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Hi Friends, This is the last you will hear from me in 2020, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope everyone stayed safe cause It has been one screwed up year. I hope we never have to repeat this one. Now down to the facts of how we have been riding this year: 3664 crashes to date in 2020 with 190 fatalities compared to 2019 to date that had 3495 crashes with 153 fatalities. I would think with everything closed and then back 50% and the restrictions on we would be in better shape. One report said that over 50% of the crashes are single bike and leaving the roadway. In 2019 we had alcohol crashes 286 and fatal 58 and in 2020 crashes 259 and fatal 48, so with the bars being closed and slowed down we did keep that number down. This year was hard on anything that was hands on. Motorcycle Ohio was hit hard and only got about half of their normal students trained. If you need to get trained to get your endorsement, they will be opening registration in the middle of January. I will have you a date and info in the January Newsletter. A couple of housekeeping items to cover. Since most of our events were cancelled, I have received some requests for year pins and have sent them out for our members. If you would like to get your year pins up to date, contact me at 419-654-5446. Also, we have been doing some moving and have had some delay in a couple of membership applications. If you have a problem with your membership or anything else that you need to talk to the state Office, please call and I will get it handled. Lastly, you will get a post card in the mail so that you can vote for Chairman of the Board. Please fill it out and send it back. SAVE THE DATE - January 30 and 31 for the State Seminar 2021. Room rate is only $84.00 per night plus tax and it is in a NEW location so check it out. Kolman has been working to get us some great speakers. In the informational workshops we hope to give you ways to help your region. In this hotel we will have our own hospitality areas that we can move around a little freer. If you have anything that you would like to put in the Silent Auction, bring it or get it to your region director to bring. We will be giving everyone that pre-registers a FREE swag bag. Go to the web site and pre-register or just call. It is that time of year again and the Foundation is gearing up to start the 2021 bike raffle. Unfortunately, Harley will not release the new models till January, so we will going hard to get the bike and maybe have it to show at the Seminar. If you have a dealer in your area that would like to submit a bid, please get me the info so we can contact them. Yes, in 2021 every member will get a FREE raffle ticket with their membership. Last year we had some Regions that held raffles and they all made profits for charity and for the region. The state of Ohio lets us have raffles as long as we give 50% of it to a charity, which is good because that is what bikers do. So, if you have any good ideas for raffle, let your region director know or give me a call and I will pass it on. And NO, I did not win anything this year. Please be safe and we will meet on the road next year. Mike Stock Chairman of the Board ABATE of Ohio, Inc 419-654-5446 chairofboard@abate.com