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Party like its 2019...
It almost seemed like we’d never had a pandemic as Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2022 opened on June 3. For all intents and By Joseph Allbeury purposes, the event unfolded exactly the same as the last staging in 2019. A huge crowd attended to hear a first class 2-day lecture and workshop programme delivered by our amazing line up of 43 speakers, enjoying breaks amongst a healthy trade display. It was bustling, noisy and energetic. It felt right. It felt familiar. And it was fun. But of course it was by no means a fait accompli that it would be like this. Some of the other dental events I’ve been to this year felt a bit “off”. And I don’t mean that in the obvious transitioning-from-a-pandemic sort of way. And then there were a number of worst case scenarios we planned for - like speakers being unable to attend - that also never happened. And the icing on the cake was that there were no reports of the event being a COVID super-spreader, as had occurred with a dental event earlier in the year, so it ticked every box in every way.
So thank you very much to everyone who came together to help with the staging of one of the largest educational events in Australia... from speakers, to sponsors, to trade exhibitors and everyone who helped... and most especially to the almost 500 delegates who attended. Thank you.
For everyone who did attend and for those who were unable to make it, we’re planning a few spin-off events throughout the rest of the year. And what I mean by that is we’re running some full day programs with some of the speakers from Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2022 that will provide greater detail and insight into hot topics. The first of these is a full day event with Sam Dias on intraoral scanning and digital dentures on September 10 in Sydney. Sam’s sessions at DDDT22 were packed and he is keen to present a more detailed presentation based on how he delivers dentures digitally every day through the four dental practices he owns in Sydney and regional New South Wales. This is a dose of reality from first hand experience so if you’re interested in creating dentures digitally, register now at www.ios.events.
We’re also looking at another full day programme on 3D printing with a selection of speakers from DDDT22 presenting a masterclass - so stay tuned for more details.
A raft of changes have occurred to infection control regulations in Australia from the Dental Board of Australia (July 2022), the new edition of the Australian Dental Association Guidelines and also regarding COVID-19. On September 3, Emer. Prof. Laurie Walsh AO, the doyen of infection control in Australia, will present a one day update of all these changes and more. Register at www.icupdate.au.
Finally, we’re looking for readers to start contributing videos to Dentevents.TV and each month we’re offering a prize for the best video! See page 16 for details.
Stay safe!
IDEM Singapore coming up on October 7-9
IDEM Singapore 2022 is coming up on 7-9 October 2022 and it’s timed to coincide with School Holidays in all states except Queensland and Victoria, making it the ideal event to combine business and pleasure.
IDEM Singapore 2022 is also moving to a new home at the Sands Expo and Convention Center, making the iconic Marina Bay Sands hotel next door with its 150m rooftop infinity pool the perfect place to stay... and to top it all off, the event starts a few days after the Singapore F1 Grand Prix. Tick.
Tick. Tick.
As the leading exhibition and conference for the dental industry in the Asia-Pacific, the aim of IDEM is to provide a comprehensive experience and bring together exhibitors and attendees from all over the world.
“IDEM 2022 is intended as an in-person event where practitioners can exchange valuable knowledge, network with other professionals and view new exhibits with the in-person element playing a central role in the overall IDEM experience,” said Mathias
Kuepper, Managing Director of Koelnmesse Pte Ltd. “Ultimately, our goal as the organisers of IDEM is to bring together the Asia
Pacific dental community to experience the full offerings of IDEM in a safe manner.”
IDEM Singapore is the leading dental exhibition and conference in the Asia-Pacific region. Participants at IDEM 2022 can look forward to a series of programmes that cater to the dental community: • Trade Exhibition - the exhibition will feature close to 400 local and international exhibitors; • Scientific Conference - with the theme of Building Resilience in Dentistry, participants can look forward to over 30 conference sessions and workshops by industry-leading speakers around the world; and • IDEM 360 - a supplementary digital platform that offer participants networking options, booking of meeting slots and post-event content.

Registration is open. Register before 2 August and use PROMO CODE IDEMADPMCR9B to SAVE 10%. To register, visit www.idem-singapore.com for more information.

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