Denver Urban Spectrum September 2016

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Volume 30 Number 6 September 2016



it on at the Olympic Games Rio 2016

2016 Olympic individual all-around, vault and floor gold medalist Simone Arianne Biles


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Volume 30 Number 6

September 2016

PUBLISHER Rosalind J. Harris


MANAGING EDITOR Laurence C. Washington

PUBLISHER ASSISTANT Melovy Melvin COLUMNISTS Kim Farmer Earl Ofari Hutchinson Theo E.J. Wilson FILM CRITIC BlackFlix.Com

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Donna Garnett Luciana Laurence Curtis Washington

The Year of the Woman

The Year of the Woman was a popular label attached to 1992 after the election of a number of female Senators in the United States which included Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois. Fast forward to the 2016 Democratic National Convention where three women played key leadership roles; who happened to be Black. Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge, Donna Brazile and Leah Daughtry ran the Democratic National Convention as convention chair, interim Democratic National Committee chair and CEO of the convention, respectively. In this month’s Denver Urban Spectrum we’re featuring African-American women who were the breakout stars at this summer’s Olympics in Rio. Led by 19-year-old Simone Biles, who flipped and turned her way into Olympic history, look for track stars Brianna Rollins, Nia Ali, Kristi Castlin and swimmer Tianna Bartoletta coming to a Wheaties box near you. Rio punctuated 2016 as the year of the woman, as African-American women, who were instrumental in President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 win the White House, helped presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton clinch the Democratic nomination, thus making her the first woman US President if she defeats Donald Trump in November. In my opinion, the Year of the Woman is every year and if the election proves true, I guess Trump won’t be eating his Wheaties if you know who, by chance, is graced on the cover in the near future. Happy reading!

Laurence C. Washington Managing Editor


GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jody Gilbert - Kolor Graphix


CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Lens of Ansar Bernard Grant DISTRIBUTION Glen Barnes Lawrence A. James Ed Lynch

The Denver Urban Spectrum is a monthly publication dedicated to spreading the news about people of color. Contents of the Denver Urban Spectrum are copyright 2016 by Bizzy Bee Enterprise. No portion may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The Denver Urban Spectrum circulates 25,000 copies throughout Colorado. The Denver Urban Spectrum welcomes all letters, but reserves the right to edit for space, libelous material, grammar, and length. All letters must include name, address, and phone number. We will withhold author’s name on request. Unsolicited articles are accepted without guarantee of publication or payment. Write to the Denver Urban Spectrum at P.O. Box 31001, Aurora, CO 80041. For advertising, subscriptions, or other information, call 303-292-6446 or fax 303-292-6543 or visit the Web site at


A Case for ‘Slow, Hard Work’

one conclusion, but we find another outcome than we are expecting because we’re devoted to slow and sometimes hard work. But, as recently as 2014, in a report sponsored by the Barna (Research) Group, we find the centrality of practicing one’s faith declining in importance in America. The report began with this finding, “Although church involvement was once a cornerstone of American life, U.S. adults today are evenly divided on the importance of attending church. While half (49 percent) say it is “somewhat” or “very” important,” the other 51 percent say it is “not too” or “not at all” important. Please know your faith community benefits by your commitment to the slow, hard work of building and sharing who you are and what you believe with others. Beyond the practice of our faith, there is also the need for more civic engagement in our neighborhoods today. I was speaking with a beloved coach of one of our community football teams in one of Denver’s great neighborhoods, Montbello. He shared with me how much time it takes to mold the young ones he coaches, not just for skills to play the game, but for life skills so many of the children in the league were not getting at home. He, too, made a case for working slowly and capably to help the children mature so they can face life with confidence and a will to give back when they get older. So many things in our lives are getting faster by the moment. My cell

Editor: There are times when political rhetoric strikes a common chord in our hearts and minds. It is my humble opinion that such a time was during President Barack Obama’s speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention when he said, “America has never been about what one person says he’ll do for us. It’s always been about what can be achieved by us, together, through the hard, slow, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately enduring work of self-government.” Of course he was speaking of our democracy, specifically the slow, hard work of self-government. I would like to see this thought applied more widely. We simply cannot microwave our way to building a brighter, more inclusive, more loving and more morally engaged society without consistent doses of slow, hard work by our citizens. As a Christian pastor I have seen great fluctuations in the amount of time, devotion, and commitment members of faith communities have been offering to their churches, mosques and synagogues. I embraced my call to ministry partly because I believe it is in spiritual settings that we see our common humanity, and practice the principles of loving our neighbors as we love ourselves, reaching out to one another beyond divided lines and overcoming temptations towards hate-filled feelings, accusations and actions. Many times we believe we are on the path towards

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


phone is a great example of that. But there is great evidence that all because something is faster, doesn’t mean it’s better. President Obama was right on point once again in his speech before the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Whether we like good results fast or not we’d all benefit by committing ourselves to more, slow, hard work in our lives. By God’s grace, the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado is a great partner in the long, hard work of building connections and relationships beyond the constraints or limits of our own faith tribes. Let’s do this work in our present age so that generations unborn will benefit. Rev. Dr. James Ellis Fouther, Jr. United Church of Montbello Denver

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African-American Women Inspire and Dominate the Summer Olympics

Adorable Biles takes the 2016 Olympics by storm By Denver Urban Spectrum Staff


fter the 2012 London Olympics, where US women won about 60 percent of American’s gold medals, sports fans should have see it coming. Four years later in Rio de Janeiro, Team USA fielded the largest women contingency in Olympic history, and USA women athletes lead the count of Gold Medals — doubling the number won by the men. Punctuating the golden victories were AfricanAmerican women. In track and field, three AfricanAmerican women Brianna Rollins, 25, Nia Ali, 27, and Kristi Castlin, 28, completed their historic sweep in the women’s 100-meter hurdles as easy as one, two, three. “It’s a big day for women,” Rollins said. The trio’s accomplishment is the first time American women of any race swept an Olympic track and field event. Rollins ran away with the Gold, Ali took the Silver after running neckand-neck with Kristi Castlin, who took home the Bronze. When the American flag was raised, the trio owned the Olympic podium.

If Biles did have an off performance, it was when she won a Bronze medal for her Balance Beam performance; bringing her total to five Olympic medals tying Mary Lou Retton (’84), Shannon Miller (’92) and Nastia Liukin (’08) of the most medals won by an American gymnast in a single Olympic event.

Dispelling a Stereotype

“We all have potential to be great,” said Tianna Bartoletta, 30, who leaped Brianna Rollins, Nia Ali, and Kristi Castlin into history finishing first in the women’s long jump. “We all have a purpose. So believe that and fulfill your dreams, because there’s always a destiny for each and every one of us.” Bartoletta and Brittney Reese, 29, finished first and second clinching the United States’ lead in the 2016 Summer Olympics medal table. Only two centimeters separated Bartoletta (7.17 meters) and Reese (7.15 meters), with Serbia’s Ivana Spanovic coming in third. However, the American women Simone Biles were not through winning the Gold. Dispelling the stereotype that blacks An Inspiration to Young chose Biles to carry the US flag during she joins an elite group of female gym- are not good competitive swimmers, the closing ceremony, thus securing nasts to win four gold medals in one African-American Women Simone Manuel became the first her place in US history as the second Olympic event – Ecaterina Szabo Not to over shadow Rollins, Ali African-American woman to win an gymnast to have bestowed the honor. (1984), Vera Caslavska (1968) and and Castlin’s historic run, the big Olympic Gold medal for individual Larisa Latynina (1956). question during the Olympics was: “Is Biles routines were so amazing, that swimming in the women’s 100 19-year-old artistic gymnast, freestyle final – setBrittney Reese Simone Biles the greatest gym- Tianna Bartoletta Simone Manuel ting an Olympic nast of all time?” and an American How so? record. We’ll, unless you’ve been livAfter the heat, ing under a rock during last Manuel looked at month’s Olympics, you’ve probthe scoreboard and ably caught the 4 ft. 8 in. Biles was surprised to high-wire act — defying gravity see she was tied for and winning four Gold medals. a Gold Medal and Judges, fans and spectators set an Olympicgasped in awe, as Biles spun, record time of 52.70 flipped, twirled and tumbled seconds. herself into Olympic history. At the end of the Biles performance was so day, the 20-yearincredible, only one word old from Sugar could describe it - Electrifying. Land, Texas won So electrifying that Team USA Continued on page 4 Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


GOTV Key to Winning in November By Luciana

“Don’t take it for granted or think that it will be a slam dunk in November,” said Colorado Hillary Clinton Campaign Director Emmy Ruiz as she concluded a business luncheon hosted by Wilma Webb and Wellington E. Webb. “Get out to vote will be key in this presidential race. People will smile with you but when they go to the polls, it’ll be a different story,” she said to more than 50 attendees at the luncheon sponsored by the American petroleum institute (API). Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton surrogate Webb chalked it as a rapid fire luncheon covering several topics and speakers followed with questions and answers. Senator Michael Bennett’s wife Susan Dagget welcomed guests and thanked attendees for their support. Denver Metro Chamber President Kelly Brough talked about the Raise the Bar Campaign and its importance on the general election. The Raise the Bar – Protect our Constitution measure seeks to make it harder to amend Colorado’s constitution by requiring future constitutional ballot initiative proponents to gather signatures from two percent of all registered voters in each of Colorado’s 35 state senate districts. The proposal also requires approval from 55 percent of voters before a ballot amendment can be added to the constitution. Other presenters included API’s Tracy Bentley who talked about the American Petroleum Institute, diversification and ballot initiatives. Dr. Ryan Ross of API talked about oil and gas and its impact on the community and steps being taken to educate and involve communities of color. In attendance was a bevy of elected officials and candidates running for office, including State Representatives Rhonda fields, Jovan Melton, Brittney Petterson, Janet Buckner, Crisanta Duran, and Westminster City Councilwoman Jordan Suarez, State Representative candidates Dominique

Jackson, James Coleman, Adrienne Benavidez, and Leslie Herod. Community supporters included Allen Webb, Tish Maes, and Superintendent Patrick Demmer, representing the East Denver Ministerial Alliance, who expressed disappointment about the lack of community response and outreach for educating the community; and directed the question of concern to Webb. Looking around the room, Webb responded, “Today we have Rhonda, Crisanta, Jovan, Leslie and James who you can reach out to as well. Give us a little time, we’re working on it and we will get it right.”

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Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016



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Clarissa Shields

African American Women Inspire Continued from page 2 two Gold and two Silver medals (Gold in the 100-meter freestyle and the 4x100-meter medley, and Silver in the 50-meter freestyle and the 4x100 meter freestyle relay). “I’m just so blessed to have a Gold medal,” Manuel told to NBC news after the event. “This medal is not just for me. It’s for a whole bunch of people who came before me and have been an inspiration to me. It’s for all the people after me who believe they can’t do it, and I just want to be an inspiration to others that you can do it.” In the past, Black women excelled in track and field events featuring sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner and recently gymnastics with Dominique Dawes.

A Brave New World

Ibtihaj Muhammad

Michelle Carter

However, Black women are now reaping the harvest of Title IX, the 1972 amendment that states no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Clarissa Shields had stepped in the ring as the youngest boxer during the February 2012 U.S. Olympic trials, winning the 165-pound weight class. In May 2012, she qualified to compete at the 2012 Olympics, the first year that women’s boxing was an Olympic event. At the London Olympic Games in August 2012, Shields became the first U.S. woman to win a boxing medal winning the Olympic middleweight title by defeating Russian boxer Nadezda Torlopova.

Shields, 21, defended the Gold medal she won in London with a unanimous decision over Nouchka Fontijn in the women’s middleweight class female boxing. Shields becomes the first American boxer in history to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. “I wanted to let it be known that I’m not just a great female boxer, but I’m one of the great boxers to ever live,” Shields told NBC Sports. “I’m the first American to be a two-time gold medalist, oh my God.”

Michelle Carter, 30, who holds the current American shot put record (20.63 meters), became the first African-American woman to win Gold in the shot put competition. And Fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad, 30, the first Muslim-American woman to compete for the U.S. in a hijab, won a Bronze medal in the women’s team sabre event. Enter Rio 2016 where Black women not only competed in new and different events — they dominated.

2016 Final Top Five Medal Winners

1. United States 2. People’s Republic of China 3. Great Britain 4. Russian Federation 5. Germany

46 - Gold 26 - Gold 27 - Gold 19 - Gold 17 - Gold

37 - Silver 18 - Silver 23 - Silver 18 - Silver 10 - Silver

38 - Bronze 38 - Bronze 17 - Bronze 19 - Bronze 15 - Bronze

Be patient at crossings Getting stuck at a train crossing can be annoying. It’s a small inconvenience to stop when you’re in a rush, but it’s much better than the alternative. Don’t ever walk around the gates when lights are flashing and bells are ringing.

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Total -121 Total - 82 Total - 67 Total - 56 Total - 42

Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Olympic Medals

With so much excitement around the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, here are seven obscure Olympic medal facts courtesy of the Money Museum in Colorado Springs, Colo. The museum is currently exhibiting “Olympic Games— History & Numismatics,” honoring the history, ideals and pageantry of the world’s finest athletic event. #1.Olympic gold medals aren’t really gold The last series of medals made of solid gold were awarded at the 1912 Summer Olympic Games in Stockholm. Traditionally, Olympic gold medals are required to be made from at least 92.5% silver, and must contain a minimum of 6 grams of gold. #2. “Citius, Altius, Fortius” The Olympic Motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (“Faster, Higher, Stronger”), has been the official motto of the Games since 1924. The motto has been featured on four Winter Games medals, but does not appear on any medals from the Summer Games. #3. A wreath for first place During the first modern Olympics in 1896, first-place athletes were crowned with an olive wreath and awarded a silver medal. It was not until the 1904 Summer Olympic Games in St Louis, that the nowfamous gold, silver and bronze medals were awarded. #4. Winter Games medals are heavier

Olympic medal designs have varied considerably over time. Award medals presented at the Summer Games tend to lean on a classical design, whereas medals awarded at the Winter Games have a more freestyle layout. The Winter Games medals are generally larger, thicker, and heavier than those for the Summer Games. #5. Why do Olympians bite their medals? Winning athletes are often photographed biting their medals. This is usually at the photographer’s request, and is based on the ancient practice of

biting into gold to test its purity and authenticity. #6. Artistry worthy of Olympic medals From 1912 to 1948, art competitions were held as part of the Olympic Games, and medals were awarded for works of art inspired by sport. The five categories included: architecture, literature, music painting, and sculpture. #7. Worth their weight in gold With 18 Olympic gold medals, Michael Phelps holds the all-time medal record. The record for most gold medals held by a woman belongs to Larisa Latynina, a former Soviet gymnast, with nine.

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Olympic Medals Exhibit at the Money Museum

“Olympic Games – History & Numismatics” is currently on exhibit at the Money Museum in Colorado Springs, Colo. The exhibit features rare Syracusan dekadrachms (Greek coins) awarded during the fifth century B.C.; a 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics bronze medallion designed by the famed Karl Goetz; a complete set of award medals from the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics and 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics courtesy of the U.S. Olympic Committee; plus participation medals, torches and even a few mascots. The museum includes an extensive and ever-growing collection of historical numismatic treasures. This one-ofa-kind facility showcases some of the most valuable coins and related items the public cannot see anywhere else. Rarities include a 1913 Liberty Head nickel valued at $2 million and two of the 15 known 1804 dollars valued together at $6 million. The Money Museum is located at 818 N. Cascade Ave, adjacent to the campus of Colorado College and next door to the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Museum hours of operation are Tuesday-Saturday, 10:30 am-5 pm. Admission is $5 ($4 for seniors, military and students). Kids 12 and under are free. For more information, visit or call 719-632-2646.

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Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


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The National Association of Black

Journalists (NABJ) mourns the loss of longtime black press champion and editor, George E. Curry. He died Saturday, Aug. 20, at 69. “I am heartbroken to learn that Mr. George Curry has passed. He has been a beacon for so many and a pivotal voice among Black publishers. His strength and pursuit for the truth will carry on in the lives he touched,” said NABJ President Sarah Glover. “I had the chance to talk with him recently at the Democratic National Convention. His 5,000 watt smile stays etched in my mind. On behalf of the entire NABJ family, our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones.” Curry was passionate about developing the next generation of black journalists, regularly lent his support to NABJ programming and was an invaluable asset to the success of this year’s NABJ Region I conference at Morgan State University in Baltimore. “My friendship with George spanned 40 years. He was a race man and gumshoe journalist in the tradition of Vernon Jarrett and Mal Goode. For a decade we were panelists on ‘Lead Story,’ BET’s old Sunday morning news talk show,” said NABJ

NABJ Mourns the Passing of Longtime Black Press Advocate


Founder DeWayne Wickham, also dean of Morgan’s School of Global Journalism and Communication. “But George’s most important contribution to our craft was the courageous work he did as editor of Emerge magazine, a news magazine that had no equal in applauding the successes, and condemning the enemies, of people of African descent.” In 1966, Curry moved to New York where he worked for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) for a year. Curry earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in history

from Knoxville College in 1970. Fulfilling a lifelong dream, Curry began his professional journalism career as a reporter for Sports Illustrated magazine in 1970; he was the second AfricanAmerican hired by the publication. After leaving Sports Illustrated in 1972, Curry headed west and worked as a beat reporter for The St. Louis Post-Dispatch until 1983. From 1983 until 1989, Curry worked for the Chicago Tribune as a Washington correspondent, covering political stories such as Jesse Jackson’s 1984 presidential campaign. From 1989 until 1993, Curry worked as the New York bureau chief of the Tribune. From there, Curry served as editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine until it folded and printed its final edition in 2003. Under his leadership, the magazine won more than 40 national journalism awards. Curry was in the process of reviving Emerge as an online publication at the time of his death. “He was still fighting to revive that magazine until his last moment on earth,” said TV- ONE host Roland S. Martin, a friend, colleague and fellow columnist. “George Curry died with his boots on, still fighting.”

According to Journal-isms, Emerge was best known for its cover stories on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, one showing the justice sporting an Aunt Jemima knot and the second depicting him as a lawn jockey for the far right. Curry wrote that the covers “were effective because in the minds of many Blacks disgusted with Thomas’ voting record, that’s exactly what he is. And we had the temerity to say it.” Emerge aimed to be the political-magazine counterpart to EBONY, Jet, Essence and Black Enterprise. In 2003, Curry became editor-inchief for the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service, or NNPA, and; his weekly syndicated column appeared in more than two hundred African-American newspapers. While at NNPA, Curry covered a barrage of issues, such as the Supreme Court’s decision on the University of Michigan’s affirmative action case and the Iraq War. In 2003, Curry was named the NABJ Journalist of the Year for his work with the Black Press. “George has made so many contributions to journalism - from the high school journalism workshops to his passionate fight for the black press. There’s a generation of journalists including me - who are grateful to have had the chance to know him,” said Neil Foote, a friend of Curry’s and president of the National Black Public Relations Society.

Editor’s note: Funeral arrangements are pending at the time of this release and will be updated on the NABJ website. Reports from The HistoryMakers and Journal-isms were used to compile this release. About the National Association of Black Journalists: An advocacy group established in 1975 in Washington, D.C., NABJ is the largest organization for journalists of color in the nation, and provides career development as well as educational and other support to its members worldwide.

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Press Members, Students Honored at Annual CABJ Media Awards and Scholarship Banquet Event Featured Special Conversation with Former Bronco Alfred Williams

With his infectious laugh and big

time personality, two-time Super Bowl champion Alfred Williams has laid the blueprint for how to reinvent yourself and tackle a new career. Once feared on the football field, Williams successfully transitioned to life behind the microphone, becoming one of the most popular midday sports broadcasters in Denver. Fellow CU Buff and 104.3 The Fan broadcasters Charles Johnson lead a very compelling interview with Williams during the 29th annual Colorado Association of Black Journalists Media Awards and Scholarship Banquet, held Aug. 12 at the Denver Marriott City Center. Williams talked about his path from professional athlete to sports broadcasting as well as other topics relevant to the current media landscape. “It was exciting to have someone of Alfred Williams’ stature to take time out of his incredibly busy schedule to

CABJ President Gabrielle Bryant, The Fan broadcaster Charles Johnson, Julius Vaughns and Justin Adams

speak to our guests,” said Colorado Association of Black Journalists President Gabrielle Bryant. CABJ recognized TaRhonda Thomas (9News), Trina McGuire-Collier (Denver Water) and Charles Emmons (Denver Urban Spectrum) with the Broadcast Journalist, Public Relations Professional and Print Journalist of the Year awards. Metro State University of Denver student Theresa Cole also earned a $500 scholarship that she plans to utilize this fall as she pursues her B.A. in journalism. In addition, Voz y Corazon of the Mental Health Center

of Denver was the recipient of the Community Service Award for the work with teens. A host of media members from the Denver metro area earned Scribes in Excellence awards for their exemplary coverage of Colorado’s African American community. Following are the winners: •Joe Amon, Noelle Phillips, John Wenzel and Cameron Wolfe — Denver Post •Charles Emmons, Bernard Grant, Rosalind “Bee” Harris and the staff of DUS — Denver Urban Spectrum •Matt Bell, Anastasiya Bolton, Andy

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


Buck, Nelson Garcia, Chris Hansen, Byron Reed, Steve Staeger, TaRhonda Thomas and the staff of 9News — 9News (KUSA) •Gerri Gomez Howard - Gomez Howard Group •Kevin Hartfield and Brian Maass — CBS 4 (KCNC) •Justin Adams — NewsRadio KOA •Rachel Estabrook and Ryan Warner — Colorado Public Radio •Chandra Thomas Whitfield — NBCNEWS.COM The Colorado Association of Black Journalists (CABJ), with more than 100 members statewide, is an organization of journalists, students and mediarelated professionals that provides quality programs and services to and advocates on behalf of Black journalists throughout. CABJ, founded in 1987, is the largest organization of journalists of color in the region and is an affiliate chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). For more information, visit

Denver Foundation Awarded $200,000 to Elevate Philanthropy in Communities of Color

Grant from W.K. Kellogg Foundation Announced During Black Philanthropy Month Celebration

The Denver Foundation’s efforts

to deepen, leverage, and grow philanthropy among communities of color has received a significant boost, thanks to a $200,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF). The award from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) will be utilized over three years and will support Elevating Philanthropy in Communities of Color (EPIC), a focus of The Denver Foundation, which aims to broaden the definition of what it means to be a philanthropist and to acknowledge the long history of philanthropic contributions of people of color, whose gifts include time, talent, treasure, and testimony. WKKF previously supported EPIC with a gift of $300,000 in 2014, bringing their total investment to half a million dollars. The award was announced during Black Philanthropy Month celebration at the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library in Denver on Tuesday, Aug. 9, which was attended by a standing-room-only crowd of more than 100 community leaders. August is Black Philanthropy Month. “We know that this community has worked very hard and made tremendous contributions to the lives of people in Metro Denver for many, many years,” said Christine MarquezHudson, President and CEO of The Denver Foundation, during Tuesday’s announcement. “You’ve given time, stories, treasure. But this community hasn’t necessarily received recognition for all of that hard work. That’s what EPIC is all about – elevating relationships, programming, leadership, and grant making in communities of color.

By Laura Bond

Christine Marquez-Hudson, President and CEO of The Denver Foundation (center) with Stan and Wanda Pate Jones and Ida and Wiley Daniel Photos by Flor Blake Photography

The Denver Foundation is delighted to continue that work, and to join with all of you as partners and learners.” “With this continued support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, EPIC will continue to engage donors of color by building relationship and philanthropic capacity through historical and culturally relevant giving models. This work is a critical part of the Foundation’s DNA as we work hand-in-hand with the community to drive positive community change,” says LaDawn Sullivan, The Denver Foundation’s director of community leadership. The Denver Foundation is a recognized leader in the movement to catalyze philanthropy to advance racial, ethnic, and economic equity. The Foundation believes that community change is especially powerful when the people most impacted by issues lead in identifying and implementing solutions. The pervasive disparities in education, health care, affordable

housing, and employment are among the many issues that the Foundation addresses through funding initiatives, community partnerships, and connections with generous donors. These disparities disproportionately affect people of color. The Denver Foundation’s core commitment to equity is evident in a number of initiatives, including: •Strengthening Neighborhoods, a program that supports resident engagement and resident leadership to develop community asset-based solutions •The Inclusiveness Project, which provides resources to help nonprofit organizations become more racially inclusive •Giving Circles for people of color: Denver African American Philanthropists (DAAP), which launched in May 2012; Sisterhood of Philanthropists Impacting Needs (SPIN) and LatinasGive!, both launched in 2015 •Executive Directors of Color, a program to build the individual and organizational capacity of nonprofit leaders of color

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


•Nonprofit Internship Program, a paid summer intern program designed to expose undergraduate students to professional and philanthropic opportunities in the nonprofit sector “Our goal is to bring community leaders from across all sectors and from all racial/ethnic backgrounds together to improve the quality of life of vulnerable children and families,” says Christine Marquez-Hudson, president and CEO of The Denver Foundation. “When more people of color are actively engaging, investing, and leading efforts to address community issues they identify as the most important, we’ll know we’re getting closer to meeting that goal.” Black Philanthropy Month is a chance to reflect on the legacy and impact of African American giving across the country and in Colorado. In Metro Denver, families, faith-based congregations, organizations, and generous individuals have kept giving traditions alive for decades. Denver Delta Eta Boule, which has roots that date to 1921, has distributed more than $300,000 in scholarships for rising African-American men since 1998. The Denver (Colo.) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, an African American women’s organization formed in 1952, has contributed more than $1 million and over 325,000 hours of community service to organizations that work to enrich the lives of others. Many more African-American sororities, fraternities, organizations, and groups contribute countless hours, expertise and financial contributions for the betterment of the Greater Metro Denver community.

Trump Peddles the Plantation Myth About Blacks and Democrats T

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson

he GOP never tires of pitching the line in a presidential election year that the Democrats take black votes for granted and do absolutely nothing in return for those votes. The line goes that the Democrats alleged job killing, tout of entitlements, promotion of dependency and mind-numbing damp down of personal initiative have in effect created a modern-day plantation that traps blacks in perpetual poverty, horribly failed public schools, and run down crime ridden slums. They are for all practical purposes politically disenfranchised by being the handmaiden of the Democrats. Trump is the latest in the long train of GOP presidential contenders to peddle this line at campaign stops in Wisconsin and Michigan. Now Trump didn’t go much further than this and make the pledge that some of the more delusionary GOP contenders have and embark on a truncated, photo-op, charm tour to court Blacks. He knows that there’s no point in this given his hideous racial track record from barring Blacks from his apartment buildings, to his campaign for the death penalty for the falsely accused Central Park five, to his phony, fraudulent birther savaging of President Obama. He’s earned and richly deserves the near universal loathing he gets from Black voters Yet, Trump’s point still dangles heavily in the air that the Democrats routinely engage in a crude brand of plantation politics in that they win election after election with Black votes, but give nothing in return for that ever reliable support. More than a few Blacks have echoed this sentiment and ferociously ripped the Democrats for allegedly asking much of Black voters and giving little to them in return. At first glance, there appears to be some ammunition for Trump to get some ink with the charge. The big cities with the highest levels of black poverty, underserved public schools, and high crime, as well as thorny issues with police violence such as Baltimore and Milwaukee, have long been run by Democrats, in most cases, Black Democrats. The GOP then endlessly tosses out gerrymandered fig-

ures on everything from jobs to jails to purport that Blacks have supposedly fared worse under President Obama than they did under presumably GOP presidents. The absurdity of this is almost laughable. It’s even more laughable to make the case that Democrats and Democratic administrations are the cause of Blacks wallowing in poverty. And one doesn’t have to cite the Bush tax giveaways to the wealthy and big corporations, and slashes in spending on job and education programs. Or cite the GOP controlled Congress’s slash and burn of all Obama’s job and income initiatives and spending proposals to make the case that the blame finger for black poverty points to the GOP. According to Census data on unemployment and poverty, black families’ income grew far more and joblessness dropped far faster under Democratic presidents than under Republicans. The poverty rate for Blacks also showed a major plunge under Democratic administrations while it grew when a GOP president sat in the Oval Office. Democrats have gotten the Black vote for nearly a half century for two brutal and compelling political reasons. The first is simple pragmatism. Most Blacks rely on the Democrats and civil rights leaders to fight the tough battles for health care, greater funding for education and jobs, voting rights protections, affirmative action and against racial discrimination. Even when Black Democratic politicians stumble and engage in borderline corrupt and self-serving feather their own nest antics, they are still regarded as better bets than Republican candidates to be more responsive to black needs. Black voters generally regard them as the politicians that accurately capture the mood of fear and hostility the majority of Blacks feel toward the Republicans. The other is that many Democrats were the only ones that consistently fought back against Reagan, Bush Sr. and W. Bush’s draconian cuts in job, education and social services funding and programs, their retrograde nominees to the Supreme Court appointments that would roll back the civil rights clock, and their peck away at affirmative action, civil rights and civil liberties protections. The GOP’s relentless and ruthless opposition to affirmative action, its

duck, dodge, dither and flat-out obstruction of any and every initiative or legislation by President Obama on jobs, the increase in the minimum wage, strengthening social security protections, the dogged opposition to a slew of Obama judicial and administration appointees, and its hectoring and harassing of former Attorney General Eric Holder. Its manic and never-ending effort to torpedo the Affordable Care Act and the slew of nakedly race-tinged voting rights suppression laws it has dumped on the books in a handful of key electoral states has tagged it as an irredeemable enemy of Black voters. Blacks, however, have been very much in Trump’s political play book. He’s used them as the perfect foil with his borderline racist digs, jibes, and slurs to drive disaffected, conservative, and other unreconstructed bigoted white voters to the polls. The hit on Democrats for allegedly running a plantation with Black voters is just another cynical and calculated page from that playbook. Editor’s note: Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. He is a consultant with the Institute of the Black World and an associate editor of New America Media. He is a weekly co-host of the Al Sharpton Show on Radio-one. He is the host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KPFK-Pacifica Radio.

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


Police Murders Expose Need for Nationhood, ASAP!

“Here we go, again,” we said,

“another murder gone viral.” Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and then Korryn Gaines executed on camera as the Black world bled with them. This feels like Groundhog Day, the movie where Bill Murray’s character lives the same tragic day, over and over. We’re simply not learning our lesson. We shared a responsibility in allowing these conditions to exist. Mentally, I screamed, “If Black people are going to raise another generation of sacrificial lambs, have the decency to not cry when they’re slaughtered.” How bad do we really want out of this ‘Groundhog Day’ scenario? For the love of Trayvon, what are we willing to do to change it? If appealing to the power structure worked, law enforcement would racially profile their real killers; White men. According the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, from 2005 to 2014, 563 police officers were feloniously killed in America – 224 of the killers were Black, 309 of the killers were White. When we adjust the figures for the fact that Blacks are exposed to the police at six times the rate according to The New Jim Crow, we see that Whites are literally eight times more likely to kill police than Blacks are. This means that cop killers Micah Xavier Johnson and Gavin Long are statistical outliers, and the cops have far more to fear from non-Blacks. Sadly, this matters not. It’s time for a reality check on the nature of power. Clue; it is inherently unfair. If things were fair, the bird would never get the worm. The worm’s innocence would protect it. Let’s be clear: If you cannot inflict a painful deterrent onto a predator, you’re lunch. They’re not afraid of our prayers and songs, and we sing and pray damn good. This is a nightmare scenario: Our goodness has become our enemy. African peoples across the diaspora are among the most spiritual people on the planet. But, physics are not suspended just because you see the birds-eye-view of the spirit. Without an intimate knowledge of the laws of survival, your spiritual knowledge is incomplete. So the question for the spiritually minded is what is all this tragedy trying to teach you? – Perhaps to balance out and to become well-rounded; to get out of the clouds and onto the ground. It is not the law of attraction, but the law of action that governs the here-and-

By Theo E.J. Wilson

now universe. What is the proper action for our situation? The answer lies in an examination of what happened in Dallas shortly after the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. The shootings of the police in both Dallas and Baton Rouge symbolize a breaking point for Black America. But rather than seeing the shootings as the last straw in our abusive relationship with America, they branded them as hate crimes from Black Lives Matter. Interestingly, both of the shooters had served time in the military, a fact the mainstream media glances over in the narrative of the shootings. These men were traumatized veterans, not community activists. No affiliation to anything other than the military has been revealed for either of them. Perhaps the combined trauma of being both Black and veterans seems to have been too much. However, randomly shooting cops does not solve the long term issue of police violence. In fact, it may exacerbate it. Sadly, law enforcement across this nation has turned into de-facto municipal collection agency, fleecing the public via traffic tickets to make up for the city’s budget shortfalls. The DOJ report on Ferguson revealed highly predatory practices of indenturing poor African-Americans through a series of minor tickets with escalating fines that exponentially exceeded the price of the initial infraction. This is a demonstration of institutional racism at its finest. Yes, power will make you pay for your own oppression, and even murder, with your own tax dollars. The only way to get rid of institutional racism is to own and control the institutions. A collection of institutions is a nation. This is the path we are getting pushed to: freedom! Freedom comes with responsibility. When you rely on others to police you, to feed

you, to adjudicate you, you are controlled by those people. Control those institutions, you call the shots. They don’t fail unless you fail. However, nationhood alone will not do it. This is where the ‘SuperState Solution’ comes in. It is a known fact that individual power comes from group power. There are, for example, Chinese-American gangsters; hardened killers that do dirt in their own streets. Notice, you never see them getting killed without consequence by the American police. Why is that? It’s because their parents are likely Chinese nationals, and protected by the global might of the globally powerful state of China. Touch one, and it would likely start a trade war between the two empires, an international incident. That’s collective power. We see this principle at play again in the fact that in the March of 1891, eleven Italians were lynched in New Orleans by White mobs, similarly to how Blacks were lynched. The difference was that Italy came to the aide of Italian Americans, withdrew their diplomats, and created a trade standoff. Then President Benjamin Harrison not only issued an apology, but paid $25,000 in reparations to the Italian families of the lynching victims. Collective international leverage brought justice to the Italians, not marching and hashtags. The Italians didn’t get the “Here we go again” Groundhog Day loop, they got justice. Black Americans are the only ethnic minority America cannot deport. Globally, we are facing similar forms of brutality, even from other peoples of color. To solve this, we need a globally powerful African super-state. Not only a nation, but an economic and military powerhouse of Black people who can force justice for us internationally. Notice how White Americans are hated all over the world, but no one dares touch

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


them. This is because everyone knows that if they are harmed, they are going to have to deal with possible drone strikes, sanctions and SEAL Team 6 if they do. Who will leverage that for Black people? What international Black leader can militarily threaten any nonblack nation on our behalf, let alone America? Nobody. Therefore, it must be created. It’s a matter of literal life and death. This is that raw, naked, naturalist survival I was referring to. It’s not a matter of ideals, but leverage. Not prayer, but engineering. We have to look at our problems through this lens. This has been proven to be that powerful deterrent from predators that ANY people needs. There is safety in number folks. Unity is not some fantasy ideology that we need to strive for to make Huey Newton proud; it’s a very mechanically practical reality that we need to consider. If we’re too in love with America to leave, if we’ve invested too much blood and sweat to find a new home, then be honest. Make the choice. Are you willing to do the work to own the police? Are you willing to own the banks, stores, and hospitals you depend on? Is your momentary comfort making you easy prey for the next bully with a badge? When you consider that the FBI’s counter terrorism department released a memo in October of 2006 warning of White nationalist infiltration into police departments nationwide, and nothing was done, you see the trouble that you’re in. Your tax dollars are hiring hate groups to ‘protect’ you. Chew on that. African people are unsafe all over the world. From Tel Aviv to Rio, from the Dominican republic, to Detroit, we are handily abused everywhere. AntiBlackness is a global phenomenon. However, if you look closely, our evolutionary arch as a people has been toward self-love. Self-love because nobody will love us right. We have to do that. Together, we are magic enough. You can feel it at our gatherings, whether it be the power of the choir at church, the soothing drums of the Black Arts Festival, or a backyard game of spades at a BBQ, you see pockets of the nation, already. We are all we need. The path freedom is the path to responsibility. Nationhood is a first step, but there are already many Black nations. They stumble, but they are learning, and ascending. African super-statehood is nationhood on a higher level.

The Urban League of Metropolitan

Denver (ULMD) announced the award recipients for its upcoming Whitney M. Young, Jr. Annual Gala scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 10 from 5 to 9:30 p.m. with a VIP medal ceremony beginning at 5 p.m. and the gala program beginning at 7 p.m. This year, the event is being held at the University of Denver’s Newman Center for the Performing Arts in the amazing Gates Concert Hall located at 2344 E. Iliff Ave in Denver. During the event, the ULMD will present the “McKinley Harris Distinguished Warrior Award,” given out annually to organizations or individuals that exhibit strong commitments to youth, education, community, or The League in general; and Board Chairman Wayne Vaden will be presenting the “Chairman’s Award,” which is presented each year by the current board chairman to an outstanding board member or area leader. In the past, honorees have included: Al Yates, former President of Colorado State University; Former Mayor Federico Pena; Hon. Elbra Wedgeworth, Chief Government Officer for Denver Health; and Phil Washington, former RTD General Manager to name a few.

Honorees Announced for 2016 Whitney M. Young Jr. Annual Gala

2016 MCKINLEY HARRIS DISTINGUISHED WARRIOR AWARD RECIPIENTS Michael B. Hancock • Mayor • City & County of Denver Pat Hamill • Founder/CEO & Chairman • Oakwood Homes Greg Moore • Former Editor • Denver Post Gayle Greer • Retired Cable Television Executive

About The Event More than 600 area patrons are expected at this year’s event that will feature attendance from a variety of community leaders, Urban League supporters, and elected officials. Kenneth Fisher, Executive Vice President with Noble Energy and his wife Sarah are co-chairs of the event,

along with Robert Willis, Associate Vice Chancellor at University of Denver and Rita Kahn with Loop Capital. The event will take on a new format this year similar to the Kennedy Center Honors and entertainment will be presented by the Motones who will have the attendees dancing in the aisles to the timeless

Sounds of Motown. General admission tickets are $15 and can be purchased by visiting About The Urban League The Urban League of Metropolitan Denver was established in 1946. Since that time it has worked tirelessly to assist African Americans and others of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds in need who reside in the greater Denver metropolitan area with securing a first class education, achieving economic opportunity, and obtaining equal respect of civil rights by providing exceptional programs and services in a highly diversified city. Sean Bradley is the current President/CEO. The National Urban League is a historic civil rights organization dedicated to economic empowerment in order to elevate the standard of living in historically underserved urban communities. Founded in 1910 and headquartered in New York City, the National Urban League spearheads the efforts of its local affiliates through the development of programs, public policy research and advocacy. Today, there are more than 100 local affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia, providing direct services that impact and improve the lives of more than 2 million people nationwide.



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Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


COMMUNITY NOTES Portrait Unveiling Planned At Blair Caldwell AARL

Friends of Blair Caldwell African American Research Library Foundation will have a Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, Thursday, Oct. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. honoring nationally acclaimed singer India Arie, who is a Denver native who attended Rangeview High School in Aurora; nationally recognized sculptor Ed Dwight, a graduate of the University of Denver whose first work was a bust of Lt. Gov. George Brown in 1974; and Denver native Allegra “Happy” Haynes, who attended East High School and was the first African American woman to serve on the Denver City Council representing Northeast Denver. In October 2014, the Friends of Blair Caldwell Library Foundation had its first unveiling of its Wall of Fame with Colorado Leaders and Shining Artists honoring excellence in the fields of dance, film and television and music. Former Mayor of Denver, Wellington Webb and Former First Lady Wilma J. Webb will host this event. For more information, call Terry Nelson at 720-865-2404.

Black Chamber Presents 2015 Ascension Awards Dinner

The Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce (CBCC) will present its 2016 Ascension Awards Dinner on Thursday, Oct. 6 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in downtown Denver. This year’s event, “Unifying for Economic Empowerment,” kicks off with a reception and silent auction at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner with keynote speaker, Stacey A. Campbell, J.D., principal at Campbell Litigation, P.C. Highlighting the evening will be the business awards ceremony honoring companies and individuals for their achievement in the following categories: Corporation of the Year, Small Business of the Year and Non Profit of the Year. The ceremony will also feature the Leadership in Diversity Award: Corporate Executive of the Year. For sponsorship opportunities and tickets, email or call 303-831-0746.

Beginning Genealogy Workshops In September

The African American Historical and Genealogical Society of Colorado

Springs will hosts two workshops. Part One will be Saturday, Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Penrose Public Library (20 N. Cascade). Lunch will be served. Cost is $25. Part Two will be Saturday, Sept. 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Family History Center (150 Pine Ave.). For more information or to RSVP, call 385-7920 ext. 202.

Genealogical Society Celebrates Anniversary

The African American Historical and Genealogical Society of Colorado Springs cordially invite you to help us celebrate our 35th anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the AAHGSCS Museum, 1620 West Bijou in Colorado Springs. The Buffalo Soldiers, The Tuskegee Airmen, Colorado Springs Police and Firefighters will be displayed and learn about upcoming classes. Refreshments will be served. For more information or to RSPV, call 385-7920.

Anniversary Tribute Planned

To honor its recent 110th anniversary, Peoples Presbyterian Churchthis will celebrate with a three day tribute Friday, Sept. 23 to Sept. 25 with family

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


night, tribute luncheon and special service. If you or anyone you know has been involved with the growth and life of Peoples Presbyterian Church over the past 110 years, and want to particcipate, call 303-297-9071.

Grand Designs Presents Production on Human Rights

Final Flight Of The Freedom Fighter – “Expressions of an Activist Production” will be performed at the Aurora Fox Arts Center for six performances Sept. 2, 3, 9 and 10. Written by acclaimed playwright, Jeff Shabazz and directed by donnie l. betts, The Final Fight of the Freedom Fighter speaks to our human need for understanding and for taking a stand on issues of Human Rights. The current amplification of fear, resentment, resignation, anger and divisiveness between cultures; has led to widespread confusion about where to stand and even what to stand for. Performances will be held at the Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 East Colfax Ave. in Aurora. For more information, performance times or to purchase tickets online, visit

Family Block Party

Will Promote Healthy Living Programs

The Colorado Black Health Collaborative (CBHC) and the Stapleton Foundation’s be well Health and Wellness Initiative (be well) are partnering to create a community celebration focused on health and wellness in the African American community. “The Family Block Party” is an end of summer celebration with food and interactive events that put a spotlight on ways African Americans of all ages can take charge of their health and well-being. During the four-hour event, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Dahlia Campus for Health and Well-Being (3401 Eudora St., Denver) on Sept. 10, residents will have the opportunity to gather information from dozens of community organizations on healthy living ideas and resources that encompass exercise, diet and mental health. Patrons will be treated to healthy cooking demonstrations and various exercise programs that are fun, engaging and free to community residents yearround. In addition to the health fair activities, residents can also enjoy live music, interactive games with prizes and a classic car show.

“Our team is hoping to create an event that is fun, healthy, and caters to everyone,” said CBHC vice chair Dr. Terri Richardson. “We know the entire family can relate to this Block Party and the vast array of activities and exhibitors. As a practicing medical doctor, I know the importance of connecting the community to available resources to improve the health within communities. We are excited to showcase the clinical and community partners attending this event, who will certainly offer the information needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.” Both the CBHC and be well have received grant funding through the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This national program, which aims to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health, establishes community-based programs and culturally tailored interventions serving African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders. CDC statistics state that health disparities remain widespread among mem-

bers of racial and ethnic minority populations – with African Americans leading many categories. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest rates of obesity (44 percent) followed by Mexican Americans (39 percent). Compared to non-Hispanic whites, the risk of diagnosed diabetes is 18 percent higher among Asian Americans, 66 percent higher among Hispanics/Latinos, and 77 percent higher among non-Hispanic blacks. “The only way we can effectively tackle the health disparities that exist in our community is to work collaboratively,” said be well vice president Alisha Brown. “We have seen how our collective voice and resources can positively impact the health trajectory of people in our community. Because of the diversity of events scheduled for The Family Block Party, those seeking health-related information will certainly find it while having the opportunity to engage in fun activities for the whole family.” To maximize and promote the many resources available the two groups partnered with the Mental Health Center of Denver. The Dahlia Campus for Health and Well-Being has quickly become a beacon of hope for the African American community, and is an ideal location for the firstyear event. The facility sits on four acres with classrooms, community therapy spaces, play areas for kids, an urban farm and more. For more information or to register, visit

About the Colorado Black Health Collaborative

Family has always been important in our community. The Colorado Black Health Collaborative (CBHC) believes that health is a family affair and they are the most valuable assets we have. We always celebrate birth-

days, weddings, graduations, holidays, and other treasured moments in our lives. In order for us to continue to enrich our future and celebrate these occasions, we must focus on our health. We can work to improve and preserve our family heritage by sharing ideas and finding better ways to address our health issues. We are obliged to come together to discover what’s necessary to develop key elements to keep us healthy and strong as a people and help tackle the health disparities that exist in our family. Each one of us is a link in our family’s chain, and we know a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. United we can stand strong and healthy.

About the be well Health and Wellness Initiative

The be well Health and Wellness Initiative is a grassroots movement of communities coming together to take charge of their health and wellness. The mission of be well is to effect programs, policies and practices to create health equality and access for all people. be well’s vision is for a culture in which all people have an equal opportunity to achieve the health they desire, regardless of their race, income, gender, location, education or any other social barrier.

About the Mental Health Center of Denver

With one in every five people struggling with mental illness, the Mental Health Center of Denver is committed to enriching lives and minds. Our recovery programs use a strength-based approach with an emphasis on housing and employment. Our early intervention and prevention programs foster resiliency and promote the positive potential in children, adolescents and families. All our programs are designed to encourage our clients to develop their overall well-being and lead meaningful, productive lives.

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Montbello Celebrates 50th Anniversary By Donna Garnett


with all day fun family festival

hris Martinez, long-time resident of Montbello and chair of the Montbello 50th Celebration, is downright exuberant as he talks about the “big event” planned for Sept. 23 and 24. “Planning for Montbello’s 50th started over a year ago,” said Chris as he sips iced tea at the local Starbucks in his favorite community. “An amazing group of people started meeting once a month, then twice month, and now every week to finalize the plans and work out all the logistics,” he proudly states. “We are all passionate about this celebration and Montbello.” The two-day celebration will kick off Friday, Sept. 23 at a community awards night to recognize past, present and future leaders in the Montbello neighborhood. The awards event is sponsored by Steps to

Success, a youth violence prevention program based in Montbello, and the Montbello Organizing Committee. Nominations of an adult or youth that lives, works or positively influences life in Montbello were received from the community in August. Festival events on Saturday, Sept. 24 will begin with a parade that starts at 9 a.m. at the Montbello Campus at Crown Boulevard and 51st Ave. and proceeds through the neighborhood to the Montbello Recreation Center at Chambers and 53rd Ave. The Montbello Warrior Cheerleaders and the Montbello Drumline will be featured in the parade along with participants from other neighborhood schools, local service organizations, and clubs. Once the parade reaches the recreation center, the real fun begins. Starting at 10:30 a.m. and continuing until 8 p.m., fairgoers can enjoy food, fun, education, and physical activity. The Montbello Boys and Girls Club will offer carnival games for kids of all ages. Local chefs will be barbequing hot dogs and hamburgers that will be

free until they run out and healthy living demonstrations will include preparing fresh vegetables and cooking with kids. The whole family can participate in Zumba and other physical activities. There will be a Kids Zone, vendors selling their wares, and probably a few political candidates hoping to roundup a few votes before the November election. Nonprofits will have tables with educational materials designed to emphasize their mission. Colorado Black Arts Movement will be signing up photographers, young and old, to participate in a community-wide initiative to capture “My Montbello/ SHOTS” through the eyes of Monbelloans. Children’s Farms of America and other local food growers will be there with fresh produce to sell. And if that is not enough, there will be two stages of entertainment – a youth stage and the main stage. The young festival attendees will enjoy a magic show with Ronald McDonald; a puppet show with Joe Gandelman; Island, praise, African and hip hop dancers, and a Christian rapper. The main stage featuring some of Denver’s best local entertainment will include Denver’s First Lady, Mary Louise Lee and her very talented band, kicks off with the JLT Praise dancers and Semblanzas de Mexico. Smooth jazz guitarist Gregory Goodloe who assisted the entertainment committee, will perform with his Light Years Ahead Band. Other performers include rock and roll band Of Sound Mynd, reggae singer Jah Goatfish and Friends with a tribute to Bob Marley, jazz vocalist Linda TheusLee and Heartstrings who will do a tribute to Billy Holliday and Nina Simone. And the renowned Freddie Rodriguez Band will be performing popular jazz and Latino tunes. Shane Franklin of SFI and the Crew will be performing, in between acts several times on the main stage, his newest hip-hop hit and tap dancing. Veteran journalist and documentary filmmaker Tamara Banks will emcee the day’s events.

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


Also, a 50th Year Anniversary souvenir booklet, highlighting Montbello’s history, as well as, honoring some of the people who have played and who continue to play a role in shaping the Montbello Community, will be available for purchase. There is still more time if you want to know more or to get involved in the planning and execution of the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Contact Chris Martinez, his excitement is contagious. Editor’s note: For more information or to become a sponsor, contact Chris Martinez at 720-251-6525 or email

Entertainment Schedule (Times Subject to change) Main Stage – Youth Stage

10:30 AM - Main Stage – Welcome JLThompson Praise Dancers 11 to 11:30 AM - Semblanzas de Mexico Flamenco Dancers 11:30 – 11:45 AM - Ronald McDonald, Magic Show 11:45 – Noon - Dare to Believe – Praise Dancers Noon – 12:45 PM - Of Sound Mynd, Rock and Roll 12:45 – 1PM - H.E.A.T Dancers 1:00 – 1:15 PM - EVQ Bomb Squad 1:15 – 2 PM - Freddie Rodriguez Jr. and Sr. Jazz, Salsa, Mamba, Merengue SFI and Crew - Main Stage 2 – 2:30 PM - Mile High Dolls & B Boys African & Hip Hop Dance 2:30 – 3:15 PM - Linda and Heartstrings, Jazz/Standards (Nina Simone/Billy Holiday Tribute) SFI and Crew - Main Stage 3:15 – 3:30 PM No Mo’ Violence Latin Dance & Hip Hop Dance 3:30 – 3:45 PM - J Baby, Christian Rapper 3:45 – 4:30 PM - Goatfish & Friends Reggae (Tribute to Bob Marley) SFI and Crew - Main Stage 4:30 – 5:00 PM - Pacific Islands Hula Dance 5:30 – 6:00 PM - Dare to Believe - Praise Dancers 4:45 – 6:15 PM - Mary Louise Lee Band R&B and Blues 6:30 – 7:30 PM - Gregory Goodloe and the Light Years Ahead Band

Check Your Form While Exercising Y

By Kim Farmer

ou’ve probably seen the lady hanging on to the bars on the treadmill, or the guy who barely bends his arms while doing chest presses. Hopefully you know by now that when you do a squat, your knees should not extend beyond your toes. Seem a bit nitpicky? Maybe, but proper form is important while exercising. Not only does it ensure you are getting the benefit of the exercise, but proper form also helps prevent injury. How do you know what proper form is for your selected exercise? Watching videos online from fitness pros or working with a personal trainer, even just for a few sessions, is a great way to learn proper techniques and form. It is an investment, but is well worth it in the long run. Learning how to properly do an exercise will allow you to see the results of the exercise sooner, and also help you avoid injuries, which would obviously set you back in your fitness quest. If you do decide to go it alone, here are some guidelines to follow to help you with your fitness form: Your movements should always be controlled. Translation: your muscles need to be engaged and tightened while performing most exercises, especially any involving weights. Engaging muscles means you are performing the exercise in the most efficient way, and channeling the stress to the proper places. To test this, you should be able to stop a movement at any point (at least briefly). If you are using momentum, instead of controlled movement, you risk joint injury because you are causing stress in unintended areas of the body. Stop hanging on the support bars. Most cardio equipment includes support bars for balance. It is a safety feature. The support bars are not intended for you to hang on while exercising, but rather to hold onto loosely (if needed) to prevent a fall. Hanging on the bars defeats the purpose of the exercise by taking much of the weight off your lower body. In addition, it adds stress to your upper body/shoulders and can result in improper mechanics affecting your spinal alignment. When doing resistance exercises,

use the full range of motion for the best results. For the weekend warrior athlete, performing an exercise using the full range of motion (from the extended state to the flexed state), helps with efficiency of movement. Using only one portion of the full range of motion only improves the efficiency of movement for that particular portion of the movement. There is some benefit to doing an exercise using only partial range of motion, but this should be balanced by repeating the exercise using the remaining range of motion, too. Here are some guidelines for improving your form:

•Take a step back in intensity/speed/weight. It is easier to focus on your form at a less challenging level. Once you feel you have gained some mastery of your form, go ahead and slowly work up the intensity. •Use mirrors. Using a mirror to check your form is not vain. It is smart. Turn so you have the proper view, depending on the exercise. After you have the form down, you will most likely be able to feel if you start to slip back to old habits. •If your budget allows, work with a personal trainer. Most gyms offer a free session to new members so you can learn the ropes. Gyms don’t want

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


to see you get injured any more than you do, so take advantage of that perk. Mile High Fitness & Wellness has personal trainers that come to you in your home or office. Contact us today to learn more about our personal training program and to receive a free phone consultation to see how we can help you with your fitness goals. Thanks for reading. Keep up the good work! Editor’s note: Kim Farmer of Mile High Fitness & Wellness offers in-home personal training and corporate fitness solutions. For more information, visit or email

HATS OFF TO... 12 Annual Back Home Gospel Shout Out Presents Random Acts of Kindness Awards

On Sunday, Aug. 7 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Elinora ReynoldsBrown, co-founder of Sisters Enterprise presented a Sisters 2016 Random Acts of Kindness Community Award to James “Dr. Daddio” Walker. Walker, a native of Shreveport, Louisiana is a businessman currently serves as founder and CEO of Fair Share Jobs which was founded in 2013, to help the unemployed find gainful employment. From his humble beginnings in Louisiana 45 years ago, this community servant and seasoned Christian who fervently believes in “unity in the community” has conducted business all over the United States including Houston, Texas, Tucson, Arizona, Denver and Aurora, Colorado. Walker is a matriarch and respected leader of four children (with his wife Pat), seven grandchildren and one great-grandson. Having worked as an announcer (DJ, and air personality), salesman,

sales manager, Walker is best known as the general manager and owner of the former Power 1510 KDKO radio station. He has always believed in giving back to the community and Dr. Daddio continues to perform random acts of kindness because he says, “God commands us to do so by passing a blessing on to others.” On June 4, Sisters Enterprise saluted the following with a Radom Act of Kindness award: Monica Brown, Malcinia Conley, Tehya Darrell, Deputy Andy Dillman, Lisa Ford, Officer Sherikera Heflin Herrera, Tania James, Della Donna Matthews, Dr. Michael Myers, Deputy Donny Springfield, James (“Dr. Daddio”) Walker, Sr., Winston Walker, Chee Yang, Flora Young and Deputy Greg Youngs. During this event held at TREA #3 in, 101 year old Mrs. Ethel Smith Breazell was honored with the 2016 Sisters Enterprise “Centenarian Proclamation Award.”

MHCD Salutes Distinguished Career of Forrest Cason

Renowned CFO quietly put together some of Denver’s most important developments Drive around Denver and marvel at some of the key developments that

have made a lasting mark on the city – Anschutz Medical Center, the redevelopment of Stapleton from an airport to a thriving community, the nation’s first child & family mental health center that also includes an urban farm, supportive housing projects to help provide a solution to the issue of homelessness, and the region’s largest adult mental health center. Although he would prefer to shrug off his distinguished career, Forrest Cason was instrumental in securing financing and putting together some of the region’s largest and more complex developments. Cason, who has served as the Mental Health Center of Denver’s CFO for the past nine years, will retire this month. His extensive experience includes work in public finance, investment banking, and state and local government. According to President and CEO Carl Clark, MD “Forrest Cason is a smart, caring and humble man who has made a significant difference in the lives of the children, families and

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


people we serve. His exceptional leadership has positively impacted his colleagues within and outside of the Mental Health Center of Denver. His stewardship and expertise made it possible for us to realize our dreams of the development of our state of the art Adult Recovery Center, the innovative Dahlia Campus for Health & Well-Being in Northeast Denver and the affordable Sanderson Apartments in Southwest Denver.” Cason counts the opening of the Recovery Center as one of his most satisfying projects. “The complexity of the project due to the acquisition, the site, the nature of renovations and the complicated financing made this a very gratifying project to complete. I am proud to have had the opportunity to work on it and it’s been rewarding to see the positive consumer and staff response,” he said. Cason, who is looking forward to spending time with his wife, their children and 13 grandchildren, plans to travel domestically and internationally. He is also eager to “just sit back and enjoy the serenity of life” on his two acres in Boulder County, where he can often be found driving his John Deere tractor.

MAYOR’S CORNER Janice Sinden to Step Down After Five Years as Chief of Staff

Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced that Chief of Staff Janice Sinden will be stepping down to become president and CEO of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Sinden has served as the Mayor’s Chief of Staff since he took office in July 2011. Since July 2011, Sinden has skillfully advanced the Mayor’s agenda to improve the quality of life for residents, opportunities for the city’s children and youth, and the business climate in Denver. This work has created one of the strongest local economies in the nation and a vibrant city life for residents and visitors. During Sinden’s tenure as Chief of Staff, she has helped spearhead numerous Mayoral initiatives that have strengthened city finances, reformed city operations, improved the lives of underserved communities and supported Denver’s children. Those initiatives included: •Recruiting a new Police Chief and Sheriff to implement major reforms in those two public safety agencies; •Creating the new Rose Andom Center, Colorado’s first family justice center to serve domestic violence victims by bringing multiple agencies and services together in one location; •Securing voter approval for Measure 2A in 2012, which eliminated the city’s recession-induced budget deficit and restored essential city services; •Re-authorizing and expanding the nationally recognized Denver Preschool Program, allowing the program to reach more preschool students and reduce costs for families; •Creating the Office of Behavioral Health Strategies and Office of Housing & Opportunities for People Everywhere, both of which will bring a new force and focus to addressing vulnerable and underserved populations; •Establishing the Mayor’s Good Government Committee, which has led to many reforms that today make city government more modern, effective, efficient and fiscally responsible; •Negotiating seven successful collective bargaining agreements with the city’s fire, police and sheriff associations; and •Supporting other Mayoral initiatives, including international economic development and cultural missions to promote Denver nationally and internationally, the memorial events for the 10th and 15th anniversaries of 9/11, and Denver’s bid to host the 2016 Republican National Convention.

Sinden’s final day will be Sept 9. She will begin her new position with the DCPA on Sept. 12.

Nominations Open for Mayor’s Awards in Arts & Culture

Nominations for the 2016 Mayor’s Awards for Excellence in Arts & Culture are now being accepted through Friday, Sept. 9. In the spirit of IMAGINE 2020 – Denver’s Cultural Plan, Mayor Michael B. Hancock will recognize individuals and organizations that make significant and lasting contributions to the artistic, cultural and creative landscape in the City and County of Denver. The awards will be announced in November during Denver Arts Week. Visit the Denver Arts & Venues website to submit nominations in the following Panel Selected Award categories: Arts & Culture Youth Award; Arts & Culture Impact Award; Arts & Culture Innovation Award; and Arts & Culture Global Award. IMAGINE 2020 – An individual or organization that exemplifies the vision and goals of Denver’s cultural plan through their programs and initiatives. This individual or organization is setting an example for others to aspire to as we IMAGINE 2020. For more information, visit nts-programs/mayors-awards/

$70,000 in Arts, Culture and Creativity Grants Available

If you have a creative idea for beautifying or making use of an underutilized spot in the city, this opportunity could be for you. Denver Arts & Venues is now accepting applications for 2016 P.S. You Are Here funding opportunities through 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 30. Now in its third year, PSYAH is a citywide creative place making and neighborhood revitalization initiative that cultivates collaborative, community-led outdoor projects in Denver’s public spaces. In 2016, PSYAH will fund $70,000 in grants. Applicants can request up to $10,000 in funding per project. Grants must be matched 1:1 by applicants through cash or in-kind contributions – goods or services – or volunteer time. PSYAH funds help support creative, short-term physical improvement projects that aim to transform the city’s underutilized urban spaces to increase collaboration, honor heritage, build civic engagement, beautify neighborhoods, enrich communities and inspire long-term change. For more information visit


Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016





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East High Alumni Heritage Hall 2016 Inductees Announced

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The Alumni Relations and History Committee of the East Angel Friends and Alumni Foundation (EAFAF) announced that the following East High distinguished alumni have been selected to be officially inducted into the East High Alumni Heritage Hall in September. The Heritage Hall highlights the school’s rich historical heritage, honors the achievements and diversity of East High alumni, and provides role models for today’s students. The Hall’s exhibit of inductee portraits and biographies, inaugurated in 2008, is located in permanent display cases on the third floor hallway, outside the Robert Colwell Library. As of 2016, the Hall will include a total of 75 notable alumni from diverse walks of life and every generation since the school’s establishment in 1875. The following individuals will be inducted this month: Arps, Louisa Ward (1901-1984) – Author/Historian (Class of 1919); Atler, Lawrence – Lawyer/Civic Leader (Class of 1953);

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e Urban Spectrum — April 2006

Blue, James Neal & Linden Stanley Blue – Aviation Executives (James: Class of 1953; Linden: Class of 1954); Boyd, Rev. Malcolm (1923-2015) – Episcopal Priest/Social Activist (Class of 1940); Costigan, Edward Prentiss (1874-1939) – U.S. Senator (Class of 1892); Costigan, Mabel Cory (18731951) Educator, Women’s Rights Leader (Class of 1892); Dunn, Larry – Earth, Wind and Fire Keyboardist/Songwriter (Class of 1971); Gilliam, Hon. Philip Brewster (1907-1975) – Denver Juvenile Court Judge (Class of 1926); Handler, Ruth Mosko (1916-2002) – Businesswoman/Barbie Doll Inventor (Class of 1934); Hart, Christopher – Executive Director National Transportation Safety Board (Class of 1965); Lounsbery, John (1911-1976) – Artist/Walt Disney Animator (Class of 1930); Northern, Dr. Jerry – Audiologist/Humanitarian (Class of 1958); Steen, Purnell – Jazz Pianist/Civil Rights Advocate (Class of 1959); Stern, David – CEO/Software Innovator (Class of 1965); and Titley, Spencer – Mining Geologist/University Professor (Class of 1946). Editor’s note: The induction ceremony will be held at the Denver Art Museum, Ponti Room on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $75.

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016



Must See............ It’s Worth A Look..... See At Your Own Risk. Don’t Bother.....................

Editor’s note: Samantha Ofole-Prince is an award-winning writer and contributor to many national publications and is’s Senior Critic-at-Large. Khaleel Herbert is a journalism student at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Laurence Washington is the creator of Like On Facebook, Follow On Twitter

A President’s First Date Is Profiled in Southside with You By Samantha Ofole-Prince


Prices and participation may vary. A la carte only. ©2016 McDonald’s. M 55401.21

hat’s so appealing about president Barack Obama and Michelle’s first date? Just ask Richard Tanne, whose debut directing project Southside with You devotes its entire running time to an account of the couple’s first date. For Tanne, who not only directs, but writes this poignant romantic drama, it all started eight years ago when he saw accounts of Michelle and Barack’s date during the 2008 campaign. “They talked about it a lot in both presidential campaigns,” he recalls. “Michelle wasn’t interested at first, and Barack had to win her over. By the end of the first date, he had done just that. It just felt like the perfect conflict for a movie.” The romantic comedy-drama is set in Chicago in 1989 when Barack Obama (Parker Sawyers), a first-year law associate, took a reluctant attorney Michelle Robinson (Tika Sumpter) on a daylong excursion around Chicago’s

South Side. While details of the couple’s conversations are fictionalized, the events depicted in the film are true. The couple attended an art exhibition, took in a screening of Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, had lunch, went out for a drink and even visited Baskin-Robbins for ice cream. It’s mostly conversation, and the film follows the duo as they wander Chicago’s South Side, while having idle banters on topics from parents to

former boyfriends/girlfriends, childhood, music and ambition. “What was appealing to me,” Tanne continues, “was who the president and first lady were as people before they became the icons we know today.” The first impression of Southside with You is that it is pretty to watch. Sawyers and Sumpter in playing the president and first lady aptly nail their characters. The audience is drawn to

these two people as are they to each other, and it’s not hard to understand why. They’re fresh, likable, have a sense of humor, and it helps tremendously that there’s chemistry between the two actors who are destined for more starring roles. As Barack Obama, Sawyers not only embodies his physicality, but his mannerisms, including his hand gestures, which are displayed in a scene where he gives an impassioned speech at a community meeting. It’s there we see Obama’s ability at giving inspiring speeches begin to develop, something that would eventually lead him to the presidency. “He was just a guy trying to get a girl in the summer of 89,” shares Sawyers, who jumped at the chance to be a lead in a film and won the role over three dozen other candidates. With its languid unfolding of moods, it’s hard not to love Southside with You, for Tanne has gone out of his way to transport the audience to a sort of love-fantasy. Using a lot of authentic locations, including a church where Obama actually spoke, he shows different sides of Chicago’s South Side that are usually not portrayed in film scenes. Even Michelle Robinson’s family home was shot two blocks from her actual house. The music, including a score by Los Angeles-based composer Stephen James Taylor, also helps convey the film’s temporal setting. Classic ‘80s R&B hits, which were hugely popular at that time, add to its charm and there are a couple of original songs, thanks to singer/songwriter maestro John Legend. Smart and sophisticated, sweet and nostalgic, the film has style and flair and is a pleasure to watch, plus the spark of romance between a future first couple makes it all the more poignant.

Bold. Rich. Brewtiful.


$ 49 Medium Iced Coffee Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016




Suicide Squad By Jon Rutledge

his is easily one of the best DC films in recent years. Not hard with the disappointing movies. I finally see potential for something different from the Warner Brothers Studio. This movie suffers from some poor storytelling, but on the whole it was entertaining and some outstanding performances make the film enjoyable. Will it be the catalyst to launch a cinematic universe to rival Marvel? I don’t know. We have to see what they do next. The hands down best performance comes from Viola Davis as Amanda Waller. She leads this dark project with

cold precision and an unwavering dedication to keeping it secret. Davis fully embodies this character and every scene she steps into is dominated by her strength. Margot Robbie had the most fan focus as the embodiment of the beloved Harley Quinn. She captured everything about the character: the voice, attitude and the crazy. However, Will Smith, playing Deadshot, can’t pull off a bad guy. Deadshot is a heartless assassin, but Will Smith has nothing but heart. It’s hard for a performer to play against type. The simple story and inadequate attempt at raising stakes fail to deliver. The writers bring up Slipknot, a throwaway bad guy, and not surprisingly, they throw him away. Trashing a no name doesn’t make the audience

feel like they have lost anything when he dies. It would have been better to spend a little more time in getting know him and then kill him or choose an established character. Like the obvious death of Slipknot nothing else is a surprise in this film. Every step is telegraphed and every beat is hit you know what is going to happen. We know about the characters but we are not engaged by them. The premise of bad guy used as fodder doesn’t work if we don’t care about them. Humanity is the differences between DC and Marvel films. The flashy action of a hero or villain is only secondary. What needs to take center stage is the human aspect of the characters. Maybe it’s because they have room to be flexible with the character development, but this is the first DC film that attempts it. Come for the action leave with the hope they can build this franchise off the backs of some really nasty bad guys.

has nothing in common with. They listen to rave, he listens to rap, they assume he plays basketball, he doesn’t. Back in Virginia where he’s from, he’s used to seeing people who look like him and hanging out with likeminded individuals who share his love for hip-hop and Heidelberg is a hugely disappointing contrast. Outside of hanging out with his father, his only real social life is learning German from his teacher (Carla Juri) and he somewhat struggles for acceptance and identity. This all changes when he becomes infatuated with the carefree 15 year-old Katrin (Lina Keller) who he meets at a local youth center. A wildchild with little regard for law, order and respect, Katrin smokes drinks and parties on her own terms and is the only classmate who takes an interest in him. Flattered by her attention, Morris quickly falls for the teen who leads him on a decadent path. There is no shortage these days of coming-of-age of dramas, but what

Morris From America

sets this apart is the father/son relationship that’s sprinkled in. The scenes between Curtis and Morris are endearing and there’s some solid acting from Robinson, who we are more prone to seeing in comedies. The film’s biggest strength lies in its affectionate and honest portrait of their relationship — a genre we don’t seen much of on screen. Likability is a key here in Morris From America, a film, which won two prizes at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. Chad Hartigan (This is Martin Bonner) directs this unique coming-of-age comedy with an even pace adding. There is an easy camaraderie among its likable and charming cast, and a neat message about following your dreams and forging your own pa.



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/Mag7Movie | #Mag7

By Samantha Ofole-Prince


odestly conceived and executed, this coming-of-age drama centers on 13-year-old Morris (played brilliantly by Markees Christmas) and his widowed father Curtis (Craig Robinson), as they adjust to life in Heidelberg, Germany after Curtis is sent there to coach professional football. Sweet and nostalgic, it’s a seemingly simple story that’s bolstered by superlative performances by all the principal actors. When we first meet Morris, he’s figuring out how to freestyle rap and fit in with a group of kids he feels he

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016

Urban Spectrum THUR: 09/01/16



Ghana-Style Farm-toTable Dinner Aims to Raise Money to Open Library in 2017 Festival, the BaoBao Library Project and cultural exchange performances and exchange trips all under one roof. The net proceeds from the Farm-toTable dinner will go directly to supporting the library, which is planned to open in 2017. BaoBao Foundation is hosting its first Farm-to-Table dinner as a fundraiser for the BaoBao Library Project on Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. at Ollin Farms. The dinner will include mini dance and drumming lessons and performances by Mokomba Ensemble. Chef Connie Gordon is designing the menu to feature ingredients straight from the farm along with roasted goat and Ghanaian specialties. The dinner will be served under the pavilion and the trees along the creek at Ollin Farms. Kari Mau Abankwah, co-director of BaoBao Foundation and volunteer Joan Gregerson, met with Kena Guttenberg of Ollin Farms on a cold, icy day back in January and began planning this event. Chef Connie Gordon came on board as the event chef and the team has been sampling recipes, recruiting volunteers and planning a unique farm-to-table dinner experience. BaoBao Foundation is well known to Boulder County residents as the host of the BaoBao Festival. This annual event which began in 2004 brings West African dance, drumming and storytelling to audiences for 13 years in a row at venues such as Boulder Theater and Casey Middle School. In 2012, Kari and Adjei Abankwah, her husband and codirector of the foundation began construction of a library in Adjei’s hometown of Santa Maria, Ghana. “We are so close to finishing the construction of the BaoBao Library in Ghana!� said Mau Abankwah. “We are hearing from the community that they are excited to utilize it and are anxiously awaiting the completion. The library is important for the community because kids have limited access to books. The library will also provide free internet access and use of computers which will allow community members to apply for jobs and do research. This fundraiser is key to raising the funds needed to complete construction.� BaoBao Foundation was formed in 2014 to bring together the BaoBao

EuroSlim Centre in Cherry Creek

“This event is a demonstration and linking of the strength of communities across continents,� said Mau Abankwah. “Ollin Farms, as well as chef, performers, volunteers and neighbors are coming together to share Ghanaian culture and local food, while raising money to support the community in Santa Maria. We are excited to share this opportunity with Boulder County!� Editor’s note: Tickets are available online at Tickets are $100 and seating is limited. Minimum age is 21. For more information, email Kari Mau Abankwah at

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Angel Waiting to see YOU

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


Angel is London UK trained and an ITEC Qualified and Certified Aesthetician, Physiatrist and Dermatologist. She is a member of member of BABTAC & HOTA and has managed her clinic for more than 12 years before moving to the U.S. She has extensive experience in treating skin and facial conditions, body and weight Loss, and slimming and toning with European technologies approved by the FDA.

Remembering Perry Brooks March 27, 1945 - July 17, 2016

Prices and participation may vary. A la carte only. ©2016 McDonald’s. M 55401.21

Perry Brooks Sr. was born March 27, 1945 in Chicago, Illinois and was the oldest of six children. The family moved to Gary, Indiana where he finished high school at Tolleston High in 1963. Perry left Gary to attend Arkansas AM&N in 1964 on a track scholarship completing his degree in 1968 when two young kids who were 19 and 21 met in college. They were as different as night and day – one born in urban Chicago and the other in rural Arkansas; one reserved and reticent, the other one wild and wanting to see the big, wide world. Yet all along, God knew the plans he had for their lives. They loved and respected God and each other and God knew He could trust them with a great assignment. His name was Perry and her name was Joyce. Perry’s first assignment was to give them dreams, give them a beautiful, flawlessly unblemished little girl and get them out of college. He sent them into the world knowing their innocence and naïveté and stupidity. But because of his grace and love for them, he opened career doors, gave them favor and their first son full of life and flawlessly unblemished. As Perry taught them and prospered them in spite of their blunders, he blessed them with another unblemished child. He opened doors and taught them faithfulness in every area of their lives. He treated their mistakes as a Father would a child that he loves. He even promoted them to teach other couples what he had taught them. Through it all, they both trusted God above everything and everyone. They learned that God rewards faithfulness to him above all else. Perry served as a faithful employee of the CA Youth Authority for almost 30 years. He received distinguished service awards from the California Senate and State Assembly as well as other honors and accolades of superior leadership. He started at the bottom of the ladder and finished at the top as Superintendent of Southern Youth California Regional Correctional Center in Southern California. His retirement reflected his love for his work and his belief in helping others to be the very best that they can be. God caused Perry and Joyce to prosper in everything He gave them to do. They drew closer to each other as he moved mightily through them to others in their careers and through their retirement. God began writing love songs through their union as they worked in the church and community, and with various organizations and business teams. On July 17, 2016 Perry received his final reward. He leaves a legacy of love and faithfulness to God Almighty. He leaves behind his love and girlfriend of 50 years to complete her God given assignment. Perry leaves his children whom he loved dearly – Dr. Tracey (Thomas), Perry, Jr. and Albus (Debi). He leaves five grandchildren who meant the world to him – Brandon and Dominick Barnett, Makai, Kenya, and Kaya Brooks. Perry leaves a sister, Sharon Franklin and a sister in law, Velma Gaston who were near and dear to his heart. He leaves nephews and nieces, cousins and many friends throughout the country. Perry’s favorite Scripture was Luke 9:25, “For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and ruins or forfeits (loses) himself?” He allowed this Word to guide his steps as he ventured down roads less traveled.

Bold. Rich. Brewtiful.


$ 49 Medium Iced Coffee Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016






Photos by Ron Washington

2016 Genuine Jazz & Wine

Photos by CABJ Award Winning Photojournalist Bernard Grant

Colorado Association of Black Journalists 2016 Awards Banquet

Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016



Executive Director Position

Since 1989, the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) has distributed funds from a 1/10 of 1% sales and use tax to cultural facilities throughout the seven-county Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. The funds support science and cultural organizations whose primary purpose is to enlighten and entertain the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement and preservation of art, music, theatre, dance, zoology, botany, natural history and cultural history.


The board of SCFD now seeks a highly professional, respected, strategic Executive Director who can manage the operations of the District effectively while engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders across our region. Candidates for this position should be committed to upholding SCFD’s mission and have a passion for the role that arts, science and culture play in all of our growing communities.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by sending a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to Carolyn McCormick of Peak HR Consulting, LLC at All applications are to be submitted electronically and will be accepted through September 15, 2016. To learn more, visit our website at EOE.

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Denver Urban Spectrum — – September 2016


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