2 minute read
Not Politically Correct

My Fellow Patriots and Riders,
Well I did it! I filled out paperwork to run for House Representative here in Michigan in the 99th District.
I ran into a fellow candidate for the primary at a PAC event, we both agreed this state is going to hell in a hand basket and the GOP is one of our biggest problems. Too much corruption, bullying and pay off’s going on and your state Republican convention was a joke, but there were some victories for the people. We did get some regular people voted onto the ballot, candidates who actually care about Michigan and the people who live here so there is hope. My hope is that we get new rep’s that are willing to do some good like make our Insurance laws fair for motorcycle riders, eliminate common core, and stop dumbing down our kids. Ban CRT in our schools and fire any teacher who pushes their own political views. It is sad it has come to this but there is a great lack of common sense these days in our government. Experience is a great teacher and it too can sometimes teach common sense. I have backed off from politics to take a look at those who are running for office. While I admire the get up and go of most of the candidates, I don’t really see any LIFE experiences! Sure they are full of energy and talk a good game, but for me, I’ll take the quiet guy that’s been there and done that and has the experience to relate to the everyday person. So whether it’s a chiropractor or a real estate agent running for governor or a state trooper or soccer mom running for state rep. EXPERIENCE Matters! So choose wisely this fall as to who you want to run your state (governor) and who you want to make your laws you will have to live by. ELECTIONS MATTER!
As a safety note, it’s grass cutting season. Watch out for grass clippings on the road, if you have to ride through them remember to let up on the throttle or you could leave skid marks on more than just your underwear.
As always be Safe and God Bless Earl Lackie