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Saturday, May 25, 2013


Memorial Day events planned By Keith Lobdell ELIZABETHTOWN „ Four area towns will be holding Memorial Day services MonGD\ 0 D\ W R KRQRU W KRVH who died while fighting for the United States of America.

Two firemen honored after 50 years of service


Westport Memorial Day serYLFHV Z LOOW DNHSODFHDW DP at the Library Lawn on Main Street. The annual ceremony includes music from the Westport Central School band, a color guard by Boy Scouts RI $ P HULFD 7URRS FURVVHV honoring those from Westport who served in the armed forces, a reading and speakers.



A Memorial Day service is now scheduled for the VeteranÍ s Memorial Cemetery CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

Gibson Bros. hit the road with guests PAGE 8

Members of the Elizabethtown-Lewis and Westport varsity softball teams raised $1,000 for cancer research in their Coaches v. Cancer benefit game May 15. For more, see story page 16. Photo by Keith Lobdell

Taste of Home coming to Ticonderoga

City and has spent time as the Executive Sous Chef at a four-star hotel in Philadelphia, all before becoming the Executive Chef for a major national specialty gourmet food shop. In between cooking demonstrations, Barna will also give away dozens of prizes, including the grand prize„ a new range from E.J. Monroe. The doors open at 11 a.m., and the show starts at 2 p.m. Businesses interested in procuring a ERRW KDWW KHHYHQWFDQFDOO Tickets are still available at E.J. Monroe, the Ti Chamber, DeCesareÍ s Pizza, Best Western Plus, the Times of Ti office and the Addison Eagle office, online at W LP HVRIW LFRP RU E\ FDOOLQJ

By Shaun Kittle


First North Country Honor Flight takes off PAGE 17

TICONDEROGA „ All of the excitement of the Taste of Home Cooking School is coming to the E.M.A. (Employees Mutual Association) in Ticonderoga on Saturday, June 1. The all-day event, sponsored by Denton Publications, will feature about 20 booths, complete with displays and samples from businesses in the area. But the cornucopia of goods and services is only a warm-up to the main attraction „ a live cooking show hosted by Taste of Home Chef Michael Barna. The charismatic chef will prepare 10 recipes, ranging from appetizers to desserts, in front of the energized crowd. Barna is no stranger to cooking, either. He has given both private and online cooking classes, appeared in national television commercials as a hand model

Michael Barna (he even played Mel GibsonÍ s hand in the movie ñ Signsî ), has helped open three gourmet casino restaurants in Atlantic

For a taste of Taste of Home, visit or cookingschoolblog. com.

CAP towns seek county assessor By Keith Lobdell

ELIZABETHTOWN „ A plan to have a county-appointed assessor for three Essex County towns passed through committee May 20, but may face an uphill battle as it heads to the full board. Members of the Finance Committee voted 5-2 to move a resolution to the Ways and Means Committee that would allow the towns of Westport, Elizabethtown and Willsboro to hire a county-appointed assessor. The three towns curCONTINUED ON PAGE 16

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Spirit of Place show set in Westport WESTPORT „ Lake Champlain Region artists are invited to take part in the Sixth Annual Spirit of Place Plein Air Day, Studio Tour, and Art Exhibit designed to showcase art inspired by living, working or visiting in the Champlain Valley for the benefit of the artists and Westport Heritage House in Westport. The centerpiece of the summer art season, this exhibit tells the visual story of the Lake Champlain Region. The public is invited to watch artists in action as they paint outdoors in Ballard Park the morning of Plein Air Day, Sunday, July 1 DW LRQDO O \ NQRZ Q DUW LVW6DQGUD+ LO GUHW K RI 6DUDQDF / DNH Z LO O conduct a hands-on workshop for Plein Air Painting, in Ballard Park IURP DP W R QRRQ 7KHFRVWLV SHUSHUVRQ $ W DP D IUHH ChildrenÍ s Finger Painting Event will also take place in the park. A map, available at Westport Heritage House and on line will

guide visitors for the two-day Artist Studio Tour on Saturday, July DQG6XQGD\ -XO \ IURP DP W R S P HDFKGD\ $ UW LVW VZ LO O open their studio-work space to the public, an excellent time for conversation about what inspires their art and how they handle their media. The opening reception at the heritage house for the Spirit of Place Art Exhibit is Thursday, July 18, when a Silent Auction commences DQG FRQW LQXHVXQW LO S P RQ W KH: HVW SRUW) HVW LYDO' D\ 6DW XUGD\ $ XJ All artists of all ages are invited to participate in events and to exhibit up to three pieces using any media. The entry form must be submitted by June 1. If you have questions or need an entry form, SO HDVH FRQW DFWHLW KHU 0 HUHGLW K RU M RKQVW # Z HVW HO FRP FRP RU1 DQF\ RUGHFNHU # Z HVW HO FRP FRP

May 25, 2013

Brush dump to open WESTPORT „ The Westport Town Board has set the dates of May 25 and June 8 for opening the Brush Dump IURP DP XQW LO S P The only materials that are allowed are leaves, grass FOLSSLQJ V VP DOOEUDQFKHVQR ODUJ HUW KDQ LQFKHVLQ GLDP eter, pine needles and wood chips. Not allowed is trash, painted or treated wood of any kind or construction debris.

Kindergarten registration set at Westport

WESTPORT „ Westport Central School will be holding kindergarten registration on Wednesday, June 5. If you KDYHD FKLOG W KDWZ LOOEH \ HDUVRI DJ HEHIRUH' HF O SOHDVHFDOOW KHVFKRRODW W R UHJ LVW HU\ RXUFKLOG


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May 25, 2013

CV • Valley News - 3



Helen DeChant • 873-9279 /

tÍ s Memorial Day weekend, the beginning of a busy summer! The Adirondack History Center is opening for the season with many new exhibits, Saturday, May 25, through the summer is “Work/Wild” a multimedia interactive exhibit, about the people, their environment and the development of the Adirondack region of Essex County. DaCy Meadow Farm will be serving delicious farm fresh lunches at the Museum on Fridays from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. The FarmerÍ s Market is now open. Remember to shop locally. 2 Q0 RQGD\ 0 D\ VW DUW\ RXUGD\ Z LW K a fantastic Pancake Breakfast at the Church of the Good Shepherd parish hall on Williams Street, beginning at 8 a.m., (Veterans eat free). Afterward, youÍ ll be ready for the American Legion Memorial Day Parade at 10 a.m. starting on Hand Avenue near the Museum, ending at Windsor/Memorial park Z LW K DP HP RULDOVHUYLFH / DW HU DP XQW LO S P LVW KH$ QQXDO( OL] DEHW KW RZ Q ChildrenÍ s Fishing Derby at Beaver Dam. 3 DUW LFLSDQW VDJ HV W R DUHHOLJ LEOHW R Z LQ prizes in several age groups, they must have their own equipment, be with a guardian to supervise and fish only within designated



une is bustinÍ out all over! Last week it seemed like it might be time to get the snow thrower off the garden tractor and wrangle the mower deck back on, ignoring the dull blades and (as usual) nursing a few skinned knuckles in the process. Remember that old wine ad? My motto is ñ I will mow no grass until itÍ s time.î Next year maybe IÍ ll wait a bit longer and bale it. Though it doesnÍ t always feel like it, June has plenty to offer aside from yardwork. If youÍ re a golfer, donÍ t forget about the FiremenÍ s Golf Tournament at the Westport Country Club on Saturday, June 1 (where theyÍ re much better about mowing than yours truly). ThereÍ s still time for teams of four to sign up, and hole sponsorships are still available for this outstanding day of golf, which is a great way to support your volunteer Fire ' HSDUW P HQW&DOO-LP ) RUFLHUDW June 1 is also National Trails Day, so keep in mind the variety of activities on offer that day from Champlain Area Trails (CATS). Like the FiremenÍ s Golf Tournament, I gave more details in an earlier column, but hereÍ s



area. If interested, meet at the gazebo in the park, for more information, call Town Hall at 5 HP HP EHU LW ¯ VD\ DUG VDOHZ HHNHQG Planning ahead, CATS, Champlain Area Trials, is hosting a National Trails Day event on Saturday, June 1, at 1 p.m. they will be unveiling the new nature interpretation signs illustrated by Sheri Amsel, with a hike on Black Kettle Trail. Adirondack CouncilÍ s new Director, William Janeway, will be the IHDW XUHG VSHDNHUIURP W R S P IROORZ HG by a reception. For more information, recepW LRQFRVW VDQG GHW DLOVFDOO RUUHJ ister online at The last Piano by Nature Concert will be SatXUGD\ -XQH DW S P DQG 6XQGD\ -XQH DW p.m. at the Hand House with performances by ragtime pianist, Ethan Uslan. A meet and greet reception will follow with refreshments. Call IRUUHVHUYDW LRQV VHDW LQJ LVOLP LW HG There has been three more bear sightings RXW 1 QHDUDQG SDVW+ XUULFDQH0 RXQW DLQ Lane, whether itÍ s the same bear visiting all the bird feeders, no one knows for sure. Please continue to be aware, especially letting your pets out and avoiding property damage.

Colin Wells •

DVXP P DU\ DP f &KHQH\ 0 W,URQ2 UH Man Hiking Event, from the trailhead on Pelfershire Rd.; 1 p.m.„ family-friendly hike to unveil naturalist Sheri AmselÍ s new interpretive signs on the Black Kettle Nature Trail (meet on Cook Rd. just west of Leaning Rd.); and, finally, from 4 to 6 p.m., the Celebrate CATS event at Block House Farm in Essex, the residence of well-known childrenÍ s author Steven Kellogg, where the featured speaker will be William Janeway, the new director of the Adirondack Council. For more info, call RUYLVLWFKDP SODLQDUHDW UDLOVFRP That same weekend, Piano By Nature ofIHUVW KHODVWFRQFHUW VLQLW V VHDVRQ with noted ragtime pianist Ethan Uslan, who will offer two performances at the Hand House in Elizabethtown on Saturday, June DW S P DQG 6XQGD\ -XQH DW S P &DOO RUYLVLWSLDQRE\ QDW XUHRUJ As a coda to that musical offering, Meadowmount School of Music is looking for seasonal workers for housekeeping, laundry, food service, and maintenance. 9 LVLWP HDGRZ RXQWFRP RUFDOO

Rob Ivy •

he film society’s last film of the season will be shown this Saturday night at 8 p.m. at the Whallonsburg Grange. ñ Fort Apacheî is the work of Addison Mehr, currently a senior at New York University and a recent graduate of Westport Central School. Filmed in Westport, Moriah and Lake Placid, this is a coming of age story and Mr. Mehr, the director, will be on hand to discuss the film and answer questions. ñ Fort Apacheî is also the name RI DIDP RXV-RKQ) RUG Z HVW HUQIURP starring John Wayne and Henry Fonda. The film society will take a well deserved rest over the summer and then come back this fall with a new lineup of high quality movies. The Grange hosts a concert this Friday evening with a group called the Wadhams Waddlers, an old time sort of string EDQG 7 KHVKRZ VW DUW VDW S P DQG W LFNHW VDUHRQO\ Z LW K DOOSURFHHGVJ Ring to benefit the Grange itself. If youÍ re looking for a summer project, you might want to consider becoming a volunteer lake monitor for the Lake Champlain

Committee. They are seeking people to scout for blue-green algae, which is a commonly recurring type of bacteria that produces toxins which poison both people and pets. Go to for details. Bluegreen algae, or cyanobacteria, live in fresh and salt water, in moist soil, on rocks in Antarctica and saline pools and is thought to be the photosynthesizing organism which created the oxygen atmosphere we enjoy today. Volunteers are needed from mid-June to Labor Day. ThereÍ s a new insect pest starting to appear that greatly concerns fruit growers. Called the spotted wing drosophila, this relative of the common fruit fly originated in Asia and was first seen in California five years ago. Since then, itÍ s been steadily working its way across the country. The females lay eggs in soft summer fruit, like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, leaving only a small sting mark thatÍ s hard to spot. The larvae growing inside the fruit chomp away, ruining it. With W KHIHP DOH¯VDELOLW \ W R OD\ HJ J VSHUOLIH W LP H DQG XS W R J HQHUDW LRQVDVXP P HU W KLV may be a significant threat to local farmers.

ETC board to meet

Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday, 0 D\ DW S P DWW KH : LOOVERURXJ K Visitors Center, Main Street, Willsboro. The public is invited.

WILLSBORO „ The Essex Theatre Company community theater will hold its next

May 25, 2013

North Country SPCA

Kathy L. Wilcox • 873-5000


he NCSPCA had a wonderful MotherÍ s Day recently, with a new litter of Tabby-striped kittens who will be available to go to their forever homes in July. We also have a gorgeous litter of black, longhair ñ puffballî kittens who are ready to go! If you are looking for that purr-fect new family member, there is no time like the present to stop by the NCSPCA and see the many frisky felines we have available for adoption. One of our long-term resident kitties, demure little black-and-white April, who has lived at the shelter for just over one year now, is hoping that she will find her forever home before the end of May. ItÍ s practically raining cats at the NCSPCA... and one of them may be just the cat for you! Our featured pet this week is Kit Kat, a black and white, tuxedo-patterned Domestic Shorthair-mix who is as sweet as chocolate. Poor little Kit Kat was found cold, hungry and very sick. He is now feeling much better and ready to find a place he can call home. This happy little cat is roughly a year old and is


the most cheerful fellow you will ever meet. He is an active guy that promises to keep you entertained for hours. You wonÍ t regret having Kit Kat as a warm and cuddly member of your family. Stop by and get your Kit Kat today!

Kyle Page •


y apologies to our soon to open new Bistro in downtown Keeseville, I left out a word in its name last week. The new Bistro is Kingsland Square Bistro, and the work inside it and nearby Little Italy Restaurant looks like both will be opening soon for our culinary pleasure. The North Country Honor Flight are back from their flight last weekend. Next up will be a June 8 flight which will be departing on a charter aircraft from Clinton County Airport. Two more flights are scheduled for mid-September and October this fall. The fall flights still have some seats available for World War II veterans. Honor Flights are all expenses paid for every WW-II veteran. All those who served during World War II and received Honorable Discharges are eligible. &RQW DFWW KH' LUHFW RU ' DQQ\ . DLIHW ] DW RUYLVLW1 RUW K&RXQW U\ + RQRU) OLJ KWRUJ On Saturday, June 1, The North Country Underground Historical Association is hosting a presentation by New York State Historian Robert Weible on the critical role New Yorkers played in the lead-up to the Civil War, how abolitionism in the North Country contributed. The presentation is part a NYS Path Through + LVW RU\ Z HHNHQG HYHQWDQG Z LOOEHDW S P in the Adirondack Architectural Heritage


RQ 0 DLQ6W UHHWLQ. HHVHYLOOH 5 HVHUYDW LRQVDUHVXJ J HVW HG 3 OHDVHFDOO Also June first, Champlain Area Trails is hosting ñ Celebrate Champlain Area Trailsî event in Essex admission is fifteen dollars per person or thirty dollars per family preregistration or at the door for twenty dollars per person or forty dollars per family. The Adirondack CouncilÍ s new Executive Director, William Janeway will be making one of his first local public appearances as featured speaker. Janeway will speak from four to five pm followed by a reception with local food DQG GULQNSURYLGHG E\ 7XUW OH,VODQG &DI and Lake Placid Craft Brewing. There will be activities for children including a nature hike during the first hour. The event will be the Barn and Block House Farm in Essex. Also as part of the celebration two local hikes are scheduled first at 8:45 a.m. in the town of Moriah with the second Annual Mineville Iron Ore Man Challenge to run or hiker the new Cheney Mountain Trail on Pelfershire Road. Registration is five dollars. At 1 p.m. will be a hike on Black Kettle Nature Trail with the new Nature Interpretation signs by Sheri Amsell located on Cook Road near Whallonsburg. This hike is free. For more information contact CATS Have fun.

Janice Allen • 963-8912 •


ard to believe that nearly five P RQW KVRI KDVVOLSSHG SDVW us, but hopeful that you noticed all the beautiful flowering tree’s and shrubs, it has been a glorious spring. I always truly enjoy the stone walls down the Essex Road and Leanna DeNealÍ s daffodils for quite a stretch along that same roadway. The end of May and next month brings about many area graduations, parties, and proms all special times for our area & Local students. This past weekend was our local schoolÍ s Junior Prom and they crowned Lilly Kelly as Queen, Nick Arnold the King, the crowned Princess was Bridget Moran, the Prince was Austin Ferris. This year they did the coronation at the beginning of the dance, which made it much better for those that just come for the crowning. Bobbie Paye & Richard Blanchard are

seeking names and dates of those that served in the Gulf War, as they are preparing to establish the stone monument down on the River Bank Park, they would like this listing to be complete so if you know of ones W R EHLQFOXGHG FDOO% REELH3 D\ H Ron and Lindsay Hamel along with Ann Marcotte made a recent trip to Texas to spend time with their new Grandchild Jaxon and parents Alex and Becka Hamel - had a great time. Sympathy goes out to the families of Raymond Demar and Michael Kelley upon their recent deaths. Happy Birthday to: Arlene Mason May ' DSKLQH% HQZ D\ 0 D\ 7\ OHU% ULGJ H 0 D\ $ VKOH\ $ KUHQW0 D\ ' RURW K\ -DFTXHV0 D\ $ GD+ XW FKLQV0 D\ Happy Anniversary Blanche and Joe Bruno 0 D\ 3 HJ DQG . HQ6FKQLHGHU0 D\

Elizabethtown fishing derby set

three through 15 are eligible for prizes in several age groups. Participants will have to register that morning at the bandstand. Fishing permitted for derby inside designated area only. Each child must have their own equipment and a guardian or friend to supervise. ) RU P RUH LQIRUP DW LRQ FDOO Z HHNGD\ VIURP D P XQW LO S P

ELIZABETHTOWN „ The Town of Elizabethtown will sponsor a trout fishing derby at Beaver Dam for children of the Elizabethtown-Lewis School District on Monday, May IURP D P XQW LO S P ( OL] DEHW Ktown, Lewis and New Russia children ages

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May 25, 2013

Westport Hose honors pair of 50-year members

25th Annual Elizabethtown Trout Fishing Derby The Town of Elizabethtown will sponsor a Trout Fishing Derby at Beaver Dam for children of the Elizabethtown-Lewis School District on Monday, May 27 from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm. Elizabethtown, Lewis and New Russia children ages 3 thru 15 are eligible for prizes in several age groups. Participants will have to register that morning at the bandstand. Fishing permitted for Derby inside designated area only. Each child must have their own equipment and a guardian or friend to supervise.

By Keith Lobdell WESTPORT „ Members of the Westport Volunteer Fire Department came together May 18 for an annual banquet and a chance to honor a pair of peers who have served the company for 50 years. James Westover Sr., and Bruce Hoskins road to the Westport VFD was very similar, as both were named memEHUV 0 D\ DQG ERW K have served in the Emergency Squad as drivers. ñ When we started out, we had a used Hearse with a door on the side,î Hoskins said. ñ From there, we were able to progress to what we have now.î ñ It doesnÍ t seem like it has been that long,î Westover said. The two silver members of the department were honored throughout the night, receiving resolutions of appreciation from the town of Westport (presented by board member Michael ñ Ikeî Tyler), Essex

CV • Valley News - 5

For more information call 873-6555 weekdays 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.


Westport Councilman Michael Tyler, honoree Bruce Hoskins, James Westover, Jr., honoree James Westover, Sr., Essex County Emergency Services Director Don Jaquish and Ernie LaPine were at the annual Westport VFD banquet to honor the pair of 50-year members May 18. Photo by Keith Lobdell

County (presented by Emergency Services Director Don Jaquish). Emcee Ernie LaPine also presented commendations from Assemblyman Dan Stec, State Sen. Betty Little, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the FiremenÍ s Association of New York and the Volunteer Fire Police Association of New York. The duo also received a pair of CitizenÍ s watches from

the department. ñ This does not mean you get to retire,î LaPine joked. The department also recognized other members who had reached service milestones, including Adam Cross (10 years), Irwin Borden (15 years), David Golembeck (15 years), Phil Kneller (20 years) and Judy Napper (20 years), who was the first female member of the fire department.

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May 25, 2013

A COMMUNITY SERVICE: This community newspaper and its delivery are made possible by the advertisers you’ll find on the pages inside. Our sixty plus employees and this publishing company would not exist without their generous support of our efforts to gather and distribute your community news and events. Please thank them by supporting them and buying locally. And finally, thanks to you, our loyal readers, for your support and encouragement over the past 65 years from all of us here at the Valley News and Denton Publications.

Valley News Editorial


Second terms and three strikes Crown Point sets Memorial Day example I


emorial Day will be observed throughout the North Country, but this weekend belongs to the community of Crown Point. ) RU \ HDUV LWKDV EHHQ P DUNing the occasion, every year since the end of the Civil War, each year a little bigger and better. It may be the longest continuous Memorial Day event in the nation. ThatÍ s the way it should be since Crown Point men played a prominent role in the founding of the Memorial Day holiday. Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day began in the south after the Civil War. Inspired by the bravery displayed A colorguard marches in last year’s Crown Point Memorial Day pain the battle of Gettysburg, the rade. This year’s Memorial Day celebration will be held May 26 and 27. bloodiest fight in American hisPhoto by Nancy Frasier tory with nearly 55,000 causalities, southerners began to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers as a sign of respect and appreciation. The custom quickly spread to the north, where people were just as impressed with the gallantry shown at Gettysburg and throughout the Civil War. New York became the first state to officially UHFRJ QL] H0 HP RULDO' D\ LQ Crown Point can and should take pride in its own contributions to freedom. Men from Crown Point were at Gettysburg„ a monument stands to their unit there. More than 100 men from Crown Point, an amazing number from a community of its size, formed Company H of the 5th New York Cavalry under the command of John Hammond (A monument to Hammond stands in Crown PointÍ s Forrestdale Cemetery.). The unit distinguished itself throughout the Civil War. Crown Point men also fought in Adirondack Regiment, 118th N.Y., seeing action in many of the Civil WarÍ s bloodiest battles. And those brave souls werenÍ t alone. Crown Point has contributed to each and every American conflict, sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice. 7 KLV\ HDU¯V0 HP RULDO' D\ FHOHEUDW LRQZ LOOEHKHOG 0 D\ DQG Crown Point’s festivities will include an ecumenical church service, a parade, fireworks, amusement rides, entertainment and vendors. But itÍ s important to note the community understands the significance of Memorial Day. Each year’s observance is built around the town’s traditional ñ solemn cemetery tour.î The tour includes stops at each of the communityÍ s cemeteries, where Boy Scouts present the colors, ñ Tapsî is played, the school chorus sings and a speaker notes the importance of the place and people buried there. The tour concludes at the Veterans Monument in the town park at noon. This year’s Memorial Day in Crown Point carries added significance. Crown Point is celebrating the 225th year of its founding. &RQJ UDW XODW LRQVW R &URZ Q3 RLQWIRU \ HDUVRI KLVW RU\ DQG IRU \ HDUVRI UHP LQGLQJ XVRI W KH true meaning of Memorial Day. „ Denton Editorial Board

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s it just that the lure of to the IRS scrutiny of cona second presidential servative groups. By an even term is so unlike anyODUJ HUP DUJ LQ SHUFHQWVDLG thing else that administrations Congress is making the right will do anything to secure it? moves on the administraThe Nixon Administration in tionÍ s actions regarding the KDG W KH HOHFW LRQ DOOEXW Benghazi terror attack. ThatÍ s sewn up. Breaking into the all the motivation both sides Democratic National Commitneed to get the press corps tee office was more than dumb re-energized to begin actively and the coverup that followed pursuing conspiracy theories Dan Alexander was far worse than the bunand cover ups. Thoughts from gled break-in. The poll became public, There is no evidence, as of and the battle lines continue Behind the Pressline yet, that any of these scandals to be drawn as White House will lead completely back to Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer the Oval Office but the comparisons to Nixon made the rounds of last SundayÍ s talk shows, are inevitable. The president has suddenly defending President Obama. found himself dealing with several scandals ñ HereÍ s the cardinal rule ƒ for all White all at once, including the fallout from the Houses,î Pfeiffer said, ñ you do not interfere Benghazi terror attack, the Justice Departin an independent investigation, and you do mentÍ s seizing of phone records from the not do anything to give off the appearance Associated Press and the Internal Revenue of interference in an independent investigaServiceÍ s policy of singling out Tea Party and tion.î other groups for scrutiny. Conversely, Senate Minority Leader Mitch Many have drawn comparisons to the McConnell said the White House might not Nixon White House when looking at the have commanded Internal Revenue agents blossoming scandals arising currently. While to target conservative groups, but a ñ culture President Nixon did, indeed, use the IRS to of intimidation throughout the administratarget political enemies, his motives remain tionî made them think it was acceptable. unclear. It has been assumed it was to avenge The president of The Associated Press says friends and supporters who had been targetthe governmentÍ s seizure of AP journalistsÍ ed by the IRS under prior administrations. phone records was ñ unconstitutionalî and While President Obama has called the IRS already has had a chilling effect on news targeting of conservative organizations ñ outgathering. Gary Pruitt, speaking on CBSÍ rageous,î and late Wednesday announced ñ Face the Nation,î said the Justice Departthe resignation of acting IRS Commissioner mentÍ s secret subpoena of reportersÍ phone Steven Miller, who was previously required records has made sources less willing to talk to leave the office in a few weeks regardless to AP journalists. of the presidentÍ s actions, investigations are LetÍ s have a president serve one, six-year just now getting under way. The sad reality is term, be totally focused on the job at hand, like Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and and remove the time lost traveling around Bush, it seems second terms somehow get the nation for 18 months campaigning for the bogged down with defending missteps and right to validate the first term with a second allegations of wrongdoings. term. Defending the actions of an over confiSimply put, the power of the presidency, dent White House has consumed previous the desire to retain that power and the legacy administrations and now the Obama White of not being reelected creates far too great an House will need to defend its actions. If opportunity to see overzealous subordinates weÍ ve learned anything from the past, we cross the line and create scandals that discan be assured these investigations wonÍ t tract the nation. go away anytime soon as they become political footballs that will likely be discussed Dan Alexander publisher and CEO of Denton for the balance of Obama’s term. A CNN/ Publications. He may be reached at dan@den2 5 & SROOIRXQGW KDW SHUFHQWRI $ P HULFDQV donÍ t believe that Congress is overreacting


6 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Come to ceremony To the Valley News: 2 Q EHKDOI W KH P HP EHUV RI W KH $ P HULFDQ / HJ LRQ 3 RVW , welcome you to join us at the Au Sable Valley VeteranÍ s Park (Located at the corner of School Street/Across from the Holy Name &KXUFK RQ0 D\ DW DP ,WZ LOOEHD0 HP RULDO' D\ 6HUYLFHW R honor our active duty soldiers, Veterans who have served their country as well as our fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives while protecting our freedoms. A complimentary light luncheon will be held at the American Legion following the ceremony. Roger Douglas Commander Medos A. Nelson American Legion Post 504 Au Sable Forks

Two ways to manipulate To the Valley News: Taxes on land can be manipulated in two ways: manipulating rate or manipulating assessment. If the state puts a cap on the rates, silly governments may increase assessed value, thinking that they have cleverly got around the limit. We need to obey laws we donÍ t agree with. In the letter and the spirit. Gail Durrand Elizabethtown

ALS fundraiser slated To the Valley News: On Saturday, June 1, the seventh Annual A.L.S. Motorcycle Rally & Poker Run (Sponsored by Mountain Riders Motorcycle &OXE Z LOOEHKRVW HG DWW KH( ONV / RGJ H LQ . HHVHYLOOH 7 KH event will consist of a BBQ-style meal, silent auction, entertainment, “Basket of Cheer,” and 50/50 Raffle. RAIN OR SHINE! Motorcycle registration begins at 10 a.m. at North End Harley Davidson in Plattsburgh and will end at the Elks Lodge around 1 p.m. Registration Fee is $15Bike/$5 Person. Poker Run fee is $10 per person. Non-riders wishing to attend the event may join us at 3 0 DQG DVXJ J HVW HG GRQDW LRQRI SHUSHUVRQZ LOOLQFOXGH the Chicken BBQ dinner. The amount of donations to the auction has been overwhelming. Highlighted items include: A ñ California Packageî that includes lodging at the Beverly Hills Hotel and shopping on Rodeo


nput has been requested to make comments and submit documents from the public regarding annexing American Management Association(A.M.A.) in the village of Saranac Lake. This is my input. I am neither for or against, but I am in favor of presenting the truth on the matter. I feel that some information printed in the local news media for the past two years is not entirely accurate. I strongly support A.M.A. I was a graduate of their first class. Have cured tuberculosis, lived near and been associated with The Trudeau Center for 60 years. We really like and appreciate this fine institution which has been operating successfully. Why fix something which is not broken? Savings afforded A.M.A. sound good, but we fall on the back of already over burdened local taxpayers. Currently the village of Saranac, Town of Harrietstown and Town of St. Armand do not provide basic services to millions of dollars worth of real estate which is already approved, built, and being taxed in the village. I predict that the village will have serious legal problems to annex the 65 acres of A.M.A. land, and accept the dedication of the roads and streets which services this property. I say that because of what Clyde Rabideau told P HLQDO HW W HUGDW HG-DQ 2012, when I asked the village (and town) to accept streets, in fully approved, developed, heavily taxed sub divisions with upscale homes, which receives virtually no services from the village or the towns. The dilemma of what to do Z LW KW KH DFUHVDQG EXLO Gings on the Trudeau Property is not new. A research document about the Rev. Samuel Smith Family by James and Patricia 5 LFKDUGVFRP P HQFLQJ LQ outlines in detail the various acquisitions from the Smith farm, now the home of Tom and Mary Hyde. It is a slice of early

CV • Valley News - 7 Drive, two tickets (Generously donated by WOKO) to the Brady Paisley concert on June 2 at SPAC along with overnight lodging at the Saratoga Springs Hilton and tickets to this yearÍ s Pond Festival. The seventh A.L.S. Fundraiser is dedicated to North Country native and U.S. Army Veteran, David Pearce, who was recently diagnosed with Lou GehrigÍ s Disease. Proceeds generated will be disbursed to assist Mr. Pearce with medical, travel and household expenses incurred as the disease progresses. A portion of the proceeds will also be disbursed to the local organization, A.L.S. Raising Hope Foundation. This annual fundraiser is the only annual event in the North Country to financially assist area residents diagnosed with Lou GehrigÍ s Disease while raising continued awareness. For more information regarding the Motorcycle Ride, please FRQW DFW$ UWDW Just a friendly reminder: The Annual Walk of Hope & Spring Festival will be held on Saturday, May 25 at Trinity Park/PlattsEXUJ K EHJ LQQLQJ DW DP 3 URFHHGVJ HQHUDW HG IXUW KHUDVVLVWZ LW K funding for research of neurodegenerative diseases such as A.L.S., AlzheimerÍ s & ParkinsonÍ s Diseases. For more information please refer to the A.L.S. Raising Hope Foundation: event. We look forward to seeing you on June 1. Kelly C. Murphy Event Volunteer/Donation Solicitations A.L.S. Fundraiser /Mountain Riders Motorcycle Club Au Sable Forks

Time for action To the Valley News: The State of New York must now decide on the best use of W KH P LOHVW UHW FK RI UDLOFRUULGRUW KDWFRQQHFW V 2 OG ) RUJ HDQG Lake Placid. Should railroad service be restored, as ANCA and its chairman Steve Erman consistently proclaim? Or should the underutilized rail bed be converted into a recreational trail for bikers, runners, walkers, nature lovers and snowmobilers? The cost to taxpayers is estimated by the state Department of 7UDQVSRUW DW LRQW R EH P LOOLRQ LQW RGD\ ¯ VGROODUV IRUUHVW RULQJ railroad service through the sparsely populated Adirondacks. And this price tag does not even include the very substantial ongoing costs for updating and maintaining the rail infrastructure. It does not include the cost of rolling stock, labor and management. It does not cover the cost of recruitment, training, wages, health insurance, traffic control, fuel, batteries, insurance, utilities, maintenance and storage facilities, snow removal, legal

Viewpoint Adirondack history of the Saranac Lakes area. The first acquisition was 16 acres to the Paul Smith Guides for Dr. TrudeauÍ s Adirondack Cottage Sanatorium, now the A.M.A. property. My interest commenced about 60 years ago as an officer in the newly reorganized Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce, by the Lions Club, when we tried to establish a college there, DQGSHDNHGLQ Z KHQDYLFH president of A.M.A. requested my opinions to right size their Saranac Lake plant. I made an extensive study and prepared D SDJ HERRNRI LQIRUP DW LRQ about the A.M.A. complex. A copy has been made part of the annexing record, and furnished to the village, library, Enterprise and other places. This study is a must read for all people involved in making a decision on the annexation. I also have heavy legal reading from the Internet, some against village interests, and some incomplete. Agreement, 21 pages „ EaseP HQW SDJ HVf $ 0 $ Way cost, 10 pages „ Other, SDJ HVDQGP XFKP RUH 2 Q$ SULO DQ( QW HUprise headline by Mike Lynch reads: ñ A.M.A. annex gets final approval 3-0.” I do not think that was a final approval. This is only one small step in a very long process to conform W R$ UW LFO H DQG RI W KH village code. The process must meet the same requirements of Bruce Sapiro in his One Dewey Mountain village development off Lake Street, which were very long and very expensive. See SLFW XUHVDQGSDJ HV DQG RI P \ SDJ HERRN Also the village must meet the same requirements that Robert Scheefer did for his Hawk Ridge (Dewey Mountain) development near Glenwood, which included a stop work order, a cease and desist order, plus years of hard work at great cost. See SDJ HV Z LW K SLFW XUHVLQP \ SDJ HVERRN The annexing process may take years, and may end up

counsel and regulatory compliance. It does not cover other operational costs that would need to be heavily subsidized by the state (thatÍ s us!) in perpetuity. The massive ongoing costs of this restored rail service, for which there is no public need and no discernible demand, stands in stark contrast to the negligible costs of a recreational trail, which would benefit the people of the State of New York to a much greater extent. The way seems clear. The state should conduct a long-overdue review of its corridor management plan for the entire Adirondack line. It should weigh all the facts, evaluate all the studies, listen to the public, and make the right decision without further dithering. WeÍ ve let this rail corridor„ a precious public resource-languish long enough. It has the potential to be a world-class recreational trail„ a safe, peaceful, scenic pathway connecting Adirondack communities, for people of all ages and physical abilities. There would be nothing like this Adirondack Rail Trail anywhere in the country. It would be the best thing, recreationally and economically, that could happen to the Adirondack Park. The time for action is now. David Banks Lake Clear

Services set To the Valley News: The American Legion invites all in the area to attend our annual Memorial Day Service in Au Sable Forks at 11:00 a.m. MonGD\ 0 D\ W K Our guests will include WWII veterans and our featured speaker will give an informative speech on the Honor Flight Program. Also, Gold Star families will attend. Our Color Guard and Rifle Squad will be in attendance. Please bring your children or grandchildren so they may witness the respect and everlasting gratitude we accord our veterans, past and present. I urge all of our returning veterans to join the American Legion near you. May benefits, now taken for granted, were obtained for you by this honorable organization. Those of us who have served, and continue to serve our country need you to fall into ranks again, as you so nobly did before. , ORRN IRUZ DUG W R VHHLQJ \ RX RQ W KH W K 3 OHDVHFDOO RU IRUGHW DLOV Past Commander Geoff Hewston Post #504, Au Sable Forks

Fire department to host golf event a failure as is happening to the Adirondack Club and Resort in Tupper Lake. Further, A.M.A. has enjoyed complete control, peace and reduced traffic for many years. When the gates and their streets are open to the public, there will be greatly increased traffic, cars and trucks, some at high speed, on their way to the ski hill, Malone, Bloomingdale and Plattsburgh. A.M.A. will be a much different place. No such thing that the HUD process will solve these problems, especially after the mayor moves on. If the village tries to bypass its own law and approval process, they can expect long expensive lawsuits. The Tupper Lake Adirondack Club and Resort has millions invested and after 8 years is not even close to construction. Who will carry this on after Clyde is gone? Some of my qualifications to make these statements are: I DP \ HDUVRO G VW LO OZ RUNLQJ long hours. Came to the area fresh out of high school in IURP &KDW HDXJ D\ W RKHO S build a new highway through a wilderness to Tupper Lake. Lived on Park Avenue with the same lady, same address, almost in sight of the A.M.A. SURSHUW \ IRU \ HDUV + DYH created and developed millions of dollars worth of new homes and tax base in four towns, two counties and the village. Worked three, six-year terms, past chairman of the board and building committee that built North Country College. With a partner developed and virtually gave a 100-acre site for the new high school, now worth millions of dollars. Funded and ran a successful furniture business IRU \ HDUV &KDLUHG&KDP EHU of Commerce Committee which developed River Street view park. Had 50 projects, large and small. No failures. Not a recent arrival. Graduate from college Magna Cum Laude at age 65. My accomplishments are legion. I have earned the right W RVSHDNXS IRURYHU \ HDUV By Francis Casier, Saranac Lake

WESTPORT „ The Westport Volunteer Fire Department is inviting four-player teams to participate in its upcoming golf tournament at the Westport Country Club on June 1. ñ With the quality of the course being so well known, itÍ s going to be an outstanding day of golf,î said organizer and veteran firefighter Denny Westover. ñ ThereÍ s been a lot of buzz about the event, phone calls and other inquiries, so weÍ re encouraging teams to sign up now and not wait till the last minute.î Teams wishing to sign up can contact Jim ) RUFLHUDW QR ODW HUW KDQ 0 D\ 7 KH FRVWLV S HUS HUVRQ DQG KROHVS RQVRUVKLS V DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH IRU 6W DUWW LP HV DUH a.m. and 1 p.m. Food and refreshments will be served all day on the course and in the clubhouse, and a fine set of authentic Adirondackstyle furniture and several other prizes will also be raffled off.

Craft fair, flea market to be held

PORT HENRY „ The Port Henry Knights of Columbus will host a craft fair and flea market 6DW XUGD\ 0 D\ EHJ LQQLQJ DW DP &UDIWDQG SURGXFWYHQGRUV P D\ UHQWW DEOHV IRU HDFK No food items will be accepted. For information FRQW DFW3 DW W \ 8 UEDQDW RU-DFNLH% DNHU DW

Ladies Golf Association to start

WILLSBORO „ The Willsboro Ladies Golf Association will host its first play day Tuesday, May 28, at 8 a.m. Nonmembers are welcome to join them for nine holes, fun and IULHQGVKLS &RQW DFW' RQQD5 RHFN IRU all inquiries.

Willsboro Drama Club play set

WILLSBORO „ The Willsboro Drama Club presents Reginald RoseÍ s Emmy Award-Winning Classic Drama, ñ Twelve Angry Jurors, ñ adapted by Sherman Sergel, presented on the : LOOVERUR 6W DJ H LQ W KH 5 RXQG RQ 0 D\ DW S P 0 D\ DW S P DQG-XQH DW S P 7LFNets are available at the door. Seating is limited. Doors open 20 minutes prior to the start of the show.

Community day at fairgrounds

WESTPORT „ There will be a Community Day at the Essex County Fairgrounds in Westport Saturday, June 1. The free admission event is a benefit for the Essex County Fair and a Walk for Down Syndrome. Food will be available to purchase. There will be a gymkhana (horse show), craft fair and farmHUV¯ P DUNHWIURP D P XQW LO S P S OXVW KH

walk for Down Syndrome 10 a.m. until noon. Vendors, there are spaces available for the FUDIWIDLUDQG IDUP HU¯V P DUNHW&RVW IRUD 10x10-foot outside space or 5x10-foot space under the tent. For more information, email: FRXQW \ IDLUIXQ# \ DKRR FRP

Wear Purple Day at county offices

ELIZABETHTOWN „ The Essex County Public Health Department will host a Wear Purple Day walk for cancer awareness on the FRXUW KRXVHODZ QIURP DP XQW LO SP ) ULGD\ -XQH Z LW K D GRQDW LRQ 7 KHUHZ LOOEH both a long and a short walk around the town, along with raffle prizes and refreshments.

Sons golf tournament slated

Au SABLE FORKS „ The third annual Sons RI W KH$ P HULFDQ / HJ LRQ 6TXDG J ROI W RXUQDP HQWZ LOOW DNHS ODFH6DW XUGD\ -XQH DWW KH AuSable Valley Golf Club in Au Sable Forks. Format will be best ball four-person scramble. This tournament is open to the public. You do not have to be sons or a legion member to play. The cutoff will be 16 teams. 7 KHS ULFHS HUW HDP LV S DLG LQDGYDQFH with an 8 a.m. tee time. The price includes 18 holes of golf with a cart. This is a first come, first serve basis. Each team may purchase a W RW DORI IRXUP XOOLJ DQV DW HDFK 7 KHUHZ LOO be cash prizes for first-, second- and thirdplace based on the number of entries. There will also be cash or prizes for longest drive, menÍ s and womenÍ s, and closest to the pin, menÍ s and womenÍ s. Following the tournament, there will be a roast pork dinner at the $ P HULFDQ / HJ LRQ 3 RVW Z LW K VFDOORS HG S Rtatoes, vegetable and salad. Cash and prizes will be awarded at the dinner following the tournament. 3 URFHHGV Z LOO KHOS VS RQVRU DQQXDO scholarship and many youth and childrenÍ s projects in the area.

Clean-up day in Westport slated

WESTPORT „ Westport Community Clean-Up Day will be held Tuesday, June 11. The Town of Westport will pick up items for a pre paid fee and an application returned to the Town Office. Items to be considered are: mattresses, box springs, old furniture, refrigerators, freezers & air conditioners. They will not pick-up Old tires, brush, regular household garbage or paint cans. < RX P XVWFDOOW KH7RZ Q 2 IILFHE\ -XQH DW IRUS LFN XS RQ -XQH

8 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

Gibson Brothers begin new tour with guests on mandolin By Andy Flynn

do it.Í And I said, ï DonÍ t tell me what to do.Í And he was right. I slept about four hours or so.î ñ He was walking the streets of Denmark,î Leigh added. ñ He knew where every hot dog stand was in Copenhagen.î The Old Forge concert was co-sponsored by Saratoga Guitar, operated by longtime musical friend Matt McCabe, of Saratoga Springs. Their encore performance was ñ Holding Things Together,î a tribute to Merle Haggard and symbolic of how the Gibson Brothers are getting DORQJ Z LW KRXW-RH: DOVK GXULQJ W KHLU W RXU For more information, visit the band online at OLD FORGE „ The Gibson Brothers are maintaining world-class caliber performances this spring while promoting their newest album thanks to a succession of professional guests on the mandolin. In mid-April, mandolin player Joe Walsh announced he was parting ways with Eric and Leigh Gibson after being with the band for more than four years. It came at a challenging time, as the Gibson Brothers began the busy festival season on the road without Walsh. They also began touring with a new CD, ñ They Called It Music,î recently released by Compass Records. Then thereÍ s the added pressure of being the 2012 IBMA Entertainers of the Year, an honor the brothers recognize but take in stride. As their song ñ They Called It Musicî topped Bluegrass TodayÍ s weekly chart for airplay on 0 D\ W KH * LEVRQ % URW KHUV Z HUH W DNLQJ W KH stage at the Strand Theatre in Old Forge with guest mandolin player Jesse Cobb, formerly of the Infamous Stringdusters, who gave a ñ blisteringî performance, as Leigh described it. Cobb will be filling in on a few more dates, as will Sierra Hull, until the brothers choose WalshÍ s replacement. Adam Steffey will also be playing mandolin with the Gibsons and was with them this week at Bluegrass & BBQ in Branson, Mo. ñ We are using different award-winning mandolin players for the next month,î Leigh said in an email. ñ I wanted to make sure we had a quality performer with us while we decided who would take over the job without rushing to a decision. While you can never be certain someone will be the right answer for the long term, giving ourselves time to find the next player can only help make a better call.î Using a variety of mandolin players takes the pressure off of finding a full-time player right away, according to Leigh, who expects to have a new member in place by July. ñ But for now IÍ m having fun getting to know and work with some incredible pickers,î Leigh said. The performance in Old Forge was a homecoming of sorts for the Gibson Brothers, who were playing to a crowd of longtime fans and

Goat night slated Members of the Gibson Brothers bluegrass band perform May 17 at the Strand Theatre in Old Forge, N.Y. From left are Clayton Campbell, Eric Gibson, Leigh Gibson, Mike Barber and guest mandolin player Jesse Cobb. Photo by Andy Flynn paddlers. Old Forge is on the southern end while Eric tuned his banjo. ñ This is the one of their home turf in New YorkÍ s Adirondack theyÍ re playing the most, so itÍ s kind of the song Park and hosted the annual Paddlefest this past thatÍ s charting for us. I canÍ t believe it; IÍ ve writweekend. ten things for the record, and theyÍ re not really Both Clayton Campbell on the fiddle and charting. But this one of EricÍ s is. Maybe thereÍ s Mike Barber on upright bass joined Eric and still some payola out in the world EricÍ s using Leigh. Campbell has been with the Gibsons for up.î nine years, and Barber for 20. Leigh told a story about the songÍ s beginñ Because of that, we allowed him this year ning and how Newberry, of Raleigh, N.C., once to get married,î Leigh said of Barber, who also spent some time picking with an elderly banjo co-produces albums with the brothers. ñ So heÍ s player up in the hills. going to do that this fall.î ñ And he asked him, ï This style of playing Their set began with ñ Help My Brother,î that you do, when you were playing it years title track to the 2011 IBMA Album of the Year. ago, did they call it country music, did they call It was followed by a collection of songs from it bluegrass, folk, old time, whatÍ d they call it?Í past albums, such as ñ Safe Passage,î ñ The Open And the fellow said, ï Son, they called it music,Í î Road,î ñ Farm of Yesterday,î ñ Dreams That End Leigh said. ñ Two months later, a lightning bolt Like This,î ñ Just LovinÍ You,î ñ Red Letter Day,î finally clicked with Eric. It took him a while to and ñ WalkinÍ West to Memphis.î It also fea- figure it out. He said, ‘There’s a song in that.’ So tured music from their new album, including he wrote it.î ñ The Darker the Night, the Better I See,î ñ DyEric also wrote the album’s final track, “Songing for Someone to Live For,î ñ Buy a Ring, Find birdÍ s Song,î which was the result of a threea Preacher,î and the title track and the GibsonÍ s day insomnia attack when the Gibson Brothers current No. 1 hit, ñ They Called It Music,î which traveled to Denmark in 2012. Eric co-wrote with Joe Newberry. “When we first got there, I was so tired,” Eric ñ There arenÍ t really singles in bluegrass mu- said on stage. ñ I said, ï IÍ m just going to take a sic. Deejays play whatever they like to play,î little nap.Í And he (Leigh) said, ï DonÍ t do it.Í He Leigh said during the concert, filling the time said, ï YouÍ re going to mess yourself up. DonÍ t

JAY „ Ward Lumber is hosting a free Goat 1 LJ KWRQ 7XHVGD\ -XQH IURP W R SP for anyone interested in learning about or raising goats. Seminar topics include: Breeding (selection of breeding stock, buck and doe physiology, heat cycles); Kidding (supplies needed, what to do with mom & the kids); Milking (How to milk properly, storing & using milk); Kid Care (feeding & weaning, medications, commons problems & how to avoid them). Kids will be on hand and there will be a milking demonstration. The guest speaker is Rose Bartiss from RoseÍ s Goats. Rose has been raising dairy goats near Vermontville, New York for over nine years. In 2011, Rose started the Adirondack Goat Club to bring together goat owners and enthusiasts all over the area. The mission of the club is to create a network of people who can rely on each other for help with their goats, for the sharing of information and equipment, and for the sale and trade of quality animals. Rose will share what she has learned over the years with attendees of Goat Night to help goat owners and aspiring goat owners learn how to take good care of their animals and raise happy, healthy goats. The event is free, and there will be prize drawings, pizza and refreshments. To register, JR W R : DUG/ XP EHUFRP RUFDO O. LP DW 2110, Ext. 120.


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May 25, 2013

CV • Valley News - 9

CVFS to end season with Westport native’s ‘Fort Apache’ WHALLONSBURG „ Westport native Addison Mehr, will present his movie Fort Apache at a Champlain Valley Film Society show on Saturday, May 25th. Much of this coming-of-age story was filmed in Westport, Lake Placid, and Moriah. A cast and crew of 30 people worked on the film and shooting took 11 days and was spread over 12 locations. Mehr will introduce his movie and answer questions afterward. Mehr is a graduate of the Westport Central School and also New York University’s prestigious film school. Fort Apache is his senior thesis film. The movie was funded in part by supporters through the website Kickstarter. Also, Academy Award-winning

director Martin Scorsese donated a signed poster to help raise the money needed for this ambitious project. Mehr has worked with Scorsese and Court 13, the filmmaking collective behind the Academy Award nominated Beasts of the Southern Wild. He will be presenting their short film Glory at Sea alongside Fort Apache. Fort Apache is the story of Walt Freely, a young boy who struggles to escape small town life. On the eve of his 11th birthday he must choose between leaving home or following his brother down a path of violence and destruction. Mehr says, ñ It was a really unique experience to film this story in the Adirondacks. I

Janeway to speak at CATS’ Trails Day ESSEX „ William Janeway, the Adirondack CouncilÍ s new Executive Director, will be the featured speaker at the Celebrate Champlain Area Trails (CATS) Event on Saturday afternoon, June 1 in Essex. This annual event takes place on National Trails Day to celebrate progress in making trails that increase enjoyment of the outdoors and promote economic vitality. ñ We are pleased that Willie will make one of his first local public appearances at our eventî said Chris Maron, CATS executive director. ñ His background and experience will provide a fresh perspective on our vision of trails linking our communities, connecting people with nature, and adding to the areaÍ s quality of life.î The Celebrate Champlain Area Trails HYHQWW DNHVSODFHIURP W R S P RQ 6DW urday, June 1, at Block House Farm in EsVH[ -DQHZ D\ Z LOOVSHDN IURP W R SP followed by a reception with local food DQG GULQN SURYLGHG E\ 7XUW OH,VODQG &DI and Lake Placid Craft Brewing. There will be activities for children including a nature hike during the first hour. There are two local hikes scheduled for National Trails Day: $W DP W KH 7RZ Q RI 0 RULDK DQG CATS will hold the second annual Mineville Iron Ore Man Challenge to run or hike the popular new Cheney Mountain Trail located on Pelfershire Road, 1.5 mi east of Route 22/9N. Registration is $5.

hope ultimately that it makes the film more personal as a kind of direct reflection of the way I see the world.” The movie will begin at 8:00 PM at the Whallonsburg Grange + DOO 7LFNHW VDUH IRUDGXOW VDQG IRUW KRVHXQGHU ) RUW KH most up-to-date schedule, visit the CVFS website at You can also check out the films website at

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CATS Trails Day will be held June 1 in Essex. At 1 p.m., CATS will unveil the beautiful new nature interpretation signs illustrated by Sheri Amsel during a hike on the Black Kettle Nature Trail, located on Cook Road, 1.6 miles west of Whallonsburg. This hike is free. Everyone is welcome to attend the

events. Admission to the Celebrate CATS HYHQWLV SHU SHUVRQ SHU IDP LO\ with preregistration. At the door, the cost LV SHUSHUVRQ SHUIDP LO\ 7R DW tend, register online at or send a check to CATS, PO Box : HVW SRUW1 <

Pageant finalist Katherine Estus, 6, has been chosen as a State Finalist in the National American Miss New York Pageant to be held on Aug. 16, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Rochester. The National American Miss pageants are held for girls ages 4 through 18 and have five different age divisions. Katherine will be participating in the Miss New York Princess age division, along with other outstanding young ladies from across the great state of New York. Katherine’s activities include helping animals and community action events, such as food drives she is currently holding for a local food shelf. Playing in the sun and hula hooping.

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10 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

Former students talk about role CFES played for them ESSEX „ Joshua Johnson thought he was going to be a basketball player, even up until his senior year of high school. ñ I had centered my whole life in basketball,î Johnson said to those who attended the grand opening of the College For Every Student Center in Essex May 10. ñ CFES helped me to re-direct my path and made me focus on school and getting my grades up.î Johnson also started to hone another one of his talents, using tap dancing as a way to start

building a college fund that he would eventually use to pay his way into Penn State University. ñ I really was not supposed to be a Penn State student,î Johnson said. ñ When four of my best friends applied, I figured that I would to and I ended up being the first to get accepted.” Johnson then went to work in the subways and streets of New York City, dancing for money to help pay for his dream. ñ Financials was always the problem,î he said. “Right before my first year, I was about VK\ RI Z KDW, QHHGHG , FDOOHG . DUHQDQG Rick to share my concern and they wrote me a check to help me out.î


sponsored by Price Chopper


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Passes will go on sale June 3rd at the Fair office by calling 561-7998 and also at the Plattsburgh and Champlain Price Chopper June 15th (if you use your Price Chopper Advantage Card, you will save an additional $1.00 on the MEGA PASS (yours for only $19.00) - Not Available After July 15th. Can also be purchased online at

2013 Grand Stand Entertainment:

Tuesday, July 16th

HALF-PRICE DAY! Front Gate Admission: $4 (4 years & up)


Canadian CMA Nomination Sponsors: Econolodge Inn & Suites, 97.5 Eagle Country, TD Bank, Roberts Sport Center. At Dusk Dr. Joe’s Coyote Fireworks sponsored by Reithoffer Shows, Clinton County Fair

Wednesday, July 17th Front Gate Admission: $8


Pre-sale: Track $21 • Grandstand $16 (Includes $8 Gate Admission) Day of Show: Track $15 • Grandstand $10 (purchased at Grandstand only with proof of Admission to Fair)

Thursday, July 18th Front Gate Admission: $8


(Did It For The Girl)


Sponsors: 97.5 Eagle Country Radio, Econolodge & Suites, Key RD Trailer Sales

Free Grandstand Admission

WRIST BAND DAY FOR RIDES Age 12 & Under FREE Sponsors: Econolodge Inn & Suites, 97.5 Eagle Country, TD Bank, Key R-D Trailer Sales, WIRY Home Town Radio

Friday, July 19th

Saturday, July 20th

Sunday, July 21st

Grandstand Admission $5.00/ $5.00 Pitpass for Street Legal Truck Pulls

Sponsors: Dragoon’s Farm Equipment

Grandstand Admission: $6 each show; $10 Pit Pass (one-time



Grandstand Admission: $5 Adirondack Tractor Pull, $5 Pit Pass

All on the Casella Waste Management Stage in front of the Plattsburgh Live Grandstand!

Still, Johnson continued to tap for tuition, making the five-hour commute between Happy Valley and his New York home to dance on the weekends. As people started to learn about his story, Johnson started to be featured on television shows, eventually ending up on the Ellen DeGeneres show. ñ Without the DaltonÍ s and CFES, I would not be in college preparing for my senior year or on Ellen with my talents,î Johnson said. ñ This is just one of the many ways CFES shows love to the students it works with, especially those who are struggling.î Johnson performed for those at the event, and told people to ñ discover something they enjoy and then figure out how you can add a re-mix to it.î Also on hand at the celebration was Shameka Cobb, who also attended high school in New York City and was preparing to enter her final year at the Cornell Medical School. ñ I never thought I would be here today,î Cobb said. ñ I just wanted to get a job anywhere I could that would help out my single mother.î Cobb said that CFES helped her map out a plan in high school that allowed her to accomplish her goals in college as she progresses towards a medical degree. ñ There is so much that they have done for me,î she said. ñ It is so great to see the growth of this organization as I have watched the growth of my own career. I am thankful when I think about everything that they have done for me.î Angel Acosta also spoke about his experience with CFES after his family had moved from the ' RP LQLFDQ5 HSXEOLF LQW KH V

Joshua Johnson performs during the grand opening of the CFES center in Essex May 10. Photo by Keith Lobdell

“I had been in five different schools in three different boroughs of the city when I was invited to be a part of the CFES leadership team,î Acosta said. “I remember my first trip to Middlebury College and how that opened my mind up to the possibility of going to college.î Acosta ended up going to Plattsburgh State University, where he graduated in 2008. He also served as vice president and president of Student Government at the school.

Pre-sale: Track $21 • Grandstand $16 (Includes $8 Gate Admission) Day of Show: Track $15 • Grandstand $10 (purchased at Grandstand only with proof of Admission to Fair)


purchase at 1PM which is admission to both shows) Sponsors: Budweiser, Riley Ford & 97.5 Eagle Country


Adirondack Hardware Company Keeseville, NY 518-834-9790


By Keith Lobdell

27th Rotary International Fishing Classic

May 31 - June 2, 2013

Start 12:01am Fridayy - End 12:00pm p (Noon) Sundayy

Anglers Can Register Online at: or at one of these local bait and tackle shops: Crown Point Norm’s Bait & Tackle 286 Bridge Road 518-597-3645 Diamond Point 1571 St. Rt. 9 518-798-9203 Essex Essex Marina South Main Street 518-963-7222

Lake George 6 St. Rt. 149 800-547-4307 or 518-798-9203 Moriah Center Boyea’s Lakeside 2819 Plank Road 518-546-3744

Plattsburgh Richards Grocery 71 Johnson Ave. 518-563-1444 Willsboro Byrd’s Country Store, Route 22 518-963-7277

Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 30, 2013 Before 6pm. You don’t have to be a professional to register. Brought to you by the Rotary Club of Plattsburgh, NY 49390

May 25, 2013

CV • Valley News - 11

Native plant presentation set in Keene KEENE „ The public is invited to an Adirondack native plant presentation to be held Tuesday, May 28, at East Branch Organics nursery in Keene and beginning at 11 a.m. The Essex County Adirondack Garden Club (ECAGC) and Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) will host a discussion about Adirondack native plants and the invasive plants that threaten their survival in a first-of-its-kind program held at a local garden center. Speakers Hilary Smith, APIPP Director; Dan Spada, plant ecologist; and Heather Coffin, proprietor with her husband, Tom, of the nursery; will review ongoing efforts to protect the Adirondack landscape from invasive species, provide an overview of recognizable invasive species found along the roadside and forest paths, and offer tips for gardening and landscaping with

native plants and shrubs that have proven success in often challenging Adirondack conditions. Afterward, guests will be encouraged to ask questions, enjoy a picnic box lunch, DQG DP EOH among the array of native plants. Those who wish may round out their LetÍ s Go Native! Show and Tell experience with a forest walk with Dan Spada guiding along the Roaring Brook Falls trail. 3 OHDVH 5 69 3 E\ : HGQHVGD\ 0 D\ for the program and box lunch to Lynne

3 HUU\ East Branch Organics entrance drive is found on Route 9N/73 in Keene just north of StewartÍ s. Above: East Branch Organics is a garden center with a diverse selection of more than 30,000 organically grown annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees and edibles.

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12 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

Essex County Sheriff ’s Department: There’s an app for that LEWIS „ The Essex County SheriffÍ s Department has an app. Sheriff Richard Cutting and Capt. Thomas Murphy unveiled the new way for people to access the department to members of the Essex &RXQW \ 3 XEOLF 6DIHW \ &RP P LW W HH0 D\ Cutting said that the app was provided through the New York State SheriffÍ s Association and a grant program that allows them to work with Appriss. ñ Just go to the app store for Apple or a smart phone and search for MobilePatrol „ one word,î Cutting said. ñ Then you can pick your state and county to make that your default. You can also log in to other counties that have this system and look at their information.î Cutting said that the app will allow people to see recent bookings into the Essex County Jail

(with pictures), see who is being held at the jail, search for warrants, receive alerts and report crime tips. ñ This will be another way that people can give us tips,î Murphy said. ñ It will go through a secure site and notify us of the tip. The sex offender watch is not on there right now, but we are working to get the watch list up and running.î ñ We encourage people to use it because it will keep the system active and will keep the grant going through the sheriffÍ s association,î Cutting said. The sheriff added that people will also be able to sign up for the victim alert program, which allows them to know when a person who committed a crime against them or someone they know has an upcoming event such as a parole hearing or release. Franklin County is also listed under the MobilePatrol App and shows similar information as the Essex County site.

Capt. Thomas Murphy shows what people can find on the new Mobilepatrol app.

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Photo by Keith Lobdell

Sheriff ’s report

LEWIS „ The following is a summary of the activities of the Essex County Sheriff’s Office for the past month: Revenue generated by jail: 7RGDW H Inmate count levels: Average + LJ K / RZ Federal Inmate Count: AverDJ H + LJ K / RZ Other county inmate boardHUV $ YHUDJ H + LJ K / RZ -DLO% RRNLQJ V 5 HO HDVHV ,QP DW HW UDQVSRUW V P LO HV P LO HV DQG KRXUV reimbursed by US Marshals) $ UUHVW V ' : , DUUHVW ,QFLGHQW V,QYHVW LJ DW HG 8 QLIRUP 7LFNHW V,VVXHG Accidents investigated &LYLOGRFXP HQW V6HUYHG Civil monies handled: St. JosephÍ s Rehab 185 Inmates Counseled , 58 ,QGLYLGXDO LQJ URXS

May 25, 2013

Hutchins named Director of Student Services at ELCS ELIZABETHTOWN „ The Elizabethtown-Lewis Central Board of Education appointed Cheryl Hutchins to an administrative position as part of the School districtÍ s recent restructuring of administrative personnel. Hutchins will serve the school district as the Director of Student Services, a position that officially begins July 1. ñ We are very pleased that Mrs. Hutchins will continue her new role in district level leadership here at Elizabethtown Lewis,î commented Superintendent/Principal Scott Osborne. ñ Mrs. Hutchins is a very well respected professional in our school community. She has a depth of familiarity with our students, their families, and all of our school communities as a whole. Her service has been a positive step within our school building, and that will continue to be the case.î Serving as the Director of Student Services, Hutchins will be responsible for administration and leadership of the Committee on Special Education, as well as the Committee on Pre-School education, Academic Intervention Services, and Response to ,QW HUYHQW LRQ VHUYLFHSURJ UDP V all aimed at designing and creating supports for students. Hutchins will continue her role as K-12 Dean of Students, as well. The appointment of Hutchins finalizes the School Board’s restructuring of administrative staffing, prompted by a year of leadership transition for Elizabethtown-Lewis CSD. Last June, Superintendent Gail Else retired. During August

2012, former Principal and CSE Director Jennifer Bull left the district for another position in the Ticonderoga Central School District. ñ A. Paul Scott served as our interim superintendent for a period of time, from July through November,î Osborne said. ñ During that time, Cheryl Hutchins was called to serve our students, and she answered that call, starting the school year as our interim principal.î During summer 2012, based on the resignation of administrator Jennifer Bull, the Board determined the need to recruit for a full-time K-12 ñ Director of Special Servicesî role that includes

the duties of CSE Chairperson; &36( &KDLUSHUVRQ 6HFW LRQ Chairperson; State-mandated accountability assessment and testing for K-12 special education, compensatory education and developmental education programs; Title IX Officer and other essential duties as assigned by the Superintendent/ Principal. Director of Student Services is an eleven-month position, with an initial annual salary of 7KHVDO DU\ Z LO OEHUH negotiated annually, contingent upon performance evaluations and demonstrated progress toward district goals and priorities.

CV • Valley News - 13

14 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

Honor rolls ELIZABETHTOWN „ The following students have been named to the honor roll at Elizabethtown-Lewis Central School for the third marking SHULRG RI W KH VFKRRO year: Grade 7 Principal List: Emmalee Turner High Honors: Faith Bona, Kaitlyn Lindsaym, Jake Rider Grade 8 Principal List: Tess Andrade, Coby Schaefer, Madison Sussey High Honors: Myra Adams, Emma Demuro, Samuel Huttig Honor Roll: Rishabh Bisht, Thomas Celotti, Jamison

Decker, Kristopher zacone, Paige Mullin


Grade 9 Principal List: Emma Disogra High Honor List: Cora Adams, Montana Baker, Shannon Canavan, Abbigale Cassavaugh, Elsa Koop-Angelicola, Natalie Martin, Koby Rider, Charlotte Shepard, Lenore Sicola, Jazmin Wright Honor Roll: Trevor Brooks, Logan Phinney, Wesley Putnam Grade 10 Principal List: Sage Allott, Robert Plante, Kyra Schaefer, Tamara Wescott High Honor List: Jasmin Barnes, Dominic Demuro, Thea Wescott Honor Roll: Keturah Colburn-Burdo, Wesley Whalen Grade 11 Principal



Blood, Shonna Brooks, Abigail Burdo, Savannah Graves, Hugh Harwood, Hannah Peabody, Zoe Reusser, Megan Rushby, Lily Whalen, Corinne White, Katie Whittemore High Honor Roll; Robert Beaton, Catherine Decker, Jacob Egglefield, Rheanon Martin, Austin Morris, Taylor Jo Swan Honor Roll: Angel Barnes, Justin Lapier, William Le Vien III, Connor Marvin, Elysha Mosley, Terrance Thomas Grade 12 Principals List: Timothy Clark, Brody Hooper, Charles Huttig, Jennifer McGinn, Kacie Rider, Cheyenne Sousie, Brittany Tomkins, Sierra Wimett High Honor List: Duncan Bender, Kylee Cassavaugh, Kaylee Cross, Tyler Hart, Jessica Spaulding Honor Roll: Bailey Bronson, Hunter Farrell, Avery Frawley, Emily Morris

Vendors sought

KEENE VALLEY „ Registrations are now being accepted for W KH W K DQQXDO&UDIW) DLUVSRQVRUHG E\ W KH) UHHDQG $ FFHSW HG Mason July 20 and 21, at Marcy Airfield in Keene Valley. Both covered and uncovered spaces are available for one- and twoday registrations. Registrations for covered spaces must be made SULRUW R 0 D\ ) RULQIRUP DW LRQ FRQW DFW$ OODQ&ODUNDW

Adirondack Chevy donates to EYCB Baseball

ELIZABETHTOWN „ Youth from Elizabethtown-Lewis, Moriah, Keene, Willsboro, and Westport, will lace up their spikes for another fun filled season of little league baseball. Thanks to Adirondack Chevrolet, these youth will be sporting new equipment. Now in its fifth year, Chevy Youth Baseball is a grassroots initiative that establishes a positive relationship between local dealers and the communities they serve. Adirondack Chevrolet is sponsoring Essex County Little League as a part of ChevroletÍ s nation-wide commitment to support youth sports. Adirondack Chevrolet has donated equipment to the league which includes: equipment bags, baseballs, softballs, catcherÍ s gear, batting helmets, ball buckets, umpireÍ s equipment, coach’s kits and first aid kits. ñ Mr. George Huttig continues to be a leader in

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youth athletics throughout the county,î Michael Mascarenas, Director of Essex County Community Resources said. ñ Without his contributions, it would be difficult to support our baseball program. The youth in our communities truly benefit from the kindness of Adirondack Chevrolet.î ñ We are looking forward to a great season with the Essex County Little League,î said George Huttig of Adirondack Chevrolet in Elizabethtown. ñ We recognize the importance of youth athletics throughout the county and understand how little funding is available for these programs. Chevy Youth Baseball is just one example of how committed our dealership is to supporting the youth and families throughout Essex County.î Above: George Huttig and Mike Mascarenas present baseball equipment for the Youth Bureau little league at Adirondack Chevrolet in Elizabethtown. Photo byKatherine Clark

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May 25, 2013

CV • Valley News - 15


16 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

High school rivals join to raise money for cancer research By Keith Lobdell ELIZABETHTOWN „ Two rivals on the diamond squared off May 15 with more than a score on the line. Members of the Westport Lady Eagles and Elizabethtown-Lewis Lady Lions joined for a

Coaches v. Cancer game in Elizabethtown that GD\ UDLVLQJ W RJ RW RZ DUGFDQFHUUHVHDUFK ñ We started to plan this out about two months ago, but it really started coming together over the last two weeks,î said Lions head coach Jim Monty, who has also coached the Eagles. ñ We went out to local businesses and asked for funding as well as donations from others at school.î For Westport, the event was similar to the fall

soccer fundraiser the Lady Eagles participated in with Schroon Lake. Last fall was the second year that the two teams had worked together on the fundraiser. ñ We both had people who had been affected by cancer, and we wanted to do something to raise money to help fund research,î Eagles softball assistant and soccer head coach Brad Rascoe said. ñ We had cards in school that people

could buy and put their names on.î The Eagles dressed in pink uniforms, which the team had worn as part of their fall fundraiser, while the Lions dressed in powder blue tops. $ V IRU W KH J DP H : HVW SRUWHDUQHG DQ win over the host Lions, scoring four times in the top of the seventh and keeping the winning run from crossing the plate in the bottom half.

With that, Essex County Sheriff Richard Cutting received preliminary approval to upgrade W KHV\ VW HP DWW KHM DLOIRU RI EXGJ HW HG funds. “It’s difficult to get parts to replace the existing cameras,î Cutting said. ñ It is a recommendation from our department based on failures of the equipment.î 7 KHV\ VW HP FRQVLVW VRI P RXQW HG FDP HUDV throughout the jail and public safety building

premises, which are recorded onto one of nine DVR systems. Any specific incidents are then saved onto hard copy for use in disciplinary actions or for other purposes. ñ We were able to go back and capture enough video of activities in the weeks after that so the insurance company could defend a claim of an inmate claiming they were hurt in the shower,î Cutting said. ñ These videos are extremely useful in the facility. In a lot of our disciplinary

hearings, when we tell them that we have video, the hearings become very simple.î Cutting said that the upgrades will mainly be done to replace cameras that are starting to malfunction, which are difficult to find the needed replacement parts. The Public Safety Committee of the Essex County Board of Supervisors passed the proposal onto the Ways and Means Committee for consideration at its Tuesday, May 28 meeting.

New camera system for county lockup gets committee approval By Keith Lobdell ELIZABETHTOWN — When first installed in 2005, Essex County had a state-of-the art video surveillance system at the public safety building and jail facility. With time, however, state-of-the-art becomes obsolete and parts become more and more scarce.


Continued from page 1 rently are part of a Coordinated Assistance Program. Westport Supervisor Dan Connell explained that the CAP allows the three municipalities to be seen as one in the eyes of the state when it comes to the

hiring of an assessor. ñ It is a 10-year contract that the three towns signed with the state, and we are treated as one assessment unit,î Connell said. The term of current assessor David Galarneau runs out in September, and Connell said that the three towns were looking at an alternative approach to fill the final four years of the

CAP agreement. î This is not new. It is happening around the state with a number of towns and counties,î Connell said, pointing to an agreement between the town of Champlain and Clinton County. ñ We are looking at it in this world that we are in of tax caps and shared services that we can

try for a year to see if it works,î Connell said. ñ We can put these three towns together and have enough parcels for this to make sense.î Finance chairman Tom Scozzafava expressed reservations about the plan. ñ The reason that this is a sixyear term is so you can keep the politics out of the assessor,î

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Scozzafava said. ñ I am a little concerned about a county employee going out to do the assessment for these three towns and if the town boards are not happy with the assessments they will go to the real property director and say that they want them out.î Connell said it was a matter of professionalism. ñ We believe that the county has professionals on staff that can do the job better than anyone that we can find on the free market,î Connell said. Elizabethtown Supervisor Margaret Bartley also explained while she felt the county-appointed assessor would be a good thing. ñ It works very well for these three small towns,ñ she said. ñ The county is already doing some of the work and is not getting paid for it. If we look to share services and that would open the gates to shared services grant funding that would all go directly to the county.î Bartley also said that a familiarity with the person doing the work would be helpful. ñ When we go out to bid, we do not know these people,î she said. ñ Everything that I am doing right now is an attempt to reduce taxpayersÍ expenses. I know that I will have someone that is here on time because I know Charli wants her people to be there on time.î The plan would pay the FRXQW \ SHU DFUH DQG QHW M XVWRYHU LQUHYHQXHDIW HU

paying the expenses associated with a raise in pay for the appointed county assessor and hiring a new position in the real property office. ñ This is a money saver for the towns and a revenue stream for the county,î Bartley said. ñ We can come back here in a year and show you the numbers, and if it does not work, then we will not go back.î Real Property Services Director Charli Lewis said that there are currently three members of her staff who are qualified to be assessors, but that if the plan were to go through, they would have to add staff. ñ I feel that we are shortstaffed now and if we were to do this we would have to promote and we would have to hire another,î Lewis said. ñ I look at it as two days a week in Willsboro, one in Westport and one in Elizabethtown and a fifth day floating between the towns that need it the most that day.î Newcomb Supervisor George Canon said he was against the idea of taking the assessment role out of the town. ñ I have tremendous concerns that the state is going to stick their nose into the assessment business,î Canon said. ñ I would never support the county being in the assessment business.î

Memorial Day

Continued from page 1 in Wadhams at 9 a.m. It will include a flag ceremony at the site, where several former military members from Essex County are now buried.

Saturday, June 1st At The EMA in Ticonderoga


The American Legion posts of Elizabethtown and Lewis are organizing the annual Memorial Day parade and Memorial service to take place in Elizabethtown. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and starts from Hand Avenue by the History Center Museum. The parade will proceed south along Court Street passing by the county government center and ends by the golf course at the M XQFW LRQVRI 5 RXW HV DQG 1 ) ROORZ LQJ W KHSDUDGH DWDSSUR[ LP DW HO\ DP W KH$ P HULFDQ/ HJ LRQZ LOOFRQGXFWD0 HP RULDO Day service in Windsor Park, which is across the street from the Grand Union. Elements of the parade will consist of military service veterans, Boy and Girl Scouts, fire departments, equestrian riders, classic and antique cars, Civil War re-enactors, etc.

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The annual Memorial Day ceremony will be conducted by 0 DUF\ 3 RVW RI W KH$ P HULFDQ / HJ LRQ DWW KH9 HW HUDQV0 HP Rrial Site on Norton Cemetery Road in Keene at 10 a.m. There will be an Honor Guard, Firing Squad and the playing of taps. Names of all those Keene residents who served the country since the Revolutionary War will be read during the ceremony. There will also be a special recognition of those who were in uniform during WWII.

Au Sable Forks

7 KH$ P HULFDQ / HJ LRQ 3 RVW1 R LQYLW HV DOOLQ W KH DUHD W R attend its annual Memorial Day service in Au Sable Forks at 11 a.m. Guests will include WWII veterans and the featured speaker will give an informative speech on the Honor Flight Program. Also, Gold Star families will attend. The Color Guard and Rifle Squad will be in attendance. ) RUP RUHLQIRUP DW LRQ FDOO RU IRUGHW DLOV

May 25, 2013

CV • Valley News - 17

North Country WWII veterans honored all the way to D.C. By Shaun Kittle PLATTSBURGH „ As the sun rose over VermontÍ s Green Mountains on Saturday, May 18, 18 World War II veterans left Plattsburgh to visit the National World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. The trip marked the inaugural flight of North Country Honor Flight, a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring World War II veterans by taking them to the memorial. Hundreds showed up at the Old Base Oval in Plattsburgh for a ceremony to see the veterans off. More than a dozen uniformed troops, who stood at attention as the veterans and their guardians boarded the bus, were also on hand. The crowd cheered and held up signs„ î God bless WWII vets,î ñ One last missionî „ as the EXVSXO O HG DZ D\ DW DP O HG E\ DP RW RUFDGH of motorcycles including the Plattsburgh Harley Owners Group, Combat Veterans Motorcycle As- Alfred Kurtz, of Elizabethtown, was one of 18 World War II veterans on the inaugural North Country Honor sociation, the Patriot Guard and the Legion Riders. Flight to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. Kurtz served for three years in the U.S. Army and The procession snaked through Plattsburgh as it spent most of that time in a stockade in Naples, Italy, where he did guard duty as a military police officer. Photo by Shaun Kittle KHDGHGIRU,QW HUVW DW H DQGW KH$ O EDQ\ $ LUSRUWDO O was close. It put a crack in the bottom and we bemorial for the first time. This is the first time he’s the while passing crowds of people waving flags gan taking on water.î ever been appreciated as a veteran.î and saluting. They made it back to Virginia, where the ship William H. Thompson, who also served with More motorcyclists joined the growing parade the U.S. Navy in World War II, enlisted in Albany at every exit, and people waited on overpasses to was welded and sent back out. Filion also served in Panama and the South PaRQKLV W KELUW KGD\ LQ celebrate as the veterans rode by. cific After completing boot camp in Geneva, he was On board, the veterans were feeling the exciteñ We were never told what was going on,î Filion sent to San Diego for amphibious training, which ment, too. There was a smile on every wide-eyed face, said. ñ I donÍ t know how many days we were on meant he would be transporting troops for ships to the water (in the South Pacific). We were waiting land during battle. and many stood to watch as motorcycles zipped for the Enola Gay.î ñ The USS is Navy, and the SS is merchant maby, leaving tracers of red, white and blue in their 7KH ( QRO D * D\ D % RHLQJ % 6XSHUIRUW UHVV rines„ half Army and half Marines,î Thompson wake. bomber, was flown by Col. Paul Tibbets. The plane said. ñ The Army we dumped off in Okinawa, and ñ This is so much more than I expected,î said U.S. Navy veteran Ralph P. Filion as he peered is famous for dropping the atomic bomb on Hiro- the marines went to Hiroshima.î shima, Japan. Thompson said that, due to circumstances he over the seat in front of him to watch a motorcyñ I had switched ships from a destroyer to an was unaware of, his company was dropped off in clist pass the bus, his long gray beard plastered DVVDXO WVKLS Ð ) LO LRQ VDLG Ó : HKDG P DULQHV Hiroshima too early. against his face. aboard when they dropped the atomic bomb. ñ We werenÍ t supposed to be there yet, so we had ñ A lot of us donÍ t talk because it brings back bad to stay far enough off shore so we couldnÍ t be hit,î memories. As many years ago as it happened, itÍ s When that happened we went into a bay in Japan.î Filion said that, once they surrendered, the Japa- Thompson said. ñ Eventually we picked up a hosnever far away.î nese troops were good to the American troops. pital ship and stayed there for a few days until it ) LO LRQ Z KR HQW HUHG W KH1 DY\ RQ 0 D\ ñ The war was over,î Filion said. ñ They fought a went back to Hiroshima. ThatÍ s when all hell broke and received an honorable discharge March 10, loose.î VSHQWW LP H RQ D GHVW UR\ HU LQ W KH $ W O DQW LF war just like we did, I guess.î Veterans on Honor Flights are accompanied by When Thompson finally finished in 1946, he Ocean. His shipÍ s job was to escort a convoy of 100 guardians, volunteers who make sure they have a safe trip. American ships to ReykjavÕ k, Iceland, in submaFilionÍ s guardian was his daughter, Michelle rine infested waters. Filion-Schon, who drove to Plattsburgh from Pottñ We had to destroy the subs before they could stown, Pa., to join her father on the flight. get to the fleet,” Filion said. ñ I think this could very well be the best day Submarines werenÍ t the only threat, though. of both of our lives,î Filion-Schon said. ñ IÍ m so ñ There was one time when we hit an iceberg, blessed to be there with him when he sees the meand it put a big split in the ship,î Filion said. ñ That

The WWII veterans on the first North Country Honor Flight

Francis G. Delumyea, U.S. Army, Keeseville Gerald B. Edwards, Army Air Corps, Keeseville Henry L. Vincent, U.S. Army, Upper Jay Herbert G. Wemette, U.S. Navy, Keeseville William H. Thompson, U.S. Navy, Willsboro Ernest S. Clifford, Army Air Corps, Crown Point Alfred Henry Kurtz, U.S. Army, Elizabethtown


ADMISSION $5 10:00am - 5:00pm SUNY Field House Plattsburgh, NY Call the North Country Chamber of Commerce for more information. 518-563-1000 or email Jody Parks

had seen 18 months of sea duty in the Pacific. As the bus pulled up to the Albany Airport, Thompson went silent as he saw the hundreds of people who were gathered there, waiting to greet the veterans. His silence was borne of appreciation. ñ This is really something,î he said. ñ I feel honored.î Each veteran exited the bus with his guardian, and each pair was met with a wave of enthusiasm and, as Thompson had indicated, appreciation. They were treated like movie stars walking down the red carpet or, more appropriately, they were treated like heroes who sacrificed their lives for the safety of others. ThompsonÍ s guardian, Plattsburgh State student Yohanna Mueller, was also moved by the turnout. ñ The fact that weÍ re honoring veterans in such a way shows me that Americans still care,î Mueller said. ñ ItÍ s not political, itÍ s not about money or about whatÍ s right or wrong. ItÍ s just about what people want to do personally.î In Albany, the North Country Honor Flight veterans were joined by the Leatherstocking Honor Flight of Cobbleskill, NY. Together, the two groups brought about 55 veterans to Washington D.C. But before they boarded the plane, they were treated to a short send-off ceremony that included a live Army band and several speeches. ñ ItÍ s heartwarming to know that so many people stll care,î said North Country Honor Flight Guardian Coordinator Kimberly Bouissey as she fought back tears. ñ These veterans havenÍ t been forgotten.î

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18 - Valley News • CV

Classic car show returns to Adk. History Center

ELIZABETHTOWN „ The Adirondack History Center Museum/Essex County Historical Society presents the second annual Adirondack History Antique and Classic Car Show, on Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Collectors and enthusiasts from far and wide will be on hand disSO D\ LQJ W KHLUFRO O HFW LRQVRI SUH EHDXW LIXO O \ UHVW RUHG DQG P DLQtained vehicles such as muscle cars, vintage roadsters, hot rods and more. New this year, the local fire departments have been invited to show their antique fire trucks. Admission is free. These vintage cars will be exhibited on the Museum Grounds directly behind the pavilion off Hand Avenue in Elizabethtown. Exhibit IHHUHJ LVW UDW LRQLV LQDGYDQFHRU W KHGD\ RI W KHHYHQW&DURZ Qers are asked to register with Margaret Gibbs, Director, Adirondack + LVW RU\ &HQW HU0 XVHXP DWHFKV# DGNKLVW RU\ FHQW HURUJ RU ñ Aside from the allure of these vehicles from a by-gone era, this event will provide food, entertainment and a drawingî , said Tom % RW K ERDUGP HP EHU Ó ) RUDFKDQFHRI Z LQQLQJ D J DVFDUGDQG other prizes. You will have opportunity to participate in this huge drawing. The drawing will take place at 2 p.m. and winner need not be present. Music will accompany the event. DaCy Meadow Farm will be on site offering a not-too-be-missed Farm Fresh Picnic Lunch.î The Adirondack History Center Museum is celebrating the opening of The Human Face of the Adirondacks in the Civil War. Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the war, this is an exhibition of historic artifacts, photographs and soldiersÍ letters related to the Civil War. YouÍ re encouraged to stroll over to the Museum to visit this captivating exhibit and while there also take a walk through the exciting and award winning Worked/Wild exhibit. The Museum will be open for your enjoyment from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. free of its usual admissions charge. ñ This is a fundraising event for the Adirondack History Center Museum to support operations, exhibits and educational programs,î Carol Blakeslee-Collin, president of the Board, said. ñ We hope you will make the Adirondack History Antique and Classic Car Show as well as The Human Face of the Adirondacks in the Civil War exhibit part of your weekend activities.î ) RUIXUW KHULQIRUP DW LRQ SO HDVHFDO O RUHP DLOHFKV#

OBITUARIES KATHRYN F. PULSIFER AUG 04, 1928 - MAY 15, 2013 Kathryn F. Pulsifer, 84, died grandchild Sebastian Griep, a Wednesday May 15, 2013 at sister Nina Williams of Jay, the Elizabethtown Commuthree brothers and their nity Hospital with her friend wives, Morris and Mary and family at her side. She Coolidge of Wilmington, was born August Lawrence and 4th 1928 in Jay, Gale Coolidge of NY the daughter Arizona, Ronnie of Morse and and Pat Coolidge Helen (McDonof Arizona, a sisald) Coolidge. ter-in-law Jean She grew up in Coolidge of the Glen and Keene Valley, Ingraduated from laws; Annabelle Ausable High Trombley, IsSchool. On Deabelle Feltt, cember 11, 1949 Frank and she married her Midred Pulsifer husband of 63 years, Philip all of Florida, and 28 nieces Pulsifer, in the Elizabethtown and nephews. Congregational Church. She was predeceased by her Kathryn loved to be in the parents, one sister Ardell woods with her husband Phil Coolidge, two brothers Donand they often hunted black ald and John Coolidge, and a bear. In her teenage years she brother-in-law and his wife also enjoyed berry picking Tommy and Anna Brown. with her cousin Hilda (BenCalling hours will be held way) Hathaway. Kathryn Friday May 17 from 2-4 and 7 never missed a high school -9 PM at W.M.Marvin's Sons sports game of her son or her funeral home in Elizabethgrandchildren. She was intown. A funeral will be officistrumental in church dinners ated by Rev. Fred Shaw Satin the old parish hall in her urday at 11AM at the Lewis early years, and was a SunCongregational Church. day school teacher for the Burial will follow in the church. church cemetery. She is survived by her husMemorial donations may be band Philip Pulsifer of Lewis, made to the Elizabethtownone son and daughter-in-law, Lewis Ambulance Squad, Jim and Deborah Pulsifer of P.O. Box 443, Elizabethtown, Lewis, a granddaughter and NY 12932 or to Fitzpatrick her husband Kendra and Cancer Center, 75 Beekman Marcus Griep of Billerica St, Plattsburgh NY 12901 Mass, a grandson Colby PulFor online condolences sifer and his partner Aubrey please visit http://www.wm Peryea of Lewis, one

May 25, 2013

APA seeks comment on Whiteface UMP RAY BROOK „ The Adirondack Park Agency (APA) is accepting public comment for a proposed amendment to the Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Unit Management Plan. The APA will accept public comments regarding the compliance of the proposed amendment to the guidelines and criteria of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan. The public FRP P HQWSHULRG Z LOOHQG RQ-XQH Whiteface Mountain Ski Center is located in the Town of Wilmington, Essex County, New York and is a New York State - owned facility. It operates under the administrative jurisdiction of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and is managed by the Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) through a Memorandum of Understanding with the DEC. The facility is classified as an “Intensive Use Area” under the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (SLMP). An intensive use area is an area where the state provides facilities for intensive forms of outdoor recreation by the public. ORDA operates a year-round multi-use recreation area on Whiteface Mountain

which provides opportunities for public use such as competitive and recreational downhill skiing, hiking, mountain biking, and summer scenic gondola rides. ORDA has proposed an amendment to redevelop an existing ski patrol building that is located on the summit of Little Whiteface. The proposed project would enhance the capabilities and services provided to the general public by the Whiteface Mountain Ski Patrol. In addition, the new structure would contain necessary emergency antenna and communication equipment that are critical components of the Essex County public safety radio communication sysW HP 7 KH/ LW W OH: KLW HIDFHVLW HLVRQHRI locations which the APA approved as part of an overall project to modernize and improve emergency communications for Essex County and New York State. The project has previously been reviewed by the Adirondack Park Agency. The purpose of the UMP amendment is to document the new structures which will be constructed at the site. Review the proposed amendment at To ac-

cess a copy of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan, visit pdf. Comments to the Adirondack Park Agency should focus on the Unit Management Plan amendment in terms of its compliance with the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan. Comments related to State Land Master Plan compliance should be sent to: James Connolly, APA Deputy Director, Planning Division, P.O. % R[ 5 D\ % URRN 1 < RUYLDHP DLO at The APA Board is scheduled to consider Master Plan compliance for the proposed DP HQGP HQWDWW KH -XQH $ J HQF\ meeting. The Olympic Regional Development Authority is also accepting comments on the proposed action in this Unit Management Plan amendment. Comments will EHDFFHSW HG W KURXJ K 0 D\ 3 OHDVHVHQG comments related to the proposed action to: Robert W. Hammond, Olympic ReJ LRQDO' HYHORSP HQW$ XW KRULW \ 0 DLQ 6W UHHW/ DNH 3 ODFLG 1 < FDOO RUHP DLOEKDP P RQG# RUGDRUJ

Business Expo to offer free seminars to encourage financial growth By Katherine Clark PLATTSBURGH „ The North Country Chamber of commerce will hold its 25th Business Expo on June 6 at the SUNY Field House, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The expo will feature more than 186 booths operated by local businesses. ñ In our 25 years, this has grown to be the largest networking event ARTHUR R. CARPENTER MAR 02, 1921 - MAY 13, 2013 Arthur R. Carpenter horseshoes and shooting Westport - On May 13, 2013 pool. He loved to travel and the whole world cried as especially enjoyed his cruisArthur (Art) Raymond Caring vacations. penter, 92, of Westport died He is predeceased by his peacefully at his first wife, home surroundDorothy "Sis" ed by family. (Pooler) CarpenThose that knew ter; second wife, him will miss Honora "Honey" him dearly and (Smith) Carpenthose that never ter; one daughhad the chance ter, Kandyce to meet him will (Carpenter) miss out on Swartfager; one knowing one of son, Michael the kindest men Carpenter; and to live. one great grandHe was born March 2, 1921, son, Noah Carpenter. in Port Henry, NY, one of six He is survived by a brother sons of Wilford H. and Floand sister-in-law, Clifford rence V. (Lasher) Carpenter. and Pat Carpenter of Albany, "Nothing is so strong as genNY; a daughter and son-intleness, nothing is to gentle law, Bonnie (Carpenter) and as real strength". This best Steve Lawrence of Poland, describes our brother, father, NY/Apache Junction, AZ; grandfather, uncle, friend. daughter and son-in-law, We never met a person who Kari (Desjardins) and Jim didn't like Art. Ratliff of Westport; daughter He graduated from Port and partner, Kathleen DesHenry High School in 1938. jardins and John Gereau of In August of 1942, at the age Westport; brother-in-law and of 21, he enlisted in the U.S. sister-in-law, William and Navy. He did his basic trainMary Ellen Smith of Queensing and attended the Corpsbury, NY; eight grandchilman Medical School at the dren, Jeff, Eric and Brian Great Lakes Naval Station in Sherman, Steven and David Chicago, IL. He was then Lawrence, Adam Carpenter, sent to the Naval Air Station Kaleigh Ratliff and Cooper in Pensacola, FL where he Sayward; ten great grandworked in the ward helping children; several nieces, injured soldiers and pilots. In nephews and friends that he January of 1943 he boarded cared deeply about; and his the USS Block Island air craft beloved pug, Nori. carrier. He worked for the Visiting hours will be held doctor in the operating room from 5pm-8pm at W.M. Marwhere he once performed vin's and Sons Funeral Home and appendectomy on a Gerin Elizabethtown, NY on man prisoner. On May 29th, Sunday, June 9th. Funeral 1944, at 8pm the USS Block services will be held at 11am Island was torpedoed by a at the Lewis Congregational German Submarine. As he Church in Lewis, NY on was about to get off the sinkMonday, June 10th. The buriing ship he noticed and inal will follow. The family jured black man, a servant to asks that you join them in an officer, with a cut exposcelebrating Art's life at a reing the bone on his left arm. ception following the burial He carried the man on his at the Cobble Hill Inn in Elizshoulder down to the raft, abethtown, NY. saving his life. A recent artiBecause of his love of anicle appeared in the North mals, in lieu of flowers, doCountry Living magazine denations may be made to the tailing his days in the Navy. North Country SPCA. Throughout his life he was a For online condolences member of the Masonic please visit Lodge in Westport, NY. He enjoyed bowling, darts,

in the area,î said Executive Vice President of the Chamber of the North Country Commerce, Jody Parks. Parks said the expo will be an opportunity for the business community to meet perspective clients and customers while introducing the community to businesses. $ GP LVVLRQLV EXW SHRSO HZ KRÓ / LNHÐ W KH1 RUW K&RXQW U\ &KDP EHU Facebook page, will get a coupon for free admission. The Expo will be an opportunity for local customers and business people to shop and compare and get to know their local businesses and what they can do for them. ñ ItÍ s really about the face-to-face, much of the business world is done over the internet or over the phone and this is a chance to see the people and get to know them and see what sort of businesses are available in our community,î said Parks. Everyone who attends the Expo will have one chance to ñ Spin It To Win It,î where guests can win one of more than 100 different prizes. Visitors can pick up their coupon at the door and test their luck on our giant wheel. For the first time the expo will include five mini-seminars that will be W R P LQXW HV % HJ LQQLQJ DW DP 7Z LQVW DW H7HFKQRO RJ LHVZ LO OJ LYHD SUHVHQtation about Advanced Security Threats: Persistent Targeted Attacks. In this 15 minute presentation, a Twinstate representative will discuss; What is a ñ Persistent, Targeted Attackî or viral attack. The seminar will outline who launches these attacks and why, how to recognize when an organization is targeted, and how to defend against these attacks. % HJ LQQLQJ DW DP $ G: RUNVKRS Z LO OJ LYHDSUHVHQW DW LRQ DERXW social media advertising and how to track it in Google Analytics. 7KHQDW S P $ G: RUGVZ LO OSUHVHQWDQLQW URGXFW LRQW RDGYHUW LVing with Google AdWords and the Google Display Network. The presentation will outline the basics of advertising with Google. Topics to include: how it works, campaign structure, keywords, quality score, ad copywriting tips, and pay-per-click. CITEC will present ñ Growing Your Business Through Innovative New Products / Services” from Advanced Security Threats: Persistent Targeted Attacks at 2 p.m. Any organization that is interested in a repeatable system that will help them grow their business should attend this introduction to ñ Innovation Engineering.î IE is a process that all types of companies are using with great success to accelerate growth. This session will introduce attendees to the four-stage process that helps define, discover, develop and deliver the best products / services to grow your business. The final presentation will be given by the Development Corporation, who will give a presentation about how to use TDC website to find companies within a five-county radius. The presentation will go from 2:30 to 3 p.m. The site can help find businesses by size, by revenue , by industry, by distance and then generate business and demographic reports. The event is put together by the North Country Chamber of Commerce with sponsorship by Denton Publications, Twinstate Technologies, Buck Supply & Distribution, Community Bank, WPTZ, Curtis Lumber. A post Expo Celebration will be held at the Naked Turtle immediately following the Expo and everyone is invited. To RSVP call the Chamber DW ) RU P RUHLQIRUP DW LRQ DERXWW KH( [ SR FDO O&KDP EHUDW RU HP DLO3DUNVDW -RG\ 3# 1 RUW K&RXQW U\ &KDP EHUFRP

Weible to speak in Keeseville KEESEVILLE New York State Historian Robert Weible is speaking LQ. HHVHYLO O HRQ6DW XUGD\ -XQH DW S P RQW KHNH\ URO H1 HZ < RUNHUV played in major reform movements -- abolitionism, womenÍ s rights and more -- leading up to the Civil War, Weible is chief curator of the current exhibit at the NYS Museum, “The Irrepressible Conflict: The Civil War in New York,” and his presentation highlights themes of that exhibit, which runs through Sept. 22. 7KHKLVW RU\ RI 1 HZ < RUN¯VLQYRO YHP HQW LQW KH&LYLO: DU W KHVW DW H¯VURO H O HDGLQJ XS W RZ DUGXULQJ W KHZ DUDQG5 HFRQVW UXFW LRQ DQGW KHO DVW LQJ LP SDFW W KHZ DUKDGRQ1 HZ < RUNHUV LVW RO GW KURXJ KIRXUP DM RUW KHP HV The Coming of War, The Battlefield, The Home Front, and ReconstrucW LRQDQG/ HJ DF\ 7KHLP SRUW DQFHRI W KHDERO LW LRQDFW LYLW LHVLQ1 HZ < RUN including the acquisition of the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation DQG* HUULW 6P LW K Z LO OEHLQFO XGHG This program is a NYS Path Through History Weekend event sponsored by the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Society, the Essex County Historical Society, and the Clinton County Historical Association. : HLEO H¯VW DO NZ LO OEHDW S P DWW KH$ GLURQGDFN$ UFKLW HFW XUDO+ HULW DJ HKHDGTXDUW HUV 0 DLQ6W. HHVHYLO O H ) UHHDQGRSHQW RW KHSXElic. Reservations are recommended as seating is limited. ) RUUHVHUYDW LRQV FDO O RUZ ULW HXJ U# IURQW LHUFRP

May 25, 2013

WORSHIP IN YOUR COMMUNITY AU SABLE FORKS St. James’ Church - Epliscopal (Anglican Catholic) Rev. Patti Johnson, Seacon. Services: Wed. 6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer and Healing Service. Holy Eucharist Sunday - 10:00 a.m. Phone 518-593-1838 or 518-647-5312. United Methodist Church - Main Street. 647-8147. Sunday 11 a.m. - Worship Service. Email: Holy Name Catholic Church - 14203 Rt. 9N, Au Sable Forks, 647-8225, Rev. Kris Lauzon - Pastor, John J. Ryan - Deacon, Masses: Mon. & Wed. 5:15pm, Thurs. & Fri. at 8am, Sat. 4pm, Sun. 10:30am. Confessions (reconciliation) Sat. 3:15-3:45pm. BLACK BROOK St. Matthew’s Catholic Church - 781 Silver Lake Rd., Black Brook, 647-8225, Rev. Kris Lauzon - Pastor, John J. Ryan - Deacon, Masses: Closed for Winter Season BLOOMINGDALE Pilgrim Holiness Church - 14 Oregon Plains Rd., 8913178, Rev. Daniel Shumway - Sunday: Morning Worship 11am, Sunday School 10am, Evening Service 6:30 pm; Wednesday: Prayer Service 7 pm. CLINTONVILLE United Methodist - Rt. 9N. 834-5083. Sunday, 11 a.m. Worship Service. Pastor Rev. Joyce Bruce. ELIZABETHTOWN St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church - Court Street. 873-6760. Father Francis Flynn, Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday 10:30 a.m., Weekdays: Consult Bulletin. Thursday 10:15 a.m. Horace Nye Home. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. 4:10 p.m. Website: Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) - 10 Williams Street. 873-2509. Sunday, Holy Communion 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Healing Prayer Service: Every Wed. 6:30 p.m. Men’s Group: Every Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Rev. David Sullivan or Ann Marie Speir. All are welcome. Email: Web: United Church of Christ (Congregational) - Court Street. 8736822. Rev. Frederick C. Shaw. Worship Service: Sun. 11 a.m.; Sunday School ages 4 - grade 6. Nursery service Email: ESSEX St. Joseph’s Catholic Church - Rt. 22. 963-4524. Rev. John Demo, Admin. No Mass in Essex from Columbus Day to Memorial Day, closed for the Winter. Essex Community United Methodist Church - Corner of Rt. 22 and Main St. 963-7766. Rev. John E. Hunn. , Sunday Worship - 10:15 AM, Sunday School - 10:15 AM. web page: detail/375 St. John’s Episcopal Church - Church Street. 963-7775. Holy Communion and Church School, Sunday 9:15 a.m., Morning Prayer, Wednesday 9 a.m. Community Potluck Supper, Tuesday 6 p.m. Old Testament Bible Study, Wednesdays 10 a.m., Rev. Margaret Shaw. Email: Foothills Baptist Church at Boquet - 2172, NY Rt. 22 in Essex. Formerly Church of the Nazarene. Wednesday Night Service at 6 p.m. Worship services are Sunday 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Family Christian movies on the second Sunday of each month at 6:30 p.m., and Hymn sing on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. Email: HARKNESS Harkness United Methodist Church - Corner Harkness & Hollock Hill Rds., Harkness, NY. 834-7577. Rev. Edith Poland. Worship 9:30 a.m. JAY First Baptist Church of Jay - Rev. Joyce Bruce, Pastor. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. KEENE St. Brendan’s Catholic Church - Saturday Mass at 4 p.m., Sunday Mass at 11:15 a.m.; Pastor: Rev. John R. Yonkovig; Pastor. Rectory Phone 523-2200. Email:

CV • Valley News - 19 St. Hubert’s All Souls Episcopal Church - Sunday Holy Eucharist 10 a.m., June 24 through September 9. Varying roster of priests celebrate communion each week. Keene Valley Congregational Church - Main Street. 5764711. Sunday Worship Services 10 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m. Choir Wednesday evening 7 p.m. and Sunday 9:15 a.m. KEESEVILLE Immaculate Conception - St. John the Baptist - 1804 Main Street, 834-7100. Monsignor Leeward Poissant. Ant. Mass Saturdays - 4 p.m. - St. John’s. Sunday Masses; 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. at Immaculate Conception during the winter months. Email: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Clinton Street, Keeseville. 563-6836. Sunday Service 9 a.m. Rev. Blair Biddle. Keeseville United Methodist Church - Front Street, Keeseville. 834-7577. Rev. Edith Poland. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. 834-7577. Email: The Good Shepherd Church of the Nazarene - 124 Hill Street, Keeseville, NY. 834-9408. Pastor Richard Reese. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday Prayer Service 7 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Independent Baptist Church - Rte. 22 & Interstate 87, P.O. Box 506, Keeseville, NY. 834-9620. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m., Prayer Meeting & Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m.; Youth Group Sunday 6 p.m. Website: Email: Front Street Fellowship - 1724 Front Street, Keeseville, 834-7373. Pastor Warren Biggar. Sunday: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Tuesday: Home Prayer Groups 7 p.m. (Call for locations). Thursday: Ladies Bible Study 2:30 p.m. in Keeseville, 7 p.m. in Plattsburgh (Call for locations). Friday: Celebrate Recovery 6 p.m.; Kingdom Kids 6:30 p.m.; Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Website: Email: LAKE PLACID New Hope Church - 207 Station St., Lake Placid, NY. A full gospel church. Rev. Richard Ducatt, pastor. Services are Sunday 10a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Fellowship prayer, Tuesday 6:30 p.m. and Thursday Bible Study. Once a month covered dish after Sunday morning service. Child care available Sunday & Thursday. Handicapped accessible. For more information call 518-523-3652.

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Lake Placid Baptist Church - Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ Worship service Sunday 10:15 a.m. 2253 Saranac Ave., LP 523-2008, St. Eustace Episcopal Church The Very Rev. David K. Ousley Worship Services: Saturday at 5:15pm & Sunday at 8 and 10am; Wednesday - 5:15 - Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayers, 2450 Main St., Lake Placid, NY 518-523-2564 St. Agnes Catholic Church - Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m., Sunday masses 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., 169 Hillcrest, LP, 523-2200. Rev. John R. Yonkovig Adirondack Community Church - Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. 2583 Main St., LP. 523-3753, Pilgrim Holiness Church - 6057 Sentinel Road Lake Placid, NY 12946. Tel. 518-523-2484 Pastor: William S. Saxton. Sunday School - 9:45 AM Sunday Worship - 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Service 7:00 PM Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study - 7:00 PM The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 26 John Brown Rd., LP. President Philip Perkins 354-0410. Sacrament Meeting 10:00 AM; Sunday School 11:00 AM; Relief Society/Priesthood Meetings 12:00 PM LEWIS Elizabethtown Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses - Rt. 9 West, Lewis, NY. Sunday Public Talk 10 a.m. followed by Watchtower Study 10:35 a.m.; Tuesday 7 p.m. Bible Study & Theocratic Ministry School & Service Meeting. For further information contact Brian Frawley 518-873-2610. First Congregational Church - Lewis, 873-6822. Rev. Frederick C. Shaw. Sunday Services 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Email: REBER United Methodist Church - Valley Road. 963-7924. Rev. Chilton McPheeters. Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m.; Church School 11 a.m. SARANAC LAKE St. Bernard’s Catholic Church - Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m., Sunday Mass 7:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Father Mark Reilly, Pastor, 27 St. Bernard Street, SL, 891-4616, Episcopal Church of St. Luke - 136 Main St., SL, 891-3605. Sunday worship services at 7:45 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., led by the Reverand Ann S. Giallard, High Peaks Church - A Bible-believing, non-denominational church. 97 Will Rogers Drive, Saranac Lake, 891-3255 Saranac Lake Baptist Church - 490 Broadway, Saranac Lake, 891-5473

FRED’S REPAIR SHOP 137 - 13 Route 9N AuSable Forks, NY 12912 518-647-5791

W.M. MARVIN’S SONS, INC. Funeral Home Elizabethtown, NY 873-6713


DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER George Huttig, President Route 9 South, Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Phone: 518-873-6386 • Fax: 518-873-6488


BESSBORO BUILDERS & SUPPLIES Westport, NY 962-4500 42283

First United Methodist Church - 63 Church Street, Saranac Lake, 891-3473 Adirondack Alliance Church - 72 Canaras Ave., SL, 8911383. Sharing the hope of Christ, building relationships with god. Sunday worship 10:00 a.m. with nursery care available. First Presbyterian Church PC(USA) - 57 Church Sreet, Saranac Lake, NY, 518-891-3401, Rev. Joann White. All Are Welcome Here! 9:45am Sunday Worship. Sunday School for All Ages. Nursery Care. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study. Handicap Accessible & Hearing Assistance. Saranac Lake Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses - 5043 Rt. 3, Saranac Lake, 518-891-9233 Sunday Public Talk 10 a.m. followed by Watchtower Study 10:35 a.m. Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity - Worshipping at the First United Methodist Church at 63 Church St., Saranac Lake. Pastor Michael Richards presiding. 518-8915262. Services on Sunday mornings at 11:30 a.m. followed by coffee hour. Sunday School available. TUPPER LAKE United Community Church - 25 High Street, Tupper Lake, 359-9810 Holy Name Catholic Church - 114 Main Street, Tupper Lake, 359-9194 St. Alphonsus Church - 48 Wawbeek Avenue, Tupper Lake, 359-3405. St. Thomas Episcopal - 8 Brentwood Ave, Tupper Lake 359-9786 The Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel - Corner Lake & Mill Streets. 518-359-3402. Rev. Richard Wilburn. Sunday: Sunday School 9:00 a.m., Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Wednesday: Prayer Service 6:30 p.m. WADHAMS United Church of Christ - Sunday worship celebration at 10:30 a.m., Pastor James Davis. For more information contact Evelyn Brant 518-962-4480. *For other ministry & discipleship opportunities see the Westport Federated Church schedule. WESTPORT Federated Church - The “Stone Church” on Main Street, Westport - Woship Celebration Sundays at 9:00 am with “Children’s Church.” Bible and book discussion fellowship at 6:00 pm Thursdays in the parsonage. 518-962-8293 / “Come follow Jesus in the company of friends.” Westport Bible Church - 24 Youngs Road. 962-8247. Pastor Dick Hoff. Sunday Morning Worship 9:15 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Evening 5:30 p.m.; Wednesday Night Prayer 7 p.m.; Teen Club Saturday 6 p.m.; Olympian Club Sunday 5:30 p.m. (Sept. - May) Email: St. Philip Neri Catholic Church - 6603 Main St., Father Francis

Flynn, Pastor. Residence, 873-6760. Mass schedule: Sun., 8:30 a.m. Weekdays: consult bulletin. Email: WILLSBORO Congregational United Church of Christ - 3799 Main Street, P.O. Box 714. Worship and Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Church phone number 518-963-4048. United Methodist Church - Rt. 22. 963-7931. Sunday Worship Services 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m. After school religous education program 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. on Thursdays (Only when school is in session) St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church - 3746 Main Street. 963-4524. Rev. John Demo, Admin. Saturday Mass at 4 p.m. & Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15 p.m.; Sunday 9:15 a.m. WILMINGTON Calvary Baptist Church - Rt. 86. 946-2482. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (classes for all ages); Morning Worship 11 a.m. & Evening Service 7 p.m.; Bible Study & Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p.m. St. Margaret’s Roman Catholic Church - 5789 NYS Rt. 86, Wilmington, 647-8225, Rev. Kris Lauzon - Pastor, John J. Ryan - Deacon, Masses: Tues. 8am & Sun. 8:30am. Confessions (reconciliation) As requested before Mass. Whiteface Community United Methodist Church - Rt. 86 and Haselton Road in Wilmington. Pastor Brooke Newell invites everyone to join the congregation for Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. and coffee and fellowship after. Sunday School is offered during the worship service and there is an available nursery area. Church office is located in the adjacent Reuben Sanford building and is open Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 946-7757. Riverside Thrift Shop is located in adjacent Methodist Barn and is open Wednesday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The phone for Shop is 946-2922. The Ecumenical Food Pantry is open in the Reuben Sanford building on Thursday nights from 4 to 6 p.m. Call Don Morrison at 946-7192 for emergencies. The Senior Lunch program under the director of Carolyn Kane serves lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Questions concerning the site can be answered at 946-2922 during that time only. Wilmington Church of the Nazarene - Wilmington, NY. 946-7708. Bob Hess, Pastor. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11 a.m.; Wednesday - Night Teen Group 7 p.m. - 8 p.m., Bible Study - Every Tuesday with Potluck at 6:00 p.m. and Bible Study at 7 p.m. Church Office hours - Tues. - Thurs. in the a.m.

4-6-13 • 42276

SPOONER’S IDEAL GARAGE 112-114 Pleasant Street Westport, NY • 962-4455 George Huttig, President Route 9 South, Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Phone: 518-873-6389 • Fax: 518-873-6390 42277


DENTON PUBLICATIONS Community Newspapers & Printing Kidsville News, 14 Hand Ave., Elizabethtown, NY • 873-6368





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ZAUMETZER-SPRAGUE Funeral Home - John H. Thwaits 3 College St., Ausable Forks, NY 647-8177 42285

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(518) 873-6551 • Fax (518) 873-6569 1-800-559-6551 42279

General Insurance - Mark Carpenter Kim Bessey, Melissa Smith

Water St., Elizabethtown, NY 873-2149 42281

20 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

Consignment shop and book store opens in Westport By Katherine Clark

Cramer, an author and publisher of science fiction, said while the store was the home of Dragon Press it was rarely open and when WESTPORT „ Westport welthey would host events it would comed a new business with a vast be more of a destination for people collection of books and style at from out of town. Champlain Avenue Inc. “Our focus was more science ficOwner Kathryn Cramer bought tion but at Champlain Avenue we W KH EXLOGLQJ LQ DQG RSHQHG want to host more local authors half of it as Dragon Press Book works, readings and discussions,î Store, which not only sold books said Cramer. but served as the central hub for The shop has a collection of her Science Fiction printing busichildrenÍ s books, a large selection ness, Dragon Press. The other half of fiction and non-fiction books as of the building served as a private Kathryn Cramer opened a new bookstore and consignment shop, Champlain well as science fiction. residence. The store is located at next to ErPhoto by Katherine Clark The store is a collection of vin- Avenue Inc., in Westport. nieÍ s Market. Currently the store is tage clothing, books and furniture RSHQIURP DP W R S P 0 RQGD\ in both like-new condition and antiquarian pieces. through Friday until the itÍ s grand opening planned for June 1, when ñ I have the clothes and books arranged around the store so it gets people to look at both,î said Cramer. ñ IÍ ve had some fun placing some Cramer said the store should be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. all week, includof the antiquarian books that have covers or themes that resemble the ing weekends. Ó , UHDOL] HULJ KWQRZ DP W R S P LVQ¯ WSULP HW LP HIRUVKRSSLQJ pieces of clothing.î but it’s just till we get settled and officially open,” she said. The Champlain Avenue shop will be working in conjunction with The shop is taking consignment items of clothing and furniture by the Adirondack Attic Consignment Shop in Keene, promising to have new stocks of clothing weekly. The store has a variety of different appointment. To make an appointment stop in during open hours or FORW KHV W KDWFRXOG KDYHEHHQ W DNHQ VW UDLJ KWIURP W KH ¯ V ¯ V DQG FDOO ñ Stop in, weÍ re going to have a lot of different things happening here today in sizes for all customers. over the summer, new merchandise in every week and of course, we ñ We want to keep a variety of things for all shoppers so the sizes you have a lot of books,î said Cramer. normally find in a retail store, we have here,” said Cramer. For more information, visit their website at

On Campus BOSTON, Mass. „ Dale Mason, son of Edward Mason of Westport, and Kathy Bolton of Stillwater was named to W KH6SULQJ ' HDQ¯V/ LVWDW% RVW RQ 8 QLYHUVLW \ 0 DM RULQJ in Screen Writing in the School of Communications, Mason realized a 3.78/4.0 GPA. He will be entering his junior year in the Fall. CLINTON „ Joshua R. Bridge, son of Laura and Scott Bridge of Essex, was named the recipient of The Calvin Leslie Lewis Prize Scholarship in the Dramatic Arts at Hamilton &RO O HJ H¯VDQQXDO&O DVVDQG&KDUW HU' D\ KHO GRQ0 D\ ,W is awarded to students, preferably juniors, who have demonstrated an interest and ability in oral communication in its broadest aspects and who have actively and successfully participated in programs in the dramatic arts. Bridge, a junior majoring in psychology and theatre, is a graduate of Willsboro Central High School. POTSDAM „ 2 Q6DW XUGD\ 0 D\ VW XGHQW VFRP SO HW ed The Clarkson School Early College Program at Clarkson University. Annie Helfgott from Keeseville was among the students receiving this honor. Next year, Annie plans to continue at Clarkson majoring in arete (double major in business and psychology). She is also joining the honors program. BURLINGTON, Vt. „ Zachary Allott, a resident of ElizaEHW KW RZ Q KDVEHHQ QDP HG W RW KH6SULQJ &KDP SO DLQ College DeanÍ s List for academic achievements and achievLQJ DVHP HVW HUJ UDGSRLQW DYHUDJ HRI RUKLJ KHU$ O O RW WVRQ of Jeffrey Allott and Susan Lopez of Elizabethtown, is majoring in Graphic Design and Digital Media.


1 6 12 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 34 36 39 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 54 56 58 62 63 66 67 68 70 74 77 79 80

ACROSS They’re put up in fights Zany Small car brand 12-time NBA All-Star Thomas San Francisco mayor, 1968-’76 Draft-y building? “Gladiator” Best Actor winner High-reaching ruminants Stomach opening? In-crowd [“Boohoo”] Eastern Nevada city Silents star Negri Old European capital 900 and 9000 Ended up where one started Poet Edgar __ Masters Long Beach sch. Hackled headwear Florence farewell Theater section Ipso __ About to faint Cinematic sled Supplier of household dishes Hotel supervisor Explosive state Editing mark Frosty material? Modern address They really never come home, figuratively One in a hospital room display Some cameras, for short Preschooler’s protector Skylab org. Asparagus unit

82 “The Little Mermaid” collectible 83 Annual sports event, familiarly 87 Colorful Italian dessert 89 Not what a fox wants to hear 90 100 kopeks 93 Syndicated computer adviser Mr. __ 94 Sole 95 Flamenco cries 98 Tilts a little 100 Affirmative at sea 101 __-1701: Starship Enterprise markings 102 One may include Barbies 106 Home of Iwatayama Monkey Park 108 Baking __ 109 This, to Tito 110 Some undergrad degs. 113 102-Across chorus, maybe 116 Colorful tank fish 119 “__ Full of Love”: “Les Miz” song 121 Take over, as a role 124 Triceps-strengthening exercise also called a French press 127 Banquet product 128 Floral parts 129 Acid type 130 Hospital recreation areas 131 Look 132 Under, to Byron DOWN 1 Musical lament 2 Run-of-the-mill 3 __ Suzuki, mother of Bond’s unborn child at the end of Fleming’s “You Only Live Twice” 4 Vane direction 5 Nepalese people

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9

6 Evil, to Yvette 7 Proof is its std. of strength 8 Desperate 9 Slangy “Excellent!” 10 Whenever you want 11 Like Shakespeare 12 GQ, e.g., briefly 13 Laila and Tatyana 14 Coastal bird 15 Lounging site 16 1992 Nicholson role 17 Old West showman 18 Sweet ending 19 Marks on a ballot 24 They have shuttles 28 Szmanda of “CSI” 32 City on the Seine 33 Where many travelers come from? 35 “Entourage” agent Gold 37 Kicked off 38 Sesame __ 39 Precious 40 Tiny Tim’s instrument 41 Leopold’s nefarious partner 42 Turin term of affection 43 Script “L” feature 45 African capital 46 Marx Brothers forte 49 Some military transports 50 S&L guarantor 51 Job: Abbr. 53 Baroque composer JeanMarie 55 R-V connectors 57 Graffiti ID 59 Online guffaw 60 Érié and others 61 Applaud 64 Sicilian spewer 65 Christmas or Carroll poem opening 69 Inane 71 Mulholland Drive segment 72 Is offended by

73 75 76 78 81 83 84 85 86 88 89 91 92

Fist bump Taylor of “The Nanny” Opposite of likely Activist Nellie Cuba libre liquor __-pants: foppish Sound on a track? Hang loose Glean Haunted house sound Honky-__ Honey source Victoria’s Secret frill

96 Lullaby trio? 97 British poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy, for one 99 Plucked instrument 102 Piece with pips 103 Ukrainian port 104 Fried Hanukkah fare 105 Obama, by birth 107 Hoglike mammal 110 Coastal Brazilian state 111 “__ we all?” 112 German brewer Bernhard 114 Dating word

115 Floral part 117 __ Arena: Kentucky Wildcats home 118 Latin wings 120 Carlisle’s wife in “Twilight” 121 Part of 126-Down: Abbr. 122 Norris Dam prog. 123 Surg. centers 125 Business “meeting” hidden in nine puzzle answers 126 Western Fla. Panhandle setting

This Month in History - JUNE 1st - Snow falls in Buffalo and Rochester, NY, Cleveland, Ohio and other places. (1843) 1st - Superman Comic is published. (1938) 2nd - Congress grants U.S. citizenship to people of American Indian descent. (1924) 4th - After winning 122 straight races, hurdler Edwin Moses’ winning streak is broken. (1987)


(Answers Next Week)

CV • Valley News - 21

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May 25, 2013

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LOGGING LAVALLEE LOGGING is looking to harvest and purchase standing timber, primarily Spruce , White Cedar & Chip Wood. Willing to pay New York State stumpage prices on all species. References available. Matt Lavallee, 518-6456351


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ATTN: GARAGE SALE ENTHUSIASTS! Buying or selling second-hand treasures?The NYS Department of State's Division of Consumer Protection, in conjunction with the Free Community Papers of New York, recommends checking the following websites to help assure that the item has not been recalled or the subject of a safety warning: http:/ and the Consumer Product Safety Commission at For other important recall and product safety information visit the Division of Consumer Protection at

CADYVILLE, NY, . 3 Family Garage Sale, 30 General Parker Ave., May 24th & May 25th, 8am -4pm. Rain or Shine. Double bagger 46" cut off a Cub Cadet, adult & children clothing, furniture, golf balls, homemade goodies, household items & perennials. FANTACTIC MOVING SALE: 2754 Main Street, Essex NY accross from the Methodist Community Church. Saturday May 18th & Sunday May 19th, 9am-2pm. PLEASE NO EARLY BIRDS!! Eclectic, Antiques, Wicker, & Household Items etc.

GARAGE SALE! Participating in Westport's TownWide, Sat., May 25th. a large selection of Susan C. Sherman photography: matted 6x8 images from local and travel subjects; large collection of Bon Appetite Magazines; Time Magazines with historical significance; gutters w/ brackets; hard maple night stand; display/storage for record albums (great piece for collectors); and numerous other items. Stop in at 39 Front Street to take a look at gently used items, ready for someone else who needs them.

GARAGE SALE June 1st & 2nd 9am-2pm, Rock Residence 8032 US Rte 9, E'town-Lewis RD., Lozie Seat, kitchen base cabinet and other misc., furniture, knick/ knacks, doilies, linens, some clothing, any questions 518-8736415. Some late arrivals too! YARD SALE Smart Street & Margaret Street in Keeseville, NY, May 25th & May 26th. 9am-?.

CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL CAREERS BEGIN HERE Train ONLINE for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified.SCHEV certified. Call 1800-495-8402

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CLINTON COUNTY, NY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION: Wednesday, June 5th @ 11AM, West Side Ballroom 253 New York Road Plattsburgh, NY. 800-292-7653. FREE brochure:

WESTPORT, GARAGE SALE 17 Harbour View Terrace, Westport, . May 18th & 19th, 8:30am3:00pm. Household Items, Clothing, This & That.

HELP WANTED AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-296-7093

SULLIVAN COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION: 300+/- Properties June 13+14 @ 9:30AM. At "The Sullivan" Route 17 Exit 109. 800-2430061 AAR. & HAR, Inc. FREE brochure:

WESTPORT, NY Town Wide Yard Sale, 30+ Sales, May 25th, 8am-4pm. Maps Available Starting on May 24th at Ernie's Market, Everybody's Supermarket, Main St. Diner, Westport Hotel & the Inn in Westport.


COMMUNITY SALE FLEA MARKET From Your Trunk June 30th St. Peter's Church Grounds 12 - 4 pm Garage sale from the trunk. $15.00 per 10'x20' space. Contact Anita Soltero 563-3278 or

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Preview: 2:30PM to Start of Sale Auction will consist of the complete contents of the “Tessier Estate” of Peru,NY along with partial contents of a Lake Placid home. This sale will feature 600+ lots of quality vintage and modern furniture, household furnishings, Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, Shop, Lawn & garden equipment HigHligHted items: Oak Mirrored Back China Cabinet w/ Claw Feet* 5 pc. Eastlake Victorian Parlor Set*Mahogany Victorian French Étagère*. Walnut Peer Mirror* Walnut Marble Top Commode* Walnut Dresser w/ Marble Top* West Germany Goebel Hummel Collection * Selection of Early Dolls* Linens* Quilts* Early Christening Set* Vintage Wedding Gowns* Ft. Edward Stoneware Jug w/ Cobalt Decoration* Bavarian, German, English, Havilland Limoges Dinnerware Sets* Silverplated, Pewter, Sterling Silver, Crystal, Depression glass, Oil Paintings, Watercolors, Prints, much much more. This is a very partial listing check web site prior to sale for complete detailed listing and 100’s of photos of this auction Auction held inside modern facility with ample parking & seating terms: Cash, Check, M/C & Visa 13% Buyers Premium (3% Discount for Cash or Check) All items sold absolute w/ no minimums or reserves sAle CoNduCted bY gokeY’s AuCtioN serviCe AuCtioNeer– JoHN gokeY Ces,CAgA,rmi (518) 532-9323/9156 www.gokeYsAuCtioNs.Com CALL NOW TO CONSIGN TO AN UPCOMING AUCTION

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22 - Valley News • CV

HELP WANTED - GET PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING OUR BROCHURES/POSTCARDS. PT/FT. Experience Not Needed! MYSTERY SHOPPERS Earn $150/Day. MAKE MONEY MAILING POSTCARDS! Guaranteed Legitimate Opportunity! ZNZ Referral Agents Wanted! $20-$84/ Per Referral! Big Paychecks Paid Friday! NEED MONEY? EARN 100% online commissions from your couch. J. Holland, Esq. 1-202-670-3736

UP TO $5,000/MO PART-TIME! Set your own hours, startright away! 1-786-408-4813 WE HAVE THE HELP YOU NEED! Screened *Nannies, *Babysitters, *Housekeepers,*HHA's, *LPN's, *Nurses Aides, Eldercare, Day Workers, House Cleaners. No Fee to Employer. Evons Services 1516-505-5510.


Experienced Server and Bartender Needed Westport Hotel & Tavern

Call 962-4501





• Provides assigned residents with daily nursing care and services, in accordance with resident’s assessment as directed.


• Must be Licensed/Certified in accordance with NYS law. • Good decision making skills. • Excellent interpersonal skills. • Long Term Care experience desired.

EOE Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online at



AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, a worldwide leader in training, business solutions and management development is looking for an Accountant in Saranac Lake, NY to provide professional accounting support to all levels within AMA. BA/BS in business, major in Accounting preferred with 2 yrs exp. in accounting or finance required. Advanced computer skills; proficiency with spreadsheets, MS Great Plains and/or relational databases experience preferred. Competency in Financial and International Reporting, knowledge of GAAP desired. Must possess proven analytical and problem solving skills. For complete job description and resume submission please apply at AMA Careers on our website An EOE/AA employer, M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization. AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, a worldwide leader in training, business solutions and management development is looking for a Staff Accountant in Saranac Lake, NY to provide professional accounting and analysis support to Accounts Payable and Cash Management. Manage all functions of AX purchase card administrator. BA/BS in business, major in Accounting preferred. Must possess analytical, problem-solving, communication and business application computer skills. For complete job description and resume submission please apply at AMA Careers on our website at An EOE/AA employer, M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization. AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, a worldwide leader in training, business solutions and management development is looking for a Staff Accountant in Saranac Lake, NY to provide professional accounting and analysis support to Accounts Receivable, Inventory and Insurance processes. BA/BS in business, major in Accounting preferred. Must possess analytical, problem-solving, communication and business application computer skills. For complete job description and resume submission please apply at AMA Careers on our website at An EOE/AA employer, M/F/D/V ADA compliance organization.

ADVERTISING SALES Responsibilities include working with and developing strong business relationships, growing sales revenue rapidly and creatively, provide exceptional customer service.

MUST HAVE: • Self-Motivation • Ambition to succeed • Excellent communication skills • Strong organizational skills • Goal driven nature • Customer service skills

MUST BE ABLE TO: • Work with Social Media • Work with multiple deadlines • Excel in fast-paced environment • Work individually and within a team

• Make cold calls


GARDENER EXPERIENCED W/ Fruit & Veg. growing, FT/PT, own transport. & excellent references a must. Reply to PO Box 35, Essex, NY 12936 or MORIAH CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT is looking for a Custodian/ School Bus Driver, Candidates must be a current resident of the School District. Essex County Personnel will be holding the Custodian Examination on June 24th26th. If you are interested in taking this test please submit an application and filing fee to our office by Friday, May 31, 2013. For more information please call (518) 8733360. Applications are available on our website: THE VILLAGE OF DANNEMORA will be accepting applications for a temporary summer Wastewater Treatment Plant Laborer until May 31, 2013. Applicants must be 18 years of age. Salary is $8.00 per hour. Applications may be obtained at the Village Office, 40 Emmons Street, Dannemora, NY.

NEW RESTAURANT AT Essex Shipyard Marina, Now Hiring Wait Staff, Cleaning & Kitchen Positions. Call Linda @ 802-683-4742. KEENE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking candidates for the following positions of: Full Time Physical Education Teacher .20 FTE MS Social Studies .50 FTE Technology Teacher 2013-2014 School Year Reply By: June 1, 2013 Interested and qualified applicants should send completed application obtained from the District's website ( and supporting documents to: Cynthia Ford-Johnston, Interim Superintendent of Schools P.O. Box 67 Keene Valley, NY 12943 (518) 576-4555 Keene Central School District is an EO/AAE VENDORS, CRAFTERS, GROWERS & FLEA MARKETERS Wanted for the 4th Annual Kate Mountain Music Festival & BBQ, located at the Kate Mountain Park, State Route 3, Vermontville, NY on Saturday, June 15, 2013. 10 x 10 Space $15. This event will be an outdoor concert featuring a variety of musical acts including "NY State Blues Hall-Of-Famer" Chaz DePaolo, Don Perkins and the Perkins Family Band, Phil Henry, Keith Gorgas and more. Please bring your own chair. The fairway opens at 10AM. Music begins at noon. There will be a silent auction, games and activities for kids, food, vendors, and artisan's area. For more info or to reserve space contact Derrick (518) 891-1956 or email:

ADOPTIONS ADOPT The stork didn't call. We hope you will. Loving family of 3 looking to adopt another little miracle. Contact Robin and Neil: 866-3030668, ADOPT: OUR hearts reach out to you. Couple seek newborn bundle of joy to complete our family. Please call Maria and John (888)988-5028. ADOPTION A childless married couple seeks to adopt. Financial security. Homestudy approved! Let's help each other. Expenses paid. Carolyn & Ken. 1-800-2186311. ADOPTION A LOVING ALTERNATIVE TO UNPLANNED PREGNANCY. You choose the family for your child. Receive pictures/info of waiting/ approved couples. Living expense assistance. 1-866-236-7638 ADOPTION - Happily married, nature-loving couple wishes to adopt a baby. We promise love, laughter, education, and security. Expenses paid. (Se habla espanol.) 1-800-9655617. ADOPTION - Happily married, nature-loving couple wishes to adopt a baby. We promise love, laughter, education, and security. Expenses paid. (Se habla español.) 1-800-9655617. BUY-SELL-TRADE With The Classified Superstore 1-800-989-4237

May 25, 2013 IS ADOPTION RIGHT FOR YOU? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-413 -6296. Florida Agency #100021542 Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana IS ADOPTION RIGHT FOR YOU? Choose your family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-4136292. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/ Indiana LOVING COUPLE LOOKING TO ADOPT A BABY. We look forward to making ourfamily grow. Information confidential, medical expenses paid. Call Gloria and Joseph1-888-229-9383

ANNOUNCEMENTS CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. DISH NETWORK STARTING AT $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL 1-888-823-8160 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME 6-8 weeks. Accredited. Get a diploma! Get a Job! 1-800-264-8330. HIGHSPEED INTERNET EVERYWHERE BY SATELLITE! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-888-927-0861 PROBLEMS OR ISSUES? Contact for a spokesperson,complaint writer, peacemaker, red tape cutter, or allaround problem solver. We Can Help! FREE CONSULTATION 1-888 -789-9929 YOUR ENERGY COMPANY. Pay You For Referrals? We do. Join FREE & MAKE MONEY NOW. J. Holland, Esq. 1-202-670-3736

APPLIANCES GE 20 CU. FT. SIDE BY SIDE refrigerator, $100. 518-297-3516

GE ELECTRIC STOVE excellent condition, black, moving, call 493-2089 $200.00

ELECTRONICS *LOWER THAT CABLE BILL! Get Satellite TV today! FREE System, installation and HD/DVR upgrade. Programming starting at $19.99. Call NOW 1-800-935-8195 DIRECT TO Home Satellite TV $19.99/mo. Free Installation FREE HD/DVR Upgrade Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-795-3579 DIRECTV, INTERNET, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX® +FREE GENIE 4Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited Offer! Call Now 888-2485965

$$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT CASH NOW!!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? $500-$500,000++ within 48 /hrs? 1-800-568-8321 DIVORCE $450* NO FAULT or Regular Divorce. Covers children, property, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. 1-800-522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor &Associates, Inc. Est. 1977

Media Or General Sales Experience Preferred.

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, Please send resume to:

FOR SALE SAVE ON CABLE TV-INTERNETDIGITAL PHONE-SATELLITE. You've got a choice!Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! Call today!1-855 -294-4039 49383

1972 GRAND TORINO runs, needs work comes with some new parts $3200; Chevy Van 30 Travelmaster camper $2500. 518-962-4394 4" SOLID CORRUGATED DRAINAGE PIPE 10 rolls of 100 ft each - never used. Keeseville. $15 per roll. 518-536-5998 ALONE? EMERGENCIES HAPPEN! Get Help with one button push! $29.95/month,Free equipment, Free set-up. Protection for you or a loved one.Call LifeWatch USA 1-800-426-3230. CLARINET, VIOLIN, FLUTE, TRUMPET, Amplifier, Fender Guitar $75 each. Upright Bass, Cello, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $189 each. Others 4-sale 1-516377-7907 HALF PRICE INSULATION most thickness, up to 3", 4x8 sheets High R Blue Dow. Please call 518 -597-3876. HAMILTON DRAFTING Table, 5' x 3', Oak w/ 4 drawers, like new, $400. 518-576-9751 KITCHEN COUNTERTOP Marble Forest Green, 13' long like new, double sink hole aready cut, back splash & non drip edge w/ goose neck faucet. $350 OBO. 518-8912975. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1800-578-1363 Ext.300N SAWMILLS: SAWMILLS from only $3997.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1800-578-1363 Ext.300N TWO TOOL BOXES full of Snapon Craftsman Tools $3000 OBO Call 518-728-7978 or Email WELL PUMP Gould, 1 HP, 4 months old, $500.00. 518-5760012

FURNITURE ANTIQUE OAK DINING TABLE w/ claw legs, 6 chairs & matching hutch w/ back mirror & narrow shelf on top. $1500 OBO. 518-891 -2975


• Satisfaction of helping others succeed • Team atmosphere • Vacation time first year • Benefit package

18X48" METAL FRAME POOL includes filter w/built in skimmer, solar cover, winter cover, vacuum, floating chlorinator & thermometer, ladder. Uses C-filter, used 1 Season. $375. 518-2973516

FOR SALE 5 Drawer Solid Oak Desk 36"x60" Good Condition $200 OBO Call 518-546-7120 QUEEN PILLOWTOP Mattress Set, New in Plastic, $150.00. 518-534-8444.

WOOD TV CENTER W/DOORS & DOUBLE-RECLINING SOFA Wood TV Center $400, Italian Wood Wall Unit with 2 Glass Cabinets $400, Gold Fabric Sofa $400, and 2 Microfiber Swivel Chairs in Taupe $200. Must sell! BEST OFFER! Great prices! For more info & photos please email or call (518) 643-5043. BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE!

GENERAL !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch. 1930 -1980. Top Dollar paid!! Call Toll Free 1-866-433-8277 **OLD GUITARS WANTED!** Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker. Prairie State, D'Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1920's thru 1980's. TOP CASH PAID! 1-800-401-0440 AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM (888) 686-1704 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer and Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV Authorized 800-494-3586

CV • Valley News - 23

AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866)453-6204 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer and SCHEV authorized. Call 800-510-0784 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer and Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 888-2018657

CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-8645784 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 DIRECTV OFFICIAL TV Deal America's top satellite provider! DIRECTV Plans starting at $29.99/ mo for 12 months after instant rebate. Get the best in entertainment. 800-965-1051 DIRECTV, INTERNET & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-2485961

ATTEND COLLEGE Online from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer and Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 888-201-8657

DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1- 800-3091452

BLOWN HEADGASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. 1866-780-9039

DIVORCE $349 - Uncontested divorce papers prepared. Includes poor person application/waives government fees, if approved. One signature required. Separation agreements available. Make Divorce Easy - 518-274-0830.

BUNDLE & SAVE on your CABLE, INTERNET PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet starting at less than $20/mo. CALL NOW! 800-291-4159 CASH PAID- UP TO $28/BOX for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. BEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776-7771.

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME 6-8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get a Diploma. Get a Job! No Computer Needed. FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin High School HIGHSPEED INTERNET EVERYWHERE By Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dialup.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-800-3570727 MEDICAL CAREERS begin here Online training for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer and Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 800-5100784 MEET SINGLES NOW! No paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, connect live. FREE trial. Call 1-877-737-9447 MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888909-9905

REVERSE MORTGAGES -NO mortgage payments FOREVER! Seniors 62+! Government insured. No credit/income requirements. Free 28 pg. catalog. 1-888-660 3033 All Island Mortgage ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - Rotary builds peace and international understanding through education. Find information or locate your local club at Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. SAVE ON Cable TV -Internet-Digital Phone-Satellite. You`ve Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 1-800-6820802 SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME 6-8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get a Diploma. Get a Job! No Computer Needed. FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330. Benjamin Franklin High School;

SAVE $500! Using Viagra/Cialis? 100mg and 20mg. 40 Pills +4 FREE Only $99.00. #1 Male Enhancement. Discreet Shipping. The Blue Pill Now, 1-800-213-6202 THE OCEAN CORP. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1 -800-321-0298. WORK ON JET ENGINES - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call AIM (866) 854- 6156.

HEALTH DO YOU TAKE VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg? 40 Pills + 4/ FREE only $99. #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! The Blue Pill! Now 1-888796-8870 IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER, PRADAXA and suffered internal bleeding,hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa betweenOctober 2010 and the present. You may be entitled to compensation. Call AttorneyCharles H. Johnson. 1-800-5355727

6 ONLY •Flowering Annuals packs 4.5” •Cutting Geraniums pots $ 99 Reg 6 •Assorted Vegetablespacks $2.59 - $3.49


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DO YOU RECEIVE regular monthly payments from an annuity or insurance settlement and NEED CASH NOW? Call J.G. Wentworth today at 1-800-741-0159. FINISH HIGH School at home in a few weeks. First Coast Academy, 1 -800-658-1180 x130.

ORCHARD SIDE RESTAURANT Chazy, NY (across from Chazy Orchards) 846-8855

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24 - Valley News • CV HEALTH IF YOU USED THE MIRENA IUD between 2001-present and suffered perforation or embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members 1-800-535-5727

WE’LL GIVE YOU $300.00 FOR YOUR OLD ROOF. Choose the Rhino Roof when choosing a new roofing system. Call Lakeside Kanga Roof. 1-800-FOR-ROOF.


MEDICAL ALERT FOR SENIORS 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping.Nationwide Service. $29.95/Month. CALL Medical Guardian Today. 1-888-905-4710 TAKE VIAGRA/CIALIS? 40 100mg/20MG Pills + 4 FREE only $99. Save $500! 1-888-7968878

LAWN & GARDEN 2003 22 HP 50" Mower w/ Snow Blower attachment and cab - Sears $1500 OBRO. 1986 Lawn Tractor $800 OBRO. 518-891-6791 FENCING ALL types wood, chain link, vinyl, wrot iron, picket & gates, posts, kennels, cash & carry or installed, free estimats, prompt, reasonable, delivery available call 482-5597 or

BARREL RACING SADDLE, 15" seat, dk. oil finish, great condition, includes headstall & breastplate, pad, all for $500. "Imperial" brand made by Circle "Y". Great for teenager or med. woman getting into gaming. Call 9am-9pm 802-524-6275.

APARTMENT BUILDING LAKE GEORGE Apartment House with 5 Two BR/1 bath units. Coin op laundry for additional income. New windows, ceremic tile kitchens and baths. Burners, oil tank and roof all new $330,000


WANTED TO BUY BUYING EVERYTHING! FURS, Coins, Gold, Antiques, Watches, Silver, Art, Diamonds."The Jewelers Jeweler Jack" 1-917-696-2024 By Appointment. Lic-Bonded.

WESTPORT: OFFICE SUITES. Fully furnished w/cubicles, desks, computer & phone hook-ups. 720 sq. ft. Lake views. Contact Jim Forcier @ 518-962-4420.

BUYING/SELLING BUYING/SELLING: Gold, gold coins, sterling silver, silver coins, silver plate, diamonds, fine watches (Rolex, Cartier, Patek), paintings, furs, estates. Call for appointment 917-6962024 JAY


BUYING/SELLING: GOLD, gold coins, sterling silver, silver coins, silver plate, diamonds, fine watches (Rolex, Cartier, Patek), paintings, furs, estates. Call for appointment 917-696-2024 JAY CASH PAID- up to $28/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAY PAYMENT. 1-800371-1136 WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

ORGANIC FARM LIQUIDATION! 10 acres - $39,900. Trout stream, nice fields, maturewoods, 3 hrs NY City! Terms! 1-888-775-8114

LAND UPSTATE NY COUNTRYSIDE SPRING LAND SALE. $5,000 Off Each Lot 6 AC w/Trout Stream: $29,995. 3 AC / So. Tier: $15,995. 5.7 AC On the River: $39,995.Beautiful & All Guaranteed Buildable. Financing Available. Offers End 5/30/13.Call Now: 1-800-229-7843 LENDER ORDERED SALE! 5 acres - $19,900. Organic farmland, giant views, fields,woods! 1/ 2 hr from Albany! EZ terms! Call 1-888-701-1864.

1 ACRE OF Land at Wood Rd., West Chazy, NY, close to schools, nice location. Please call 518-4932478 for more information. LAND FOR SALE UPSTATE NY COUNTRYSIDE SPRING LAND SALE $5,000 Off Each Lot 6AC w/ Trout Stream: $29,995 3 AC/So. Tier: $15,995 5.7 AC On the River: $39,995 Beautiful & All Guaranteed Buildable. Financing Available. Offer Ends 5/31/13. Call Now: 1-800-229-7843 LAND FOR SALE LAKE SALE: 6 acres Bass Lake $29,990. 7 acres 400' waterfront $29,900 6 lake properties. Were $39,900; Now $29,900. Ends May 31st Call Now! 1-888-683-2626 LOTS & ACREAGE Waterfront Lots -Virginia's Eastern Shore WAS $300K. Now From $55K; Large Lots, Community Pool, Pier and Recreational Center. Great for boating, fishing & kayaking. (757) 824-0808 TROUT STREAM. Land, 10 acres - $39,900. Available May 4th! No closing costs! Beautiful evergreen forest, crystal clear stream, gorgeous upstate NY Amish country 1/2 hr west ofAlbany! 1-888-775-8114


1990 REDMOND DOUBLEWIDE 3 bdrm 2 bath walk in pantry. Price on call 518-310-0051 or 518-569 -0877 NEW DISPLAY MODELS Mobile Home, MODULAR HOMES, SINGLE & DOUBLE WIDES 600 Rt.7 Pittsford, VT 05763 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9A-4P 1-877-999-2555

REAL ESTATE AUCTION AUCTIONS CLINTON COUNTY, NY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION: Wednesday, June 5th @11AM, West Side Ballroom, 253 New York Road; Plattsburgh, NY. 800-292-7653. FREE brochure: AUCTIONS FULTON & HAMILTON COUNTY, NY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION: Wednesday, June 19th @ 11AM, Holiday Inn; Johnstown, NY. 800292-7653. FREE brochure:

May 25, 2013

AUCTIONS SULLIVAN COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION: 300 +/- Properties; June 13 & 14 @9:30AM. At "The Sullivan", Route 17, Exit 109. 800-243-0061. AAR. & HAR, Inc. FREE brochure: www.

SINGLE-FAMILY HOME $29,000 REMODELED 2 bdrm, .3 acre, Rte. 9, Front Street, Keeseville, NY. Live in or a P/E Ratio of 5 to 1 investment. 518-3356904.



PER WEEK 0 $5 for 3 Weeks

VACATION RENTALS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-6382102. Online reservations:

ACCESSORIES CASH FOR CARS. Any make, model and year! Free pick-up or tow. Call us at 1-800-318-9942 and get an offer TODAY! TIRES FOR SALE Michelin (4) Brand New Still in Wrap, 225/ 60R18 PRIMACY MXV4 $600. Grand Touring - All Season-Blackwall. 518-569-1681

ALTONA, NY 3 BR/2 BA, Single Family Home, bulit in 1994, Perfect entertainment home, peaceful country setting 15 minutes from Plattsburgh. Large deck, 28' pool, patio with built in gas grill, 2 car garage with workshop. A MUST SEE $105,000 518-570-0896 MORRISONVILLE 4 BR/2.5 BA, Single Family Home, 1,920 square feet, bulit in 1998, Colonial Cape, attached 2 car garage, gas fireplace, finished basement, large fenced in backyard with above ground swimming pool on corner lot. Located in Morrisonville in the Saranac School District. Great Family Neighborhood. $229,500 Call 518 -726-0828

MORRISONVILLE, NY , 3 BR/1 BA Single Family Home, 1,056 square feet, built in 1979, New roof, kitchen, bath & water heater. Full basement. $99,500 OBO. MAKE ME MOVE! 518-4209602 WATERFRONT HOME: 14 acres, 1024' Waterfront, docks, 7 large rooms. Borders Bass Ponds, Sandy Creek State Forest. $129,900. 1-888-683-2626 Juggling Your Budget? Advertise Small, Get Big Results! Call1- 800-989-4237

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2007 STINGRAY BOAT 25' Stingray Criuser, only 29 hours, LIKE NEW, sleeps 4, has bathroom, microwave, fridge, table, includes trailer, stored inside every winter. (518) 570-0896 $49,000 BOAT FOR SALE 1984 Cobia 17' bowrider, 115HP Evenrude outboard (newer), 2002 Karavan trailer, runs but needs some work. $1,500. 518-576-4255 BOAT LIFT model# 1501, sits on the bottom of the lake. Make an Offer. 518-891-2767 Leave Message on Mail Box 1.

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May 25, 2013

CV • Valley News - 25

Vendors Needed! Taste of Home Cooking School will be holding a cooking school June 1st at the EMA. We have limited booth space available for the show. Booths open 3 hours before show time and you can show and or sell your goods or products to over 700 eager shoppers. Contact us to see how you can get in on the many different opportunities for this show that was SOLD OUT last Fall.


Call us for details and informational flyer.


26 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

May 25, 2013

LEGALS Valley News Legal Deadline Monday @ 3:00pm Please Send Legals By EMAIL To:

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: HEARTHSIDE REALTY, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/01/13. Office location: Essex County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, Box 63, 1880 NYS Route 73, Keene Valley, New York 12943. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. VN-4/20-5/25/13-6TC49200 ----------------------------SKOAL ANORKUM LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/11/2013. Office in Essex Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall

CV • Valley News - 27 mail copy of process to 16210 Villarreal De Avila, Tampa, FL 33613. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Principal business location: 12 George & Bliss Lane - Bldg. 138, Lake Placid. VN-4/27-6/1/20136TC-49219 ----------------------------MINGO WOODS, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/1/2013. Office in Essex Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to PO Box 867, Lake Placid, NY 12946. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. VN-4/27-6/1/20136TC-49229 ---------------------NOTICE OF FORMATION OF: RICHARD H. JAMES, L.L.C. Articles of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on April 3, 2013. Office Location: Essex County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is Law Offices of William G. James, P.O. Box 565, Wills-

boro, New York 12996. The principal business address of the LLC is 1283 Middle Road, Willsboro, County of Essex, New York 12996. Dissolution date: None. Purpose: Any lawful activity. VN-5/11-6/15/13-6TC49296 ----------------------------NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PLANTITIZE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/2/2013. Office location, County of Essex. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 15 Planty Lane, Lake Placid, NY 12946. Purpose: any lawful act. VN-5/18-6/22/13-6TC49308 ----------------------------LP LANDMARKS, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/2/13. Office in Essex Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 685 Averyville Ln., Lake Placid, NY 12946, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. VN-5/18-6/22/13-6TC-

49316 ----------------------------NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 46 EVANS LANE LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/30/13. Office location: Essex County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Peter Nagy, 139 Doremus Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Purpose: Any lawful activity. VN-5/25-6/29/13-6TC49334 ----------------------------SEALED BIDS will be received as set forth in instructions to bidders until 10:30 a.m. on June 20, 2013 at the NYSDOT, Contract Management Bureau, 50 WOLF RD, 1ST FLOOR, SUITE 1CM, ALBANY, NY 12232 and will be publicly opened and read. A certified or cashier's check payable to the NYS Dept. of Transportation for the sum specified in the proposal or a bid bond, FORM CONR 391, representing 25% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. Bids may also be submitted via the internet using Bid E x p r e s s ( w w w. b i d x . c o m ) . NYSDOT reserves the

right to reject any or all bids. Electronic documents can be obtained from the NYSDOT Plan Sales Unit,50 Wolf Road, 1st Floor, Suite 1PS, Albany, NY 12232, (518)4572124; the Region of record; or Bid Express. No Amendments are included on the CD. Amendments are posted at g o v / d o i n g business/opportunities/const-notices and Bid Express. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Amendments are incorporated into its bid. NYS Finance Law restricts communication with NYSDOT on procurements and contact can only be made with designated persons. Contact with non-designated persons or other involved Agencies will be considered a serious matter and may result in disqualification. Contact Maria Tamarkin (518) 4578403. Contracts with 0% Goals are generally single operation contracts, where subcontracting is not expected, and may present direct bidding opportunities for Small Business Firms, including, but not limited to, D/W/MBEs. The Contractor must com-

with the ply Regulation relative to non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs of the USDOT 49 CFR 21. Please call (518) 4573583 if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the letting. Reg. 01, Sam Zhou, Acting Regional Director, 50 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12232 D262356, PIN 1116.56, Essex Co., 0.6 Miles of Asphalt C o n c r e t e Reconstruction of Route 9N/22 in the Town of Moriah, Bid Deposit $250,000.00, Plans on CDs $10, plus $8 Postage. Goals: MBE/WBE 13 7% VN-5/25-6/1/13-2TC49332 ----------------------------LEGAL NOTICE OF ESTOPPEL The bond resolution, a summary of which is published herewith, has been adopted on May 14, 2013, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Lewis, Essex County, New York, is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have

been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. A complete copy of the resolution summarized herewith is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Office of the Town Clerk for a period of twenty days from the date of publication of this Notice. Dated: Lewis, New York, May 15, 2013. James E. Pierce Town Clerk BOND RESOLUTION DATED MAY 14, 2013. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF a replacement bridge at Carlott road, IN THE TOWN OF LEWIS, COUNTY OF ESSEX, STATE OF NEW YORK, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $220,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $220,000 BONDS OF SAID TOWN TO PAY THE COST THERE-

OF. Specific object or purp o s e : Construction of a replacement bridge at Carlott Road Period of probable u s e f u l n e s s : 20 years, limited to 5 years Maximum estimated c o s t : $220,000 Amount of obligations issued: to be $220,000 bonds, to be reduced dollar for dollar for any Federal or State aid received therefor SEQRA status: Type II Action. Replacement in kind at same site VN-5/25/13-1TC52098 ----------------------------MENTIS MINDER LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/14/2013. Office in Essex Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 33 Seneca Trail, Lake Placid, NY 12946, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. VN-5/25-6/29/13-6TC52108 ----------------------------Fishing For A Good Deal? Catch The Greatest Bargains In The Classifieds


28 - Valley News • CV

May 25, 2013

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