2 minute read
The Positive Shift

Do it With Intentions, A Purpose!
We all want things in life and we want them now. Not in 3 months, 6 months or a year, but now! The waiting process and not seeing instant change can sometimes take you down a wrong path. If you can slow you roll and realize where you are, it didn’t take you a day or two or a month to get there. We as humans are creators of habits. If you are constantly thinking or doing the same negative habit that you’ve been doing for years and are ready for a change, it will take some practice and mental focus to redirect. Redirect with intention and with a purpose that isn’t overwhelming to you. Think of it this way… if you can improve or alter something by 1% a day, for 30 days, your focused and on the way to shifting ahead. If you want to a healthier lifestyle, it can be as simple as changing your “potato chip” habit to eating an apple a day to start. Improve you exercise routine? Go for a 10 minute walk every day and increase it from there. Even if your wanting a new job, change three things on your resume a day until you get the resume you desire; sending your resume out to a company once a week. Starting a business? Research one topic of desire for 15 mins and build from there. The possibilities are endless but it’s starting somewhere with a focus and purpose. It’s important not to judge the action or the immediate result of the change but to keep focused with your intentions. It’s important to trust yourself and your intuition. Self-doubt won’t get you that 1%. Constant worrying will limit yourself. The secret to transforming your life is understanding “YOU” have everything already. When you commit to the act of 1% change every day and make it a habit, it is just as important to let go of judgment, which means you are now on the path of progress. Even small changes will have a huge impact. Intent is the most powerful concept because thoughts become things. Be present, be in the now and do it with intentions. Until then…Don’t Coast in Neutral, Positive Shift Ahead! ~ Stacie René
www.stacierene.com www.positiveshiftahead.com #1 Best Selling Amazon Author of: “Positive Shift Ahead!” book