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Crow Man



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Yea, I know it’s still cold out, but Spring is just around the corner and we got ever ything you need to get ready for it... From oil changes and tune ups to Windshields and Tires. So get yer ass in here and then go have some fun! We also have Top Quality Leathers at Low Budget Prices. Get your bike done NOw!
After deer season, I like to do some predator hunting. I use a mouth call which sounds like a rabbit in distress, but also have an electronic caller that mimics several calls of different kinds of animals.
Attracting coyotes is very challenging. The day was in February and it was cold outside. At the crack of dawn, I was sitting on the edge of a hardwoods with a clearing around four hundred yards. I used my mouth call for a bit and then stopped. I saw movement inside the woods. Not one, but two coyotes came out and stood on the edge of the opening to the woods. I needed them to get closer because I had my shotgun with me instead of my rifle. I called again and they began coming toward me, side by side. They stopped about a hundred yards away and looked at each other. Right from that spot, they split—one coming right at me, and the other one moving around behind me. I had my gun up and ready for the one walking up toward me. He stopped and I shot him. He went down. I looked for the other coyote, but he took off. I got up and walked over to the coyote and kicked him in the behind to make sure he was dead—but he wasn’t! He reared up at me with his mouth open and growling, an unbelievable sound I will never forget. He was just inches away from biting me. I reacted fast, took the butt of my gun and hit him in the head, to put him on the ground. When he hit the ground, he took off like a rocket. I swung my gun around and shot, and he went rolling. Not taking chances, I kept my gun pointed right at him, but this time, he was done. What a rush.
Crow Man holds the Michigan Grand Slam title, as he finished fall/winter 2005 with an elk.

The Michigan Grand Slam is the title given for having the state record of the four Michigan animals that CBM recognizes as trophies by a single hunter. Those four animals are deer, bear, elk, and turkeys. The accomplishment has always been considered so rare. The added challenge of drawing a limited bear tag and particularly a bull elk tag, and to harvest animals that make the record book minimums seems insurmountable. However, it miraculously has been done by a select few. Crow Man is of that select few. MARCH 2018 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MICHIGAN 29