1 minute read


Here is one of the original recipes that made this site so popular! I love chicken wings!! I prefer them baked (less fat) and super flavorful. Here is how I bake them to keep them crispy. (People have stolen it and posted it as their own but TRUST ME this one is pure BCK!)

The Perfect Baked/Grilled Chicken Wings

2 lbs chicken wings, cut into 2 pieces with tips removed

Preheat oven to 450 degrees

Bring a large pot of half water half chicken broth to boiling. Boil the wings 8-10 minutes and remove to drain on a wire rack. (helps reduce some of the fat allowing for quicker crisping in the oven)

Season the wings with your favorite DRY seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, etc.

Bake wings on a sheet pan coated with cooking spray, for 30 minutes, then turn wings over and cook the other side for another 10 minutes or you can toss them on the grill till they are crispy.

Remove to a large bowl and toss in your favorite sauce.

Serve while hot

Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to ReasonsToRide@gmail.com Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RTR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!

Recipes Courtesy : "The Biker Chick's Kitchen 2" on Facebook


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