Jermaine Reihana: Te Matahi 2.0

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Jermaine Reihana Te Matahi 2.0 2016

Foreword--Linda blincko Our first encounter with Jermaine’s work was at No.1 Parnell Galler y in Rawene, Hokianga, the appropriate embarkation point for his exploration of whakapapa as it informs his practice and its ar ticulation through the form and symbolism of Tui. Whakapapa links all animate and inanimate, known and unknown phenomena in the terrestrial and spiritual worlds, mapping relationships so that mytholog y, legend, histor y, knowledge, tikanga (custom), philosophies and spiritualities are organised, preser ved and transmitted from one generation to the next. (1) Jermaine’s detailed works, lovingly and meticulously rendered, symbolised both his experience and perception of Tui as embodying this essence in all its dimensions. Te Matahi 1.0, held at the Depot in 2015, pursued this theme, this time with works more explicitly imbedded in the structural elements of the wharenui. (2) In Te Matahi 2.0, Jermaine Reihana’s second solo exhibition at the Depot Artspace, the journey continues. Tui remains as its central source and symbol, but in an interesting development, perhaps evolutionar y and representing the necessar y reconciliation between the phenomenal and sacred worlds, Tui is intentionally alighting on earth. In doing so Tui is embraced in the wharenui by the intricate tukutuku panels of the wharenui. The tukutuku design in his work is known as Poutama, or The Stairway To Heaven representing a series of steps denoting the steps of progress and advance. (3) In accommodating Te Matahi 2.0 we have been honoured to take on the mantle of wharenui, host to Tui, mediator between the two worlds.


(1) (2) (3)

The Encyclopedia of New Zealand: Whakapapa-Genealog y See Page 12 for images of Te Matahi 1.0 Poutama Tukutuku


TE MATAHI 2.0 2016 Tui is both beginning and end, point of departure and destination, and symbolises life as a sacred mandala, an ever-present whole into which Tui is forever woven. Tui’s voice is the golden thread of unity and the assurance that we are not alone. Tui’s presence brings the promise of harmony and that all is of the greater plan. In Te Matahi 2.0 Jermaine Reihana further explicates the significance of his preoccupation with Tui and the journey on which Tui has taken him, at once personal, genealogical and arcane. This series of works replicates aspects of the wharenui which inform and lay the platform for understanding who we are, where we come from and what we can expect and aspire to achieve in life’s journey as Maori. In relation to Tui the intricate tukutuku panels of the wharenui, which are integral to Reihana’s work, articulate the harmonics of its ancient and deeply spiritual call. Tuia i runga. Tuia I raro. Tuia i waho. Tuia I roto. Tuia te here tangata. Ka rongo te po. Ka rongo te ao. Haumi e ... Hui e... Taiki e









Jermaine Reihana Jermaine Reihana is an emerging Maori artist. He studied at Massey University School of Maori Visual Arts in Palmerston North, graduating with honours in 2012. Reihana’s work featured in the most comprehensive survey of Maori Contemporary art, Te Atinga: 25 years of Contemporary Maori Art during 2013 and subsequently published 2014. Jermaine is currently taking part in a residency with Depot Artspace while based at Corban Estate Arts Centre and continues to work with troubled youth through the Kakano Youth Arts Collective.


TE MATAHI 1.0 2015 12.

taonga whaKAIRO

Image of Taonga Whakairo. This taonga is in three sections. These are a centre panel of tukutuku, flanked by two poupou. The work is rich in symbolism as it depicts the main gods of the Maori pantheon that are associated with our work. The work is also a symbol of LINZ’s historic past and of its core business today, of being the kaitiaki (guardian) and interpreter of land information, for New Zealand.


ACKNOWLEDGeMENTs The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not be enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. However, I would like to express my appreciation and indebtedness to the following; Linda Blincko, the matriarchal piece to the puzzle, your endless support and commitment throughout this journey has been spiritually enlightening and uplifting, this journey has only just begun. Lynn Lawton, this opportunity would not be possible without a structurally sound plan of action. Jamie, my corner-man, the weekly updates keep me on point and operating on another level thank you for your wise words and keen assertiveness. The Depot Artspace staff, both past and present its been great to work alongside an adept team of professionals. To all whanau, friends and others who in one way or another shared their support, either morally, financially and physically. Thank you! Jermaine supported by Abodo crafts timbers with lasting beauty that are safe for people and the environment. Our range includes cladding, decking and exterior structural timbers. We are proud to support emerging local artists like Jermaine Reihana.


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