6 minute read
Who’s Who in the Race for Denver’s Next Mayor
By LaQuane Smith
The following list offers a few nuggets of information about most of the candidates who have thrown their hat in the ring for the chance to take on the role of Denver mayor after the departure of Mayor Michael Hancock, who is term limited after 12 years in office. The growing list has been a fluid situation through midJanuary, the editorial deadline for Denver Urban Spectrum articles. The Denver Office of the Clerk and Recorder will release the final list on Feb. 3.
Kelly Brough is former chair of the Denver Chamber of Commerce. The Denver native is an advocate for “the promise of Denver,” and seeks to solve problems such as homelessness, public safety and the housing challenge in Denver. The candidate’s website is https://kellybrough.com/
Lisa Calderón is executive director for Emerge Colorado and an adjunct faculty member at Regis University. With and educational background in law and education, she is running for mayor to transform how city government fundamentally operates so that every Denver community member and resident can thrive. Calderón has experience in nonprofit, city government and education. Her T.E.A.C.H. platform stands for transformational transportation, economic and environmental justice, affordability, community safety and housing and health equity. She ran for mayor in 2019 and has experi- ence as chief of staff to Denver’s District 9 Council member Candi CdeBaca. The candidate’s website is https://lisafordenver.com/.
Paul Noel Fiorino is a graduate of Metropolitan State University and has a background in the arts as a ballet dancer, singer and songwriter. A political advocate for the arts and humanities, budget cuts to the arts inspired him to get into public service. His platform is all about preservation and conservation. He also wants to tackle affordable housing. Fiorino has run for governor of Colorado five times, the U.S. Senate once, and mayor of Denver in 2011 and 2015. The candidate’s website is https://fiorinoforcolorado.com
Marcus Giavanni ran for mayor in 2019 as a write-in candidate. He’s running again to take the lead in making Denver once again a non-partisan government. The candidate’s website is https://www.marcusgiavannifordenvermayor.com/
Chris Hansen is a sitting state senator for Colorado Senate District 31 and has a background in energy sector economics and data analytics. He has 20 years of experience in the global energy industry. He served as representative for House District 6 from 2017 to 2019, representing the east-central neighborhoods of Denver. His platform is to create a greener, safer and more affordable Colorado. The candidate’s website is https://www.chrisfordenvermayor.com/
Leslie Herod has a background in public service and is a graduate of the University of Colorado. She is an advocate, community leader, and the first Black, LGBTQ+ member of the Colorado General Assembly. Elected to the General Assembly in 2016, she has served three terms and was instrumental in passing statewide police accountability legislation. She has also supported programs such as Caring for Denver and STAR to provide mental health support. Her mayoral campaign platform focuses on housing solutions, public safety, people-oriented public transit, homelessness and mental health solutions. The candidate’s website is https://www.leslieformayor.co m/
Mike Johnston is a former Democratic state senator representing northeast Denver. With a background in education and the private sector, he worked as a principal, teacher, and an education advisor to former President Barack Obama’s first campaign. As state senator, he passed a landmark teacher evaluation reform. His platform addresses homelessness, affordable housing and crime. Johnston also wants to revitalize downtown by incentivizing businesses to offer childcare at their downtown locations. He wants a vibrant, affordable and safe Denver. The candidate’s website is https://www.mikejohnstonformayor.com/
Aurelio Martinez is a former boxer, boxing coach and CEO of the publication, Inside Boxing. The Denverite, who grew up in the Cole neighborhood and Five Points, is running for mayor because he feels that the city is broken. A graduate of Manual High School, he attended Metro State University and worked as an IBM customer engineer before starting his own business, Martinez Business Center. He wants to see affordable housing for lowwage earners and expanded services for recreation centers. The candidate’s website is https://aureliofordenver.com/ about/
Deborah Ortega brings 40 years of government experience to the mayoral race. She is an atlarge member of Denver City Council. She worked for Lt. Gov. George Brown’s office and for U.S. Sen. Floyd Haskell. She attended Barnes Business College and attended the
University of Denver Law School Clinical Education Program.
Ortega is known for her emphasis on environmental and safety issues. A long-time public servant, She believes that Denverites will bring change to their city. The candidate’s website is https://www.debbieortega.com/
Jesse Lashawn Parris is a social justice advocate with a background in criminal justice. He has a criminology and criminal justice degree from MSU Denver. He has advocated for those without housing, worked with Occupy Denver, and was a member of Denver Homeless Out Loud. In 2019, Parris ran for council’s at-large position. His platform is to advocate for Black and Brown populations, which include issues such as housing, fixing sidewalks and replacing police with friendly, compassionate and empathetic agencies. He shows up frequently at city council meetings. The candidate’s website is https://officialflc21.wixsite.com /jesse4denver2023
Terrance Roberts, a civil rights activist, former gang member and anti-gang activist, is a community leader who advocates against police brutality. His platform includes addressing the Denver housing crisis, homelessness, youth violence and the development of the music and film industry. Roberts is a co-founder of the Frontline Party for Revolutionary Action. He is running on a housing-first model and would like to see changes in the current camping ban. He wants people to have sanctioned access to showers, waste facilities for trash and bathrooms. The candidate’s website is https://www.terrancerobertsformayor.com/.
Trinidad Rodriguez has had a 23-year career in financing, funding projects that include schools, health clinics and affordable housing communities. The Denver native has
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Continued from page 7 served as senior vice president for both George K. Baum & Company and D.A. Davidson & Co. He has served as a commissioner of the Denver Housing Authority under three mayors. He believes that his diverse experience in management and finance can help address the problems of housing affordability, homelessness and economic opportunities. The candidate’s website is https://www.trinidad4denver.com/
Andre Rougeot is a former Army intelligence officer who served in Afghanistan. He earned a graduate degree at Harvard Business School and has a background in business. He wants safe communities, lower crime and affordable housing. The registered Republican wants to enforce the Denver camping ban. The candidate’s website is https://andyfordenver.com/.
Ken Simpson is a tech consultant with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and criminology as well as a master’s degree in public administration. He ran for the Denver mayor’s office in 2011. Simpson’s platform is affordable housing. He wants a housing-first initiative for the homeless and a reduction in crime. The candidate’s website is https://www.kensimpsonfordenvermayor.com/
Kwame Spearman is the CEO of Tattered Cover, a historic independent bookstore of Denver. Spearman grew up in Denver and attended East High School. He earned his bachelor of arts in political science and history from Columbia University, his juris doctorate from Yale Law School, and his MBA from Harvard Business School. His background includes working with Bain and Company, B.GOOD and Knotel. He has also been involved in student government and worked for former Colorado Senator Mark Udall’s deputy press secretary during his successful 2008 campaign.
Spearman has reported that if elected mayor, he will resign as Tattered Cover CEO. The candidate’s website is https://www.kwamefordenver.com/
David Stevens has a background in education and is the founder of The Language School. The native of New Orleans, Louisiana wants to tackle education issues. He wants easier access to education from preschool all the way to college. He also wants to increase funding for mental health. His platform is greater access to economic opportunities, less crime, affordable housing and wage equity. He believes that lack of education is the root cause of many problems that Denver faces. No candidate’s website was found.
Ean Tafoya has experience in education, nonprofits and the arts. Tafoya also has experience in public service, having worked in local government, community boards and on bal- lot initiatives. The advocate for civil rights and environmental justice serves as the co-chair of the Colorado Environmental Justice Action Task Force. His platform is regional cooperation, housing, environmental issues and public health and safety for Denver. The candidate’s website is https://eantafoya.com/tafoyafordenver/ Thomas Wolf has a background in investment banking. He graduated from the University of Iowa and earned his MBA from the University of Denver. Wolf began his career in finance at JP Morgan in New York and spent six years in London with Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley, before relocating to Denver. He a managing director at Crewe Capital, an investment bank and private wealth management firm. He ran for Denver mayor in 2011. His platform is to confront and control encampments, stressing that encampments are a humanitarian crisis. The candidate’s website is https://www.wolfdenvermayor.com/. .