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Bullet Points

Bullet Points

Are you aware of all the football games that have been on lately? I’m sure you are, but do you root for the odds on the favorite or the underdog? Sometimes I can feel like an underdog as an ABATE member when it comes to getting laws passed in Lansing, especially after we had put all of our resources towards HB 4306 and it was passed; then we were told there was a glitch with the Cobalt computer system. After that, there was SB 575 to reset the date for the fee. WOW! All the hard work from the legislative team! I don’t know who put it on hold. It’s almost like you just can’t get a straight answer from Lansing so us bikers could understand what’s going on.

When I was growing up, there was nine siblings (six boys and three girls), and Mom and Dad. Believe me, when it came time to eat or do the daily chores, it was up to my brother and I to make sure all the chores were done and the cows were milked. The girls would have oatmeal in the morning ready for all of us. My father worked at a steel mill and Mom was a stayat-home mother who kept the clothes cleaned and helped keep everything in order. We had a system and everyone did their share of jobs. Because I was the second-oldest, there was not as much chaos involved because we did what was necessary to get things done. Yet when it comes to Lansing, it seems like there is nothing but excuses and finger-pointing.

I’m excited about the seminar coming up. It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it to get to see all of the Awareness Coordinators from across the State and get their input on where we need to go. They are so dedicated to saving lives. If you get the chance to come to the break-out session for awareness, please come by and ask if there is possibly something you can add to awareness.


All-region meeting at Region 15’s house. Please try to make it. Pinhead and his crew will put on a worthwhile event; one you would want to be a part of.

FEBRUARY 10TH Region 4 is having their chili cook-off.

FEBRUARY 17TH Region 7 is having a triathlon.

FEBRUARY 28TH Pizza and Pop in Lansing. Details will be out to everyone shortly.

one last thing: if you get the chance, please let me know if you like (or don’t like) the articles I’m writing. I want to make all of our members feel necessary and important, because they ARE!

May the road rise to meet you and the wind always be at your back,

hot rod

State Awareness Director

to beCome A membeR & ShoW yoUR SUPPoRt… AbAte of michigan online membership. Visit our State website then click on: membership / Join www.abateofmichigan.org

AbAte State Awareness Director hot Rod beaton 419-349-8075

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