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Te rau rengarenga o Parininihi ki Waitōtara 2022 Committee of Management election
In the last issue of Whenua magazine, the annual notice calling for nominations to the PKW Committee of Management was issued.
Nominations for the one vacancy closed at 5.00pm on Wednesday 31 August 2022.
A nomination was received from Jayde (Jay) Rangi Wilkinson. No other nominations were received.
In accordance with Section 23(5) of the Maori Incorporation Constitutions Regulations 1994, Jayde Rangi Wilkinson is deemed elected to the PKW Committee of Management, effective as of the Annual General Meeting date being Saturday, 12 November 2022.
Please refer to the AGM Information Booklet (included with the printed issue of Whenua) for the full profile on the new Committee of Management member.