Caring for your Skin in Menopause /2021/09/13/skincare-in-menopause/
Menopause is a condition that our society does not talk openly about it, but this is a rather significant period in the life of women when everything is changing. And leather as well. Of course, it is striking how clearly women’s problems in our world are ignored in general and how little anyone talks about women over 50. Given that now is when people over 50 are becoming more and more, and women spend a significant part of their lives in menopause. The two most important factors in skin ageing are ultraviolet rays and gravity, but another factor comes into play during menopause: a decrease in estrogen levels.
Skin Problem during and after menopause Pigmentation and skin cancer This has less to do with menopause than with age. Sun radiation, if this is your first time on this blog, is severe and very dangerous, and sun damage accumulates over the years, resulting in, in fact, skin cancer and age spots. If pigmentation is an exclusively aesthetic thing, which many do not consider a problem, then skin cancer is already serious. Most often, skin cancer occurs in people over 60 years old, precisely because of the duration of exposure to UV radiation. If you are far from menopause, then protect yourself from the sun with Sunscreen Gel. If you are already at an age at which you began to think about it, then still protect yourself from the sun and check moles from time to time, primarily if you used to love to sunbathe.
The skin becomes thinner and blood vessels more fragile. And this leads to the fact that damage and bruises appear on the skin from mild influences. And these injuries heal slowly and poorly. Well, here’s to reconcile.
Dryness Often during menopause, the skin becomes drier, and the protective barrier stops working well. This leads to water loss, more frequent irritations, and more sensitivity in general. Here the solution, I think, is obvious: moisturizing and strengthening the protective barrier. For moisturizing, you can apply the best vitamin c serum that helps you hydrate your skin. You can use creams with fragrances and essential oils, as these are potent allergens. But if they do not cause problems for you, then use them for your health.
Wrinkles and loss of firmness I have been thinking a lot about the concept of “signs of ageing” lately, and I find it very difficult to talk about it. On the one hand, I do not think that ageing is something terrible and that we need to fight it. Here hormonal changes and accumulated damage from ultraviolet radiation, and life are superimposed. During menopause, the production of collagen and elastin in the skin drops very sharply and therefore some women notice almost at one moment how something has changed. You can apply best vitamin c serum that helps to boost collagen production.
Facial hair Again, falling estrogen levels lead to “cohesion,” so to speak. And some women may start to grow facial hair. It’s not that women don’t have facial hair. It just becomes thick, long and noticeable. If this does not bother you, you have reached a level that is not yet available to me, which is very cool. But I’m still at the level where I still want to remove very noticeable facial hair. Here, the most reliable option is laser hair removal. It removes hair permanently and does not damage the skin. Electrolysis is also an option, but it is much more painful, and there are much fewer masters who can do it without consequences.
Hair loss on the head Decreased levels of female hormones can lead to male pattern baldness. It is also, of course, influenced by genes and sometimes irons deficiency. Hair supplements will not help here. In most cases, in such a situation, either hormone or surface agents such as minoxidil are used, and transplantation.
Estrogen levels drop, but androgens levels may remain high. This leads to oily skin, enlarged pores and acne. In ageing skin, the pores, in principle, are often enlarged because there is no longer such a collagen framework that would “hold” them, and androgens only exacerbate this problem. There is hardly a better solution than retinoids and niacinamide. Both of these ingredients are equally good against acne and signs of ageing. Acids are also an option. Peptides are also an option. In general, about what acne is and what to do with it, I wrote here.
So what is worth doing Surface hormones In addition to hormones used internally, there are surface hormones. And they show good results. That is, from them, the skin really looks younger. But you do not need to appoint them yourself either.
Phytoestrogens Phytoestrogens are not a bad idea, but not terrific. Phytoestrogens are a group of natural components that may somehow affect hormonal levels. Sources of phytoestrogens include the most common foods: garlic, potatoes, soybeans, beans, coffee, rice, pomegranates, grapes, carrots. The most common and studied type of phytoestrogen is isoflavones. They are found in large quantities in soy and other legumes. When in this case I write “the most studied”, I do not mean to say that they are unambiguously useful and do something. There is a lot of research about them., but all these studies so far indicate that there may be an effect from them, there may be some connection, but not a fact. Creams with phytoestrogens also exist, and the story is the same with them: maybe they work, maybe they don’t. But they probably won’t do it badly. So if you desperately want to prolong youth, then use why not. In creams, soy, ginseng ingredients are responsible for phytoestrogens.
Sports and an active lifestyle Of course, there is no question of killing yourself in the gym and records. You don’t have to run marathons and pull kettlebells. But playing sports is really very, very useful. Easy jogging, yoga, dancing, Pilates – everything counts and everything is fine. Play the sport you like and enjoy it. It is most important.
Psychotherapy Psychotherapists and psychologists are very helpful people in almost any situation. And in a situation where such a global hormonal change occurs,
It is not at all a fact that you or the person next to you will need a long course of psychotherapy, but it is always useful to come, talk, discuss your concerns and look at your life from a new angle.