112 minute read
abstracts | 2022
Oral Hygiene Abstracts 2022
By Emer. Prof. Laurence Walsh AO
Real time monitoring of aerosols
Human exposure to infectious aerosols results in the transmission of diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis and COVID-19. Most dental procedures generate a significant number of aerosolised particles, increasing transmission risk in dental settings. Since the generation of aerosols in dentistry is unavoidable, some clinics have started using intervention strategies such as area-filtration units and extraoral evacuation equipment, especially under the recent constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the effectiveness of these devices in dental operatories has not been studied. Therefore, the ability of dental personnel to efficiently position and operate such instruments is also limited. To address these challenges, this study utilised a real-time sensor network for assessment of aerosol dynamics during dental restoration and cleaning procedures with and without intervention. The strategies tested during the procedures were (i) local area High-Efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters and (ii) Extra-Oral Suction Devices (EOSD). The study was conducted at the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle USA using a network of 13 fixed sensors positioned within the operatory and one wearable sensor worn by the dental operator. The sensor network provided time and space-resolved particulate matter (PM) data. Three-dimensional (3D) visualisation informed aerosol persistence in the operatory. It was found that area filters did not lower the overall aerosol concentration in dental offices in a significant way. A decrease in PM concentration by an average of 16% was observed when EOSD equipment was used during the procedures. The combination of real-time sensors and 3D visualisation can provide dental personnel and facility managers with actionable feedback to effectively assess aerosol transmission in medical settings and develop evidencebased intervention strategies.
Makhsous S et al. Methodology for addressing infectious aerosol persistence in real-time using sensor network. Sensors 2021; 21: 3928.
Aerosol mitigation: Suction tip shapes matter
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of various aerosol mitigation interventions and to establish duration of aerosol persistence in a variety of dental clinic configurations. Aerosol measurement studies were performed in endodontic, orthodontic, periodontic, paediatric and general dentistry clinics in St. Louis, Missouri from July to October 2020. Aerosol sensors in the form of an optical aerosol spectrometer, the inlet of which was positioned 20 cm in front of and 10 cm above the patient’s mouth without interruption of the procedures performed by the dentist. Wearable particulate matter sensors were to measure real-time aerosol concentration from the vantage point of the dentist during routine care in a variety of clinic configurations (e.g. open bay, single room, partitioned operatories). It compared the impact of aerosol mitigation strategies (e.g. ventilation and high-volume evacuation (HVE) and prevalence of particulate matter) in the dental clinic environment before, during and after high-speed drilling, slow-speed drilling and ultrasonic scaling procedures. Dental suction was used in all configurations with an 8.2 mm tip with aflow rate 74 standard cubic feet per minute at 7.0 Hg (2095.44 LPM). The concentration of aerosol was highest when using a high-speed drill in a dental operatory space with little ventilation. The largest aerosol concentrations were generated by ultrasonic scaling and high-speed drilling of anterior teeth. Conical HVE had higher efficiency for removing aerosol plumes than the standard-tip HVE. When aerosols were detected in the environment, they were rapidly dispersed within minutes of completing the aerosol-generating procedure. Few aerosols were detected in dental clinics, regardless of configuration, when conical HVE was used. Thus suggests that fallow time can be reduced to 5 minutes, which likely occurs during routine patient care. Dentists should consider using conical HVE rather than standard-tip evacuators to reduce aerosols generated during routine clinical practice. Conical HVE is likely more efficient in reducing emissions from high-speed drilling than standardtip HVE because of the relatively large surface area available for conical HVE to evacuate aerosols from the dental environment. Furthermore, when such effective aerosol mitigation strategies are employed, dentists need not leave dental chairs fallow between patients because aerosols are rapidly dispersed. Choudhary S et al. Comparison of aerosol mitigation strategies and aerosol persistence in dental environments. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022, 1–6. doi:10.1017/ice.2022.26

UVC light from 200-230 nm: A new way to improve air quality?

By Emeritus Professor Laurence J. Walsh AO
The problems of contamination of the dental working environment with particles of patient origin are well-known and similar concerns exist for operating theatres, especially when more complex procedures such as organ transplantation and the placement of joint prostheses are being undertaken.
The literature indicates that particular problems around contaminated material in the air occur during procedures such as ultrasonic scaling and the use of air powder polishing devices and high-speed air turbine drills.1-3 These problems are magnified when the operatory is small in size and has limited fresh air exchange through the air-conditioning system, hence allowing concentrations of particulates in the air to increase over time in bursts, as various procedures are undertaken.
As well as aerosols generated during procedures, there are also issues with the movement of people in and out of rooms. This issue has been well documented in operating theatres, where the movement of personnel and the associated opening and closing of doors greatly increases aerosol concentrations.
While common sense would suggest that a simple approach using high efficiency particle air filtration may be highly effective at reducing the concentration of aerosols, to date the literature around this has reported mixed results, with real world studies involving aerosol sensors showing no benefit from area HEPA filters in the dental operatory.4
On the other hand, recent literature supports the value of high volume evacuation (HVE) as an effective mitigation strategy that reduces aerosol concentrations, particularly when used with a wide bore tip and especially when that tip has a conical end that increases the surface area at the collecting end.2-4
While the use of germicidal ultraviolet lamps is well known historically, their use has not been popular because of the inherent problems of 254 nm ultraviolet light, which causes significant cellular and molecular injury, including damage to DNA. As a result, such light sources can only be used when no people are in the area that is being treated. Light at this wavelength is absorbed strongly into DNA, causing strand breakages and hence having mutagenic effects.5
Friendly photons
Moving to a shorter wavelength of light is a useful strategy because it then falls outside the absorption spectrum of DNA, but instead into the absorption spectrum of proteins. The extremely strong absorption of light from the 190-230 nm range into human tissues is well-known6,7 and it is responsible for the extreme safety of laser vision correction surgery, where laser light with a wavelength around 200 nm is used to selectively ablate cells on the surface of the eye, without any risk of penetration into deeper structures (and thus no risk of damage to the retina).
There is now considerable interest in using ultraviolet C (UVC) light for area disinfection, as a replacement for the older and more dangerous 254 nm ultraviolet lamps which emit light that is both carcinogenic and also readily able to cause keratitis and the generation of cataracts.
Particular wavelengths of interest are 207 nm and 222 nm.8 Light in this spectral range can be generated by LEDs or by filtration from a more broad-spectrum light source such as a krypton-bromine or krypton-chlorine excimer lamp (excilamp), which is relatively inexpensive and does not contain elemental mercury, which is a common ingredient in lamps that generate longer ultraviolet light wavelengths.
Effects on pathogens
Wavelengths of light from 200 to 230 nm have been shown to kill bacteria without causing harm to living tissue in animals or humans.8-16 The light is unable to penetrate through the stratum corneum of the skin (which has a thickness of between 5 and 20 µm). Likewise, the light is unable to penetrate through the cell membrane of a human cell, since the light intensity is reduced by half a distance of approximately 0.3 microns, which means that it is unable to penetrate through the membrane of a human cell (typically 10 to 25 µm in diameter). On the other hand, it is readily able to penetrate bacteria and viruses because of their much smaller size.
The ability of ultraviolet light to kill viruses and resistant bacteria is similar for 254 nm light and for the wavelengths from 200 to 230 nm. From a practical standpoint, having a light which is not dangerous to humans changes the way that one could deploy such a light source in a work environment. There has been particular interest in using such light sources in operating theatres16 to reduce the incidence of surgical site infections, including the concept of continuous irradiation of the germicidal wavelengths of light during the surgical procedures. The underlying rationale is that the majority of surgical site infections result from bacteria that fall directly onto the surgical wound from the air. If there was continuous exposure of germicidal UVC light during surgical procedures, this should inactivate pathogens that fall onto the wound area.
In oral surgical procedures undertaken in office-based practice settings, the physical set up is, of course, different from the operating theatre of a major hospital, but nevertheless the concept of using a continuously running invisible light source may merit further exploration. A powerful feature supporting its use is that it would not be necessary to shield the eyes or the skin from the light source when it is in operation.

Application to the COVID-19 pandemic
Recent studies have shown that UVC light at 222 nm is highly effective against a range of viruses including human influenza viruses17 and endemic strains of coronaviruses as well as SARS-CoV-2,18 as well as against bacteria including those with multi-drug resistance. Adding to this, recent clinical trials conducted on either healthy volunteers or patients with pressure ulcers have shown no indications of skin inflammation or DNA damage, but a large reduction in the number of bacteria recovered from swabbing the surface of the skin.20
Suggested applications for 200-230 nm light currently include health care facilities, operating theatres and occupied public spaces where large numbers of people may be found and where airborne transmission of coronaviruses can be expected to occur.15,18 Suggestions have also been made to include airports, schools, restaurants and public transportation vehicles as an inexpensive and safe way of reducing the spread of airborne mediated viruses. Based on current regulatory limits, which for this range is an energy density of 23 mJ per square centimetre over 8 hours,19 achieving 90% inactivation of viruses would require approximately 8 minutes, 99% in 16 minutes and 99.9% inactivation in 25 minutes. Such exposure times are practical for these types of environments and would also align with the timing of typical dental appointments, if such light sources were to be deployed in a waiting room or in a dental operatory.
This is a rapidly evolving topic and it will be interesting to follow the pathway by which UVC light sources operating in the range of 200 to 230 nm gain approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration for claims that are made regarding their disinfecting actions.

About the author
Emeritus Professor Laurence J. Walsh AO is a specialist in special needs dentistry who is based in Brisbane, where he served for 36 years on the academic staff of the University of Queensland School of Dentistry, including 21 years as Professor of Dental Science and 10 years as the Head of School. Since retiring in December 2020, Laurie has remained active in hands-on bench research work, as well as in supervising over 15 research students at UQ who work in advanced technologies and biomaterials and in clinical microbiology. Laurie has served as Chief Examiner in Microbiology for the RACDS for 21 years and as the Editor of the ADA Infection Control Guidelines for 12 years. His published research work includes over 330 journal papers, with a citation count of over 15,400 citations in the literature. Laurie holds patents in 7 families of dental technologies. He is currently ranked in the top 0.25% of world scientists. Laurie was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in January 2018 and a life member of ADAQ in 2020 in recognition of his contributions to dentistry.
1. Han P et al. Splatters and aerosols contamination in dental aerosol generating procedures. Appl Sci. 2021; 11(4):1914. 2. Pulich A et al. Simulated and clinical aerosol spread in common periodontal aerosol-generating procedures. Clin Oral Invest 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00784-022-04532-8 1 June 2022 3. Makhsous S et al. Methodology for addressing infectious aerosol persistence in real-time using sensor network. Sensors 2021; 21: 3928. 4. Choudhary S et al. Comparison of aerosol mitigation strategies and aerosol persistence in dental environments. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022, 1–6. doi:10.1017/ice.2022.26 5. Pfeifer GP, Besaratinia A. UV wavelengthdependent DNA damage and human non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancer. Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2012; 11(1): 90-97. 6. Goldfarb AR, Saidel LJ. Ultraviolet absorption spectra of proteins. Science 1951; 114(2954):156–157. 7. Kreusch S. et al. UV measurements in microplates suitable for high-throughput protein determination. Anal Biochem. 2003;313(2): 208–215. 8. Welch D. et al. Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases. Sci Rep. 2018; 8(1):2752. 9. Buonanno M. et al. 207-nm UV light - a promising tool for safe low-cost reduction of surgical site infections. I: in vitro studies. Plos One 2013; 8(10): e76968. 10. Buonanno M. et al. 207-nm UV light-a promising tool for safe low-cost reduction of surgical site infections. II: In-vivo safety studies. PLoS One 2016; 11(6): e0138418. 11. Buonanno M. et al. Germicidal efficacy and mammalian skin safety of 222-nm UV light. Radiat Res. 2017; 187(4): 483-491. 12. Ponnaiya B. et al. Far-UVC light prevents MRSA infection of superficial wounds in vivo. Plos One 2018; 13(2): e0192053. 13. Narita, K et al. Disinfection and healing effects of 222-nm UVC light on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in mouse wounds. J Photochem Photobiol. B 2018; 178(Suppl C): 10-18. 14. Narita K. et al. Chronic irradiation with 222-nm UVC light induces neither DNA damage nor epidermal lesions in mouse skin, even at high doses. PLoS One 2018; 13(7):e0201259. 15. Welch D et al. Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases. Sci Rep. 2018; 8(1): 2752. 16. Fukui T et al. Safety of 222 nm UVC irradiation to the surgical site in a rabbit model. Photochem Photobiol. 14 March 2022, DOI: 10.1111/php.13620 17. McDevitt JJ et al. Aerosol susceptibility of influenza virus to UV-C light. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012; 78(6):1666–1669. 18. Buonanno M et al. Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses. Sci Rep 2020;10:10285. 19. ICNRP. The International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection, Guidelines on limits of exposure to ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths between 180 nm and 400 nm (incoherent optical radiation). Health Phys 2004; 87(2), 171-186. 20. Fukui T et al. Exploratory clinical trial on the safety and bactericidal effect of 222-nm ultraviolet C irradiation in healthy humans. PLoS ONE 2020;15(8): e0235948.

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As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. 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You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy • • • • • Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. Ideal height and mesio-distal width Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth

VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 1666 E. Touhy Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018 | Hu-Friedy.com All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. ©2021 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFitTo learn more about how IMS can enhance Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFitTo learn more about how IMS can enhance Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity
Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.
Shining light on common misconceptions about the role of light in dental bleaching

By Maria Lucas and Laurence J. Walsh AO
This article explores the role of light in dental bleaching from several different perspectives, emphasising the translation from the scientific principles to the explanation given to patients.
Clinicians typically learn information about bleaching techniques and the role of light both from continuing professional education courses and from training materials provided by manufacturers for their individual systems. This represents the beginning of a journey rather than its entirety.
Let us begin with the dental clinician’s perspective (from Oral Health Therapist Maria Lucas).
Why clinicians choose to use a system that also has a light
• An important reason why some clinicians may choose to use a light is to remain comparable and on trend with what patients are asking for and what patients feel may work best for them. Patient perception is important to consider when running a successful dental practice; • The introduction of initial “in office” power bleaching methods - Zoom, the old “BriteSmile” and other laser or
LED devices were sold to dentists/business owners on the presumption that the “light” did the work to lighten and brighten the teeth;
• Patients often affiliate “the light” with a procedure that works or is well known. The question could be asked as to whether they have become accustomed to what they see in the cosmetic area outside dentistry and in online social media; and • Clinicians often consider both the actual effectiveness of the treatment that is being offered, as well as what patients want and expect, in order to keep chairs booked up.
What the manufacturers told users about the role of light
• The typical information coming to clinicians from manufacturers is that the light or light source activates the initiators in bleaching gel and also helps to catalyse (speed up) the chemical reactions of hydrogen peroxide to make the process of whitening occur faster; • Typically, some emphasis will be placed on the fact that the light is not ultraviolet (this is always emphasised) and hence not harmful and that the energy and warmth from the light heats the gel up and this speeds up chemical reactions that occurs; • Advice can sometimes be that the process of bleaching from the gel will work without a light, but that applying light speeds up the process; and • Manufacturers sometimes say that patients perceive that using light helps the process work faster.
How clinicians explain the use of light to patients
• Clinicians often repeat to patients what has been told to them by the manufacturers of the product they are using.
In my experience, clinicians adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for the product they are using on patients and don’t stray from what has been advised. • It is common to inform patients that the “light source” helps to activate and speed up the chemical reaction which occurs as a result of the hydrogen peroxide breaking down to whiten and lighten the discoloured molecules in the tooth.
How we ensure the appropriate light intensity and exposure time
• Clinicians follow manufacturer’s instructions for appropriate use of the product they are using. Both light intensity and light exposure time are also based on the manufacturer’s instructions; • My personal experience with Zoom is based on using 4 x 15 minute light intervals with the option of changing the light intensity. The exposure time period is set, but can be varied in terms of “sessions” based on the level of comfort of the patient and how much sensitivity they are experiencing; and • It is common knowledge Zoom bleaching will induce sensitivity but that it is transient. The manufacturer recommends using fewer intervals or to reduce the light intensity if the patient is experiencing sensitivity.
Hence light intensity and exposure time are chosen based on the features of the patient, e.g. Do they suffer from generalised tooth sensitivity? Are they taking photosensitive medications that may render them inappropriate for the procedure? Do they have underlying medical conditions we need to be aware of?, etc.
What the science says
Now let us move on to explore the science of photochemistry (from Laurie Walsh).
It is sometimes amusing when one sees commentary in dental publications questioning the role of light in dental bleaching. If one was to train in photobiology or attend classes for chemical engineering (both of which I have done), one would soon discover that the major processes by which light can alter dental bleaching are standard foundation knowledge in chemical engineering.
The second part of this article helps to explain how the various ways that light can interact with different substrates in a way that is relevant to dental bleaching. Note that some products and systems may use several of these processes in parallel. It all comes down to the selection of the wavelength of the light source and the formulation of the gel.
This is the starting example because it is the form of interaction which we all see in our everyday lives. We notice that the curtains and fabrics that hang in windows positioned on the western side of our house become brittle and fade in colour over time. When our car is parked in an open-air car park for most of its life, we notice how the paint colour fades. We notice the same thing on the painted areas of our house, especially on the northern and western sides which get more direct sun exposure. When we buy certain medicines, we notice that they are provided in brown glass bottles to prevent ambient light from degrading them.
When we attend an art gallery, we notice a sign that says that flash photography is not permitted and paintings are positioned to prevent direct exposure to sunlight (Light-induced fading of paintings was reported in 50 BC by Vitruvius. In 1782, the first comprehensive and successful book on the effect of solar light on pigments and dyes in paintings is written by Senebier).
All of these basic phenomena share a common causal pathway, which is that of photodegradation. What is happening here is that short wavelength light is being absorbed into the substrate, where it is causing the decomposition of the molecules that absorb the light. Short wavelengths of light (such as visible violet) carry more photon energy than long wavelengths (such as visible red), which is why they are better at breaking chemical bonds in the target.1
In the case of coloured light, the absorbing molecule will be opposite the colour wheel from the incident light source. For example, visible violet and visible blue light absorb most strongly in molecules that are yellow.2,3 This is why tetracycline antibiotics are stored in a brown glass bottle. There is a considerable literature showing the impact of different wavelengths of light on tetracyclines, which reveals the potent influence of violet and cyan light, while green and red light have little, if any, effect.
The use of violet light for photodegradation has been the subject of many studies on the dental literature. A key take-home message from the studies is that violet light can reduce yellow stains without an intervening oxidant (such as hydrogen peroxide).4,5
A classic example of this process is seen in the way that visible green light interacts with the red coloured quinone complex that forms when tetracycline molecules are bound strongly into tooth structure. This explains both why intense green light from an array of LEDs or from a KTP laser is highly effective at degrading this quinone molecule and likewise, why ambient sunlight in patients who were exposed to first-generation tetracyclines during tooth development and developed marked discolouration of their teeth as a result, causes the incisal half of their anterior teeth to become lighter over time.6-8 The same lightning effect is not seen on posterior teeth and the same individuals. A recent 27 month study tracked the colour of tetracycline stained teeth and showed that ambient light alone was able to cause substantial beneficial colour change.9 When one uses filters to remove the green component, this beneficial effect no longer occurs.2
Examples of current systems which use photodegradation are the Vio 405 nm violet light which is part of the HiSmile™ PAP+™ in office bleaching system, and Smartbleach™, where the light source can be a 535 nm visible green LED array (Smartbleach 3LT®) or a 532 nm KTP laser such as the Deka Smartlite™ .
Photothermal reactions
The chemistry of bleaching using hydrogen peroxide is oxidation and this process is enhanced when temperatures are elevated. An everyday example of a photothermal process is the increase in temperature which occurs in a car with black exterior paint, as compared to a car with white exterior paint. The white paint is highly effective at reflecting all visible light wavelengths, whereas the opposite is true for the black exterior paint, which absorbs all visible light wavelengths. The absorbed energy causes increased molecular vibrations, which means that the object gets hotter. The same phenomenon occurs when standing in bright sunshine wearing a black shirt, versus wearing white clothing. A photothermal process does not require a short wavelength of light and will work with longer wavelengths such as near infrared light.
Given that hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels have water as a major component, it makes sense to also consider intense energy sources that can absorb strongly into water, such as lasers in the middle and far infrared regions. Historically, photothermal processes were the first way that intense light was used to accelerate bleaching reactions. The
improvement can be gained using a broad wavelength light source (such as a lamp with appropriate filtration) or a narrow spectrum light source such as an LED), or a monochromatic light source (a laser).
Provided that suitable absorbing coloured molecules (chromophores) are present, an intense light source will warm a bleaching gel. This facilitates the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide10-12 and can improve the overall bleaching effect that is gained.14-17
From a design perspective, it is essential to match the light source to absorbing molecules in the gel. To the water base of the gel, various pigments can be added. This explains why some commercial bleaching products have highly coloured bleaching gels, with orange or red colours that will absorb strongly light from a conventional 470 nm dental curing light. Some gels use various forms of titanium dioxide microparticles to alter their light absorbing properties. An example of the effective absorption of light over a range of visible light wavelengths is shown in Figure 1. Note in this example, the strong absorption of light by the coloured bleaching gel at a range of wavelengths in the visible and near infrared region.
The key limitation of the photothermal approach is that excessive heating of the gel or direct absorption of light that is transmitted through the gel into the enamel will heat the tooth surface and this in turn can cause thermal stress to the dental pulp leaving the patient to experience a poorly localised C fiber pain response. Note from Figure 1 that this direct absorption of light by enamel is very low for visible and near infrared light, but is very high for short wavelength ultraviolet light. Overall, it is important to avoid excessive light exposure (prolonged time at high intensity) as this will cause heat-related stress to the dental pulp18-21 and increase pain sensations during in-office bleaching.22,23
Manufacturers have learnt the hard way that light sources operating in the short wavelength ultraviolet spectrum are highly problematic in terms of direct heating of enamel and also causing problems such as photo-eruptive lesions and sunburn to the oral tissues and perioral facial skin. This is why current systems typically use visible light wavelengths.

Figure 1. Percentage absorption of light passing through 1 mm of enamel or 1 mm of Ultradent Opalescence Boost™ bleaching gel. Calculated from references 37-39.
A typical bleaching product that can undergo photothermal activation will also work without exposure to the light and the user instructions will indicate that applying light will enhance the effect of the agent, but is not a critical requirement.
Examples of photothermal activation include SDI Pola Office Plus™ and Ultradent Opalescence Boost™. The benefits of photothermal enhancement vary between products depending on which light-absorbing agents have been included in the gel. This explains why variations in the role and importance of light have been reported in the literature.24-28
Photocatalytic processes
Because this technology is not deployed in bleaching systems sold in Australia, some readers will be unfamiliar with the broad concept involved. As the name suggests, a light-sensitive catalyst is used. When exposed to the relevant wavelengths of light, reactive oxygen species are generated, which then are the active components for bleaching. Titanium dioxide is a widely used material in photocatalytic processes in industry, as it has a wide absorption pattern in the visible spectrum and in the adjacent near infrared and ultraviolet regions. In fact, the absorption spectrum can be altered by the introduction of various changes in the titanium dioxide, such as doping with nitrogen atoms.
Using a broad spectrum photocatalyst, the choice of light source becomes less important, although as already discussed, using a shorter wavelength will bring more energy from absorption as each photon carries greater energy. An example of a bleaching gel which uses a titanium dioxide photocatalyst is GC Tion™ .
Photochemical processes
Colour vision and photosynthesis are perhaps the best-known examples in everyday life of photochemical processes. In such reactions, the light wavelength triggers a specific chemical reaction and is a critical requirement for it to occur.
The concept of using photochemical processes for degrading coloured molecules is a standard approach within chemical engineering for the treatment of highly coloured wastewater. A particular chemical process developed for such an application is the photo-Fenton reaction, where iron ions and short wavelength (blue, violet or ultraviolet) light combine together to give much greater breakdown of highly coloured molecules.
The photo-Fenton reaction forms the fundamental basis for what happens when an LED array is used in combination with a suitable gel in current versions of Zoom! dental bleaching systems. A range of clinical and laboratory studies have assessed the added value of the photo-Fenton reaction above the fundamental Fenton reaction driven by the same gel, which is not light dependent. Across all the literature, the improvement gained in the effectiveness is in the order of 24-28%.29
“Provided that suitable light-absorbing coloured molecules (chromophores) are present, an intense light source will warm a bleaching gel. On the other hand, in a photodynamic process, where light pushes the reaction, a specific photosensitiser is used, in combination with a light source that is absorbed very strongly in that photosensitiser...”
Photodynamic processes
As the Greek derivation of the term “dynamos” would suggest, in these processes the light plays a critical role in empowering (pushing) the reaction. A specific photosensitiser is used, in combination with a light source that is absorbed very strongly in that photosensitiser. Careful attention is paid to the pH of the environment, since this influences what happens after the light is absorbed. At the molecular level, the photosensitiser molecules become electronically excited and then undergo a decay process. The process is not inherently damaging to the photosensitiser molecules, which basically absorb the energy and then couple that into adjacent molecular diatomic oxygen, creating reactive oxygen species. As this energy transfer occurs, the photosensitiser molecule relaxes back to its ground state. Depending on the pH, there are several pathways by which it may do this, including pathways which generate light (such as luminescence and phosphorescence).6-8
An everyday example of a photodynamic process is the activation of curcumin (turmeric) by blue and violet light that is present in ordinary sunlight. It has been known since antiquity that turmeric applied to skin wounds had a potent disinfecting action, which was greatly enhanced when the turmeric preparation on the wound was also exposed to visible light. The chemistry of this involves a classic photodynamic activation process, with the short wavelength light causing the molecular excitation of the turmeric, with the resulting release of reactive oxygen species.30 The feeder molecule for the reactive oxygen species is normal atmospheric oxygen dissolved in the water used in the turmeric paste.
In dental bleaching products, to enhance the supply of molecular oxygen, a feeder reaction may be used for local generation of oxygen, such as the catalytic breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
An example of a commercial in office bleaching gel that is based on photodynamic processes is Smartbleach™ . 6-8,31,32 The photosensitiser is rhodamine B, which has a maroon to magenta colour and the corresponding light sources are in the visible green region, such as a laser (argon ion 514.5 nm or KTP 532 nm) or LEDs (535 nm).
Concurrent irradiation
Some light sources designed for bleaching may contain more than one light source. The rationale behind this is that the secondary light source is not designed to contribute to the bleaching process, but rather to attenuate pulpal responses of the patient from hydrogen peroxide and its derivatives during the treatment. To achieve this, the secondary light source needs to have a wavelength that can cause photobiomodulation (PBM) effects by absorbing in cytochrome oxidase enzymes within mitochondria.33-35
Suitable wavelengths occur from the visible red region (from 630 nm) through to the near infrared region (to around 1100 nm). These wavelengths alter the behaviour of neurons and reversibly impair neural transmission without causing damage.36 A secondary light source can be an LED or a diode laser.
Why should there be controversy about the role of light in bleaching?
As explained above, the fundamental photochemistry behind light in bleaching processes is well known. The observation of chemical effects of light is as old as humanity itself and photochemical processes are the subjects
of multiple recent standard chemistry texts.40,41 From a pure chemistry perspective, the electronic excitations that are required to trigger photochemical, photodynamic and photophysical events (including photodegradation) require energies roughly in the interval 100-1000 kJ/mol (1 to 10 eV) as this is sufficient to break bonds or cause other major molecular rearrangements. Hence, the corresponding wavelengths go from the ultraviolet region right through the visible spectrum (400-700 nm) and extend as far as 1200 nm in the near infrared region.40 This aligns with wavelengths used with contemporary dental bleaching systems.
Despite the wealth of material on the topic of photochemistry in the dental literature as well as in the industrial literature and in the patent literature and the occurrence of everyday examples such as those mentioned above, there are those who deny any value to using light to enhance bleaching. Perhaps their core knowledge of photochemistry is limited.
In some cases, they have drawn upon the results of poorly conducted laboratory studies of photothermal bleaching which lack relevant controls and so they are unable to properly distinguish between the effect of light versus no light. A welldesigned study should explore the effect of the gel used alone, light used alone and the combination of the gel with the appropriate light, at a sufficient intensity for the appropriate time. As well, some authors have only looked at studies using photothermal processes (where improvements will be small if the gel lacks the appropriate absorbing molecules) and have ignored literature on the other mechanisms discussed above. A narrative review or a systematic review is only as good as the selection process that is used for the included papers. Excluding papers on processes other than photothermal systems is a common error in such reviews on the question of light and dental bleaching.
The comment can also be made that some manufacturers of various light systems could have better informed clinicians regarding the mechanisms at play and in particular provided information about how their system is designed to maximise the interaction between light and the relevant target. Armed with that information, clinicians could have greater confidence that there is a worthwhile benefit in using the light source provided by the manufacturer.
“There are some cases of poorly conducted laboratory studies of photothermal bleaching which lack relevant controls... A well-designed study should explore the effect of the gel used alone, light used alone and the combination of the gel with the appropriate light, at a sufficient intensity for the appropriate time...”
All methods of light activation of bleaching products need to use pathways that are effective for improving the final result from the procedure...”
Table 1. Key clinical take home messages
n Become informed of what mechanisms bleaching systems are using light to achieve.
n Follow manufacturer advice regarding limits for light intensity and exposure time.
Use separate additional timers if these are not built into the system.
n Use the supplied positioning devices to locate the light source at the proper working distance.
n Check that products are used well within their expiry date.
n Protect the patient’s eyes from intense light using the recommended protective eyewear, retractors, etc as supplied by the manufacturers.
Get the photochemistry right!
If one uses an incorrect light source that is not absorbed in the target, then one cannot expect to see any beneficial actions. On the other hand, if one uses a powerful light source for an extended period that is fixed in position over the teeth, it is self-evident that some heating of the teeth could occur, both through absorption in the gel, as well as by absorption within the tooth structure itself. This is where consideration around how well the light is absorbed within the structure of the tooth is very important.
As can be seen in Figure 1, teeth are relatively transparent to wavelengths from the visible green through to the near infrared region. However, teeth absorb strongly in the far and middle ultraviolet range, due to absorption into apatite mineral.37,38 Not surprisingly, when an intense UVC or UVB lamp is applied to teeth for a prolonged period, the enamel becomes hot and there is thermal stress at the level of the pulp. This was the cause of problems with the first generation of Zoom! and one of the reasons why there was subsequently a change in the light source used with this particular bleaching
system. Other reasons included photoeruptive lesions within the mouth and around the oral tissues and UVB-induced erythema (sunburn) caused by ultraviolet B and C light exposure.
In summary, all methods of light activation of bleaching products need to use pathways that are both effective for improving the final result, while at the same time considering the complexity and cost of the light source and the relevant safety implications for staff and patients. Key points for safety and effectiveness are listed in Table 1.
About the authors
Maria Lucas is an oral health therapist in full time private practice. She completed her OHT training at the University of Adelaide in 2007 and later undertook the Adult Restorative Course at the University of Sydney. Maria has a special interest in tooth whitening and is a codirector of the Institute of Aesthetic Teeth Whitening, a training company devoted to education in tooth whitening. She has a keen interest in business development and in supporting not for profit entities that provide health care for disadvantaged communities in the Asia Pacific region.
Emeritus Professor Laurence J. Walsh AO is a specialist in special needs dentistry who is based in Brisbane, where he served for 36 years on the academic staff of the University of Queensland School of Dentistry, including 21 years as Professor of Dental Science and 10 years as the Head of School. Since retiring in December 2020, Laurie has remained active in hands-on bench research work, as well as in supervising over 15 research students at UQ who work in advanced technologies and biomaterials and in clinical microbiology. Laurie has served as Chief Examiner in Microbiology for the RACDS for 21 years and as the Editor of the ADA Infection Control Guidelines for 12 years. His published research work includes over 330 journal papers, with a citation count of over 15,400 citations in the literature. Laurie holds patents in 7 families of dental technologies. He is currently ranked in the top 0.25% of world scientists. Laurie was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in January 2018 and a life member of ADAQ in 2020 in recognition of his contributions to dentistry.
1. Coluzzi DJ, Convissar RA, Roshkind DM, Walsh LJ. Laser Fundamentals. In: Convissar RA (ed) Principles of Laser Dentistry, 3rd edition, 2022. St Louis: Elsevier Mosby. 2. Bennett ZY, Walsh LJ. Factors affecting the rate of oxidation and resultant discolouration of tetracyclines contained in endodontic medicaments and irrigants. International Endodontic Journal. 2015; 48(4):373-379. 3. Athanassiadis B, Abbott PV, Walsh LJ. A critical analysis of research methods and experimental models to study tooth discolouration from endodontic materials. International Endodontic Journal, 2022; 55 (Suppl.2): 370–383. 4. Zanin F. Recent advances in dental bleaching with laser and LEDs. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2016;34:135-136. 5. Kury M, et al. Effect of violet LED light on in office bleaching protocols: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2020;28:e20190720 6. Walsh LJ, Liu JY, Verheyen P. Tooth discolouration and its treatment using KTP laser-assisted tooth whitening. Journal of Oral Laser Applications 2004;4(1):7-20 7. Verheyen P, Walsh LJ. Bleaching using the laser. In: Moritz A, Beer F, Verheyen P, Wernisch J, Schoop U, Blum R, Walsh LJ. Oral Laser Application. Berlin: Quintessence, 2006 8. DeMoor RJG, Verheyen J, Diachuk A, Verheyen P, Meire MA, De Coster PJ, Keulemans F, De Bruyne M, Walsh LJ. Insight into the chemistry of laser-activated bleaching. The Scientific World Journal. 2015: 650492. 9. Athanassiadis B, Abbott PV, Walsh LJ. Development and reversal of discolouration in roots filled with Ledermix or Doxymix pastes stored in the dark for three months then daylight for twenty four months. European Endodontic Journal 2022, in press. 10. Baxendale J, Wilson J. The photolysis of hydrogen peroxide at high light intensities. Transactions of the Faraday Society 1957;52:344-356. 11. Garcia Einschlag F, et al. 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Pulp response to externally applied heat. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology 1965;19:515-530. 19. Seale NS, et al. Pulpal reaction to bleaching of teeth in dogs. Journal of Dental Research 1981;60:948-953. 20. Baik JW, et al. Effect of light enhanced bleaching on in vitro surface and intrapulpal temperature rise. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2001;13:370-378. 21. Eldeniz AU, et al. Pulpal temperature rise during lightactivated bleaching. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research,Part B: Applied Biomaterials 2005; 72:254-259. 22. Kossatz S, et al. Effect of light activation on tooth sensitivity after in-office bleaching. Operative Dentistry 2011;36:251-257. 23. He L-B, et al. The effects of light on bleaching and tooth sensitivity during in-office vital bleaching: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Dentistry 2012;40:644-653. 24. Marson FC, et al. Clinical evaluation of in office dental bleaching treatments with and without the use of light-activation sources. Operative Dentistry 2008;33:15-22. 25. Calatayud JO, et al. Clinical efficacy of a bleaching system based on hydrogen peroxide with or without light activation. European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 2010;5:216-224. 26. Buchalla W, Attin T. External bleaching therapy with activation by heat, light or laser – a systematic review. Dental Materials 2007;23:586-596. 27. Alomari Q, El Daraa E. A randomised clinical trial of in-office dental bleaching with or without light activation. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 2010;11:E017-024. 28. Gurgan S, et al. Different light-activated in-office bleaching systems: a clinical evaluation. Lasers in Medical Science 2010;25:817-822. 29. Bennett ZY, Walsh LJ. Effect of photo-Fenton bleaching on tetracycline stained dentin in vitro. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 2015;16(2):126-129. 30. Walsh LJ. Back to the roots: applications of curcumin (turmeric) in dentistry. Auxiliary. 2015; 25 (3): 26-28. 31. Kuzekanani M, Walsh LJ. Quantitative analysis of KTP laser photodynamic bleaching of tetracycline-discoloured teeth. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2009; 27(3):1-5. 32. Bennett ZY, Walsh LJ. Efficacy of LED versus KTP laser activation of photodynamic bleaching of tetracycline-stained dentine. Lasers in Medical Science 2015;30(7):1823-8. doi: 10.1007/s10103-014-1675-4. 33. Walsh LJ. Laser analgesia with pulsed infrared lasers: theory and practice. Journal of Oral Laser Applications 2008;8(1):1-10. 34. Liang R, George R, Walsh LJ. Pulpal response following photo-biomodulation with a 904-nm diode laser: a double-blind clinical study. Lasers in Medical Science 2016;31(9):1811-1817. 35. Walsh LJ. Clinical applications of low level laser therapy: current use and future potential. Australasian Dental Practice 2015 May-June 26 (3): 82-84. 36. Chan A, Punnia-Moorthy A, Armati P. Low-power pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation for pre-emptive anaesthesia: A morphological and histological study. Laser Therapy 2014;23(4):255-62. 37. Spitzer D, Ten Bosch JJ. The absorption and scattering of light in bovine and human dental enamel. Calcified Tissue Research 1975;17;129-137. 38. Li R et al. Optical properties of enamel and translucent composites by diffuse reflectance measurements. Journal of Dentistry 2012; 40S: e40-e47. 39. Anagnostaki E et al. A Spectrophotometric study on light attenuation properties of dental bleaching gels: potential relevance to irradiation parameters. Dentistry Journal 2020;8:137. 40. Albini A. Photochemistry: Past, Present and Future. Springer: New York, 2016. 41. Persico M, Granucci G. Photochemistry: A Modern Theoretical Perspective. Springer: New York, 2018.

Maintenance checklist for ultrasonic inserts
How to properly care for your ultrasonic inserts
Did you know an hygienist spends 2 hours per day on average power scaling? With so much usage and often a different insert for many procedures, you must regularly evaluate your inserts to ensure they continue functioning properly.
Ultrasonic inserts combine the power, efficiency and comfort you need to treat a wide range of patients, but they can also be delicate. This article provides a checklist to help you properly use, care for, maintain and therefore extend the useful life of your
Ultrasonic Inserts.
1. Check tip condition
Just like your hand scalers, ultrasonic insert tips wear with use. Worn insert tips can significantly diminish your scaling efficiency. One millimeter of tip loss results in a 25% loss of efficiency. Two millimeters? That’s a 50% loss of efficiency.
When an insert tip is worn, the “sweep” of the instrument is reduced. The insert tip doesn’t travel as far on its optimal path. When using a worn tip, generally more pressure is applied, or generator power is increased, to compensate for the efficiency loss—often leading to patient discomfort and increasing the possibility of tip bending/breakage. When using a worn insert tip, the clinician will likely feel the need to increase the power setting on the generator to facilitate debris removal. However, scaling efficiency will not increase and more heat will be generated, especially if the power setting exceeds the recommendation for the insert tip.

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As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY Designed with TrueFit™ Technology, the optimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY Designed with TrueFit™ Technology, the optimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ Designed with TrueFit™ Technology, the optimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge™ 2.0 working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ Designed with TrueFit™ Technology, the optimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge™ 2.0 working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY Designed with TrueFit shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY Designed with TrueFit shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalers and curettes have EverEdge working ends, ensuring you have sharp, long lasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy • • • • • • All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. Ideal height and mesio-distal width Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. Ideal height and mesio-distal width Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth

Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 1666 E. Touhy Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018 | Hu-Friedy.com All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. ©2021 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFitTo learn more about how IMS can enhance Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFitTo learn more about how IMS can enhance Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity
Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved.
Using worn tips can result in inefficient scaling, inferior tip performance, handpiece overheating and more discomfort for you and your patient. So be sure to measure tip wear on a weekly basis and replace inserts as they wear and lose efficiency.
2. Evaluate pressure applied
When it comes to the amount of pressure one should use when ultrasonic scaling, light pressure is all you need to allow the tip of the insert to vibrate efficiently, this results in fracture or removal of deposits. Applying more pressure dampens the tip vibration, leading to poor deposit removal, operator hand fatigue, and patient discomfort. Ultrasonic inserts are designed to work with a light grasp and light lateral pressure - let the insert do the work for you.
3. Double check power settings
Each ultrasonic insert has a recommended power range for optimal performance. Robust tips, such as the HuFriedyGroup #10, #1000 and Beavertail inserts, are intended to remove heavy debris and can be used on higher power settings. It is recommended that thinner tips, designed for effective deposit removal, be used on low to medium power. Thin inserts with water flow to the tip have narrower water flow channels. If used on high power, the water flow rate may not be enough to cool the insert tip—resulting in handpiece overheating. Use the lowest effective power settings for each insert for maximum scaling and patient comfort. It is highly recommended to adhere to the power ranges specified on the insert packaging for optimal effectiveness.
4. Match insert type to clinical application
Ultrasonic inserts are designed for specific applications since complex oral anatomy and debris type/location prohibit an effective “universal” insert. Robust inserts are for moderate to heavy/tenacious deposits and stains in supragingival and accessible subgingival areas. Thin inserts allow enhanced access to narrow subgingival areas, tight pockets, interproximal concavities and other difficult-to-access areas. Using thin inserts as “universal” inserts—particularly on moderate/heavy supragingival deposits—can result in excessive tip wear, inefficient deposit removal and tip bending/breakage. Much like using the correct power setting, matching the right insert to each clinical application is vital. And remember, more than one type of insert may be needed for each clinical procedure.
5. Don’t compromise instrument shape
Bending or reshaping insert tips is not recommended. Aside from voiding the warranty, reshaping the tip can result in poor tip performance and make the tip susceptible to breakage. Insert tips are designed with precise bends to optimise the elliptical vibration path—bending the tips disrupts this vibration pattern, rendering the tip inefficient at debris removal.
6. Proper sterilisation and maintenance
Sterilising inserts in a cassette will protect them and extend their useful life. If your office uses sterilisation pouches instead, always use caution when placing the insert in the ultrasonic bath or autoclave, as heavier instruments placed on top can cause bending/breakage of the tip and/or stack. Cassettes provide the best long-term protection for your ultrasonic inserts.

7. Prevent overheating
Sometimes your handpiece can begin to feel warm. You may want to believe that it may cool down on its own, but sometimes it doesn’t. You may reach the point where you need to put it down to either change the ultrasonic insert or switch to hand instrumentation. Overheating can happen and in addition to a couple of points mentioned earlier, there is more you can do to prevent such occurrences.
You may experience overheating due to air bubbles trapped in the handpiece. Trapped air can prevent water from contacting the vibrating stack—resulting in heat build-up. The entire insert stack must be completely submerged in water to operate efficiently. To eliminate/minimise trapped air, be sure the handpiece is filled to the top with water and held vertically when placing the insert. To further prevent trapped air, it is advisable to run water through the handpiece for at least 2 minutes at the start of each day and for 45 seconds each time you seat an insert into the handpiece.
Another reason for overheating may be that your waterline filter is clogged. Check the waterline that extends from the generator to the wall connection or the operatory unit. This waterline typically has a filter that should be monitored and changed routinely. A clogged filter will disrupt the water flow through the generator and result in less flow to the insert tip. Regularly changing the filter is an inexpensive, quick maintenance procedure that can help ensure unobstructed water flow.
Your practice makes an investment in its ultrasonic inserts. Any investment needs to be kept up to continue producing an ROI. If properly used and shown the proper care, your ultrasonic inserts will help keep you the best in practice no matter the patient or procedure.
All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 1666 E. Touhy Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018 | Hu-Friedy.com All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. ©2021 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 1666 E. Touhy Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018 | Hu-Friedy.com All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. ©2021 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 1666 E. Touhy Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018 | Hu-Friedy.com All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. ©2021 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY™ DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge™ 2.0 workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting bladestoefficientlyremovecalculuswhileapplying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. 1) Compared to other leading scaler designs. Data on file. Available upon request. ©2020 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-482AUS/1220 HUFRIEDYGROUP INTRODUCES SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ERGONOMIC SCALERS AND CURETTES HARMONY DesignedwithTrueFit™ Technology,theoptimized shape with double helix grip reduces pinch force up to 65%1 . Its optimal proportions and ideal width provides a secure and nimble grasp, which may alleviate hand fatigue and injury risk due to repetitive motions. All Harmony™ scalersandcuretteshaveEverEdge workingends,ensuringyouhavesharp,longlasting blades to efficiently remove calculus while applying less pinch force when holding the handle. Learn How to Scale in Perfect Harmony at Hu-Friedy.com/Harmony YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. YOU DEMAND COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. YOU NEED ENSURED SAFETY. YOU DESERVE INFINITE CONFIDENCE. INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT INFINITY SERIES™ CASSETTES The most sophisticated solution for instrument management That’s right, you deserve it. You deserve the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that you are employing the most contemporary method of processing instruments. As dentistry’s innovator of the cassette-based instrument management system, Hu-Friedy is proud to bring you the modern design and functionality of the Infinity Series Cassettes which include: • An open hole pattern that promotes water flow throughout the cassette • Color-coded silicone rail system that significantly reduces instrument contact and allows for more water flow while protecting the instruments during reprocessing • Easy-to-use, ergonomic latch that allows for one-handed opening Performing at your best means having confidence in what you do. Experience Infinity Series™ Cassettes, and improve the efficiency of your practice, while helping protect your patients, your staff and your instrument investment. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM/PerfectFit ©2016 Hu-Fried y Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Ensure predictable outcomes for your littlest patients with Hu-Friedy Stainless Steel Pedo Crowns. You’ll quickly discover why dentists favor our impeccable fit. Perfect for your patients. Easy for you. Because when it comes to the perfect fit, Hu-Friedy is just right. WHY DENTISTS LOVE OUR STAINLESS STEEL PEDO CROWNS: • Ideal height and mesio-distal width • Pre-trimmed and pre-crimped for simple placement • Accurate occlusal anatomy that matches the natural tooth FIT IS EVERYTHING Find the right one with Hu-Friedy To learn more about how IMS can enhance your practice visit Hu-Friedy.com/Infinity ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HF-801/0817
Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1Orders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1Orders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 12/11/20 11:53 AM Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz Hu-Friedy is now a proud member of PER-Harmony-PrintAd-HFG-Introduces-HFL-482AUS-A4-2012.indd 1 Orders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nzOrders 1300 65 88 22 www.henryschein.com.auOrders 0800 808 855 www.henryschein.co.nz

TOO HARD TOO SOFT Just right! VISIT US ONLINE AT HU-FRIEDY.COM ©2017 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HF-801/0817

| With Hu-Friedy Swivel Inserts TOO HARD TOO SOFT Just right!
IMPLANT SCALERSROTATES AT THE RIGHT SPOT FOR ULTIMATE CONTROL VISUAL ACUITY IMPLANT MAINTENANCE ERGONOMIC SENSITIVITYThe most unique insert of its kind, Swivel delivers what your customers care about most: the best clinical outcomes for their patients. While competitors’ inserts require a
Gentle enough for implants,rotating handpiece for a similar effect, Hu-Friedy Swivel inserts twist right from the grip for superior efficiency, maneuverability and effectiveness. Now that’s something to shout about. strong enough for calculus. Visit us online at Hu-Friedy.com/Inserts Call 1-800-Hu-Friedy or contact your authorized Hu-Friedy representative for more information. ©2019 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-235/1219

| With Hu-Friedy Swivel Inserts
ROTATES AT THE RIGHT SPOT FOR ULTIMATE CONTROL The most unique insert of its kind, Swivel delivers what your customers care about most: the best clinical outcomes for their patients. While competitors’ inserts require a rotating handpiece for a similar effect, Hu-Friedy Swivel inserts twist right from the grip for superior efficiency, maneuverability and effectiveness. Now that’s something to shout about. Visit us online at Hu-Friedy.com/Inserts Call 1-800-Hu-Friedy or contact your authorized Hu-Friedy representative for more information. ©2019 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HFL-235/1219