11 minute read
MAIN OFFICE: 12467 Kinsman Rd, Burton, OH 44021 • (440) 273-8072 OFF-SEASON OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY - FRIDAY 10AM - 3PM
RETAIL STORE & OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday - Friday • 10am - 3pm
PUBLISHER & EDITOR Derek Armstrong Smith • ThunderRoadsOhio@gmail.com • (440) 785-7331 SALES & MARKETING Iron Cowboy Productions, LLC • info.ironcowboy@gmail.com • (440) 678-8608 DIGITAL MEDIA Timothy Cermak • DigitalMedia.TRO@Gmail.com • (440) 273-8072
LAYOUT & DESIGN Bob Mazur • Bobmazurphoto.com
SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THUNDER ROADS OHIO are available for $34.95. Check or Money Order, payable to Iron Cowboy Productions, can be sent to: Iron Cowboy Productions 12467 Kinsman Rd, Burton, OH 44021 You can also order online - www.ThunderRoadsOhio.com To update your address or other questions, email: Acct.TRO@gmail.com
NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: thunderroadsfounders@yahoo.com
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF ITS CONTENT MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY AND IS NOT TO BE HELD LIABLE FOR ERRORS BEYOND THE COST OF THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE ERROR, SLANDER OF ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL, FAILURE TO PRODUCE ANY ISSUE AS SCHEDULED DUE TO REASONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, ANY AND ALL SUITS FOR LIABLE, PLAGIARISM, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF A PERSON’S NAME OR PHOTOGRAPH. OPINIONS AND CLAIMS MADE BY ADVERTISERS AND AUTHORS ARE THEIR OWN, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE POLICY OF THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE OR THUNDER PUBLISHING. PUBLISHER DOES NOT PROMOTE THE ABUSE OF ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS. Veterans are often referred to as the backbone of this country. Without them, there would be no Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – No United States of America. If it wasn’t for U.S. Veterans – it’s hard to imagine what the world would look like today – for not only us, but for most of the free world. Our World War II Veterans answered the call and faced threats on the other side of the world. Since then, our armed forces have not only defended the land we call home – but also the values we hold sacred, worldwide. Our veterans have not only stood up for human rights and basic freedoms throughout the world, they have also responded to provide service and aid to those in need – both home and abroad. When disaster strikes or our enemies threaten us – our veterans have answered the call of duty and served. They have helped the suffering and protected us from those that would destroy our way of life. They have endured hunger, loss, pain, and even simply time away from family and loved ones – to serve and fight. They do so knowing that some may make the ultimate sacrifice – for our nation. These days, especially, we need to take the time to recognize those that have served and display our gratitude as much as possible. We also need to make certain that our FUTURE VETERANS understand what a core role they play in the future of our nation. Those currently serving and even our younger generations need to know that we as a nation are eternally grateful for their sacrifices. Regardless of the politics and whims of some citizens – the American Soldier has always protected our way of life and allowed peace and prosperity throughout the world. Our future as a nation and the values we represent to the world are in their hands. There are many others that serve both here and abroad, sacrificing to make a difference every day in the lives of others. Teachers, medical professionals, law enforcement, and other first responders – even the volunteers helping to host a charity ride to benefit a family in need – ALL contribute and make our nation what it is. We as a nation, need to recognize and celebrate them all and the spirit that drives them. It is what makes us a beacon for freedom and compassion throughout the world. In our Veterans, we see this in its purest sense. Our military is made up of those that have answered the call – from all walks of life – men and women, and of all races and backgrounds. Together they serve, bonded with a spirit that we need to celebrate! Regardless of what the headlines blare and we might read online – the AMERICAN SPIRIT remains ALIVE! And we can find it in its purest form amongst our VETERANS – the folks that have both defended it and put it on display for all the world to see. It’s not celebrity athletes or movie stars that convey what it means to be an AMERICAN to those in the furthest corners of the world. It is the AMERICAN SOLDIER that reaches out for a child in need, that protects the innocent, and defends those in need – regardless of their color, ethnicity, or religion. Thank you for showing the world – and us – what it means to be an AMERICAN. God Bless each and every Veteran – and our nation as a whole. D.A. Smith
46 TRO NETWORK: Where to get the mags!
On the Cover:
Background photo by Sara Liberte @SaraLibertePhotography Courtesy Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys RBMA.com Cover Layout / Design by Bob Mazur, TRO
Plans are underway for 2022 and expectations are SKY HIGH!
We would encourage everyone to email us with their event information and dates as soon as possible, especially if you’d like us there. We are excited to announce a RE-VAMPED Bike Show program w/ new SPONSORS and even MORE PRIZES / TROPHIES! We are also doing more HOT ROD / CUSTOM CAR / BIKE SHOWS as well – with new partners on board! We are looking to host more of these shows in combination with RACING events and RALLIES all across the MIDWEST. We will also be hosting more TATTOO CONTESTS and MORE PHOTO OPS’ at Bike Nights and other stops in Ohio and surrounding states. For a limited time, special COUNTDOWN to 2022 RATES are now being offered on events and even print / digital ads for next year for as little as HALF THE STANDARD PRICE. before they go up in 2021. Email Events@ReasonsToRide.com for more information.
TRO and ReasonsToRide.com will be offering FREE RIDER REGISTRATION for a limited number of charitable rides benefiting VETERANS and related causes in 2022. With the support of corporate sponsors and THE WARRIOR FUND, we can help cover a portion or possibly even all of the advance costs and allow your organization to focus on running the event itself – and we can handle all of the registration concerns! It couldn’t be any easier! Sign up TODAY to take advantage of this opportunity before the slots are all taken. Email us for more information at
New QR codes provide easy links with your smartphones.
One of our goals the last several years has been to make our magazines more interactive for our readers and integrate more digital aspects into our print pieces. This is more than simply a marketing thing or appeal to younger generations. The idea is to create an easy means of accessing the videos, photos, means of ordering and simply more information that we have stored online. We have an amazing website, and new content is being added almost every day. Our social media pages are a great resource and forum for discussion for over 200,000 riders and motorcycle enthusiasts. For years, we’ve included invitations for everyone to “follow us on facebook”, “visit us online”, or simply “check out our website” in order to access our digital aspect. Now, though, we are going to make this even easier through the use of QR codes. A QR code is that black and white image – usually a square – made up of black square, dots and white spaces, that you’ve seen on packages and marketing materials for years. Essentially they work the same way as a barcode at a supermarket. It is a machine-scannable image that can instantly take you to a website or provide you more information on your smartphone. It’s not only EASIER than typing in a lengthy link or website address – your phone doesn’t store the information to your search history.
Most current smartphone operating systems have QR code scanners built into the camera app, so you simply have to point the camera at the QR code and let the phone scan it. In most cases a notification will appear that you simply have to tap in order to open. And instantly – you can access the information!
We have created, featured, and printed a lot of cool stuff over the years – and the vast majority of it is all easily accessible online. With a QR Code, it’s now even easier to go directly to the page or location online that has what you’re looking for.
So, grab your smartphone and scan some of the QR codes to access even MORE Thunder Roads!
Follow us on Facebook at THUNDER ROADS OHIO for updates, photos, and more - updated DAILY. www.facebook.com/ThunderRoadsOhio
Thunder Roads Ohio Offers EXPANDED ON-LINE Ride Registration and Ticket Sales
Powered by ReasonsToRide.com
ReasonsToRide.com (RtR) and Thunder Roads Ohio is now offering the ability to include RIDER REGISTRATION as part of your online event listings and magazine ads. This allows riders to simply and easily sign up for your event without ever leaving the website – and without having to register on-site the day of the event. Pre-registration allows you to more accurately plan for your event by having a listing of participants already committed and invested in it. Pre-registration also helps protect your ride from cloudy days that might also have people staying home, but will choose to still come out since they are already pre-paid. RtR is also able to offer RIDE SHIRTS and PATCHES as part of the process as well. Shirts are a great way to promote your event and offer more value to those participating. With advance sales and riders indicating what size shirts they need – you’ll also avoid having to invest in unwanted shirts. You’ll have exactly what you need. RtR can also help develop graphics and promotional materials – including posters and cards to professionally represent your ride. This helps with sponsorships and encourages ride participation.
PRO TIP: You can add QR codes to your posters and event ads that take riders directly to YOUR unique registration page through Thunder Roads – even on the day of the event!
You can also create signs with these QR codes to display on-site the day of the event. For Iron Pony’s RIDE FOR THE RHINOS – event organizers were able to use display stands with the QR codes and easy instructions for riders to register online even on the morning of the ride. This expedited the process incredibly and allowed well over 1,000 participants to easily check-in with possibly half as many volunteers involved.
Thunder Roads Ohio would like to recognize AKRON BIKERS FOR BOOBS for once again raising the bar and achieving so much for their charity – Stewart’s Caring Place. The
Rubber City Harley-Davidson HOG Chapter
led by Amy and David Hunting raised $60,000 this year, despite all of the challenges faced this year. Amy and David live and breath this event and have such an unbelievable passion for the cause – it’s truly amazing. We also need to recognize Mike and Francine Davis, the owners of Rubber City Harley-Davidson and the Ohio Motorcycle Group, for not only hosting the event but actively supporting it both financially and with their own time and efforts. Kudos! Stewart’s Caring Place offers supportive services and programs, in a relaxed and caring environment, to individuals and families impacted by cancer – at no cost to
We are looking for Feature Editors to focus on particular areas of interest that we feature in the magazine and online.
Vintage Motorcycles Adventure Bikes Motocross Firearms Motorcycle Safety / Training Cigars Long Distance Riding Ohio Craft Beer and Micro-Breweries And Veterans Affairs aka “Service Notes”
If you have a passion for any of these areas, we’d love to hear from you. You’ll have expanded opportunities within the industry and amongst those that share your interest as you represent over 250,000 readers every month! These are not directly compensated positions in terms of salary; however, you are able to make money as you develop various aspects within the magazine or online. If you’re able to use a computer and have reasonable online skills, we’d love to hear from you. Just email us at ThunderRoadsOhio@gmail.com