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The Unseen Foundations of AI: More Than Just the Latest Hype

Ryan Vet

In recent times, everyone seems captivated by generative AI, especially with tools like ChatGPT making AI, specifically generative AI, more accessible than ever to the every day human. But AI is not some brand-new innovation that suddenly appeared overnight. It’s not as if AI just woke up, grabbed a latte, and decided to join the party. AI has been here all along, working tirelessly behind the scenes, laying the groundwork for the digital world we live in today.

Back in 2011, when I launched my first startup, we were diving headfirst into the realms of big data, machine learning, and predictive and prescriptive analytics. Back then, AI was a huge buzzword in fundraising from angel investors and VCs. Not only was it a talking point, it was a fundamental part of our strategy to drive insights and make smarter decisions. We harnessed AI to sift through massive datasets, recognize patterns, and forecast outcomes long before it was part of every American’s daily vernacular. So, while everyone is marveling at these shiny new tools, let’s not forget the real backbone of AI that has been quietly revolutionizing industries for years.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is essentially a branch of computer science aimed at creating machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Think of it as a virtual assistant that can learn, reason, and solve problems, much like a human would, but without needing a coffee break. AI can process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make decisions faster and more accurately than we ever could.

In simpler terms, AI is like having a super-smart, incredibly efficient team member who never sleeps, never makes the same mistake twice, and is always ready to help you tackle the next big challenge. Whether it’s automating mundane tasks, analyzing complex data, or even engaging with your customers, AI is here to enhance our capabilities and help us achieve more than we ever thought possible.

Everyday Applications Of Ai

You might be more familiar with AI than you think. Consider your daily interactions with technology: the spam filters that keep your email inbox clean, the personalized recommendations on Netflix and Amazon, and even the Roomba that vacuums your home autonomously. Virtual assistants like Siri and Google Assistant manage your schedules and answer your queries, while Tesla’s Autopilot takes the wheel to drive you safely. These applications are all powered by AI, seamlessly integrated into your life to make tasks easier and more efficient.


Now, let’s bring this back to the dental chair. AI has vast potential to transform how dental practices operate, from diagnostics to patient care and administrative efficiency.

Enhance Diagnostic Accuracy

AI algorithms can analyze dental images, such as X-rays and scans, to detect issues like cavities, gum disease, and even early signs of oral cancer with a level of precision that surpasses traditional methods. According to research, humans can differentiate between about 30 shades of gray on a radiograph, whereas AI can decipher between 256 shades. Companies like Pearl are leveraging AI to interpret dental X-rays, trained by data from hundreds or even thousands of cases. While it’s true that AI systems are fallible, their objectivity and vast training data often make them less prone to error than a single human examiner.

I could write all day about the myriad applications of AI in dentistry. X-rays might be the most tangible example of how innovation can be helpful, but AI’s benefits extend far beyond imaging. Imagine AI-powered robots answering phones and carrying on natural conversations with patients, ensuring no call goes unanswered and providing consistent, accurate information every time. These AI systems can handle inquiries, book appointments, and even follow up with patients, freeing up your staff to focus on direct patient care.

Administrative tasks are often the unsung heroes of a smoothrunning dental practice. AI can streamline these processes by automating appointment scheduling and sending out reminders, significantly reducing no-shows and cancellations. By minimizing human error, AI ensures that patients receive timely communications and that their appointments are efficiently managed. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also elevates the patient experience, making it more dynamic and personal.

Furthermore, AI can optimize the patient journey from start to finish. From the moment a patient interacts with your practice, AI can personalize their experience based on their history and preferences. This might include tailoring communication, providing customized health tips, or suggesting specific treatments. By leveraging AI, you create a more engaging and responsive environment that meets each patient’s unique needs.


While the world gets excited about the latest AI tools, it’s important to recognize that AI has been a steadfast ally in business and technology for decades. From early applications like Microsoft Clippy and the Roomba to advanced systems like Tesla’s Autopilot, AI has been quietly transforming industries and improving our daily lives. By understanding and leveraging the full spectrum of AI’s capabilities, dental practices can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, accuracy, and patient satisfaction.

Ryan Vet is an international speaker, entrepreneur, and author that focuses on inspiring others toward positive change. Ryan’s experiences range from start-ups to Fortune 500s such as Samsung, Warner Brothers, and Bing. From starting his first business at age 14 to launching and successfully exiting start-ups, Ryan is a serial entrepreneur.

At the core, Ryan is passionate about helping audiences create positive changes in the lives of those with whom they interact.

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