What is the Performance Based Incentive System (PBIS)? Under E.O. No. 80 (http://www.gov.ph/2012/07/20/executive-order-no-80-s-2012/), a new system for incentives was introduced for government employees. A government employee may receive 2 incentives, the Performance Enhancement Incentive (PEI) and the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB). Read up to find out what this is, who is affected in DepEd, and why this is a call to serve our learners better.
Check http://tinyurl.com/DepEdPBBFY2012 for the PBB guidelines for DepEd Personnel. You may also learn more through http://www.gov.ph/pbb/faqs/#aa
Watch out for our next releases to find out more about the PBIS and the PBB!