1 minute read

Numerology in the Gospel of John II: The Jesus’ burial, the resurrection


Acknowledgements 7


Thoma Çomëni

1. Aspects of reshaping the consciousness in the Orthodox Church of Albania after the fall of the Communist System 11

Thoma Shkira

2. Religious Coexistence through the Cult of the Saints in Albania. Saints George and Blaise


Thomas Mavromoustakos & Sotirios Despotis

3. Numerology in the Gospel of John I: A contribution to the understanding of the numbers (2:6) 43

Georgios Gaitanos

4. Religious Freedom and Millet during the Tanzimat Reform 57

Thomas Mavromoustakos & Sotirios Despotis

5. Numerology in the Gospel of John II: The Jesus’ burial, the resurrection and the significance of the numbers two and one hundred 81

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