Bad Breath Treatment – Learn About Its Causes For bad breath treatment, many individuals flock to reputed dentists and dental institutes. The condition is medically termed as halitosis. It occurs primarily from inadequate oral habits or might be symptoms of other health issues. The types of food ingested and subsequent unhealthy lifestyle often worsens the condition. Increasing experience and growing awareness of such ailments often urge patients to take eager steps for treating it. contribution of food in bad breadth Aware individuals often search for affordable dental treatment since all ingested food is primarily broken down in the mouth. Thereafter the food is absorbed into the bloodstream and moves to the lungs, and even affects the exhaled air. Upon eating foods with strong odours, such as onion and garlic, a full-fledged routine of brushing, and flossing, followed by mouthwash cover up the bad breath, but only temporarily. The odour remains until the food is completely eliminated from the body. Other ordinary food items, such as pastrami, cheese, alcohol, specific spices, soda, or orange juice cause bad breadth. On the other hand, dieters who does not eat often possess bad breath. Breaking down of fat in the body, releases chemicals that might cause unpleasant smell to breaths. Contribution of Poor Habits in Bad Breadth Irregular brushing and flossing of teeth results in food particles staying back in the mouth. It promotes bacterial growth in between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue, causing bad breadth. Gingivitis, an inflammation of gums, also leads to bad breath from improper dental health. In addition that, food particles and odour-causing bacteria contributes bad breath when not adequately cleaned. Dental experts opine chewing tobacco products or smoking is also infamous for reducing one’s ability to taste foods, irritate gums, cause bad breadth while staining teeth. To conclude, consistent bad taste or breath often serves as a potential symptom of periodontal disease. It occurs primarily from plaque build-up.