We could shake our collective fist at the government and demand action in the form of fewer taxes, more growth and a brilliant, fool-proof solution to our economic quagmire. Whether we fight the grave injustices that surround us from the comfort of our sagging couches or from the steps of city hall, we’re still here, and we still need help. Or do we? There might be a better way, one that could provide a guiding light for us, our neighbors and future generations everywhere. Two local groups, Vision 2 Action and Revitalize Keeseville, have already begun the discussion, and they need all the support they can get. Earlier this year, V2A embarked on its mission of providing a common ground for various grassroots organizations to come together and discuss ways to bring people to Plattsburgh and keep them there. The plan was to begin by tackling projects close to completion and then move on to other low- to no-cost projects. Raising money to renovate the Strand Theatre, opening the Saranac River Trail and initiating a bike rack program are some of the group’s accomplishments. To make things happen, V2A has held four meetings which have covered ideas to improve recreation, transportation, art and education in the area. The education discussion began with a round-table talk on Mountain Lake PBS on Oct. 11 and was followed by a community forum on Oct. 18. On Oct. 25, at 8 p.m., the public is encouraged to participate in a special live call-in edition of Mountain Lake Journal on Mountain Lake PBS. The discussion will focus on how education is a vital fac-
tor in strengthening our economy and sustaining a quality of life in our community. Just south of Plattsburgh, Revitalize Keeseville is celebrating its one-year mark this month and according to Steven Engelhart, the group’s unofficial leader, the biggest thing they’ve accomplished is “a positive change in attitude” in Keeseville, and that’s huge. But the group has seen more tangible results, too. As a result of the meetings, the village now has a weekly farmers’ market in the summer, the downtown is undergoing major renovations, in part by property owners who attend Revitalize meetings, and the civic center is on the cusp of making a comeback. Keeseville’s Mayor Dale Holderman also attends the meetings and is in full support of the grassroots group, whose momentum has only gained since the first meeting. It is certainly a new path to embark upon, one where communities become actively engaged in their own growth, where people turn off their televisions and begin discussing, and solving, issues that are sitting right on their doorsteps. It takes courage, co-operation and inspiration to enact change, and that change never comes without risks. But it is a greater risk to remain stagnant and wait for our elected officials to change things for us. Maybe if we stop expecting help, and start helping ourselves, we can begin to see real progress in our communities. Just imagine a North Country filled with thriving towns and villages that represent the people who live in them, not the politicians who represent them. The good news is, it isn’t just a pipe dream—it is happening here, it is happening now, and, most importantly, it is actually working. To become involved with V2A, visit ncvision2action.org. The next Revitalize Keeseville meeting will be held at the Grange Hall on Main Street in Keeseville on Oct. 24 at 5 p.m. For more information, call Steven Engelhart at 834-9328. This editorial is the collaborative opinion of a board comprised of Thom Randall, Fred Herbst, Shaun Kittle, Keith Lobdell, Stephen Bartlett, Andy Flynn, Katherine Clark and John Gereau. Comments should be directed to denpubs@denpubs.com
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We live in a dangerous world
hen the Cold War ended and the Iron Curtain was torn down, we thought the world was moving toward a more peaceful existence. Nations could focus more on improving the living conditions for their citizens and technological advances would help us realize that with a world economy, war was something the world could do without. We envisioned the spread of democracy and capitalism throughout the world. Other nations were hungry for the lifestyle we enjoyed in the U.S. Unfortunately, the world has now become more dangerous than before. The events of 9/11 in 2001 and 2012 have proven that even with all our military might, technological weaponry and vast intelligence networks we can easily be attacked without much threat of recourse. Instead of being grateful for the outreach our country has provided around the world, we are more despised both by countries who feel entitled to our continued financial and military support and by revolutionaries who see our vulnerabilities as grand opportunities to humble the last great superpower. In today’s world, it’s no longer just nation against nation. We now face various factions, radical jihadists, unstable regimes and traditional countries with an ever-growing appetite to increase their military might and influence around the globe. As a nation that grows tired of war, serving as the world’s policing agency and facing severe financial limitations, we lack the political motivation and sense of national unity when it comes to providing the world with leadership it so desperately needs. If the U.S. doesn’t take the lead, some other nation will, most likely China. Fifty years ago, the world stood at the brink of Armageddon for 13 days in Oct. 1962 when President John F. Kennedy drew a symbolic line in the Atlantic and warned of dire consequences if Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev dared to cross it. An American U-2 spy plane flying high over Cuba had snapped aerial photographs of Soviet ballistic missile sites that could launch nuclear warheads with little warning at the U.S., just 90 miles away. It was the height of the Cold
War, and many people feared nuclear war would annihilate human civilization. Today we face Dan Alexander a similar threat Thoughts from Behind the Pressline from Iran, but instead of playing out on the world stage in a short 13 days, it plays out in slow motion over years as they continue to work on nuclear weapons and threaten the region. Combine that with a current day threat of cyber-attacks, and it compounds the many new ways in which nations are vulnerable. A well-placed virus can spread through networked computers and ultimately wipe out files by overwriting them. Last week a former U.S. government official said American authorities believe that Iranian hackers, likely supported by their government, were responsible for the recent cyber-attacks. U.S. agencies have been assisting in an investigation and concluded that the level of resources needed to conduct this type of attack showed there was some degree of involvement by the Iranian government. Conventional warfare, counter-terrorism, cyber-attacks and a volatile world economy are threats on the horizon. As a nation, we must prepare to defend against them. At a time when the national psyche is weary of strife and longs for a calmer and more prosperous time, we cannot allow ourselves to let down our guard. We must be vigilant and active on the world stage, for those who wish us harm will prey on weakness and lack of visible resolve. Gen. George Marshall said it best after the end of World War II: “The only way human beings can win a war is to prevent it.” The U.S. must find new ways to demonstrate leadership and sufficient strength to keep the lid on a very tumultuous world. Failure to lead decisively is not an option, but it becomes a very real possibility if we don’t pursue the role we’ve held for the last 60 years as the leader of the free world. Dan Alexander is publisher and CEO of Denton Publications. Email him at dan@denpubs.com.
October 20, 2012
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Give me the specifics on health care, not more hot air
e know health care is a mess, and that some don’t have it, others do but it doesn’t cover enough and still others are going bankrupt to pay for their health care, which leaves them with mounting bills, despite the coverage. We know some have health care, but they or their children have unique and rare life threatening conditions and health insurance companies consistently inform them they know more than their doctors and will not cover certain, life-saving procedures. We know that taxpayers are overburdened and can’t carry much more on their shoulders, while some have already toppled over from the weight. We know that unless elected leaders request more money from taxpayers, certain services will disappear and/or become more expensive. We know some people work in full time jobs, busting their humps, yet they qualify for welfare because of their wages, and some taxpayers are tired of money going to welfare. We know unemployment is higher than we’d like, and that for those without a job and still
looking, any unemployment rate is too high. We know there are some vacant jobs out there, but many of those looking for jobs, or in jobs that don’t pay enough, are trapped in situations that make it difficult to impossible to obtain the education to qualify for those jobs. Since, we do know these things, we don’t need aspiring and current lawmakers telling us what we already know. We need to know how they will fix it, and we need to know the specifics of how they will fix it, and when their opponents or anyone questions them on those specifics, or challenges them, we need them to get even more specific to show us that they know what they are talking about and that they, beyond a shadow of a doubt, have a cure that will remedy the situation. For example, John’s son has an intestinal disease that has prevented him from gaining weight and leaves him in increasingly intense pain, so much that he misses school consistently and cannot participate in any rigorous activities for fear he will lose even more weight. His weight is so dangerously low that his organs
Stephen Bartlett
From the Editor’s Desk are not doing well, his growth is stunted and he will have to have a large portion of his intestines removed if he doesn’t start doing better, gaining weight and growing, soon. Besides the health issues, John’s son is saddled with an array of psychological issues, worried that the other teens think he has an eating disorder, which in fact many do, and doing everything he can to appear as if he is larger than he is, while constantly looking in the mirror and thinking
himself disgusting and less than. The doctor informs the family there is a medicine that will surely help kids in John’s son’s position. They have exhausted all the other meds and this one will definitely help, but it is expensive. And sure enough, the insurance company tells them it is not covering the costs, which the family cannot afford. As much time passes and the boy continues to suffer, the insurance company finally relents, but will only cover a lower, cheaper dosage, which the doctor explains, to no avail, won’t be enough to help the boy. We need to know specifically how lawmakers are going to fix situations like this, not just that they know such situations exist and are a problem. For example, Edna is living on social security, barely getting by, and as it is, she can afford maybe one cup of coffee every two weeks with her friends. If her taxes go up any higher, she will not be able to afford them and will lose her home. But the services offered by the municipality she resides in are important, and the school district has already gutted itself and is providing the minimum, which is
not enough to call what they provide an adequate education. And shouldn’t the employees at these places earn, at the very least, somewhat of an adequate wage and receive a pension and benefits, which coincidentally keep getting more expensive for them and are not as good as they were the year before? But Edna cannot afford the higher taxes that will be required to continue the services these places offer, nor continue to ensure the employees don’t see their own pay gutted and their benefits ravaged. We need to know how lawmakers are going to fix this situation and every last detail of their solution to the problem, not just that they too think it is a problem. For example, Eric was never really the type who was going to earn a college degree or make it through technical education, so he works full time to provide for his family in jobs that don’t pay the bills. We need to know how this will be fixed. We need to know the specifics. Is all of this too much to ask? Reach Editor Stephen Bartlett at stephen@denpubs.com.
Our life coaches, Style and Substance: Kids and athletics Dear style & substance, Our children are very involved in athletics and seem to be either discouraged and moody after a loss or over the moon after a great game. Since we have 2 high school kids, one can be up and the other down, depending on their athletic performance, a real struggle. What is an approach you would suggest, as we are tired and obviously not handling it too well? common theme in families is to have one child doing great, while the other(s) are struggling, and vice versa. This can be in sports (your situation), academics, social lives, music, etc. We are certainly not sports psychologists, but have experienced these circumstances ourselves. Do take into consideration that some of the moodiness is part of their own growing and changing, not just sports. We tend to attach an emotion to a situation, when sometimes it is simply being a teen. First, we suggest to check on what your expectations are of each of your children. If you have an overachieving or highly competitive spirit, and are always going for the win yourself, their reaction could stem from this. A child growing up within this type of home can be a study in the unique combination of DNA and experience, the nature vs. nurture debate. Be honest about your own competitive spirit; this includes times it has served you well and times when it did not. Share your own stories about winning and how you handled loss. Many children will base their personal expectations on trying to please parents. As parents, we have to be very
aware of our reactions before, during, and after a competition. Do we praise graceful winning or losing? Do we make excuses for a loss by blaming the ref or another player ’s unfair advantage? Most importantly, do we as parents offer a realistic, yet kind, review of all sides? Be aware of your child’s expectation of his/her own performance. Competing with themselves is a good way to measure continued improvement; whether it be a better race time, or working on improving specific skills. Being a member of a team should never be minimized. In today’s world, individuals often lose sight of being a team player – we often celebrate personal glory rather than personal contributions to the greater good. A good teammate is as important as the MVP, on the field and in life. As they grow into adults, they will find that team work is a skill that employers seek and often find lacking. If the child doesn’t bring up the disappointment themselves, it is often wise to let it sit, until they are ready to talk about it. A few brief words can express support, but leave it at that. We have had many silent car rides following defeat! Never accept poor sportsmanship from your child, losing or winning with dignity, is the ultimate goal of any competition. Best effort along with a realistic selfassessment of the competition is something to be discussed when your child is ready and open to listening. Do your part — get them to school on time (so playing is not jeopardized), encourage them to get good rest, feed them well and get uniforms ready. This support relieves some of the stress going into a game or meet.
Elmore SPCA
Our Furry Friends Our Furry Friends is a weekly feature brought to you by Denton Publications. For more information about these and other fine pets available for adoption, contact: Elmore SPCA 556 Telegraph Road, Peru 643-2451 North Country SPCA 23 Lakeshore Road, Westport 962-8604
exie is a gorgeous cat that was surrendered to Elmore SPCA, along with her sister, Chloe, after their human suddenly passed away. Lexie is a beautiful cat that really enjoys basking in the sun and being the center of attention. She is very unsure of herself in the shelter setting. While Chloe is adjusting to the colony very easily Lexie is content to stay more secluded. Lexie is an engaging cat who likes to be able to hide when she feels insecure. Come in and meet this wonderful cat that would do best in a quiet house hold. Lexie is now current on vaccinations, has tested negative for FeLV, FIV and heart worm and is spayed. Lexie is ready to find her forever home! Come in and meet this gorgeous cat. Lexi is a domestic short-hair tiger-torti. She arrived Sept. 1, weighs 14 pounds and is 2 years old.
anner is a wonderful dog that was found running at large in the town of Schuyler Falls, New York. He obviously had some interaction with a skunk at some point because he wasn't too sweet smelling when he arrived. Tanner is a big lug that just loves to be around people. He is a family dog that loves to play, and he would love to be in a home where he can play freely. This great dog has so much personality that he actually smiles at you! Tanner would do best in a home with a fenced in yard or avid walkers to ensure he gets the exercise he needs. This loving dog is waiting to meet his new family; come in and meet him. Tanner is neutered, current on vaccinations, and only needs to be tested for heart worm before he can go to his forever home. Tanner is a great dane/black lab mix. He arrived Sept. 25, is 71 pounds and is 9 years old.
Raising well rounded kids is your best bet. If they are exposed to many different aspects of life and know what it feels like to try new things, they are not only experiMichele Armani and Sally Meisenheimer enced and confident, but they are also compassionate to other athletes who feel like they will never get the hang of the sport or are feeling defeated by not reaching their potential. Keep your own perspective; you are trying to raise successful human beings, not athletic superstars. Let your child drive the level of involvement that they wish to maintain.
AS K Style & Substance: Michele Armani and Sally Meisenheimer
creative life coaching solutions Email your questions or request a life coaching appointment to yourstyleandsubstance@gmail.com for more information: visit our website at yourstyleandsubstance.com
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October 20, 2012
Being caught in the cycles of abuse and addiction Public hearing By Stephen Bartlett
and his sister was molested. “I blamed myself.” Cary started shooting up at 18. “That’s pretty much what the last 30 years has been about.” If he managed to get clean for a bit and obtain a job, stress, the realities of life—of his life—would kick in and overwhelm him. Then, he’d start using again. Drugs ended his marriage. “I would steal from anybody, make trips to the ER faking back pain, and there were multiple overdoses, some of them intentional.” He hurt, deeply, and didn’t see any way out at the time except death. “I cut my wrists,” Cary said. The first time he went to Twin Oaks, a community residence for substance abusers, he didn’t want to be there. Cary has been institutionalized off and on
for the past 14 years. At one point in the halfway house he relapsed, which would normally cause him to be kicked out of the program. He knew about the 12 steps of recovery and had been practicing them, living them, but he had held on to one little secret. “Secrets keep us sick,” Cary said. He approached the counselor and talked to her about the secret and suddenly a weight lifted from his shoulders. “I felt like I didn’t have to use anymore for the situations in my life.” He knew he’d been using because he hadn’t felt good about himself and couldn’t handle life unless he was high or drunk. Cary has been clean and sober since Jan. 3. He lives life one day at a time. “I just do my work and pay my bills and live the life I know I can live.”
NCCI names new director
CCC advances wind energy
Youth Volleyball registration open
PLATTSBURGH — Robert Poulin will be the new Executive Director of the North Country Center for Independence, effective Nov. 1. The NCCI Board of Directors voted to make the choice at its meeting on Sept. 20. Robert has worked at NCCI for 12 years, first as Youth Leadership Coordinator, and then as Systems Advocate, coordinating the Center's involvement in local and state-wide disability issues. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and earned a Master's in Teaching from Plattsburgh State University. NCCI's Personnel Committee reviewed 21 applications and interviewed 5 candidates to fill the Executive Director position currently filled by Andrew Pulrang, who will be stepping down on Oct. 31. Until them, Robert and Andrew will work together with the staff and Board to make a smooth transition to new leadership. The North Country Center for Independence is a services and advocacy agency for people with disabilities and others with an interest in disability-related issues. It is governed and staffed primarily by people with disabilities.
PLATTSBURGH —Clinton Community College announced today that it has received $400,000 in state-of-the-art training equipment for its Wind Energy Program from General Electric (GE) and additional support from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) that brings NYSERDA funding to a total of more than $600,000 over the past few years. The equipment and funding announced today are part of ongoing partnerships between Clinton Community College, GE and NYSERDA. GE’s most recent donation includes a 1.5 megawatt generator and gearbox valued at approx $400,000. NYSERDA’s most recent funding totals more than $280,000 in federal stimulus funds for equipment purchased during 2012. CCC President John E. Jablonski said, “We are thrilled that our Wind Energy Program continues to draw attention from leaders in the industry. The GE donation and NYSERDA funding ensure that our students will be well prepared to join the workforce in this growing industry. ”GE is committed to developing the next generation of wind services technicians. We are excited and honored to contribute to Clinton Community College’s Wind Energy Program,” said Andy Holt, General Manager of Wind Services in GE’s Renewable Energy Business. “Upstate New York is a strong market for wind energy and we are proud to support the development of a local workforce.” NYSERDA provided more than $257,000 in 2008 to help establish the Wind Energy Program, which put Clinton Community College on the map as a national leader in large wind systems training. In 2011, NYSERDA provided an additional $80,000 to support the program. Center for Community and Workforce Development Director Paul DeDominicas said, “This funding has allowed Clinton to be at the forefront of wind energy training. Through the help of both NYSERDA and GE, our students will receive a top notch education in wind energy and be able to have real world experience in the classroom.” Jablonski said, “For the past several years, Clinton Community College has been leading the way in Wind Energy and Turbine Technology training in New York. With the addition of this new classroom equipment we take another giant leap forward.”
PLATTSBURGH — The Town of Plattsburgh is currently accepting registrations for a four week instructional volleyball program. It will consist of four Saturdays from Oct. 20 through Nov. 10 at Morrisonville Elementary from 2 to 4 p.m. The program is open to boys & girls age 8 to 12 years old. Parents can register their children for the program by completing a registration form at the Town Offices on Banker Road by Wednesday, Oct. 17. No registrations will be taken by phone, but you can download the registration form from our website and send it in to us. For more information on this program, contact the Recreation Department at 5626860 or go to our website www.townofplattsburghrecreation.com.
stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH – Cary is an addict, an alcoholic. Over the past 14 years, he’s been in and out of six or seven halfway houses and spent time as an inpatient and outpatient. “I always had a problem feeling good about myself,” he said. It started young, when he spent a lengthy time hospitalized and lived through his parents divorcing. He remembers feeling hopeless and today traces many of the bad feelings he has about himself to his youth. Growing up, he was molested. He started using at 14. Cary wanted to be somewhere with the least amount of conflict, and that wasn’t with his mother and step-father. So he left,
Rough Riders rifle teams to meet PLATTSBURGH — Rough Riders Junior and Adult Rifle Team will begin meeting for the fall through spring. The Rough Riders Junior Rifle Team, is a competition rifle shooting team, that meets at the Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club on Thursday nights at 6:30p.m. beginning Oct. 4 and continuing through April 25. All equipment required is provided and the cost to attend is $5. They compete in NRA Matches and the Vermont Winter Postal League, for information call coach Visconti at 298-5161. The Rough Riders adult Rifle Team Practices on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. beginning Sept. 25 and running through June 25, at the club’s indoor rifle range. Those with less experience may also shoot on Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m. when coaching is available. All equipment needed is available for loan and cost to participate is $7 to $10. The team competes in NRA Rifle matches and the Vermont Winter Postal League. For more information you can contact Norbert Yakey at 298-5161.
Night of the rolling dead to be held PLATTSBURGH —The North Country Lumber Jills will end their 2012 bouting season on Saturday, Oct. 27, against the Black River Rollers from Watertown. The bout will take place at the Plattsburgh City Recreation Center on the U.S. Oval. Doors open to the public at 5 p.m. with the first whistle at 6 p.m. The ROTA Gallery, a not-for-profit organization that "embodies and encourages a DO IT YOURSELF ethic will be tabling the event. Smooth Moves will be providing food, while Olive Ridley's will be in charge of the beer garden as well as hosting the final after party of the season. Costumes are highly encouraged and children will be able to enter the costume contest at half-time. If you enjoy what you see on Saturday and want to be a part of the fun, come to Fresh Meat Night on Friday, Nov. 16, at 7 p.m. to meet the Lumber Jills and learn how to join the team. Not interested in skating? The Lumber Jills are always looking for NonSkating Officials (NSO's) and Referees. Plattsburgh Roller Derby is a skaterowned and operated roller derby league that formed in the spring of 2010. PRD prides itself in supporting the local community and dedicates its time to furthering the understanding of roller derby and female athleticism. For more information about the North Country Lumber Jills, visit www.plattsburghrollerderby.com.
on city budget proposal By Stephen Bartlett
PLATTSBURGH — City residents will get a chance to attend a public hearing on the mayor ’s proposed budget. That hearing immediately follows another public hearing that is being held at 5 p.m., Oct. 18, to field comments on a proposed amendment to the city code pertaining to discharges into the wastewater system. That hearing is solely being held in response to requests by the Environmental Protection Agency for changes in language. Once that meeting is concluded, the hearing on Mayor Donald Kasprzak’s proposed budget will begin. The meeting is being held to allow the Common Council to hear comments from the community on the proposed spending plan. Kasprzak’s budget proposal carries a taxlevy increase of 1.93 percent, which falls below the state tax cap of 2 percent. The tax rate per $1,000 of assessed property value would remain at $10.40. Kasprzak has said that rising costs in pensions, health care and more are hurting the city and will eventually result in higher taxes and more expensive services. The mayor would utilize about $2 million in fund balance in this budget to keep the tax levy low. The Common Council must finalize the budget by mid-January and will hold weekly budget sessions.
Plattsburgh man arrested for allegedly sexually abusing infant By Stephen Bartlett
PLATTSBURGH — The victim is less than a year old. Joseph Harris, the 45-year-old Plattsburgh man accused of sexually assaulting him, is behind bars. Harris has been charged with first-degree sexual abuse, a felony. The Plattsburgh City Police Department received a call from Clinton County Child Protective Services outlining an alleged incident on Oct. 3, during which Harris allegedly sexually abused an infant. The Plattsburgh man was taken into custody and charged with first-degree sexual abuse. Plattsburgh City Court Judge Mark Rogers set bail at $15,000 cash and $30,000 bond. The court also issued an order of protection for the baby. Harris was remanded to Clinton County Jail. The investigation into the incident continues.
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Shown with optional accessories. ATV model shown is recommended for use only by riders 16 years and older. Yamaha recommends that all ATV riders take an approved training course. For safety and training informatin, see your dealer or call the ATV Safety Institue at 1-800-887-2887. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always avoid paved surfaces. Never ride on public roads. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing; never carry passengers; never engage in stunt riding; riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix; avoid excessive speed; and be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Specifications subject to change without notice. *Based on ADP competitive comparison study of CVT belt components reported in warranty and non-warranty repair order records for 2007-2010 model year CVT belt-driven 4x4 ATVs 400cc and above. ©2012 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. • yamaha-motor.com
October 20, 2012
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Baby’s heart inspires at annual Heart Walk By Stephen Bartlett
stephen@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — News Erin Terry was pregnant arrived unexpectedly, but she and her fiancé, Ricky McCann, were ecstatic. When they learned they were having a boy, they named him Gavin. When they discovered Gavin had severe heart issues that would eventually send them to Boston Children’s Hospital, the couple didn’t know what to do. This past weekend, they shared their story at the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk in Plattsburgh. The annual event drew more than 1,500 walkers. “Every day, the American Heart Association is saving lives through research,” said Event Chair PJ Whitbeck of Coldwell Banker/Whitbeck Associates. “I feel responsible as a business owner to promote healthy living, not only to my clients but also my community.” The American Heart Association’s My Heart, My Life, is a comprehensive new health, wellness and fitness platform to empower Americans to get healthier. It enhances the Association’s 20-year goal to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent and to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent by 2020. The Heart Walk is sponsored nationally by Subway and Jenny Craig and locally by Schonbek/Swarvoski, Parker Chevrolet, Fujitsu, Mountain Valley Integrated Solutions, Community Bank, Chartwells, Transamerica, FOX44, Star 92.9 and the Press-Republican. Founded in 1924, the American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to building healthier lives, free of heart disease and stroke. Heart disease and stroke are America’s number one and number four killers, respectively, and the Association funds cuttingedge research, conducts public and professional educational programs, and advocates to protect public health. Terry was at her 32-week checkup when doctors focused on the baby’s heart, discovering a critical pulmonary stenosis, large ventricle and tricuspid murmur. Worry and anger gripped Terry as she wondered what would happen to her baby, whether she had done something wrong and why this was happening to her family. Shock overtook her and once she reached the car she let go and sobbed. “It was the worst day of my life.”
Erin Terry and Ricky McCann with their baby boy, Gavin, at the America Heart Association’s annual Heart Walk in Plattsburgh. Photo by Stephen Bartlett
She was sent to Fletcher Allen Health Care in Vermont and monitored three days weekly through sonograms. “They wanted to make sure there was no swelling around the heart and no fluids.” Doctors eventually sent her to Boston Children’s Hospital. “I don’t know how I got through my pregnancy,” Terry said. “I pretended there was nothing wrong.” She was eventually induced at Brigham and Women’s in Boston, where Gavin would
be delivered through a C-section. “It wasn’t planned.” Once he was delivered Terry listened for his crying, some sort of sound, but there was only silence, and she began to panic. Then, Gavin, at 8 pounds, 15 ounces, began to cry on April 11 at 3:59 a.m. and even peed on the doctor. “I don’t remember much but kissing him on the cheek.” But the couple was not in the clear, and eight hours later Gavin underwent a balloon
stint procedure. Today, his heart is not much stronger, but it works, though the problems with it will always affect him and he may need further surgeries. “We race to the doctor when his hands and feet turn blue,” Terry said. Ricky McCann tries to block concerns about his son’s heart from his mind, but it’s impossible. “When I see his smiling face, the worry goes away.”
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October 20, 2012
GUESTVIEWPOINT Why roller derby?
ure cancer, save the world, eat cotton candy every day and play roller derby. This was my short list of to-do’s as a child. Becoming an adult meant that anything was possible. As life wears on, items get bumped off, forgotten or just seem too childish to even care about. Enter roller derby. The very idea transported me to those afternoons on the couch with my dad watching women on roller skates race around aggressively. Of course, the sport
has changed. There’s no punching or tripping. The track we skate on is flat. We pride ourselves on acting professional and being athletic, all while getting hit (legally of course) on roller skates. What a great sport, right? The most surprising, and touching, aspect of this sport has been the support from the community. You, reading this now. I began playing 3 years ago because I needed a hobby, now I am cocaptain and in charge of events. This sport has become so much a part of
my life that my long suffering husband decided he better strap on skates if he ever wanted to see me, and now refs for the Jills. The sport is fun, but giving the community a team to be proud of makes it worthwhile. High-fiving kids at the end of each bout, conversing with strangers about strategy, even recruiting gives me the sense that there was a demographic in Plattsburgh just waiting for us. Roller derby attracts all types of people—young, not-so-young, thin, notso-thin. The beauty of
this sport is that we will take anyone with the right attitude. There is no perfect derby “type.” Everyone has something to offer—even if they aren’t on skates. Our team has college students, professionals, and everything in between. It’s a beautiful thing to see a group of people come together to create an environment so accepting. Not that it has been a breeze to do, but anything worth doing will have its ups and downs. As we approach our last game until the next season starting February, please
know that we will be working hard. Our goal is to improve our winning season as we play harder teams. We are also working to become recognized by the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. This goal will allow us to be ranked regionally and play among the best in the world. This sport is exciting, gratifying, and not slowing down anytime soon. Look for us on the track, and maybe even join us… we’re waiting. Danielle Baker aka MayDay Va J.J.
Danielle Baker aka MayDay Va J.J. Photo by Peter Belanger
Gov. Andrew Cuomo tours Bombardier Transportation on Oct. 10. Photo provided by the governor’s press office
Cuomo comes to Plattsburgh on development tour By Stephen Bartlett
PLATTSBURGH — Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently spent time in Plattsburgh touring priority projects linked to the statewide Regional Economic Development Council. The Strand Theatre and Bombardier Transportation were among the sites Cuomo visited. Cuomo toured the projects to view their progress and economic impact on the region. This is the third visit in his tour that is part of a review of last year ’s strategic economic development plans and job-creating projects. His visit also included a formal presentation by the North Country Regional Economic Development Council outlining progress in advancing last year ’s plans and projects. The presentation outlined endorsed projects for the coming year. “New York has transformed the way the state approaches economic development by empowering local communities to build plans specifically tailored for their regions,” Cuomo said. “The North Country Regional Council is successfully putting its regional plan to work, and it is creating jobs in their communities and growing the local economy.” Last year, the North Country had a great story to tell about what it was going to do, and this year the area has a better story, said Regional Council CO-Chair and North Country Chamber of Commerce President Garry Douglas. “Last year, the North Country Regional Council developed a strategy designed to help transform the future economy of the North Country by supporting and attracting business growth and job creation.” Cuomo toured the Strand Theatre, which benefited when the North Country Cultural Center for the Arts was awarded $397,000 to support restoration of the 1924 theater and help transform it into the new Strand Performing Arts Center. The project has the potential to create nearly 80 jobs when factoring in the economic activity generated by the overall revitalization of downtown Plattsburgh. The governor also visited Bombardier Transportation, which was awarded $2.5 million to expand its primary production facility in Plattsburgh. The 80,000 square foot expansion will create 100 new jobs and retain 288 existing jobs at the plant, while leveraging around $22 million in private investment. The project will further enhance Bombardier ’s capacity for new contracts. “Gov. Cuomo’s Regional Council initiative is taking New York from a state known as a frustrater of business growth to a facilitator of new business and private sector job development,” said Empire State Development President Kenneth Adams. “Through its first year, we have seen job-creating projects in the North Country and across the state start to take shape and pay dividends in new jobs and economic activity to boost our local economies.” The North Country was awarded $103.2 million in state support through the Regional Economic Development Council during the first round for 70 projects. The Council’s progress report and full list of endorsed priority projects for 2012 can be found at northcountryopenforbusiness.com or regionalcouncils.ny.gov/content/northcountry.
October 20, 2012
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Husband and wife devoted to Plattsburgh State
Photo provided
the Days of Remembrance at Plattsburgh State, an annual program that commemorates the Holocaust. “The Douglas and Evelyne Skopp Holocaust Memorial Gallery will now be a permanent home for the commemoration,” said Dr.
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MY PUBLIC NOTICES Now Available at... www.denpubs.com
the publication of the novel “Shadows Walking,” an exploration of the mind through an average person, a doctor, and how that individual comes to focus his energies into working for the Nazis. Douglas further instituted
you.” “He is skilled at creating a learning environment that’s interactive between student and teacher,” said Joe DeSalvo, a 1989 Plattsburgh State alumnus and history major. “He doesn’t teach at you; he includes students and makes them feel like valuable contributors to the learning environment.” Douglas inspired Colleen Lemza, an assistant professor of public relations at Plattsburgh State. She appreciated his passion and ability to provide guidance without judging and is friends with Douglas and Evelyne. “SUNY Plattsburgh is a better place because of them.” Those interested in giving to the Douglas R. Skopp Endowment for the History Department and the Skopp Competition on the Theme of the Holocaust should contact Anne Hansen at 800-964-1889 or anne.hansen@plattsburgh.e du.
Fri., Oct. 19 - Mon., Oct. 22, 2012
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Offer expires 10/23/12
Special Midnight Showings October 25th
Douglas and Evelyne Skopp in the new gallery at Plattsburgh State
Jonathan Slater, coordinator of the Judaic Studies program at Plattsburgh State. Evelyne served in the school’s Registrar ’s Office for nearly 30 years, continuing to volunteer after her retirement. “Evelyne Skopp is one of the college’s very best,” said Registrar Michael Walsh. “From her working days as the assistant registrar to her present volunteer duties in the Registrar ’s Office, she has always conducted herself in a warm, thoughtful, efficient manner. “Presently, when she volunteers in the office each Monday, the staff looks forward to her friendship and humor, plus all the work she can get done in a short amount of time.” Douglas is known and respected on campus and around the region for his teaching ability. During many job interviews, school boards and administrators stop applicants with a smile and say, “Let me guess, Douglas Skopp has had the biggest influence on
PLATTSBURGH — The Holocaust claimed the lives of roughly six million Jews during World War II, a systematic state-sponsored murder by Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, which included more than one million Jewish children. The Nazi genocide further wiped out millions of people in other groups, including Romani, communists, Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet citizens, homosexuals, people with disabilities, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other political and religious groups. That event will never be forgotten at Plattsburgh State, where a new permanent gallery in Feinberg Library has been created. The Douglas and Evelyne Skopp Holocaust Memorial Gallery is named after Professor Emeritus and College Historian Douglas Skopp and his wife, Evelyne, a former assistant registrar at the college.
The gallery and naming became a reality due to efforts by alumni and friends of the college. They have given more than $25,000 to put in place the Douglas R. Skopp Endowment for the History Department and to fund the Skopp Competition on the Theme of the Holocaust, an annual contest in which students submit original works that commemorate the Holocaust. “He has spent a lifetime courageously doing research on the Holocaust in an effort to find the ways in which we can be more ethical beings,” said Dr. E. Thomas Moran, director of the Institute for Ethics in Public Life. Indeed, Douglas works tirelessly to promote ethical behavior, most recently delivering an inspirational speech on the anniversary of 911, during which he called on those gathered to learn lessons from the tragedy and try to understand what creates such hate that fuels deadly destruction. Skopp’s research included
By Stephen Bartlett
October 20, 2012
10 - www.the-burgh.com
Maintenance Applies To Your Vehicle’s Interior, Too (MS) -- Recent studies have estimated that many Americans spend as much as three hours a day in their cars. Over the course of a typical week, that’s almost one entire day behind the wheel. That not only translates to lots of face time with your vehicle’s interior, but it also provides ample opportunities for the buildup of dirt, grime, coffee, and food stains that can leave a car’s interior appearing haggard and worn. In addition to robbing a car’s interior of its aesthetic appeal, the buildup of dirt and grease can also cause the vehicle to degrade over time. Though it’s common to associate vehicle maintenance with what’s under the hood, drivers should also make maintenance a priority for the vehicle’s interior.
When cleaning a car’s interior, address each and every nook and cranny. Consoles & Cup Holders Perhaps no part of a vehicle’s interior is more susceptible to dirt and grease buildup than the center console, which is typically home to a vehicle’s cup holders. Spilled coffee or soda is something every driver can relate to, and cleaning such spills is harder than it sounds. No Touch(R) Interior Detailing Mousse from Permatex, a leading innovator of auto maintenance, repair, and appearance products, is specially formulated to remove not only stubborn stains, but also older ones, making it ideal for taking care of that long-ignored yet unsightly residue at the bottom of your cupholder.
Clean Under the Carpets Particularly after a long winter, a vehicle’s carpets can be a major eyesore. Remove the floor mats and thoroughly vacuum any dirt buildup that might have multiplied with each winter snowstorm or spring shower. Your carpets will look better and last longer. Dashboards & Door Panels In order to drive a vehicle, motorists must look out over the dashboard. Despite that, dashboards are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning a car’s interior. No Touch(R) Interior Detailing Mousse is formulated to remove unsightly dirt or grease buildup from all interior surfaces, including plastic, rubber, vinyl, and leather, while drying to a satin sheen to minimize
dashboard reflection on the windshield. What’s unique about No Touch(R) Interior Detailing Mousse is that it applies as a mousse, meaning there won’t be any of the messy overspray and seepage into components and vents that drivers typically worry about when cleaning the dashboard and door panels. Address the Upholstery When buying a new car, many auto buyers are concerned about the car’s potential resale value. That’s a genuine concern, as resale value is often influenced by more than just the number of miles on the odometer. Dirty upholstery is an instant turnoff for most used car buyers, so drivers should be diligent and clean their upholstery regularly, including immediately after any spills. Be
careful when using water to clean the upholstery, as you don’t want any water getting into places that can damamge electrical components or create a moldy smell. Practice Preventive Care Much like humans, a car is susceptible to UV rays. Whereas a human would apply sunscreen to his or her skin to protect against sunburn, drivers can apply a UV-protectant product to their vehicle’s interior to guard against problems that often result from overexposure to the sun. No Touch(R) Interior Detailing Mousse is specially formulated to protect a vehicle against UV rays that typically lead to fading, cracking, and aging. What’s more, its non-greasy formula leaves surfaces with a film-free finish, ensuring the car’s interior will look
and feel like new without suffering any harmful side effects of sun exposure. No Touch(R) Interior Detailing Mousse also has an antistatic repellant, which helps keep the instrument panel free and clear of dust for safer and easier navigation. Overcome the Odor Masking odors is another concern for many vehicle owners. While some spring days are ideal for rolling down the windows, spring showers are often a force to be reckoned with during the spring season. For drivers trapped inside a car with its own distinct odor, No Touch(R) Interior Detailing Mousse has a new car scent that ensures both driver and passenger won’t be stuck holding their noses on those long commutes to work.
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October 20, 2012
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Help Your Car Withstand Harsh Winter Weather (MS) -- Automobiles can be very resilient. Drivers typically don’t treat their cars with kid gloves, but most cars keep chugging along in spite of it. Of course, drivers who treat their cars well can expect to get as much in return from their vehicles. That’s especially true when winter weather arrives, which is the harshest season vehicles must endure every year. Harsh weather coupled with less-than-ideal roadways typically take their toll on a vehicle as the season progresses, and it’s up to drivers to help their cars withstand the elements of winter and make it to spring in drivable condition. Short of moving to a locale that’s warm and sunny 12 months a year, there’s little drivers can do to avoid winter weather; however, there are several ways drivers can prepare their vehicles for the months ahead. • Address your antifreeze. Much like a winter coat protects people from winter weather, antifreeze protects vehicles when the weather outside is frightful. Not every antifreeze is created equal, and inadequate antifreeze can cause water pump failure and even a cracked engine block. Drivers often fail to monitor their antifreeze levels throughout the winter,
their conventional counterparts, particularly in colder weather when conventional motor oil thickens as the temperature drops. When the mercury starts to sink, conventional motor oils can slow starting rpm, restrict oil flow to critical engine parts and increase wear on bearings and rings. Conversely, synthetic motor oils still flow or pump at temperatures as much as 50 below zero, allowing cars and trucks to start with greater ease.
which can hurt their cars and might even be harmful to the environment. Traditional ethylene glycol, or EG, antifreezes have a sweet smell and taste that attracts animals and, if ingested, can harm local wildlife or even household pets. Propylene glycol antifreeze does not boast a sweet smell or taste, and though safe if ingested, reduces the likelihood that animals will be drawn to it. AMSOIL Propylene Glycol Antifreeze is compatible with all other antifreeze products and does not re-
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quire a complete system flush before usage, easing the transition from EG antifreeze to a more eco-friendly alternative. • Check the vehicle’s charging system. Car batteries are forced to work harder in cold weather, making it easier for a battery to die when the mercury drops. To avoid being stranded in the cold, ask your mechanic to check the vehicle’s charging system before the onset of winter to ensure the battery is ready for the cold months ahead.
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• Monitor motor oil. An engine is only as good as the motor oil that keeps it lubricated. Poor lubrication results in friction between engine components, ultimately leading to wear and potentially taking years off engine life. Drivers should regularly monitor their motor oil levels and adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines. When choosing a lubricant, look for a synthetic motor oil to maintain engine protection and performance. Synthetic motor oils provide significant benefits over
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• Don’t tread lightly. Tire treads are especially important during the colder months, when icy or snowpacked roads make driving a dangerous undertaking. Tires with adequate traction are better equipped to handle roads that might be covered in ice, dirt or grime from sand and salt trucks. Check tire pressure regularly, especially when the temperatures are colder, and always inflate tires to the manufacturer-recommended PSI. PSI ratings can often be found on the driver’s side door.
• Maintain visibility. Visibility is especially poor during the winter months when falling snow and dirt and grime are kicked up from the rear tires of other vehicles, making it difficult to see. To maintain adequate visibility throughout the winter, inspect wiper blades to make sure they are in peak condition. Be sure the blade fully clears the windshield of snow, rain and any other debris that might find its way into your driving line of vision. Never leave the house without enough windshield washer fluid in the reservoir, and keep an extra bottle of fluid in the trunk just to be safe. Winter driving conditions are rarely, if ever, ideal. More tips to help your car withstand the winter are available at www.amsoil.com.
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October 20, 2012 “I’m actually leading them to a zombie rehab center, a place where they can dance their blues away,” Cummins said. Misfits tribute band Return of the Fly provided music for the zombie prom, held in Plattsburgh State’s Angell College Center, which helped the fiends reconnect with their softer, gentler sides. And as the night began to fade, so did the malicious intent of the undead, whose cheeks soon became rosy as their pulses returned. The long sought cure for zombiism, it seemed, was not medicinal or surgical after all—it was simply good old-fashioned tender loving care.
Zombies Continued from page 1 Dana stood wide-eyed, with Cheryl in his arms, as the last of them withdrew. “I’m going to give her up first,” he said nervously, his survival instinct running high. “I’m more of a cut and run kind of guy.” The Lawrence’s were not the only people to witness the procession. In fact, on Oct. 13, about 350 zombies started at the Plattsburgh Farmers Market pavillion and descended upon downtown Plattsburgh, causing pedestrians and restaurant goers alike to recoil in abject fear. It was the fourth time this event has occurred, causing some experts to begin referring to the phenomenon as an “annual undead migration.” The exact cause of the outbreak has left some mystified, but one of the plague’s victims offered an explanation. Between guttural lapses in speech, Tyler Gadway, 10, of Plattsburgh, recounted his terrifying tale. “A Camaro that was going 95 miles an hour hit me, and that’s when my hand flew off,” Gadway said, proudly showing off his stump. “As I was lying there, one of my horses bit me right in the neck, and I got the infection.” Gadway then admitted he has bitten at least 17 people since contracting the disease. Others were not so sure where their condition originated. Shoben Runyon remembered waking up from a head injury he suffered, and soon he began craving raw meat. His mother, Sedona Runyon, was the first to notice the bite mark on his cheek. “I am a zombie nurse, so I can take care of him,” she muttered through steel-blue lips. “But looking at some of these people, they seem to be
Brian Purcell, Alexis Mooney, Gwendolyn Mooney and Melissa Mooney form a spooky zombie family chained together during the 2012 Zombie Walk on Oct. 13. Photos by Katherine Clark getting worse.” As Sedona’s own zombified joints began to stiffen, she offered a cautionary statement to the still living: “A good tip is to blend in, and keep your distance.” Staying away might be good advice for some, but Kimberly Cummins wasn’t taking it. Cummins has taken a different approach in dealing with the zombie apocalypse. As the human organizer of the event, her desire is to look like one of the undead—and become their leader. “First, you get a bull-horn from the city po-
lice,” Cummins said. “They’ll listen to anyone with a megaphone.” Cummins used the bull-horn to communicate to the mass of malevolent menaces, and then, as if controlled by some unseen hand, the horde assembled into a tattered line. Grumbling and scuffling along, they proceeded to follow Cummins through the streets. “They’re really as dumb as bricks,” Cummins said. “I have just blended in with them, and they don’t know the difference.” But Cummins’ intent isn’t malicious. In fact, she is trying to help restore them to humanity.
Film man
Where the
Continued from page 1 “The film we are going to watch is an opening short, and they are not commercially available,” MacDougall said as he navigated around film and surveyed various items, for no reason, seemingly, yet with a precision that indicated a purpose. “I have a number of them that are the only existing prints.” He owns the only prints to several oddball student films, inherited a 16 mm collection of war and original music videos, and came into vacation footage and travelogues, as well as skiing footage with a jazz score and a dog on the beach. There is also a film of the real mad men, taken from inside corporate headquarters, a puppet show and underwater footage. “They are phasing out film,” MacDougall said, exiting the room wallpapered with movie posters for the projection booth, where he manually rewinds a short. “This will only take a few minutes.” Halfway through, he remembers his train of thought: “Cumberland 12 is down to only two theaters that still use actual film. I have become the new custodian of the collection.” The short MacDougall shows is in black and white, featuring Jason Bernard in a chess match in which he wins an opponent’s unique chess board. The film has undertones of racism, with the black opponent, shown as the underdog, beating the overconfident white opponent. A few minutes into the film, MacDougal had to re-loop it to keep it from jumping. After the film, MacDougall relaxed in his theater and discussed his new idea. Picture Show Men, or Traveling Film Exhibitors, are difficult to study as their history and records are not well preserved. They operated around the world, starting in the early 20th century and, in the United States, for example, traveled the country, stopping at ballrooms, public plazas, town halls and church halls to show their films. “Basically, they were in rural areas where there was no access to theaters, and they set up their projectors,” MacDougall said. “It was a dime for admission.” In places such as Australia, MacDougall pointed out, Picture Show Men fought for territory. “What I am trying to do is recapture the spirit of picture show men,” MacDougall said. “I don’t know if I am the last one, but I am the last one in this region. There is nobody between Montreal and Albany.” In the few months since the film series at the North Country Co-Op, MacDougall has shown his films in places such as the Regina Maria Retreat in Plattsburgh, Edgewater Estates and his basement theater. On Oct. 27, he will show a film at the North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, and on Nov. 17 the Temple Beth Israel will host a film. MacDougall was asked to show a film at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal, but when he discovered “Isla, She Wolf of the SS” was playing, he called for a boycott and declined. He said the film is basically gore porn about the atrocities committed by the Nazis. “I could not in good conscious align myself with these people.”
locals go!
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After crawling from the swamps, Ben Bradford ambles through the streets of Plattsburgh during the 2012 Zombie Walk on Oct. 13.
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October 20, 2012
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October 20, 2012
Denpubs Sports Sectional season begins this weekend in H.S. football, gymnastics By Keith Lobdell
as Alyssa Leonard has earned that title in each of her teams six meets this season. Her closest competition comes from Plattsburgh High’s Dalen Keswick, who has scored three all-around titles on the season. The Eagles will also look for contributions from Erica Leonard, Alison Turdo and Brielle Cerne, while Plattsburgh includes Hannah Kaltenbach and Kiana Giroux in all around events.
keith@denpubs.com PLATTSBURGH — As the leaves start to fall and the temperatures trend down, the 2012 fall high school sports season prepares to enter its championship phase. The quest for Section VII gold will start this weekend as football begins the playoffs in Class B and gymnasts hold their championship meet in Peru.
Football The Section VII/Class B playoffs open the same way they did in 2011, with top seed Peru (6-1) hosting fourth seed Plattsburgh High (1-6) Oct. 20 at the Apple Bowl. The Indians are led by the section’s top passer, Blake Altizer, who threw for 1,070 yards in the regular season with 19 passes for touchdowns, most going to Zane Bazzano, who hauled in 10 scoring passes and had 315 receiving yards. Tim Remillard added 650 yards rushing and receiving and 7 touchdowns, while Hunter Bruno scored five times on the ground. Plattsburgh High is led on the ground by Sean Shea, who compiled almost 400 yards
The Sched Friday, Oct. 19
AuSable Valley at Ticonderoga, 7:30 p.m.
Girls soccer Northern Adirondack at Elizabethtown-Lewis, 4 p.m.
Volleyball Northern Adirondack at Northeastern Clinton, 4:30 p.m. AuSable Valley at Saranac Lake, 4:30 p.m. Peru at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m. Plattsburgh High at Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m.
Swimming Moriah at AuSable Valley, 5 p.m. Peru at Plattsburgh High, 5 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 20
Section VII Championships at Peru, 11 a.m.
Football Moriah at Saranac Lake, 1:30 p.m. Section VII/Class B semifinals Plattsburgh High at Peru, 1:30 p.m. Saranac at Beekmantown, 1:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 22
Blake Altizer finished the 2012 season as the Champlain Valley Athletic Conference’s top passer, leading in yards (1,070) and touchdown passes (19). The Indians will host Plattsburgh High in the Class B semifinals. Photo by Keith Lobdell
of offense to go with two scores. Jonas Miller caught 288 yards in passes, most coming from Shaun Courson, who had 385 passing yards on the season. In the other semifinal, the Saranac Chiefs (2-5) will travel to Beekmantown (5-2) to face the Eagles, who are led by a committee of rushers, including Dustin Pickering (385 yards), Michael Guerin (235 yards) and Devin Fessette (220 yards). Zach Myers has added 450 yards passing, completing 237 of those yards to Quenton Barber. For the Chiefs, Matt McCasland led the team in rushing with 432 yards, while Ethan Goslin had 257 passing yards. The winners of the two semifinal games will meet at the home field of the highest remaining seed on Saturday, Oct. 27 for the Section VII/Class B championship. The Class C title will also be determined that day when AuSable Valley will travel to Saranac Lake to take on the currently unde-
feated Red Storm. Each team will play a Class C/D crossover game this weekend, with the Patriots traveling to Ticonderoga Oct. 19 and the Red Storm hosting Moriah Oct. 20.
Gymnastics A year that has seen close scores between the Peru Indians (5-1) and Beekmantown Eagles (4-2) will be settled as those two teams along with Plattsburgh High take to the Peru mats Oct. 20 at the Section VII gymnastics championships. Both teams possess depth in the four areas of competition — uneven bars, balance beam, vault and floor exercise — with the Indians lead by all around athletes Alexandra Brown, Lexi Trombley and Molly Lawliss. However, the favorite for the individual all around title comes from Beekmantown,
With the Northern Soccer League regular season wrapping up later this week, teams are preparing for sectionals in all three classes. In Class B boys, Northeastern Clinton (12-0-0) holds the top spot, followed by Beekmantown (10-2-2), Peru (8-3-1), Saranac (4-6-1), Plattsburgh High (3-9-2) and Saranac Lake (1-7-1). The Beekmantown Lady Eagles hold the top seed in Class B girls, scoring a 2-0 victory over Northeastern Clinton to capture the Division I crown Oct. 15. Those two teams are followed by Plattsburgh High (83-1), Saranac (8-5-0), Saranac Lake (2-10-0) and Peru (2-10-0). Class C has Lake Placid with the best record in Division II (9-5-0), with Northern Adirondack at 5-5-0 and Seton Catholic at 4-9-0. AuSable Valley, playing a Division I schedule, has a record of 2-9-0. The seeding in the Class C girls tournament could be interesting, as it will be record v. head-to-head. The Lake Placid Lady Blue Bombers were tied for the Division II lead with an 11-3-0 record, with one of those losses coming to the AuSable Valley Patriots, who have a 3-10-0 record playing in Division I. Other Class C teams in the mix include Ticonderoga (7-5-1), Northern Adirondack (5-8-1) and Seton Catholic (57-1) The Chazy Eagles continue to the cream of the Class D crop, as the boys team compiled a 12-0-1 record heading into the final week of play. Elizabethtown-Lewis has had another strong year at 9-2-1, while Keene stood at 5-9-1, Willsboro 2-11-0 and Westport 0-9-1. The Lady Eagles also hold the best record among Class D schools at 13-2-0, followed locally by Elizabethtown-Lewis (7-6-1), Keene (6-6-0), Moriah (2-8-1), Westport (28-0) and Willsboro (1-12-1)
Hannah’s Hope volleyball tourney a success
Saranac Lake at Plattsburgh High, 4:30 p.m. Saranac at Northern Adirondack, 4:30 p.m. Northeastern Clinton at Beekmantown, 4:30 p.m. Peru at AuSable Valley, 4:30 p.m.
Cross Country
Tuesday, Oct. 23
Beekmantown, Ticonderoga at AuSable Valley Lake Placid, Northeastern Clinton at Saranac Peru, Plattsburgh High, Seton at Saranac Lake
Wednesday, Oct. 24
Beekmantown at Peru, 4:30 p.m. Lake Placid at Northeastern Clinton, 4:30 p.m. Saranac at AuSable Valley, 4:30 p.m. Northern Adirondack at Plattsburgh High, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 25
Relay Carnival at AuSable Valley, 5 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 27
Section VII/Class B final, TBA Section VII/Class C final - AuSable Valley at Saranac Lake
Cross Country CVAC Championships at Saranac
Cross Country
Friday, Nov. 2
Section VII Championships at Cobble Hill Golf Course, Elizabethtown
Saturday, Nov. 3
Section VII championships at AuSable Valley, TBA
The Hannah’s Hope volleyball tournament raised more than $4,000 toward the Hannah’s Hope Foundation. SARANAC — Saranac and Plattsburgh High Schools hosted the fourth annual Volley For Cure Tournament to support the Hannah's Hope Foundation on Monday, Oct. 8. “We had 16 teams from Section 7 and 10 compete as well as raising over $4,000 in support,” Hornets head coach Victoria McMillon said. “The family is in the middle of a huge fundraising campaign to get matching funds if they reach $450,000, so our efforts will double.” Overall, 16 teams participated represent-
ing AuSable Valley, Beekmantown, Chateauguay, Malone, Massena, Northern Adirondack, Northeastern Clinton, Ogdensburg, Peru and Lake Placid along with the two host schools. The Gold Division was won by Beekmantown 1, while Malone won in the Silver Division, Plattsburgh High 2 in the Bronze Division and Saranac 1 in the Diamond Division. The following players were named as tournament all stars: Ausable Valley - Miranda Sheffer, Noelle
Photo by CR Tunes
Miller Beekmantown - Shannon Ryan, Makayla LaFountain, Kendra LaFountain, Emily Anderson Northern Adirondack - Shonni Velasquez Northeastern Clinton - Emily Boyer Peru 1 - Linzee Wright, Karley GoddeauStefaniak Plattsburgh High - Dee Brown, Deanna LaBarge Lake Placid - Taylor Maiorca Saranac - Ashley Byerley, Abby Mahellkavic
October 20, 2012
www.the-burgh.com - 15
Friday, Oc t. 19
Monday, Oc t. 22
TUNES & TRIVIA NIGHT. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 563-2222. NEIL GILLESPIE TO PERFORM. Olive Ridleys, 37 Court Street, 6-9 p.m. DR. BEAUMONT’S TOUR OF TERROR. Join the ghost of Dr. William Beaumont, for a lantern lit journey through the macabre. Trinity Park, 6-7:20 p.m. CEMETERY TOUR. Tour the oldest Roman Catholic burial ground in Clinton County, the intersection of U.S. Avenue and South Platt Street, 8 p.m. BAD KITTIE TO PERFORM. Olive Ridleys, 37 Court Street, 10 p.m.
QI-GONG LESSON HELD. ROTA Art Gallery, 50 Margaret Street, $3-$10.
Saturday, Oc t. 20 HOLIDAY TREATS WORKSHOP. Kent-Delord House, 17 Cumberland Ave. noon-3 p.m. NOVEL WRITING WORKSHOP. National Novel Writing Month Workshop, North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street, 563-1604. 1-3 p.m. DR. BEAUMONT’S TOUR OF TERROR. Join the ghost of Dr. William Beaumont, for a lantern lit journey through the macabre. Trinity Park, 6-7:20 p.m. CEMETERY TOUR. Tour the oldest Roman Catholic burial ground in Clinton County, the intersection of U.S. Avenue and South Platt Street, 8 p.m. EAT SLEEP FUNK TO PERFORM. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222. BAD KITTIE TO PERFORM. Olive Ridleys, 37 Court Street, 10 p.m.
Sunday, Oc t. 21 EAT SLEEP FUNK TO PERFORM. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.
Tuesday, Oc t. 23 SUNRISE ROTARY. American Legion post 20, 162 Quarry Road, 7:20 a.m. OSTEO EXERCISE. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9 a.m. 643-8774. SENIOR TAI CHI. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 643-8774. SENIOR ZUMBA. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10:30 a.m. 643-8774. WII BOWLING LEAGUE. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10 a.m. 643-8774. STAINED GLASS CLASS. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 1 p.m. 643-8774. PARENTS SUPPORT GROUP. Parents anonymous support groups, Child Care Coordinating Council, 194 US Oval, 5-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oc t. 24 BATTLE OF P’BURGH LECTURE. Kent-Delord House, 17 Cumberland Ave, Noon. CURTIS BOOKSIGNING. Booksigning with Dr. David Curtis Skaggs, Kent-Delord House, 17 Cumberland Ave, 4:30 p.m. OPEN MIC NIGHT. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 9 p.m. 563-2222.
Thursday, Oc t. 25 JUNIOR RIFLE TEAM TO MEET. Rough Riders Junior Rifle Team, Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club, Rte. 9, 6:30 p.m. $5. TUNES & TRIVIA NIGHT. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 563-2222.
MUD & MERLOT CLASS. North Country Cultural Center for the Arts, 23 Brinkerhoff Street, 563-1604. 5-7:30 p.m. $25. +21. OLD POST GHOST WALK. Stroll by lantern light through Plattsburgh's historic Old Post Cemetery, Cemetery gates, just past the traffic circle headed south on Route 9 South, $5-$10. 8 p.m. OPEN MIC/POETRY NIGHT. ROTA Gallery, 50 Margaret Street, 7:30 p.m. DYNOMATICS TO PERFORM. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.
Friday, Oc t. 26 TUNES & TRIVIA NIGHT. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 4-7 p.m. 563-2222. COL TO PERFORM. Olive Ridleys, 37 Court Street, 6 p.m. DR. BEAUMONT’S TOUR OF TERROR. Join the ghost of Dr. William Beaumont, for a lantern lit journey through the macabre. Trinity Park, 6-7:20 p.m. CEMETERY TOUR. Tour the oldest Roman Catholic burial ground in Clinton County, the intersection of U.S. Avenue and South Platt Street, 8 p.m. RETURN TO FLY TO PERFORM. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.
Saturday, Oc t. 27 CRAFT, TRAIN, AND HOBBY SHOW. Seton Academy, 23 St. Charles Street, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. $3. HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL. 690 Route 3, Corner of Military Turnpike, kids come in costume, $1 suggested donation. 14 p.m. 563-6250, plattsburghhousing.com. COSTUME WORKSHOP. Kent-Delord House, 17 Cumberland Ave, 1 p.m. NIGHT OF ROLLING DEAD DERBY BOUT. The Plattsburgh City Gym & Recreation Center, 52 US Oval, 6 p.m. $12. 6 p.m.
DR. BEAUMONT’S TOUR OF TERROR. Join the ghost of Dr. William Beaumont, for a lantern lit journey through the macabre. Trinity Park, 6-7:20 p.m. CEMETERY TOUR. Tour the oldest Roman Catholic burial ground in Clinton County, the intersection of U.S. Avenue and South Platt Street, 8 p.m. HALLOWEEN PARTY WITH CAPITAL ZEN. The Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., 10 p.m. 563-2222.
Sunday, Oc t. 28 VETERANS BREAKFAST. VFW Veterans and family benefit scrambled egg breakfast, Peru Memorial VFW, 710 Pleasant Street, $5.
Monday, Oc t. 29 QI-GONG LESSON HELD. ROTA Art Gallery, 50 Margaret Street, $3-$10.
Tuesday, Oc t. 30 SUNRISE ROTARY. American Legion post 20, 162 Quarry Road, 7:20 a.m. OSTEO EXERCISE. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9 a.m. 643-8774. SENIOR TAI CHI. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 9:30 a.m. 643-8774. SENIOR ZUMBA. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10:30 a.m. 643-8774. WII BOWLING LEAGUE. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 10 a.m. 643-8774. STAINED GLASS CLASS. Clinton County Senior Center, 5139 N. Catherine St., 1 p.m. 643-8774. PARENTS SUPPORT GROUP. Parents anonymous support groups, Child Care Coordinating Council, 194 US Oval, 5-6:30 p.m. ADULT RIFLE TEAM TO MEET. Rough Riders Adult Rifle Team, Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club, Rte. 9, 5:30 p.m. 2985161.
1 6 9 14 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 39 41 44 48 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65
ACROSS Nighttime refresher Stir Coffee flavoring Galleon spars Roaring Camp chronicler Like some cats Faint Britten’s “Billy Budd,” e.g. Command to a soldier African antelope’s haven? Farmer’s fields? Eocene and Miocene Unappreciative response Cardinal’s resting place Bid They may be written in tablets Down Actress Vardalos At an earlier time Appreciative responses Roomer’s mecca? It: It. Amp controls Shaping devices Galleria display Aimée of “La Dolce Vita” Highest point Like some memories Tints Rhododendron variety Route directories Mexican pyramid builder Nicklaus rival Berliner’s cont.
66 69 71 73 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 88 89 91 92 94 97 100 104 105 108 110 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ford’s legacy? Peace, in Mexico 1960s-’70s first family Queen’s subjects Acoustical foam pattern Floral fragrances Down Dullsville Vacation plan Modern Persian Alligator __ “__ there ...” Legally block Feathered mimic Oscar fan’s realm? __-cone Dullsville Gram. case Sister Airport security concern Round Table figure It broke up in 1991: Abbr. __ Darya River Come to pass Celebrity chef’s turf? Bellyacher’s bailiwick? Taught gradually, with “in” Gritty intro? Rub out U.S. Army E-6, e.g. Pet annoyance? “Jes’ think ...” Site of unplayable organs JFK, in the ’50s Philly cager DOWN Dumbwaiter enclosure Birthday work for mom Destroy over time Liszt’s “Transcendental __” Elliott the Dragon’s friend Time and __ Orange-handled pot beverage
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9
8 Unrestricted, as a discussion 9 Controversial flavor enhancer 10 Dominated 11 Clever stroke 12 Scope opening? 13 One may begin “Reminds me of the time ...” 14 Creamy dessert 15 911 call follow-up, perhaps 16 Baseball commissioner who helped establish interleague play 17 Instant 18 Quarterback’s concerns 24 Bilbo’s heir 26 App-using device 28 Helps with the dishes 33 Organ with a drum 35 Some bowls 37 Playing hooky, maybe: Abbr. 39 Casting site 40 They made Trigger happy 41 On __: if challenged 42 Friendly folks’ environs? 43 Memorable provider of roadside aid 45 Gets pets, maybe 46 Classic laundry soap 47 Approve 49 Featured chorus lines 50 Jurist’s paradise? 51 Alias indicator 53 Showed the way 56 Mexican pyramid builder 58 Satyr cousins 59 “Inferno” author 60 Cry of frustration 62 Soprano Kiri Te Kanawa, e.g. 63 Soil enricher 64 Tobacco industry whistleblower Jeffrey
67 68 70 72 75 76 77 78
Bug, perhaps Pequod part-owner Youngest Marx brother Kubla Khan’s palace Amendments 1-10 subj. Intention Lux. neighbor Hundred-dollar bills, in slang 81 Pickled offering at a deli 82 Authoritative source
83 85 86 87 90 93 94 95 96 97 98
Avian runner Spoonbill, for one RV park chain Vague rumor Angus cut Centers Homeowners’ prides Cool cat’s “Understood” Birder’s Andean mecca Sheen So
99 Bad fire 101 Big name in kitchen appliances 102 Winwood of Traffic 103 Cup sought every two years 106 Farmer’s prefix 107 “Pants on fire” person 109 Bussing needs 111 Some Windows systems 112 Romantic beginning
This Month in History - OCTOBER 19th - The Revolutionary War ended. (1781) 21st - Thomas Edison invented the incandescent electric lamp. (1879) 23rd - 25,000 women marched in New York City demanding the right to vote. (1915) 24th - Anna Edison Taylor is the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. (1901)
(Answers Next Week)
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October 20, 2012
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LAVALLEE LOGGING is looking to harvest and purchase standing timber, primarily Spruce & White Pine Willing to pay New York State stumpage prices on all species. References available. Matt Lavallee, 518-6456351
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LAKE SALE: 6 acres on Bass Lake $29,900. 2 acres Waterfront $19,900. 8 acres Waterfront Home $99,900. 20 lake properties must go. Financing. www.LandFirstNY.com 888-6832626 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to share camp lease on Pitchfork Pond in Tupper Lake. 518-5232290 after 7PM.
AUCTION TAX FORECLOSED Real Estate Sale Warren County - 70+ Properties Saturday 10/20/12 Registration: 8:00 AM Auction Start: 10:00 AM Warren County Municipal Center 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845 Pickup Catalogs after 10/9 at the Real Property Office/Municipal Center. Catalogs free online at: AuctionsInternational.com 800-536-1401 For Info Selling Surplus for 400+ Municipalities
1340 STATE Route 9 Lake George NY, . Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Sale Warren County _70+ Properties Saturday 10/20/12 Registration: 8:00 AM Auction Start: 10:00 AM Warren County Municipal Center 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845 Pickup Catalogs after 10/9 at the Real Property Office/Municipal center Catalogs free online at: AuctionsInternational.com 800-536-1401 For Info Selling Surplus for 400+ Municipalities CHECK us out at www.denpubs.com
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APARTMENT 48 SPRING STREET, PORT HENRY, NY 2 BR/1 BA, Large lakeview property. Nice neighborhood. Hdwd fls. Offstreet pk. pl. Village sewer line. No pets/smoking. Utilities included. 750. Security. References. (919) 239-3791 $750 robbiedobb@aol.com
ATTN: GARAGE SALE ENTHUSIASTS! Buying or selling second-hand treasures?The NYS Department of State's Division of Consumer Protection, in conjunction with the Free Community Papers of New York, recommends checking the following websites to help assure that the item has not been recalled or the subject of a safety warning: http:/www.recalls.gov and the Consumer Product Safety Commission at www.cpsc.gov. For other important recall and product safety information visit the Division of Consumer Protection at www.dos.ny.gov
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MEDICAL CAREERS BEGIN HERE Train ONLINE for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified.SCHEV certified. Call 1800-494-2785 www.CenturaOnline.com
VACATION PROPERTY CRYSTAL RIVER, FLA., RV Spot, private spot with 50 amp, deck, garden area on private property, $200 mo. + electric & cable, minimal 3 month rental. Please call 518-873-6606.
NORTH HUDSON, NY, YARD SALE Oct 19th -21st. It's so big it's being held at the former N. Hudson Grocery store! Household contents- new,used,antiques,old toys, everything must g o !8 am - 4 p m
QUALITY, DURABLE AND AFFORDABLE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. Free on-site consultation. Call CB Structures 1-800-9400192 or www.cbstructuresinc.com
FORT PLAIN, NY: 33.4 acres hilltop view $69,000. 93. acres panaramic views $22,000. 3.6 acres $13,000. Owner financing. Great Investment. www.helderbergrealty.com CALL, Henry Whipple: 518-861-6541
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October 20, 2012
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STANDARD SIZE Cast Iron Bath Tub with enclosure 2 sliding glass doors. $99.99. Call 518-561-2587
ELECTRIC STOVE Great condition. Selling because of remodel. Black and white. $200 OBO. Must pick up. 518-578-2501
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WANTED ALL MOTORCYCLES, & Memorabilia pre 1980, $Top CASH$ PAID! Running or not. 1315-569-8094 WANTED TO BUY Wanted: Will Pay up to $15 for High School Yearbooks 1900-2012. Any School/Any State. www.yearbookusa.com or 214514-1040
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WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 YEARBOOKS UP to $15 paid for high school yearbooks 1900-2012. www. yearbookusa.com or 214514-1040
CATS CAT LOOKING for a good home for a spayed 7 year old cat. Lives near Plattsburgh. 518-593-0655.
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WANTED: ALCOHOL STILL I am looking for an antique or functioning still. There could be some around here in the North Country if they havent been sold off for scrap metal (god forbid). danie8371@gmail.com
LAYING HENS FOR SALE Hatched Mid- May, producing Brown Eggs now, $15 each. 518962-8373 or 188goat@westelcom.com
LOST SILVER BRACELET POSSIBLE BROKEN CLASP Lost on North Creek 10/7shopping area. Silver w/tiny diamonds & hidden safety clasp. Contact Jodi 518-225-1276. $99 hancockjodi@yahoo.com
In Memory Of “Your Loved One”
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In Memory Of “Your Loved One”
In Memory Of “Your Loved One”
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COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WESTPORT: OFFICE SUITES. Fully furnished w/ cubicles, desks, computer & phone hook-ups. 720 sq. ft. Lake views. Contact Jim Forcier @ 518962-4420.
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COURT ORDERED LAND LIQUIDATION. 17 acres - $29,900. Just off NY's I-90,Cooperstown Lake Region! Nice views, hardwoods, creek, beautiful fields! Great bldg.site! Terms avail! Must sell NOW! 1-888-701-1864 www.NewYorkLandandLakes.com ELLENBURG CENTER Farm, Hunter's Paradise Organic Horse Farm 50 Acres 3 Bdrm House Very Scenic $189,000 negotiable Please call 514-697-7950 or email bratneiya@yahoo.com
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October 20, 2012
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BOATS 1977 156 GLASTRON Boat with 70 HP Johnson motor, with trailer, excellent condition. $3000. 518-359-8605 1980 18 1/2 FT. Century Cuddy Cabin, 120 HP I/O, trailer, GPS depth finder, down rigger, plus. $2900 negotiable. 518-963-8220 or 518-569-0118 2001 SUPRA SANTERA low hrs., mint cond., great ski wake board boat, beautiful trailer included, $19,500. 518-354-8089 2005 WHITEHALL SPIRIT rowing/sailboat. Classic boat, rare find. Must sell! Asking $6400 OBO. 845-868-7711
2008 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS Gold/Tan Great gas mileage. Power locks and windows. Sunroof. CD/AM-FM/XM/MP3 audio system. Cruise control. AC. Brakes redone at 65K miles. Snow tires incl. 80,000 miles. Well maintained. $8,800 jim@luckett.biz. 315-885-6268 TOYOTA COROLLA 2001 CE 118,000 miles, good condition, 4 new all season tires. $3500.00. 518-946-7085 Call: (518) 946-7085
MOTORCYCLES 2002 HONDA VTX 1800, mint condition, many extras, $5000. 518-492-2348 2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 883 Mint condition. 11,000 miles. Many extras incl. new battery, removable luggage rack, back rest & windshield. 518-946-8341. $4,500
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HEWITT PONTOON BOAT Lift, model# 1501, sits on the bottom of the lake. Make an Offer. 518-891-2767 Leave Message on Mail Box 1.
1952 DESOTO White/Blue, no rust, small Hemi,, great project car. Serious inquires only. $3500. 518-962-4688
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20 - www.the-burgh.com
October 20, 2012
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