18 minute read
6/02/21 05:30:PM Zeppe's Bike Night
The Cleveland Eastside's BIGGEST and BEST Bike Night returns for 2021 w/ LIVE MUSIC and their great patio! But what really makes this Bike Night - is the crowd! Zeppe's Tavern & Pizerria 11110 Kinsman Rd, Newbury OH 44065
6/02/21 06:00:PM Bike NITE @ Quaker Steak & Lube MILFORD! Every Wednesday 6-10pm
BIKE NITES are BACK at QS&L! Live Music, Great Food, and plenty of GIVE-AWAYS! INCLUDING the chance to WIN a 2021 HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE, sponsored by Eastgate H-D! Quaker Steak & Lube Milford 590 Chamber Dr, Milford OH 45150 kdonahoe@premierlube.com
6/03/21 6:00:PM Smitty’s Tavern Bike Nights
EVERY THURSDAY Cold beer, laid back atmosphere, great place to stop while out for a ride on the bike. Smitty's Tavern 55 North Main St, New Holland, OH 44145 Smitty’s Tavern (740) 495-5928 Colburnsabrina@yahoo.com
6/03/21 06:00:PM Hunter Street Saloon BIKE NIGHT
THURSDAY Bike Night featuring LIVE MUSIC! Food and Drink Specials! Great Staff - and so much more! Convenient parking adjacent to the patio and outdoor bar. Hunter Street Saloon 885 W Hunter STreet, Logan, OH 43138 Hunter Street Saloon hunterstreetsaloon@gmail.com
The Queen City's BIGGEST and BEST Bike Night - Every Thursday in COLERAIN! Register for your chance to win a BRAND NEW HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE from Queen City Harley-Davidson! Live Music! Great Food! Vendors! Giveaways... and of course, GREAT FOLKS! Quaker Steak & Lube Colerain 3737 Stonecreek Blvd, Cincinnati OH 45251
6/04/21 10:00:AM 10th Annual Veteran's Benefit
Come and join us for our annual run!! Each stop you will roll dice, highest number at the last stop will win!!! All vehicles are welcome, there will be games, auctions, and music! Sign ups start at 10:00 and last bike out at 11:00!! Jimbo's Burgers and Beer 23356 State Route 56 South Bloomingville, OH 43152
6/04/21 06:00:PM Summer Bike Night Series - at Queen City Harley-Davidson
Live Music and MORE, Every Friday Night in June and July Queen City Harley-Davidson 5960 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, OH
6/04/21 06:00:PM Bike Night is BACK at HALE'S
live music by The Red Ball Jets! The Mid-Ohio Harley Owners Group will be selling beer in the beer garden and there will be a food trailer on site. This is a free event with food & drink available for purchase. Hale's Harley-Davidson 1400 Harrington Memorial Rd, Mansfield OH hales@haleshd.com
6/05/21 9:30:AM 12-2 Annual Ride for Military Resource Center
This is our official annual sanctioned event. This year we are partnering up with the Amvets riders chapter 71 to support the Military Veterans Resource Center. This is were all up dates will be posted so stay tuned. Powder Keg Harley-Davidson 2382 Kings Center Ct, Mason OH

6/05/21 9:00:AM VFWR 3762 5th Annual Never Say No To Veterans Poker Run/Custom Harley Giveaway
VFWR 3762 5th Annual Never Say No To Veterans Poker Run/Custom Harley Giveaway. covers ride, food and entertainment. Sign-ups begin at 9am. Kickstand up at noon. Ride will start and end at VFW Post 3762 VFW Riders Post 3762 335 Veterans Way, Washington Court House, OH 43160
6/05/21 10:00:AM Buckeye Harley-Davidson 10th Anniversary Event
To celebrate our 10th anniversary we're having a party because we just don't know how to celebrate any other way. Buckeye Harley-Davidson 7220 N Dixie Dr., Dayton OH 45414 (937) 898-8084 marketing@buckeyehd.com
6/05/21 9:00:AM Master Tyler's 3rd Annual Charity Ride and Car Show / Poker Run
Eagles Aerie 2178 400 Eastlake Drive, Ashland OH 44805 mastertylers@frontier.com
6/05/21 9:00:AM Fire & Iron Station 133 Ride to Stop Child Abuse
Join us for our annual Ride to stop child abuse. Ride details are as follows: Ride starts at Cycle Specialties Registration starts at 9am Kickstands up at Noon $20 per bike (including passenger) Cycle Specialties 7220 Dixie Hwy, Fairfield, OH 45014

6/05/21 09:00:AM Poker Run - Super Aubree Strong
Registration starts at 9am. Bikes out at 11am. Fundraiser to help Aubree's family with medical and traveling expenses. Aubree is 7 years old and has been diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma. $20 a rider or $30 a couple. Melanie Lake Inc. 2881 Canton Rd, Uniontown, OH
6/06/21 8:00:AM Walneck's Motorcycle Swap Meets
The LEGENDARY WALNECK’S MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEETS! Indoor and Outdoor! Over 150 Vendor Spots! www.Walneckswap.com OFFICIAL THUNDER RUN STOP Check in on your Facebook page and post a picture with #ThunderRun for a chance to WIN! Clark County Fairgrounds 4401 S. Charleston Pike, Springfield, OH 45502
6/06/21 05:00:PM Bike Night at the Oak Grove Tavern
Live Music, specials, great folks! Every Sunday! Oak Grove Tavern 8340 Alkire Rd, Galloway, OH 43119
6/06/21 05:00:PM Dawg Ugly Bike Nights
Every Sunday, May 16 - Sept 19th. Live Music! Great back patio with outdoor stage! Dawg Ugly 121 S. Water St., Williamsport, OH April - 740-243-5002
6/08/21 6:00:PM EURO Bike Night at Grandview Yard
The Heights of European technology and American Charm. The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays - April thru September 6 pm to 9 pm Grandview Yard 800 W. Goodale Blvd. Grandview Heights, OH 43212

6/09/21 07:00:PM BAABS Bike Night
ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN THE BIKES ARE ROLLING OUT AND BANDS ARE CRANKING IT UP. BIKE NIGHT AT BAABS Bike CONTEST, FOOD and LIVE MUSIC! Raffles, Vendors BAAB's Bar, Bistro, and Boating 2401 Carmody Blvd, West Middletown, OH 45042 info@baabsent.com
6/11/21 06:00:PM Throttle Company Bike Night
Throttle Company Bike Night! SECOND Friday of the month, 6-9 April-October. Complete with a food truck! More details to come. Socially distanced and mask-compliant! Thorttle Company 1130 West Mound St, Columbus, OH 43223 info@throttlecompany.com
6/12/21 9:00:AM RUN FOR FREEDOM Poker Run
Everyone is welcome to join in this rider w/ Dinner afterwards (included) See flyer for details Aurora VFW Post 2629 1033 Aurora Rd, Aurora, OH 44202
6/12/21 9:00:AM Pink Diva Warriors - Annual Domestic Violence Run in Memory of Munchkin
Auctions, 50/50 Raffles, Door Prizes. $20 / Per person - meal included! 100% of the proceeds go directly to the prevention of domestic violence Alibi's Bar & Grill 11801 Main St, Adelphi, OH 43101
6/12/21 12:00:PM 2021 U-Pine Biker Bash
Bike and Car Show, Live Entertainment, Food Trucks, Bike Games, Vendors, and MORE - Proceeds go to charity Farrow North 7754 E State Route 37, Sunbury, OH
6/12/21 10:00:AM Boneshakers Bike, Car, and Truck Show
Bring the family and your favorite ride, be it bike, car or truck and gain bragging rights amongst friends and foes! There will be food, refreshments, raffles, 50/50 drawing, live music and awards both bikes and car/trucks. Boneshakers 16050 McConnelsville Rd, Caldwell, OH 43724 740-255-1764 brian@boneshakersharleysandguitars. com
6/12/21 11:30:AM Brew Cruise Poker Run
Who doesn’t love a brew cruise? �� Follow our scenic route to 4 different Ohio breweries and fill out your poker hand for the chance to win a $500 Stinger H-D gift card! Cost will be $20 per person. Proceeds benefit local colon cancer treatment. Registration begins at 11:30am. Last bike out at 12:00pm. Return to the dealership by 4pm for food provided by Jimmy’s Smokin Stack BBQ. Winners drawn at 4:30pm. Stinger Harley-Davidson 3053 Eastpointe Drive, Medina OH 44256 info@baabsent.com
6/12/21 09:00:AM Rock-n-Green Tomato Run hosted by CTMC SW OH
hosted by Chosen Tribes MC SW OH (Heartand Crew) Saturday June 12th at Riverfront Park in Historical Miamisburg on the levy. Registration begins at 9:00am EST. Kick stands up 10:30am. $15 per motorcycle, $20 with additional rider. Frosty, Twenty Four, or T-GUNZ or call 937.688.2009 Riverfront Park 3 N. Miami Ave, Miamisburg OH
6/12/21 10:00:AM Adam Smith's Memorial Run
3RD annually Proceeds go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Door prizes, silent auction and 50/50 split the pot contact our Facebook page or Annette Smith 740-645-0643 or Alana Fraley 740645-2552 Baxter's Harley-Davidson 1699 Kerr Rd, Bidwell,OH

6/12/21 10:00:AM Poker Run for Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission
Come out and join us on June 12th we are having a poker run to support the Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission. Starting at the American Legion on Byrne Rd. American Legion 206 S. Bryne Rd, Toledo OH
6/12/21 10:00:AM Ride for Danny
With hope, we to invite you all to Dannys Benefit ride. Registration starts at 10am, kickstands up at noon. Rider Fee- $20, Passengers- $5. Split the pot, and raffle baskets will be present! Eli's Sports Bar and Grill 3825 Kraus Ln, Ste A, Fairfield, OH

6/12/21 10:00:AM Toombs Stone Brothers Ohio 1st Annual Dice Run
Registration at 10am Kickstands up at Noon Trucks, Cars, Everyone Welcome Troy Fish and Game Club 2618 Lefevre Rd, Troy OH
6/12/21 10:00:AM Shawn & Robin O'Neill Poker Run, Dinner and Raffle
The poker run, dinner and auction (even if you don't ride join us at the raffle) is for our parents Shawn & Robin O’Neill, Natalie 330-596-0424 or James 330-639-9055. We will also be doing a preorder of t-shirts that will start early next week, you can order and pick up at the event! Thank you for all your support, thoughts, prayers and LOVE! The O’Neill Family Adventure Harley-Davidson 1465 State Route 39 NW, Dover, OH
6/12/21 11:00:AM The 330 Cycle Challenge
Does your bike have what it takes to make a 2022 calendar? The 330 Cycle Challenge is giving a shout out to all bikes in the area to try out for the local shootcontact us at 330-550-4000 or 330-501-2556 or 234-241-1689 Youngstown Cycle and Speed 6915 Market St., Boardman OH
6/12/21 12:00:PM Selah Strong Poker Run 2021
his is a benefit run for little miss Selah Grace Bailes. She is a 5 year old battling Wilms tumors. Any Car, Truck, or Motorcycle is welcome. Chinese Auction / DJ Dave and Debs Place and Patio 1814 Lisbon St., East Liverpool
6/13/21 11:00:AM Brooklands Block Party and Bike Show Presented by Thunder Roads Ohio
hosted at the Brooklands Events Center and adjacent properties including the Brooklands Bar, established 1927. This historic neighborhood in the heart of Akron is experiencing a rebirth and is the perfect setting for an afternoon BLOCK PARTY to support BIKERS for BOOBS and their upcoming Ride. Private park like settings, historic buildings, vendors, food trucks, and more! The Brooklands Event Center 371 The Brooklands, Akron, OH 44305

6/13/21 2:00:PM Spaghetti dinner to prevent Veteran Suicide - $10
Join us for our Annual Spaghetti Dinner to Prevent Veteran Suicide. $10 donation for a single or $15 per couple. AMVETS Post 45 750 S. Broadway Ave, Salem OH
6/19/21 10:00:AM Slay The MonSter Poker Run*6/19/2021*
Slay the MonSter poker run hosted by the Greenville Chrome Divas, is to help raise money for a local Multiple Sclerosis warrior in need and The Multiple Sclerosis Society! VFW Post 7262 219 N ohio, St, Greenville OH 45331 Chrome DIVAS of Greenville OH info@chromedivas.com

6/19/21 All Day National Road Bike Show and Ribfest
Live entertainment, beer garden, vendors and motorcycles will take over historic downtown Cambridge! Historic Downtown Cambridge 801 Wheeling Ave, Cambridge OH 43725 (740) 439-2238 director@downtowncambridge.com
6/19/21 08:30:AM 6th Annuel F.A.T.H.E.R.S.
First the F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Motorcycle Poker Run is a countywide event to raise awareness of the Heroin Crisis that is affecting the whole community. Note that the date for the. Massillon Stadium Park 301 19th ST. NE Larry Vogt 330-206-7741 fathersrunstark@gmail.com
6/19/21 12:00:PM Dad's Day Out at Stinger H-D
We’re celebrating dad at Stinger H-D. Stop out for a free bikini bike wash from 12pm-4pm. Stinger Harley-Davidson 3053 Eastpointe Drive, Medina OH 44256 info@baabsent.com
6/19/21 06:00:PM June L.O.T. Party
Life Overcome Together is what our L.O.T party stands for. Come join us this June and let's Overcome the struggles of Life together while doing super cool stuff like THROWING AX'S. Rocky River United Methodist Church 19414 Detroit Rd, Rocky River, OH 44116 Armored Disciples (216) 543-1797
6/19/21 10:00:AM *OFFICIAL*2nd Annual Slay The MonSter Poker Run!
This is the OFFICIAL Slay the MonSter poker run page hosted by the Greenville Chrome Divas! local Multiple Sclerosis warrior in need & The Multiple Sclerosis Society! VFW Post 7262 219 N.Ohio St., Greenville, OH
6/19/21 10:00:AM Bridges Bikes & Blues is BACK!
COST: $25 if registered by June 1st, will include a T-shirt. After that, the cost is $25 but tshirts are $10! Registration opens May 1st Eaton hosted by Downtown Eaton Inc. Preble County Historical Society 7693 Swartsel Rd, Eaton, OH Preble County Historical Society (937) 787-4256 info@preblecountyhistoricalsociety.com
6/19/21 09:30:AM 4th Annual Ride for the Vets
Registration begins at 9:30, KSU 11am $15 Rider, $10 Passenger Marion Veterans Clinic 1203 Delaware Ave, Marion, OH
6/20/21 9:00:AM Track Day
Track Day, everybody welcome! Akron Zulu Thompson Parkway 8233 Sidley Road, Thompson OH 44086 Mr. Biggz aka Dan Boykin 330-808-4057 Danboykin1890@gmail.com

6/20/21 05:00:PM Dawg Ugly Bike Nights
Every Sunday, May 16 - Sept 19th. Live Music! Great back patio with outdoor stage! Dawg Ugly 121 S. Water St., Williamsport, OH 43164 April 740-243-5002
6/23/21 05:30:PM Zeppe's 5th Annual BIKE SHOW
Zeppe’s Bike Show RETURNS in 2021 for it’s 5th Year – and it promises to be the BIGGEST and BEST EVER! Enjoy great live music and of course – Zeppe’s outdoor PATIO, one of the nicest in Northeast Ohio! Bike Show registration is $20 day of the show, however you can register in advance for only $15 and receive a FREE Bike Show Shirt – compliments of Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys! Zeppe's Tavern & Pizerria 11110 Kinsman Rd, Newbury OH 44065

6/23/21 06:00:PM Bike NITE @ Quaker Steak & Lube MILFORD! Every Wednesday 6-10pm
BIKE NITES are BACK at QS&L! Live Music, Great Food, and plenty of GIVE-AWAYS! INCLUDING the chance to WIN a 2021 HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE, sponsored by Eastgate H-D! Quaker Steak & Lube Milford 590 Chamber Dr, Milford OH 45150 kdonahoe@premierlube.com
6/23/21 07:00:PM BAABS Bike Night
ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN THE BIKES ARE ROLLING OUT AND BANDS ARE CRANKING IT UP. BIKE NIGHT AT BAABS Bike CONTEST, FOOD and LIVE MUSIC! Raffles, Vendors BAAB's Bar, Bistro, and Boating 2401 Carmody Blvd, West Middletown, OH 45042 info@baabsent.com
6/24/21 05:00:PM Bike Nite @ Mill Dam Corner Grille
BIKE NITE AT MILL DAM!! .75 Cent World Famous Wings! $11 Buckets! Rain or shine this Show is a Go! Live at 5! 2 wheels or 4! Huge covered Patio with Bar! Mill Dam Corner Grille 3982 National Rd SE, Hebron, OH
6/24/21 6:00:PM Smitty’s Tavern Bike Nights
EVERY THURSDAY Cold beer, laid back atmosphere, great place to stop while out for a ride on the bike. Smitty's Tavern 55 North Main St, New Holland, OH 44145 Smitty’s Tavern (740) 495-5928 Colburnsabrina@yahoo.com
The Queen City's BIGGEST and BEST Bike Night - Every Thursday in COLERAIN! Register for your chance to win a BRAND NEW HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE from Queen City Harley-Davidson! Live Music! Great Food! Vendors! Giveaways... and of course, GREAT FOLKS! Quaker Steak & Lube Colerain 3737 Stonecreek Blvd, Cincinnati OH
6/24/21 06:00:PM Hunter Street Saloon BIKE NIGHT
THURSDAY Bike Night featuring LIVE MUSIC! Food and Drink Specials! Great Staff - and so much more! Convenient parking adjacent to the patio and outdoor bar. Hunter Street Saloon 885 W Hunter STreet, Logan, OH 43138 Hunter Street Saloon hunterstreetsaloon@gmail.com
6/25/21 06:00:PM Summer Bike Night Series - at Queen City Harley-Davidson
Live Music and MORE, Every Friday Night in June and July Queen City Harley-Davidson 5960 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, OH 45014
6/26/21 10:00:AM Patsy's Run "Riding to Fight Cancer"
includes, free buffet breakfast, free hot dogs at one of the stops and a free dinner buffet, door prizes and Chinese Auction at the end. Single Rider $20... Couple $30 (patches for first 200 tickets sold). Ken Hurst 440-813-3729 or Carolyn Hurst 440-413-6776 Paradise Bay Waterfront Grill 7 Bar 414 Geneva Pt, Roaming Shores, OH 44084 khurst@patsysrun.com

6/26/21 9:00:AM Covered Bridge Poker Chip Run
Ride the scenic bridges of Ashtabula County, including the LONGEST COVERED BRIDGE in the U.S. First Bike Out at 10:15am, Last Bike In at 3pm
Giddings Park Giddings Park, Jefferson, OH info@coveredbridgefestival.org
6/26/21 12:00:PM Annual LCpl Brett Wightman Memorial Ride
The ride will start and end at the American Legion Post 25. Sign ups take place from 9am-noon. Kickstands up at noon last bike in at 5pm. The cost is $15 per rider and $20 per couple $5 for non riders that plan to attend the after party. https://www.facebook.com/ brett.wightman.marine American Legion Riders Post 25 1240 Clinton AVe, Washington Court House, OH 43160

6/26/21 010:00:PM 22 1/2 Annual run got The Money
The Moose is about celebrating life together, serving those within our local communities, supporting children in need who deserve a second chance, and standing by our senior members as they enter their twilight years. Moose Herd 918 4444 State Road, Penninsula OH 44224 Jason Movens 330-888-5959 swcascar2@gmail.com
6/26/21 06:00:PM Freak Show Bike Night Featuring -Modern Vinyl- at Stinger H-D
Come one, come all to Stinger HarleyDavidson's Freak Show Bike Night. �� Enjoy the Ohio Burn Unit fire show or have your future foretold by an experienced tarot card reader. Have a drink, get your patches done and your bike washed. Check out some of the unique, local vendors who'll be selling their wares. We'll have something for everyone!! Stinger Harley-Davidson 3053 Eastpointe Drive, Medina OH
6/26/21 06:30:PM GM Nocturnal Ride at Queen City HD
Join our GM led ride at dusk to Ainsley's Cafe in Brookville, Indiana! Kickstands up at 6:30pm at Queen City Harley-Davidson. Menu to be posted later. Ride and eat and have fun riding to a beautiful destination! Queen City Harley-Davidson 5960 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, OH
6/26/21 10:30:AM All Wheels For Veterans
Come join us for a beautiful ride and scavenger hunt! Free T-Shirts to anyone who pre-Registers! Dinner for all and many great prizes! Rolling Thunder Chpt 2 690 W. Waterloo Rd, Akron OH 44314-1546
6/26/21 11:00:AM 11th Annual RED EYE RUN hosted by American Legion Riders Post 336
American Legion Riders Post 336 11th Annual "Red Eye Run" 110 mile poker run starts and ends at Brakeman-King American Legion Post 336 at 60 Chester Street in Painesville with 4 stops int between. This ride is open to ALL. Proceeds benefit American Legion Riders Post 336 Charities RAIN or SHINE Motorcycle not required!! American Legion Post 336 60 Chester St., Painesville, OH
6/26/21 09:00:AM 3rd Annual HOGS HELPING HEROES Poker Run
Come ride and show your support for our local veterans in need. 20 single/30 couple. DJ Jammin Sam, food, merchandise, gun raffle, 50/50, silent and live auctions! @hogshelpingheroes www.hogshelpingheroes.org Sandy Springs Brewery 232 N Market St., Minerva OH
6/26/21 10:00:AM Keith Burke Poker Run/Benefit
This is a wonderful benefit/fund raiser to help Keith Burke and his medical expenses. There will be a poker run, basket raffle, 50/50 raffle, and musical guests to make the day fun for all! El Cowboy 1739 S. Raccoon Rd, Austintown, OH
6/27/21 05:00:PM Bike Night at the Oak Grove Tavern
Live Music, specials, great folks! Every Sunday! Oak Grove Tavern 8340 Alkire Rd, Galloway, OH 43119
6/27/21 09:00:AM Memorial Ride for TPD officers Dia & Stalker
The Punishers invite you to a fellowship and ride to honor law enforcement officers serving our Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan communities. All proceeds will go to Officer Stalker's family. Conn-Weissenberger Legion Hall 2020 W Alexis Rd, Toledo OH
6/30/21 05:30:PM Zeppe's Bike Night
The Cleveland Eastside's BIGGEST and BEST Bike Night returns for 2021 w/ LIVE MUSIC and their great patio! Zeppe's Tavern & Pizerria 11110 Kinsman Rd, Newbury OH44065
7/01/21 06:00:PM EYES OF FREEDOM Motorcycle Escort - Washington County
The Washington County Veterans Service Commission will be leading a motorcycle escort for the Eyes Of Freedom https://www. limacompanymemorial.org Veteran's Memorial Exhibit into Marietta. Calling all Patriots to help bring in this special exhibit. Caldwell Elementary School 44350 Fairground Rd, Caldwell OH 43724