Derek Supinsky Professional Works

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Awarded M .Arch deg r ee wi t h 1 yea r a dva n c e d sta n d in g Thes i s: “Lear ni ng from Vi deo Ga mes”

1 /6 A R E Exams Passed


1 8 9 7 /3 7 4 0 A X P H o u rs C o mp leted



05.16 ALEXANDER GORLIN ARCHITECTS, LLC. | INTERN ARCHITECT PSNT As sis ted in t he compl et i on of severa l sup p o r tive a n d se n io r liv in g p ro j e c ts th ro u g h


a ll p h a s e s of desi gn a nd document a t i on, wi t h va r yi n g a m o u n ts o f c o n s u lta n t c o o rd in a tio n a n d CA w o rk ; most notab l y a 148 uni t mul t i - fa mi l y housin g p ro j e c t in T h e B ro n x. H e a d e d th e p ro g ra m m in g and design of mul t i pl e R F P ’s wi t hi n New Yo rk City . Utiliz e d Au to CA D, S k e tc h Up , V- Ra y, a n d Photos hop oft en to cr ea t e r ender i ng s a nd p re s e n ta tio n d ra w in g s . Co n stru c te d m a n y p h ys ic a l models f or st udy a nd pr esent a t i on a l i k e.

Au to C A D S ketch Up R h in o cero s V-R ay Ker kyth ea Ph o to sh o p I llu strato r I n D esign Mo d el C raf tin g Lasercu ttin g Prezi

06.11 EAST COAST DORMER, INC. | INTERN ARCHITECT 09.15 Conducted pr el i mi na r y a nd fi na l exi st i ng c o n d itio n s m e a s u re m e n ts

f o r m a n y m o d u la r h o m e addi ti ons in L ong I sl a nd, N. Y. a s wel l a s site a n d zo n in g a n a lys e s. P ro d u c e d c o n c e p tu a l, schemati c, a nd const r uct i on dra wi ng s, a l o n g w ith c o n c e p tu a l re n d e rin g s a n d d e ta ile d p h ysic a l models. Co or di na t ed wi t h modul a r housi n g w a re h o u se e n g in e e rs.


06.11 CBD GROUP | DRAF TSMAN 09.15 Par t- ti me posi t i on dur i ng summer mont hs.

R ev it Lu m io n Grassh o p p er A f ter Ef f ects 3 D S Max C in ema 4 D May a 3 D Prin tin g C NC

Dra f te d s ite p la n s a n d p ro d u c e d d e ta ile d se c tio n s and interi or el eva t i ons for sma l l commerc ia l p ro j e c ts in L o n g Isla n d , NY.

06.09 ANDREW GIAMBERTONE ARCHITECTS | INTERN 09.10 Full - ti me po si t i on dur i ng summer mont hs. P ro d u c e d p la n d e ta ils us e. P rep a r ed a nd pl ot t ed const r uct i o n d o c u m e n t s e ts. organizati on.

a n d Au to CA D b lo c k s f o r o f f ic e A ss iste d w ith g e n e ra l o f f ic e

COMPETITIONS 05.17 TAMBACOUNDA HOSPITAL EXPANSION | SENEGAL Par tici pated i n vol unt a r y offi ce cha r et t e a t A le x a n d e r Go rlin A rc h ite c ts. En try in c lu d e d s ite anal ysis, prog ra mmi ng, 3D - model l i ng, a nd re n d e rin g s.

08.15 WWI MEMORIAL | WASHINGTON, DC. ‘The Abode of Honor.’ D esi g n proposa l for P e rs h in g Pa rk to c o m m e m o ra te W W I ve te ra n s a n d create a mo r e i nt era ct i ve publ i c spa ce.

08.14 BALTIC THERMAL BATHS | L AT VIA ‘The Cl i ff at t he Sea .’ D esi gn proposa l for a h o te l a n d s p a f o c u s e d o n th e revitiliza tio n o f a di si ntegrating ci t y fa br i c.

08.12 URBAN COLLECTIVE MODUL AR DESIGN | AUSTRALIA Desi gn prop osa l for l ow- cost modul a r ‘shi p p in g c o n ta in e r ’ h o u sin g .

C O N TA C T E: T:

d h su p in sky@ m 5 1 6 .7 2 1 .9 3 5 2

The Jennings Firm: Project Manger: Location: Date:

Alexander Gorlin Architects Quncie Williams The Bronx, New York 2015-2019

The Jennings is a 53,000 square foot supportive housing multi-family dwelling consisting of 42 units, equipped to serve primarily battered women who would otherwise find themselves in unstable and insecure living situations. Clad in gray brick and patterned with brightly colored panels, the building exudes a sense of stability and security, while also appearing inviting and playful.

occupants from the main floor to the second floor served to create incredible design opportunities as well, both with their inherent challenges - including railing details, the size and shape of the panels, and detailing custom lightboxes. Through rigorous iterations,3D modelling, and team communication, the concept flowed successfully from inception through construction.

The form responds to the uniquely shaped urban site by utilizing a set-back L-shaped plan for efficienty of space, while creating continuity along the streetfront established by the existing adjacent building. Through this form, an interesting design opportunity presented itself - instead of simply wrapping the brick envelope around the corner of the protruding tower as typical, keep the brick facing the same direction all along the streetfront to create a patterned textured surface. This decision brought with it many design challenges including how to cut the brick and where, figuring out custom jamb details, and sizing / spacing the windows so that they accurately address the pattern of the brick.

In terms of amenities, the project offers both front and rear outdoor spaces for passive and active recreation, a large tenant meeting room, a computer room, a stroller room, security, and a green roof.

At the interior, residents and guests enter through a warm wood-clad lobby with a custom faceted ceiling. The ceiling, along with the open active staircause which brings

The project has been recently completed in the Fall of 2019.

Typical Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Brick Studies

Opposite Page: Lobby photographs taken by Eric Petschek Right: Construction photograph of railing assembly

Top: Andy Warhol “Flowers” Above: Gerhard Richter “Color Chart”

Vincent’s Village Firm: Project Manger: Location: Date:

Alexander Gorlin Architects Quncie Williams Nanuet, New York 2016-

Located on a virgin plot of land adjacent to an existing senior living facility, Vincent’s Village acts as an addition with it’s own identity; one which draws upon the vernacular of historic farmhouse buildings of the northeast region. The brief sought to create 92 units of one and two-bedroom apartments on a site which slopes gently downward to the northwest. 1.5 parking spaces per unit were required. Five residential buildings and a community center are organized around a horseshoe-shaped terraced cloister which serves as a tranquil gathering space, while covered patios at each building provide a comfortable outdoor space for all of the residents. The structures employ a timber construction clad in a barn red board-and batten exterior and standing seam metal roof. Indigenous cultured stone ‘outcroppings’ form the retaining walls surrounding the residential buildings and as well as the facade of the community center. Beyond the cluster of buildings, an unpaved nature walk acts as an extention of the interior pathway which leads residents down near the river. Although the slope of the site is quite gentle, creating a design which offered a completely ADA compliant network of pathways was no easy task. This challenge, in addition to conforming to the parking requirements of the project, as

well as creating a traffic flow which adapted to the existing adjacent system were massaged through many iterations all of which also had to conform to the restrictive 100-year flood plain at the northwest corner of the site. Furthermore, this project presented the opportunity to work with a landscape design consultant, with whom we worked closely to retain or transplant as many of the existing trees and plants as possible and work them seamlessly into the design proposal.

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Existing Community Residential Terraced Garden Flood Plain Nature Walk



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Typical Floor Plan & Elevation

Partial Floor Plan

3401 3rd Avenue Firm: Project Manger: Location: Date:

Alexander Gorlin Architects Quncie Williams The Bronx, New York 2017-

The Jennings is a 100,000 square foot supportive housing multi-family dwelling consisting of 148 units (studios and one-bedrooms), equipped to serve a range of tenants who are either elderly, vision and hearing impaired, or living with HIV/AIDS. Located in a primarily latino neighborhood, the building’s facade is one rooted in Brazilian Modernism, inspired by Le Corbusier’s Ministry of Education in Rio De Janiero. A rigid grid of concrete piers creates a colonnade at the street level and frames a tapestry of glazing and colored metal panels above. At the residential levels, fixed louvers straddle the piers to create shade and a layered visual interest upon the streetfront.

Due to the considerable depth of the site, what began as a block and plank structure at the onset of the project eventually became a cast-in-place concrete structure during the design development phase. The depth also played a large role in determining stair locations for emergency egress. The greatest challenge of this project was figuring out how to accommodate all 148 units into this building without exceeding the maximum FAR, all while adhering to strict NYC HPD (Housing Preservation and Development) standards which dictate the sizes and layout of the residential units.

The form of the building is one which seeks to maximize The project has recently completed the Construction the amount of units on a particularly narrow and deep site. Documents phase and scheduled to break ground in the Its irregular shape responds to the angular site boundaries and necessity to maintain a 30’ rear yard setback in multiple Spring of 2020. locations, as well as providing legal light and air for units at the middle and rear of the site. The building therefore contains two individual courtyards, one which is private and another which serves the offices and community space at the main floor. In addition to the courtyards and community room, the design includes two offices, tenant bike storage and laundry, and a tenant meeting / workout space.

Typical Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Elevation Studies

Top: Ignacio Carrera-Justiz, Bacardi Building Jewel Box Above: Oscar Niemeyer + Le Corbusier, Ministry of Education and Health

Derek Supinsky 516.721.9352

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