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1/01/22 11:00:AM New Years Day Ride - Hamilton OH
New Years Day good luck Bike Run. Start at Pub going to Mutts to Shorty's to Key to Billy Waynes back to Pub. We will have pork and saurcraut. and The Band Wanted that Night.. kickstand up 1215 Grub Pub 47 Hancock Ave., Hamilton OH 45011
1/04/22 07:00:PM Comet Bike Night
Motorcycles and Fun with Great People Every Tuesday at The Comet! The Comet 4579 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223 513.541.8900 odbrip@gmail.com
1/09/22 8:00:AM Walneck's Motorcycle Swap Meets
The LEGENDARY WALNECK’S MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEETS! Indoor and Outdoor! Over 150 Vendor Spots! SUNDAYS ONLY 8am-2pm Walneck’s Inc. 630-985-2097 www.Walneckswap.com OFFICIAL THUNDER RUN STOP Check in on your Facebook page and post a picture with #ThunderRun for a chance to WIN! Clark County Fairgrounds 4401 S. Charleston Pike, Springfield, OH 45502
1/15/22 10:00:AM South East H-D Tattoo Contest
Informal and fun tattoo contest with facebook voting. Chance to win $200, $100, and $50 Gift Certificates. South East Harley-Davidson 23105 Aurora Road, Bedford Heights, OH
1/16/22 09:00:AM 26th Annual Delaware County Swap Meet
Admission $7, Under 12 FREE Vendor Spots $40 for 10x10 ALL SPOTS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Vendor Set Up Sat 9am-5pm, Sunday 7a-9am Presented by J&C Motorcycle For information call: 260-301-6340 or Email: Homer1061@icloud.com Delaware County Fair Grounds 236 Pennsylvania Ave., Delaware OH 43015 260-301-6340 Homer1061@icloud.com
1/23/22 10:00:AM Miller Lite Canton Motorcycle Swap Meet
Sponsored by Miller Lite The swap meet will be held at the Stark County Fairgrounds, 305 Wertz Way in Canton. Doors open at 10:00 am.General admission is $7.00 per person. children under 16 years of age get in free. Parking is free. There will be over 175 booth spots in 2 buildings with everything imaginable including plenty of parts. Vendor fee is $40.00 for a 10 X 10 space. Vendors can set up on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. For more information call 1-800-372-3726 ext. 443. STARK COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 305 WERTZ AVE. NW Canton Ohio 44708 330-452-0621 Office@StarkCountyFair.com

2/13/22 09:00:AM Lima Motorcycle Swap Meet
A Northwest Ohio tradition for over 40 years! 4 Big Heated Buildings full of Motorcycles, Parts, Gear, and MORE! FREE PARKING! $7 Admission Vendor Spots $40 for 10x10 ALL SPOTS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Vendor Set Up Sat 9am-5pm, Sunday 7a-9am Presented by J&C Motorcycle For information call: 260-301-6340 or Email: Homer1061@icloud.com Allen County Fairground 2750 Harding Highway, Lima OH 260-301-6340 Homer1061@icloud.com
2/20/22 10:00:AM Akron Swap Meet
Buy, Sell, Trade: Bikes, Parts, Apparel & More!! $7 @ Door Kids 12 & Under FREE FREE Parking Summit County Fairgrounds 229 E Howe Rd., Tallmadge OH 330-324-7230 AkronMotorcycleSwapMeet@gmail.com

3/06/22 8:00:AM Walneck's Motorcycle Swap Meets
The LEGENDARY WALNECK’S MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEETS! Indoor and Outdoor! Over 150 Vendor Spots! 630-985-2097 www.Walneckswap.com OFFICIAL THUNDER RUN STOP Check in on your Facebook page and post a picture with #ThunderRun for a chance to WIN! Clark County Fairgrounds 4401 S. Charleston Pike, Springfield, OH 45502
4/01/22 04:30:PM TRO Thunder Zone at the Piston Power Show
The Summit Racing Equipment I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama RETURNS to CLEVELAND for 2022 - and Thunder Roads Ohio will once again be hosting a Thunder Zone featuring bikes from the 2021 Bike Show Series! For more information on the show or to submit your bike for consideration, email BikeShowInfo@gmail.com Cleveland I-X Center 1 I-X Center Dr., Cleveland OH 44135
4/10/22 07:00:AM Biker to Biker Motorcycle Swap Meet
Motorcycle Swap Meet w/ Vintage and Modern Parts, Gear, Accessories, Collectibles, and more.. Admission $8, Kids 12 and under FREE. Vendor Spots Available - $40-45. Clinton County Fairgrounds 958 West Main St., Wilmington OH 45177 513-235-1998 BikertoBikerCincy@gmail.com
5/12/22 05:00:PM TRO Pub Run: Geauga County
Starts at THUNDER ROADS HQ, Burton OH then a ride hitting cool, smaller stops aroiund Geauga County. Registration Opens - 5pm KSU - 6:30pm Snacks will be offered along the way and then dinner at the end. Cost $20 - includes T-Shirt, Snacks, and Dinner at the end! This is a SMALL GROUP RIDE, with a limited number of spots. Register in Advance to get yours! Register at www.ReasonsToRide.com Thunder Roads Ohio HQ 12467 Kinsman Rd., Burton OH 44021