4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Oral Hygiene Everyone knows that dental health should be a priority, but all too often, life gets in the way, and proper oral hygiene is neglected. But dental care doesn’t have to be overwhelming or scary.
Visit the dentist twice per year Scheduling dentist appointments was rather inconvenient. wait in a queue to speak to a receptionist and write down your appointment in a calendar.
Don’t skip the before-bed brush Brushing at night helps eliminate the tiny particles and debris from all of the food you’ve eaten during the day.
Replace your toothbrush No matter if you use a manual or electric toothbrush, it’s essential to replace it from time to time
Use mouthwash Mouthwash can help break up plaque and other particles in your mouth, so it can be beneficial to rinse after eating
Source: https://bit.ly/2sXiEky