How 3D dentures have taken over classical dentures?
Earlier dentures were made with plastic or porcelain but modern dentures are made out of a hard resin. These dentures need to be replaced every five years or so with new ones.
Dentures are of two types i.e partial dentures and full dentures. Partial dentures are used when some teeth are not strong enough or when some teeth are missing. They can easily be taken out while sleeping or eating something.
Full dentures are also known as complete dentures replace all of your natural teeth. They are also easily removable.
3D dentures are now leading in dentistry. They are formed by printing using 3D printers. Classic dentures cause fungal infections. However, it is expected that 3D dentures that are filled with drugs and will not harm the users but will help fight infections associated with dentures.
Traditional dentures usually take 2-3 weeks to manufacture. But new 3D technology support patients to get customised dentures in just a few hours.
So, if you want to replace your dentures and want to place a new one, consult your nearby dentist in Parramatta.
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