What You Need to Know About Root Canal Therapy In an ideal world, our teeth would easily last a lifetime without dental intervention.Unfortunately many forms of decay and bacteria can damage our teeth and require surgery to be done in order to keep our teeth strong. Normally our teeth are able to withstand harmful bacteria due to their enamel coating, teeth that have become damaged are at risk of infection and dental surgery is required. When the inner pulp of the tooth becomes damaged a dentist needs to remove the infection in a procedure known as a root canal.
While plaque build-up can lead to cavities, which can be treated with a filling and occasional antibiotics, untreated decay can eat through the tooth’s enamel and cause infection requiring root canal therapy. One of the easiest ways to prevent this is by asking a dentist to place a sealant on any teeth that may be susceptible. This combined with regular dental hygiene can help prevent cavities from decaying to the point where a root canal would be necessary. Even if you have perfect dental hygiene, there is still a risk that you could needto have a root canal performed. Teeth can become cracked by eating food that is too hard or during any form of physical activity that is done without a mouth guard. In these cases the need for a root canal may be more apparent as the infection can
spread extremely quickly and may require a significant portion of the tooth to be removed. In these cases a dentist may decide to pursue further treatment such as dental crowns in order to prevent reoccurring infections. When preparing for a root canal, the dentist will take some advanced preparations in order to prevent pain and further infections. A dentist will normally start off a root canal by applying a local anesthetic to the exposed tooth and isolating the area of work to very small quadrant of the mouth using a dental dam. Then using a medical drill they will slowly make an access hole into the tooth which they will use to pull out any of the infected pulp tissue. Afterwards an antibacterial solution is used to clean the area and both the access hole and any damaged or cracked surfaces are sealed up with a filling material. After a root canal your dentist may choose to send you home with antibiotics to help the surgery heal properly as well as with pain medication if the damage is extensive enough to warrant it. While at first the pain may still linger from the infection, a well done root canal can help save damaged teeth and allow them to last a lifetime.
Presented By dentalavenue.com.au