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orthodontic | TECHNIQUES


The new Dentaurum hyrax® neo

By Terry Whitty

Figure 1. Walter Coffin’s removable expander with piano wire. Figure 2. Angell’s rapid expansion device.

Three maxillary expansion modalities exist today: Rapid Maxillary Expansion; Slow Maxillary Expansion; and Surgically Assisted Expansion. Dr John Mew, an English dentist and an advocate of “orthotrophics”, argued semi-rapid expansion is also a valid treatment as well, so this would sit in between Rapid and Slow. All of these modalities have their advantages and disadvantages and also their fair share of controversy. However, commonly, the practitioner will select the treatment based on experience, the patient’s age and the type of malocclusion. Slow expansion has been attributed to Walter

Coffin and a removable device was described by him in 1877 using a piece of piano wire in a vulcanite plate (Figure 2).

Rapid Maxillary Expansion was first described by Emerson

Angell in 1860 and later made popular by Haas. Originally it was used to reduce the narrowness of the maxilla but in fact, it has an effect on 10 bones of the face and head. Users of this technique believe that minimum dental movement, or tipping, is involved and most of the movement is skeletal.

When heavy, rapid forces are transferred to the posterior teeth in the correct way, the forces are transferred to the sutures. When this force is beyond that needed for tooth movement and sutural separation, the sites will open up and the teeth will only move minimally within the supporting bone. There is compression of the periodontal ligament, slight bending of the alveolar bone and tipping of anchor teeth before separation of the mid-palatal sutures and separation of the other maxillary sutures.

How fast this should occur again is in debate with some cautioning 1mm per week is the maximum, whereas others will take the more aggressive approach.

Appliances for rapid expansion are generally threefold: the HYRAX appliance, the Bonded RME and the HAAS appliance.

The hyrax® is actually a trademark of the Dentaurum company of Germany and an anagram for HYgenic RApid eXpander. Of course, many companies have copied the device over the years and the word is used generically for any fixed skeletenised appliance connected to two or 4 bands.

32 eLABORATE March/April 2022


cad | CAM


Complete restoration made with the new Prettau® 3 Dispersive® zirconia on anodised titanium bars - 100% digitally designed

Made by DT Alexander Lichtmannegger, Zirkonzahn Education Center Brunico, Italy

Figure 1. The tooth set-up using tooth anatomies from the Heroes Collection virtual rooted tooth library integrated in the software.

Teeth are a mirror of a person’s life and individual lifestyle. Thanks to the new Prettau 3 Dispersive zirconia with Gradual-Triplex Technology - a triple gradient of natural colour, translucency and flexural strength - it is now possible to create accurate and individual restorations matching the patient’s functional and aesthetic requirements.

For this case, my working protocol started with a digital acquisition of the oral situation with the Face Hunter 3D facial scanner and PlaneSystem®. The PlaneSystem is an innovative working method developed by MDT Udo Plaster in collaboration with

Zirkonzahn that permits the registration and transfer of patient data 1:1 into the digital world with no loss of information. In this way, it is possible to create accurate and individual restorations matching the patient’s functional and aesthetic requirements.

For the tooth set-up, I used the Zirkonzahn.Modifier software, new add-on software specifically conceived for the fast creation of set-ups and prostheses, selecting the most appropriate tooth anatomies from the Heroes Collection virtual rooted tooth library integrated in it. After adapting tooth shapes to the patient’s physiognomy, I imported the planned restorations in the design software (Zirkonzahn.Modellier) as situ-scans, in order to design the titanium bars. Then, I milled, digitised the bars and adapted the planned maxillary and mandibular zirconia restorations on them.

36 eLABORATE March/April 2022

Question 1. The first known removable appliance using piano wire is attributed to: a. Walter Box b. Walter Casket c. Walter Mitty d. Walter Coffin

Question 2. The first description of Rapid Expansion was by: a. Emerson Angell b. Lake Angell c. Palmer Angell d. Edward Angel

Question 3. The HAAS expander consists of: a. A removable device with Adams clasps and midline screw. b. A fixed appliance attached to orthodontic bands and a large acrylic button with a midline screw. c. A wire “W” framework attached to bands. d. A piston screw device for a single tooth.

Question 4. The average correct rate a Rapad Maxillary Expansion Device should be adjusted is: a. 2mm a week b. 1 mm a week c. 5 mm a week d. Still in debate

Question 5. The hyrax neo screw: a. Has a lower profile than its predecessor b. Can wind in 4 directions c. Has a maximum expansion of 2mm d. Is only used in surgical cases Question 6. Prettau Dispersive uses: a. Gradual Triptronic Technology b. Gradual Triplex Technology c. Gradual Tri Technology d. Gradual Trendy Technology

Question 7. For the tooth setup, the software used was: a. Microsoft Word b. Director c. Modifier d. Tribeworks

Question 8. Prettau Dispersive does not normally need any additional layering because: a. All people want white teeth b. The only shade is A3 c. Internal colour staining of the zirconia exists d. It does not take ceramic buildup well

Question 9. In this case, additional stains were added called Zirkonahan: a. Apex b. Aquarell c. Acme d. Argent

Question 10. The ceramic used later in the case was: a. Al Fresco b. Frisco c. Frometo d. Fresco

3D printing with speed - UNIZ NBEE

By Terry Whitty

Figure 1. UNIZ NBEE 3D Printer.

It’s rare that I get to review a product that has the potential to really revolutionise dentistry and dental technology but in this article, I get to do exactly that. This product is such a game changer/disruptor/curve ball/outsider and more that I don’t have any problem using these corny overused descriptors because it’s absolutely true and then some.

It’s nothing new that 3D printing has made a huge impact on dentistry in the last few years and the companies making machines at the high end are all very capable indeed. Materials are being developed in a frenzy as all manufacturers know that their material could be the “next big thing” which translates into big dollars.

Unfortunately, we’re only seeing a trickle of new materials come to market because the bottleneck is red tape - the testing and required certifications needed to allow these materials to be used safely - especially in the mouth for long periods of time - is onerous. It’s a fair thing too. There would be nothing worse than a recall on a 3D printed material used in the mouth because it’s hazardous to the patient. So we wait for better materials to come to market and with time, this will happen.

Speaking of time, a lot of people I discuss 3D printing with are obsessed with how long things take to print. I must admit, about 12 years ago, I bought my first Stratasys 3D printer and it was taking over 4 hours to print a model. The quality was average by today’s standards but that was the state-of-the-art at the time.

Today, getting an average-sized model from a printer in under an hour would be about the norm; some machines may do it slightly faster, some slower, but within the hour is acceptable.

So let me now introduce you to the new UNIZ NBEE 3D printer that, at the time of publication, is truly “the world’s fastest Dental 3D printer”. I do not put that moniker on this machine lightly. In fact, when I first heard of the machine, I thought that its claims were a load of bunk. How wrong I was as this printer has even surpassed the claims made by the manufacturer.

Figure 2. MSLA Basic setup: Light source, LCD screen mask, resin tank and build platform.

Figure 3. Collimated light source from NBEE.

Figure 6. Resin tank heating.

The UNIZ NBEE happily prints SIX models in FIVE minutes! And you can go to YouTube™ and watch a video of the printer doing exactly that. Now let’s qualify and quantify this demonstration. The models are in 100 micron layers and are fairly short in height, however the printer does print 6 models in 5 minutes!

How is this done and what are the secrets behind this amazing breakthrough in speed 3D printing? Read on...

Firstly, the NBEE printer, like most modern dental printers, uses a resin tank of light cured liquid polymer and builds up a model or appliance in layers. As each successive layer or “slice” is cured, it is added to the previous layer. It is a Masked Stereo Lithography printer or MSLA for short (Figure 2). It uses a monochrome LCD screen to mask an ultraviolet light source from underneath that creates the pattern for the layers as they are cured. Monochrome LCD screens resist heat far better than colour screens and hence will be more reliable given there is an abundance of heat generated during the curing process of light cured resins. Figure 4. LCD liquid cooling system.

Figure 5. The very important actuator that allows the speed of raising and lowering the build platform to be controlled.

Above this is a tank where the polymer resides and it is connected to a resin heating mechanism and monitoring system so the polymer can be cured at the optimal temperature. In addition, a very special patented film technology is built in that reduces the force created when the polymer is curing. This is very important as the forces created here will often tear the printed object partially away from the build platform unless the force can be exactly controlled. Who as an experienced user has not come back to see a build job finished and half of it is in the resin tank! So this is why it happens - the printed part has “stuck” to the build tray film! With this new technology this force is now kept to an absolute minimum.

The light source is very important and in the case of the NBEE printer, it uses a technology called collimated light which is a beam of light that has parallel rays and therefore will spread minimally as it propagates. A perfectly collimated light beam, with no divergence, would not disperse with distance. What this means is you will get an even spread and intensity of the light through the LCD screen onto the photo polymers. In this way, the same intensity of light is received at the edges as in the middle - a very important factor as some light sources really are uneven and give inaccurate results when curing photo polymers. I’d love to tell you how exactly they do it but there are some IP and trade secrets that can’t be discussed, suffice to say it’s a very efficient system.

Next comes the really efficient mechanism that allows the build platform to move up and down with great speed and precision. Most 3D printers use a ball screw mechanism actuator which is quite accurate and efficient for most situations but when speed is needed and to go to the next level, UNIZ have decided to go with a mechanism called a more sophisticated actuator which allows a massive speed increase over a ball screw. The build platform is able to move up and down - in and out of the resin - with amazing speed and accuracy.

As mentioned previously, when curing photopolymers, a massive amount of heat is generated and this causes all sorts of issues such as part damage, distortion to the polymer and print failures to name a few. It’s very important to manage this heat and most companies use cooling fans to help dissipate it. With the UNIZ NBEE, under the hood is a sophisticated two fold liquid cooling system. One cools the columnated light system - as this also

Figure 8. Imported intraoral scan.

Figure 9. A couple of clicks and you have a based model ready to print.

Figure 10. Hollow model mode.

gets hot - and the other cooling system cools down the curing polymer right at the polymerisation interface. This makes it an incredibly efficient system and avoids the many problems of overheating.

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No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. TGA Guidance Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, Support Network No matter whether you are just starting out as a student, need advice with a business startup or want to expand your business into a more dynamic organisation, the ADTA has diverse skills, The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. knowledge and a vast network of experience on offer at your service. TGA Guidance The ADTA has strong representation within the TGA's Dental Sector Working Group (DSWG) and is well equipped to guide members through the process when listing devices on the ARTG. An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. *These services are in development. Members will be advised when these benefits are available.opment. Members will be advised when these benefits are available. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. *These services are in development. Members will be advised when these benefits are available. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. *These services are in development. Members will be advised when these benefits are available. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. *These services are in development. Members will be advised when these benefits are available. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. *These services are in development. Members will be advised when these benefits are available. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. *These services are in development. Members will be advised when these benefits are available. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members. Members will be kept up to date with pertinent information. Dental Laboratory Certification Scheme* An industry managed Certification and Conformity scheme specifically for Dental Laboratories, this scheme identifies those that have demonstrated their capabilities against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. eNewsletter Stay informed with regular news from within the profession, association, search or post an ad in the classifieds, and adopt useful information from articles into your place of business. Market Place for Employment Opportunities, and Free Classifieds* Reach like minded and interested parties by posting your Vacancies or Classifieds within the ADTA marketplace. Product Discounts Take advantage of exclusive industry offerings as they are made available to ADTA members.

Of course, the new resin UNIZ supplies with the machine to achieve high speed has been specially formulated and even though the printer will print various other brands of resins, you will need to be careful and adjust your settings correctly to match the resin you wish to print. Will you get the same high speed printing ? Perhaps, but keep an eye on your shrinkage factors as often resins are designed to be cured for a certain amount of time and if you cannot achieve this, your results may be less than optimal. To be safe, just use the UNIZ resins and it will give you the best results. No printer is complete without a decent software package and of course UNIZ have developed a brand new software program called UNIZ DENTAL. It’s been com-

pletely rewritten and will not leave anyone disappointed. The features it incorporates are actually quite amazing. Firstly it will turn an intraoral scan into a print ready model in about 15 seconds - this is really amazing as before you would have had to use a 3rd party software program and do a lot of mucking about to achieve this... but those days are over. Oh and if you wish to add a label, that’s a piece of cake too. Want to print hollow models, no problem - it will convert to hollow models at any thickness you dial in. Automatic placement is available of course in both vertical and horizontal modes, auto repair of files, hole filling, support generation and editing, super fast slicing and 2D and 3D slice inspection at the same time is also available.

The UNIZ NBEE is a free standing compact unit and all calibration and functions can be access by the full colour 7 inch LCD touch screen. It has WIFI and Ethernet connectivity or you can use a USB stick for data transfer. You can print anything you want on this printer- models, surgical guides, splints, dentures, crowns and bridges - you name it and it does everything

“You could take an intraoral scan of the patient and in just a few short minutes you can print a solid plastic model that needs very little post processing...”

Figure 11. Vertical auto alignment.

Figure 12. Horizontal alignment.

Figure 13. Auto slicing in 2D and 3D views simultaneously.

and it’s built for speed, faster than anything you have seen thus far guaranteed.

As far as a game changer, yes it is and in a final example, I will leave you with this: You could take an intraoral scan of the patient and in just a few short minutes you can print a solid plastic model that needs very little post processing, less than 30 seconds - just imagine what you could do with that.


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Scan the QR code to see six models Scan the QR code to see six models printed in 5 minutes on the amazing printed in 5 minutes on the amazing

NBEE 3D Printer from UNIZ NBEE 3D Printer from UNIZ

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The new Dentaurum hyrax® neo

By Terry Whitty

Figure 1. Walter Coffin’s removable expander with piano wire. Figure 2. Angell’s rapid expansion device.

Three maxillary expansion modalities exist today: Rapid Maxillary Expansion; Slow Maxillary Expansion; and Surgically Assisted Expansion. Dr John Mew, an English dentist and an advocate of “orthotrophics”, argued semi-rapid expansion is also a valid treatment as well, so this would sit in between Rapid and Slow. All of these modalities have their advantages and disadvantages and also their fair share of controversy. However, commonly, the practitioner will select the treatment based on experience, the patient’s age and the type of malocclusion. Slow expansion has been attributed to Walter

Coffin and a removable device was described by him in 1877 using a piece of piano wire in a vulcanite plate (Figure 2).

Rapid Maxillary Expansion was first described by Emerson

Angell in 1860 and later made popular by Haas. Originally it was used to reduce the narrowness of the maxilla but in fact, it has an effect on 10 bones of the face and head. Users of this technique believe that minimum dental movement, or tipping, is involved and most of the movement is skeletal.

When heavy, rapid forces are transferred to the posterior teeth in the correct way, the forces are transferred to the sutures. When this force is beyond that needed for tooth movement and sutural separation, the sites will open up and the teeth will only move minimally within the supporting bone. There is compression of the periodontal ligament, slight bending of the alveolar bone and tipping of anchor teeth before separation of the mid-palatal sutures and separation of the other maxillary sutures.

How fast this should occur again is in debate with some cautioning 1mm per week is the maximum, whereas others will take the more aggressive approach.

Appliances for rapid expansion are generally threefold: the HYRAX appliance, the Bonded RME and the HAAS appliance.

The hyrax® is actually a trademark of the Dentaurum company of Germany and an anagram for HYgenic RApid eXpander. Of course, many companies have copied the device over the years and the word is used generically for any fixed skeletenised appliance connected to two or 4 bands.

Figure 3. HAAS appliance.

Figure 5. hyrax® appliance with 2 bands. Figure 4. hyrax® appliance with 4 bands.

Figure 6. Laser-welded framework for bonded hyrax® .

Figure 7. Acrylic pads added to bonded hyrax® framework. Figure 8. Dentaurum Variety Screw low profile expansion screw.

Recently, Dentaurum have introduced the new hyrax® neo expansion screw which is a completely redesigned screw that has a low profile but allows expansion of 7,10 and 12 mm.

New features include: • Small dimensions with maximum expansion; • Solder-free; • Break resistant retention legs and stable guidance throughout complete expansion; • Offset body for earliest possible angling of the retention legs; • Integrated spindle friction to prevent unwanted reversing; and • Permanent laser marked arrow on the body of the screw indicates the opening direction and maximum expansion.

Figures 9 and 10. Dentaurum hyrax® neo.

Figure 11. hyrax® neo comparison with standard hyrax® .

The new Dentaurum neo screw has many advantages over similar products and is ideally suited for all construction methods but especially for the laser welding technique.

About the author

Terence Whitty is a well-known dental technology key opinion leader and lectures nationally and internationally on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects. He is the founder and owner of Fabdent, a busy dental laboratory in Sydney specialising in high tech manufacturing. Using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, most specialties are covered including ortho, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Figures 12 and 13. Dentaurum hyrax® neo on 3D printed model.


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Complete restoration made with the new Prettau® 3 Dispersive® zirconia on anodised titanium bars - 100% digitally designed

Made by DT Alexander Lichtmannegger, Zirkonzahn Education Center Brunico, Italy

Figure 1. The tooth set-up using tooth anatomies from the Heroes Collection virtual rooted tooth library integrated in the software.

Teeth are a mirror of a person’s life and individual lifestyle. Thanks to the new Prettau 3 Dispersive zirconia with Gradual-Triplex Technology - a triple gradient of natural colour, translucency and flexural strength - it is now possible to create accurate and individual restorations matching the patient’s functional and aesthetic requirements.

For this case, my working protocol started with a digital acquisition of the oral situation with the Face Hunter 3D facial scanner and PlaneSystem®. The PlaneSystem is an innovative working method developed by MDT Udo Plaster in collaboration with

Zirkonzahn that permits the registration and transfer of patient data 1:1 into the digital world with no loss of information. In this way, it is possible to create accurate and individual restorations matching the patient’s functional and aesthetic requirements.

For the tooth set-up, I used the Zirkonzahn.Modifier software, new add-on software specifically conceived for the fast creation of set-ups and prostheses, selecting the most appropriate tooth anatomies from the Heroes Collection virtual rooted tooth library integrated in it. After adapting tooth shapes to the patient’s physiognomy, I imported the planned restorations in the design software (Zirkonzahn.Modellier) as situ-scans, in order to design the titanium bars. Then, I milled, digitised the bars and adapted the planned maxillary and mandibular zirconia restorations on them.

Figures 2-3. Prettau 3 Dispersive with Gradual-Triplex-Technology permits aligning the incisal aspects in the highly translucent blank areas in the nesting software.

When the design was ready, I imported the files into the nesting software, which simulates a milling path and calculates a milling strategy according to the selected material blank. I selected the precise material and colour using the Zirkonzahn Shade Guides Prettau Line: These are special shade guides composed of monolithic zirconia sample teeth available for all the different Prettau Dispersive zirconia typologies in the shape of a premolar as well as upper and lower incisor. For this case, I decided to use Prettau 3 Dispersive zirconia. This material, produced with GradualTriplex Technology, is already provided during the manufacturing process with natural colour, translucency and flexural strength gradients. These characteristics make Prettau 3 Dispersive particularly indicated for monolithic restorations. The visualisation of the colour gradient in the software is also very helpful for positioning the restorations properly in the material blank: I aligned the incisal aspect in the highly translucent blank area, then I started the milling process.

Thanks to the colour shading, Prettau 3 Dispersive does not necessarily require further colouring or layering. However, it is possible to intensify the colours using material-specific Colour Liquids. I personally like the artistic aspect of my job which is why I decided to manually carry out a minimal cutback on the anterior region of the maxillary restoration, in order to characterise the structure with a slight ceramic layering.

Figures 4-5. Prettau 3 Dispersive, already provided with a natural colour gradient during the manufacturing process, doesn’t necessarily require further colouring or layering. However, it is possible to intensify the colours using material-specific Colour Liquids.

Figures 6-7. The application of Fresco Gingiva and Fresco Enamel on the gingival region and vestibular tooth area before the firing process. In order to apply a minimal aesthetic layering on non-functional areas, a minimal cutback was carried out in the anterior region of the upper jaw; the lower jaw was layered in the gingival area only.

Figure 8. The anodised bar cemented to the upper restoration. Figure 9. The final restoration in situ.

Figure 10. Comparison of the final restoration with the Zirkonzahn Shade Guide for Prettau 3 Dispersive, used in the beginning for ideal material and colour selection; the restoration totally matched the initially selected colour!

I then applied the Colour Liquid Prettau Aquarell intensive colours and sintered the structures at 1500°C. Afterwards, I glazed and stained. At this point, I dedicated on ceramic layering of the upper and lower gingival areas (0.4-0.5 mm) as well as in the nonfunctional areas of the maxillary anterior. For this purpose, I used material-specific ceramics (Fresco Gingiva and Fresco Enamel) and with firing at 760°C. After a slight polishing, I anodised the bars in a golden colour and cemented them to the secondary structures. I then compared the final colour of the restoration with the Zirkonzahn Shade Guide for Prettau 3 Dispersive used in the beginning: the restoration totally matched the initially selected colour”.

For more info and to see more case galleries using Prettau 3 Dispersive zirconia with Gradual-Triplex Technology visit www.zirkonzahn.com.


New Prettau® 3 Dispersive® zirconia with Gradual-Triplex-Technology: the high-quality zirconia is already provided with colour, tanslucency and flexural strength gradients during the production process. This ensures a natural colouring, a highly translucent incisal edge and an extremely high flexural strength at the tooth neck.


The new Zirkonzahn Shade Guide ensures optimal material and colour selection: the monolithic Prettau® Dispersive® sample teeth are available in the shape of an upper incisor (1), also with minimal cutback (2), a lower incisor (3) and a premolar (4),

(1) (2) (3)


The Playsafe Triple and Flex Heavy-pro

By Peter Herring,

Adv Dip Dent Tech, ACCDP

The Playsafe Triple and Playsafe Triple-light along with the corresponding materials is the first individual sports mouthguard system that has been tested according to the EU regulation for personal protective equipment 2016/425 Annex II and can therefore be CE marked. This gives athletes the security of having a tested product that they can rely on and provides the best possible protection. The prerequisite for CE marking is the production is carried out according to the manufacturing method specified by Erkodent.

The previous Playsafe types light, medium, light-pro and heavy-pro are not included in this certificate and are now renamed “Flex” to comply with the EU regulation.

The Playsafe Triple has the benefits of faster production, certification and a reduced bulk for the wearer whilst still continuing the Heavy-pro heritage of supplying protection from impacts of the highest level.

Weight and Volume Playsafe Triple

Structure: A single pre-laminated foil. 5.5mm thickness, 1st layer (tissue side) 3.0 mm Erkoflex soft, 2nd (hard layer) 1.0mm COC (cyclo-olefin-copolymer), 3rd layer (occlusal) 1.5mm Erkoflex soft. Occlusion: Added during thermoforming by re-distributing the still plastic material. This automatically adds a buccal shield, anterior platform and a flat occlusal surface.


Playsafe Flex

Triple Heavy-pro


8.8 gms 13.0 gms Volume 4.3 ml 7.4 ml Incisal thickness @ tooth 21 2.8mm 3.5mm

Results: The Playsafe Triple is 32% lighter and has 41% less volume than the FlexHeavy-pro.

Playsafe Flex Triple Heavy-pro Deformation 1.25mm 57 N 56 N Deformation 2.0mm 85 N 86 N

Results: The Playsafe Triple and the Flex Heavy-pro have almost identical measures of resistance to deformation.

Flex Heavy-pro

Structure: 3 foils, total thickness 6.8mm laminated one after another. 1st layer (tissue side) 2.0mm Erkoflex soft, 2nd layer (hard) 0.8mm Erkodur-S, 3rd layer (occlusal) 4.0mm Erkoflex soft. Occlusion: The buccal shield and articulating surface can be created post thermoforming or added at the time of thermoforming as per the Triple technique

Energy Distribution and Absorption

Pendulum weight Playsafe Flex 1.5 Nm (637 g) Triple Heavy-pro Deformation at tooth 21* 29.7 mm 38.4 mm Deformation at tooth 26* 27.0 mm 27.6 mm

Results: The Playsafe Triple has 22% less deformation in the critical anterior area than the Flex.

The graphs above display the differences in the specification and properties of the two mouthguards.

The Playsafe Triple has significantly less weight and volume than the Flex Heavy-pro while still maintaining the same level of protective potential and in some areas exceeding it. This highlights the usefulness of quantifying the comparative performance of mouthguards and in this case has allowed Erkodent to benchmark and develop a smaller, lighter yet equally protective mouthguard.

About the author

Peter Herring is a dental technician, prosthetist and a regular contributor to eLABORATE. He is the Australasian and Indonesian distributor for Erkodent products and spends his time between offices in Perth and Bali. He also operates a busy Australian lab dedicated to thermoformed appliances. He can be contacted at pjh@erkodent.com.au or for general enquires, call Freecall 1800-242-634.

Protection at the highest level

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