2 minute read

From the boardroom to the paddock

A visit to PKW's calf rearing unit by the Committee of Management gave members a chance to maintain their connection with the Incorporation's core business.

Every year, the members of the Committee of Management and the directors of the PKW Farms LP Board visit at least two of the farms in the PKW estate with the latest being on Tempsky Road, in the Matapu district under the gaze of Maunga Taranaki.

“It is always a pleasure to host our Board members on-farm, and have them and our kaimahi engaging, and being able to kōrero about what has been happening,” says Shane Miles, PKW General Manager Ahuwhenua.

The farm, which is managed by Nigel Bright and a team of two other casual kaimahi, is a specialist state-of-the-art calf unit capable of rearing up to 1200 calves.

Richard Krogh, Chair of the PKW Farms LP Board, said that visits provided the opportunity for the governance team to visibly support PKW’s vision of He Tangata, He Whenua, He Oranga.

“The focus of the kōrero is to understand any concerns that the kaimahi have, to ensure that the teams on-farm are well supported, and to reinforce our commitment to the health and safety and wellbeing of our people,” says Richard.

Above: Board members kōrero with kaimahi at PKW’s specialist calf-rearing unit

“It is extremely important that the Board maintains a strong connection with the activities and challenges on farm. Farming is a dynamic industry and things can change quickly so we need to be well informed to ensure we can navigate the business for longterm success.”

“Visits like this give the Board members a chance to hear directly from the people doing mahi on the ground ”

The calf-rearing unit allows PKW to make better use of its own livestock resources without relying on purchasing replacement stock for the dairy herds on other farms. Given the importance of maintaining good genetics and the risk of importing diseases like M-Bovis, the calf rearing unit is an important component of the Incorporation’s farming operation.

And it is just about to gear up for another busy season ahead, with autumn calving underway.

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