Do You Fear the Dentist? Do you suffer from a fear or phobia of the dentist? A phobia is a fear that leads to you avoiding that which makes you upset – this can be a place, object or activity. Those who suffer from an extreme fear of dentists will either spend a lot of time thinking about their teeth, dentists or dental clinics or they will simply spend their time avoiding all thoughts of the dentist.
So what actually is the difference between a phobia, a fear or an anxiety? FEAR – is a reaction to a known danger – I know what the dentist does and I am scared. ANXIETY – is quite common and is a reaction to an unknown danger, it’s basically *fear of the unknown* and most people when they are about to have something done have some degree of anxiety. PHOBIA – is similar to fear but much stronger – I’ve been to the dentist, there’s no way I am going back. People can be so scared they feel sick; those with a severe dental phobia will avoid going to the dentist at all costs unless their dental needs become too great.
What causes a dental phobia? Bad experiences – in most cases a fear of the dentist comes from a bad experience, a patient may have been humiliated by the dentist or their last visit was painful or traumatising. Embarrassment – an insensitive or humiliating remark made by a dentist, if you are sensitive a negative remark can be shattering. Humans are *social animals* and negativity can upset most people, if you felt humiliated you won’t want to go back. Behaviour – Many think it’s the PAIN that keeps people from the dentist, but it can be the pain inflicted BY the dentist, often its someone who is seen as cold and controlling that has the most psychological impact. Pain
inflicted by a kind and caring dentist who treats their patient as an equal however is less likely to inflict the same psychological trauma. Learning – If a parent or care-giver has a fear of dentists this can be picked up by the child who will then develop a fear, or hearing of others bad experiences can also have the same effect. Look for a dentist who understands dental fears and phobias. Sleep Dentistry may be for you - this is where sedation is used allowing the dentist to perform all dental work while you sleep. Sleep dentistry is also perfect for those facing a long procedure or those who want to get a lot of work completed in one session – it’s safe, comfortable and pain free.
Presented By Dental Avenue