24th Annual Bull Sale April 21, 2014
Marysville, Kansas
The No. 1 Source for Easy Fleshi ng, Maternally Efficient Angus Catt le
Welcome to Ohlde Cattle Company’s 24th Annual Basic Blacks Bull Sale. Although 2013 saw improved moisture conditions for large parts of the nation, many areas remain in severe drought and the experiences of a critically dry 2012 remain fresh in the memories of many ranchers. As most cattle producers know firsthand, it is the drought stressors that really sort those cow herds that lack TRUE fleshing ability. While cattle numbers remain at historic lows, ranchers have enjoyed record high cattle prices in recent years. Although feed commodity prices have dropped to more manageable levels, the financial pressure of overall farm and ranch inputs remains high. The value of building an efficient cow herd that can reap the benefits available through maximum use of a forage-based diet is as important as ever! The focus here at OCC remains the same as it has for nearly 30 years to produce the type of cattle that increase profit. The Basic Blacks program began with a commitment to producing low birth, strong maternal, cost efficient performance cattle that are thick, deep, easy fleshing and require minimum maintenance while working in a forage-based environment. Our appreciation for this type of cattle evolved over time and the years of working with large numbers of cattle of several breeds gave us the practical insight into the type of cattle needed to meet our goals. At Ohlde Cattle Co., balanced multiple trait selection has always been the cornerstone of our breeding philosophy. Most cattlemen today would admit that single trait selection has caused more problems than it’s solved. One need only look at the recent past to see how overemphasis on frame, growth and carcass resulted in excessively large framed, high maintenance cattle that are not practical or profitable. Despite this awareness, true multiple trait selection is often done in name only – witness the number of people who use only milk EPDs when talking about maternal traits or marbling EPDs when discussing carcass sires. We believe that cattle breeding is an art. There remain essential cow herd traits not addressed directly by performance testing and EPDs that Basic Blacks cattle must have. These traits include fleshing ability on forage, capacity , excellent udder quality, a gentle disposition and structural correctness. Mere buss words you say? Traits that are hard to define and quantify can still be real. When differences exist between cattle, no matter how subtle, selection pressure can be applied to those differences. Maybe that’s where the “art” of cattle breeding comes into play. Making progress through multiple trait selection can be a slow process but our long term devotion to that process has resulted in cattle that we believe are unique. At Ohlde Cattle Co., maternal is more than just milk, carcass means more than marbling and performance is more than just pounds. Many cattlemen, commercial and seedstock producers alike, are finding themselves at a crossroads with their cow herds. Years of breeding for increased production or using too many highly promoted, unproven bulls has resulted in cattle that are – and let’s be frank here — big, bad and ugly. Ohlde Cattle Co. is one of the few programs truly equipped to address this problem. While remaining solidly performance based, our unique herd bull battery is also designed to moderate size, add muscle, improve structural soundness and fleshing ability and improve udder quality while maintaining profitable production levels. Put simply, the Basic Blacks program is going beyond performance. We continue our steadfast commitment to producing these easy fleshing, low input, uniform, versatile cattle that will work for you, the cowman. The bulls in this offering will transmit these attributes to their progeny. Our business is to keep you in business! If we can assist you in any way, please give us a call. Sincerely,
Tim, Trudy, Jake and Jordon Ohlde
“We must remember that cattle should thrive on grass not just survive on grass.”
Real-time bidding is available via the Internet. Live audio and video will allow buyers to bid on animals just as if they were present at the sale. A Buyer account must be created prior to the sale.
Sign up and bid online at LiveAuctions.tv or SuperiorClicktoBid.com
Ohlde Cattle Company’s Basic Blacks Bull Sale
Monday, April 21, 2014 • 1 p.m. At Marysville Livestock & Commission Co., Inc. Marysville, Kansas
Sale Day Phone . . . (785) 562–1015
The following cellular numbers will also be available:
Trudy (785) 630-0522 • Tim (785) 630-0523
Selling 128 Bulls
Angus, Angus II ® and SimAngus
Plus 80 Registered & Commercial Females
Sale Location: Marysville Livestock & Commission Co. Inc., 1180 Hwy. 77, Marysville, KS. Sale barn is located on the east side of Hwy. 77 just north of where it intersects with Hwy. 36. Transportation: Marysville is located on Hwy. 36 in north central Kansas about 100 miles west of St. Joseph, MO. Major airlines serve Kansas City, MO; Lincoln, NE; and Omaha, NE — all within 150 miles of Marysville. American Airlines serves Manhattan, KS (45 minutes from sale site). Marysville has a paved airstrip for light planes. We will be happy to arrange transportation to and from the airport on request.
Auctioneer . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Jim Bird w e ll cell (580) 695-2352 or home (580) 695-6636
Trucking: We are available to assist with trucking arrangements and will guarantee delivery for no more than $250 per head on purchases totaling $10,000 or more. Purchases totaling less than $10,000 will be delivered at the cost of trucking. Bulls picked up sale day will receive a $50 discount. Call with questions.
Sale Representatives: Matt Caldwell, Angus Journal . . . Guy Peverley, High Plains Journal or cell (785) 456-4390 Chris Beutler, Midwest Messenger Justin Stout, The Stock Exchange . Andrew Sylvester, KLA . . . . . .
Terms: All cattle sell under the standard terms and conditions recommended by the American Angus Association. All sale bulls are guaranteed free of the AM and NH genetic defects. OCC will retain 1/3 semen interest of all bulls and 1/2 interest on a select few.
Need not be present to win! Registered buyers on the Internet, as well as buyers attending sale day, are eligible to win free semen!
. . . (913) 898-3303 . . (785) 456–9911 . . . (402) 380–8244 . . . (913) 645-5136 . . . (913) 645-5136
Accommodations: Surf Motel 2105 Center, Marysville Phone & fax (785) 562-2354
Health: Cattle sell with the proper health papers for interstate shipment.
Insurance: Livestock insurance will be available sale day at the clerk’s desk. Food: Lunch and refreshments will be available on sale day.
Ohlde Cattle Co.
Oak Tree Inn 1127 Pony Express Hwy., Marysville Phone (785) 562–1234 Heritage Inn Express 1155 Pony Express Hwy., Marysville Phone (785) 562-5588
Basic Blacks and Angus II are trademarks of Ohlde Cattle Co.
1362 2nd Road • Palmer, KS 66962 Tim, Trudy, Jake & Jordon Ohlde (785) 692-4333 or 1-800-New-Bull (639-2855) E-mail: ohldecat@bluevalley.net Web site: www.ohldecattle.com
Barney Schuh • Mark Beikmann Alex Esteban • Uri Hershberger
Reference Sires
How to participate on the phone or online We have made preparations to bid and buy livestock through Superior Productions’ “Call or Click-To-Bid” service for those unable to attend in person on sale day. Please note that all of the lots in the sale will also be available for viewing online prior to sale day at www.superiorlivestock.com. How it works Turn in Bids Over the Phone. This is our traditional method of buying livestock and is the suggested process for anyone who does not have excellent, high-speed internet. To get started simply go online to Superiorlivestock.com and click on the tab titled “Register for a Buyer Number.” Select the registration form for Superior Productions and print the registration form, fill it out and fax it in to Superior Productions at 817-378-3380 with a signature on it. You can also mail it in to the address provided on the form. Upon receipt of this information Superior will call you with a buyer’s number and the bid line phone number that you will use on sale day to place bids over the phone. Turn in Bids Over the Internet through Click-To-Bid. This is Superior’s newest way to buy cattle! PLEASE NOTE THAT HIGH SPEED INTERNET IS REQUIRED – THIS IS NOT FOR SATELLITE INTERNET OR DIAL-UP INTERNET. Registration is free, but you must become a member of Superiorclicktobid.com to sign up. Becoming a member is easy – just go to Superiorclicktobid.com and follow the out-lined steps to get started. Input your information and select a username and password. You will receive an e-mail confirming you are a member. From that point forward you just have to sign in and select the sale you would like to register for and once approved by the ranch you will receive an e-mail confirming which sale you are now registered for. Viewing the Auction. The sale will be broadcast via satellite on Dish Network channel 230. Please note that there is a short delay if you are watching the auction on television so call in two lots ahead of the lot you are interested in bidding on. The sale will also be broadcast live on the internet at Superiorclicktobid.com – just go to the home page and select the auction. Remember you can call in to bid whether you watch on the TV or on the internet, but you must be a member of Superiorclicktobid.com to “click-to-bid”. Your computer must have Flash Media Player installed to view the auction. Bidders who are successful in making purchases via satellite or internet will be contacted by the ranch after the sale to settle payment and make shipping arrangements.
OCC Missing Link 830M Calved 9-16-02
#+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Headliner 661H 13235201 OCC Juanda 858F #OCC Glory 950G OCC Dixie Erica 946K +13890899 +OCC Dixie Erica 816B Missing Link was our pick of his calf crop and he is not letting us down (WN 104 YR105 IMF 126). He is long, clean, thick, smooth and stylish. He breeds similar to Legend in consistency of muscle and style with a little more length. He consistently sired the top sire group in nearly every herd he was used in. Sired by the great proven Argentine AI sire OCC Headliner 661H and out of a beautiful Glory daughter whose dam is 816B (Emblazon’s full sister).
Tattoo 830M
#DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #Basin Rainmaker 654X OCC Juanada 709V +OCC Exodus 712E OCC Dixie Erica 971E #DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 CED +8
.85 0 CW
WW .94 +47
Marb .32 -.08
$EN +8.21
+48.05 +21.25 +10.88 + 0 . 4 2 +10.46 +54.80
OCC Missing Link 830M #+12514348
#QAS Traveler 23–4 DHD Traveler 6807 #10858958 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 9973782 Dixie Erica of C H 615 His progeny have demonstrated to us that Emblazon is a worthy replacement for 6807 in our program. Emblazon has established an impressive set of low birth, superior growth EPDs, similar to those of his sire. Emblazon daughters are proving to be sound, easy fleshing females with beautiful udders.
Milk .88 +25
.47 +1.05 .41 +.024 .41
OCC Emblazon 854E Calved 3–19–95
.92 +78
Tattoo 854E
#Band 234 of Ideal 3163 QAS Blackbird Eve 601 1 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Bemindful Maid of R R 1079 #R R Rito 707 Evocate Princess T Schearbrook Emulous 11N7 R R Dixie Erica of C H 447 CED +11
.92 +.8
CW +3
WW .97 +47
.95 +75
Milk .94 +13
.64 +.11 .68 +.88 .68 +.037 .68
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Homer 650H Calved 2–16–98
#Basin Rainmaker 654X OCC Focus 813F 12739373 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 #DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Dixie Erica 816B 11770426 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 A son of OCC Focus 813F, Homer is double bred to the Dixie Erica of C H 1019 cow that has produced so many herd sires for us. Homer’s dam, OCC Dixie Erica Erica 816B, is a beautiful 6807 daughter that we consider to be an ideal Angus cow.
Tattoo 650H
#Basin Rainmaker D S 380U Basin Bardolene 423U #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of C H 615 #QAS Traveler 23–4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of C H 615 CED +18 CW -15
.88 -3.7
WW .93 +26
.91 +49
Milk .86 +13
.29 +.39 .43 +.50 .40 +.009 .40
$EN +39.76
OCC Homer 650H 2
OCC Eureka 865E Calved 3–22–95
#DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Backstop 888B 11952561 Revolution Rose of R R 9239 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of R R 1204 #9997368 Blackbird of R R 7023 Eureka combines incredible thickness and fleshing ability with an attractive phenotype. His daughters are moderate sized, low maintenance females with excellent udder quality. His dam was one of our most productive foundation cows.
Tattoo 865E
#QAS Traveler 23–4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Revolution Rose of R R 4064 #R R Rito 707 Evocate Princess T Emulation N Bar 4073 Blackbird of R R 5093 CED +6
.72 +1.8 .89 +40 CW
Marb .30 -.11
.85 +57
Reference Sires
Milk .79 +15
.41 +.59 .40 -.029 .37
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Picture Perfect 738P Calved 3–17–04
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Legend 616L 14036365 OCC Blackbird 632J #DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Dixie Erica 816B 11770426 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 Picture Perfect is our choice for the replacement of his sire OCC Legend (pictured) who is now deceased. His dam is the “Birthmark” cow 816B and she is also the dam of Homer. This bull will give the phenotype, muscle and fleshing ability of Legend with an even lower birth weight and excellent maternal value in his daughters. If you want Picture Perfect cows take a look at this bull.
Tattoo 738P
#DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 OCC Gladiator 612G OCC Blackbird 824G #QAS Traveler 23–4 ##Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of C H 615 CED +15
.47 -1.2
CW +1
WW .62 +30
.52 +56
Milk .48 +8
.40 $EN
.20 +.33 .27 +.30 .27 +.03 .25
OCC Legend 616L — Picture Perfect’s Sire
OCC Great Plains 943G Calved 9–07–01
#Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Emulation EXT #10776479 N Bar Primrose 2424 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 9973782 Dixie Erica of C H 615 Great Plains is an excellent “EXT” son out of the Dixie Erica 1019. Great Plains is one of the larger ribeye bulls in the Angus breed. Proven calving ease with milk and muscle.
Tattoo 943G
#Emulation 31 Ankony 8F78 Lass 8F275 #Emulation 31 Primrose N Bar 9962 #R R Rito 707 Evocate Princess T Schearbrook Emulous 11N7 R R Dixie Erica of C H 447 CED +9
.90 +.6 CW
WW .95 +41
.93 +75
Milk .92
.55 +.27 .63 +.69 .60 +.036 .60
+23 .89 $EN +10.43
OCC Great Plains 943G
OCC Paxton 730P Calved 03-14-04
Tattoo 730P
#Basin Rainmaker 654X #Basin Rainmaker DS 380U OCC Focus 813F Basin Bardolene 423U +12739373 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615 OCC Great Plains 943G N Bar Emulation EXT OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Dixie Erica CH 1019 13776651 OCC Blackbird 824G OCC Anchor 771A OCC Blackbird 778A A very long-bodied, big-scrotaled, CED BW WW YW Milk wide-based bull that is four generations +11 .82 -0.8 .92 +45 .88 +73 .82 +14 .72 from the 6807 bloodline. Very linebred to CW Marb RE Fat $EN F0203. Will make an excellent cross and +8 .31 +.42 .45 +.88 .40 +.014 .39 +30.41 complement intensely bred 6807 cattle and still be able to maintain the thickness $W $F $G $QG $YG $B and phenotype. BW 75 lbs. WR 106 YR +50.80 +16.1) +37.27 +24.7) +12.57 +53.97 111. His Anchor granddam is also the granddam of OCC Legend 616L. Paternal brother to Homer and Hunter. His first daughters in production are phenomenal.
OCC Paxton 730P 3
Reference Sires
Akers Missing Link 9603 Calved 9-20-09
O C C Headliner 661H O C C Missing Link 830M #14456399 O C C Dixie Erica 946K O C C Great Plains 943G O C C Blackbird 736K 13776651 O C C Blackbird 824G Akers Missing Link is proving himself to be an important sire in the OCC lineup. He is siring calves with loads of volume while combining low birth weight with excellent performance. Note that his dam is also the mother of OCC Paxton 730P. We anxiously await a large number of Akers Missing Link daughters entering production this fall.
Calved 09-16-02
Calved 09-29-04
$EN +5.20
Akers Missing Link 9603 14456400
Tattoo 831M
#Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #OCC Anchor 771A Dixie Erica of RR 4345 #DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #OCC Anchor 771A Erica Lassie of RR 7265 CED +9
.62 +.5 CW
WW .85 +24
.78 +48
Milk .68 +12
.23 +.29 .35 +.38 .33 +.024 .29
OCC Mitchell 931M 15269775 M1C
Tattoo 847P
#DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 907C Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 OCC Churchill 726C OCC Dixie Erica 773D CED +14
.71 -1.0
CW +6
WW .88 +43
.83 +63
Milk .75 +14
.29 +.45 .41 +.74 .39 +.01 .35
OCC Prototype 847P +15649977
#OCC Focus 813F OCC Homer 650H 13235197 +OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J
FCC Revolution Rose 995N +15203331 OCC Revolution Rose 887H OCC Rear End is a very deep, heavy muscled bull with unbelievable style, balance, and excellent feet and legs. His sire has done it all when it comes to calving ease and maternal quality with longevity. His grand sire, OCC Joker, sires moderate-sized females with excellent fleshing ability and great udder quality Rear End has had great acceptance in Argentina with more than 1,000 progeny.
OCC Rear End 751R Calved 9-1-05
Milk .26 +22
.14 +.19 .19 +.99 .21 +.019 .18
OCC Prototype 847P
#+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Kanga 886K 13897613 OCC Dixie Erica 963H Papa Forte 1921 OCC Dixie Erica 867K 13890908 OCC Dixie Erica 747F Prototype was the high-selling bull in the 2006 spring bull sale. Prototype calves are thick, deep, big boned and uniformly good. Prototype is a changer bull like Anchor, but with less birth weight, more growth and even more body mass than Anchor progeny. Prototype is owned with Staab Ranch, Ord, NE.
.28 +72
WW .31 +44
OCC Mitchell 831M
+OCC Focus 813F OCC Hunter 928J 13354639 Dixie Erica 960 #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Erica Lassie 839J #13621772 OCC Erica Lassie 928F Mitchell is popular in the grass fattening world. The most intriguing easy fleshing bull since OCC Anchor 771A. This bull like his sire, OCC Hunter 928H, gains weight in the pasture while breeding cows. His thick, smooth, three-dimensional phenotype with great soundness is simply amazing. Even more impressive is his balance of low birth and excellent performance.
.29 -.1
Tattoo 9603
O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Juanada 858F O C C Glory 950G O C C Dixie Erica 816B N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of C H 1019 O C C Anchor 771A O C C Blackbird 778A
Tattoo 751R
#Basin Rainmaker 654X +Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 709V Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Revolution Rose 919E CED +5
.48 +2.5 .73 +49 CW
Marb .15
.63 +79
+.12 .25
+.77 .27
Milk .51 +13
-.005 .22
OCC Rear End 751R
Reference Sires
2 Year Old Angus Bulls OCC Zanuck 640Z 3/8/12
OCC Emblazon 854E
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Headliner 661H
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 607P
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
CED 14
OCC Transformation 680T
OCC Transformation 680T Calved 3-8-07
#Basin Rainmaker 654X OCC Focus 813F +12739373 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 +OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 603N #+14442397 +Dixie Erica 816B An OCC Focus son with tremendous depth. His pathfinder, Joker-sired dam has incredible fleshing ability. His granddam, is the “Birthmark” cow, Homer’s dam and Emblazon’s full sister. The daughters will produce more pounds of beef per 100 lbs. of body weight than any of our bulls.
Tattoo 680T
#Basin Rainmaker DS 380U Basin Bardolene 423U PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615 #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 709V #DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 CED +13
.41 -2.3
CW -3
WW .62 +32
.49 +59
.35 +18
.15 +.22 .25 +.12 .27 +.017 .22
YW 57
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 13 19.65
$Values $W 28.21
— A full-proof heifer bull that Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score will sire perfect uddered 1100 lb. BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing daughters. His dam is full sister 66 96 105 8.5 to OCC Prestige. He will give excellent early performance on his calves. High marbling score. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Production EPDs BW WW -2.2 34
OCC Zalman 649Z 3/9/12
OCC Backstop 888B
DHD Traveler 6807 Revolution Rose of RR 9239 PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of RR 7023
OCC Eureka 865E
Blackbird of RR 1204 FEATURED LOT
OCC Great Plains 943G
N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Pollyanna 979F
OCC Pollyanna 638U
OCC Pollyanna 944H
Production EPDs BW WW 2.5 41
YW 64
CEM -1
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 19 9.59
$Values $W 28.82
— A very long, thick, attractive Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score Eureka son. Dam is our best BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing Great Plains daughter. Grand88 112 101 8 dam is still a favorite donor cow at 16 years of age. Nothing but great cows in this pedigree. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
OCC Normalizer 842N
OCC Normalizar 842N Calved 5-5-03
O C C Emblazon 854E
+13509906 O C C Dixie Erica 816B O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Dixie Erica 661J +13395132 O C C Dixie Erica 816B Normalizar is a powerful and attractive Jupiter son that we’ve used heavily as a natural service sire the last few years. He is intensely line bred as a study of his pedigree quickly reveals – his sire and dam are full sibs so he is not only double bred to Emblazon and the “Birthmark cow” but quadruple bred to both Traveler 6807 and the 1019 cow. He sires low birth, competitive performance and exceptional females.
Tattoo 842N
D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 CED +13
.24 -.6
CW +0
WW .28 +42
.25 +68
OCC Focus 813F
Milk .22 +10
.05 +.19 .05 +.53 .05 +.023 .05
$EN +19.91
OCC Blackbird 736K FEATURED
Papa Forte 1921
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 605K
OCC Dixie Erica 921D
Production EPDs BW WW I+.7 I+35
YW I+62
— A rare find in this individual. He is as deep, thick sound and attractive as we’ver ever raised. He will work in any herd, purebred or commercial. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Paxton 730P
O C C Jupiter 671J
OCC Z Power 671Z
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+18 12.90
$Values $W 27.73
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 80 ET ET 8.5
OCC Ziggy 722Z 3/28/12
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Umax 820U
OCC Dixie Erica 801M
OCC Paxton 730P
2 Year Old Angus Bulls
OCC Dixie Erica 903E
Production EPDs BW WW 2.5 44
YW 71
— A very good Umax son that is double bred to Paxton. His grandam is also the dam of OCC Juneau. Scanned a large ribeye.
OCC Headliner 661H
OCC Great Plains 943G
OCC Pollyanna 944H
Production EPDs BW WW -0.8 35
YW 62
— Another outstanding herd sire with phenomenal ancestry. Every cow in his pedigree for three generations have been donors. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
CED 12
Production EPDs BW WW -1.7 28
OCC Eureka 865E OCC Dixie Erica 817U OCC Dixie Erica 763M
Production EPDs BW WW 1.4 33
YW 57
— A real cow-maker. Every cow in this pedigree is fool proof, and all have been donors.
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Dixie Erica 686J
Production EPDs BW WW -2.7 30
YW 58
— Guaranteed calving ease bull that will sire moderate size cows with perfect udders. Double bred to Homer's dam.
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 686J
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Practical 841P
OCC Focus 813F OCC Juanada 968G OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Blackbird 712P
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 99 103 8.5
Production EPDs BW WW -0.3 36
YW 63
— Another bull that will sire those easy fleshing, deep-bodied cows and bring in big calves. Both granddams are Pathfinder cows. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Blackbird 765W
$Values $W 24.05
OCC Zone 770Z
OCC Dixie Erica 603N FEATURED
$Values $W 25.48
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 13 19.24
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 65 87 88 8
OCC Transformation 680T LOT
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Focus 813F
CED 14
$Values $W 22.05
OCC Zajac 752Z
OCC Dixie Erica 619U
$Values $W 29.12
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 13 20.45
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 58 92 91 8
OCC Dixie Erica 603N
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 18 13.66
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Headliner 661H
Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Dixie Erica 960E N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Transformation 680T
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 20 9.17
YW 55
— A very low-birth-weight Homer son that should work well on heifers.
OCC Zak 766Z
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
$Values $W 27.19
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 74 107 108 8.5
OCC Moderator 825M
OCC Kangol 949K
OCC Dixie Erica 907C
N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Pollyanna 979F
OCC Pollyanna 639U
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 689X
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Dixie Erica 845K FEATURED
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Zane 747Z
OCC Moderator 825M
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 15 11.57
OCC Homer 650H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 88 101 101 8
OCC Zel 726Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B
OCC Dixie Erica 680W
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 16 13.65
$Values $W 27.37
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 82
OCC Zester 773Z 4/13/12
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Umax 820U
OCC Dixie Erica 801M
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Dixie Erica 616W
OCC Dixie Erica 763M
Production EPDs BW WW 1.8 39
YW 64
OCC Z-Line 778Z
5/10/12 OCC Focus 813F
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Practical 841P
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 686J
OCC Juanada 610W
OCC Missing Link 830M
$Values $W 26.62
Production EPDs BW WW 0.9 31
YW 58
— Should sire some moderate, low-input daughters.
OCC Zendo 781Z 12
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Unbeatable 807U OCC Dixie Erica 662J FEATURED
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Just Right 619J OCC Dixie Erica 777G
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Dixie Erica 655T
OCC Dixie Erica 732M
CED 12
Production EPDs BW WW -0.8 36
YW 61
— Talk about capacity, this bull is deep. He is double bred to Paxton, and traces to 1019 cow seven times. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
OCC Headliner 661H
CED I+10
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.4 I+38
— Another cow-maker with all the right females in his pedigree. Should work well on heifers.
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
Basin Rainmaker DS 380U Basin Bardolene 423U Cole Creek Oscar 92R Juanada of Rollin Rock 0355
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.1 I+23
YW I+48
— A low-birth-weight bull that has great maternal ancestry. Maternal brother to Headliner.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+14 27.27
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Hunter 928H
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 960E OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Dixie Erica 864L
OCC Dixie Erica 960H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 72 ET ET 8
Production EPDs BW WW I+.5 I+36
YW I+56
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
$Values $W 24.52
$Values $W 29.18
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 58 ET ET 8
OCC Jet Stream 825J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 18.96
OCC Zoran 816Z
YW I+65
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Dixie Erica 954K
$Values $W 27.73
$Values $W 21.05
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Dixie Erica 807M
OCC Focus 813F OCC Practical 841P OCC Juanada 968G Basin Rainmaker 654X OCC Juanada 858F OCC Juanada 709V
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Zeb 814Z 17771961
OCC Blackbird 736K
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 14 16.85
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 13 19.24
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 84 91 90 8
OCC Paxton 730P
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 103 103 9
OCC Zareba 812Z
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 763F
OCC Juanada 700J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 15 14.44
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Juanada 968G
— We lost the great Umax Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score bull early in life with no semen BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing collected. This will be his last son 83 97 98 9 to sell. His progeny were terrific and his EPDs prove it. Dam and granddams are perfect-uddered cows.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 28.02
$Values $W 33.93
— Don’t miss this great herd Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score bull. You cannot put more big BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing bodied, easy fleshing cows in one 84 ET ET 8.5 pedigree. Traces to Anchor’s dam three times, 1019 cow three times, and 6807 four times. Very high $EN. Ratio 115 on marbling. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
2 Year Old Angus Bulls
OCC Zepho 833Z 3/18/12
DHD Traveler 6807
QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615
OCC Emblazon 854E
Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Eureka 865E
2 Year Old Angus Bulls
OCC Dixie Erica 907C
Production EPDs BW WW I+.5 I+40
YW I+65
— A very good Emblazon son out of a perfect uddered Eureka dam. Grandam is full sister to OCC Great Plains. Great IMF score.
RR Rito 707
DHD Traveler 6807
OCC Primrose 775D
Production EPDs BW WW 1.3 28
YW 55
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Blackcap 872K
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Dixie Erica 811X
OCC Dixie Erica 693N
Production EPDs BW WW -0.4 34
YW 61
DDA Fahren 21X
CED I+11
Production EPDs BW WW I-.1 I+40
YW I+59
Fahren of Wye Umf 5830 DDA Melisa 549 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Juanada 968G
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+17 14.83
$Values $W 34.24
— Double bred to Juanda 968G, Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score who was one of the top five cows BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing we’ve ever bred. The full sibling 76 ET ET 8 females to this bull are simply beautiful with incredible udder quality and femininity.
OCC Zephi 790Z 7/4/12
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Blackcap 872K
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 907C
Miss Bonanza 9005
OCC Mitchell 831M
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Erica Lassie 839J MRA Bonanza 707 HAR Forever Lady 741
OCC Evonne 834X
CED 11
Production EPDs BW WW -0.9 26
YW 52
— Another very low birth son of OCC X-cellent. Great for heifers, and very high $EN.
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 Papa Forte 1921 OCC Blackcap 787H
OCC X-cellent 857X
— A long, thick, attractive bull Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score with big scrotal. We have used BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing two full brothers to this bull's 67 106 98 8 dam. Very low birth weight, should be great on heifers. His sire was used two years on our yearling heifers.
$Values $W 25.74
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Juanada 826R
$Values $W 18.25
$Values $W 25.14
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 16 17.98
OCC Zamir 412Z
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 Papa Forte 1921 OCC Blackcap 787H
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 14 16.85
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC X-cellent 857X
YW 56
PS Sasquatch 904 Rita 1H1 of 9W63 9J9 DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Primrose 775D
OCC Juanada 968G
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 11 23.64
DHD Traveler 6807 Revolution Rose of RR 9239 PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of RR 7023
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Zacate 787Z
— A direct son of the foundation Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score sire “F0203” and out of the BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing highly proven Primrose 736F cow 68 95 96 8 that produced until she was 15 years of age. We used this bull in 2013 on a set of cows and look forward to his first calves in April. Retaining ½ interest and the right to freeze semen before buyer takes delivery. Consigned by Clyde Mattson.
Production EPDs BW WW 1.7 33
— A nice patterned Eureka son Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score from the Primrose cow family BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing noted for gentle disposition, 74 93 96 9 excellent udder quality and maternal efficiency. Excellent IMF and RE. Consigned by Clyde Mattson.
QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 N Bar Emulation EXT Eldorado 4152 of Ideal 940
OCC Primrose 736F
Rito N Bar Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3 Black Tor Princess Bryn of Toreby 5
Evocate Princess T
$Values $W 29.82
CM-RTR Drover 7113Y
PBC 707 1M F0203
OCC Backstop 888B
Blackbird of RR 1204 Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch RTR Primrose 14T1 OCC Primrose 736F
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+14 16.23
OCC Eureka 865E
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 78 ET ET 8
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 957N
CED I+10
CM Saturn 7021Z
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 15 19.28
$Values $W 21.27
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 97 99 8
OCC Zaiden 792Z 7/19/12
OCC Focus 813F
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 Papa Forte 1921 OCC Blackcap 787H
OCC X-cellent 857X
OCC Blackcap 872K
OCC Eureka 865E
BHA Evonne 180
Production EPDs BW WW 0.9 32
YW 59
— A high performing low birth son of OCC X-cellent. Double bred to OCC Focus.
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Paxton 730P
Production EPDs BW WW 0.1 33
YW 61
— A low birth Paxton grandson. Grand-dam is dam of OCC Juneau.
OCC Zoris 796Z
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Moderator 825M OCC Dixie Erica 845K
QAS Traveler 23-4 Juanada of Rollin Rock 0355 OCC Homer 650H OCC Dixie Erica 642J
OCC Dixie Erica 824T
OCC Traveler 723Z
OCC Dixie Erica 613L
CED I+11
Production EPDs BW WW I-.1 I+32
YW I+50
— Another excellent bull with generations of low birth weight and very productive females.
OCC Emblazon 854E
Production EPDs BW WW I-.8 I+29
DHD Traveler 6807
OCC Dixie Erica 803F
Production EPDs BW WW I-.2 I+36
YW I+60
— Very high $EN. Donor dam 612H was the most productive 6807 daughter we owned. Great for heifers and will sire beautiful uddered, efficient females.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+14 23.59
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Kiddo 832K OCC Blackbird 940K
OCC Blackbird 838R
OCC Blackbird 905N
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 ET ET 8
Production EPDs BW WW I-.5 I+37
YW I+63
— A moderate birth bull with excellent performance and $EN. He will sire some pretty daughters.
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
$Values $W 33.79
$Values $W 23.80
OCC Zeke 847Z
OCC Headliner 661H
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 16.99
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 62 96 98 8.5
OCC Moderator 825M
QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 612H
YW I+56
— A low-birth-weight bull that would work on heifers. Double bred to Moderator’s dam 845K. She is still a donor at 14 years of age.
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Juanada 968G
CED I+10
Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Dixie Erica 960E OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
$Values $W 29.69
$Values $W 22.94
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Kangol 949K
OCC Zaccur 799Z
OCC Jet Stream 825J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+18 17.09
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 98 88 8
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 13 18.03
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 72 95 97 8
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Dixie Erica 678T
OCC Zebec 798Z
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Jet Stream 825J OCC Juanada 968G
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B
OCC Dixie Erica 903E
$Values $W 22.78
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 Papa Forte 1921 OCC Blackcap 787H
OCC Dixie Erica 863X
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN 15 16.47
OCC Blackcap 872K
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 72 102 106 8
18 Month Angus Bulls
OCC Zalema 793Z
OCC X-cellent 857X
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Focus 813F Miss Bonanza 9005
OCC Evonne 663X
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+15 15.35
$Values $W 28.66
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 73 107 108 8.5
OCC Zenas 848Z 9/6/12
DHD Traveler 6807
OCC Emblazon 854E
Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Sentinel 714S
OCC Dixie 903U
Fink Miss 6465 444 NBPT
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+39
YW I+70
— An Emblazon son with outstanding EPDs.
18 Month Angus Bulls
OCC Dixie Erica 617P
OCC Focus 813F
$Values $W 27.34
Production EPDs BW WW I-.2 I+38
YW I+67
9/10/12 OCC Headliner 661H
OCC Kiddo 832K
OCC Dixie Erica 893M
Production EPDs BW WW I-2.3 I+37
YW I+61
— A very low-birth-weight bull. Triple bred to Emblazon. He has a high $EN. Great bull for heifers and efficient replacement females.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 20.08
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 ET ET 9
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Kangol 949K
$Values $W 26.24
Production EPDs BW WW I-.2 I+44
YW I+75
— A low birth weight Paxton son with excellent performance. Paxton is more popular each year.
$Values $W 31.00
OCC Zan 860Z 9/11/12
OCC Emblazon 854E
DDA Fahren 21X
Fahren of Wye Umf 5830 DDA Melisa 549 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Juanada 826R
OCC Juanada 968G
Production EPDs BW WW I-.1 I+40
YW I+59
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Juanada 968G
CED I+11
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+15 10.66
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 107 108 8
OCC Jet Stream 825J
Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Dixie Erica 960E OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Erica Lassie 884L
OCC Erica Lassie 908N
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 58 98 99 8
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Erica Lassie 858T
$Values $W 30.21
$Values $W 29.79
OCC Zander 856Z
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 957F OCC Eureka 865E OCC Dixie Erica 691J
OCC Dixie Erica 892U
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 31.21
OCC Blackbird 736K
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Paxton 730P
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 17.38
YW I+50
— A heifer safe bull with incredible $EN. Dam is full sister to Homer. Again a bull to sire those super-efficient females.
OCC Zapata 857Z
OCC Moderator 825M
Production EPDs BW WW I-.9 I+26
— The Jetstream cattle are fool Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score proof females with great longevity BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing and High $EN. This bull traces to 72 95 107 8.5 1019 three times and Anchor’s dam twice. Excellent yearling growth. Grandam 960H cow just never missed.
CED I+11
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+15 12.86
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 960E OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Erica Lassie 928F
OCC Erica Lassie 839J
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Dixie Erica 781T
OCC Hunter 928H
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackcap 804M N Bar Prime Time D806 Finks Miss 444 1280 BW
OCC Juanada 968G
OCC Mitchell 831M
OCC Zorros 855Z
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Zeo 850Z
QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 72 91 95 8
OCC Jet Stream 825J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+17 14.95
$Values $W 34.36
— Double bred to Juanda 968G, Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score who was one of the top five cows BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing we’ve ever bred. The full sibling 79 ET ET 8 females to this bull are simply beautiful with incredible udder quality and femininity.
OCC Zumba 863Z 9/12/12
OCC Headliner 661H
OCC Moderator 825M
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
GCC Hunter 649U
OCC Juanada 732X
OCC Juanada 826R
CED I+10
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.3 I+30
YW I+55
— Very low birth with excellent $EN and good growth. Both granddams were excellent donors. Traces to Anchor's dam four times.
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Moderator 825M
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Juanada 862M DDA Fahren 21X OCC Juanada 968G
OCC Blackcap 734X
$Values $W 26.45
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
GCC Hunter 649U
OCC Dixie Erica 859T
CED I+14
Production EPDs BW WW I-2.3 I+32
YW I+57
— One of the best combinations of low birth, high $EN and excellent performance.
OCC Prototype 847P
OCC Dixie Erica 803F
Production EPDs BW WW I+.2 I+39
YW I+67
— OCC Normalizer is still being used naturally at 11 years of age. His females are easy fleshing and perfect uddered. He traces to the “1019” cow five times.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+15 13.85
$Values $W 27.19
N Bar Prime Time D806
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+37
YW I+67
— A low-birth bull that should be great on heifers or cows. Excellent performance ratios.
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B Gardens Prime Time N Bar Miss Emulous A404 Papa Forte 1921 OCC Blackcap 787H
OCC Blackcap 872K
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 16.21
$Values $W 25.15
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 75 104 111 8
OCC Zelig 879Z 9/17/12
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Juanada 968G
OCC Prestige 672P
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 816B DDA Fahren 21X OCC Juanada 968G
OCC Juanada 814T
OCC Juanada 826R
$Values $W 28.45
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 75 101 108 8
Production EPDs BW WW I+.9 I+43
YW I+63
— Another attractive low birth Jet Stream son. His dam has an excellent production record.
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Kanga 886K OCC Dixie Erica 867K Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 623W
OCC Jupiter 671J
$Values $W 25.74
OCC Zona 866Z
OCC Blackcap 654W
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Dixie Erica 661J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+17 15.38
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 64 98 100 8.5
OCC Dixie Erica 661J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 20.66
OCC Jupiter 671J
CED I+12
OCC Zocalo 872Z
OCC Normalizar 842N
OCC Normalizar 842N
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 64 107 107 8.5
YW I+57
— Four generations of low birth. Very safe for heifers. His dam was a 2 year old. He will sire excellent udders and plenty of milk.
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Juanada 862M OCC Mitchell 831M OCC Dixie Erica 628P
OCC Dixie Erica 742X
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.5 I+30
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 603N OCC Echelon 857E OCC Blackcap 872K
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 14.54
$Values $W 34.20
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 79 105 97 8
18 Month Angus Bulls
OCC Transformation 680T
CED I+10
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Blackcap 804M
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+17 16.31
OCC Headliner 661H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 102 103 8.5
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
OCC Zeta 865Z 36
OCC Zynga 864Z
OCC Zacco 882Z 9/19/12
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Normalizar 842N
OCC Dixie Erica 661J
RTR Roundup 4T4
RTR Pridemere 7T5
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.2 I+39
YW I+69
— Another excellent low birth heifer bull sired by Normalizar. Triple bred to Emblazon he has great performance ratios in addition to an excellent $EN.
OCC Juanada 938L Production EPDs BW WW I-1.4 I+37
YW I+61
— Low-birth-weight-heifer bull with excellent $EN.
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Juanada 951H
Production EPDs BW WW I+.6 I+43
YW I+73
— A real top-end bull out of a dam that never misses. Great performance, muscle and balance. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+20 5.16
OCC Jupiter 671J
CED I+11
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.1 I+39
YW I+66
— A low birth Normalizar son back to the Eureka-sired granddam that is one of our best cows.
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 951H
OCC Missing Link 830M
$Values $W 29.84
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Dixie Erica 898U
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.3 I+41
YW I+71
— Double bred to Missing Link and traces to Emblazon three times. A very attractive well balanced bull.
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Blackbird 736K
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 73 104 111 8.5
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+14 15.44
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 66 99 99 8
Akers Missing Link 9603
$Values $W 31.90
OCC Zapotec 904Z
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Focus 813F OCC Juanada 969E
OCC Juanada 865M
$Values $W 29.99
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
$Values $W 26.41
OCC Zad 893Z
OCC Zowie 899Z
Akers Missing Link 9603
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+15 15.66
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 18.61
OCC Dixie Erica 661J OCC Focus 813F OCC Juanada 934W OCC Juanada 865M
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 65 100 100 8
YW I+64
OCC Normalizar 842N
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Jet Stream 825J OCC Heros Juanada 700Y
OCC Focus 813F
Production EPDs BW WW I-.2 I+37
OCC Juanada 721S
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Homer 650H OCC Blackbird 905N
— The Normalizar sons will Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score moderate larger cows and the BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing udders are exceptional. The $EN 67 92 104 8.5 shows their efficiency. His granddam is one of our best Homer daughters.
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
CED I+10
OCC Missing Link 830M Akers Missing Link 9603 OCC Blackbird 736K
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Blackbird 838R
$Values $W 28.05
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Blackbird 915W
OCC Zendik 890Z
CED I+12
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Dixie Erica 661J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 15.26
OCC Normalizar 842N
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 62 106 111 8
42 18 Month Angus Bulls
OCC Emblazon 854E RTR Blackbird 793K Papa Forte 1921 RTR Pridemere 11T3
RTR Pridemere 25T9
CED I+11
OCC Zoom 889Z
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+21 4.74
$Values $W 33.25
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 64 95 103 8
OCC Zetham 906Z 46
10/3/12 17772944
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
Akers Missing Link 9603
OCC Blackbird 736K
OCC Focus 813F
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 Papa Forte 1921 OCC Blackcap 787H
OCC Blackcap 716S
OCC Blackcap 872K
CED I+10
Production EPDs BW WW I-.3 I+38
YW I+69
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 11.45
$Values $W 27.28
— The dam of this bull has a Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score perfect udder and great fertility. BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing We are still flushing his grandam 74 96 102 8 872K with great success. She has produced a lot of exceptional cattle This bull has nice balanced EPDs.
OCC Zohar 907Z 47
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Normalizar 842N
OCC Dixie Erica 661J
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Dixie Erica 932W
OCC Dixie Erica 824T
CED I+14
Production EPDs BW WW I-2.7 I+35
YW I+62
— Very low birth weight bull out of a Homer dam. Ultra-safe calving ease.
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Kangol 949K OCC Dixie Erica 845K
OCC Juanada 828P
OCC Judge 679J
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 57 99 102 8
OCC Great Plains 943G
OCC Rally 640R
OCC Dixie Erica 603N
GCC Hunter 649U
OCC Dixie Erica 721X
OCC Dixie 903U
CED I+12
Production EPDs BW WW I-.8 I+31
YW I+55
— OCC Rally is a fantastic calving ease sire. His daughters have impeccable udder quality with moderate size and fertility.
Production EPDs BW WW I+0 I+39
YW I+62
— Dam is a very moderate easy fleshing cow.
Akers Missing Link 9603
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Juanada 862M OCC Sentinel 714S Fink Miss 6465 444 NBPT
OCC Dixie Erica 885U
OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Paxton 730P
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 103 98 8
CED I+11
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.8 I+38
YW I+65
— Another ultra-safe heifer bull. He has great females in his pedigree and is double bred to Paxton’s dam 736K.
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Eureka 865E OCC Dixie Erica 948E
OCC Dixie Erica 856M
$Values $W 27.88
$Values $W 32.94
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 71 97 89 8
OCC Missing Link 830M
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+20 9.68
OCC Zaki 912Z
N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 816B
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+19 13.87
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B Basin Rainmaker 654X OCC Juanada 709V
OCC Juanada 858F
$Values $W 28.28
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Blackbird 736K
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 18.13
OCC Missing Link 830M
Akers Missing Link 9603
OCC Zeeland 910Z
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Zagreb 909Z
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+18 10.92
$Values $W 31.81
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 64 96 100 8
18 Month Angus Bulls
OCC Revolution Rose 743K Donor of Lots 59 and 60
OCC Zhou 920Z
17772949 920Z
OCC Missing Link 830M
Akers Missing Link 9603
OCC Blackbird 736K
OCC Kanga 886K
OCC Erica Lassie 815T
OCC Erica Lassie 884L
CED I+11
Production EPDs BW WW I-.7 I+38
YW I+60
— Very balanced attractive bull with an excellent $EN.
18 Month Angus Bulls
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 963H OCC Hunter 928H OCC Erica Lassie 839J
OCC Kangol 949K
Production EPDs BW WW I+3.1 I+41
YW I+72
— A high performing 9603 son that traces back to the great 865M Eureka cow.
OCC Transcend 716T
$Values $W 30.65
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.9 I+27
CED I+11
OCC Homer 650H OCC Blackbird 966N OCC Jet Stream 825J OCC Dixie Erica 701L
YW I+51
OCC Great Plains 943G
GCC Hunter 649U
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Juanada 862M OCC Kangol 949K OCC Blackbird 905N
OCC Blackbird 724X
OCC Blackbird 848T
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.0 I+30
YW I+55
— Another well balanced Rally son with excellent $EN.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+18 14.97
$Values $W 24.09
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 102 102 8
Registration #
OCC Emblazon 845E
OCC Missing Link 830M
Call 1-800-New-Bull
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Linebred 661L
OCC No Problems 52N
OCC Moderator 825M
10% discount on all semen picked up or ordered sale day.
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Hunter 928H
Visit OhldeCattle.com for a complete list of bulls. Bring your semen tank sale day. Please call ahead by Saturday to pre-order.
N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Dixie Erica 603N
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 82 106 110 8.5
$Values $W 26.26
OCC Zeppo 945Z
OCC Rally 640R
$Values $W 24.89
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+19 15.34
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score — Excellent heifer bull with an BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing exceptional ancestry. Unfortunately 58 97 95 8 we lost Rally before we were able to collect much semen. He would have been a bull that would have been used for large volume heifer projects much like Homer.
17772951 941Z
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+21 3.94
N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Dixie Erica 850P
OCC Great Plains 943G
OCC Dixie Erica 723X
Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Dixie Erica 960E OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 951H
OCC Juanada 865M
10/20/12 17772950 933Z
OCC Dixie Erica 603N
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Juanada 847T
OCC Zydeco 933Z
OCC Rally 640R
OCC Zephyr 941Z
OCC Missing Link 830M Akers Missing Link 9603 OCC Blackbird 736K
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 96 87 8.5
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+14 17.76
OCC Prototype 847P
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Prestige 672P
M OCC Picture Perfect
OCC Mitchell 831M
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Just Right 619J
OCC Night Watch 902N
OCC Rear End 751R
Yearling Angus Bulls
DHD Traveler 6807
Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Genetics are the dominant pedigrees in grass fed beef programs in North and South America.
DHD Traveler 6807
OCC Emblazon 854E
Dixie Erica of CH 1019
MRA Bonanza 707
Miss Bonanza 9005
HAR Forever Lady 741
Production EPDs BW WW I+.2 I+39
YW I+65
— A full brother to 600A - Lot 55.
Production EPDs BW WW I+.2 I+39
OCC Moderator 825M
OCC Bonanza 880B FAR Dollys Rito 2100 C70 VDAR Traveler 995 GDAR Forever Lady 789
OCC Dixie Erica 693N
OCC Dixie Erica 845K
$Values $W 35.14
OCC Headliner 661H
Production EPDs BW WW I-.4 I+33
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Dixie Erica 614M
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.8 I+46
YW I+76
— A higher growth EPD bull that will sire more performance. He traces to the “1019” cow seven times and Rear End is one of our most popular sires.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 9.3
$Values $W 29.72
OCC Abound 608A
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Anchor 771A
DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V GDAR Traveler 7111 Revolution Rose of RR 9239
OCC Revolution Rose 743K
OCC Revolution Rose 751E
$Values $W 30.53
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 ET ET 8
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.2 I+36
YW I+56
— Extreme high $EN for low feed input. The Anchor sired donor dam is still in production at 14 years of age. Both granddams produced beyond 15 years.
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Dixie Erica 706S
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+17 17.38
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
FCC Revolution Rose 995N
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 27.14
$Values $W 33.91
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 72 ET ET 8.5
Yearling Angus Bulls
OCC Rear End 751R
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019
— Moderator daughters are Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score very fertile and easy fleshing BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing with excellent udders. The 693N 78 ET ET 8 donor dam is our best Headliner daughter. He has a high $EN and will sire impeccable quality in udders.
OCC Advisor 606A 17774633
YW I+63
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Dixie Erica 907C
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 83 ET ET 8
OCC Headliner 661H
$Values $W 35.14
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 83 ET ET 8
QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+20 12.11
OCC All Right 604A
YW I+65
—An Emblazon son out of a high milking 14 year old Pathfinder cow.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+20 12.11
OCC Bonanza 880B FAR Dollys Rito 2100 C70 VDAR Traveler 995 GDAR Forever Lady 789
HAR Forever Lady 741
In Argentina where fat cattle sell for 40 cents a pound — OCC bred bulls are the most popular in their bull studs!
MRA Bonanza 707
Miss Bonanza 9005
QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Austin 601A
OCC Accord 600A
OCC Alexander 609A 1/31/13
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Anchor 771A
OCC Revolution Rose 751E
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.2 I+36
YW I+56
— Full brother to 608A - Lot 59.
OCC Emblazon 854E
Papa Forte 1921
OCC Blackcap 787H
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+36
YW I+61
Yearling Angus Bulls
— A full brother to 611A - Lot 61.
Papa Forte 1921
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+36
YW I+61
— A full brother to 611A - Lot 61.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 14.46
High Valley 4C6 Ambush
Papa Forte 1921
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackcap 761E
OCC Blackcap 787H
$Values $W 27.47
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+36
YW I+61
— A full brother to 611A - Lot 61.
OCC Emblazon 854E
Papa Forte 1921
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackcap 761E
OCC Blackcap 787H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 69 ET ET 8
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+36
YW I+61
— A full brother to 611A - Lot 61.
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT OCC Juanada 709V
OCC Blackcap 872K
$Values $W 27.47
OCC Alpine 615A
OCC Juanada 775C
$Values $W 27.47
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 14.46
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 80 ET ET 8
OCC Rancher 680R
Paramont Ambush 2172 High Valley Gloria 1Q2 PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of R R 7023
OCC Blackcap 872K
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 14.46
$Values $W 27.47
OCC Activator 613A
Blackbird of R R 1204
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackcap 761E
OCC Blackcap 787H
YW I+61
OCC Rancher 680R
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT OCC Juanada 709V
OCC Blackcap 872K
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackcap 761E
— Rancher sires great all around Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score cattle and several of his full BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing sisters have sold from $20,000 71 ET ET 8 to $60,000. Rancher’s dam was still in production at age 17. This bull’s donor dam is still in production at age 14. He has an excellent $EN. The next five lots are full brothers.
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 14.46
OCC Juanada 775C
Production EPDs BW WW I+.3 I+36
OCC Abilene 614A
OCC Emblazon 854E
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 84 ET ET 8
OCC Rancher 680R
Papa Forte 1921
OCC Blackcap 787H
$Values $W 33.91
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT OCC Juanada 709V
OCC Blackcap 872K
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackcap 761E
OCC Blackcap 872K
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT OCC Juanada 709V
OCC Juanada 775C
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Atlantis 612A 1/28/13
OCC Juanada 775C
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 78 ET ET 8.5
OCC Rancher 680R
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 27.14
OCC Achieve 611A
OCC Rancher 680R
DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V GDAR Traveler 7111 Revolution Rose of RR 9239
OCC Revolution Rose 743K
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Jupiter 671J
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 14.46
$Values $W 27.47
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 77 ET ET 8
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Anchor 771A
OCC Pollyanna 979F
Production EPDs BW WW I+.2 I+37
YW I+61
OCC Focus 813F
$Values $W 36.34
OCC Anchor 771A
OCC Dixie Erica 907C
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.0 I+41
YW I+64
$Values $W 36.54
OCC Alloy 813A 3/17/13
OCC Headliner 661H
OCC Dixie Erica 845K OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Dixie Erica 801M
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.1 I+34
YW I+59
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 71 ET ET 8.5
OCC Aspen 778A 5/1/13
OCC Eureka 865E
$Values $W 36.34
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.8 I+33
YW I+55
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of RR 1204 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 907C PS Sasquatch 904 Rita 1H1 of 9W63 9J9 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 19.69
$Values $W 27.21
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score — Thick, deep and easy fleshing. BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing Aspen’s dam is our highest producing 9Q4 daughter. His 85 106 104 8 grandam is the Birthmark cow “816B” (dam of Homer and No Problem and full sister to Emblazon). This bull is young and just needs a little time. We have had people asking about the Thumper calves. He is among some of our first as Thumper has been used naturally in Oregon.
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Dixie Erica 643U
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 28.99
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Moderator 825M
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+16 15.27
$Values $W 27.78
— This bull will sire moderate Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score sized females with excellent BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing udders and great fertility. He 62 ET ET 8.5 traces to the legendary “1019” cow six times. This bull is also young and just needs a little time to show you how good he will be.
Yearling Angus Bulls
YW I+61
OCC Dixie Erica 954K Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Dixie Erica 600N OCC Dixie Erica 816B
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 25.7
DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V OCC Bonanza 880B Pollyanna of RR 5205
OCC Thumper 819T
— Certainly one of the best bulls Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score in the sale. Paxton cattle can do BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing it all. His dam has sons in five 72 ET ET 9 registered herds across the U.S. Just try to fault Affirm. He also has a terrific $EN. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Production EPDs BW WW I+.2 I+37
— A full brother to 617A - Lot 66.
DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 960H
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
OCC Blackbird 736K FEATURED
OCC Anchor 771A
OCC Pollyanna 979F
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+12 28.99
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Pollyanna 944H
OCC Paxton 730P LOT
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Affirm 620A 1/22/13
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
— Tremendous $EN. Dam is Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score still very productive at 16 years BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing of age. She has produced many 67 ET ET 8.5 $7,000 to $25,000 sons. The most productive Anchor daughter we’ve owned and we have used five of her sons. Jupiter’s dam was 19 years old when leaving production. A lot of longevity here.
OCC Jupiter 671J
DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V OCC Bonanza 880B Pollyanna of RR 5205
OCC Pollyanna 944H
OCC August 618A
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Arche 617A
CM Angus Bulls
CM Admiral 7101A 3/12/13
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
OCC Rear End 751R
Lots 17-18 and 71-73 are consigned by Clyde Mattson, Manhattan, Kan. For more information, call 785-632-0763 or email clydemattson@sbcglobal.net
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Traveler 723Z
RTR Blackbird 739J
Yearling Angus Bulls
Production EPDs BW WW I-1.2 I+31
YW I+58
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+19 17.24
YW I+73
Papa Forte 1921
Papa Optima 9818 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Primrose 736F
RTR Primrose 6T3
RTR Primrose 801K
Thank you customers. We appreciate your continued support and faith in OCC genetics. We look forward to seeing you sale day. We will also be offering 80 Registered and Commercial Females. Watch our website for a supplement sheet.
Production EPDs BW WW I+.6 I+36
YW I+57
DHD Traveler 6807 Revolution Rose of RR 9239 PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of RR 7023
Blackbird of RR 1204
$Values $W 31.70
$Values $W 36.20
CM Aerosmith 7104A
OCC Backstop 888B
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+13 22.42
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 100 98 9
OCC Eureka 865E
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score — A top performing Homer son BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing whose 723Z sired dam brings in one of the heaviest calves every year. 76 102 104 8 Consigned by Clyde Mattson.
Production EPDs BW WW I+1.9 I+44
— A rugged Rear End son out of a top young Paxton daughter from the Blackbird family. Consigned by Clyde Mattson.
QAS Traveler 23-4 Juanada of Rollin Rock 0355 Papa Durabull 9805 APA Ext Cupcake 6807
RTR Blackbird 3T7
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Blackbird 872B
OCC Blackbird 607J
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Paxton 730P
CM Blackbird 022X
CM Advance 7102A
OCC Homer 650H
FCC Revolution Rose 995N
Maternal EPDs Milk $EN I+19 18.8
$Values $W 36.50
— A very attractive Eureka son Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score out of a top producing Forte BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing daughter – she is expecting her 76 103 99 8 10th calf this spring. Excellent udder quality, longevity and cow efficiency locked in here. Consigned by Clyde Mattson.
OCC Missing Link 401Z 9/10/12
Angus II 401Z
OCC Headliner 661H
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Glory 950G OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Moderate 874M OCC Hunter 928H OCC Miss 390R OCC Dixie Erica 662J OCC Miss Rito 307L OCC Honesty 962H OCC Miss Rito 203 306Y
OCC Missing Link 830M
BW 1.6
Production EPDs WW MILK 36 15
YW 71
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 74 95 97 8
–– An attractive Missing Link son whose pedigree is loaded with prominent OCC foundation cows.
Angus II ® Bulls Typical Angus II cow, sired by Anchor, that is pictured while nursing a fall calf on winter grass.
OCC Eureka 483Z 3/12/12
Angus II 483Z
OCC Backstop 888B
DHD Traveler 6807 Revolution Rose of RR 9239 Blackbird of RR 1204 PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of RR 7023 FEATURED LOT OCC Emblazon 854E DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Miss Emblazon 512L Dixie Erica of C H 1019 OCC Miss Anchor 358F OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Drover 464C
Production EPDs WW MILK 38 15
YW 65
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 71 ET ET 8.5
OCC Prototype 324Z
3/12/12 OCC Prototype 847P
OCC Prototype 404U
OCC Miss Emblazon 512L FEATURED LOT OCC Missing Link 830M OCC Miss 303R OCC Miss Honesty 323N
Production EPDs WW MILK 46 16
YW 77
OCC Kanga 886K OCC Dixie Erica 867K OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Miss Anchor 358F OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Honesty 962H OCC MISS 6807 332C
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 103 104 8
–– A real performance, powerhouse bull. Thick, long and attractive.
OCC Homer 650H
BW 2.0
Production EPDs WW MILK 42 19
YW 70
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 ET ET 8
–– You don’t make them better than this. His donor dam by Anchor was in production until 16 years of age. Daughters from this bull will be tremendous, stout, good uddered, and easy fleshing. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
OCC Rear End 493Z
3/21/12 OCC Homer 650H
OCC Rear End 751R
FCC Revolution Rose 995N OCC Eureka 865E OCC Miss Eureka 522N OCC Miss Anchor 462F
BW 2.0
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 15
YW 73
Angus II 493Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of R R 1204 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Ali 589X
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 ET ET 8
–– A very stout eye appealing son of Rear End. The Rear End sons are always popular.
Angus II Bulls
BW -4
Angus II 324Z
Angus II 488Z
OCC Rear End 751R
–– I would challenge anyone to find a better maternal black bull. His 13 year old donor dam has produced many great progeny. The combination of Eureka, Emblazon and Anchor works well. Everyone loves this bull and he is flawless. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B FCC Revolution Rose 995N OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H FEATURED LOT OCC Anchor 771A DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Miss Anchor 462F OCC Juanada 709V O C C MISS ALI 589X Shandon Ali O C C Flo 578U
OCC Eureka 865E
BW 1.0
OCC Rear End 488Z
OCC Rear End 390Z
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Rear End 751R
FCC Revolution Rose 995N OCC Legend 616L OCC Miss Legend 441T OCC Miss Echelon 575M
BW 1.9
Production EPDs WW MILK 40 14
Angus II 390Z
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackbird 632J OCC Echelon 857E OCC Valarie 520G
OCC No Problem 394Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC No Problems 52N OCC Dixie Erica 816B GCC Hunter 649U OCC Miss Hunter 377X O C C Miss 416T
BW -2.6
Production EPDs WW MILK 38 15
Angus II 394Z
BW 2.4
OCC Rear End 751R
OCC Rear End 351W
OCC Miss Anchor 589N OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Miss Emblazon 512L
Angus II Bulls
OCC Miss Anchor 358F
BW 2.4
Production EPDs WW MILK 39 17
YW 71
Angus II 400Z
Angus II 395Z
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Moderator 825M OCC Dixie Erica 845K BGR Adam
#+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 960H
OCC Miss Adam 402U
OCC Jessi 0029
BW -1.2
Production EPDs WW MILK 36 18
YW 66
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 102 106 8
–– A very low birth Jetstream son with excellent performance. Should work well on heifers.
OCC Rear End 403Z
OCC Rear End 751R
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Drover 464C
OCC Miss 343U
–– Another excellent Angus II bull, double bred to Anchor. His dam is the beautiful Emblazon daughter, 512L. She has produced many great ET progeny.
OCC Moderator 395Z
OCC Homer 650H FCC Revolution Rose 995N O C C Anchor 771A OCC Miss Durabull 304B
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 ET ET 8
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 65 ET ET 8
YW 71
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 64 106 101 8
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Drover 464C
–– Another real performance, powerhouse bull. Thick, long and attractive.
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Juanada 862M OCC Mitchell 831M OCC Miss S1
OCC 351W Rear End 400Z
Production EPDs WW MILK 39 17
OCC Homer 650H FCC Revolution Rose 995N O C C Anchor 771A OCC Miss Durabull 304B
OCC Miss Anchor 358F
–– An outstanding, low birth and high performance son out of “No Problem” (full brother to Homer). Should work well on heifers.
OCC Rear End 751R
OCC Miss Emblazon 512L
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of C H 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019
YW 62
Angus II 393Z
OCC Miss Anchor 589N OCC Emblazon 854E
–– A really stout, attractive Rear End son out of a Legend dam.
OCC Rear End 351W
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 108 110 8
YW 71
OCCFocus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
OCC 351W Rear End 393Z
Angus II 403Z
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
FCC Revolution Rose 995N BGR Adam
OCC Valarie 394H
BW .9
Production EPDs WW MILK 38 17
YW 66
Gest Maurits 12th OCC Valarie 336V
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 99 105 7.5
–– A big, stout, growthy Rear End son.
OCC Jetstream 404Z
Angus II 404Z
OCC Emblazon 854E DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Jet Stream 825J Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Juanada 968G OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A OCC Anchor 771A DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Miss Anchor 462F OCC Juanada 709V OCC Miss Ali 589X Shandon Ali OCC Flo 578U
BW 2.7
Production EPDs WW MILK 34 23
YW 58
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 83 ET ET 8
OCC Miss Emblazon 512L Dam of Lots 75, 80, 83 & 109
–– An attractive Jet Stream son out of the old, but proven 462F Anchor donor cow.
OCC Rear End 407Z
OCC Homer 650H OCC Rear End 751R FCC Revolution Rose 995N
OCC Julian 709J
OCC Miss Julian 358S
OCC Valarie 399H
Production EPDs WW MILK NA NA
Angus II 407Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
OCC Homer 650H OCC Rear End 751R FCC Revolution Rose 995N FEATURED
OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Miss Eureka 522N
OCC Miss Anchor 462F
OCC Miss S1
BW .5
Production EPDs WW MILK 40 15
YW 72
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of R R 1204 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Ali 589X
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 77 ET ET 8
— Another exceptional Rear End Son out of the great 522N Eureka-sired donor. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Production EPDs WW MILK 44 16
YW 75
Angus II 409Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H OCC Homer 650H OCC Blackbird 966N OCC Emblazon 854E son OCC Miss M71
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 111 106 8
–– A thick, high performance, low-birth-weight son of Rear End. Double bred to Homer.
OCC Ureka 415Z
9/19/12 OCC Eureka 865E
OCC Ureka 960U
OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Missing Link 830M OCC Miss Link 481R OCC Miss Anchor 525L
BW .8
Production EPDs WW MILK 43 18
YW 69
Angus II 415Z
OCC Backstop 888B Blackbird of R R 1204 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Anchor 771A OCC Heroine 413A
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 83 103 95 8
–– A Eureka grandson out of a very stout attractive Missing Link dam.
Angus II Bulls
BW 2.0
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
OCC Transcend 716T
OCC Miss Transcend 382X
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 88 104 100 8
Angus II 410Z
OCC Homer 650H
FCC Revolution Rose 995N
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F Gest Maurits 12th OCC Valarie 336V
OCC Rear End 410Z
OCC Rear End 751R
–– A bigger framed growthy son of Rear End.
OCC Rear End 409Z
OCC Umax 425Z
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Umax 820U OCC Dixie Erica 801M OCC Jet Stream 825J OCC Miss 501M OCC Miss Emblazon 560K
BW .9
Production EPDs WW MILK 36 16
YW 62
Angus II 425Z
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Umax 820U OCC Dixie Erica 801M OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Paxton 373T OCC Miss Anchor 316E
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 968G OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Miss 6807 332C
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 81 94 94 8
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Umax 820U
OCC Dixie Erica 801M OCC Linebred 816R OCC Miss 360U OCC Miss 403L
BW -.7
Production EPDs WW MILK 42 16
YW 72
Angus II 428Z
BW .3
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Umax 820U
Angus II Bulls
OCC Dixie Erica 801M OCC Prophet 666P OCC Miss Prophet 368U OCC Miss 4431
BW -.2
Production EPDs WW MILK 38 17
YW 59
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss 316Y
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 99 98 8
OCC Normalizar 437Z Angus II 437Z
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Dixie Erica 661J OCC Missing Link 830M OCC Miss Link 416W OCC Miss 390R
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 67 ET ET 8
BW -1.6
Production EPDs WW MILK 33 16
YW 66
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B
OCC Normalizar 842N
OCC Linebred 661L OCC Primrose 931L OCC Emblazon 854E son OCC Miss 540H
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Moderate 874M OCC Miss Rito 307L
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 60 82 91 7.5
–– A very low birth bull that should work well on heifers.
Angus II 438Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Anchor 771A Son OCC Miss 9257
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 74 93 93 7.5
–– Another smooth made, low-birth Paxton grandson.
YW 74
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Umax 438Z
Production EPDs WW MILK 43 18
–– Double bred to the great maternal bull Paxton.
–– A low birth Paxton grandson.
Angus II 426Z
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Umax 428Z
–– A long, smooth bull that traces to Emblazon three times.
OCC Umax 426Z
OCC Umax 444Z
Angus II 444Z
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Umax 820U
OCC Dixie Erica 801M OCC Emblazon 854E son OCC Miss 051S OCC Miss Anchor 321G
BW 1.2
Production EPDs WW MILK 40 16
YW 74
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Anchor 771A OCC LVMS Blackbird 310X
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 70 95 106 7.5
–– A Umax son that is triple bred to Anchor.
OCC 011 Sentinel 300A
Duff New Edition 6108
FCC Rosetta 745R OCC Sentinel 714S
OCC Miss Sentinel 427W
OCC Miss Rancher 425T
Production EPDs WW MILK 44 16
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackcap 804M OCC Rancher 680R OCC Miss 390R
OCC Paxton 302A
OCC Focus 813F OCC Paxton 730P OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Honesty 962H OCC Miss 316N OCC Miss 6807 332C
BW .1
Production EPDs WW MILK 42 18
BW 1.8
Angus II 302A
OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Prototype 847P OCC Miss Prototype 302U OCC Miss 305L
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 73 ET ET 8
OCC Rear End 751R
OCC Rear End 351W
OCC Miss Anchor 589N OCC Paradise 681P OCC Miss Paradise 357T OCC Miss Eureka 360R
BW .2
Production EPDs WW MILK 46 18
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 17
YW 73
Angus II 321A
OCC Homer 650H FCC Revolution Rose 995N OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Durabull 304B OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Eureka 865E OCC Miss Anchor 386F
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 84 100 105 8
–– Another Rear End grandson with a great combination of muscle and volume.
Angus II 312A OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B OCC Kanga 886K OCC Dixie Erica 867K Gymnast C200 OCC Miss 351J
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 78 112 110 8
YW 74
–– A big growth son of 601Y. Dam always brings in a good one.
OCC Rear End 323A
OCC Homer 650H
OCC Rear End 751R
FCC Revolution Rose 995N Troycastle Ali 2 OCC Flo 595R OCC Flo 302V
BW 1.6
Production EPDs WW MILK 46 19
YW 78
Angus II 323A
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H Shandon Ali Lavenham Minotaur OCC Flo 323T
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 86 111 109 8
–– A very big-hipped, high maternal son of Rear End.
Angus II Bulls
BW 1.5
OCC Missing Link 830M
Shandon Ali OCC Valarie 409T
OCC The One 312A
OCC You're The One 610Y
OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 907C DHD Traveler 6807 OCC LVMS Blackbird 310X
OCC 351W Rear End 321A
OCCFocus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Joker 620J OCC Revolution Rose 887H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 79 ET ET 7.5
YW 74
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
YW 74
Production EPDs WW MILK 44 20
Angus II 301A
–– A long, thick, high performing Rear End son with extra milk. Daughters will be high producers.
–– An ET Paxton-sired bull whose dam was easy fleshing and had a beautiful udder.
OCC Homer 650H
FCC Revolution Rose 995N Gest Maurits 12th OCC Valarie 428H OCC Valarie 336V
–– A very powerful attractive bull with excellent performance.
OCC Rear End 751R
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 88 105 106 8
YW 76
OCC Rear End 301A
OCC Genesis 872G OCC Dixie Erica 814G OCC Missing Link 830M FCC Rosetta 983N
Duff Angus 011
BW .9
Angus II 300A
OCC Wide Body 331A
Angus II 331A
OCC Kanga 886K
OCC Wide-Body 838W [M1C]
OCC Dixie Erica 867K [M1C] OCC Prestige 672P OCC Miss Prestige 446W OCC Miss Eureka 506P
Production EPDs WW MILK 39 16
BW .4
YW 69
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 963H Papa Forte 1921 OCC Dixie Erica 747F
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Solution 362S OCC Miss Broadside 320J FEATURED LOT
OCC Anchor 771A
OCC Miss Anchor 310T OCC Miss 351J
BW 2.1
Production EPDs WW MILK 43 18
YW 72
BW .8
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC You're The One 610Y
OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Joker 620J
Angus II Bulls
OCC Valarie 394H
BW 1.1
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 19
YW 74
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 709V GEST Mauritis 12TH OCC Valarie 336V
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 79 ET ET 7.5
–– The dam of this bull is extremely wide hipped and powerful like most Joker daughters. “You’re the One” was the $30,000 high selling bull in our 2012 sale. He is siring cattle with excellent growth and length.
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Joker 620J
OCC MISS JOKER 324T OCC Valarie 428H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 85 108 109 8
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 102 105 8
OCC The One 471A
OCC You're The One 610Y
DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V Gest Maurits 12th OCC Flo 302V
Angus II 472A
YW 73
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Broadside 320J OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Anchor 316E
–– A bull that traces to Paxton three times and Anchor six times.
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Broadside 876B OCC Miss Anchor 365G
OCC The One 472A
Production EPDs WW MILK 42 18
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Miss Anchor 358F
OCC Miss Miss Paxton 378T
BW 1.1
–– Thick, long and attractive. Dam is a beautiful Anchor daughter.
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Miss 342W
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 77 109 103 8
Angus II 345A
Angus II 343A
OCC Miss Emblazon 512L OCC Solution 362S
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Eureka 865E OCC Miss Rito 203 306Y
OCC Solution 345A
OCC Paxton 300X
–– A heavy muscled bull with a great pedigree consisting of excellent production cows.
OCC Paxton 343A
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 19
YW 74
Angus II 471A
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 709V GEST Mauritis 12TH OCC Valarie 336V
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 81 ET ET 7.5
–– The dam of this bull is extremely wide hipped and powerful like most Joker daughters. “You’re the One” was the $30,000 high selling bull in our 2012 sale. He is siring cattle with excellent growth and length.
OCC The One 473A
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC You're The One 610Y
OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Joker 620J
OCC MISS JOKER 452L OCC Valarie 394H
BW 1.1
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 19
YW 74
Angus II 473A OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 709V GEST Mauritis 12TH OCC Valarie 336V
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 80 ET ET 8.5
–– The dam of this bull is extremely wide hipped and powerful like most Joker daughters. “You’re the One” was the $30,000 high selling bull in our 2012 sale. He is siring cattle with excellent growth and length.
OCC The One 474A
OCC Missing Link 830M OCC You're The One 610Y OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Joker 620J
OCC MISS JOKER 452L OCC Valarie 394H
BW 1.1
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 19
Angus II 474A
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 709V GEST Mauritis 12TH OCC Valarie 336V
OCC Fleck Solution 118Z
3/14/12 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 118Z
OCC Solution 362S
OCC Solution 122X
Akers Miss Emblazon U100 OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss 130W Fleckvieh
BW .9
Production EPDs WW MILK 48 19
OCC Miss Anchor 358F
BW .4
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Broadside 320J SVF/NJC Bull Right N48 OCC Miss Emblazon 301N OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Blackbird 736K
OCC Foundation 150Z
3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 150Z
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Paxtons Fleck 154W
OCC Legends Miss 125N FEATURED LOT OCC Prototype 847P OCC Miss 103W OCC Miss Jet Stream 137R
Production EPDs WW MILK 40 19
YW 70
OCC Kanga 886K OCC Dixie Erica 867K OCC Jet Stream 825J Miss Arnold F9789
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 72 100 98 8
–– A moderate-framed bull with excellent balance and eye appeal. Dam is extremely good with perfect udder. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 858F OCC Glory 950G OCC Dixie Erica 816B DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Drover 464C
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 71 ET ET 8
OCC Prototype 143Z
3/29/12 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 143Z
OCC Kanga 886K
OCC Dixie Erica 867K OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Paxton 153X Miss Arnold E5562
BW .0
Production EPDs WW MILK 44 17
YW 72
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 963H Papa Forte 1921 OCC Dixie Erica 747F OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K Panzer Miss Arnold A5225
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 62 101 103 7.5
–– A big, stout Prototype son with very low birth weight.
OCC Gulf Stream 183Z 5/1/12
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Juanada 861T FEATURED LOT OCC Mitchell 831M OCC Miss 134T Miss Arnold F9708
BW .5
Production EPDs WW MILK 46 18
YW 82
3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 183Z
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 968G OCC Rancher 680R OCC Juanada 851R OCC Hunter 928H OCC Erica Lassie 839J Sir Arnold B9018A Miss Arnold D9496
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 78 104 105 8.5
–– A tremendously thick, deep, attractive bull. • Retaining 1/2 semen interest.
Angus II Bulls
BW .1
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Legend 616L Miss Arnold E5568
YW 77
OCC Prototype 847P
–– A long thick bull that will add some heterosis to a set of calves. Double bred Paxton.
Production EPDs WW MILK 44 18
Angus II 478A
–– A very attractive Missing Link son out of the ever popular donor cow 512L.
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 77 105 108 7.5
YW 79
OCC Emblazon 854E
OCC Miss Emblazon 512L
–– The dam of this bull is extremely wide hipped and powerful like most Joker daughters. “You’re the One” was the $30,000 high selling bull in our 2012 sale. He is siring cattle with excellent growth and length.
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Missing Link 830M OCC Dixie Erica 946K
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 84 ET ET 8.5
YW 74
OCC Missing Link 478A
OCC Blue Moon 242Z
9/15/12 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Shorthorn 242Z
OCC Mitchell 831M
Jake's Blue Moon 250W
Jordon's Maria 262M ET FEATURED LOT OCC Proportional 306P OCC Miss 410T OCC Miss Anchor 462F
Production EPDs WW MILK NA NA
OCC Hunter 928H OCC Erica Lassie 839J Jake's Proud Leader 243H Poly CJ Cumberland 5113 ET
BW -1.8
–– A deep-bodied, easy fleshing, blue roan bull. Dam is a powerful Legend X Anchor bred dam.
OCC Link 267Z
OCC Missing Link 830M
Akers Missing Link 9603
OCC Blackbird 736K FEATURED LOT OCC Legend 616L
OCC Legends Naomi 126N
OCC Miss Arnold E5562
BW 1.1
Production EPDs WW MILK 42 18
YW 83
3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 267Z
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Eric 946K OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Blackbird 824G
Angus II Bulls
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Jet Stream 825J OCC Juanada 968G Sir Arnold B9018A Miss Arnold F9708 Miss Arnold D9496
BW 1.9
Production EPDs WW MILK 46 21
YW 84
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 48 99 96 7.5
9/12/12 7/8 Angus, 1/8 Fleckvieh 273Z
OCC Emblazon 854E
BW 1.4
Production EPDs WW MILK 43 17
YW 71
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A OCC Kanga 886K OCC Dixie Erica 867K OCC Jet Stream 825J Miss Arnold E1007
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 82 104 100 8
–– A very stylish, thick bull, double bred to Jetstream out of very easy fleshing Prototype dam.
DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 OCC Eureka 865E OCC Juanada 774A
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 85 100 100 7.5
–– A long, smooth ET Half-blood bull. We have had many full siblings to this bull that are very good.
OCC Focus 813F OCC Dixie Erica 603N OCC Mitchell 831M OCC Anchors Natalie 135N
OCC Jet Stream 273Z
OCC Juanada 968G OCC Prototype 847P OCC Miss 116U OCC Miss Jetstream 158P
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 103 107 8
9/21/12 1/2 Angus, 1/2 Fleckvieh 281Z
YW 60
OCC Jet Stream 825J
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackbird 632J Panzer Miss Arnold A5225
OCC Jet Stream 281Z
Production EPDs WW MILK 35 16
Basin Rainmaker 654X Dixie Erica of CH 1019 DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019
–– This bull should work on heifers. Dam BW 72, Grandam BW 69.
–– Another long, thick, attractive bull out of a Legend dam. Low birth weight.
OCC Focus 813F
OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Transformation 680T OCC Miss 144X OCC Rachel 162R
OCC Legend 616L OCC Miss Eureka 322M OCC Anchor 771A OCC Miss Ali 589X
9/4/12 15/16 Angus, 1/16 Fleckvieh 265Z
OCC Homer 650H
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 76 104 106 8
OCC Homers Fleck 265Z
OCC Xpression 282Z
9/21/12 7/8 Angus, 1/8 Fleckvieh 282Z
OCC Practical 841P
OCC X-pression 600X
Chloe Dixie Erica 7313 OCC Transcend 716T OCC Miss 143X OCC Legends Paris 144P
BW .2
Production EPDs WW MILK 38 17
YW 69
OCC Focus 813F OCC Juanada 986G Papa Forte 1921 OCC Dixie Erica 826J OCC Homer 650H OCC Blackbird 966N OCC Legend 616L Miss Arnold E5562
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 74 100 99 7.5
–– A good bull with a lot of low birth weight bred in.
OCC Umax 285Z
9/29/12 7/8 Angus, 1/8 Fleckvieh 285Z
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Dixie Erica 801M OCC Paradise 681P OCC Miss 113T OCC Legends Miss 184R
Production EPDs WW MILK 37 17
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Joker 620J OCC Dixie Erica 907C
OCC Umax 820U
BW -.8
BW 1.8
–– Another low birth bull that should work well on heifers.
OCC Juno 131A
3/26/13 7/8 Angus, 1/8 Fleckvieh 131A
OCC Jupiter 671J OCC Juno 106Y OCC Miss 109W OCC Solution 362S OCC Miss Solution 102X OCC Trixie 100T
BW 1.4
Production EPDs WW MILK 44 18
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 87 104 108 7.5
3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 146A
OCC Paxton 730P
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K OCC Broadside 876B OCC Miss Anchor 365G
OCC Solution 362S
OCC Miss Broadside 320J OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Paxton 70W Fullblood Fleckvieh
Production EPDs WW MILK 42 19
YW 71
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 84 99 100 7.5
–– A long, thick bull double bred to Paxton.
OCC Xtra Duty 142A
BW 1.3
Production EPDs WW MILK 40 17
YW 74
3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 426Z OCC Practical 841P OCC Pollyanna 944H OCC Anchor 771A H A Blackcap Lady 0464 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 968G LJB Jade AJ6 Miss Arnold C1284
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 87 102 104 7
–– A very long, thick-butted bull with excellent performance.
OCC Juno 148A
11/16 Angus, 5/16 Fleckvieh 148A
OCC Jupiter 671J
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Prototype 847P OCC Anchors Nettie 140N
OCC Juno 106Y
OCC Miss 109W OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Paxton 157X Miss Arnold E5562
BW 1.5
Production EPDs WW MILK 46 18
YW 74
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736KL Panzer Miss Arnold A5225
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 88 108 104 7.5
–– A complete bull with many good females in this pedigree.
Angus II Bulls
BW 1.1
OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736KL
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 91 100 100 7
OCC Unbelievable 851U OCC X-tra Duty 696X FCC Blackcap Lady 3810 OCC Jet Stream 825J OCC Miss Jetstream 158P Miss Arnold E1007
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Miss Broadside 320J OCC Prototype 847P OCC Nadia 127N
OCC Solution 146A
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Blackbird 632J Panzer Miss Arnold A5225
YW 77
–– Many great cows in this pedigree. Will sire some excellent females.
Production EPDs WW MILK 4 18
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B
–– A longer bodied, thick-butted bull out of a Legend-sired donor dam.
OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Prototype 847P OCC Anchors Nettie 140N
YW 77
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Legend 616L OCC Legends Paris 144P Miss Arnold E5562
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 816B OCC Legend 616L Miss Arnold F9708
3/18/13 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 118A
OCC You're The One 610Y
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 61 99 110 7.5
YW 74
OCC The One 118A
OCC The One 185A
10/31/12 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 185A
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC You're The One 610Y
OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Anchor 771A OCC Anchors Nettie 140N Miss Arnold E5503
BW .5
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 18
YW 73
The OCC FleckviehAngus Program
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V Sir Arnold A5111 OCC Miss Arnold Y5158
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 79 ET ET 7.5
–– The next three bulls are full brothers. This bull’s donor is as good a half blood cow that there is. She just never misses. And low birth weights as well.
OCC The One 187A
3/18/13 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 187A
OCC Missing Link 830M
OCC Headliner 661H OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B OCC Anchor 771A DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Anchors Nettie 140N OCC Juanada 709V Miss Arnold E5503 Sir Arnold A5111 OCC Miss Arnold Y5158
OCC You're The One 610Y
BW .5
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 18
YW 73
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 81 ET ET 7.5
–– This bull’s donor is as good a half blood cow that there is. She just never misses. And low birth weights also.
OCC The One 189A
3/21/13 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Fleckvieh 189A
There is a history with Fleckvieh (Austrian Simmental) cattle at OCC that actually goes back to the early U.S. importations of these cattle in the 1970s. The Fleckvieh cattle were bred with an emphasis on moderation and efficiency so are clearly a logical fit with today’s OCC Angus program. Although Fleckvieh didn’t play a significant role in the breeding program at OCC for many years until reintroduced in 2001, Tim never forgot these unique cattle that were overlooked by most of the beef industry until more recent years. A set of Simmental cows, strong in Fleckvieh genetics, were hand-picked from Arnold Brothers Dispersal in South Dakota in 2001 and we starting breeding them to our Angus bulls such as Anchor, Emblazon and Eureka. The result over the last 10-plus years is a set of ¼ blood or less Fleckvieh cows that are proving to be a phenomenal set of efficient, easy fleshing cows that are adaptable to a wide range of environments. Although we have been selling percentage Fleck bulls privately for several years, this is the first year that we are offering a large set through the annual auction. Please take the time to study these bulls. We think you’ll appreciate them as much as we do!
OCC Missing Link 830M OCC Headliner 661H OCC You're The One 610Y OCC Dixie Erica 946K OCC Dixie Erica 903E OCC Candor 763C OCC Dixie Erica 799B OCC Anchor 771A DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Anchors Nettie 140N OCC Juanada 709V Miss Arnold E5503 Sir Arnold A5111 OCC Miss Arnold Y5158
Angus II Bulls
BW .5
Production EPDs WW MILK 41 18
YW 73
Individual Birth Wt, Ratios, Fleshing Score BW Weaning Yearling Fleshing 81 ET ET 7.5
–– This bull’s donor is as good a half blood cow that there is. She just never misses. And low birth weights also.
A 3-year-old Paxton-sired female 1/2 Angus 1/2 Fleckvieh
Dam of Lot 122 — OCC Miss Solution 102X A 3-year-old Paxton daughter that is 1/8 Fleckvieh
A grandam or great-granddam of many bulls in the sale.
A 13-year-old Angus II cow.
A 3-year-old Thumper daughter. 3/4 Angus 1/4 Fleckvieh
OCC Juanada 826R Dam of Lots 19 and 33
An Angus II sired by Anchor.
Ohlde Cattle Co. 1362 2nd Road Palmer, KS 66962
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