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Editor's Pānui

E noho nei au i te roro o taku whare, Te whakarongo ki te ia rere o whenua tupuna, Mahue ake nei ko te kiri makariri, Oti atu ko Koanga. Nau mai e Hine Raumati.

With the passing of winter and spring, and the anticipation of seasonal change, I sit to write these words with thoughts of those who have passed at this time. As Chair of Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation, I am mindful of the profound depth of feeling that our whānau and our community carry for those who have departed. I acknowledge and share the sense of loss with memories of those we grew up with, those who we have come to know well, and those who have inspired our lives. Their contributions to the fabric of us, as a people, strengthen our sense of belonging and connection to each other and to place.

In this magazine, you will read how the looming economic downturn casts its long shadow. But in these challenging times, we draw strength from the legacy of those who have gone before us, whose contributions have shaped this Incorporation’s values and goals, and who inspire us to continue the work to continually improve our practices of care and use of the land, and look after our generations to come.

Your Board and executive team have undertaken scenario planning to gauge our approach in worst and best cases, drawing on trends over time as well as economists’ forecasts, and landing somewhere in between.

Recognising that in adversity lies opportunity, your Board has given full attention to improving the Incorporation’s focus over the next five years, concentrating on what is most important and what can be measured in terms of performance. Your chief executive and his team are then tasked with delivering on those expectations.

Improving farm performance is our beacon of hope through tough times. As you will read in the pages to come, by optimising our operations and agricultural practices, embracing innovative technologies, forging new relationships and fostering indigenous practices, we can not only weather the economic storm but also enhance productivity, reduce costs, and ensure sustainability.

Our intention is to ensure our Incorporation remains resilient, adaptable, and well-positioned to navigate even the worst of times while preserving the vitality of our lands and heritage for generations to come.

I hope you enjoy the news and information this edition brings to you.

Kia ū! Kia manawanui!

Dr Brendon Te Tiwha Puketapu.

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